Page 1: And the Award Goes TThe Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida Auxiliary Member Service 5 Year Award: Rob Lambie, Herman Feldman Auxiliary Operations Award: Mike Furnald,

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Flotilla 36 Volume XXXV, Issue 7

Boca Raton, Florida Division 3, 7th

CG District Aux July, 2011

Volume XXXVIII, Issue 2

February 2014 Division 3, 7th

CG District Aux

This version FOR PUBLIC Viewing…No Dissemination Restrictions

Change of Watch Ceremony

And the Award Goes To…


The information contained in this publication is subject to the

provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, and may only be used for the

official business the Coast Guard or the Coast Guard Auxiliary

Page 2: And the Award Goes TThe Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida Auxiliary Member Service 5 Year Award: Rob Lambie, Herman Feldman Auxiliary Operations Award: Mike Furnald,

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Auxiliary Member Service 5 Year Award: Rob Lambie, Herman Feldman

Auxiliary Operations Award: Mike Furnald, Steve Totty

Sustained Service 1

st Award: Fred Gless, Michael Byer

Page 3: And the Award Goes TThe Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida Auxiliary Member Service 5 Year Award: Rob Lambie, Herman Feldman Auxiliary Operations Award: Mike Furnald,

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

From the Helm…

Jim Goldasich

Flotilla Commander 3 6

[email protected]

We have a very active month coming up for February and we all should review the calendar for

activities of interest. Of special note are the VE days at Lake Ida and Tropic Bay. Note also that the

Workshop Day has been changed from 22 February to 1 March due to a conflict with the Division QE

scheduled for 22 February. I want to thank all those who helped with the Change of Watch as it was a

great success and all those who attended had a GREAT time. Particular thanks go out to Marsha and

Mario Marino, Ton and Vicky Thayer, Ted and Becky Lutjen and all those who brought special items

for the baskets.


The manatee count in Palm Beach County on December 3, 2013 totaled 16 adults and 3 calves with the

largest numbers located in the Jupiter Inlet to PGA area. Second highest numbers were in the Boynton

to Hillsboro area. The counts for the December 17th

survey showed a moderate increase to 44 adults and

one calf. The highest number of animals was identified in the northern end of the county again during

this survey. Only 4 animals were seen in our AOR. While the numbers were low they can be expected

to increase as a result of the cold weather. A recent report in the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel by David

Fleshler, stated that there were more than 800 manatee deaths in 2013. This is the highest number of

manatee deaths ever reported (total of 803 have died so far this year, up from 392 last year). While the

mortality was primarily the result of toxic algae blooms off Lee County and a substantial wildlife die-off

in the Indian River Lagoon there remains a significant possibility for watercraft related mortality to this

protected mammal. Watercraft related mortality totaled 71 in 2013 with seven in south Florida. This is

an area where we have the ability to make a difference and we should take special care to mention the

importance of posting a watch while boating in the area. We can incorporate a short discussion about

this during our patrols and contact with the public, during VE’s, at PE events and during all of our

general contacts with the boating public.

Remember your AUXLMS Classes; the AUXLMS home site is as follows:

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Richard Edwards

Vice Flotilla Commander [email protected] I would like to thank the members responsible for and all of those who attended the

very successful Change of Watch! It was great to see our former AUXLO

Katherine Efthimiou and so many members. A great time was had by all!

I would thank the effort of each member during 2013. I am very proud of you all. There were many

obstacles we had to overcome. The budgetary constraints, sequestration and a government shutdown

affected us all. Still we came through it all. I am looking forward to all we can accomplish as a flotilla

this year. We are already off to a great start with public education classes, vessel examinations,

operations, public visits, community events and member training. The great thing about the Auxiliary is

the variety of activities you can participate in. The primary mission of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is

Recreational Boater Safety. You can pick one area of special interest or others as you desire. All of our

activities help fulfill or mission. Our activities include: Safety and Security Patrols, Mass Casualty or

Disasters, Pollution Response & Patrols, Search and Rescue, Recreational Boating Safety, Commercial

Fishing and Vessel Exams, Recruiting, Public Education, Public Visitor program, Public Affairs,

Materials management, Communications, Data Entry, Interpreter Corps, Marine Safety, Food service,

Community events, Finance, Computer training, and Member training. I encourage each new member to

reach out and contact their mentor or Flotilla Staff Officer for an activity you are interested in

participating in.

We have great training programs and experienced members, mentors and officers who are glad to help. I

can assure you that our mentors instructors and staff officers are ready to go! Our Advanced Coastal

Navigation (ACN) class introduction started on Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014. If you interested in this class

contact Tom Kegan immediately.

Look for announcements in the Log about this month’s Valentine’s Party. It’s being organized and

hosted by Becky and Ted Lutjen on Friday, Feb. 14th. It’s a great event, a chance for all our members

and their spouses to get together and have a fun time! Members are asked to ‘bring a dish’ meal to share.

It’s a chance to show off that famous family recipe. Bring your appetites too! Last year’s event was

memorable and is permanently on my bucket list! Please look at other events in the calendar and mark

your own calendars so that you won’t miss anything.

Members don’t forget to work on the on-line AUXLMS classes and if you are having questions about

how to begin completing the classes we will be having a monthly ‘help lab’ at the base when the About

Boating Safety (ABS) classes are given. The next ABS class is scheduled for Saturday February 1st. Our

ABS classes are an important part of our mission. If you know someone who would like to attend the

next class contact Andrea Rutherfoord at 561-391-3600.

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Thomas H. Kegan

Member Training

[email protected]

Michael Byer

Vessel Examination

[email protected]


Welcome back. I hope everyone had a good holiday season. I am looking forward

to a busy Vessel Examiners Season. Again, please forward to me every time an

exam is done. We have not received anything from anyone yet for January 2014.

We will be setting up some blitz’s for February and March. We will be putting out calls for help as soon

as the dates are set. Thank you once again for all of your cooperation.

Mario Marino


[email protected] NO REPORT

Len Schwartz

Information Systems NO REPORT

[email protected]

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Jennifer Blau


[email protected]

Please submit any articles or photographs you would like published in the LOG…Until the next


Eric Weinbaum

Operations NO REPORT

[email protected]

Liliane Meghabghab

Navigation Services

[email protected]

Coast Survey to improve "MAGENTA LINE" on ICW Nautical Charts The Office of Coast Survey announced on 01/14/14 that future editions of nautical charts of the ICW

will be updated to include an improved "Magenta Line" which will change its function from the

perceived "recommended route", established more than a hundred years ago, to an advisory directional

guide that helps prevent boaters from going astray in the maze of channels that comprise the route.

For complete article go to LNM 02/14.

Boca Raton Inlet – On-Going Dredge Maintenance.

Palmetto Park Bridge: Due to repairs, the bridge will be on single-leaf operations 24 hours a day,

seven days a week until 02/12/14. A double-leaf opening will be available with a one-hour notice to the

bridge tender (561-392-5903 or channel 9).

Ref: LNM 46-13 through 02-14 Chart: 11467.

Lighthouse Point – Kingfisher Waterway Bridge: Reconstruction operations on the NE 23rd

Avenue/Kingfisher Bridge until May 2014, weekdays from 0800 to 1700. During this time, there will be

waterway closures to facilitate bridge construction as needed. There will be no construction obstructions

on weekends and federal holidays. Crews monitor marine channels 9 and 16.

Ref: LNM 35-13 through 02-14. Chart: 11467.

Page 7: And the Award Goes TThe Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida Auxiliary Member Service 5 Year Award: Rob Lambie, Herman Feldman Auxiliary Operations Award: Mike Furnald,

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Hillsboro Boulevard Bridge will be closed to navigation from 1000 to 1400 on 02/15/2014 to facilitate

the Founders' Day Parade event. Vessels that may pass through the bridge without an opening may do so

at any time.

Ref: LNM 46-13 through 02-14 Chart: 11467.

The National Marine Manufactures Super Yacht Show will be held from 02/01-21/14 between 0800-

2000, at 1075 Biscayne Bay Blvd, Bicentennial Park.

Ref: LNM 51/13. Chart: 11467.

The 2014 LYC Olympic Classes Regatta will be held from 02/07 to 09/14 between 0800-1630 at two

locations: (1) south of Port Everglades, and (2) west of Lauderdale Yacht Club basin. Ref: LNM 03/14.

Chart: 11467.

The Sailfish Challenge will be held on 02/08/14 between 0700-1700 in Hillsboro Inlet-Pompano

Beach, to Government Cut- Miami, to Lake Worth Inlet. There will be approx. 70 participants. Ref:

LNM 51/13.

Andrea Rutherfoord

Public Education

[email protected]

Our first ABS class of the year was held on Jan 11, with 19 students, including 2

teens and 1 new member. Thank you to instructors Rick Celestino, Rob Lambie,

and Rick Edwards, and to aids Howard Kaufman and Liliane Meghabghab. It

was an outstanding class, and the students all had good things to say about it.

The next class will be held on Feb. 1, probably after this Log is published, followed by March 8. Thank

you in advance for assistance in recruiting students and delivering our classes.

We now have Public Education brochures for 2014. They are in the office, and I invite vessel examiners

and program visitors to take what they need.

Our PE program is active year round, with a class scheduled once a month. In addition, we have

Member Training classes scheduled throughout the year. We are always looking for motivated

instructors and aids. As you know, the best way to learn a subject is to teach it!

If you would like to complete the instructor (IT) certification, please contact Tom Kegan for the

materials. Certification requires passing an online exam and teaching one 2-hour ABS class as a trainee.

After certification, instructors need to complete currency minimums each year: Teach one 2-hr class

(ABS or member training) or assist as an aid for 4 hours. If you have questions, just let me know.


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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Barry Ruchowitz

[email protected] NO REPORT

Herman Feldman


[email protected] NO REPORT

Mike Furnald


[email protected]

A few interesting notes from my recent studies:

The vastness of our planet’s oceans is difficult to comprehend. The enormity of these waters can only be

fully seen from outer space. The oceans cover over 70% of the earth’s surface; contain 97% of all the

water on earth; house 80% of life on earth; and contain 95% of habitat space on the planet. Over 62% of

our planet lies beneath 3,273 feet of seawater.

The Atlantic Ocean alone covers over 32 million square miles and the US COAST GUARD can find

lost people out there! The average global ocean depth is 12,450 ft. These oceans contain productive

fisheries on its continental shelves.

Page 9: And the Award Goes TThe Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida Auxiliary Member Service 5 Year Award: Rob Lambie, Herman Feldman Auxiliary Operations Award: Mike Furnald,

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

The deepest place in the world’s oceans is off the coast of Guam in the Pacific Ocean called the

Marianas Trench. It is over 36,198 feet, or nearly 7 miles deep! That is much deeper than Mt. Everest

is high, which is 29,028 feet above sea level.

The Pacific Ocean holds more than half the seawater on Earth-nearly as much as the Atlantic and Indian

Oceans combined.

Let’s all do our part to preserve this life sustaining asset. We can’t live without it and we owe it to future


On December 10 we had a team of five auxiliary members do Program Visits

in Palm Beach County.

Led by Barry Ruchowitz as trainer, Marsha and Mario Marino, Rick

Edwards, and myself, as trainees. We made calls on marina’s, library’s, and a

dive shop. We were received very well in all places and they were excited to

get our displays and pamphlets. We plan to make these visits every month or

so in 2014 and try to build deeper relationships with these businesses! Any

suggestions on how to make these visits even better would be appreciated.

Photo of Sean Meadows, manager of World Of Scuba

Mario Stagliano


Tom Thayer NO REPORT


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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Schedule for Advance Navigation Course 2014 (Draft 01) Contact Tom Kegan for questions and RSVP: [email protected]

Date Lesson Chapter References Description

Jan. 29, 2014


Into to Advance


A Items, time


Feb. 05, 2014


Lesson 1 Chapter 1 1,BCN

Q & A, Ch. 1

Into to Coastal


Feb. 12, 2014


Lesson 2 Chapter2 2 BCN

Q & A, Ch. 2

Marine Magnet


Feb. 19, 2014


Lesson 3 Chapter 3 3 BCN

Q & A, Ch. 3

How to read a

Nautical chart

Feb. 26, 2014


Lesson 4 Chapter 4 4 BCN

Q & A, Ch. 4

Nav. Tools


Mar. 05, 2014 7 P.M.

Lesson 5 Chapter 5 5 BCN Q & A, Ch. 5

Dead Reckoning

Mar. 12, 2014

7 P.M.

Lesson 6 Chapter 6 6 BCN

Q & A, Ch. 6


Mar. 15, 2014

9 A.M. Sat.

Cruise Exercise

Chart Work

Mar.19, 2014

7 P.M.

Lesson 7 Chapter 7 7 ACN

Q & A, Ch. 7



Mar. 26, 2014

7 P.M.

Lesson 8 Chapter 8 8 ACN

Q & A, Ch. 8

Tides & Currents

Apr. 09, 2014

7 P.M.

Lesson 9 Chapter 9 9 ACN

Q & A, Ch. 9



Apr.12, 2014

9 A.M. SAT

Chart work Cruse Exercise

Apr. 16, 2014

7 P.M.

Lesson 10 Chapter 10 10 ACN

Q & A, Ch. 10


References & Pubs

Apr. 23, 2014 7 P.M.

Lesson 11 Chapter 11 11 ACN Q & A, Ch. 11

Fuel & Voyage Planning

Apr. 30, 2014

7 P.M.

Lesson 12 Chapter 12 12 ACN

Q & A, Ch. 12


If necessary Chart Work Cruise Exercise

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Auxiliary Mandatory Training

All Auxiliarists are required to complete seven online training courses, called Auxiliary Learning

Management System (AUXLMS). (The eighth course is waived temporarily.)

New members must complete them within the first year from their enrollment date.

Other Auxiliarists have until December 31, 2016.

Each course takes about an hour, maybe longer for some. They are straightforward; some have ongoing

self-checks, others have a final test or no test.

Your completion is sent automatically to the Auxiliary database – no need to send anything to me or

Tom Kegan. Please get started!

Start from this LMS home site:

1. Get a password in AUXLMS:

a. Click on the "I forgot my password" link under the Login button. b. Fill in the Username field with your individual primary email address currently in AUXDATA.

This is your username for AUXLMS. c. Click on the Submit button. d. An email will be sent to your AUXDATA email address that contains your login and password.

Note: If you do not receive an email, contact Andrea. The LMS system might have an outdated email address for you, which can be corrected only by a help ticket.

e. Return to and use the credentials provided in the e-mail to log in.

f. You will then be asked to change your password. TIP: Choose a friendly password that you can remember (no special rules, and you will not have to change it).

2. Register for a course: a. On the LMS page, scroll down to Course Catalog (Catalog tab), and click Auxiliary. b. Again under Course Catalog, click Auxiliary Mandated Training. c. There are eight mandated courses, but Civil Rights is waived because it must be taught in a

classroom. Start with Influenza Training and Ethics. The finish the others. Each one is a little different – some have a final test and others have ongoing self-checks.

d. Select a course to enroll in it. 3. Start the course:

a. To start the course, click My Account, and b. Under Enrolled, locate the course and click GO. c. The screen changes, and you will probably have to click GO again.

4. Completion:

a. As you finish a course, you should get a screen saying you completed it. You can go back to My Account and click Completed.

b. The certification goes directly into the Auxiliary database, and within a few days, it should appear on your training record – you don’t have to send a certificate to me or anyone else.

c. However, if you have problems getting the course to “complete,” you might have to try it on a Chrome browser. We’re heard that a few people have had to take a course more than one time before it registered as completed. Let Andrea know if you have issues.

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

The courses to complete:

502290 Influenza Training (one time only) The purpose of this e-Learning course is to provide avian influenza (AI) and pandemic influenza

awareness among Coast Guard personnel

502306 Ethics 1 - Personal Gifts (one time only)

Ethical Conduct is a self-paced, interactive lesson with tracking capabilities to demonstrate test

completion and time on task.

502379 Building Resilience and Preventing Suicide in the Coast Guard (every 5 years) Building Resilience and Preventing Suicide in the Coast Guard will lead participants through concepts

and skills related to stress management and resilience and why they matter. In addition, you will be

shown steps to take when you believe someone may be at risk for suicide.

810000 Sexual Harassment Prevention (every 5 years)

The purpose of Sexual Harassment Prevention training is to raise awareness among Coast Guard

personnel of behaviors that constitute sexual harassment and to teach actions which should be taken to

prevent or eliminate it.

810015 Privacy at DHS: Protecting Personal Information (every 5 years) In our mission to secure the homeland, we need to collect personal information from citizens, legal

residents and visitors, and we are obligated by law and DHS policy to protect this information to prevent

identity theft or other adverse consequences of a privacy incident or misuse of data.

810030 Security Education and Training Awareness (every 5 years) The purpose of this course is to provide basic NEED TO KNOW information to all member of the Coast

Guard on the topics of Operations Security (OPSEC), Information Security (INFOSEC), and

Antiterrorism and Force Protection (AT/FP).

810045 Sexual Assault Prevention/Response (every 5 years) This course provides all Coast Guard personnel with the basic awareness tools and the Coast Guard policy

and procedures for sexual assault prevention and response.

502319 Civil Rights Awareness - Course is waived because it is not available at this time. This course is considered Instructor Led Training; therefore, in order to fully satisfy the requirement of

this course an individual must enroll, attend and successfully complete training.

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

CPR and First Aid Class will be held at our base

Date: Sunday, February 9, 2014

Time: CPR class: 9-noon; First aid add-on: noon - 4

Instructor: Brian Lichtenstein

RSVP: Andrea Rutherfoord, [email protected], or 561-495-6702

Bring your lunch. Cost is $5/person.

Friends and family members are invited.

Save the Date! You and your guest are invited to a Valentine party!

We hope you all can make time for this fun-filled get-together where we as Coast Guard Auxiliary

members can experience an afternoon of fellowship. Civilian attire. Carpooling encouraged.

Date: Saturday, Feb. 14, 2014 - RAIN OR SHINE, 3 pm to 7 pm

Location: Home of Becky and Ted Lutjen

7331 NE 8th Court, Boca Raton, FL, 33487 (map below)

in Boca Bay Colony on the corner of 73rd Street.

Bring: A dish to share (bring your specialty - appetizer, entrée, salad, dessert). Soft drinks, coffee, and

tea will be provided. BYOB.

Watch for more details in the Log.

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida


January 11, 2014

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

February 2014

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 ABS class 9-5 VE Silver Palm 1000 - 1400 Barefoot Mailman


3 4 5 ACN class -7:00



Meeting 7:30 PM

7 8 Hillsboro Light tours

9 CPR & First Aid 9-5 ($5.00/class) Uniform-ODU

10 11 12 ACN class -7:00



Party at the Lutjen’s

15 VE Tropic Bay 1000 - 1400

16 17 Presidents Day Sea Cadets trng 7-9

18 Division meeting – McVey House 7:00

19 ACN class -7:00

20 Staff Meeting 7:00

21 22

Division QE Day


24 25 26 ACN class -7:00

28 28

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

March 2014

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 VE Silver Palm 1000 – 1400 Sea Turtle Day Workshop Day Sea Cadets Mtg.

2 3


5 ACN class -7:00



Meeting 7:30 PM

7 8 ABS class 9-5 VE Lake Ida Hillsboro Light tours

9 1












Time Begins

10 11 Boca City elections

12 ACN class -7:00

13 14 15 ACN class -9:00 VE Silver Palm 1000 - 1400




Patrick’s Day

18 Division meeting – McVey House 7:00

19 ACN class -7:00

20 1st Day of Spring Staff Meeting 7:00

21 22

Boca Boating and Beach Bash – Spanish R Park

23 24 25

26 ACN class -7:00

27 28 Good Friday


30 Easter


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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Here are some useful local boating websites:

Port Everglades:

Boca Raton Inlet:

Boca Raton South Beach Park:

Lake Boca Webcam:

Delray Beach:

Jupiter Inlet:

Lake Worth or Palm Beach Inlet:

Boynton Beach or South Lake Worth Inlet:

Florida Intracoastal Waterway Bridge Guide

Hillsboro Inlet Tides,+Coast+Guard+Light+Station+Flor


Hillsboro Inlet Tides (and other stuff)

Important Web Sites:

Flotilla 36 Log, roster, flotilla info - USCGAUX Home

National Info. What’s New Page, USCG Seventh District , AUXINFO Division 3 Flotilla 6

USCG Seventh District /

Gateway Membership ID cards, Member Training Guide, Introduction to training available, Member

Training Qualification Guide, All Courses, Division 3 Training Guide, Training in Division 3, Division

3 Member Training Guide, Training in Division 3, New Member Training power point presentation,

History of USCG, Auxiliary New Member Course Student Study Guide -1.pdf 06,

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

The Log is published monthly by:

US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 36

Marine Safety Building

3939 North Ocean Blvd

Boca Raton, FL 33431

Phone: 561-391-3600

Email: [email protected]

Flotilla Meetings are held on the First Thursday of each month at 7:30PM

The Marine Safety building is immediately

south of Spanish River Blvd on A1A.

Copyright 2009: Flotilla Six, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and reproduction permitted by and

for Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary members without permission.

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