
Check us out at Page 1

2252 Woodruff Rd., Simpsonville, SC 29681 Ph: 864-288-4884 Email: [email protected] Website:

Office Hours: Monday—Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Stations of the Cross - Fridays at 5:30 p.m.

Via Crucis - Viernes a las 6:30 p.m.

Holy Hour (Sung Vespers) - Mondays at 6:30 p.m.

Rosary on Sundays after the 9 a.m. Mass

Mass Times

Monday—Friday 8:30 a.m. and noon Tuesday - 7 p.m.


Vigil 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. (Spanish)


7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. (Spanish) and

6 p.m. Life Teen

Filipino Mass First Saturday at 10 a.m.

Polish Mass

Last Sunday at 3 p.m.


Saturdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass and 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

or by appointment

Spiritual Life






Ministries in Action


Parish Life


Other News


April 7, 2019 – Fifth Sunday of Lent

Rev. Theo Trujillo, Pastor

Page 2 April 7, 2019 — Fifth Sunday of Lent

Mass Intentions

Saturday—April 6 8:30 a.m. John Sullivan † 5 p.m. Gayle Shorter † 7 p.m. St. Mary Magdalene Parish Sunday—April 7 7:30 a.m. Chris Miedzius † 9 a.m. Irene Langlais † 11 a.m. Stephen Hare † 1 p.m. Josefina Caterial † 6 p.m. Elpidia Suarez Estores † Monday—April 8 8:30 a.m. Sophia Phillips & Family Noon Stanley Sceski † Tuesday—April 9 8:30 a.m. Clara Nyzowyj † Noon Stephen Hare † Wednesday—April 10 8:30 a.m. Nathaniel Eagles Noon Angela Fowler † Thursday—April 11 8:30 a.m. For the unborn Noon John Marx † Friday—April 12 8:30 a.m. Walter & Daria Kautzky † Noon Michael Senft Jr. Saturday—April 13 8:30 a.m. Raquel Rosen 5 p.m. Dr. Richard Warner Sr. † 7 p.m. St. Mary Magdalene Parish Sunday—April 14 7:30 a.m. James Tigani † 9 a.m. Edmund Braun † 11 a.m. Guirao Family 1 p.m. Jose Anabal Cheverria Niño 6 p.m. Joanne & Tony Sibio


Please Pray for ...

Paul Felton, Joan Galle, Redden Irving, Nancy Lynam, Rita Taylor, Michael Stankay, Peter & Connie Lorenzo, William Karey, Norma Perry, Thelva Jimenez, Marlene Kopish, Rosa Maria Santos, “CJ” Arvidson, Giselle Sheridan, Tom Roensch, Savannah Wood, Charlotte McGrath, Oliver Stanley, Dan McClintock, Kathy Baker, Peter Doster, Dolores LaMere, June Ann Fabio, John Provencher, Mary DeCosimo, Robert Howard, Rick Clark, Frank McGrath, Paul Stanka, Lois Schockley, James Johanning, Angela Ripandelli, Maureen Burke, Christine Page, Audrey Beerman, Margaret O’Neil, Peter Sadej, Margherita Ruggiero, Helen Mikol, Fr. Dale Grubba, Wayne Stewart, Irene Yann, John Macioce, the Joseph Family, the Boyle Family, Terry Adkins, Rene Gaston Burque. Names will remain on the Please Pray For list for one month. Should you need your name to be kept for another month, please contact Kelly Meyer at 288-4884 x202 or by email at [email protected].


Join Deacon Roger in praying the Rosary on Mondays at 6 p.m. in the church.

Today’s Readings Lecturas de hoy

Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]

Readings for the Week Lecturas de la semana

Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:12-20 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 Sunday: Lk 19:28-40 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49]

¿Enfermo u hospitalizado?

Si usted está enfermo o confinado en casa, por lo que no puede asistir a Misa y desea que lo visite un sacerdote o recibir la comunión, le pedimos, por favor, que usted o algún familiar llame a la Oficina Parroquial al 864- 288-4884 para comunicárnoslo. Tenga en cuenta que en los hospitales Greenville Memorial y St. Francis hay capellanes sacerdotes que están disponibles para atenderlo durante su estadía en el hospital. Simplemente solicite a su enfermera(o) una visita de sacerdote. Por supuesto que estamos aquí para ayudarlo y puede llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para solicitar uno de nuestros sacerdotes.

Sick or in the Hospital?

If you are sick or homebound and cannot attend Mass and would like to see a priest or receive Holy Communion, please call or have a member of your family call the Parish Office at 864-288-4884. Please note that at Greenville Memorial and St. Francis Hospitals there are priest chaplains who are available to minister to you during your hospital stay. Simply request a priest visit from your nurse. Of course we are here for you and you may call the Parish Office to request one of our priests.

Check us out at Page 3

Copyright © 2019 Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc. Used with permission.

Resumen del ministerio de Jesús

El relato de cómo Lázaro revivió de entre los muertos es el relato más largo (además de la Pasión) en el Evangelio según san Juan. En él encontramos un resumen de la mayor parte del ministerio de Jesús. Vemos su naturaleza humana cuando se conmueve con la tristeza de Marta y de María y cuando él mismo llora frente a la tumba de Lázaro. Es la sabiduría de la Palabra de Dios hecha carne cuando le explica a sus seguidores que la muerte de Lázaro servirá como una señal de la gloria de Dios. Corona los milagros que obra en el Evangelio según san Juan (que comenzó con el milagro más “humano” de hacer más vino en la boda de Caná) reviviendo a Lázaro de entre los muertos; un “avance”, por así decirlo, de su propia muerte y resurrección por venir. Este retrato de Jesús nos recuerda, mientras estamos cerca del fin de nuestro viaje de Cuaresma, que él está con nosotros, nos conoce, nos comprende en cada momento de nuestra vida. Conoce la alegría de nuestras celebraciones humanas, conoce la tristeza de nuestro llanto. Mientras nos preparamos para caminar con él en los días de Semana Santa, tenemos fe de que –por Cristo– la gloria de Dios estará con nosotros a cada momento de nuestra vida y –con Cristo– en nuestra vida eterna. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Pastor’s Corner

Easter is two weeks away. There is an understandable and logical reason that we hear the Gospel Reading from St. John about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead on this Fifth Sunday of Lent. Jesus’ Resurrection is ever nearer for us. His miracle of raising Lazarus is the last recorded by John, but its timing is exactly what the Lord wished it to be. In the Gospel, Jesus makes it all clear to us. The Lord says, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever be-lieves in me, even if he dies, will live.” That understand-ing and acceptance and rejoicing at the Resurrection is what Lent has been about and what our preparations in these final days of Lent should be about as well. Phillips Brooks is probably best known as the author/composer of one of the most endearing Christmas Carols “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” However, Brooks also understood what faith is all about. He said, “Let every man and woman count himself and herself immortal. Let them catch the revelation of Jesus in His resurrection. Let each say not merely, ‘Christ is risen,’ but also ‘I shall rise.’” The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1002) says, “Christ will raise us up ‘on the last day’; but it is also true that, in a certain way, we have already risen with Christ. For, by virtue of the Holy Spirit, Christian life is already now on earth in participation in the death and Resurrection of Christ.” It is this truth, this hope, that we are to embrace as Easter approaches.


We offer our condolences to the Beyer Family on the death of Charles E. Beyer, husband of Joan Beyer. Please keep this family in your prayers.

Homilies Podcast

Did you know you can listen to homilies by Fr. Williams and our deacons on our website? Go to and click on Homilies.

Aprende a leer música

Ya comenzaron las clases que estamos ofreciendo para enseñar a leer música. Si estás interesado(a) en aprender y formar parte de nuestro coro hispano, comunícate con nosotros a través del correo electrónico [email protected].

No habrá cuidado de niños. ¡Te esperamos!


Holy Week & Easter Schedule Horario de Semana Santa y

Pascua de Resurrección

Holy Thursday - Liturgy of the Lord's Supper Jueves Santo—Liturgia de la Última Cena

6:15 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. (Spanish)

Good Friday - Liturgy of the Lord's Passion Viernes Santo—Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor

3 p.m. and 7 p.m. (Spanish)

Easter Vigil—Vigilia Pascual Saturday, April 20, 8:30 p.m.

Easter Sunday—Pascua de Resurrección

Sunday, April 21 6 a.m., 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., noon,

1:30 p.m. (Spanish) and 6 p.m.

Divine Mercy Chaplet Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia

Sunday, April 28, 3 p.m.

Page 4 April 7, 2019 — Fifth Sunday of Lent

A Reason to Spend Time in Adoration

“Nowhere on earth are we more welcomed or loved than by Jesus in Eucharist.” —St. Teresa of Calcutta Please consider signing up for an hour each week to spend time with Him. If your schedule does not permit you to commit to the same hour each week, you can join a Prayer Team.

Contact: [email protected] or 864-288-4884 x238.


To seek Baptism for a child, please bring the child’s Birth Certificate (Long Form) and letter of eligibility for godparents to the next Baptism Workshop. Baptism Workshops are held on the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Maira Agrón, Sacraments Coordinator, at ext. 216.


Para pedir el Bautismo de un niño, por favor, traiga a la próxima charla bautismal la forma larga del acta de nacimiento del niño y una carta del párroco del padrino que testifique que es Católico practicante. Las charlas bautismales se llevan a cabo el 2º y 3º jueves del mes a las 7 p.m. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Maira Agrón, Coordinadora de Sacramentos, a ext. 216.

Engaged Encounter

Resolve to give your marriage a solid foundation by attending an Engaged Encounter Weekend. Weekends are scheduled for: June 8-9 at Our Lady of the Hills in Co-lumbia; July 27-28 at St. Andrew’s in Clemson; and Octo-ber 5-6 at St. Michael’s in Myrtle Beach. Please register at Contact Bob and Mary Reimer at 864-420-2633 for more information.


Please contact Maira Agrón at 864-288-4884 ext. 216 or [email protected] at least six months in advance of your anticipated wedding date.

Para Matrimonios

La pareja debe ponerse en contacto con Maira Agrón al 288-4884 x216 o [email protected], seis meses antes de la boda para definir la fecha y otros detalles. Deben participar en Engaged Encounter.

Encounter Christ this Lent

Studies, Daily Reflections, Videos and more…


Training for NEW Extraordinary

Minister of Holy Communion

Saturday, April 27, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Do you have a deep reverence for and devotion to the Holy Eucharist? Are you interested in bringing the Precious Body and Blood of Our Savior to your fellow parishioners at Mass or to the sick and homebound of the parish? Consider serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Our parish will be training NEW Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who will be commissioned for service to the St. Mary Magdalene community as needed. The April 27 class will be from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. If you are a practicing Catholic committed to our faith and morals; at least 18 years old (confirmed 16 year olds may serve with special permission); have received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation; willing and able to serve assigned duties on the altar or with the sick, apply for ministry as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Contact Ron Koprowski, Ministry Leader, to receive an application: Mobile: 864-569-4313 or email: [email protected] with questions and to register.

Check us out at Page 5

Interested in finding out about volunteer opportuni-ties at our different stations? Volunteer registration for adults and teens entering 7th grade is now open at

Have questions? [email protected].

Vacation Bible School

Join us for a ROARing good time this summer!

JUNE 17 – 21 9 a.m. -12:15 p.m.

Registration is now open


Children entering K5 – 6th grade Fall 2019 Cost: $25 child/$70 family max.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

If you’re a regular at either the 9 or 11 a.m. Sunday Masses, you’ve seen the children called out for Chil-dren’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW).

So what do they do while they’re there? We focus our efforts on three main activities:

Listening to God’s Word, using a lectionary especially made for children.

Reflecting on God’s Word, using a variety of Scrip-ture guides that help the children relate the readings to their own lives and reflect on the blessings God’s Word brings to them.

Responding to God’s Word. CLOW Ministers explore with the children some of the things they can do to practice the Word of God in their daily lives.

CLOW is for children ages 5-10. If your child has not attended CLOW yet, we hope he/she will join us next Sunday. Parents, grandparents, older teens…We need you! We are looking for older teens and adults who can assist the CLOW leader when necessary. If you would like to help or if you want to learn more, please contact Cindy Roth at [email protected].

Men’s Bible Study Group

Tuesday Mornings 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. in the Parish Center

Men's Bible Study strives to enable men to grow in their relationship with God, His Son and the Holy Spirit from a Catholic perspective and also to promote fellowship and brotherhood among men of the church. Come join us for an interactive study of Scripture and meet other men seeking the wisdom and knowledge of God. No registra-tion is necessary, just bring your Bible, catechism and a desire to learn and discuss the Word of God. Have questions? [email protected].

Youth Ministries

Life Teen meets Sundays after the 6 p.m. Mass EDGE meets Fridays at 7 p.m.

Jóvenes sin Fronteras se reúnen los viernes a las 7 p.m.

Contact: [email protected] or [email protected].

Check out or to find out about upcoming events!

Lenten Traditions

Why do we renew our baptismal promises at Easter? Easter is one time in the liturgical year for us to re-member that we are baptized once for a lifetime and not merely once in a lifetime. It’s important to note that we “renew” our baptismal promises and not mere-ly “repeat” them. “Repeating” simply recalls some-thing that happened in the past. “Renew” is entirely different. “Renewing” our baptismal promises recog-nizes something still foundational in our life. Renewing our baptismal promises opens our hearts to God’s grace. Grace reveals God’s great love for us and God’s purpose for our life. This great divine love energizes our own love and leads us to a deeper commitment to live these promises more faithfully. Source:


Page 6 April 7, 2019 — Fifth Sunday of Lent


40 Days for Life

40 Days Closing Celebration and Candlelight Vigil: Saturday, April 13, 7 p.m., Greenville Women’s Clinic, 1142 Grove Road. Prayer Warriors will share their testimonies from the current campaign. Parking is at Grove Road Baptist Church. Rosaries for Life: Please pray the Rosary daily for an end to abortion. Submit your weekly count to [email protected].

Now Playing in theaters.

40 Días por la Vida

Ceremonia de clausura de 40 Días por la Vida: Vigilia – sábado, 13 de abril, a las 7:00 p.m., Greenville Women's Clinic, 1142 Grove Road. Se compartirán testimonios de la campaña actual. Estacionamiento en la Iglesia Bautista Grove Road. Rosarios por la vida: Por favor, recen el Rosario diaria-mente y envíen su recuento por correo electrónico a [email protected].

The Passion of the Christ

2 Showings

Tuesday, April 16, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 17, 6:30 p.m.

In the Parish Center

A depiction of the last twelve hours

in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, on

the day of his crucifixion in Jerusa-


Rated R for graphic violence. Older children must attend with parents and

at their discretion.

Stephen Ministry

Stressed? Feeling Down? Feelings can churn inside you, building inside like a pressure cooker. When something difficult is weighing on you, sharing your feelings can help. Our Stephen Ministers are trained caregivers, ready to listen, care for and encourage

you. They will pray with and for you, and provide confi-dential one-to-one Christian care to help you through whatever it is that you are facing. To find out more about Stephen Ministry or to receive a Stephen Minister's care, call 288-4884 x232 or email [email protected].

Donations Needed

Donations are being collected in the drop-off box in the foyer of the Conner Ministry Building for the Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the newly-formed Family Fun in Faith Ministry. This fun, family event for toddlers through 5th grade will be held on April 20 at 10 a.m. Already filled eggs are welcome as well as donations of plastic eggs, candy and small religious items/toys.

Grief Support

We all have periods of doubt, self-pity, depression and emotional hurt. You're in your darkest moment! We search for an-swers. "Am I alone in this? How do others cope with this loss? How do you go on?" Remember when asked, " how come there

is only one set of footprints in the sand?" Jesus replied, that's because I carried you!" Our Lord is full of mercy. You are not alone. We're are here for you. Contact [email protected] Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comfort-ed. HIS arms are always out stretched for you.

Respect Life

Come join us for our Respect Life meeting on April 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Brown Rd. House. We are so excited about all the good that is happening in the pro-life movement. We would like you to be a part of it, for many hands and hearts are needed. Contact; [email protected]. Check out our web page at

The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,

and the man became a living being. Gen 2:7

Check us out at Page 7


“Sometimes it is just good to get out and have a little fun! It was great to see a large group of young

adults bouncing around the forest and waterfalls and enjoying a little of God’s creation.

SMMCC families you are next!” - Fr. Williams

“We all enjoyed having Mass in an outdoor setting on a beautiful day, and it was a wonderful

opportunity to continue to build our community!” - Renee

The Young Adult Ministry invites all who are between 18 and 39, looking to grow in faith, build fellowship and find ways to serve to join us!

We meet on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the church’s Parents Room for Mass,

followed by a Bible study.

Find SMMCC Young Adult Ministry on Facebook or visit us at for upcoming events. You can reach us at [email protected].

Page 8 April 7, 2019 — Fifth Sunday of Lent

Supper Club

We would love to meet you! Join us for food and fellowship in a home setting on Saturday, April 13, after the 5 p.m. Mass. Contact us at [email protected] for more information. Learn more about us. Visit our web page at

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Please consider participating in this annual event as a sponsor, player or both. You will have both a great time and be helping those in need.

Player fee -- $90 and includes green fees, cart, gift package and lunch.

Hole Sponsor -- $100 and includes signage and lunch. To sign up, email to [email protected] or sign up after Mass on April 27 and 28.

Our Parish Society of St. Vincent de Paul serves to assist the hungry, poor and needy in our local commu-nities regardless of race or religion. With the strong support of our parish and several fundraisers each year, we provide food or financial assistance to over 50 struggling families each week. In addition, we have provided disaster relief, including home repairs and furniture to many of those families affected by floods in South Carolina.


Cookies for Kairos

Last fall, our Parish baked 667 dozen cookies for the Kairos Prison Ministry. These cookies were served to 750 prisoners and staff members at the Tyger River Correctional Institution over a three-day weekend. Once again, on April 27 and 28, we will be collecting cookies for members of the Kairos Team to take with them as they minister to prisoners. We ask that everyone bake a few dozen cookies with no powdered sugar, icing, fruit or nuts and pack them in a shoe box. More details will follow...

Hit Pitch & Run

The Knights of Columbus Council 10819 will be hosting a FREE MLB PITCH, HIT & RUN (PHR) competition on Sunday, April 28, on the ball field at St. Joseph's Catho-lic School, 100 Saint Joseph's Drive, Greenville, SC

29607, any time between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. All boys and girls ages 7-14 are invited to participate. No preregistration needed. The PHR provides youngsters with an opportunity to compete individually, in three basic baseball or softball skills. Pitch the ball at a target, hit the ball off a tee for distance and accuracy and a timed run from first base around sec-ond and into third. Refreshments will be served and all participants receive a free T-shirt. For more information visit or call Kevin Thomas at 864-228-6439.

Check us out at Page 9

Pancake Breakfast

The Knights of Columbus will be serving the monthly Pancake Breakfast in the Parish Center on Sunday, April 14. Come over and enjoy homemade pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, grits, coffee and orange juice. Cost: $6/person, $3/children 12 and under, $20 family maximum. Proceeds are donated to seminarians and Catholic Charities. Breakfast to go! Pick up a sausage and egg sandwich and a cup of coffee or orange juice for $3.

Pastoral Staff

Pastor Fr. Theo Trujillo

Parochial Vicars Fr. Ray Nacino

Fr. Rhett Williams

Priest in Residence Fr. Robert Falabella


Dcn. Bert Chavez Dcn. Joe Ciavardini

Dcn. Ivan O. Hawk III Dcn. Roger Schonewald

Knights of Columbus Lenten Dinner

April 12

Menu: Baked Tilapia, German style coleslaw, baked beans, salad and our famous corn muffins. Adults $7, children up to 15 years old $3 and $20 maximum per family. Net receipts benefit our Parish faith initiatives. Come pray the Stations of the Cross and join us for a Lenten dinner.

Habitat for Humanity Ministry

2019 Faith - GSCC Volunteer Build A number of parish volunteers are needed! Like to use your hands? Then please help to make a difference by helping to build a new home for the Davis Family -- a Habitat for Humanity of Greenville County future homeowner. Construction starts on Thursday, April 25. You do not need to be an expert

handyperson to help out; just be willing to give a few of your Thursdays, Fridays and/or Saturdays (morning or afternoon) from late-April thru mid-July. In addition to men and women, teenagers (16 or older) are welcome to volunteer. We have many knowledgeable individuals who will assist and help you, plus you will have fun! This will be the 17th home St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Habitat for Humanity Ministry has constructed since this ministry was formed in 2000. Contact Ed Walsh 864-436-0700 or email [email protected] to volunteer and/or to receive addi-tional information. You may also go to to learn more about our Habitat Ministry.

Ministerio Hábitat para la Humanidad

¡Se necesitan voluntarios para la construcción de la vivienda del 2019! Si eres un manitas o tienes la habilidad de usar tus manos en reparaciones o construcciones, podrás ayudar en el proyecto de Hábitat para la Humanidad de Greenville y brindar tu colaboración en la construcción de una vivienda para la familia Davis — los futuros dueños de una vivienda de Habitat por la Humanidad de Greenville. No es necesario ser experto en carpintería o construcción; varias personas estarán trabajando contigo listas para ayudarte. Solamente pedimos que estés dispuesto a darnos unos jueves, viernes y/o sábados (mañana o tarde) entre abril y julio. Hombres, mujeres y adolecentes (16 o mayor) pueden participar. ¡Anímate! No solo ayudaras a tu prójimo mientras pasas un rato alegre; sino que formarás nuevas amistades. Esta es la 17º vivienda que el ministerio de Hábitat para la Humanidad de Santa María Magdalena habrá construi-do desde que se estableció en el año 2000. Para más informes o para apuntarte, puedes llamar a Miriam Garzon Pang al 864-517-4182 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. También puedes encontrar más informes en la página web


Page 10 April 7, 2019 — Fifth Sunday of Lent

Online Giving

Quick and Easy Ways to Open an Account

Visit our parish website at and click on this banner


Using your smart phone, download the Our Sunday Visitor Online Giving App. Use Organization Code 1767.

Sunday Offertory

We report our offertory results on a year-to-date basis with a comparison to the same date last year.

Offertory for Fiscal Year July 2018-June 2019

as of March 31, 2019

Current Year Prior Year $2,523,263 $2,483,520

Easter Flowers Envelopes

Easter flower envelopes are now available in the Narthex. Please drop them in the collection basket or at the parish office no later than Thursday, April 11. Please print clearly.

Mass Attendance for March 30/31 — 4,466

Easter Sunday Parking

Volunteers Needed As you know, Easter is one of the busiest days for the Church, and we need your help. We will form teams of parking volunteers to cover 1-2 hour shifts from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m.

There will be an organizational meeting on Tuesday April 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the Conner Ministry Building. Please plan on attending. If you cannot attend the meeting but can help, please contact John Maccioce at [email protected] or Michael McGarry at 864-288-4884 or by email at [email protected].


Small Group Leader Training

A Small Group Leader’s course, hosted by the Diocese, will be held at our Parish on Tuesday, April 9.

The course is designed for anyone who wants to lead a small group and has had no previous training, as well as for experienced small group leaders who would like a refresher course on facilitating faith sharing.

Two Sessions: Lunch & Learn from noon-1 p.m. in the Conner Ministry Building #214

Evening session from 6:30 – 8 p.m. in the Parish Center

Please visit the News & Upcoming Events page at to sign up or email [email protected] with your

preferred session time.

1 Corinthians 3:6 says some will plant seeds, others will water, but God makes the seeds grow.

We NEED more people to plant and water as small group leaders.

Why Small Groups matter:

They allow for personal discovery through question and answer; faith flourishes.

They build deeper friendships as members invest in each other. Folks feel as if they are supported and as if they belong.

They help build parish unity and commitment to the Parish mission. Learning and worshipping together leads to a deeper spiritual commitment to the parish, which is reflected in service, stewardship and sharing of the faith via evangelization.



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