

7 Of The Best Books Every Leader Should Read This YearBy David Kiger

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+ Here in David Kiger’s blog, we always talk about how one of the most important things a leader on his never-ending pursuit of excellence, is to remain learning more and more every day. Continuous self-improvement is something that every person in charge of others must seriously consider as part of their own growth and path to follow to further their career and influence those around them. It is no coincidence that highly successful people have in common the avid habit of reading. Leaders are no exception, as they know that reading provides a great opportunity to absorb knowledge, widen your perspective of how the world works and exercise the ability to think outside the box and look at challenges with new eyes.

+ One of the greatest things about books is that their message resonates in many different levels and allows each of us to find a way we interpret the author’s voice and experience how they talk to us through their pages. Here we have put together a list that is by no means comprehensive, but it does encompass a wide selection of aspects to be examined in leadership; such as leading in times of adversity, self-improvement and leadership by example, among other things.

The Art of War - Sun TzuSun Tzu was a Chinese general and strategist who wrote this 13-chapter book about warfare in the 5th century BC. While the topic of warfare may sound strange, it is not at all different from what businesses endure in the daily basis, so the book has become quite popular for leaders in different fields. Even after centuries, the teachings of The Art of War continue to be lauded by those who have read the book and recommend it profusely.

+ Good to Great - Jim CollinsOne of the best books of “case study” type of management book written to date, Good to Great analyzes why some companies are built to last and how others simply don't make the cut. The book going into great detail and looks at how successful companies are created to endure the passing of time and how a company can imitate what they do in order to imbed those practices into the fabric that constitutes them as an organization.

How to Be a Great Boss - Gino WickmanThis book is a wonderful and easy read that puts all the fluff aside and goes straight to the point. What makes a great boss? How do I go about becoming one? Here you can find the answer to both of these questions and many more. Every leader wants to be better at leading, and understanding how you can be the best version of yourself and offer your team with the best guidance you can possibly bring to the table, is of great importance to every leader out there.

+ Start with Why - Simon SinekSometimes customers are more interested in why you do what you do, rather than a service or product that they could just as easily get from the competition. We also mentioned this in earlier articles where we emphasized the importance of motivating your employees by helping them understand the reason behind your mission. You must understand what drives your organization and why those ideals are worth upholding. The book talks about the clear differences that make some companies more successful than others and is a great source of inspiration for those looking to make a stand.

+ Endurance - Alfred LansingA great adventure book about an ill-fated expedition to the South Pole in 1914 and the story of survival and resilience lived by explorer Edward Shackleton. This is a great pick for leaders who want to be at their best during times of adversity and the huge difference that a prepared and efficient leader can make in an organization when things don’t go according to plan. A great inspirational story of leadership and survival.

Creativity, Inc - Ed CatmullOne of the greatest books ever written about on how to run an organization with a need to be creative. The author is one of the founders of Pixar, a company that does not need an introduction, and focuses on leadership and managing a business unlike any other. The book is great in showing you how the small tasks employees accomplish each day are always in service of the big picture and their overall organizational goals.

+ The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John C. MaxwellA definite classic in the area of leadership, this is probably the book that started the hype of listing concepts and then going through them in depth. The book combines the ample leadership experience of the author with his own observations of the world of politics, business, sports, religion and military conflict to bring us a valuable insight on how leadership works and what we can do to improve our own style of it.

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