Page 1: 7 Easy Ways To Cut Calories And Lose Weight


 7 Easy Ways To Cut Calories And Lose Weight You've probably heard before that there's only one thing you have to do to lose weight: burn more calories in a day through your activities than you consumed that day. If you've tried to accomplish this, though, you know how hard it can be.

This article will show you a few tricks to make it easier. Just making these simple changes to your routine will teach your brain and body to stop eating when you're satisfied (as opposed to stuffed), while still letting you enjoy your favorite foods. 1. Say "So Long" To Soda Anytime you're thirsty, water is your best and healthiest choice. Mix in a little bit of 100% fruit juice to keep things interesting. And no, just choosing diet soda over regular soda will not keep you safe. Some studies have linked diet soda to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Unlike water, it can also trigger your craving for sugar and your appetite.

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2. Try Not To Eat While In Commute Most of the convenience foods we grab to eat in our cars or on the run, like fast foods, are high in calories and fat. You can avoid these pitfalls by choosing to eat at home as often as you can.

In a recent study, nutritionists have confirmed that the meals people make and eat themselves in their homes are healthier than those purchased and eaten elsewhere. So, to avoid loading up on fatty fast foods while out and about, keep a supply of healthy items that are easy to grab and go, like apples, bananas, and granola bars, in your kitchen. 3. Try To Eat Smaller Portions, And Use Smaller Plates It's amazing how the rate of obesity and the average diameter of dinner plates have both been increasing in recent decades. The bigger your plate is, the larger portions of food you're likely to eat, since we tend to want to fill in all the space on our plates. If you switch to smaller plates and fill those up instead, your eye and brain will think you're eating the same amount as before, but you'll actually be eating less.

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4. Prevent The Urge To Snack By Keeping Unhealthy Snacks Out Of Sight If you're trying to lose weight, be sure you're not keeping trigger foods and sweets where you can see them easily and be tempted by them. Move the candy jar off the top of your desk and into a drawer, and move junk food to the lowest or the highest shelf in your pantry, not an eye-level shelf.  

   If your weaknesses aren't out in the open, you'll have an easier time resisting the temptation to indulge. 5. Take A Break Before Going For Seconds When you've just finished a meal, but you still feel hungry, take a five-minute breather. That's how long it takes for your brain to fully register the fact that you're full.  

   If five minutes have gone by and you really are still hungry, go ahead and have seconds, but keep your second portion small.

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6. Drink Less Alcohol, Or Better Yet, None At All Alcohol loosens your inhibitions, including the ones that are keeping you on track with your diet. During an evening out on the town, it's very easy to let your healthy eating habits slide while you're enjoying a drink. Not only that, but the drink itself probably has a lot of calories and absolutely no nutritional value. Keep your alcohol consumption to a reasonable level by drinking a glass of water in between each alcoholic drink. Alternatively, say no to the alcohol entirely to make sure that you stick to your decision to eat healthy. 7. Take Half Of Your Restaurant Meal "To Go"

Proponents of healthy, sensible eating often criticize restaurants for the sizes of their portions and the number of calories per meal. Cleaning your plate at a restaurant may not be a diet-friendly decision, but it can be hard not to. Here's a simple trick: When you order, tell your server that you'd like a to-go box at the same time your meal arrives. That way, you can divide your meal in half as soon as you get it. Not only will you reduce the amounts of fat and calories you consume at that meal by 50%, but you have a great meal

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