
10 Ways to Help Siblings of Cancer


Cancer has a profound effect on the

entire family, especially when it's a

child who’s been diagnosed. While

everyone is understandably focused

on the care of the ill child, it's

natural for siblings to feel anxious,

neglected, scared and even

resentful at times.

MD Anderson's website offers great advice via podcast on how to tell children that sibling has cancer.

Click HERE to listen to it.

There are many ways parents can support the

siblings of cancer patients:

1. Be open and

honest with

them about the

seriousness of

the situation.

2. Give them permission to express

feelings of guilt, jealousy, anger, sadness,

fear, and love—and validate these feelings.

3. Spend as much

time with the well

children as possible

—by phone, at the

hospital, or in extra

one-on-one time at


4. Continue daily routines as much as possible.

Maintain the same boundaries and same rules for

both the sick and well children. Continue to talk with

well children about what’s going on in their lives,

including everyday things.

5. Reassure them that

just because their sibling

is sick, they won’t

become sick as well.

And, assure them that

this is not their fault and

they did nothing to

cause the illness.

6. Keep school teachers informed about

the situation so that they will be sensitive

about the well children’s feelings and


7. Stress the

healthy aspects of

the sick child, such

as his/her sense of

humor, interests,

and talents.

8. Be careful not to burden well

children with extra duties and thank

them for their help.

9. Give well children permission

not to talk just about their sick

sibling with others. They may be

getting asked a lot about their

sibling and this gives them

permission to talk about

themselves and their

accomplishments as well.

10. Ask friends who want to give the sick child a gift to

make it a family present so all siblings will reap the

benefits of a caring family and community.

For resources, financial assistance, knowledge and inspiration,

please visit

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