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EX 1B Verb Tense Final Test

Cumulative Verb Tense Review

1 When Carol (call) last night I (watch) my favorite showon television

2 I (work) for this company for more than thirty years and Iintend to stay here until I retire

haron (love) to travel he (go) aroad almost everysummer $et year she plans to go to amperu

homas is an author e (write) mystery novels and travel memoirs

e (write) since he was twentyeight +ltogether he (write)

seven novels three collections of short stories and a ook of poetry

We were late ecause we had some car prolems -y the time we (get)

to the train station usan (wait) for us for more than two hours

am (try) to change a light ul when he (slip) and (fell)

0veryday I (wake) up at o clock (eat) reakfast at

o clock and (leave) for work at o clock owever this morning I

(get) up at 34 (skip) reakfast and (leave) forwork late ecause I (forget) to set my alarm

5ight now 6im (read) the newspaper and 7athy (make)

dinner 8ast night at this time they (do) the same thing he (cook)

and he (read) the newspaper omorrow at this time they (do

also) the same thing he (prepare) dinner

and he (read) hey are very predictale people

9 -y this time net summer you (complete) your studies and

(find) a o I on the other hand (accomplish not)

anything I (study still) and you

(work) in some new high paying o

14 he students (e usually) taught y rs onty owever this

week they (e) taught y r anlter

= = = = = = = = = = = =11

6ane talks on the phone-o has een talking on the phone for an hourary is talking on the phone

Who is not necessarily on the phone nowgt12I m going to make dinner for rankI m making dinner for 6udy

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I ll make dinner for aryI make dinner for edI will e making dinner for ony

Who are you offering to make dinner forgt16ane left when im arrived-o left when im had arrived

im arrived when ary was leaving6ohn had left when im arrived+fter im arrived rank left

Who did not run into imgt16ane is talking in class-o always talks in classary is always talking in class

Whose action others yougt1 6ane never left 6amestown

-o has never left 6amestownWho is still alivegt

EX 2 B Opposites - Exercise 2

Word list pposites0ercises pposites

ill in the opposites of the given words into the gaps

word opposite










EX 3 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash McDonaldrsquos

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 he first cAonaldBs restaurant was opened Aick and ac cAonald

the 1 th ay 194

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2 he est selling products their restaurant were hamurgers

o the cAonald rothers thought a way to produce hamurgers moreuickly

his was introduced 19 and ecame known the peedee

ervice ystem he first franchised cAonaldBs restaurant was opened 19 and

today you can find cAonaldBs restaurants more than 144 countries

he meats the urgers vary the culture thecountry

ranchisees and future managers cAonaldBs restaurants are trained

amurger Dniversity which is located ak -rook a suur


cAonalds is also known its sponsorship variousinternational sport events

EX B ocalar$Choose the word or phrase that means the same as the nderlined word or phrase

1 ophia owler Eallaudet was the deaf wife of homas opkins Eallaudet whofounded the first permanent pulic school for the deafa temporary residentialc lastingd important

2 he ecame a modest gay and charming young ladya humle modernc cheerfuld arrogant

ophia didn t hesitate and married him in 1 21a plan

want toc take a long time to decided confide

he often met with memers of Congress and other prominent men in order togain support for her goalsa government promisingc not famousd famous and important

he helped to otain funds to found and maintain Eallaudet College

a get orderc oserved send

Eallaudet has preserved her memory y naming owler all in her honor

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a encouraged promisedc kept alived ignored

ophia was nineteen years old when her parents learned that a school for thedeaf had een founded in artford Connecticuta located estalishedc lostd discovered

EX B Participlesamp Proposition 2

1 amproposition 21 is a twoyearold law (intend) FFF to allow seriously illpeople in California to use mariuana as medicine

2 uch ill people carry a doctor s note (verify) FFF that they suffer fromchronic pain or serious disease

teve cWilliams is a person who uses mariuana daily to deal withconstant pain (result) FFF from several car accidents

+nother person who was (delight) FFF when proposition 21 passed was 0van7eliher of an Aiego

7eliher said it was (relieve) FFF to use mariuana legally after thirtyyears of eing a Gcloset mariuana smokerG

7eliher who is a former arine and (retire) FFF school teacher wasdiagnosed with glaucoma in the 19 4s

e egan to smoke pot in 19 after hearing that it helped relieve intraocular pressure (cause) FFF y glaucoma

e had een using eye drops ut his eye sight was steadily (weaken) FFF

9 Aoctors (treat) FFF him at that time predicted that he would e lind ynow

14 hough he can no longer see in his left eye his eyesight in hisright eye is (amalte) FFF

11 e is so (satisfy) FFF with the results from mariuana that he wrotea ook called GErandpa s ariuana andookG

12 7eliher wants to teach older people who are sick and (suffer) FFF howto use mariuana

1 till there are many prolems (face) FFF law enforcement officers inCalifornia

1 ariuana (grow) FFF for medicinal purposes is legal ut how much isnecessarygt

1 8aw enforcement officers feel it will take time for the medicalmariuana law to e (enforce) FFF fairly

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EX ( B )ill in the opposites o the +ien words into the +aps

word opposite











EX B he illa+e oice

he woman had een sent to the village y the Eovernment ut shedid not act like an official he humly asked permission to addressthe village elders GI ve come to help your childrenG she said Grto take them away from usG the mothers whispered and hid theiroffspring

he elders were suspicious too ut let her have a hut the mostdilapidated in the village hat was how to get rid o f an unwanted guest 8eela carried her own water from the distant well andgathered wood for the cooking he village watched +t first makingher hut haitale and doing asic chores took all her time ut shewas going to stay

he children gradually came out of hiding 8eela aked sweets anddelicacies ut only one or two succumed to the temptation he-lack Witch the villagers called her her skin was darker thantheirs GIf the -lack Witch catches youG the mothers warned Ghewill turn you into a wolfG -ut daring children suffered no harm

8eela addressed the village council again he Eovernment had givenher a small food allowance for the children ut only for those whocame to her class +ll oys and girls etween the ages of three andfive were welcome ometimes she treated them to a handful of riceand lentils or a little porridge sometimes to peanuts or walnuts

irst ust a few came hen a dolten then more 0very morning 8eelawashed them at the well something their mothers did perhaps onceor twice a month he com ed their hair daily not ust forfestivals If a child s sleeve was torn she sewed it on ratherthan leave it to tear further -ut what the mothers appreciated most

was the time they gained to work in the fields without the childrenround their feet

he day 8eela was too ill to take the class the village was throwninto confusion amparents had come to epect their new freedom hewomen looked in on her and rought her milk and heral remedies$et day she was etter

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$ow 8eela felt confident enough to say to one of the mothers3 GHouroy is the dirtiest in the class Hou should wash him more oftenG

When he arrived unwashed net day she sent him home e missed hisporridge he following morning his face was scrued and his wethair smooth 8eela rewarded him with a smile and a sliver of soap

he told a girl with a torn frock to come ack when it was mended he mother promptly complied

8eela no longer had to wash the children and mend their clothes not often anyway heir parents had come to depend on her to lookafter the children and were prepared to pay her price

$ow 8eela could carry out the second stage of her plan he invitedthe women to an 0nglish class to teach them child care heeplained why cleanliness and diet were important he villagersgrew very few vegetales GHou should grow moreG she insisted heyasked her why he improvised3 G hey increase your lood supplyG+nd flies were ad she said

he men told their womenfolk to stay away from the class If theyspent their evenings with 8eela the husands would have to carrywater and dehusk the rice for supper themselves instead oflounging in the temple s uare he women oeyed reluctantly heevening classes petered ou t ut some of the younger wives keptsneaking ack hey were curious aout the outside world and wantedto hear more

he husands grew angry 8eela was spoiling their wives ome wereeven showing signs of reellion Where would it endgt he villageelders had een right to distrust her from the start he must go

hey tried again to make life difficult for her ut she remainedundaunted he man who owned her hut decided he wanted it for hisrelatives +nother villager one of the few men to appreciate herwork offered her his spare hut

he children still came to the morning class even when the foodsupply gave out as if often did he saw that as her maorachievement $ew haits were eing formed $ow when they were oldenough they were more likely to go to the proper school outside thevillage rather than gralte the cattle he was getting somewhere

-ut the villagers continued to plot against her ne day hersuperiors received an anonymous letter oon she was summoned totown

imalayan illage

Eapfill eercise with a reading tet 5ead the tet and fill inthe gaps in the eercise

and as as ack children come endeven feel first hoped men more muchneeded of parents she that he this

to educate to gain when with

8eela came to the village the parents as much the

children and the part of her plan was the confidence of

the and their children In she was successful he

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didn t like 8eela very though ecause they were lalty she

was not +lso was ecoming too friendly their wives 8eela

realilted she had een successful she found that the

were coming to school when there was no food they no

longer to e ried to to school In the the plan

was not successful as she had ecause she was called

to town y her superiors villagers had egun to that

their traditional way life was eing threatened

EX B )ill in the words rin+ or ta0e in their ri+ht orms into the +aps

0ample3 enry can I FFFF you a cup of coffeegt

+nswer3 enry can I ring you a cup of coffeegt

1 this ook to the lirary please

2 Could you me some water pleasegt

e often his sister to her aunt

When you come to my party don t forget to something to drink

Is ampeter teve to my partygt

e is out the ruish now

Can you the CA to your uncle pleasegt

y husand often flowers when he comes home

9 Would you this to the shop for megt

14 Can you the car to the garage on Wednesdaygt

EX 1 B arios estions

1 +s FFF he forgot to ring his noteook to schoola usual usually

2 e speaks neither 0nglish FF rencha or nor

FFF do you call that in 0nglishgta ow What

he teacher eplained FFFa the lesson to the student the student the lesson

e was charged FFF murdera with

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he storm prevented FFF on a picnica us to go us from going

he students have no difficulty FFF the eercisea in doing to do

he committee comprises FFF with widely different viewsa men of men

9 + man s concept of lierty is different from FFFa a woman a woman s

14 e oects FFF treated like a childa to e to eing

11 I FFF here for three yearsa am teaching have een teaching

12 a Can you give me FFF details pleasegta further farther

1 iacking is considered a FFF serious crime than kidnappinga more most

1 Aoes he FFF his mother or fathergta resemle to resemle

1 he oy FFF father is a famous scientist has won the priltea whose who s

1 FFF is a great virtuea he wisdom Wisdom

1 e typed FFFa the report carefully carefully the report

1 FFF he didn t like her he invited her outa owever +lthough

19 We FFF the pictures on the walla hung hanged

EX 4 B

5odrigo3 Ao you know if -eeHun to the dance on ridaygt


I m not sure he to the last one and I knowshe the music they play -ut I shelikes 7oshiro and he will e there so maye she too

Words off bull hasn5t

+onebull doesn5t


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bull isn5ten6o$in+

bull +oesbull will +obull thin0bull didn5t +obull am

thin0in+bull wasn5t


bull is +oin+

EX B Con6nctions

Comine the sentences sin+ the con6nction +ien in parenthesesDo not chan+e the order o the sentences

1 hey got married hey had to learn to manage their own home (after)

2 e went cralty is wife urnt his reakfast (when)

Hou can hear what I m saying Hou keep uiet (if)

I won t invite my classmates to a party I know them well (until)

e arrived home I had already cleaned the house (y the time)

he first uilt was easy his one is etremelly difficult (whereas)

he s snoish ampeople like her (yet)

We re roke We can t uy anything (since)

9 e failed e won t give up his ideals (even though)

14 e fell asleep e was watching the film (while)

EX 2 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash 7lr

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 Dluru is located central +ustralia

2 he large sandstone rock formation is also known +yers 5ock

honour ir enry +yers who was a ampremier outh

+ustralia 1

Dluru is listed a World eritage +rea oth its naturaland cultural values

It is sacred the +original people the area

different times the day Dluru seems to change colour

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he sandstone is infused minerals that reflect the red light

sunrise and sunset

EX 3 B he itanic

1 he itanic FFF in -elfast (Ireland)a had een uilt was uiltc was eing uilt

2 he itanic represented the FFF word in oceangoing science and luurya last latterc late

he ship started FFF maiden voyage on +pril 14th 1912

a her yourc it

he itanic FFF an iceerg and FFF on the night of +pril 1th 1912a striked sank struck sankc struck sunken

ne of the itanic s distinguishing features FFF that it was FFFa was unsinkale was nonsinkalec were unsinkale

It s elieved that of the 222 people FFF oard aout 1 44 did notsurvivea in atc on

n the lifeoats there was FFF for half of the passengersa enough room to only enough only roomc only enough room

he great maority of the passengers FFF survived were traveling first

classa whom whoc which

9 Women and children were given priority FFF men when the lifeoats werelowered into the seaa to overc on

14 $oody FFF that this was the greatest marine disaster of all timea must deny can denyc has to deny

EX B En+lish est - 2

Hour est

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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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I ll make dinner for aryI make dinner for edI will e making dinner for ony

Who are you offering to make dinner forgt16ane left when im arrived-o left when im had arrived

im arrived when ary was leaving6ohn had left when im arrived+fter im arrived rank left

Who did not run into imgt16ane is talking in class-o always talks in classary is always talking in class

Whose action others yougt1 6ane never left 6amestown

-o has never left 6amestownWho is still alivegt

EX 2 B Opposites - Exercise 2

Word list pposites0ercises pposites

ill in the opposites of the given words into the gaps

word opposite










EX 3 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash McDonaldrsquos

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 he first cAonaldBs restaurant was opened Aick and ac cAonald

the 1 th ay 194

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2 he est selling products their restaurant were hamurgers

o the cAonald rothers thought a way to produce hamurgers moreuickly

his was introduced 19 and ecame known the peedee

ervice ystem he first franchised cAonaldBs restaurant was opened 19 and

today you can find cAonaldBs restaurants more than 144 countries

he meats the urgers vary the culture thecountry

ranchisees and future managers cAonaldBs restaurants are trained

amurger Dniversity which is located ak -rook a suur


cAonalds is also known its sponsorship variousinternational sport events

EX B ocalar$Choose the word or phrase that means the same as the nderlined word or phrase

1 ophia owler Eallaudet was the deaf wife of homas opkins Eallaudet whofounded the first permanent pulic school for the deafa temporary residentialc lastingd important

2 he ecame a modest gay and charming young ladya humle modernc cheerfuld arrogant

ophia didn t hesitate and married him in 1 21a plan

want toc take a long time to decided confide

he often met with memers of Congress and other prominent men in order togain support for her goalsa government promisingc not famousd famous and important

he helped to otain funds to found and maintain Eallaudet College

a get orderc oserved send

Eallaudet has preserved her memory y naming owler all in her honor

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a encouraged promisedc kept alived ignored

ophia was nineteen years old when her parents learned that a school for thedeaf had een founded in artford Connecticuta located estalishedc lostd discovered

EX B Participlesamp Proposition 2

1 amproposition 21 is a twoyearold law (intend) FFF to allow seriously illpeople in California to use mariuana as medicine

2 uch ill people carry a doctor s note (verify) FFF that they suffer fromchronic pain or serious disease

teve cWilliams is a person who uses mariuana daily to deal withconstant pain (result) FFF from several car accidents

+nother person who was (delight) FFF when proposition 21 passed was 0van7eliher of an Aiego

7eliher said it was (relieve) FFF to use mariuana legally after thirtyyears of eing a Gcloset mariuana smokerG

7eliher who is a former arine and (retire) FFF school teacher wasdiagnosed with glaucoma in the 19 4s

e egan to smoke pot in 19 after hearing that it helped relieve intraocular pressure (cause) FFF y glaucoma

e had een using eye drops ut his eye sight was steadily (weaken) FFF

9 Aoctors (treat) FFF him at that time predicted that he would e lind ynow

14 hough he can no longer see in his left eye his eyesight in hisright eye is (amalte) FFF

11 e is so (satisfy) FFF with the results from mariuana that he wrotea ook called GErandpa s ariuana andookG

12 7eliher wants to teach older people who are sick and (suffer) FFF howto use mariuana

1 till there are many prolems (face) FFF law enforcement officers inCalifornia

1 ariuana (grow) FFF for medicinal purposes is legal ut how much isnecessarygt

1 8aw enforcement officers feel it will take time for the medicalmariuana law to e (enforce) FFF fairly

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EX ( B )ill in the opposites o the +ien words into the +aps

word opposite











EX B he illa+e oice

he woman had een sent to the village y the Eovernment ut shedid not act like an official he humly asked permission to addressthe village elders GI ve come to help your childrenG she said Grto take them away from usG the mothers whispered and hid theiroffspring

he elders were suspicious too ut let her have a hut the mostdilapidated in the village hat was how to get rid o f an unwanted guest 8eela carried her own water from the distant well andgathered wood for the cooking he village watched +t first makingher hut haitale and doing asic chores took all her time ut shewas going to stay

he children gradually came out of hiding 8eela aked sweets anddelicacies ut only one or two succumed to the temptation he-lack Witch the villagers called her her skin was darker thantheirs GIf the -lack Witch catches youG the mothers warned Ghewill turn you into a wolfG -ut daring children suffered no harm

8eela addressed the village council again he Eovernment had givenher a small food allowance for the children ut only for those whocame to her class +ll oys and girls etween the ages of three andfive were welcome ometimes she treated them to a handful of riceand lentils or a little porridge sometimes to peanuts or walnuts

irst ust a few came hen a dolten then more 0very morning 8eelawashed them at the well something their mothers did perhaps onceor twice a month he com ed their hair daily not ust forfestivals If a child s sleeve was torn she sewed it on ratherthan leave it to tear further -ut what the mothers appreciated most

was the time they gained to work in the fields without the childrenround their feet

he day 8eela was too ill to take the class the village was throwninto confusion amparents had come to epect their new freedom hewomen looked in on her and rought her milk and heral remedies$et day she was etter

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$ow 8eela felt confident enough to say to one of the mothers3 GHouroy is the dirtiest in the class Hou should wash him more oftenG

When he arrived unwashed net day she sent him home e missed hisporridge he following morning his face was scrued and his wethair smooth 8eela rewarded him with a smile and a sliver of soap

he told a girl with a torn frock to come ack when it was mended he mother promptly complied

8eela no longer had to wash the children and mend their clothes not often anyway heir parents had come to depend on her to lookafter the children and were prepared to pay her price

$ow 8eela could carry out the second stage of her plan he invitedthe women to an 0nglish class to teach them child care heeplained why cleanliness and diet were important he villagersgrew very few vegetales GHou should grow moreG she insisted heyasked her why he improvised3 G hey increase your lood supplyG+nd flies were ad she said

he men told their womenfolk to stay away from the class If theyspent their evenings with 8eela the husands would have to carrywater and dehusk the rice for supper themselves instead oflounging in the temple s uare he women oeyed reluctantly heevening classes petered ou t ut some of the younger wives keptsneaking ack hey were curious aout the outside world and wantedto hear more

he husands grew angry 8eela was spoiling their wives ome wereeven showing signs of reellion Where would it endgt he villageelders had een right to distrust her from the start he must go

hey tried again to make life difficult for her ut she remainedundaunted he man who owned her hut decided he wanted it for hisrelatives +nother villager one of the few men to appreciate herwork offered her his spare hut

he children still came to the morning class even when the foodsupply gave out as if often did he saw that as her maorachievement $ew haits were eing formed $ow when they were oldenough they were more likely to go to the proper school outside thevillage rather than gralte the cattle he was getting somewhere

-ut the villagers continued to plot against her ne day hersuperiors received an anonymous letter oon she was summoned totown

imalayan illage

Eapfill eercise with a reading tet 5ead the tet and fill inthe gaps in the eercise

and as as ack children come endeven feel first hoped men more muchneeded of parents she that he this

to educate to gain when with

8eela came to the village the parents as much the

children and the part of her plan was the confidence of

the and their children In she was successful he

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didn t like 8eela very though ecause they were lalty she

was not +lso was ecoming too friendly their wives 8eela

realilted she had een successful she found that the

were coming to school when there was no food they no

longer to e ried to to school In the the plan

was not successful as she had ecause she was called

to town y her superiors villagers had egun to that

their traditional way life was eing threatened

EX B )ill in the words rin+ or ta0e in their ri+ht orms into the +aps

0ample3 enry can I FFFF you a cup of coffeegt

+nswer3 enry can I ring you a cup of coffeegt

1 this ook to the lirary please

2 Could you me some water pleasegt

e often his sister to her aunt

When you come to my party don t forget to something to drink

Is ampeter teve to my partygt

e is out the ruish now

Can you the CA to your uncle pleasegt

y husand often flowers when he comes home

9 Would you this to the shop for megt

14 Can you the car to the garage on Wednesdaygt

EX 1 B arios estions

1 +s FFF he forgot to ring his noteook to schoola usual usually

2 e speaks neither 0nglish FF rencha or nor

FFF do you call that in 0nglishgta ow What

he teacher eplained FFFa the lesson to the student the student the lesson

e was charged FFF murdera with

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he storm prevented FFF on a picnica us to go us from going

he students have no difficulty FFF the eercisea in doing to do

he committee comprises FFF with widely different viewsa men of men

9 + man s concept of lierty is different from FFFa a woman a woman s

14 e oects FFF treated like a childa to e to eing

11 I FFF here for three yearsa am teaching have een teaching

12 a Can you give me FFF details pleasegta further farther

1 iacking is considered a FFF serious crime than kidnappinga more most

1 Aoes he FFF his mother or fathergta resemle to resemle

1 he oy FFF father is a famous scientist has won the priltea whose who s

1 FFF is a great virtuea he wisdom Wisdom

1 e typed FFFa the report carefully carefully the report

1 FFF he didn t like her he invited her outa owever +lthough

19 We FFF the pictures on the walla hung hanged

EX 4 B

5odrigo3 Ao you know if -eeHun to the dance on ridaygt


I m not sure he to the last one and I knowshe the music they play -ut I shelikes 7oshiro and he will e there so maye she too

Words off bull hasn5t

+onebull doesn5t


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bull isn5ten6o$in+

bull +oesbull will +obull thin0bull didn5t +obull am

thin0in+bull wasn5t


bull is +oin+

EX B Con6nctions

Comine the sentences sin+ the con6nction +ien in parenthesesDo not chan+e the order o the sentences

1 hey got married hey had to learn to manage their own home (after)

2 e went cralty is wife urnt his reakfast (when)

Hou can hear what I m saying Hou keep uiet (if)

I won t invite my classmates to a party I know them well (until)

e arrived home I had already cleaned the house (y the time)

he first uilt was easy his one is etremelly difficult (whereas)

he s snoish ampeople like her (yet)

We re roke We can t uy anything (since)

9 e failed e won t give up his ideals (even though)

14 e fell asleep e was watching the film (while)

EX 2 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash 7lr

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 Dluru is located central +ustralia

2 he large sandstone rock formation is also known +yers 5ock

honour ir enry +yers who was a ampremier outh

+ustralia 1

Dluru is listed a World eritage +rea oth its naturaland cultural values

It is sacred the +original people the area

different times the day Dluru seems to change colour

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he sandstone is infused minerals that reflect the red light

sunrise and sunset

EX 3 B he itanic

1 he itanic FFF in -elfast (Ireland)a had een uilt was uiltc was eing uilt

2 he itanic represented the FFF word in oceangoing science and luurya last latterc late

he ship started FFF maiden voyage on +pril 14th 1912

a her yourc it

he itanic FFF an iceerg and FFF on the night of +pril 1th 1912a striked sank struck sankc struck sunken

ne of the itanic s distinguishing features FFF that it was FFFa was unsinkale was nonsinkalec were unsinkale

It s elieved that of the 222 people FFF oard aout 1 44 did notsurvivea in atc on

n the lifeoats there was FFF for half of the passengersa enough room to only enough only roomc only enough room

he great maority of the passengers FFF survived were traveling first

classa whom whoc which

9 Women and children were given priority FFF men when the lifeoats werelowered into the seaa to overc on

14 $oody FFF that this was the greatest marine disaster of all timea must deny can denyc has to deny

EX B En+lish est - 2

Hour est

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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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2 he est selling products their restaurant were hamurgers

o the cAonald rothers thought a way to produce hamurgers moreuickly

his was introduced 19 and ecame known the peedee

ervice ystem he first franchised cAonaldBs restaurant was opened 19 and

today you can find cAonaldBs restaurants more than 144 countries

he meats the urgers vary the culture thecountry

ranchisees and future managers cAonaldBs restaurants are trained

amurger Dniversity which is located ak -rook a suur


cAonalds is also known its sponsorship variousinternational sport events

EX B ocalar$Choose the word or phrase that means the same as the nderlined word or phrase

1 ophia owler Eallaudet was the deaf wife of homas opkins Eallaudet whofounded the first permanent pulic school for the deafa temporary residentialc lastingd important

2 he ecame a modest gay and charming young ladya humle modernc cheerfuld arrogant

ophia didn t hesitate and married him in 1 21a plan

want toc take a long time to decided confide

he often met with memers of Congress and other prominent men in order togain support for her goalsa government promisingc not famousd famous and important

he helped to otain funds to found and maintain Eallaudet College

a get orderc oserved send

Eallaudet has preserved her memory y naming owler all in her honor

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a encouraged promisedc kept alived ignored

ophia was nineteen years old when her parents learned that a school for thedeaf had een founded in artford Connecticuta located estalishedc lostd discovered

EX B Participlesamp Proposition 2

1 amproposition 21 is a twoyearold law (intend) FFF to allow seriously illpeople in California to use mariuana as medicine

2 uch ill people carry a doctor s note (verify) FFF that they suffer fromchronic pain or serious disease

teve cWilliams is a person who uses mariuana daily to deal withconstant pain (result) FFF from several car accidents

+nother person who was (delight) FFF when proposition 21 passed was 0van7eliher of an Aiego

7eliher said it was (relieve) FFF to use mariuana legally after thirtyyears of eing a Gcloset mariuana smokerG

7eliher who is a former arine and (retire) FFF school teacher wasdiagnosed with glaucoma in the 19 4s

e egan to smoke pot in 19 after hearing that it helped relieve intraocular pressure (cause) FFF y glaucoma

e had een using eye drops ut his eye sight was steadily (weaken) FFF

9 Aoctors (treat) FFF him at that time predicted that he would e lind ynow

14 hough he can no longer see in his left eye his eyesight in hisright eye is (amalte) FFF

11 e is so (satisfy) FFF with the results from mariuana that he wrotea ook called GErandpa s ariuana andookG

12 7eliher wants to teach older people who are sick and (suffer) FFF howto use mariuana

1 till there are many prolems (face) FFF law enforcement officers inCalifornia

1 ariuana (grow) FFF for medicinal purposes is legal ut how much isnecessarygt

1 8aw enforcement officers feel it will take time for the medicalmariuana law to e (enforce) FFF fairly

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EX ( B )ill in the opposites o the +ien words into the +aps

word opposite











EX B he illa+e oice

he woman had een sent to the village y the Eovernment ut shedid not act like an official he humly asked permission to addressthe village elders GI ve come to help your childrenG she said Grto take them away from usG the mothers whispered and hid theiroffspring

he elders were suspicious too ut let her have a hut the mostdilapidated in the village hat was how to get rid o f an unwanted guest 8eela carried her own water from the distant well andgathered wood for the cooking he village watched +t first makingher hut haitale and doing asic chores took all her time ut shewas going to stay

he children gradually came out of hiding 8eela aked sweets anddelicacies ut only one or two succumed to the temptation he-lack Witch the villagers called her her skin was darker thantheirs GIf the -lack Witch catches youG the mothers warned Ghewill turn you into a wolfG -ut daring children suffered no harm

8eela addressed the village council again he Eovernment had givenher a small food allowance for the children ut only for those whocame to her class +ll oys and girls etween the ages of three andfive were welcome ometimes she treated them to a handful of riceand lentils or a little porridge sometimes to peanuts or walnuts

irst ust a few came hen a dolten then more 0very morning 8eelawashed them at the well something their mothers did perhaps onceor twice a month he com ed their hair daily not ust forfestivals If a child s sleeve was torn she sewed it on ratherthan leave it to tear further -ut what the mothers appreciated most

was the time they gained to work in the fields without the childrenround their feet

he day 8eela was too ill to take the class the village was throwninto confusion amparents had come to epect their new freedom hewomen looked in on her and rought her milk and heral remedies$et day she was etter

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$ow 8eela felt confident enough to say to one of the mothers3 GHouroy is the dirtiest in the class Hou should wash him more oftenG

When he arrived unwashed net day she sent him home e missed hisporridge he following morning his face was scrued and his wethair smooth 8eela rewarded him with a smile and a sliver of soap

he told a girl with a torn frock to come ack when it was mended he mother promptly complied

8eela no longer had to wash the children and mend their clothes not often anyway heir parents had come to depend on her to lookafter the children and were prepared to pay her price

$ow 8eela could carry out the second stage of her plan he invitedthe women to an 0nglish class to teach them child care heeplained why cleanliness and diet were important he villagersgrew very few vegetales GHou should grow moreG she insisted heyasked her why he improvised3 G hey increase your lood supplyG+nd flies were ad she said

he men told their womenfolk to stay away from the class If theyspent their evenings with 8eela the husands would have to carrywater and dehusk the rice for supper themselves instead oflounging in the temple s uare he women oeyed reluctantly heevening classes petered ou t ut some of the younger wives keptsneaking ack hey were curious aout the outside world and wantedto hear more

he husands grew angry 8eela was spoiling their wives ome wereeven showing signs of reellion Where would it endgt he villageelders had een right to distrust her from the start he must go

hey tried again to make life difficult for her ut she remainedundaunted he man who owned her hut decided he wanted it for hisrelatives +nother villager one of the few men to appreciate herwork offered her his spare hut

he children still came to the morning class even when the foodsupply gave out as if often did he saw that as her maorachievement $ew haits were eing formed $ow when they were oldenough they were more likely to go to the proper school outside thevillage rather than gralte the cattle he was getting somewhere

-ut the villagers continued to plot against her ne day hersuperiors received an anonymous letter oon she was summoned totown

imalayan illage

Eapfill eercise with a reading tet 5ead the tet and fill inthe gaps in the eercise

and as as ack children come endeven feel first hoped men more muchneeded of parents she that he this

to educate to gain when with

8eela came to the village the parents as much the

children and the part of her plan was the confidence of

the and their children In she was successful he

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didn t like 8eela very though ecause they were lalty she

was not +lso was ecoming too friendly their wives 8eela

realilted she had een successful she found that the

were coming to school when there was no food they no

longer to e ried to to school In the the plan

was not successful as she had ecause she was called

to town y her superiors villagers had egun to that

their traditional way life was eing threatened

EX B )ill in the words rin+ or ta0e in their ri+ht orms into the +aps

0ample3 enry can I FFFF you a cup of coffeegt

+nswer3 enry can I ring you a cup of coffeegt

1 this ook to the lirary please

2 Could you me some water pleasegt

e often his sister to her aunt

When you come to my party don t forget to something to drink

Is ampeter teve to my partygt

e is out the ruish now

Can you the CA to your uncle pleasegt

y husand often flowers when he comes home

9 Would you this to the shop for megt

14 Can you the car to the garage on Wednesdaygt

EX 1 B arios estions

1 +s FFF he forgot to ring his noteook to schoola usual usually

2 e speaks neither 0nglish FF rencha or nor

FFF do you call that in 0nglishgta ow What

he teacher eplained FFFa the lesson to the student the student the lesson

e was charged FFF murdera with

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he storm prevented FFF on a picnica us to go us from going

he students have no difficulty FFF the eercisea in doing to do

he committee comprises FFF with widely different viewsa men of men

9 + man s concept of lierty is different from FFFa a woman a woman s

14 e oects FFF treated like a childa to e to eing

11 I FFF here for three yearsa am teaching have een teaching

12 a Can you give me FFF details pleasegta further farther

1 iacking is considered a FFF serious crime than kidnappinga more most

1 Aoes he FFF his mother or fathergta resemle to resemle

1 he oy FFF father is a famous scientist has won the priltea whose who s

1 FFF is a great virtuea he wisdom Wisdom

1 e typed FFFa the report carefully carefully the report

1 FFF he didn t like her he invited her outa owever +lthough

19 We FFF the pictures on the walla hung hanged

EX 4 B

5odrigo3 Ao you know if -eeHun to the dance on ridaygt


I m not sure he to the last one and I knowshe the music they play -ut I shelikes 7oshiro and he will e there so maye she too

Words off bull hasn5t

+onebull doesn5t


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bull isn5ten6o$in+

bull +oesbull will +obull thin0bull didn5t +obull am

thin0in+bull wasn5t


bull is +oin+

EX B Con6nctions

Comine the sentences sin+ the con6nction +ien in parenthesesDo not chan+e the order o the sentences

1 hey got married hey had to learn to manage their own home (after)

2 e went cralty is wife urnt his reakfast (when)

Hou can hear what I m saying Hou keep uiet (if)

I won t invite my classmates to a party I know them well (until)

e arrived home I had already cleaned the house (y the time)

he first uilt was easy his one is etremelly difficult (whereas)

he s snoish ampeople like her (yet)

We re roke We can t uy anything (since)

9 e failed e won t give up his ideals (even though)

14 e fell asleep e was watching the film (while)

EX 2 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash 7lr

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 Dluru is located central +ustralia

2 he large sandstone rock formation is also known +yers 5ock

honour ir enry +yers who was a ampremier outh

+ustralia 1

Dluru is listed a World eritage +rea oth its naturaland cultural values

It is sacred the +original people the area

different times the day Dluru seems to change colour

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he sandstone is infused minerals that reflect the red light

sunrise and sunset

EX 3 B he itanic

1 he itanic FFF in -elfast (Ireland)a had een uilt was uiltc was eing uilt

2 he itanic represented the FFF word in oceangoing science and luurya last latterc late

he ship started FFF maiden voyage on +pril 14th 1912

a her yourc it

he itanic FFF an iceerg and FFF on the night of +pril 1th 1912a striked sank struck sankc struck sunken

ne of the itanic s distinguishing features FFF that it was FFFa was unsinkale was nonsinkalec were unsinkale

It s elieved that of the 222 people FFF oard aout 1 44 did notsurvivea in atc on

n the lifeoats there was FFF for half of the passengersa enough room to only enough only roomc only enough room

he great maority of the passengers FFF survived were traveling first

classa whom whoc which

9 Women and children were given priority FFF men when the lifeoats werelowered into the seaa to overc on

14 $oody FFF that this was the greatest marine disaster of all timea must deny can denyc has to deny

EX B En+lish est - 2

Hour est

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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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a encouraged promisedc kept alived ignored

ophia was nineteen years old when her parents learned that a school for thedeaf had een founded in artford Connecticuta located estalishedc lostd discovered

EX B Participlesamp Proposition 2

1 amproposition 21 is a twoyearold law (intend) FFF to allow seriously illpeople in California to use mariuana as medicine

2 uch ill people carry a doctor s note (verify) FFF that they suffer fromchronic pain or serious disease

teve cWilliams is a person who uses mariuana daily to deal withconstant pain (result) FFF from several car accidents

+nother person who was (delight) FFF when proposition 21 passed was 0van7eliher of an Aiego

7eliher said it was (relieve) FFF to use mariuana legally after thirtyyears of eing a Gcloset mariuana smokerG

7eliher who is a former arine and (retire) FFF school teacher wasdiagnosed with glaucoma in the 19 4s

e egan to smoke pot in 19 after hearing that it helped relieve intraocular pressure (cause) FFF y glaucoma

e had een using eye drops ut his eye sight was steadily (weaken) FFF

9 Aoctors (treat) FFF him at that time predicted that he would e lind ynow

14 hough he can no longer see in his left eye his eyesight in hisright eye is (amalte) FFF

11 e is so (satisfy) FFF with the results from mariuana that he wrotea ook called GErandpa s ariuana andookG

12 7eliher wants to teach older people who are sick and (suffer) FFF howto use mariuana

1 till there are many prolems (face) FFF law enforcement officers inCalifornia

1 ariuana (grow) FFF for medicinal purposes is legal ut how much isnecessarygt

1 8aw enforcement officers feel it will take time for the medicalmariuana law to e (enforce) FFF fairly

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EX ( B )ill in the opposites o the +ien words into the +aps

word opposite











EX B he illa+e oice

he woman had een sent to the village y the Eovernment ut shedid not act like an official he humly asked permission to addressthe village elders GI ve come to help your childrenG she said Grto take them away from usG the mothers whispered and hid theiroffspring

he elders were suspicious too ut let her have a hut the mostdilapidated in the village hat was how to get rid o f an unwanted guest 8eela carried her own water from the distant well andgathered wood for the cooking he village watched +t first makingher hut haitale and doing asic chores took all her time ut shewas going to stay

he children gradually came out of hiding 8eela aked sweets anddelicacies ut only one or two succumed to the temptation he-lack Witch the villagers called her her skin was darker thantheirs GIf the -lack Witch catches youG the mothers warned Ghewill turn you into a wolfG -ut daring children suffered no harm

8eela addressed the village council again he Eovernment had givenher a small food allowance for the children ut only for those whocame to her class +ll oys and girls etween the ages of three andfive were welcome ometimes she treated them to a handful of riceand lentils or a little porridge sometimes to peanuts or walnuts

irst ust a few came hen a dolten then more 0very morning 8eelawashed them at the well something their mothers did perhaps onceor twice a month he com ed their hair daily not ust forfestivals If a child s sleeve was torn she sewed it on ratherthan leave it to tear further -ut what the mothers appreciated most

was the time they gained to work in the fields without the childrenround their feet

he day 8eela was too ill to take the class the village was throwninto confusion amparents had come to epect their new freedom hewomen looked in on her and rought her milk and heral remedies$et day she was etter

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$ow 8eela felt confident enough to say to one of the mothers3 GHouroy is the dirtiest in the class Hou should wash him more oftenG

When he arrived unwashed net day she sent him home e missed hisporridge he following morning his face was scrued and his wethair smooth 8eela rewarded him with a smile and a sliver of soap

he told a girl with a torn frock to come ack when it was mended he mother promptly complied

8eela no longer had to wash the children and mend their clothes not often anyway heir parents had come to depend on her to lookafter the children and were prepared to pay her price

$ow 8eela could carry out the second stage of her plan he invitedthe women to an 0nglish class to teach them child care heeplained why cleanliness and diet were important he villagersgrew very few vegetales GHou should grow moreG she insisted heyasked her why he improvised3 G hey increase your lood supplyG+nd flies were ad she said

he men told their womenfolk to stay away from the class If theyspent their evenings with 8eela the husands would have to carrywater and dehusk the rice for supper themselves instead oflounging in the temple s uare he women oeyed reluctantly heevening classes petered ou t ut some of the younger wives keptsneaking ack hey were curious aout the outside world and wantedto hear more

he husands grew angry 8eela was spoiling their wives ome wereeven showing signs of reellion Where would it endgt he villageelders had een right to distrust her from the start he must go

hey tried again to make life difficult for her ut she remainedundaunted he man who owned her hut decided he wanted it for hisrelatives +nother villager one of the few men to appreciate herwork offered her his spare hut

he children still came to the morning class even when the foodsupply gave out as if often did he saw that as her maorachievement $ew haits were eing formed $ow when they were oldenough they were more likely to go to the proper school outside thevillage rather than gralte the cattle he was getting somewhere

-ut the villagers continued to plot against her ne day hersuperiors received an anonymous letter oon she was summoned totown

imalayan illage

Eapfill eercise with a reading tet 5ead the tet and fill inthe gaps in the eercise

and as as ack children come endeven feel first hoped men more muchneeded of parents she that he this

to educate to gain when with

8eela came to the village the parents as much the

children and the part of her plan was the confidence of

the and their children In she was successful he

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didn t like 8eela very though ecause they were lalty she

was not +lso was ecoming too friendly their wives 8eela

realilted she had een successful she found that the

were coming to school when there was no food they no

longer to e ried to to school In the the plan

was not successful as she had ecause she was called

to town y her superiors villagers had egun to that

their traditional way life was eing threatened

EX B )ill in the words rin+ or ta0e in their ri+ht orms into the +aps

0ample3 enry can I FFFF you a cup of coffeegt

+nswer3 enry can I ring you a cup of coffeegt

1 this ook to the lirary please

2 Could you me some water pleasegt

e often his sister to her aunt

When you come to my party don t forget to something to drink

Is ampeter teve to my partygt

e is out the ruish now

Can you the CA to your uncle pleasegt

y husand often flowers when he comes home

9 Would you this to the shop for megt

14 Can you the car to the garage on Wednesdaygt

EX 1 B arios estions

1 +s FFF he forgot to ring his noteook to schoola usual usually

2 e speaks neither 0nglish FF rencha or nor

FFF do you call that in 0nglishgta ow What

he teacher eplained FFFa the lesson to the student the student the lesson

e was charged FFF murdera with

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he storm prevented FFF on a picnica us to go us from going

he students have no difficulty FFF the eercisea in doing to do

he committee comprises FFF with widely different viewsa men of men

9 + man s concept of lierty is different from FFFa a woman a woman s

14 e oects FFF treated like a childa to e to eing

11 I FFF here for three yearsa am teaching have een teaching

12 a Can you give me FFF details pleasegta further farther

1 iacking is considered a FFF serious crime than kidnappinga more most

1 Aoes he FFF his mother or fathergta resemle to resemle

1 he oy FFF father is a famous scientist has won the priltea whose who s

1 FFF is a great virtuea he wisdom Wisdom

1 e typed FFFa the report carefully carefully the report

1 FFF he didn t like her he invited her outa owever +lthough

19 We FFF the pictures on the walla hung hanged

EX 4 B

5odrigo3 Ao you know if -eeHun to the dance on ridaygt


I m not sure he to the last one and I knowshe the music they play -ut I shelikes 7oshiro and he will e there so maye she too

Words off bull hasn5t

+onebull doesn5t


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bull isn5ten6o$in+

bull +oesbull will +obull thin0bull didn5t +obull am

thin0in+bull wasn5t


bull is +oin+

EX B Con6nctions

Comine the sentences sin+ the con6nction +ien in parenthesesDo not chan+e the order o the sentences

1 hey got married hey had to learn to manage their own home (after)

2 e went cralty is wife urnt his reakfast (when)

Hou can hear what I m saying Hou keep uiet (if)

I won t invite my classmates to a party I know them well (until)

e arrived home I had already cleaned the house (y the time)

he first uilt was easy his one is etremelly difficult (whereas)

he s snoish ampeople like her (yet)

We re roke We can t uy anything (since)

9 e failed e won t give up his ideals (even though)

14 e fell asleep e was watching the film (while)

EX 2 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash 7lr

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 Dluru is located central +ustralia

2 he large sandstone rock formation is also known +yers 5ock

honour ir enry +yers who was a ampremier outh

+ustralia 1

Dluru is listed a World eritage +rea oth its naturaland cultural values

It is sacred the +original people the area

different times the day Dluru seems to change colour

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he sandstone is infused minerals that reflect the red light

sunrise and sunset

EX 3 B he itanic

1 he itanic FFF in -elfast (Ireland)a had een uilt was uiltc was eing uilt

2 he itanic represented the FFF word in oceangoing science and luurya last latterc late

he ship started FFF maiden voyage on +pril 14th 1912

a her yourc it

he itanic FFF an iceerg and FFF on the night of +pril 1th 1912a striked sank struck sankc struck sunken

ne of the itanic s distinguishing features FFF that it was FFFa was unsinkale was nonsinkalec were unsinkale

It s elieved that of the 222 people FFF oard aout 1 44 did notsurvivea in atc on

n the lifeoats there was FFF for half of the passengersa enough room to only enough only roomc only enough room

he great maority of the passengers FFF survived were traveling first

classa whom whoc which

9 Women and children were given priority FFF men when the lifeoats werelowered into the seaa to overc on

14 $oody FFF that this was the greatest marine disaster of all timea must deny can denyc has to deny

EX B En+lish est - 2

Hour est

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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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EX ( B )ill in the opposites o the +ien words into the +aps

word opposite











EX B he illa+e oice

he woman had een sent to the village y the Eovernment ut shedid not act like an official he humly asked permission to addressthe village elders GI ve come to help your childrenG she said Grto take them away from usG the mothers whispered and hid theiroffspring

he elders were suspicious too ut let her have a hut the mostdilapidated in the village hat was how to get rid o f an unwanted guest 8eela carried her own water from the distant well andgathered wood for the cooking he village watched +t first makingher hut haitale and doing asic chores took all her time ut shewas going to stay

he children gradually came out of hiding 8eela aked sweets anddelicacies ut only one or two succumed to the temptation he-lack Witch the villagers called her her skin was darker thantheirs GIf the -lack Witch catches youG the mothers warned Ghewill turn you into a wolfG -ut daring children suffered no harm

8eela addressed the village council again he Eovernment had givenher a small food allowance for the children ut only for those whocame to her class +ll oys and girls etween the ages of three andfive were welcome ometimes she treated them to a handful of riceand lentils or a little porridge sometimes to peanuts or walnuts

irst ust a few came hen a dolten then more 0very morning 8eelawashed them at the well something their mothers did perhaps onceor twice a month he com ed their hair daily not ust forfestivals If a child s sleeve was torn she sewed it on ratherthan leave it to tear further -ut what the mothers appreciated most

was the time they gained to work in the fields without the childrenround their feet

he day 8eela was too ill to take the class the village was throwninto confusion amparents had come to epect their new freedom hewomen looked in on her and rought her milk and heral remedies$et day she was etter

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$ow 8eela felt confident enough to say to one of the mothers3 GHouroy is the dirtiest in the class Hou should wash him more oftenG

When he arrived unwashed net day she sent him home e missed hisporridge he following morning his face was scrued and his wethair smooth 8eela rewarded him with a smile and a sliver of soap

he told a girl with a torn frock to come ack when it was mended he mother promptly complied

8eela no longer had to wash the children and mend their clothes not often anyway heir parents had come to depend on her to lookafter the children and were prepared to pay her price

$ow 8eela could carry out the second stage of her plan he invitedthe women to an 0nglish class to teach them child care heeplained why cleanliness and diet were important he villagersgrew very few vegetales GHou should grow moreG she insisted heyasked her why he improvised3 G hey increase your lood supplyG+nd flies were ad she said

he men told their womenfolk to stay away from the class If theyspent their evenings with 8eela the husands would have to carrywater and dehusk the rice for supper themselves instead oflounging in the temple s uare he women oeyed reluctantly heevening classes petered ou t ut some of the younger wives keptsneaking ack hey were curious aout the outside world and wantedto hear more

he husands grew angry 8eela was spoiling their wives ome wereeven showing signs of reellion Where would it endgt he villageelders had een right to distrust her from the start he must go

hey tried again to make life difficult for her ut she remainedundaunted he man who owned her hut decided he wanted it for hisrelatives +nother villager one of the few men to appreciate herwork offered her his spare hut

he children still came to the morning class even when the foodsupply gave out as if often did he saw that as her maorachievement $ew haits were eing formed $ow when they were oldenough they were more likely to go to the proper school outside thevillage rather than gralte the cattle he was getting somewhere

-ut the villagers continued to plot against her ne day hersuperiors received an anonymous letter oon she was summoned totown

imalayan illage

Eapfill eercise with a reading tet 5ead the tet and fill inthe gaps in the eercise

and as as ack children come endeven feel first hoped men more muchneeded of parents she that he this

to educate to gain when with

8eela came to the village the parents as much the

children and the part of her plan was the confidence of

the and their children In she was successful he

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didn t like 8eela very though ecause they were lalty she

was not +lso was ecoming too friendly their wives 8eela

realilted she had een successful she found that the

were coming to school when there was no food they no

longer to e ried to to school In the the plan

was not successful as she had ecause she was called

to town y her superiors villagers had egun to that

their traditional way life was eing threatened

EX B )ill in the words rin+ or ta0e in their ri+ht orms into the +aps

0ample3 enry can I FFFF you a cup of coffeegt

+nswer3 enry can I ring you a cup of coffeegt

1 this ook to the lirary please

2 Could you me some water pleasegt

e often his sister to her aunt

When you come to my party don t forget to something to drink

Is ampeter teve to my partygt

e is out the ruish now

Can you the CA to your uncle pleasegt

y husand often flowers when he comes home

9 Would you this to the shop for megt

14 Can you the car to the garage on Wednesdaygt

EX 1 B arios estions

1 +s FFF he forgot to ring his noteook to schoola usual usually

2 e speaks neither 0nglish FF rencha or nor

FFF do you call that in 0nglishgta ow What

he teacher eplained FFFa the lesson to the student the student the lesson

e was charged FFF murdera with

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he storm prevented FFF on a picnica us to go us from going

he students have no difficulty FFF the eercisea in doing to do

he committee comprises FFF with widely different viewsa men of men

9 + man s concept of lierty is different from FFFa a woman a woman s

14 e oects FFF treated like a childa to e to eing

11 I FFF here for three yearsa am teaching have een teaching

12 a Can you give me FFF details pleasegta further farther

1 iacking is considered a FFF serious crime than kidnappinga more most

1 Aoes he FFF his mother or fathergta resemle to resemle

1 he oy FFF father is a famous scientist has won the priltea whose who s

1 FFF is a great virtuea he wisdom Wisdom

1 e typed FFFa the report carefully carefully the report

1 FFF he didn t like her he invited her outa owever +lthough

19 We FFF the pictures on the walla hung hanged

EX 4 B

5odrigo3 Ao you know if -eeHun to the dance on ridaygt


I m not sure he to the last one and I knowshe the music they play -ut I shelikes 7oshiro and he will e there so maye she too

Words off bull hasn5t

+onebull doesn5t


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bull isn5ten6o$in+

bull +oesbull will +obull thin0bull didn5t +obull am

thin0in+bull wasn5t


bull is +oin+

EX B Con6nctions

Comine the sentences sin+ the con6nction +ien in parenthesesDo not chan+e the order o the sentences

1 hey got married hey had to learn to manage their own home (after)

2 e went cralty is wife urnt his reakfast (when)

Hou can hear what I m saying Hou keep uiet (if)

I won t invite my classmates to a party I know them well (until)

e arrived home I had already cleaned the house (y the time)

he first uilt was easy his one is etremelly difficult (whereas)

he s snoish ampeople like her (yet)

We re roke We can t uy anything (since)

9 e failed e won t give up his ideals (even though)

14 e fell asleep e was watching the film (while)

EX 2 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash 7lr

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 Dluru is located central +ustralia

2 he large sandstone rock formation is also known +yers 5ock

honour ir enry +yers who was a ampremier outh

+ustralia 1

Dluru is listed a World eritage +rea oth its naturaland cultural values

It is sacred the +original people the area

different times the day Dluru seems to change colour

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he sandstone is infused minerals that reflect the red light

sunrise and sunset

EX 3 B he itanic

1 he itanic FFF in -elfast (Ireland)a had een uilt was uiltc was eing uilt

2 he itanic represented the FFF word in oceangoing science and luurya last latterc late

he ship started FFF maiden voyage on +pril 14th 1912

a her yourc it

he itanic FFF an iceerg and FFF on the night of +pril 1th 1912a striked sank struck sankc struck sunken

ne of the itanic s distinguishing features FFF that it was FFFa was unsinkale was nonsinkalec were unsinkale

It s elieved that of the 222 people FFF oard aout 1 44 did notsurvivea in atc on

n the lifeoats there was FFF for half of the passengersa enough room to only enough only roomc only enough room

he great maority of the passengers FFF survived were traveling first

classa whom whoc which

9 Women and children were given priority FFF men when the lifeoats werelowered into the seaa to overc on

14 $oody FFF that this was the greatest marine disaster of all timea must deny can denyc has to deny

EX B En+lish est - 2

Hour est

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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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$ow 8eela felt confident enough to say to one of the mothers3 GHouroy is the dirtiest in the class Hou should wash him more oftenG

When he arrived unwashed net day she sent him home e missed hisporridge he following morning his face was scrued and his wethair smooth 8eela rewarded him with a smile and a sliver of soap

he told a girl with a torn frock to come ack when it was mended he mother promptly complied

8eela no longer had to wash the children and mend their clothes not often anyway heir parents had come to depend on her to lookafter the children and were prepared to pay her price

$ow 8eela could carry out the second stage of her plan he invitedthe women to an 0nglish class to teach them child care heeplained why cleanliness and diet were important he villagersgrew very few vegetales GHou should grow moreG she insisted heyasked her why he improvised3 G hey increase your lood supplyG+nd flies were ad she said

he men told their womenfolk to stay away from the class If theyspent their evenings with 8eela the husands would have to carrywater and dehusk the rice for supper themselves instead oflounging in the temple s uare he women oeyed reluctantly heevening classes petered ou t ut some of the younger wives keptsneaking ack hey were curious aout the outside world and wantedto hear more

he husands grew angry 8eela was spoiling their wives ome wereeven showing signs of reellion Where would it endgt he villageelders had een right to distrust her from the start he must go

hey tried again to make life difficult for her ut she remainedundaunted he man who owned her hut decided he wanted it for hisrelatives +nother villager one of the few men to appreciate herwork offered her his spare hut

he children still came to the morning class even when the foodsupply gave out as if often did he saw that as her maorachievement $ew haits were eing formed $ow when they were oldenough they were more likely to go to the proper school outside thevillage rather than gralte the cattle he was getting somewhere

-ut the villagers continued to plot against her ne day hersuperiors received an anonymous letter oon she was summoned totown

imalayan illage

Eapfill eercise with a reading tet 5ead the tet and fill inthe gaps in the eercise

and as as ack children come endeven feel first hoped men more muchneeded of parents she that he this

to educate to gain when with

8eela came to the village the parents as much the

children and the part of her plan was the confidence of

the and their children In she was successful he

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didn t like 8eela very though ecause they were lalty she

was not +lso was ecoming too friendly their wives 8eela

realilted she had een successful she found that the

were coming to school when there was no food they no

longer to e ried to to school In the the plan

was not successful as she had ecause she was called

to town y her superiors villagers had egun to that

their traditional way life was eing threatened

EX B )ill in the words rin+ or ta0e in their ri+ht orms into the +aps

0ample3 enry can I FFFF you a cup of coffeegt

+nswer3 enry can I ring you a cup of coffeegt

1 this ook to the lirary please

2 Could you me some water pleasegt

e often his sister to her aunt

When you come to my party don t forget to something to drink

Is ampeter teve to my partygt

e is out the ruish now

Can you the CA to your uncle pleasegt

y husand often flowers when he comes home

9 Would you this to the shop for megt

14 Can you the car to the garage on Wednesdaygt

EX 1 B arios estions

1 +s FFF he forgot to ring his noteook to schoola usual usually

2 e speaks neither 0nglish FF rencha or nor

FFF do you call that in 0nglishgta ow What

he teacher eplained FFFa the lesson to the student the student the lesson

e was charged FFF murdera with

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he storm prevented FFF on a picnica us to go us from going

he students have no difficulty FFF the eercisea in doing to do

he committee comprises FFF with widely different viewsa men of men

9 + man s concept of lierty is different from FFFa a woman a woman s

14 e oects FFF treated like a childa to e to eing

11 I FFF here for three yearsa am teaching have een teaching

12 a Can you give me FFF details pleasegta further farther

1 iacking is considered a FFF serious crime than kidnappinga more most

1 Aoes he FFF his mother or fathergta resemle to resemle

1 he oy FFF father is a famous scientist has won the priltea whose who s

1 FFF is a great virtuea he wisdom Wisdom

1 e typed FFFa the report carefully carefully the report

1 FFF he didn t like her he invited her outa owever +lthough

19 We FFF the pictures on the walla hung hanged

EX 4 B

5odrigo3 Ao you know if -eeHun to the dance on ridaygt


I m not sure he to the last one and I knowshe the music they play -ut I shelikes 7oshiro and he will e there so maye she too

Words off bull hasn5t

+onebull doesn5t


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bull isn5ten6o$in+

bull +oesbull will +obull thin0bull didn5t +obull am

thin0in+bull wasn5t


bull is +oin+

EX B Con6nctions

Comine the sentences sin+ the con6nction +ien in parenthesesDo not chan+e the order o the sentences

1 hey got married hey had to learn to manage their own home (after)

2 e went cralty is wife urnt his reakfast (when)

Hou can hear what I m saying Hou keep uiet (if)

I won t invite my classmates to a party I know them well (until)

e arrived home I had already cleaned the house (y the time)

he first uilt was easy his one is etremelly difficult (whereas)

he s snoish ampeople like her (yet)

We re roke We can t uy anything (since)

9 e failed e won t give up his ideals (even though)

14 e fell asleep e was watching the film (while)

EX 2 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash 7lr

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 Dluru is located central +ustralia

2 he large sandstone rock formation is also known +yers 5ock

honour ir enry +yers who was a ampremier outh

+ustralia 1

Dluru is listed a World eritage +rea oth its naturaland cultural values

It is sacred the +original people the area

different times the day Dluru seems to change colour

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he sandstone is infused minerals that reflect the red light

sunrise and sunset

EX 3 B he itanic

1 he itanic FFF in -elfast (Ireland)a had een uilt was uiltc was eing uilt

2 he itanic represented the FFF word in oceangoing science and luurya last latterc late

he ship started FFF maiden voyage on +pril 14th 1912

a her yourc it

he itanic FFF an iceerg and FFF on the night of +pril 1th 1912a striked sank struck sankc struck sunken

ne of the itanic s distinguishing features FFF that it was FFFa was unsinkale was nonsinkalec were unsinkale

It s elieved that of the 222 people FFF oard aout 1 44 did notsurvivea in atc on

n the lifeoats there was FFF for half of the passengersa enough room to only enough only roomc only enough room

he great maority of the passengers FFF survived were traveling first

classa whom whoc which

9 Women and children were given priority FFF men when the lifeoats werelowered into the seaa to overc on

14 $oody FFF that this was the greatest marine disaster of all timea must deny can denyc has to deny

EX B En+lish est - 2

Hour est

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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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didn t like 8eela very though ecause they were lalty she

was not +lso was ecoming too friendly their wives 8eela

realilted she had een successful she found that the

were coming to school when there was no food they no

longer to e ried to to school In the the plan

was not successful as she had ecause she was called

to town y her superiors villagers had egun to that

their traditional way life was eing threatened

EX B )ill in the words rin+ or ta0e in their ri+ht orms into the +aps

0ample3 enry can I FFFF you a cup of coffeegt

+nswer3 enry can I ring you a cup of coffeegt

1 this ook to the lirary please

2 Could you me some water pleasegt

e often his sister to her aunt

When you come to my party don t forget to something to drink

Is ampeter teve to my partygt

e is out the ruish now

Can you the CA to your uncle pleasegt

y husand often flowers when he comes home

9 Would you this to the shop for megt

14 Can you the car to the garage on Wednesdaygt

EX 1 B arios estions

1 +s FFF he forgot to ring his noteook to schoola usual usually

2 e speaks neither 0nglish FF rencha or nor

FFF do you call that in 0nglishgta ow What

he teacher eplained FFFa the lesson to the student the student the lesson

e was charged FFF murdera with

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he storm prevented FFF on a picnica us to go us from going

he students have no difficulty FFF the eercisea in doing to do

he committee comprises FFF with widely different viewsa men of men

9 + man s concept of lierty is different from FFFa a woman a woman s

14 e oects FFF treated like a childa to e to eing

11 I FFF here for three yearsa am teaching have een teaching

12 a Can you give me FFF details pleasegta further farther

1 iacking is considered a FFF serious crime than kidnappinga more most

1 Aoes he FFF his mother or fathergta resemle to resemle

1 he oy FFF father is a famous scientist has won the priltea whose who s

1 FFF is a great virtuea he wisdom Wisdom

1 e typed FFFa the report carefully carefully the report

1 FFF he didn t like her he invited her outa owever +lthough

19 We FFF the pictures on the walla hung hanged

EX 4 B

5odrigo3 Ao you know if -eeHun to the dance on ridaygt


I m not sure he to the last one and I knowshe the music they play -ut I shelikes 7oshiro and he will e there so maye she too

Words off bull hasn5t

+onebull doesn5t


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bull isn5ten6o$in+

bull +oesbull will +obull thin0bull didn5t +obull am

thin0in+bull wasn5t


bull is +oin+

EX B Con6nctions

Comine the sentences sin+ the con6nction +ien in parenthesesDo not chan+e the order o the sentences

1 hey got married hey had to learn to manage their own home (after)

2 e went cralty is wife urnt his reakfast (when)

Hou can hear what I m saying Hou keep uiet (if)

I won t invite my classmates to a party I know them well (until)

e arrived home I had already cleaned the house (y the time)

he first uilt was easy his one is etremelly difficult (whereas)

he s snoish ampeople like her (yet)

We re roke We can t uy anything (since)

9 e failed e won t give up his ideals (even though)

14 e fell asleep e was watching the film (while)

EX 2 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash 7lr

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 Dluru is located central +ustralia

2 he large sandstone rock formation is also known +yers 5ock

honour ir enry +yers who was a ampremier outh

+ustralia 1

Dluru is listed a World eritage +rea oth its naturaland cultural values

It is sacred the +original people the area

different times the day Dluru seems to change colour

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he sandstone is infused minerals that reflect the red light

sunrise and sunset

EX 3 B he itanic

1 he itanic FFF in -elfast (Ireland)a had een uilt was uiltc was eing uilt

2 he itanic represented the FFF word in oceangoing science and luurya last latterc late

he ship started FFF maiden voyage on +pril 14th 1912

a her yourc it

he itanic FFF an iceerg and FFF on the night of +pril 1th 1912a striked sank struck sankc struck sunken

ne of the itanic s distinguishing features FFF that it was FFFa was unsinkale was nonsinkalec were unsinkale

It s elieved that of the 222 people FFF oard aout 1 44 did notsurvivea in atc on

n the lifeoats there was FFF for half of the passengersa enough room to only enough only roomc only enough room

he great maority of the passengers FFF survived were traveling first

classa whom whoc which

9 Women and children were given priority FFF men when the lifeoats werelowered into the seaa to overc on

14 $oody FFF that this was the greatest marine disaster of all timea must deny can denyc has to deny

EX B En+lish est - 2

Hour est

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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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he storm prevented FFF on a picnica us to go us from going

he students have no difficulty FFF the eercisea in doing to do

he committee comprises FFF with widely different viewsa men of men

9 + man s concept of lierty is different from FFFa a woman a woman s

14 e oects FFF treated like a childa to e to eing

11 I FFF here for three yearsa am teaching have een teaching

12 a Can you give me FFF details pleasegta further farther

1 iacking is considered a FFF serious crime than kidnappinga more most

1 Aoes he FFF his mother or fathergta resemle to resemle

1 he oy FFF father is a famous scientist has won the priltea whose who s

1 FFF is a great virtuea he wisdom Wisdom

1 e typed FFFa the report carefully carefully the report

1 FFF he didn t like her he invited her outa owever +lthough

19 We FFF the pictures on the walla hung hanged

EX 4 B

5odrigo3 Ao you know if -eeHun to the dance on ridaygt


I m not sure he to the last one and I knowshe the music they play -ut I shelikes 7oshiro and he will e there so maye she too

Words off bull hasn5t

+onebull doesn5t


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bull isn5ten6o$in+

bull +oesbull will +obull thin0bull didn5t +obull am

thin0in+bull wasn5t


bull is +oin+

EX B Con6nctions

Comine the sentences sin+ the con6nction +ien in parenthesesDo not chan+e the order o the sentences

1 hey got married hey had to learn to manage their own home (after)

2 e went cralty is wife urnt his reakfast (when)

Hou can hear what I m saying Hou keep uiet (if)

I won t invite my classmates to a party I know them well (until)

e arrived home I had already cleaned the house (y the time)

he first uilt was easy his one is etremelly difficult (whereas)

he s snoish ampeople like her (yet)

We re roke We can t uy anything (since)

9 e failed e won t give up his ideals (even though)

14 e fell asleep e was watching the film (while)

EX 2 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash 7lr

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 Dluru is located central +ustralia

2 he large sandstone rock formation is also known +yers 5ock

honour ir enry +yers who was a ampremier outh

+ustralia 1

Dluru is listed a World eritage +rea oth its naturaland cultural values

It is sacred the +original people the area

different times the day Dluru seems to change colour

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he sandstone is infused minerals that reflect the red light

sunrise and sunset

EX 3 B he itanic

1 he itanic FFF in -elfast (Ireland)a had een uilt was uiltc was eing uilt

2 he itanic represented the FFF word in oceangoing science and luurya last latterc late

he ship started FFF maiden voyage on +pril 14th 1912

a her yourc it

he itanic FFF an iceerg and FFF on the night of +pril 1th 1912a striked sank struck sankc struck sunken

ne of the itanic s distinguishing features FFF that it was FFFa was unsinkale was nonsinkalec were unsinkale

It s elieved that of the 222 people FFF oard aout 1 44 did notsurvivea in atc on

n the lifeoats there was FFF for half of the passengersa enough room to only enough only roomc only enough room

he great maority of the passengers FFF survived were traveling first

classa whom whoc which

9 Women and children were given priority FFF men when the lifeoats werelowered into the seaa to overc on

14 $oody FFF that this was the greatest marine disaster of all timea must deny can denyc has to deny

EX B En+lish est - 2

Hour est

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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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bull isn5ten6o$in+

bull +oesbull will +obull thin0bull didn5t +obull am

thin0in+bull wasn5t


bull is +oin+

EX B Con6nctions

Comine the sentences sin+ the con6nction +ien in parenthesesDo not chan+e the order o the sentences

1 hey got married hey had to learn to manage their own home (after)

2 e went cralty is wife urnt his reakfast (when)

Hou can hear what I m saying Hou keep uiet (if)

I won t invite my classmates to a party I know them well (until)

e arrived home I had already cleaned the house (y the time)

he first uilt was easy his one is etremelly difficult (whereas)

he s snoish ampeople like her (yet)

We re roke We can t uy anything (since)

9 e failed e won t give up his ideals (even though)

14 e fell asleep e was watching the film (while)

EX 2 B Exercise on Prepositions ndash 7lr

Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions

1 Dluru is located central +ustralia

2 he large sandstone rock formation is also known +yers 5ock

honour ir enry +yers who was a ampremier outh

+ustralia 1

Dluru is listed a World eritage +rea oth its naturaland cultural values

It is sacred the +original people the area

different times the day Dluru seems to change colour

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he sandstone is infused minerals that reflect the red light

sunrise and sunset

EX 3 B he itanic

1 he itanic FFF in -elfast (Ireland)a had een uilt was uiltc was eing uilt

2 he itanic represented the FFF word in oceangoing science and luurya last latterc late

he ship started FFF maiden voyage on +pril 14th 1912

a her yourc it

he itanic FFF an iceerg and FFF on the night of +pril 1th 1912a striked sank struck sankc struck sunken

ne of the itanic s distinguishing features FFF that it was FFFa was unsinkale was nonsinkalec were unsinkale

It s elieved that of the 222 people FFF oard aout 1 44 did notsurvivea in atc on

n the lifeoats there was FFF for half of the passengersa enough room to only enough only roomc only enough room

he great maority of the passengers FFF survived were traveling first

classa whom whoc which

9 Women and children were given priority FFF men when the lifeoats werelowered into the seaa to overc on

14 $oody FFF that this was the greatest marine disaster of all timea must deny can denyc has to deny

EX B En+lish est - 2

Hour est

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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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he sandstone is infused minerals that reflect the red light

sunrise and sunset

EX 3 B he itanic

1 he itanic FFF in -elfast (Ireland)a had een uilt was uiltc was eing uilt

2 he itanic represented the FFF word in oceangoing science and luurya last latterc late

he ship started FFF maiden voyage on +pril 14th 1912

a her yourc it

he itanic FFF an iceerg and FFF on the night of +pril 1th 1912a striked sank struck sankc struck sunken

ne of the itanic s distinguishing features FFF that it was FFFa was unsinkale was nonsinkalec were unsinkale

It s elieved that of the 222 people FFF oard aout 1 44 did notsurvivea in atc on

n the lifeoats there was FFF for half of the passengersa enough room to only enough only roomc only enough room

he great maority of the passengers FFF survived were traveling first

classa whom whoc which

9 Women and children were given priority FFF men when the lifeoats werelowered into the seaa to overc on

14 $oody FFF that this was the greatest marine disaster of all timea must deny can denyc has to deny

EX B En+lish est - 2

Hour est

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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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+) Which answer is correctgt

1) Which is the most polite phrase when telephoninggt

ang on

old on

6ust a moment please

2) What is the name for everything that is taught in a schoolgt




) Which sentence is correctgt

he is always complaining aout her father

he is always complaining of her father

he is always complaining to her father


1 When I was in 8ondon I every day is swimming2 8ook over there omeone in the river swim

I don t really want today will swim hall we go tomorrowgt have swum

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole wayacross the lake swimming

It s no surprise he was tired e the whole day to swim

I once a week since coming to Eermany had eenswimming

I think I every day on my holiday net month was swimming

9 y friend was uicker than me he already when Iarrived at the pool had swum

14 Cats cannot swam

EX ( B 8adrian5s 9all

)ill the +aps with the correct tenses actie or passie oice

1 In the year 122 +A the 5oman 0mperor adrian (visit) hisprovinces in -ritain

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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

8112019 2006 Didieji Testai Schoolleavers 2

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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2 n his visit the 5oman soldiers (tell) him that ampictish tries

from -ritain s north (attack) them

o adrian (give) the order to uild a protective wall across oneof the narrowest parts of the country

+fter years of hard work the Wall (finish) in 12

It (e) 11 kilometres long and aout metres high

he Wall (guard) y 1 444 5oman soldiers

0very kilometres there (e) a large fort in which up to 1444

soldiers (find) shelter

he soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check)

the people who (want) to enter or leave 5oman -ritain

9 In order to pass through the Wall people (must go) to one of the

small forts that (serve) as gateways

14 hose forts (call) milecastles ecause the distance from one fort

to another (e) one 5oman mile (aout 1 44 metres)

11 -etween the milecastles there (e) two turrets from which the

soldiers (guard) the Wall

12 If the Wall (attack) y enemies the soldiers at the turrets (run)to the nearest milecastle for help or (light) a fire that

(can J see) y the soldiers in the milecastle

1 In adrian s Wall (aandon)

1 oday adrian s Wall (e) the most popular tourist attraction innorthern 0ngland

1 In 19 it (ecome) a D$0C World eritage ite


est on ltelatie Clases

Choose the correct relatie pronon or relatie ader

1 he woman is sitting at the desk is r Winter s secretary

2 I cannot rememer the reason he wanted us to leave

6ane mother is a physician is very good at iology

he didnBt see the snake was lying on the ground

Ao you know the shop +ndrew picked me upgt

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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

8112019 2006 Didieji Testai Schoolleavers 2

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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httpslidepdfcomreaderfull2006-didieji-testai-schoolleavers-2 1717

1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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EX B Comine the sentences with relatie clases Decide whether to secommas or not

1 + monk is a man he man has devoted his life to Eod

+ monk

2 I have one lack cat is name is -lacky

I have

+ herivore is an animal he animal feeds upon vegetation

+ herivore Carol plays the piano rilliantly he is only 9 years old

Carol ydney is the largest +ustralian city It is not the capital of +ustralia


Comine the sentences with contact clauses1 We ordered a ook It was very epensive

2 Hou are sitting on a ench he paint on the ench is still wet

he photographer could not develop the pictures I had taken them in+ustralia

ne of the ins smells awful Hou havenBt emptied the in for weeks

hey are singing a song I donBt know the song

Comine the sentences with relative clauses or contact clauses Dse contactclauses where possile (Aecide whether to use commas or not)

1 he city seems to e aandoned It is usually crowded with people

2 Hou made an offer We cannot accept it

We + midwife is a woman he assists other women in childirth

+ women

hree youngsters were arrested y the police hey had committed criminaloffences

he police he World Wide We has ecome an essential part of our lives It was

invented y im -erners8ee

im -erners8ee

EX 1 B he Ble ltoom

+ll right said Aouglas I know you don t like eing saddled withme ut it s only for this morning I wish you d try not to look

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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

8112019 2006 Didieji Testai Schoolleavers 2

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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uite so miserale aout it

Aouglas was my cousin and he was right of course I had planned tospend the morning eploring the ack streets of the seaside towndiscovering one or two secondhand ookshops visiting the odd recordshop perhaps and then at reakfast my dream had een shattered ymy +unt

Hou re not usy this morning are you omgt she said cheerfullyWhy don t you take Aouglas for a walk along the eachgt I have some

shopping to do ince I like my cousin was staying at my +unt sseaside home it was a re uest that was impossile to refuse

Aouglas was eleven and I was more than twice that age here was aserious generation gap o here we were strolling along thepromenade on a grey rather windy autumn morning with little incommon apart from vague family ties

Hou don t really want to go for a walk along the each do yougt I


$ot particularly said Aouglas ave you got any moneygt

ow muchgt I en uired suspiciously

+ couple of pounds he replied

amproaly I said

hen let s go to the -lue 5oom

he -lue 5oomgt I d never heard of it

+t the end of the pier Come on I ll show you

+part from one or two elderly couples wandering along arm in armthe pier was deserted 0mpty deckchairs flapped forlornly in thereelte and the doors of the seaside photographers the fortunetellers and the souvenir shops were firmly shut and arred -ut atthe far end a large sign in flashing coloured lights still invitedthe pulic to sample the +musements hank goodness it s stillopen said Aouglas increasing his pace

y heart sank and I rememered the strange compulsion of my ownyouth to feed pennies into slot machines and send little silveralls whiltlting round and round -y the time I was siteen I hadgrown out of these games We went in through the doule doors underthe illuminated sign

Eive us a pound then Aouglas was saying eagerly

echanically I handed him a pound coin and he dashed off to changeit into 14p piecesI looked aout me and realilted at once that this was a world I knew

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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

8112019 2006 Didieji Testai Schoolleavers 2

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

8112019 2006 Didieji Testai Schoolleavers 2

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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nothing of h there were one or two fruit machines which seemedfamiliar ut what was this strange game called rogger gt elp thefrog across the road while the electronic vehicles thundered yor he mad planet where multicoloured spacecraft sped through astarry universe constantly under attack from small evillookingmachines where the air was filled with the roar of giganticeplosions and the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated in huge sheets

of flame

Aouglas was ack at my side his eyes shining Eood isn t itgt hesaid Eot another poundgt

he -lue 5oom

ere is a tet aout two cousins on a windy day in 0ngland

1 Which of the following is correctgt nly one answer is correct

Aouglas didn t want to spend the morning with the writer Aouglas wanted to eplore the ack streets of the town

he writer wanted to go shopping with his aunt

he writer wasn t happy at the thought of spending themorning with his cousin

2 nly one of the following answers is correct Which onegt he writer suggested they should walk along the each

he writer s aunt suggested they should go for a walkalong the promenade

Aouglas wanted to know how much money the writer had

Aouglas suggested they should go to the -lue 5oom

Which $0 of the following four possiilities is the estgtChoose only $0

here was noody on the pier

here was a fortune teller on the pier

ost of the souvenir shops were shut

Aouglas was relieved to discover that the pier was notclosed

When the writer stepped inside the -lue 5oom he was amalted

he was ecited

he was shocked

he was upset

Inside the -lue 5oom

it was crowded it was dangerous

it was noisy

it was hot

8112019 2006 Didieji Testai Schoolleavers 2

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull2006-didieji-testai-schoolleavers-2 1617

EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

8112019 2006 Didieji Testai Schoolleavers 2

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull2006-didieji-testai-schoolleavers-2 1717

1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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8112019 2006 Didieji Testai Schoolleavers 2

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EX 20 B Verbs and Pre ositions 1

=ap-ill exercise

ill in all the gaps then press GCheckG to check your answers Dse the G intGutton to get a free letter if an answer is giving you troule Hou can alsoclick on the GKgtLG utton to get a clue $ote that you will lose points if youask for hints or clues

1 he accused me telling lies

2 Hou can always orrow a dictionary the lirary

Ao you elieve ghostsgt

he history teacher asked us to comment the events taking place in


I am accustomed having a lot of money

When the guests arrived my house they gave me a ottle of wine

ome people stupidly elieve that we are in school to prepare our

future os

he old woman suffered lumago

9 h you are so right I agree you completely

14 he is very dependale I always know I can count her asolutely

11 I want to congratulate you your success

12 Hou won t always e ale to rely your parents

1 When you are a mountain guide you sometimes have to wait a long time

the tourists

8112019 2006 Didieji Testai Schoolleavers 2

httpslidepdfcomreaderfull2006-didieji-testai-schoolleavers-2 1717

1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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8112019 2006 Didieji Testai Schoolleavers 2

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1 y anker told me not to draw all the money of my ank account

1 I must insist your learning these vers

1 +re you accusing me eing too strictgt

1 ow does the man account having all that money in his pocketgt

1 he workment would like to speak the manager

19 he visitors oected the horrile rooms

24 I always try to agree my twin sister ecause it makes her angry if I

don t

21 I ust couldn t agree his plan it was much too dangerous

22 Houng people today can communicate each other using a lot of different


2 It was your fault Aon t try to lame me the accident

2 he head teacher threatened me epulsion if I didn t ehave etter

2 Aon t forget to thank your parents putting up with you all these


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