Page 1: Angielsko-polski słownik terminów związanych z lekką atletyką

Uniwersytet WarszawskiWydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej i Filologii


Radosław KrokoszyńskiNr albumu: 329

Angielsko-polski słownik terminów związanych z lekką atletyką.

Praca magisterska na kierunku filologia

w zakresie języków specjalistycznych, język angielski

Praca wykonana pod kierunkiemDr Krzysztof Fordoński

Katedra Języków Specjalistycznych

Warszawa, czerwiec 2006

Page 2: Angielsko-polski słownik terminów związanych z lekką atletyką

Warsaw University Faculty of Applied Linguistics and East-Slavonic Studies

Radosław KrokoszyńskiStudent’s Reg. No.: 329

An English-Polish Dictionary of Terms Related to Athletics.

M. A. ThesisDepartment of Languages for Specific Purposes

Thesis AdviserKrzysztof Fordoński, Ph.D.

Warsaw, June 2006

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Oświadczenie kierującego pracą

Oświadczam, że niniejsza praca została przygotowana pod moim kierunkiem i stwierdzam, że spełnia ona warunki do przedstawienia jej w postępowaniu o nadanie tytułu zawodowego.

Data Podpis kierującego pracą

Oświadczenie autora (autorów) pracy

Świadom odpowiedzialności prawnej oświadczam, że niniejsza praca dyplomowa została napisana przez mnie samodzielnie i nie zawiera treści uzyskanych w sposób niezgodny z obowiązującymi przepisami.

Oświadczam również, że przedstawiona praca nie była wcześniej przedmiotem procedur związanych z uzyskaniem tytułu zawodowego w wyższej uczelni.

Oświadczam ponadto, że niniejsza wersja pracy jest identyczna z załączoną wersją elektroniczną.

Data Podpis autora (autorów) pracy

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Celem niniejszej pracy jest stworzenie angielsko-polskiego słownika terminów związanych z

lekką atletyką. Część teoretyczna składa się z dwóch rozdziałów. W pierwszym z nich omówione

zostały następujące zagadnienia związane z dziedzinami terminologii oraz terminografii: pojęcie

terminu, jego klasyfikacja, typy oraz tworzenie, system oraz leksykon terminologiczny, słownik

terminologiczny oraz kryteria klasyfikacji słowników.

W rozdziale drugim przedstawiony został krótki zarys historyczny lekkiej atletyki na świecie

oraz w Polsce, jak również historia Międzynarodowego Związku Federacji Lekkoatletycznych.

Część praktyczną pracy stanowi angielsko-polski słownik oraz polsko-angielski indeks


Słowa kluczowe

terminologia, terminografia, termin, słownik terminologiczny, leksykon terminologiczny, system terminologiczny, International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), lekka atletyka,

International Olympic Committee (IOC), Polski Związek Lekkiej Atletyki (PZLA)

Dziedzina pracy (kody wg programu Socrates-Erasmus)

09404 Translatoryka, st. zaawansowania 4

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Chapter 1

Terminology and terminography

1.1. Definition of terminology…………………………………………………………………4

1.2. Terminological lexicon…………………………………………………………………....8

1.3. Terminological system ……………………………………………………………………8

1.4. Notion of a term…………………………………………………………………………...9

1.5. Classification of terms…………………………………………………………………...12

1.6. Types of terms…………………………………………………………………………...14

1.7. Term formation…………………………………………………………………………..18

1.8. Functions of terms……………………………………………………………………….20

1.9. Definition of terminography……………………………………………………………..21

1.10. Terminological dictionary………………………………………………………………23

1.11. Classification of dictionaries……………………………………………………………25

1.11.1. Functions and users…………………………………………………………...27

1.11.2. Arrangement of entries………………………………………………………..28

1.11.3. Number of languages…………………………………………………………29

1.11.4. Size……………………………………………………………………………29

1.11.5. Chronological framework…………………………………………………….30

1.11.6. Area of the covered vocabulary………………………………………………30

1.12. Macro- and microstructure of the presented dictionary………………………………...31

Chapter 2

The history of IAAF and athletics

2.1. The history of IAAF……………………………………………………………………...33

2.2. The foundation years……………………………………………………………………..33

2.3. Officers and structure…………………………………………………………………….34

2.4. Areas………………………………………………………………………………….…..35

2.5. The International Olympic Committee…………………………………………………..36

2.6. IAAF Competitions………………………………………………………………………37

2.7. Amateurism……………………………………………………………………………....39

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2.8. IAAF World Rankings…………………………………………………………………..39

2.9. Development Program…………………………………………………………………..40

2.10. Functions of IAAF……………………………………………………………………..41

2.11. Athletics in Poland……………………………………………………………………..41

Chapter 3

An English-Polish Dictionary of terms related to athletics.……………………………...43

Polish-English index of terms................................................................................................96





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Athletics is said to be “the queen of all sports”. It comprises many various events

ranging from Track and Field, such as 100 meters run, javelin and discus throw, long jump,

shot put and pole vault, to Road Running, Cross Country and Race Walking. It dates back to

the Olympic Games held in the ancient Greece and has been present in the history of mankind

ever since, stimulating our imagination and pushing the athletes further and up towards tougher

and more remarkable achievements.

The aim of this thesis is to compile an English-Polish dictionary of terms related to

athletics supplemented with a Polish-English index. The process of compilation of

terminological dictionaries is a very important issue of our times. Rapid development of

science and technology, which takes place all over the world, changes global economic

situation and requires free transfer of the latest professional information. This situation

influences mainly languages for special purposes as they constitute tools of professional


Terminological dictionaries should satisfy the needs of their users and present the

particular field of knowledge properly and exhaustively. Despite the fact that terminological

dictionaries are created constantly, neither their quality nor quantity is satisfactory.

Dictionaries of many provinces of knowledge and science have not been compiled yet and the

ones already created are not flawless. They are inadequate both to the present stage of

development of terminography and the described fields.

The main driving force behind the creation of this dictionary is the lack of any

publications of this kind in Poland, which creates a gap that needs to be filled. Being a licensed

judge of the Polish Athletic Association (PZLA), the author of this work has consulted the

association’s authorities with regard to the subject matter of the dictionary. The response was

very positive and encouraging, which made the process of compilation much easier and faster.

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Furthermore, the practice and experience gained as a judge of various events during numerous

competitions proved to be very helpful in the process of compiling the dictionary.

Athletics is very diverse in its nature and covers many different events, e.g.: running,

throwing and jumping. Therefore, the number of terms used to describe all these fields of sport

activities is vast and difficult to relate. This dictionary presents only a small part of an

enormous collection of terms which describe the most versatile of all sports.

The terms included in the dictionary have been carefully selected from a variety of

sources and references. The greatest number of technical terms and expressions strictly

connected with athletics can be found in this year’s edition of International Association of

Athletics Federations’ handbook, which comprises all the Competition Rules and detailed

information concerning the procedures applied by judges and referees in the course of certain


Another good source is a similar handbook published by Polish Athletic Association

(PZLA), where all the rules governing competitions which take place in Poland are collected.

A monthly magazine Lekkoatleta also proved itself to be a reliable source of specific

knowledge. The official websites of IAAF, EAA (European Athletic Association), PZLA and

Polanik (a Polish company producing athletic equipment such as hurdles, cages, hammers,

javelins, etc.) provided abundance of useful terms.

The Polish-English index of terms should simplify the use of the dictionary as it

includes exact numbers of pages on which certain terms can be found.

The dictionary is preceded by two chapters which provide necessary theoretical

background. Chapter one concentrates on terminology and terminography. It elaborates on the

notion of a term, its classification, types and functions. Brief definitions of terminological

system, terminological lexicon and terminological dictionary have been provided. This chapter

also describes various criteria which govern the classification of dictionaries and concisely

presents different types of dictionaries.

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Chapter two is aimed at outlining the history of the International Association of

Athletics Federations (IAAF) since the day of its foundation up to the present moment. The

main structures, officials and areas of activity of this organization have been presented. The

chapter also includes a brief history of athletics in Poland since the day of foundation of the

Polish Athletic Association (PZLA).

Hopefully, the presented dictionary will fulfill the expectations of prospective users,

both experts and laymen. The process of compilation turned out to be a pleasant one and gave

the author a unique possibility of expanding his knowledge on the subject of athletics and all

related fields.

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1.1. Definition of terminology.

Terminology understood as a collection of terms from a specific province of science or

any professional activity is nothing new. It has been around since the beginning of times

conceived by languages for special purposes used by lawyers, philosophers, merchants, sailors

and other professionals. Each day hundreds or even thousands of new terms are coined thanks

to rapid development of all the fields of human life, including science, technology,

international political and economic relationships, mass media and international trade.

Terminology is crucial for the transfer of knowledge and technology as the linguistic

communication during the age of industrialization became much more important and intense.

Various terminologies, as systems of notions represented by terms within specified areas,

constitute the basis of:

� organizing knowledge with regard to relations between notions

� transferring knowledge, skills and technology

� generating and disseminating scientific and technical information

� translating scientific and technical texts into other languages

� searching and collecting scientific and technical data (Pieńkos 2003: 203-204).

Terminology is a science dealing with terms related to various areas of life. It is closely

connected with all branches of science and all fields of technical activities performed by men.

This connection is clearly visible in a vast number of terminological dictionaries.

The figure presented below shows various applications and products of terminology.

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Linguistic terminology studies terminological lexicons from the point of view of their

linguistic properties and words or word combinations which convey specialized knowledge. It

is mainly concentrated on drawing up the typology of specialized vocabulary and defining the

parameters of linguistic identification of particular terminological lexicons.

Applied terminology studies the conceptual structure of terminological lexicon. It is

based on the notion of systemic relations. Its main purposes are to draw up optimal models of

terminological dictionaries for particular sets of specialized vocabulary and to define the

structure of data banks (e.g. topical or informative).

Contemporary terminology comprises many different methodologies and research

techniques. Some of the main types of terminological sciences are:

� general terminology

� specific terminology

� specialized terminology

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� typological terminology

� contrastive terminology

� cognitive terminology

� quantitative terminology

� communicative terminology

� derivative terminology

� historical terminology (Lukszyn 2002b: 141-142).

General terminology aims at defining the notion of a term and specifying the typology

of terms, as well as formulating fundamental laws which govern terminological lexicons.

Specific terminology studies the specialized vocabulary of a particular national

language with regards to its formal, genetic, quantitative and derivative characteristics. It is

based on the data collected from adequate terminological dictionaries.

Specialized terminology and typological terminology focus on the structure of a

particular lexicon as a part of professional knowledge and on defining the functional types of

terminological units and specifying the basic types of terminological lexicons respectively.

Contrastive terminology tries to point at the discrepancies between compared

terminological systems and cognitive terminology is targeted at analyzing the types of

professional thinking with the use of conceptual paradigms, namely terminological lexicons.

The relationship between the structure of professional knowledge and the capacity of a

particular specialized lexicon is the subject matter of quantitative terminology, whereas

communicative terminology is concentrated on studying the text as a means of producing,

conveying and interpreting specialized knowledge (Lukszyn -- Zmarzer 2001: 11-12).

Derivative terminology describes the rules of creating new terms, whilst historical

terminology tries to define the tendencies of development ruling the specialized vocabulary.

All these areas of terminological research are very closely linked to one another and

together they constitute the science which is called terminology.

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Terminology can be characterized as:

� empirical, because its rules are based on terminological reality

� experimental, thanks to its constant attempts of constructing the perfect specialized


� pragmatic, as it supports man’s creativity.

Some of the most important purposes of terminology are to study the functioning of the

specialized vocabulary and to search for the most efficient ways of constructing new

terminological systems. Furthermore, it studies the relations between scientific, technical and

specialized terminologies on an international scale and concentrates on the search of

explicitness (Pieńkos 2003: 205).

According to the Pointer Final Report “readily-accessible, up-to-date terminology will

play an increasingly important role in (multilingual) information management in the 21st


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1.2. Terminological lexicon.

Terminological lexicon is a collection of language signs which reflects the state of

professional knowledge in a restricted range. A typical lexicon comprises from several hundred

to several thousand terminological units.

National professional lexicons can be divided into three categories with regards to the

character of their basic units:

� lexicons based on the notions of the native language

� lexicons based on the notions of a foreign language (or languages)

� lexicons based on the notions of classical languages.

We can also distinguish between dynamic (open) and static (closed) lexicons. The

former do not only store professional knowledge, but also generate it, whilst the latter function

only as carriers of previously acquired knowledge.

Static terminological lexicons are aimed at consolidating traditional forms of man’s

professional activities and do not seek new ways of expressing such knowledge. These are

usually the lexicons of traditional craftsmen such as blacksmiths or potters.

On the contrary, the objective of dynamic terminological lexicons is to search for new

ways of expressing the ever-growing professional knowledge.

1.3. Terminological system.

The notion of terminological system is a derivative of the scientific definition of a term.

Terminological system can be defined as a terminological lexicon organized according to

formal, conceptual and semantic parameters. It is a collection of units in the shape of a system

which has its own form and content. A properly constructed terminological system ought to:

� convey specialized knowledge in the way adequate to its subject

� reflect the actual state of the specialized knowledge

� constitute the basis of new theoretical models.

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terminological lexicon

A terminological system can be presented in the following figure, where F stands for

“linguistic form”, K – “concept, a set of characteristics of professional activity”, R – “semantic

relations between concepts within a particular terminological lexicon”.



According to the above figure, a term is a verbal language sign (linguistic form)

consolidating a set of characteristics which define the object of professional activity (concept)

in the system of semantic relations typical of a particular terminological lexicon (Lukszyn --

Zmarzer 2001: 108-109).

1.4. Notion of a term.

Many various sources give different definitions of the notion of a term which can be

defined on the basis of some clearly outlined parameters. A term is a word or a word

combination which has a conventionally described and precisely defined conceptual structure.

It is generally unambiguous and cannot be interpreted emotionally. It also lacks any expressive


The very essence of the notion of the term can be shown in the following figure:

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According to this figure a term is a language sign which belongs to the lexicon of a

specific language for special purposes and which defines a notion in the system of semantic

relations which are typical of that lexicon (Lukszyn -- Zmarzer 2001: 23).

Terms are used by men in their cognitive and practical work. As opposed to the words

and word combinations of the language for general purposes, terms can be characterized as


� specialized

� conventional

� systemic

� accurate and equivalent (within a particular terminological system)

� emotionally and stylistically neutral.

Language for special purposes

(terminological lexicon +

cognitive syntax)


(word or word combination)

C R(notion – a combination (set of conceptualof distinctive features) relations)

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Terms are specialized because they are used by a very specific group of users in

specific situations with reference to specific objects (e.g. the theoretical notions of a particular

field of science or professional activity).

They are conventional as having been created as a result of a deliberate activity of a

particular professional group. Terms are not conceived naturally.

We can call them systemic because each term is always a part of a particular

terminological system.

Accuracy and equivalency of terms stem from the fact that each term is defined by a

particular definition and a given systemic value (a place in the terminological system) within

the theory of a particular province of science or professional activity.

Finally, terms are emotionally and stylistically neutral because they serve mainly as

tools in cognitive and practical work of men.

According to Pieńkos (2003: 212) a term is a name whose meaning has been

established by science and which concerns a notion deriving from a specific province of

science, technology or other professional activity. Thus, a term is a very specific type of name:

a word or word combination whose scientific, technical or professional meaning has been

conventionally established.

Other characteristic features of terms are as follows:

� a particular notion can be defined only by means of one term or expression

� a term is created when a word from general vocabulary acquires specific professional

meaning or is formed as neologism

� context plays a special role which allows for proper identification of the meaning of a

certain term, which means that homonymy should not cause the term’s ambiguity.

Nevertheless, we cannot forget that terms are not only words or word combinations of a

precisely defined meaning. Within the scope of certain scientific or technical languages we can

also find proper names, whose meaning would have to be strictly defined before they could

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become terms. Terms should be associated with names from scientific or technical languages,

and not understood in a way which requires the exact definition. Some terms are precisely

defined, but there is a group which has not been scientifically defined – they gained the status

of terms through the process of dissemination (Pieńkos 2003: 212-214).

1.5. Classification of terms.

As we have previously mentioned, words and word combinations which constitute

terms are precisely defined. As language signs they are always a part of a system which

belongs to the same province of knowledge (Kielar 2002: 173).

Different types of terms are distinguished on the basis of various criteria:

� formal

� semantic

� functional

� historical and etymological.

The formal criteria are:

� syntactic structure of the term (word or word combinations)

� morphological structure of the term (derivatives, compounds)

� grammatical form of the term (nouns, adjectives, etc.)

� presence of symbols in the term structure (purely linguistic terms, mixed terms, purely

symbolic terms)

Among the semantic criteria we can observe:

� type of a defined notion (objects, processes, features, measuring units)

� hypothetical nature of a defined notion

� abstractness of a defined notion

� preciseness of a defined notion

Some of the functional criteria are:

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� function of the term (acquiring knowledge, consolidating knowledge, conveying


� scope of use of the term (many provinces of science or one province of science, works

of many authors or of one author)

� frequency of use of the term

The historical and etymological criteria comprise:

� originality of the linguistic form of the term (original terms, borrowings, calques)

� language register from which the term or its elements derive (literary, colloquial,

dialectal) (Lukszyn 2002b: 155).

A typological description of terms should be based on their conceptual structure. A

concept can be defined as the entity of thoughts created by a combination of distinctive

features named during the process of analysis of a certain object. The verbal representation of a

concept constitutes the definition of a notion, whilst the term is a phrase used to refer to the

concept. It can be illustrated by the following figure:


object term


Each name presented in this figure can be used for term classification (Lukszyn --

Zmarzer 2001: 30).

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1.6. Types of terms.

There are many differences between a term (which is a unit of the Language for Special

Purposes) and a word which comes from the Language for General Purposes. Semantically, the

term is unambiguous and lacks any expressive connotations. On the contrary, the word from

the general language is meant to be ambiguous and interpreted in many stylistic connotations.

Conventional vocabulary consists mainly of word combinations (noun-noun, noun-adjective,

etc.) and therefore can be characterized by categorical monotony.

Scientific texts include quasi-terms (words from general language which aspire to

become terms and whose definitions are derived from their lexical meaning), preterms

(expressions used to define newly coined nomenclature names before they are approved by

proper terminological bodies), hypoterms (words from general language which function within

terminological lexicon) and individual terms formed by a researcher during his studies which

disseminate only if they describe a new province of knowledge (Pytel 2003: 61).

The use of terms, hypoterms and quasi-terms sheds some light on the character of the

terminological system of a given field of science. The proportion between single-word and

multiword terms provides information about the stage of development of the conceptual system

or about the predominance of certain derivational techniques (semantic derivation, formation

of neologisms on one hand and syntactic derivation on the other) (Górnicz 2003: 108).

According to Arsentyeva (2003: 171) “terms always tend to be used in their primary

logical meaning as they indicate with precision a particular scientific concept and particular

objects”. Two of the processes which occur between a term and a general word are the process

of terminization (semantic transposition of a general word to a particular terminological set)

and the process of de-terminization (semantic transposition of a term to general vocabulary

“due to the rapid spread of scientific and technical ideas”). The former results in occurrence of

such phenomena as quasi-term and hypoterm.

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A quasi-term is usually a general word characterized by constant search for definitions

of certain notions, during which dozens of various definitions are created. Oversimplifying the

matter, the process of term formation on the basis of general words, which takes place during

the act of communication, can be divided into three stages: general words become quasi-terms

and then terms. Sometimes terms become an integral part of general vocabulary (Kielar 2002:


The purpose of each quasi-term is to transform into a term. A quasi-term can be defined

by its individual significance, whereas a term is usually defined by its systemic value.

A hypoterm is a phenomenon which accompanies the transformation of a general word

into a quasi-term and then into a term. It is a general word functioning within a terminological

lexicon, e.g. existential and process verbs (exist, develop, cause), personal nouns (manager,

author) and certain adjectives (old, huge, simple). It is not a way of searching for a notion, but

rather a means of maintaining the stylistic norm of a text. In specific conditions a hypoterm can

transform into a term, thus gaining systemic value.


word quasi-term term1


As it is clearly shown in the figure above, a term is a conceptual phenomenon which

exists in two types. Term1 results from a directed search and represents a particular theory.

Therefore it is a theoretical term. Term2 represents a particular class (a group of features which

integrate objects) and acts as a tool which organizes the objects. Thus, it is an empirical term

(nomen) (Lukszyn -- Zmarzer 2001: 26).

Theoretical terms define ideal objects conceived by man within a particular theoretical

framework. Inaccuracy of theories is reflected in the existence of quasi-terms and, in extreme

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cases, pseudoterms, which are term-like words derived from the wrong system. Empirical

terms describe objects which can be physically experienced. This means that no quasi-terms or

pseudoterms can exist in their professional environment. Thus both kinds of terms belong to

different categories of conventional vocabulary.

Each system of terms is open, which means that it is aimed at development. New

elements can be created by means of intellectual operations on already existing elements. A set

of nomens is closed, because it is impossible to create new elements of such set in a way

similar to terms. Terminological system determines the informative value of terms, whilst the

informative value of nomens is defined by individual meaning of the word. What is more,

nomens are not semantically variable. They are unambiguous and always realize the same

informative value. Theoretical terms, on the other hand, convey their meaning in semantic

variants and are characterized by aspectual synonymy, i.e. different terminological names can

describe the same object depending on the standpoint.

Another difference between nomens and theoretical terms is that the former have to be

standardized (non-standard names are not nomenclature), whilst the latter cannot undergo

standardization, because it would impose some limitations on man’s creativity. The necessity

to standardize nomens stems from their purpose, which is to define particular objects clearly

and unambiguously. Technical nomenclature tends to internationalize and bodies such as

International Organization for Unification of Terminological Neologisms (IOUTN) and

International Federation of Terminology Banks (IFTB) control the process. Their main

purposes are transferring the latest terminology to the developing countries and promoting the

process of terminology internationalization. In order to simplify these actions certain signs

were needed within the sets of terminographical data. Committees ISO/TC 37 and ISO/TC 46

worked out systems of signs which support the exchange of data and are beneficial for their

users (Budin -- Felber 1994: 174).

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The unification of terminological lexicons is based on providing conformity of a

particular set of terms with the standards of national language, both in formal and conceptual

aspects. The application of various filters (e.g. orthographic, derivational, phonetic) allows

terms to acquire their optimal form and become effective tools of professional communication.

Terminological normalization enables particular terminological lexicons to fit into international

standards (e.g. ISO) and thus become a part of commonly available knowledge (Waszczuk

2004: 213-214).

The formation of theoretical terms is usually a multistage process controlled by

scientific community, whereas the formation of nomens is a single act which has to be

legalized by a proper terminological body. Until such decision about legalization is issued the

nomen is referred to as a preterm.

Other types of words characteristic of technical terminology and nomenclature are

terminoids and pragmonyms. Terminoids are words which are not semantically defined (e.g.

machine) and pragmonyms (the name comes from their pragmatic function) are trademarks of

consumer products.

Further types of terms are:

� category and conceptual terms – they define categories

� concrete and object terms – they describe objects

� process terms – they define processes

� procedural terms – they define scientific procedures

� activity terms – they describe technical activities

� properties terms – they describe properties

� relation terms – they define relations

� measure terms – they describe measures and their units (Lukszyn -- Zmarzer 2001: 33).

Terms can be also divided according to their systemic value. Within a coherent

terminological system we can distinguish between base terms (nuclear or primary terms) and

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derivative terms (peripheral and secondary terms). Base terms constitute the basis of a

particular notion system and their conceptual structure generates new notions. Secondary terms

are ordered according to the hierarchy which is established by means of a key term – another

type of theoretical terms.

Key terms are necessary for organizing terminological series as carriers of scientific

knowledge. Conceptual abilities of secondary terms are realized differently depending on the

character of key terms, which are very often unique in their character.

1.7. Term formation.

Hundreds or even thousands of new notions are coined every day. They must find their

representation in the form of terms in particular languages, which have only limited resources

of words and lexical items to create them. Thousands of lexical items exist in various

languages, but the amount of notions used in particular disciplines can reach millions (Pieńkos

2003: 203).

About 200 hundred thousand of terminological units are formed in the main languages

of the world every year. This means that the term formation system of a particular language not

only creates new terminological units on the basis of national language, but also acts as a

regulator between terminological system and national terminological system adapting foreign

terminological units according to their structural properties (Lukszyn -- Zmarzer 2001: 76).

New items within the structure of a particular terminological system can be divided into

the four following groups:

� neosematisms

� neologisms

� borrowings

� internationalisms.

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Neosemantism can be defined as the use of a general word from a national language in

terminological meaning within a given lexicon. Such phenomenon can be also referred to as a

metaphoric use of a language sign. In this way a general word defines a professional notion in

the structure of terminological system. It undergoes semantic and formal transformation into a

conventional language sign (terminological unit). Terminological neosematisms are deeply

rooted in the native language. They convey specific type of information in the scope of

professional knowledge concerning the conditions of such activities and professional traditions.

They also define the style of particular languages for special purposes.

Terminological neologisms are verbal units newly coined within a particular

terminological lexicon. They are mainly native neologisms which are widely used as

equivalents of foreign terms in terminological dictionaries. Another kind of neologisms are

symbiotic neologisms created as a result of linking foreign (usually international) elements of

terms with native morphological stems.

The concepts of borrowings and internationalisms are very closely linked with each

other. Borrowings can be defined as adaptation of foreign conventional vocabulary from the

primary terminological system into a secondary terminological lexicon. Primary terminological

system is the terminological lexicon whose conceptual structure reflects the current level of

knowledge in a specific area.

One of the main reasons of necessary borrowings of terminological units is a more

developed taxonomy of the primary terminological system (PTS) in comparison with the

secondary terminological lexicon (TL). It means that PTS comprises more units of professional

knowledge than TL. The second reason is that PTS may have a more complex structure of

cognitive network than TL. In other words, TL lacks some of the semantic relations present in

the PTS, which has a negative impact on the quality of its professional knowledge. Another

reason is that PTS contains more terminological paradigms than TL, which means that

interdisciplinary relations of PTS are more productive (Lukszyn -- Zmarzer 2001: 64-65).

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One the basis of the abovementioned reasons we can name three types of terminological

borrowings: taxonomic, semantic and paradigmatic.

Internationalisms are words or word combinations which are present in many different

languages of the world. They are created in the result of the process of internationalization,

which means formal and conceptual harmonization of different terminological systems. The

purpose of such harmonization is to simplify international professional communication.

There are two forms in which internationalisms exist within terminological systems.

The first one functions as a unit taken from world languages and adapted in the native

language. The second one is a unit created on the basis of classical languages.

1.8. Functions of terms.

There are many significant differences between theoretical and empirical terms when

their functions are taken into consideration. These are some of the functions which characterize

both theoretical and empirical terms:

� nominative – denotes an object

� instrumental – serves as a tool in professional work

� communicative – exchanges professional knowledge

� denotative – denotes an object as element of a particular set

� cumulative – cumulates and stores professional knowledge

� didactic – organizes the didactic process

� differential – defines the place of a notion in the hierarchy of a particular system

� informative – conveys particular content.

Theoretical terms can be characterized by the following functions:

� diagnostic – assessment of professional knowledge

� systemic – creates a consistent subsystem in the scope of a particular terminological


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� explicative – explains the meaning of terminological units within a particular system

� ideological – relation between a particular notion system and overall philosophical


� prognostic – evaluation of professional knowledge

� methodological – relation between a particular notion system and applied research


� cognitive – shapes identified facts and phenomena

� gnoseological – identifies facts and phenomena

� heuristic – seeks and constructs new cognitive models (Lukszyn -- Zmarzer 2001: 28-


1.9. Definition of terminography.

Terminography is the theory and practice of collecting, recording, storing and

presenting terminographical data (Budin -- Felber 1994: 28). Terminography (also known as

terminological lexicography) is concerned with nominative units of a language, and therefore is

a part of general lexicography which deals with all types of dictionaries, e.g. orthographic,

literary. Thus, it can be described as the theory and practice of the art of compiling

terminological dictionaries. The subject of terminography is the preparation of methodology

and specific ways of compilation and its main purposes are to develop the rules of

classification and typology of terminological dictionaries as well as the rules of organization

and selection of terminological units from the point of view of their optimal usage (Pieńkos

2003: 299-300).

The basic rules of terminography are as follows:

� all terminographical data must be reliable and full

� terminographical data and terminographical symbols should be standardized

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� the construction of the set of terminographical data, namely the order of data in entries

and the order of entries, should be adequate to way in which the set will be used

� national and international standards should be taken into consideration (Budin -- Felber

1994: 173).

Terminography is concerned with terminological dictionaries which can be divided into

three categories:

� general scientific and technical terminological dictionaries

� interdisciplinary terminological dictionaries

� professional terminological dictionaries.

General terminography deals with professional vocabulary as a specific lexical

category. Its main purpose is to develop descriptive techniques appropriate for specific types of

terms. Didactic terminography tries to construct lexicographic symmetry of terminological

resources within the framework of didactic dictionaries.

Terminography as a province of science is composed of three basic units:

� factographic (descriptive terminography)

� parametric (parametric terminography)

� pragmatic (terminographical constructing).

Descriptive terminography is aimed at describing a terminological dictionary in

comparison with other dictionaries, analyzing the existing terminological dictionaries and

defining their typology.

Parametric terminography defines the rules of representation of conventional

vocabulary and the general theory of terminological systems. It is based on the theory of term,

the general lexicographic theory and the system theory. The main purpose of the system theory

is to describe a detailed typology of material and abstract systems.

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Terminographical constructing constitutes the basis of terminography as a separate

province of science. Its main purpose is to prepare detailed techniques for constructing

professional terminological dictionaries (Lukszyn -- Zmarzer 2001: 129-133).

Budin and Felber (1994: 169) mention scientific terminography which examines the

bases of terminographical units and registers them on data carriers. It is a scientific and

documentary activity which requires the incorporation of information, documentation and data


Practical terminography collects, prepares and disseminates terminographical

information concerning the existing signs assigned to certain notions, descriptions and systems

of notions. It also provides terminographical projects with data describing sources of

information and records the results of terminographical activity on data carriers in a

standardized form and order required by the user.

1.10. Terminological dictionary.

Scientific and technological development which takes place in our times results in so

called terminological boom. Taking into consideration the international character of scientific

and professional activities, it becomes obvious that the amount of specialized knowledge in

different parts of the world needs to be leveled. The aforementioned phenomena exert great

influence on languages for special purposes, which are the tools of professional

communication. Namely, they cause quantitative and qualitative changes which take place

within their lexicons.

Therefore, the compilation of terminological dictionaries gains more and more

importance. We cannot forget that they have to satisfy user’s needs and present particular fields

of knowledge in an adequate and objective way (Michałowski 2004: 193).

Terminological dictionary contains terminology describing one or more provinces of

knowledge. Its main purpose is to gather, organize and present professional knowledge. The

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basic unit of terminological dictionary is an entry comprising a defined set of terminographical

data. An entry is treated as a paradigmatic cognitive unit and usually has the form of a noun.

Therefore, a terminological dictionary can be defined as a systematic form of representation of

conventional vocabulary (Lukszyn -- Zmarzer 2001: 130-133).

Being a tool of professional work, terminological lexicon is an open structure which

exists in certain variations. Terminological dictionary records and presents the lexicon as a

static structure. Professional terminological dictionary is always a more or less adequate

representation of a particular terminological lexicon. That is why a single lexicon is usually

presented in a number of dictionaries. One of the most important aims of terminography is to

prepare optimal models of terminological dictionaries from the point of view of accuracy of

conveying the content of terminological lexicons.

Terminological dictionary is a collection of terms translated into one or more

languages. The technique of compiling such dictionaries is based on proper description of the

lexis of the language in order to provide the definitions of semantic content included in lexical

items together with hierarchic classification of various applications (Pieńkos 2003: 301).

The compilation of terminological dictionaries should proceed in accordance with some

basic principles, the main of which are:

� appropriate limitation of the number of terminological units within the dictionary

� systematization of terminology within the dictionary

� interlingual harmonization of terminology within the dictionary.

The overall concept of the terminological dictionary (macrostructure) determines the

rules of limitation of terminological units and the means of their organization. In order to

accomplish the concept, the position of a given terminological lexicon within a particular

terminological sphere needs to be defined along with the necessary interdisciplinary relations

between separate conceptual systems. Macrostructure is a set of terminological parameters

which allows the compiler to determine the optimal volume of the dictionary and the

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appropriate proportion between the concepts belonging only to a specific terminological

lexicon and the ones which are common for various lexicons.

Microstructure of the dictionary determines the rules of entry organization. The

reconstruction of semantic relations of the term (its systemic value) in an entry constitutes the

basis of microstructure. The following parameters of microstructure can be distinguished:

� formal (part of speech, grammatical variations)

� etymological (name of the source language, parallel forms)

� lexical (stylistic register, type of term)

� associative (synonyms, antonyms)

� interpretative (predicative or projective definition)

� pragmatic (neologisms, standard terms)

� illustrative (diagrams, charts, pictures)

� graphic (symbols) (Lukszyn 2002b: 77).

1.11. Classification of dictionaries.

The Cambridge International Dictionary of English lists the following definition of a

dictionary: “a book in which words are listed alphabetically and their meanings, either in the

same language or in another language, and other information about them, are given”.

Before starting to compile a dictionary, two basic questions must be answered. The first

concerns the total vocabulary of the language which the dictionary should cover and the second

tries to determine the type to which the dictionary will belong (Zgusta 1971: 222-223).

Bergenholtz and Kaufmann (1997: 96) suggest the following dictionary classification:

Dictionaries are traditionally divided into language dictionaries, encyclopedias

and encyclopedic dictionaries. This classification is used most consistently in a

librarian context. The argumentation is more or less the following: Language

dictionaries provide information about the language and only about the subject

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field in as far as this is necessary to the correct usage or understanding of

linguistic expressions. Encyclopedias, however, provide information about things

or about a subject and only about the language in as far as this is necessary to the

understanding of the subject matter. Finally, there are encyclopedic dictionaries

which aim at being both language dictionaries and encyclopedias. The librarian

classification has been adopted in the preface of many dictionaries and has also

been used in a variety of modifications in metalexicographical literature, albeit in

such a way that the encyclopedic dictionaries have been projected to either the

language dictionaries or the encyclopedias.

Among specialized dictionaries we can distinguish many types depending on their

purpose and the needs of different groups of users. The most general division is as follows:

� prescriptive dictionaries – they organize vocabulary belonging to a particular field of

knowledge or man’s professional activity and at the same time they determine the

adequacy of the vocabulary on the basis of terminological standards established by

international committees of standardization

� registration dictionaries – they organize the contemporary vocabulary functioning

within one field (e.g. didactics, translation) for the informative purposes

� scientific dictionaries – they not only organize and update the terminology of a

particular field, but also precisely define the terms with the help from adequate

scientific institutes (Pieńkos 2003: 302).

The general criteria according to which dictionaries can be classified are as follows:

� functions and users for whom the dictionary is compiled (students, teachers, scientists,


� arrangement of words or entries (alphabetical, semantic, casual)

� number of languages (monolingual, bilingual, multilingual, etc.)

� size (academic, big, medium, etc.)

� chronological framework (diachronic, synchronic)

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� area of the covered vocabulary (general, restricted) (Devapala 2004: 2).

1.11.1. Functions and users.

Function is a category which sometimes overlaps with the category of target group or

user. Users may belong to many different groups (students, teachers, translators, scientists,

children, technicians) and the needs of each group can differ to a great extent. Therefore, the

classification of dictionaries in relation to their users affects the collection of material as well

as the choice of entries and defining words. The dictionary has to be neatly suited to the

specific needs of its target users (Devapala 2004: 9-10).

Hartmann (1983: 10-11) suggests the following two types of users’ needs:

� information – users refer to dictionaries in order to check spellings, meanings,

pronunciation, etymology, synonyms, etc.

� operations – while performing tasks such as reading, writing or translating users seek

the help of a dictionary to find words and meanings.

Bergenholtz and Kauffman (1997: 99) present a more detailed division of dictionary’s

functions (in which L1 = native language and L2 = foreign language):

� reception and production of L1 texts

� reception and production of L2 texts

� L1 -> L2 translation

� L2 -> L1 translation

� acquisition of encyclopedic and linguistic information.

In the comment to the above division they add: “This description does not imply the

necessity of a separate dictionary for each of the functions mentioned. On the contrary, most

dictionaries are multifunctional, as they intend to serve several functions simultaneously”.

Another division of main types of dictionaries’ functions may be the following:

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� description of the lexical structure of a language or its varieties (e.g. standard and

overall descriptive dictionaries)

� helping the comprehension of various texts written in a particular language (e.g. text or

dialect dictionaries)

� helping the production of texts in the target language (e.g. bilingual dictionary)

� “To prescribe the norm or standard as different from the substandard or non-standard.

They are prescriptive or prohibitive dictionaries” (Devapala 2004: 10).

1.11.2. Arrangement of entries.

The most popular and useful ways of arranging the entries are alphabetical, semantic

and casual. The alphabetic method is based on alphabetical sequence. It is the most common

and convenient, as words may be retrieved easily. The semantic (conceptual or systematic)

method arranges the words into topical groups based on the conceptual system. The casual

(arbitrary) method arranges the entries according to the alphabetical system, but not necessarily

from the first letter. The arrangement can be morphemic (linking of words which share a

common form, e.g. all the words which end in -ology) or the entries are listed alphabetically

from last to first letter (end alphabetic dictionary or reverse order dictionary) (Devapala 2004:


1.11.3. Number of languages.

On the basis of this criterion we can distinguish between dictionaries which are

monolingual, bilingual, multilingual, etc.

The monolingual dictionary uses only one language and is usually intended for native

speakers of the language. The entries are described by means of the very same language they

come from. The bilingual dictionary lists the entries in the source language and provides

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lexical units of the target language which are equivalent in their lexical meaning. The

multilingual dictionary coordinates the equivalent lexical units of more than two languages.

Both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries serve a practical purpose. Nevertheless, the

situations in which they are used differ somehow. The user refers to monolingual dictionary

when he lacks information necessary to communicate in his own language. That is why

monolingual dictionaries are used more often by educated people who are active speakers of

their language. Bilingual dictionary is referred to when the user encounters general problems

while communicating with people from other countries, irrespective of their education. That is

the reason why bilingual dictionaries are more popular than monolingual ones (Piotrowski

2001: 176-177).

1.11.4. Size.

This criterion is concerned not only with the number of entries and their density

throughout the dictionary, but the amount of data within each entry as well. According to these

aspects dictionaries can be classified into unabridged, semi-unabridged, college, desk

dictionaries, big, medium, small, pocket, little etc., (Zgusta 1971: 218-220; Landau 1989: 17-


Academic or comprehensive dictionaries are multivolume dictionaries which are not

limited by total number of entries or space compiled by research institutions (e.g. universities).

They try to include all the lexical units which appear in all kinds of general language texts. The

amount of information within the entries is rich. It covers most contextual nuances and

provides many quotations.

Big or unabridged dictionaries try to present the user with full coverage of the lexicon

used during a particular period of the history of language with quotations supporting

definitions and suggesting typical usage (Landau 1989: 18). They may contain about 100000-

400000 words. Medium or college dictionaries aim at describing the standard national

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language. The information within the entries provides various usages and quotations. The

number of entries ranges from 50000 to 150000.

Small dictionaries comprise fewer entries (around 35000-60000) and briefer definitions.

Lexical units which are used less frequently are usually omitted and less popular meanings of

entries are excluded together with quotations and examples of usage. Pocket dictionaries

present spelling information and the meanings which are explained by means of synonyms. No

examples or quotations are included (Landau 1989: 19). The physical size of such books is

smaller than that of normal dictionaries in order to fit in shirt pockets, etc.

1.11.5. Chronological framework.

On such basis dictionaries can be divided into diachronic and synchronic. Diachronic

dictionaries concentrate on the changes and developments of the form and meaning of lexical

units of the language throughout the course of its history. This class includes historical,

comparative and etymological dictionaries. Synchronic dictionaries describe lexical units of a

language at a particular period of its development. “First, the concept synchronic is not

synonymous with ‘contemporary’. Any epoch in the development of language can, at least

ideally, be treated synchronically” (Zgusta 1971: 200-202).

1.11.6. Area of the covered vocabulary.

Dictionaries can cover either the whole vocabulary of a language or a part of it.

According to this division we can distinguish between general and restricted (special)

dictionaries. General dictionaries, as the name suggests, cover the general language as it is used

generally. Three types of such dictionaries are standard descriptive dictionary, overall

descriptive dictionary and academic dictionary (Zgusta 1971: 209-213). Restricted or special

dictionaries comprise a selection of words and phrases from a particular part of the whole

lexicon of a language, e.g. dialect dictionaries. “The restriction can be based on any

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perceivable (or only supposed or postulated) variation of language, on any classification of its

texts, or any principle or combination of principles determined by the author of the dictionary”

(Zgusta 1971: 204).

1.12. Macro- and microstructure of the presented dictionary.

The English-Polish dictionary of terms related to athletics compiled by the author of

this thesis comprises about 200 entries and consists of two parts. The first is the English-Polish

dictionary containing English terms, definitions and Polish equivalents. The second part has

the form of Polish-English index of terms and aims at making the dictionary more user-friendly

by providing the exact numbers of pages on which particular terms can be found.

The terms included in the dictionary have been carefully chosen from sources such as

International Association of Athletics Federations’ Competition Rules 2006-2007 handbook, a

similar publication of Polish Athletic Association (PZLA) which includes interpretations of

IAAF’s rules and additional rules governing competitions in Poland. A monthly issued

magazine Lekkoatleta also served as a great source of up-to-date terminology as well as

IAAf’s, PZLA’s and Polanik’s websites.

Athletics consists of many events which can be generally divided into track and field. It

constitutes a very vast lexical field therefore the scope of vocabulary covered in the dictionary

ranges from the titles of various officials, names of particular events and technical devices used

both by judges and competitors to certain procedures and bodies governing the course of each


The entries are arranged in alphabetical order. Each entry consists of an English term

typed in bold followed by an English definition and a Polish equivalent also typed in bold. All

entries appear in the following form:

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International Olympic Committee (IOC)

An organization based in Lausanne, Switzerland, founded on June 23, 1894 to reinstate the

Olympic Games held in the ancient Greece associating 203 National Olympic Committees. Its

main purposes are to ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games and to encourage

and support the organization, development and coordination of sport and sports competitions –

Międzynarodowy Komitet Olimpijski (MKOL).

Some entries have been illustrated with photographs, figures or charts in order to

provide a graphic representation of certain notions which may seem totally obscure to laymen.

The vast majority of them comes form the aforementioned sources and constitutes an adequate

supplement to respective entries.

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2.1. The history of IAAF.

The athletics events have been at the very heart of the Olympics since the ancient

Games at Olympia. Ever since the simple foot races, jumping, discus and javelin events that

marked the early Games in Greece, the basic tests of speed and strength have remained a key

element of the modern Olympics.

Athletics was an integral part of the first Athens Games in 1896, with medals awarded

for the 100m, 1,500m, 110m hurdles, marathon, long jump, triple jump, pole vault, discus, shot

put and high jump. At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, women's events - 100m, 800m,

4x100m, high jump, and discus - were included on the program for the first time.

The International Amateur Athletic Federation was founded in 1912 by 17 national

athletic federations.

2.2. The foundation years.

On July 17th, 1912, two days after the last athletics event of the Olympic Games, a

Congress was held in Stockholm for the formation of an International Federation for Amateur

Athletics. The following seventeen countries were represented at this historic meeting:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany,

Greece, Hungary, Norway, Russia, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. There was

an urgent need for an international governing body for Athletics owing to the development of

international competitions and the Olympic Games. A universal code of rules and regulations

and a common amateur definition acceptable throughout the world had become essential, as

well as an authentic register of World and Olympic Records.

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Though this meeting in Stockholm was, strictly speaking, an exploratory one, records

of the IAAF regard it as the first Congress and subsequent Congresses have been designated

accordingly. One year later in Berlin (1913), Congress accepted the first Constitution and

thirty-four nations figured on the membership list. J. Sigfrid Edström (Sweden) was elected

President and Kristian Hellström Honorary Secretary.

The first technical rules for international competitions were presented in 1914 at the

third Congress in Lyon, France, by the new Honorary Secretary, Hilding Kjellman (Sweden),

and Members were urged to adopt similar rules for their domestic competitions.

2.3. Officers and structure.

In 1930, Bo Ekelund (Sweden) became the third Honorary Secretary-Treasurer, a post

he held until 1946. A prominent member of the Rules and Records Committee at that time was

Avery Brundage (USA), later to become IOC President. This was the body then responsible for

keeping World Records, and this task fell principally to Szilard Sztankovits (Hungary) who

was also largely responsible for the decision to stage the first European Championships (1934,


In 1946, the IAAF Headquarters moved from Stockholm to London when Lord

Burghley (later to become the Marquess of Exeter) took over from J. Sigfrid Edström (Sweden)

as President. E.J.H. “Billy” Holt was Honorary Secretary-Treasurer until after the 1952

Helsinki Olympic Games, when Donald Pain took over this responsibility, a position he held

for seventeen years until Frederick Holder succeeded him in 1970. At the 1976 Montreal

Congress, Adriaan Paulen (Netherlands) succeeded Lord Exeter as President. The position of

Secretary-Treasurer was split: Frederick Holderwas re-elected Honorary Treasurer and the new

Council appointed John Holt as General Secretary.

Upon the retirement of Adriaan Paulen in 1981, Primo Nebiolo (Italy) became the

IAAF President, only the fourth person to hold this office in eighty years. After his death in

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November 1999, Council appointed Senior Vice President Lamine Diack (Senegal) as acting

President until the 2001 Congress in Edmonton, when Mr Diack was duly elected as President.

He was re-elected in 2003. At the 2003 IAAF Congress, Robert Stinson stood down as

Honorary Treasurer after nineteen years in that position. He was replaced by Jean Poczobut

(France). Council Member István Gyulai (Hungary) was appointed as General Secretary at the

end of 1991. In 1912, the Council was composed of seven members including the President.

After gradual increases, the number of members went up to 19 in 1976 with the addition of

four Vice Presidents, and reached 27 in 1995. In 2001, the Congress decided that the General

Secretary, in addition to the 27 elected members, is ex officio member of the Council.

In 2003, it was agreed that the IAAF should be regarded as the world governing body

not only for track and field athletics, road running, race walking and cross country running but

also for mountain running. The steady growth of the Association has accelerated in recent

decades; 211 member countries are currently affiliated. Representatives from the Member

Federations gather every two years at the IAAF Congress, which is the IAAF’s ultimate

decision-making body.

2.4. Areas.

Continental and Regional Games and Championships started to develop and play an

important role early. Obviously, organizing them was a matter for the athletically strong

countries in the respective continents and areas. Consudatle, the South American

Confederation, the first area association, was founded as early as 1918. Then the IAAF created

a European Committee to be in charge of the European Championships which were founded in


At the 1968 Congress, the Constitution was amended to provide for the setting up of

other Continental Area Associations within the IAAF similar to Consudatle. A further major

change in the Constitution in 1968 was to include in the Council a representative of each of the

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six Continental Areas, elected by the Members in those Area Groups, ensuring a truly world-

wide representation in the Council.

The European Athletic Association (EAA) was formed in 1969, its constitution being

ratified at the 1970 IAAF Congress. The Statutes of the Oceania Regional Group were

approved at the Munich Congress (1972) and those of the African Amateur Athletic

Confederation (AAAC) and the Asian Amateur Athletic Association (AAAA) were approved

by the Rome Congress (1974). Finally in Barcelona 1989, the North America, Central America

and Caribbean Athletic Association, founded in Puerto Rico one year earlier, was ratified by


2.5. The International Olympic Committee.

As early as 1921, the IAAF was in close contact with the IOC. The fourth Congress was

held that year in Geneva immediately before the IOC Congress. Co-operation with the IOC and

Olympic Games Organizing Committees to ensure the successful staging of athletics events at

the Olympic Games has always been a major feature of the IAAF’s activity.

A new dimension to the links with other international sporting bodies was when in 1985

the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) was created with

IAAF President, Primo Nebiolo, as the first ASOIF President, to be re-elected in 1989, 1993

and 1997.

The link was further strengthened when Primo Nebiolo was appointed IOC member in

March 1992 and after his death, the then acting IAAF President Lamine Diack was admitted to

the IOC. As of now, four more IAAF Council Members are also IOC Members: Arne

Ljungqvist, Sergey Bubka, Nawal El Moutawakel and Irena Szewinska.

In August 2001, at one of the regular joint meetings of the IOC Executive Board and

the IAAF Council, it was agreed that the IAAF flag would also fly alongside the Olympic flag

at future Olympics.

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2.6. IAAF Competitions.

Up to and including Moscow 1980, the Olympic Games were considered also the

official World Championships in Athletics. During those decades, every Olympic winner could

be regarded also as World Champion.

The Games apart, the IAAF World Race Walking Cup and the IAAF World Cross

Country Championships are the two oldest events in the association’s calendar. The Lugano

Trophy, forerunner of the World Race Walking Cup, first took place in 1961. The International

Cross Country Championships began as early as 1903, came under the auspices of the IAAF

only seventy years later.

In 1976, the IAAF organized a World Championship for the Men’s 50 km Race

Walking, as the event had been dropped from the Olympic Games program of that year.

The following year brought the first IAAF World Cup in Düsseldorf, and in 1978 the

historic decision was made to organize World Championships in Athletics separate from the

Olympic Games. Also in 1978, the first in a brief series of “IAAF Golden Events”, the Golden

Mile was held in Tokyo. Eleven more such events, all for men, were staged until 1982.

It was in the 1980s that the IAAF Competition Program expanded greatly. In 1980, the

IAAF Council selected Helsinki as venue for its first World Championships. The year also saw

two more special World Championship events which were missing from the program of the

Olympic Games in Moscow - the women’s 3000 meters and 400 meter hurdles. It was to be the

last time that the IAAF would need to compensate for the limitations of the Olympic Program

which has since been identical to the program of the IAAF World Championships. In August

1983 the first IAAF World Championships were held and were a huge success. Helsinki saw

participation by the largest global representation in sports history.

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In late 1983, the IAAF World 10 km Road Race Championship for Women was held in

San Diego. This developed into a regular World Championship event, as did the 1985 World

Indoor Games in Paris, forerunner of the IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics.

In 1985, the IAAF identified a need for all these events to be co-ordinated and the

“World Athletics Series” was born as a package of IAAF events. The first cycle, from 1985 to

1987, included the inaugural IAAF World Marathon Cup, the IAAF World Junior

Championships and the IAAF Grand Prix Final.

The Grand Prix emerged from another development of 1983 when the IAAF’s

Amateurism and Eligibility Working Group recommended the concept of International

Invitation Meetings. Two years later, the IAAF launched the Grand Prix, linking the best of

these invitation meetings and culminating in a final at the end of the season with awards for the

season’s best performers.

The second World Athletics Series cycle, covering the period 1988 to 1991, comprised

22 IAAF events. At the end of this package, it was decided to hold the IAAF World

Championships every two years. Further innovations continued into the 1990s. Throughout that

decade, the IAAF World Cross Challenge was staged, linking the world’s leading cross country

races on an annual basis. The IAAF World Road Relay Championships were introduced in

1992 and held on three further occasions. The IAAF World Half Marathon Championships

(men and women) replaced the 10/15 km road race for women from 1992 to be held annually,

though the World Cup was switched back to every four years from 1994. From 1998 the IAAF

Golden League and the IAAF World Combined Events Challenge were introduced. Biennial

World Youth Championships in Athletics started in 1999 and received great support.

In 2000, it was decided to make the number of IAAF events in odd and even years more

evenly balanced. To this end, the IAAF World Indoor Championships were moved to an even-

year schedule from 2004. The IAAF Race Walking Challenge series was inaugurated in 2003.

That year also saw a re-structure of the one-day meeting circuit to include the Golden League,

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Super Grand Prix and Grand Prix meetings. The Grand Prix Final was replaced as the seasonal

finale by “The World Athletics Final”, comprising 35 disciplines of track and field.

Throughout these times of huge growth in IAAF competitions, the link with the

Olympic Games has remained strong with the Association’s close involvement in the

organization of the program of track and field, which uncontestedly remains the number one

sport of the Olympics Games.

2.7. Amateurism.

The Eligibility Rules have come under close scrutiny in the last quarter of the last

century. Considerable amendments approved by the IAAF Congress in 1982 (Athens) in the

first instance and in 1999 (Seville) allow athletes to receive payments for participation and

performance in international competitions. It was decided to retain the word “amateur” in the

title of the IAAF until the Congress of 2001, when the IAAF’s name was changed from the

“International Amateur Athletic Federation” to the “International Association of Athletics


Advertising within the arena and on the athletes themselves is now allowed, under strict

control. In 1991, Congress voted to accept professional sportsmen from other sports as eligible


At the end of March 1996, the IAAF Council took a decision of historical importance

for the Athletics Movement. It agreed to make “Competition Awards” available to top-placed

athletes at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and other events of the World

Athletics Series for seniors.

2.8. IAAF World Rankings.

In June 2000, the IAAF introduced the IAAF World Rankings, a computerized system ranking

the athletes by event and on an overall basis. The ranking positions are calculated by athletes’

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performances and placings at all athletics competitions held on world, international and

national level, which are categorized according to their athletics strength. In 2004 the Rankings

were expanded to include Road Races and Race Walking events. Since 2003, the Rankings

were used to determine qualification for the World Athletics Final, the successor of the Grand

Prix Final.

The Rankings are also used, among others, to evaluate the level of participation at one-

day meetings and to determine the Registered Testing Pool in the anti-doping program. Many

Federations and sponsors offer benefits to athletes depending on their Ranking’s position.

2.9. Development Program.

The IAAF development activities date back to the mid-seventies when the Congress in

Montreal approved the Technical Aid Program proposed by Jozsef Sir (Hungary) who later

became the first director of the program. Since 1985 a network of Regional Development

Centers, covering all six IAAF Areas, has supported the work of the Member Federations by

providing a focal point for the program of development activities in their region. In accordance

with the declaration of the late Primo Nebiolo that the nineties shall be the Decade of

Development, these years saw a dynamic increase of development activities all over the world.

Since the implementation of the IAAF Development Program in 1990, the IAAF,

through its RDCs, has offered to the Member Federations a diverse program of activities such

as study courses, competition consultancies, seminars and workshops for coaches, technical

officials, competition organizers and other key federation personnel. More than 10,000 persons

have benefited from these activities worldwide. The IAAF also provides information through a

growing number of technical publications, posters and audio-visual material. In close co-

operation with Olympic Solidarity and other international partners, the IAAF started in 1997 to

set up High Performance Training Centers to provide places of excellence for the training and

development of international class athletes and coaches. In order to make certified training

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facilities of approved standard and high level specialized coaching widely available for the

members of the Athletics Family, the IAAF has also established a network of Accredited

Training Centers worldwide.

2.10. Functions of IAAF.

The IAAF’s first priority is to regulate and update competition rules at all international

athletics competitions. It also:

� maintains official World Records and World Bests

� runs competition programs for international class athletes

� supports 210 Member Federations throughout the world as well as six Area

Associations, who run the sport at the national and continental levels

� markets the sport by selling TV and sponsor rights so that the IAAF earns enough to

support the competition structures – including Prize Money for Athletes – and fund


� fights doping with a long established, hard-hitting antidoping campaign.

2.11. Athletics in Poland.

Polish Athletic Association (PZLA) was founded on 11th October 1919 as the first

sports association acting throughout the whole country. The development of Polish athletics

was difficult and full of hardship. The outbreak of war against the Soviet Russia prevented the

national team from taking part in the Olympic Games held in Antwerp in 1920 and

considerably delayed the participation of Poland in international competitions. Similarly, the

World War Two disrupted the continuity of the Games for two consecutive events (1940 and

1944). Polish team was also absent from the Olympic Games in Los Angeles (1984), which

was an act of solidarity with the Soviet Union and a form of retaliation for boycotting the

Games held in Moscow (1980) by the USA and other western countries. Moreover,

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unfavorable social and political conditions inside the country combined with difficult economic

situation did not promote the development of sports (Woltmann 1994: 9).

Despite all these circumstances, Polish athletes managed to make up for the time they

had lost and caught up with the rest of the world as soon as the second half of the 1950s. It was

an unprecedented phenomenon at that time and Polish team was referred to as “the dream

team” by foreign press. This period of success lasted a decade (1956-1966). In those years

Poland became the third athletic superpower of the world following the USA and the USSR.

In the years 1967-1968 the international level of athletic competition surged and Polish

athletes were no longer in the lead. This was clearly reflected during the Olympic Games in

Mexico (1968) where Poland won only two medals.

The political and social crisis of the 1970s and the attempts to reorganize Polish sport

created difficult conditions for athletics. Nevertheless, Poland had some outstanding

individuals (e.g. Irena Szewińska) as well as talented activists and coaches, who accounted for

the existence of Polish athletics during international competitions.

The economic situation of the country deteriorated following the August of 1980. This

situation was reflected in all areas of Polish sports. Also the absence from the Olympic Games

in 1984 exerted negative influence on some activists and athletes who were no longer able to

compete on international level (Woltmann 1994: 149-157).

The present situation of Polish athletics seems to be good. We have some outstanding

athletes who are in the top ten in the rankings of International Association of Athletics

Federations (IAAF) and European Athletic Association (EAA) (e.g. pole vaulter Monika Pyrek

and hammer thrower Szymon Ziółkowski – holders of the best results in the world in the year

2006). Hopefully, long traditions of athletics in Poland combined with the talents of Polish

athletes and hard work of their coaches will result in many medals during international

competitions of the highest level.

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Adhesive tape

A tape used by athletes for placing check-marks on the tracks and runways – taśma


Adverse Analytical Finding

A report from a laboratory or other approved testing entity that identifies in a sample the

presence of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers or evidence of the use of a

prohibited method – wynik pozytywny.

Advertising Boards

Standing boards suitable for Advertising placed around the track or along the course of a

Competition – tablice reklamowe.

Advertising Commissioner

The official who supervises and applies the current IAAF Advertising Rules and Regulations

and determines any unresolved advertising issues or matters arising in the Call Room –

komisarz do spraw reklamy.

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The official who informs the public of the names and numbers of the athletes taking part in

each event, and all relevant information such as the composition of the heats, lanes or stations

drawn, and intermediate times – spiker.

Area Association

An area association of the IAAF responsible for fostering Athletics in one of the six continental

areas into which the Members are divided – stowarzyszenie grupy krajów.


Any athlete participating in a Competition – lekkoatleta.

Athlete Support Personnel

Any coach, trainer, manager, authorized athlete representative, agent, team staff, official,

medical or para-medical personnel or any other person working with, or treating athletes

participating in, or preparing for, competition in Athletics – personel wspomagający



A discipline of sport comprising track and field, road running, race walking, cross-country

running and mountain running – lekka atletyka.


A trial made by an athlete in field events – próba.

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Bib Sponsors

The sponsors which are granted the right to display their name on the bibs – sponsorzy na

numerach startowych.


The arced line across the track marked at each end by a flag after the first bend where athletes

may leave their respective lanes – linia zejścia z torów.


The enclosure which ensures the safety of spectators, officials and athletes intended for use

when Hammer and Discus Throws take place in the arena with other events taking place at the

same time or when the events take place outside the arena with spectators present – klatka.

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Call Room

The place where the athletes are checked before a competition (whether they are wearing the

national or club uniform clothing, the number bibs, shoes, number and dimension of spikes,

advertising on clothing and athletes' bags) – sala odpraw.

Call Room Judges

The officials who ensure that athletes are wearing the national or club uniform clothing

officially approved by their National Governing Body, that the number bibs are worn correctly

and correspond with start lists, that shoes, number and dimension of spikes, advertising on

clothing and athletes' bags comply with IAAF Rules and Regulations and that unauthorized

material is not taken into the arena – sędziowie weryfikujący na sali odpraw.

Court of Arbitration for Sport

The court with the seat in Lausanne (Switzerland) which settles all protest and disputes which

have arisen during the competition – Sportowy Sąd Arbitrażowy.

Check Mark

The athlete may place one check-mark on the track within his own lane by using adhesive tape

of a distinctive color which cannot be confused with other permanent markings (for a cinder or

grass track, he may make a check-mark within his own lane by scratching the track) – znak na


Chief Judge

The official appointed for track events and for each field event who co-ordinates the work of

the judges in their respective events – sędzia główny konkurencji.

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Chief Judge's Recorder

The official who records all the Red Cards issued by the judges during a Race Walking event –

sekretarz sędziego głównego.

Chief Photo Finish Judge

The official who is responsible for the functioning of the Photo Finish System (supervising the

positioning and testing of the equipment and maintaining control) – sędzia główny fotofiniszu.

Chief Timekeeper

The official designated to allocate duties to the number of appointed timekeepers – kierownik

sędziów mierzących czas.


A person who has legal citizenship of a Country or, in the case of a Territory, legal citizenship

of the Territory's parent Country and appropriate legal status in the Territory under applicable

laws – obywatel.


Legal citizenship of a Country or, in the case of a Territory, legal citizenship of the Territory’s

parent Country and appropriate legal status in the Territory under applicable laws –



A club or society of athletes affiliated to a Member in accordance with the rules of the Member

– klub.

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A Commission of the IAAF that has been appointed by the Council – komisja IAAF.


An event or series of events held over one or more days e.g., the World Championships, the

World Athletics Final or an individual Golden League meeting – zawody.

Competition Director

The official who plans the technical organization of a competition in cooperation with the

Technical Delegate and ensures that this plan is accomplished – kierownik zawodów.

Competition Secretary

The official who collects the full results of each event and immediately relays these details to

the Announcer, records the results and conveys the result card to the Competition Director –

sekretarz zawodów.

Competition Sites

All areas within the stadium (indoor or outdoor) including the mixed zone and the warm-up

area of the Competition – lokalizacja zawodów.

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Competition Title

The official title of a Competition – nazwa zawodów.


Adjustable parts of a hurdle which guarantee that at each height a certain force will be required

to overturn it – przeciwwagi.

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A self-governing geographical area of the world recognized as an independent state by

international law and international governmental bodies – kraj.


A device which consists of three parts - the circular bar and two end pieces for the purpose of

resting on the supports of the uprights and which is made of fiber-glass, or other suitable

material, circular in cross-section except for the end pieces – poprzeczka.

IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

Crossbar Placers

Devices used for putting the crossbar back on the supports in Pole Vault after it has been

displaced – widełki teleskopowe.

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Crossbar supports.

They are flat and rectangular devices firmly fixed to the uprights and immovable during the

jump used for resting the crossbar – podpórki poprzeczki.

IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

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Cross Country

A running event which takes place in an open or woodland area, covered as far as possible by

grass, with natural obstacles, which can be used by the course designer to build a challenging

and interesting race course – biegi przełajowe.


A device made of suitable material used for bordering the track which can be temporarily

removed for field events – krawężnik.

Danger sector

The sector of the field into which the implements are thrown from the cage by the athletes –

strefa zagrożenia.


A combined event consisting of ten events (100m; Long Jump; Shot Put; High Jump; 400m;

110m Hurdles; Discus Throw; Pole Vault; Javelin Throw and 1500m), which shall be held on

two consecutive days – dziesięciobój.


A device which is solid or hollow, made of wood, or other suitable material, with a metal rim

the edge of which shall be circular used in the Discus Throw – dysk.

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Distance Indicator Board

A device used in horizontal jumping events for indicating the length of the jump – listwa

długości skoku.

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Distance Markers

Devices used for marking the distance in throwing events – znaczniki linii odległości.

Doping Control Delegate

He liaises with the Organizing Committee to ensure that suitable facilities are provided for the

conduct of doping control – delegat kontroli dopingowej.

Eligible Athlete

An athlete who agrees to abide by the Rules of IAAF and is eligible to compete – zawodnik



A single race or contest in a competition e.g. the 100 meters or the Javelin Throw –


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Event Presentation Manager

The official who plans the event presentation arrangements for a competition, in cooperation

with the Organizational and Technical Delegate and ensures that the plan is accomplished,

resolving any relevant problems – kierownik do spraw oprawy zawodów.

Extraneous forces

Forces which displace the bar (e.g. a gust of wind in High Jump) when it is obvious that it has

not been done a force associated with an athlete – siły zewnętrzne.

False start

If an athlete, after assuming a full and final set position, will commence his starting motion

without waiting for the report of the gun, or approved starting apparatus – falstart.

Field Events

All jumping and throwing events which take place in the field – konkurencje techniczne.

Field Markers

Devices used in throwing events for marking the landing sector – znaczniki odległości.

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Finish line

A white line which denotes the finish of a race – linia mety.

Green card

It is shown to all the athletes in a situation when the false start is not due to any of them and no

warnings are given – zielona kartka.


A device used in the Hammer Throw which consists of three main parts: a metal head, a wire

and a handle – młot.

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IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

Hammer Key

A key for unscrewing the hammer’s swivel – klucz do młotów.

Hand timing

A timekeeping method based on using stopwatches or manually operated electronic timers with

digital readouts operated by the timekeepers standing in line with the finish and outside the

track – ręczny pomiar czasu.

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Preliminary rounds held in track events in which the number of athletes is too large to allow

the competition to be conducted satisfactorily in a single round – przedbiegi.


A combined event consisting of seven events (100m Hurdles; High Jump; Shot Put and 200m;

Long Jump; Javelin Throw and 800m), which shall be held on two consecutive days –


High Jump

A vertical jump in which an athlete takes off from one foot and has to jump over the bar in

such a way that it remains on the supports – skok wzwyż.


A device which consists of two feet and two uprights supporting a rectangular frame,

reinforced by one or more cross bars. It is made of metal or some other suitable material with

the top bar of wood – płotek.

IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

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Hurdle Races

A race in which there are ten flights of hurdles in each lane – biegi przez płotki.


A device used in a throwing event such as a shot, a discus, a hammer or a javelin – sprzęt


In-competition Testing

In-competition testing means testing where an athlete is selected for testing in connection with

a specific event – kontrola dopingowa podczas zawodów.

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Indoor Stadium

The stadium which is completely enclosed and covered equipped with lighting, heating and

ventilation which provide satisfactory conditions for competition on the arena including an

oval track, a straight track for sprints and hurdles; runways and landing areas for jumping

events – obiekt halowy.

In-field Boards

Advertising Boards at stadium Competitions within the inner circumference of the track –

tablice reklamowe rozmieszczone wokół wewnętrznego obwodu bieżni.

Intermediate times

Times of the leading runner kept after covering a certain distance – międzyczasy.

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)

The World Governing Body of the sport of athletics founded in 1912 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Known for most of its life as the International Amateur Athletics Federation the IAAF changed

its name in 2001 to “International Association of Athletics Federations” to reflect its status

today –Międzynarodowy Związek Federacji Lekkoatletycznych.

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International-Level athlete

An athlete who is in the Registered Testing Pool for out-of competition testing or who is

competing in an International Competition – zawodnik na poziomie klasy mistrzowskiej

międzynarodowej podlegający kontroli dopingowej.

International Photo Finish Judge

The judge who supervises all Photo Finish functions – sędzia międzynarodowy fotofiniszu.

International Race Walking Judge

The judges who supervise any race walking event – sędzia międzynarodowy chodu


International Road Race Measurer

The official who verifies the courses where road events are held entirely or partially outside the

stadium and witnesses the conduct of the race to ensure that the course run by athletes follows

the same course that was measured and approved – międzynarodowy mierniczy trasy.

International Starter

The official who has entire control of the athletes on their marks and should position himself so

that he has full visual control over all athletes during the start procedure and starts the races by

firing a gun – starter międzynarodowy.

International Technical Officials (ITO)

The officials who ensure that the conduct of the competition is in full conformity with IAAF

Technical Rules and Technical Regulations – międzynarodowi obserwatorzy techniczni.

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International Olympic Committee (IOC)

An organization based in Lausanne, Switzerland, founded on June 23, 1894 to reinstate the

Olympic Games held in the ancient Greece associating 203 National Olympic Committees. Its

main purposes are to ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games and to encourage

and support the organization, development and coordination of sport and sports competitions –

Międzynarodowy Komitet Olimpijski (MKOL).


A device used in the Javelin Throw which consists of three main parts: a shaft, a cord grip and

a head terminating in a sharp point – oszczep.


The officials who operate from the same side of the track or course during track and road

events and decide the order in which the athletes have finished the race and also judge and

record each trial and measure each valid trial of athletes in all field events – sędziowie.

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Jury of Appeal

The body which deals with all appeals and with any matters arising during the course of the

competition – komisja odwoławcza.

Landing Area (Long Jump and Triple Jump)

It is placed in such a manner that the middle of the runway coincides with the middle of the

landing area filled with soft damp sand, the top surface of which is level with the take-off

board – zeskocznia.

IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

Landing Area (Pole Vault)

A square area with the side of approximately 5 meters adjacent to the pole vault box – zeskok.

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Landing sector

An area used in throwing events which consists of cinders or grass or other suitable material on

which the implement makes an imprint – sektor rzutów.


A part of the track used by one runner – tor.

Lane infringement

A situation in which an athlete is pushed or forced by another person to run outside his lane or

when he voluntarily or deliberately leaves his lane – naruszenie toru.

Lane marker

A device used for marking lanes of the track – znacznik toru.

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Lap Scorers

The officials who keep a record of the laps completed by all athletes in races longer than 1500

meters – sędziowie liczący okrążenia.

Long Jump

A horizontal jump in which an athlete takes off from one foot and tries to cover the longest

possible distance before touching the ground in the landing area – skok w dal.

Skoki Długie – prezentacja Polskiego Związku Lekkiej Atletyki

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A compound, group of compounds or biological parameters that indicates the use of a

prohibited substance or prohibited method – znacznik używania niedozwolonego dopingu.


The official who has control of the arena and does not allow any persons other than the

officials and athletes assembled to compete or other authorized persons with valid accreditation

to enter and remain therein – inspektor.

Measurement Judge (Electronics)

The official who supervises the positioning of the measuring instruments before each event and

remains in overall charge of the operation during the competition – sędzia elektronicznego

pomiaru odległości.

Measuring Cane

A device for marking the trace left by an implement in the landing sector – szpilka do

zaznaczania śladu.

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Measuring Instrument for Hammers

A device for measuring the length and testing the center of gravity of the hammer – przymiar

do młotów.

Measuring Tape

A device used by judges in throwing events for measuring the distance – taśma miernicza.

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Medical Delegate

The official who has ultimate authority on all medical matters and ensures that adequate

facilities for medical examination, treatment and emergency care will be available at the site of

the competition and that medical attention can be provided where athletes are accommodated –

delegat medyczny.

Medical staff

The staff appointed by the Organizing Committee and identified by armbands, vests or similar

distinctive apparel which provides medical examination, treatment or physiotherapy – personel


Meeting Manager

The official who is responsible for the correct conduct of the competition, checks that all

officials have reported for duty, appoints substitutes when necessary and has authority to

remove from duty any official who is not abiding by the rules – sędzia główny.


Any substance produced by a biotransformation process – metabolit.

Mixed Competition

Mixed events between male and female participants which are not permitted during all

competitions held completely in the stadium – wspólny start mężczyzn i kobiet.

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Mountain Races

The races which take place across country and are mainly off road and involve considerable

amounts of ascent and descent – biegi górskie.

National Anti-Doping Organization

The entity designated by each Country or Territory as possessing the primary authority and

responsibility to adopt and implement anti-doping rules, direct the collection of doping control

samples, the management of test results, and the conduct of hearings, all at the national level –

Krajowa Komisja Antydopingowa.

National Member Federation

The National Body which has the authority for the governing and running of the sport in many

different countries and territories around the world. Its main functions are to make sure IAAF

Rules are being respected in international competitions in their countries, maintain official

National Records and Best Performances, run competitions, market the sport to fund

Competitions and Development Programs and fight doping – Narodowa Federacja


Number bibs

Provided to the athlete during the competition, should be worn visibly on the breast and back.

The number bib should correspond with the number allocated to the athlete in the program –

numery startowe.

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IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007


A situation in which an athlete jostles or obstructs another athlete in order to impede his

progress – przeszkadzanie.


A combined event consisting of eight events (100m; Long Jump; Shot Put; 400m; 110m

Hurdles; High Jump; Javelin Throw and 1000m), which shall be held on two consecutive days

– ośmiobój.

Official Surveyor

The official who checks the accuracy of the markings and installations and furnishes

appropriate certificates to the Technical Manager before the competition – urzędowy


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Oral protest

The right to make an oral protest given to each athlete against being charged with a false start

or against having an attempt judged as a failure – protest ustny.

Organizational Delegates

The officials who report regularly to the IAAF Council and deal as necessary with matters

concerning the duties and financial responsibilities of the Organizing Member and the

Organizing Committee – delegaci organizacyjni.

Organizing Committee

The body which is responsible for organizing competitions (sending invitations to participants,

providing facilities and equipment, appointing officials, etc.) – komitet organizacyjny.

Out-of-competition testing

Out-of-competition testing is any doping control which is not in-competition performed at any

time or place – kontrola antydopingowa poza zawodami.


A device of uniform thickness and diameter without notches or indentations of any kind which

supports the crossbar in a Pole Vault – kołek.


A combined event consisting of five events which shall be held on one day in the following

order: Long Jump; Javelin Throw; 200m; Discus Throw; and 1500m – pięciobój.

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Photo Finish Judges

The officials who are appointed when Fully Automatic Photo Finish equipment is used –

sędziowie fotofiniszu.

Photo Finish System

The system is started automatically by the Starter's gun, or approved starting apparatus and has

to record the finish through a camera with a vertical slit which is positioned in the extension of

the finish line and produces a continuous image. The system has to automatically record the

finish times of the athletes and produce a printed image which shows the time of every athlete

– system fotofiniszu.

Biegi – prezentacja Polskiego Związku Lekkiej Atletyki

Plasticine Indicator Board

A rigid board made of wood or any other suitable material painted in a contrasting color to the

take-off board mounted in a recess or shelf in the runway, on the side of the take-off board

nearer the landing area covered with a plasticine layer along its length – listwa z wkładką


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Pole Vault

A vertical jump in which an athlete takes off from a box using a vaulting pole in order to jump

over the bar in such a way that it remains on the pegs – skok o tyczce.

Pole Vault Box

A device constructed of suitable material (e.g. wood), preferably with rounded upper edges and

which is sunk level with the runway – skrzynka do skoku o tyczce.

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IAAF Competitions Rules 2006-2007


The actual, physical possession or the constructive possession of a prohibited substance or

prohibited method – posiadanie zakazanych substancji dopingowych.

Posting Board

A device which is placed on the course and near the finish of a Race Walking event to keep

athletes informed about the number of Red Cards that have been sent to the Chief Judge for

each athlete – tablica informacyjna.

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Posting Board Operator

The official who operates the posting board during a Race Walking event – sędzia

obsługujący tablicę informacyjną.

Practice trials

Each athlete is entitled to perform practice trials at the competition area and before the

beginning of the event – rzuty/skoki próbne przed rozpoczęciem konkurencji.

Procedural Guidelines

The Procedural Guidelines for Doping Control as approved by the Council of IAAF –

Procedury Kontroli Antydopingowej.

Prohibited List

A list published by the World Anti-Doping Agency identifying the prohibited substances and

prohibited methods – lista zabronionych substancji.

Prohibited Substance

Any substance described on the Prohibited List – niedozwolona substancja.

Race Walking

A progression of steps so taken that the walker makes contact with the ground, so that no

visible (to the human eye) loss of contact occurs. The advancing leg shall be straightened (i.e.

not bent at the knee) from the moment of first contact with the ground until the vertical upright

position – chód sportowy.

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The officials who are obliged to recall the race if any infringement of the rules is observed –

starterzy odwołujący.

Red Card

Shown by the Judge indicates the exclusion of the athlete from the competition – czerwona


Red Flag

Raised by the Judge indicates the non-validity of a trial during field events – czerwona


Red paddle

A device used by Race Walking Chief Judge to notify the athlete of his disqualification –

tabliczka ze znacznikiem dyskwalifikacji.


The officials who ensure that the rules and applicable technical regulations are observed and

decide upon any matters which arise during the competition and for which provision has not

been made in these rules or any applicable technical regulations – arbitrzy.

Registered Testing Pool

The pool of top-ranked athletes established by the IAAF who are subject to both in-

competition and out-of-competition testing as part of the IAAF’s testing program – lista

zawodników IAAF podlegających kontroli antydopingowej.

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The rules of the IAAF passed by the Council – przepisy IAAF.

Relay Baton

A smooth colored hollow tube, circular in section, made of wood, metal or any other rigid

material in one piece with the length between 28 and 30cm used in relay races – pałeczka


Relay Changeover

The action of passing the baton to the receiving athlete which must take place within the take-

over zone – zmiana w sztafecie.

Relay Races

Races during the course of which the relay baton is passed among the members of the running

team in the take-over zones – biegi sztafetowe.

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Road Course

Distance which athletes have to cover during a Race Walking event – trasa chodu.

Road Races

Races run on made-up roads or on a bicycle path or footpath alongside the road, but not on soft

ground such as grass verges or the like. The start and finish may be within an athletic arena –

biegi uliczne.


The rules of competition of the IAAF as set out in Competition Rules handbook – przepisy



A solid surface without any special sprung sections on which an athlete gains speed in order to

perform a jump or a throw – rozbieg.

Runway Markers

Devices used by athletes to mark the length of the runway in vertical and horizontal jumps –

znaczniki rozbiegu.

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Any biological material collected for the purposes of doping control – próbka moczu/krwi.


The method of scoring agreed by all the competing countries before the start of the competition

– punktacja.

Sector Line

A device used for outlining the landing sector in throwing events – taśma do wyznaczania

sektora rzutów.

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Series Sponsors

Sponsors which are granted the right to associate their name with the Competition Title or a

series of Competitions – sponsor zawodów.


The morning session and the evening session of a competition or each race of a competition –

sesja zawodów.


A device which is spherical in shape and its surface has no roughness made of solid iron, brass

or any metal or a shell of such metal filled with lead or other material used in the Shot Put –


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Simultaneous Entries

When an athlete is entered in both track and field events, or in more than one field event taking

place simultaneously – udział w konkurencjach rozgrywanych równocześnie.

Sleeping leg

The leg which is passive during certain phases of Triple Jump – noga przenoszona.


Small metal pins attached to the soles of athlete’s shoes which allow to grip satisfactorily to the

track and prevent skidding – kolce.

Start Coordinator

The official who informs the Starter that everything is in order to initiate the start procedure

(e.g. that the Timekeepers, the Judges and, when applicable, the Chief Photo Finish Judge and

the Wind Gauge Operator are ready) – koordynator startu.

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Start line

The white line which denotes the start of a race – linia startu.

Starter's Assistants

The officials who check that the athletes are competing in the correct heat or race and that their

number bibs are worn correctly. They also place each athlete in his correct lane or station,

assembling the athletes behind the start line – asystenci startera.

Starting Blocks

Devices which consist of two foot plates (against which the athlete's feet are pressed in the

starting position) mounted on a rigid frame used for all races up to and including 400m – bloki


Steeplechase Hurdle

It is firmly fixed to the ground, so that no horizontal movement is possible and the top bars are

painted with white and black stripes, or with other distinctive contrasting colors –przeszkoda.

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IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

Steeplechase Races

Races including hurdle jumps and water jumps evenly distributed throughout the distance –

biegi z przeszkodami.

Stop Board

A white board made of wood or other suitable material in the shape of an arc placed mid-way

between the sector lines firmly fixed to the ground used in Shot Put – próg.

IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

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A manually operated electronic timer with digital readouts used by Timekeepers for hand

timing – stoper.


Company providing any kind of equipment, apparel or other products for use by an Athlete or

otherwise at a competition – dostawca sprzętu sportowego.

Take-off area

The area between the take-off board and the landing area – miejsce odbicia.

Take-off Board

A white, rectangular board sunk level with the runway and the surface of the landing area made

of wood or other suitable rigid material used for marking the take-off – belka do odbicia.

IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

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Take-off line

The edge of the take-off board which is nearer to the landing area – linia odbicia.

Take-off marker

A device used in Long Jump and Triple Jump for marking the Take-off Area – znacznik


Take-over zone

The 20-meter section of the track where the baton has to be passed to the receiving runner

during a relay race – strefa zmiany.


The altering of any item for an improper purpose or in an improper way in relation to doping

control, bringing improper influence to bear upon the doping control or disciplinary process, or

interfering to alter results or to prevent normal procedures from occurring – niedozwolone

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czynności powodujące zmiany parametrów sprzętu lub zamiana próbek podczas kontroli


Target Testing

The selection of athletes for testing where specific athletes or groups of athletes are selected on

a non-random basis for testing at a specified time – celowy wybór do kontroli


Technical Delegates

The officials responsible for ensuring that all technical arrangements are in complete

conformity with IAAF Technical Rules and for all other technical preparations necessary for

the holding of the athletic events – delegaci techniczni.

Technical Manager

The official who is responsible for ensuring that the track, runways, circles, arcs, sectors,

landing areas for field events and all equipment and implements are in accordance with IAAF

Rules – kierownik techniczny.

Telescopic Measuring Device

A device used in High Jump and Pole Vault for measuring the height of the trial – przymiar


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A geographical territory or region which is not a country, but which has certain aspects of self-

government, at least to the extent of being autonomous in the control of its sport and which is

thus recognized as such by the IAAF – terytorium.

Throwing Circle

The circle the rim of which is made of band iron, steel or other suitable material, the top of

which is flush with the ground outside. The interior of the circle is constructed of concrete,

asphalt or some other firm but not slippery material – koło do rzutów.

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IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

Throwing events

The events in which an athlete throws or puts an implement (e.g. Shot Put, Hammer Throw) –

konkurencje rzutowe.


In the case of hand timing, a sufficient number of timekeepers for the number of athletes

entered are appointed – sędziowie mierzący czas.

Top Board

A horizontal part of the hurdle made of highly resistant plastic – listwa do płotka.

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A standard running track which consists of two parallel straights and two bends whose radii are

equal bordered by a kerb of suitable material – bieżnia.

IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

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Track Events

All running events which take place on running track – konkurencje biegowe.


The selling, transporting, sending, delivering or distributing of a prohibited substance or

prohibited method to an athlete, athlete support personnel or other person, either directly or

through one or more third parties, but excluding the selling or distributing (by medical

personnel or other persons) of a prohibited substance or prohibited method for genuine and

legal therapeutic purposes – niedozwolona dystrybucja środków zabronionych.

Transponder Timing System

Time keeping method based on transponders carried on the athletes' uniform, number bib or

shoe – transponderowy system mierzenia czasu.


An attempt made by an athlete in jumping and throwing events – próba.

Triple Jump

A horizontal jump which consists of a hop, a step and a jump. The hop is made so that an

athlete lands first on the same foot from which he has taken off; in the step he lands on the

other foot from which he subsequently performs the jump – trójskok.

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Skoki Długie – prezentacja Polskiego Związku Lekkiej Atletyki

Therapeutic Use Exemption

A situation when an athlete is allowed to used prohibited drugs for therapeutic purposes –

zażywanie środków dopingujących w celach leczniczych.


The officials who are assistants to the Referees during track and road events, without authority

to make final decisions placed in such a position that they may observe the competition closely

and, in the case of a failure or violation of the rules by an athlete or other person, make an

immediate written report of the incident to the Referee – sędziowie torowi.


Rigid posts used for resting the crossbar in High Jump and Pole Vault – stojaki.

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IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007


The application, ingestion, injection or consumption by any means whatsoever of any

prohibited substance or prohibited method – zabronione przyjęcie substancji niedozwolonej.

Validity of Performances

Only performances accomplished by an athlete during an official competition organized in

conformity with IAAF Rules can be considered valid – ważność wyników.

Vaulting Pole

A long and thin pole made of any material or combination of materials and of any length or

diameter, but with a smooth surface – tyczka.

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Video Recording

The official video recording of all events used as supporting documentation which helps to

determine the accuracy of performances and any violation of the Rules – rejestracja


Water jump

One of the obstacles during a steeplechase event including a hurdle and a water pit the bottom

of which consists of a synthetic surface, or matting, of sufficient thickness to ensure safe

landing, and allow for the spikes to grip satisfactorily – przeszkoda wodna.

IAAF Competition Rules 2006-2007

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White Flag

Raised by the Judge indicates the validity of a trial during field events – biała chorągiewka.

Wind Gauge

The device used for measuring wind velocity in track and field events – wiatromierz.

Wind Gauge Operator

The official who ensures that the gauge is placed in accordance with specific regulations and

ascertains the velocity of the wind in the running direction in appropriate events and then

records and signs the results obtained – sędzia obsługujący wiatromierz.

Wind measurement

The measurement of the wind velocity read in meters per second – pomiar prędkości wiatru.

Wind sock

A device which shows the athletes the approximate direction and strength of the wind –

wskaźnik kierunku wiatru.

World Athletics Series

The major International Competitions in the IAAF’s four-yearly official competition program –

system zawodów IAAF.


Practice trials each athlete may have at the competition area and before the beginning of the

event – rozgrzewka.

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Yellow Card

Shown by the Judge indicates a warning issued to the athlete – żółta kartka.

Yellow paddle

A device used by Race Walking Judge to caution the athlete that he is in danger of failing to

comply with the rules – tabliczka ze znacznikiem ostrzeżenia.

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arbitrzy – referees……………………………………………………………………………..76

asystenci startera – starter's assistants………………………………………………………...82


belka do odbicia – take-off board…………………………………………………………….84

biała chorągiewka – white flag……………………………………………………………….94

biegi górskie – mountain races……………………………………………………………….69

biegi przełajowe – cross country……………………………………………………………..52

biegi przez płotki – hurdle races………………………………………………………..59

biegi sztafetowe – relay races………………………………………………………………...77

biegi uliczne – road races……………………………………………………………………..78

biegi z przeszkodami – steeplechase races……………………………………………………83

bieżnia – track………………………………………………………………………………...89

bloki startowe – starting blocks………………………………………………………………82


celowy wybór do kontroli antydopingowej – target testing…………………………………..86

chód sportowy – race walking………………………………………………………………..75

czerwona chorągiewka – red flag…………………………………………………………….76

czerwona kartka – red card…………………………………………………………………...76

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delegaci organizacyjni – organizational delegates……………………………………………71

delegaci techniczni – technical delegates……………………………………………………..86

delegat kontroli dopingowej - doping control delegate……………………………………….54

delegat medyczny – medical delegate………………………………………………………...68

dostawca sprzętu sportowego – supplier……………………………………………………...84

dysk – discus………………………………………………………………………………….52

dziesięciobój – decathlon……………………………………………………………………..52


falstart – false start……………………………………………………………………………55


Inspektor – marshal…………………………………………………………………………...66


kierownik do spraw oprawy zawodów – event presentation manager………………………..55

kierownik sędziów mierzących czas – chief timekeeper……………………………………...47

kierownik techniczny – technical manager…………………………………………………...86

kierownik zawodów – competition director…………………………………………………..48

klatka – cage…………………………………………………………………………………..45

klub – club…………………………………………………………………………………….47

klucz do młotów – hammer key………………………………………………………………57

kolce – spikes………… ……………………………………………………………………....81

kołek – peg……………………………………………………………………………………71

koło do rzutów – throwing circle……………………………………………………………..87

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komisarz do spraw reklamy – advertising commissioner…………………………………….43

komisja IAAF – commission…………………………………………………………………48

komisja odwoławcza – jury of appeal………………………………………………………...63

komitet organizacyjny – organizing committee………………………………………………71

konkurencja – event…………………………………………………………………………..54

konkurencje biegowe – track events………………………………………………………….90

konkurencje rzutowe – throwing events……………………………………………………...88

konkurencje techniczne – field events………………………………………………………..55

kontrola antydopingowa poza zawodami – out-of-competition testing………………………71

kontrola dopingowa podczas zawodów – in-competition testing…………………………….59

koordynator startu – start coordinator………………………………………………………...81

kraj – country…………………………………………………………………………………50

Krajowa Komisja Antydopingowa – National Anti-Doping Organization…………………...69

krawężnik – curb……………………………………………………………………………...52

kula – shot…………………………………………………………………………………….80


lekka atletyka – athletics……………………………………………………………………...44

lekkoatleta – athlete…………………………………………………………………………..44

linia mety – finish line………………………………………………………………………..56

linia odbicia – take-off line…………………………………………………………………...85

linia startu – start line…………………………………………………………………………82

linia zejścia z torów – breakline………………………………………………………………45

lista zabronionych substancji – prohibited list...……………………………………………...75

lista zawodników IAAF podlegających kontroli antydopingowej – registered testing pool…76

listwa długości skoku – distance indicator board…………………………………………..…53

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listwa do płotka – top board…………………………………………………………………..88

listwa z wkładką plastelinową – plasticine indicator board………………………………..…72

lokalizacja zawodów – competition sites……………………………………………………..48


metabolit – metabolite………………………………………………………………………...68

miejsce odbicia – take-off area……………………………………………………………….84

międzyczasy – intermediate times……………………………………………………………60

międzynarodowi obserwatorzy techniczni – international technical officials (ITO)…………61

Międzynarodowy Komitet Olimpijski – International Olympic Committee (IOC)………….62

międzynarodowy mierniczy trasy – international road race measurer……………………….61

Międzynarodowy Związek Federacji Lekkoatletycznych – International Association of

Athletics Federations………………………………………………………………………….60

młot – hammer………………………………………………………………………………..56


Narodowa Federacja Członkowska – National Member Federation…………………………69

naruszenie toru – lane infringement…………………………………………………………..64

nazwa zawodów – competition title………………………………………………………….49

niedozwolona dystrybucja środków zabronionych – trafficking……………………………..90

niedozwolona substancja – prohibited substance…………………………………………….75

niedozwolone czynności powodujące zmiany parametrów sprzętu lub zamiana próbek podczas

kontroli antydopingowej – tampering………………………………………………………..85

noga przenoszona – sleeping leg……………………………………………………………..81

numery startowe – number bibs………………………………………………………………69

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obiekt halowy – indoor stadium……………………………………………………………....60

obywatel – citizen…………………………………………………………………………….47

obywatelstwo – citizenship…………………………………………………………………...47

oszczep – javelin……………………………………………………………………………...62

ośmiobój – octathlon………………………………………………………………………….70


pałeczka sztafetowa – relay baton…………………………………………………………….77

personel medyczny – medical staff…………………………………………………………...68

personel wspomagający zawodnika – athlete support personnel……………………………..44

pięciobój – pentathlon………………………………………………………………………...71

płotek – hurdle…………………………………………………………………………58

podpórki poprzeczki – crossbar supports……………………………………………………..51

pomiar prędkości wiatru – wind measurement……………………………………………….94

poprzeczka – crossbar………………………………………………………………………...50

posiadanie zakazanych substancji dopingowych – possession……………………………….74

procedury kontroli antydopingowej – procedural guidelines…………………………………75

protest ustny – oral protest……………………………………………………………………71

próba – attempt………………………………………………………………………………..44

próba – trial…………………………………………………………………………………...90

próbka moczu/krwi – sample/specimen………………………………………………………79

próg – stop board……………………………………………………………………………...83

przeciwwagi – counterweights………………………………………………………………..49

przedbiegi – heats………………………………………………………………………58

przepisy IAAF – regulations………………………………………………………………….77

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przepisy zawodów – rules…………………………………………………………………….78

przeszkadzanie – obstruction…………………………………………………………………70

przeszkoda – steeplechase hurdle……………………………………………………………..82

przeszkoda wodna – water jump……………………………………………………………...93

przymiar do młotów – measuring instrument for hammers…………………………………..66

przymiar teleskopowy – telescopic measuring device……………………………………..…86

punktacja – scoring…………………………………………………………………………...79


rejestracja magnetowidowa – video recording………………………………………………..93

ręczny pomiar czasu – hand timing…………………………………………………………...57

rozbieg – runway……………………………………………………………………………...78

rozgrzewka – warm-up………………………………………………………………………..94

rzuty/skoki próbne przed rozpoczęciem konkurencji – practice trials………………………..75


sala odpraw – call room………………………………………………………………………46

sekretarz sędziego głównego – chief judge's recorder………………………………………..47

sekretarz zawodów – competition secretary………………………………………………….48

sektor rzutów – landing sector………………………………………………………………..64

sesja zawodów – session……………………………………………………………………...80

sędzia elektronicznego pomiaru odległości – measurement judge (electronics)…………......66

sędzia główny – meeting manager……………………………………………………………68

sędzia główny fotofiniszu – chief photo finish judge………………………………………...47

sędzia główny konkurencji – chief judge……………………………………………………..46

sędzia międzynarodowy chodu sportowego – international race walking judge……………..61

sędzia międzynarodowy fotofiniszu – international photo finish judge……………………...61

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sędzia obsługujący tablicę informacyjną – posting board operator…………………………..75

sędzia obsługujący wiatromierz – wind gauge operator……………………………………...94

sędziowie – judges……………………………………………………………………………62

sędziowie fotofiniszu – photo finish judges…………………………………………………..72

sędziowie liczący okrążenia – lap scorers…………………………………………………….65

sędziowie mierzący czas – timekeepers………………………………………………………88

sędziowie torowi – umpires…………………………………………………………………..91

sędziowie weryfikujący na sali odpraw – call room judges…………………………………..46

siedmiobój – heptathlon………………………………………………………………………58

siły zewnętrzne – extraneous forces…………………………………………………………..55

skok o tyczce – pole vault…………………………………………………………………….73

skok w dal – long jump……………………………………………………………………….65

skok wzwyż – high jump……………………………………………………………………..58

skrzynka do skoku o tyczce – pole vault box……………………………………………........73

spiker – announcer……………………………………………………………………………44

sponsor zawodów – series sponsors………………………………………………………..…80

sponsorzy na numerach startowych – bib sponsors…………………………………………..45

Sportowy Sąd Arbitrażowy – Court of Arbitration for Sport………………………………...46

sprzęt lekkoatletyczny – implement…………………………………………………………..59

starter międzynarodowy – international starter……………………………………………….61

starterzy odwołujący – recallers………………………………………………………………76

stojaki – uprights……………………………………………………………………………...91

stoper – stopwatch…………………………………………………………………………….84

stowarzyszenie grupy krajów – area association……………………………………………..44

strefa zagrożenia – danger sector……………………………………………………………..52

strefa zmiany – take-over zone……………………………………………………………….85

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system fotofiniszu – photo finish system……………………………………………………..72

system zawodów IAAF – World Athletics Series…………………………………………….94

szpilka do zaznaczania śladu – measuring cane………………………………………………66


tablica informacyjna – posting board…………………………………………………………74

tablice reklamowe – advertising boards………………………………………………………43

tablice reklamowe rozmieszczone wokół wewnętrznego obwodu bieżni – in-field boards….60

tabliczka ze znacznikiem dyskwalifikacji – red paddle………………………………………76

tabliczka ze znacznikiem ostrzeżenia – yellow paddle……………………………………….95

taśma do wyznaczania sektora rzutów – sector line…………………………………………..79

taśma miernicza – measuring tape…………………………………………………………….67

taśma samoprzylepna – adhesive tape………………………………………………………...43

terytorium – territory………………………………………………………………………….87

tor – lane………………………………………………………………………………………64

transponderowy system mierzenia czasu – transponder timing system………………………90

trasa chodu – road course……………………………………………………………………..78

trójskok – triple jump…………………………………………………………………………90

tyczka – vaulting pole………………………………………………………………………...92


udział w konkurencjach rozgrywanych równocześnie – simultaneous entries……………….81

urzędowy mierniczy – official surveyor……………………………………………………...70


ważność wyników – validity of performances………………………………………………..92

wiatromierz – wind gauge…………………………………………………………………….94

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widełki teleskopowe – crossbar placers………………………………………………………50

wskaźnik kierunku wiatru – wind sock……………………………………………………….94

wspólny start mężczyzn i kobiet – mixed competition……………………………………….68

wynik pozytywny – adverse analytical finding……………………………………………….43


zabronione przyjęcie substancji niedozwolonej – use………………………………………..92

zawodnik na poziomie klasy mistrzowskiej międzynarodowej podlegający kontroli dopingowej

– international-level athlete…………………………………………………….......................61

zawodnik uprawniony – eligible athlete…………………………………………………...…54

zawody – competition………………………………………………………………………...48

zażywanie środków dopingujących w celach leczniczych – therapeutic use exemption……..91

zeskocznia – landing area (long jump and triple jump)………………………………………63

zeskok – landing area (pole vault)……………………………………………………………63

zielona kartka – green card…………………………………………………………………...56

zmiana w sztafecie – relay changeover……………………………………………………….77

znacznik odbicia – take-off marker…………………………………………………………...85

znacznik toru – lane marker…………………………………………………………………..64

znacznik używania niedozwolonego dopingu – marker……………………………………...66

znaczniki linii odległości – distance markers……...………………………………………….54

znaczniki odległości – field markers………………………………………………………….55

znaczniki rozbiegu – runway markers………………………………………………………...78

znak na bieżni – check mark……………………………………………………….................46


żółta kartka – yellow card…………………………………………………………………….95

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The process of compilation of terminological dictionaries is very complex and requires

a lot of preparation. In order to succeed the compiler needs not only to organize the particular

terminological lexicon he is working with, but also determine the structure of the entry,

indexes, etc. In other words, he has to decide about the macro- and microstructure of the

dictionary he intends to create.

The ultimate objective is very difficult to achieve. The creation of the ideal model of

terminological dictionary is one of the most important tasks of terminological lexicography as

the current scientific and technological developments exert great influence on contemporary

global economic situation and accelerate the phenomenon of so called terminological boom.

Hundreds or even thousands of new terms begin to function everyday. The amount of new

vocabulary is vast.

Languages for special purposes also undergo changes and develop. As tools of

professional communication they play a very important role in the transfer of technology.

Taking into consideration the international character of scientific and professional activities the

necessity arises to level the amount of professional knowledge in different parts of the globe.

More and more new terms are coined within short periods of time and the natural reaction to

this situation should be an adequate number of terminological dictionaries.

New technologies and fields of science are constantly created in developed countries. If

this process is to be controlled, the newly created terminological lexicons need to be organized

and described in proper professional dictionaries, which should satisfy the needs of their users.

These dictionaries ought to be characterized by precision and adequacy.

Although terminological dictionaries are compiled continually, their quality and

quantity are below satisfactory level. They do not come up to the high expectations of their

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prospective users as they do not keep up with the present stage of development of

terminography and the fields of knowledge they try to present.

This thesis is an attempt to compile an English-Polish dictionary of terms related to

athletics, which is also referred to as “the queen of all sports”. It is true that this sports

discipline comprises many different events, which can be generally divided into running,

throwing and jumping. Nevertheless, we must not forget that athletics is not only track and

field, but also events such as cross country, race walking, mountain and road racing (the most

famous road racing event being the marathon).

Such diversity and wide scope of interest is reflected in the vast terminological lexicon

describing this sport. One of the challenges which stand in compiler’s way is the proper

selection of terms which should be included in the dictionary. The author of this thesis had an

enormous abundance of lexical items to choose from.

Another challenge is the selection of sources from which terms can be extracted. The

author can choose from scientific treaties, existing dictionaries concerning the subject, books,

newspapers, legal documents, etc.

Most of the terms in the presented dictionary come from the latest edition of

International Association of Athletics Federations’ (IAAF) Competition Rules as well as from

a similar handbook published by Polish Athletic Association (PZLA) called Przepisy zawodów

w lekkoatletyce. The PZLA’s official monthly magazine Lekkoatleta also provided many

interesting terms.

In the age of the Internet it is almost impossible not to take advantage of electronic

resources. The most useful websites filled with adequate terminology were the official pages of

IAAF, EAA, PZLA and Polanik (a Polish company producing athletic equipment).

The number of entries in the dictionary reaches two hundred. They are organized in

alphabetical order and derive from all branches of athletics, namely from the titles of certain

officials and anti-doping procedures to the names of technical equipment and the construction

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of an athletic stadium. Each entry consists of an English term and definition followed by a

Polish equivalent. The dictionary has been supplemented by a Polish-English index of terms,

which simplifies the search for a certain lexical item.

Some entries have been enriched by their graphic representation in the form of

photographs, drawings or figures. They are certainly going to be helpful to certain users,

especially the ones who are not experts in the field of athletics.

Two main stimuli caused the creation of this dictionary. The first was the fact that no

publications of this kind had been published in Poland. Athletics turned out to be one of the

fields of human activity whose terminological lexicon has not been organized in the form of

terminological dictionary. The second one was even less complicated. As a licensed judge of

the Polish Athletic Association the author felt that the gap had to be filled.

The arduous process of compilation has been made easier by warm encouragement on

the part of PZLA’s authorities and by practical knowledge and experience gained during

numerous competitions. Hopefully, this dictionary will meet the expectations of its prospective

users, both laymen and experts.

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Lekka atletyka uznawana jest za królową wszystkich sportów. Rozpiętość i

zróżnicowanie jej konkurencji jest ogromne – począwszy od biegów i konkurencji

technicznych tj. rzut oszczepem, trójskok, pchnięcie kulą czy skok o tyczce, a skończywszy na

biegach ulicznych, przełajowych i chodzie sportowym. Historia lekkiej atletyki sięga

starożytnej Grecji i pierwszych rozgrywanych tam Igrzysk Olimpijskich. Towarzyszy ona

ludzkości po dziś dzień stymulując naszą wyobraźnię i mobilizując zawodników do coraz

lepszych i wspanialszych osiągnięć sportowych.

Celem niniejszej pracy jest stworzenie angielsko-polskiego słownika terminologii

związanej z lekką atletyką uzupełnionego polsko-angielskim indeksem terminów. Szybki i

gwałtowny rozwój nauki i techniki na świecie ma wpływ na globalną sytuacją ekonomiczną

oraz na języki specjalistyczne, które będąc narzędziem komunikacji zawodowej, konieczne są

do sprawnego przepływu oraz wymiany najświeższych informacji w obrębie danej branży.

Dlatego też, jeśli myślimy o zachowaniu równowagi informacyjnej na świecie, proces

tworzenia słowników terminologicznych znajduje się na ścisłej liście priorytetów.

Słowniki terminologiczne powinny spełniać oczekiwania użytkowników, do których są

adresowane, tj. prezentować wybraną dziedzinę wiedzy lub nauki w sposób odpowiedni i

wyczerpujący. Pomimo faktu, że słowniki takie tworzone są nieustannie, ich ilość oraz jakość

pozostawia wiele do życzenia.

Głównym powodem powstania prezentowanego w niniejszej pracy słownika jest brak

podobnych wydawnictw na terenie Polski. Będąc licencjonowanym sędzią Polskiego Związku

Lekkiej Atletyki, autor konsultował się z władzami związku oraz innymi sędziami. Reakcja

była bardzo przychylna i zachęcająca, co znacznie przyśpieszyło oraz uprościło proces

powstawania słownika. Ponadto, praktyka oraz doświadczenie uzyskane podczas sędziowania

zawodów lekkoatletycznych również okazały się bardzo pomocne.

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Słownik poprzedzony jest wstępem stanowiącym ogólny zarys pracy oraz dwoma

rozdziałami opisującymi niezbędne tło teoretyczne. Rozdział pierwszy zajmuje się

omówieniem zagadnień związanych z terminologią oraz terminografią.

Terminologia, będąc nauką zajmującą się terminami powiązanymi z różnymi sferami

życia, pozostaje w ścisłych relacjach ze wszystkimi obszarami nauki oraz techniki. Jest to

doskonale widoczne w ogromnej liczbie powstających słowników terminologicznych.

Terminologia, jako system pojęć reprezentowanych za pomocą terminów w ramach danej

dziedziny, stanowi podstawę organizowania oraz przekazywania wiedzy, umiejętności oraz

technologii, jak również tłumaczenia tekstów naukowych i technicznych na inne języki.

Następnie omówione zostają poszczególne rodzaje terminologii. Terminologia

lingwistyczna zajmuje się opracowywaniem typologii słownictwa specjalistycznego oraz

definiowaniem parametrów lingwistycznej identyfikacji poszczególnych leksykonów

terminologicznych. Terminologia stosowana bada strukturę konceptualną leksykonu

terminologicznego, a jej celem jest sporządzenie optymalnego modelu słownika

terminologicznego dla danej dziedziny.

Kolejnymi odmianami terminologii są terminologia ogólna, zajmująca się

definiowaniem pojęcia terminu oraz ustalaniem typologii terminów, oraz terminologia

szczegółowa badająca słownictwo specjalistyczne danego języka narodowego. Terminologia

specjalistyczna oraz typologiczna zajmują się odpowiednio strukturą danego leksykonu jako

elementu wiedzy zawodowej oraz definiowaniem funkcjonalnych typów słowników


Terminologia kognitywna ma na celu analizę różnych typów myślenia zawodowego,

natomiast terminologia kwantytatywna zajmuje się związkiem pomiędzy strukturą wiedzy

profesjonalnej, a objętością danego leksykonu specjalistycznego. Terminologia

komunikatywna bada tekst jako środek produkcji oraz interpretacji wiedzy specjalistycznej.

Derywatologia terminologiczna opisuje zasady powstawania nowych terminów, natomiast

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terminologia historyczna próbuje zdefiniować tendencje rozwoju słownictwa


Podsumowując, jednym z najważniejszych zadań terminologii jest badanie

funkcjonowania słownictwa specjalistycznego oraz poszukiwanie coraz wydajniejszych

sposobów konstruowania systemów terminologicznych.

W kolejnym podrozdziałach omówione zostają pojęcia leksykonu oraz systemu

terminologicznego. Leksykon terminologiczny jest zbiorem znaków językowych, który

odzwierciedla stan wiedzy zawodowej danej dziedziny, natomiast system terminologiczny

zdefiniować można jako leksykon terminologiczny zorganizowany zgodnie z parametrami

formalnymi, konceptualnymi oraz semantycznymi.

Następnie omówione zostaje pojęcie terminu, którego ogromna ilość definicji

podawana jest przez wielu różnych badaczy i autorów. Termin opisywany jest jako słowo lub

połączenie wyrazowe charakteryzujące się opisaną konwencjonalnie oraz precyzyjnie

zdefiniowaną strukturą konceptualną. Jest on jednoznaczny, nie podlega interpretacji

emocjonalnej oraz pozbawiony jest konotacji ekspresyjnych. Termin jest nazwą, której

znaczenie ustalone zostało przez naukę. Dotyczy on pojęcia wywodzącego się z danej

dziedziny nauki, techniki lub innej działalności zawodowej.

Dalsze podrozdziały koncentrują się na klasyfikacji oraz typach terminów.

Poszczególne typy terminów można wyróżnić na podstawie następujących kryteriów:

formalnych, semantycznych, funkcjonalnych, historycznych oraz etymologicznych. Pośród

kryteriów formalnych wyróżniamy syntaktyczną oraz morfologiczną strukturę terminu, jego

formę gramatyczną oraz obecność symboli w jego strukturze. Kryteria semantyczne to typ,

hipotetyczna natura, abstrakcyjność oraz precyzyjność definiowanego pojęcia. Do kryteriów

funkcjonalnych można zaliczyć funkcję oraz zakres i częstotliwość użycia terminu. Kryteria

historyczne i etymologiczne to oryginalność lingwistycznej formy terminu oraz rejestr

językowy, z którego termin się wywodzi.

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W tekstach naukowych można znaleźć następujące typy terminów: quasi-terminy

(słowa z języka ogólnego, które aspirują do pojęcia terminu), preterminy (wyrażenia

definiujące nowo powstałe nazwy nomenklaturowe przed ich zatwierdzeniem przez

odpowiednie organy terminologiczne), hipoterminy (słowa z języka ogólnego funkcjonujące w

ramach danego leksykonu terminologicznego), pseudoterminy (terminopodobne słowa

wywodzące się z niewłaściwego systemu), a także indywidualne terminy stworzone przez

badacza podczas pracy naukowej.

Terminy podzielić można na teoretyczne (definiujące idealne obiekty wymyślone przez

człowieka w określonych ramach teoretycznych) oraz empiryczne (nomeny opisujące obiekty,

których doświadczyć można w sposób namacalny). Informacyjna wartość terminów

wyznaczana jest przez system terminologiczny, natomiast wartość informacyjna nomenów

ustalana jest na podstawie indywidualnego znaczenia słowa. Ponadto, nomeny nie są

semantycznie zróżnicowane – są jednoznaczne i zawsze realizują tą samą wartość

informacyjną. Natomiast terminy teoretyczne przekazują swoje znaczenie w różnych

wariantach semantycznych i charakteryzuje je synonimia aspektowa, tj. różne nazwy

terminologiczne mogą opisywać ten sam obiekt w zależności od punktu widzenia.

Kolejną różnicą jest konieczność standaryzacji nomenów, czym zajmują się organy

takie jak Międzynarodowa Organizacja Unifikacji Neologizmów Terminologicznych (IOUTN)

oraz Międzynarodowa Federacja Banków Terminologii (IFTB). Terminy teoretyczne nie mogą

podlegać standaryzacji, ponieważ narzuciłoby to pewne ograniczenia na ludzką kreatywność.

Terminy podzielić również można ze względu na ich wartość systemową. W ramach

spójnego systemu terminologicznego wyróżniamy terminy bazowe oraz pochodne. Terminy

bazowe stanowią podstawę danego systemu pojęć, a ich struktura konceptualna generuje nowe

pojęcia. Terminy pochodne uszeregowane są na podstawie hierarchii ustalanej przy pomocy

terminów kluczowych, które konieczne są do organizacji serii terminologicznych jako nośniki

wiedzy naukowej.

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Kolejny podrozdział omawia zjawisko terminotwórstwa, jako że setki bądź tysiące

nowopowstałych pojęć muszą znaleźć swą reprezentację w postaci terminów w

poszczególnych językach. Nowe jednostki w ramach struktury danych systemów

terminologicznych można podzielić następująco: neosemantyzmy, neologizmy, zapożyczenia

oraz internacjonalizmy. Neosemantyzmy można zdefiniować jako użycie słowa ogólnego

pochodzącego z języka narodowego w znaczeniu terminologicznym w danym leksykonie.

Neologizmy terminologiczne to jednostki nowo powstałe w obrębie danego leksykonu

terminologicznego. Zapożyczenia określić można jako adaptację obcego słownictwa

konwencjonalnego, natomiast internacjonalizmy to słowa lub połączenia wyrazowe obecne w

wielu różnych językach świata.

Następnie przedstawione zostały funkcje terminów charakteryzujące zarówno terminy

teoretyczne, jak również nomeny. Są to funkcje: nominatywna, instrumentalna,

komunikatywna, denotacyjna, kumulacyjna, dydaktyczna, dyferencjalna oraz informacyjna.

Terminy teoretyczne mogą być opisane przez następujące funkcje: diagnostyczna, systemowa,

eksplikacyjna, ideologiczna, prognostyczna, metodologiczna, kognitywna, gnoseologiczna oraz


Kolejna część pierwszego rozdziału definiuje terminografię (zwaną również

leksykografią terminologiczną), która zajmuje się teorią i praktyką zbierania, zapisywania,

przechowywania oraz przedstawiania danych terminograficznych. Innymi słowy, zajmuje się

ona sztuką kompilowania słowników terminologicznych. Podstawowymi zasadami

terminografii są następujące założenia: wszystkie dane terminograficzne muszą być

wiarygodne, pełne i zunifikowane, a konstrukcja zbioru danych terminograficznych powinna

odpowiadać sposobowi, w jaki zbiór będzie użytkowany. Należy również wziąć pod uwagę

standardy narodowe i międzynarodowe.

Terminografia ogólna zajmuje się słownictwem zawodowym jako oddzielną kategorią

leksykalną, natomiast terminografia opisowa stawia sobie za cel opisywanie słownika

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terminologicznego w porównaniu z innymi słownikami oraz definiowanie ich typologii.

Terminografia parametryczna definiuje zasady przedstawiania słownictwa konwencjonalnego

oraz ogólną teorię systemów terminologicznych. Terminografia praktyczna zbiera,

przygotowuje oraz rozpowszechnia informacje terminograficzne dotyczące istniejących

znaków przypisanych do danych pojęć.

Kolejny podpunkt opisuje pojęcie słownika terminologicznego. Jest to słownik

zawierający terminologię opisującą jedną lub więcej dziedzin wiedzy. Jego głównym celem

jest gromadzenie, organizowanie i przedstawianie wiedzy profesjonalnej. Zapisuje on i

prezentuje dany leksykon terminologiczny jako strukturę statyczną. Kompilacja słownika

terminologicznego powinna przebiegać zgodnie z podstawowymi zasadami, tj. odpowiednim

ograniczeniem ilości jednostek terminologicznych w ramach słownika, systematyzacją oraz

harmonizacją terminologii. Makrostruktura słownika określa zasady ograniczania ilości

jednostek terminologicznych oraz sposób ich organizacji, podczas gdy mikrostruktura

słownika określa reguły organizacji hasła.

Dalsza część pracy opisuje sposoby klasyfikacji słowników, które tradycyjnie podzielić

można na słowniki językowe, encyklopedie oraz słowniki encyklopedyczne. Słowniki

językowe dostarczają informacji na temat języka koniecznych do poprawnego używania oraz

zrozumienia wyrażeń lingwistycznych. Encyklopedie podają informacje na temat rzeczy lub

zagadnień, natomiast słowniki encyklopedyczne spełniają funkcje zarówno słownika

językowego, jak i encyklopedii.

Słowniki można sklasyfikować według następujących kryteriów: jego funkcje oraz

odbiorcy, układ haseł, liczba języków, rozmiar, rama chronologiczna oraz zakres opisywanego


Kryterium funkcji czasami zbliżone jest do kryterium użytkownika, którymi mogą być

studenci, nauczyciele, tłumacze, naukowcy, dzieci, itp. Potrzeby każdej z tych grup będą się

różnić w znacznym stopniu. Ogólnie funkcje słownika można podzielić na informacyjne

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(pisownia, znaczenie, wymowa, etymologia) oraz operacyjne (pomoc w procesach czytania,

pisania lub tłumaczenia).

Układ haseł może być alfabetyczny lub semantyczny. Układ alfabetyczny jest

najbardziej popularny, gdyż ułatwia odszukiwanie haseł. Układ semantyczny organizuje hasła

w grupy tematyczne w oparciu o system konceptualny.

Pod względem liczby języków słowniki dzielą się na jednojęzyczne, dwujęzyczne i

wielojęzyczne. Słowniki jednojęzyczne skierowane są głównie do odbiorców, którzy posługują

się danym językiem jako ojczystym, natomiast dwujęzyczne zawierają listę słów w języku

źródłowym oraz ich odpowiedniki w języku docelowym. Słowniki wielojęzyczne zawierają

jednostki leksykalne pochodzące z więcej niż dwóch języków.

Pod względem rozmiarów słownikami można podzielić na akademickie, pełne, duże,

średnie, małe, kieszonkowe, itp. Słowniki akademickie są pozycjami wielotomowymi

(nieograniczonymi ilością haseł lub przestrzenią) kompilowanymi przez instytucje badawcze.

Starają się prezentować wszystkie jednostki leksykalne, jakie pojawiają się w tekstach

ogólnych, ilość informacji w hasłach jest bogata. Duże lub pełne słowniki zawierają pełen

leksykon używany w danym okresie historii języka wraz z cytatami rozszerzającymi definicje i

sugerującymi typowy sposób użycia. Słowniki średnie stawiają sobie za cel opisywanie

standardowego języka narodowego, informacje zawarte w hasłach podają różne jego użycia

oraz cytaty. Małe słowniki zawierają mniejszą ilość haseł oraz krótsze definicje. Mniej

popularne jednostki leksykalne są zazwyczaj pominięte wraz z cytatami i przykładami użycia.

Słowniki kieszonkowe zawierają informację na temat pisowni, a znaczenie hasła

wytłumaczone jest za pomocą synonimów, brakuje w nich przykładów oraz cytatów.

Słowniki można również podzielić na diachroniczne, które koncentrują się na zmianach

oraz rozwoju formy i znaczenia jednostek leksykalnych języka zgodnie z przebiegiem jego

historii (słowniki historyczne, etymologiczne) oraz na synchroniczne, które opisują jednostki

leksykalne języka w danym momencie jego rozwoju.

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Słowniki mogą zawierać pełne słownictwo języka lub jego część. Według tego

kryterium słowniki można podzielić na ogólne (zawierają jednostki języka ogólnego) oraz

specjalne (prezentują wybór słów lub zwrotów z danej części całego leksykonu, np.: dialekt).

W ostatniej części pierwszego rozdziału omówione zostały makro- i mikrostruktura

prezentowanego słownika. Zawiera on około 200 haseł i składa się z dwóch części: angielsko-

polskiego słownika terminów związanych z lekką atletyką oraz polsko-angielskiego indeksu


Hasła ułożone zostały w kolejności alfabetycznej. Każde hasło składa się z angielskiego

terminu oraz definicji, a także z odpowiednika w języku polskim. Niektóre hasła zostały

zilustrowane zdjęciami, wykresami lub schematami. Zabieg ten ma na celu ułatwienie

zrozumienia danego pojęcia przez laików oraz przedstawienie reprezentacji wizualnej hasła.

Drugi rozdział niniejszej pracy przedstawia zarys historii Międzynarodowego Związku

Federacji Lekkoatletycznych oraz lekkiej atletyki, która zaistniała na pierwszych Igrzyskach

Olimpijskich w Atenach w 1896 roku.

Międzynarodowa Federacja Amatorskiej Lekkoatletyki (International Amateur Athletic

Federation) powstała w Sztokholmie 17 lipca 1912 roku. Rok później w Berlinie, Kongres

przyjął pierwszą konstytucję, a na liście członkowskiej znajdowały się 34 państwa. Pierwsze

przepisy dotyczące zawodów międzynarodowych zaprezentowane zostały w roku 1914

podczas 3. Kongresu w Lyonie.

W kolejnych podpunktach przedstawieni zostali działacze oraz struktura IAAF, a także

obszary działalności Federacji. Pierwsze stowarzyszenie grupy krajów, Konfederacja

Południowoamerykańska Consudatle, powstało w roku 1918. Następnie, w roku 1969 powstał

Europejski Związek Federacji Lekkoatletycznych (EAA), w 1972 zatwierdzono statut Grupy

Regionu Oceanii, a w roku 1974 Afrykańskiej Konfederacji Amatorskiej Lekkoatletyki

(AAAC) oraz Azjatyckiego Związku Amatorskiej Lekkoatletyki (AAAA). Związek

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Lekkoatletyki dla Ameryki Północnej, Centralnej oraz Karaibów utworzono w Puerto Rico rok


Współpraca IAAF z Międzynarodowym Komitetem Olimpijskim (MKOL) była bardzo

bliska już w roku 1921, kiedy miał miejsce 4. Kongres Federacji w Genewie. Jednym z

głównych celów działalności IAAF jest zapewnienie lekkiej atletyce należnego miejsca

podczas Igrzysk Olimpijskich. Do roku 1980, w którym odbyły się Igrzyska w Moskwie,

Olimpiada uznawana była również za Mistrzostwa Świata w lekkiej atletyce, tak więc każdy

mistrz olimpijski był również mistrzem świata. Obok Olimpiady, najstarszymi zawodami

lekkoatletycznymi są Puchar Świata w Chodzie Sportowym oraz Mistrzostwa Świata w

Biegach Przełajowych. Historyczna decyzja o oddzieleniu Mistrzostw Świata w Lekkiej

Atletyce od Igrzysk Olimpijskich podjęta została w roku 1978.

W 2000 roku zdecydowano o bardziej wyważonym rozłożeniu imprez

lekkoatletycznych w latach parzystych i nieparzystych, a w roku 2001 IAAF zmieniła nazwę z

International Amateur Athletic Federation na International Association of Athletics

Federations. Dwa lata wcześniej, podczas Kongresu w Sewilli, podjęto uchwałę, która

pozwalała zawodnikom otrzymywać wynagrodzenie za udział w zawodach. Dopuszczono

również umieszczanie reklam na stadionach oraz na strojach zawodników.

W czerwcu 2000 roku uruchomiono Światowy Ranking IAAF, skomputeryzowany

system klasyfikujący zawodników poszczególnych konkurencji, wykorzystywany także do

oceny poziomu uczestnictwa w zawodach jednodniowych oraz do opracowywania programów


Podstawowymi funkcjami IAAF jest prowadzenie rankingów rekordów świata oraz

najlepszych zawodników, przeprowadzanie zawodów dla zawodników na poziomie

międzynarodowym, wspieranie 210 Narodowych Federacji Członkowskich oraz bezwzględna

walka z dopingiem.

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Ostatni podpunkt drugiego rozdziału opisuje historię lekkiej atletyki w Polsce. Polski

Związek Lekkiej Atletyki powstał 11 października 1919 roku jako pierwszy związek sportowy

obejmujący swym zasięgiem cały kraj. Jednakże wybuch wojny z Rosją Sowiecką w roku

1920 uniemożliwił występ polskich lekkoatletów na Igrzyskach Olimpijskich w Antwerpii.

Również Druga Wojna Światowa była przyczyną nieobecności Polaków na dwóch


Pomimo wszystkich przeciwności losu, polscy lekkoatleci dołączyli do czołówki

światowej już w drugiej połowie lat 50-tych. W tamtych czasach było to zjawisko

bezprecedensowe. Okres wielkich sukcesów trwał dekadę (1956-1966) i w latach tych

zagraniczna prasa określała polską drużynę mianem „wunderteam”. Jednak pod koniec lat 60-

tych poziom światowej lekkiej atletyki gwałtownie podskoczył, a Polakom nie udało się

dotrzymać tempa. Jasno odzwierciedliły to wyniki z Olimpiady z Meksyku (1968), gdzie

Polska zdobyła tylko 2 medale.

Polityczno-społeczny kryzys lat 70-tych oraz próby reorganizacji polskiego sportu

stworzyły trudne warunki dla rozwoju lekkiej atletyki. Honor Polski na arenach

międzynarodowych ratowały wybitne jednostki, np.: Irena Szewińska. Sytuacja ekonomiczna

lat 80-tych pogorszyła się w konsekwencji sierpnia 80-ego roku. Znalazło to swoje

odzwierciedlenie we wszystkich dyscyplinach polskiego sportu. Również nieobecność podczas

Igrzysk Olimpijskich w Los Angeles (1984) wywarła negatywny wpływ na działaczy i

sportowców, którzy nie byli zdolni do współzawodnictwa na arenie międzynarodowej.

Obecna sytuacja polskiej lekkiej atletyki wydaje się być dobra. Mamy kilkoro

wyróżniających się sportowców, którzy znajdują się w pierwszej dziesiątce rankingów IAAF

oraz Europejskiego Związku Federacji Lekkoatletycznych (np.: tyczkarka Monika Pyrek oraz

młociarz Szymon Ziółkowski zajmują pierwsze miejsca na listach światowych w swoich


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Trzeci rozdział niniejszej pracy zawiera jej część praktyczną, tj. angielsko-polski

słownik terminologii związanej z lekką atletyką oraz polsko-angielski indeks terminów mający

na celu uproszczenie korzystania ze słownika.

Proces kompilacji słownika terminologicznego jest bardzo złożony i wymaga wielu

przygotowań. Autor słownika powinien nie tylko opracować dany leksykon terminologiczny,

ale także określić strukturę hasła, indeksów, itp. Innymi słowy, winien jest określić makro- i

mikrostrukturę słownika.

Stworzenie idealnego modelu słownika terminologicznego jest jednym z

najważniejszych zadań leksykografii terminologicznej, jako że obecny rozwój naukowy oraz

technologiczny powoduje występowanie zjawiska tzw. terminologicznego boomu. Setki, a

nawet tysiące nowych terminów powstaje każdego dnia.

Nowe technologie i dziedziny nauki powstają w zastraszającym tempie. Jeśli proces ten

ma podlegać kontroli, nowopowstałe leksykony terminologiczne muszą znaleźć swoje

odzwierciedlenie w postaci słowników zdolnych spełnić oczekiwania użytkowników.

Lekka atletyka składa się z wielu różnych konkurencji, które można ogólnie podzielić

na biegi, rzuty i skoki. Różnorodność ta odzwierciedlona jest w wielkości leksykonu

terminologicznego opisującego ten sport. Jednym z wyzwań stojących przed autorem

niniejszego słownika był odpowiedni wybór terminów z tak szerokiej dziedziny. Nieocenioną

pomocą okazało się być doświadczenie zdobyte podczas sędziowania licznych zawodów


Kolejnym wyzwaniem okazał się być odpowiedni dobór źródeł. Większość terminów

pochodzi z tegorocznej edycji Przepisów zawodów w lekkoatletyce wydanej przez IAAF oraz

interpretacji tych przepisów przez Polski Związek Lekkiej Atletyki. Również oficjalny

miesięcznik PZLA Lekkoatleta stanowił doskonałe źródło terminologii. W dobie Internetu

autor nie mógł pominąć źródeł elektronicznych, tj. oficjalnych stron IAAF, EEA, PZLA oraz

firmy Polanik, produkującej sprzęt lekkoatletyczny.

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Liczba haseł w słowniku wynosi około 200. Ułożone są w porządku alfabetycznym i

wywodzą się ze wszystkich dziedzin lekkiej atletyki – od tytułów sędziów przeprowadzających

zawody, nazwy osób zaangażowanych w ich organizację oraz procedury antydopingowe po

nazwy sprzętu technicznego, ich elementy konstrukcyjne oraz wyposażenie stadionów

lekkoatletycznych. Niektóre hasła wzbogacone zostały o elementy graficzne w postaci zdjęć,

schematów i wykresów.

Głównym bodźcem stymulującym powstanie prezentowanego słownika jest brak

podobnych publikacji na terenie Polski. Lekka atletyka okazała się być jedną z dziedzin

ludzkiej działalności, której rozległy leksykon terminologiczny nie został usystematyzowany w

postaci słownika terminologicznego. Jako licencjonowany sędzia lekkiej atletyki autor

niniejszej pracy czuł się zobowiązany do zapełnienia tej luki. Proces kompilacji słownika

został znacznie uproszczony dzięki współpracy z Centralnym Kolegium Sędziów PZLA oraz

indywidualnymi konsultacjami z najlepszymi sędziami w poszczególnych blokach

konkurencji. Pozostaje mieć nadzieję, iż słownik ten spełni oczekiwania swoich

użytkowników, zarówno ekspertów, jak i przede wszystkim sędziów nie posługujących się

sprawnie językiem angielskim.

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Univeristy Press


Page 132: Angielsko-polski słownik terminów związanych z lekką atletyką


Page 133: Angielsko-polski słownik terminów związanych z lekką atletyką


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