Page 1: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo

AUGUST 18, 1989


plgil" td by AlAlrIIia PWl fOIl. .. .. No. \I9I&It1


• THE ltIEKO 2(}() ••. bolUUl/(}, tlt~ RAN.

0IsriluIed throughout .. RAN shII:s rod·t~..rd ID seMng persomelllli't.a_1hey IN)' be.

TN first Anzac frtgate Is .'q*:teo:I to be cIelw.r.cIlo the tuvy In 1985 II. and the be~at.,.ot~oneach~.

The dl,lgn of the Anzac triple tau bNn at.Md from" allnllln MiG 200 h1gate 8peclft..caNy to mMt~'s ....leg~ r lit: and IndWtNI ' .,...4MtIrM.

The new ahlpl will fomI tfIa eeCCMdof a-e.... in the Nfty'e..n-..... They..dls'gttedprimslUy to maintain the ADF's .... PC'I ctlonof ehIpplng cspatllUesto def-.Kle of AIoItJ"'s1efTtton.aend maldtl"~e.. TMywtN hive the ntn9"and sea­k ;ofng to opwate thnx.lghout our ..... of abat&gk; Inll&iMt.

1be thlpa wilt be nttad wtth. gun. mlaallee and aww:IllMca equlploent lncIudlng t'8d4Irs Meleonar .nd can c:.ny the 8eahawIc antJ.eubrnIIrIn hellcoptw, 1lwtlr-..pons end sensors can be~hanc« 1'IMIulN.

First delivery in 1995

The German-designed Meko 200 is to lJ.e the RAN's newclass fri&ale. to be boot by Am«OD in the bigm en~lIeer·

inc tontJ'lltl a......lIed in Austnlillll hioitory.The Government announced the success of Ameron's

tender on Monday for the $3.5 billion project. Amc:conwill build eight ships lIS Wtlliamstown Dockyard and New­castle:.

11le Amecon tender WlI!l selected over the A WS consor­tium, based in NcWCll5Ue.

1l1e cvaluation process of the two tcndoers began onMarch 23 when the Anzac Ship Project received seven lon­MS of paperwork.

The ledlnjc:aJ evaluation of the lenders began with sO:leams. uoder project director Commodore Peter MilcbeU;about 70 officcrs were employed fuU-time for the three·month evaluation period with the toW Dumber working onthe evaluation rising to as many as ISO during peakperiods.

Defence Minister, Mr Beazley, said Amecoo WllS cho5enbecause the comortium offered a a>mparable product II I

much lower ptioe than ilS competilor.He said both ICndcreB offered exc;:etlenl ships which mel

the nceds of the RAN, bullhe Amcoon bid wassomc S3SOmillion below the A WS bid - an advantage of 10 per c;:entof the a'lnU'aCI value. This price differential could be grea­ter if some options on 5eDSOB and IogUtic support aretaken up.

Mr Beazley said in areas olber than price the IWO bidswere evenly matched.

MEacb tender had advanlagcs in different aspcc1S of snipdesign and performance, though the M das5 was margi­nally preferred overaU," he said.

"Ameron's bid was preferred in the areas of manage­ment, financial arrangements, logistiai suJlPOn, and theindustry package.

MThe Defence Forc;:e Development oomminee and theChief of Naval Staffs Advisory oommiuee were unanim­ous in rerommeding the selection of Amecon· M

The Government will now finalise a oontraet wilh Ame­oon to bUIld 10 ships, wilh options 10 vary the number toeither eight or 12.

The way is therefore left open for New Zealand 10 par­ticipate in the program ifit chooses. The NZ government isyet to make a final decision on its panicipation.

If New Zealand does not panicipate in the project, workon Australian ships which would have gone to New Zea­land firms will instead be done in Australia.

Amecon's managing director, Dr John White. believedthere were a number of reasons for the selection of Ame­con, including:• the price and performance of the Meko 200,• the strength of their proposalS for industry involvementin Australia, and• the performance and capabilities at the revitalised WiI·liamstown facility.

Dr While said Ameron would spend, on average. nearly $1million every day over the IS-year lite span of the projeCl.

MWe have Australia's finest marine engineering facilityand believe the Meko 200 will be the ideal frigate to carrythe assigned mission for the RAN," he said.

MOur choice of ship is ideally suited 10 take advantage oflocal industry capability.

Mlts modular des.ign, backed by the technology transferoffered by designers Blohm and Voss and our ~jor sys­tem suppliers, ensure that the West German technololYWill be spread around bOlh oounlries R

to build










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Page 2: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo
Page 3: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo



PO Box''',North Ryde. 211]

Telephone: 80S 0388

Tedmical UbrarianSubmarine Project

FUluretech is ITlIo<IIved in the deYeIopmerI: of TralrungCCU'SeWilfe tor Ausualia's new subr'r'Iannts and '~.j1res

a Tectneal librarian 'Nho WlU have tile fo/k1.wIgresponsibliites:• MaIntain aawtngs. techmcal I'iIe5 and .systems

informaoon• ConlrOl iSsucand lecefpt of submanne documentation• Classil'y, valfdate and enler docIJmentation into a

computer b<lsecI configuratiOn management '5)'Stem• Updale lechnical documentalion• Msi5t in source data collection• Coordinate CUStClCly" and SlOVolagc or documentalion in

lhe SubrTlarine library.AbrIl: """c..-idellCfl fof thb pc!IJltlon-

O!'" M¥pet Weeki.~~.IM:ireAbeiowlNrUCATJOH fQllHlS I"OSlT1CW QOSfS MOl'IIOo'Y AUGUST 2I.

A tuIOer~R&nud!'s prc:+t<lS~Defe'Dwork. a'Id fortt* rNIOl"I the~ II'+ us wtI ......p aCoIIII"'I,? IlllleC16lfyde .U.SOl!Ulbe~dttta ...AttJ1ICtJvit sa' Its.e negoo:W* .cross III~ llili!lltS.

Please (eM _fl.R~Mtdc~1Ht~ suring-.llabIlfty to:

computer Based Training Artists/AuthorsThr~ people now have tIY chance 10join OUI ComputerBased Tlitlning team as au~ and graphiC artists.Ifyou have an interest in Compulers, are creative and haveor are snJ<¥ng technical draww'lg or graphic design theoyou could be tile person we want.Some cxpenence in graphiC deslgn, leaching or thet1'alrlrg indusby and a basic l.JfldmIanding of computenwould be an aov;nagc, bUi: is no! ascnoaI.It,~.)OU;nanapeb ad CST aAhof a'ld~~D Iea'n rrN stIs andpn a rClpidly~ aao MIQ~. we WII txlk bwaIcI D meEtIl? W'«h )QU.


,.,..,.... I

Instructional DesignersThe.tnsl1uctlonal Design team is~ tIM:)~

~ TheIr wort ir'M:l/YeS aoaIyslng ntormalion andc~anng erteaiYe inwI.Jctlonal programs tor bcKhcomput:er and noo<omputer bastd uanng.Corrvnitrnel1t to a behavioural, .systems based approach isessential.AppIieants 'NOU1cI be graduales with majOO in any ofeducational psychology. instnJCllOl'ldl design.measurement and evaluation.


He prai5ed the team forcontinuing to provide highquality and nutritious meaJ5from the ......rdroom panuydespite the paucity offacilities and the oftenopprC5Sive conditionsexperienced.

Petty .offKXr CookShane Aubrey whoreceived the award onbehalf of his team, expre5­led a commitment to themainlenance of these high5laudards.

In concluding, theMaritime Commander5uessed thai awards of thi5nature were received byvery few and it was panicu­larly ligni6cant that in thilcase the commc:ndation wasmlde to a group ratherthan an individual.

Before departing, andbefitting tbe occasion,RADM MacDougall wastreated 10 a buffet luncheonin the 5hiP'5 cafe.

ADELAIDECOOKSONWtUi tile Ya§t _jority of HMA fleet firmly eDl:'OtK'td ill

Ute tropic:aI..nIl, for tIte ripors of berci5e K89,I:L"tASADELAIDE was .....1 -~ tile nst cIock ...aD al G.....IsI:uMI~ 10 ~j. tile DHI.

1be Maritime Comman·der, Rear Admiral I.D.G.MacDougall, visitedADELAIDE to make I

number of pTe5entations.

Included among thC5ewere fow- DFSMs 10 mem­ben of ADELAIDE'55hip'5 company.

Proud recipients of theaward were lhe E:iecutiveOfficer, LCDR 1boma.s;the ASWO, LCDR PeterMurray; POETC SteveBeal and LSSTJ) RussLaidlaw.

. However, the highlight

. of the visit was the a......rd of, a maritime commander'5

commeudation to the 5hip'scookery department.

RADM MacDoupil pre­leOled the commendationin recognilion of the OUt­"aDding perfonnaDCC oftt.e c:oolt5 duriog the eightmontb period that the maingalley was unserviceable.


1"""''''''''''''''''''''''-''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''1 New super= .:- -

I IguidelinesE !

Ifor ADF~ :: Members of the Oefea« Forte may DOW ooam­

E bole to s«ond ClJ"ee£ 5upcrtlll1uation schemes. the! Ministu ror Defence Science and Pel'5ODoel, Mr

! ",,! Simmons bas annouDcN.! The old superannuation Reasonable Benefit Limits! (ROL) rules severely limited the ability of members of the

i :: Defence Force to contribute to a second superannuationOefence E i scheme when they completed their Service careers.

:: This was due to lhe faet that the Defem::e Force Retire-i ! ment and Death Benefits Scheme benefits payable 10 most

=1 ! members of the Defence Force had the potential to exceed

f :: lhe RBL as previously calculated.! ~ .., i They therefore were not pcnnined to join a second

g4r • i scheme._ :: The changes to the RBL announced by the Treasurer in

Major facilities in\'estmenu will include :; Z 4i ) i lhe Budget have resulted in a more geoerous formula forthe re-location of 2 Cavalry Regiment to _~ •• f i calculating the impact of RBL.s 00 DFRDB beoefiu.Darwin and deveJopmenu at HMAS Slirl- ~ ;: This revised formula will apply when the DFRDBing 10 5uppon lhe developmenl of a IWO- ~ J <#., ~.... i scheme, along with other public 5«Ior 5CbemC5 become5ocean Navy. i fl ./, • :: 5ubject 10 the RBt on July I. 1990.

The Go"emmenl has abo moved to:: """"l • • ! The chanF mean that, with the uception of a ~lutend the speciaJ Defence Force exemp- ! I... ! number of Jong-5eMng 5enior offlCCf5, beoefiution 10 lhe Medicare levy, the Miniller for i ...~• ., ••, ;: immediately payable 10 present members of the DFRDB

.a ••t ~ ! scheme as at July 1, 1990 will faJl wilhin the RBtDefence Science and Penonnel, Mr Sim- :: ('f

mon5uid_ i I ".- ~ th~~~PaaoftbeRBLOnbenc:fiuunderthcseSCheme5M members of the Defence Fo~ i '., ! will take effect Pfogrcs.sively from that date.

""cei\'e free m,~~~~, ~~ar~ person- i ~ ,t... i The generous transitional provision5 of the new RBtI Y ClIempt rom tlK: ...e"",...e K:vy, and :: • :: arrangemenlS will ensure that il will be 50lIIe 15 to 20 years....hen married, lhey pay half the levy to i r.'I.. ~ "! before memben down 10 the rank of captain (equivalenl)cover the medical a>5U of their family. i ,', ••_ t :: Will he affected by Ihe RBL, and then only marginally.

Medicare levy i I • ! The DFRDB benefiu paid to members below the rankThe Government now ha:s decided that, i ~t •• • ! of caplain will never exceed lhe RBL thre5hold.

• • ., ;: MOlt members of the Defence Force therefore will notwhere a 5pouse of a member of lhe;:. _Defcnce Force also work5 and earn5 5uCfi- ! ••' .~ ;: be affected by the RBt.cient to be liable to pay the Medicare levy, ! '0••- _I r----;..---------------,the Defence Force member will no longer :: ... :: FUTURETECH PTY LTD

::~;:o;~,::::":':~~" "om ,,,,, 1·1 '~~'••:'~i Traini~;D;lopersIt':til I ~:: New Submarine Project

The totaJ lax paid by effeCled married _i 'I •• , != Futureted1 Is expandIng and we require ~dltlonalmembers of the Defence Fo~ will be \~ , ~l atr<m ow dep;trtmcnu. Futuretem 15reduced by 0.625 percent."\' = l~ted ~ North Ryde and b • trMIng. rew.arch

This represenu a uving of $3.60 a week ~, i and human lesou'Ces development~,,,. =mh<' umio, $30.000 • yeu. ~ I'~ ~= Task AnalumJ("blect Matter Experts

Thil decision is a funher demon5tration "" 'l~WI- ~Electrk:a4 and Mechanlc.illl senior 5aUOr'5of the Government's recog.nition or sa'the 5pecia1 circultl5lan0e5 and needs of Scr- _ _ We <lre IcJokWig tor ETP. m. MTP and MlHScr.or iIorsvice families. ~ i WIth Cllt'lCI' sut:m.Jrile' or FFG expe'lerlCc. You will as.SlSl

With the de\Jclcp I Ie It of operator and I'r\WItaITIef trcillllllQ:: lot Australia'5 new Type 471 submarines.~ TRAINING 00'alENCE IS NOT essemw.

i J '~I E

== === !

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S en

The Fedel1l1 Government's Budget o( 1989-90 has provided forspending to be maintained in real terms al the level of~.

In money tenn5 Defence outlays will $ubmannc$,oonhnueddeliveritsofF/A-18increase by 6.S per cent from m82 million aircraft, and two new lypeS of helicopler,in 1988-89 to $8327 million in 1989-90. a:s wcll as new communication5 equipment,

vehicles. computer equipment and muchmore.

Expenditure under (he defence fuDCIionwill aaually increase in real terms by S54million which Defence ..ill relain from theproceeds of propeny 5aJe5 in 1989-90.

A 5um, equivalent to 0.5 per cent reaJgroWlh in lbe Defence budget overall, willbe included in the base for determiningnut )'ear's outlays.

DefeDCC eontinue5 to accounl for aboul9.6 per cent of Commonwealth bUdgel out­lays and will COn5ume around 2_3 per cenlof GOP in the coming )"ear.

M estimated 87 per cent of Defence OU!­lays will be 5pent in Australia, including 23per cenl of 5pending on Siores and equip­ment, up from 22 per cenl in 1988-89.

The Defence Mini5ler, Mr Beazley laidthe opponunities 10 redireCl re50urces toarea:s of high priority through propertylales and other management initialivC5enabled Ihe Government to sU5lain a vigor­OU5 Defence program without oversteppingthe Government's strong commilment 10cxpenditure restraint.

The main priorities in Defence are to:

• improve condition5 for Service person­nel and their families, including $103 mill­ion on Se.-...K:e hOUling: and• maintain investment in the major re­equipment program for lhe AUitraliaDefence Fo~.

Thil year investment will account for 27per cent of expenditure, covering majorequipmenl progrInu including two types offrigates (FFG and ANZAC class), new

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NAVY NEWS, August 18, 1989 (191) 3

Page 4: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo




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July 4 marked lhe ~~:Dinosaur's 28th hirth- :::dlly and the opportu.lity ::::10 this was not ::::

,--_. 1.0 d~"" ~.'m.....,... wer ...... was .•.;

~~a~~~;" :r:::; ~ji"'here CO,C~mRGeoll' ::::SlIlitb lise presealed .:::CPOQMG '"GiAbo" ~::Gilbertson, CPORP :::"Mary" Ma)"M and :::POQMG "J>Dc:k" CuI· :::aanl lItcir Ode~ :::FOfft SCO'K-e 1Pt4aIs. ~



We are a leading Engineering PlasticsManufacturing Company situated in theWestern Suburbs and are seeking an exEngine Room Senior rating about 40 yearsold for the position of Technical InsideSales,

Full training of Engineering Plastics arC.their uses will be given.We are Australia's leading manufaclurer ofthese materials with branches in U.S.A..Singapore and U.K.

Salary by negotiation.Contact: F. Wimmer (Manager)

UNASCO PTY. LTD.Phone: 636 1200

Following a major nightencounler exercise involv­ing 18 ships including twoUSN vesselS the Australianmainland was finallysighted on the morning ofFriday July 28.

PARRAMAlTA wasmaking preparatiollS forK89 and lhe message forthe exercise is ckar:The Dinosaur is back!

Seaman Bob Cuder andAble Seaman Gary Smith.

Following rour tracking runsBRAVE confirmed sll was ready.With a large audience viewIng theaerial from PARRAMATTA'aupperdecka "the shell", as cap­lured (below) by ABPHOT KevInBristow, was fIred.

Heralded by a ek)ud of smokeBRAVE repfled wfttl a Seawotfmissile which successfullydowned the shell In what was, amost ImPfessNe display.

a naval(NGS)



Tuesday July 24 saw PAR­RAMAlTA's officialdepanure from the Asianstation and a kite flyingcompclilion was held tomark the occasion.

A larget~tellSured

an equally large variety ofentries ... some more suc·cessful than others! Even­tual winners were Leading

craft serials andgunfire supportexercise.


ceeded 10 clear the area for •programmed seawolf firing,

The Dinosaur's rOle In thisserial was to fire a series ofRadar Enhanced seawolf Track·Ing (REST) 4.5" shells at an .Impoint, short of and astern ofBRAVE.

This was to _ble BRAVE totrack and eventuslly engage wfthher seawotf system.

HMS BRAVE ... Bn::h 2. Type22 8f'cw1 ",ad class (ligate.


Armed with scuba gearthe match was played inrain and a reportcdly ~most

social atmosphcre~,

Despile the large dcgreeof social activity. the opera·tion teams of all ships werekept busy throughout thestay wilh pre-exercise plan­ning for Ausina 3189,

PARRAMAlTA's firstAsian Cllercise IhlS year wasAusina '2JWJ which invo!\'cdworking ..ith the Indone­sian frigate KRIHASM1.1DDIN so il wasfilting that her last Asianexercise should be anotherAusina.

It •

. i>-' ......... I

PARRAMATTA fires a 4.5" shdf 10 tI n"lh:llOIU I+'ilh tI Mtlwolfmlssllr.

STARflSIt 89 •.• aMtller uerrise uU'oZ'-lal "MAS PARRAMATTA •.• and (pietum) "MAS OlWAY and IIMN'"'..s WELLINGTON.



i,!iWe're backii! for K'89!~~!.•.. FoUowiag 118 daJS outside Australian waters:::: HMAS PARRMtATIA i<; "officially back" having

·ii: ::"';':.~;" p.rt or tho Kan....... fl«1

'. Departing Singapore in linucd their unbeaten run~~ cornpa.ny wilh HMA Ships with a convincing win over~:: DARWIN. LAUNC£S. the local Mcounlr)' .."OOds~?:: TON and GLADSTONE club,::;: on the morning of Wedncs­f:: day July 19, a two day pas·:::: sage was made for the:::: ship's last Asian pon of;::: call, Jakarta.

!~~! The RAN group enlered:::: the busy harbour during the~:: forenoon of July 21 and:::: "'ere wekomcd by a milit­:::: If)' band and a number of:::: senior Indonesian military~:: staff.~:: With only a 48 hour visit,;:: shore leave was quickly::: piped and most personllCl:::: immediately set off in'::: search of those '"final rab­'::: bits" or s,atays!

::;: Unlike Iheir earlier:::: Indonesian visit Surabaya.:::: whcn entertainment was~:: restricted by the Ramadan The theme of Ausina 31~:: religious festival. Jakarta 89 was anti·air warfare and~;: with its population or seven for this the IndollCsians~:: and a half million proved a provided one frigate KRI::: most exciting port for aU YOS SUDARSO and a.::: who yentured ashore. number of Bronco and.:.: Nomad aircraft.::~ Dinosaur sporting teams:::: abo made the most of the 1bc ellercise itself was~:: slay with cricket and rugby conducted over 36 boon.::: union being played against and included offJCl:r of the

watch manoeuvres.1bc eril;:ket team coo- jacmay U1UISfers. anli-air-

Missile shot down::;: During a programmed gunnery:::: serial and as pilrt of Starfish 9189,:::: HMAS PARRAMATTA recently:::: angaged and Intercepted a sea-

:~~~ :~~I~:;:: Hfl~~B::~E.Royal::: At lust that's the version you::: will hear from the ship's Gunnery

:~~~ =nn~enant Commander

';:; On compfetlon of an antI-air·~:: craft serial PARRAMATTA and:::: HilS BRAVE detached .nd pro-



The Oerence Fo~ Ombudsman (0.'0) is virtually Ihelut person to ..-hom a servin, member an appeal ir be orshe believ~ Ihal a ,RevaIKe has 1I0t been dealt ..ilbjll5tJyb,· Ibe ~'arioWi Sen'K-e redfftS aUlborities.

The DFO docs not always suppon Ihe vie"'S of Ihemember and oflen decides that the decision handed downby the authority is a f:ur 0IlC.

HO"'~ver. this is not a1....ys the c:ase and the DeputyOmbudsman (Defence Foree). Mr R. FTOSI. thouKht.mainly 10 illustrale the range of malters "";th whieb hedeals. readen milJllt be intcre$ted to heu of some of lhecases w!)ere the DFO has recommended in favour of themember ov-er the past year.• A member was charged for rations and quaners whichhe did not use, DFO was instrumental in having his chargesrefunded.• Two sailors were to be discharged for being overweight.DFO was able to offer reasons which persuaded Navy todefer its decisions.• A soldier attempted to transfer from the Army to theRAAF without breaking continuity of service; this didn'lhappen and he lost entitlement to a DSHC loan. TheRAAF admiued an administrative defect in recruitmentand he was able to receive a SIO.OXl grant and reimburse­ment fOl" money lost while unemployed.• A member was denied TRA because he had refused amarried quarter. DFO poinled out Ihat all relevant factsI12d not been ronsidered and the decision wuovenumed.• A member was refused Child Education Allowance andhis application for redress of grievance was denied. DFOwas to persuade the redress authority to reverse lhe dca­OOn.• A widow of an Cll-scrviceman was having trouble wilhDSHC over repain carried out on her house. DFO wasable to convince DSUC to revise il$ posilion.• A sailor was refused discharge because he had not com­pleted his term. DFO was able to persuade Navy that hehad been wrongly advised at recruitment and his dischargewas allowed.• A soldier was concemed that a few days· break betweenhis discharge from National Service and his enlistment inthe Regular Army was having an ad\'erse effect on his pen­sion entitlements. DFP pointed out a legal provision whichenabled the DRFDB AUlhority to disregard lhe break.• A sailor rCttived an unfair adverse repon. DFO per­suaded the Navy 10 disregard il. as a result of which he ..-aspromolCd retTO$pCCli\~ly. with back pay.• A soIdier's appeal for a rent rebate under the GroupRent Scbemc was lost twice in the s)'Stem, Following DFOinter....ention. his third attempt was finally processed andappro\·ed.• A sailor was discharged in 1970 on expiry of engage­ment. Notwithstanding that twenty years had elapsed,DFO was able to demonslrate that his medical recordswere deficient and satisfied the Dcpanment thai he couldhave been discharged medically unfit and pl:rhaps. there­fore. eligible for benefits under DFRDB.• A former LACW complained thaI she incurred substan­tial expenditure on dental work due 10 defective workundenaken while she was serving. DFO effons resulted intbe Depanment accepting liabilily for compensation..DFO has been slMXtSSful this year in persuading theDepanmenl of Finance to ive rooovery of ov-erpaymcntsor pa)' to two members hich were made $Cveral yearsbefore rcmvery was soulJllt.

PJease RUSH MEa free illustrated brochure.

Reply to: CREST CRAFT.Box 178 PO Macdesfiekl, 5153. SA.

Include your name. address. postcode,ARMY, R.A.R.. R.AAF. also available.







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Page 5: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo



Imagine ...The lure of the SouttI Pacific, swaying palms,crystal clear lagoons, white sand beaches,coral reefs teeming with colourful fish, idyllicislands where the nalives still follow theirtradilionallifestyle. All this and more is whatP&O Sitmar is offering OTC members on aonce n a lifetme cruise aboard lhe new look'Fairstar', ret:el.tIy r-.. bished to the tune 01$10 miIIioo I. Two Jucky winners will cruise theSouth Pacific early in 1990 on <l dale to bemutually decided. So if you are illready amember of the OTC you are automatically inthe draw for Ihis fabulous P&O Sitmar prize.

Traveller Awards ...Members who purchase their holiday from aOanlas Travel Centre and complele the tripmay be eligible for an award. These areselected at random dates so keep travellingand read Travel Tak

Travel Education ...We intend to produce information, materialwhich will be used to entertain and advisepersonnel on holiday destinatiOns,accommodalion, special events, sightseeing, cuhutal inlerests, travel lips etc. Tomake it even more excting you will be giYena chance to win more prizes.


: Given name

I ""',II, ........I PlCode l-lome Phone No.

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Co-ordINllor Olnlu AIrways Urnhed

LPO Bel 489 GPO Sydney 2001 NAVY~ I__________iOI

TraveTalk~Y\7 .

Discounts 0 •

This issue promotes the money savingscheme otlerod by Oantas Connections 10OTC members. Although the OTC is notdirectty discount orientated we otter vakIe formoney holidays, through our pad<aged"SPEOALS", prizes, Incentives/awards and,of course, Connections.

Incentives/Prizes. 0 •

The incentives are the prizes which can bewon sWnpIy by being a member 01 the OTC.These can vary from rnerc:handise,entertainment, air 1i(:Qts, cruises and more.

So when you are wanting 10 save money onyour next overseas holiday, Oantasconnections' worid-wide networ1l: providesyoo with the freedom and the way to make)'COf dollar travellurther. You can obtain yourQantas Connections card and theappropriate hand book by either contactingyour local Qantas Travel Centre or, if youwookl prefer, by calling Oantas Connectionsfrom anywhere in Australia toll-lree on(008)2211955, or in Sydney on (02) 9570166.

• Skipper a narrowboat, exploring 2000kmsof canals and rivers· Save up to 15%

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Oantas Connections also produoes the___quart"" ..Co<v>eotions0'

magazine lof the travel enthusiast.Pacl<ed lull of interesting lravel tips andinformatiOn, "Connections" magazine isavailable on subscription only, at a COSI of$16 per year or $32 lor two years.

For an application form or lor moreinformation on Qantas Connections, phonetoI-free on (008) 221 1955, or if in S)'dney on(02) 957 01 66.


Europe - Save up to 300/.• Tour Rome, Naples, Florence, Pompeii

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• Charter a yacht inthe Bay 01 Islands ­Save up to 50%

North America ­Save up to 290/.• Tour throughout Canada In a motorhome .

Save 20%

• Ski at Aspen, Whistler and Banff- seve upto 20%

• Steamboat along the lamous MississippiRiver· Save up to 20%

• Helicopter tours in the exotiC HawaiianIslands - save 20%

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Brazil and Argentina ­Save up to 70%

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Asia - Save up to 50%• Stay at the Garden Holel in Singapore ­

Save up to 46%

• Play got! at the Awana Gdl aub inMalaysia. Save upto 41%

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• Buy original artifacts lrom Tesoro's inManila-Save 10%

• Rent a car and explore the treasures ofBali· Save up to 50%

• VISit the Sung Dynasty WIage in HongKong - save 20%

You may have already heard of and know much about QantasConnections, however in case you don't we are going to tellyou about this unique money-saving scheme offered byQantas to its Australian customers.

What isConnections?Quite simply, it's a worid-wide netwonc:of money-saving places to stay, ways ofgetting around, things 10 do, and things10 buy. In sOOrt, it's the ideal vehicle forAustralians who want to make theirdollar travel further and who p(efer to be"independent" for either atl or somepart of their time spent travellingovefseas.Connections was established 10 giveyou the freedom 10 plan your ownindividual holiday. We give you theflexibility 10 make your own groundtravel arrangements either in advance Of

as you go. At the same time you enjoylow travel prices normally available onlywith packaged tours.Participation is offered FREE 10independent travellers who fly themajority of their journey with Cantas (lorAsia and New Zealand it must beQantas fcx' the full journey) and maketheir booking through a QaIltas TravelCentre.The Key to Cantas Connections is theCall1as Connections Card which isavailable on request through any QanlasTravel Centre once you have made yourair bookings (and have the requiredOanlas content as previouslymentioned). The WOl1d-wide network ofOantas Connections arrangements is

contained in a series 01 five colourregiorlal handbooks which detail over5000 situations in which you can savemoney. These are a very few oltllem:

I For further information on the above holidays contact:NSW SYDNEY CITY OvGeorge &JamIson Streets: (02) 236 4622· HURSTVIu.E2.7 Forest Road: (02) 5706U4· PAAAAMATTA284 Church Street; (02) 635 7199· CHATSWOOO387 VIClOrisAverw.-: (02) .19 23S6•N~ SYDNEY 1., Walker Street;(02) 9570'04· BONDl4680xt0rd Stre«:(02) 387 7466· UVERPOOL 255GeorgeStreet:(02) 821 1122· ERINA Shop27-28CentrllCout Fair; (043) 65 1311 • NEWCASTl.£~Hunter Street:(049) 29 5821 • WOLlONGONG 1101116 CrownStleet:(042) 29 4-488ACTCANBEAAA 197 LondonOrcuit;(062) 75 5411 • NOATHBOURNEAVE; (062) 15 5460. RUSSELL; 6-1-16653800, (062) 75 5434• CAMPBELL PARK; (062) 75 5451 SAAOElAIOE 14 KingWiliiam Street;(08) 237 8418. 211 VictorlaSqullfe; (08) 237 8418· SAUSBURY ShopS7Parabanks Centre; (06) 250 4600; OLD BRlSBANE241 AdelaideStreel;(07) 234 3833. SURFERS PAAAOISE3047Go1d Coast Highway; (075) 38 5766· TOWNSVILLE 280 Flinders Malt:(077) 71 6902· CAIRNS 13Sper'lceStreet;(070} 51 01llOTAS H08AAT n Eli:abeth Mall; (002) 35 4900VIC MELBOURNE 233 Collins Street; (03) 602 6540· 114 Wdliarn Street; (03) 602 6390. Shop 20, Col~ns Place: (03) 602 6539. CAMBERWELL 7'95 Burlle RoId; (03) 8t3 2622· PRAHAAN 321 Q\apel Street; (03) 602 6633• GEELONG 180MoorabooI Street; (052) 23 t333 • OANOENONG 361~ Street; (03) 793 2333 • DEPT OF DEFENCE 350 St Kilda Road: (03) 602 6531 WA PERTH 93 Wililrn Street; (09) 482 8282 • PERTH APS3rd Floor, Allandale SquInI, T1 St Geolges TetrIC8; (09) 482 8292 NT DARWIN 19 The Mall; (089) 46 4637 • CASUAAlNA Shop 6, CISl·aril'lll Shopplng Squate: (089) 45 1399

NAVY NEWS, August'18, 1989 (193)05'

Page 6: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo
Page 7: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo



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Page 8: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo


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The new fuel-injectedmodels are part of Mit­subishi's aggressive model

program for 1989.

The Lancer model line­up is now; GLX 1.5 litrefive-speed manual; GLX1.5 litre three-speedautomatic; SE 1.5 litre five­speed manual; GLX 1.5litre MPI five-speed man­ual; GLX 1.5 litre MPIfour-speed automatic; SE1.5 litre MPI five-speedmanual and the SE 1.5 litreMPI four-speed automatic.

•, .~i::j-:..~~-

g;!1 -'I" ~,

jq~ $12.50-- 0"''''<

Chief of the Defence Force, General P. c.Gration, has visited the Naval trade trainingcentre, "MAS N1RlMBA, in Sydney.

He addressed an assembly of officers and ship's com­pany and commented favourably on his visit.

He enjoyed his inspection lOur, met and spoke withtrainees and was entertained to lunch by the officers.

General Gradon's visit coincided with Phase 3 ETP·9first day in the machine shop.

He took particular interest in LSETP SIM Williams(right) setting up an introductory turning exercise in hislathe.

General Gration asked about naval training al theestablishment and of the trainees' future aspirations.

The visit ended after an afternoon tea with the War­rani Officers and Senior Sailors.

Mitsubishi MotorsAustralia Limited releasedthe carburettored Lanceron the Australian marketlast August.

The car attracted favour­able reaction from motor­ing writers for its com­prehensive level of stan­dard equipment - even inthe 'base' GLX model ­and its strikinglyacrodynamic body styling.

The Lancer has nceededthe company sales targetduring the first months ofrelease.

ta e 0ree ats

LATEST INMOTORINGnew MPI Lancer with thefive-speed manual return­ing 6.6 litres!IOOkM (citycycle) and 5.4 litres!IOOkM(highway) [AS 28n].

In the four-speedautomatic MPI car. thefigures are 7.8litresilOOkM(city) and 6.2 litresilOOkM(highway).

by Bebbie Edes


More go and betterruel consumption areoffered in the 1989range or importedMilsubishi Lancersedans.

Fuel injection and a four­speed automatic transmis­sion are now optionale%tras. providing sevenmodel variations.

A week behind the wheelof the newcomer, whichhad won a leading WestGerman magazine's golde:taward for models up tol5OOcc. proved a drivingpleasure.

The multi-point fuelinjection system raisesmaximum power fromS6kW to 61kW in the newfully equipped model.

Maximum torque israised from l20Nm at 3500rpm to l26Nw at 3000rpm.

The four-speed automa­tic transmission provides afinal drive ratio of 4.021.

This compares to 3.600 inthe three-speed automatictransmission carburettormodel.

The result is markedlymore responstve perfor­mance coupled with asmoother spread of powerthroughout the range.

Superior fuel economyfigures are maintained fact improved with the* * *

When Commander Andrew Mackinnon assumed command of HMASCAIRNS a feature of the handover ceremony was the presentation ofthree hats, representing the three appointments he now holds.

They are: CommandingOfficer HMAS CAIRNS,Naval Officer-in-ChargcCAIRNS, and CommanderAustralian Patrol boatForces.

As CO of HMAS ~.

J""~ CAIRNS he is responsible ~."''''''

~ for the 22 Officers and 171 Commrulthr Andnw Mackinnon (Itft) assuming com-<. 'D.' S d· I • sailors whose role is 10 sup- m(UU/oifHMASCAlRNS'--C·-m--"-_B_·_E"_.~,t Ministtr Jor t,tnct, citnu on rt~onnt, Mr .-.. pon live Fremantle Oass J'''''' u'" &fI'UC. 'N~~ .......

David Simmons optning the ntw Family Centre/or Caims • patrol boats were transferred to the new Two local motels, LasStniupenonnd on Jllly 4. I ~;;, TOWNSVILLE, GLAD- COMAUSPABFOR org- Palmas and Northern

The minister for MI'nI'ster's . . - STONE, IPSWICH. BEN- anisation, located at Heritage. purchased in JulyDefence, Science and • , DIGO and WHYALLA HMAS CAIRNS. 1988 provide excellentPe........nnel, Mr David • wi 'h h· HMAS With a staff of three. accommodation for up to

'-" ~ e survey Sip, COMAUSPABFOR now 170 single and unaccom.Simmons MP visited I It .-' FLINDERS and HMAS

VISI TARAKAN. undertakes the workups paniedpersonnel.Cairns on July 4. t The base also provides and OREs of all patrol Eight acres of land have

His visit included brief- - boats, survey motor also been purchased, about

'·0" on '''6 Tol" ,od f •.·, If _. f II d facilities for other shin« of h"0- .. u,.... ~ ~.. ' e o. '" 0 a ooncerne. the RAN and fO~;igo lauDches and landing craft tree kilometres from',i~dm .",f .!!,MQAS

R• ,CA,~~~S, particularly Mrs Sue Owen. , navies passin, through the heavy. HMAS CAIRNS, for con-

" .J ,-" "~,, and invited the Mana,,· I Th I ·d -'f struction of" .pon of Cairns for either ey a so provl est... Ve-ID aecom-

HMAS CAIRNS and ment Committee to apply for RANR Pon Division modation and associatedHMAS IPSWICH, visits to for funding, under the , recreational or operational training. facilities.a number of married quar- recently-announced reasons., ,. 'h' ANNIV

i -- NOIC CAIRNS. D response "... ERSARYters and the opening of the no,oro Family Support ~ Dd WhoF,m·ly 0..,- G 'd ·1 d· h G I CMDR Mackinnon is dele- ence Ite Paper, The Cairns Port Division

I " ..... ran, elal e In t e ov- ,,'cd • __";00

_' -.0'-1 which places greaterIn opening the Centre, ernments response to the of Cai~;"-b~d'~ee7'u~':s emphasis on the defence of of the RANR celebrated its

~~:x~~:~~~.~.:.:~~~~~::-.~~.~.-.-.:.~-~..~~-~.~-:-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- -.- - -.- - -.-.-.-.- - -............ which are tasked with the Australia's northern wat- ~~~ a:U}~~7;a~a~~ya~.. ,. -- .-'-.'-' - ..'- '.. _.-.... _•••••••_._•.•_._._._..._•.•_•••.•••••••_._._•••••••••••••••••••••_._._._._ _._._._•••••••••••••••••••••••<;:: responsibility.' patrolling ers, growth at HMAS HMAS CAIRNS.,'.' During his iruJHction, CAIRNS h be:.·.~:.·.i Comma"lkr Mackinnon the Queensland coast to the extensive. as en Reviewing Officer was

.peaks with LSRO Bob limit of the Australian the new Naval Officer-in-'.'. A new oil fuel installa-•••• Way, wifh Commander Ian Fishing Zone. Charge CAIRNS, Com·:..•••:..... When COMAUSMlN- tion has been constructed mander Mackinnon, """r-

Hall (CO Reserves) and at the base and the old , c-.••. CPOWTR John Grigg in PAR organisation was dis- onning his first official:::: solved in December 1988 OFt, built in WWII has function since .

:::::::::::::::,:::::::;::::::::::,::::::::::=~-.:.! ~;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;:~::;;:::;:::;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::':~:~~:;~~::~~:~::~;~~~;:~~&~~~-:::::::=;::~:~=~::~~;:::::;:::;:;:;:;:;:::::::m:;~~:;:::;::::::::::::;::;::;N.~, A ,.tt,,,,., m"".g wu h,Id'm '~'''y, wh",.11 ", w.m" who CDF SEES NIRIMSA AT WORKanended were shown the art of lace makin!:, and all QDIe away very impressed.

1l>e nen ooffee morning fremantk:: Congratulations Fashion Parade is being held atcoming up is being held on !O the newoornrniltee, who are; Anzac House oommencing a{Wednesday. September 20 at president. Carolyn Middleton: 1.3Opm.9.3Oam in the club's rooms at vice president, Joy Coley; sec- TIckets are 15 each whichHMAS ALBATROSS. retary, Kerry Matthews; trea_ includes a Devonshire tea and

This meeting will feature a surer, Barbara Woodrow: COm- ludy door pme.floral arl demonstration. and if mittee - Kath Hunter, Marg This function is to raiseyou would like a ~hands on" Ni%on, U'e Jones, M,chelle mODey for the e%_Wrans 5O!.hnpcrience!O make full use of U'vy. From Sutherland; creche re-union. Please ring Kerry,the demonstration. then don't co-ordinator. Marg Ni.t.on. number ab.wc, if you wouldforget to bring some plants, It's great to see the girls ~ke to altend.dried floweR. involved in one of our branches Ce~nu: A fash,on parade is

Congratulations On the binh takc up a position on another planned for September 21 andof babies to three membeR of branch commit!ee _ Hi to past costsSI5 single and S25double.this group - one being a pre- treasurer of Western Districts, This cost COVeR sUP!"'r anddecessor of this column. Carol Marg Nuon. wine, bookings are now beingVickridge! Carol had a dau~· Two events have been plan_ taken by Chris on 839 700.{er, Undsay on July 6, Geral- ned by the oommittce for Sep- * * *dine Thomas had a son. Le'gh tember. First off is a ttip to Brisbane, "The RSVP date ofon July 12 and Nita Jones had a Burswo<xI lslaod Casino, wllidl August 24 is fast approaching,son, Jonathon on July 2. ...i11 be 00 Wednesday. Sep- if you would like to attend the

A warehouse shopping trip !ember 6 SIart saving now,~ fashion parade being organisedto Sydney is being planned for dclails from Kerry on S28 ISO!. to be held on Wednesday, Scp-Sa{Urday, October 2. The COS{ On Se tember 22 a S rinR tember 6 at Amity S28 which includes coach.lunch at Enterla,nment Centreand hostess for the day.

Ring Nicki on 044 216744for more detail!;

* * *Weslern Dislriel5: A trip tothe Ray Martin show has beenorganised for Monday, August28 travelling in by mini-bu•.TItls is a great day, if you would~ke !O fmd out mOre ring BevOn 674 3213 to see if bookingsare closed.

The out coffee morning isbeing held on Thursday Sep­lember 7 at lOam in the clubsrooms at HMAS NIRIMBA.when Freda Pendergast will bethe guest speaker.

Sbe will be lening those pre_sent know how to take upgeneology as a hobby ­babysitting will be available inthe adjoining creche free ofcharge _try and make it along,f you live in this area.

* * *Caabernl' My apologies forprinting news of this group's25th annivenary dinner dancelast issue.

Shorlly afterwards I received{beir newslelter IClling meknow this evening has had to beailed. Ins{ead it is plan­~o hold a 25th anniversarylChrUiJrulS drinu parly onSaturday. November 28 at 7pm~ l.e'gacy House, Deakin. somark this new date On yourcalendar.

1l>e nUt coffee morningcoming up is planned for lOamon Tuesday Sep{ember 12 atCottage.. 52, HMAS HAR­MAN, these ooffee morningsare alttaeting a good why If,j join in. you'll enjoythe morning out. For moreinformatinn ring Noreen on 814,,,.

Page 9: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo


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(03) 6975088 or writing to: .o\:..,.-I NHBS, GPO Box 2123T, Melbourne, VIC 3001.

It is well Irnownthrougbout PT cin:lestbat Wayne (Nobby)Clark loves a game ofgall'. Nobby plays to arespecIlIble handkap andmllAaged to get a coupleof games in agUnst • ret·low PT member between• busy schedule in Dar­win. So what you say.WeU lhis other memberdidn'l have his golf dubswith him so Nobby, beingtbe guy be is, shlU'ed bisdubs. Still, even usine hisOMI dubs, Nobbyrouldn't mllDage 10 win •skim match while theother pocketed some ofthai hanl earned northQueensJ.and cas!l. Let itbe known while the othermember won tbe cash hedid bave 6ve putts on onehole.

* * *Bill Stokes is stiJIlead-ing the way at Ihe ripe oldage of ....? Well, oursouthern correspondentwasn't quite sure just howold Billy is but he wasonly too keen 10 let usknow about theenthusiasm he (Bill) isinjecting into the CER­BERUS water polo side.For the firSt time in yearsHMAS CERBERUS isplaying in the South Mel­bourne water polo oompat the State SwimmingCentre. In a r«ent semi-final CERBERUSdefeated local sideRingwood 9-4 (Bill didn'tscore). It now has to playtop seeded Nunanandingfor Ihe right to play in thegrand final againSI Ajax.Billy, keep the boys firingand good luck.

* * *Congratulations to Ibe.... - AV.A·GO wouldjust like to tltank aU thewomen who participatedin the COMAUSNAV.SUP mid-week netbanmmpetition. Unlike mostof the other romps Ihewet season we uperi·enced hasn't deteCTed thegirls in any way•

The annual RAN Bowling Club/Civilian NavalSupport Command Bowling Club tournament hasresulted in a win for the civilian bowlers.

This year's oompelilion was held at Sydney's KensinglonBowling Qub and the Naval Support Command bowlersran out viClors three rinks to two.

The aggregate score favoured the civilians 100 to 88.There was an excellent roll-up of bowlers and following

Ihe day's play the Naval Support Commander, RADMHorton, presented the winner's trophy to the president ofthe Civilian Naval Support Command Bowling Club, MrBob Stevens.

Meanwhile, the City of Parramatta Returned Ex­Servicemen's Oub will hold its Navy day tournament onSunday, Augusl 27.

Competilion is again at the club in Macquarie Streel,Parramatta, with an Ilam start. Any intereSled Navybowlers are invited to play.

Last year 144 bowlers competed and it is hoped evenmore will play this year - the 24th Navy bowls day.

For any further enquiries please oontaCl the organiser,Mr us Molloy, phone (02) 628 9931 at home or 633 5177allhe club.

NSC bO\Mlers \Min

As promised, for all of)'ou walkers out there,bere is the fir:st on lips. POSTURE _Keep the shouldersrelued, head erect IIDdchin in. Avoid bangingthe bead. IIDd staring althe VOund. Keep thehead up so tbat 'you have• good dear visionaroond and in fronl oryou. ARM MOVE­MENT - As your paC'equickens, replace yourloose arm swing wilh abent elbow swing. Avoida slnLight arm or miJituytype action as this canlead to musc:ular stifTnessand soreness aboul the!boulders and elbowjoinl. Using Ihe bentelbow arm swing you cansaf'ely increase your armswing to a more vigorousaction wlUdt will improvemomentum, increasecalorie expenditure andhelp elevate your beartrate. KNEES - To avoidjarring tbe knees andlower back, keep kneesslightly benl - particu.larly on downhillii. Bykeepinz your Irnees benl,you aJso ensure that yourthighs are getting a goodWOBoul. FEET-W"".ing is very differenl frommDning, you shouJd walkwith a step thai lands asstraight in line as possi­ble. Avoid landing natfooted or on the balls ofthe feet, wtead land heelfir:st, roU forward throupthe fuU leneth of the footIIDd toe orr. STRIDELENGrn _ Take longeven strides - avoidsmall jerky steps. Paceyoo~1f so as not to tireearty in the walk. Yourwalk sboold be smoothand your stride effortless,

* * *Congratulations all

AV·A-GO readers whocompeted in this year'sCily to Surf foot race inSydney. We know therehas always been a strongfollOWing by Navy run­ners in the event.

Valuable tipsfor walkers

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Do you ever wish your working day could bespent making others feel at home while theyrelax in a tropical, holiday environment?

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This is a customer-service business extra­ordinaire and would ideally suit an outgoingand cheerful retired service couple.

Our clients will negotiate an attractive salarypackage which includes all accommodationand use of motor vehicle.

Written applications (including three contact­able references) are to reach - TownsvillePersonnel, P.O. Box 974, Altkenvale. 4814,by Saturday, 16th september, 1989.(Telephone enquiries: on 7238(0)

emporary ennanent aFrom Juniors to General Manage""",,-,-,:...:.


ACROSS1 C1reulac 33 PImcUltbanda lluest!on5 MIneral :M WaDdersprUlp 36 Icyi Waterway 31 Bport!nl

10 Leave out aide11 Guardian 36 Huard12 Prtson 311 Aloneroom 40 Loft)'

13 Raw hides .aucturea set down 41 Bearinl:beavUy U Show

11 Number contemptIII LoeaUoD.l21 Ind!llo23 Goldenwmon

25 """'n...t

2lI CUt at!'77 Opening,,"""­t<" fnn<I30 Measure31 Well




10 (198) NAVY NEWS, Augusl18, 1989


Page 10: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo












,5ervi?l Personnel CiviliansOarly Weekly Weekly


Cottage 0 On-site Van 0 Van site .


,-The ManagerPlease bookmea: 0PeriodOl!ler preferreddates are: .10 .

Name .

AMBLIN CARAVAN PARKThis Centre consists of 5 New Cottages. 14 Modem On-SiteCaravans and 130 Camping sites situated in 9 acres of beautifulparkland which fronts directly onto the safe beach and clearwaters of Geographic Bay. Central to all South West tourist spotsand all sporting facilities.Cottages ~

• Preferm will be given 10 fim time users of the Holiday Centres. Fill inappHcatian form below for the Centre ot yeu. choice and endose a stampetlse~·addressed envelope.

• Bookings are normally a«epted up to nine monll1s a!lead, except for schoofholidays which are three months ahead (In writing only).

• Retired RAN personnel (20 years or flI!nsionable seMCe.tlme) are. ~Ii\liblefor full service discounts at all Holiday centres. Write to: OMSlOfliIlSecletary (Administfiltio-n) Navar Support Command Headquarters, P.O.Box 706. Oar1inghursl. NSW 2tllO to Obtain your discount carll. Phone (02)266-2£126.HOLIDAY IN NEW ZEALANDReciprocal arrangements are available for ~N serving memlJ:e~sand their dependants to use fhe RNZN holiday centres at Palhraand Mount Maunganui. Details and application forms are availablefrom Personal Services Offices.

" SChool Hols. 5epVOct toEaster ~2 people)

Easter til. epl/OctSchool Hols. (2 people)

On-Site Caravans .SChOOl Hols. 5eptlOct to

Easter (2 people)After Easterto SeptlOct

SChool Hols. (2 people) 5 7 S 45 5 90'Additional persons are charged $1 per day and 5 per week in all

On-site accommodation. Tariff on application.Write to:

Amblln Caravan Park, P.O. Box 232,',BUSSELTON, W.A. 6280. Ph: (097) 55 4079

1- IE

II11III RanklTitle .INo. Adults No. Children .

I Address .

I .I Telephone .

Up to 40% discount at '.YOURHoliday Centres

BURRILL LAKE(26 Cottages, Caravan" Tent SItes)

This Cl!ntre conSIsts of 21 aaes lronbng tI1e lak~

iII1d has ~cellentlaCllities tor swimming. li$hing.boaMg and beacl1 walkingc.fllvan and Tent Sites (dally)SIt! plus 2 aduhs $1000Pow~r $2.00Extrudu~ $4.00Extra c;l1iJd $2.00Extra cal ~ $2.00Surdl.afQll, Christmas and Easter $3.00Discount 01 40% for RAN personnel and 20% forother seMng service personnel.Cotuage. Servlee

P.raon....1DYemighl $ 2S.00 $35.00Two nights $ SO.OO $70.00Eac;h addiliooai night $ 14.00 S30.ooWeekly ....•....•......... $12£1.00 5160-522£1 .SChooJPublic Holidlys . 5162.00 •• hrifl on appliclltioo. Addition.1l persons

surcharges apply.

Writ. to:Alan" Aud..y~ (ExoCPOPT)

Bungalow Pari<BURRILL LAKE, NSW 2539


FORSTER GARDENSThis eonsIsts of 9 c;ortilges sat in sp,aciouslawns, cloH to surf iII1d a lake forswimming. fishing. boatlng and reI:lxIng.

Ideal for \'O\lng lilITlllies. NlII'nWly bookings are taMn on aweeIllylfortnighlly basis from Satunlay to Satur~. Overnight!short stay accommodation may Ol:C:Isioo.1lly be avatlable~ shortnotice only.WlIlkIy Tarfl1a s.rvloa hnonnal ClvIllln.All Sdlool Holidays 5195.00 $3SO.00PW:SCllsoolSe?t-Apri) $160.00 S2OO.00Off peak (May-Aug) $110.00 5115.00

UD!O Hiring chafQll (option.1l) $3.00 per Wffll per per$OI'l.Shoft Stay TI.Ift1lOvernight , $45.00 548.00Eadl additional night .J. $25.00 $27.00Public Holiday lWE (3 nights) $140.00 5180.00

(Indudes linen}All School Holiday Bookings (by maU only}. Booldngs~ th~

nufls ..... Zl~-e Cd.. boJ.:ti'9$ from ......;16 D!c.·27 ..... boolirqsfrunI6~.

Writ. to: Isn" Shelta Mclaughlin (E_-CPOWTR)MForater Ga~a~. PO Box 20. For.t.... NSW 2421

(065) 54 6027

!.III11I11IIIIIII11I11I11II11II1I1_II_111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllloOllllllllllllllIIllIllIllIllIlIllIllIllUIIIUIIIJ::: Football all round the ~

~;:~ia=::e.~'::; Navy Rules ~:: been laid up and suddenly ::~ it all happens. The KAN· with ~~ GAROO 89 knockout in ~

'D.~.. ud .. Bo.,.,ill. Graham Thurstans '~ the NaVY'5 apprentiea ~~ han conte5ted the ..inter ~

~ inter-&-oice 5erie5. Also, long way out in my prroic:· Along with a lot of othcf5, ~~ ~e 5ea$On i.'i "'rapping, up tions last issue. It 5eenu including WOPT Benny ~! In the We5t and dow.n \\n- ALBATROSS ~.Jld rmi.'ih Hm, Tony Cocb new~

! ten:port way. A~I thIS and I as high ll5 serend on the north to arrange a knock-~

:. can t be pari Orll. ladder. What a grell grand out. The competition pro-:i * * * final that "'ould make, vided $Orne excellent foot-~: Bomadeny and "'fROSS. ball. The boys from the:ii In thc ap~rentice series, "Big H" and the 0015 rrom "Steel Cat" set the pace~5 our lads fim5hed a gallant NAS have been coming early but in having to sup-::; third with a narrow loss 10 home like a train llIId port those other codes ~

5 RAAF and a hcavy loss to teCC'ntly beat the hsple:sll Kcith Lewis had to provide ~

: Anny. The RAAF v Navy WoUongong JO.28-2OlI to 0- playef5 for the seven-a-5ide::~ g~e was a. real thriller 3-3 - a 20S-p0int lidot'y. Rugby and soccer. Need- ~~'W1lh .three POlOts ~e final While over in tbe ":est pOlit- less to say by the time the 5: margm. The 200-POlnt loss inp worked Igamst the finals had rolled around the!~'IO Army did ~ot leave th~ team down at NAS it heat had sapped their!! la?s from "Pelican College helped. With all the teams strength. This does not take 5

1-With any. sense of sha~e. staf5 rmi.'ihing co~, anything away from the §

They gamed ~eat praIse depk)yments etc It the right eventual winner DER- =from all who .Witness:ed the time. In the lime again5t WENT who played top ~game, for their tenaCIty and the Gong one pllyer pined class fOOlball. DER. =

5never say die attitude. I personal be5t in. kickiIq: WENT"s playef5 delivered Si * * * 14 goals. There IS $Ome Ihe ball to its forwards =I conjecture a! to what spur- expeditously and gave;I At NIRiMBA POMTP red Greg Perry. I'm. "on' Simon Head an annchair§~ "Lucky" Grillt hu done I dering. if' it h~d an~g !O ride. A special thanks to!

i-fine job rolching llIId do Wlth Spinner Cnspm the hardworking PT staff at i

organising lellDlS oul of being over for I couple of COONAWARRA. -,KANATE. When anyone weeks. Spinner Will on

- puts in ll5 much time llIId I recnllting tourse. * * * ::~ errort as Lucky he de5e"es * * * ~5aU the suppoJ1 tbat he tan Names making the best In tbe mo51 recent game ~: gel. This i.'i not the case of playef5lists continue to fea- in Sydney Northem: Estab-:'S late. When the team lists go ture a 101 of Navy men. In lisbments heat NlRIMBA 1!: in tbere are 30 plU5 names Sydney Jason lanham, 16-14--110104-7-31. NoJ1M S~ from which 10 chOO$e. unfortunately injured in the two ne" players, Sean;:; Then when the bus leaves later part of the season, Moran and "BuU" Rush,5i there are not enough to Sean Lansdale, Des O'Neil really shone in tbeir debut §I fontl a team. Surely it i.'i not and Lucky GriUs have game. With no official;! too muth to make I phone shown up regularly for Hol- umpire available, Brose 5= ealIlo lei kim know of any royd-Parramalta. Some Palmer took up tbe whislle. §5 cbanged dtcumstances. familiar names in the :!,1II111111~11.1II11111~1II~~III1U1I11I1n.

i Bankstown lislS"are ~Dol· fi, .... .. U," G"y (NSC), "So,''', TRANSFERRED:: On the west coast the Healey (HOBART), and 5 To or from canberra,§sea$On is rapidly ending. MBungy" WlHiams 3 Pets cared for while

events the Navy dinghy me- §STIRLING narrowly mis- (FlMA[KJ). § . .ing team of Rick Longbot- = sed Ihe fmals mainly on per- * * * 3 you are settling m.tom, Phil Anderson and ! centages. Alpha and Bill I haye been unable to = Rates on application.Shawn Anderson won a ~ are a liule disappointed in contact ~,:one at CER- ~ We collect andteam racing challenge (3-0) : the sideline supportef5 who BERUS 1ft time 10 meel my = .against a combined USN Shave failed to do their bit. deadline so I apologise for: forward your animalsand Coast Guard team in ! How about it fellows? Dip there ~ing no Victoria.n on posting to & fromPearl Harbour. =out on a couple of beers content In the column thIS C be

The series was conducted ~ and gel in and give a hand. week. an small keel boats and § * * * * * * ~ Tony and Chris'sLaser class dinghies. § The selSOn dnws to its K89 saw an influx of = Boarding Kennels

The RAN Team proved :: iI . 0 III k ~far too strong in all facets =dimn at NoWJ'll and I'm ~ Of5 1010 arwin a .00 - 5 Ph: (062) 36 9207=deLijthted t6 say 1 WIU a 109 to be entertamed. 5'. .;':O:'~'~h:''':;U~S~N:':''Y;~~~~.~":':':::lllllnlllUlJllllllllllumwlI8lIlIIltlU.'nIIUIWUII_ . . ,


The lrip to Darwin coincided with that city's Navy Weekand the conduct of Kangaroo 89. including a fleet entryiDlO Darwin.

During a lo-day slay in Darwin the leam perfontled twoand $Ometimes three times a day. During Ihe ~hips' visit toDarwin a comprehensive spon~ program was organised.

A Rugby sevens knockout. which attracted 12 tearns,resulted in a win for BRISBANE which defeatedCOONAWARRA in the final.

Special thanks go to the three volunteef5 referees.LCDR Smith. LCDR Sherwood and WO Hill.

A soccer competition attracted seven teams with SYD­NEY proving too strong for BRISBANE in the finale.

The unenviable task went 10 sole referee PO RobenMurphy who performed with distinction.

FIve teams lined up for the Aussie Rules in the­plus heat with DERWENrtaking the howsover BRISBANE.

Tony Ox:ks is to be congratulated for umpiring all games aswen as running the competition arxI presentatiom.

Lawn bowls, sailing and golf were other sports con.ducted but they had limited numbef5 because of ships'movements.


The PT team on display in Darwin.

championships began theweather had improved sig­nificantly.

The series was domi­nated by two Americanboats from Seattle - sailedby the McKee brothef5.Johnathon and Charlie,both Olympic medali~ts.

Despite Johnalhon'sconsistency( with no placeworse than third, Charlieeventually won the seriesafter winning four of the sixheats.

Third place went to theAustralian crew of AdrianFinglas and AdamBeashell, the 1988 worldchampions.

The two Navy boats werethe next Australians withthe Ander$Ons placing sixthand Longbotlom and Kin­ghome eighrh.

Hattersley MaxwellPersonal Investment Services Pty tid10th Floor, Canberra House,Marcus Clarke Stree~ City





Phone: 57 4788 for Reservation



Tasar sailors do wellin Canada


When: Campbell Park - Wednesday, 23rd August 1989RSL National HQ, - Friday, 25th August 1989

The NSW RAN Physical Trsining Display Teamis nourishing.

For some lime the NSW learn had been operating in theshadow of the HMAS CERBERUS PT learn.

But it has now come lnto its own.In recent months there have been many and varied

requests for the team 10 perform and the reception hasbeen gratifying.

The learn has also .been an enormous help for Navyrecruiting.

In most reccnt times performances have been al Orangein NSW's central west, Forster on the near nonh coast andDarwin. •

The visit to the central west was for the Orange Sportsand Leisure Show while the north coast trip was at thebehest of the organisers of the Forslerrruncurry MarineShow.

At Forster the team was,accommodated al the Navy'sFOrster Gardens and weU catered for by host IanMclaughlin.

Two shows a day were performed and they were wellreceived by the organisers and public..JIIII"M

NAVY N~WS, Augusl18, 1989 (199) 11

A RAN team has per·rormed with distinction Ittbe Tl5lIr world champion.ships.

Prior to the champion­ships the Navy team com­peted in the Nonh Ameri­can Tasar Championshipsin Vancouver, Canada.

The series commencedwith freezing temperaturesand driving rain.

Races were sailed inextremely variable windswith which the two RANboats had trouble comingto terms.

Despite some disappoint­ing results during the seriesaU the Australia crewslearnt a lot about the com­petition and the local con­dilions.

Rick Longbottom andPaul Kinghorne recoveredwell with Iwo good races onthe last day to finish 8th,white Phil and ShawnAnderson were 13th.

By the time the world

Page 11: Amecon to build frigates - Royal Australian Navy · I FlITtJRETECH PO Box''', North Ryde. 211] Telephone: 80S 0388 Tedmical Ubrarian Submarine Project FUluretech is ITlIo

WATSON is yet to getpoints on the board.

However. one of theNIRIMBA sides ....ill makea concerted push for ahigher niche on the ladderas those sides hiI\'e a post.poued match scheduled forMonday, Augusl 28.

This game will be a mld-ahernoon match atNIRIMBA.

At this stage the finalfour should be ALBAT­ROSS, PLATSIW'HEN,NIRIMBA I and KlIT·TABUL.....ilh PENGUINevery chance of fordng aberth in the semi·finals.

The minor and majorsemis will be played atRandwick on Seplember 13wilh the first game timed tostart at 1330.

The preliminary final willbe played at the samevenue on September 20.

The grand final is ''l;e.lowing week, pns>ibl)


Concord. The "enue hasyet 10 be finalised.


WAT,§'ON'J" Mit:k SJiDn is wt!lllttid b7" NIRlMBAIJ 0ppoII~t dllri", " wt-rolllld ..aid: .t Syd/lq'J"CI"ist~OII Orlli. NIRlMBA .011 tilt , ..t 6-4.

Pietllrt: A1JPH Nit:k Brttl..

Rugby raceon in earnest

With three rounds or the Dempster Cup Rugbycompetition remaining the race is on in ellmesl todecide the 1989 minor premier.

SUBSCRIPTION FORM Home·PostingCHEQUES, etc., 10 be mode poyoblf1

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Enclosed please find 520 (Australian Currency) to COYi!f" 12months subscrlj::tlOl"l and posting for "NAVY NEWS" withinAustralia (Air Mall and Overseas postage rates are extra)

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N!lVY NEWS.~ kJr .. • e.. , _ ... tao•••" Dtda.Dib, Dt ..-,



;:::;;-.• •



PleaSl! ell/I.' .ny of the following /oclItlon~

• 75 Madeay St. Potts Pen. N.S.W. PhooeiQ2) 3581518• HMAS CERBERUS, Western Poll, v.:. Phooe, (03) 83 7184• '2 Raiway T....... RocI<i'gham. WA Phooe, (09) 527 7522



_____1M_pt' _.,' ;...'b• .--_.... _ ......$$.a__ .. ,.,..... .~ _ aI". 0.", III 0 ' "'" INIlVl').~~.

JWI' ' , by ..... RAN c... c.-. Fvn4. rad _, "dilS _ .: ; ..E_stIII axoi'j~""'_tw""~

.....1I11111111111111111""'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUltlllllllllllllllllllllllll"""".."111111I11I1111I11111111111I11111111I11I11111I""""'"11I'''11I1111I111I11I111111""IIIIIIIIIlIIllIIIIIIII~"~"~":~::~::~::~":~'~"~":";":'":":":::::~--:;:::::":":"':":":":";"':":'~' ~"~"~"~-:~',E E

•- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .- .I •• .. - I- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -:: Navy has continued :~ iu domination or Nor- !i die skiing by winniug i: the 1989 iDter-Service :~ series from RAAF and ~~~y. ~::~~kofrom~li- :::: tion slarted well for the ::- -= RAN 12-man learn ",ilh =- -§ victory in the learns' sec· §: lion of Ihe Paddy Pallin ::- -= Ski Oassic. =- -! Although not part of §: the inter-Service oompeli- :::tion,lhe~e~tthepace =,~ for the following week. ..~

Leading Navy siders=Mark Purcell and Pat Some of tile me,"lnn of the r;elOriolU RAN nordic sId ua,". :i Waddington finished A good performance planned its assault on the com~tiliOn was strongly TIle presenlation of!! Strongly and wenl on 10 by Munay Bruce, using relay and palrol events conlesled. awards look place thai §§ lake firsl and second his innovalive double- scheduled the folklwing 1be patrol WlIS a real evening at the RSL i§ respectively in the chill- pole, double-kick style. day. A clean sweep in leam event with each Lodge, Cabramuna. with !:: Ienging Army Alpine put pressure Oflthe rest of these W(ll,Ikl ensure member of Ihe four-man Commodore David ::§ Associalion 54km long the leam 10 ~rfonn~II. Navy'S victoO)' for the Thomson (DGFAC.N)!team ClnylRg an extra§ distance event. Navy won lhis event compelltion. Skg weighl. officiating. !:: ~ firsl of several days convincingly and tbe righl Race day dawned crisp In addition to the inter. ::• I A Slaggered stan saw •'. 0 pre·race preparation cboice of waxes helped and clear with lempera· . Servia: trnnhy. Commo-::.Navy start a mlRute -,.:: commeDCCd under the considerably as did the lures well below freezing. behind Army and t,,'O dore Thomson presented :::: Willtehful eye of team more experienced team pl"omising a fast but icy minutes behind RAAF. the most valuable skier::i manager Leul Gary members: Peter Purcell. track f<K the final races. a....oard to worthy reci-!i Jackson. and NaY)' and Peter Smythe and Mal It was pressun: righl 1bc: patrol tCBm of picot. Pettr Baxter. !:: Australian coach, Peter Tayk>r. from the start when Navy Martin wnsley, Mal 1be large number of::§ Sm}~he.. . The folklwing day saw skier Pal Waddington led Taylor. Andy Bosworth QbramuTT1l townsfolk ~:: Fnendly lDter-Sel'VlOC I less formal downhill the charge for the fint leg and Munay Bruce passed who attended the prescn. =i rivalry was the order. of telemark style event. of the relay, a 4 l 7km the Anny team midway talion demonstrated the i: lhe day. as tensKln Held in blizzard oondi- event. through the 7km course esteem held for the Ser.!=mounted pnor to the firsl tions. the continual Equally strong perlor- and, after a hectic strug- . d ood 'wort', .Ie near the finish, ,'ust v!CC5 an g r -E ev~t. d changing of wei booll mances by relay skiers which exists with the local!i fi . "h d ,',', one Navy from skier 10 skier took Peter Baxter. Ralph pipped RAAF at Ihe community. i: InlS e - - . its toll and Navy finished L..oeding and Mark Pur- post. _i Leading Navy skiers behind the Army and cell resulted in a convinc. The final placings were The team would like 10 ii Mark Purcell, Ralph RAAF who were placed ing win for Navy with Navy firsl, RAAF second acknowledge the efforts!: L..oeding and Pat Wad· first and second respec- Mark Purcell finishing and Anny third. of coach. Peter Smylhe.::i dinglon set the pace and tively. almOSt a lap ahead of his Overall results were tea~ m~nagers LCDR ~! were well supported by The team then reco- Army rival. Navy 350. RAAF 309, DaVid Michael and Leut ii the reSI of the team. vered ill composure and The final event of the Anny 258. Gary Jackson. ::'UlllllllllllIIllllIIllllllllIllIllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'11I11"1111I11111011I1111111I11I111"1111111I1'11I11I11I11111""""""""0111II1111111111111111111l11ll11ll11l11111111111111111l1l1l""~

After Wednesday'sdeferred matches betweenKlfITABUL (18) andPLATSIW'HEN (nil) andALBATROSS (11) andNIRIMBA II (6),ALBAT.ROSS remains at the lop of

ALBATROSS is the main benerKiary or wick Conlin 36) with victory to the Nowra side the polnu againsl ALBATROSS ISS and the ladder on eight poinll.a six-team m~1ing at Dunhned to wipe aher iu DO.I Pete Gilbert's 30 sublef<Kd points PLATSIWATERHEN 151. four in advance of KlIT-oul aD sO: deferred matches in Ibe Wills ~n: thrtt better than his rival Gary Mason. NIRIMBA 168(R~Ho38.TelT)'O'OonneU TABUL and PLAT'SICup,,·~kgolf competitiOl'l. - PLATS/WATERHEN 151 (-Shorty- Eades and Ken Hoey each 33) do"''llCd WATSON 158. W'HEN with a further

36. S. McLan:n 33. M. Nobes 32). Wilh four rounds n:rrWning to the semi·finals, . '---t: "',RI"BA 1In three of· h m."·" .•. -OSS '0'·' of _ PENGUIN 146 (Da,'C Emmc:rson 32. T._ , ABUL •••~ "_1 ...._ pomt .... to " 'T

U"" lK'>o me I... ill '-J cup de eoder KlfIT ,......... UK luuc:r on and PENGUIN.158 (Tony GUy.ltt 34. Wayne Asher 33. Uoyd Alsford 30). 18 poinu from 1Io1RIMBA 14. CRESWELL 12.Rilon 32) proved too good for: FLEErs 160 points (Oon CWTell 34, ALBATROSS and FLEET each 10. PENGUIN 1bc:n comes NIRIMBA



12 (200) NAVY NEWS, August 18, 1989 Tn ltIi'll & MworIt by' Pons & Pit:as Ply. lid. - - TeklpM. NSW 2111 Phone (02) 683 4124Pm!tld on Ihll p1BlI' 8$ at MecIlII Press. 1 Garnen A__• MaiI'lc:kMe, NSW 2204. Phone (02) 560 3900

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