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Analysed ResultsI have used my results from my survey which I gave out to Sixth Form students and analysed them in detail by each

question and the responses I received.

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Question 1

The first question of my survey was ‘are you male or female?’. The reason why this was my first question was because I wanted to know their gender so that I knew my results were equal from both genders. This will effect my results as if my results were from majority male or female, the results could be bias as they are from one gender and not both. In total I received 15 replies to my survey, 8 were male and 7 were female. The result was quite equal as there is a fair amount of both genders.

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The second question of my survey was ‘how old are you?’. The reason why I chose to put this question in my survey was because I wanted to make sure the people filling in my survey were my target audience to make sure the information I collected was accurate and relevant. This would have effected my results if I didn’t include this question as a year 7 student could have filled out my survey which would have given me irrelevant information as my target audience are sixth formers.

Question 2

That is also why I decided to print out my survey on paper and give out to people to fill out. I also put my survey on SurveyMonkey and sent the link to people who attend other sixth forms as it was difficult and took up a lot of time to get as many responses. In total I received 15 replies to my survey, I filled out the ones on paper into SurveyMonkey. There were 10 people who were 16, 3 were 17 and 2 were 18. This was a good response as the participants’ ages were quite equal between both year 12 and 13.

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Question 3

The third question of my survey was ‘how much would you pay for a music magazine?’. The reason why I chose to put this question in my survey was because I wanted to know how much my target audience would pay for a music magazine, so that when I create my music magazine I would keep in mind how much my target audience would pay. The most popular price my target audience would pay was £1.50, the second most popular was £1.00. Therefore when I create my music magazine I will charge £1.00 – £1.50 because from my survey I know that is what my target audience would pay for a music magazine.

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Question 4

The forth question of my survey was ‘what is your favourite genre/s of music?’. The reason why I chose to put this question in my survey was because I want to know what my target audience’s favourite music genre to appeal to my target audience. The most popular genres were Hip Hop/Rap. Therefore my music magazine will be based around this genre because my target audience

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Question 5

The fifth question of my survey was ‘who are your favourite music artist/s?’ The reason why I chose to put this question in my survey was because a connotation of a music magazine front cover is the centre of interest being a band or artist, therefore I put this question in my survey to get a general idea of my target audience’s favourite artists or bands. I have researched and analysed my target audiences favourite artists and put them in a table of their genre and how popular it was. 11 people’s favourite artist genre were hip hop/rap.

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Question 6


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Question 7

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Question 8 / Question 9

‘Do you read music magazines?’, everyone but one person said that they don’t read magazines. The one person who said they read magazines said they enjoy reading articles about their favourite artists. Therefore, I will include this in my music magazine if a reader of music magazines enjoys it.

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Question 10

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