Download - April 2014









In our devotion we will come together to express our joy, love and thanks through worship.

We shall share our praise and dedicate it to God.


Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we will show compassion and love by understanding, supporting and meeting the spiritual, the physical and the emotional needs of others.


We are called as Christians to share the good news; living as examples of Christ in our everyday lives we can spread the word and love of Jesus.


We as a church have a responsibility as Christians to encourage people to know God and to enable them to develop their relationship with Him through prayer, discussion, study and learning.


We welcome to our church family those who want to belong. We show our love for others by sharing acts of fellowship in God’s name.


This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Holy Week


Blessed is he who

comes in the name

of the Lord!

Take, eat; this is my

body which is given for

you; do this in

remembrance of me

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.



3rd April

12.30 pm

1.00 pm

Soup & a roll lunch (at Bamford Chapel)

Lent Course 5 led by Mrs Joanna Watson

7.30 pm Elders Meeting


6th April

10.30 am Family Worship with Holy Communion

Led by Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm Evening Worship

Led by Margaret Ogden


7th April

8.00 pm Focus on Prayer Group

(Crèche Room)


10th April

12.30 pm

1.00 pm

Soup & a roll lunch (at Bamford Chapel)

Lent Course 6 led by Mr Mike Davis


12th April

10.30 am—

3.00 pm

Michael Harvey speaking about “Unlocking the power of invitation” (see separate article in the magazine)

10.30 am Palm Sunday Family Worship

Led by Wednesday Bible Study Group

Palm Sunday

13th April 6.00 pm Evening Worship

Led by Revd Richard Bradley


14th April

8.00 pm Focus on Prayer Group

(Crèche Room)


17th April

7.00 pm Maundy Thursday Holy Communion

Led by Joanne Ackroyd (in Primary Room)

Good Friday

18th April

10.00 am

1.30 pm

Good Friday

Led by Revd Richard Bradley

Afternoon Ramble—All Welcome

7.30 pm Good Friday Drama (see separate article)

Led by Food for Thought




20th April

9.00 am

10.30 am

Easter Breakfast (List in coffee area)

Family Worship with Holy Communion

Led by Margaret Ogden



27th April

10.30 am Family Worship

Led by Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm Evening Worship

Led by the Elders (See separate article)


28th April

8.00 pm Focus on Prayer Group

(Crèche Room)

8.00 pm Finance Meeting

Tuesday 29th

April 8.00 pm Worship Leaders’ Session—Theme: Prayer

Led by Joan Warner (All are invited)


30th April

1.15 pm Midweek Communion Service

Led by Revd Richard Bradley (in Lounge)

“Unlocking the power of invitation” speaker Michael Harvey

Michael Harvey spoke very passionately at Synod in March about the “Back to Church Sunday” initiative. Michael was one of the people behind it first happening.

He comes warmly recommended as he speaks with great clarity and passionate about the topics of welcoming churches and invitation to churches. Please note the flyer on page 6 and I hope you will be able to come along on Saturday 12th April from 10am – 3pm at Bamford Chapel. It will be a great occasion. Please bring sandwiches with you.

Any further details please speak to Richard.

Further details may be found at


Message from the Manse…

When you think about church growth what comes to your mind? Perhaps evangelists (like Billy Graham and others); perhaps you think it is the responsibility of the minister, elders, or simply “others” to grow the church and to encourage people to come.

I want to commend to you an event taking place here on Saturday 12th April when Michael Harvey will be coming to speak to us about the “Back to Church Sunday” campaign; a campaign that takes place in churches the length and

breadth of the country each September. Michael was one of the people behind the campaign first taking place some years ago. He spoke to the North Western Synod in March and he was excellent! Don’t just take my word for it ask Ken Greer, Barbara Redmond, David Watson or Gillian and Finlay Galloway as we all heard him and all agreed he was excellent.

I spoke to him at lunch time at Synod and invited him to come to Bamford to speak to us (and others from local churches). I can guarantee he will be good. He speaks with great passion, humour and enthusiasm about people not only welcoming others but also inviting others to come to church. If you can come on that day please do so.

What Michael says will fit in with the new vision we have adopted as a church. I hope, by the time you read these words, the church meeting will have discussed and approved the recommendation brought from Elders about the suggested new groups to develop various areas of the church’s life and work. Doing this will mean we can seek together what God is calling us to be and calling us to do as


Bamford Chapel URC.

I have been praying daily for the vision of the church. I have had several people say to me that they think we need to run with the new vision now and I sense a real enthusiasm among those who have spoken to me.

I feel VERY excited at present about the possibility and the potential here at Bamford Chapel. But I am going to speak passionately and honestly when I say we have to be one people and pull together as one people.

In many of the epistles that Paul wrote he is speaking to challenge the churches he planted or pastored. No church is perfect. We may get things wrong, but what God wants from us is for us to listen to what He is saying to us and to walk faithfully and obediently with Him. There may be changes that are suggested through the vision. There will certainly be new ideas that I feel strongly should be tested and tried. And for all these I want to ask for two things from you:-

Your prayers. Without prayer and listening to what God is saying we will struggle with moving forward. There is huge potential here but only if it is fully harnessed; which leads me on to the second point….

Your commitment and support. Without us ALL using the gifts God has blessed us with we will struggle to move forward and grow spiritually and numerically.

We serve and worship an amazing God who does amazing things through you and I. Let us place our hands into His and walk the path He is calling us on.

Your servant in Christ




A Special Evening Service – Sunday 27th April

The Elders will lead the service & it will be a focus on the Vision. We hope as many people as possible will come along for a service of celebration & commitment. Geoff and Lifeline will share in the worship music as we praise God for the gifts He has showered & will shower on His people here at Bamford. We will give thanks for the team which has brought us to this point under God’s guidance – Richard & Ruth Bradley, Cameron Baines, Sarah Finnigan, Sarah Fitton, Anna James. We now have working groups established for each aspect of the Vision: WORSHIP, DISCIPLESHIP, MINISTRY, FELLOWSHIP & EVANGELISM. There are elders attached to each group and throughout the service they will help us to bring everything before God for His blessing and direction. Let’s remember that for His Kingdom to come, God’s relying on us. Please come along and share as we offer ourselves afresh in His service.

Joan Warner (Service coordinator)



When I first went to Greece about 30 years ago one of the

things I loved was visiting the churches which in those

days were open 24 hours a day and anyone could go in

to look around or just sit; of course all that has changed


But there is a team who are opening up Bamford Chapel

on certain days of the year for people to do just that, to

sit, to pray, to meditate, however the feeling takes you.

They are called Quiet Days. Joan Warner asked me to

come along to the last quiet day on the 5th

March (Ash

Wednesday) to give her some feedback of what I

thought. I had no idea what to expect or what was

expected of me. When I opened the sanctuary door I was

greeted with calm music, soft lighting and a wonderful

atmosphere, at that moment I realised nothing was

expected of me, so I just sat. I watched the images on the

screen and listened to the music. I then wandered

around looking at the displays looked through some

books and then sat again, just like I used to in Greece, it

was wonderful.

I would recommend to everyone to come along to these

Quiet Days. The opening times are ideal because they

open for people who can come during the day and also

in the evening, which is an ideal time for those who

work to unwind after a hard and stressful day at work.

You will then arrive home calm, peaceful and stress free.

The next Quiet Days will be during the week leading up

to Easter Sunday 14-19 April. Check out the details

elsewhere in the magazine. Go along & see what you


Lyn Jefferies


Please pop in to pause, pray and ponder during this, the most significant week of the Christian

year. In the sanctuary you can watch a slideshow, listen to the music and wander round our 4 focus

areas: or you can just sit & be calm You can stay for as long or as short a time as you wish & enjoy fellowship & refreshments in the

school room afterwards

HOLY WEEK 2014 Quiet Days at

Bamford Chapel

Everyone is welcome to our Holy Week Experiences. Chapel is open 5 days in the week Monday 14th evening 6-8pm Tuesday 15th twilight 4.30-6.30 Wednesday 16th afternoon 2-5pm Thursday 17th morning 10-12am Saturday 19th afternoon 2-5pm


Food For Thoughtpresents by arrangement with RADIUS


r the


by Roy Chatfield

Good Friday 18 April 2014 7.30 pm

No admission charge

All Welcome


News of the family

Concerns are expressed for Marjorie and Ken Farrington, Don

and Win Schofield, Joan Warner, Sylvia and Ian, Joyce and

Derek Yates, Eric Lumb, John Hall, Ray Atkins, Audrey Morris,

Diane Davies, Dorothy Hartley and the Greaves family.

Please continue to pray for Ian and Ann Newman. Ian is now

at home, receiving care from the "Hospice at Home" service.

It was good to see Joyce Cooper back at Ladies’ Fellowship, in

her capacity as Chairman last week.

Please remember all these people in your prayers, along with

any others you may know about or who I have omitted to


Happy New Ear

My Consultant has now discharged me from

Wythenshawe Hospital and I have a new,

reconstructed ear after 3 years and 6 operations.

Each of you who offered words of

comfort and your prayers helped

me through a difficult time. Your

acts of kindness helped my


Jennifer Lee


NW Synod


Youth Visit to Taiwan

What will we do?Visit familiesAttend church


Are you interested?Speak to Barbara Redmond


Worship Leaders’ Training The sessions are intended to inform, educate and entertain! Although aimed at our preaching team, all are welcome to attend; even if you are not interested in becoming a worship leader you may be curious about how it all works. Each session begins at 8pm and lasts no more than one hour; venue varies so if you would like to attend please contact either myself on 07702883067 or the session leader. Joanne Ackroyd

Worship Leaders Training Sessions

Date Leader Topic

29 April Joan Warner Prayer

18 June Andy Platt All Age Worship

3 September Joanne Ackroyd Bible

14 October Revd Richard Bradley Technology

The Craft Club

After a break of a few months last year,

we decided to restart the meetings on

alternate Tuesday afternoons in the hope that more

people would be able to join us. However,

it was not meant to be. Instead, we have

joined with Norden URC Craft Group who

have a thriving membership. We meet

every Tuesday between 12.30 and 3.00pm.

There are people to help if you are stuck and to teach

you new skills if you wish to learn. Why

not join us? Speak to Margaret Watson,

Muriel Sturrock or myself if you want to

know more.

Linda Kerford


Favourite Quotations

No-one has given a favourite quotation this month but

Gillian Galloway has submitted this item from the

February Magazine of KINGSWAY United Reformed

Church, Blackburn

That’s what the 23rd Psalm is all about ……….

The Lord is my Shepherd that’s relationship

I shall not want that’s supply

He makes me lie down in green pastures that’s rest

He leads me besides the still waters that’s refreshment

He restores my soul that’s healing

He leads me in the paths of righteousness that’s guidance

For His names sake that’s purpose

Yes, though I walk through the valley

of the shadow of death that’s testing

You are with me that’s faithfulness

I will fear no evil that’s protection


Your rod and your staff, they comfort me that’s discipline

You prepare a table before me in the

presence of my enemies that’s hope

You anoint my head with oil that’s consecration

My cup runs over that’s abundance

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow

me all the days of my life that’s blessing

And I will live in the house of the Lord

for ever that’s security


Ladies’ Fellowship

March Meeting 2014

Elizabeth Greer certainly pulled in the crowds as she delighted us with an evening of flower arranging. The variety and beauty were amazing; from large multi flower displays to a simple flower head floating in a single glass. Useful hints – all new to me

CIRCULAR DISPLAY - greenery as on clock points 2,4,6,8,10,12 OASIS - drop in water until it sinks, don’t push down, chamfer

edges ROSES – to condition - cut stems, hold immersed in boiling

water for 1 minute, immerse in cold GERBERA – to condition put stems in water with tiny amount of

household bleach / wire into head, twist gently & loosely round stem

CARNATIONS – if blooms not open, spread out heads with thumbs

TULIPS – grow in water, so keep water shallow & top up every day / to keep stick a pin in stem 1 inch from flower head

GIFT BAGS – line with plastic bag, add oasis, fill with flowers We also heard all about her family as she created each display, which was an added bonus. At the end of the evening two displays were reserved; one for our chairman, Joyce Cooper who was present for the first time in many months following a long illness; one for our treasurer Anne Newman who is caring for her husband Ian.

The others (maybe 8) were raffled and some ladies went away very happy carrying their precious prize – including me, who won a bowl with tulips, glass stones and WATER but it arrived home safely without spilling. We thank Elizabeth so much for all the time &

talent & treasure she spent providing such a memorable evening.


And for missing the presentation as winner of the Rochdale Golf Club Winter League Trophy in order to fulfil her commitment to Ladies’ Fellowship. The next meeting on April 10th is an evening of entertainment from MTM (More Than Melody). There will be choral numbers, solos and various other items. The AGM is on 15th May, which is a date change – short business time + pot luck supper. Our June evening outing is to the Red Hall Restaurant in Walmersley – a pleasant country drive over ‘Owd Betts’ and a 3-course meal + tea & coffee for £23 including gratuities. Watch for the signing up list & menu on the LF notice board. Thanks once again to Elizabeth, to the committee and extra helpers, Marilyn Hinchcliffe (who ran the raffle & was a little miffed she didn’t win a prize!!) & Lesley Stiles, an ever present help in the kitchen. And thanks to all who came. We would like more volunteers on the committee. It’s a friendly bunch but we’d love some new ideas for speakers & meetings. Please think about it – you’d be very welcome. Joan Warner

Retirement of Revd Howard Sharp

(Mersey Synod Moderator)

A Service of Celebration & Farewell

Saturday 21st June 2014 at 2.30 pm

at Liverpool Hope University in the Chapel.

Followed by light refreshments

Pease speak to Ian Sturrock as soon as possible if you wish to attend


Fair trade Fortnight 2014Thank you to everyone who supported Fairtrade Fortnight.

We raised £78 to send to Traidcraft Exchange.

Thank you to those who signed the petition to

Make Bananas Fair on those who posted it on Facebook)

It has been good to hear of those who were inspired by Fantastically FairtradeFred.

Don’t forget to try out the

new Clean and Fair household essentials – handwash, washing up liquid, laundry liquid and surface cleaner. Also you can find washing up brushes and scourers on the Sunday morning Traidcraft stall.

Still time to buy a Real

Easter Egg which contains a book telling the story of the first Easter.Also Easter cards are available on the stall.

Look out for new giant chocolate

chip and double chocolate cookies which are coming soon.


Running for UNICEF: London Marathon 13 April

I know from comments received, horns “beeped” and cheery “hello’s” said that many of you have seen me, if not pounding, then certainly jogging along Bury Road in the past few weeks or so. Why? you may ask. A very good question and one which I often ask myself before stepping out of the front door! Seriously, mad as it may appear to many, distance running is extremely enjoyable. Nobody can listen to or criticize your musical tastes and you get to appreciate everything and everybody whilst spring-cleaning your thoughts. In a couple of weeks I will be embarking upon the Virgin London Marathon 2014. Whilst this will actually be my third marathon it is the biggest and most eagerly anticipated by far. It would be remiss of me to pass up on the opportunity of sponsorship. After careful thought UNICEF encompasses a Fundamental belief of mine. “Sport has the power to change children’s lives (and) that every child has the right to play”. Please support me as much or as little as you feel able to do so. Either sign up on the sheet on the Notice Board or look me up on Twitter @martynjames10 where you can follow links, post messages of support, send me happy/motivational music suggestions to add to my playlist or even watch Colin Jackson’s personal message of support! Finally, please keep “beeping” your horn, waving and saying “hello” should you happen to see me trotting down Norden Road!!

Thank-you — Martyn James


The Many Names of CHRIST

To the ARTIST he is the One Altogether Lovely.

To the ARCHITECT he is the Chief Corner Stone.

To the BAKER he is the Living Bread.

To the BANKER he is the Hidden Treasure.

To the BIOLOGIST he is the Life.

To the BUILDER he is the Sure Foundation.

To the CARPENTER he is the Door.

To the DOCTOR he is the Great Physician.

To the EDUCATOR he is the Great Teacher.

To the ENGINEER he is the New and Living Way.

To the FLORIST he is the Rose of Sharon and the

Lily of the Valley.

To the FARMER he is the Good Shepherd.

To the FRIGHTENED and HELPLESS he is a

very present Help in Trouble.

To the GEOLOGIST he is the Rock of Ages.

To the HORTICULTURIST he is the True Vine.

To the JUDGE he is the Righteous Judge,

Judge of All Men.

To the JEWELER he is the Pearl of Great Price.

To the LAWYER he is the Counsellor, the

Lawgiver, the Advocate.

To the NEWSPAPER he is the Good Tidings of Great Joy.


To the OPTICIAN he is the Light of the Eyes.

To the PHILANTHROPIST he is the

Unspeakable Gift.

To the PHILOSOPHER he is the Wisdom of


To the PREACHER he is the Word of God.

To the SCULPTOR he is the Living Stone.

To the SERVANT he is the Good Master.

To the STATESMAN he is the Desire of All


To the STUDENT he is the Incarnate Truth.

To the THEOLOGIAN he is the Author and Finisher of our


To the TOILER he is the Giver of Rest.

To the SINNER he is the Lamb of God that taketh away the

sins of the World.

To the CHRISTIAN he is the Son of

the Living God, the Saviour, the

Redeemer and the Lord.

To me...he is all of this. He is my

everything, my Saviour, my King, my


What is he to you?


Flower Rota

You may have wondered who provides the flowers displayed in

Chapel each Sunday and who arranges them. The Flower Rota

enables families or individuals to donate money or flowers, often in

memory of a loved one. Flower arrangements are also donated by

Wedding Families. Flowers are then distributed on Monday to

members of the congregation who may be ill or would appreciate

them for some other reason. The rota is on the notice board in the

coffee area if you would like to add your name; or speak to Pamela

Harrington or Gillian James for further information.

Date Donated By Arranged By

January 5th Hazel & Robert Gordon Diane Healey

12th Betty Ainsworth Pamela Harrington

26th Gillian Galloway Olive/Elizabeth

February 2nd Brenda Griffiths Gillian James

9th Philip & Jennifer Mackimm Elizabeth Greer

March 2nd Carolyn Divers Pamela Harrington

9th Wedding Norma Milnes

16th Linda Peacock Olive/Elizabeth

23rd Hilda Howard Gillian James

BUILDING SAFETY & SECURITY Due to recent reports of an intruder entering the building (whilst groups are in) PLEASE CAN ALL USER GROUPS make sure that the rear entrance door is always locked with the Yale Lock. This enables people to get out of the building from inside, but no-one can gain access from outside without a key, or by being let in by others. Sorry for the inconvenience; your co-operation would be appreciated.


23rd April— St George’s Day

Our Patron Saint who isn’t English— by David Winter

It’s perhaps typical of the English that they

should have a patron saint who isn’t English,

about whom next to nothing is known for sure,

and who may not have existed at all. That didn’t

stop him being patriotically invoked in many

battles, notably at Agincourt and in the Crusades,

and of course it is his cross that adorns the flags

of English football fans to this day.

It’s most likely that he was a soldier, a Christian

who was martyred for his faith somewhere in

Palestine, possibly at Lydda, in the early fourth century. At some point in

the early centuries of the Church he became associated with wider military

concerns, being regarded as the patron saint of the Byzantine armies.

There is no doubt that he was held as an example of the ‘godly soldier’,

one who served Christ as bravely and truly as he served his king and


The story of George and the dragon is of much later date and no one

seems to know where it comes from. By the middle ages, when George

was being honoured in stained glass, the dragon had become an invaluable

and invariable visual element, so that for most people the two are

inseparable. Pub signs have a lot to answer for here: ‘The George and


However, it’s probably more profitable to concentrate on his role as a man

who witnessed to his faith in the difficult setting of military service, and in

the end was martyred for his faithfulness to Christ.

The idea of the ‘Christian soldier’ was, of course, much loved by the

Victorian hymn-writers - ’Onward, Christian soldiers!’ The soldier needs

discipline. The heart of his commitment is to obedience. The battle cannot

be avoided nor the enemy appeased. He marches and fights alongside

others, and he is loyal to his comrades. In the end, if the battle is won, he

receives the garlands of victory, the final reward of those who overcome



St George’s Day presents a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is

to distance the message of his life from the militarism and triumphalism

that can easily attach itself to anything connected to soldiers and fighting.

The opportunity is to celebrate the ideal of the ‘Christian soldier’ - one

who submits to discipline, sets out to obey God truly, does not avoid the

inevitable battle with all that is unjust, wrong and hateful in our world, and

marches alongside others fighting the same noble cause. Discipline,

obedience, courage, fellowship and loyalty - they’re not the most popular

virtues today, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve our gratitude

and admiration.





Linda Peacock 01706 522593

[email protected]

Martyn James 01706 868885

[email protected]


Joan Ashton 01706 360395

[email protected]


Articles to be handed in by: Sunday 13th April

Magazine to be completed by: Thursday 24th April

Magazine distributed: Sunday 27th April


BAMFORD CHAPEL United Reformed Church

Charity - Reg’d No 1128387


The Manse, Norden Road, ROCHDALE,

Lancs OL11 5PQ

Telephone: 01706 369622

Minister : Rev Richard Bradley Email: [email protected]

Church Secretary: Ian Sturrock Telephone: 01706 653109 Email: [email protected]

Wedding Secretary: John Lapworth Telephone: 01706 632460 Email: [email protected]

Lettings Manager: Linda Kerford Telephone: 01706 624256 Email: [email protected]

Times of Services: Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1st Sunday in month Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3rd Sunday in month

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