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*Jedi believe in the Living Force.*


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1. Jedi believe in a mysterious

invisible universal energy called ‘the

Force’, also known as the 'living

Force', the 'good side', or the 'light

side'. The Force is a living spiritual

presence that surrounds us, penetrates

us, and binds all the matter in the

universe together. The Force is the

soul of all living things; it exists

everywhere. Every Jedi interprets the

Force in a slightly different way; some

as Tao or Chi type energy, and some as

a Higher Power type energy that

controls the Universe with a definite

will. In general, the Force is

considered to be a good and benevolent


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energy. Even the Jedi find it

impossible to define exactly what the

Force is, but there is no doubt about

its existence for the Jedi. Jedi

believe that Force allows people to

have free will and choice, but that

destiny also plays a part in their

lives. Jedi talk about the ways of

Force, and the will of the Force, but

the Force and its workings are declared

to be a mystery. Strange and hard to

understand are the ways of the Force!

Jedi believe that the Force is with

them throughout their lives and that it

helps them both now, and beyond this

life. The Force is with us always.


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Obi-Wan: “The Force is what gives a

Jedi his power. It’s an

energy field created by all living

things. It surrounds us, and penetrates

us; it binds the galaxy together.” –

Episode IV

Yoda: “For my ally is the Force and a

powerful ally it is. Life creates it,

makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us

and binds us.” –Episode V

Yoda: “A Jedi’s strength flows from the

Force.” -Episode V

Obi-Wan: “The Force can have a strong

influence on the


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weak-minded.” –Episode IV

Obi-Wan: “I felt a great disturbance in

the Force.” - Episode IV

Luke: “You don’t believe in the Force,

do you?”

Han: “I’ve never seen anything to make

me believe there’s

One all-powerful Force controlling

everything. There’s no

mystical energy field that controls my

destiny.”-Episode IV

Qui-Gon: "Finding him was the will of

the Force... I have no doubt of that."

-Episode I

*Jedi believe that there is a dark side


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but refuse to dwell on it.”

2. Jedi believe that the dark side

exists, but refuse to dwell on it, or

follow it, or use it in any way. The

dark side is a negative energy,

also known as the ‘negative power’ or

‘dark energy’. The dark side is

considered to be evil, negative, the

opposite of good, and is never

to be followed or used by the Jedi.

Those who follow the dark side are

considered to be 'agents of evil'

according to Yoda. Negative emotions

like fear, hate, jealousy, aggression

and anger are paths to the dark side.


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Obi-Wan: “Vader was seduced by the dark

side of the Force.” -Episode IV

Obi-Wan: “Only a master of evil,

Darth.” –Episode IV

Luke: “Is the dark side stronger?”

Yoda: “No, no, no. Quicker, easier,

more seductive.” –Episode V

Yoda: “That place is strong with the

dark side of the Force. A

domain of evil it is.” -Episode V

Yoda: “If once you start down the dark

path, forever will it dominate

your destiny; consume you it will as it

did Obi-Wan's apprentice."


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-Episode V

Yoda: “If you end your training now, if

you choose the quick and

easy path as Vader did, you will become

an agent of evil.” –Episode V

Obi-Wan: "This is a dangerous time for

you, when you will be

tempted by the dark side of the Force."

-Episode V

Obi-Wan: “Your father was seduced by

the dark side of the Force. He

ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and

became Darth Vader. When that

happened, the good man who was your

father was destroyed.” –Episode VI


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Obi-Wan: “He’s more machine now than

man; twisted and evil.”

–Episode VI

Yoda: "The Dark Side clouds everything.

Impossible to see, the future is."

-Episode II

Yoda: “Joined the dark side Dooku has.

Lies, deceit, creating mistrust, are

his ways now.” –Episode II

Anakin: “They think inwards, only about

themselves.”(Sith) –Episode III

Yoda: “Twisted by the dark side young

Skywalker has become.

The boy you trained, gone he is.

Consumed by Darth Vader.” –Episode III

Obi-Wan: “Padme, Anakin has turned to


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the dark side.” -Episode III

Obi-Wan: “You have allowed this dark

lord to twist your mind,

until now you have become the very

thing you swore to destroy.”

-Episode III

Obi-Wan: “Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine

is evil.” –Episode III

*Jedi serve the Living Force.*

3. Jedi serve the Living Force and

never serve the dark side, in any way,

shape or form. Jedi are serious about

their service to the Force, and are not


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thrill seekers or adventure

seekers. They are serious about

following the Jedi teachings in their

own lives, because the Jedi teachings

lead to personal growth, and help them

to be conscious of their connection to

the Living Force, which is within.


Obi-Wan: “You’ve made a commitment to

the Jedi Order,

a commitment not easily broken.”

Episode II

Padme: "It must be difficult having

sworn your life to the Jedi."

-Episode II


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Yoda: "A Jedi must have the deepest

commitment, hmm?

The most serious mind." -Episode V

Yoda: "Adventure. Ha! Excitement. Ha! A

Jedi craves

not these things." -Episode V

Luke: "Never. I'll never turn to the

dark side. You

failed your Highness." -Episode VI

Yoda: "My ally is the Force, and a

powerful ally it is."

-Episode V

*Certain Jedi are stronger with the

Force than others.*


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4. Jedi, in general, are individuals

who are strong with the Force. The

Force is with them. However, the Jedi

believe that the Force is extra strong

in certain Jedi, much more so than in


Sometimes this is passed down through

the family, like in the Skywalker

family for example. Yoda was also extra

strong with the Force. Someone who is

extra strong with the Force will

succeed against the odds, and this

stands out; things will go unusually

right for them. They can succeed where

normal people fail. Extra strong Force


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individuals seem invincible; they are

natural heroes and leaders.


Ki-Adi-Mundi: "The Force is strong with

him." -Episode I

Darth Vader: "The Force is strong with

this one." -Episode IV

Luke: "The Force is strong in my

family. My father has it.

I have it and my sister has it."

-Episode VI

Darth Vader: "Obi-Wan is here. The

Force is with him." -Episode IV

Darth Vader: "The Force is with you,

young Skywalker." -Episode V


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Yoda: "Luke, the Force runs strong in

your family." -Episode VI

*Jedi live in the present moment.*

5. Jedi live in the here and now, and

don't have

stress about the future or the past.

Jedi focus on the present moment. This

isn't as easy as it might seem because

the mind always rushes to the future or

past and doesn't seem to be content

with the present moment. Contact with


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the Living Force always occurs in the

present moment. The mind is our tool,

and we need to stop the incessant

thinking and mental chatter that comes

from the mind in order to be conscious

of the

present moment, and to live in the

present moment.

We need to control the mind, and not

let the mind control us.


Qui-Gon: "Keep your concentration here

and now where

it belongs."

Obi-Wan: "Master Yoda says I should be


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mindful of the


Qui-Gon: "But not at the expense of the


-Episode I

Qui-Gon: "Concentrate on the moment."

-Episode I

Yoda: "This one a long time have I

watched. All his

life has he looked away to the future,

to the horizon.

Never his mind on where he was. Hmm?

What he was

doing. Hmph." -Episode V


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*Jedi can feel the Force.*

6. Jedi are Force sensitive people, and

are experts at feeling energy. Jedi can

feel the Force, because the Force is

within them. They can feel the Force

flowing through them, and around them,

and outside of them in other living

creatures too. Our senses and our

scattered minds can block us from

feeling the Force, but its always

there. Jedi are equally sensitive to

dark energy or negative energy, and

know how to avoid it and to protect


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themselves from it.


Yoda: "You must feel the Force around

you." -Episode V

Obi-Wan: "I felt a great disturbance in

the Force, as if millions of voices

suddenly cried out in terror and were


silenced. I fear something terrible has

happened. -Episode IV

Obi-Wan: "Remember, a Jedi can feel the

Force flowing

through him." -Episode IV

Yoda: "Reach out. Sense the Force

around you." -Episode II


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Obi-Wan: "Stretch out with your

feelings." -Episode IV

Luke: "There's something not right

here. I feel cold,..death."

Yoda: "That place is strong with the

dark side of the Force.

A domain of evil it is." -Episode V

Qui-Gon: "Be wary. I sense a

disturbance in the Force."

Obi-Wan: "I feel it also, Master."

Episode I

Luke: "But I can help them. I feel the

Force." -Episode V

*Jedi trust their feelings or


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7. Jedi are a 'feeling people' and

believe in using and trusting their

feelings and intuition. Jedi are

intuitive and are in touch with the

core of their being. Jedi can access

this "inner knowledge" that seems to

come from their Tan Tien, Hara, or

belly center. It’s also known as the

‘Gut Feeling’. There are many examples

of this in the Episodes.


Obi-Wan: “This time let go of your

conscious self and


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act on instinct.” –Episode IV

Obi-Wan: “Your eyes can deceive you.

Don’t trust them.” – Episode IV

Luke: “You know I did feel something. I

could almost

see the remote.”

Obi-Wan: “That’s good. You’ve taken

your first step

into a larger world.” Episode IV

Obi-Wan: "Trust your feelings, Luke."

-Episode IV

Frequent Quote: "I have a bad feeling

about this." - All Episodes

Qui-Gon: "Feel, don't think. Use your


-Episode I (advice to Anakin before the


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Pod Race)

Yoda: "Use your feelings, you must."

-Episode II

Yoda: "Use your feelings, Obi-Wan, and

find him you will." -Episode III

Qui-Gon: "Don't worry. The Force will

guide us." -Episode I

Han: “I’m sure Luke wasn’t on that

thing when it blew.”

Leia: “He wasn’t. I can feel it.” –

Episode VI

Shmi: "What does your heart tell you?"

-Episode I

Obi-Wan: “Once you start to trust your

inner self,


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there’ll be no stopping you.” -Star

Wars; A New Hope, the book,

Chapter VIII

*Jedi practice meditation to achieve a

calm mind.*

8. Meditation is clearly a part of the

Jedi lifestyle. A Jedi needs to

consciously experience the Force, and

meditation is a time tested method to

accomplish this. Meditation helps us to

begin to understand the Force. Jedi

believe that a calm mind can be


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achieved through meditation and

contemplation. Jedi need to meditate

often in order to clear their minds.

Our minds, like sponges, get

contaminated from the world, and need

to be cleaned out daily. We even absorb

things from those who are around us,

and from our environments, the food we

eat, etc. so it's important to keep a

calm, focused, clear mind and to

meditate daily.

Jedi should seek instruction from a

trained meditation teacher before they

proceed. When choosing a teacher or

mentor, it has to 'click' with your

feelings. Go by what your feelings say,


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not by what others say.


Yoda: "Meditate on this I will."

-Episode II

Yoda: "Clear your mind must be..."

-Episode II

Yoda: "Concentrate, feel the Force

flow. Yes, good,

calm, yes." (Yoda teaching meditation

to Luke) -Episode V

Yoda: You will know. When you are calm,

at peace, passive. -Episode V

Yoda: "Control, control. You must learn


(Yoda teaching meditation discipline to


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Luke) -Episode V

*Jedi practice awareness and are

mindful of their


9. Jedi believe in practicing awareness

and are

mindful of their thoughts. Jedi keep

their thoughts

positive. A positive mental attitude is

healthy for

both the mind and body. This has been

documented by

science too. Jedi are mindful and watch


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thoughts. Not every thought that 'pops'

into our head is actually ours, since

thoughts can originate from many

sources across the Universe, and not

just from our physical brain. We have

to be able to discern the thoughts and

remove the bad ones or negative,fear-

based ones. Even the food we eat, and

things we drink can influence our

thoughts. So, we must always be mindful

of our thoughts.


Obi-Wan: "Anakin, you're focusing on

the negative


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again. Be mindful of your thoughts."

-Episode II

Qui-Gon: "Don't center on your anxiety,

Obi-Wan." -Episode I

Obi-Wan: "Be mindful of your thoughts

Anakin. They'll betray you." -Episode II

*Jedi have patience.*

10. Jedi cultivate patience in their

lives. Yoda tested Luke to see if he

had patience, which he didn't at the

beginning. However, Luke learned to

have patience later on in life.

Patience has to be consciously


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developed over time. All of the Jedi

teachers stressed patience. We can all

work on developing our patience!

Remember, Jedi choose to act with

patience, and not to react with anger.


Qui-Gon: "We shall have patience."

-Episode I

Qui-Gon: "Patience, my blue friend."

-Episode I

Obi-Wan: "Patience. Use the Force.

Think." -Episode II

Obi-Wan: "Be patient Luke. Stay and

watch over the

droids." – Episode IV


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Yoda: "Patience. For the Jedi it is

time to eat as

well. -Episode V

Yoda: "Patience. Soon you will be with

him."-Episode V

Yoda: "I cannot teach him. The boy has

no patience."

-Episode V

Obi-Wan: "He will learn patience."

-Episode V

Obi-Wan: "Patience! If you choose to

face Vader you

will do it alone." -Episode V

Obi-Wan: "You are no longer so reckless

now, Luke. You are

strong and patient." -Book, Return of


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the Jedi

*Jedi protect and defend the helpless.*

11. Jedi try to protect others if

possible. Jedi are peaceful warriors.

Jedi are also aware that being prepared

and trained gives them the advantage if

they do have to protect themselves and

others. Most Jedi know at least one

form of martial arts or self-defense.

Also, Jedi don't leave others behind;

Jedi go back and try to help those who


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are facing dangerous situations.


Yoda: "Around the remaining Jedi, a

perimeter you will

make." -Episode II

Qui-Gon: "Your Highness, it is our

pleasure to

continue to serve and protect you."

-Episode I

Qui-Gon: "I cannot fight a war for you,

Your Highness,

only protect you." -Episode I

Palpatine: "Leave him, or we'll never

make it."

Anakin: "No. His fate will be the same


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as ours." -Episode III

Leia: "We've got to go back. I know

were Luke is." -Episode V

Anakin: "Now go, my son. Leave me."

Luke: "No, you're coming with me. I'll

not leave you

here. I've got to save you." -Episode VI

*Jedi avoid acting on dark side

emotions like fear, anger, aggression

and hate.*

12. Jedi are aware of, and avoid the 4

vices that lead to the dark side; Fear,


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Anger, Aggression, and Hate. Jealousy

and greed are also dark side emotions

to be avoided by Jedi. When it comes to

anger, Jedi choose to act with


and not to react with anger. However,

we cannot pick and choose which

emotions we are going to feel, but we

do have free will. We can't control

which emotions we will feel, but we can

always choose to control our actions.

We might feel anger

from time to time, but we don't have to

act on that feeling of anger or rage.

We don't have to react with 'road

rage', for example, if someone cuts us


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off on the highway.

If a Jedi feels one or more of these

negative emotions (fear, anger,

aggression, or hate) building up inside

of him/her, then it's a clear sign that

he/she is probably moving towards the

dark side and negativity; balance is

being lost and needs to be restored as

soon as possible. Be mindful of these

'negative emotion' warning

signs. If this happens, then its time

for some meditation to work it out. One

way to start working on it, is to first

acknowledge that you

have a dark side emotion in you, like

anger or hate, and don’t suppress the


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fact that you feel this negative

emotion; instead confess it.

(Don't suppress, confess.) Then ‘let

go’ of the dark side emotion, and

visualize it leaving you like a dark

cloud being blown away by the clean,

fresh wind. Emotional Freedom

Techniques (EFT) is also an excellent

method to help to release stored up

negative energy and emotions.

Next, try to focus on a positive

emotion to replace the negative

emotion. For example, compassion

instead of hatred, patience instead of

anger, humility instead of arrogance,


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trust in the Force

instead of fear, etc. Jedi are always

on the look out for dark side emotions,

and are determined 'not' to allow

negativity to take root

within their minds and lives.


Yoda: "Much anger in him like his

father." -Episode V

Yoda: "But beware of the dark side.

Anger, fear, aggression;

the dark side of the Force are they.

Easily they flow, quick

to join you in a fight. If once you

start down the dark path,


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forever will it dominate your destiny;

consume you it will as it

did Obi-Wan's apprentice." -Episode V

Obi-Wan: "Luke, don't give in to hate.

That leads to the dark side."

-Episode V

Yoda: "But beware, anger, fear,

aggression; the dark side are they.

Once you start down the dark path,

forever will it dominate your

destiny." -Episode VI

Yoda: "Fear is the path to the dark

side. Fear leads to Anger.

Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to

suffering." -Episode I

Yoda: "Attachment leads to jealousy.


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The shadow of

greed, that is." -Episode III

Mace Windu: "There is much fear that

clouds your judgment."

-Episode III (Mace Windu gave this

warning to Anakin.)

*Jedi stay physically fit for many


13. Jedi stay physically fit in order

to accomplish

their mission in life. Fitness is a

part of Jedi philosophy, but the level

of fitness depends on the individual.


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Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, the Martial

Arts, fencing,

jogging, swimming, biking, etc. are all

excellent ways to stay fit. Always

consult with your physician before

starting any physical fitness program.

Fitness effects your mental health and

over-all well being, so the Jedi stay



Yoda: "Run! Yes. A Jedi's strength

flows from the

Force."(Yoda giving Luke physical

training on Dagobah) -Episode V

Obi-Wan: "Run, Luke. Run!" -Episode IV


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*Lightsaber dueling is the Jedi's sport

of choice.*

14. Jedi duel with lightsaber replicas

to practice living in the present

moment. It’s hard to think about the

past or the future if you are dueling

with a lightsaber! Lightsaber practice

actually has a multitude of benefits.

Dueling helps improve a Jedi’s

coordination, flexibility, and balance

because when dueling with a lightsaber,

it becomes an extension of you. It’s a


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good form of cardiovascular exercise

too. The real lightsaber only exists in

the Star Wars Universe, but for the

Jedi the lightsaber is a powerful

symbol that represents alertness,

mindfulness, agility, discipline, skill

and living in the present

moment. You don't have to duel with a

lightsaber in order to be a Jedi, but

most Jedi like to duel some. Warning:

Always wear proper eye protection when

dueling with lightsabers!


Obi-Wan: “It’s your father’s

Lightsaber. This is the


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weapon of a Jedi knight; not as clumsy

or random as a

blaster. An elegant weapon for a more

civilized age.” -Episode IV

Vader: “I see you have constructed a

new Lightsaber.

Your skills are complete.” –Episode VI

Anakin: “I saw your laser sword. Only

Jedi’s carry

that kind of weapon.” -Episode I

Obi-Wan: “Next time, try not to lose

it. This weapon

is your life.” (Anakin had lost his

lightsaber.) –Episode II

Commander Cody: “Oh, by the way, I

think you’ll be


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needing this. (Obi-wan had lost his

lightsaber!) -Episode III

Obi-Wan: "If you spent as much time

practicing your

saber techniques as you did your wit,

you'd rival Master

Yoda as a swordsman."

Anakin: "I thought I already did."

-Episode II

*Jedi believe in destiny.*

15. Jedi don't believe in coincidences.

Jedi trust in the will of the Force and


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accept the fact that nothing happens by

accident. Jedi believe in destiny, and

that there is some method to what

happens in the Universe. Things happen

when they are meant to happen; there is


nothing happens by accident. There is a

'soul-plan' for every person, but it's

hard to understand these things from

our level. Strange are the ways of the



Qui-Gon: "Finding him was the will of

the Force... I

have no doubt of that." -Episode I


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Qui-Gon: "Nothing happens by accident."

-Episode I

Anakin: "Ahsoka, a very wise Jedi once

said, "Nothing

happens by accident." It is the will of

the Force that you

are at my side." -The Clone Wars Movie

Obi-Wan: "In my experience, there's no

such thing as

luck." -Episode IV

Obi-Wan: “Your destiny lies along a

different path

from mine.” -Episode IV

Obi-Wan: "You cannot escape your

Destiny. You must

face Darth Vader again." -Episode VI


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Qui-Gon: "I'm sure another situation

will present

itself." -Episode I (concerning not

having enough

money to buy parts; trusting in


Luke: “You mean it (the Force) controls

your actions?”

Obi-Wan: “Partially…” –Episode IV

*Jedi believe in'letting go'of their


16. Jedi work on 'letting go' of their


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attachments andtrain themselves on

this. The fear of loss of one's

attachments leads to the dark side, so

a 'letting go' and 'trusting in the

will of the Force' attitude needs to be

developed gradually to overcome this

fear of loss. Everything really belongs

to the Force anyhow,so we need to trust

the Force, and not be so attached to

people and possessions. We need to do

our best, and then trust the Force for

the outcome of things, even if we don't

understand it from our own level. Fear

can be overcome by 'letting go' and

trusting in the Living Force, and in

the will of the Force.


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Obi-Wan: “Let go Luke.” –Episode IV

Yoda: "Attachment leads to jealousy.

The shadow of greed, that is." III

Yoda: "The fear of loss is a path to

the dark side." -Episode III

Yoda: "Train yourself to 'let go' of

everything you

fear to lose." -Episode III

Anakin: "Attachment is forbidden.

Possession is forbidden." -Episode II

Luke: "Let go of your hate." -Episode VI

Obi-Wan: “This time 'let go' of your

conscious self


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and act on instinct.” –Episode IV

*Jedi believe in life after death.*

17. Jedi believe that the soul survives

death. Jedi do not obsessively mourn

those who pass. There will

always be some mourning, and missing of

that person, which is only natural. But

Jedi avoid the extremes of mourning

that can be so debilitating, negative,

and destructive. Jedi trust the Force

to take care of our departed loved ones

and 'let go'.


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Yoda: "Death is a natural part of life.

Rejoice for

those around you who transform into the

Force. Mourn

them, do not. Miss them, do not."

Episode III

Yoda: "Luminous beings are we, not this

crude matter."

-Episode V

Yoda: "One who has returned from the

netherworld of

the Force to train me, your old Master,

Qui-Gon Jinn."

-Episode III

Yoda: "Twilight is upon me and soon


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night must fall.

That is the way of things...the way of

the Force."

-Episode VI

Yoda: "Through the Force, things you

will see. Other

places, the future, the past, old

friends long gone."

-Episode V

*Jedi use the Force for good works.*

18. Jedi have special powers and are

encouraged to learn the ways of the

Force, and to use the Force, but only


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for good works like training, defense,

knowledge, and helping others who are

in need. Some of the Jedi skills are

the martial arts, telepathy, intuition,

future sensing, visions during

meditation, clairvoyance,

clairaudience, telekinesis or

psychokinesis, ESP or PSI, mind

reading, remote viewing, healing with

energy, and Jedi mind tricks.


Yoda: "Pass on what you have learned."

-Episode VI

Obi-Wan: “You must learn the ways of

the Force, if you’re


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to come with me to Alderaan.” –Episode


Obi-Wan: “Learn about the Force Luke.”

–Episode IV

Luke: “I want to learn the ways of the

Force, and become

a Jedi like my father.” –Episode IV

Obi-Wan: "Use the Force, Luke."

-Episode IV

Yoda: "Use the Force. Yes. Now the

stone. Feel it.

Concentrate. " (Luke uses the Force to

lift objects) -Episode V

Qui-Gon: "You must have Jedi reflexes

if you race pods." -Episode I

Qui-Gon: "He has special powers. He can


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see things before

they happen. That's why he appears to

have such quick

reflexes. It's a Jedi trait." -Episode I

Anakin: "The Jedi use their power for

good." -Episode III

Yoda: "A Jedi uses the Force for

knowledge and

defense, never for attack." -Episode V

Obi-Wan: “It (the Force) also obeys

your commands.” -Episode IV

Luke: "In time you'll learn to use it

as I have." -Episode VI


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*Jedi have compassion.*

19. Compassion is central to a Jedi's

life. We need to have love and

compassion for ourselves first and


and then let that compassion gravitate

outwards to the whole creation. Can you

look in the mirror and say that you

deeply and completely love yourself,

exactly how you are? That you accept

yourself; that you approve of yourself?

If not, then you need to work on your

self love and compassion first. Love

and compassion are essential to being a

Jedi, so let it flow from you to


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everyone and everything.


Anakin: "Compassion, which I would

define as

unconditional love is central to a

Jedi's life. So you might say that we

are encouraged to love." -Episode II

*Jedi believe in peace and justice.*

20. Jedi are the guardians of peace and

justice, so we certainly believe in

promoting them. Jedi deeply believe in

finding peaceful solutions to problems

if possible. Jedi are expert


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negotiators, and try to solve problems

without fighting. Jedi embrace justice,

which means protecting and preserving

the basic rights of others. Empathy is

important too, because without it, Jedi

can't understand how

others feel when they are injured by



Obi-Wan: "But there are alternatives to

fighting." -Episode IV

Obi-Wan: "For over a thousand

generations the Jedi


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Knights were the guardians of peace and

justice in the

Old Republic." -Episode IV

Mace Windu: "The Jedi are keepers of

the peace." -Episode II

Opening Logos: "The Supreme Chancellor

has secretly

dispatched two Jedi Knights, the

guardians of peace

and justice in the Galaxy to settle the

conflict." -Episode I

Obi-Wan: “Remember Luke, the suffering

of one man is

the suffering of all. Distances are

irrelevant to injustice.

If not stopped soon enough, evil


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eventually reaches out

to engulf all men, whether they have

opposed it or

ignored it.” -Star Wars; A New Hope,

the book, Chapter V

*Jedi are humble, and believe that they

can always work on improving


21. Jedi are against being arrogant and

consider arrogance to be a flaw, or

something that isundesirable. The

opposite of arrogance is humility. Jedi

embrace humility, and do not


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considerthemselves better than others.

Jedi don't claim to know it all, and

humbly believe in training and in

personal growth. Jedi never use the

Force in order to show off in public or

to impress others (pride), like Anakin

did by floating fruit in the air in

front of Padme. Jedi try to hide their

powers from public view in order to

help preserve their humility, which is

a great virtue.


Obi-Wan: "His abilities have made him,

well, arrogant."

Yoda: "Yes, yes, a flaw more and more


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among Jedi. Too sure of themselves they

are. Even

the older, more experienced ones."

-Episode II

Anakin: "If Obi-Wan caught me doing

that, he would be

very grumpy." -Episode II (Anakin was

using the Force to

impress Padme by floating fruit in the

air. Jedi don't display

their abilities in public in order to

impress others.)

Anakin: "Sometimes we must let go of

our pride and do

what is requested of us." -Episode II


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Anakin: "Master, I've disappointed you.

I haven't been very

appreciative of your training. I've

been arrogant and I

apologize." -Episode III

"Jedi seek to 'improve themselves'

through knowledge

and training." -Jedi Creed

Luke: "But I've learned so much since

then." -Episode V

*Jedi believe in service to others, and

are selfless.*


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22. The path of the Jedi teaches us the

importance of service. There is a lot

of joy in serving others, and the Jedi

believe in volunteerism and in service.

The Jedi are role models for service

and giving. If you haven’t noticed

already, Jedi prefer to live their

lives on the contributing and serving

side, instead of always being on the


side. Why? Because that’s the way of

the Force; the Force is always giving,

giving, giving without expecting

anything back in return. The Jedi are

like this too. Here are some practical

benefits that come from serving others:


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-Service helps remove our egotistical /

egocentric thinking.

-Service diminishes the self, and helps

bring us out of our self.

-Service removes our feelings of

selfishness / self-centeredness.

-Service removes energy blockages that

might be within us.

-Service increases the flow of positive

energy within us.

-Service re-connects us with other

human beings.

Selfishness and egotism separates us

from others. We can start

a life of service by doing something

beneficial for someone else today. We


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can start by volunteering to help

people in some way, and then keep

adding on to that. Eventually, step by

step, we can get more on the

contributing side of life instead of

being on the taking side. If we keep on

trying, sooner or later the majority of

our actions will be service orientated,

instead of taking orientated.


Anakin: "I think the Republic needs

you. I'm glad that you

chose to serve." -Episode II

Anakin: "The Jedi are selfless. They

only care about


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others." -Episode III

"Jedi serve others rather than rule

over them, for the

good of the galaxy." -Jedi Creed

*Jedi are devoted to their mission in


23. Jedi are devoted to accomplishing

their mission in life. Sometimes this

requires great discipline, sacrifice,

incredible focus, patience, inner

strength, and a strong sense of duty

for accomplishing the mission. But

first, a Jedi must


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determine what his/her mission will be

by deep soul searching and meditation.

You determine and choose what your

mission will be; you decide it for

yourself. Then you prioritize or decide

how important it is for you to

accomplish your mission.


Yoda: "A Jedi must have the deepest

commitment." -Episode V

Obi-Wan: “What do you think Padme would

do were she in

your position?”

Anakin: “She would do her duty.” –

Episode II


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Obi-Wan: “No, they are doing their job

so we can do ours.”

(Clone pilots were getting shot down in

space battles.) –Episode III

Obi-Wan: “I will take the child and

watch over him.”

–Episode III (Obi-Wan's mission to

watch over young Luke.)

*Jedi are always mindful of the Force.*

24. Jedi are always mindful of the

Living Force. When Jedi are being

mindful of the Force, their minds are

not filled with so many distracting

thoughts, and they feel a connection to


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all things, through the Force. Our

satisfaction comes from our personal

connection to the Living Force;

material things, fame and wealth don't

bring lasting peace, happiness, and

satisfaction. Only our daily, and

conscious connection to the Living

Force brings lasting peace and

happiness. If we lose the awareness of

our connection to the Force, then we

slowly lose our happiness. Therefore,

we need to stay mindful of the Living

Force in order to

stay happy and content.



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Qui-Gon: "Be mindful of the Living

Force young

Padawan." -Episode I

*Jedi work for mutual advantage or


25. There is a connection between the

Force, and all living things. According

to Yoda, "It's energy surrounds us and

binds us." Obi-Wan also stated that,

"It surrounds us and penetrates us; it

binds the galaxy together.” We are all

connected through the Force; therefore,

Jedi believe in, and practice mutual


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Symbiosis. For Jedi, mutual Symbiosis

means to work well with, and get along

with other life forms for mutual

benefits and advantage.

Mutual Symbiosis is the way that Jedi

get things done. Jedi try to live in

harmony with those around them, and

believe in mutual trust and respect.


Qui-Gon defined mutual Symbiosis as

"life forms living

together for mutual advantage."

-Episode I

Obi-Wan: "You and the Naboo form a

symbiotic circle.


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What happens to one of you will affect

the other. You

must understand this." -Episode I

"Jedi respect all life, in any form." -

Jedi Creed

*Jedi believe in the law of attraction.*

26. The law of attraction is a part of

the Jedi path. Jedi believe in the law

of attraction which is basically this:

whatever you ask for, and firmly

believe, you will receive. The Force

will bring us

whatever we continue to think about,


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even if we are

unconscious of it. This makes it

extremely important to always be aware

and mindful about what we are thinking

about, and what we are asking for.


Qui-Gon: "I'm not allowed to train you,

so I want you

to watch me and be mindful. Always

remember, your

focus determines your reality."

-Episode I

Luke: All right. I'll give it a try.

Yoda: No! Try not. Do, or do not. There

is no try.


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Luke: I don't, I don't believe it.

Yoda: That is why you fail. -Episode V

Yoda: “You must unlearn what you have

learned.”-Episode V

*Jedi believe in democracy, but usually

don’t trust politicians.*

27. Jedi firmly believe in democracy,

but don’t trust politicians in general.

Jedi are cautious of politicians,

and of their many promises in order to

get elected or re-elected. Jedi are


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skeptical about the intentions of many

politicians, but also realize that

there are some good and honest

politicians in government too. For

example, Senator Padmé Amidala of

Naboo, and Senator Bail Organa of

Alderaan were politicians who cared

about and served the people they

represented. Senator Bail Organa saved

Yoda and Obi-Wan after the Jedi were

defeated, and went out of his way to

assist them. Palpatine was the extreme

opposite; he was exceptionally skilled

at manipulating and deceiving people in

order to achieve his own personal



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Obi-Wan: “Anakin, my allegiance is to

the Republic, to

democracy!” –Episode III

Obi-Wan: “And don't forget she's a

politician and they're

not to be trusted." –Episode II

Obi-Wan: “It is my experience that

senators focus only

on pleasing those who fund their

campaigns, and they’re in

no means scared of forgetting the

niceties of democracy

in order to get those funds.” –Episode



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Obi-Wan: “Palpatine is a politician. I

have observed that he

is very clever in following the

passions and the prejudices

of the senators.” –Episode II

Mace Windu: “Nevertheless, I feel we

should keep a closer

eye on the Senate.”

Yoda: “I agree.” –Episode II

Obi-Wan: “Anakin, our allegiance is to

the Senate, not to

its leader, who has managed to stay in

office long after his

term has expired.” –Episode III


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*Jedi believe that they need to bring

balance to the Force within, and not

wait around for a Chosen One to do it.*

28. Our minds are like filters that the

Force flows through. Think of a

strained glass window; if the glass is

dark colored, then the light passing

through that glass becomes dark. If the

glass is only slightly colored or

clear, then the light passing through

it is more clear and natural. If our

minds are negative, then the Force


through us will seem negative too; our

consciousness will seem negative and


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dark. If our minds are clear and

wholesome, then the Force flowing

through us will be clear and natural; we

will be full of goodness and light.

Jedi are responsible for balancing

their own minds, so that their minds

are clear, good, positive, wholesome,

and stay on the light side; this will

serve "to bring balance to the Force"

within us so that the

light side is dominant. Then the Force

will not be left in darkness within us.

Some of the symptoms of an individual

who is out of balance within are: dark

emotions of fear, anger, hate, and

aggression. Also jealousy, lack of


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patience, greed for

power, overly attached to things, has a

negative general outlook, and is

egocentric; only cares about their

self. This individual is definitely

moving towards the dark side and needs

to get back in balance, before its too

late. Some of the symptoms of an

individual who is in balance are:

calm, at peace, passive, not attached

to things, patience, compassion, a

positive general outlook, cares about

others, and is aware of their

connection to others. As Jedi, we

desire to stay in balance, and to stay

on the light side. "People are like


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stained glass windows: They sparkle and


when the sun is out, but when the

darkness sets in, their true beauty is

revealed only if there is a light

within." -Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


Mace Windu: "You refer to the prophecy

of the one who

will bring balance to the Force. You

believe it's this

boy?" -Episode I

Obi-Wan: "With all due respect Master,

is he not the

chosen one? Is he not to destroy the


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Sith and bring

balance to the Force?"

Mace Windu: "So the prophecy says."

Yoda: "A prophecy that misread could

have been."

-Episode III

Obi-Wan: "You were the chosen one. It

was said that

you would destroy the Sith, not join

them. Bring

balance to the Force, not leave it in


-Episode III


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*Jedi train on Oneness or union with

the Living Force.*

29. The highest purpose of life is to

train on

becoming One with the Living Force.

Qui-Gon Jinn

returned from the Force to train Yoda

and Obi-Wan on how to become One with

the Force while they were still alive,

in the body, without losing their

individual consciousness. This is

considered "Immortality". Religions

call it by different names like

Enlightenment, Self Realization, or God

Realization, but it's the same thing.


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'Oneness' or union with the Force is

something that we can all slowly train

towards during our whole life.

As long as we are breathing, we need to

train on becoming One with the Living

Force, and never give up.


Yoda: "Master Kenobi, wait a moment. In

your solitude

on Tattooine, training I have for you."

Obi-Wan: "Training?"

Yoda: "An old friend has learned the

path to immortality.

One who has returned from the

netherworld of the Force.


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Your old Master!"

Obi-Wan: "Qui-Gon?"

Yoda: "How to commune with him, I will

teach you."

-Episode III

George Lucas: "So Ben has managed to

keep his identity

after he became one with the Force. One

of the things he

was doing on Tatooine besides watching

over Luke was

learning how to keep his identity after

he became part of

the Force." - George Lucas Star Wars:

The Annotated Screenplays


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*Jedi believe in and are a part of the

Jedi Order.*

30. The Jedi are called an 'Order' many

times in Star Wars. The definition of

Order is : "a subdivision of a larger

religious group; a group of people

united (as by living under the

samereligious rules or by having won

the same distinction) in

some formal way." The words 'Jedi

Order' gives connotations that the Jedi

Path was something like a religion in

the Star Wars Universe. The pure and

true meaning of the word religion comes


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from the Latin word “religio” which was

derived from the Latin word “re-ligare”

or “to reconnect.” The purpose of the

Jedi teachings were “to reconnect” a

Jedi to the Force. Actually, we are

always connected to the Force, but we

have lost our conscious awareness of

this connection. Why? We have lost our

feelings of connection to the Force due

to the many distractions of the mind,

and because of the busy world, in which

we live and work. Also because we are

not being mindful of the Living Force.


Obi-Wan: "You've made a commitment to


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the 'Jedi Order'

a commitment not easily broken."

-Episode II

Dooku: "Master Windu, you have fought

gallantly; worthy of

recognition in the archieves of the

'Jedi Order'." -Episode II

Obi-Wan: "You will be expelled from the

'Jedi Order'." -Episode II

Anakin: "Sometimes I wonder what's

happening to the

'Jedi Order'." -Episode III

Mace Windu: "We must move quickly if

the 'Jedi Order'

is to survive." -Episode III

Han Solo: “Hokey 'religions' and


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ancient weapons are no

match for a good blaster at your side,

kid.” –Episode IV

(Han was referring to Obi-Wan’s beliefs

as a religion.)

General Motti: “Your sad devotion to

that ancient 'religion'

has not helped you conjure up the

stolen data tapes,

or given you clairvoyance enough to

find the rebel’s hidden

fortress.” –Episode IV

Governer Tarkin: “The Jedi are extinct.

Their fire has gone

out of the Universe. You, my friend,

are all that’s left of their


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'religion'.” –Episode IV

*Jedi can see the future through the


31. Through the Force, Jedi can see

both near term and long term future

events. Future seeing abilities are

sometimes a result of meditation. Near

term sensing is more important for the

Jedi because it is a needed survival

skill. Long term

sensing only provides pieces of the

puzzle that might give some warnings

about upcoming events. Caution must be


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taken when trying to interpret such

glimpses of the future.


Obi-Wan: "But Master Yoda says I should

be mindful of the future."

-Episode I

Qui-Gon: "He can see things before they

happen. That's why he

appears to have such quick reflexes.

It's a Jedi trait." -Episode I

Yoda: "Clouded, this boy's future is.

Masked by his youth."

-Episode I

Yoda: "Careful you must be when sensing

the future, Anakin."


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- Episode III

Yoda: "Through the Force, things you

will see. Other places.

The future... the past. Old friends

long gone." -Episode V

Yoda: "It is the future you see."

Luke: "Future? Will they die?"

Yoda: "Difficult to see. Always in

motion is the future." -Episode V

*Jedi can feel disturbances in the


32. If Jedi are mindful and are

consciously connected to the

Force, they can feel disturbances in


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the Force. Feeling Force

disturbances usually happen after there

has been some type

of disaster, and/or a loss of life.

Obi-Wan sensed it when millions

of creatures had suddenly died after

the planet Alderaan was

destroyed by the Death Star. Yoda

sensed it after Anakin had killed a

tribe of Tusken Raiders. Also Yoda

sensed it when the Jedi were being

killed after order number 66 was

issued. Being able to

feel disturbances in the Force saved

Yoda's life because he defeated the

assassination attempt on his life. Jedi


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should take heed if they feel

disturbances in the Force.


Obi-Wan: "I felt a great disturbance in

the Force. As if millions of

voices suddenly cried out in terror and

were suddenly silenced.

I fear something terrible has

happened." -Episode IV

Qui-Gon: "Be wary. I sense a

disturbance in the Force."

Obi-Wan: "I feel it also, Master."

Episode I

Yoda: "Pain, suffering, death I feel.

Something terrible has happened.


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Young Skywalker is in pain, terrible

pain." -Episode II

Episode III - Visual reference: Yoda is

shown to have felt great pain

and grasped his chest when he felt that

the Jedi were being hunted

down and killed.

*Jedi have a keen sense of humor.*

33. Jedi are serious people, but they

don't take themselves too seriously.

Jedi like to make people smile and

laugh, especially in bad situations.

Jedi are always quick to crack a joke


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when they

are in danger - it helps break the

tension. Like Jedi Arion Bane once

said, "If we cannot laugh at ourselves

from time to time,

then who can we laugh at?" Jedi never

miss an opportunity for humor,

especially when its needed the most.

Master Yoda had

a great sense of humor, and so did Obi

Wan. See references below for examples.


Yoda: "Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan

has. How embarrassing... how

embarrassing..." -Episode II


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Yoda: "Looking? Found someone you have

I would say, mmm?" -Episode V

Yoda: “Awww, cannot get your ship he he!" -Episode V

Yoda: "Mudhole? Slimy? My home this

is!" -Episode V

Yoda: "Yoda not far. Patience. Soon you

will be with him." -Episode V

Yoda: "When 900 years old you reach,

look as good you will not, HMMM?"

-Episode VI

Obi-Wan: "You were right about one

thing, Master. The negotiations were

short." -Episode I

Obi-Wan: "Why do I sense we've picked

up another pathetic life-form?"


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-Episode I

Obi-Wan: "Well, if droids could think,

there'd be none of us here, would

there?" -Episode II

Obi-Wan: "If you spent as much time

practicing your saber techniques as you

did your wit, you'd rival Master Yoda

as a swordsman." -Episode II

Obi-Wan: "Chancellor Palpatine, Sith

Lords are our speciality." -Episode III

Obi-Wan: "Well, of course I know him!

He's me!" - Episode IV

Obi-Wan: "Who's the more foolish, the

fool, or the fool who follows him?"

-Episode IV


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