  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXII [Israel, Gaza, Illegals, BHO, guns]


    The issues regarding the Israel-Gaza conflict are burgeoning and, thus, it is vital to focus on key-facets;

    that is why a Blast e-mail devoid of foreign-policy was emitted. As Breitbart [mostly] was being mined

    for a more definitive presentation of whats happening in the Middle East, a few other domestic policy

    hyperlinks were unearthed; also IDed was some levity [54 Colorized Photos From Last Century;Russia

    in color, a century ago;Sophia vs Jayne: The OTHER Photos behind that Sideways Glare;and20 Photos

    Will Leave You Speechless]. The domestic-policy concerns are provided with minimal commentary, for

    the key-concern is to emphasize what may have been missed [including todays talking-head shows].

    Independent Hopefuls May Widen PA-GubernatorialField[the deadline is Friday]

    Pope Francisto Make First Visit to the United States next year,per Archbishop Charles

    Chaput of Philadelphia; he will attend the World Meeting of Families that will take place

    in Philadelphia.

    Obama: US Must 'Embrace an Economic Patriotism That Says We Rise or Fall Together'

    Obama Job Approval at Dismal 39%

    Obama: Republicans in Congress 'Harming Million Of Americans'

    Obama Blamed His Supporters for His Failures

    Obama Again Attacked His Media FriendsCNBC Reporter Challenged Obama's Economic Numbers During Interview

    When a Commander-in-Chief Stops Caring

    [Who is to blame? Government? Where is that nanny-state when we really need it???]

    Pregnant Florida Woman Killed While Admiring GunCollection

    Nineteen-Year-Old Shoots Home Invaders to Save Girlfriend

    Police: Armed Burglar Cried When Homeowner Pointed Gun at Him

    Federal Judge: DC Ban On Carrying Handguns In Public Is Unconstitutional

    MSBNC: NRA Voters Spell 'Trouble For Democrats' In November 2014


    Dem-led governance:

    Health Law Analyst: ObamaDontCare'Setting People up for Large and Avoidable Premium Increases'

    The Shocking Cost of Free Water in Detroit

    [Recall the NY-Times Mag cover-story of a fortnight ago (Detroit Through rose-colored gasses) and it

    must be concluded that the revival is yet to arrive (p. 38, near end of article).]

    Obama Proposes Lower Safety Standards to Haul Oil by Trains Than by Ships[inconsistent and political]

    MARK LEVIN TAKES OBAMA'S EPA TO TASK IN COURT[inconsistent and political]

    Steny Hoyer: Dems Will Win Back House in 2014[yeah, right]


    Hillary Clinton: Let Hondurans, Guatemalans, El Salvadorans Apply for Asylum from Home

    El Salvador's Ambassador Suggests Migrant Surge Sign of 'Upward Mobility'

    Honduras President: U.S. Wants to Deport Illegals 'on a Massive Scale'

    Central Americans Migrating to US Instead of Closer, Safe Countries

    Obama to Central American Presidents: Illegal Immigrants Will Get 'Fair Deal'

    Obama Promises No Asylum for Migrants Fleeing Poverty or Bad Neighborhoods

    Los Angeles Times Suggests Illegal Immigrants Have Civil 'Right' to Work Permits
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXII [Israel, Gaza, Illegals, BHO, guns]


    FEMA Looking to House Illegals in Empty Big Box Stores, Aircraft Hangars

    TN Gov Found Out About Illegals Dumped in State on HHS Website

    More Than 30,000 Unaccompanied Minors Already Released to Families in US

    Dem Rep. Joe Garcia: Border Is Safer Than Ever, Obama Should 'Parole' All Illegals

    Jeff Sessions: Amnesty for DREAMers' Parents Will Lure More Adults, Create Bigger Crisis

    Zuckerberg Pushes Amnesty Letter-Writing Campaign After Becoming Richer than Google Founders

    White House Fears Impeachment If Obama Unilaterally Grants Amnesty

    Palin: More Americans Will Support Impeachment if Obama Lawlessly Enacts Another Executive


    Rep. Steve King Predicts Impeachment if Obama Grants Executive Amnesty

    [UK Government Spends 80,000 Deporting 200 Migrants... Who then Return Weeks Later]

    Hillaryexplained thatDarth Vader leads her in presidential pollbecause their "deeper

    meaning" is that people "love fantasies."

    The GOPs Civil-WarRages:

    Joe Carr to Lamar Alexander: Support Ted Cruz Border Bill to Prevent Expansion of Obama's Amnesty

    ProgramSalon: How the Chamber of Commerce Became Toxic

    Chamber of Commerce Hired Top Marco Rubio Aide to Push Amnesty

    GOP Congressman Returns Award to U.S. Chamber of Commerce Because of Group's Amnesty Support

    Washington and Lee Capitulated: Took Down ConfederateFlags & Locked-out Sons Of

    Confederate Vets{Perhaps NOW we can declare the War Between the States is OVER?}


    BuzzFeed Fired Editor Over 41 Instances of Plagiarism

    Wikipedia Bans Anonymous Edits by House Members and Their Staff

    Wikipedia Bans Congressional IP Address from Editing Entries

    [faux-newsbuff leftie-comediansdemonstrate ignorance and prejudice]BILL MAHER CLUELESS THAT TEA PARTY BASHES CRONY CAPITALISM

    Maher to DeGrasse Tyson: Republicans Dont Like You Because You're Black

    Levin Blasts Putrid Stewart: Read up, Ivy League Boy


    CNN Put False NewsOf Israel Rejecting 'Cease-Fire Deal' Over Faces of Injured Children

    Journalist Jeremy Scahill: Israel Guilty of 'War Crimes,' Murder of Children

    [These latter cites can segue into the Middle-East.]

    Foreign Affairsin Latin America are captured inFausta's Blog[they get short-shrift, here, sorry]VENEZUELAN GENERAL ARRESTED ON US WARRANT FOR DRUG SMUGGLING

    ALBRIGHT: 'THE WORLD IS A MESS'[her CBS-Interview was milquetoast; Shieffer never pressed]

    Iceland Could Become Russia and China's 'Secret Weapon' Against U.S.[another hot-spot?]

    Embargo Wouldn't Hurt Russia


    Gen Hayden: 'Putin Will Lose Control Over The Surrogates He Continues To Arm'[yeah, sure]
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXII [Israel, Gaza, Illegals, BHO, guns]


    Police visit to MH17 disaster site canceled

    When Burying a Terrorist, You Might Want to Remove the Suicide Vest First[video]


    Boko Haram Militants Seize Cameroon Vice-PM's Wife[this is why they must be stopped in Africa, too]

    Taliban fighters scoring new wins in Afghanistan

    On theLisa Benson Show [with M. Zuhdi Jasser] Dr. Sherkoh Abbasspoke [today] with

    Jerome Gordon regarding Kurdistan and the Middle East conflicts, in general.

    Muslims Cut Off Heads of Fifty Innocent People, And Place Them On Poles Throughout The Area

    San Diego Iraqis Furious at ISIS Takeover

    ISIS Leaders Could Be Added to U.N. War Crimes List[tangential]


    Shock Video: Children Swear Allegiance to Islamic State's Caliphate[unnerving]

    Too Many Mujahideen, Not Enough Engineers Crippling ISIS's 'Socialist' Project in Syria[they dont care]

    Iranian elite forces re-took gas field from ISIL in Syria{Theorizing} Turkey has beenworking closely with the Kurdish autonomous region in northern Iraq; Ankara has been

    importing crude oil and fuel from the Kurdish Regional Government, angering Baghdad.

    Turkey collaborates with Barazanis Iraqi Kurds to weaken the PKK in Syrian Kurdistan.

    Barzanis group is weak in Syrian Kurdistan but he hopes to improve with Turkeys help.

    Turkey sends reinforcements to Syrian border in fight with Kurdish fighters.

    Bradford Schools Facing Claims of Islamist Takeover


    EXCLUSIVE: UK City Council Enables Pro-Hamas Group in Propaganda Effort and Fundraiser

    We Are All Hamas!': Thousands Attend London's Gaza Protest Glorifying Terrorism [MSNBC used this

    line last week c/o Melissa Harris-Perry; she never challenged her guest]

    More Than 50 killed in Libya's Benghazi, Tripoli After Heavy Clashes[filling vacuum, post Qaddafi]

    US Evacuates Embassy in Libya Amid Clashes[Rhodes (vide infra) wont admit this is failure.]

    Iran's Supreme Leader Claims to Seek Annihilation of Israel, Not Jews[false distinction noted]

    Shiite MilitiaDisplays Jihadist Bodies in Iraq City[now, these are the good-guys?]

    Anglican Vicar: End of Christianityin Iraq Is 'Very Near'

    Call from Iraqi Christians: Obama, Obama, Where are You?

    Krauthammer:Obama Talked About How Disrespectful We Were To Muslims; When will he Stand-Up

    For The Christian Minorities

    Christians Describe Inhumane Treatment by ISIS in Mosul, Iraq


    ALEX PIERSON, Canadas Megyn Kelly, came to Israels defense when she interviewed

    Douglas Murray [author of Islamophilia]: There's not much award-winning journalist

    Alex Piersonhasn't seen or taken on over her 15-year career as a reporter and anchor.

    She's gone toe-to-toe with pit-bull-hating politicians, faced-off against Black Block

    protesters during the G20, and her reports on the Ontario trucking industry not only saw
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXII [Israel, Gaza, Illegals, BHO, guns]


    her drive a big rig - but garnered her two national awards and changed licensing laws in

    the province. After spending several years at Citytv and CP24 in Toronto, she moved to

    Global News where she continued her anchor-role while covering the court beat.

    The Gaza-War Sparked Worldwide Demonstrations[plus inPhilly]:

    Thousands take to NYC streets to protest Israel

    Bank attacked, smeared with fake blood

    Hundreds ignore ban in Paris to protest Gaza offensive

    Nazi salutes

    Online anti-Semitism runs rampant

    10,000 march in London

    Thousands in NYC

    Paris's Kristallnacht

    Israeli Peace Rally Cut Short by Rockets


    Jewish students shown 'photos of ovens and told to get in'

    Rhodes: Kerry Searching for 'Common Place' Between Israel and Hamas [a more deceptiveinterview would be difficult to ID; he avoided specificity throughout]

    Risk of War-Expansion:


    Anti-Semitic Turkish academic tweets in support of Treblinka death camp

    turkey-sent-reinforcements on syrian-border as battles withkurdish-fighters-intensified

    Hamas Seeks North KoreaSupport Against Israel as Munitions Run Low

    Hamas and NKorea in secret arms deal

    McConnell Submitted Bill to Keep Harry Reid from Exploiting Israel's Iron Dome in

    Border Crisis Package [BHO is so devious, such prophylaxis is needed.]In phone call with Netanyahu, Obama stressed need for immediate Gazacease-fire


    Goal of Hamas Is Global Caliphate

    Hamas chief: We cannot coexist with occupiers

    Israel: Hamas Continues to Utilize Human Shields as Israeli Cabinet Rejects Kerry Proposals

    Palestinian Mosques: Arsenals or Houses of God?

    UN Human Rights Council Accused Israel of 'Acting in Gaza Like the Nazis' [they seem

    conveniently to have forgotten already that the UNRWA school had missileswhich they

    returned to Hamas]

    IDF Spokesperson Announcement

    Findings ofIDF Inquiryof the UNRWA School Incident in Beit Hanoun

    July 27, 2014

    Location: Tel Aviv

    Since Thursday, July 24, 2014, the IDF has conducted a comprehensive

    inquiry regarding the incident in which the UNRWA school was fired,7340,L-4549369,00.html,7340,L-4549369,00.html,7340,L-4549369,00.html
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXII [Israel, Gaza, Illegals, BHO, guns]


    upon. The inquiry concluded that during the intense fighting between

    IDF forces and Hamas militants, the militants operated adjacent to the

    UNRWA school. The militants fired anti-tank missiles at IDF soldiers,

    who then responded by firing several mortars in their direction.

    The inquiry and the documented footage presented here concluded

    that a single errant mortar landed in the courtyard of the UNRWA

    school, when it was completely empty.

    The IDF stresses it does not operate or target international

    organizations in the Gaza Strip, and the ongoing coordination conducted

    via the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT)

    is continuous without change, even during times of combat.

    In light of the inquiry's findings, the IDF rejects the claims that were

    made by various officials immediately following the incident, that

    people were killed in the school premises as a result of IDF operational


    Graham: U.N. move 'anti-Semitic'

    'This is an Offensive War': An Inside Look at the Campaign to Take Down Hamas

    Why Gaza must go[byMARTIN SHERMAN, JPOST]- The only durable solution requires dismantling Gaza,

    humanitarian relocation of the non-belligerent Arab population, and extension of Israeli sovereignty

    over the region.

    Netanyahu: Future funds to rebuild Gaza must be linked to its demilitarization

    Israel must destroy Hamas nowbecause Israels technological advantage may soon disappear, as per

    input from a member of the military; Iran is currently transferring to Hamas more capable missile

    guidance; future Hamas rockets will be guided by GPS and have the ability for evasive trajectories. Thus,the hypothetical Israeli casualties that were avoided by Israels employment of Iron Dome will become

    actual Israeli casualties in the future engagement; this is why Hamas looks forward to an eventual truce

    during which they will reorganize.

    Regarding PR, great resources include the israel video network, Israpundit [Palestinian people

    are an invention], and Breitbart [Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Slams Hamas 'Cowards' Who Hide

    Behind Women and ChildrenandNo, Supporting Hamas is Not 'Feminist'].

    Hamas TunnelThreat at Center of War with Israel

    What You Need To Know About The Tunnels That Bring Life And Death Into Gaza

    Hamas Admits to Killing More than 100 Children to Build Tunnels

    IDF Develops Tunnel Detection Technology; Expert: Retaking Philadelphi Corridor Now an Option -

    Canadian expert Paul Bauman, whose team discovered Atlantis off the coast of Spain, has worked with

    the IDF in the past

    IDF didnt follow up on MRI-style, below-surface technology to find tunnels

    Egypt army destroyed 13 more Gaza tunnels
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXII [Israel, Gaza, Illegals, BHO, guns]


    Forty-Third IDF Soldier Killed in Gaza Overnight [by Ted Belman]; since the "humanitarian

    ceasefire" started on Friday evening 8 soldiers were killed.

    Bolton: International Opinion Can go Take a Flying Leap!

    The best way to appreciate what has animated the cease-fire badminton-gameis first to appreciate the

    flurry of reports that accompanied recognition that86.5% of Israelis oppose cease-fire:

    Israel extended Gaza truce until Sunday despite Hamas rocket fire - Security Cabinet

    voted in favor of UN humanitarian ceasefire after Hamas answers Israels extended four-

    hour lull with rocket fire; Hamas: No deal if Israel does not remove forces, source: Calm

    in fighting means we can focus on dismantling Gaza tunnels.

    Hamas Rejects 4-Hour Gaza War Truce Extension

    Israel Rejects 7-Day Ceasefire, Agrees to 12-Hour Ceasefire

    Israel, Hamas to observe 12-hour cease-fire

    Netanyahu: Hamas violating own ceasefire

    Israel extends Gaza truce until Sunday despite Hamas rocket fire

    Israel, Hamas to observe 12-hour cease-fireNetanyahu: Hamas violating own ceasefire


    As Israel methodically degraded the Hamas tunnels [although there may be as many as 5000 of them,

    including branches],Obama and Kerry galloped to the rescueof Hamas;the destruction of the tunnels

    continued unabated during cease-fires, and the IDF is now set for electronic and signals control of

    Hamas, Islamic Jihad command centers, after rocket fire[according toDEBKA]:

    Before it ended with Hamas rocket fire Saturday night, July 26, the 12-hour ceasefire

    between Israel and Hamas was used by both parties for regrouping, re-arming,

    strengthening fortifications and digging in current lines and positions while the sightsand sounds of devastation in the Gaza Strip came fully to light. The pause in hostilities

    also offered Israeli forces a valuable opportunity for collecting intelligence. In the heat

    of the fighting, the IDF and its clandestine arms were unable despite strenuous efforts

    to obtain electronic and SIGINT access to the hidden Hamas and Islamic Jihad command

    and control centers.

    Nevertheless,Israeli Officials were 'Horrified' at Kerry Ceasefire Proposal, for it constituted a 'Complete

    Cave-In' to Hamas.Reprinted in their entirety are three versions [DAVID HOROVITZ, ARLENE KUSHNER,

    and J.J.GOLDBERG] of what occurred [annotated]; note that #3 has been composed by a leftie:

    John Kerry: The betrayal

    Astoundingly, the secretarys intervention in the Hamas war empowers the Gaza

    terrorist government bent on destroying Israel

    BYDAVID HOROVITZJuly 27, 2014, 2:55 pm

    When The Times of IsraelsAvi Issacharoff first reported the content of John Kerrys

    ceasefire proposal on Friday afternoon, I wondered if something had gotten lost in,d.aWw,d.aWw,d.aWw
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXII [Israel, Gaza, Illegals, BHO, guns]


    translation. It seemed inconceivable that the American secretary of state would have

    drafted an initiative that, as a priority, did not require the dismantling of Hamass

    rocket arsenal and network of tunnels dug under the Israeli border. Yet the reported

    text did not address these issues at all, nor call for the demilitarization of Gaza.

    It seemed inconceivable that the secretarys initiative would specify the need to address

    Hamass demands for a lifting of the siege of Gaza, as though Hamas were a legitimate

    injured party acting in the interests of the people of Gaza rather than the terror

    group that violently seized control of the Strip in 2007, diverted Gazas resources to its

    war effort against Israel, and could be relied upon to exploit any lifting of the siege in

    order to import yet more devastating weaponry with which to kill Israelis.

    Israel and the US are meant to be allies; the US is meant to be committed to the

    protection of Israel in this most ruthless of neighborhoods; together, the US and Israel

    are meant to be trying to marginalize the murderous Islamic extremism that threatens

    the free world. Yet here was the top US diplomat appearing to accommodate a vicious

    terrorist organization bent on Israels destruction, with a formula that would leave

    Hamas better equipped to achieve that goal.

    The appalled response to the Kerry proposal by the members of the security cabinet on

    Friday night, however, made plain nothing had gotten lost in translation at all. The

    secretarys proposal managed to unite Israels disparate group of key political leaders

    from Naftali Bennett and Avigdor Liberman on the right, through Prime Minister

    Benjamin Netanyahu, to Yair Lapid and Tzipi Livni on the center-left in a unanimous

    response of horrified rejection and leaked castigation.

    The Netanyahu government has had no shortage of run-ins with Kerry in the mere 18

    months he has held office. The prime minister publicly pleaded with him in November

    not to sign the interim deal with Iran on its rogue nuclear program, and there has been

    constant friction between the two governments over thwarting Irans bid for the bomb.Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon in January ridiculed Kerrys security proposals for a

    West Bank withdrawal, calling the secretary messianic and obsessive in his quest for

    an accord with the Palestinians that simply wasnt there. The collapse of the talks in

    March-April was accompanied by allegations from Jerusalem that Kerry had botched the

    process, telling Israel one thing and the Palestinian Authority another, including

    misrepresenting Israels position on Palestinian prisoner releases.

    But none of those episodes, though deeply troubling and relating to issues central to

    Israels well-being, provoked the kind of outraged disbelief at Kerrys performance that

    has been emanating from the Israeli leadership in the past 48 hours. Leaked comments

    from unnamed senior government sources to Army Radio, Channel 2 and other

    Hebrew outlets have described the secretary as amateurish, incompetent, incapable of

    understanding the material he is dealing with in short, a blithering fool.

    But actually, its worse than that. What emerges from Kerrys self-initiated ceasefire

    mission Israel had already accepted the Egyptian ceasefire proposal; and nobody

    asked him to come out on a trip he prefaced with sneering remarks about Israels

    attempted pinpoint strikes on Hamas terror targets is that Jerusalem now regards

    him as duplicitous and dangerous.

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXII [Israel, Gaza, Illegals, BHO, guns]


    Contrary to his public claim at his press conference in Cairo that his ceasefire proposal

    was built on the Egyptian initiative, it manifestly is nothing of the kind. As indicated by

    the unconfirmed text reported by Issacharoff, by othersubsequent reports of its

    content,and by the cabinets outraged rejection, it is a proposal that, to quote an

    unnamed official cited by Channel 2, tunneled under the Egyptian initiative, a

    document, to quote from another of those leaked comments, that reads like it was

    drawn up for or even by Hamass Khaled Mashaal.

    And Kerry didnt let up after unleashing his dreadful proposal. Following Fridays fiasco,

    he jetted off to Paris and, quite extraordinarily, convened further consultations

    dominated by countries that overtly wish to do Israel harm. He met with his

    counterparts from Turkey, whose Hamas-backing leadership has latelyaccused Israel of

    attempting genocide in Gaza and compared Netanyahu to Hitler,and with Qatar,

    Hamass funder in chief, directlyaccused by president Shimon Peres last week of

    financing Hamass rockets and tunnels. Staggeringly, he did not bring Israel, Egypt, or

    the PA to his Paris sessions.

    There were further leaks from the cabinet at the weekend to the effect that Netanyahuand his colleagues did not formally announce their unanimous rejection of Kerrys

    ceasefire proposal to avoid provoking a public diplomatic confrontation with Israels

    most important ally. Instead, word of the rejection was allowed to find its way out. That

    seems rather quaint given what is clearly a major crisis in Israel-US ties at a time when

    Israel finds itself in the midst of a complex and costly war.

    When Kerrys predecessor, Hillary Clinton, got involved in the effort to broker terms for

    ending Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012, it was self-evident, first, that a

    ceasefire was at hand, and, second, that the diplomatic work was being coordinated

    effectively with Jerusalem to ensure that Israels vital interests were being served. It is a

    testament to Kerrys incompetence (or worse), and to the collapse of faith between him

    and Israel, that, when he headed ignominiously home on Saturday, neither of thoseassumptions held sway.

    Whether through ineptitude, malice, or both, Kerrys interventionwas not a case of

    Americas top diplomatcoming to our region to help ensure, through astute

    negotiation, the protection of a key ally. This was a betrayal.

    Time to Finish the Threat

    ByArlene Kushner- July 27, 2014 at 04:30PM

    I only intend to review the essential outline of what has been transpiring and then look

    at the bottom line basics that matter most.


    In the period leading up to Shabbat, on Friday, Israel was said to be considering a

    proposal for a week long ceasefire that had been put on the table by Kerry. In the end,
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXII [Israel, Gaza, Illegals, BHO, guns]


    that proposal was unanimously rejected by the Israel Security Cabinet; its members

    were, to a person, furious: Kerry had come out solidly on the side of Hamas.

    Communicating with representatives of Qatar and Turkey in putting together his

    proposal, Kerry had, in the words of unnamed Israeli sources cited by Times of Israel,

    dug a tunnel under the Egyptian ceasefire proposal which Israel accepted and

    Hamas rejected last week and presented the Israeli government with a text thataccepted most of the demands raised by Hamas...

    To the horror of the Israeli ministers,the Kerry proposal accepted Hamass demands

    for the opening of border crossings into Gaza where Israel and Egypt fear the

    import of weaponry; the construction of a seaport; and the creation of a post-conflict

    funding channel for Hamas from Qatarand other countries, according to the sources.

    The proposal, meanwhile, did not even provide for Israel to continue demolishing the

    Hamas network of terror tunnels dug under the Israeli border.(All emphasis added)

    Channel 2s diplomatic reporter Udi Segal said voices from the cabinet had described

    Kerry as negligent, lacking the ability to understand the issues, and incapable of

    handling the most basic matters.

    I myself think describing Kerry thus is cutting him too much slack. He is not the rocket

    scientist of the diplomatic world, true. But hes not so foolish that he cannot perceive

    the implications of failing to call for demolishing the terror tunnels into Israel. What we

    are seeing is not an attempt to stop the fighting that is simply lacking in conceptual

    clarity. Were seeing an ally of Hamas express his distain and malice toward the people

    of Israel. Make no mistake about this, or about the fact that Kerry speaks for the man in

    the White House.

    Times of Israel editor David Horovitz calls what Kerry did a betrayal, and says the

    result is that Jerusalem now regards him as duplicitous and dangerous.

    This is an awakening that I see as all to the good.


    Subsequent to this, Kerry went to Paris where he met with representatives of Qatar and

    Turkey to continue working on the ceasefire. I believe he met there as well with Ban

    Ki Moon, whom my readers know well as another duplicitous anti-Israel diplomat.

    Should you feel inclined (you may not), you can see here a recent video of a press

    conference with Netanyahu and Ban. Our prime minister very vividly lays out the picture

    of what we are contending with regarding Hamas, after which Ban professes sympathy

    and then advises us that we cannot solve the problem until there is no more

    occupation and a two state solution. We should start talking to each other.

    Today, Ban made a comment about how the people of Gaza have suffered enough. As if

    we were causing that suffering on purpose and calling a halt to it is all that matters.

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXII [Israel, Gaza, Illegals, BHO, guns]


    After Israel rejected the week-long ceasefire that had been proposed by Kerry, Ban Ki

    Moon, in Paris, working with other diplomats, called for a short humanitarian

    ceasefireto allow supplies to be brought in and the dead to be brought out to be

    honored from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM yesterday. That was accomplished.

    The UN then asked that the ceasefire be extended for another day. We agreed to four

    more hours. But at 8:01 PM Hamas started firing again, declaring that We didnt agree

    to an extension. In spite of this, we held our fire.

    Yet another extension another day of ceasefire was then requested and at about

    midnight last night the Security Cabinet met again (they are in very frequent session)

    and voted to agree to that further extensionI believe 20 hours - even though it was a

    one-sided ceasefire. It was about at that point that I went into my WHAT ARE THEY

    DOING? mode.

    Today we started shelling in Gaza again, because Hamas did not honor the ceasefire and

    enough was enough.


    AFTER we started shooting again, Hamas suddenly decided a ceasefire was a good idea

    after all, and called for it to be mutually instituted. This time Netanyahu said, Nothing

    doing. Hamas had violated five ceasefires, two in the last 24 hours.Just since midnight

    last night, Hamas has launched over 40 rockets.


    One can readily see, reading this description of what has been transpiring, how the head

    might spin. But the precise details are not important its the bigger picture that


    There have been many questions rai

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