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3 Steps to

Escape the

“Friend Zone”(So that you'll never be seen as

just a FRIEND ever again)

By: Frankie Cola

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Intro and Purpose of this Report

Hi my name is Frankie Cola, and in this report I want to show you the EXACT 3 steps you need to take, to escape from the friendzone once and for all... It used to happen to me all the time...

I would get a crush on one particular girl, and the whole world would stop.

My ENTIRE well-being depended on the interaction between me and this specific girl.

And after I finally built up my nerve to ask her out (or reveal my feelings to her)... it would inevitably end up with the girl giving me the “let's just be friends” speech... or saying something like “you're so sweet, but I don't feel the same way.”

After a while, I have had enough... and decided to solve this problem once and for all.

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It took a few years of reading books and doing research, but eventually, I discovered a few tricks that solved the “one-itis” problem.

However, I can still remember the pain I felt before, and if this is happening to you, I know exactly how you feel.

That's exactly why I wrote you this step-by-step report revealing the best “secrets” I've learned over the past few years...

This 3 step blueprint will help you recover... and help you FLIP the situation around... so that you make the girl go crazy about YOU instead.

In fact, at the very end of this report I show you EXACTLY how to create attraction in her so powerful that it will turn her from just a FRIEND into a LOVER.

If you apply the 3 steps that I show you, you will be WAY ahead of the competition... (Remember, 99% of the men out there don't know these high level mindsets)

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When You're Falling For Her...You Are in aONE-itis Mindset

Are you focused on the same girl a little too much?

If you are... then you have what is called "ONE-itis"

This means your thoughts are centered on “one” girl.

After having this happen to me over and over again... and failing a bunch of times, I have a prettygood idea of how a crush with a girl begins to overtake your mind and your feelings.

Here is how it begins...

It is when you start hanging out and talking to her more often.. It is when you start feeling a connection.

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You end up texting the whole day with her, or maybe two whole days... you can almost sense that she's starting to like you.

For every texts she sends you... you feel closer and closer to being her boyfriend.

You get used to THAT idea.

It is that moment when you find yourself thinking of her when she's away... and missing spending time with her... that you start feeling that deep "crush."

And then she doesn't reply to one of your texts for a while... and now you REALLY start feeling uneasy....

As a result, you focus less on your friends, schoolwork, and's like the whole world stopped spinning. Even if you have other girls you kinda like, you stop thinking about them.

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You have "tunnel-vision" with just THIS girl.

If she doesn't return a text message, you worry, if she replies, you are temporarily relieved for that day!

Now that you are completely in the one-itis mindset, you hit DESPARATION mode.

So you finally decide to make a move...once and for all.. and tell her how you feel.

And what happens? She gives you the dreaded “you are so sweet but let's just be friends speech.” Ouch.

See, if you feel yourself going too deep into "one-itis" mode, it's time to step back and stop yourself from going any deeper. When you get into a mind-loop of thinking about a girl, be conscious of the fact that you have one-itis...

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...and then take the 3 steps in this report to turn it around and get her attracted to you.

We begin with step 1...

Step 1: Go No Contact When you're in a one-itis state of mind with a girl, it's easy to make a mistake that ruins your chances with that girl.

That's why it's critical that you cut contact with her, to allow yourself to recover and unfocus your mind on her.

Most guys BLOW IT in this situation and make mistakes like

• revealing their feelings for her

• getting her gifts (or buying her flowers)

• making a bold grandiose-boyfriend-like

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move that reveals his feelings for her That's why the very first step you MUST take is to BREAK from this routine by going no-contact for a couple weeks.

Don't Be Afraid Of "Losing Her Friendship"

You might be afraid of stopping the communication for a week or two because you think you might ruin the momentum of the "friendship," but believe me, this is something that you want to do if you have one-itis... don't want to make a mistake that gives you a one-way ticket to the friend zone.

Besides, friendship is a two-way street. You do things for a friend and a friend does things for you.

If you are WAY too generous with a girl without the girl reciprocating your generosity, then it's time to ask yourself this question:

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Are you trying TOO hard to be her friend because what you ultimately want is to be MORE than her friend?

Step 2: Reform Yourself

Start Talking to Other Girls Again

Going back to my high school and college days, I would have the following experience...

Right before starting to have a crush on a girl, an interesting phenomenom would typically happen. I would usually have a handful of girls in mind that were "candidates" to "go for."

We, as guys, always have a "hot girl ranking" (in our mind) that compares all the girls that are our friends, or girls that we come into contact with throughout our day-to-day-life... And in our minds we rank them and fantasize

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about which girls we would “go for.” The crazy thing was that, once I really started liking ONE girl, I suddenly STOPPED having the other girls in my thoughts.

It was as if all the doors CLOSED UP and suddenly I was in deep ONE-itis mode...

And suddenly... I was living in scarcity.

This is a very POWERFUL thing to realize if you want to attract that one girl... because scarcity always leads to needy behavior that TURNS OFF A GIRL. With this in mind, notice yourself going into scarcity whenever this happens to you... and go back and think of other girls you liked before you got your crush.

And ask yourself: When did you stop thinking about them? Was it when you starting thinking about this new girl?

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It's time to start opening up your mind to the possibility that you have lots of options.

A good illustration that shows you the concept of having more options... is the analogy of "being the sun" vs. "being a planet."

Have the Mentality of "Being the Sun"

You know those pretty girls (probably from a class at school, or from your office at work), who always has guys around her?

I mean it's like she has her own "groupie" of guys drooling for her attention.

Well I like to think of it as a "sun and the planets" analogy...The hot girl is the sun...and all her admirers are like the planets orbiting her.

She doesn't worry about them, because she has them on a string...but whenever she's around... her "planets" are always seeking her approval, and giving her their complete attention...

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...and they will NEVER get her. You know why? Because they have stopped being a CHALLENGE.

You want to avoid that situation. Don't be one of her "planets."

What you want to do, is FLIP IT AROUND...and be the SUN, while you let the other girls be the planets that orbit YOU.

Create Social Momentum

This happens around the same time you start talking and thinking about other girls. Not only does it help enormously to think about, interact with, and date other women, but it will benefit you to boost your social life.

Develop a ritual to hang out with your friends every friday... throw a party or movie night at your place... anything to see MORE FACES and work out that "social muscle."

The more you go out, the more friends you will

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make, and the more GIRLS you will meet.

Here are some example ways to increase social momentum:

7 Social Momentum-Building Action Steps:

1. Create a habit of meeting up with your friends, at a certain place, at least once a week.

2. Develop a routine of playing a pickup sport with your buddies. It doesn't have to be super competitive. A simple frisbee toss in the park gets you socializing (and good-feeling endorphins pumping).

3. Develop a habit of going to the gym with buddies. Working out is good in general because it arranges the "chemistry" inside of you - it boosts your testosterone in a way that makes you feel more like a man.

4. Meet up for pub-trivia with your buddies, once a week.

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5. Swing Dancing: they usually have a free beginner's class at the beginning of a friday night event. (I really recommend any dancing because it allows you to interact with women in a "touching-holding-hands" way) 6. is a great site to find people that share similar hobbies.

7. Get into the habit of talking to attractive women. It boosts your confidence and gives you more options in your mind. And many many more...

Did any of these spark an idea?

Nice! Write it down so you don't forget.

Imagine if you could regularly have social momentum...

...and imagine the friends and the cute girls you'd be in contact with REGULARLY if you could do this all the time.

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Remember, a scarcity mindset leads to needy-ness and unattractive behavior. Inject abundance of value into it, and MOST of it goes away.


Now let's talk about the power of exercise.

5000 years ago, cave-men would wake up in the morning and the first thing they would do is run around to hunt for food (or ran to avoid becoming food).

Today, your brain is still "stuck" in those old days. That's why if you exercise in the morning, you get feel-good chemicals throughout the rest of your day. This is exactly why one component of reforming yourself is to exercise properly.

Working out arranges the "chemistry" inside of you in a way that makes you feel better, and more like a MAN.

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You will have more testosterone...which can be the STRONG physical foundation that leads to more character and behavior that creates feelings of ATTRACTION in women.

Get it? Great! To summarize Step 2... you need to reform yourself by creating ABUNDANCE for yourself.

• Have more girls in your thoughts (be the sun, not just a planet)

• Create social momentum with social HABITS that give you social momentum.

• Exercise your body to physically be in cave-man form to attract women.

Now let's talk about the final step...

And that is...

To re-initiate contact with the girl.

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Step 3 Re-initiate contact

After you've stopped having one-itis, gainedabundance, and built social momentum, it's time to talk to the girl again.

The main point of this interaction is that you must have INDIFFERENCE to the result. This is critical...since it's very easy to get sucked up into the one-itis VORTEX again.

The last conversation you had with her might have been filled with unconfident, needy behavior... but now you're a different man with a strong "inner-game."

...because you reformed and centered yourself with a happy, confident energy.

Since you have an abundant mindset...

• Your behavior will PROJECT and REFLECT your strong inner-game.

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• You won't focus too much on any particular girl.

• You won't spend too much time texting one girl (because there are other girls)

• You won't get feelings of jealousy (because you have other girls)

• You won't really care if she stops responding to your texts (because you have other girls and other things to do)

• You might project that you WANT her, but you will NEVER project that you NEED her

• You won't tell a woman you "like" her too early on... which results in a "let's-just-be-friends" speech.

Sending Her Mixed Signals Creates Attraction

All these things that you do (and don't do) resulting from having "abundance" create ATTRACTION with a woman because it does

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It sends her MIXED SIGNALS.

In fact, nothing will fan the flames of attraction as much as sending mixed signals.

And there are a handful of reasons why this works...

And they are...

1. It prevents you from appearing needy, clingy, or “too available.” 2. When a girl can’t figure you out, you have the upper hand and power in the relationship.

3. She’ll begin to work harder to attract you, which creates more “investment” on her part.

4. No girls wants an “easy catch”

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5. Girls are addicted to drama. Sending mixed signals provides her the drama she craves.

6. When she’s not sure where she stands with you, she anticipates seeing you more.

Because there is a part of her that is unsure if she’ll ever see you again. And “fear of loss” is crucial for her to fall in love with you.

7. It makes her assume that you have other options. And we all know girls want what other girls want.

8. When a girl doesn’t know where she stands with you she thinks about you more. And as this video explains, the more she thinks about you, the more she convinces herself she’s in love with you.

When it comes to amplifying attraction, SENDING mixed signals is king.

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And there is a particular way to do it that actually MULTIPLIES the effect. It's actually a sneaky little mind game called “The Scrambler” that will convince a girl she’s in love with you.

Here’s a video that explains “The Scrambler”

Most guys completely mess up “playing hard to get” and do it all WRONG.

That’s why is crucial to follow the exact sequence laid out in The Scrambler.

Think of it as an "Attraction Roadmap" The material in this video will make sure that you’re able to take a girl from “Interested” to “Obsessed”

==> Check out the Scrambler here.

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