Page 1: A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe … Petition for...A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe mantal cominunity comprised thereof Dcferndanm'Rcspondeaxts

O. 47482 -4 -Ti



MiRISTOP HF and KiZ ANNE GUEST, and their ni iritai willml,r1ity, Plai« tiFfslPctiiioners


A rr) LAN QE and K ARFN LAN GE. individual av and Lbe mantalcominunity comprised thereof

Dcfern danm'Rcspon deaxts


Suzanne Guest

hristopher Guest

6833 %'fain Sail Lane

Gig Harbor, Wasbmfyton 98.335f' ( 25) 495- 1244

F ( 7 7) 355- 9586

Mon 10/3/2016 4:59 PM
Page 2: A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe … Petition for...A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe mantal cominunity comprised thereof Dcferndanm'Rcspondeaxts


L TABLE OF AUTHORTTTFS .......................................................... iii

A I N DFINTIT Y OF PETITIONERS .............................. .................... I

B. DECISIONS .................................................................................... I

C. ISST -T, S PR F S F NTH 1) FOR R F VIE, W ............................ .... ... .. 2

1). STAXENIENT OF T H E CASE .................. .... ............................... 2

r-_ ARG L" M E N, T W H Y RE VrFW SHOULD BF A C C F lyl'ED ......... 15

CONCLUSION ............................................. .............................. 21

APPENDICES .. .......... ......................................................... A 1- 14

CFRTIFTCATT, OF MAALT-NG.............................................. .... . 22


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Agmew v- Laceii ( o-Py, 3' ) Wn - App. 2 8 "), 654 P.'-2 d 712,, v view denied,

99 Wn. 2d 1006 ( 1983) .. ...................................... 18

edcll r. P'Ormers his- Co -

176 WaO. 2d 686, 295 P - 3d239 (2013) ......... .... ............................ 18

qty ),- 0?y oJ'Romic 1, v ake, 17 3 W n. 2d 584, 269 P. 3 d 1017 X2012) ................... . 15, 16, 17, 19, 20

P iian ers Ins- (' a offa.shir gropj v. NiMer,

97 ' An- 2d 70, 5411'. 2) d 9 ( 1976). ... ... ................................ 17

Gifesl v' Lunge,

191 W- n. App- 1031 ............... ....................................

Griesi v- Loijgc er al.,

Append -No- 47482- 4- 11 ........................ . .. ............. 1, 4, 18, 20

carst (' onin v- '%c̀aule I f;wes (" o,

154 Wn - 2d 49 3, 1 15 P. 3d 262 ( 2005).... -- .. - ...— AT 19

11erzcqA1umh-njm, Inc- u, GenercdAnie- icufi Window,

9 Wn. App. 18 8, 692 P. 2d 86 7 ( 19 84) ............. ...................... 20

Jor-?cs v' C Irorn orist- (' o-

84 Wash. 2d 518, 527 P. '2d 11 15 .............................

MacLean Townhomes, LLC v. Am- i"fRrm?fing & Bifildevs. Inc -

133 Wac;h. App. 829, 139 P -3d 155 ( 2006) .............. ... ............. 16

Nei4 porl Fachr Rash i A -szs', Pj of ('Ondo. Ow -ner-v v- 4upvpie Nw-- 16'S Wn - App- 96, ? 85 P -3 d 70 ( 2012), review denied,

175 1'4' n. 2d 1015 ( 2012) ................. .... . . .... ............. 16, 17, 1'.)

ThurSion ( ' 'ouni ' v v. ('() of)cr I "oij it Ass' po, 148 W n. 2d 1, 5,7 P. 'y d I 156 ( 2002 . 10

Page 4: A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe … Petition for...A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe mantal cominunity comprised thereof Dcferndanm'Rcspondeaxts


Internal Rcv enue Code

26 U. S. C- § 501{ c)( 7) .................. .................................... 4. 5, 9

RCW 4 -?8. 320..... .. ............................................... .. 10, 14, 12

RCW 494. 330 ............................................... .................... 20


RAP 3. 8

RAPS. I ( b) ...... 12-. 19

RAP 8. 1( b)( 1) ................................................. .... 2, 8, 12-. 14, 19

RAP 8. 1 ( b)( 2) ........................ ............................. 2, 8, 12, 14, 19

R. 8. 1 ( e) ................................................................... 13, 14

RAPS. I ( h) ........................................ ................................ 14

RAP 13. 4 ( h)( 1)( 2)( 3) and ( 4) .................................................. 110Z

RAP18. 1 .......................................................... -)„ 20


Webster' s Third New International Diet-lonary 1794 ( 2002) ................ 15

We-hstev' s Third New International Dictionary 1995 ( 2002) ............. . 15


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The Vetitltion,,fS Guest at5k this Court to preview the Court of

Appeals decision set forth in Part B.


The Cow -t of Appear hied its pub 11shod opinion in this appeal on

August 2, 2016. That opinion is in the Appendix at pages A -I througlh A-

13. That opinion is gelated Lo and is associated v, ith the 6vesi 3•_ Lange.

Court of Appeals unpublished Opinion No. 46802- 6- 11 issued by Divieiorn

11 of the Couri of Appeals on Ji) n.c 14, 2016. A Petition for Review of that

Opinion was filed by the Talmad,,,,e/PitzpatricklTr-Ibe lave fim) and

Attorney Phillip Tf and Attorney Sidney Tribe with Division 11 crf

the Court of Appeals on Septeiriher 29, 2016. No mandate has issued iii.

either appeal

The Court of appeals denied the Guests' motion for

reconsideration in this Appeal in an order entered on September 2, 2016.

A copy of that order is in the Appendix at page A - 14. This Petition for

Review i related to and is associated with the Septcmber 29, 201( 1

Petition for review 01- the Cotirt of Appeals unpublished opinion in

AppcaI No. 46802- 6- 11 currently before this Cotnrt_

Page 6: A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe … Petition for...A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe mantal cominunity comprised thereof Dcferndanm'Rcspondeaxts

I. Did the Court of Appeals err as a mater of law when the

Court denied the Guests' request for attorneys fees, casts and expenses on

appeal and below pursuant to RAP 18. l as the prevailing pailies on appealand also with regard to the Section D language of the contracL that the

Lan es adopted and assumed as their own in this action, appeal and


W-hether RAV X. l (b)( 1) and () mandates anti r uires that

a trial couil trust first accept the deposit of a part,' s cash supersedeas wi th

the clerkofa superior court acid file, Lhe ca„ h bond staying and supersedinga tri a] court' s 1udgment an& or order affecting the possession, use andi i -

title. Eo t -cal or personal property, or to stay and Supersede a moneyjudgment. or order before, the deposit of a cashier' s check I.vith the clerk of

a Washington Stale superior court successfully and aLoom ancal Iy staysand supersedes a real anWor personal property judgment and/ or order or a. money judgment order a airrst that party's


The Court oI- Appeals beef recAwl an of liniited facts in thi s apgcal

aj-e Iarely correct.

Tiowevcr, it is important that the original developer who recorded a

declaration of cox cnants and CC. Rs in 1986 did not own and did not

have anv title ro any of the real property oe Lots, including theGuests'

Lot, in the development where the Guests and the Langes oven property

and, Further, that the. developeir did not own any of the development Lots,

including Lot 5 that the separate " Patio or Teck Easement” document. that

was reeorded %ly-ith the County Auditor' s office in 1987 was not notarized -

acknowledged or scaled, the sole signature on the document was not

Page 7: A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe … Petition for...A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe mantal cominunity comprised thereof Dcferndanm'Rcspondeaxts

idelitifed, that a third party recorded the document not the deweloper, and

that there is unrei;irtted evidence that the signature on the 198 7 recorded

alleged ` easement' document was " Mery probably" a forgery.

Although the developer did not hive. any standing to create ni, to

record ainy covenants or CC&.Rs regulating the use or the constructi() n of

anv structures on the developmenr property or to grant any deck ease hent

to any person, entity or Lot onto or over any other Lot bccaus the

developer did not own or have any title to any of the development real

property, and did not f} ave any standing to grant any deck easement on any

part of Lot. 5 to any person or entity in the 1987 recorded " Patio or Deck

Gasernent" because the developer did not own Lot 5 at any tinn.e as a

matter of lave, the Lariges adopted and assumed the 1987 recorded " Patio

or Teck h'asment" D opera -ended release, hold harndess, delense-

payor and full irtdemzxity language as their oven requiring that the I, anges

release, defend and fully indemnify the Grlests from, against and for " any

and all" ckaims, suits, causes of action, proccedirt-,s, darnages, loss, injury

of any kind, type or nature, attorneys fees, costs acid expenses and/ or

judgments of any kind arising out of and/car related to the " usc" of any

Lange or Lot 4 owner decks or patio on the Guests' property, or the

utilization of the 1987 recorded ` easement' document-

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The Section D recorded 1987 release, defense, indeinnii.y anal

payor contract Ianguage that the binges adopted and assumed as their own

open- ended insurance contract and policy states in clear, plain and

unambiguous words that-

h -an w


h-anwe promises, covenams and agrees that. the Grantor shall not

be liable loi' any injuries a ncurred by the Grantee, the CxTantee' s

ucsts andr' r Lhird parties arising frown the utilization of said

easement pend further Grantee agrees to hol d Grantor harm €ess

and defend and full+ rndernnify Grantor against any and all

claims, actions, and s« 3ts

ar3LJ] n from the utilization of`

said easement and to satisfy and all judgments that may

feSAL fTom $;ard clalms. actions, and/ or suits.

Opinion at 3, footnote 2.

The articles of incorporation for the developinent' s community

association that. had Irinitcd and restrictive powers and authority under its

charter pi -oh 3b-1ted the associations or the developer from rctguIanng the 11s

or the exterior of any of the privately owned Lots, and also prohibited t11e

association or the devc1oper from granting am.., easement of any kind to

any Lot owner or to any Lot onto, over, under or upon any other Lot.

Cinder the association' s charter, the Internal Revenue Code501((,)(7)

commumty association was governed incl controlled by federal law and


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was expressly prohibited from conducting or carrying on any activity at

any time that was not permitted by LKC X501( c)( 7). IRC § 501( c)( 7) and

applieablc 501( c )( 7) rules and regulatzons prohibit a § 501{ c ( 7)

urgariizatiort such as the developrnent' conaMUnity association from

administcrino acid/ oi- enforciris any architectural covenants nnd. or

architectural CC R; arnong other pirohibitions, limitations and

restrictians, IIICluding any puirportcd but nu 11 and vo-Id) grant of any deck

or structural ease mcnt one Lot unto another Lot.,

B y 2410, the I_ancYes wanted to tear down their their existing, deck

to build a new dlf er ntly configured dock it} SI) riT] g 2011. The Lan es

notified the Gucsis that their then existing deck was encroaching on the

Gucsts' property, but not to worry that the Lasxges who had the Gucsts'

predecessor owners' permission to havQ a deck on part of the Guests'

property would not build f.heir r)ew deck on any part of the Guests'

property_ 1n 2011, the Langer asked the Guests fur permito build

their nw deck on pall of the Guests' property 1n nn area where if cumeri LIy

was. The Guests infused. The Langer built their new dcck on part of- the

Guests' property whefe it had been before when the Guests were out of

state with the knowledge that the Guests did not ve perinis 31on.


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When the Uirn es refused to remove their neva, deck from the

Guests' pfoperty, the Guests filed a complaint alleging various claims

including that the Larges had a duty under the 1987 re&orded Section D

release, defense, indemnity, payor and hale/ harmless contract to

indemnity the, Guests for any and all claims, dam aL}es, loss, fees, cost, anal

expen; es ausing from and/ or related to the const€ur,6on, u, e and

maintauce or any Lange or Lot 4 owner deck on any part of the Guests'

property an& or the use o ufilIMai on of the 1 {) 87 recorded ` deck easement'

dor;unxerit. In breach and violation of the Section D release, fkjll Guest

defense 1u11 Guest indemnity and full Guest held hai-niless and pa nr

contract langauge the the I, angcs had adopted and as; kfnxed as their own,

the Langes filed an unsuccessful trespass counterclaim agYainst the GUe4t4

for accessing the Langer' new deck on part of the { iuest5' piroperty, and

requested a quiet title_ udgtncnt against the Guests in their Counterclaim

Prayer for Relief'. Although the, Langes filed a trespa, s counterclaim

against the Guests and a inotion [' or , ummary judgment to dis3n1ss all of

the Guests claims, the Langes had adopted and assunned the 1997 recorded

deck easement' Section D language as their oven release, defense,

Iildeninity. payor and hold harmless contract mandating and recluirin that

the La es release the Guests frorn -' any„ Lange injury of any kikid, nature

or type thereby prohibiting and tarring the filing or the assertion of any

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Lange counterclaim again; t the Guests or any " quiet #itle" PI -ager for

Relief. The Guests tiled a notice of ] is peridens agairxst the Manges

property before the sure mary judgment bearings, and also file an updated

and supplemental lis peixderls in March 2015.

The trial cclurt dismissed the Lames' trespass countercla- mains#

the GLIeqS on summary Judgment with prejudice The #.Tial court aLyveed

with the Guests that the Guests had the right to access, be on, use and

enjoy the Lange deck that was nn a certain part Of #ho Guests' property- because ropertybecausethe Guests' owned and had title to the underlying ] and and

property_ The L4n4}cs stipulated before trial that they would not appeal

that. judgment and did not do so, as they could not in any event under the

Section D contract language, car under tht recorded C('& -Rs in any event.

The ueSt„' claims for trespass, breach of contract_ and the

Larges” breach of their duty of good faith and fair dealing WCIIt to Iurytrial_ The Langes' asserted but null, void and non- existent ' quiet title'

Counterclaim did not go to jury trial_ The jury dict not return any rluicttitle verdict. On Sepkcmber 19, 2014, the trial court dismissed all of #hc

GUOSts claims ag inst the Laljges Zth pi-ejudice and granted the Lariges'

no31- Cxi tent ` quiet ti#Je' claim OTE a summary basis and granted an alleged

permanent injufictic)n." against the Guests prohibiting the C,-ucst firom


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acccssina and/ or using any Udnge. deck ori aDy part of the Guests property

without an.v post -verdict motion practice, without permitting anv argil rn e nt

by the Guests and without a ' quio lille' aud/ or injunction evidenl.iai);

lieai7rr . and ardeci the Lan,, es statutory attnrnevs tees of $250.00 and

miscellaneous Langte requested costs for a total mortetary judgment of

5565. RP { 911.91,- 0 14) at *":-**3 q

The Guests appealed, deposited $ 1, 000.00 in cash supersedeas

wish the clerk of the superior court along with a Noti ce of Deposit of Cash

Superscdcas pursuant to kNP 8. 1{} r)( 1) and ( 2.) to inirnediately and

atatoarraticall stay andupeFecle tlle reel and personal property and

money judgrrrcrits and orders mains€ the Guests as a matte3- of right,

includ-Inge the September 19, 3014 order and judgment irr the Langes'

favor, which inciudcd the alleged ' quiet tide' judgm(crtt and any and all

adverse orders anti iudgm.ents the Guests in this real and pci-sonal

property case and action. The Guests filed an Amended Notice, of Staff,

and Deposit of C ash Supevsede4s in April 2015.

The Langes were, are riot and cannot be kgofieved parties in this

action or on appeal under RAI' 3 1 and, therefore, cannot seek or obtain

any relief, remedy or recovery- From the Guests under the Section D

release, dcfcnse, indenInity, pavoiF and hold harnfiess contract Iam- mage

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that the Langes adopted and assumed as lhei.r own, the null and void 1987

recorded ` deck casement' document, the CC &, Rs, the coilamunity

association' s charter and articles of incorporabon, IRC § 501 ( C )( 7)

federal, corporate 01- state law.

L -Mer the Section D open- ended release, deferkse, indemnity,

payor and hold harmless contract language that the Lam es adopted and

assumed for theinsclves binding themselves to the Gae t!3 as the Guest'

full Indemnitors, defenders and payors, the Langes aye required under the

clear and plain words of the Section D 4m uagc to release the Guests from

any I.:ange or any other claiyn i and/or related to and/ or arising

emit of the use of any Lange or Lange property owner, successor or ansa{} n

by any pcf-son pr emity aTkWor the utilization of the ` easement' docul-nen.t

and satisfy ( which includes di, raiV3s) and/or pay any such judgment oi-

money order_ In addiLion, the Lan es are also required udder the Section

D defense, indeMFlity, payer and hold harmless language to pay, reimburse

and compensate the Guests for any and all guest or other individual' s it

cn.titics' attorneys and other fees, casts and expenses incurred by_

sustained, irnposccl upon the Guests, and/ or paid by the [ guests in the past,

in the present and in the future in artd/ oar relatod to any related and! or


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associated claims, matters suits, actions, appeals, appellme. pi-oceedings,

als audrfox remands.

Although the Guests prevailed in this appeal, the Guests did clot

have to prevail iri order to receive the Guests' entitlement to the C tinges'

fuII release, ineludirig release from any Lan -c claim, suit and judgmcm,

the Lan-ges' full defense, W indemnity and full Lange payment for any

and a I I Gucst fees, costs and expense, darn ages, loss, jn.juI-y of anv kind,

harm and interest theron, and any and all benefits of the Lan,-cs' full 11old

harnrnle!3s insurance- The ordinary Enlis d1ctionary nxcanin - attributed to

the words " anv and all" and the words " any itxjtiry" apply to the use of

those words in the Larige Section D language contract- The i,alzges, the

trial court and the Guests all agreed that the Section D contract Iail guagc

was clear and that it kvas not 4txtbi, Yuo4Is. The, Langes did not assert or

claim at any tirn- that the Section D contract latiguage %vas against public

policy or un om;cloRable.

Just as the Court of Appeals found in its opinion that the definition

of tlie word " settfod- in R(; W 4.28 320 In an ordinary dictionary WOUld

elucidate the meanin-g of that word citing to and relyin{x on 7hims-ion

ounl v- Cooper Point As'.* "r, 148 Wn.2d 1, 12, 57 P -:id 1156 ( 2002)


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ridicaiinv { 1n Opinion pages 7- S that it was not unlikely that the Coart of

Appeals Guest v_ I.ange Appeal No. 46802- 6- 11 Opinion would be

changed in the Washington Supreme Court and thereFore not a final

opinion, so here also the card -Mazy dictionairy detin1tian of the words " any

and aJI" and " any injuzy" used in the Lange Section D Ian uagxe contract

incan'" any a,nd all" and `-art v'" injury encompassing an and all ( it] est fees,

costs and expenses, any and all [ west darrkagc, loss, injure+ oi- harni and

ally Lype of " claim'" and " injury" illClLiding real propei-ty, per nal

pi-operty" personal injuI v and/or " bodily" injury but not limited to bodily

injure. ') floe words " third parte" and " bodily itxjuiy" do not exist its the

ectian D contract Ian{oua e. Tfiere are no Section D time or othicr Iiniits,

restrictions, exclusions or parameters. The Langes did not rescrve any

right wilder the Section D contract Ianguage to sue the Guests or to file any

elaIms against the Guests, or any right to falI or refuse to defend, rd ease,

pay, coin pen satc, fully indeinmfy, Mold the Cjuests h rniless and pay find

satisfv any judgnlcnt against tile, GLIests and/ or related to any use,

construction or mairiterlance of any range or Lot 4 owner patio or deck on

any part of the Guests' propezty or the use and utilization of the 1987

recorded document by UY person or entity including, but vat limited to,

any use by the Langes, any Cokirt or any other entity or Individual.

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The words that the Washington Supreme Court and appellate

courts used in the recently amended RAP S. ] ( b), ( b)( 1) and ( b) () are to

be given the , ante con wtvr tion, application and ana[vsis than the Court of

Appeals used and applied in its opinion to the RCW 4- 28-324 words

settled-'- -`discontinued" and -`abated".

RAP SA( b) states and provides that — Any party to a ruvieX

proceeding has the right to stay enforcement of a inoney judgincnt or a

dp,ciision affecting real, personal or intelIema] property, pendin- rev-1ew''

An absolute right. RAP S. I ( b)( ] ) further prescri bes, states and provides

the process and the procedure that a party must follow to stay the

enforcement of a money. ju inent. Rum= to RAP S- I ( b)( 1 }:

a pally Frey stay enfork:emeixt of money judgment 1) y ii ling

in the teal court a supersedeas bond or cash., or by a]wrnatjV:,

SCC uriLy approvvd by the trial court pcirsuant to subsection (b)( 4).

Emphasis in hold and italics added.

Cash is no 1on er " alLernative security" under RAS' 8- ] ( b)- The

deposit ofa cashier' s check ( Le- caA) with the clerk of a superior court

and tht filing, of a Notice of Deposit of Cuh Supersedeas in the court

records immediately and automatically stay the enforcement of any


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money jiikigyment as a matter of no, it. Opd) i if another party files a R A V

8- 1( c) motion in the trial court objecting to the sufficiency of the caslr

supersedeas within 7 days aftex- the parry malking the motion is seg-Ved W1th

a copy ol- the Notice of deposit of the cash supersedeas which acts as a

bond, is the sufficiency of the cash supersedeas deposited IV-Ith the clerk of

the superior court at issue.

RAP 8. l( e) further provides that " stay of enforcement of the trial

court decision may be pt-eserved ottly if' the party who deposited the cash

that the trial coui-t has to first determine wua 3 " i» adequate" based on a

properly filed RAP 8, 1( e} motion if the parity who deposited the cash

supplerrients the already deposited cash within 7 days -`after the entry of

the order declaring the. supersedeas deficient"- This trial coutrt

determination, aiad trial court approval of any cash deposited with the

clerk, of the superior court wiII and can only 1) e made under R AP 8- 1( c) if

another px-ty with standing in the matter and action files a timely and

proper RAP 8. 1(. e) -Motion and Under no other circumstance as a rnattcr of

law. The RAP 8- 1( e) reference to a " preserved` stay explicitly and

expresdy elucidates that a party' s deposit of cash supersedeas with the

clerk of the superior court rtz mediatcly and automatically stays and

supersedes the enfot-cement cif" any real, personal, intellectual or rrnrrney

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judgment, decision or order during any revs proceeding as a matter of

Jgilt, su€rject only to RAP 8- 1( e) and RAP 8. l( h), anchor a supersedeas

decision appeal.

RAP 8. ] (bX2) nates and provides is pertinent part. excCpt ] acre

Prohibited by statute, thal " a party may obtain a stay of enforcement of a

decision affecting rights to possession, ow ers]rip or use of T - ca] property,

Tangible personai property, or intarngihle persona] praperty, by filing in thetrial court a supersedeas.. cash, repeating the sirgifar words in RAI'

8- I( b)( I). The process and procedures identified and €>utlitied in RAP

8. 1( e) to raise the issue whcther th.e cash supersedeas filed and deposited

with the Cferk of the superior court was sufficient and adequate apply toR ' 8- f ( b)( 2) iu- t as they do W the deposit of cash . UPCJ-Sedeas pursuantio RAP 8. 1( b)( 1) The burden is on an objecting party who has standi li {c) irlthe action and is '

eved to chalierr e the su#f'lciency and the adequacvOf the amount of the cash supersedeas deposited wilth at least 7 day

pci7od wherein the ii-mmcdiate and the autornxatic stay at t]ze instant and

tl7rrmcnt of filing " as ol" ri4}i t" is pre encd until and the pazty

deposits supplcmentai cash in this instance if the trial cOurt dctcrirti xcsunder a properly and timely filed RAP 8. ] (e) rnOtion that the original cash

deposit was inadequate.


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Webster' s Third New laternat i onal Dictionary 1794 ( 2002) defa)cs

the word '` preservation." to mean " the act of preserving or the state of

being preserved" . The word " preserved- its turn is defined in. Pertinent

part to mean " to keep safe frorn in)ury, harm, or destruction : pard or

defend from evil : PROTECT, SAVE". The word " right" as used in RAP

9- 1( b) is defined also in turn irI pertinent part is " an absolute right not

depending upon discretion or favor". EB TER' S T1;1MD NEW



This Court has recognized the irnportance of addressing real and

personal property and of course nioney rights and decisions, acts or

actions that would interfere with, impair and/ or ` take' any real property,

personal property or money from a partywith the danger that. once - taken',

interfered with and/or impaired that the real property, personal property

and/ or in€ ney may be lost in whole, or in part forever, and significant and

perhaps peT-nianent loss, damage, ftnancial and outer inj-ury and harm rnay.

be Jmposed upon a party -

This Court has also i-ecognized the importance of addressing

indemnification and indemnity rights as evidenced by its direct review of

the 01j, of 7 2corrju r- 0y rf 13rrrr€ ey LA!, 17; U'n- 2d 584, 269 P3 -d


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1017 ( 2012) appeal. The ( j1v q1' Tacoma Opinion issued in January 2012

was issued before the, Division Y 14emyx)n Yacht Baan As.02 olf Condo-

Ownc'r-s v_ upremeNw, 168 W n. App. 86. 285 P. 3d 70 ( 2012), rc'viel+'

denied, 175 Wri. 2d 1015 (' 20 12) Court of .appeals opinlon was issued in

May 2012 irivolvin& a broad 1ndemn1fication and 1ndem mty agromient. In

Neiiyr tri Yacht, () 1vision L of the Court of Appeals noted that. Court of

Appeals has " previously dere€mined that the phrase " any and all balms" is

to be; liven its ordinal meaning and includes all types of claims", citing

to and 1- cl ing on MacLean lbwnhorr e s, IV.' v- Am- f" & i'n t

udders, Inc. , 133 thrash. App. 82.8, 8311, 138 P 3d 155 ( 2006), equally

applicable to the use of tkac words -`aixy injui- r" in the Section D contract

language Ncwpori Yacht, 168 Wash. App- at 101, 285 P.3d at. 7 , 8f).

The Court of Appeals in Ncrwpoi-f Yacht also held that its the

ahsence of any torn, provision, words or language in an indemnity or

indemnification agreement that the indemnitee ( here the Guests) is

required to prevail before any duty and obligation to indemnify, and/ or

here to defend, hold harmless, release and/ or pa.y. then in that event the

indemnitee is not required to prevail as any trigger to hidemBity. In fact -

in real Ity, the Indemnity payments and compensation will be greater if the

indemnitee does not prcvai1. also, the Court of Appcals in _'4 c̀mT0r-1 Yacht


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also lie]d in May 2012 after this Court issued its ( 7ity q( Iuic rma c pinlon in

January 2012 that ars indcnitutce should be indemnificd under an

rnckemnity agrcemem and contract for in oven acts and/ or purported or

alIc,-,cd omissions under and aQcord-] ng to the terms, words, pro -v ons and

langua-}c of the indemnity agreement c3tin to JoyPe' v Srro€rr Const- Co.

84 Wash. 2d 518, 527 P.2d 1115 (' 1974) ( likening ars 3ndemnity contract

and agreement to insurance and an insuranQe contract and policy)

New. -Port Yacht, 168 Wash. App at 100-. '' 3 5 P -3d at 79 -

Thi Court of appeals in Neiiporl Yacht did not add any word z; to

the indeamity contract and agreement, Under Washingtonton law, none call

be added to a clear, pla1n and uria mbiIguous iMein nILy or otkter contract or

to an insurance policy or contract- The Courts have a duty to apply the

law to the facts and to the contract as written. Hearst Communications tip.

Seauk Timeo, 154 Wn- 2d 49i, 11 --) P.3d 262, 27]! ( 200 5) ( generalized

public policy concerns cannot be used to rewrite a clear acid law. fui

contact, the courts " m, rll nol, tirrdei- the gifi.s-e gj'IM blicpo)ky, )-ei4--)-ite ci

cr:ec rirrac'f'; s rortg public policy cannot be a basis to rewrite the

con tmc ct, our duty+ is dear, " I I1hcat duly is if) uphold the l t; and to c r rxr c: r

lm I crtu•cxerllrxwsparlies brij-W 4' fi re ns:'). ' IIe C: omi cannot add or

delete woods to tete wntract. 1,( Ms- Co- v- .Vdlef', S7

fin. 2d 70, 73, 549 P. 2.d 9 ( 1976); Agmem- a Lacq-v (" - Pi -. 33 Wn. App.


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28.3, 288, 654 P. Zd 712, revie-w denied, 99 1 n. 2d 1006 ( 1983). The

Court. o F App eals vi ol ated this priiiciplewhen it held that the Section D

con tme-t Ianguage that the La ng adopted and assumed did not apply to

this action and this appeal. The Cmrt of- Appeals thus -Improperly Iimited

thc scope of O) e Section D language to uases invol vi ng only claims by

third parties, and riot claims by the Utinges, and restf.cted its application

only to alleged " bodiIy injury" claim; by adding no13- e istcnt words to the


Washington State and the Washington Statc Courts have also}

racognized that indemnity and in! ura.nce contract and policies and the

actions and conduct and application of those contract are a utter of

i ni#ican t and substantial public importance as evidenced in part by this

CouTt' S regent Cedell tip_ FzTrmer.v Ir?.v_ Co, 176 Wash_ 2d 686, 2.95 P.> d

239, 246 { 2013} opinion affirming, that a bad faith auempt by an insurer

and al, o in this instance to avoid an insured' s and/ or an indeMI'Atee' s

Tneritorious claim is " tantarnount to a civil fraud".

The Division If Court of Appeals 6uf•w ,:_ l,cxnge Appcal No.

46802- 6- 11 unpublished Opinion and the Division It Court of Appeals

raexl s-_ fa)ige :appeal Nio. 47492- 4- 11 publishcd Opinion are divergent in

that the Coun' S Lis Pendens appeal filo. 47482- 4- 11 opinion appears to


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indicate that the Cou rt' s unpublished Guest r- Line Appeal No. {16802 -6 -

Il opinion was likely to be changed if the Guests Filed a petition for

i° view in that appeal, which the Guests did on September 29, 2016_

Further, the two Division 11 C-: ou rt of A ppcal s Goesi v. Lunge

opinions are inconsistent with this Court' s Cily of lac -oma indem.pity and

contract holdings and findings, and both are also inconsistent and it)

conflict with the Court of Appeals Divislol7. X Newport Yacht indemnity.

and in&, mnilfcation opinion, findings and holdings.

I addition, the 6Lies ts also contend thaE the two DIvIsion ll {}msz

v Lange indemnity, indemnification and contract opinion holdings and

flndln,gs and attorneys fees findings and holdings are in conflict with the

Supt-cme Court' s City q1' opinion and it.; indemnity and

i n demin -1 fi cati on hol di ngs u further outlined in the Gruest s' September 29,

2016 Petition for Review of the unpublished opinion in Appeal l -o

40 8 02- 6- I1_ ' 1- 11e ' nests also contend that the Court of Appear indetnnity.

indcrnpilf cation and attorneys fees holding, findings and decisioii is in

conflict with ( his C' ourt' s Hearsi CAomunicaiions contract ruidings,

holdings and stare decisis decisions and opinions. In addition, it is a

matter of substantial pub Iic interest that the RAP 8- I( h) rind ( b)( l) and

b)( 2) are applied correctly and appropriately. It appears that the trial


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counts and also the Court of Appeals in Appeal fro- 47482- 4- 11

misapprehended the meaning, the protection and the absolute right and

power that an aurorioved party has to stay a. real proporty, personal

pj%)perty and money judgment and decision of a txial court -

All the above. reasons and conflicts warrant this Court' review

under RAP 13. 4( b)( 1)( 2)( 3) and ( 4). It appears that the Court of Appeals

misapprehended the meaning and the application of City (Y- I icxuo a in this

Appeal, and the distinc:tlun bttwten the C' rly gj' Mconja Qontrcict terms at

issue and the indcninity, release, payor, defense and hold barmless

contract, tei-ms and lanl, Uage at issUe in this appeal- The Guests request an

award of attorney fees pursuam to RAP. IS. 1- R.CW 4- 84. 330_ Section D,

and Herz: g Alamitown. fac. )!- Oe au) -c71 Amer cao P'iadow, '39 Wri- App.

8 8 - 692 P. 2)d 867 H984) or on such other grounds as; the law al lows.


Th.e Court should grant review as requested above -

Respectfully c; u mitted,

uzanno Guest

Ch€istop11er Guest


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Decision of Division XX of the Court of Appeals In Guest a La)?,c,,

Appeal No. 47482- 4- I1, dated August 2, 2016.

D1vi,, on I Court of Appeal Order Deny -1 ng the Crests' o inii for

Kcconsidcration, dated Septernber 2, 2016.

Page 26: A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe … Petition for...A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe mantal cominunity comprised thereof Dcferndanm'Rcspondeaxts

aEng«: Vmz

Cxn urGs«« w

Tny 2 2 2d5




GRRRT, husband an




u+ m Q .m Q.; m J lb c marital mm UTI& y


2R1IAF1, M H andCAR01. COR65 vidua II v an d as h usba nd andw|», an d the

m m| mm dyGmeo{ AdCAROLANN

W HIT [ andJ WHITE, inda|y! and as sband dfo aA# the mares

c o nimu nit thereof, rU S E! SITED OP WON

T]iMitv Dcf R

Wgk- R«,£ — This case yh us to determine wheher §] tufa supersedeas band

preve-n (,. (he can ceH allort of notice of IR pendeTis after § n a I Judgment 5! h Oa couri. e

2E ourt uniJedju tay2ntC,,![ her and S uzanne Ciucst m a property & spiiie A4

c opted me('' s me w r m STAY Af «2R oRlit; iudpnAi pcnd agappeal Te

al url RA can£ledanot-Ice ofhN pendensthat 6EGum hadfila! on David andEa» n

n % pm rl».T£ C sI, rgti£ mmmet2 court] ica@C autbo6tym d1hlis

Page 27: A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe … Petition for...A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe mantal cominunity comprised thereof Dcferndanm'Rcspondeaxts

No_ 47432 -4 -IJ

pendens because thcy had filed a supemcdc,-L,; hand_ Thr- Cr me sis further argue that the trial cotirl

abused its discretion by fail Ing to rule on certain tmperscdcas bond -related evidt xntiw y issues.

We agree with the { guests that the trial court lacked autharity to c',+ nccl the lis pendens_

Therefore, we reverse the cancellation of the Iis pendcm and Tem and for additional pruccedinp

COWAL Icrol with this opinion_


The GLICStS and the I_anges are ( cighbors in a <Ic:vclopmcnt. 1 ' J - he original dcv0oper

recorded a declaration of (* v(' nants, conditions, restrictions, and reservations ( C:C . Rs ), unci a

document titled " Patio or Deck FascrmcnV' ( Eascmcnt), both of which doo:urnems grantod

casemc,rxts for dcoks. The eament ovor the ( iucsts' property cov rM in arca of 5 feet by 21

feet for the Langc,-3' neck_

By 2011, the I . angoL oNcrc COOK MCd abocIt the structural integrity of their deck and wanted

to rebuild it. ` fhc y askcd the Guestw for permission to rebuild the d, ck in its original footprint, and

the OucAs refused_ Neverlholcss, the Langrc.; rebuilt the deck in the carne fioOtprillt a-, 111c, original


The Guests filed a Conjpla' nt allc izrti various claimw, including trespa.9s_ and 111; 11 the

I- angt. hard a ( Itit y under the CC &Rs to indem nitf , the Gucst > fo all clainxs arising frolm the deLA

ender a separate. cause number, the Guests and Langcs appealed ; ubstantive issues from theirproperty dispute_ We roc cntly affiirmed_ Tho I. anLTc; rr, uC ILII ihC jssucs in this appeal are

thcrcfoxc moot. But because the time has not yet expired for the C.? ue.Nts to 1) etiliort for review ofthat case, we Fold that the issuws in this appeal are not rnoot,


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No- 47482- 4- 17

easillftxert-' Thp- t,anges wO jrite relalni ed to quiet title and answered that the C C.'& Rn expressly

granted each lot an caserrrent to acconunodale any encroachment d u c Iu, among othc r things,

decks and patios.

vleanwhiIc, the, (Juests filed a notice cif lis pendens apinst the i,ange';' propert . The kis

pendens provided nolice to third parties that the. Guests had sued the Langes to quit title and to

enforce the Laugcs' obligations under the C'C & Rt; and F.iLj! TlkQnt,

The trial caul# digin issed several claims on summary judgment, and the case procccded to

a -jury trial ren the [ bests' claims for trespass and brcarch of contract and on the L.anges' claim to

tluic: t title, Tho fury rcturned a spcciarl VQT-(lIC1 tri firrol' of the I -an res on c:ic: h ( hint. 011

Sop t 6: nib x 19, 2014, the trial coot disirrissed all of the kiuests' claims with prejudice. awardid

udgnwni 10 the Langcs on their clain) to quiet title to the deck, and awarded the Langcs attox'[ c'Y

feeq of $565- The ( guests filed a Notice of Appcal on Octobcr 2.0-

0n Fobruary 26, 2015, the L.anges fileai a motion to cancel the: lis pendens. They argued

that under RCW 4.28. 320, the trick court had discrctioi) to crxx] ccl the lis Pondens because, the

action had bec.-n " LicItled, discontinued, or abated," and that all ofl ho Gucsts ` claims had boon

dIsinisscd withprejudice- C lerlti' q Papers ( CP) at 2- The ( ivagts opposed this motion, ar+uino

that the taction had not been " sett ILA discoratlmd or abated- because the Ciuez ts intowkcd to fiIL

a supLrscdcas band under RAP 8. l{b) with Ih4; triail CUL] 0, which bctntl NV c) uld -,1AY t:.nfttrc:r: nu;n1 of

Para rdplr D offlic. Easc.uicnt siatod in relevatrtt Vail that the grantor of Ah L c,asr,-Pmnt `-shall tic) I

bw liable FQr. Iny 1njuTlQ1; inCllITCcl by thc. Gvantee, the Orantee' S guests an& or third parties arisirffrom the util izatian of said earscment and further ( irantee agrees to hold Grantor harmless and

defend and fully irrdenrn ify Grantor against any and al I claims, actions, and suits arisin+. frons theutilization o£ said eascnxnt and to satisfy [ any) and all jud ! nts that niay result from saidclaimx, actions, andior suits-" Guest v. Lange, No- 46802- 6- 11, 2016 WL 3264-419, at * 1 ( Wash -

I App- June 14, 2016)-

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No. 47482.-4- 11

the. Langcs' judgement_ RCAF 4.28. 320. t deed, on March 55, the Oucsts submittcd cashier' s

tihoc ks fnr $ ,.1){ 1{ 1 as super edeas honds to stay two c rdcrs; the jud tent and an order dismissing

anothe)- party to the ease below_ it appem that only $ 1, 000 of this t() taI amount wa.s in If-nded to

stay the Langcs' judgmLmt.

The Langcs objcctod to the amount of the $ 1, 000 wupersedeas band to stay their

judgx imt_ Tky argued tbat their true damages from a stay of enfore mart of their judgment

would he at least 5215, 000_ rn support of this amount, Di v -pd Umo o declared that tho l mgrs had

applied to i-eftnancc their home and had applied for a home e<luity loan itfter the final Judgment

in #hc case and that the bank refused to approve the TL )finamang ox the loan dxic to tho ] is pc & ns_

David Lange claImed that refinancing would say.c the Lanes ovcr S 13 4, 000 over the Jife cif their

Ionn_ that wEne of the horne equity Ivan would be used to pay off higher interest dob#_ and #flat

they wocEld incur about S50, 000 of attomy posts aknd fo4s on appeal. Thus, the >`.anges ar 4d.

the super,;edoas pond should be set at $215,000 to properrly secure against their losses from a stay

of c; nfs) rcc,-mcnI of the judvni-nt.

The ( guests movcd for Icavc to conduet discovery to tst the accuracy of David LaTzgC s

statements in his declaration supporting the amount of ditnuigcs from the supmcdcas bond. The

3ests alx() rn() YQ( l the triZ11 cout to strike hearsay portions of David Lange' s declaration

regarding statcmert#s frnm the banks.

On March '27, the trial court cancelLA the noticc of hs pLxvdons, fiiAir)o that the CIsh

upersedcas bon& on talc in the amount of $4,000 utero adcgWte to ck) voa' the Langcs dajnagws


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No- 47482- 4- I1

from #hc jnd njcrrl be in sta7;A in tie absencc oIthe lis pendcrjs.' ` iso trial court did not 1rjlc on

the Gruests' motion to conduct disc DVeTy or to strike portionq of rDavid Langc' s cfccia tion. TheGijusIs appezil.


The C. w is areptjc that the trial court etncxf by canccIin g the lis pendens hecat sc after Iheyappealod, filed th6r supersedeas bond, and stayed enforcement of the iudornent, the nndcrlk inga4t.icrn waS not -9etlled, dis,: ontintjcd, or aba#ed as rLxCuired for the. cancellation of a lis pLLndew , We agroo,


We review the, decisim Ia canCeJ a lie pcndenLq for an abuse of di.scrctiOn- See L6eer.,; v. ns-,, 137 Wn. App- X66, 575, J 5 4 P. 3d 277 ( 2007)- A Irial coxirt abuses its discretionifits

decision iq nunifestly unreasonable or based on untenably, grounds or un#enAIc reasons- T4 jcy I..

Deck, 174 Wri-2d 207, 2155. 274 Pad 336 ( 2012)- i-JntOil ahk ryac[ ns incl u& error; ofIaw. (: rmd(

Turbcfrl Lo -gin', , lnC., f 90 Wn- App, 9t 46 1, 300 P. 3d # 55 ( 20 15), x cvie v den , ] 5

Wn. 2d 1014 ( 2016).

We rcvVwNv questions of statutory interpretation de novo, f;'Ii ht ()privmc N,C.' v. Dep ' x. refRevemice, 172 WTJ. 2'd 487. 495, 259 P -3d 234 ( 201 l ). We crideavnr to give effect to a statutC' s

plain meaning as the. cxpK ,d(m of legisiativc intent- Lake v- b4 oodcreek Homvu}vners Axx' fr, 169 W-n, 2d 5 16, 526. 243 P -3d 1283 ( 2010)- WQ derive Ihat plain meanITP9 from the ordinary

meaning ofthe languagre at issue. the st ItUtc' s context, related provisions, and the statutory

The court said the " c ash supersedeas bonds on file in the tota.l amounrt. of $4,040-00" iveresufficient. CP at 223- This appears to refer to the Comb inal - U of the two bonds the ('rucsis filed; 81, 1100 to star the Laages- Ju( IgnlLnt and $ 3, 000 to stay the orcicr ng aT1cxlher party.

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No. 474824-11

schc,-rnc as a who Ic- Lake, 169 Wn-2d at 526. We may use an ordinary dictionary to discern the

nical ma' of a non(echnicM term. Thurston Cawav v. Cooper- Point .• ss' n, 14K Wn-2d 1, 12, , 7

P- 3ci 1156 ( 2002)-

H- 111, PENT) r S STnrx} mr

iis pendens- is 7n ' instrument having the ctt^ct ref clouding the title io roal properly "

RC'W 4,28, 328( 1.)( a). Either party to ars taction affee- inb title to Tca] property, or a receiver oftho

real property, may file a notice of lis pendens with the county auditor- RC. W ,1- 2R-320- This

filing is constnictive notice to third parties that the title may lac clouded- RC W 4. 28. 32 0. "] n

Washiiqton, iis pcndcnx, is - proccftzal only; it docs not crcato s'obst uplivL nights in the person

recordingy the notice-"' R rr.S, J 37 Wn.- App. at 575 ( quoting Dunham v. Tabb. 27 W- n, App. 862-

W 6, 621 1'. 2d 179 ( 19M))-

RCW 4.28, 320 govcr %. vhcn a court rtviy cancel ; notice uE lis pendens. It pro -Odes that

1hL6c,()« rt in Wh1f: h IhQ S Lid { if 1 ion conin-wn c cd miry, 41t als dliscretion, at any tinp-

alfter the act.ior shall lire scti1(; c], discorktiFaucci err Hh',itccl5 cIn app] icimIon of any pcn-sonaggrieved and on good cause shown and on such notice as shall be dire ied or

appxovcd by the court6 order lht. notice aulhonzed In this sccsion to be canceled -

Thus, the statute sots forth thrc conditions that must he niet for the court to cancel a I is pendens

l ) the :tctiork niw5t bo scrllccl, dVw.(rnlirruQd, or ab. rlod, ( 2) are zig7-lcvcd pc rsola must move to

canoe the I is pendens, and ( 3) the aggrieved person must show good cause and pruv1dc, proper

notice- RCW 4.28- 320- If thoso coixditions azc oxer, tho, statute v ovldcs the court discretion to

cancel lhc tis pendens.

111. AC -t ioN WAS N(YY ErritD, Discom'iNuEf), OR ABATEDD

Whether the tiling of a supersedeas bond &' priveq the trial court of authority to cancel a

lis pcndcros rw&jc )R.CW 4.28.320 because the action is not settled. discontinued, or abated is an

Page 32: A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe … Petition for...A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe mantal cominunity comprised thereof Dcferndanm'Rcspondeaxts

Ifo- 4746''- 4- 71

issue of first Ilrp>~ cion in W mhington- We hold that under RCW 4-2 - 3? 0, an action is not

settled, discontinued_ or ahated when a ! u perw dcas bond has been properly filcd-

RCW 4.2°- 320 does not cfcfitic the wmns " seined." " discontinued," or1%

kb cd." Thus,

we,, firs barn to ordinary dictiooarics to elucidate the meaning of thc, e %.vurcls- C: oopux- -' nisi

Ass 're, 148 Wn, 2d rtaI II P- bszec -'. s icdona?-v d6incs " sottl d" in reTCvant part 3s " unlikely to

change or be ihangWl'

and `-established or decided beyond cli,-putc or doubt WT ns' j-Ex' s Ti i intu

NEW l ER-NATTt7NAL DICTION_' KY 2079 ( 20024 It de.tine-9 " dig ouIinuc" in rclevant 1) art a, to

give up," to " utid the operations or existence cif," and " to abandon or terminate by a

d1kc, mrinuarice or by other le - ail ', K)TI, 1 r135 [ t!' S I' EIIRF P.1 v' 1r'€ F REtiA I IUN; L L] I[' C t() n. aR Y

646 ( 2002)- Andit dcl r̀rxes " abate" in relevant Vart 1) rin entirely down-.- to " put an crud

to," to " tic) away w itk- " to reduce. or Iessen In degree or ix)tcnsaly, anti " to bcc011142 : iufOHIC l or

become null o>' void (as of writ or appeal)." Tum) EWAN EIRNATI[ altif'S. I_

DTCTrON,, lR r 2 ( 2002)- Thin, in an ordinaTy dictionary, thews three fernts cr,nVC.y finality- They

sugcPcst that 1110 aclion must be completely over bcfb> cc a lis pundens may he ca€tccfc cd,

further, Black '.i Lem, Dic-ficimirt° e,1 FTles " sctllc" in relevant part as to "( gad or re~Nolvc"-'

tcbrim, 1u a r onclusioIr-" BLACK' s i..Aw DICTIONARY 15 ST ( IOth cd- 2014)- Ii defines

discontinuance" in rolcv;int part as the " termination of a Iaw%uit by the plaintiff, a voluntary

disnitiss l err nonsuit." BLACK"; i, A\ v Du€ .TTnN N cy 563 ( 10th cd- 2014). And it JLcfincs

abatement" in rclevam part as the " xc€spenwion or defeat of a pcndlm action for a rewL on

unrelated to the € Brits of tho claim-" such as where a criminal ao Iort is ended clue to the death. of

the & fondant. BLAcK' s L- w Di rEONi\RY 3 ( 14tb cd, .2014). The legal definitioms vI- these,

to-rnw, therefore.. a] so convey a Lease of cornpIf-qe finality or voluntary dismissal,


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No- 47482, 4- 11

As shown by these dictionary detiniticm,, each of the three terms ixr RCW 4.28. 32

requires Roafxty. Thoy contemplate cifbcr the ahandonment of 1 case by #hc part] es or the

corapletc and final res olutiox of the: actio -a. We now tLim to considc ring whether the fi I ing of a

supe iedeas bond prevents mi action from being suffijciently final to Can c41 alis perzdcros.

A cupemc& as bond 12 A Ir1C. ML, of wldy1ng en ro rcen-icni of a ( Tial court judgment while on

tppcaj.. k. P 8, 1- LLA trial court decision may be enforced pending appeal Or MviM JjFkI s

blaycd pursuant to the provisions of this rule- Any party to a review proceeding his the ri 1 to

strati' onforceincnt of a nioni=y judarnCnt, Or a dCcisic)n affOCtiTtg real, pcnsomtI or inteIlectual

property, pending review-" RAP S - 1( b)- Thw,, when a supersedcm bond is tiled, tho judgmcni

c annot he cnforeal- Tbo superscd s bond is ixx#cxrded lc} preserve the " status quo hem cen the

p;krlTc,,," Murphr ee v- Rawlh gs, ; Wn- App- 880, 882, 479 P. 2d 139 { 197I))- The supe! sMcas

bOnd announ# should be enou¢ IZ to secure any- moneyjudgwcnt plus the anTcrunt « f 1,,; } hich a

party rnay be entitled to rcci)vcr as a n4suft of (h4 inability of the party to enforce the judr,mQrtt

during review. RAPS -1(c).

We hold that tht. CTucL, 1;' ; uperscdeas bond4 rcndcred thc. action not " scaled,

discos inued, or abated." after a party timely appeals and fifes a septxncdcas bond, #hC

jrtcl1,0riic:.nt is 1; iyv-d arid cannoI be f-nforceduntil the appeal is resolved- The bond is intendcd to

preserve the status quo— here, the status quo included the lis pcnd( Lw,;. Alm -p gree, 3 Wn- App. at

4 W e rcfcr here to the successful fi I inn of such a bond- We do not sxj gest ( ha( the mere depositcif a c;ashic is chcck would be sufficient instead, the trial court must accept the payinL nt and file

the fond, Aayir1g thc: juclgrrL-ni.


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No- 47482-4- 11

892. Becauw the action was riot settled. discontinued or abated, the trig] court erred by

can.cclling the lis pendens.

The Lames argue that the trial churl properly cancelled the lis pendens because the trial

f: oUrt` jucl" mQTJI QIt1kx1, dII-kQri11JIIjL 1, or ;ihati d the Guests' action- 1n sXzpport of this m'4PuTiWnt,

thcv cite cases that address the tinaIjty nfa judgrnent for rn j-udicata and other purposes- ` 1' hcy

also cite Slate ew- ref. G bson v. Superior Courl of fierce C' uunill-, 39 Wash. 115, 1. 17. 80 P. 1108

1905). which states: "[ Ajn appeal and supensedcas docs not destroy the intrinsic effect of a

judgment, - - . nohv ithstanding the appeal- the .judgment is still the mcasurw of such of the righ#c

of the parties as it ac judicates, and until rcvcrsed it operates as - - - retjud7culu, as effectively as

it would had no appeal been taken, and no supersedeas bond given-" But the issue before us is

not whether the trial cmirt' s ju4fgmen1 was fEna1; it is whether the ac: liva bctwecn the parties wl.-

settled, discontinued- or abated when the C; uegts filed a supersedetzs bond- Notwithqandingthe

va] idity and res Judica#a effect of the trial court' s judgniont pending app cal.. the action was not

c. 1114c1, di g () n1intli ci, err ; l),ITA; d by the 1N',; jiKTI of the judgmcnt alone %vherc the trial court i; u4xl

a supersedeas bond -

Indeed, the wf-gght of authority frons other jurisdictions suggests Ihat an appeal presen es

the lis p{' ndL:m. Al c=ommon law, ;i notice; oI- 1is peridens carried throuoh .,n appe,;kl. See f3rrflongf

v. Cor a, 125 Wash, 441, 444-45, ? 17 P. 2 7 ( J 923); Alorron tip. LeI3 ask-, 123 Wa; q}]. 19J.. 194-

95, 2 15 P- 528 ( 192))- And zu the wist majority of statcs with comparable lis Vx ndcns statales, a

lis pczxdczts cn xrxcs th rou h ars appcal-' IlowL vez, we have previonq] y held that the mono fibng

0 U -C'- CODE § 42- 1207( d)( 1) ( 2010); HAA. Rvv. Sri r, 01 - 15 1 ( 2012); +:. C' 4ujE : Kt,.

8 -01 -? 69 ( Wcst 2014); Ashivorth v. I' emkins, 408 . W -2d 871. 973 ( Ark. 1966); Top Rad Ranch


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No. 47482- 4- 1

of a notice of appeal docs no[ prm-ml the canccllation of a IN pcndc n-,_ See Beer -7, 137 Wn. App-

al 575. In Beer's, we held that the trial court did not abuse its discretion in carncel1rig the lis

pendens after a notice of appml " hocause the Beerses curl Tint ucgi , st a stay," € 3 7 Wn- App. at

575, Mit. Beep doQ:9 no analyze the Ianguage of KC.W 4,2 8. 320, and its molding appears,

contrary to the statute' s plain language. It app cars to cis that a notice of appeal, by transpol-ting a

case. ttom a trial court to a court of appeals, renders the action in that rase riot ",; 01led.

EsfWcs. LLC v. Wafko', 327 P -3d 32.1, 334-35 Colo- App. 21) 14}; v.

K?-amer, 841 So. 2d 481, 482 ( Fla. Dist- C1. App- 2002); Van <• i° Lomas Margage {.PYA, Inc.,

426 - E. 2d 873, 875 ( Ga. 1993); McC:lreng v. Hohl, 61 1'- 507, 508 ( Kan- Ct.- App- 1900), MesionRuihley-s clt Devc lvpcv'.. Inc. v.. c -Reny, LLC, 891 - 2d 4311. 439- 41 ( A-ld- Ct. Spec- App. 20106), 01cfeswur-tul v- Redding,, 42 ] N- W.2d 722, 728 ( IM inn- J 988); Raacery v- P_ L. Rennude Lumbe? -

v, . 82 So- 332, 333 { Diss, 191' 0; State ex ref. Lendey v. Heno, 436 S. W -3d 2.32. 235 ( hrlo- Ct.

App- 2013), Kelliher n Somidy, 852 N -W. d 718, 726 ( cb. 2014) ( suggi stmg That before theNebraska Iegilslaturc removcd thw ph so " settled. discoolllimd, or aba%4" a trial oourt never

had authority to cancel a lis pc ndcns until the time to appeal had expired, and not Ing that th.crighl to appiml usually extends the time for which properly is suh!jcci to the lis pen den

doclrinC); ,Srhis v. Bohigh, 747 P -2d 259, 261 ( N -ML Ct. App. 1987), Lazo, ' v. Goodman, 138

N. Y- S. 2d 684, 685 ( N -Y- App- Div. 1955); li' s Primeime Om1Y-, Ino. v- Darden, € 1; 2 N. 0 , App. 477. atN. C. Ct, App. 2002); Hart v. Pha?woh, 1961 0K 45. 359 P. 2d 1074, 107 9 ( 0kIa. 1961 ): Bm-1;

v. WrAon, 353 S. V4''. 3d 166. 180 ( TLx. App. 2011); Hi4lden Mm4lows Dee. Co. k% :1lifls, 590 P. 2d

1244, 1248 ( Utah 1979); .Zh eher' v. ! vlefar Ltd., Inc-, 20W W1 App 195, 110, 276 Wis. 2d 1. 56L687 N, W, 2d 9 € 8: } qui ,cc' s,' CAL. CCTV, PROC. CODE 405. 32 ( Wcst 1992) ( rcquiring cancellation of

I is pcnden-, noticc it the tiler failed to prove hi-, claim at trial); DI (' Oj-)l' AKP - til - 25., j 160West 199 9) ( grant inp, dis-crotion to cancel € is pendens ifthc tiler is not likely to pier{ail): MICti.

Cow,. ,. l AWS § 000-2731 ( 1970) ( permitting courts to cancel lis pendens in certain circumstanLL.sduring litigation): Sloane v.. rrNrvix, 433 So. ? d 374, 3 75 ( U - Ct- App, .1983) ( quo Iing LA. C:ODL

TV- P> o47- Axr;- art- 3753 ( 1. 960)) ( be] dwgy that appeal dad not prcvcnt c3nC61at10n of lig

pendens under statute reading in part that ] is pendens sha] 1 he canceled "[ wjhen .1ijdgrncnt iS

CF1jC1LCd in th[:. CticMk ctr pr()C4s.: jing :i{ ainLl the. parly who Iile. J 1ht: nol1 x, o F lhc' pcndcncythereof - - - -" ); In ry Tiffrr Ins- Co- w. Herzig,. 20J 0 i D J fie), ' 33, 788 N. W-2d 312, 324 ( quotingN_D- OiN-r. Com: § 28 -05 -ON ( 2001)) ( molding that statute permitting cancellation of lis pcnduus

at any time' allowed canceIIation during pendency ofappeaI); Car'ohnaPark Aysou - iulr{.*, UC

v- Afarrrro. 732 S -1C - 2d S76, 880 ( S -C- 2012) ( holcliog that appcllants failed to state a c uTnregarding zeal p-roperty, thcrcforc tho lis pcTidLms was i>'itpropMy banted and could he cancelednovav ithwtanding appeal).

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No. 47482 -4 -If

diwcuniinucd_ or abated." Imo' CW 4. 2Y_32E1_ 8r{crc, tbetefore, appears to conflate the ti o c( mcgjs

ifwben ajudmenf is finai and when an ac: f on is runal.

Newrthc]css. even folIO)ATIg f ee. s, WC: F1 lid its f lCtS easily distiniftijAM. In Beers, the

appellant Took no action apart from : ppeaIing_ 1 _ i7 Wn_ App. at 575_ But hero., tbt. Guests did a] 1

tht.y could to prose rve tip c. lis pend ns_ They filed a notice of appeal, fiIM a supersedeas hound,

and stayed enforccznont of the judgment, l vm if a notice of appc a1 alone does not pr! vcnl the

canceling of liL, pendens, we hold that the iwling o f a supe rscdcas bond does.``

The Langes also charaoorizQ thf--ir judgment Ls, " sol executing" arid argt, u That a

supersedeas bond hay no effect cin a selfcxccuhng judgmerrt_ Br, of R(csp' t at 24. On tha( basis,

thcy argue that Lac}er, cannot k, distinguished_ We di ag7cc, because the gXicsti.on of whethor a

judgment is -,cIfcxocuting ricks not bear on the Finality of the undcriyIng acticni_ ] t is the action,

not the judgm.cxit, which must he " settled, di.wontinucd, or ahated" for the trial court to havc; the

airboriIy Eo canoe] a not icc of lis pendens_ RCW 4. 2 8. 3 20.

Our holding advances the pohtcy concerns of the lis pendens wlaluic_ The purpose of lis

P( zn&- w; is to put potential ptirckiscrs on notice of ongoing litigation so that they tac aware thst

I'hL: Larges argue that under Cas-hmov .Szaze Bank v_ Rt<,havdso) i, ] 05 Wally. 105, 109, 177 P_ 727 ( t91.9), a trial court may cancel a lis pendens even ifthQ appL.Ilant has supersodcd theJudgmCnt, In 1919, our SuprQrno Court hotel that a trial coijrt olid not err by a lis

pendens after JI'Lmissing an action on its mcrits because the " appellant was amply protected byits supo;rscdinb the j udyment_" ' z mor+ c°, 1105 Wr Sh_ at 109_ Cashmere is a case about allegedlyfi-auduleot mart -ages and deeds, and the court` s discussion focused on whether tho plaintiff hadfailed to 1) rov d. I i} 5 Wash- at 106- 09. The case does not discuss the issue before us: whQ1hcr a supersedeas bond deprived the trial court OF the authority to can ret a lis pendent_ ] i

do jS T1 ( A discuss the req uirennmu, of.f CW 4.28- 320, although the statute' s pro;deccssor hud beenin effect since 1893. See l _m_ RE. v_ STAT- §. 243 ( 1193)_ In short, tk single sentence in

Cashmere that the Lanocs cite does not defeat the starutozy language at issue in this appeal_


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lo, 47482-4-] 1

bile may be cloud. RCW 4-' 8, 320- When a party appeals a judgment in a real property case,

1 ifigation concerning the property is ongoing- Tit]e to the property at issue may Inc clouded

sending the outcome of the appeal. For a noticc of lis pendens to pm?o . ct the public as intended.

it should remain 1n effect until the. Iitigation is ended- And property owners arc amply pic](cc tcd

by the trial court setting a supersedeas bond in Zhc pr0per UTr ( mnt. wil1Ch d bQ L zi f11cic,ni > o

i 4) Tnpcnsate them for any damages they would incur +wring app&tI with the notice of liw pendVns

in place.

Th m, wc, ho ]d rhnt the iris] ['()urt c:r-re l by caticclling the l ie pendent hecaucc the Guests'

appeal and su ci-scdcas bond meant the action was not settled. discontznuod. or abated, RCW

4.29. 320. Because the trial c0urt Iucked the legal authority to cancel the lis vmdons, it abxssed its

discretion in doing so.' Cook, 190 Wn- App- at 461. We rcvcrsc E h c cancel lit 6on and remand for

proceeding* con L, islc:n1 Valhi Ehix clpIll K)Tt-' On rem and, the trial coup# should cncure that the

amoiml of -any superscdc;i<s bond is sufficient to cornpensatc the Langes for any dam agecq they

incur clue to the appeal and ] is pendens-

B ecause wc hold that the trial c011.1rt lacked the authority to caned the lis pendens, we do not

considc-r whclhcr the trial ccscrrt ubuLwd ilL, d1LA: IVI1( 1T1 in cariccling the lis peridens for ot}kcrr{ itis?I] 4-


Tho C-iucsEs ctlsu artiue tbat f} ic. trial court abused its disc rot ion by failinc to rule on thci r rlloticon yto conduct discovery related to the supemedeas bond amount and to strike. port 1ons of adeclaration- It appears to us that the ir' t1 court dill not i -ale oI) lNse inotioris bccasisc it cancelled

the Tis, pendens. Because the boil court made no ruling for us to correct, anti in light of ourholding that the trial court lacked the authority- to cancel the lis pendens. we do not reach Ihisclaim of cuor.


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No- 47482, 4 -Ti


The Guests request attorncy fees pim3uaxit to RAP IS. 1. and under Sec, -tion 13 of the

Easment, The ( rucsts argue that Section L), which indeinm ics the Gucsts in the evcnt of La

Iaw%uit arIsIno, froxa) the ivsc of the dfxk. permits them to collect attorney fucs from the Lanacs.

c rcvicw inden-inity agyreements under thy. fundaw ental nilos of conlrac: t construction, iv. in

wffecl to the parties' intent as exVressed through the [?lain 1. xn uw-c, 0240drani C &?p- V. rn-

5tates Ins. Co.. 154 W - Ti. 2d 105, 171, 110 1'- 3d 733 ( 2005): Knij-Ye: hield v. C - J Rec'ofnc.

1- Wn- App. 212, 215, 872 11- 2d 1 102 ( 1994)-

Se.4tl( u) D ix rsx) s x basis for altomey fees in this action. Instead, its plain languagw reveals

Thal it is , In indemnity provision intended to protect the Gmegts frons 11abi11( y for injuries

x , ned on the casement portion of the Langcs' deck- Its plain la-agua- c applies to injuries

arising from tho. " JT -11 izZLtion of said cascmcnt." Supp l- CP at 461- . Sec} C'i1v oj'Tac oma v. U11? of

ion; rw Lake, 173 Wn.2d 584, 594, 209 P -.3d 1017 ( 2012) ( rL jc, c'. lIng sa , iniilar argument)-

1- herefor-e, w e deny the Gmsts' rw ucst for attorriey ftes.

Werswick, 1.

We concur=


s t



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CH R I STO I' l- IFRand 8 1, ANNU


Appolan: s.



cst ondcrtts" 1



No- 47482- 4- 11_ ,o



APPELLANTST movi for oCthc Court' s august 2, 2016 opinion. Upon

comideration, thQ Court denies the motion- AcCordingl,, it iS

o ()RDEftED.

PA N F 1— - lj. 13jorgew,

DATF.D this Cp,

da}` o4 4016, FOR T14E COURT:

Patrick McKenna


921 Kirkland Ave Ste 200

Kirkland" WA 98033- 6311

prilckenۥmacfti1Ia, ppyrhoo2L4_Com

6: 333 Main Sail Ln

Gig Harbor, WA 98335emma1 g@no1. eom

Timo( 11y 1o,,eph l-, ir]ey1` 9r] ey & 1) itimlock

20i2 34th St

Everett, WFC 98201- 5014

tjiitrko,, (i.

L LL_ 11- Y/ •


i ilrr 4J J_ fLrlr "..

Betsy A- G llaspwGillqs py & Mio&, PLLC

S21 Kirkland Ave Ste 200

Kirkland. NVA 98033- 63 11

bo ill laspy1,e., gil lasps-rhode-com

Christopher Guest

6833 Main Sail Lane

Gi{f it -arbor, WA 98335

Irene Margret I lecht

idler Kohrback LLP

12 0 j 3rd Ave Sty 3200

Seattle- WA 9810 1 - 3 052

i h e c hta)) ke l l era-oli rlxac k -cerin

Page 40: A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe … Petition for...A rr) LANQE and KARFN LANGE. individual av and Lbe mantal cominunity comprised thereof Dcferndanm'Rcspondeaxts


I, the, undersigned, certify urndet- penalty of peri nry under the laws of the

State of Washington that on this d4v I caused to bt delivered the foregol nL


to the followIn g parties:


Court of Appeals

State of Washington

Division 11


All atto neyN of record for the Lars es and ( lie ' frust parties.

DATFT) #h-1 ; i" day of Octobt-r. 2016 at Cog harbor, W aOiington.

Suzanne Guest

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