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21st Century LeadershipLeading the way

By Keele Taylor, MA Organizational Leadership

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“Effective leadership is a transformational journey” (Blanchard,

2007, p.101). A good leader is one who embraces the transformational journey, and in turn, influences and enriches the lives of others.

“Leadership is not something you do to people, but something you do with people” (Blanchard, 2007, p.101).

“ Leadership is about going somewhere. If you and your people don’t know where you’re going, your leadership doesn’t matter” (Blanchard, 2007, p.21).

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One purpose Many roles

Parent Teacher Coach Advisor Hero

Pioneer Humanitarian Philanthropist

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“What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Leaders know the importance.

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“The only safe ship in a storm is leadership”

-Faye Wattleton

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Firefighters risked their lives to save victims and clear the remains following the 9/11 attacks.

Leaders are most effective when they work as a team.

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U.S. Staff Sergeant’s salute at a ceremony marking the 5th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

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“The most important thing a captain can do is to see the ship from the eyes of the crew.”

-Dr. Michael Abrashoff

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Experienced. General Petraeus

December 2004.

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As the top military commander in Iraq, Lt. General Petraeus is courageously leading American troops against the war on terror. In February, 2007, the U.S. Senate appointed Gen. Petraeus as commander largely due to his experiences in previous wars, and a number of tours to Iraq.

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Knowledgeable. Joseph Demarest

Before his retirement from the FBI, Demarest effectively led more than 350 NYPD detectives and FBI agents. Now that the FBI and NY law enforcement officials are struggling to work as a team, Demarest has been called back to duty to serve as a bridge to help both sides work successfully together in the fight against terrorism. People remember effective leaders.04/10/2023 11

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“Leaders are possibility thinkers, not probability thinkers. Probabilities must be based upon evidence strong enough to establish presumption. Possibilities are not” (Kouzes & Posner, 2002, p.124).

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Optimistic. Dr. Mario Stevenson

Director of the Center for AIDS Research and professor of molecular medicine, Dr. Mario Stevenson is the leading researcher working to find a cure for the HIV/AIDS virus.

“I think it’s only a matter of time before we have drugs which tip the balance again in favor of the defense factor, thereby creating a resistance to HIV infection in our bodies. That’s the hope for the future.” (Schaich, 2005, np.)04/10/2023 13

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Innovative. Kevin Rose

December 2004.

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This young website entrepreneur is the founder of Digg, a 21st century -social phenomenon, and co-founder of two other well-known sites; Revision3 and Pownce. Digg is a website made for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the Net by submitting links and stories, and voting and commenting on submitted links and stories.

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Inspiring. Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry, the filmaker, actor and gospel playwright, overcame an abusive childhood and homelessness as an adult, to become a pioneer in entertainment. Perry transformed his painful childhood into written letters, and his written letters into plays.

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“People who have a sense of self-efficacy bounce back fromfailures; they approach things in terms of how to handle themRather than worrying about what can go wrong” (Goleman,1995, p.90).

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Persistent. Hilary Clinton

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Senator Hilary Clinton may not have achieved the Presidency, but herdetermination and persistence during the race proved that she knows how to face a challenge. Clinton’s experience and her persistence has earned her the position of U.S. Secretary of State.

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Driven. Lance Armstrong

In 1996, Armstrong was told he had testicular cancer that had already spread to his brain, his abdomen and to his lungs. In 1999, Armstrong won the Tour de France. Following years, 2000-2005, have also been full of competitive victories won by Armstrong. Leaders overcome adversity and accomplish tremendous feats through self-motivation.

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“Visions are about hopes, dreams and aspirations. They’re aboutOur strong desire to achieve something great. They’re ambitious.They’re expressions of optimism” (Kouzes & Posner, 2002, p.125).

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Visionary. Barack Obama

November 2008. The first African-American to be elected President of the United States of America. “These threats demand a new vision of leadership in the twenty-first century -- a vision that draws from the past but is not bound by outdated thinking” (Obama, 2007, n.p).

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Collins, J. (2001). Good to great. New York: HarperCollins.

Goleman, D. (1995). The groundbreaking book that redefines what it means to be smart Emotional intelligence Why it can matter more than i.q. New York: Bantam Books.

Kouzes, J.M., Posner, B.Z. (2002). The Leadership Challenge. Jossey-Bass. San Francisco, CA.

Obama, B. July/August 2007. Renewing American Leadership. Published by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Puccio, G.J., Murcock, M.C., Mance, M. (2007). Creative Leadership; Skills that drive change. Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks, CA.

Schaich, F., February 2005. Interview with Dr. Mario Stevenson. Boston, MA.

Stein, S. J., Ph.D., & Book, H. E., M.D. (2006). The eq edge Emotional Intelligence and your success. Canada: John Wiley & Sons. (Original work published 2000)

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