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A collection of 2012 predictions from the world’s top psychics and astrologers.

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Roxanne Usleman Hulderman…………………………………………………………………………………..3

Carmen Harra………….………………………………………………………………………………………………..7

Kala Ambrose…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11

Matt Fraser………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………..22

Elaine Clayton…..……………………………………………………………………………………………………...23

Pattie Canova……………………………………………………………………………………………………………24

Sasha Graham……………………………………………………….………………………………………………….27

Kelly Hampton……………………………………………………….………………………………………………….28

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Psychic Roxanne Usleman Hulderman’s Predictions for 2012

Roxanne Usleman Hulderman, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned

Psychic, Metaphysician, and Parapsychologist. Because of the

extraordinary accuracy of her psychic predictions and profound

channeled information, she has been on CNN, CNBC, NBC, Fox News

Channel, (where she predicted the events of 911), Night Line, Good

Morning America, Bravo, NPR, as well as The New York Times,

Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire. Here are her psychic predictions for


Celebrity Predictions (originally written on 10/25/11)

1. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie take a break from each other, temporarily separating.

2. Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux get formally engaged.

3. Brad Pitt up for an Academy Award!

4. Johnny Depp makes a movie this year, receiving an Academy Award Nomination and wins a Golden


5. Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries separate.

6. Beyoncé is pregnant with a baby girl.

7. Jennifer Lopez seen out dating numerous Hollywood hotties.

8. Demi Moore and Ashton Kushner file for separation.

9. Elizabeth Olsen wins an acting award.

10. Paris Hilton gets hitched.

11. Taylor Swift acts in a Hollywood movie.

12. Justin Bieber in a relationship gets caught red handed with another female.

13. George Clooney finally really falling in love with woman. Then she dumps him, breaking his heart.

14. Chelsea Clinton pregnant with child.

Spiritual Predictions

1. Einstein's predictions about the honey bees proves correct. They are becoming extinct, indicating it is

the beginning of the end of the world.

2. Extra Terrestrials help to evolve our consciousness, uplifting our human vibration.

3. The North and South Poles reverse their positions.

4. Spiritual evolvement on this third dimension expands the fight between good and evil.

5. The Third and Fourth dimension begin to merge.

6. With the Great Pyramids in Egypt being destroyed, the entire planet’s magnetic force shifts,

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symbolizing the end of times. We realize they have been holding our planet together.

7. Humans turning ever more toward spirituality.

World Financial and Economical Predictions

1. Wild swings “like Tarzan”, halting investors and slowing down investing in the market, sudden

downswings, and falling stocks begin to hit rock bottom. Red stop light shines for investors with capital.

2. United States currency experiences a paper effect like "monopoly Money."

3. New rules created for investing in the Stock Market, such as limits on selling stocks short.

4. A bill will be passed about capital gains tax for the wealthy.

5. Natural Gas, petroleum, and other energy stocks will be on the rise.

6. Banks joining forces and merging with other banks around the globe, Europe and United States, and

some going completely bankrupt.

7. Rallies in stocks, commodities and other assets, do not necessarily signify a positive outlook for


8. A depressed economy creates mergers with worldwide companies.

9. Stock Market and the financial sector on the decline, creating a "1929" depression in The United

States and Europe.

10. Greece will default as well as Portugal and Spain.

11. Investors nervous about the strapped U.S. economy and the financial global crisis outlook, ignited by

debt problems in Europe.

12. Banks will be in the midst of more loans to help ease economic woes, though they will be very


13. Eastern Europe bank defaults, such as Romania and Bulgaria.

14. Abundant rich minerals will be found in Afghanistan. These minerals will be very rare and powerful.

15. Saudi Arabia continues to fund the Shiites, against the Sunni in Iran, igniting a great war.

16. German Chancellor Angela Merkel unites with France to help solve Europe’s woes. This starts

protest within Germany. The German people are at odds and against their tax money bailing out other

countries within The E.U.

17. European Monetary Fund seeing red with the budget and the sovereign debt crisis.

18. Gold, Aluminum, Silver and other metals on the rise.

19. Natural Gas production will bring about jobs for the unemployed and stocks will be on the rise.

20. Commodities such as grains, corn and agriculture prices rise. Creating soaring food prices, pay

increases and bonuses at an inflationary level.

21. As the dollar devaluates, a new gold back currency will be in development.

22. Gold and other metals will shoot like a rocket to about $2,800 an ounce.

23. The economy has dug itself into a hole, making it very difficult to climb out.

24. Some of the deficit will be cut though it is just a temporary band aid.

25. Riots in the streets, protesting becoming extremely violent, the military being called to help. Much

like what has happened in the Middle East in Egypt or Yemen. This will make the depression hit harder

than imaginable.

26. Liquor, marijuana, cigarettes will be highly taxed.

27. Dow Jones industrial average dropping below 700 points.

28. A downgrade of the United States debt rating.

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29. The Economy will need a deep healing for change to take place

30. The government’s deficit woes are like maxing it out a credit card and, then not paying the

premiums, defaulting.

40. Our sickened economy is spreading like a contagious disease.

41. Market turbulence like a really scary airplane ride.

International and Global Affairs

1. Mitt Romney, and Rick Perry, winning out the republican debates, and verbally dual, until the end

when the votes are for

2. Rich exotic minerals will be found in Afghanistan. Rare minerals not found on the earth. They are

powerful, with magical properties, beyond this realm, exotic minerals, found on higher planets.

Extraterrestrials are in need of these minerals for their well-being and other various uses.

3. These minerals such as Palladium, Samarium, Holmium, Scandium, Niobium, Copper, and Gold, and

the mining of these minerals, and metals, will cause their stock to take off like a flying saucer, sky high.

4. The search and discovery of these rich exotic minerals will be a strong catalyst for a war between

countries. Maybe Russia, China and the U.S. A war of 2012, connected to the end of the Mayan


5. Countries get in a power war over assets like: oil claims, ocean waters, land rights.

6. A new common currency will be developed. It is backed by gold and other metals and minerals. It is a

global currency developed between Europe, U.S., and various other countries, caused by our financial


7. B.R.I.C countries become, "Global Emerging Giant Tigers," with enormous sums of investment

developing their own common currency "The New BRIC Currency," instigating trade wars and conflicts

with other nations around the globe.

8. A proxy war between Iran, and Syrian against Saudi Arabia.

9. Natural gas, oil, and coal on the stock rise.

10. Rising prices for price for commodities, such as grains, corn, and agriculture, bring about higher food


11. Some of our deficit will be cut, though it is a temporary repair.

12. The capital gains tax for the wealthy will be increased.

13. China, North Korea, and their partners, bonding their forces together, taking over the world


14. China and Japan get in a disagreement over territorial rights. North Korea gets involved “pushing the

envelope” militarily, explosions and fighting.

15. Qatar partnering with the rebels in Yemen.

16. Europe in-search of countries and /or financial institutions to purchase their sovereign debt and the

euro-zone bonds.

17. Future of the Global Western Economy is dismal.

18. China demanding payment of their U.S. debt.

19. China’s Foreign exchange reserve giving a helping hand to bail out Europe’s debt crisis.

20. Kiev and Russia in a dispute over the trade block.

21. Europe’s debt crisis causing a boomerang effect into the U.S. economy. The bailout hopefuls asking

for a "Genie Out Of The Bottle."

22. Michelle Bachman or Herman Cain will be asked to run for Vice Presidency.

23. Computers and other electrical equipment being hacked by terrorists causing massive blackouts of

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computerized equipment.

24. A great war between Israel, and Palestine

25. An inner war within Egypt.

26. The Middle East explodes in a violent nuclear war between countries.

27. In the world catastrophes, many will survive, rebuilding the earth in a more positive evolved way.

28. Ron Paul up for presidential candidate.

Environmental Events Around The Globe

1. An earthquake impacts the state of Washington and California.

2. A Solar Star Dwarf from the sun breaking off causing damage to the earth.

3. Solar Flares causing power outages.

4. A contagious disease born of our environmental carelessness infects the world.

5. Human beings become much more environmentally concerned. We realize the wrath of "Mother

Natures" anger against us as care takers of the planet. More ecological earths, storms, disasters, earth

quakes, tsunamis, tidal waves, hurricane, tornados, diseases, “ what goes around comes around.”

6. Global environmental destruction connected with “The End of Times Mayan Calendar.”

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2012 Psychic Predictions: Carmen Harra Forecasts 2012 World Events

The year 2012 seems like a frightening prospect to many; we can't

easily forget the Mayan prediction that it's the end of the world!

But I see something very different for the year 2012 other than

disaster and catastrophe. I see immense changes, both good and

bad, but all necessary for our evolution. Below are my most

fascinating predictions from my newly released book, Wholeliness.

If you'd like to read the whole list, feel free to pick up a copy! For

now, enjoy my visions into the near future:

December 21, 2012

In the last six billion years or so, every planet and satellite in our

system has made a certain number of rotations, all to reach a

perfect alignment. And this alignment will happen on December 21, 2012. This is the phenomenon that

the Mayans so precisely calculated. It is also the reason we've recently seen more and more energy in

our solar system, which has caused the planets to appear brighter, lighter, and warmer. In addition to

affecting our solar system, this energy, because it’s so alive and intelligent, has entered our bodies. It

activates our DNA and enlightens our minds, thereby spurring us to take a step forward. Yet it also

escalates tensions on a large scale in the political, economic, religious, and social worlds as well.

Our perception is expanding, and we are beginning to comprehend that time is more than a three-

dimensional idea now that we have an awareness of the parallel reality that exists beyond our universe.

Thus, there is another element of time. Einstein established the notion of the space-time continuum,

but we'll soon discover that we can actually move through the three dimensions of time: the astral

space, the dream space, and the paranormal space.

Our own planet is also raising its vibration, and this will be a liberation. In its movement through the

galaxy, Earth is entering a great field of vibration that will change human DNA, allowing us to have

incredibly long life spans. During this time, we will finally understand the necessity of honoring life and

the Divine. The moment humanity reaches unity with Spirit will be the moment we witness true reality.

The world around us will take on new meaning and new importance. We're entering a golden age in

which the cosmic cycle of darkness is definitively ending because we're making contact with Spirit.

Because humanity will embrace Wholeliness, a way of life which means living in harmony with all that

exists, the following predictions are based on how this will influence life on earth:

December 21, 2012, will not be a doomsday or the end of the world—but we are headed toward great

suffering and climate changes if we don't break out of our denial and begin to raise our consciousness.

We must change the course of human history. The date of the winter solstice in the year 2012, the end

of the Mayan calendar, has the energy of 11 (1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 =11), which, according to

numerology, is the number of enlightenment. This is the official beginning of a new era in the human

experience, of raised consciousness, as we evolve into beings with greater awareness and understanding

of our Divine nature. In connection with this, the satellites surrounding the earth will be affected during

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2012, indirectly speeding up the process of change in financial institutions. Because the satellites will

become temporarily unavailable, people will scramble to create alternatives to the systems that have

been automatically regulated by those satellites. As we approach the end of the Mayan calendar, things

will become more challenging. Both 2011 and 2012 will be years of awakening, as we start to realize just

how serious our situation is. World leaders will begin to come together to imagine new economic

systems and ways of dealing with climate change and natural disasters. Even further in the future, the

world will have but one form of leadership governing every part of the globe.

At the beginning of 2010, I stated on a several shows that "this is the year of earthquakes." Indeed, the

year 2010began with and was plagued by earthquake and earthquake devastating various parts of the

globe. Right before we entered 2011, I declared that it would be the year of, not physical earthquakes,

but political earthquakes. Following, leaders from around the world began encountering heavy troubles

in their leadership roles. People from everywhere marched in the streets the entire year in protest of

their unfair political systems. Now, I see the year 2012 as the year of monetary earthquakes. Our notion

of finances as we know it is beginning to come to an end. During the year 2012, banks will struggle more

than ever, the economy will stagger slightly downwards, and the stock market will flux between

extremes from day to day. This is all in preparation for a new monetary system which is much less

flawed than our present one and is soon to come.

In the years to come, the numerous monetary systems all over the world will be condensed into one.

We'll find new ways to be reimbursed for our labor, pay for goods, and so on. We will come to the

realization that paper money needs to be replaced with a more efficient alternative—thus, we will

develop electronic currency.

In addition, the countless banks that exist today will converge into one single bank that spans across the

globe. As always, one system must die out to give birth to a more improved one.

We'll finally see that our economy and financial markets are not improving because the issues are much

deeper than we can imagine. The European economy will deteriorate first, aggravating the global

economy. The rate of unemployment will increase, and, interestingly, many people will begin to work

from their homes via the Internet.

Acting as separate nations, we cannot hope to fix the problem. Almost every place in the world is

experiencing financial collapse, meaning that we're all in this together. Therefore, we must rectify the

economy together. We've been looking at the matter ethnocentrically, but our approach needs to shift

to a global one. Only by developing one international financial system will the economy become whole

and healed. Money will no longer be the root of all evil.

The world may go through a state of chaos, which is necessary for progress, but this won't last for very

long. In particular, we will witness intense, natural commotions in our universe: There will be increased

cosmic radiation, more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions scattered around the globe, and a spike in

solar activity. The activity of Schumann resonances (electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere) will

peak, making it seem as if physical time is moving faster than it really is. More and more floods will

inundate various parts of the planet, and Earth’s rotation will slow down. The global temperature will

fluctuate and be hard to anticipate, resulting in a decrease in the population of sea creatures and fauna.

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Even if we also see institutions collapsing and our leaders in trouble, be assured that these are only

temporary instances of disorder brought on for the advancement of the human race.

I believe that human DNA will increase in complexity, thereby expanding our mental capacity and the

level of our perception. We will begin to understand that we're all connected to the Divine Force in the

same way. We'll acknowledge that all forms of life are actually a part of Spirit, under whom we are

united as one. We'll finally realize that the different religions and gods of the world that we've held on

to throughout centuries have been far too effective in helping us create hatred, war, anger, and


Further, the Catholic Church will continue to experience problems, especially in regards to pedophilia

and its wrongful hostility toward homosexuals. Pope Benedict will be the last Pope before we see a

universal unity of religions. A widespread change in the belief system of humankind is upon us—in fact,

we are already starting to come together under a common belief system, and more and more people

will regard death as simply a transition from the human body into a higher dimension of being. As we

shift from religion to spirituality, individuals will use their abilities to harness energy for the purposes of

healing, to interact with others, and to create positive changes.

Humanity will come together in terms of leadership. The long-ruling systems of monarchy, papacy,

presidency, dictatorship, and so on won't survive. For example, Queen Elizabeth will be replaced by

Prince William, and he will be the last king of the British monarchy. We'll see more people of faith

guiding the world toward coming together as one global family. As a result, we'll accept each other the

way we are, help out in ways we never have before, and love each other unconditionally. This might

sound quite utopian, but the golden era that’s approaching will create a paradise, the way the earth was

originally designed.

The global population will reach seven billion before the date of December 21, 2012. It is interesting to

note that, according to United Nations estimates, the population entered the six billion mark around

October 12, 1999. Now, almost exactly 12 years later, we have increased to one billion more. In terms of

numerology, the number 12 represents a perfect cycle of time, so it seems that we are in accordance

with the Divine calculations of the universe. The fact that the number of people in the world is reaching

seven billion also foretells that we will reclaim our connection to the Divine: seven is a sacred number,

the number of God, and we will soon become seven billion souls united by our mutual faith in one all-

powerful Spirit.

Ironically, we had to wait until this time in history to reach this level because humanity is only now

entering the golden era and able to raise its consciousness. Before this time, we were killing each other

and not knowing why—it was because we were not allowed to hit this significant number seven as a

population and evolve. Only now are we equipped with enough wisdom, love, and desire for unity to

exist under the influence of such a Divine number. I predict that once we collectively reach the seven

billion mark, we will stop killing each other.

Brilliant new discoveries in the medical field will be aimed at reversing the aging process, and human

beings will live much longer. As a result, we'll enjoy healthier, more fulfilling, more peaceful lives in

harmony with nature and each other. We'll no longer depend on so many drugs, and we won't suffer

physically or experience so much fear.

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Our life spans will increase due to several different factors. Probably the most significant is that our DNA

is transforming. Carbon 12, the very basis of the human body, will transmute into carbon 7. Carbon 12

currently is composed of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons, lending it the energy of 6-6-6 . . . which

the book of Revelation in the Bible renders as the “number of the beast.” Until now, due to carbon 12’s

frequency in the natural world, we have been greatly influenced by this energy, which has manifested

itself throughout human history in war, hatred, killing, and a tendency toward destruction.

Very soon, however, the components of carbon within our DNA will change into 6 protons, 1 neutron,

and 6 electrons: 6-1-6, the components of carbon 7. Just as carbon 12 influenced our DNA negatively,

carbon 7 will affect us in a positive manner. This change in our genetic makeup will amplify

multidimensional thought and lead to higher levels of understanding. Thus, we will begin to see death as

a transition to a new plane of existence, and once and for all decipher the mystery of life after death.

History has referred to this interesting element in symbolic ways. The concept of Metatron’s Cube

contains 13 equal circles: six circles are placed in a hexagonal pattern around one central circle, while

the other six extend out along the same radial lines. Further, in Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper,

Jesus sits at the center of the table with six disciples on one side and six on the other.

Also leading to longer life spans are advancements in the medical field at the level of cellular behavior.

We will be able to heal illnesses such as cancer and autoimmune diseases by dealing with their source:

cells that malfunction. In addition, we will identify a fine, etheric substance that binds cells to each

other. This microscopic discovery will lead to a revolution in medicine as it will allow us to manipulate

positively the way in which cells relate to each other and react to outside influences.

The feminine energy will become stronger and more powerful, bringing unity and healing to us all. We

will begin to see increasing numbers of women as national leaders: the Divine feminine force will bring

unity and harmony between the energies of the sexes.

Barack Obama will be a one-term President.

Future generations will be much more knowledgeable, especially in the sense that they will be

connected to nature. The children of Earth will return to a dependency on, and respect for, the natural


The future of medicine lies in natural healing through wholesome foods, the mind, light therapy,

balancing our energy fields, and healing at the cellular level. We will witness amazing discoveries in

health care, especially in regards to reducing the need to cut into the body so often by understanding

the integrity of the body as a whole. Embryonic stem cells produced through therapeutic cloning will be

integrated into future therapies.

As a result of these changes, life on Earth will be far more harmonious and peaceful. I know it’s difficult

to envision a world like this with our present perspective, but we're evolving our thinking and finally

letting go of limitations. Look into the future and see us together. Start celebrating, and forget about the

negative predictions, which are simply vestiges of an era of darkness.

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Kala Ambrose’s Business Intuition Predictions For 2012 and the Decade Beyond

As a Business Intuitive, Kala Ambrose brings a wealth of

knowledge to corporations, businesses and individuals

providing insightful solutions with a competitive edge to

achieve their business and personal goals. Her consultations,

offered as The Office Oracles, are based upon her

background in public relations, marketing, and social

networking as well as her experience in the legal and

technology fields. Through her intuitive guidance, remote

viewing and forecast of business trends in the future, she

has the ability to unlock the mysteries to your business and

career life; creating a heightened ability to prosper and

maximize your potential and profits.

An accomplished entrepreneur, Kala brings her straight-

forward insights directly to the table and is respected for her

unique approach which allows her clients to see what needs to be changed to guide their career or

business to its highest potential. With a background in real estate and traditional Feng Shui, Kala also

offers guidance on the right property to house the business headquarters location.

"In this new decade, we are moving into a new Age of Enlightenment. The Aquarian information from

the gods can no longer be contained, the Divine Feminine is being released in all her glory and we will

once again see a Renaissance period, where great art, architecture, philosophy, literature and science

will develop and flourish. During this decade the greatest minds will stir, to share, to illuminate and to

build and create works and ideas that will be marveled around the world." -- Kala Ambrose

On the future of Business and Restoring the Economy

The answer is three-fold; Adaptability, Collaboration and Appreciation of Employees and the Ever-

Shifting Markets. As I predicted last year, employees are quitting their jobs in record numbers, despite

the tough economy and outlook on the job front. Driven to a point of exasperation and extreme job dis-

satisfaction, workers are leaving to start their own businesses or work for less money in a career where

they feel appreciated. Corporations will continue to see the brain and talent drain from their offices

until they realize that the age of demoralizing and taking talented employees for granted is over. Those

who attract the best and brightest will need to offer strong incentives and benefits like a retirement

package along with rewards for long term service and company loyalty.

Future trends in business include an expansion of the customization of products to personalize them for

the individual tastes of the consumer. Being an expert is in and random sales clerks are who are not

experts in the products they sell are out. It’s not time to train more factory workers, it’s time to innovate

to new technology in order to grow business and train people to become experts in the fields they enjoy

and are passionate about.

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More companies will allow for more telecommuting on at least a part time basis. Cubicles and in some

cases, entire offices will go away as companies look for more efficient ways to work using less

commercial office space. As we continue the global expansion of being available 24-7, working flex time

hours and shifts will become a popular option. This also creates new jobs, as companies need staff

available around the clock, so second shift hiring brings in new jobs. Flex hours are not only about shifts,

but the number of days working as well. The employers who are most popular will offer shifts including

working four day work weeks with ten to eleven hour shifts, giving employees three day weekends,

while opening up jobs for part time workers to work three day work weeks on a Fri/Sat/Sun schedule.

This allows younger generations four days a week to attend college or pursue other interests and also

allows baby boomers who wish to work part time the ability to do so while having other days available

to them to travel and enjoy their lives.

To be competitive, American companies will need to honor their employees and understand that work is

supposed to be part of their lives, not all of it. Smart companies will offer flex time and more vacation

time like their European counterparts. They will recognize that work will also need to have meaning and

depth to their employees and drone working is no longer viable. People must feel connected to the

products they build and the services they provide. They want to take pride in their work and what they

have made. Creative input is also important to recognize and reward with compensation. When

employees have creative outlets and the ability to daydream and think about ideas, companies will

benefit from these concepts as well as retain workers. When employees are again viewed as the most

important assets in the company, business will soar. As Henry Ford said, “Wealth, like happiness, is

never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service.”

The Future of Online Business and Shopping versus Big Box Retail Stores

People are looking for experiences. When you can have everything almost instantly at a discounted

price, the value comes in the experience and the credibility.

Many of those old establishment department/anchor stores in the malls that your parents and in some

cases grandparents shopped at, are on their way out. A few are trying some last ditch efforts to attract

the younger crowds with celebrity endorsements, but it’s too little too late. Many of these stores will

soon go the way of other old timers like Montgomery Ward, who remembers them now? Niche stores

are the wave of the future, as well as expert stores like the Apple Genius brand, rather than vague

random stores full of too many counter-intuitive products.

Apps continue to explode in growth including retail. One that I expect to see soon, is where I can walk

down the street and snap a photo of someone’s shoes as they walk by and the app will search this

photo, tell me who designed these shoes and then locate the ten closest retailers who sell the shoes and

give me a price comparison. The app would list the bricks and mortar retail stores, in case I want the

shoes on my feet in an impulse buy in the next ten minutes, and it would also offer online shopping

store versions in case I am willing to wait and order online for a better price.

Another app will be the Yard Sale app, where you can find local yard sales using GPS directions to get

there and even see photos of some items ahead of time that you are interested in. You can rank the

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yard sales by importance and plan your trip out according to the most efficient drive time and by

selecting the priority of items you are looking for.

The best option for bookstores to continue in business is to adapt, collaborate and appreciate.

Collaboration must come quickly by realizing that the age of the bookstore as a single source has passed.

To be interesting in their local area, they must become a hub of activity with a plethora of local events

to attract people into the store. The print books themselves become a secondary marketing item (think

going to a musical event and then buying the CD or tee shirt to take home from the event). Adaption

comes into play as stores move in the future to offering a print-on-demand service in the store where

books can be ordered and printed out instantly. Appreciation extends to authors and readers, offering

special services to frequent customers and inviting more authors to participate in the stores events, as

they bring their fan base to grow with them. Some events may include large screens in the stores where

authors Skype in regardless of where they are, to speak and interact with fans in the store.

Online shopping is only going to get bigger. One of the biggest fan markets for New Orleans Jazz is in

Japan. Imagine as these fans, who are half a world away, are able to watch videos and chat online in real

time with jazz artists, sales of online products will soar. Savvy musicians and other artists will learn to

offer live webinars and other live offerings via the net, including private concerts to people who pay and

register in advance. Just like in concert halls, they will perform to fans around the world via this online

presence, to those who aren't in the local area or live in one of the cities designated for a concert. This

new experience is unique and personalized.

Live chats and “ask the author/musician/artist a question” will become the new trend as well. Book

signings won't go away, in the future, you can order a custom ordered book by your favorite author,

where you pick from a choice of your favorite cover and the author customizes a personalized

dedication to you, along with their signature, which is all printed digitally and watermarked to ensure

the value of the book. Books also expand with digital downloads that come with each book purchase,

sometimes with tickets to private online events with the author and digital downloads to private

concerts and giveaways, only to those who purchase the book, which each one is printed with a custom

id to enter to win. Think of those random generated numbers when you are signing up for an email list,

the computer will randomly generate a code on each book printed, so there's no chance of guessing it

without purchasing the item first.

Online shopping will more than double in the next decade. To keep up with supply and demand, UPS

stores will create local stores with delivery boxes assigned to customers, similar to how people use P.O.

Boxes, except these will be larger to accommodate packages. This will fill a big need for as online

shopping and shipping increases, crime will quickly follow this trend and home delivery thefts will be on

the rise. Due to people’s work schedules, they are often not home when packages are delivered and

this need will rise. Enterprising companies will soon see that while shipping/pick up centers may work in

the cities, they will not work for suburban families and their needs. We’ll soon see the prototypes for a

new style of mailbox in neighborhoods, where mail is dropped in a slot in the box outside the home

when delivered and a digital pass code can be entered by UPS and other delivery companies to place

box deliveries inside this large mail/shipment box. Consumers give their password when ordering a

package online and this password is included when processing shipping orders to UPS and other


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The Secret to a Successful Bricks and Mortar Retail Store

The successful stores will stop complaining about the online stores taking business away from them and

instead become innovative and competitive again by offering to consumers what online stores can not,

which are – Retail Therapy through Impulse Buying and Expert One-Stop Shopping Experiences. Here

are some examples.

You’ve heard of Man Caves, now be on the look out for the “Man Store”. Like Abercrombie’s “models”

in their stores, the next evolution will be a man store, where men are outfitted with everything they

need in one stop shopping. This will be offered in a variety of ways. Think of a sports store, where the

man walks in and says... I want to go fly-fishing. An expert fly fisher guide is assigned as the person to

help this man and he takes him through the store, equipping him with the rod and reel he needs, along

with the appropriate vest, wading boots, hat, net and other equipment. He recommends a guide book

to be purchased, and can also interact with travel services with approved and selected fly fishing

locations which can include hotel and air travel if needed. This continues on and on, with “I want to go

to Pro Sports Game”, and the guide arranges tickets, sports memorabilia clothing and other gear, along

with any type of sports or outdoor activities. The man is loaded up with the gear, equipment, clothing,

reservations and other items needed.

Similar stores follow suit, with Man Stores or specialized Man Departments within the store with experts

Concierge’s assigned to help them, including: I just got a corporate job and need appropriate clothing, or

I need to wow a girl on a date and need the right outfit, a gift, and reservations to a restaurant or


In smaller cities and towns where guides are not available in the store, an online app version is offered

where you interact with the guide online through live video.

This trend continues with men, who want choices and personalization as much as women. Expect to see

more personalized stores, including specialized party foods, snacks and beers.

As this takes off, women follow suit, bringing back old department store techniques that used to bond

women to a certain store and keep them there all day. These stores will offer services that once existed

in upscale department stores including a place to dine inside the store along with spa services, including

makeovers with assigned expert concierges. The woman comes in and says “I have a date and need to

get ready” and spends the day at the store, having her hair done, nails done, skin care and makeup

applied, and then the expert concierge finds her the perfect outfit and accessories including shoes,

jewelry and purse. This concept extends to bridal parties and corporate job makeovers.

Each purchase at the store is logged into a program customized for the store, listing what the customer

had done with her hair, including what products were selected, who the stylist was, and what nail

polish, clothing, and makeup was used. This is emailed to the customer so that she can continue to

purchase the shade of lipstick that she loves or return to a favorite stylist at the store and of course,

book the expert concierge for a return visit. Girlfriend parties and mother/daughter outings are also

scheduled for women to shop together each with their expert concierge shopping with them in the

store. Themes include: I just got invited to a wedding; I’m going on a cruise or vacation, and similar

types of events.

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Technology is used further in these events. Computers scan the face of the woman and integrate what

hairstyles would be the most complimentary along with selecting the best shades of hair color and

cosmetics. Formulas via the computer are mixed like paint is mixed in home renovations stores, to

create the perfect formula of hair color for the person. This is also used in the makeup counters, to

create the perfect blend of foundation for the person. These custom blends are recorded so that the

person can retrieve this code and reorder this perfect blend over and over. Stores that offer these

services will begin to leave the malls, choosing instead to be a destination onto their own, holding

shoppers captivated as they receive makeovers from head to toe along with dining with friends and

family all in house. The retail costs for the stores is lower than in the malls and revenues go up as

shoppers remain in their store and don’t drift out to other markets.

Other stores catch on to this idea and offer experts in their stores, one can walk into a craft store for

example and say, I want to build model airplanes or I want to learn to quilt and experts are assigned to

them who guide them on what they need to purchase and information they need to accomplish this


Expert status also leads into other ventures. Restaurants innovate to allow nutritionists and chefs the

ability to work together to create new menus, which explain in greater detail why foods are healthy

choices and what nutrition they are providing. This creates a new food guide, where you are able to

choose wisely and be better informed on your choices. A guide is created with colors and symbols

showing which food groups are involved in each meal and at what level.

Blended bartering comes back into vogue in local restaurants. Local grown products by farmers are

offered to restaurants in return for farmers and their families eating the finished products at the

restaurant. Blended advertising is also shared, with the restaurant promoting the local farms and their

products available for sale at the farmer’s market and the farmers at the farmers market advertise to

their customers that they can eat their products in complete meals at the restaurants they partner with.

The customer appreciates the “from the farm to the table” collaboration experience and gains trust for

both parties.

Many restaurant franchises fold in this coming decade. They were too cookie-cutter and ran their

employees like cattle. Their desire to streamline took all the quality out of the experience and the

employees are not connected to the company due to low wages and mistreatment. Local businesses and

restaurants will be on the rise along with larger companies that allow employees to work their way up

the chain and see a long-term career with a company offering the ability to grow.

On the Future of Furniture and Design

North Carolina has been one of the nation’s leading furniture makers and has the ability to evolve again

and design the future. Engineers and designers will work together in teams, leading the way will be the

interaction with technology in furniture. Furniture will expand again in its multi-functional capacities and

most tables and chairs will be on wheels that pop out and tuck inside table legs when desired. Tables

will fold in and expand out on themselves, going from coffee table size to dining room table expansion,

along with desks, which take on double duty from side tables to full size working desks to fit in guest

room and offices.

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Lighting will also become more versatile, using remotes for color choices and dimming and will include

cables that allow consumers to raise and lower lights from the ceiling, helping with those chandeliers

that are impossible to clean up high in an entry area. Mood lighting with LED colors will soon be the hot

trend, similar to how neon was in the 1980s.

High Tech Fashion Meets Health Care

Remember mood rings in the 1970’s and those shirts that changed colors with body heat in the 1980s?

New technology will bring clothing that will not only change colors like this before, but this with more

helpful statistics and information. Clothing will change colors for athletes to warn them and their

coaches that they are overheating and need to cool down. Technology will be able to read other

medical problems as well and help alert the person to this situation before it occurs and hopefully can

be stopped.

Another area where we'll see this occur is in children's wear, with diapers that change color to alert the

parent to wetness and small chips in clothing that alert parents to babies running a temperature, some

through color and others with a chip inside the clothing that shows the body temperature on the pajama

top that the baby is wearing. Technology will also increase in removing body odors from clothing.

New breakthroughs in autism will be found by researchers by using music to communicate with autistic

children. Apps with music reward children by playing their favorite songs when they successfully

accomplish a task. Tonal sounds also guide them when they are closer to their goals or moving further

away. This spins off another technological innovation, in which blind people are helped with an app that

reads distance to buildings, curbs and other locations and alerts the blind person through tonal sounds

warning them when they are too close to something. This is then a feature added into GPS services as

GPS technology advances so that when blind people wish to go walking, they can follow verbal GPS

instructions, while also be alerted to hazards like buildings, water, trees, streets and oncoming cars and


A product that has needed renovating for a while is the toilet. In the future, we will see them become

more high tech. They will be able to analyze the urine to detect pregnancy and other medical conditions,

which can be detected through urine. Bidets will also be built into toilets, returning back to this sanitary

practice, rather than the current overuse of bleached toilet paper.

On Television and Media

Television is next to make a change. Reality TV as we know it, is soon over and people are tired of

overpaying for high priced cable to have nothing but more of the same on hundreds of channels. More

and more people will migrate to the web to watch shows and Internet based TV shows will become the

new trend, made just for the net, not seen on TV. Advertising is also completely shifting, rather than

blatant commercials that can be fast forwarded through on TIVO and DVR’s, product placement will

become king adopted first on Internet TV, which then pushes broadcast TV to follow suit. We’ll see

product placement in the sets with furniture and decor, along with the clothing worn by the stars on the

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programs, the stores they shop at, the places they eat, the cars they drive and the entertainment venues

they visit.

Speaking of TV’s, the next trend will be to make the TV screen operate like an iPad with a touch screen.

Like the app that I want to photograph shoes and find where to buy them, consumers will be able to

watch a TV show and see a product that interests them and touch the object which gives the name of

the product. This will appear first on Internet TV, where we’ll see advertisers jump on this product

placement market. When you touch the product on the screen, it will open onto a new browser window

where you can purchase the product. Talk about instant ratings and results for advertising!

On Housing and Commercial Real Estate Market

A housing readjustment is needed and interest rates will go up. New technology in housing will bring a

resurgence in the market, as developers turn their attention to renovating and rebuilding trendy

downtown areas with new features that attract buyers including tax breaks to buy new homes and

condos. These include environmental attractions such as solar panels, urban gardens and rooftop

gardens, as well as interior features such as moveable walls, in loft style apartments that allow people to

expand and contract their living space as needed. Imagine moving walls to open up the space for a party

and moving them back later to create a guest room when needed. Transportation will play a major role

in this economic development, as more cities get on board with public transportation and less cars

crowding the streets.

Another opportunity will be for some of the commercial office parks which are now empty, to be turned

into housing for a specific type of community, such as senior housing. Many of these commercial

buildings have excellent parking and cafeterias built into the buildings, along with large conference

rooms, all of which are feasible to turn into senior centers.

Federal and state governments may also offer tax breaks to the corporations who sell these centers at a

substantial discount to private schools who wish to turn them into educational centers as they already

have labs in place and are set for technology for a new 21st century style teaching.

One of the perks for technology corporations to do this is that the school includes the company name as

part of the naming of the school and this company may provide computers and guest teachers and

tutors to train students in technology. Others may be medical based and teach science and medicine or

offer the arts, humanities, and business. Corporations become sponsors of these new schools, and are

able to hire the best and brightest from these schools, which eliminate the need for college for some of

these students, being hired directly from this highly evolved and focused private high school with many

courses being at the collegiate level. Many students and parents will praise this idea as a highly effective

way to allow students to learn what interests them the most and get a jumpstart on creating what they

love as a career.

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Education and Employment Integrations

Some corporation’s jump on this school sponsored bandwagon with an integrated version of donating

part of their commercial space for a private school, while keeping the other buildings in their complex

strictly for employees. Students will be invited to participate at times with the company in projects.

Integration and real world training is key for the 21st century in order to engage new generations into

how business is moving and transforming so quickly.

With the rising costs of college, along with heavy student loan debt, entrepreneurship will become a

leading trend over going to college for many. Colleges will continue to be useful to educate doctors,

lawyers, and other specific schools of this need, but many will find they can train in specialized private

schools like this and jump off from this into the career of their choosing. The future will focus on how

creative and adaptive people are in their line of work, while recognizing that on the job training is highly

effective. Universities will become more specialized as well, focusing on medicine, law or other types of

specialized training.

Libraries evolve into expert centers, where the librarians themselves are engaging with the public to

help them with information they are seeking. Libraries become the new lecture centers, bringing in

authors to talk about their work, and video taping these segments to show online. As they evolve into

expert centers, they grow into a speaker’s bureau and their online presence grows. They also share

these videos with other libraries around the world. This leads to one of the largest expansions of

libraries as information sources with expert appeal. It becomes en vogue to speak at the library and be

filmed as an expert in your field and librarians work with schools and community resources to

recommend speakers and experts for events, receiving a fee for doing so by the speakers. College

libraries follow suit, offering video interviews and lectures from their professors including videos of labs,

in the field research and panel debates, offering more exposure to each professor’s and department’s

work. This expands into public school libraries allowing teachers to explain on video their curriculum for

the year, what they are teaching as well as tutorials for large projects assigned, so that parents can

watch these videos online and understand what is expected of their children in each class each year and

have advanced knowledge of the projects and due dates. Tutorials on courses are also offered online

through the school libraries. This eliminates the confusion between children relating assignments to

parents or limited paperwork that often doesn't make its way home.

To save money and expand, libraries also join forces with museums, sharing commercial space and

becoming living museums and learning centers through their combined efforts.

On Automobiles

Cars will evolve to include more personalized order. Rather than seeing giant car lots in the future with

rolled off the factory generic cars, consumers will be able to order more customization and hand pick

what they want and don't want in their cars. As iPad’s and other devices of this nature advance, cars will

come with designated areas that hold devices of this nature, which allow the consumer to use their iPad

for navigation, radio, TV and DVD showings, eliminating the need for these screens, as well as GPS and

other devices in the cars. The iPad attaches into the car and is able to be removed by the consumer

taking it with them throughout their day, so that all their personal interests stay with them.

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A new automobile feature will emerge which allows customers to customize the paint on their car, so

they can order a customized car with their company’s logo, their favorite sports team, or other brands

of your choice. Think of it as branding tattoo’s for the car. Interior options for seating with sport logos

and other brands will also be offered.

The key to innovation in this business and others will be all about quality and giving people specific

items that they desire.

On Politics

If she wants it, this is Hillary Clinton's election to win in 2012. She'd have to look past running against an

incumbent president, but he's ready to step down and let it happen. 2012 is her year to win.

On the Stock Market

2012-2014 present two more years of unstable market periods, which are needed to make necessary

changes and adjust the market from the enormous waves of instability. 2015 is a rebuilding year and

2016 brings new growth.

On the Future of Health Care

New healthcare options are available including video appointments with your doctor via a WEB MD

Skype-like channel that is set up between doctor offices and your insurance, so that you can pay your

deductible online, insurance is taken care of and you have a private consultation with your doctor online

via video.

This skyrockets, with new technology, including plug in machines going through your computer that

check your blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar with real time reports going directly to your

doctor during your video appointment with him. New technology expands with pulse oxidation and

other procedures. Nurse practitioners are also available for follow up meetings, and checkups. Parents

find this very helpful with sick children, rather than having to bring them to the office, though of course,

many times, this initial meeting will lead to the patient being scheduled to come into the office if the

doctor needs a more detailed exam of the patient.

In addition, this allows you to meet with other doctors and specialists covered in your insurance plan

that work in other states. Instead of traveling, if you want a second opinion by a specialist in New York,

while you are living in Arizona, you can arrange a video appointment online with this specialist for a

second opinion and have a meeting with them to confer about treatments. Medical billing is all done via

computer online and set up as well with long term payment options when needed.

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One of the groups to jump on this market will be plastic surgeons who set up “lay-a-way” type accounts,

where patients can create a savings account and pay into this account before having an elective plastic


Another feature will be that when you set up your account, you will be able to select the pharmacy of

your choice and when you doctor prescribes a medication for you, he will be able to do this online while

meeting with you and online order the prescription for you at the pharmacy of your choice. Since this

prescription is typed in, there is less chance of error by pharmacists attempting to read poor

handwriting by doctors. You are also able to have a record of your prescription, how long you have been

on medications and will receive online notices when a prescription needs to be refilled.

Doctors making house calls will also become popular, where they follow up visiting patients with long

term care and disabilities and for patients who are ill with flu and other conditions making it hard for

them to get out of bed.

Doctors will work with companies who can come in and assess the house for the best in home health

care and treatment such as for long-term illness and even better designs in the home for those who

suffer with asthma and allergies. Some doctors will choose to have smaller offices, choosing instead to

rent space inside or near hospitals and bounce between their small office and making house calls.

In home personalized services are on the rise, from private yoga instruction to chefs who come in and

cook meals for a week and refrigerate them, to doctors making house calls and therapeutic services like


Drug manufacturers will ask to advertise on these online programs, offering coupons for products also

available in the pharmacy.

Careers that Must Adapt to Thrive

General Life Coaches fall out of favor; instead Experts in their particular field of expertise are hired to

give advice and coach. Much like you go to a specialist for a medical procedure, you work with an Expert

Coach in the particular field that you are interested in pursuing. The Coach has years of experience and

education in their field and can also be hired to come on board and work for the company as a

contracted consultant for a period of time. This leads to new career paths where executives who were

pushed out of corporations in early retirement, can continue to work in the fields they love and share

their years of experience.

Contractors need to think outside the box to start drumming up business during this construction slump.

Out of work construction and home renovation companies need to become more innovative.

Collaborative efforts will benefit both companies and customers such as approaching subdivisions,

which have councils that send out newsletters to everyone in the subdivision, introducing the

contractors to a new market. Contractors who offer a discount to a subdivision where three or more

neighbors book the work at the same time can be very beneficial. If for example a contractor builds

screen porches, they can offer a subdivision wide discount where if homeowners purchase this project

during this three-month period, they will receive a substantial discount. Book all the jobs in this

subdivision and keep your crew in this one area working for an entire quarter. This way when one job

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slows down due to the need for an inspection or parts that didn’t arrive, crews can quickly move to

another house in the same subdivision and begin work on a tear down or framing and move back to the

other house when parts and supplies arrive. Along with cutting down travel costs and drive time for

crews, it allows for multiple deliveries to arrive at one subdivision, for multiple houses. In addition, the

community enjoys watching the progress on each house and comparing notes on the various designs. If

they like your work, they’re guaranteed to recommend you to other subdivisions and you can book out

each quarter ahead of time. This also works for roofers, porches, additions, and inside work, tiling,

windows, hardwood floors, the possibilities continue and also work well for landscapers and interior


Speaking of landscapers, a new trend will be a “make over my yard on a budget”, where you offer one

stop shopping and pricing to make over a yard. Also make over my house for a party will be popular,

where a crew arrives to decorate the front yard for Halloween parties, with bales of hay, scarecrow,

pumpkins, mums, characters and decorations. This also works for Christmas with lighting and décor.

Homeowners like the “no mess, no muss, no storage option”, as your service includes removing all the

décor after the holiday. Busy homeowners no longer have to be on ladders stringing lights or

determining where to store giant Santa’s, reindeer and other décor. Offering these services to an entire

subdivision again, where they book out in advance, maximizes profits and time.

More about Kala Ambrose

Kala Ambrose is an business intuitive, wisdom teacher, inspirational speaker and voice of the highly

acclaimed The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show, which currently features over 300 interviews with

world renowned authors, artists, teachers and researchers discussing metaphysical, spiritual and

paranormal topics. She is the award-winning author of 9 Life Altering Lessons: Secrets of the Mystery

Schools Unveiled, Ghosthunting North Carolina and The Awakened Aura: Experiencing the Evolution of

Your Energy Body and writes for the Huffington Post, the Examiner and for a variety of magazines about

intuition, spirituality and empowering lifestyle choices along with her national Ask Kala column, where

she answers questions directly from her readers.

Kala Ambrose is a highly interactive teacher on a mission to educate, entertain and inspire. She teaches

workshops on Developing Business Intuition, Understanding Auras, Chakras and Energy Fields, Mystery

Schools and their Healing Temples, and Wise Woman Wisdom around the U.S. at the Omega Institute,

the Learning Annex, Lily Dale Assembly and online via the Daily Om and John Edward's Infinite Quest.

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2012 Psychic Predictions: Matt Fraser's Economic and Financial Forecast

As we make our way into the New Year of 2012, we will begin to

see new changes taking place. The 2012 year will be the year of

new beginnings and relationships. We will be using this year to

pay off bills, change residence and start off new with a clean slate.

2012 will be the focus of finding love and happiness in our

relationships and around our home. We will begin to see the

economy starting to come back along with new jobs that will start

to become available about half way through the year. New

government projects will be announced around March that will

help with creating jobs. Financial matters will be taking care of and

this will be the year to plan the trip of your dreams.

With community events becoming more popular we will begin to see new changes take place within our

town and the opportunity to get involved more. This summer, is going to be one of the hottest we have

seen so get your sun block ready!

Use this year to reinvent yourself and eliminate stress from the previous year!

Matt Fraser talks to dead people and says they have a lot to say! Matt is both a Clairvoyant and Clair-

audience Psychic/Medium and is constantly in tune with and motivated by the spiritual world! From

early ages Matt has been able to contact those who have passed on, and he has decided to go public

with his amazing talents! He is a 2011 Esteemed Member of Best American Psychics and has appeared

on pay per view segments on The Learning Annex, and has been tested as legitimate by Best American

Psychic's. He is today's version of a real life ghost whisperer. Over the past year, Matt has appeared on

numerous radio talk shows and has been featured on The Learning Annex and has even been invited to

appear on Television’s International Psychic Challenge.

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2012 Psychic Predictions: Reiki Master Elaine Clayton Natural Disasters

My predictions for 2012 and/or beyond...

Underwater earthquakes and land-slides (cliff crumbles and falling

rocks into the sea) can cause potential tsunamis.

More land shifts and floods, heavy rains and extreme weather,

tree diseases in 2012.

Geographical changes in water levels in Florida, southern Texas

(Gulf), California and Mexico.

Heightened stress and tension in people as financial/economic

disorder increases world wide.

Schools begin new ways to alter current and traditional schedules

and teaching practices in order to save millions (some areas make drastic changes while others


Increased failures in government to follow through on social security and other (resources depleted).

Potential for some kind of nuclear danger in the Pacific West Coast.

More innovation and success in alternative living as well as more group housing. Large homes will house

more than one family.

Innovations/inventions in emergency or alternative food preparation. I dreamed of one such food

cooker using solar power, wire, foil, and cardboard.

Expect the unexpected as you go through each day; sudden shifts and destruction of worn-out patterns

in general, large societal, governmental and professional entities failing and more people rebelling in


Expect ingenuity and creative solutions to problems; people joining and deepening consciousness.

Remember that people can change the negative into positive and we can avoid many disasters by our

intent to bring positivity and light to the darkness

I am a figurative artist, author and illustrator of books for children, parent, spouse and former teacher

and certified Reiki Master. For years, I’ve done Intuitive/Psychic Readings for family, friends, and others

who wanted a reading. Over those years, the more art and books and teaching and readings I did, the

more I understood that I am entirely devoted to the healing arts. All my art is about reaching points of

illumination, and as I’ve evolved, I’ve found that at my core, healing myself and others is my passion.

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2012 Psychic Predictions: Pattie Canova's Wake Up Call

First and foremost, there is nothing looming re: the Mayan calendar.

They have no written text, code, or notation that 2012 is a year for

anything in particular or specific. They believed in 16 levels of initiation

and the circuitry of time, and this is an encircling of time based on that

belief. So Mayans and Aztecs aside, 2012 will be what it is - a #5 year.

Ever since the year 2000, it’s all about the #2. That is Moon energy,

Women/Female/Feminine/Receptive, Cosmic and Divine Mother energy

with many ‘holy, virgin, sightings’ reported. The #2 energy is why the

men in power struggle. The year 2000 may have ushered in the Feminine

Energetic System, but still America and other countries are loaded with

bias as to the place for Women in Power. And so, the chaos continues

until women stop acting like men, stop quoting men, and step up and take a deep breath of Self-

Empowerment and realize that government is not only necessary until it’s not, but is a cooperative (#2

energy), a partnership (#2 energy) and put in motion the supporting vitality to help those/nurture those/

who need it most. (#2 Energy) But this article is about 2012/double 2’s and a 1, and as I said that’s a #5

year: a Moon/Sun/Jupiter/Moon energy year. A year focused on communications, media, Energy,

Engineering, the young, the immature, the irrational, the inventive, innovative, death-its purposive/

reality, and cha-cha-cha changes!!!

On the Horizon in 2012...

1. Coming off the insane energy of the primaries, the year starts out in continued madness. Where

politicians continue to serve up fear and hate and divisiveness as the feast for the masses. Forcing their

agenda instead of the agenda of the people. The crises are fed by the lack of sincere awareness and

power plays. The need for the media to keep the crazy in a full tilt boogie is still ‘in the house.’ On the

horizon, on the fringe, new, strong voices can be heard. Voices where there is Reason. Reason is the

Chariot of Spirit. When people are quoting the Bible as though they understand what the hell it says, we

have some serious bedlam on the loose. Saints, Prophets, Apostles and Seekers know that what comes

to us as Enlightenment is quiet and private and in a language we can understand. Spirit does not foster


2. Changes, gathering vitality since 10/2011, will surface after May as that is when a lot of the chaos will

‘seem’ to subside. Much focus on businesses, both big and small, food, droughts, and health-care and

health matters. In the news: sudden marital and business breakups. Professional/global alliances once

strong will pull apart. Keep your eye on a letter “G.” The months from July to October will be significant

for undercurrents/side deals and what makes us anxious.

3. #5 years are about facing the Dragon: that issue of life where we believe that what we are facing is

bigger than us and too difficult to handle. Keyword: FLEXIBILITY….with a healthy side order of gratitude

in all things.… for those of us who ‘get it,’ we are aware that we cannot go about doing things the same

way any longer. The dragon in the room is the refusal to change.

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4. The Letter “E” will be in the news across the globe: The Euro, Economy, Energy, Equality,

Employment, Enjoyment, Excesses, Extremes, Eric Cantor (who needs an Exorcism), Exercise, Exxon, the

Enervating Entitled, England, Egomania, Existentialism will resurge, Earthquakes, Eggs as a power

protein, Ecology/Earth depletions and new secrets, Extermination of our fellow man, Ethiopia, Ecuador,

Queen Elizabeth health matters/mobility issue, Ethics (the lack of/the need for), Enlightenment, and

Equipment: mechanical, farming; telekinetic; x-rays; internet, medical, food. Education and the need for

reform, trimming the fat of the admins, and retraining those that teach.

5. An upsurge of aggression, violence, murders, belief in magic, paganism, and unexpected fluctuations

that seem out of our control. These world events, and tidal waves (literally and figuratively) are

necessary as we, as a collective, have made a bigger decision … to either awaken or to avoid all

responsibility and blame others. A woman of dark hair and outside, non-American (that’s NON-

American, not un-American) will step in to help us achieve a long sought goal then undermine us.

6. The oceans will be looked at more closely as a source for healing, energy, and desalinated, drinking

water. Some species of fish will come very close to or go extinct, while new species of sea life emerge.

The ocean holds many secrets, not just ancient treasures lost thru ship-wrecks and piracy but as a

replacement for energy power.

7. New fossils discovered; countries annihilating or incarcerating their countrymen who disagree with

their fanatical systems. If your God is the right God, why do you think It needs defending? Don’t you

think It will simply tell us of Itself?

8. Terrorist cells uncovered in South America. New radicalism. Revolutions. As I predicted last year, a

global leader would fall and countries would rise and fade. It continues. CIA and Secret Ops at their most

covert. Youth tired of the wars and oppression trying to find connection for a new ideal = Uranus in Aries

or Chiron in Pisces. The wounds of religion, faith and fanaticism, wounded religious leaders challenged,

and new Spiritual Leaders speak to the wounded on how to heal.

9. Institutional closures when we need them most. Medical frustrations as well as breakthroughs.

10. Gold and Silver continue to rise in price until those in charge of that currency say otherwise. Copper

and its benefits will be a new metal/mineral in the news…good investment.

11. Countries and cities/states changing boundary lines or names.

12. Radiological breakthroughs on sonar, radar, and infrared improvements.

13. Dietary issues: along with diabetes, people with digestive, esophageal, and Thyroid problems will

increase. Gout?

14. Michelle Bachman will NOT be president. Nor will Sarah Palin. Obama will get another term. He

really is a future voice. Not really geared to the ear of the current times. He needs to look more directly

at people. But this guy who never should have won, (but I knew he would) keeps pulling off the

unexpected. Nancy Pelosi, who refused to entertain the impeachment of George W Bush, without

replacing it with the move toward indictment of War Crimes, should step down.

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15. Kate Middleton and Prince William become pregnant. She is a mighty, stable force. He is still

maturing. Emotionally, he is similar to his mother, but Kate will set a new example. She is a quiet, force

of Power.

16. Fraud in banks, health firms, and big business will continue. Equities and Exchange funds will again

be embezzled. Wall Street still on the sunny side of greed can’t seem to kick the habit of the ‘gimme’s’.

Since 2000, there’s been a shadow over the land.

17. Droughts, cooking shows still big, Greece and Italy still struggling, but an unexpected suggestion

brings a change toward the positive after July.

18. Then suddenly it will seem as though the economy is better, money is looser and unemployment

may drop from 17% to about 12%. I know the reports say we’re at 9+%, but it’s higher than what’s


19. A new breed of Hollywood/musical/TV talent will emerge this year. We hang on celebrities for the

fantasy and escapism. Rumbles underground in Hawaii. A major gas leak in Northern waters. More mass

murders by fanatics/like the one in Finland. Note: We are forgetting our children…our greatest resource.

20. Major or fatal crises for Dick Cheney.

Often called ‘The Rock Star of Insight’, for over 20 years Pattie Canova has been speaking on the hurdles,

visions , & ‘signs’ along the Road to Awakening. She is an intuitive, with a degree in Spiritual Counseling.

Canova is an author, writer, and has had an autobiographical, One-Woman show, most recently called,

SOULED OUT, running Off and Off-Off Broadway for over 10 years. A native, NYC, story-teller she shoots

from the hip. And her Irish/Italian heritage bestows a no-frills attitude. Her clients are grateful for her

discretion. ‘It’s like a confessional and it’s no one’s business!’ Pattie has an extensive background in

Spirituality, Metaphysics, ordained at St. John the Divine, -she is an Interfaith Minister. (no religion-all

faiths)- She teaches through candor and wit. Invited by Rubin Museum of Art to speak on their Jung Red

Book series, her evening was SRO. And much like Irish Abbot- Mark Patrick Hederman, believes that

Tarot is a great guide to the unknown. Her predictions have an uncanny accuracy but it’s her spot on

insight that screams: THIS IS (Y)OUR WAKE-UP CALL!

Page 27: 2012 Psychic Predictions - Cloud Object Storage | Store ... Psychic Predictions: Carmen Harra Forecasts 2012 World Events The year 2012 seems like a frightening prospect to many; we


Tarot Diva Sasha Graham's 2012 Predictions

A religious zealot with an end of the world scheme comes to

media attention and gains many followers. You will do well

to think for yourself and not follow the crowd. Just because

someone says something does not make it true.

The economy rebounds in a big way thanks to government

incentives, including bonuses for consumers with less credit

debt. Smart savers will breath a sigh of relief while those

who have overspent had better review their monetary


The Moon’s influence is particularly strong in 2012 and

global tectonic plates continue to shift. Pay attention to your dreams and your own psychic pops. A

message will rise out of your subconscious you need to pay attention to. Follow your instincts and the

world opens for you.

Lightening storms prevail with greater intensity in the summer months. Heed any storm warnings, find

safe cover and then use the metaphor of a lightning bolt for creative inspiration and messages from the


Beware of political upheaval in hot and humid countries and plan your vacation accordingly. You never

looked so good with passport in hand and suitcase at your side. Enjoy a fabulous trip!

A young Stephen Spielberg protégée releases a big budget film that breaks barriers and captures the

imagination of the country. A huge upset at the Academy Awards is cause for massive media speculation

and national obsession. Pick your favorite red carpet star and pimp some of her style for yourself!

For Sasha Graham, Tarot is Life. She incorporates the beauty, mystery and magic of the deck into her

every breath. With the help of the cards, she's learned to empower herself by helping you. She'll ignite

your intuition by allowing the Tarot to blaze the trail you secretly know you're bound to follow. Sasha

believes in the cards and she believes

Page 28: 2012 Psychic Predictions - Cloud Object Storage | Store ... Psychic Predictions: Carmen Harra Forecasts 2012 World Events The year 2012 seems like a frightening prospect to many; we


2012 Psychic Predictions: Kelly Hampton's New World Order

I would like to quell some of the fears of 2012 and the Mayan calendar, the

prophecies of the Mayan calendar. Let me restate, that while there may be

some eruptions within Mother Earth between now and 2012 Mother Earth is

going to be reborn, will be re-birthed. Let me reassure those who are living in

fear that 2012 signifies the end of the world; your fears are simply unfounded.

The New World Order will come into existence by 2012 and it will continue for

at least a thousand years thereafter. What is it then? As spoken of in many of

your texts, it is a time of salvation. To this, I would agree. It is not, however, as

in some texts and propagations, the Armageddon—the end of the world. The

New World Order is an overthrow around the globe of all of those manmade ‘things,’ ‘constructs,’ and

‘conventions’ that are run by ill minds by ill formed desires.

What can souls expect in 2012? They can expect friendships developing amongst strangers. They can

expect varying degrees of physical ailments, which are temporary. There will be a restructuring of the

world’s financial centers and the plant and animal kingdom will continue to modify its molecular DNA

structure. You can expect some reforestation; expect to learn of forests that will need to die in order for

trees with new DNA to take their place.

It is not, however, as in some texts and propagations, the Armageddon - the end of the world. The New

World Order is an overthrow around the globe of all of those manmade ‘things,’ ‘constructs,’ and

‘conventions’ that are run by ill minds by ill formed desires.

Excerpted from 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael by Kelly Hampton, Balboa Press,

2010. Used with Permission.

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