Page 1: After School Sports Clubs w/b Monday 6th November: Friday ......Kingdown Week Number 7, 2017-18 After School Sports Clubs w/b Monday 6th November: Friday 3rd November 2017 Mon Archery

Kingdown WeekNumber 7, 2017-18

Friday 3rd November 2017After School Sports Clubs w/b Monday 6th November:

Mon Archery - Yrs 7 to 13 3.00 to 4.00pmMon Dodgeball - Yrs 7 to 13 4.00 to 5.00pmMon Trampolining - Yrs 7 to 9 3.00 to 4.00pmMon Trampolining - Yrs 7 to 13 4.00 to 5.00pmMon X Country - Yrs 7 to 13 3.00 to 4.00pmTues Netball - Yrs 7 to 11 3.00 to 4.00pmTues Rugby - Yrs 7 to 11 3.00 to 4.00pmWeds Girls’ Football - Yrs 7 to 11 3.00 to 4.00pmWeds Girls’ Fitness- Yrs 7 to 13 3.00 to 4.00pmWeds Rugby - Yrs 8 to 10 3.00 to 4.00pmWeds Dance Club - Yrs 7 to 13 3.00 to 4.00pmWeds Basketball - Yrs 7 to 11 3.00 to 4.00pmWeds Badminton - Yrs 7 to 13 3.00 to 4.00pmWeds Badminton - Yrs 7 to 13 4.00 to 5.00pmThurs Table Tennis - Yrs 7 to 13 3.00 to 4.00pmThurs Hockey - Yrs 7 to 13 3.00 to 4.00pmThurs BTEC Catch Up - Yrs 10 to 13 3.00 to 4.00pmThurs Year 7 Club - Year 7 3.00 to 4.00pmFri Trampolining - Yrs 7 to 13 3.00 to 4.00pm

Year 7 Science Trip to Winchester Science Centre, 13th March 2018

On the 7th of November Wisepay will open for the above trip and year 7 will be bringing home letters with full details of this trip. You will not be able to pay before this date; however places are expected to go quickly and are allocated on a first come first served basis on receipt of payment on Wisepay. The cost is £15 and will include a visit to their planetarium and the centre itself. Any questions please get in touch with Mrs Frere.

Term 2 Music Timetables

The timetables for Term 2 are available on the school website here:

Kingdown Student Successfully Completes Highly Sought After Nuffield Research Placement

Last Wednesday, Rupa Budha and I attended the Nuffield Research Placement Celebration Event at Bath University. Rupa successfully applied to carry out a research placement over the summer holidays and chose to join a research team working within the Biology department at Bath University. The aim of Rupa’s project was to understand the behaviour of bumblebees by analysing their interactions with various thistle species. She carried out extensive fieldwork, and used UV light and differential scanning calorimetry for further analysis of the thistle plants. This research is important due to the crucial role of bees as pollinators and the general decline in their numbers which has been observed over several years.

The celebration evening showcased the work of the Nuffield research students in the Wiltshire/Somerset area, and it was great to see Rupa representing Kingdown School. Rupa said “the best part about the project was learning to code on R, which is a computer programme mainly used for statistical analysis. R was surprisingly really fun and was an invaluable part of my lab report. Also, knowing my work will contribute to a PhD student’s thesis is very exciting! I would recommend it to other students in Kingdown because you get first-hand experience of university research, while working alongside PhD students. Plus, it looks really good on your CV/ personal statement.” Nuffield research placements are an opportunity for year 12 students, studying Science and/or Maths at A Level, to spend 4-6 weeks during the summer holiday working with scientists, technologists, engineers or mathematicians on a research project. Students get hands-on experience of a professional research environment and a valuable insight into the sorts of careers available to them. Following the successful completion of Rupa’s project, she has decided to apply to study Natural Sciences at university, and she is keen to pursue a career in Science.

If you are a year 12 student and you are interested in applying for a research placement in Summer 2018, please speak to me or Rupa, and do have a read of Rupa’s project, which is currently displayed in S8.

Ms Bala & Rupa Budha (13MiSC)

Welcome Back

I hope you all had a good break over the October half term; students and staff have returned re-energised and raring to go for what always proves to be an incredibly busy time in the lead up to Christmas. As always we have a packed and exciting term ahead. Already this term we have been reflecting on the wonderful production of ‘School of Rock’ from the final week of last term, celebrating the incredible achievements and experiences of the Romania project team, and have shared in the personal challenges faced by students on the Year 7 outdoor activities camp in Bruton. Quite a first week back!

As you will be aware, I have taken on the role of Headteacher at Kingdown for the remainder of the academic year; I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to those of you who do not know me through my various former roles in the school. I have taught Science and Physics at Kingdown for over 19 years, having previously been Head of Science and later Deputy Headteacher within the school. Teaching is an occupation I love – there really is no greater pleasure than seeing ‘the light bulb moment’ when a student understands a particularly difficult concept or idea. “Ah, now I get it!”. My prime focus now as Headteacher is to further enhance the quality of teaching and learning across the school, and I can honestly say it is an absolute pleasure to see the quality and range of learning experiences going on around the school, every lesson of every day. Away from school time is spent with my family. With two young daughters and a highly energetic Weimeraner dog, weekends tend to be spent out of doors come rain or shine!

October Careers Newsletter

October/November 2017 edition of the Careers Information, Events and Employment Opportunities bulletin - includes a wide range of upcoming events and opportunities likely to be of interest to students. Available here:

Receptionists for w/b Monday 16th October:

Monday Nicole Colliss MiPA Tuesday Spencer Colliss WiCHWednesday Saska Combes SiMW/RRThursday Niamh Consalvey TwSA Friday Henry Cooper MiPA

I believe very strongly in the value of challenging yourself to ‘be the best you can be’ – it is an ethos integral to our work at Kingdown, and to me personally. Those who know me well will be aware of my fear of heights…. so on a recent holiday to the Lake District, the challenge of walking ‘The Infinity Bridge’ was one I just had to take on.1. The feeling of exhilaration on completing the bridge, a 200m long wire suspended 2000ft above the valley floor, is one I will not forget in a long time and has gone a long way to overcoming my fear. Sometimes we need to challenge ourselves to the edge of our comfort zone and beyond to discover what we are truly capable of. (You will also notice my 10 year old daughter in the photo, who does not appear to share my former fear!) Facing their own challenges this term are Year 9 and Year 11 students in particular, with the English, Maths and Science assessments in Year 9 and Mock Exams in Year 11 in late November / early December. We wish them well in proving to themselves that they can be the best they can be.

I look forward tremendously to working with you for the remainder of this year and beyond, and always welcome feedback on how we are doing within school. Working together in partnership provides the best approach to ensuring success for all of our young people in achieving their potential. Please do feel free to get in contact. With very best wishes

Dave Locke, Headteacher

Page 2: After School Sports Clubs w/b Monday 6th November: Friday ......Kingdown Week Number 7, 2017-18 After School Sports Clubs w/b Monday 6th November: Friday 3rd November 2017 Mon Archery

Kingdown Students Visit Romania

During October half term students from Kingdown and Beechen Cliff went to Romania, visiting and working in several communities. The trip was both shocking and amazing: realising the horrifying scale of poverty throughout the country, but also meeting the most inspirational and heart-warming people. Here is what we did…

On arrival we were stunned with the landscape and quickly settled into our first hostel. We began work on the site where our polytunnel and pig stys were to be built and discovered that the building aspect we all presumed to be chore like was actually incredibly fun and satisfying, seeing the progress of our project before our own eyes.

We were then introduced to the pastor who influenced the entire project, Attila. It was clear that he was an extremely passionate and devoted man and we were in awe instantly. He welcomed us with his huge smile and kind heart and told us his story and the history of the gypsies suffering. He described his goals and visions and they soon became ours too.

Attila took us to Apalina so that we could truly process and understand the purpose of this project. As we drove through Rehgin we had no idea what to expect from the gypsy community we were about to encounter. A sudden turn into Apalina revealed the most appalling and devastating living conditions any of us had ever witnessed. The smiles and waves from those we drove past not only shone gentleness but gratitude; gypsies are gravely discriminated against in Romania and such a small action from us gave such a great impact. We visited families Attila is supporting in Apalina and listened to their heart-breaking situations. Sitting in their homes that were barely liveable made us feel far more connected and affected than any advert or documentary could. It drove us to complete our project with the most dedication and meaning.

Throughout the following days we visited a kindergarten and afterschool club set up by Attila as part of his movement to helping the poverty stricken families. We met Zozo the leader of the kindergarten, who also became an inspiration to us. He told us what life growing up as a gypsy was like, and how Attila became his mentor who motivated and encouraged him throughout his education all the way up to university - most gypsies have never been given the opportunity for full schooling let alone university. This influenced Zozos mentoring scheme which aims to follow his experience. His example proved to us that this movement can be highly successful with support from individuals and charities willing to invest in it. The children we met had the most beautiful characters and we couldn’t help falling in love with them. We played and danced and laughed with them, our hearts melting whenever they wrapped their little arms around us. Having bonded with them and knowing our project would feed and provide a self-sustaining farm for the children just like them made it all more important.

We attended one of Attila’s church services in one of the many churches he had built for communities. The spirit of the services poured faith, hope and togetherness throughout the church. It was evident that Attila had provided the gypsies with a sense of purpose; he is the light in their darkest times. Although not everyone followed the same religion, we all equally felt the power of his love and intentions. It was captivating and moving.

We finished our trip with a breath-taking hike and stay in the Transylvanian mountains. The views, especially the snow, excited us all and felt like a reward after a week of building. This Romania project has been a life changing experience that will stay with us forever and influence our future selves. We were emotional throughout the trip and even more so leaving the incredible people we have met, but we will continue to communicate with them and help whenever possible. We are home, but not as the same people who left.

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