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Compiled by: By Ni Putu Ratni (1108066058)





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Compiler pray as gratitute to The Mighty God because of His blessing so

that the compiling of term paper about Computer Assisted Language Learning

Contribution to English Learning Achievement of Elementary School Students at

Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten can be completed.

This term paper is a research report in the field of education which carried

by the compiler in order to give an additional knowledge about an advanced

English learning method. The research result out from statistical test that applied

to Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) media against English

Learning Achievement of Elementary School Students to view its contribution.

Compiler aware that there are still alot of shortages in this term paper;

therefore, criticisms and suggestions from everyone for the future improvement

will be needed.

This term paper can not be finished in a good order without any support

and assistance from various parties; therefore, compiler takes this opportunity to

deliver acknowledgements to Mr. Gunawan Suryoputro, the lecturer of Academic

Writing at UNHAMKA who supported and guided the compiler along the

process of research, and to all students who been participated in this research.

Their efforts will benefit society for every generation.

Hopefully this term paper can deliver significant contribution to the world

of education especially to English education.

Banten, 1st June 2012


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A. Background 1

B. Problems Formulation 2

C. The Aim of Study 2

D. The Benefit of Study 2

E. Hypothesis 2

F. Variables 3


A. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) 4

B. English Learning Achievement for Elementary Student 4

C. CALL and English Learning Achievement for Elementary Student 5


A. The Method of Study 6

B. Sources and Population 6

C. Technic of Data Collection 6

D. Instrument 6

E. The Methods of Data Analysis 6


A. Data Description 8

B. Hypothesis Examination 9

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C. Study Result Discussion 11


A. Conclusion 12

B. Recommendations 12



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Table Page

IV.1. Raw Data 8

IV.2. Hypothesis Examination Data 9

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Picture Page

1. Formula of Product Moment Coefficient Correlation 7

2. Formula of Coefficient Determinant 7

3. Formula of Contribution Amount 7

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Attachment Page

1. Hypothesis Examination Utilizes the Formula of Product Moment

Coefficient Correlation 14

2. Table of Product Moment r Scale 16

3. Multiple Choice of Written Test Instrument 17

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Nowadays educational demands more students' skills development in

English; it is because English is the international language. Even though,

education in Indonesia is still experiencing difficulties to meet these demands,

due to limited facilities, limited professional educator and limited eligibility

environmental for the development of appropriate language learning process.

Therefore, it’s required a learning media that can help to overcome these

limitations. CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) is a computer-based

instructional media which capable to meet these criteria. This study examined the

contribution of CALL to increase students’ achievement of English learning and

to determine the amount of CALL contribution.

Based on Dewey theory that emphasizes learning through

experimentation to be used for solving student’s problems, compiler choose

CALL as a media that provides the opportunity for students to explore the object

of their study and to utilize the knowledge that they gain from it to resolve

problems associated with that object. The compiler implemented CALL

application media to elementary students at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat

Banten in English subjects.

Problem Formulations that become the aims of this study are: 1) Has

CALL contribution to increase the English learning achievement of elementary

students at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten? 2) How much is the

amount of the contribution?; The hypothesis of this study is nil hypotheses (H0)

which is state that CALL does not has contribution to increase the English

learning achievement of elementary students at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood

Ciputat Banten; The study utilizes experimental method, utilizes instrument

which form as a closed question written objective test in multiple choice type for

data collection tool, and utilizes correlation product moment formula for data


The analysis result shows that rh > rt because the achievement of counted

correlation coefficient value (rh) is 0.784 in the other hand the table correlation

coefficient value (rt) with the number N (population) 19 students and the

determination of significant level 5% is 0.514. It means nil hypotheses (H0) is

refused. The result of determinant coefficient (Kd) shows 0.62; therefore, the

amount of contribution is determined as 62%. The conclusion is CALL

significantly has contribution to increase the English learning achievement of

elementary students at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten in the

amount of 62%, it means in every one level increment of English learning

achievement is because 62% influence from the implementation of CALL, and

the other 38% is because the influence from other factors beside learning media.

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Tuntutan pendidikan saat ini semakin banyak menekankan peningkatan

kemampuan siswa dalam berbahasa inggris, hal tersebut disebabkan karena

bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional. Walaupun demikian pendidikan

di Indonesia masih mengalami kendala dalam memenuhi tuntutan tersebut,

dikarenakan terbatasnya fasilitas tenaga pendidik dan lingkungan yang layak

bagi pengembangan proses pembelajaran bahasa tersebut. Untuk itu diperlukan

suatu media pembelajaran yang dapat membantu mengatasi keterbatasan

tersebut. CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) adalah salah satu media

pembelajaran berbasis computer yang dapat memenuhi kriteria tersebut.

Penelitian ini menguji kontribusi CALL terhadap peningkatan prestasi belajar

bahasa inggris siswa dan menentukan besaran kontribusi CALL.

Berlandaskan pada teori Dewey yang menekankan pada pembelajaran

melalui eksperimen untuk digunakan dalam pemecahan masalah yang dialami

oleh siswa, maka penyusun memilih CALL sebagai media yang memberikan

kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengeksplorasi objek yang dipelajarinya dan

menggunakan pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari ekplorasi tersebut untuk

menyelesaikan masalah terkait dengan objek. Aplikasi media CALL diterapkan

pada siswa sekolah dasar di Lingkungan Bambu Apus Ciputat-Banten untuk

mata pelajaran bahasa inggris.

Rumusan masalah yang ingin diketahui jawabannya sebagai tujuan

penelitian ini adalah: 1) Apakah CALL memiliki kontribusi terhadap peningkatan

prestasi belajar bahasa inggris siswa sekolah dasar di Lingkungan Bambu Apus

Ciputat-Banten?; 2) Seberapa besar kontribusinya? Hipotesis yang diuji adalah

hipotesis nihil (H0) yang menyatakan bahwa CALL tidak memiliki kontribusi

terhadap peningkatan prestasi belajar bahasa inggris siswa sekolah dasar di

Lingkungan Bambu Apus Ciputat-Banten; Metode penelitian yang digunakan

adalah metode eksperimen, alat pengumpulan data adalah instrumen pertanyaan

tertutup berbentuk tes tulis obyektif tipe pilihan ganda dan analisis data korelasi

product moment.

Hasil analisis data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rh > rt karena nilai

koefisien korelasi hitung (rh) yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 0,784 sedangkan

nilai koefisien korelasi tabel (rt) dengan jumlah N (populasi) sebesar 19 orang

dan penetapan taraf signifikan sebesar 5 % adalah 0,514. Dengan demikian

hipotesis nihil (H0) ditolak. Hasil penghitungan koefisien determinasi (Kd)

menunjukkan nilai sebesar 0,62 sehingga besar kontribusi ditetapkan sebesar

62%. Simpulan yang dapat ditarik di akhir penelitian ini CALL memiliki

kontribusi terhadap peningkatan prestasi belajar bahasa inggris siswa sekolah

dasar di Lingkungan Bambu Apus Ciputat-Banten sebesar 62%, artinya setiap

sekali kenaikan prestasi belajar bahasa inggris yang diperoleh merupakan

pengaruh sebesar 62 % dari penerapan CALL, sedangkan 38% sisanya adalah

pengaruh (kontribusi) faktor-faktor selain media pembelajaran.

Kata kunci: CALL, media pembelajaran, prestasi belajar bahasa inggris.

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A. Background

The success of a learning process relies on the ability of teachers to

choose an appropriate strategy in the learning process. Learning strategy contains

some aspects such as: teaching methods, classroom management, and learning

media. All of these are basically intend to attract the interest and concentration of

students to learning activities so that the goal of learning itself can be achieved


Determination of learning strategy require teachers' foresight in assessing

classroom atmosphere and classroom conditions correctly, so the strategy will

make it easier to deliver a concept to the students. We can give an example, if a

teacher wants to make students understand about organs of frog, then he should

provide laboratory atmosphere using experimental surgery as a learning method

and frog’s body as the media, so the aim of learning can be achieved as expected.

Learning media is one important aspect of learning strategy and needed to

meet the demands of education especially in Indonesia nowadays that is students'

skills increment in English education because English is the international

language. Cheap but effective media is required because there is difficulty of

students to meet these demands due to lack of facilities, professional educators,

and a decent environment for the application of English learning.

John Dewey (1859-1952) believed that knowledge can achieved through

experiments and the results can be used to solve the problems in this life. He said

that knowledge will continue to change according to the needs of the era. His

theory emphazises “…knowledge was not an inert body of information. It was,

rather, an instrument to solve problem…” (Ornstein & Levine, 1985). Based on

this theory is attempted a media that can provide opportunitiy for students to

explore knowledge in a way that is easier and still it is in accordance with the

current technology development so that he can solve problems associated with

that knowledge. Therefore, in this study is implemented CALL to elementary

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students as a computer-based learning media which is classified as cheap and

effective media in order to see its contribution to improving their English

language learning achievement.

B. Problem Formulations

This study is focused on two problem formulations those are:

1. Has CALL contribution to increase the English learning achievement of

elementary students at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten?

2. How much is the amount of the contribution?

C. The Aim of Study

The aims of this study are:

1. In order to see the possibility of CALL contribution to increase the

English learning achievement of elementary students at Bambu Apus

Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten.

2. In order to determine the amount of the contribution.

D. The Benefit of Study

This study has two benefits, those are:

1. Provide important knowledge for English teacher in order to design the

appropriate learning strategy.

2. Provide the result for utilized in English learning process in order to

increase the students’ English competency.

E. Hypothesis

The Hypothesis of this study is Null hyphotesis (H0) which is state that

CALL does not has contribution to increase the English learning achievement of

elementary students at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten.

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F. Variables

This study has two variables, those are:

1. CALL media as independent variable.

2. Students English Learning Achievement as dependent variable.

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Literature review is an activity to search the references which contain

theories and concepts from previous research to be utilized as the basis study of

the focus variables. Literature sources can be grouped into two, namely 1)

General sources for example books; and 2) Particular sources for example term

paper (Marzuki, 2005). The literature review in this chapter will be about

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), about English Learning

Achievement for Elementary Student, and about CALL and English Learning

Achievement for Elementary Student.

A. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Hartoyo (2012) explained in his book that CALL is a learning process

with computer help so between students and computer will be there interaction.

CALL gives freedom to students to choose topics or information and even to

solve the problems themselves (p.59).

CALL learning media that utilizes in this study is formed as a play and

learning software for English learning. It is made to make elementary students

interest on it. English subject material that use in the game is about occupation

vocabulary. The appearance of the program is full colour, nice cartoon picture,

and happily music so that the students can feel comfortable and enjoy in learning

the subject.

The most important of all is the student easy to understand about how to

use the program so they have no dificulty to follow the subject that given to them

through CALL.

B. English Learning Achievement for Elementary Student

Study of foreign language is not an easy thing to do especially for

elementary students. Therefore, a teacher has to be aware about children

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psychology development because there are deferences abilities in every level of


When the students arrive at the age of 9 to 13 years, their developments

come to the direction of think critical, desire to compete against each other, and

to show their special interest and talent (Pidarta, 2000). In order to manage

teaching English in this age of students, teacher can facilitate them with an

experimental learning method and media so they can do their own study about

English subject and compete in positive way with their friend.

C. CALL and English Learning Achievement for Elementary Student

CALL is an interesting learning media for elementary students because

through this media teacher can provide English subject without makes students

bore or scare to it. According to the age of elementary students, CALL program

can give them a chance to develop their knowledge and to solve the subject

problem in a fun way.

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A. The Method of Study

This study utilizes experimental method. The experiment is imposed to

student English learning achievement by utilize CALL media to teach English

subject for elementary student. The report of study forms in argumentative way in

order to give positive influence to the reader.

B. Sources and Population

This study has primary data that came from the first hand or directly from

the source, in this case is from the subject of study. The subject of study is the

population of elementary student at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten,

and the amount of them is 19 students.

C. Technic of Data Collection

This study utilizes writen test as the technic of data collection. The test is

given twice to the same population. First test is given before the experiment and

the result determined as pre test (X), and second test is given after the experiment

and the result determined as post test (Y).

D. Instrumen

The test instrument of this study forms as a closed question written

objective test in multiple choices. The items of it contain the subject materials of

English which is learned by students through CALL.

E. The Methods of Data Analysis

This study utilizes correlation product moment formula for data analysis

in order to find out the independent variable contribution to dependent variable.

The analysis process of this study performed sequentially, start from calculating

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the correlation coefficient of product moment, and then calculating of

determinant coefficient, and the last is calculating the contribution amount of

independet variable.

The formulas that used as analysis method are:

1. Formula of Product Moment Coefficient Correlation

∑ xy

r x y =

(∑x2 ) (∑y

2 )

gb. 3 rumus koefisien korelasi

product moment


r x y









Koefisien korelasi antara pra tes dan post tes

hasil perkalian nilai x dengan y

kuadrat dari nilai x

kuadrat dari nilai y (Hadi, 2000)

2. Formula of Coefficient Determinant (KD)

KD = (r x y)2

gb. 4 rumus koefisien determinan (Supranto, 1989)

4. Formula of Contribution Amount

Besar Kontribusi = KD X 100 %

gb. 5 rumus besar kontribusi (Marzuki, 2005)

The calculation of data analysis in in the attachment 1.

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A. Data Description

The data from this research process is quantitative and form as values of

pre test and post test which applied to elementary students at Bambu Apus

Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten. The values represent of the students English

learning achievement in cognitive field.

The data from that field research is still raw and it is tabulated in order to

simplify the examination. The data tabulation result is below:




Subject of Research

Pre Test


Post test


1. I G. Adi Cipta Wibawa 70.00 97.50

2. I Wy. Rainbow 43.75 91.25

3. Putu Gita Rahayu 60.00 97.50

4. Ida Wy. Adi Pratama W. 62.50 98.75

5. Relent Gita Ananda 55.00 80.00

6. A.A. Gde Krishna Aryawan 70.00 96.25

7 Putu Ananda Pradnya W. 50.00 71.25

8. Putu Viola Kanno 36.25 82.50

9. I Gst. B. Tanaya Kasabhara 46.25 87.50

10. I Made Candra Wida A. 52.50 71.25

11. Ida Ayu Merlyn Ardhia P. 72.50 90.00

12. Pande Made Adjie Laksmana 55.00 77.50

13. I Kt. Suryawidiyantara 35.00 61.25


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Subject of Research

Pre Test


Post test


14. I Gst. A. Premananda 35.00 71.25

15. Rukmanggana Satya P. 60.00 87.50

16. I Gede Mahawiyarta P.B.P 36.25 76.25

17. I Komang Darmawan Putra 31.25 63.75

18. Ida B. Indra Dwi Wibawa 17.50 56.25

19. I Kadek D. Arya Divananda 51.25 95.00

B. Hypothesis Examination

The values of X dan Y are tabulated as the table below:





X - Mx


Y - My




x . y


1. 70.00 97.50 20.53 15.79 421.48 249.32 324.17

2. 43.75 91.25 - 5.72 9.54 32.72 91.01 - 54.57

3. 60.00 97.50 10.53 15.79 110.88 249.32 166.27

4. 62.50 98.75 13.03 17.04 169.78 290.36 222.03

5. 55.00 80.00 5.53 - 1.71 30.58 2.92 - 9.46

6. 70.00 96.25 20.53 14.54 421.48 211.41 298.51

7. 50.00 71.25 0.53 - 10.46 0.28 109.41 - 5.54

8. 36.25 82.50 - 13.22 0.79 174.77 0.62 - 10.44

9. 46.25 87.50 - 3.22 5.79 10.37 33.52 - 18.64

10. 52.50 71.25 3.03 - 10.46 9.18 109.41 - 31.69

11. 72.50 90.00 23.03 8.29 530.38 68.72 190.92


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X - Mx


Y - My




x . y


12. 55.00 77.50 5.53 - 4.21 30.58 17.72 - 23.28

13. 35.00 61.25 - 14.47 - 20.40 209.38 416.16 295.19

14. 35.00 71.25 - 14.47 - 10.46 209.38 109.41 151.36

15. 60.00 87.50 10.53 5.79 110.88 33.52 60.97

16. 36.25 76.25 - 13.22 - 5.46 174.77 29.81 72.18

17. 31.25 63.75 - 18.22 - 17.96 331.97 322.56 327.23

18. 17.50 56.25 - 31.97 - 25.46 1,022.08 648.21 813.96

19. 51.25 95.00 1.78 13.29 3.71 176.62 23.66








Hypothesis examination process is formulated in attachment ….. .

Correlation coefficient between pre test and post test after the examination is

found out in the scale of 0.784. That coefficient is higher than correlation

coefficient table in the significant level of 5% (attachment …) so it can be states

that CALL significantly has contribution to increase the English learning

achievement of elementary students at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat

Banten. That statement refuse the null hypothesis (H0) which states that CALL

does not has contribution to increase the English learning achievement of

elementary students at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten.

The examination of contribution amount utilizes coefficient determinant

formula which is multiplied with 100%. The result from that calculation shows

that Calls’ contribution to increase the English learning achievement of

elementary students at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten in the

amount of 62%.

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C. Study Result Discussion

The result of this study shows that CALL contributes to increase the

English learning achievement of elementary students at Bambu Apus

Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten. The fact shows agreement to Dewey Theory

which emphasize that the students need to experience knowledge by themselves

in order to increase their understanding of the subject material and to increase

their ability in solving problems.

The 62% of contribution amount is a quantitative description which

emphasize that CALL media give good contribution to the English learning

achievement of elementary students. 62% is an effect level which still can be

increased through updating CALL program.

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A. Conclusion

Coefficient correlation between pre test and post test is known base on

data analysis of this study, and it is in the scale of 0.784. This coefficient

correlation is higher than table coefficient correlation which shows scale of 0.514

in 5% level significant or in the 95% level of trust, so it can be concluded that

Computer Assignment Language Learning (CALL) contributes significantly to

increase the English learning achievement of elementary students at Bambu Apus

Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten.

0.62 determinant coefficient that achieved in this study shows that CALL

has contribution to increase the English learning achievement of elementary

students at Bambu Apus Neighbourhood Ciputat Banten in the amount of 62%; it

means in every one level increment of English learning achievement is because

62% influence from the implementation of CALL, and the other 38% is because

the influence from other factors beside learning media.

B. Recommendations

There are some recommendations that compiler need to deliver, those are:

1) Programmers should increase the quality of every CALL program, so it can be

more efficient to help student in learning all of English subject material; 2)

Teachers should implemented CALL to their students especially for English

subject materials; and 3) Education institution need to provide all the need for

CALL implementation.

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Hadi, S. (2000). Statistik. Yogyakarta: Andi.

Hartoyo, M. P. (2012). Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi (TIK) dalam

Pembelajaran Bahasa. Semarang: Pelita Insani.

Marzuki. (2005). Metodologi Riset. Yogyakarta: Ekonesia.

Ornstein, A. C., & Levine, D. U. (1985). An Introduction to The Foundations of

Education. usa: Houghton Mifflin.

Pidarta, M. (2000). Landasan Kependidikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

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