Page 1: African Centre for the Study and Research on August 2016.pdf · African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism African

African Centre for the Study and Research

on Terrorism

African Union Commission

ACSRT Terrorism Daily News Briefs

Tuesday, 09 August 2016 - Edition N°1088



East Africa bloc mulls strategy to curb violent extremism Experts from the East Africa's bloc kicked off a meeting in Nairobi on Monday to

develop a regional strategy on preventing and countering violent extremism. The

experts at the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) meeting admitted

that threat of violent extremism continues to undermine.... 08 Aug 2016

Police intensify search for ex-Recce officer planning terror attack The IG has asked former Recce Squad officer Eric Ng'ethe to surrender before he is

arrested for possibly planning a terror attack. It was said Ng'ethe may have been

planning an assault at the GSU Recce headquarters following his radicalisation by al

Shabaab. thestarkenya 08 Aug 2016

Illegal Weapons Making Their Way Into Kenya Through Garissa As the Kenyan government plans to have a massive repatriation of Somali refugees

from the Dadaab camps, reports have emerged of illegal weapons making their way into

the country through illegal porous routes in Garissa County. This has heightened

suspicion that some of the youth at the camps are facilitating the business of weapons

influx. allafrica 08 Aug 2016


Four Govt Soldiers injured in Mogadishu Blasts

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At least four Somali government soldiers have been wounded, some critically in double

explosions in northern Mogadishu in the early hours on Monday morning. The first

blast happened at SISI area in Deynile district after remote-controlled IED planted at

the edge of a highway ripped through a vehicle carrying soldiers. shabelle 08 Aug 2016

Peace in Somalia: Need for AMISOM to change tactics THE African Union (AU) Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has been active since 2007

– but the mission is struggling to fulfil its peace-support function and is dealing with a

plethora of challenges, including an increasing numbers of attacks from al-Shabaab. shabelle 08 Aug 2016



Le trafic d’ivoire aide à financer Boko Haram au Cameroun

Depuis quelques années, cette activité est devenue l’une des principales sources de

financements du terrorisme en Afrique. Que cela soit au Kenya, en Somalie, en

Tanzanie, au Mali, au Nigeria ou encore au Cameroun, le trafic d’ivoire est devenu

depuis quelques années une des principales sources de.... cameroononline 08 Aug 2016

Lutte contre Boko Haram : L armée obtient le feu vert pour traquer les

terroristes dans les camps de réfugiés Aux dires de Jules Doret Ndongo le ministre délégué auprès du ministre de

l’Administration territoriale et de la Décentralisation chargé des Collectivités

territoriales décentralisées, l’armée camerounaise dans les prochains jours,

commencera des fouilles dans les camps de réfugiés résultant de la guerre contre Boko

Haram. camer 08 Aug 2016

Pourquoi la résistance et les attaques des groupes rebelles et terroristes en

Afrique iront crescendo

2-Les équipements de guerre sophistiqués en possession de ces groupes terroristes

(Boko haram, Chebabs, Al qaïta, Séléka, Ansar Dine, Ansar al-charia, Al mourabitoun,

etc.) disent clairement qu’ils reçoivent de grands soutiens matériels, financiers, et

logistiques. camer 08 Aug 2016

Democratic Republic of Congo

Sept civils tués dans une nouvelle attaque à caractère ethnique

Sept personnes ont été tuées dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi dans une zone en proie à

des troubles à caractère communautaire dans l'est de la République démocratique du

Congo, a-t-on appris de sources locales. Les assaillants ont opéré à partir de 23h (22h

GMT), tuant sept civils et ont brûlé 60....

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rtbf 08 Aug 2016

Seven dead in troubled east DR Congo

Suspected Rwandan rebels killed seven people overnight in a region of eastern

Democratic Republic of Congo that has been shaken by ethnic violence, local officials

said Monday. Armed assailants torched 60 houses in Kibirizi and killed their victims

with machetes or shot them.... news-yahoo 08 Aug 2016



Tenenkou : L’armée tombe dans une embuscade De sources sécuritaire, des convois de l’armée malienne sont tombés dans une

embuscade, dimanche 7 août, dans le cercle de Tenenkou, centre du pays. “Hier, tôt le

matin, quatre véhicules transportant du ravitaillement de Sévaré à Tenenkou sont

tombés dans une embuscade”. Tendue par des hommes armés. mali-web 1:53:00 AM CEST

1 jihadi dead in attacks, clashes with army in central Mali

An Islamic extremist group says at least one of its fighters has been killed in clashes

with Mali’s army in the West African country. The SITE Intelligence Group, which

monitors jihadists’ activity online, said Monday that the extremist group Ansar Dine

had reported on its Twitter.... WashingtonPost 08 Aug 2016

NORD-MALI: 2.000 djihadistes débarquent à Kidal De sources concordantes, 2.000 combattants aguerris ont débarqué dans la région de

Kidal dans la plus grande discrétion en provenance du Tchad, de la Libye et du Soudan.

Selon les mêmes sources, ces combattants au service du djihad se sont vu chassés des

pays ci-dessus indiqués avec armes et bagages. mali-web 08 Aug 2016

Assassinat de civils à Kidal : la CMA fait porter le chapeau au Gatia

Sous la plume de Bilal Ag Achérif, la Coordination des mouvements de l’Azawad

(CMA) a publié un mémorandum le 2 août dernier dans lequel il accuse le Groupe

d’autodéfense touareg Imghad et alliés (Gatia) d’avoir exécuté des civils dans les

environs de Kidal. La CMA demande une enquête diligente par un organe indépendant

des Nations unies. afribone 08 Aug 2016

Attaque de Nampala : Le résultat de l’enquête dévoilé Le point de presse animé le jeudi 4 août 2016 au Ministère de la Défense et des Anciens

Combattants était Animé par le colonel Abdoulaye Sidibé, porte-parole du ministre.

L’objectif était d’informer l’opinion publique sur le rapport de l’enquête diligentée sur

le terrain à la suite de l’attaque.... maliactu 08 Aug 2016

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Mise en œuvre de l’accord: Les journalistes maliens s’impliquent Cet atelier est l’initiative de la Misahel , de l’Oif et de la Minusma. Il visait entre autres

à présenter le contenu de l’accord en termes plus explicites, d’exposer les progrès

réalisés et les défis de mise en œuvre, comprendre les enjeux induits par l’accord par

rapport à l’avenir du Mali,.... mali-web 08 Aug 2016

Accord pour la paix et réconciliation : Les leaders religieux appellent les

autorités au dialogue national

Les leaders religieux du Mali, avec le soutien de la MINUSMA, a tenu le mardi 2 août

2016 au Centre International de Conférence de Bamako CICB, un Forum sur la mise en

œuvre de l’Accord pour la Paix et la Réconciliation au Mali, issu du processus d’Alger.

C’était sous la présidence du premier ministre, SEM Modibo Keita. maliactu 08 Aug 2016


We’ve stopped Boko Haram from regrouping—BURATAI

The Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Tukur Buratai, yesterday, insisted that the Nigerian

Army had defeated Boko Haram terrorist group and stopped it from re-grouping

anywhere in the country to cause havoc. Buratai spoke in Jos, the Plateau State

capital,.... vanguardngr 3:09:00 AM CEST

No more Boko Haram attacks in Jos, army chief Buratai assures residents The Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Yusuf Tukur Buratai has assured residents of Jos,

the Plateau State capital that they will no more experience frequent bombings in public

places as witnessed in the city in the past. Buratai gave the assurance in Jos yesterday

when he paid a courtesy visit to the Gbong Gwom of Jos, Dr. ngrguardiannews 6:17:00 AM CEST

Shekau’s Boko Haram threatens Buhari, Abuja Abubakar Shekau’s Boko Haram has released a video in which it threatened to attack

Abuja, president Muhammadu Buhari and the entire world. In the 24 minutes video

which first featured a masked man surrounded by armed men in a non descript location,

Shekau’s Boko Haram told ISIS leader, Abubakar.... dailytrust 08 Aug 2016

War of words in Boko Haram extremist leadership struggle

A struggle within Nigeria’s Islamic extremist group Boko Haram is playing out in

public, with a new leader named by the Islamic State group accusing the longtime leader

of killing his own people and living in luxury while fighters’ babies starve. WashingtonPost 08 Aug 2016


Boko Haram: son leader promet d'intensifier le combat jihadiste

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L'insaisissable leader de Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau, a promis d'intensifier son

combat jihadiste dans une vidéo diffusée dimanche soir, balayant les divisions internes

du groupe islamiste nigérian révélées la semaine dernière. "Moi, Abubakar Ash-

Shakawy (Shekau), leader de Jama'atu Ahlissunnah.... slateafrique 08 Aug 2016

Military not deterred by Boko Haram rhetoric — DHQ The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) yesterday said it was not bothered by the rhetoric

contained in a video recently released by acclaimed leader of the Boko Haram,

Abubakar Shekau. Contacted yesterday to comment on the video, Defence spokesman,

Brigadier General Rabe Abubakar said: “Which Shekau did you see?, remember

anybody can replicate him. dailytrust 6:02:00 AM CEST

Gunmen dressed as priests kill 3 soldiers in Nigeria's Delta -military source

Gunmen dressed as priests killed three Nigerian soldiers in the oil-producing Niger

Delta, a military source and residents said. The attack happened in the Nembe area in

Bayelsa state, the source said, noting that the military was searching for the men. reuters 08 Aug 2016

Déguisés en prêtres, ils font 3 victimes Des hommes déguisés en prêtres ont tué trois militaires nigérians dans la région

pétrolière du delta du Niger, selon une source militaire et des habitants. L'attaque s'est

produite dans la région de Nembe, située dans l'Etat de Bayelsa, situé dans le sud du

Nigeria, et l'armée s'est lancée à la recherche des agresseurs, a précisé la même source. lefigaro 08 Aug 2016

Dialogue With FG Divides Niger Delta Terrorists

Loyalists of President Muhammadu Buhari at the weekend gained upper hands in the

battle to split and win over factions of the leading Niger Delta terrorist group, the Niger

Delta Avengers (NDA), in order to stop the recent attacks on oil and gas facilities in the

region and concentrate on the ongoing dialogue with the federal government. leadership 08 Aug 2016

FLASH | Goodluck Jonathan, Tompolo, Wike, Dokpesi, Others named as

sponsors of Niger Delta Avengers Governors Nyesom Wike of Rivers State and Seriaki Dickson of Bayelsa. Whyte also

named Senator Godswill Akpabio, a former governor of Akwa Ibom; ex-militant turned

contractor, Government Ekpemupolo (aka Tompolo); Raymond Dokpesi, owner of AIT

& Raypower; the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB);.... onlinenigeria 08 Aug 2016

MEND wants me dead – Jonathan Former President Goodluck Jonathan, last night, cried out that the Movement for the

Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) wants to eliminate him. A splinter group of the

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Niger Delta Avengers had, weekend , named the former president as one their sponsors.

But Dr. Jonathan, in a statement by his media aide, Mr. vanguardngr 08 Aug 2016

Akpabio Denies Sponsoring Niger Delta Militants Sahara Reporters had reported that a splinter group, the Reformed Niger Delta Avengers

(RNDA) had claimed Senator Akpabio and other eminent Nigerians were their

sponsors. However, the former Akwa Ibom State governor described the publication as

“baseless, reckless and senseless. onlinenigeria 08 Aug 2016

Group Backs Skills Acquisition Training For Boko Haram Members

Concerned Professionals Congress (CPC0) said yesterday that the new initiative by the

Defence Headquarters code-named Operation Safe Corridor being introduced to

rehabilitate, de-radicalize and re-integrate about 800 repentant Boko Haram combatants

into the society will quicken the peace process and.... leadership 8:20:00 AM CEST

Canada's Contributions to Fight Against B'Haram, Others - Envoy

interview. The outgoing Canadian High Commissioner in Nigeria, Mr Perry

Calderwood , in a special interview with Zacheaus Somorin said serving in Nigeria as

a diplomat has been a privilege and a great experience. Excerpt. How would you

describe your experience in the last three years as the Canadian.... allafrica 8:24:00 AM CEST

How We Received Ransom to Free Lagos Monarch - Suspect

Isaiah Ododem, one of the suspected nine kidnappers of the rescued Oniba of Iba, Oba

Goriola Oseni, on Sunday in Lagos confessed to journalists that his gang received N15.1

million ransom in two tranches. Mr. Ododem said this when he was paraded before

newsmen at a news conference addressed by Governor Akinwumi Ambode of Lagos

State at Ikeja. allafrica 08 Aug 2016



Lutte antiterroriste : Une dizaine de terroristes se sont rendus en 2016 En sus de la mise hors d’état de nuire de dangereux terroristes, de la destruction de

plusieurs dizaines de casemates appartenant à ces criminels, ainsi que les saisies de

plusieurs lots d’armes aussi importants en quantité les uns que les autres, la lutte

antiterroriste, menée de manière.... elmoudjahid 08 Aug 2016

Two Anti-Personnel Mines, Two Homemade Bombs Destroyed in Jijel, Skikda Two anti-personnel mines and two homemade bombs were destroyed on Saturday in

Jijel and Skikda by detachments of the People's National Army (ANP), which also

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seized a gun and a batch of ammunition, said Sunday a statement from the Ministry of

National Defence (MDN). allafrica 08 Aug 2016


Twenty-seven Egyptians reported abducted in Libya

Africa Libyan news portal said the victims were coming from Msallata on board three

mini-buses on Saturday evening when they were stopped in Brega by three cars full of

militants. Libya has been torn by conflict between various militias since the ouster of

late leader Muammar Qadhafi in 2011. egyptindependent 08 Aug 2016


Libyan unity government forces take new area from ISIS in Sirte

- As the forces of Al-Bunyan Al-Marsoos (Solid Structure or BAM) mount a final

offensive against the remaining fighters of the Islamic State (IS) surrounded in central

Sirte they have captured a new area. The BAM forces, are loyal to the UN-backed

Government of National Accord (GNA). Many belong to brigades from the city of

Misrata. digitaljournal 4:23:00 AM CEST

Nouvelle avancée des forces libyennes à Syrte, fief de l'EI Les forces loyales au gouvernement libyen d'union nationale (GNA) ont annoncé s'être

emparées lundi d'un nouveau secteur près du centre de commandement de l'organisation

jihadiste Etat islamique (EI) à Syrte, fief du groupe ultraradical. Les forces du GNA

tentent, à la faveur d'une opération.... lyonne-republicaine 12:00:00 AM CEST


U.S. air strikes show limits on Libya intervention U.S. air strikes show limits on Libya intervention. by aidan lewis TUNIS (Reuters) -

While U.S. jets and drones are pounding Islamic State in the Libyan city of Sirte,

Western powers are unlikely to expand their military involvement rapidly, anxious to

avoid.... thestar-my 08 Aug 2016

Une nouvelle opération du Pentagone passée sous silence par les médias US Lancée il y a deux ans en Irak, la campagne militaire américaine de lutte contre les

djihadistes de Daech s'est poursuivie, 45 jours plus tard, en Syrie, pour continuer, en

janvier 2016, en Afghanistan. A présent, le Pentagone mène des frappes aériennes en

Libye. rian-fr 08 Aug 2016

Une usine de préparation des voitures piégées découvertes à l'ouest de Benghazi Une équipe d'ingénieurs de l'armée libyenne a découvert une usine destinée à la

préparation des voitures piégées et une quantité d'explosifs, ainsi que des produits

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chimiques dans une zone située à l'ouest de la ville de Benghazi (Est), a annoncé une

source proche de la.... panapress 08 Aug 2016


Pourquoi la Tunisie produit-elle autant de terroristes?

Pourquoi la Tunisie produit-elle autant de terroristes? Le succès du Printemps arabe,

qui a permis aux laïques modérés de prospérer, est à double tranchant. slateafrique 08 Aug 2016




After German attacks, Facebook insists it works with probes Facebook on Monday dismissed complaints by German officials that it had not been

helpful in fighting terrorism and urged authorities to better formulate their requests.

Following a rash of attacks in southern Germany in late July, several state officials

called for websites such as.... news-yahoo 08 Aug 2016

When terror isn't terrorism (CNN) Terrorism isn't just an act of violence -- it's a political statement, the politically

motivated killing of innocents. In the early years after the 9/11 attacks, declaring al

Qaeda attacks incidents of terror seemed straightforward: Al Qaeda leadership selected

targets and trained or inspired followers who took direction or guidance. cnn 08 Aug 2016





American, Australian kidnapped in Afghanistan, police say The two men, lecturers at the American University of Afghanistan , were kidnapped

Sunday evening when two gunmen stopped the car they were riding in, an Afghan

security official told CNN. Embassy security officials are working with Afghan law

enforcement and the school to assist in the.... cnn 08 Aug 2016




Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia can step up co-op in fight against terrorism – envoy Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia can strengthen trilateral cooperation in fight against

terrorism, said Iran’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohsen Pak Ayeen, RIA Novosti

reported Aug. 8. “The three countries are interested in cooperation in this sphere,” said

the diplomat.... trendnews-az 08 Aug 2016

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Military in counterterrorism: Restraining collateral damage The House of Representatives’ special committee set up to amend the Terrorism Law

is considering granting counterterrorism enforcement powers to the Indonesian Military

(TNI). Such authorization could lead to a predicament. The TNI has played a crucial

role in the joint operation to capture.... JakartaPost 08 Aug 2016


Iraq receives new batch of F-16 fighter jets from US

Iraqi Air Force has received a new batch of F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft from the

United States, bolstering the country's fledging air force amid more than two years of

fighting with the Daesh terror group, a spokesman said Monday. Defense Ministry's

spokesman, Brig. Gen. Tahseen Ibrahim, told AP that the new batch consisted of four

fighter jets. iran-daily 08 Aug 2016

2 years of anti-IS airstrikes have redrawn the Iraqi map Two years ago, the U.S.-led coalition dropped the first airstrikes on the Islamic State

group, ushering in a deeper phase of intervention that dramatically changed the fight

against the militant group in Iraq. Since then, more than 9,400 coalition airstrikes have

allowed Iraqi.... nzherald 8:25:00 AM CEST


Army Refers Four IS Detainees to Judiciary

The army on Monday referred four detainees from the extremist Islamic State group to

the relevant judicial authorities. In a statement, the military said the Syrians Mohammed

Hassan al-Mehanna, Mohsen Ahmed al-Dhaibeh, Inaam Othman Wazir and Ahmed

Sobaih al-Ejji were referred to the judiciary for.... naharnet-en 08 Aug 2016


230 terror suspects detained in Malaysia since 2013 Since 2013, 230 terror suspects have been detained including 200 Malaysians, said

assistant director of police counter terrorism unit Ayob Khan, at a security briefing for

foreign diplomats in Malaysia on Tuesday (Aug 9). He added that 84 of those suspects

have been charged, 18 banished and 62 freed. channelnewsasia 7:19:00 AM CEST


Taliban group claims responsibility for 70 deaths

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Pakistani militants struck at the heart of the country’s legal profession Monday, killing

a prominent attorney and then bombing the hospital where dozens of other lawyers had

gathered to mourn. The twin attacks killed at least 70 people, most of them lawyers,

authorities said. vindy 6:53:00 AM CEST

Les talibans revendiquent l'attentat Les talibans pakistanais ont revendiqué l'explosion qui a fait 70 morts dans un hôpital

aujourd'hui devant l'hôpital de Quetta, dans le sud-ouest du pays. Un porte-parole de

Jamaatul Ahara, faction des talibans pakistanais, a déclaré dans un email envoyé aux

journalistes que son groupe "prend la.... laprovence 08 Aug 2016

General Raheel orders intelligence agencies to initiate special operations Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif chaired a high-level security meeting,

following the bombing at Quetta Civil Hospital, and ordered the intelligence agencies

to initiate special combing operations to target those involved in terror attacks, said a

tweet by military's spokesperson. dawn 08 Aug 2016



'Bato' warns vs threat of narco-terrorism IT'S NOW OR NEVER. Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director Ronald dela

Rosa exhorted the public and local governments to help in the fight against illegal drugs,

claiming that the Duterte administration may be the country's last hope to quash "narco-

terrorism. abs-cbnnews 7:21:00 AM CEST

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia to deport 526 foreigners convicted on ‘terror’ charges “They will be deported to their home countries upon completion of their jail terms,”

said Mansour Al-Qafari, spokesman at the Justice Ministry. According to court

documents, most of the convicts were affiliated with al-Qaeda and Muslim

Brotherhood, both of which Saudi Arabia views as "terrrorist" organizations. albawaba-en 08 Aug 2016

Saudi Arabia cooperates with Germany in attacks probe Saudi Arabia, in a rare comment on its security operations, has confirmed it is working

with German investigators to track Islamist militants behind bomb and axe attacks in

Germany in July. A Saudi interior ministry spokesman, General Mansour Al-Turki, said

Saudi and German security experts had met.... tradearabia 08 Aug 2016

Daesh targets maids in recruitment drive The arrest of a Filipina maid in Kuwait on charges of belonging to the Daesh terrorist

group and her confession has revealed the way the organization lures maids into

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becoming accessory to their crime. Daesh exploits the maids’ economic, legal and

social status, lures them and communicates with them to later use them in violent

operations. arabnews 8:15:00 AM CEST


Singapore Is a Terrorist Target, Prime Minister Says Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong used his annual message before Singapore’s National

Day to warn that terrorists were seeking to tear society here apart. His message came

days after Indonesian authorities said they had arrested six suspected terrorists,

including one accused of plotting with an Islamic State supporter to fire a rocket. wsj-en 6:54:00 AM CEST


Hundreds join crucial battle for Syria's Aleppo

The battle for Syria's former economic powerhouse is intensifying after an opposition

advance at the weekend reportedly broke through a three-week government siege of the

city's terrorist-held east. Foreign-backed terrorists on Sunday announced a bid to

capture all of Aleppo city, which if.... iran-daily 08 Aug 2016

Russian strategic bombers hammer IS’s facilities in Syria

Six Russian long-range bombers Tupolev Tu-22M3 have delivered a strike against the

facilities of the Islamic State terrorist organization outlawed in Russia in the areas near

the Syrian city of Palmyra, Russia’s Defense Ministry said on August 8, reports TASS. armenpress 08 Aug 2016

Deux ans de frappes anti-EI en chiffres

L es Etats-Unis, à la tête d'une coalition antijihadistes, ont lancé il y a deux ans leurs

premières frappes en Irak contre les positions du groupe Etat islamique (EI), une

campagne qui s'est ensuite étendue à la Syrie. L'EI s'est emparé en 2014 de larges pans

de territoires au nord et à l'ouest de.... leparisien 08 Aug 2016

Minbej: Les antijihadistes traquent les derniers membres de l'EI

Savourant leur victoire, des combattants antijihadistes déambulent dans Minbej en

ruines, avant de se lancer à la traque des derniers membres du groupe Etat islamique(EI)

retranchés dans cette ville du nord syrien. corsematin 08 Aug 2016


Cocktails molotov contre une association turque

Deux cocktails molotov ont été lancés cette nuit contre l'association culturelle turque

de Montélimar (Drôme), causant des dégâts limités, selon la police. "Deux cocktails

molotov ont été lancés, dont un qui a fait long feu, une vitre a été cassée et une

inscription 'PKK' a été retrouvée sur les.... lefigaro 08 Aug 2016

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L'assaillant de Charleroi en séjour illégal: Theo Francken veut des mesures

supplémentaires L'Algérien de 33 ans, auteur de l' attaque à la machette contre deux policières samedi à

Charleroi , était en séjour illégal en Belgique et n'a pas respecté deux ordres de quitter

le territoire, indique dimanche dans un communiqué le cabinet du secrétaire d'État à

l'Asile et à la Migration, Theo Francken. rtbf 08 Aug 2016


Radicalisation: les jeunes filles prises pour cible

De plus en plus d’adolescents fragilisés sont la cible, via Internet et les réseaux sociaux,

de groupes islamistes qui les appellent à faire le jihad en Syrie. Agissant comme des

sectes, ces groupes isolent les jeunes jusqu’à les couper de leur famille et de leurs amis. bfmtv 8:25:00 AM CEST

Melun: une mineure de 16 ans, qui se disait prête à commettre un attentat en

France, a été écrouée

Une mineure de 16 ans a été mise en examen et écrouée ce lundi 8 août. Elle se disait

prête à commettre un attentat en France sur la messagerie cryptée Telegram. Elle avait

également créé une chaîne Telegram dédiée à la propagande islamique. La jeune fille

écrouée était administratrice d'une chaîne.... itele 8:22:00 AM CEST

Un Mauritanien faisant peser une menace grave expulsé de France Un Mauritanien impliqué dans la mouvance radicale et faisant peser une "menace

particulièrement grave" a été expulsé lundi de France, annonce le ministère français de

l'Intérieur. Il s'agit de la troisième annonce d'expulsion en une semaine après celle d'un

Algérien et d'un Malien. /Photo d'archives/REUTERS/Christian Hartmann Tous droits

réservés. capital-FR 8:22:00 AM CEST

Qui est Mourad Hamyd, le beau-frère de Chérif Kouachi?

Âgé de 20 ans et fiché S depuis août 2014, le beau-frère de Chérif Kouachi serait le

membre d'un réseau social islamiste suisse selon les informations du Parisien. Il y aurait

notamment communiqué avec deux djihadistes français partis en Syrie. Lors des

attentats de janvier 2015 il s'était dit en.... itele 8:22:00 AM CEST


Irlande du Nord

Un cadre d'un groupe paramilitaire loyaliste tué à Belfast (AFP) Un des membres dirigeants d'un groupe paramilitaire loyaliste a été abattu dimanche à

Belfast, a annoncé la police lundi, faisant redouter la résurgence d'une guerre fratricide

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entre groupes loyalistes en Irlande du Nord. John Borland, 47 ans, a été tué dimanche

soir à proximité de son domicile, a indiqué la police nord-irlandaise. lorientlejour 08 Aug 2016


Brit teen 'fighting for ISIS in Syria' posts chilling videos depicting suicide

bombings and weapons raids on Facebook A British schoolboy who was taken by his mum to and now pledges allegiance to ISIS

has posted a series of chilling videos on Facebook. Ibrahim Iqbal disappeared from

Bradford home last year aged 14 amid claims his mother mother Sugra Dawood, 35,

had taken all five of her children to fight with Islamic State. themirror 08 Aug 2016


Former Ukrainian Lawmaker Charged With Separatism

A court in Kyiv has formally charged a former Ukrainian member of parliament with

providing support to Russia-backed separatists in the east of the country. The Pechera

District Court in the Ukrainian capital on August 8 also ordered Volodymyr Medyanyk

to be held for two months in pretrial detention. rferl 08 Aug 2016

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