
71 sf yeor

I t ®in

H o o v e r k e p t .4 8 . iWASHINGTON lU P H -

d isc]oscd today th c la tc FB h is offlcc a to ta l o f 48 files fo rm ation on.thc lives of pui lwo c tirren l congressm en.

" B y and la rg e thc mo ' d e rogatory In fom u tlon c<

/w nflrm lnp offlrlnllv fnr Ih long jiim ored file keeping,

I A C 'J

. . Y a n k s u p p ly p l aH W O M PE N H i U P D -

lh e ir supply effort to Ph —' p roportions today in face qf.

G un the r D ean th a t Comlxx________April.

E leven s lrc tch ed U U jci com m crclal com panies flev P en h from Saigon today. R

_ ! _____w lU i_scvjauockcls._kil1in;o th e rs , but no U.S. p lanes ot

In d la n K i g n o r e >SH IPB O C K .N .M .IU PII

" o c c u ^ t io n lo r te s a ld todaj ' ' to abandon a n d e c tro n lc s 1

rcco rd s checking ou l grlcv j A m erican Ind ian Movem

hc view ed th e th rea t by 1 m o r e l h a n a “ lac lic .S o .w e

J o b le s s b c n e l i t iWASHINGTON lU P h -

layoffs In th c auiomoi)ilci , p u sh e d u p th e n u m t» c ro fu

e a r ly F eb ru ary to m ore lh( . ^T hc departm en t monitoi , in c lu d ln g s o ^ c n a c t c d Inl

T he departm en i said lha 4.986,200 pe rsons w ere n su ran c e bencflls. up 117,30

— p jp o d u c l lv io‘ WASHINGTON I UPJ >-

c en t, I h e 'f t r s t calendar s ta r te d keep ing th e sla lii m ent sa id today.

T tje B ureau of U b o r : m anhour dropped 2.2 pei cen l.


A m e r lc a n 'J e tw aSEO U U K orea lU P D -

W ednesday n igh t to sq)p( 10 N orth K orean boa ts n M inistry official sa id lodx

~ K im Young-sun, depu •— C om m and, did nol disclc

N ^rebosed . .

T - N P h ((Or use

T * '

danD o l t i i k |>. I

f '•

)dlaiyntlefI d i r 0((a«0 r> L ll le a .-_ ,- A ttorney G eneral Edw nrd H. l/!vl ^B1 D irec tor J . E d g ar Hoover kept In es eontninlng derogatory personal in- )ub]ic figures, inc lud ing IS fdm icr and

naterla l In ihcsc folders contained concerning individuals.” 1/CVl soid, Ihp first tim e Ihe extent of Hoover's

■ /\ceioifiw>dI CHICAGO (U P I) - Wnllocc I M uham m ad, fifth bom son of■ E ! l ] ^ M uham m ad,' becam e I .Ih csp lrtu a lle a d c ro flh e B la c k■ M uslims W ednesday.■ An estim ated 15,000 persons

Including boxer M uhammadJ All-pledged lhe ir loyally to the

^ fww leade r of the sect a t thc - J ." S a v io r 's D ay" ohscrvaiin: •■ w hich becam c a tribu te to the■ m an who led Ihem for more■ Ihon 40 years before h is dcalh .I a t the age of 77 e arlie r this

week. .

an c s s le p up efforiSTTT^- U.S. c ivilian cargo planes escalated ’ hnom P enh alm ost lo Bcrlinsly ie 5f a w arning l>y U.S. Amtwissador John xxJla could fall to the Com munists by

let llighls by p lanes ol lwo American ew m ore than 300 tons of r ice lo Phnom RcIk I gunners h it Pochentong airport Ing seven persons and wounding 27 o rp llo tsw e rc h il.

y n p la n t u ll lm a lu mII - A spokew w in for « n irm e d Indisji lay h is group Is Ignoring an ultimatum s p lan l and Is going ihrough compony v a n ce s.'ment ^ k c s m a n U rc n z o l^ v ald o said ' F a irch ild C am era Corp. a s nolhing ■e Just s it and w ait.”

re c lp ie n fs {{rou'intf- The U b o r D epartm ent said today

lc.‘ construction and tex tile Industries unemployment insurance recipients In

hanS.Omllllon'. _____ -wj;ors seven se p a ra le bcneflls program s,n lo law D ec .31 t during the week ending Feb. Ji alwul rccclving rogu lar unemployment in-

300 from lhe previous week,.

m K id n a p p e dH — BBRLIN-h U PH — - P e t e r

L veiu^ le ad e r oF Ihe iHiristlan D cm ocralic p a rty here and

2 | H cand ida te for m ayo r of West Beriln, w as kidnapped today on the w ay to work.

' ' Two m en and a w oman a r ­med w ith m achine guns u-ere sought by police. A U.S. Army helicop tcr Joined Ihc search.

‘ . w U l e r in the m om ing, a party ^ official sa w a ne^^■spaper had

received •» telephone call | V say lngL orenzw assafe .

iy d e e l ln e s in 1974— -I - Pnx luctlv lly In 1974 dropped 2.2 pci ir y e a r decline since th e govcmmcni lis llcs 17 y e a rs ogo, the U b o r Depart-

r SlaHaHcs sa id th a t w hile 'outpul ier ccnt. unit labo r costs rose 11.2 pet

a id R O K se a c h a seI - U.S. P hantom Jet figh ters scram ble iport Soulh K orean naval vessels chasin near the w estern sea bo rder, a Defens day. ‘puly leade r o t the Counle^E:splonag :lose w her^ th e A m erican fighter plane

■onies 733-DA31e our'toll-free littci)

1 . Y / ~~A m u 5 e m e n t s , 8 .

F arm , 2 1 l | i y L eo ls la tlv e , 6, 7,

' -Living, J O - n M a rk e ls l 'tS -

Valley, 15

• f t '*• i > . o .

t im i

D e n

, s e t c

L _ o iL fW,\SHlNGTON lU P Ii -

panels ag reed today on an c a gollon Increase.In gasoline if F o rd 's goal of curbing oil lmp< c Thc D em ocrotic plan rejoclk F o rd 's program to c u rta il ei

cost.s The D em ocratic proposalsd m eeting of House and Senate c C arl AllKrt and Senate Democ c • Thc D em ocrats w ere rcspoi ® ■ h isp ro g ram o rc o m cu p w llh f l c T hekcy provisions in lhe De® - A five ccnl Incrcasc in tl^ . w ilh thc SS billion this woulc

conservation fund to lw used,ti energy,

- A n excise tax on new oi __ gasoline than the average i

■ A m crfcW carew hich'coiisiiini “ - A rejection of F o rd 's pn '} p rice ot dom estic oil and on J’” Hihlpped acro ss sta le Iwrders,

" ■-A n in c ro asc o fap p ro x im .i ________ m nrp th.-<n TO mtlMnn

retroactive lo Ja n . I. 197S. F creasc a l 5 p c rc cn t and makii

’n S211,Illion tax cut an~I~_____ d ebating todny i*nd pvpivtoH i

m oro economic stim ulation .F o rd has proposed.

—An excess profits la x on h - A budgel defic il resul

sU m ulallon lha l .would bc $10 ' defic it Fo rd haa proposc(

x m m m m m m x i t

M a i n , r o | i a

K IM BERLY w ithoul w a te r i iw s te r m a ln l t , A fo u rm a n

Inv p .m ., w hen th e. | „ th e w ater m ain

u o U ite il l l iK■ : In uMltloii.

— dlvW oo n e a r ! aboutSp .m .W i

'n- C rew m emrep a irin g th a t <

er— ^US-tt^adean ■ '

3 s k id s in JWASHINGTON I U P n - '

or- e n million In January ' and :re dropped for the sixth strai;

m enl reported today, cb. The double-barreled rcpoi

theU .S .cconom y onbo th th i ' „ Im ports la sl month w cre j

J9.4I billion. This pu l th c tn slightly sm a lle r de ticit

" . balance.C om m erce officials cau l

sMp” basis ra th e r than on tl

i S t P“ ‘-" U nder the old procedure,‘ m uch steepe r -$W2.G mill

_gj. D eccm lwr.In a scparo te report, the

economic indicators droppi ______oflhenlnccom poncnts<)(U -

Idaho s>bledisIng « 'better tnage ,


TWIN F A U ^ - Idaho p a ren tly a re b e tter crcd c oun terparts acro ss the nat

A US com m issioner of lam ented th a t too m any »

I----------------repaym w it-ofJw lw aU y-gulocal banks.

C lling a national default f j 4 conl, h e announced p lans tl-lI Z -------additional « 7 million tftfo*

However, Tw lo F a i l s - qxikesm en for s u te w ld e in Twin F a lls report th a t del Idaho. ■

Also, f e d ^ figures Ind ra te In Idaho Is m uch lov average ,

' ' ‘;O u r local sltuallon Is

: _ " Idaho's Litrgest I. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THI

t n o s

o w n —

p l a n[1 — H ouse and Senate Dem ocratic in an a lte m a tc _ p la n for a five ccnt sollne ta x es and abandoning P resident 11 Im ports by 1 m illion ba rre ls a day. re jec ts a lm osl a ll of the key elem ents of ta il energ>' consum ption by rais ing its

losals w ere h am m ered oul a t a closed enate ta sk fo rces appointed by Speaker )em ocra tic le ad e r Mike Mansfield. responding to F o rd 's challenge to enact w llh a c om prehens ive plan of thclrow n. he D em ocrat proposal aro: c in th c tour ccn t federal gasoline ta x . would ra ise e a rm ark e d for an cncrg>‘ used, to dcvciop new dom cslic sourecs of

iew outom obilcs w hich-consum e more •age m odel and a ta x reba te on ncwn su in c lc s i7 ~ ..............I's p roposal lo rem ove controls on. the id on th c p r ice of na tu ra l gas which Is ders,D xim nl^y 8,7 |)c rc c n l In lK ncIltspaidIo•w»lplf»MK n( -W iiH ly iinH Tnndc.97S. Fo rd h a d proposed keeping the in- m ak in g it s ta r t Ju ly 1. ':u t and reb a te bill w hich thc House was x l c d i a p a s s .J h la piQvidca.considcrably. Qtion than th c $16 hillion tax reduction

■ *X on la rg e o il com panies, resu ltin g from th e ex tra economic

bc $10 billion h ig h e r lhan the t&n billion >posed,

p a i r e d

jtL Y - K im beriy r e sk te iU w ere ra te r abou t tw o b o u n W ednesday wben la ln lo ln tb rc to .■man d t y c rew w orked from tb o u l S !n tb e l in e w e n lo u t.u D tll2 :9 0 a .m .to flx m ain .

iw ie r , public w o rk i superintendent, ir e a k w as a t a w eak po in t Sn a Joint oad l i w .lUon, a buUdlng c o o tra c to r io a sUb-w a rK lm b e r iy,m . W edaeadiy .m em ber* spen t abou t tw o hours

{ that da m ag e , V iw w r s a k l ,

Je-deflGit— — 1 Jan u a ry•1» - T h e U.S. t r a d e deficil Increased b; y and an Index o t fu tu re economic trend s tra ig h t m onth , th e Com m erce Depart

1 repo rt Indicated continuing prolilems fo oth th e dom estic a n d in lem atlonal fronts, w ere va lued a t $9.62 billion and exports a Ihc Ir’o d e b a la n c e $210.5 million in the n< •tlc it thJln‘O eeem l)c r’s $a87.6 million 1

i c a u t io n ^ lh a l u n d e r a new accounllnnow^being c a lc u la ted on-o-iUrccalongsldn on th e "cu s to m s value” basis used in iti

ixlure, the t r a d e defic its would have i w 6 m illion In J a n u a ry and '$ l.08 billion I

t , the d e p ar tm e n t sa id Its index of leadir Iropped 1.3 p e r ccn t la s t m onlh with sevc :s9 ( th e index going down.

istudents p • risks for hlO H O RSU A N from itbN ew sW rlter th e re is idaho coUcgfi stu d en ts ap- G a rr iso a

c rc d it r isk s th a n lhe ir F a lls BanM nation ; H e coule r of education recen tly .b a n k ,b u tany stu d en ts h a v e ducked “ I thin)

' - . a c r o s s the fau lt r a te o f abou t 14 p e r corning (i lan s to a sk C ongress fo r an popul alectocovorthebB d4sb>Si----------------?‘Wa iJ iF a lU -b a n k o ffice rs and students, irlde banks w ith b ran c h es in tb e lr rei s t de fau lts a re m in im al In m ooey."

D an G'es indicate th a t th e 'd e fa u lt (o rldabo i!h low er th a n the national l«»'l

ion Is abeo lu td y differen t

j> o '

>t Evening NewspapFHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7 , 1

w H | | | p p p | |________ r,

a tic '■•cntlent II

s o t v 'l i t s . :

s e d •iker . • '

■actA’n. •>

“ — A r a b b lso f

lOre ^ . lew


T T T ?. 1 0 - r i x i .

B y B l T l n « - N .

BOISE - Repeal of Idah-------- A m en d m en l(s lM h n n ?n ru f

ERA opponenis ran g e frc resolution to rem ind th e st.

I m en lw lU p ass . ■

But R ep . Ralph GInes, m e a iu c e , sa id . •‘I t’s Bonna lo p u ll th e bUl oul of t h e f in d lu to r of suppori fo r the

J o h n Brooks, R-Co( ,f»nm ie . a lso pred ic ted tb

^ IheH ouse .W hether ll will p ^ . i o c

te n th on th e agenda 'the re “l * lomorrow .-

P ro sp e c ts for the resolui jp , 36-7 c a lls fo r a Iw o-th lrd sr , JP req u ire m en t which w puld I

resolution.B ul O tlc r says the ScnaU

a ln o lh e ri .b llls .o n a slm plo-.


• Att•—T WIN Fy^.LS - T w o 1 F a lls w om en w h o 'a l ic g w ere a ssau lted in th e ir b

' W ednesday moming h a v e I ' la k en off th e critica l lis

M agic Valley ' M emi “ 7 H ospital.

H ow ever, thc lr cond rem a in s serious, hospilal ficials sa id loday.

nsfo r C rysta l Gletzen. IB. w as onts, repeated ly and beaten , r ts a t m other, E d ith Gictzen. 55, e red, b eaten severely , o ffic ia ls s :on In resu lting In a skull frac lu i

broken hand and ti inilng locerallons. igsidc— . T herem aln lng*suspectli In the I^QVld Dean M ooreh

20. ' w as arro lgned bc • i)ccn M ag istra te Court J u d g e :

‘on in a s in ^ e c harge o t a ssau l t - a dead ly w eapon w ith inlc

jading com m d m urder, seven A second suspect, Ste

•R ayborn , 22. reportedlj^

proving— LoansItlic iu ill6 iia l-T fiiid r '\V c 'l(e foui»

: is no prob lem w ith Ibis loan ,” s a k ison, wbo h^pdles studen i loans for B ank and T r u s tcould bo t s a y w b at l)i?7lefBUlt r a t e t s , bu t d a lm e d th a t i t Is “ very low ." Ihtbk^bat th e type o f person we d e a l > 'w onl than >h»y might ho tn»(4ng» the fttU on.” h e sa id . ” 11 sounds Illi n g from Ihe W est a n d Bast Coasts, th(la te d a r e a a /’ — '--------^ e 'h t w a , gfiod re la tif« ih ip * v tlti » ta , " GaiTtson added! " Ih e se pieople

reqnnslb lllU ai^w befl they b o rro ' sy.”in G ulbransen, Boise, student lo a n i Jaho F r is t N atkm al Bank, s«ld, I’Oui^c Isn’t n e a r ly th s th ig h ." - - ' , .

( C a i« iM a d o a 9 f tf P ' ''~ ,

l i e t Dr . . - • corr»««ti«

per . ______ _

1 9 7 5 ■

- I

ilack list

A r e p e aB i a LAZARUS News C ap ito l B u reaulaho's rallflcuU on of th e Equal Righlsroffiira-votetodoyr— -------------------from o p tim is tic lo confident th a t Ihelr s ta te 's 1972 ra lltlc a tlo n o t thc amcnd-

•lampa. and sponsor o f the resolution.I took flood b u t m to o c to w to e a U -.* -- - •“iCs, R -N am pa and co-sponsor of the napaaa .” He a a ld th e 37-Wvotfe Tuesday e S late A ffa irs C om m ittee is a strong he m eo sru e .;ooding, a n d R ep . C ordon Holllfleld.R- Ihe r e sd u l lo n woulld m ake It Ihrough

loday, how ever, Is le ss certain , to in g resolution m a y nol b e voted upon until

ilutlon hinge on proced u re . Senate Rule s m a jo rity vo le to resc in d a m easure, a d be a lm osl su re to block passage of the

a lecom m only p a sses bills which repeal e .m n jo r ity v o lt. He believes Senate

tack victim) Twin cdm m ll(w L ljU ic lde-w hcn_tegedly f lee rs a rr iv e d lo a rre s t hi■ home W ednesday,re been M oorehead w as held in lllist a t custody of tb e she riff In ll< mortal -of $50,000 bond. Ke wi

a rre s te d a t Ihc Twin Falndition police, sta tion a t about 11:tal of- a .m . W ednesday after<he hi

, volun tarily come inlo tla s shot . H er 55, was

lure, a Lops (facial i .

t ln U » TW IN FALLS r Cl‘y P^>'tihead . new s r n ^ l a tb cease b roado before a s to ry , accord ing to Chari<

■fi P a u l ' F a lls c ily attorney, noonon H e a lso sa id the m edia c i l t u l l h p e rse Inform alkm sen l ow nlenl lo long a s th e com m unlcalion

lh e s ta te . Com m unications t Stephen a s police b roadcasts betwc

h a d a n d te lephone lln e s ra r trp i B rum bach .

B rum hach m ade tb e s tab w a s repo rted lha t Tw in Fi

---------- — T lm Q u a lls o rd e red K E E P .bro ad c as ts concerning a W ednesday morning. Two w ere hospitalized In critlca:

.Incident.Tw in F a lls Police Chi

c la im ed th e radio sta tion r Wl th e c ase by-m onlloring I

i - i r h i s

=__Sia!ree;Ih em o re ’ ^ WASW

_____________________D ifec tq r

— / wi t h (M ln offlcCT ^ ■ C « ^ l u fdefault - ' T f i m

J S..................

D IRECTORY o f t a r d p to by A rabs U displayed by S a Idaho , during Senate hear)

I W ednesday. C bu rd i charg a r e try in g to ImpoM a p a tu

■ on A m ertcan b u s in e a life I doing busInMS w ith I s ra d . I

\ C orps o( E n g ln e e n has t } d e m an d th a t p tO c cn wlU

n a m es be b a rred from pro E a s t ( U P l)

a l e r vot<p ro ce d u re on th is m a tte r will fc

Also on U nragenda for a vote ;bl8 c itie s th e right to adopl any I

approV jU W Iocalvolera!wlr

s in c e Houm BIU » Is oei u n llk d y to be VotM on today

Ion. R-Tw In F alU a n d idtalrm an

B u tA n lonebelleveslhebm

a m e n d e d . 'W i g b O i M ' and T a x ^ m eftben, Ai

Is SMtlment that the foniw * 8h be restricted.. “ . '

elng ' A ntone h im self hod backe< iintil cou ld impose. But hU commi

T h e House d id am end the Sule O ne am endm ent provides tt re. a w ouldbeadm ln lste red lh rou f f th e A nother am endm ent proj«

rrilght be given the sam e pof peal coun ties and cities would Join f ia te _____th e s a m e tax , according to Re

tns still Wcn_fif:____5 taH flaJo_onssaL Jiue8 tJo i>l h im Tw in F alU Counly Coror

a o y c e E dw ards s< in th e R a y b o m 's death -was sulckl

In lieu t T h e m an died from a bui I w as w ound In tb e head, he u k

F alU E d w ard s sa id ibe tnan w : 11:30 pronounced dead a l his hot rte h a d a t 640 T aylor S t , Twin FalU.0 th e Po llcc w ere summoned

can’t censpolice can n o t o rde r th e te rc e p ta b r

u d ^ t o f p iB ic a llo n o t u se llfo ryo i h a rie s B ru m b ach , Tw in Brum bad

QuaUs wouj ia can receive and dls- Issue an .ot1 ove r po lice rad io s a s requestve r allons ta k e p la c e w ithin . IfQ ualU t ons betw een s la le s , such w as wrong letw een Idaho a n d U lah would be n TCT>rlvale. acco rd in g to d e r.”

” A courts ta te m en t today a fte r it o rd e r In thli In F a lU D etec tiv e Capl. However, ^ . r a d k } sU tlo n -ta h alL — pubUsltorJ: a a shooting Incfdent agency wot Two Tw in F a lU w om en ahead, ^ I tlcal condilion a fle r th e »

s ta te sU tuChief F ra n k B am elt

lon received inform ation In le r tr e d i. i n g th e pollCT rad io M d apprehensk ideral reg u la tio n s lo in-

<»y p a c t w a nA SH INO fO fl (U P I) - Sen. F ra n k < c ta rW in ia m E .O o lb y b M ag reed t o ^

B iift,dttkraino(tbeSaa«t»S«toclO B 10 ^ In O w rd i'a od k a for about an m i U M Ufaaca Affney Inlormatta.'. » a a o t t e tnd lcaM .M ilkr M 00^ iam ^ttMUrcMMUtuttoSd^ri^ V J ^ o D A n w c i ^ a a d a f a u M b y ^ i b

i c « |v«nim*or .i.lo* cmMTMIMni

I' SL I t a - H id n c o n ^ a n les boycotted ! iy S e n .F ta n k a m n * ,D - '^ — ^ b e a r in g la W ashington t a r g s d th a t A rab sU tcs p a t i m of antl<8einitlsm life by boycotting tirm s

a d . p n e w itn esa aa M tb e lias boyred to a n A rah I with Jew itfi sounding n p rajects In th e Middle

t e d u ewill be questioned.D vote today in th e House Is a hill to gl< any form of taxation with SO pe r ce

Is nex t to th c bo llom of th e l i s t i loday,' accord ing to RepI Sieve Anto rm an of th e H ouse R evenue and T

-.I .—■< , - ■ - ,

Ite biUwUl p a s s th e House. ■ v f r , , t e s ^ . t h e biil pM bably will m h iipp^w ttb Seriate Local Oovermn % M oak t t y t h e u n d e n tan d s th o n a s d r ta x e s c itie s c A l e v y ougbi

lacked lim iting th e types o f taxes .cll im m ltteedeclded to lcavethebU lb rw 1 the bill In tw o m ino r w ays, bowew les th a t any sa le s la x iw le d by d t hrough the sa les ta x commUslon. p ro jec ts the posslblllly th a t count

le powers of taxation . I t p rovides tl d jointly levy ta x es If they, w ere to adi to Rep. Ralph O lrra tead . R-Twln Fall

erious’Coronet” Second Ave. West, a t 4:M

said W ednsday.wlckie. Po lice sa id ' th e m otheI bullet pa ren tly heard a d ls tu rte u k L when h e r daugh ter w as 1an w as beaten a ^ w en t t o ’is hom e - assU tance. ' M rs. Gli'alU. apparen tly w as a ttacked aiiei ((T p ^ lc e sa ld .

isor storyt a broad c a ^ mea n t for som eone eU 'o ryo itfow npurpbses^ ' ' mbach today sa id , ” I don’t th in k I would ever c a ll anybody Uka thJ an .Older, bu t I th ink he w ould c a i st very strong cooperatkx).'' ijalU d id o rder K E E P not lo b ro ad c as vrong legally,” B rum bach sak l., be no enforcem ent power behind 11

court can order bu t a police o n ic c r c In this pa rticu la r a u e , ” be added, irever, a fle r r e c e l ^ a request n iip rb ro ad c ast.ce tta ln InfotTnaJjOT^ y would be tak ing a “slim ’ c h a n « I fl t I, according to B rum bach. l i ^ t la te r be charged wilh vloJatlor s ta tu te prohibiting resis tance to o lon of justice , pa rtlcu lariy If new s re •red wrilh the Investigation of-a c ase i henskm of a su sp e c t

. (C n tia u e d o n p .t5 )

lived .u k O u d i .l o w a h w l h e a iK r e q f a i r w i n a iw ^

ic tO B inm lttw W T nlaliH w iin i t M h o u r M o i lM B iid a t iB i to M

. ----------—

S i c p l i c i i I

• TWIN F A l.I -S -F u n e ra l st’r- , Tw in Falls , who dlod WcdticK)

■ conducted a l 3 p.m, Friday nt• -R e v , J a in e s B. lIuKhes. F irsl H

w illbc lli Sunsol Memorial P a ri The fam ily sukrcsIs niemori;

' fund. A com picle ohitiiiiry will ll

K oniilo I• RU PEK T - ficnato E n d rlu l.

hom e in R upcrl of nalnraKrnuscj■ B om O cl,24.JK 8% alD on,A u5 Ofi a m iner am K i’a s ertipjoycd by

He s p e n d s youlh In Italy . c<----------- 5CttllnfrtirOk»3>rW>t»T*M90&-

Thcy w en -m n rrlcd Ju ly 1.1910.5 He then re lu m e d to lla ly . wl

They w ere m a rr ie d In Romlno. back loO klny w here he llvecJ uni

--------- :-H c w ns n meml>er ol Ihc M»fw as also a m em lw r of the llall;i Hie Unilod M inew orkers of,A

^ Gatholic Church . Rupert.• S u rv lvorslnc lude 'h isw ifc .K ui lE u g e n e l Wolff. Rupcrl. and ke m m ero r . Wyo.; lw(i j:rar g randch ild ren .

H e w ns procf^li-d In death liy s is le r , all in Italy .

Rosar>- u-lll 1)0 recited nl a Chapcl, R equiem Mass will Iw ( S l. N icholas’ C atholic Church wl celcb ran t. B u ria l will Iwin llu’ R

P c ic r P.TWIN FAI.US - P e te r P. Go

mominfCnl M orra l's Nursing ilo• Scrv lccs will tw announced by

L o i v i i I ) .■ F II.K R - Ixircn D aleS chro t Clyde Sch rocdcr. died today? M a^ic V alley M emorial Hospitu

Surv ivors a ro the paren ts ol M r. nnd M rs. Wnyne Schrocdc pa ren ts , Mr, and" Mrs. Allwrt 5 g rco l-grvnt-grandm others. Mi F a lls nnd M rs, Cora Miller, Ml Mr, nnd M rs. Roj’c r Fial; g ran d p a re n ts M r, nnd Mrs. Mi M rs. Jo^in V an Ausdein. Twin Fl

Funcral_ se rv ice s will Iw Sal T rin ity L u lh e ra n Church with

^ ---------ic rn iciil w m -h r-in -< hc-61w cr-u n der th e d irec tion of Hopkins-I!

T he fam ily suggesls.lha t mei D ennis l.u lz. ______________ _

, TWIN f A U - S - Mrs. Ina Fi nesday aflernoon nl the T w inF ;

F unera l orrongcm cnt»w lll h«

t o s f; Mn»«loVnl

' AdrM rs, R ussel. Glhler, Mrs.

R icha rd G arcy . ( ^ d e M orgar 1 E rn s t Koops and Alma \ftlcock

M rs, l,«onardu f ^ e n le and I Wood, E d en ; Mrs Van Nel;

, Schow, R u p e r t; Mrs. IJoyd « H ansen: M rs. John McCandl■ F ile r: Ix a n n a M errill, Jerom

CnrI H eincr and Mrs. Fn-d J: M ichael H olm es. Kimlwrlv.

' d imW illiam Nelson, M ndonaCIa

M rs. Glen M aughan. a ll Ruj___ P iiu l^ F fi-d

I Gnr>’ A ndrcason and .Mrs. Bu ! F iler; M rs. F rc d K rehm cyr

Ju lian , a ll Buhl; W anda Me ‘ nm cc A dam s and Shannoi > Godby, H ansen: li)u ls John

' ' Je ro m e: Rollo Smilh! Wendell Wyo.

. ; Arnold fVslon. Mona M artin• son. M rs. E lisha H arrison, I

T hom as Hill and Maxwell WowBi

D aughters w ere lx)rn to Mr. and M rs.'V un Ni'Iwker, .Murli Schow. R upert, and a sqn wa

' G ib ler,T w in F a lls

: :* O o o d i

^ AdM rs. Jo h n B a rlw , Bliss; M

M cl.ln and Dorothy Severnn Corral.

>• . DisGar>-Holland. CiMxling

\•Sv S u B

. 1 ' At’ C arlU nderwocxlund.M rs. V

------------------------------------------------ Dl;J e ss Johnson , Ivan Huum

;; B righ t. H agerm an : David Cri

•:• A d a u g h te r w as Ixirn lo i r Je ro m e

i r C n s s i i

. AdM rs W illiam Sprague. .Mr

; M rs. Gordon Spre iers. Oakley

: . Dj] E dw ard HutchmMin, Mrs. E

,, r Cole.Jj^^'BtLJin?n..flllJtUClgl• R ansom . P a u la Fairchild , all

I• { i.. A son w as tm ni lo .Mr. and N

; ; U l n l d u

' , Aiy ! / ' M a rk Boalw righ l, Lila S

' ! R upert,. Dl

— V ’ L a w n R o e ,A Jb io n r

[ 2 Timo3-News. Twin Falls, Idahl

■ r— ,

ihQ. Ttiursday;Fcbruafy27,1975

felB ey® !!K . I t i i y l M i n i ,

,'rvlces for Stephen E. Raylw m , 22. sday jQiomIng a t his home will be a t Reynolds Funeral Chapcl wilh Baptist Q uirch . officia ling Burial irk.rials t« Ihe YMCA swimmin^> nool I Iw prin ted in .F ridny 's paper,

I V i i d r l / . / i

,'i, 0), R upert, died Tuesday al his « s.u strla , h e worked nutsl of his life _>y the Burcniiof Keclamiiliiin. com ing lo the Uniled Stales .md>&:-Hfr-mcl-A1flry-Pdi:gdnuUictt--------- :i.S hod icdonA pril6 ,iy if. wherc.-he mei Rosie IX-roniedis.J. Italy J a n . S.IW I. Ttiey moved n lilw m inR loR upert inlU^M. oose and Odd Fellow lodges and .. lian UKlge. He was a nieinlHTiif ' ,A nicrieii nnd ot Sl. N icholas’

ujKTt; Iwn (laughters, Mre. E rm a d >ilrs. Gina iCliffordi Hodne, andchildren iitid three great-

,-his paren ts, une lirolher and one

8 p.m . today in W.ilk Funeral .• celebRiled at 11 a.m . Friday at A’ith Rev. Falher John Koelsch as Rujw rt Ceineler>'.

. C o c r l / . c n

Iw rtzcii, HI. Twin Falls , died Ihis lom e. Huhl. a lte r a long illness, ly Re\ noIds Funeral Chapel. -

) . . S c l i i - o c d c roeder. infant w n ol M r and .Mn.: He w as Iwm Frti.2;l, IJTS, ol tul.of F ile r; pa ten ia l g r a n < ^ rm ts . der. F ile r: pa len ia l g real grand-V ; Schrocdcr, Twin F a lls : pa ternal Mrs, A nna Schrocdcr. Twin M ontana; m aternal graraJparvnls uial J e m m e ; m aternal great- klerc F ia la , Jerom e, and Mr. and Fnlls.ia turday a t 2 p m. a l the Clover h Rev. B enn^ ixoffic ialing . In - '

,-Buhl Funeral Ch •,«■!________lem onnl contriliiHi'<i>. Iw ^iven to

M s h c r ** yFisher, 82, Twin Falls, died Wed- F a llsC lin ic Hospital he annou»w«<iby WhiU-Murluary,

p te D sn lic> M e m o r in Idmittcd.. W esley Schow, Dean Reddick, an, P au l K rell, U -ster M cGregor,:k. a ll Tw in Falls,I Iva Y ingsl, Iwlh Biihl; Mrs. lUih elw ker, M urtaugh: M rs WesleyI P icrcy and Kay Biggers, Iwlhdless and Mrs Nylc Sm ith ,_ l» lh___me; W illiani Hale. G(XHling; Mrs. Judevlnc, l« lh Burley, and Mrs.

.smissedla fk , M rs. .Marlin W iedenieicr and lujw rt; E m ily Pi-dersen, Burley:u(LcardiH!r,-Mr^llusM.'llAV.alt«FS:------5uddy Com pher ajid daughter. a »T and daugh ter and .\lrs. U w is -laeklin. M rs. Jack Butler. Mrs ion Aitken, a ll Kimlwrly. Rac Ann inson. Shoshone: H arry Ekiun.dII and M rs. J(wl Hill. Jackson Hole.

in, .Mrs. William .M cCallister'ai\d' D awn K rett, Mrs. Ray W aters,

ibdy. all Twin Falls. a ir th « . .lr. and M rs. Bol. Wo«)d. Eden: Mr._ •laugh; and Mrs. and M rs Wesley vas lx)rn to M t-uHnt-Urs. Russeil

d in t ! < '» u n l . tidm ltledMrs. Melvin Allred, Wendell; Tom m ee. Iwlh GooduiR; Kristi Wolfe.

ilsmlssed ^

B e n c d l r l s \

AdmlllcdV irgil B atem an. I wtb Jerom e

Msmlssed -isaker, Iwth Wendell; .Mrs. Ja m e s “rites. Je ro m e

B irths) .Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rohuison,

i a . ^ I r m o r i a l

Admitlcdlr s . M arlell Holland, I'wth Burley;:y: R o se rG ra h am . Rupert.Dism issed. Bart Koyle, Alla C w , .Mrs Shorty ?v: M rs. K ini Cranney, M rs Rolwrt 11 Oakley. • •

B irths • - V ; Mrs. Roy N evarenB urley ./

l o k u M r m o r l a h

A dm itted ISihlwll and Jo Ann R aw son,'a lI ,


. M arg are tGOODING - M argaret Ix:hma

ncsday a t the Twin FJIlsC lln icanc She w as l» m Sept. 15, 1910, In

school.s in Stonton and Omaha. She ■ Ju ly 29.1929, in Osceola. Neb. Thej

p r io r to m oving lo Idaho in 19^3 m oving to Wendell in IM6, la te r w here Ihcy hnd sincc resided,

M rs. Ixhm ann w as a m em lw r o m cm lw rof lh e l.u lh eran Women’s 1

Survivors include her husband.o , U h m a n n . Hungry Horso. Moni,:

Mont,, and 1 ^ Ixhm ann , San Mt M rs, M ary Ann < Glenn i Davis, E i iP a t i M iller, W endell: six grande Sophia Rasm ussen, Lincoln, Nch,

She w aspreceoeaTndCatliuyfihC Services will Iw conductcd a t 2

Lutheran Church, Goodlni;, w ith R Interm ent will l>e In the Wendell Ce

F h en d s m ay c ^ a r b c e ^ r M_( ' ing ahd until noo n o n F ria ay ; '

H ilda MTWIN FALl-S - M rs. H ilda ^

died W ednesday al her home.B om Sept. 3. >908, a t Lcoli. Kar

w ith h e r fam ily and attended scho SiieW as liiUrrilHJ lU I^ v c in l>aii

T hey farm ed n e a r St, F rancis , Kt F a lls a re a in th e lall of 1936. The sev era l y ears ' and had lived on th Twrin F a lls sincc 1947.

M ra. I^ m p e w as a m em lw r ol and w as active In the Lutheran Wc

Sur\1vlng a re h e r husband; two rm nn . M ilpitas. Calif., nnd Mi Tw in Fa lls ; two brolhers. Edwlr T haele , F ile r ; five sisters, M rs. I M rs, Viola i E rw in i T haem ert. Sj B arden, H em et. Calif.: Mrs. St« Calif-, an d M rs. Evelyn (E dw an

•T7wr« a rc five grandchildren.A son an d o n e sis te r prtfceded he Funeral scrviccs;f<fl- Mrs. U m i

Sa tu rdoy a t Im m anuel Lutheran B erothal officfnUni! Friends ma; evening. F rid ay arid a i the churc tim e of services, Burial will Iw in i

l,ii< > B(BUHL - Mrs, Lucy Belle Elli:

M agic Valley Memorial Hospital She w as Iwrn Ju n e 9.1902, a t Wj

the re lo E lm e r Ellis May 22, 19IH th e irh o m e in 19X1.

She w as a m efniw ror lhe Buhl F Survivors includc h er hstrtiani

Irene lA lm oi Ford. Buhl, and m ercc. Okla.: two sons. Paul L. a s lepm nlhcr, .Mrs: C arrie Hendrix 11 g rea t-grandchildren and a i s isters,

Tsvointant so iu preceded h«>' ir Funeral serv ices will Iw cond

D ickard Funeral Chapel with Ri F riends m ay call unlil noon Frid :

B urial w ill Iw a l the Buhl Cemc



---------- -------------- M e d I



REG. *24_______ • F u ILB o

s • H o r c u l o n <

BUNI''' 2" H ard w o o d ^

P o i t t S Bolt O n “ R o l l s ...................



n O r t

m L e l i i i i a i i n

x:hmann. M, Gooding, died Wcd- ic a fle r a long Illness. •'10, In Slnnlon, Neb. She attended a. She m a rr ie d F rank Lehm ann on _I, They lived in Stanton nnd Omaha 1 1943 The eouplc lived in Buhl, la te r m oving to Gooding In 1949,

ilwr of Ihc [ .u theran Church and n le n 's M issionary licaguc. land.of Goodinng; th ree sons, Rny o n i,: R olw rt L ehm ann, Missoula, an M nrcos, Calif.; tw o daughters,Is, E ugene . O re.. and Mrs: Jan ice ran d c h lld r tn a n y o n e sis ter , Mrs,'Job, {lyfil'CTiMihcr:-------------------------------------1 a t 2 p ,m , F r id a y o t the; Calvar>- ^-ith Rev. W illard P u ltz officiating, lell C em elery .e r M ortua ry unlll 8:30 th is even -____ .

I M . L a i r i | X '

ilda M arie iJ im p e , G6, Twin Falls,!.i. K an ., she m oved to Downs. Kan.,1 schools the re .7m m tix.' a t D nm ivon Fv». i fl. m r -------:is, Knn.. Iwfore com ing to the Twin i. T hey {arrtied In th e Ba“il a rea for on Ihe ir p resen t fn rm southw est nf

iwr of Im m anuel L utheran Church an W om en's Misslonar>' League,I; Iwo d a ugh ters , M rs. Gloria iR oni nd M rs. D orolhy ( I r n a r d I Kerbs; Edwin T h ae le . Downs, and W illard . ilrs . L ydia (W a lle n Mueller, F iler; ’r t .S j jv a n G rove. K an,: Mrs. Irene •s, S tella V an Hooser. Hawlhonie. idw ardi Kos(icInlfc. E veretf, Wiish,1,J e d h e r ln d e a th .U m p c will 1)0 con d u d ed a l 2 p in.

le ra n C hurch w ilh P a s to r Erwin J.Is m ay ca ll a t W hile M orluary this c hurch S a tu rd ay from 1 p.m. unlil Iw in Sunset M em orial Park.

B elle Ellise E llis. 72. Buhl, died W ednesday al ip i ta la f le r a s h o r l illness.. a l W ashburn. Mo., and w as m arried I. 1918. T hey m oved lo Buhl lo m ake

Buhl F irs t A ssem hly of Cod Church. nrtiand. B uhl; two d autth lcrs . Mrs.

and M rs. C hristine E as ier. Com- ,il L. and W ayne E llis. Iwlh Buhl: her m drix, W ashburn; 10 grandchildren, id a num iw r of ha lf b ro lhers and

h e i'in d e u lh ..conducted a t 2 p .m . Friday a t lhe ith Rev. Harr>’ Coffman officialing.I Friday .Cem clery.

BED• • • •

SPRING AND AA. r3~AND HEAD B<l e d i u m F i r m ~ 8 * Y e a r G u a r


1 9 9 •^ 2 4 9 $

L B o d S iz e — ----------------

o n C o v e r


■ ^ ^ ■ B o l f

F i rm <I n n e r s p r in g * M a t t r » > t . . .

fI N G ! ■



©Iboiia!F re d 1.. 1

TWIN FALI.S - F red Ixrsli’c U tah'.Torm er T w in F a lls rcsldi Cily.

.,_^Born M arch 21, 1940. in Got V alley and atlonded Tw in Fall

—City th ree yea r s a go. Ho m ■ D ecem borof I9 7 i

Mr, Kingston w as,a m em lw r o Surviving a rc h is wife; h is m

Iwo bro thers. Roy and H arvey K He w as p receded In death by h Funerol serv ices will Iw al 11

Chapel by Rev. Ja m e s Hughes, Cem elery.

H e a l t h a i ( ;TWIN F A L l^ - M ental

health serv ices availahle iiU he Magic V alley a rea discussed du ring the M agic Valley Business nnO Professional W’om en 's Club m eeting M onday nighl,. The group h e ard a report from Dennis M urray ,.d irec to r of the M enial H eallh Center. Twin Falls , w hich sen.’es lhe fiflh region under the D epartm ent o t H eallh and W elfare. He lold the business women the c en ie r provides oulpalienl serv ices, inpatient serviees. p a rtia l care .s<Tviees and em ergency siTvices available seven days a week and 24 h o u rsad a y .

V alley ! B rie fs

TWIN FALI.S - The DisaliliKl A m erican V eleraits

-------- ^Auxiliarj-vnll-spom ora-dancc-a l 8 p.m . F riday a l the DAV Hall, The public b^welcome.

' TWIN FALI.S - The D isabled A m criQ aa V eterans and A uxJU tiy w in hove a reg u la r m eeting a t 8 p.m . Monday a l the DAV Hall, M em bers o re asked to bring

. refreshm ents,

* 9 9\ A A T T R E S S ^ B O A R D -- - - - - - - -j o r a n t e e


SPECIALB ox S p rin g s &

M a ttr e s sM ed iu m Firm

8 -Y ear G u a r a n te e

M T 9L E E P 2.UXE BEDS" P o s t P i n e

> l t O n R o i l s

* 2 2 2

■ R T O W^ " s s s s r

C E N T E R«T» n m r* u «

1 - V w i

JfflFOSS ,

K i n g s t o n :

nlio Kingston.'2S. Salt I j k c City, ildcnt. died T uosday In Salt I j k e

Jooding, he w as. raised in Magic alls schools, m oving to Salt U k e m a rrie d Sharlocn Com stock in

ro flh eB ap lls lC h u rch ', m other. Mrs. S lella Kinuston and

■ King.stnn, all Twin Falls y h is father.11 a m . F rid ay a t White M orluary

-•s. Burial wil! iw in the Twin Falls I .

( I s o u t l i n e d;il T here a re also educational1C and consultation servicesX' availa iikf to those, needingic direclinn. Fam ily and m arital

therapy serv ices a re winglb offered

The se r\ 'ices a re reach ing anrt av erage of two new patien tsir r a c h w e c k . M urraysaid .r. M emiwrs of the club als4>le d iscussed possiiilc w ays inle .w h ich the m e n ta l , healthid prog ram can si'rve in the ir 'is projec t of " ra p e prevention"-•s and a queslion and answ erlit session followed the lalk by.'s M urray..'S —

•'** .The o ldest fossil m am m al skeleton e v e r found in Norlh- A merica h as been d iscovered in M onlana. Tho bones belong to a triconodonl. a sm a ll c rea tu rc th a t roam ed the e a r th more than 100 m illion y e a rs ago.

"o :

! • ' t w (Lf..'

8 9 .9 5 ' ‘ HC


/ VA

m odel 4 0 1 9 S " • Instani

• F inger-tip sw itch , 3-• N on-m orking

• Wide-• Triple-action

ihifd level

R e g . 1 4 .

A T T A C H i


u _____________

G ro u n < r to o perfet co m m ercia l equipm c

— — — neighborsT-too-l-All-v


hShop TWII


m e R E . Y o u ! G o i N : ) _ S ! J ^N T O T h E R E s e R - / “ I D N ,-S E E -iF r o w / " -------

W E S E ^ D S i r

K o w y o u k n o w 'By U nited P ress In ternational j

The first telephone for , dorneslic use w as in.sta!led In April. 1877, a t th e home of C harles W illiams J r , of | Som er\’llle,M nss,



__________ S l w ; 14% to S 2 '/i

Jeg..$30toW6-ll0W,, $ ^ 7 9 9 . $ 3 3 5 0

S Spring « S pecia l

’ D r e sse sS l i « i 1 4 t o 2 0S 1 4 '/> to 2 6 V i

? y4 0FFo th e r Clo

^ '*■ V alui

t d a h l ^ U E E N• a 140 M oln i

l l ^ Phon.

i HAIO d a y s


toni rug ad ju stm en t- h, 3 'p o s itio n h a n d le , iing fu rn itu re g u a rd ide-angle heod ligh t lion c le an in g p o w e r

• Z ipper b a g*el

1 4 .9 5 >

: h m e n t y J6-99

(A V - - . . ''' ' r

irfect un iform e d g e by expi pm ent av a ila b le . Bring in all UI-wor4<-done-wh(le-yoU'Shop.

- 3 p p l r l . r 5 l * ”


Jutl call 734-4800 (or o crtdii opplicatior 3 TWIN FAUS dally 9;30 lo 3:30, Monday, Fd

— Enize-given■ TWIN F A L 1 £ ^ TTie flrel ~ p lace bowling trophy won hy the Women of the Moose No. 2 (earn was presented a t o

- m cctingT uosday night.M rs. John Larsen presented

tbc trophy to M rs. Mol Dixon, sports chairm an. The trophy

• ' w as won In tho women’s c ity . toiim anient,

M cm lw rs w ere rem inded of C hapter Rally Day Sunday at Pocatello, Me'hibcrs will m eet

~ a t 9:4S a.m . a t ttK Moose Hall for a caravan . All m om hors a rc wclcomo. Those planning to go a rc a sked to call Mrs, . G ary Craven by Saturday.

f fbo MANy COMFORTSOFHOi^( Scll oiita hoiisotiold ooods mih

WanlAds 0111703.0931.

n a lrciiice

Swealersr Blouses & Smock Tops

___________ 5 1 f 1 4 2 to 46

r V4 0FFFormal Wear

t ^ n g D r« i i« t ,' - fo rm o l t c a tu o l

P o ly t i ta r M o x I* C o o ls '^........ b y B « H y R o i«

S l u , 10 lo 16 — S on ly

lteiSJ6-m .

’ C le a ran ce

MMN F A S H I O N Soin Avo. North A > t t fton© 733-6671

M v

: 7




e x p e rts wifh i f r e 'f in e s t I all your scissors. Your lOp.-----------------:------------------

A R C H EI MONEYI No chore* oaount?Icatioo. ^ay, F(ldov<o9.

Levee p r review sl

B Y BART QUESNELL Tlmes-New» W riter

H A II.E y - A $34,000 Bip •"Wood R lvcr Icvcc consliiicUon

projocl will reccivc a 20-tiny review by several sta te departm en ts ■ belore per­mission Is g r a n t^ . '

T he US Arm y Corps of Engineers h a s agreed to levcc

• m th e Bellevue Blhlc Camp, the M eyers property south of Bellevue and north of Ihe D eer

• Creek Bridge alwut th ree m iles ' north of H ailey.

W ork In th e r iv e r hus l« c n met b y ' g ro a n s . j ro m en- vironm cntnlists- ..M ost of dissen ters conlend levees Imill

— ^I3y Ihe" corps w ash out-even- - tually m aking Ihc work ond

moncv spen t of m i l e value.-.: O thers sav the riv e r should \» given ils full w idth lo w ander nnd individuals who have luiilt. In th e flood plain should suffer Ihe consequences.

Bob H aynes. d istric i eng ineer for the Idaho D eparlm enl of

•'B ecausc of Ihe na tu re u t the work and Iho In leris t tiy the ^ p l c up ■ Ificrc we have diH-'ided to send the application oul o f review ,”

H aynes sa id Ibe Idaho Kish nnd C am e D eparlm enl. the D epartm ent of H eallh and W elfare and ihc D epartm enl of I>utjlic U n d s wnuld each evaluate th a p ro jec l and m ake recom m cndatton-s.,

T h e notification o t ap ­plication would proliably Iw


I with r

\ I Y our B eauty B or

__ Geminessf




signed by local flood conlrpl d iree lo r Jam es Hogg Wed­nesday. Haynes sa id , and be Inlo Ihe Twin F a lls office by the end of this week.■ T he agcnclcs have 20 days

lo rep ly and offer suggestions. H aynes said'f^c would Issue a p ress release urging oll In­d ividuals wilh concerns lo. w rite to tho Twin F a lk o ff lcc o f Ihc D epartm ent of W ater Resources

Tho corps will p rot)ahly have to w oit longer lhan (hc 20 days to . ge l opproval from Blnine Counly. PJnnnlng and lonlnu adm inistra tor liob B am es said T uesday night he wx>uld nol

. opprove the \i-ork of th e crops I w ithout the express consent of .-.T^-Utc planning hnd ion ing , -comm ission.

II will Iw one of Ihe firsl 1. lim es an appiicalion for r iver

w ork w.ill t)c considered by the comml.sslon a lthough the

I tUiiinc Counly ordinance ) requ ire s written npproval by r ihccom m lssion. "■ • •mmiiL‘ c m tm y io iim m .ii)iit!' r ’; Ivan Gulafson. an outspoken

advocate ol Ihe riv e r’s natural r tg h ts ,. snid Insl week he

1 personally would iook into ttic riv e r work lo Ih' done liefore

pcrmis.sion is given lo con- L‘ • S truct Ifvi-es.J • - ,

tlc __ % o w « t i n i ;

I ® I J ! 1


B e a u t y i a

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)n u s Includes; E nriched M oist

s e Cologne_Sp[ay_l_0 2 ..AEjiri



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'G e m i n e s s e p u

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listurizing L ips!ick .15 oz.» S

n ric h e d M oisturizing Fluid_Mc



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s tra w b e rry M asq u e 1 oz.

id M ake-U p 1 .35 II. oz.


. ^ ' r-T,

P la ylonighta lC S I

ALL S E T (or opening night tonight a re . (rom top, Joe S d iu lti , Jo ilnda Jensen , Molly Curlte, S teve Webb. M arcia Lickley, Luan O aw son and D elain H om . C urtain tim e Is . se l (o r 8:15 p.m . (o r "A Com pany of W ayw ard Soln ls” presen ted by, the College of S outhem Idaho D ra m a E>epartment. Local ' college playera m ake up th e c ast. P e rfo rm ances a re se t tonight, F riday . S a turday and Sunday_In the T h ea tre Room 119 o f th e Fine A rts C enter. Sunday 's

- - - p e rto rm ance will be a mallnec-A a t 2:15 p .m . T ickets w ill be availab le a t th e door.

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II o n - o f f f r

m i wAl Rtdle SMeh. —

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D E L IV E R E D A N Y W t -

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j e t a k e s Blvd. fiHCxviOUAi MllHLf, NkTtONWtO

E O D U C I N G . 1

iG REiN^ 30 M.P.Gv /;/ .V K "


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PAYMENTS O F $72.1APIl n.5%.1lhoTK*«ha>9^ U37n3;«s<e1c

E U R I G U E M4 e ro C o m p o tlf lo n Is M o d s . . . No> A

T w in fiolls

Z f P P I s x r s 5 9 i /I lia l 1 ^ ' ' II r f | | I


rW -459.1

2 9 1i sh b u tto n F ilters! P u sh b u tto n }d!Or R e m o te S p e a k e rs ! ee isio n D e te n te d B e ss . Midra Tone C o n tr o l s - N o t J u s t 2 ! m o t e C o n tro ! Or M e n u e! Pus ^U p Td 6 P re se t F M Sta tions. r f M anually.

le they last? The AM-FM stereo f inheard-ol low price! Exclusive F natural bass at any volum e Two i monit/'r mulir^g. 24 Ironl ai M value genuine walnut veneei

•aordinary an d gorgeous compor / one place you can find it R

X H \ RECEIVERl I g i a ^------— A r . . . FAMOl

.. . s p e a k

\ s i.LISTIC •'-LA B-37 \ m rO M A TIC RECORD \ £ \N G ER L j___

■2946 5 9 .

^A’ - P R O C ^ ^ H f ■REO 1\D S E T ■

1 4 9 ® , . . ^■ ' MP1




. N o r t h T w i

iK w to f^ tfw m m tM T o rio w c --------- - 8

• ThurBday.Fobruary27;i975 Vfini

m i l N tG. (highway) I-m I

REBATE 200 1

s n i2.17 ■

laW csfii^frnta^ii-----------

M, INC. IVofMoi H

. 733-B721 ■


9.95 . -

Q 9 531-2050

tto n C ontrols For Main,

idrange. T reble C ontrols.2!P ushbutton C ontro l ons. Or Tune A M .& --------- •-

reo Realistic STA-200 at ’* ive Perfecl l.oudness •Two dubbing outputs plus mt and fear panel controls! , . (neer case More|;An T ip o n en t receiver-There s

Radio Shack.

V N T R E D U C T I O N o n o u r ; M 0 U S 0 P T I M U S * ^ - 2 B F


S«|eH | u40%^H>!

R e g .

5 9 . 9 5

E a c h

3 5 40-2024 -

NEWI ~ ValueI0 .P A G E _ _____ J ^ Q iS -C T IO N A R Y i E L E C T R O N IC S |


win F a U s ^ S■ ' .■ « ? a . r r ^ , ; . :S s 3 f

Vfimos-Nows. Twin Falls, Idaho 3 .

i ^ f 'THE I

fem es■Z .Di-foltul In lllf l ilizrii

W illiam E. Howo«. . ;R ichof<10.„High, Ml

Ttiuf«Jay.fot>rua m«rnb«r ol Aud.l Byreou o) C.tculal cisvn'r N»w>pape' put»uoni lo See'-6oY ■» f’e/eby densnoi^d oi ihe do) noi.cei will be pubii»h»d Publuhe fc.urdo, or' 137 Th.rd Sir*P< Wo,i

■ Ittogit Voltor Nc~*ppp^>‘ I"' f," « 0il«rA ptil8 I’ Ifl o " l 'fp o * 'o ''i 'itndefihootlolM otthS IB?’u Phono 7 3 3 '

Public!m aip rae ti

J The m edical profession Ipability to obtain insuram Jerd ic ts. o r the paym ent of ^ possible to purchase such* A w orsening siluation jh e la s t seven or eight > J jrac tice verd ic ts growing 1-ate. As of 1969, for instar H n e m i l l i o n d o l l a r v e rd U b hyslc lan . Since then, hov 36;million dollar vcrdicts a ‘o cc u rre d in the lasl two ye t

.» T he flam boyant San.Fra ^ ^ 1 1 . w as orte of ihe legal p• jna lp ra c tlce verdicts for hil

j; He developed a'legal prli *“ things speak for th tm a

. jn a k e it necessary to p ro J)een ac lually guilly of m

..procedures, but the basis c Jh e patien t w as the delenni

Belli’ssu c c e s s in lh e m a l• ' ajhnoliceed by olher iawyci

k)uickly specializing in m: S ym pathetic juries.- Thp ord inary suit is ta 'basis, with the lawyer getti

‘ p n h e verdict, when one i s r ' : And the suits are. usua

.m uch as Ihey hope to collci .^insurance Company will si i lh a n allow ihe case lo go J a r e riotorlously easy lo.swa 'm Som e of the faull of the

£___ jdoubledly lies with the mc‘ ^F ailu res to dl i clpllno 1

jih rough careful scrutin; •su rg ica l procedures h as

■‘tification of operaling rooi• ‘ •SregularintensCliasis. •

JlospU al tissue cQmmii . ';o v erlo w repeated remov:

Sand unnecessary' su rg ica Jcontribu led to the currcn t <

■“ i .O u rc o n c e rg is lh e e ffe c l• J serv lc ee to the public and t

. ■ ' U nder the fear of m alpi‘ jre lu c ta n t lo take unusual s

■ to sav e the life of a pa tie r 'su rv iv e they m ay h^ve a s\

o. And the,cosfof palienl ci ;ra p id ly as doctors seek to i : law suits by ordering e: ;.c6nsuUMions. . E very Sprocedure ra ises Ihe cost t* ;0 f eourse, the additioi

' ? irisurance, when il can be"by th e patien t as doclors Scosts.“ So in the long run It is lh ; the loser through exorbila I T he profession m ight ;e s la b l i^ m e n l of ils own li

------- ^ th e aegis-of-lfie-AmericiJ. . SThis had been done by >

r seeking to prevenlt la rg e > : They couuld develop a I capable of coping w i^ Ihi t m alpraclice suils.• And if it w ere !>et up u jm a k e Ihe-profession les r action. '•



J "CanT we~rrhkd'dur pr » plicated — loo m any ;

r ® A ' r

I■ns o f }lnuir » olloyord. Publisher W ’W anoging E d ito r Ijary27.197^ Floiion ond'UPI. Ollicial Cily ond ci.on 60-108 Idaho Cod«. Thurt- loy ol ll>B wooli on which l»gol (hcd doily ond,Sundoy. ^utopl Ull ll Twin Follt. Idoho 8330). by Eniercd o» tecond do>» moil • - lliccr in twin folli. Idoho B330'


3 - 0 9 3 , . J

.L- t'Xl ll-.-l .Slil U\

b e a rs 'ice b ru n t ' 2,

i)iii1 fs facing a crisis in. its m-i ncc ag a in sl m alpractice c.i)f high pucm ium s when it± insurance. has bCen. developing f<>r yea rs, with large mal-

Vg a’l an unprecedcnlod ance, th ere had been but llct rendered against a jw ever. m e re 'n a v e iiffit - and eleven Jif them haye ja rs ,- ,ancisco a ttorney . Melvin pioneers in gaining large jisclienls.'inclple, res Ipsa lo(;uilur iselves — which did not ■ove tha t’ Ihe doclor has - negligent or inadequate ..; of Ihe final coiuiillon of ' iiinant.alpraclice field did not go c rs and firm s sp rang up n a ip ra c llce su its l>efore

laken on a contingency ting one-lhird to one-half ; rendered.lally for about Iwice as eel on the theory lhat Ihe settle out of court ra the r ) before th e ju r ie s which- ’a y fo rth e p la in liff . . e g row lh of th e su its un- ledical profession itsqlf, T ls~ m ciW l* s~ p ro p c rl5 --------

s happened when, cer: - om use is not jn a d e on a

-• t t

illlees w hich reportedly val of undiseased organs a l 'p ro c e d u re s have also o t crisis . <!c l which il h as on medical Ith e c p s l to th e patient. • J p ractice su lls doctors a re . , sleps in eine rgency cases

jnl. If Ihe pallejil (jpcs not suil on th e ir hands. 'ca rc will rise increasingly >p ro tecl Ihem selves from ex lra lests, x -rays and ( ’ u n n ec essa ry medical ilo th e p a lie n l , ‘onal cosl of m alpractice ‘ e obtained will be paid for •s p ass through the e.vlra i

■■ ■ 3he general pul)lic which is an t ve rd ic ts in such suits. ‘ ; find som e relief in t h e . ^Insurance com pany u n d er------,>an M edical Association;- ’ o lher profession groups ) verdicts.a w ell-trained legal slaff hc firm s tha t specialize in

under the AMA stringent •ss prone to Ihls type of

^ '■ ■ *

)rld'~t /

^ ____

jrogram a IUUb more com- ' people might understand

i tr ■

n - - ____

i f c y S hl A M g S

© N ew Y orkT lm csS erv icc CIIA PEI. m i.l : . N.C. - In Ihc cup

U iillitl Slnle-s. Ihc cdm alnic slum p Is anci politics: hul out here In Ihc co poopic: anxiety over Jolw, Iny-o/fs haiikniptcli-s.dropoulsniiclcrim c. .

Till* fiKlcnil novcrnnifnt. which cxccs.sivdy"pcssiniisllc. tells iLs^lh; c x i)« t ;ihniirm:illy h ijji iiiicmployin th ree yciirs.- anil to take Jus«- .starUiiiK fifjuros, lha t 41.1 per ccnl o U-cnaKci-s In the counlry - a re now oui

A lrcadv. home of the Litwr union k talktiin a'lHiul hciii«ln« Ihe unemployc ■‘into llie .stree ts ,''.bu t th c so cla l nn coiisc(|iieiices of proloniji-d cxces.s: ploymenl In l)lack fUidlos could 1k> r serious ttian the Fo rd adm inlstralioi considered.

T otal uneniploynient counlry-w idf tTjil in m id-January , liut ll is hl^;licr i lhan th e national, averauc in indu;

Sudden <--------“ By:y:tEN i:iW E:N IIA T.1

Congressional Q uarterly \VASI! INC;T0N - Chunj-e is c.intiii

to the House A gricultun; Com m itlw b a s tio n o l ' conR resslnnal sciii spokesm an fnr colton and Ihc ru ra l S

W'hen Ihc.commlUec convened In of ils •ll.m yintwrs were slandinn Ih t in'C'onurcss. A noisy consumer lilo- the c o m m iltw 's long-slandinj! p r sensus T here w as a new chairm ai Ftiley ol W aslunnlon, Ihe lir.‘ IX'UMicral lo hold Ihe joh in more tha

Ftil'-y, 4r>, lu ra m e chairm an afIc elX rm ocratii' caucus lurni-d down

Ihe Texan who h a d .k 'e n d ia in n ; y e ars, (•‘oley is uriian and lilH-ral, aixl conservalivf, and sin'oilalm ii 1 o |i th e way the ir dKterin« styles fa rm |H lliey.

Bul Foii'y. for one. thinks Ihal to overplayi-<r '•The press ha;, emi c hairm anship Issue," he said ' "Tli' Ihe m em kT sliip ehuntie The m ay pay a certa in ainntiiil o l ' r e Ifadersliip . Inil Ihey are luil noiii^; l< J iid u n en l."

The influx ol new m en ik 'is h as i o iiservers, including At:rii'iiltiire S t 1,. niilz, "h«i Ihinks larm iiileresi conlrol over Ihe ciimmilUv "W c'\ of new coilt’ro.vsmcn wlin w niid i w nrkm n end ol n rm v if you 'h o « i f H ull .said in .January, -.Maiiy ol llv uriuin art*as, not rural uiie.s. and It th e re to he lpauhcu llu re '

S talis tk ’.s itHilradicI ilul/. I 'nde of c ities of Siywi.or more urii.i two of the com m itlw 's IH freshit d istric ts m ore lhan Ui [H-r eenl uVI>. r ep re - in l d islric ls even r> jiel- cenl o l the IH do mil have a single urha and Jusl one has an I'lilireh urhan d

Stime conservalives are lv>s « _u rlian Imis than atxiul j . ' l l o r l * new ctim ers'lo exiiaiid uuVi'i iilm-n

m crs. The lreshm aiiv\hiuM irrii's Tom Hurkin, a ;t,V.MMr-.ild Iowa I h is first week on l!u' oim nnltee, Ii; failed lo 'atlacli pn c i' mii)1» iI m ere s ta m p Ilill and called lur .in inve (iiianclal prac tices aim int:lii«a me

T his is a y e ar v^lwn laniievs w Ixwsts in cm p loan rales and lai

' cum jicnsate for Iheir Insst-s Irom pxs} y ears, the has pas?

------ppncrmm-(arm-paymrnlsT-kt»;witand h is consen-alive-mmili’d I'm i

Wh^WASHINGTON ~ llu .'new s tli

IX 'parlmenl- w as handing oul p riva te firm s lo Irain sulilieis am M iddle K asl to defend their oil fi< shook m e up a lillle.

- Bul-MUldoon a l Ihe l’enla|i.>n worr>'.

--------- iiV^T»y-shouldn:t_LMurri:’: : : UK issinger says If Ihe Aralis sfram have 10 lake the o il’fields. and Ih

c-onlracls lo teach Ihe oil prixluct w itha fon -ign allack ."

“ We’re nol Slupid," Muldoon s w o 're Iraininfj A rahs lo defend ll th a f s p a rl of our overall st leachiiig them how to shool h i^ li have lo fire a t our Iwys thcv ’ll mis

••N okiddm «."lsa lil."liOok, w eh a d to make a d c c l^

11( 0 .1)0 u u Ira in tlic oil-produciii

l E S R E S T O N

bless ranksirvicc t E ngland and in the :ic cap ila l of the the young in generi imp is s la lis lie s particular. hc coim try. i f s i/any lx idy lh inksll ,y.<iffs. defic ils. , p c r ccnt ol ils hlack ,c. . Ihrec years w llhinil»hich is seldom , I haven 't met him. II LS lh a t we c an ' has merc'ly trifled wil )Ioviiii-nl for a t ' Tliu n.'illonal slali Ju sl-one of irs give Us general aver

renl o f all h lack Ihc unemployment is JW oul ol w ork. o llen com esouliif COI ,lon lead e rs , a re . despair. iployW l^vorkiTS W herever ym»go ii la l 'n n d ixililieal --d isparitie s Iwlween xcessive unein- in every sla te , and o 1 Ix; m uch m ore tlly .;ra’lion has ever (“f l i c sllualion In N<

elem ent of accidcnl w ide w as K.2 JKT s.iid. the "unlairm; g lic r noiv, w orse followjng accurate industria l New - economic pallern: o


I change orIIAT.T K nncknhpnn lm nrrte rly House comniillce.•(iniinjrtHttl onee tha t gam e and coiilnit U'e, iradH ional ^ h a n ‘wouldhav7.-lH.'

T zu - 1> Federalion. colloi

I.’n n n a n for cighi H-ral. ru ra l P r ™ " '" '

« - „ u - r r f » " ™ '

t.a. l o i . i c - l . r i i ■ ■ » ; i '» l l l l» - r

• n , ,„l r.-M«-cl 1,. Il»-

, c la im s ol larm SJ" " ' " ' “■' W ' wlch an li»rc-asli

a iy ...................

W r \ i .1 IK })riH.-l.iiMU'(l hlnis<

,,l 11,,-m;mil ll»'> * d n t cci

Tills \e a r i ’e \I n . le r . id e l im lM iurii.iii . i i i '.i '. oiil\ , j^Hinict,

rq in -si-n l- n , . ,,

" .......... cm sm m T .ssm-s.l-iv.- „p |

„ „ „ „■Ijaiiilislnfl piiKliia-rs colnj;e ss vMiri'ied .iIhiiiI lur innsun e llo r ls li> Miine__ liliK-nl help I., far-irr i.’s Ihem nuisl IS. ,,reH -n « -a s lh e o:.wa l)eni<RT;.l. In n s image amongL f.I ia ik in ln e d ln i i - vears, s^henin c iraM 's Io a l( -K l ,)o..r under l>oagi

’ invesllgallon mlo ripped off.'va iiu '.ilpaekers . so [x-ople \e rs vull l>e M-eking poage favoredwIld la ru i'l p rices lo •Irom m llalion. In crcd ih illlypn ibk

• l>asM'd Lills \Mlh Kolfv-will dt»;wm)Hlml-P«ii»K'------ pw w slliir-d iirTII 4'i.iiiiiiillee woiilii e.ioi>Prali(in lhan

liy worry? 1ws tlial Ihe iK-leiiM' a r ls ot m odern ' . ou l co n lrac ls lo else doii?IS a n d a irm en in Ihe ••Thecoiiseiusu oil fields agalnsl a s pe t ihc conlracb

But oliviinisly th agon told in i' iwil lu- pwiple decided

know whal ihcy",',1 said. "U m - dav________ y i M W •^franule iIn vve miglU ' _ ^lild Ihe next d a y you '

ix lu c ers how to c'opc

loon course f lend Ihems^-lves. Bul H K l & ' lill s tra legy . WVn.' found oik-A ir F; higli so if Ihey ever loaded missiles• |ln iis.siis " w-ould lirv Ihc w, - charge of InstrudcclSlSn alxiul a y e a r to arm Ihelr pini <lticiiignalioii.-< in Ihc > " ily luck w c l

[s pose vioIhe South, m uch w orse am ong bu ineral and Ihe black young in

• 'unik s lh lsco u n lry c an h a v eo v e r4 0 is lack teen-agers ou l of w ork (or bu ml serious In iuh ic in Ihc s tre e ts , tb ni, Bul th e Fo rd adm inislra lion d wilh Ihc prolilcm . shsla lls tlcs nre dc'ccplivc. They . or averages tor th e I'ontlnenl. Im t - to nl is uneven, and social turm oil )f conccntra led u rh an p<x:kels of Pi

Flgo in Ihis cijunlry, you see w ild cc et'n rich and pixir comnuinitl<»— a i nd oflen' w ilhin a single town o r m

in N orth C arolina llliis tra lcs Ihcdeni, o r os J a c k Kennedy once ll"ilriiess o f life ." 'T h is s la te Ls Jtirately enouglj Ihe na tional, a•ii: over R p<T cen l unem ployed fi|

^ • C= Ij

jv /I a

V ^ i ^ L / / ^ ll\ ^


f \hecokOMic K ‘

r / ' U \ ' '

^ ~ w . / r j \ . (

' 1

— —— - ■ - ,

m pane;! |kiwii III' c iinlen'iUT. 'rht^~j't*af^ [It'e m ay l>e le ss willing lo play c o iild c lca rab il lw illih ig h en -a le s . .7.'lH.’t 'n d a a s l in lh e p a s I . '

rica Is mil loMiig pow er on Ihe 1 ru ra l Soulh is. and as a resu ll the lage. ol Ihc c o m m lllw a s an In­lhc collon induslr)’ is no longer

colton p roducers had enough in-, tl throuph legislation ihey favored, irough Ed O 'N e il, n n n g llm e

the A m erican F a rm B ureau • nllon in le rcsts had d ircc t conlact md the sou thern D em ocrats who 1 a s chairm an . F o r y e a rs , llie iiim illee w as th e m osl popular freshm en en lerin g Ihe com m lttce , ilaci'd 'eighlh.k ' recognlzi-d a s a Icgilim ale parl

,lon." sjild Bob B ergland. a Min- .•ral em erg ing u s one <if Ihe com- m em lw rs. "B u t a s you c an sec*, ipe rdom lnaiil."

y is not resolving the eom |K 'ling in spokesm en, he will h av e lo deal i-aslngly voc-al gniup thn l p resses ues. j ’e tc r A. P eyse r, a N ew Vork Jotned the com m itlee in l‘J"-1.

ilnist'lf its only.consiim er a d y (w ale_ nagc on bills to su h s id in isn t’a r and idemnify chicken fa rm e rs from sa id a ll of th em w asted Ihe con-

ey-i ’ev scr will h av e a llie s on the— Blit Foley is opiin iistie alxnil

n ict. " r v e lieen sym p;ilhetic ." he til- tt>clcr-t6llcr viow of farm er- aies, llial one goes down w hen the p I don’l view farm in le rcs ts as im sum crs. H people th ink lh^» ling out .01 business Is siiniehow a isum ers . they don ’t know anylh ing■lure.::__________ ..... _lUiiltei' memlK.'rs Ixilieve Foley s he c-om m illee's leade r will im pn ivc nong House lilx 'ra ls " In Ihe past whenever we rep o r liil a bill lo Ihe ‘oage.pcople felt ihec-onsum cr w as off," sa id B ergland. "M any .of the

pie who voled againsl any lh ing Boh Mlwill listen lo T om Foley .”Ige ailm ils lh a t he w ould have m blenis 11 he h a d slaved on. " I think ill d() a Ix 'ller Job of it lh an I could — Po.lRC 'sairtr— H c'll-hnvc-innn?- Ihan 1 couliljxissihly receive ."

Look whefrn w arfaa ’ o r do we let s<inielKxly

eiusiis w as lhai il w as k 'l le r for us lo r a d s lhan Ihe F rench o r th e Soviets ly th e re Wiis a r isk involved. So our [k'd to. h ia - I n s ln id o rs w ho d idn ’l ihcy w ere doing. For e x am p le .'w e

f' A R T _________I jll BUCHWALD

lir Foi-cc ordnancc m an w ho a lw ays iileson o u r p lan es tiackw ard mi Ihey hc w rong d ireclion. H e's been pu t In js t ru d ln g A rab o rdance m en on how •plane's.wc fuiuid u fo rm vr s<.'cnnd lieulciialil

■: '

>lent energbut spotty.. In govem m ent low ns. tike Rnleli university low as like D urham ond Chup< Is below the nationul unem ploym ent i but In Uic m ill towns and fu rn itu re lown-s thoy say he re , •'hurling Iw d,"

The Southeast, which w as Ixwrnlng Ix slum p. Is now falling Ik Iow Ihc national and Ihls Is p a rticu la rly h a rd on Ihe one- towns in the C aro lina P Icd m o n l.'

All this m okes the p roblem of pollc: President and the C ongress e x lre m d y For an energy prohlem lh a t fits one tiT counlrj-doesn’t fil Ihcpro lilem s ol lojal areo.s. and a fx ilicy IhaU dcnls w ilh H unem ploym ent In general. Uocs'nol de ; per ceiU black teen age uncfiiploym eht.

Pretildenl Fo rd h a s .paifl^his r c ^ ( Ihesc problem s. Hc h a s suggested '^ubli Jobs, in a lim iled way, and aids h) Ihe pow . U’ill he has, pol Tcally t his OWI* m ost disturiilng s la lis t ic . 'th f

ClosedW;\SH1NGT0N - T lic cancellallo

Congressional m ission to South V ielnan less from crow dcd legisla tive schedi from 'oven^'hdm lng unconcern on Ca alxuil Ihe fa tc o f Indochina.

Influenlial meiiifters of Congress begged o fl ‘ w hen inv iled lo -gi Congressm en whn d id accep t a re ui continuing tl.S . m ilila ry ; Salfion rogim e, some of them. Volunli the loug jou rney lo m ake sure anli-S; timent w as on the delegation. .-Mlhou) m inlslralion c laim s . Ihe mls^iun rc .scfiodw lt'd . one h ig l i o f J ic i ; Congressmen would sjwiid so mi ••hunting for tiger cages^' - ’that Ik. ; Ju s tify p r o p a g a n d a a b o u t jjov repre-sslon - Ihal. Ihe whole projec t scrapix'd.

Tills refle c ts the Congressional V ielnam: •'D on'l Ixilher m e w ilh the

■ gol mv m ind ijiade u p ." The h e a rrts ; of Capiiol Ilill a re closi-d to Ihe hulldii of Soulh V ielnam ese Inxips, ddill reduced L’.S: aid. Ix:ing ground dowr Vlelnamesi' Iroops - I n llag ran l vlolc 1ti7;i P a r is , fcase lire . Indw d. Coi gcnerall.v^hy away frm n ix " iiij^apos polnling to them a s rt^_ponsibleior lh InVieliiani'. ' -•

------T ln u ir ip - to -m ilh jm u 'a s .cniic g im— Penlag< iii-olfic la l^ho~U ' pn:hs

Saigon reg im e 's" a rm y and popula Surely, h e reasoned, an li-ald • Coi would Ih;'d by a firsthand v ie

Tims, he proposed o Congressional v supporters In Ihc fo rlon i fighi for Ford 's n'^lllon V ictnnr9. a id « opproprla'Hon. Jh e idea wa* app ro y tt monlh ago, wllh (\ss is lan l Scw elar Philip H abIb assignod lo enlist a d d ( ran Inlo trouhle im m edialely.

Senior m cm lxirs of key com m illcc . refused to go. One exception w as co

Scn. Clifford C ase of New Je rs Republican.on Ihc forcign rela tions and long a Vietnam dove. U a v in g 'l coin D ay recess. C ase ngrc'c'd lo st delegation. H clum ing a few days phanged h is mind. While C ase c llt schc<lule. Ihe more,lika'ly rea.son is speck'd th e n is ler o t o the rs who h ; and lound them considerably Junior ti

Besides lacking sen iority , lha t c w as do in inalcd hy the m inorlly ot Ci who suppo rl'V lc liiam aid. The ad i

. fruntically sought dove's.* Habib, ft I pei-Minally recru ited R epublican , s McCloskey of Calilo rn ia . who ai < lernirized’ I ’,S. em hass ics on a 1971 . swing. - ■L> Bul o th e r doves w ere voluntecrii j ^ r iT iheTmissiiin > : a s 'n « r o v c r ty p ) volunleer w as D em ocratic Sen. Rich

\ \


o’s writingIv who w as w ashed out of the Air Fon

pn ig ram four tim es. Hc Is leach ;o force In stn ic lo rs how lo fly in bad w s ’’Fantastic .^’ Isa ld . i r "W c found'-a destroyer cap ta in r i ship around ih rcc lim es . We gave h ,u ot a cou rt-m artial o r heading

handling train ing p rog ram s In

••He w as a good choice ." I a g r te t lnctniftlnf< ■.inl nf Arntw In .mtllnnl

"Of coursc . But w c have an c harg^o f the progriiin who has nevi to s c la fu s c .

When h e w as in Ihc U.S. «\m ys . blew up 400 an lllank guns before 1 L'y Ihelr h n rre ls ."In , "W h crc d o y o u fi^ lh c sc p co p te ? )w ' W uJiave a c o m p u te r thn l can p

,up in a m a ile r of sectinds. It we 111 man to Ira in Irtfeps in thI? o

gy problen■ soon 50 p e r ccnl of Uwyi

talelgh. -pnd -work, and tha t Ihelr hop:hapel Hill. It years Is pretty dim.ent average , Somehow. In the plamowns. 11 is. ns Ihc authdriiatlon and i

t h t^ r o h le n v - o t youtn g lx :to re lh c ^ ^ m e n t l s g o l n g lo h a 'ional average lhan it now>' The President ha.s ol

him: Ihe Civilian Cons-Mtlcy lo r the New Deal days, Ihnely diMlcull. ploymenl and Trainlnile nTca of Ihc p rogram s, but ot somilojal different money behind a progrlh H pe r ccnl rovlngunem ployedblaiI deol wilh 41 The President has relent. • g rappled w ith ll o r turjspecls lo all a re r ig h t — and overp u b lic ^ rv ie e Mocks arc going lo l«[icin a tidb thcr ih rec years — Uils coilly dChlf with energy problem than I; ' lh a i 41 and Easl.

I hearts, milallon o f ' the lowa. .who Id d us- 11ilnam a 'su lled anylhing hc saw thenL'hedules lhan aid. V ietnam , he a tn Capitol Hill (luesllim tom c."

T ho im balance swln■ess generally som e Congressmen It1 -go. M any ihal Ford w as staiX' unalleralily dram atize for Prcsidia ry aid to Ihe mood In Congress. Scilunleering tor H ahibi Ixjgansourliignli-Salgon scn- Cancellalioiis l>cgathough th e ad- reasons Ix^sidcs p leasSiiin .w ill b e ' Joseph Biden o r D d aJici.-iJ f t 'a r .s g d ’'Ihe In ip a 'ss lo r II much lim e ficull lo gel a good lot: Ik, Seeking lo ______

g o v e rn m e n t mmmijcct should Ix.'.. ^

mood on - R Ihe fa d s . I 've M . . j ; i H

r r t s and m inds K ,.lilding tr a g c # debllilared bydown by Norlh N evnda a ci

— = — o r l ta o u lc o m o

■ • . . would il have m u lt

‘V - m l n d r - u n l . - s n n

■ " " K S r r

,d .lo s . . l o n .H »

t e c o 'm m l l i » " " l lo n 's rcm ain ln g .

ing 'fo r th e l*.ln-lo serve on the ........................ .da y s la le r . ' hc■ d ie d h is busy in is lha t hc In-,0 had acccp lcd T llO llf’ l' l iiirtoh lm . ^lat early ro ster . of Congressmen; adm lnlslm lion Oii'-ld I-i »tci>cc- b, for Instance-. "W c look admlrlnfi can J lc p . 1-clc » ' U " 'IniP0 air a dove H lusoo'. Wc have W l lnd<«:hlnese devices m e e t m on

Invcnk'd a b e tter . ICC-rlnu to mnke 4han the Serm on on'ty -ix is ltlve.'O nc-......................... - -R ichard C lark of

' i ^ . r & L ^ T p


g the m amF orce navigation m issiles, wc Jusl i

caching A rab a ir Wc Just gave c u l j lad w ea the r." ^ o t down 14 i

m aneuvers la s t j jla ln who ran his. expert, an cx-gene JVC him thc.dKilce . SAC com m unlcatl j in g naval ship- ' n o w Inslalllng sl1 In the Middle P c rsia n C u lf."--------------------------------^ V otrpcopleT nTir te d , “ A ren 'l you adm iration, i,

a n cx-coloncl In u s for-these train i never known how Ujlnk we know wh

w e’d (Jo'anything »\rmy, h is ouUlt m ll ltiry fo rccs?”

ore the shells Jell • 'Ib o (x ?n o t." ls "G uess who Is

jp te?" I osked. technical m ll ita o :an produce a foul- •‘T cllm e .’' w e w ant a rad a r * "Clifford Irving

i-sc'of antiali'c raft j O t


Uw young blacks witl l» oul of r hope of geUing Jobs tor three

planning of Ihe next year and and appropriation o t mo,n«y. youn^i black urban ,uncm -

lo have lo g e l a higher prlorily

ia.s all kinds of models liefore Conservation Corps ot Uk old . Ihe ComprchcnHlve Epv dining Act o t 1973.' .und other som c point be has to put his

program lh a t will deal with a d black lecn-agepopulotlon, - . a s recognlicd It. hul hchasnot ) r funded il,-And if his figures ove r 40 pcT-w nt-of the young lo l« out of work for the nexl lls could l « more o f ,a violent ihan he now has^n the Middle

tiindsuh-ll is " v c o '. very unlikely"Iherc could make him volc for

IC added, " is nol a military

swinging from righl lolefl gave len the lo lally mistaken notion •

s tacking the delegation lo residenl Nguycn.Vnii Thlcu Ihe ,s. Several top ofllcials (bul nol irliigon the project.Ixigan pouring In for varied ■'

jle a s ot crow dcd schedules. Sen, I^ la w arc . u lilwral Democrat,

sion Ihal it w as going lo k ' dif' id look lh e ru ." Sen. Faul I jx a l l




a conservu livc ■ R epublican.;lh e r ddcgatlon memlx;rs had lu re lo e ffec t any th ing in

1 and I jix a ll had nol cancelled, m ullcrtd '.’ Bidcn w ants all aid '• n m agin^w harToulrfTftangcTTQ'-------- i t - w c r c profef-of-Com m unist—— ost Soulh .V ietnamese a fte r fl ?se. U x aJ t opposes the S3Q0 •iation ond " I don’l Ihlnk I’d ever a lw o u ld fb a n g cm c.". hope persists a l the S la lt ,Bl, oncc on Ihc iiccni: Irt Vielnam. inds and h e a r ts would he o p c n ^ llw hard-boiled appraisal ut-llie' « cm s more rca llslic; Ihosc few A'llllng to m ake the trip..nnd the ccpling by-eome of them, deepen It Congress will long fulfill Ihe lingcom m llm cnl lo Vkitnom.

frill f o r llw (lav

rcncc, A m erican Journalist, said, ilringly al our new invcnlions.^ut 'im provem ents’ cf our day are

lave devdopcd many mcchanical m ore out of life Imt we have never rm ula for human behavior onoM hcM ounl."



malsJusl punch In and w e gel our man. c u l a conlractJiK an ex-maJor wl»^ 14 of ou r own planes during<-'

a s l year. O ur leading 'electronics •general. hlcw the circuits pn a ll our llcations system s foe 48 hours, H els IR Similar s j^ te m s all along Ihe

icOTi; renllr w r th e b a l l ;^ i a a W ^ t h -

m'9, A.f>ntl»i. “fvorynnp crillClKS train ing program s, and they doo'l w whal w e 're doing. Do you believe thing tha l would endanger our own c a ? "

Isald,tio Is in c h arec nf writing a ll Ihe litaf> m anuals we send abroad?"

rvlng," - . - jC ) Los Angeles Times

ERA no to a idE ditor,T lrhes-N ew s:

Supporiers of ER A c an p9h- pol) the anti-ER A legislator a ll they w an t tw t It won'

.c h a n g e tbe fac ts.L e ^ a t l v e pow vr alread;

e x is ts to s tr ik e down \ ^ l g e of Inequality betw ee t)w -M xes. - A c onstitu tion a m endm en t is no t - needei e i lh e r to c rc a le th a t power, ti e x ten d It, o r to pe rfec t It.

I f eciuallty b e t u m th esex e .s tu i exists In th e law and publi p o lic y d e m arid s c o m p le l equality , then w hy no t reroov t h o s e I n e q u a l l t l e i ^ a t l v e l y ?

BRA proponents answ er tha question by '-^ x iw eo ln g th d im pa tience w ith th e plecem ei app roach o f ' t h e leslslallv p rocess . T liey w an t lo remov a l l lne<{uallty a t one tim e b d enying th e pow er of goven m e n t to r e c o g n lz c an inequality .

W hal they apparenU y fail I ! s e e Is th a t they, a re slmpl ; t r ading one plcccm eal a;

w oridngV ith sU tc legislature a n d thc Congrcss to wrltelow! am en d law s, and repeal laws t r e m o v e s u c h v e t l g l a inequalllles a s ye t rem ali th e y will b e su ing in th e courl lo define th e w ord cquolll: c a s e by litiga ted case.

A l l - th e y w ill h av e a< com plished Is to d ia n g c Ui

I fo rum , from the leg isla ture I th e odurts. Tltcy will transfc

j th e pow er to de term ine publl j po licy In thla Im portant ah ! r a th e r fundam enta l a re a out (

t h e le g is la tiv e b ran c h ( governm ent, th e b ranch mo: dIrecU y . responsive to Ui public will, and p lace it in Ui Judic iary , the b ranch le?! responsive, and the fcdcn jud ic ia ry is not ;<achab!e h th c p e t i te a t all.

My d ^ concern and, I im s knowledge .o f.the.righ tfu l _ar p ro p er rc la lionsh lp • bclwet th e legisla tive and judicL functions pe rsuade m e tha l U public In terest will be be scrvcU If th c leg isla tive po\^

__________ is nnt rtiminlshwl and If l |_ I__ courts a re not Imposed upon/i

i . d o tlr>e le g is la tu re 's work < I decld lngpobllcpollcy .I F a r differen t th a n enacting



^ miKIDPIU ^ tT K taW I




T — *»— ------- M O T E t S. . . . ■

* JIMMY ROBERT* F e ^ M d u j o M j r c h

* CMnlllflt, I P A T R O BERTS, J M.n-h 4 Tliru M.trh

A t T hji G oin

* ] l tH o u r .7 ^ S«rvtc« — « S H O W tlM B « P r l . t S o t . l . t 0 4 i :

' * * * * • * * * * * * '

ft needed quality

s ta tu te which m a y be am ended ^ to rc f le c tth e c h a n g in g tlm e so r

to c o rrec t court in terpre lations of It, o n c e .C o n m ss a ssen ts to lh e ]4 a c in g o r ) ! ^ g u a g e ln th c C o n s t itu iio n i t p u ts th a t

W ' language beyond its rcach.***? T h e la n g u ag e 'th e n becomes I*" th e t i» l of l^ e S uprem e C o u r t . ^ lo in te rp re t It a t will, and th e '’ cou rt h a s been Icnown lo 'find

m e a n in g s a n d p o w e rs- in c o n s titu t io n a l a m e n d m e n ts und ream ed of and unintended b y th e c o n g re s se s w hich p roposed them and, lh e s ta le

e * le g is la tu re s w h ich r a l l ie d

. In th e light o f th is hU lory, congressm en, leg is la tu res and c itizens should painslaltingly

I''® a n d exhaustively Inquire Into a n d even specu la te upon all possib le In terp re ta tions thc c o u rt m ay p la ce upon the

‘" y la nguage if they w ould tru ly u nderstand th e scope of thc

l |o re s tr ic tio n upon leg isla tive 'P'y p o w e r th is p rc^ osed Amend-

' m en! encom passes, l o f T lie jjiiraw; E qualiiy u li ‘«>s rig h ts under th e law " wlll

m e an w hateve r th e Suprem e s to C ourt sa y s it m eans, and the l a l m ean ing m ay change from Iln. lim e to lim e a s thc m cm - ir ts b e rsh lp of lhe c ou rt changcs. Ily. W ithin w hatever m eaning the

.court m ay give lh a t phrase , ac- C ongress Is em pow ered by lhe the second seclion of th c artic le lo

U> m a k e law s enforcing it.II7 W ithout this am cndm cnl, the

s ta te s m ay leg isla te w ilhin thc l im its o f the equal prolcctfon a n d (Uic p roccss c lau se s of thc

^ M th A m endm ent. Wllh th is am endm ent, th e s ta te s m ay

^ not leg isla te a t a li on thc sub jec t of righ ts u n der thc low. exccp i a s thc S uprem e C ourt

lw f*wy find lh e ir la w s free of ’ sexual Inequallly.

ust, M en 'and w om cn-arc a lready and equal under th e low and I « n ' be lieve lhal w h a tev e r vestiges clai of inequality discrim inatory the ag a in s t w omen still rem ain

!£st should be rem oved . 1 believe t h e y c a n b e r e m o v e d

t}w» leglsln llvc lv and f a v o r thc tJio leg is la tu re ove r th e courts to f o ? accom plish lha rgoa l.

SANDRA C /\PPS nga . Je rom e


P A N T Sl iS ltln C iI ln ( 0 9 8 ' 'REG. * 1 6 .0 0 ........... O \


DACRON COATS sREG. U P , $ i l 9 8 ^

.TO * 1 4 .0 0 .............. ^



3 0 % O F F ^M ENS CHECK ^

JE A N S ^MaStm. $ K 9 8 ■

" M l i W m t i t r T T T T * # -------^ -

NEWJIIIPMENTOFLEES ^D. In ch lo n g ih . c o t to n . l i t e r B lu* D an im Look.



iTIERN APPAREL :4 0 i W f i > v # . S « t h _ _ . k

' I Z Z Z W Z U J y

. *


5^frG A SIH O S— ^XS SUNNY DAY • 1,2 IFeb. 18 th n i M or. 2 *

■ « « « « « « « 4 * 4 4

■ M ■ IM III____________________ __ )■ " I — i

C TED HANSON 'J 9 M arch 4 l h n i M o r r h l 6 |

lo B o r W lf A B O H I

7 Day R«i«rvatIon - Phon«: 733^163 B i T i M s .- T t iu r e ; i f t1 1 1 2 — $ w n .« :8 0 . t i ) O K IO 1SO. ,


]®tt Hansen <

? ! Editor,T im es-N ew s: • .^ If G eorge H ansen is a

' ‘c rim inal," so. w as G eorge W ashlnglon. P a tric k H enry.

„ N alhan Halo and a ll o f the ,rt founders of our Constitution.-

E very la s t one of th e m w ere ^ " law breakers."

But consider thc law s! J h e y w e r e u n ju s l , o p p r e s s iv e .

^ d ic tato rial and th c p e n allies ridiculously oul of proportion

■i. to th e " c r im e ." .W llh the rad ical left-w ingers

. . d o m in a t in g d u r p o l i t ic a l s tru c tu rc fo rsu c h a lo n g p c r io d

Y l of tim e, they have p ro life ra led [i“ such a .m a s s of " la w s" th a t 7 th e re a re ftom one to a dozen

• on th e books w llh w hich Ihey c an nail any c itizen to th e w all any tim e they choosc.

Consider for ex am p le , M r. J . Businessm an o r M r, Con- y!; t r a c to r o r M r. P r o p e r t y J Ow ner, tha l an O SH A cral can

c o m e : on lo y o u r p ro p e r ly

rill '■

Inmate tim ■■

E dilo r, Timcs-Ncws j®' 1 a m w riting th is le t te r to th e . rea d e rs of thc Times-New-s, in

a sk in g fo ry o u rh elp ., I a m prcsenUy a l th e N orth

Idoho-C orrvctional In stitu tion In Cottonwood. Idaho se rv in g a

t'e j2<Way scnlencc. I h a v e been fn c islody for 90 d a y s , which h a s nroven lo th is Inslitutlon and m yself th a l m y ii'iing

li^ hab its and sense of rcspon- sy sib llllies havc im proved m<vtv.

than enough to m a k e It in '*'• today 'ssocle ly .Ii't I feel I have developed a o l good altllude w hich I 'm su re is

necessary for anyone to b e ab le dy to succocd In life, '

I My release da te Is M arch 2S [CS ■■ of th is y e a r r j ju t m y probation

p lan wlll not go Ih rough un less jln l h a v c w rillen g u a ra n tee on a ,ve Job. I a m asking you r help In Qd io catlnca lob . j ie__J o ___I • , - ' _____________ .


V T a b l « r H »


j a r -2 Ib.

Falls B rand


, . C h a lU n g *

L BUTTER CHEI^ ^ A g o d

' * 12 01, 4 9 o t .1


- CHECK WEWESOAYS ^ I f i A H i r f O R —


I iu; j = iL E i

I d e f e n d e dwithout w arn ing ' o r search

5 - a w arran t and fine you JI.OOO per orge d a y for some infraction of n ry , safe ty ru les found in a m ass of

th e contradicting rcgulallons and fon.- " law s."v e re B ecausc G eorge H a

pa trio t, standing like a David p>cy against this Goliath and other ;lv c . tyrannies, he has been m arked lilies for destruction, rtion Fellow citizens, don 'l bc

blinded by the chargcs against Igers this m an! They couldn't gel l ic a l . .h lm o n b a s lc p rin c ip lcso rcv c n Briod a s " a c t of commission." They raled hod to c h a rg c h im w ith th a t " o m ls s io n ''o n a te ch n lc a l lty 6f

k n c n " law ," then w arp his "gu llly " Ihey pica a ll out of proportion to Its

i w all significance.If you Ict them get away wllh

M r. th is effrontery to hum an righ ts Con- and dignity, you m ay be next

l e r t y o n th e lr lls t.I c an W.L. BU Y LO CK p e rly T w InFolls

e a s k s h e l pI a m 21 years old, in e ?

to th e cellenl working condition. I « . in know m ost labo ;t;r 's w ork. 1

have four years cooking ex- 'Jorlh pc ricncc and I am presently a u tlon cook here. 1 consider m yself ing a capable of adapting lo Jobs o r been tradcsq illtceas lly ,

vhich I would • apprecia te your u tlon response as soon os possible i'ling and a t your carlii'st con- spon- vcnlencc. a s ll lakes i| couple of mrvrv w eeks to get m y proballon It In approved.

Thank you for your llm o and ed a consideration In this m a ile r, jrc is STEVESTU.^RT fab le Cottonwood

7 3 3 -0 9 3 1

n i N T i

fpORKSAT o b le r l to TabUEnd Cot Countr


9 1Builc iB udS t

J H S H ^ G H t s S T I C K S I

I f t r l lI i«

r T - s

diPlU ng.iHEESE ic E c n

f l o d l y o r ■ ”

>01. IC A l i b . IGA Q l.

nUCE KOtXK ■ »«

l y

UlAMrFOOL E R A t F i i . i : M 0 R E ; 1 1 l f t

TV movi' E d ito r . Tim es-New a:

1 a m w ritlng’in i ^ a r d to the m ov ies they a re pu tting on TV

-la te ly . W ith a ll th e bad in­flu en ces ou r children havc to face lo d a y , why expose them to any m o re?

ch T h ey te ll us to use pa ren talc r d is c re tio n on th is m a tu reof m a tte r . They h av c pul som e ofof th e se m ovies on a f te r 9 o'c lock.^ >i1ilch 1 a m thankful for. But

how long and Iww oflen wlll lla b e th is w ay? id er

I Complahistjei E^dllor. Tlm es-Ncw s: cn r m no l sure w hether M r. Zct cy Bell w a s complainlnjj^ in his th le t te r about th e Tw in Full! of C ounty F a ir B oard or lh< y'* m a n a g e r. M r.Shouse.Its W c h av c had sevcrai oc

c as io n s to work w ith Mr. anc llh Mrsw Shousc and have nevci nts h e a rd them com plain abou }xt " e x t r a w ork ," T heir attiludi

s e e m s to bc th a t 's why they an th e re - to he lp Twin Fall: C ounty people.



U 'S U n d a i



•____ ^ 3 0M ondoy th ru f

I S o tu rdoy

A L E ! ^

a b U rlta T o b U rltcn try S ty U C «nt«rC utR 1


ML 1“?I S ta w a r l 'i S u p a r 3 „

( R O U N D -

B E E f ■

10 lb . Id a h o R u s* e &

OTATOES mU.S. N o . 1 M M

8 9 ! PC h o lU n g * Q t. B Irdt

YOGURT 2 ! 3 f o r WHH

8 9 ^ 6 ^

>1. Ilb .lO A 'JA S a l» .d j g y

n u is e CRACKERS

„ PbiscuiimuiI E very T l)u rt .* F r l.4 «

• • " ■ ^ ■ - ^ 0 0 K W Rodlo - A W in DAILY PRIZES A lm W ■ • A CHANCE A T /

$ 2 0 .0 0 F ro * C roc< H

O D L I N E Rr W I N F A t l S

i e s s c o r e d• -N When m y children a sk me

hc why they c a n 't w atch TV at rv ccrU In tim es, I s im ply tell In- them th e tru th . T h e TV no to lo n g e r' c a re s ab o u l fam ily to en terta inm ent. •

Satan h a s his w ay o t In- flllrallng o u r hom es. Wc m usl

ta l ta k e a f i r m s t a n d and ire d isreg ard lh a t w h ld i wlll not of benefit o u r children, l hope wc

:k . will oil u se w ise judgm cn l (or lul th e ra ls ln g o fo u rch lld rc n .111 MRS. LUANNE ROGERS

R upert

h i t q u e r i e d1 hope M r. B ell's rem a rk s .

leb w on't changc lhe w ay M r. and I'ls Mrs, Shouse feel tow ard the ills jtiung pe<q)lc in te rested in lhe rodc«. M r. ilnd M rs. Shousc

havc h a d nothing b u t p ra is e (or oc- these young people — the ir . and ottUud&and actions, ver Mr, a n d M rs. Shousc arc ou t good friends and good boosters .< ude ' for the young people in terested a rc In rodco.alls MRS. RALPH BAUGHMAN

' Buhl

& TREATING CO.AHO 8 3 7 -4 4 3 7

CIALS!loMd Uinity

VL LUMBER0 r - 2 x 8 & 2 x 1 O .

p r lh g u ic n j bw ird( . . t


p.,U n*al(pot


I F r id a y B :3 0 -5 :3 0 ly 8 :3 0 > N o an




^ N O W A N D — iT A K E A D - Rib VANTAGE



» 0 N 0

>1. Y F r « ih P

S | | |— IM —f < IGA V, G o l.!

WS^i— - a % — IH 1 5 *

W ith 1 m in i b o o k C

^ bono*v- / ^D.«lMont« Q Chunk Style c

m TUNAf 4V> o z . c o n P

d » y « S 1 « S

Bt s * ^A W llh 1 m ini book J

IIPf N - 'B L U E B O N D '^ ^

'/• Gal.^ / rG old«n C row n (

’iS L J I C E ^ lUP > C R E A M S

M 3 9 V? W llh 1 m in i b o o k J

B O N D - % ^

W . S— ^ P o u n d r

a n d / I m p e r i a l - ^

( r l « r ^ MARGARINE

'K W H h 1 m in i b o o k C

=r MM M

'« 1UUIM

“ ■ 3 * *Th« cooUr iol«r \ , 7 7 ^ 130* v o p r rl ia r \ lor chlldftn, Shult \ oil ouiomofltolly.Tip fiih ion f 'con .-- lQln*r. Copocily mor« thon b Ballon.

“ P m ■\

ers .. l l Q C

■ i ^ R R i n ■

” d l s p o z - a i l t <“ ■ " m . Z ' U . ' o' Q Q i

llgh tt. A dlutllbit lUmt. ll(^ti Iv«fv lim i. V i i i b U J a e l - ^ E ^ ^>UP9IV. r e g . 1 .^

^ ^ O Z .


B O W L C L E A N iR

O o l O O& R I R E G . 1 .DD

Mlrw)< ciMnIng IngrMlltMi,— ■ -OivtniH-wtormtJcsltv-*w)lh— '

^ •eh lkuMn». Suiir rn im n i. - hwtnlwi fg rju ian d c h lld fw .


B U SId v a l ' f e r g o o d ilo r* o g o . ( r t t z l n g a h d - i o r g « s a n d w i c h e s . 7'/4 X 1 0 " o p o n to p b o g i w ilh 'l w i » f ~ l i e c lo tu ro i.

33*REO. SV ■

l - ' i< , VITHIIH “C"r Imporicnt dietary lupplf-J tn«nl. Tok« on o Xt-

f eetitfn«nd»d p ro iae tlo n1 090b»teoi<l>.

i . 6 6 * . e o . i , .

I ’ ■I D I S I N F E a A N T

149- J ------------------------B ^ R E G t 1 ; 9 8 -

C L vw isprtykillthout*-J holtf j r n n . Pr«v»flH

C mold (nd mildflw. KilliJ ' odor-ciining tMcirl*C »)d ilim in tttt odoftby '

) M j n S

- J W a m j / m

\ n W A

Thursday, February 27.1975 1

I - - iri i y *

nm \m m t

- f i ; S ■.' (uwt9u>i«

i4 ^ ^ E J U I S i i

H r 2 1 3 1 ' ^R f l | i Pin*-frtth ciMnttr. D C ftM V dMni. bllKhM 400 n t - b . '

tiim initti odori on 9 0 ^ - con tte t. LwvH % ,

t ,4 9 EXCj:





” 0 ^ 1 0 0 I

; r ^ ” regti;oo'each“ 1w.

. 22 0Z. -

—-Sweet-Hearti- — c ~ ? —


- Pink phosphoru i-lrce d ls h w a ih ln d liq u id .

>hd- p l e o ia n t frogrbrtc#, • • • ond kind 10 you f hondi.

K ^ . .

. 39*REC. s r

- l i '0 \ | i

J w o o d b C i ^


^ 2 fo. 2 9 ^A bMuty-mlld loop lof flroof tkin cor*. Com* In otto rltd color* ond tr o g r o n ^ 1



IWREG. 3?^

mtt In •ddltlon to mtklns;illi » i« e * lk n H o u p -T ryiria U ir t» eh lp d Ip ...o rM,by •» • « f t « iMlortino In

. RMtdltfMC.

C p b R l J G Si t J F I h r A v t . .

c i i H V * M S t 4 n r . ^ - F o r F U E

/P r M c r lp H o n M lv tn

175 T lm es^^eW t Twin Fill*. Waho

I P u b l i c

m e a s u iHOISK t l 'P l ' - A

pivlK'iislvc cotifllcl of ml |.ill_ for j ^ l l c officials

■ ■ «-c« i»*d .il?sT or“ pai)Ilc ( WJIS miro<Iticc<f li>’ II>‘‘ I Jiidlfi;iry CdinmiKiT iiosdiiy.

C«nialnlti>: lx>Ih donicatior atul (( penallirs for viiilaliiiti! viirlmis pniviMotis.

» tiH-asiiiv would apply tt ixiiiilcd as w d l a s d (

, piihlii-oflli-ialsjitidconsul ' uho a rt' patd $2,000 or nn

nuintli Iiy a Kovernm I'tilily.

I( rc 'f |ii ircs____ ccdisclosures o f financial volvemenl and pmhit)! luiinlw r o( a c ts by pulill flclnls. It s tipu lates th^ p u h llc o lf ic lu lsh a ll: ' .

-* U se h is ofdclul pos officc o r public funds lo o econom ic nain for himscll m cm lxjr of h is hoiiwtio: nny Uuslrftss with which

________ - assoclalod— Soliclj. n cw p l or re

onylh lnu ‘of value, wh glfl. favor. . services

upon any undcrstandlii)' p ressed ' o r reasonahly

A p p o iiHOISK I UPI I -- The Sc

Siiiie A ffairs Com riiiliir lo Iho floor withoiil ri'(

• tneiulaTiotj \Vc“dncsday npiwlnln'icnl uf John HcikIi (ilrec lo r of Iho Idaho IXj n ie ia i) t l- iw KnfdriTiiiciil

II also .<‘111 Dill witl recotnm endalloti (or

- flnnallon lhe apihiintnini * Keith Hi(!|{ins<)n as dlrecli

-------------; - l - a i i e l a s k s '

K p r o j e c i O F

- IIOI.SK i t 1 ‘| i - A_________ :iiiih » rl/‘nK_____Uw____ V

H csource Iioard to .s|xiiis(i ^ acvcloj) 11)0 niililm

p ro jret Iwo milos soiithvM M ammell w as IiiIiimIuoo thi‘ ll<uis<‘ Kosoiiro»>s '

’ n»Ui‘f\V i‘Unos<lay.U spooilioally authon/.i

> iKiard III plan. IliianoL-. slnic'l. ae(]iijri‘. o|XTaU', m ain la in and Ih‘ the sp

^ and (iovclofHT of a ' ri'siiiirco projoel. i provisions o( tlio Caroy Ai


. 1 D o u u i a! T h il W * « k tn d i


i iI . ' 'I Foils B rand

I WIENERS . . .- I Sno Boy

j LETTUCE . . .I IGA ■

” I SAITINE CRACKE1 P i ln g U t

— |-POTATfl CHIPS-I ' C a m p b v ll C re am o l


j P O T A T O E S

' I 6 f>ack

! m m-----------— J- - U - o z . - C a n t

i Mil' iM

6 TitneS'Nows. Twin fall£

: c o n f l i c t <

i r e o f f e r e d\ ciim- (orrOd. to Influence h is inlcn-M -‘fliRolher puhllc officii lls and c xo rc lsco fo fflc ln ld lsc rc llo i

nfdoo - Solicit, a cc ep i o r fccc ffoiis4.‘ any m onc o r o lh e r econor Wed- Rnln a s paym cn l for scrvlc

a dvice . o r cond mis- no rm ally excrclscd In -

fdony co u rsc of his official duties, ms of — U se o r disclose c

. Ihe _ fiden lial Inform alion f-aincil to op- th c c o u rsc o fo rb y rc a s o n o f I’leclcd ' o fficial position o r acllvlllcsi ullnnis any m anner which niay ros m ore n In econom ic jjain for hlins( menial . any m em lw r of his houseln

o r any hu.stiioss wilh wbich certain Is as.socialo<l. lal In- ■ - Kritor inlo any cbnlni blls a o lhe r tlian in . a n offlc Illle of- c apacity , willi -jiny ^ovi'i h a t 'n o m enial eiitlly itnloss su

. • co tilrac i 'h a s Iktji .aw ard osltion, Ihrouj’h the proees.<('s o( piiii lohla in n o tic e , nnd comiK'titivo h L‘lf, any dlii){;iold or ~ Appoint .flr volo tor i h he is polnlinenl of nny pors

._______ rcla li‘d lo him w ilhin (receivo socond doyroo. dietlier It also p rohllnis tho pub ,'s o r from oKerinn liiMn'S lo pub wwIIIt——o ttid a ls o r to a^o inp t to ■IJ*. ex- duce. c w ree . solicit o r ro<iui ■ly in- Ih o m lo v id la te lb e ac l.

n t m e n t s o u tSonalo the Dcparliiiont of Wal V sonl Howiurccs.Tcoiii' The .conimilliH- look I

the aclion k 'fo re hearl idiT a.-. te.stlniony.oTi the app<ilnlmt' ‘t'parl- of Wynne B lake. I-owlst i( .. . a lto n ie y and Idaho counsel I •ith a Fo tla lch Koresls, Inc.. a

onn- W illard Godfrey, : onl uf assjK'iallon profes-sor ;lor ol iiiarkclinK a l Slu

Unlveniily, to th e Kish ai C am e Commission.[S----- 'nip-nppnintmonts'of niaand Godfrey woro opixiscd I

K lho C apifalC onservalion Clu lnc,.ofEJolso, ------

WATER WEIfiHT-----------------

M m e i

Ccnn- Excati v.ol«r In iho body duo build upol-promonilrual p«><

i/i'i. Mil- '0 ' ' uncomlofloblo, X'l . . . a mild diurolic, wlU h. you lote excoti body wa

le, own ' woiohl- Only S3.00. Wo ro« siXHlsor '" •"d

"*'• PEKKy WISE DRUeS^ u n il.r L ,n « o o d

i V i n i B V i S i M i a i B l

I D O U B L ta iA M P Sa e i D i n i K i f T u m ' '

d o n a ll o r d a r i $ 2 9 ,0 0 o r m a r*

E Vour Savings 3t Marty’s 'C e n te r C u t “

P f t P I C

CHOPS» $ 1 1 *

■ I b .

2 ^........................ f c p k g .' - C $101........ J heads

IRS . . . 1 ^ o x 49' ^ ,0.89UP'.,..

:s......... 10 Bo, 59


m n^ M A R K E T


,lls. Idaho Tnufsday. Fob/uary 27.1975

< n i s z n ■3 Wflyi 16:

1 Charge*lt o tK ag rt ^

riclal's W W I M I ^

rvlces. m g M Monducl



10 In-


recom- I

r f *

-« i ' ^o o l .

H I3 ' I - 1

“ 1 , 19'i I


, I . ■ H B H I________I


n o r t h ™



I - Eniiio Culling unilI IHlor. Sovo.

i M B A T H R O i

5 84-roll pock 's fac ia l q u a lity b o th r i fissoc . 6 5 0 4 H x4 'A sfioflfs p o r Savo.


^ e , _

unil slidot oil (or cleoning UognoliC lii


3 d a y s on ly

2 3 44-01.

L ady G re c ia n Form ulo* < G ro c ia n F o rm u lo 16*.

2-OZ. LIBUIFILM_3 doys____

Si ■ ■Solulion for conioci lent.


P ~ - 3 ^t A For dry tklncoro 13ot. .


■ ' " ' ^ i r p R r aTHRUSA





h ro o m j | | I

o r

: e s g o o d


m tm m

- 71— 36-FO IL -W R A PPED —

1 A L K A - S E L T Z E R

I 3 d o y t

l i a rE U ero scen t a lk o liz o rs .


I S A N T I — a P E R S P I R A N T^ 3 D = v

9 o i .R ogu lar o r P o w d o r Sprp-

k____ :________ ^ ____________

f ' ■■


) _ -----------

j S f l

I Oit^k p y f ( M N ol Av«>i«b>e -

M From S ite 110

T w PforrTSttni

I I O N E C (

^ C O U P O N M l

^ C O U P O N V


~BOTH FOR | [ i' . ^ 32M

s i r : ll

Y o u r

C h o i c e | | | M



2 fo. Your dwlco ol Kn^ dtoner. 30 01.. (

Kmori snd tovo v<l

' «

Report lj] to heart c

. .W,\SHINOTON -lypc . ( d n .1: l a M " J "

< lln l» lte- blood su sa r “ o s a lv t d m lh s Irom W srtn report puD lishcdosnsuppltraw llh c A m cri» nd l was IIK socond”' ' 7 fjTKgI.vccmIc dn igs "E f td rin v o lv ta B more Ih m 1 L lc n ls .T h c o lb c r((n i« ls c » ll« > l« * V report nol only shovn a{ c l .c c n i i s s c o r p b c n lo rm ln a n d l* r dealh, lin lo ls" links Ibc druB » ir e s s lir c jin d rapid h eart b c a l. ^

looQ pressure ar>d hcnrt r a le w ci hesludvof lolbulom lde.scicn lis ti be research said W ednesdny^ '

th e 'n e w findlPg is considcr ficcnusc il m ay h clp .to ex p la ln tho

/ death -Irom h e a r t d isease issociuled w ith use o l the druR,

The Jo u m o l o t lhc A mcrl fvssociotlon. onc of,the w r l d ’s Ici

TV hroi'' I tCChicagoSuft-Ttm es

W /\SH1NGT0N - Columnlsl Vnn U n d c r s h as cu l loose wllh I scalhInK a ttac k on television )roadcostcrs a s "one of the itronRest p rom olcrs of. this ncdlclnc chcsl socicly which Is IcdlntodniR S ,"

M ls^ U n d c rs . in a sp ivch • jero W ednesday said the

S a f i ' f i n i i i r d s

. ^ r a w i i f o r

F B I l a p . sW /\SniNGTON >L'F>Ii -

Attorney Cencriil E dw ard U , . I-evI has d raw n up safeguards to Iw Imposed on KHf wirclapplnR and U.M.* o t the In form ation-stored In lls vast

'Inveslify itlve flics.____Z .F B 1 director. ClJirencc M.V Kelley and D eputy Atlornoy

G eneral I ju rv n c e Slllw rmaiiw ere lo ap jw ar today w ilh U 'vl

- - before a m eellng of the House_____ Ju d li :lu ry _ su b co n in ilU w _ D iU

civil and constilutional righ ts, called by C hairm an Don E d­w ards. D-Callf. during intense

i. congressional, conccrn over possible abuse ol survelUuncc pow ers.

In c n ril rr hcnrtnRs, ] Iwrs have expressed concern

ove r several past TOI p rac ­tices w hich >x)lh K elley and S lllw nnan pledge will never Iw repealed :

- T h e la le FBI D irector J . ■' E dgar H oover reputedly kcpl

files on public figures Including congressm en, in his office and for somo sutijects encouraged agents lo report gossip a l» u t th e ir sex lives and drink ing hahils.

-H o o v e r In lhe la te 1900s and e a r iy t970s kcpl som e agents busy d isn ip ling rad ical groups w ith " d lrly tr ic k s" inslead of m erely Invesligatlng possible'crim lnal violallons.

- T h e FB I until recenlly kept a ge t-acqualn tcd file on new

---------co n g re ssm e n , collcc ted_Irom .new spaper clippings ;md

----------campaiptrrhrochurcs:---------------Sllll ano ther FI51 " file " has

caascd conccm . K elley says lhe FBI still m ain la ins ll. bul he says ll Is only a cross-index of nam es tViat crop up-In un ­solicited infurmallun given

■'FBI agen ts. Some persons named happen to be congressm en. Kelley said.

U v l . when questioned alwul Ihis in confirm ation hearings before lhe Senate Ju d ic ia ry Commlltc-e sa id , " I oppose m ain ta in ing files which have no relevance, thal a re nol sufflclonlly dose ly connccted wilh probat)le caiisi' nf a crim e Iw lngcom m itti'd " ^

- A i d e s v \ v

(C) N ew Y o rt T tm es Service W,VSIllNGTON - T he Houi

Hiiles Conim illee c lcarcd lh . way W ednesday for coi

slderallon t)y the House toda of lhe £21.3 hillion a n recession lax cu l bill, coupli w ith a move to repeal a ll ' p a ri of the oil dcpletic allowance.

The com m iltee also agrc< — to a procedure under which U

. Housc k’ill be alluwed lo vd on a R epublican lax reduclK bill, which would involve &mallcr over a ll lax cut b

^ la rg e r im m edia te ta x rctial ■ ' th an th e D em ocroltc versio

•n ie Republican subsitut sponsored by Rep. B artw r C onable J r . of N ew Yoi

! .w ould a lso give som ew t « n t t r e la x re lte f to p e rsons

U » over-ab.OOO Income group 11 seem ed c e r ta in (hat I

H ouse would adopt th e lax*c -bill approved by the W ays ai

• M eans C om m iltee, ra th e r th; th e R epub lican suhcUtule ai lh e b ig Issue w av the fa te o f tl

H o il depletion allow ance.

£F Times-Nows, Twin Falls. Idaho' - . . ■ ■■ \, Tnufsday'.F«fld!afy.?.>97V’ , . .

inks 2nd dl disease de£ervice Journals In fls field,lin, lhe .second’ ha -page rep o r t asrally to lower- lh e phcnform ln pa:n linked lo ex- group d ia b ete s profi«?. a e c o r^ n g lo T h c p ro je c lh n s an l by 'Journa l of lhe o ral d ru g s for loI). (Irsl rcpoR of thec so< a lled o ra l 19G9. it hu s been a sIn an R' j y e a r Som e doc lo rs and r1,200. d iabetic using th e drugs, Oilo lbu lam tdc. scrllw them ond t(a n ns.soclallon trea ting adiilt.s will

I inc reased risk requ ire Insulin, whi w llh high blood TollHilamide. rcf T he lin k s w llh called sulfonylurea

e re not found In governmenl-suppor s ts fam ilia r w llh centers. L'se of that

sludy In liicg who; c red im portan l ‘Salients' receivii 10 Increased ri-sk sjgnififanlly hlghi 5c lh a l seem s disease lhan palie

ln .sullnorevendiel. irlcan D ialw les . TJieuseofpllenfoi ead lng scientific rur Ihi- « im e reason

adcasters <■'•aveiaH*^ American ' .child fi spends i' hours In fronl of lhe idlol l« x by lhe tim e he js- • n IH.--’ P

T h t ' dam age, she s:il(l. was c aused by "offering sim ple c< solutions" -lil complex n p roblem s Ihnnigh laking pills, it ,e \ I'd rops ahd other iin s trun is ' ij

In addilion, A m crican children have develoix-d " lerrii) le eating haliils" from g w alchlng TV, Similes have ^ .shown, she tuild. lhal " Ihe average , hour-long pn ig rain designed for childn-n has 2() m inules to r com m ercials" and ■. n' m osl of th e com m ercials w ere y. for foodstuffs which conlain Illlleornom U rilional value.

There' w as evidence. Miss U n d e r s ' lold a .luncheon m eeting of- the D em ocratic ] C ongressional wives. Uiul "If you shre'd a cereal lx>x and pul [ m ilk and suga r on ll. you’ll gel ju s i a s m uch nourishment as ( ro m " lh e 'b re a k fa R t-fo o d '^ - il- coiilaliis.

F o r adu lts, slie said, llw problem also is serious. In- s lead of rea d ing newspap ers as a m elhod of avoiding con-

: - i f y o u R A M V It IOR FEED IT . . .

C lo b iS M l W I D U i e lUA B A B B SUO a .O L O B C F i t o c o .

^ T f* ii» .tih fiih d 1 — fc—c trtOAltfOUCIOAOVlTrtKISDUtlNaU

IC - ■ “ “ ' i i ’ ^II

wn . .id-



n I

' h 6 ACAO0is v g i u n F ic n Z n R Btsncm!



I orUon ■

r i ^ B V !Iton e a

a t e . •

----------- - Dostiir II. I COI ^V aleriePerrine t orK Julian BaiIS III B ob F0SS6

'■■zZ W I I M I I K M B'U K '


eld . In an ed ito ria l d cscrilw s lhe a s lhe "defin itive finding-s" of p o r t o f-the m assive un iversily

irogram sludy,IS c a s i serious doubt on th e use of ir low ering blood sugar. S ince lhc iie proJcct w as m ade public In I a souree of controversy, id mc-dical ccn te rs have stopped , O thers have ctinliriued lo prc- d to defend the ir usefulnc-ss In wllh mild dlalw les lh a t does nol which is given by in jection.'iillng a group of drugs

ire'a.s. was lh e first stud ied In a iportc-d projec t n t 12 m edical ha t d rug.w as discontinued In lhe vhen il Iw c a m e /i lc a r lh a l Ihc •iving- It w ere showing^ Igher dealh ra le from lic a rr alien ls who w ere tr e a te d w ilh ’Ilel alone, v_, n fo rm lnw asd iscon tinued In 1971 son. •

scoredfuslor], A m ericans too often "w a il unlll lhe 10 o'c lock now s" lo have m a ile rs ex­plained by David Brinkley. -

In the evenl of lh c sccofid com ing of C hrist, she said, m ost people would not believe it unless W aller C ronklte told Ihem il w as Irue. T hey might hiiw-i'vcr, she sa id , buy T im e .Magazine to "re-ad a sto ry by God or by h is son,’ N orm an M ailer,” -

.Miss le n d e r s catw ed Jowd lau g h ter v ’hen she added that she had m e t novlilist-Joiinuilist • . M ailer a n d "H e Is going lo Iw • ve ry disappointed the firsl— K as le ra f le rh l li d e ath .”

Now Vou K n o uBy U iilled P re ss In ternational

, Most u f lhe rain In lhe w odrt,.' Is m elled snow, • - .

i \

IlI S S M n ^ < .B iiy re«a jM lB jm E




inwonhpfoduclion ABobFosseRlm

t i r H o f r m a n “ L e i m y ”

3 s ..^ p ..o .« David V .Rcker Barry Marvin W orth is e l)n ifH H » l»

^ S T A R T S

► F R I D A Y !

t ■ -------- .

Bi n '

r ■


V , A

J n S H I

J-e ■ ,• t - .

I^N at i n t

IIMAI -----------\


1 ^ S u i

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S ^ o iT y c i t y p e . .

: s e g u y s a r e

i n F a l l s , M i

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j n d a y , a r c h 2 3 ^

D o n ’

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1 linells . . ,


o u r ^• • - W

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[ a y 1 5 , 1 9 0 8

M -a special W Times-N(

“People . P r9gress’T h e ed ition sho u ld m. will b e Included in -th t M orch 23 rd , Literally a s th e o n c ab o v e hav N ew s re a d e rs T h e y a

. cd ltJon a n d will-cover ag ricu ltu re . Industry, \

A - ^

‘^ . 2 -«5,

-V ^

— •. . f l ' f i r' J .



o r t h e i r m a i !

1 8 .

p e s s ^al edition of-thi News dedicated > . . . architects 5 S ”

Id m.akc a fabulous souvenir o f 1975. n -the.regu lar T lm es-N cw s issue of rally hun d red s of unpub lished p h o to s h a v e a lready b e en received f ro m Tli

ley a re sure to b e th e "high-light" o l i ove r such lopics a s early d a y .ed u c a li

Je d i t i o n • • * «

d . - o d . M

' ■ 1r eo . c t 'O " * " '” I

. 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 ^



a i l .

he---------—ed to :ts of ^

1975, It .j f Ilo to s such m Tim es;'’ o l l h e — - ucallon . ’

* •

p p c k y i

. . JWASHINGTON (U P U ‘ \ | c e P reslden l Nelsi w c k e fe lle r . severe

not only a pdogis A t p'rom tsed. never to do » l n , _ f" ■ lA chagrined Vicc Preside

tic lc e^ dow n a fte r souihe n d ■coQservative s e n ^ itb u k td -1ilm for trying dfeed'^iip S ena te cc^idcro tli4 a th a n g e iii the an l l b u s t e r h a e . ............ .. ..

> Sspcclfically . ! they u« J ig r y a t Rockcfclier. for ( ( f ring th e s ta r t of a n i l ci A l l e Sen. Ja m es Allen, :

• .A a., u sing Ihrcc hai , i|lc ro p h o n cs. was shouting I

ifcogn ltlon j—«— — ■WTien th e Democrai

3*uthcm e'rs and the G( (J^nservatives w ere throu

. >Bth h im . Rockefeller h , m ologlM d to Allen a

o s u r e d th c Senate he woi iB cndhisw ays.•H e sa id th a t ••in light of (

(Mscussion a n d m y rule as * r v a n t o f tb e S ^ t e there ifc Question a s to~ thc < j^css lon a s lo ttie wlH of t

~ ^ a t c a n d the chair v oonform ."-5 Under th c p r e c e p t s , f

' j^ ld ln g 'o rf l 'c c rd o c sn o th a ' j{) rcingn lze a scnalor sccki

Rcognltlon lor porilnmcnlor>- Inquiry," I adltionallyhcdoes. R ockefeller said be Ignoi

Alien In a n effort " to sjk ■ - Ic llon” because ' Senj

IJcm ocrntlc Leader 'M; Jfansftc ld barf eompJalned

i ^

I y

I' /

I su p e r savi bobby bro

I reg . to 13.00 : n o w . . . . V...i . S a v e d o lla rs nov ; o f jun io r jeon*.

c h o o * e from — \ I ^ S i t m ^ . 1 3 .

I ■

I— i---------------------------/

I /

A j

■* iI i t o d d l e r

— - s w M l s h i r t '

^ { 7.0Q valu».. . .{ O r * i i y o u f fllll#

/ • o r f ibyal U u*' ■ I f ro n i , e o iy pock«i

i S iz e s 2T.4T..

promisesid ways’

" d ila to ry " tac tics by op- Isbn ' ponents of U igrules changc. re ly R o c k efd le r's 'sp e o d -u p had ixed moved re fo n n c rs to the brink b It of 4 m a jo r b reak - g c u in g .lh e

' - p roposed h ile s change up for d e n t ' considera tion , a move lh a t has le m been b locked by a filibuster. Itors . . 11 a lso prom pted th e first ; to o ffer of a com prom ise. Sen. itlon R u s ^ l Long. D-La., proposM in t l - . th e rxUe b e changed - f o r Uils

session on ly - s o eo.aenators w rc c o u ld cu to ffd eb a tc .

or- Thc p re se n t n ilcs. require call Iwo-thtrds of those presen t and , p . voting, 67, If a ll a re p iysen t. tand R efo rm ers w an t 'to low er that I for to th ree f if th so flh o scp re sen t. _ v _ — M ansfield— recessed:- - I h c rallc session so both sU]<» could SO P consider II overnight, jugh Long ca lled R ockefeller’s had action "o n e of the m ost lm And p roper decisions 1 have se en ir

•ould m y 2 6 y e a rs .". ‘'He do e s not own this body.'

t t h c L ongshouled- Qs a Sen. T o d Stevens. R-Alaska t« Is • .‘a m odera te , said, " I don’i •ex- believe th e Vice Presidenl

f i h e rea lizes how vita l cou rte sy lc will one a n o lh c r Is’* in conducting

. Senate ope ra tions. . * tlie Sen. B a rry GoWwatcr

have R 'A rtz ., sa id , " I never Ihoughl iking I’d see th e day a p residing

a o ffice rtdR cs'advantagc* 'o fh ii bu t r l ^ t no t to - recognize j


IF TME TIME MAS ARRIVED 10 0«.. yout own chftet. me

MIKO ODpofliinitic$ in loOay s^iasM'CO •d o f a m



r i n g s I I I

D o k s j e a n s

I ...... : . 6 ”o w o n g ro o l s e le c t io n . T h r e e g r e a l s ty lo s lo - c u ff e d a n d u n c u ffed .

iiteei level


■.I 1 \ A

“ ■ c •-

3 ^ 9■ Yellow v.h o ^ a d iw * d i» h lr t» l ?ip*

A ll w a ih o b U fob rics .

* M o d level


h ad '




Hire R O C K E P E I X E R

“j J : . . b i i i kt* d i tw i i

lhat ---------- ---------------------------------nt. ___-— ;

™ ~ C l e m « i T C )

H d e a d l in e. . . (O N ew bouseN ew B S erv lce

WASHINGTON - Drdi ^ e vaders a n d m ilita ry de«*rter

havc on ly until midnigh —F rid ay lo apply fo r am nestj

jM t m lm ile decision to cxlen • , h isc lem cncyp rog ram .

F e d e ra l officials c stlm a l 'h i 'jt lhat m o re than 100.000 evadcn

d e se r te rs and people w ho hav a lready b e in . t r le d and coi

, v lcied oW hesc o ffenses durin • the V i c i n g e ra a rc cllgllil

but .h a v e ^ L y e r a p p l i e d fc • clem ency conjidcfa tion .

— T he-program . anirffPiced I) me ' Ford la s t Sepf. 1C. 'yrlgtfflilt

ii'co - was lo Ivavc cxplred'onT^'f?. : huf w a s Riven a one monf


veek- Vm d ^

V , ^ ’A

'< r

----- ifom ous-heond--------ro b e s-:—

v a lu es 1t o 3 2 . 0 0 . . . . . . iM och in o w o sh lo n g o r sh In f lo e c e o r q u i l l e d fo s iz es o n d co lo rs . H u rry in

t lre e i level

. girls' bikini ^ p an tie s—r— — F

1.00 v a lu *Solid c o lo r 100% n y lo n so l c o n tra s t i r im . M ony c o lo r s lo Slock u p n o w in s iz e s 4 l o 'U I

■ , GHiircWa s h in g t o n (Up i i -

^ ^ ■ " “ SefiT T raihk C hurdi, D-Idaho, w ho la s t fall sharply criticized lh e Central Intelligence

. A gcncy 's coyerl actlvllics In Chile, h a s twcome cautious and Judicious a s chairm an-of thc

H E S e n a te 's se lec t com m ittee to B B Investigate the U.S. In-

telllgencccom m unlty." H e knows that the inquir)'

cou ld tu m inlo a ’kam ikaze’ m ission ," one-congressional so u rcc close to Church sold. " B u t he ccrtainly hopes' ll w on’t tu m Into tha t,"

P C hurch w as to address lhe'* N atlonalP ressC lub loday .I C hurch sa id in Septem ber. _______ 1974, lh a l CIA efforts lo sul>-

b y p r o g r a m e F r id a y

Tvlce extension. T hai extension Is u|D rdfl F riday .

« !rte rsIdnight T o e n te r the program iw fonrtnesty, U explrcss. d raft evaders mus

extend co n tac t any U.S, A ttorney’!offlcc o r lh e Justice D epart

itim ate m en t here . M llitcrj' d e se r te r /a d e r s . ' m u st contact any n^ lilar)- bas< 10 have o r Fo rt Benjafnln H arrison id con- Indianapolis. Ind: [^copl& wh( durlnK w ere tried and convicted foi cllglliic d ra f t evasion .’ an AWOL of ied for fense o r desertion betvv-eei

Aug, 4, 19M. and M arch 28 iced b y ' 1 ^ 3 . m ust contact' ' thf

Pre&idenlial Cicinency Boarc 1. — a in a tic r of simply cuilln}

•monfh th e «W {e H ouse,,


\ 11> . ,

■ ■ '


\ o ' m

\ jack- i n reg.


n d _____________ ____________ f ^ g -


. V 2 p r ic e ;o r s h o r t s ty le ro b o sid fo b r ic s ! L im iled o r o f erry in n o w S so v e ! 'I level -s ja c k--------- -------------------------------------- jS ry «

R ust, c o a t, t r a s t a n I

'• •v . u tm ob e lt I

• " — G e t \su m r in oil

■ ch:

^ ■___ SJ___ V

6 4 ^1 sQ lln e lle s w iih rs lo c h o o s e fro m .3 U I• f - ------- - • • ;


•ch caiitioi■ .s id ize opposition* e lem ents I

a h o ,- ' C h ile . w ere - Im orall Ized rep rehensib le . H e In lerrupte m ce a h e a r in g of th e S ena te Forclg 5 In R e la tio n s C om m lttec Scpl. \ and to s la te his v i e w and dem an thc ■ an -explM alion from Sccre tar

E to o f S ta td H enry K issinger, wh In- w a s te ^ lfy ln g on U.S.-Sovi<

d e te n te .^ — u lr)‘ C hurch has m a d e seven azc ’ . m oves to l o ’ to m ake lh onal S en a te Investigation fa ir 'a n laid, constructive a n d to safcguarc s', 11 C lA se c re ts :

. ■’—H e w as m eeling in h Ihc office today w ith CIA D ilu te

W illiam Colby to dlscu.<;s ho iber. b csl to handle those sccrcts. sul>- " H e 'p roposed , ond I)

^ , -- ------ ^


e fo re ' . . .

pa rt- ■

i CONDI. who • 'I f o r 2 4 , 0 0 0 B T U ,J of- ' CondentIng unit with v^-een ■ eolf, Ih»fm*»l0l 1 tublnj . 1 28, '

M aste r 1lilln}; ' t 2 4 B l ^ e l q k e s S o .

C H E :

Bisure e p a ra te s ly ftim ous nakericket I 4»g. 2 0 .0 0 . . 1 0

)lid s lack 1 A tg . 1 5 : 0 0 . . I Vle c k .p a n t;___^1 ^>g. 1 5 . 0 0 . . I vc i t i n g n e w v ^ a y t o d r e s s ! d i e s y o u p u t t o g e t h e r fc

c o u n t r y l i v i n g . H e r e , iock< a c k s c o m b o in m o c i n e y d o u b l e k n i t p o l y e s t e r , i s t , B r o w n . B l a c k . T h e I l a t , p a t c h - p o c k e t e d a n d □ s t s t i t c h e d . F l o r e s l o c k : 1 e x p a n d a b l e w o s i t b a n i m o s t c o m f o r t . D i s t i n c t i v e } lt l o o p s o n d s c o o p - t o p pocl< e t y o u r s e l f t o g e t h e r n o w \\ j m m e r ! N o t o i l c o l o r s o v

o i l s i z e s .


CHUT S12E U 40 * i U. X____ X____ X _ X

I I X 1 X I X>

_______________ S L A C K S

WAIIT •• Ij i Im Ih w >1U e f l ta t ) X X X

X X . X X . X' l o n t l iU iy 2. l . ' i J L L

X -U ng(»4^tT I | x ' x |) ^ | '


a p p lic

US as CIA J]» I" U -m anC lA com m ltleeag recd .*ally to c rc a lc :a n ou tside panel ofpted em in en t ju r ls ls to advise on Eign' h o w b e s t to p ro te c tlh e rlg h tso f• and conduct a fa irland Investigation. Y ale lawtary p ro fesso r B urke M arshall, awho fo rm er U.S. a ss is ta n t a ttorneyivict g en era l, has been re ta ined a s a -

p a rt- tim e consultant.crallhe - C h u r d i hns sought ouland R ep . Lucicn N edzi, I^M ich..

ords w ho heads th e H ouse select com m lttec on intelligence, lo

his coo rd inate a s m uch a s possib le .« to r t h e . congressional - In-how vesliga tions into lh e CIA andi. l ls tillegod ab u ses w ilhin and

Ihc outside thc iJn iled States.-

niBi ~

:R WINNERIW a n d SAVE o n


-■-'Z' Eiperl tnitolletlon AvDlloble

'S h ^ e t M e to lP h o n e 7 3 3 -5 1 4 8

I i 4 \ I

s ! \

J 9 9

^ 9 9

is! Sep- ' H ( \fo r city \ V:ket a n d w! w a s h / / '

N ovy, /l e is u re /

id co n - - /ks w ith . J iind f o r / /ve w id e IL I fck e ts. " . jK JJth ro u g h

ava ilab le

u _ 1*X X

®1 ! 1 £ « . - .

X J t X X X. 7 '

Z Z i-- H E B O N B f^ARGE CARD. IT'S B EH ER THAN M( >licallon. S h o p TWIt^ FALLS d o ily 9 :3

Thuraday, FabruifV:®?.

probe prO|«d.* -i-He h a s nol .p r e s s e d 't h e

of 'S e n a te c o m m itte e t (^ m s h ‘into on I ts ln v e s tlp t lo n .R a th e rh c h S is

so f Insisted on th e c a r e f u l ' [air collecllon of . a ll avallaH ft law m ateria l. Ho'Vaid W ednbday . a a fte r - .an organizational ney meeting he w anted lo receive IS a - reports Jrom .ihe presidentia l

commission on th^.. CfA.

oul f — ch..Icct / ^ i ^ R z - U p j ^ H i l l u L u. lo V YbutMtf \ F f f f f W W 5 fIb le . . i f a in d S a w j l M l l H l l l i l t r

In-and " Complete U itlle '

Tub Kits- :■f r e ^ pencil lor tub t

I 'd ' [ n o n P im o o

1 / 2 1 ' . ........................... ’4 "

5% LESS BV BUNK i/1- rtuoolo t sonteUCM'lANOlB..................... T TI/4'IAHOCO IJI)

• IHO* ...............- ................ *4"■ W A I I

___ ^ _ I


M Just Olf Klilierly“ ' M M U H tn ll

" • PHONE 733-JO PE N 9 a.m. t o 6

4 8 M O N DA Y th rw SATI


I I n

y i ^

f I'__ .;_I______V ’ '


4 MONEYI N o c h a r g e a c c o u n t? J u i f 9 :3 0 lo 5 :3 0 . M o n d a y . F rid ay lo 9 :

iw ^ im e i^ f y e w s , Tw Jyfill»r'(S^o

Dgresses' "UK . b u l l e d "iw .V lK i'pT M iilo

Intp R oekefe ller before : b c g ^ l r h i s th eS e jia tep ro b e : eful ’ —Along; w llh vlcc<chalrmi iHK ' Jo h n Tow er, R*Tex., C h u i^ d a y " '/se f tk ln g '' m eetings , wi )nal ^ P r iM ld e n l '! f o r d — ai Blve ' ^ ^ l t e f e l l e r . " ’to ask ^ m a l cooperation In carry ing ou t tl

W m SSm mS ^ 1 9 5

r tu b rec eit • - - ^ ^ i d I ' '

“ . v » j i i

» f l lOMM ' e j t

■5“W * ,-«!•*-IIMMIAM A l / . ** MWIATIOH ............ N lft.aV T

T» ™ ......rA L L P A M g L IN fS

ST PLYWOOD SALESd f l S S l . , , i .

iW OilJ3 -S 909to 6 p .m . ' 9 3 1 ^ iw'«SATURDAY


E> J u i l co tl 7 3 4 -4 8 0 0 fo r 0 c re d i t 10 9 :0 0 .

' J 'J 'i.

.D BA r A BBY : MyhuabancTi:M c lv h .s u r tc d changing his sh to w ork .v jic wos workingj)vcrt; hia cflr,'buO «* iw »« l'w ys sfior w m c th in g w'os.upi-

V fow questions, pul' • ■ . . . founo^out the- reason. She is a ,

w here Melvin works. She worke , ond the place waa nir-condilionc

been hav ing lunch i M c lv if l Bnd t h ^ uac ihc^coi

. ■ •lo v ip la n e /’ ' ^

'Counselor . needs help! W hen I naked M elvin a b o u l"

l(jd h a s J ia d a lo l o f p rob lem s, ai l|e r l i f e strfljghtonp^l has tw o kida , a n d m okes $5.50

^ ie e n h e r sify she cou ld w in 0 Mis i sa ck o v e r h e r head .

■ • H ow do I keep M elvin from n i e r? .

• D E A R W IF E ; I t m ay be too ^ io u n te lo r to r h e r, b e m ay need

^ s g o r hu m ilia te h im . A mim i fn d e rs ttn d iD g wife.

' i D E A R A B B Y ; T h is is in n g e n t l y hod in y o u r column. I

' I " W h a fs th e difference beiwc .* W hen a d ip lo m at soys ’yes.' I W hen a d ip lo m at soys ‘rnQyl } W hen Q d ip lo m al soys 'no .'

. t W hen 0 la d y so y s ’no .' she i j W hen a lady s a y s . 'm a y b e , ' i ; W hen a lady s a y s 'y e s , ' she'

■ i Y our com m en t: " T h a n k s (or t A bby, th a t jo k e is indeed oio,

. j le g r id in g s e x is t g a m b it th a t r

! y j ^ I

' M agic V alley Ri

' 2? V - o n a n

IT ^■ I c o l o r t

mo n a n y (

j - C a s h R e b a: ID A H O E LE CTRIC} - . J e ro m e

- J -^M U In K A L B F L E IS C HI . - n i e T - -


10 Tiftios-Nowa. Twin Falls. Idaho.

A f t W: : Iy- Abigail V a n Buren i<

- ’ • . JlU

riil’os ju s i 60. All o f a su d d e n . '{' shirt th ree limo.i before go in g rtim c, puU ing ex tra m ilcs on ni o r t o f m oney, so I H gured

I tw o ond tw o to g e th e r, a n d .0 24-ycor-old girl w ho w orksked a ll sum m er in h o t pQotd; , 1 ned. I u nderstand t h a t " H o t an it and coffec brooks w ith m y •’ Mi:om pany park ing lo t fo r o ...

. , . . A s

■■ 1

" H o t P u n ls” he sa id th e poor a n d h e 's been help ing h e r ge t .

t', th n t "poo r k id " is d iv o rccd . ■ • 50 on h o u r T’eople w ho .hove [iss A m crica co n lcs t if sh e pu t

m ak ing a fool of h im self over M E L V IN 'S W IF E

M la te . B u t ir he 's a c tin g aa a - (d 0 counselor him sel/. D o n 't1 in th e foolish 60h ncedii an '

response to som eth ing you . I quote :ween a lady and a d ip lo m at?J.' h e .m ea n s mflybe. lybe,' he m eans no. >: h e 's no dip lom at. . ii; m e an s m oybc, ' i■ sho m oons yes.le 's no la d ) '." ior a da n d y d o y -b rig h tn c r ,"Q, a n d should £ e d ead . I t 's a

m akes invalid* o ssu n ip t io n s '

A ' 1

tCA D ealers a r e onNow thru Marc

COOi W K D ln y C o l o r P o r l

H H ^

o n a i


C o l o r C o n s o l

a t e s a v a i l a b l e a t t t iJ O R D A N i

------ ^ G oodii


*C»»h Reb«ie» »vi3»bi« only from deatoti

E g

10. Thursday. Fobtuory 27,1975

B r i d g e w

TWIN rA U .S - Muftlc Valley Ci Dupllcalc RrldiW Clul) mol Qllhv St PrratiylcrlanOiurcti. ;

North and KMilh.wlmwni wen- Mrs. J. T, Shcfliy nmJ Mrs. A J Undcm er tlrsl; Mm nnd Harold Huk-Mcr. .v-coml; Mrx. IT

' A.V. tt'llllnms. nml Mr*. Mary Tl KIcnIcn, IhJrd. nnd Mp. I. -St

. M.Uall and Mrs. Kcllh Wickham.Ea*l andwcst wlnncni uTrc .Mrs. ■'*

II. K, nurKc« and Mm. IlnmId Uiilclwr. tinil; Mrs. Karl Nellscn .M and Mra I.. K. Hack. Dvound; Mrs. Kl John liahn and llnruld Wycoll, Ik Ihlrd. nnd Mr*. I< li->Vat.«jn and Mrs. H, I>aynliT. fourth. L

dc , N(

TWI.V PAM-S - The .M.imliiv ' M atliTiKmn DiipKrali- Undue Chit’, hnx nnmHiMced winitcm inclixlin^ ivirlh lind wiiilh. Mrs \V llrlscull

.nnd ,Mr*'. A J. l.indciiicr.Mir'l;.Mm Floyd «r(i;idhc;id and .Mrs l)i John Hahn, Mwond: .Mrs ,f iH F.) I’elormnn and • Mrs. "M an 'in AsMl. Uitrd, and Mn.. UH M Wllltams and Mrs H St Ox.k, Hi

- fourth , «it:asland\nM wlfwrsiivcnLilrk. M

1. RrHnck nnd ^^^?^K!Irl Nrclsmr;— th lirst; Mrs. II K. SlandU-c and-Mrs

''A.V.'Wllliain.s,'M.foiKr. Mr*-WK . 1! I’l'.iy und Mm (Iciic Car|x-nliT. H IhtnL owl Mrs. H«int'r W

“ M WatwnTrrmirih" uiniii-Tits lndiKlc>d J .kIv KaiilkmT. th

abo u t w om en, a n d furtherm ore wish to. am en d th a t old sto ry t

I carc n o t a b o u t diplom ata , I W hen a w om an saya "y o s," :

'W hen u w om iin says -muyDe A nd w hen o ^ o m u n says "n t A nd if a m an.persisiH . o r usi

D E A R C A R O L : ThntikH foi deserved it.

D E A R A B B Y : Is there a ru w edding coko H A S lo bo w hite

1 u n d e rs tan d ih j t th e outsido o bu t w hn t if th e bride nnd groom b decide on iio v in g a chocolate v frosting?

M y son w as recen tly m arried, r chocola te w edding cake with wh;

. and de lic ious.-bu l o friend of m ir shou ld have been W H I T E - in s i

F ra n k ly , 1 rea lly d o n 'l care, bi th is w as im proper. ~

D E A R M O T H E R . T he coke w woa im proper!

i n th e C ash R ebate>rch 31st only!


l A T E ^r t a b l e

a n y L C o l o r T a l

BHI „RCA^ ■ 9 X L 1 0

100% Sc«d! C olor T

t h e s e p a r t i c i p a t i n gV STUDIO M Iod ing


:l«ii thown abova. and on colot aeti only.

If it isn’t it isn ’t X

w i n n e r sCarol Revd. Pal l.ewl!i and I /hiImT ^ - Smith. Goodlnfi, __

TWI.V KAI.I.S - Twin Falls ITupllcultf Hrldno Cluh met Tliur-sday i-vciiInK al lhc Calhfillc

■ School.North .and soulh winncT* w re

.Mn I .J . .{{oJtcrlMin and Ilex I Wood-s, Iiml: I. J. ilnlxTt.snn and

.Mrs. I to r Wood and-M nt—M;— — Klcnlen and M rs D.M. Hansom.He'd for-sfcond.

dcnii-r, lirsl. Mr. and .Mrs G.T., Nftl.i, Mitind, and "Vi YiHinK and

' Mm ll.m ardW ard,Ihlrd

JKIIOMK ' Thi- Ji'rcinic Dupllcnic llrlduc Clul) mcl In lhc - F.plsco]):i11’an sh lb ll.

Norlh and M>ulh winnt'K were Mm. I) M IlansimiandMm. M.I). H artnid. (irsl; Mm AC; Clark and Mrs. Ci'orilc Itirss. M-cnnd; V Mr.. and. Mrs llanild llulclu'r, F

— thtid. ' - ' - V -. East and west winners wm- Dr. ,

. lltTi) llurncss and .Mrs 1. J *'ItoU-rtsOM, iirM; Mm II .M. 1Wycdll and Mrs A.I.. Jiihn-<in. « Mfoiid; Mr anil-Mrs H.I. C«ik. ,third. - I

n o re ren d e rs th e m pow erless. I .ory to road a s follows: n ta . b u t.OS," sho m e an s yes-— ___________nuyi)c, sno m e an s n iuybe.'8 " n o ." sho m e iin s no. or uses forco, . .h e 's o rap is t!


<N for s e ttin g m e rstrolght. I ■

a ru le any w h e re th u l soys a whito?sido of th o coko should be whito, w m b o th like chocola te cak e otid late w edding cnke w ith w hite

ried, n n d he a n d h is brido hod a h w hito icing. I t w as beau tifu l )f m ine rem a rk ed th a t th e cake “ inside a n d o u t, ire. b u t I ju s t w o n t lo know if

G R O O M 'S M O T H E R

ake wos a ll r ig h t . T he e r it ld sm ^

ite B a n d w a g o n !

R C A I H h . [ L i O O W M m% Sou state XAqrTM .

i l lM

[00“' r e u i t e' a b l e m o d e l

r l O O I b H

i n g d e a l e r s /M & Y E L E C T R I C

T w in Falls

. l A N C E ^ E U B N I I J J R E -------•levjnly.

I’t RCA, XL-1(X). I

W i f e c a n ’ t t e s t i f y

SA CRA M EN Tp, B urke tt w a s schedul

" Sb du rin g « b r t e f ^ . ClaytoQSberwood'n:

A w lfe ca o n o tle s tl ~ t o

' - th ree d a y s and four o u i > ^ of coca ine to a

^ E x - r e s i d eTWIN F A L U S -C h ris t in e E.

Slimp and Rolwrt W, G eicr wore m a rr ie d Fo!>- '22 a l Sl, Paul’s Catholic Church. Boise;

— ■’fho Bride J s ' l h e d a u ^ t o r o t Mrs, W illiam M, Sllm p. Twin Falls, a n d lhc la le W illiam 11. Sllmp.

\ Rev. P e r ry Dodds conducted the cercmnnv-

e x p re ss--------yourse lf— —

. . . sw itchabi fo r your_acti\ byucgialinaLook w h a t w o h o u p fo c o p su lo so lo c tio n o i rii lo r oO iv o s p o r t s . Ju s t Ih o fo u r p o r ts a ro u n d h a v o o li th o o u tf i ts yo fo r go lf , to n n is . h ik ing so il in g , b ik ln g l M a tch c o lo rs . . . o r m ix th e n lo o k f ro sh a n d c risp • w a y . A n d th e r e 's th is n ic e ly . . . e v e r y th in g w ith o th e r th in g * iny< w a r d r o b e . D e s ig n e d li

~ “ = — w o 5 fr a b f6 - p o ly « T 9 r ^ — P o c k e te d z ip p e r f ro n t

1 0 -16 . W h ile , n a v y , le2 8 .0 0 . P u ll-o n p o n ts ir c o lo rs , 10 -16 , 1S ,00 . E (>ock-zip T -sh irt, M-L. \ o r w h ite /n a v y , 12 .00 . sh o r ts , 10 -16 . L om on,9 .0 0 .

■ - ' Al) . Calif. (U P I)’ - K a re n . d u le d asa p tn a ec u tk m w ltn e ss . . f jS S e n l n (be tr ia l, d e fendant I m a n ie d h e r . isUfy again st h e r husband.b^ U m ade no d l f f e r o c e ln________"A superio r couri Ju ry <lcbated w nd h im guUty of ae lllng four.9 a a h e r if ra undercover a g e n t.

e n t w e d sT e r r y ’Freem an se rv ed as

m aid o( honor and William i ia r s lw a s lK s lm a n .

T he couple will liv e !n Boise w here the bride is em ployed a l th e Bank of Id ah o , T bc_ brideRroom Is em ployed l>y Cohnecllcut G eneral Life In­su rance Co.

Z) ^

. | | n

J # ' w

5 ■ / I

I ” J

- \ ■ Ik \ \ • 11*’' ®

Y . 1 ^ ^ :

blesive life_____

f o ry o u ! Arfiix o b les / W v m B

st sw ilc h — - / ^ ^ * ^ Bid o n d y o u ’l l . ’ ^you n o o d i \ n dn g . I ' J ®ch th o e m . . . thoy I e i th e rIs a d d itio n a l . ^ig w ill w o rk ‘ -■yourd In m a ch in e

n t lo c k e t, le m o n , m int,

I In t h e so m e ' ,I. B. S trip ed .. w h lle /m ln t 10. Pull-on in, novy . w h ite .



Sqyihgs bondBOISE — .Ja n e t Major, IG.- con

Buljl High-School student, has W beeti aw arded a SIOO s&vlngs - Sch

; -bond by th e Idaho O pbm etrlc hon A ssociation In the second Intl annual g raph ic arts"lSoster

. NOW 0

nemnieTax1 0 Y e o r s w / f h I n f e r

O K i c e H oi

9 - 5 M O N Q A Y t h i

9 - 1 S A T U R C



1 2 2 E a s t M a in , J e ro m e

i i y f f f w w w

■" v d / ' ‘

V i f

. ! |S j-

r J S i1 m I ' N

‘I r i i

*4 .

id ow/ardedco ntest.' - ■ ■ f ? t.

Mike Calvin, VCendoll HlMtT - S c h o o l,. w as a w a rd e d an

honorable menlion certificate In thcsam econ tcst.


IX M c e :

ife rn o / R evenue


' th r u FRIDAY - ,

U RD A Y S. ~ ~ .



10 3 2 4 - 4 5 0 7 . :

l l i » i a » V r n

T \ Ja

■’ ^

" ‘ ! ' ■

V \

_ 1

____N-. • ' ' •* .

V ...

Ifriightsofthe S<• NORTH 27 7 A A K S 47 V J 10 <» ♦ 8 5 4 3 ? * A J

WEST EAST ■* Q 9 - A J 10863 '• J I 7 6 3 * • y —• JIO 9 « K Q 7 6 2 4 ^ 4 2 * K S 3

: SOUTH (D)* * 7 2 -; V A K Q 5 Z

J i,Q lp B 7 5

« Norlh-SouUi vulnerable

w ill NbOli E i i t Soolh

T l »P 4 s I * Pass 2 *PaM 3 V Pass * «Pais i * Pass 6 ¥P a u Pass Past

- Opening l e a d - J ♦

B y ^ w a ld & J a m e s Jacobjr

of p ic round tab le and the best p layer a l the b ridge table, look his. a ce of d iam onds and led a in rn ip to dum m y 's Jack. E as l d is c a r d ^ a spade. W hal had a p ^ e d lo be a hand lha t even Sir-iJlnadan, Ihe w o rs t bridge pl^h-pf. would h av e no problem w ith , had b e c o m e a r e a l problem .

kancelol w as su re th a l Ihe r i ^ l line of p lay w ould still b r ­in g 'b o rn e tne s la m , bul Just w hfl'lwas Ihe rig h l line? Finally th(j peccicss one a rriv ed , a t a sojuffiui based on E a s t holding cxDClly^nve spades and nol six.-

{lc c ish ed dum m y’s a ce of spadce and'p laved dum m y’s acc anti jack of clubs, E as l could do nothing be lter lhan take his king and -p lay a diam ond for Lancelot to ruff.’ Now L an c clo t^ tarted to'})lay

I .. -------


I storyLoft: L ong s lo o v o dV r y f f l e o d g o bl

• s lo o v o s , f lo u n co hp liq u o , w ith o hi no( o i c o t to n s n a g b o i b lu o , p in k o n d w h lti

R ight; F lu tte r s toev i I d r e s s w i t h ' . i n s e t

V n e c k , In s e t 'J o c e ti s le e v e a n d d o w n th< iOOV. p o ly e s te r ( n a i l a b l e . 'I n n g o u z e .) S h e s 5 '*13..

^ ■ : 2

' y

M s

tquare Table . stih is la s t three clubs. Any lim e W esl niffed. L ancelo t would '*'} o v e m iff and spread h is huid. If W est didn 't n iff L ancelo t would t i b e ab le to shed a ll dum m y's spades, including the goodklng. cs and ru fl his last spade .

Looks easy, d o e sn 't- I t’ Bul iu s t fo r fun try to m ake the hand without cashing exactly one high spade b e fo re playing clubs.

r H n r f f r t T h r g w y f T i -vjSia

m e b ld d ln g t o b « « ; 21 JJ

blW m Nortb Bail Soulh '

I V P a s s r ?You, Soulh, hold; _

« A Q ;76V 2 « K J S 4 A A Q 8 2 ^. . W iit do you do now? °

A - Bid four clubs. Yon like your «partner's bid. • ^

-TODAY’SQUESriON JYour partner continues lo (our ^

Amwer Tomorrovr ?

I Val©y, fei .N£LD AC1 fif. I , KJn-

(■ B EEFBU RG ERSW ITH C• GRAVY . p ■ 1 pound ham bur(;cr' 4 c upcvnpom lcdm ilk

2 teaspoon instant-—I mlnccd onion . • J-’ . Saltanctpcppcr - -----------1' ■ Mix flixjvc Ingrw licnts well. I; M ake inlo palties and fry. < . D ra in well. Mix one c a n golden• m ushroom soup a n d one-half i

c a n 'w o le r in skillptr, Hctum Ir m e at and s im m er^S 'm lnu tcs . ' i

J « n g r ^? ' ■

d r o s s w llh in so t bltf> L ong' la c e hon>, ro se op* . J i . ^ j

lock c o llo r . M ado ‘ o r k in n o lu ro l,He. S i re s 5-13,

■ 2 4 ” »

IVO lo n g j 11 w o l s l . Jtr im e n • / . . '

h e n e c k . /r ( a l s o , /n o l u f d ' /

2 6 ” / .

. . . i t ’s a. » • -

S p e c i a l s t o r ^ b e g i n S a

' t w i n FA IX S - A specia l . chi s to ry h o u r con ip lcte w llh rea Illustra tions by ‘•Magic M ary" me w ill begin Sa tu rday afternoon coi n l the Tw in F a lls Public Ihr L ib ra ry . w

M a ry E l iz a b e th J o n e s , dil cartoonist, will illustrate th e /


b[fO(gff§ iTW IN FALLS - The M agic ^

-Valley Iris Soclcly will m eet “ S a tu rd ay a l 12:30 p.m.- in the R ogerson Hotel. Slides will be, show n atid th e ir is show will l)c..;;,."^ discussed . ' M em bers should ^ brlng>cxam p!cs of thc ir hot}- b io s . The luncheon will cost *“ *2.50.-Thcpubllclsinvltcd.

TW IN F A U ^ - ThcT w in F a l ls O rganization for Hon- d Icapped and R etarded P e r­so n s will m eet a t 8 p.m. M o n d a y in t h e C h i ld D e v e lo p m e n t C enter^ All p o ren tsT n ld friends of hnn- d i c a p p ^ pe rsons o re invited toa llcnd .---------------- ^ ^ --------------1


a w ® [ r o t l ® § ■ ‘DEAN

C Jm ber/yGood se rved w llh m ashed potaiocs.

7l>e TtaefcNewi wiU pay 19 ' each week (or Miglc VaUey F av o rtte i. Iffavorite redpe. Ju it mall i t to tb e Recipe Department, .Wcnen’a Page Editor. Tbe recipe becomei ttw property of ‘ tb e ‘nm et^few i aod cannot be

'returoed '


' / /

r f t I


■ I



a t th e Pai. V

o i y h o u r > a t u r d a y

. ch ildren's stories a s they a rc read o r lold by lib ra ry s la ff m embers. T w p ro g ram s will c o n tin u e e a c h S a tu r d a y through M arch, beginning th is week from -1 to 2 p .m . In th e d illdren’sd ep artm c n t. '

Annlelaurle Burton, lib ra ry s ta f f m c m tje r .- s a id th e > p rogram s a re designed for p re ­s c h o o l a n d f i r s t R ra d o

. youhgrters but those of a ll age% ore invlled lo a llen d .

Children w ill 'h a v e a n (op­portunity lo do som e of th e ir _ cartooning under th e direction o fM rs.Joncs, ' ’ , .

A dllferenl therne will, be ' sclcctcd cach w eek w llh th is I - ' week’s program on new an im al

story books available a t the : library.‘ In addition to th e specla^i

a fte rn o o n p r o g ra m s . ' t h e ‘, rcBular children’s storv ^lour '.' from n to 11:30 ,a .m . will

cont Inuc cach Saturday.

i O p e n h ou se0 FILER - Mr. and M rs. E d si-------Hoflklni;; T w m ’ F a lls .- w’i» - tje — S

honored on th c ir 2Sth W edding HA nniversary w ilh a n open L house from 2 lo 4 p .m . Sunday ,

The event w illlw held a l th e lihome of th c lr dn iieh te r a n d U

, Yoga c la s s ;TWIN F A L l^ - A Iw ginning t

„ c lass In yoga will bcorganU D d Ia t th e College of Sou thern r

* ; ld a h oM flrch24at7p .m .-------Mai vlll - G la ssc ixk . d i r t c to r i

of continuing education , sa id i^ the class Is Iwlng rep e a le d 1

ijc ca u sc o fp o p u la rd em a n d , I l jwill run for seven M onday tnights: It Is he ld on th e e a s t j


^ 1-IPw ^


• - ®

l l ' ; .

o w l..I 'M


M o ry E /{zobefb Jo n e :

se p lannedson-lp-law .'M r, and M rs. Gar>-lluilULJL. I li t I , ''Highw ay 30 ocross from Ihc L utheran Church.

All friends and rela tives are invlled to the open house and the couple requests no gifts,

5 schedu ledI dcck of the CSI gym and Is ati1 hour and one-half c lass each1 nighl.

Cosl for the seven sessions’ is »tO— whleh -enn-t)e pnid-thfr—I initial n ight of th e couretr—1 Ruth P e rk in s is Instm ctor.I A dd itio n a l In fo rrn afio n is- availab le tiy calling Gias.scock 't a i 733-9.154. '

V '

^ 1 .

S k y

e s d r a w s c o r f o o n s o f s T o r


21 IAND 2 PIECE_ R«il, t 4 0 , 0 a i o 140.01

BETTER DRESSESR »g. ttO .O O I d 140.01

LONG DRESSESR « g .S 4 0 ,0 0 to $ 1 l0 , (


______________R » g . 8 3 4 .0 0 lo i 40 .0 l

8 only WINTER CO' R « g . 1 9 0 .0 0 lo s u o .

^ P3 PIECE PANT SUIR og . $44X 10.................

10 only 1 anil 2 P PANTSUITS-R e g . $ 3 4 .0 0 to $68 .0


SPRiHG COLORS— ~ R .( , . - H M lU o :» 3 0 i«

BLOUSES WHITE IR « g , $ U .O O lo $ ;

PINAFORESR .g , $ 1 6 ,0 0 ................

LONG SLOVT RIBturtunecktop:R . g , J 1 4 J 0 . . . . , . ,

LACE TRIM SHOir KNIT TOPSR og , $ 1 4 ,0 0 ..............

SPORTSWEAR OD PANIS,TOPS ANR o g , $ 1 1 .0 0 t o $ 3 0 ,

, L liAi

6 Only PLUSH R(R og . $ 4 2 ,0 0 ..............

IIHAMBAGSR og , $ 1 4 .0 0 oihI $ 1

19JI0DEI COATSR o « ,$ i 6 ,0 0 < in d $ l

~ - . -1

' ______ ____________ ^

. - r ' ' D l


T o r y c h a r a c t e r s

Hlie y j / / ' / ' , |


D R ESiSESECE DRESSES1 0 .0 0 ..............................: ............... .............

ES ' ■ - ,10.0 0 ................... N o W 'le i iT

1 1 0 , 0 0 , , , . . ........... ......................^ / \

: s -IRT STYLES , U1 0 .0 0 .J J ___ ___ _______V , ,

C O A T S ~ICOATS .1 4 0 .0 0


2 PIECE' ' ^6 6 .0 ................. 0 .............................. .. /

IP O R T S W E Aus MAKE COORDINAe SPORIis'130 .00 ................ . ................................ ..................... ............................... ............................... ........................................................................Now-

lEANDPASmS0 $ 1 4 , 0 0 . T T T t r ; T T T T , , . . .




$ 3 0 ,0 0 ____ - , , , , N o w r o d u c o d . / i


5d $ 1 7 ,0 0 ................................ ....................

lATSd $ 1 6 , 0 0 ........... .. .....................................



___! ,, . . . . . » , . rrr-


f = ^ - w ';d a y



•siVhan Price I -

y S a n d ^ o i i ■ :

f t a n i y Z i i L - . '. - \

r s ~ . i

V ,. . p rice e n d U t l


* $099. . . . . . . N o w U ,

$099...................N o w U - ,

$R99...................N iW U


$q99..................... N ow l l

m..................... N o w . J l l

iM A lL '• '■

TiLt9;06 ■

- - -

lii»9^B w a„T»rtn™ ifl.B iho 11

' Id ah oT em pera tures?

High L o« Pep- 'A lw rdocn -• :>l iio iso - '311

' I S - ^ ^ I f■B''rloy . • .i? S 'J

, CuldiVdi ■“ ^ fE m m cu •'5

, • F a irlic ld ^■ GnodinK t

.Grminevlllo . ;<« '

.H oinodalc ' ntdafioKolls f ' - Jcrom t' ■■» "-KlmkTly W ,:Kunn . ■•'7

-M cC all' 32 25 .W',Mfii. Home -51 I.' T r•|X!Wislim. -IG’ 'W.Paniia 36 ill .14

•TPcwaicllo 30 .10' Pn 'slon 33 0 OT)

Twin F a lh■ i Tem peratures

M m . Mln. Pep lY cslcn ljiv :iH 20 .0;!-1-ist Y ea r M :«i^Norm al -iG 2.j

T F m ^Tw in F a lls , , rwrthside.

rB u rley-R upertarcu :• ^ Fog in the vnlley^i today. IU‘-

•,oceurrinn pcriod.s nf ralti or .rsnow ihrouKh Friday. llitih.s •'to d ay n e a r 40 and Friday in Ihc .•■jnid 40’s. Ovcrnighl low.s 2.*. lo «<35,

Tlic oiillodk for Saturday.*^ '.'c/ianccofs/iau-crs.

. . H ailey . . Cornas P ra irie,

I W R f l c? SHOSHONE - A llcrnatc ’ m ethods of Hood conlrol fo rthe

. . j •: Goodlnfi-Shoshonc a rea wlll tw jj*stud lcd a t a \vorks»}Op a t H p in.

■ [ 5 M arch 6 at the Gooding Counly S? courlhousc.

■------ {«■ A c lu o t—p u rp o se of Ihc’ utirkshop is I 0 sclec t a plan of

f i flood conlrol and rwrommcnd n illfo rd ev c lo p m c n l- J-. A c c o rd in g tu D on G. ^ F c c d c r lc k se n . c h ainnan of the

I R iverT lcsourtx 'A rca, i f* '- is Im portant lo scciirc Ihc I ; view s o( as m any c lllicn s as

I J i^ p o ss ib lc to e n s u re lh a l f S?:anytliing undertaken lulK! lhe I *-^bcst Interesl and solution In Ihc 1 - r r m a l lc r .i , S C lly and counly officials of I '^ L in c o ln and Gooding'counllcs

' ! . a r e u rged lo a tte n d ihc______j-ttt irk ih o p iilD n g w llh.alL olhcr

• •InlcrcsU-d persons. , . r If local Kiivcrnmenis are ^ , Intcn-stcd in sponsoring a • '^ p ro jcc l, Ihey will Ih' n 'qiilrcd T ' lo rcsla lc Ihelr Inleiil in a Id le r [ lo bc Included in Ihc ,n.>porl

. 2^ subm illed Io CongR’ss.' G round r\ilc» for finlcral

particlpallotT* show lhal In ^ .s c tc c l in g a final plan, local

sponsors of lhe projccl m ust lw . ^ w i l l i n g and ab le lo meet

^ H v a l u e s t o y H $ 4 .D 0 ...................

k ^ B 'V a lu e s ' t o 'H 'WO v e r

12' Timos-Nows.TwirvFalls.ldo

■ f : - ' 4 ■

^V alley 11T ... 3doo / r r * 'v

r ’f l S

: A.B A N rN A ^ C IV C O DENN

* v V r ^ ' j ^ - ^ 3 ^J / L o t A N a e L e »- -• ‘“ “' C

; l O V H I H I M K * * * " ” * '


U riW lA IH K F O IO C A S I*

ers of fog ii. low erW oodRlverV ailey:

Periods of snow Ihroiiuh •• F riday . The high Ixilh days in .'(■ ,lhc :!0s..0 vernlghllowsir>l(>20.

TJie oullook for Salurday, a *■ chanceofsnow .<' Synopsis:

ITic storm Irack rclunic'd lo h . ..lh e northwesi Ihls morning as.

(he j e t sti-ain pas-wd o ic r soiilhi'ni.ldiiho. A sa rv siill.ll ie

jo d contro,c financial r« iu lrctncn ls. All of le lh e plans a re _poU *nllally w eli(;l))Ic for federal - financial 1. help, houvvcr, federa l par- y tic ipa llon u n der Aulhorily

gran ted lhe Corps of Engineers ;c- dcpen d n ip o n d e lin ilec n len a . - Jf T his Includes an allcrnallvo id m ust provide enough licnefils,

i n d u d i n g ’ e c o n o m ic , cn- ,I. vlronm enlal and social con­i c sidcration.s, lo olfset costs, and 11 fiiT T o ca in io iK rT o rtrn irT n i- ic provem enls. Ihc local spon- is stirlng cily o r counly. must i l provide all lands, easem ents, le and nghls-of-way for . con- tie strucllon and m aintenance.

hold and save thc Uniled Slales of free from dam ages due lo es construcllon and subsequent fic malnlenance of Ihc pni)ect.c r___ providc-iR'ccswtr)' reltwalloas

and allerallon.% of buitduig.s re and ulilllles. roads, highways a and hitjhway bridge changes.

,'d sew ers and re la ted ulilllies,LT m ain ta in and o p c ra le lhe rl p ro jc c l a f l l r com pletion ,

- prevent fulurc ■encroachment al ■ ■ on imy Improved channel o r in ponding a reas which might al In lerfere wllh p roper func- w tioning of lhe proJcct for flood e t control.'

I C o v e r i n g j

U E gilltex- 1

IJpaperao ‘ -rr'^rTTTTiT4 0 0 0 W allp ap er P a te rn s I

N o n e e d to sp e c ia l ordei

Pabco, , D riples!

- 0 f R e g . $

M ain a t

Jaho' ■

. V ■

^ e a th c rr ]3 0 .0 0 ^ ' . '

^ | N ^ p | c r i i c A a o *

iN v e w J \ 1 j f o w h J r y j * .

O A L lT A t y ^

r ^ " p i n e

" ' f. .r% ", . :

shroiid Idflow of liioisl Pacific a ir moved Inlo lhe s ta le lasl evening.

. Iriggcring lighl snow over sou the rn Idaho .-

T oday an extensive a rea ol low, clouds and fog eovcrs an a re a fnim Ihe s«ulheri) O r“gon c oasl lo w eslern Wyoming. A s c rie s of Pacific sto rm s alHiiil 300 (0 4<X» m iles a p a r t arc s lrn n g oul ac ro ss lhe ocean

ol plans s tT tic w orkshop will includc

d iscussion on lhe resu lls ol.ji d e la iled sludy of various ftixxi contro l a llc rna tivcs in- the Gooding-Slioshone a re a , niaile

1 a f te r w orkshops on llie subject-T in 1972. ^ — -

, T h c s l u d y w a s f i r s t a u th o riz e d by l ’.S S enale resolullons adopted in ISHH and iaS2 in response to local re<iucsls for Oood p n ileclion 111 TReTJIgtt'oo3TlivcFBasiii

T hc m osl rocenl studies concern ing Ihc need for Hood p ro lec lion In lhe Shosbone- Goodlng a re a were Iwgiin in

- ' 19G5 undbr lh e C orps ol E n g i n e e r s . c o n l i n u i n g

} au tho rlly . lo plan and build I sm a ll flood conlrol prnjects.. . S ince Ihese studiec indicated i th a t- th e co3t-of lhe prnp<»sed < im provem ent would e x c w l the > lim its ot tha t nuthorily a more

com prehensive sludy was s ta r te d In laTO.

Public hearings w ere held in G ooding and June of-

I 1970 lo ob ta in pulilic views.* W o rk sh o p s w ere he ld in I 'G ooding and H ailey in I-JTI lo

d i s c u s s w a l e r r e s o u r c e s I m anagem en t goalS and ob-


s in s to c l^___________

I) P a i n t IISS Vinyl $10.98


3t 3rd St. East ^

/' "■ ^

v R e p o f ^ l " ^


3 R L e fH » \ . . iM JA M l

- h o Vn o ■


Idahofd andInoving low ard the Oregtm ig. coasl.e r Thc lim ing is difficull to

predict, however, a system is ol expected every 24 lo 36 hours.;jn over thc nexl several days; on T em peralu res a re expected ;\ lo rem ain n ear norm al w i lh '

>ul ra in or snow in lhe valleys andrc .snow Jn iJic mmmtoiiis.iin

^itudiedKle Followup fOaslbilily sludiesI. a w ere lhen m ade of various xxi a llern a llv cs lo sa tisfy th c . llie need-s of lhe, basin, ond thc ' ilie resu lls w ere prcsen led a l I'ct • ano ther workshop in A ugusl of

1972.r s l Only lhe D ielrich caiuilllle diversion plan had suppori ofII,(1 local people a t lhat lim e. O lher c a l p lans Included a possib le , II, .bypass channel for LilllcAVood-----------R iver— around—th e—city— of—lies Shoshone, enlargem ent of theiK)d existing Gooding Safely way.,ue- and enlargem ent of th e HigI 111 Wood H iver channel Iwtwecn

of Ihc moulh of lhe Safely waylii(> and lhe mouth ol I.lltlc WoodUlld Hiver.

The Dielrieh canal d ivei's ion .Ited plan consisted ot provisions forised diverting Llltle Wood Rlver_llh e flood flows onto a iljacenl lavalore iH.'ds.rt-as • ' • -





I ,

II ^I '

I I k I VOI811 the V

agriculturo parking lol look liko Ihl be B-traclor

^ Thaf# b(. workers In

^ __________________- farming or^ ^ 5% who w

fad ., when ' industries tl

0. tha

In som« wa

I T h e

' .<J;, , • • ;

■ ; '(Hd drug* ' ; W.VSmNGTON lU PK - A '

. d ru g that sc ien tis ts oncc , feared would harm h eart a t-

I: • ta ck v lc llm sap p c ars ln s tca d to reduce lhe extent o t h ear t

,I '■ a ltack dam age , Offering ncw hope for trcn tm cn t of fu lure

' vic tim s of th e notion's num lier one killer.

Dr. Stephen Enstcin. of th e

- f i- a ■


4 W A Y .---------------Y o f C o s t s N i

oiher Nar1 ' • '


BUItlrIH” , .^ ★STRONGir



:l; Q u e en SizL ab e lP ftce ^ i


; m

| ; 'A ' "

[ r p f l j M|i .

la iin s n r i lur job dehe wor1«ers directly Involved Inuro drove t/ac to rs lo wofk. a

lots a/ound tho state would Eft Ihls. Evary (ifth vehicle would csctor. Even In our largest cKles. I

a because a full 14% o l all <I In the stale Work directly In jI or ranching. T here 's another , 10 wofk ln 'food^proeiliJnB T -ln— ^ rhen ona counts ' a ll tlio olhore s tha t supply and support ag* Ie, an esllmstad 40 lo 60 per- 1I thfl tolal labor force depends 1• way upon agriculture. >

B I d a h o f o r m e


beneficial t. ~ Nalional H eart aod U n g In - t h; stitute. reported T u a d a y that d :; n itroglycerin hafl .liecn used/- d I1 experim entally in 10' heart soI a ttack patieh ts .onfl a ll have so ! shown reduction in Ihe,degree; of h e a r t musclc In juo '. a key a rr ficto ra ffecffngsu rv lva l. ' in

Thc drug also w as fpund in a p :i - sc rtes of le s ls on dogs to make E |

z J, ^ j L T h is m a ttr e s s and found i— ^ c o 'lls and o th e r construc

V j t e r l a l s combined to p ro \- A . s u r fa c e to' h e lp avoid dl

^ p ro v id e a 'm o s t con iforta l

rs BETTER1/0 M o re T han- fp'y.'i . a m e B ran d s

. 1 M ^ r w w / A th a n e v e r



■299’ —ONLY

B ^ t t e r t l i s p e n d s Gh

Idaho needs agriculture. It's Ihc s tale’s single mosl ImportanI induft>y Belween 40 to 60 percent ol tho value of all goods and s e n lc ^ . produced it Idaho depends In some way on agricul

—turer in laei. Idaho \i second only. l< South 'D akota in iho percent of lola

_ j)ersonol income that arises from farmJ n g . _______________________________^

As lhe atato’s major rndustry, ifa olsi Ita major taxpayer. Agriculturo account od lor moro than $25 million In roa oslate taxes last year, and million: moro Iri sa les taxes and incomo taxos

e r . V o u o e e i l l i ( i

to coronaryth e heart le ss 'susccptihlc to had a n g e r o u s h e a r l rh y lh m thtd i s t u r b a n c e s , w h i c h . cx] som ellm es a re a lelhal-con-soqucnce of h e a r t a ttacks. • re;

••This 15 still ia p c r im e n la l- -coia n d much w ork h a s lo lw done ihiin defin ing th e g roup o( Irrpa tien is who will benefit,'.’ nilE p sle in sa id . "W e will also of

u n d a tlo n f e a tu r e e x t r a f irm t r u c t i o n metho;ls and ma- p r o v id e an e x t r a f i r m 's le e p in g d 'd i s t o r t l b n o f y o tir s p in e , y e t i r t a b l e n lf jh t 'S r e s t .

e ta l fram e is buitt i n l ^ ' ^ ^ r t S tew exciting ber>eflts !ver b e fo re availab le .

6 ^ - ' O/ * J f




S t e

ihn irl iirSII n g r i iu l t i

Iho In fact, whon agricultufO'ha: uft>y. liscal yeor lhe state govornm valuo ' good fiscal year.

But for all Its conlrlbutlon. 1-------camioi 8I11111J tllfl'Ba. II

iQini jJoratandlng end support 10 k« , and productive. Tho simple f

this slate needs agriculture.

> olso stato. And h^nooV s us! " fo):ount- formation on why you neotI r e a l ' much e s he needs you, wrilolllions W heal and Boan Commisslomtaxos. Owyhee P iaia . Boise, Idaho (

l i j m . H e n e e d s I


y victims, have lo‘ ,ddcrm ii}c_ w heiher

there are ' palten ls who|_will . experiencedclcieriouscltects.

"N onetheless, thc Vftflll • resu lls , a re extrcnifiiy '^’l'ti-

- -couraging and wc believe In the future there wlll lie a w y Im portant role In thc u se 'o f nitroglycerin in the trea tm ent of h eart attack victim s.’’.......

jperb. f1 n j j j p * ‘

f w o t m n m


' ■ B

> |j;

lureO' has a good ' • ,1 1fornmont has a . ;

lion, agriculturo_________ n i id s your un- .10 koop it vital

iple fact is. lhal • . , ,ure. The Idaho ...;

I. For more In- . ‘neod him a s ' ...

write The Idaho - ' '' »slons. Suite M. aho S3702.

S V D U . £

I ■ , ' 4 .

. :V . i i iW E N O U I D E « B ^ m BYCARLOSP.ROM ULO

. - J M U p to « » c re U iy < r ffo re lg n •(ftln .• In 73 ye a rs of living. 1 have

iM d m any b ru shes w ith death.In .W orld W ar II wben the

l^ iU ip ln es (ell. 1 w as 'h ll by s h r a i r a from a sh d l b u n l on Lay l ^ The p lane In u-filch' I

' ( ^ a p e d from B nlaon crashcd on a nearby Island and I barely surv ived , ■■

My .closest b rush wlih d la lh c am e , hou'ever, on a peacefuf

'•avenue in ManiUa Ih fm years ago. A nd th e experience taugh t m e som ething which even for someone m y age wos

• a new revelation.It happened one day os my

chauffeur w as driving m e (o an appointm ent and a track

-------d r iv e r attem pU ng to te a l a redlight, s lam m ed inlo us. The doors of my c a r burst open and I was’ hurled onto the p avem ent. . < '

T h ree men In a c ar'bch ind ru shed to help me. The e m ergency first a id they gave m e kep t m e alive uiilli 1 rcached lhe nearby Makati M edical Center.

___ ___ W te n _ m y _ .p l i a ! d a n , Dr.P a u l Campos, gol to the hosp ital he found m e in k . A fronllc call uvn t out for surgeons, radiologists, anesthesiologists, consultants. 1 had four b roken ribs and m ultiple frac tu reso f the pelvic region. Ju s t about everj- In- te rnol o i ^ n had Ijcen wren- chcd ou t of placc . After four hours of feverish su rg eo ' ihey wheeled m e inlo an Intensive c a re un it — and w ailed. '

Sixteen days la le r when I■ regained consciousness I ' awoke to pain m ore punishing

J than I had e v e r experienced.; T he ncx l day lh e orthcpcdlst, ; D r. Jo te S iio o . dccidcd to Iry lo

gel fne up on m y feet. Il was ' agony. T here w as ,ft{L,parf of ; m y body tha l did nol cry out in ; pa in . I had no balance; 1 was : l ik a4L .rag doli flopping from - side to side. I t look lhc doclor• and two strong nurses lo : supjxjrt mo.: F o r the first tim e In my life I ; b e g aa to q u esllo n God. W hy, In■ th e tw i l i ^ t of m y life, should 1 ' upon to go Ih ro u ^ : H ad I not suffered : q a a a ) d re a d y ? A plane J O T Sft-had robbed mo of my ; SdesT son . My wifeof44>-ears : f id 'd l e d . W as tha t nol enough ■: g |rjR)e lifetim e?: 2 ^ % ^ o'

■' •: . p s ^ i r , I learned two ver> : S h p u io n l things. Tho flrsi ' I t f th a t 'p a lh . even hldcou:

Qotn. c a rrie s a m essage of It: ; ow n: I t m akes you realize yoi '• fcfe alive. T hat I .could hurt s t

deep ly finally convlnccd me th f l , desp ite the g rav ity of m} in ^ r i e s . 1 w as nol dying. 1 was vei7 m uch alive. When 1 rea lized tha t I m ic^ l recover m ight som eday be \^hol( again . I decided I should fighi to liv e . I

T he second thing I lcamc< w as th a t . I f you doubt th< goodness and lhe wisdom o

I God, h e seem s fa r away. But I ■ ■ you acccp t w ith faith, and evei

grialltude. w hatever comes then H e seem s ve ry dose. W ^ n I stepped feeling sort}

_________for.m ysdf,_I_was able to than!G W for being M gciwrous t(

• mb« for allowing m e new life. T iK n I w as able lo pray foi streng th , to survive the paii a rid fo r th ew lllto liv e .

E v en so.’ th e s tn ig ^ c wa: lo |ig and hard . T en days after h a d . regained consciousness

I d a h o a n s

^ n d o r s e

~ s p u d ^ e "IWASHINGTdN - ly P l ) -

Idaho Sens. F ran k Church an J a m e s M cO ure want Pres dent Ford to Include deh} d ra te d potatoes as a .maJc stap le In the food for peac. progrant.__________

T • T he scnaiors sa id the mo\ (jould ease world starvatic 4nd reduce .itomestic surp lus w h ich a re ' d riv in g potoi p roducers out of business.I In a Joint le tte r, lhe (v

Senators stre ssed Tuesday th an a id prog ram which Includi t}>e u se of. d r ied surpli ^ t a t o e s " Is In , th e 'b e s t I: tc re sU of the United Slates a t o fth ew o rid ."

(|f Uie sw p lu s potato produc w ould benefit not only U deedy peoples of the worid bi 4lso tb e depressed potato 1

______ifuslofi_______________ L _I “ By utilizing the capacity

4 u r processing p lants lo tl . ' ^ i e s t , ' ” sa id M cQ urt, “ v

c an s i ^ y a va luable new a com m odity, provide • lieedi

. Em ploym ent and reduce tl ^u rd en of ou r surpluses.” •I T he Senators sa id thousan

. .^ [ po la to f^ ra te is la tbe nBlh j a c e b a n k r u p tc y u n le em ergency action Is taken.

ForeignD octor Silao gol m e up on two cru tches.' • vN ow ^w alk !" he

P» • ordered .' i can ’t m ove.” 1 protested.

'c “ G cn e ra l.y o u m u s t!"“ But I h av e no sense of

» ' bo lancc .">y " Y o u .w in devcld)) il,” ^he m sa id . “ W alk!"I I m ode a feeble a tlem p t,

^ -■ th c n s lo p p c d .g asp ln |f • ly “ W h y d ld y o u s to p ? " D octor

rs • ' .X ,

m '

)d— — ■---------



Sc<. .




DRINK ^2 7 - 6 r r i a r r . .

■ ■ V


rsl■us .

I f l l A i ' ' ' -ou i K A ? r j h

!r.lie • ^ I i i i ^ ^

WIENER---------- O f ----------


5k _____ Id ab o J

I PO TA“ 20 Ib. ■? - B ° g • • ^

T as te w e ll 31

wd , 4 # o r 1■ior



(wolhatI V s iy o f

. . ta id ■

•ded ■th e H . .

m da . ^ 1 S tO R E H O U U t...... B l l l l l l l l l ll e s s H | m m m | | | | | _

, / - n ‘ . ■ -

I minister <vo S llaodem onded . * w " ’r h e p a ln ," I w hispered. -

"F o rg e l th e p a in ," D octor Sllao com m anded m o. "U nless

• you le a m to w alk now, you will of be a n invalid fo r th e re s t of

y o u r life. D on 't be afraid .: I 'm (w rig h t h e re behind you ."

- I took a shaky step . T d ld n o t ' )t, fall. I look five step s in aU tha t

day.o r Courage alone h a d n 't

C O U L ' N O Fi


to l a y t h a t 1 ^ ik In n y « U a n o r thi

s t r a ig h t u p a n d d t h t s * ita lk * h av caiorTos.

u io ^ ^ijreakfast H

$ | 7 5 |

N ew Crc

^ CABB/\ : 5 H ead

$ _ | i

■ Falls Bran(

$ 1^ P k g ■

}_Russet ^

iT O E S

751J303 Size Can

IA S___

W E N S%m m m m ^WlMWinA



m d n v E T H U j s D A i f j W i o ^ ^

r claims pHenabled m e to ta k e th n t step.

- T h e desire lo ge t .w ell aJone*^ c to r couldn’t have done ll. F a ith iless haddoneit.* w ill W hen D octorS iioosa ld , " I ’m

it of r ig h t h e re behind y o u , '' 1 could I 'm not sec him . I h a d lo believe In

h im and I did believe , a n d so I 1 not • took the first step . T he doclor th a t stood behind m e ; a n d behind

bo th of us, I believe, stood God. idn 't " I 'm r i i ^ l he re behind you .”

:k s p r a

LD E A T=AT . . . '

Ju st fo r Jack ...

L E A NC E L E R Y . . J k .lo t t h o s e ce le ry » ta lk i o re - r ihat th«y aren't standing nd down In th® flold (l«anln hav« v«ry, v®ry f«w oast

B ' T h i s


FE £ S P 1 _ _ f | |

JAGEtads. 2

“V i f Ba 1 0 0 _

. J o h n s o

CHIL■ 4 9 BPir1 T i b r n T

C arnation

TUNINo. % M T i n ..................

Friskies C ubes

JMltEDIIILj5 0 lb .


i l a ^ ' SOUTH PARK I^ w » l q c i o i H h ^ r i d g « J

JPAI^f f 8 R ? O M I P E V U Y SU N PA Y - .SATUKOAY a n d MONDAY '

Kysical pap. T h a t’s w hat his volcc sa y s tome a ll of u s if only wc wiil listen.Ith ■ A fte r I lefl tb v h o ^ i to l .

.. -^ 'D o c to r Silao Came t ^ y house’m every morning a l six. Each-uld d a y we counted the nu ;nbcr ofiln s lcp s I took. —0 1 W hen wc rcachcd a to ta l oflo r 1700. b e took away one of-m j'nd c ru tches; For two u-eeks Iad. w alked with one crutch. Then,” one morning he reochcd out

^TT ' H


Jill's^ ^ l o w o f t

l i M 'S la lk .

re ■,q : .. m a y ei n l n g j , b u t t h a t W h i t * Q s ty , f o H o n I n g n o v o r

t o l o v U I

i s P r i c e i s N o

M i s t a i i e ! !

Russets Brand


: : n A


L l


W lii•- Famil

KLEENEX— 20(M ;o iiirt—


jin carrierto ..4 in d p u lM .th a tc ru tc h b w a y . 1

s topped pa ra lyzed w ith fear, ttl. • •C o o n ," .K L sa iil^ '^Walk. , / . s e Y o u rs e n se o fb a la n c e h a sb e c n - ch— r e s to re d . ' ' You c a n , walk of ' w ithou t a c n jtc h ." • ' - ^ '

" N o l c a n 'l ! " Ip ro tcslcd . of '•T ry 11,” Sllao u rged . “ I 'm 1)' r ig h t h e re behind you."'

I I took a tcn la tivc slep . And , en a n o th e r. .1 w alked five s tep s ' , v l w ilhout ony a id . .

IIS W IF E > U l b E> 0 L E A N

. ■ C R ISs fa v o rite . . . a ^s t P rico S in c e S ■ • Watorgoo ▼ HI. tin . m\ you ro d o o m th o co u p o n o r lU g o th ro u g h th e checkstanc

e x c e e d q u a n t i t i e j . ^ v a i l q » S h o rte n in g Xnot lo a n a t r m a k e s t h e c h ic k e n g Islon.

n r j k f l |

d ;

^ ' i l


O ^ S M E

1 jMQ C

F ish e r 's In s ta n t

M 0 A M l

im p aro w ith 2 lb . Q u ik a t $ 2 . (

lily Home* i d r y s l i e

O U D ^_ Western I

TOMi [ SOI------6 cons

.Cose of ^

T h u r^ a y , February27;i075 • T

§ i i t e s s H g e1 le v c a .j . month# a ^ r m y

occidcnt 1 was bqck In m y . , >. r e g u la r . se a t a s he ad of the m ' Phllilp tnc delegation to the Ik , Unlled N u ll™ . T h e follow lns " ' ' Ja fluory, In W ashlnglon, D.C.. •

‘ P r ts ld ch t - Nixon sa w m e m am ong th e foreign m in is te rs ot

the m em eolrol se rv ice fo r- id , fo rm er' P resideni H arry ps . ■Trumanftnd,5cnl f o rm t. After,

our visit, h e smiled a n d sa id to

l A T . f e '


I on each can kland. Demand ailqbie,, Pure v l 'a t all) J h a t \ W ‘

greasyi on J

I Folger's 1In stan t

COFFEEl O o r l o r ; . . . . .

»sh, S M H I jmbia

lEtT W

^ ^ ^ l* fllH

W ests

MX p i n e(C h u n k • Cruthad

W •Tidbits $2,091 V N o. 211S lx«

-4. G old 'n soft

4 9 M A R G A R Ie a . l i b . T u b . . .

n Family

lATO »UP , 0


0 0f 4 8 . . . F

v jT a

-5 : ■nmM-New#.Tw(nFal|5. Id ah T T T

n y th e 'P h lillp in e m inister who n y accom panied me, "T ak e care h e o r th la m an . Youneedhim*?' - iw . I a m now convincpd there Is ng tru th in th a t f r l c n ^ rem ark. C . . ' th a t som eone docs n ^ me. Irf Tie th e d ivine plan tha t sa v es frorp a t d6ath and diespair,.there miisl o r ' b e som ething more to be.dorfc Ty by a llfe 'evcn aso ld a s mlfie. ler. ■ < JSTSiyCu/deposfi i to A s s x la t ^ lpc.;Cannel N.Y.

•• -


$ ! * «

s t e r n - F q m l l y - - — -


R I N E 0 3 ' ^

—TnuuSSS- - mco . M i g ^ j

PAGHEH-I f l W l l k l I ' t ^

15 oz.^ C a n 3

5 / » 1 ^

T a x r ^ a “by single

• BOISE I U PI) - By o scnnl 18-17 m a jo rity the St-natc Approved ond scnL -(o ltii‘ governor W ednesdoy a 1)111 tu give toxpnvcrs n lO pe r cent reba te on 197< income ta x e s - ^ n d relief liNl to pass Ihls . session.• Bul U appeared the p assase b f Ihe hill moy l»e on exercise In fulllily. C ov . Cecil D. An­drus vcKK-d nnother lax relief bill earlie r In the week -

■saying II w as. untim ely and c radytonflm lnisler.

• • This mensiire would cost $9 mllllpn - neorly tlh re c llm te whal Ihe o ther proposal would

, have .laken .from the. general ' fund surplus. A ndrus w onts to use Ihe su rp lu s for building roads and pulilie w orks lo bolster Ihc cconomy.• D cm ocrals p resen ted a solid

filpc. agn lnsi Ihe House-' [h lllo ttd * m easu re lhat

squeaked Ihrough lodoy. They• w erc Joined hy Republicfin

C rd ch d o irn

a id o f f e r e d. BOISE ( U P H -M e m lw r s o f (he H o u se Ju d ic ia ry and T ra n sp o r la lio n C om m lllees .Introduced legislation todoy-lo help la)k' enforeem eni o flicers c r a c k dow n on d ru n k e n driver^ .'

A bill b>‘ Ihe T ransporlalion ______Cotrim itlee - would force a ^

tM t for Ihe sole purpose of guiding thc .offlcer In deciding u-hclher on a 'rrcsl should bc m ade. ]l Ihcn could not 1« used

' a s evidence in any c o u r ta c - Uon,

. . ■ T he Ju d ic ia o ': Com m iltcc I n t r o d u c e d a m e a s u r e

■ requiring a resident motorist . lo s u b m i t to a d r i v e r

; rehobllitatlon program If ho Is found lo Iw driving wllh .OH por ccnt hlood alcohol content.

H d i i i c l a \ i n »

p i i i n o f f ( ; r . < ’ ( l -

BOISE I t ’P I ) - n i e Idahq:! House E ducation Com m ittee Introduced legislation today lo provide lo r loxollon o( ncw, dw elling un its and mobile hom e p a rk s In school d istric ts Vk-hich have expcH enced an ­nual student Increases of at least 7 p e r cenl ove r th ree j^ a r s ,

_______ U n d er—th e —b ilL - s c h o o l—tm l e e s who find Ihcy have tnadcqua le funds to build needed additional c lassroom s could Impose a lax of up lo $500 pe r dwelling unit, collqcllng ll a t the tim e th e building perm il l l Issued for construction of the unll.

Mobile hom e pa rks could tw (axed for each lot w ithin ihem

-------- B r e R q u ar a nwa nt-a tttw rtifm r-tfae i ttu in g authority issues a ib n ln g c ^ lf ic o le .. Ano»her bill 8ubm iltedt)y the com m ittee w ould give the

_____g u te _ B o a rd ^ f j :d u c a j io n thepo*TT lo adopt s ia S a a r d r ro r •choo) building constru.clion. b f e ty and san itation.

C l i e c k a s k e d. .B O lS E lU P D - In an ello rt

Ip gel a s ta le handle on tedcrolly-lunded pn igram s. lJ« House Trunsportalion Com m iltce introduced Wed-

. nesday a bill n-quiring ap- plicatioiLS for fi-deral a irporl

' funds Iw a'viewi-d a l the sta te level, —. This m easure said no m unicipality. counly. or

. regiminal airport aulhorily — cxccpl those serving n-guiarly scheduled a irlines certifii'd l)v ' a federal agency - may

■ a irpo rt furnls until il is ap ­p roved by the tran spo rla lion

, deparlm enl

:N e w l i c e i i s o: BOISE (U PII - The lloasi- JJeoIlh and W elfare Commilti-e ^ a y Introduced legislation S q u i r i n g th e licensing ol ^ i o l w orkers.: l l ca lls for c reation o l a

—H ive-m em lw r s ta te b«a rd of so c lo l.w o rk exom lners, sets s ta n d a rd s and license fees and

----------provides-fo iM w nfidaalla lty -of^inform ation learned by social ^w orkers,

'/■. N e w s

t i - p s '^ /

7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1

:_ _ M _ I lm a s ,N ( lw s -I w jn B i l l5 J ^ h O .

i t e O K ’d ! v 6 t e "

Sens. H, Dean Sum m ers, noise, John Peavey . Rupert, and V ernon K. Brossey. lloise.

In debating agalnsl the m easure , th e D cm ocrals c laim ed people wnfit the

, building p rog ram proposed by Ihc governor..

A ssistan t M inority Ixioder R olw rt Saxvik. D-Burlcy. sa id th e p i l l w ould do litlle o r n o th ^ g for those who r tn lly needcd them oneyotin flnU on, . j

H c sa ld it w asn 't 0 m a ile r of v oU ngogoinst tax relief Imt " I think th e re ’s a Iwller w ay ." \U' p sa id il w ould do lltllc for those ^ •■who need it m ore," |(

Sen, J a m e s nisch . H Boisc, p■■■ wiid U 'w o s 'a mcaa'5 nf relur-- • ^

■ n ing m oney to those who had provided the surplus.

Scn. S tan Kress, D -Firth, j, snld people in his nrea tnld him j,since th e s ta te already had tbc ^m oney to ’'keep » f»r nsom clh ing w’nrllw hile

Penvt7 sa id lie iipixised tbe . „bill Iw causc he M l »uil Ihe ,im oncv shnuld go lo pjfy off j,

___ flKHHO,!___iMHWoid— tiy thli— f,Icgisliiture lo r the cmtowmenllund. He sa id S7 million w as ^slill ow ed the fund Iii'llie .stale. /

H A IN tw H olland harrow I

2 wide.____ 1973 John n u f w flSO

tioner, h# i Jo h n 1974 ' Farm hand 6 0 0 i

new, w o rk t tike i 2 - H e ito n 60A ila ck I

u ted 2 ta a io n t , h conventional)

H eifton rau ipver ilicei only 1 le a to n , in

, Fa rm hand -F 9 0 0 tu b

I P iarlau roller mill w il■ — N e w H 0 l l i n d - 2 8 3 r r (

G ahl N o. 72 (lail cho Farm hand 15 f t . feed 2 0 f t. feed elevator 2 0 f t. baled hay elet Extra Jo h n D eere hea G ehl feeder bo x . 14 I

wheeled heavy

o i lN U

Jo h n Deere 845 4 b o tto m bearm ; trash burnert, 3 PH 1 973 International N o. 2H

fron ts , dual rubber an 12 f t. John Deere grain df

! . Ace pecker harrow , 12 tt, A ce plow pecker, 5 f t. H arrow u a n sp o rt cart, hes

‘ • 6 f t. iBctions, y- Jo h n Deere 2% in. to o l bir-------- - -X k M -^ o v rb e e rc u n tv a to T»■ Miskin i ’A yard la a p e r . 7I New Idea trac tor m anure

, Jo h n Deere tine to o th har 8 sectk>ns of ^ d harrov 500 gal. sprayer w ith 3 H

boom s, polyester tan PTO post hole digger. 12

■*-' C orrugate opener, PTO opBig Beaver chiesel plow . J Cate No. 100 side delivw'

“I 2 - 1 0 0 gallon fuel tanks v

olJj. ^ w d b t j r w l t ^ o ^ ^

idof------- -------------------------------------------lal :


iO__Thur9day, Fob/uary27.t975

T F v o t e s o p p o iB 0 1 S E c U P l V ~ A

p roceduics , th e Senate '____ . . b ills to give th e Idaho

m en l l5,8~m)Uk)n to fede ra l highw ay m ode)

T h e vote on bo th m ea vo te w a i uaed on the R icha rd High, R-Twin bo th voted no.

funds frvm (he general I H e s a ld th a lh e fe l t th e r loon.

Vote soiiffhl•UOISE lU P l) - The M paw

Resources nnd Con.servation f'.-- Com rnitti'e today introduced legislation pm viding for u ncw,Kish and G am e Commission w ho.'icnH 'ih lw S m ustsland for e lection on the ir rccords.

T lie m easure would alm lish Ihe -prescnt,-Commls.slon nnd authorizes ‘the govem or - to appoint a new One. M em lw rs now o n ih c com m is,''on 'w duld • serve until the end of th e ir unexpired te rm s a lthougli’with te rm s longer than Iwo years w ould hnve lo s tand

i!odK iN G ~ r6n ~ v " c ” b w f fi' CAMEEmtii'tn.hcc'' iri(;Cl.i',r,,ln.c) . AO:,. ,ii:n(J,i>’


T l1974 A l

P.H- r t lhao l r r , I |i 1972 iH


If ilU ^ L e ’L j • 1971 c ;


-------- lH C -82 (

A . bucFarm

Y E Q U I P M<w bed ita d (m a tte r , self propelled ,

^8Q_14 ft. tw a th e r w ith new headei h n D eere d ie te l m otor.')0 stack hand w ith retriver. on ly d( l(e a charm.rfc hand w ith p ickup, large 18.4*2( s, h a t 6 to n capacity , to p conditioi

licer feeder, PTO dnve w ith ex tra i , in very good condition, ub grinder. PTO drive; a ll in gdod

w ilh double ro ller. PTO drive. PT O 'bale r, « r in g t ic ; hyd roulic -ten d w p p er, 5 foo ter and PTO opera te eeder box , auger type , r “e levator, w ith 3 h p tJriggs S fra t to n header and conditioner fo r 8 8 0 sw. 14 f t . , h a t 3 headers, le ft, f ro n t , sic f <juty w agon.

H E R F A M A C H I H E R 1im 2 w ay hyd rau lic roll ove r plow, PH.240 24 il. tan d em disc w ith 6 f t. and a to p unit,.

I drill, h a t doub le d itc i, M.<cder atta< t t , w ith 3 PH.

heavy d u ty , w ith draw bar all in oni

I bar, 3 PH, w ith 6 corrugators,n o r r3 - b 3 r r3 - P i^ :----------------------------•. 7 I t . , w ith 3 PH. ire spreader, P fO drivel on rubber, harrow , 2 tec tion fold in. 3 .P H .

r ro w 'a n d ’draw bars. ' '3 HP Briggs S tra tto n m o to r.‘ H ipro tank .12 in. auger

I opera ted , a n d 3 po in t-h iich .V, 9 thank a n d 3 point h itch , ivery rake w ilh dual rubber ar>d cha « wKh elec tric pumps,

N O t « t Ih ls l» 0 v«ry Iln* Iln* ol tro< HH». Air i r o v l via Air W tit to Twin Foi



p o s eV

~ A cting tm der e m ergency , . Isj enate W ednesday approved two re Idaho T rajtipo rialJon Diepart* ' Sc >n to tn a tc h S42.3 m illion In rc no d e s . - M oh m easu res w aa 32-2. A roll call A| n the f irs t m easu re a n d Sens. sc ■Twin P a lis , and Jo h n B a rk er, - cc

rcb j^ io n (0 using (be su rp lu s nera l fund fo r a ded ica ted fund. 'U I t lh e m o n e y sh o u ld b e u so d a sa Di


r S s i " ^! — Tfiis coupon, COUPtlNS?* to purchase I

— n i ’ ■ ■ o n e n 2 oz. si w o n e regular 1

F o r id ■ ! « ! ■ _ ■ 9 i

■ Expires Marr iM M lli ■

' -ficsiilli ■ 3^ Twm Falls—

I DERSONLocotad 30 mtli U.S. 3 0 ,th « n io

S A T U fS b U T I n n ! l O iO O A .Ii

f R A C T O R SH A LLIS CHALIVIERS 2 0 0 die> a

P.M., w ide fron t, plug in electrii; hc th e vory b est cond ition . 16 .9 x 38

?2 IHC 1 0 6 6 Diesel irac to r w ith turb cab. w ith fan . 5 4 0 ond 1000 PTO, ber, all in to p dJridTlion.-

71 CASE 1 0 7 0 dfesei trac to r , w ide fr good c o n d itio n :

HN D EERE 4020 d ie te l trac to r , wide rubber

C -826 -d iese l-trac to r^w ith -w ]de :fron t,.in good cond ition : w ith 15.5x38 gc

chigan N o. 174A loader, diesel enainc b ucket, w ilh rear s teering , 2 speed

rm Hand 2 2 6 hydraulic loader, w ith I fo rk b u c k e t.

M E N Tilled, air coo led m otor and

[wader a n d 'a uger and condi-

nly done 30 stacks, like

1.4x26 ru b b er , on ly been id ition (1 flail p ickup & 1

x tra tongue , bo th u n its used <,

gdod co n d itio n w ith ex tra

ic -ten sion ,-in good -condition ,-------------Derated a n d pull type,

a t to n 'rn b to r :---------------------------------- —SO sw ather.n t, side feed , and o n 4


plow . 18 in ., has tr ip [

6 f l. fold ins. cut-?-way —

• a ttac h m e n t, on rubber _

in one, w ill carry 4 - ^ ^ 5 5

s 1972 New h--------------------------------------------- ^17-ft^hi

used 1 i

“l j " ' M tlRow p

lipro pufr.p. 35 It.


d chariot type .

ol troclort. bM lfln d haying •qolpm*nl, I »ln FolU. tdcho . Moglc VolUy ond Sou


A U C n O N H R S t- J O H N W E R T , W « n d « l l -

SS i-2»M

C U R K » J : W . W i y t » S

SenateBOISE (UPD - The

. issue fo r sta te em ployes warf sresolved W ednesday when the ' \

' ' Senate tooic (Inal acllon on a ' sresolutllon giving th e guidance {

I lo th e Joint Finance-' {A ppropriotions C om m illec to !

, set budget allowing a 3,5 percent cost of living l r \ c r e ^ plus ireallocations. - . . '

, As A ssistan t S enate Minority'L e a d e r Robert Saxvik. D- |

Burley, so ld a fte r the 21*13 eotc ' was announced. ‘‘T he w ar Isover a n d maybe we will now Iw I a b lc to u n lo c k th ls s c s s lo n ," ;- - .i

) o n e r r t n j e s y o u S e o n e B i g M a c .

soft d rln lra n d ----- * — Ha r b a g o f f r e n c h m ]

' S ' * / « < =^ a f c h 1 5 . 1 9 7 5 - ■

iy a t M c D o n a l d ' s o f 15 - 3 0 5 B I U (H =Q k 0 6 - B i v d - M

i TO P Qm tlii c a t t e l BurUv «n ln l« r iW « 4 0 i

m loulh 2 m lU i and 1 oo il. Watcb lor 1

J R D A Y , M A

Sactor, has fac tory cab w ith heat

ic heater, o n ly l b s 6 0 0 hou rs,,and . 38 rubber.tu rbo charger, hyd rosta tic shift, ha r o , 3 PH . wide ( ro n t. 18 .4x38 goo

le front e n d . cab, good rubber and

wide f ro n t , 3 PH. good m otor, 8 ,4

Q n t,.hyd ro tla tic s h if t,-5 4 0 -P T O ,^ - 18 good rubber,«ainc. 1 6 .0 0 0 load capacity , 8 ( t . v>eed w ith high and low .ith hydrau lic dirt b u c k e f and toot«


IW Holland te lf p ropelled No, 9 8 5 t ,-headei,-E o !d_ indusltia I 1 season, like new.

iw pickup fo r com bine, like new.

lundoll cuber. 45*djot will' douh p f o i . ho4 150 H.P. 3 phave fdocii molor, w ilh mognohc ilO'l pono

J l i n n g r ^ o»#nd lhl» so lt II Southtrn ld o h o ._ ^ _________|

--------- H R I M U X A S I


II — IRVIN EllERS; KlmbVrl]iJJ-S O M

ERSMITH, Twin F o lll 733.87C

e resolves CP a s s a g e of the R epublkan re a

sp o n so red resolution, which upfw a s adop(ed by the Scnalc on 'a Hois tr ic t ly partly-flne vote, will hcia llo w th e Joint, committcc to le gp ro c e e d wllh consideration ot ss ta f c budgets. Po<, T h e s o la ^ question has hciu p h e ld th e nm m rtlee 's w ork, biow h ic h under law hi]s until the th i

' '4 5 th day lo Introduce . ap- ^p rd p rio tio n bills. W ednesday # w a s th e 4 S tth d a y . .

D cm ocrals . who have sough t, th e governor's ' recom ­m e n d a tio n of 7.5 pcr ccril plus

oupon IW\c D o n a l d ^ I ■ I® I

(UALITY I0 S oulh lo Molla Exll 32 t, th an v .«it l/B >r th * big orong* toU tlgnt.

\ R O H J 9 7

T R Wuator, 3 S E J

1972 Chevrolet C & . , , i j - m ittion , e x tra I

V cylinder back d. I 1974 In ternatio rw l ^

tike n e w ,'! 4 i t3 a In terna tional J■ • 44 ft. goose ne ck s, P H ___________ 1 0.0 by 2 0 rul

' ’ 35*(t. f la t bed sem

w k le '20 (t. ( la t bed sem

i u h a v 5** 10.0x22 tru14 (t. W illiamson tl Carnper to p (or 1971 Chevrolet '

' 1970 C hevrolet % 1966 Fo rd H to n I

I T ■ M 1969 G.M.C. % to r good rubber

1964 Dodge % to n


I B I N E B E E '1972 Parnw 6 row b «

. clutch.1972 Speedy 6 ro w b.

also hyd rau lic li(t Milton 12 individual b

tg 1973 Jo h n Deore N o. p T fB W hitch

Beel cu ltivator, 12 rov G andy app lica to r.

Broy Hill w eed spraye 35 ( t. boom t.

15 c o m b in e ,

^In d u s tr ia re W ric weT 2 shop overhead gas I Some new and used I Set of m arkers.2 small irrigation p u r

— I Some hand too lt.lublo Tires - Sw ap Iro n -

3 KlWestinghouse 4 bu rner i

2’A by 3 f t . pa in ting , di Seminary.

U L _________


r ly — JIM MESSERSMITH. J « r 914-513B

7 0 0 •

Gem p^y i*rea llocation a ttcm ptea *to ' Hi uphold consideration of- Ihc - . l ^ d H ouse resolution byha tflng It fc)r h e ld on the .cu lcndor for Ihrtw dint leg is la tive days, - thal

S cn . C harles Bilyeu. D- B P oca tello , moved tha t il Iw nav h e ld so •■statesmanship could .cou bloom . Iwlween the second and Jori th ird floors,” ___________


E X P E N S E S S E L F -E M P L E L IG IB L E f IN S U R A N C i





■ )0 l?0~ r.7 vr'. I.f C-81.

MACHIN l/B fflIU to old

7 5s h u c k w o g o n ---------------------------------

I C K S - P I C I E M I T R A I L IC 6 0 truck w ith tw in screw. Fuller ! tra heavy fro n t axle, all in good con trad e w in d bed w ith grain and cattle ck d um p, steel floor, also rear gate. vjI % to n p ickup, auiom atic trantm ii

ia l 2 to n truck w ith 12 ft. du m p be ck sam i'tra itc r flat bed w ith tandem3 ru b b e r . _ _ .______

trailer w ith tandem axle, a ir br

tem i trailer w ith vacuum brake t, 8.2 tru ck tire chains,

an tru ck grain bed w ith Heil hycJraul r w id e pickup,

Vk to n p ickup w ith autom atic, fair i : % to n pickup, m otor needt repair o n p ickup, 3 speed and ru n t t to n p ickupr.V -8 molor, 4 speed an « r — ■ .

to n pickup in fair condition.

E T E Q U i P M« b e e t lifter k>ader w ith j^ab rollers,

w b e e t beater and scalper, PTO drivi: lif t on scalperlal b e e t planter units. , .N o. 116K 6 row electronic beet thir

I ro w . w itk 'S bars, tools, w lth hydra i to r . 3 p o in t h ilch and dep th wheell ray e r on ua iler, PTO pump. 5 0 0 gal

EQIj)Pfl{!T-ANDMiSCpAgas h eate rt. *ted bolts .

p um ps.

m — O lher m iscellaneous rtems.

KITCHEN APPLIANCESie r e lec tric range, double oven. all.Q c refrigerator w ith freeter to p , OK, g. d u d c tc en e -P ro ce ed t from peintin

U )J S S _ < ^IviCE J )J « r o m »

i s s u eH esuggesled tha t leg isla tive

. leaders an d th e govem or m eet fc)r “ b reak fa st, lu n d i a n d dinner and ag ree on a figure; th a lw ccan llv eo n .." . ' j

Bul h is m ove; which wwiilrf „ hove taken a two-lhlrds votift couldn’t ev en • m uster-'a m a-

■jorily.^. ^


I - . M E E T T O D A Y 'S . i ■AL AND S U R G IC A L - S E S W H ILE YO U A R E ' M P L O Y E D O R N O T ■'LE F O R G R O U P ,\N C E . '




.UrFMANP h . 3 2 6 -4 6 3 0


G K U P ■ L E R S

iller 5 t p ^ sp litter trans- I condition . 10 .0x20 rubber, ^ attle sides, has 18 to n tw in- - late.nsmission, 7 0 0 0 actual mllet,

IP bed.idem axle a ir b rak e t and good

i i r b r a k « ,’ 1 0 .0 by 22 g b o d ^

I, 8.2S rubber.

draulic d um p.

fair rubber 8i ru n t good:» i r

id and just overhauled &

M E N T IIlers, row f in d e r and e lM to r ^

drive, hydrau lic ram lift. , -

I thinner w ith 3 p o in t

lyd rau lic-fo ld 'in -wingt,- and— ; (heels; -0 gallon p o lly U nk and


all.OK.OK, bo th in H arvert GokJ. linting d o n a ted to M alta ’

W ~

t o


• JA CK POT.-I^cv. - Pl£ s ta lls will be placcd In J t w j i lh e r pe rm its, Elko Com ■ R obert Widen Co.. Prose Installation., T tw equipm ent. Includln

grills, a rr iv e d this u-cek In J T be p a rk , adjacent the go

to Ihc io te George Guy, loci under oSlO.OOO funding by tl , Som e tre e s have been plai ln_tbc.spring.

FundH im properB O is s l U p n - ' n i e i x

W elfare sa y s the Idaho sch<— -------- a n a thcT«i<{efa W w r u n e n

HEW sa id In an audit of p ro g ra m s during fiscal 19;

^ a ld to th c educotlonally benefit of the en tlro stude them , o r spen t in a roas trad

Gem fuiuree'.vod'BOISE I U P h - S l o w pop

Clean industr) 'and cnvironi;:______ ^t)

At least, th a t’s w hat ih Idahoans Tomorrow Prog m celln ^ jh a t concludcd In B<

Influen/a ensesB O I S E iU P l i - X h e - S ta

received conllrm ation Wee Influenza is throughoui Idab

D r. F r i l l Dixon of the D q A P o rt C halm ers stra in hav Mountain Home an Pocalcllo

H c sa id there a ro n o a n lil v irus fnfectlon. The only ire

• i f people develop, b acter com pllcallon. these can bie tr

"B u t a s fa r a s some spcc flu. It doesn’t ex ist,” . <.

Suf{ar prIve.H rediS A I.T I.A K E CITY I UPI)

reduced the p rice of cor^um and sa y s it h as .cu t whblesi pound in th c Inst four monlhs

A com pany spokesm an sa p d cc | t se lls suga ra n d h o u i i^ ld s u g a r

Com pany officials sa id It la test reductions would show

-------- shelves. At least port o f lh e Iu-ould be e a te n up hy the brok

U & 1 officials sold tha t s N ovem ber a t about S97 per m ade period ic cu ls lo th e cun

Emmell rece'licsj

i G e m

s t d t e ^

n e w s

Accident claims 1IDAHO FALLS, fd a h o j.l

slam m ed in to a bridge abutr Injuries.

GlerTThompson. 63. Hunte Juries h c susta ined In the Mor

Investigators sa id be sufft - h lsc a r s tru c k lh e a b u tm e n to

Carol Spauldlnftfj. BOISE (UP1» - A Judl

g u i d i n g . 18, W ednesday to felon. Now sh e Is faced w ith t baby she Is expecting la te thli

.W arden Dick A nderson of the sen tencing W ednesday t a rrangem en ts m ade to care

A iiderson e arlie r told UPI the p rison.

M |ss Spaulding w as the Creech, a m a n accused 'o f n Donnelly, Idaho. Nov. 8. He boring w estern s la le s as well.

L ifit t i c k e t ! r e v o k e d a l

SUN VALLE revoked fw reck

“Sun V*U«y c e n e d over tbe (

------- ' Udcett>’'a f p o k i“S iB p e d ik n c

w eek, and e m

---------------------------------A o aonB ng to l' sU pa tro l m eir

w atch fc r r e c U

VaUey cporta c conaM eralioaby

“ R t t U e a . r i d ^vA*«m «n saU aU lng e tiquette < I t e e a r e l o u r r

r ■ d o sakU ng— U eU pper R iv er R ts

1 brieffor Jackpot parkla yg round equipm ent an d .b ariw cu e Ja ck p o t's new tow n p a rk a s soon a s lunly officlalsannounce. scolt. Ariz., subm ltted-thc low hid for

Ing slides, monkey b a rs , sw ings and iJack'pof.solf course and w hich will bc dedica ted Kal golf professional. Is being read ied ' th e s ta te o f N evado and Elko County, ianled; More ev erg reen s wlll lx: se t out

‘rl.vRpent’D epartm ent of H ealth , E ducation and ^ ^ 1 system Im projK rly spent *_1TO, 156,jnl woiits'the money h o c k .........of the Idaho D epartm en t of E ducation 1974 tha t federal funds co rm arked for f disadvantaged w ere spent fo r the dent body In schools no t certif ied for odltionaliy funded by th e sla te .

I : : T"

opulation growth, new energy- sourccs, nm cnlal protection - these seem to bel-fnrlho«t3l^.-yTl||iir». _______________ihe m ore thon 180 dclegales to the Jgram expressed du rin g a two-doy Boise W ednesday.

i^eporlcdta te Hcallh and W elfare D epartm ent ednesdny lhat P o r t C halm ers stra in

>ep.nrtmenl soid four cases of the t>i>e JVC.been confirmed in W allace.-Boise.- ;Ilo, -libiotlcs lha t aro of va lue again sl the rea tm ent for Ihe Influenza, he 'sa id ; isr an a lBeiiies fc rp a in andf«>t:------ -------erlal,infections, along .w llh it o r os aIrea tcd with on tlb lo tl«a ,"hc said.ecific l>-pe of m edication to I re a t the

luced,-) — Utah-ldoho S ugar Com puny has m e r su jjar J4.00 p e r hundred pounds « a le siigor p rices by neorly S6 perIS. •sa id W e d n ^ a y - U & I hod cu t'Ibe. i r to b rokers to W7.S5 for industria l

It would take som e tim e Iwfore the w up a s low er p riccs on superm arket t four cen ts tt pound U H reduction— ok^re and other m iddlem en,

since the sugar m a rk e l peaked In •r hundredw eight th e com pany had irren l level.

LtundKWASHINGTON I D P n - T h e

Clly of E m m e tt w as g ran ted $340,800 W ednesday from the

. Economic D evelopm ent m inislration lo Im prove the municipal w a te r sy stem . Sen. J a m es M cO ure , T tT T doB o , announced.

Rod M organ^ m a y o r of E m m ett, sa id th a t $227,200 of

* the money wlll be prov ided by ^ the clly of E m m e tt a n d lha l

EDA added a $56,800 bonus lo______ E m m e lL Jo r-p a rt lc lp a tln g In

the IdahcMDre econom ic development ^d istrict. The

J is«68,000.

U tah man.lU P l)_ = _ A .L 'ta lu m a n whose c a r _ ilm ent e a r ly this w ee k 'a s died of his

Iter. U tah, died W ednesday (ro jn In- onday accident ne o r here ,Ifered head and o th e r in juries when ; on U.S. 20.

Henfencedidge in Coscade,' se n ten c ed ' Carol a two ye a rs in prison for ha rboring a ) decisions on w hat wlll happen lo the tils spring.of th e Idaho P en ite n tia ry sa id a fle r ' th e re had nol been any pai:ticular 'c for Ihe expected in fan t " b u l there

>I the child M’o u l^ m t be allow ed al

e traveling com panion, to T hom as m urdering two Colorodo m en ne» :

le Is a su spect'in slay ings in neigh- II.

t s " ■

I t S VE V - U ft U c k iti a re be in g - -

( Co. o ffld a lt a r e g rea tly con-ed an g e ro fre ck fc « fa k lfn « ao d a ren d e n by lu q ie o d ln g lbe lr_ ,im ;._ ..taM nm w K I. - --------------------------- ---c an range ( t6 m o o e .d a y to one

w k n g e r In aom e c aa ea ," (he

>4ha.^y ikw m in . S i b V>lley»t 10' a nbera have been In s tn ic ted to k to ^ iU e n . tboae u s in g abuaive

t e U m ay be rec la im ed a t tb e S u i cen te r ooly a fte r rev iew and

ly Sun Valley offlciali. ddlng cscnea w ith a p rln g ^ ' tb e tid, “ and we in tend to enforce e o o Baldy and D o lla r U o iB taina .‘ r m Ml BaUy to b e uaed fo r bo t i m e lW . Holiday. E xb ib ltkm aod a t ”


a s

for ^ ^ H | r






i s ................... - . -

S w i n c • s h o w

isIs .

I Boise mjII •

' tops aw£n ---------------------- ------------------------------

. TW IN FALI.S - Jo h ^ Fa n o'A arded first place In the livi d W ednesday a l the Sw ine Sho

M eat Co.

Jo e Wllhelm.'Kuna,’ rece ive V cm on M iller, Je rom e, third,

fh e G ene Gibson, livestock sp lied F a lls County, spoke lo th e ; the luncheon and program follow


„ T h e caro ass show is being c t j ' ' —Independenl-M eat-Ctr-Trophii

du rin g a banquet tonight a l II bulldinsts.

o f G rand champion and r c s e n ’ by will bc nam ed lonight. accordi ia l Tw in Falls , president o f thc to A ssociation.

Judg ing of Failure F a rm c n > H club m em bers Is schcdu a .m . tom orrow a t th e . Tw

^ -------Fairgrounds, Filer.-----------------

________ TTw swine sale w ith DuiY orksh ire .and S ^ lle a ~ P o Ia

. th rough the ring beg ins a l 1i r_ ___ItcfBon, Je rom e, is

’ H a ile y p an

f o u n d saf<HAILEV - -nw H ailey chlei

3l son, the object of a Tuesda a scaro h and rcscue ope ra lion , h « goodcondition. -

D an Norton, Hailey ch ief, an •r w ere snowmobillng In th e Roci If o fH a lleyT uesdayn ighU lienU « T he Blaine County S ca rch----------responded about9p.-m rw ilh Ifll,l m achines.

T h e unit found the p a ir in i ^ head ing in th e general dicceci

one m achine.■ N orton and his son h a d veer

r a th e r than staying on th e ridge M rs. Joy W heeler, co-dircct

and r c s c u o 4 io U ^ d th e Iwo b__ ___in deep snow and tftHows In lhe

t o ^ l the m achines out T hey finally abandoned one

and m anoged to pull th c o th e r o N either m an was Injured. ’

B u d gBOISE - S late em ployes, I.

D epartm ent of Health a n d Well b e a r lh e b run t of leg isla tive e governor’s budget.

------------- Wie leg isla tu ie p red ic ts Idty e a r will be S220 million, dow Gov. Cecil D. Andrus’ revenue I

------- — F or the p ast tw c -w e a c r t lA ppropriations Com m illee h departm en t budgets whUe Ioo lin d th e ta m illio n . . .

A cconJlng to Sen. R icha rd Fa lls , and chairm an o f the- Com m illee, the Joint com m ilU assum ing th a t $6.7 million reducing s ta te em ployes so la from cu tting out a ta x re lie f n by A ndrus. Another $1.3 mill


----------------------------------- H E R8CH E L BCoUege of Sou

[ k ' D epartm en t, a nP a tr ic k Florence Independent Meat Ibe pens w ere la te Ju d g e d .. -

/ ■ . B lanan ^

yards gF a rn e r . Boise, was T w Ib F

ic live Judging of swine e Sho^^; a l Independent ^

•ceived se co n d p la c e and '7 * ^ - v . Ihlrd.

ck specio llst fo r Twin th e g row ers du ring a i T l . T following th e m orning

cing conduclcd today a l o 1rophies w llH je-aw ardcd-------t a l Ihe m eo t com pany i-

c s e n e chom pion swlno ••O ur's isrcording to Ju s tin Mills. restric tive .'Qf thc Sw ine G row ers those sti

' • te re sted Inrm ers o f A m e ric a -m d 'h a v e w m plichcduled to beg in o t 9 G ulbranst

Twin F a lls Counly gtudentg wtl

a re ao m any1 D uroc. H am psh ire, o le n n u- T o l.n d -C llW a “ BMng------ S i f j a i i i ia l l p .m . C ecil Pul- . .m o n 'i uili

ic er. . a , , . .

His-, bonk, b r c a i^ o f U

k c a 1 ' • 'n o w e v er , F c l I I . new studei

Lungren, al ‘‘sludenlsw i

l i e ,- _ had been gui

r'chief of po llcc a n d his s ta r ted in uesday snow m achine heodquarter lion, have be en found In Seattle , Was

in th c sa m c i[ef, and h is son, Randy. A spokesn : Rock C rcck a r e a w est how ever, tli. ilten Ihey be ca m e lost. loans could a rc h and R c sc u e Unit bccause m aith Ifl m em bers on s now------ ^The-stucien

repaym en t IIr in about lw o hours. T he Idaho lloceclion of H allcy on de fau lts add

B ut theI veered in lo a canyon favorobly w ridges, . oboul 82,00(

d irec to r o f th c scorch about 2,-TOCn Iwo becam c en tang led million has ia .lh c .c a n y £ a a n d tr ie d —.- d e f a u l ts toU

TT)COfflpd one of th c m ach ines have a feelii Ih cro u t o f th c canyon. (Idaho , Wa

, « som ew hat b

g e t c u t s ]yes, ta x p a y e rs a n d the com e from si d W elfare p robal)Iy will .. A fler nea tiv e e ffo rts to t r im Ihe S ena te gave

W ednesday!ta -ld ah o ’a Inaohta ihU— living plttL fl , down $8 m illion from em ployes. T enue pro jec tion . ' p r o p o ^ 7.!e itrT h r;roT f\rF iiB in< »— a n se a n sn p nte e has been se lling 'n j e J o i n t lJe looking fo r w ays lo a lso h a s assu

' ' ■ c u ttln s o u t’ih a rd G . H igh , R-TVIn groce ry t a i 1

tb e S e n a te F Inancee . w ould redwim lltee l m se t budgets paym en ts «!llion w in co m e from ie ^ e n u e fo r fi sa la ry In c rea ses and *njii meaislief m e asu re propoM d R evenue anc3 million WlU h a v e - to s ie v e Antone

1. Bcydrtun , ie lt , B ead o f tB B ' Southern Id ab o A gri-B usiness

and s la u ^ te rh o u se o p e ra tw » c e inspect b o g s W ednesday a t Meat Cb. T h e to p hogs se lec ted in la te r bu tchered and tb e carca sses

B la in eC a m a *C a s i l a .

^ M a g i cL ln e e la ___ . ^

i^F^iu o l l c yTnursday, Fobruafy_27,1975

V students i y debts—

(Conllnued f rtw n p .l s is natura lly low becau se w e 're m ive." he said . "W e 're lr>-ing lo I$;id o e students w ho show th a t they a re 1 In an education ,” usually a f te r II m pletedlhe f ir s t lu-oyears o f college, anseir aidm ilted lh a l . Ihc num lw r i wlw are bc h in ^ In ccpaym ents Is

lan y la ldq ff."I Lungren. Boise. _viec:prcsidc^nl Ing for F i r s t .^ ^ r l t y . Bonk of Idaho, s t think Il's a m a jo r p rob lem In Idaho

jonk 's defoult ra te is "m uch Iov •of Ihequa lityo f people w-e loan to .” ver. First S ccu rlty h a s s topped open ludent loon accounts,' accord ing 1, although il 1 s ti ir m ak ing loans its w estarted o u t w llh."June 30,1974. aboiil 25.000 studen t loi n guaranleed In Idaho s ince the prog ra

In 1966, accord ing to the regloi i r te rs of Ihe U .S. Office o f E ducation Wash., and 372 sludenis h av e defaul

imeperlod. _kesman for Ihe federal o ffice cauliort r, lliat a pe rcen tage of de fau lts to to )uld not be com puted w ith those figui I many of th e loans have no l com c d i id e n ts -u su a l ly -.a re -re q u ire d lo s l e n t about one y e a r a fte r g radua lion . laho loahs to ta l over S25 m illion a n d i iadduploaboui$4ff7,000. th e Idaho defau lt figu res comp; ly wllh thc s ta te of W ashington, w h 2,000 loans h a v e been g u a ra n tee d i ?0(r$tixients h av e de fau lted . About h a s 'b e e n loaned in W ashington <

t to tal nbout B mlHl'rn )ffl«! of E d u ca tio a spokesm an sa id , feeling that th e default r a te in ou r reg

Washington, Oregon a n d A laska) lo t below na tional average .".

m a y h i3m sta le departm en t budgets, nearly six w eeks of w rangling, t

{ave final approval on a p a rty line vt| ^ t i g g ^ 3 ^ h ^ r S S e

^ ^ W ^ ' ^ r n i m o n from A ndn i 7.5 .per c e n t coa-of-llving p lu s i

)ln t FinaHce-An>roprlations C om m iit assumed It w ould p itk up $3:5 m illion I M it'a p A ndrua to - ra ls e i ta x credit fro m $15 to $20. T his propos 'educe ev eryone's s ta te incom e t 1S $5 this y e a r , tr im m ing Ihe staU forfiicali976byC 3.5m illion. m easure cu rren tly I s 'I n the Hou I and Tax Com m ittee c h aired by Re ■tone, R -R upert. A ntone suppo rts tl

' H

. B url<I m oye

. BURL5Y — A m ovem ent t m ayo r and C ity Council isn slowing dow n."

H Following a ^meeting W edn e igh t cu rren t B u rtey pollcc offi K e l iy .s a id lh e re c a lle f fo r t - is

■ ■ w e a re sUll g e ttin g calls. Peo ' how things a re p rogressin g ." .

r tWBt j M r * U|iP»W l i w c c r

''1<elly sa id the m eeting wa: ^ " I h in g ^ p e r t ln e n lto p o lic c ^ d

■ H ' ' com m illee w an ted lo know I "inlluence" e x e r ted on th e offic

t faM Sonie policc officers w ho w — .when Pollcc-Chiof Gaij'-BooU

- th a t lhe c ity officials w ere infUicncc o v e r A rrests and Inve

I M Iy s o I^ ti^ c p v a a tle n d ln i ^ e r e had been "Irisinualions c e ." pa rticu la rly • concem i speeding a n d d riv ing while InU

. . . : ■ Bul, w hile the cops sa id lh s inuallons" lo la y o f f im portar

r r i . - s no officer p rese n l could rep o r s g g h c w a s lo ld to la y o ff ,9 ^ ^ • "11 was a ll hercsay ,"-K e lly s^ --------- K d ly aiiid thc,,yops v.n rr .

allegations th a t police w ere

I Aide■ H (Continued fron);

In o ther developm ents. Co n W illiam Holflfield sa ld W ed m ■ ■ "look Inlo" possib le legal actli ■ B — rad io sta tion for Issuing a n allc

n c u src p o rt .H B . HoIJl/ield s a id he p roliably '________ action Im m ediately, but will c

into laws goveh iing such.repoj . J ^ a r d l z in g policc Investigatio

He said h e bclieycs,the report rad io rega rd ing th e beating an

. w om en e o rly W ednesdoy definitely h u r t the police invesr

In 0 s ta te m en t b roadcast -.K E E P , K laas sa id the sta tion

no t be told .w hat new s sto rie s ones nol lo ru n ."

K laas sa id th e sta tion "w ill w oy possible w ith th c police ag< not forget n o r neg lec t our respo th c neiAs a s It hap p en s a s soon a

Klaas a lso Insisted lh a t thc b roadcast Inform ation recei\ rad io transm issions. He d id « t h e s to t l o n ''i ^ lv e d lh e n e w s l

r monitor."He sold th e sta tio n rcc elv c

fo r Ihe s lb ry fri>m Counlv J E d w a n ^ ,^ " :*

— ' ChliTf B a rn e tt h a d said c a r ll th e station h ^ d Illegally o b ta in from the p c l i ^ r ad io broadci th e coroner.

E dw ards W ednesday confir given some Inform ation to tb e i

He sa id K la as h a d contact^ Valley M em orial H ospital by p

— h a d to ld th e re p o r t e r th a tb e b t and her da u g h ter to the ho m it

. injured. H e d id no l have tbe ii and referred K laas to th e p

“ 7 / K laas sa id a f te r th e sta tion 'a ■ h e received a call from C apt. C

g “ h im not lo r e le ase any fu rth t

" 1°.' Qualls sa id W ednesday h e d

but said he h a s recorded ta p es

It _of ,.^^_______ ________. ________

— W J L g o i

FA IR F IE L D - Two im pof Resource A rea Council i

g I* iWRRCG) m eetin g s a re schedi 1 F eb n ia ry a n d e a r iy March.

The annual m eeting of th e W lonns Bt P‘">-t r a m - Lodge. »«ven m l l e s ^ o f lh e ^nnol Junctlonof S ta te Highway 68 an

Logan L enham , vice presldei Co., will be th e fea tured speake

C hairm an -Gene Fnsderickso oned annual m essage. Officers w ill b iniai ’ P*” nw etlng to inform

f fu r a Silver C reek A quifer Basil M arch 10, beg inn ing a t-6 p.n

s ta r t

. ■ T l

F A IX S - The T w in , F a lla County H istorical Sociely

1 1 ^ boa rd of d ire c lo rs e lec tcd ^ m eeling T ues-

I and daynigb t.

Id, '^i George- H ojm es Was re- T glon e lec ted p res id en t; vice a ) . Is preslden l Is A nton Suchan.

Buhl; E d n a Jakw ay,

i t G e mproposal a n d believes I t h as

, the * passage in t t e H ouse, vote- In the S e n f c R epublican l e

to be dlvM e<^at th is point wH

drus’ M ^ t y L ea d er P h il B att o e e a

ongoing im g ra m s . lillee B ut A ndrus. s tlck lM to h is Miby supports tb e ta x iS le f . H t i h e . leg isla ture should a d ju s t lU r e \ )osal upw ard.

tax T hat 's uh llk d y . In a neariy p. a le 's S enate W ednesday refused to

m easure . "A nd H ouse Revci £ u s e - Com m ittee c h a irm a n R alph o: R ^ . F a lls , be lieves th a t none o f

’ m llteem en w ould endorse such 1

) .

i e y ' r e c i

e m e n tent to recall B urley 's vestlga ting [I isn 't dead, bu t " is none of tb e el

o f f o f s u c h i i V cdnteday n igh l wlihW, A nolher ol e officers. A.M. " P a l" sin ich en i sai t " Is slowing down, but . ^L ec H otel In P ^ r e w ant to know ..m sn iio n ed ,

- ........... S tn ichcn sjr o u n n iu tB e **' WUH BHHMI

! w os held to discuss . . I ! * . '® '! ™ a n d lh e lrd u tle s ." T h c .ow if th e re w as any , , to fflcere. K elly said.

' eventually nho w alked off the Job ' concerning IIloo th w as fired claim - -Boolh.--------^e r e ex ertin g ^ l i l ic a l Afler the iInvesligalions. • people will d

tiding the m eeting said said. T h e plions” about "Innucn- recallcffo rt.cem lng a rre s ts , for I . « l ^ n i ^ fc In toxicated. "by Ihe grouj Id Iherc had-ljccn "in-., people, T h esJr ta n i pcople.K ellysaid Council an d ieport an in d d cn l when - The steeri

with som e ol!>lysald. when Booth \ ■■CM .Sl i g -a sk ed alwut— i^rosccuUng"w ere lold to slop in- possib le ,hes

les eye censn i m p .1) i l l h K la a a a r. C ourly Pros., Ally.'edncsday h e plans lo „action against a lo c ^ discontinue r

la l le sK lu n a i ilh o r litd - n S o r l l T t e

j lK r t s on Ihc basis Ol ,» „p era,|o n I

fS o rt" ssu cd h y K E E P « an d shooting or t« o h n . l r lo r o j

t n S ' " " -Feast V/cdnesday hyJtion hcnccforth "w ilh .r ies to run and which 1 > | •

w ill coopcratc In any ■« ogencles bu i wc will . - espo n sib llity lo rep o rt-. r ^ | c k » son a s it ha p p en s," I J I C t l l t th e stollon hod not * ece ived Jrom policc ' HAILEY - lid say , how ever, iho l Vha ^ - i t h s ews iiiTfrom (h c ln llc c prelim inary

Planning and •clved lls in fonnalion „ untv C orone j p o y r a

e a r iie r h e w os certa in ita ined lhe Intorm alion la d ca sls a n d nol from

C urren t aionflrm ed th a t h e had the w eed eratb e ra d lo s ta tio n . year,itacted h im a l M agic TTw planniby phone, a n d th a t h e - I * new adm

be h a d token a woman ' l l t e ^ a n n lam ita l a i ^ they w ere n l ^ t , choaeth e ir nam es, h e said. Packlnson, IIk police for fu rther Judson. Sc

, Colorado, anio n 's Initial b roadcast the b est crediipt. Q ualls "o rd e rin g " The severa rth e r rep o rts on the m issioners f

h e does not inlend lo p lem enting 'litiiafion nf th is tInw,------ pr«henBlve-{a p es o f convenw liqns commlsslone

[)unGiJ-meen p o r tan t . Wood R iver CpunlyCourtII o f G o v ^ m f n t s A pan eL se A e d u le d fo r lb e e n d o f answ er sesa I. rem ificatlon be Wood R iv e r c o u n c il ' effect o f flsbi F r id a y a t Modnstone o n d tb e U ttlc f th e T im m erm W H IU J a m e s E al B8 a n d US H lghutay 93. wlll m o d e ra t a ld en l of Idaho i ^ e r P an e l m en e ak e r. \ Soil C onsetv Ickson will de liver J l s m an of tbe 1 vUI b e e lec ted for I9t5. Com mission; s rm a re a residen ts R e id N ew t B asin S ludy Is se t fo r^ - 3 7 M. a n d 5 I p .m . a t th e Lincoln sources.

PF Society elt[V ln s e c re ta ry ; Gela M iller,. |c ty trea su re r , and .C harioltoi i e d Spencer Is corresponding'ues- secre tary .

---------------B o a r d -m e m b e r s - d ta c u ^re - su m m er field trips ^ it w as

v ice announced Harold and Vena* a n , W aggoner, dirT.-loft of Xhew ay, so c ie ty 's m useum near Curry,

w o r k e r sh a s a good, chancc of So, th e l3.5*i

Umbo w hile I in le ad e rsh ip a p p ea rs m ittee p lan s 1 it w ith P re sk le n t P ro w iU notbespe ,Hh» n ippnHIng flnft Rurtff»tS fO ipgosing th e m easure . liv B p o rta l io

S o fa r, to lls< h is orig inal budget, p ick ed u p tl4 5 :. H e believes the departm ents, a revenue projeclk>ns ~ the'., budget

D eparlm en to riy p a r ty l in e vote tbe l a r g e s t - a ^ d to endorse such a c o n sid ered .. tevcnue Projections But, If Andr )b O lm slead, R-Twln is approved, b

o r h is fellow com- and o lb e r d e u ch a revision . creased su b s l

j a l l

i t | l d w i 5ing prostllu tlM In Burtey. .Kelly 1 ibe e ight cops h a d ev er been lold t o ' jc h in v e s ti^ tio n s . er. o f the com m ittee , m em bers,' 1 1, sa id ^ le g a tio n s of p rostitu tion a t e l in downtown Buriey w as specificed, -------------- T ----- -T-r^>en sa id th e pd lce«sa ld tl>ey had «

ommlUee w as lold tbere’- w a s ''n o It the Im now rand the re h a d n 't beerne. •

sa id lhe g t lz e n 's Com m illee Uy m ake a repo rt to th e commui ing Ih e 'fa c ls surrounding the firini

the commUlcc m akes th e report •' vill decide w hat they wonl lo do," K »e Dcople could decide to conlinue rfo ri.hesald . ^ 'l ig h t 's m eeting >f a scries Igrouf^s s te e r in g Commillec of afou ■ ^ a i j c r ln g group 'has m e t with tK c ( a n d lh e c ily ’sp o liceco m m W ec.' iteering com m lttec also p lans lo .n me o f lh e cx-cops who w alked off the jo th w as flreil. Kelly said.'A m eoliny^ Iting a ltom ey A lfred B arru s is i ), he said.

isorshipla s and o thers regard ing Ihc re p o r ts .. I sa id he could not say wilhouj chwli M tap es if .he ‘•o rte re d i' the statloi nue reports unlU an officlal.rolcase'i i f h e “ as& d '. 'fo rsu c h ac llo n . j- ' sa id one of th e reasons h e fell KE

ould not b roadcast Ihe Inform allon \ he had asl^ - f o r va jid rece li

lon from o th e r m edia In holding ;lon pending fu rth e r Investigation an a rr e s t In the case . He so ld It would: o r one sta tlon-to issue th e reports 1 !dla Id lom porarlly h iid up releases.

iine mulls inner postSY — Blaine Coun\y p lan n er Da :i{h_siK_oihcr_men,-ha5_be«n-Choscf ia ry com petition for B laine Cou g and Zoning adm inistra tor,

than 70 app lica tions from ocross ^ t e a w ere .rece ived by Blaine C a a io n m a t te r it w u d K ld e d II ago-the county should seek a new

•adm in istra to r.

:n t ad m in istra to r Bob B am es Is tb I d erad ica tion p ro g ra m for th e county

4anning and zoning com m ission will a dm in is tra to r about $13,000 for Ihejc

banning com m issioners, m eeting T u ihoae Robert R lchm an, Colorado; S ton. U lah; E a r i F Inkler, A rliona; A

South D ako ta : Rudy Wood io, a n d Vhay a s tb e sevien persons c re d e n t l ^ f o r tb e jo b . . sev en wlH a p p e a r before the c e rs fo r a p r iv a to interview . The i r a to r will be r e q » n s lb le for Ing the new Blaine Ckwnly C

sloners soon for final approval.

let-FFiday-Courthouse.leL sestkm wUl p recede a questlon-i

session. T he panel wUl explore, a tions of the flow of Silver C reek an| r f ishery and w a te r u se rs o t S liver Ci U tt le Wood R iver.I E akln . B laine County extension ag Icra to the panel.m em bers Include Betty L averty , BL

isehratlon D istric t: N ick P u rdy , c t tbe flia lne County P lanning and Zoi islon; Butch H arper, US F o re s t Senr Newby, w a le rm as te r of d is tric ts 37' ind S ieve A llred . D ept, of Water

ilectslUer, wlll p resen t an-* Arlzt -lolto trave logue a t the M » idlng m eeting of the membership.

A ccording ' to M W aggoner, tbe sociely Is si

— looking f u ra i i md logxabtir w as b e ^noved to Ibe musei

Vena grounds fo r display. Anyo hav ing any Information m

urry, callherat733^B 41.: .

s , H A W13.5 mlUlon la x re lief m easu re hangs hlle the Flnance-A ppropriations Co lans budgets, assum ing th e $3.5 miUi e sp e n to n ta x re lle f .J fo r a ll departm en ls ex w p t 1

a re i ia v e b c e n ^ t by the c o m m lttce ^ to Its budgeting tb e com m iltoe h as 01 > $145,000 from Andriis' budget fo r sti ents. The f U mlUlon needed to oaiai g e t p r o b ^ wiU com e from 1 e n t o f Health a n d W d fa re - • th e sU t ig b tc y and tb e la s t on th e . lis t to !d . . • -A ndrus’ S3.S mUllon ta x re lief propo red, budgel cu to (o r H ealth and Wetfi X d e ^ m e n t s w ould h av e to be MbstantlaUy.


M a rNEW YORK iU P Il - Tfi

- " 's lo c k m orkci. which has show rom arkoblo ab ilily Ip.rccovc

■ from severe selbncks. npcnc hiRhcr T hu fi^ny In i'fUvtrad in g o in h c New Ynrjc Sloe

*■ Exchangtf.'_T he -Dow Jones Imliislri;

__p averatjt’. which rctxiiindwl J^ ■ . ga in alinasi "\ilnc polnl

W cdnesdny. w as ahciici 0 728.B8 shorlly alliT lh

- ' openiny. II li>sl lhan :1 Drtinls Mondav and Tuc'Sdaj

Iwl [Ipcilncs. 32fi I.................13S. Iinionji; IIW

crnsslnn lhelape .N orm ally, investnfsrcould t:

expccled lo w all out much ( Ihe se.s,sion for - Feden Reserve l5oii$-hc ozon I0.1

---------------dem itnds • al - New Yorkleading; banks *an<l nil t t n a tion 's money supply di a f le r Ihe m a rk c i closes.

Ju s t a s llic m arkci opene<• Ihc Com m erce Deparlmei

r epo rted ihe U.S, irade defic Increased b y .K l l mililon J a n u a i'y and the Ituicx

'. pending econom ic indicaln dropped 1.3 p e r ccnl

sccu tive monthly dccline,, , MoreRloomyncw5(;;)iiiliuii

• ■ ■ lo pour In a s the Ta'Jisiii . repo rted a Jiunum ry fisc

dcficil o( $3.91 iillilim ai a lriine I r ^ i c fell 2.H pcr cc In Ja n u a ry from a year ajjo

T he I-ilw r Deparlment sa carlv K cbniary flKiires .'ihowt Ihe numl>cr o l uncniployme Insurance rcclpicnls rose m ore than S.a million ixtwii .Th e deparlm enl said diirn th e week ondinn Pcfi. S atxi'

--------------- 4,886.^00-------p tisu u s------ UiUrecelvlnt> retiu iar unci

.p loym ent Insurana- U'nt'fil ;up 'll7 .:i0 0 from the prcvioi •week.

I I A ,M , P R I C K SNK« 10HKST»MKf;\<mM;i

• MIW *0«« iWf'l - s.«1nl Wl 1t,4 Hf.

PCiWiH<>i:. -.if. U .

f c S Z u 'ia i 4' n 'l .’5‘i » 'i

m i i i h t t -% u \n ; ^ « S'l n * - ;

!i ' I U II'! u-i

»c*" JSi J w n - B'. '4nC,»r l'1 I O <“»MlKPa J I m 0'» ll'*-'» n 1 II Cl I3'«

-AmHoK JJ, AmNo., ; » ; H . *•.

bn Sln« ID S I 'I'*] • 1: ffl ie- i•

, S IS ] J £ piJ S ? V. T ' V ..

, >j,Ko 't t l < X' :«'■'» Sf iS-’

' cJo * '5 I'- !*•Ata Zas '> J )'■ W

•- * 1 in ii‘. n . I f . ., 0 "• X a *a •

S ; i i ' i '________ ‘ ew M,H M . i « Ifl I1-. U

BtmsiM :< I <31 X'i n>i- bkud « « i ri'. :s ;•

. ; K ! „ - S f r

" M i f T s i U ;

- - IS'. >; to .» ' s ; i It,

. BjCcrtC 1 li H H'7 W. WS-• OmiM Co H 1 } 11 I t ' S./IO.IW n t } I I, Hy»rR « I . 19 I i ’l « .

t » r ;u X. :t'.-6, 1 No I t U MS * . »>..

; i a i '&■ Cutft. '« ’ K lis t)', U'l ; 0 '4 < ‘J .1 ta V. » H .

, W o r h l ^ ( > l (

N EW 'T O H |K .I 'IM i ,, Foreign and domestic g»

p riccs W ednesday; LondonM ominRlixintJlM

p ■ down 0,75 Alternoon Iixl 183,00down2.00

. P a ris 'f r e e m arkcli 1B7

Frank fu rt laS^OTdown 1,27 Zurich lB3.50down2.00

_ • _____a • N ew Y ork H andy ?

: Engelhard - bxse price refin ing ise lllin j! and

• fabricated gold lKl.50 tk 2.00 pc r troy ounce.

. Selling'pricc. fabricated k : I68.09dow nl.05perln)ynui

■ j C o m t n o i

' ' • . 1 .1, a

M ay Idaho potatoes----------- 2------ ^M ayM atncixrtofoes—--- ------- ----------AprlHive ca tllc —

}. O clobcr live catllc .^ M arch feeder calllc■ April hogs

v! M arch w heal ' M arch co m J M arch eggs

M arch silver ; M arch gold

5 Octol»er suga r

Q u o to tlo n

1 6 - Tlmos-News,TwinFalls.IflIdaho Thursday. February 27.1975

rke t Re'iver . .JU .1 0 .« « ♦!«ned ft.- cSS "-"fl ' i y !♦«« •»« :ive cjiot> uo h ni o«t t r . i t i - '•

C«nltM 11} • It't ItM-Hrial 'in ’ -T '’1)0 K ! ! ? r i l S ’ilV /iV .':

c K ” oVi! • " « T J ” V. 5” s f f l . s .

ay. oT f- i n - r ir wi s n u j .i l o V S S h SV. V

o!n*S--:« • - r 2;sl"-."!uJ ll II ll fO>. !th . 'J

I I * g x , , 3 '! S 3 S ' s ' : . ! .

?ra1 cmrfa 7» '% 3 S'l *>• 'CoiTmS»t 1 I U us ll'l Bl* ,*>

oan cania » 4 'I » - 'J * :•rk 's co »f8 '* * J! I; Ml I) ■ tho COT.JX ,™e I I! •'i l « > ,J .— Coi*vnf“ii J II M K'* * ‘ 1;^*due cw«*i 10 «. n i ' ' >■ ' “’ • •

CauCaa lao • rsCtMmOi ; I w “ 1

led . Co i Jii* I » « IN I?'’ 'f.'’ ', * .cn l i r 'S y n c . i S ' i : . ' ;ricii, In c..At , ! ^ I S 2 ’

of c^it.n 1*. ’ ."S ' • J ’' . in rs '

g i : ^ ’1 '>

HILtf 'iki ' ' iu « 'i‘m j .1* B ' l » ; k' - i' '

•' iIMhiI*. i1^--. and t« i tB II ;;v- *•

o X ^ JS , i « i i l : HD-.pfcc ti JO M 111 ' S ' ; •

said n a i S S ' ^ ^ v : : ' * ' ‘•‘•‘J S im . ’1“ V iV i iV i ; ; ; | v ;ienl J’l;:

O''--'"'- ' ' ' _ i.j^iiis M 1 1 II '> II - :•

s r '. i i ; 3KKil I * J;

cin^ 'I i S'" i 'v . ' . T ■;

r i i i o ’ ” i « i)'i i^'i i v ' i uions eI.oo” im! « r-i '.

IL 5' t« r .-i'’, ;i'-- sfj-iM JC T - ;i e . ! t - •

• r'iiS u“ , fV,'^"” iw 1 a iv! li l il'l '. '■.


NC IM I .« jJ'l |1f JS f i I ^ Vl Vl-'

r?ii!iu‘ IW 5 ,4 .4‘i »'• HJ u r ............ ■■'■■■

s s £ “ 5- <-wn s; It 11 n s s s

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Qm» ‘ K '• 'M :-« n s •••T''• '* Gtwtr.n U 4 JU li'- KS li~.. 'I• '! oiw^ jfcj 1 } il,

'• ' c i l ^ i ’ ij'i i j ' i . '•- &..IW I'O • 11* .-O'l .-OS JOS-

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M.25 H ' !'

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l u o l d - J li r r s '.lunce. Itv Cep i w 'i'; 'J - .

) d i t \ ^ " u t i i r e s ,

a . I I I . r o d a y *■

P rev ; * 11:00 .Cloie High U w aflJ .

5,21 5,21 5.19 ■ 5,21------------ 3 ^ ___ — luy------------l a i —--------- 36.80 M;90— 36 5 0 - 3 6 .6 2 - v

36.57 36.70 36 35 36.5028 25 28.25 27.6539.60 39.B0 .39.10 3<J.M

370 371 • 306 36H271 274 267 • 2G94730 .4ttS5 .'4710 ,4850

4,495 4,47 4,38 . 4.38 ,184,40 183.60 I80 4 0 J B I W28.05 27.05 26.40 26 .4 (r'r

jn * f ro m S inclo ir, Inc--

• .

■ j i" ji - »» l*M»T » 1 MS tJ'. UN UN- "

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Rac>M. - IS t 1 II 10'. I0-.IJ^ ^ t 13_ t!|. .

- Ro,i« H-, W J i:s Its IOS Ro^e JfH M'l JJ. !*•• -1

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' u Sl***" IW f I .-os ?SS '• styHA IM j _ «_j;s :j'.

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t lW fO 4 U U'l IJ U i.” • Tt».RtO • to r SS S’, i s .

in i J J Jl'. ."is J i'i-’■ > ’ T-vKCe tt to t 11- II If -i . ' . ; 5 K T IX ? . iX-

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.5 5 1 2 , ' ' l i " ' ^ •ItT v .’t j . V :

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iMCfs n t IJ 14S u s 14'.. • J v t Co-3

. ; ’ - a M '! '^ *

. . , NEW »0«Xl IUP«I ■ - • 5»«tMon n Sue*


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K c S 'i ! i i' ncrm kj 3 4 4%», I'o 4-<,' j f P ' - - ' iMrtTl. ^ 1 3H L«» )%-

UcCJkli a 5 Its 4-. «S 4.,, ■ a s . K '■

x a 5 ' i I ”. . ” ! ".5r-

w ie w\ G reat northerns: a v e rag e 14

, P ln to e :a v c ra g e 2 5 .5 ^ :ld e £IN -" d c a lc rs a ia s .W ;-tw Sm all reds: average 21.13;I . s 2 l.0 0 ;ld ea Ic ra t2 0 .S 0 ,3 d eo le i I • u - Id a h o p in k s : A v e ra g e 2 l.l0 I'-"'* 21.00; ld c n le ra t2 0 .5 0 .2 d e a l« 1 : L .R .K idney: averageZO.OO; i ; ; ; ,'; Q uotations rep resen t orferln

'• o f W tslerti Bean D ea le rs Ass< s*. s N o,M ,Ie& sIdahobcantaxands

f l

M u t u aI ' '

• 'I Ml 0 FUA B tm », . .'ir’s . S ] ? " ” " r | 5

« « 0 . i 's S 'S S f'• tAT. WK 301 )fi ' iKot tw iea

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J« JO Ios MD 311 4l i : ; : : ; i r . . \ Z \ f , Z L , - J S JII CO fv-tf fit 1,44 I jg iv

S i S i £ ^ w .CaaI lit fU III I I LCHAMMNO &Kin t x 4- i S f R r „ J 5 ‘

I I . . . . 0*i«d HO Its Tut » 1J.44U !•._ ■, D<0 »a fB 4B inx rrd IlftJO iM - 'l Eotr & 551410 lo fvna l4fN

{Cil, Pr J l t J ^ JP 0.m r u l SI';. 1 .' - - 'y s 'A't-'-?B t a '

! t i v - - e r „ 5 S « r r s . ' S . ; ! ! : § S 'S i S !

« ...,, c^... fa ,W ,11 WrtlOW:s s s , s I » «

* " " ' i s . ' s ; ’, 5 'i 5 & ! K' i i ! l'. SM, a, ill t t t c-'i *j ‘ j; ‘

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| f ; . - J M jjt '5 a ';

i C '! '<BK '.- s , IIMM UYUS

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. 2 ; : ■ ^ T v : - r

■ ' k l !'= s i i l ^«■•• ■! 0 ^ li! il! fco w i : ” i' L_c^L_— V?. i “ ■

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CfiWUS 0 » . !?( V* t«''!“ '■ B ;; .’'s.-"S O-li lA .ISCJNl

. ^X' '* f i t fSI * ; ! ;; tlVw i ' ' tII i?i

, HOWAX) >UI ’51i . , . ', 0*.-' fe fll IJJ K*r stc r » f lU IE IB. -IS 5.1 Sfl BoniS 5- 4 IS, « . I. 5»CI F III i.-» 0'<" J». US. '. Sl:» '0 IB t i l ft|i Sl. SM. jm . ’, £D£ Se UUHr" ‘JS

Iv : ' n i ! S ’ "J i r i ' V T h

. t ‘— ’I >•'' ’M>.L &«t" n t,, r s fttUTT ixsn DM. ) . G«W» W* 111*I ^isT' L ti'** fil 1. C lt 4IS' , ’i i v r ' ? > . 15 : s s ,;;i. Kl.. ',. Ol :-< ’XNi ►eu iJV

— f e '.' ■.. y . : . fc :i _ 'i i i ’j s K

»V. , rf,^ ' ii« it?i owNMu' r>S "S nHAMlAL____ ___/a «i;^ j a s ; — ^ ’Ij

i -sT ; vil, :-Sn: etc* s« Jr1 J is . . I,;ia »J i;j »u P»,»-. if- ’J'l* . FIRST ■ tl> I ts . I (WtSTO«$ p..' «»» 41

;j - ’. ■ Ov; la JU i» P74U1 f J', S s ! S fr-,- - VI 11' JcI. s

f; ji' ' GrainJ»;P ■! OGDEN I n » l I - Graiii';

' ’ iVo, 1 hard w inter w heat 3, s li'lT >1 bushel,‘ ' No. I while Wheal 3.

f^T •, bushi‘l. ■• ■ ■ No.2 barlcvTi.lOcwt,

ig, “ Total 10 cars .. 8 w heat ^ lu ic w ■ . .

------- D ENV K ft-typht— <i,a in r-5 't r ’"J No, J, hard w inter v ,heal 5.

cwl,No, 2 yellow com 4,85-5.

S .I ) '" . :; cwt, _ _ ...,1 • '• N o,2barlcy4,90cw tl^ id, '

s i J r i ! I’O R T U N l) .L-iMi - Cl JSS grain, coasldclivery iiasib :

^ 3 M i y e w^ 4 . . ’. ' ’s , W hlleW hcat 3.92i 3J l ’-Vs ' - ^ f t W hile 3,93 :55 “ 5 Barley lOOiX) y)(

Vallejjc l4 .0 0 :l3 d c a le rsa l l4 .0 C . •I d e a le r at«7 .00 ;-5 dealers a l 2C.OO; 7

L13; 5 de a le rs a l 22.00 ; 3 dealers alM le r s a l 20.00.•1.10; 6 d e a le rs a l 22.1W: 4 deale rs al u l e r s a t 20.00.D.OO; I d e a le r a t 20.00. feringfl of rep o rtin g dealcrs .courtesy A ssociation Inc. P rices a rc ne l. U.S. 11 s io ra g e charges.

M l ' .

l a l F u n d /U '»■ (Vv> Sfl 'S74HI SI J15 t» Phu fd 12 52 Sl f? h£ JBIUNL Prcns c IK JIC juti Su MUI5 . 0P-._ r r U S ,» SeJ'm jKiSt^ JJ4I

U JIS p*J" fu 5^ }» <m !pT*'“t ' ■ « » » « * « >

S » ! . - S s C - n , , . , S ; ! s i

M S ^ i E ”£ r ; sS '. 5» c 10361, , ,J, w e t -IWlt; Smmi IX

i H - ! S ! i S l ! J“ J " lio fs”“ 50I nI '“ uS JB S '? «»<J |5 ^ ^ 1 H 914l i ! 5 2 S “ '■ \ i » o i ! «rw«s . , . J j c " ' a • :<o

lig i I l f

s s . ‘s : s ! sSCUCOCn fDS Cmi c« J15

S 5 s ; £ 5 S i : i S ” ; s . ? • ; s r ' ! ! ! ; x s

r = S

I S 'iS “H “^ l l ° n n m '■'f- '

lOfU^ Bfrtut f I03S1IR VM *3C J*4 !.««? SW«HU) GW • VAHCJ' iw il. s*«ans! S w S ' , . s " i „ I ?

. . . J S , s i s i s j r U i s

l i l i s H „ S * s s ^ ' i s

l i ' i r ' ] i l s F ™ ' ; sIIJ 410 ' VfTtj ^ t t i t s 'uD-, l e , SlT.l D fMSl Jll131410 SO liC, r iH l „4f

J»3 4M So Cc<f ««;i»J» 4M3 31 S-tl h. n j ' l j l rt,,-. 5 3K S S ! U X ” ! s

/ « f c ! P " « , SSU ” ! !lltfH l --8T *tl AHO Of»—T, -„ JJ, i^ H i. Con ra Ul J ’l r..- c a ,;i 'Jl I llll lfJ Pioari 'il <1 ,I7f f3« ~ '

f i l L i v e s t o c kII IJ i; g OMaTIA I L'PI 1 - l.lvesloc5 » i u • H ojis5.500;ban-ow saiidni )M JW 50 to m ostly 75 lower on 200-; J*« J n Jbs; 270-300 lbs 75-l.lX) low'i i ju i‘ 3 U.S. 1-3 200-250 lbs 39.50-40,1 ■ U.S. 2-3 200-250 ths 3'J,6o-39,:4ii s * L'.S. 2-1 240-270 Ibs :i8,.'iO-39.( ’i “ ' t " U,S. 2-4 270-330 lbs 38,00-38.: ij i SJ7 25-50 lower: ;100-000 :

36.00-37,25,,!« G allic and calves 5.5(

s te e rs and heifers w eak lo JM j*i IcA-er. instances 50 low er

good and low choice; co 111 »» fu lly steady ; thrc-e loads cho

,*{?’ « and p r im e 1175-1200 Ihs ste.,w y ield g rad e 3-4, :i5,50*35,i

'n M J t choice y75-1300 lbs y ield g r: 2r4_m ainly-34,00-:i5.00.-u-f

' i ^ t u loads and pa rt loads h iIIM m choice, clean, :t5-25-35,50; Ic

choicc 1608 Ibs yield g ra d e - -TjiM-i— 32,50— good-and -iow —cho

29,50-34.00; choicc 825-1050 h c lte rs y ield grade 2-J. m at

II <1NI 33.00-34.25, load wllh end pri i t B j " 34.40; good and low cha JK 3U 28.00-33.00; utility and cc

m erc ia l cows m ainly 17 19-00. few 19,2519,50; can:

f a t a and e u l te r 12.00-17,00,'{“ S t Sheep 100; few wooled lan ’51N i. s te ad y ; choice with p r im e < IB Jts 104 lb wooled lam bs 42, \'i 50 cholce87lbs41,(J0, •

isii;1/ tiew: »!•«>• ttoMt le » iom ^m

: r ;i j u i t u good and chcxtUCO-WU, good »

I S J t “5,3;! S ,S°"i. " m 's iI If 0 5 « SMO JS, I'O 1-3 0>J« IB 40 00-« JC

D1I 71 -mT I u '.OMfoO*

NORTH SALT U K E 1 ----- — Ni.v.iftn paslpm -tftnhi

• ’ u J n L'Uih feedlot and ran g e sa: 4J4 ID T ra d e very slow W ednc I » I » few sa le s slaughter s te e r

• t»5 N L h e ife rs unchangw ffrom e I* ! 2 InttiCYCck; most in terest

' ' “ " I w a itin g for se tlle m c r w holesale d ress trad e ; -In fa ir ly good, but mosti Inventorying siluation ; f

n; c a ltle active for f irs t liia t 3.40 w eek s, prfccs and kind

com parab le In rccen l : 3.32 • bu t generally .followinj

lu m s njcorded in auction; S l a u ^ l e r s leers. high

ica t 2 and choice, 1.050-1.175 y ie ld grades 2-». 33.75*

T — — ^ sJ a u g h lc j- h e l fe rs -h iR h - and mostly choice. .92f

^ lbs., yield g rad es 2-3,. 34.50; feeder c a llle ; s

s t r in g choice a n d ( ,, - s tra ig h t Kay w in tered •

S lcers . 29.00; h e ife r . - C ash 23.00'; choicc fleshy S ;is : s te e rs , 25.00; 475 Ib hi

21.50; choicc p&rtV fai S l 3.92 750-850 Ib s teers 6 o |o f d a 3.93 27.00-29.00; choice p a rll ) ^00.00 . LcrH led75^«)0lhheifcrs,:

■ _


jy beansC o u r t s Sincla ir & Co.

CHICAGO - The world . 7 su g a r m a rk e l reve rsed i ls e lf ' ■ - We<lnesday- g l In o th e r com m odilics; tho

tren d w as generally lower, a t . w ith c o m appearing to resis t to

.1 degree.- ■ 'C om m odily Nc\vs Scrvicc

■ , sa id Ihe world su g a r m arket , / posled m odera te gains, c losing ,

n e a r th e highs,, w ilh. futures from unchanged to 111 points h ig h e r on 3,962 Irades. Sugar 10 adv an c ed 100 lo 115 poinls on

■' ■ 15 Ira d e s w h tleSugar 12 settled - - m ostly nom hially 115 lo 50^

■ points hiphiJr... . T l« ^ -,m flll-« io l-< i iii: , '..>fa s - m }u_ .-4 i1P IT3sn iJ5 points on tone, lo

L i v e s t o c kJ4HL POnrLANO. Oie. (UPll - lliSOAl- WKl. C*lll«*nde»lv*«'o«Tu*Vl4|r100 CowttSHL - tiead rlo iO U »ra ':tl*u« i'i« '0«xl na- - ' linQlst ».7S0XJS. sUidMO i l l i . CC»*

;2 k l Monw tJ (»U»buUocWjeiS'tir'4ifd' lU H l' -flood 21 00-;} J9. ctlrot good MO-SII IU

33 JM4 00; i*«Jer heilm eho.ce M5 «>•f»S»

' I ' l l S i l v e r

: 5 | « N EW YORK 1 u p l ) . - H a n d ysgoia a n d H a r m a n W o dnesduy

155 quoted s ilv er a l 439.5 cents perju H i f ine o lm ce down 7.5 cents.

p t S p o t M etalsIJ IOJO C hangeson W ednesday. .

T in . N.Y. p rom pt delivery

i ' HI" i» P r o d u c e P r i c e sl«104J CMCACOlUP||-0«\»Oll.r^Qp.-:MJ> 101 i«J . ropo(l«Jl)»USOA- IJO 4(0^ Eoot P 'O l H-d 10 dcl-xiy u>,' SJINl mr»5cff* ^ ^ cjll V ItJ I f ' d>)U>«ied) e it'i u’ge'st sr. (I'oo U » .

IJI JV CH«A0<3 lUPlI - Cr>.c*oo M,i«i.M«

su »« J.,n 3J M “ " jY' Ocl X U 3«»J 3S» MK-'h 134

Occ38M3rCI5«)3»»5 38 JO.eSt>.-6iu (If Foil 3«JD3an3Beo3atsoJiC s u Fruen Pefk'&*li>««SM IfJ Mj , 85 00 .« 0 i u a r U IJi IOMJ SJ ? f5 May U 00 W OS IMO U ICU WJIM Jty U H W 90 U SO SS SO, U.1 SJ4 JW J.U . Aug 6SM&S J13 W « WU*«1SCI S«l' .i n '- u ' O v e r T h e C o u n t e r

l,l„„.™.l.i.i. tnm. >\M1 ■< n|) SMIfiS ,ir..(lni.>rl. n.n.n. \ll M.I. prr In, IU eti Irn lm lrr iilcU. Iiilrrilmlrr .{Uii' I !u tml-i"' '>••1 >M<-lu<lr rrKlI murk 9<fllU 1>I>. iiinrLilii^ii »r r.iniml..l>in5 3 ,i? . " " ILf"'*'!"e’ ij ?« b .'irirU ir.m l.C .., ^i S i l ! Bid...--A ak.

*3 _ .B ank 'Q f A m e r-3 6 .I2 ‘. : . :ifi sol l*’: F irs tS c c .C . 30.25 - 31.25

• I d a . I ’s tN a l ’l. 3:1.00 3400C om . L ife 2,50 3 00

• K ellw ood 7,B7‘j 7.H7'

k I> ;ng ,F il)rC ’ 111,00 116,00’N .K in g 17.25 IH.OO

. P a c ,S t , l . i f c 1,371.- 1.751^'^- R ogcrs'B ros. 32,37i, :«.37‘

, S ie r ra Life '2.37-,,^ s u r e ty l.Ifc 2.25 2 62^

(Juan lox ,o;! .03G re a te r ld a . ,io . l-'lI lm n , G as 1125 117.-.

W.W;0 lbs

I l f

hoicC ' Ai te e rs ' K35,ia; . "g rade ^j- fe w - . . ^

O l

“ r - — - r O llainlyp rim e ■ Mchoice A l l |com- •17,00-

a n n erm e a n t a i

lam bsic end - —42,00; W-

B e o u r g o e s

l o r a l i W a g ' i r

' t h d s h o e s w i ts n w - ' ---------------------Mit*'* .

2>L’P hnhn nnrt . ___sa les :Incsday.!crs and ‘ ‘ V i1 e arlie r x cs ls sllll>eht of

lim e in ^ / •

[ H L^d/Ugh good 175 ll»,75*35.50; .;h -R ood .......... ..................... .......... .................925-1.000 3, 33.50- ■ '

sizable p r im e

J 400 lb .m a tes500 lb ■ 1 %

heifers.' \ %rattened. r d o ' lol. m y fai- .•s, 25.00.

FuturesBS m arket t. 30 .2Scenlsapourid .du lypaid . '

irld . Com m ercial hedge selling self c rea ted a 5 to 7 r n l b rea k in .

com fu tures, which estab lished tho new co itlrac t lows for Ju ly i'cr, through M arch. 1-ater a d iv c ;tlo buying offse l the decline , and • -• futures closed from .=*i cen t

/Icc higher to 3'-/. c en ts lower, -ket Com m ercial sp read ing saw J in g , M arch sold and May pur- ires ' chased, a n d also Ju ly com inis bought again sl new c rop w heal' Igar salcs. Chicago cash c o m basis so n was nom inally unchanged on tied Ixixcars a t 2 cents ove r M arch

50 v ^ ile hopper bids w erc 3 ccnlsV J o a i 'r a t 2 6ver M arch . Gulf

b a ^ s 'w n s n jo n lh itih c r . 12over,»'; . t o .a im 'll. . . T . - / ........ .= = r

E xport iXuJe provvided support fo r w;hcal fu lu res . w ith ' Japan and Brazil m a jo r iiuycrs

^ and K orea repo rted in the C45«» m arkeU W heat follow ed the 2,” ' corn and soyliean ra lly , but

sllll c losed down 1 to 5‘ - cents. Chicago cash t>asis was nom inally uncitanged a t .March

•prfce for' h a rd /^ tin ie r a n d '4 andv under for sofl red ,. G ulf basis sda'v down 2 lo 3 cen ts . 28-29 sp e 'r ovc rK an sasC ily M a rc h , ,

W eak cash m arke ts a n d little local siipiKirl de p re ssed live

. LUIta .____lUffiK-..-.. . j i r j is la ^

M a r t l i o l d s

: e s i ' t J e r o m e

JKHOM E -T h e m arket wa: s t e a d y a l t h e J e ro m e P rodutT rs l.ive.stock Auctior

a 'ii.. Tuesday, - - VF a t hugs siiid s le a d v J W ;r i

jjiii'io ' w ere not enough fan ffw feedci t , i j i - lam b s lo lesl m a rk e t- tren d s

,------------ Slmighii-r m A sw orr.s te .i[ lyH> slrong, Holsiein fei'd er s te e r

w ere slron[> t o . , 50 hight'r Choice feedor' s lw r s wen .steady lii stniiig. C hoice fi“edc heifers w ere 's le ad y lo weak Choice s le e r ^ I v e s w en sleady l« slm ng. C hoice heife calvesV ercA eak to LOOlower

l‘*>* ,Fal hogs, 35,00-;W,00; bab; ' *![;’ calves. 10,00-35,00; sta rte i " u u ! c a lv e s , 33.00-GO.OO; com murk- n icrcial anil u lility . h c lfen I..j.m, •ji.oo-26.00; co in inerc ial an<

' s ta n d ard cows, 19,00-22 00 u l i l i ly cow s, 17,00-19.00

A slt’ ’ canner and cu tler cows. 13,0C 17,00; com m ercial a n d ullllli

l ’-5 bulls. 20.00’2-1.00; lig h t 'Im lh■»«0 ir,.00.20,0(J;____3 00 Holstein leeder s le e rs . iy.O( 7.H7'.; ’ 24.00; choice fe i'd er s teen 6,00' 27,00-31,00; c tim m on steer:H.oo 24,00-27.00. c h o ice feede

heifers. 19.00-24.00; commoM.37‘j he ife rs . 15.00-19.00; cholc

s te e r cal\;es. 27.00-3l.0( 2.62’’ com m on steer c a lv e s, 24.0i

.03 27,00; choice he ife r calve •l-'> 19,"00-23,00; com m on hcift

I.7.‘) calves. 16,00-19.00,

' o u rSPECI/)HOWIF^ a r c h 3 r d t oa s p e c i a l o p p o r t i

t e s l . . . ' a n d d i s c o v e r w l

g i r ^ s l e a d o l a s i z e . . . i n

w i t h t h e c o m l o r l g u a r a n


# 1

S O N - T H E - M ' Ai-

t d e c l i n e sid- ' T uesday 's gains and droppln ling - the m onth under37.00cw < Ncart)y months reg is tered U: hed heaviest declines. 12 to : luly cents. F inal quotes v.-ere o l iv e (tauy ] o ^ Weakness in g ral and a (k M pressure and m orki

r e c e ^ forced cash prict :r- d o w n .' ,saw F eeder catUc futures dos< pur- m ixed in light trading.

H eavier i w l p i s depressc le a l , cash p riccs and pushed Ih a sis hog fulure^ d o w n ,'a n d U I o " m arke tt traded In a 'h a rro "■ch range Iwlow T uesday 's clos*

L im it pork belly al; Gull _ de tracted from the m arkvi < iver,.- Ih r r l f^ ,-A p r i l qft pf.fl

_ down, Ju n e off 4? cenls. d is ta I and'A prll w ere bo

w l l h ^ down Ihe perm lssahlc 1.50 yere V oIum ew asestim atcdat4.53

the porij futures decllni the , u n d e r-p re ssu re from wei

cash m arkets for both hogs ai ■"IS' . bellies, and closed d o w q jro "■“s 55 In distan t February t o l5

a rch ^March- Volume was placcd nd 4 ^,808-lasis Chicago Board of T rade gc 2H-29 futures clscd aboul 70. |» lr

higher In active nearhv oplio •itl ''’ and reflected somc of silvei

firmness. ;i t i j _ ^ S l Wefc=4Sutte9iHMMhfc:a

V d o se d a t the day’s highs, a | Y ^ l « u l 10 cenls from Tuesda:

S ) close.


, M ay ldaho.s ; r ; s o a r 16'uciiorjl CourtesySlndalr& C o.

y CHICAGO - Idaho rus potalo futures soiired W

leeder nesday.rends. ,\ t ,h c r |ih« , the May opi itly to . h as po6led-<i^aiiM>f4&««nU s te ers 5,2lperhundredw cight. iKlit'r. • The Maijjc potato' m a r " ‘’TC closed a shade higher. Cc

[i'eder modlly News Service report weak. n ^nded 3 to 7 ccnls higher " ‘T e 1,596 trades. Technical fact

he ifer continued lo dominate ower- m a rk e t’ with fundament

tilcak and cash m arkets wi lo near steady. M aine w unchanged«t.l.90-2 .l0pcro

pifers.I and .22 00; Potatoes19.00; - . ' -KI.OO- IDAHO FALLS lU P l l

ulillly- _Polnloes:_L 'pper_ya!lcy, 1 'b u lls . .F a lls and Burley d istrl

offerings moderate, dem19.00- slow, m arkel alMut s le i

steers. ru.sscts. washed. 1 In. o r 4 steers, min-. 100 lb, sacks, U.S. h c e d e r S i:e A. 4.30-1.75; 10 o r. n mm on 3,25-3.50; non Siic A. 3.50^ cho ice U.S. NO- 2. 2.25-2.50 ; 50 1-31.00: cartons cwt bhsis, SO-lOOs.

24.00- 5.75; 10 Ib. mesh sacks, b; :a lves, , p r hundredweiRht, U.S. N h c ite r Size A. 5,75-6.00; noa-S lz


A L —

ING\o 8 t hr t u n i t y f o r s r o u

" ■

w h y y o u s h o u l d a si<

. i n B a r e l o o l F r e e d o m ,

r a n t e e l

%eidok^ O U B H

\ 'A L L ^ '

A ll to' 5xacU y half of th e '^ Ia g lc

■ V alley h igh school Icom s playing T hursday night will be playing th e ir last games.

'I t ' s "Close biit no kc^ip[c" doli night in a ll (ivc dislrict tournam ents. I t ’s the night xKbeif' lhe once^)calcn team s ge t o tte r e a ^ other vrtth the

• hope th a t (fame fortune then will wnlle on them for two m ore nights and a district championship,

- Of coursc. dam e fortunewould have to laugh oul loud tfl

will be lhc sam e everyw here. Twin F a lts will en terta in Mlnico a t 8 p.m ., Wood R iver goes a fte r Jerom e a t '8 p.m . a t CSI. Wendell and V alley collide a t 8:30 p.m. In Shoshone. Rafl R iver a ti4 MurtauGh play a t 8:45 p.m . In

, Buhl. “ •

CoachCOLUMBUS. Ohio tU FI) -

Rex Hughes, head baskelball_ coach a t Kent s u t e Unlycrsily.

=» -------- tia s blHai btLSp ende d - for-tw o. . gam es for • de roga too ’ com'

m enls m ade to , -and about referees, the Mld-Amerlcnn Confcrcncc announced Wed- ncsdav.

MAC Com missioner" Frcd

BoycoLONDON lU P Il - Tht

th rea tened wom en's boycott o the 1975 W im bl^on U w i

■ T ennis Chan^pionshlps .wai __ ~ lltlw t Inday hy Bllllc <Icai

King, p resident of the Women’: Tertnis Association t WAT».

A ffcr m eeling Air Cljlc

Nissan■ • SAN/VNTONIO, Tex. tU PIl

— The ‘San Anlonlo Spun W ednteday se ttled with flrec c<mch Tom Nissalke for ar

' ; undisclosed sum.Il believed Nlssalke

fired b e e . 13. 197'J by Spun

W e p n e r 'KERHONKSON.N.Y. (UPI

- Chuck W epner w anfs a fTBh lothcfinishw llh/M I.

A fter six no-holds lu rrc i rounds of j a r r i n g Wednesda; w ith C onrod—T o a i^ r ani C h arlie W rieh l. <^ifts;ica hcav>-wcigh titlcholdcr CHuc: W cpner. who faces Muhatr m ad All for the world crow M a rc h 21 In C lev e lan d rem oved h is headgear an p roclaim ed he w as going I

N o w a t

~ [ i j teburdens


T h e lS i

tex tii J ___ b y !•

G r e a t looks, g . T he g re a t new

fro n t .Is FA tiJ hos it a ll, thi c o m fo rtab le w p o ly e s te r — KINGSRIDGE® W atcFFA TT R!

' . b e o rs dow n ■ c o r e f r e e ■ pie w o n d er. J t me w ilts . . ; fe e l im e - . . . nevi w rink les . lt b( ou tho rity no ond hum idity

. ."give-ond tok tex tu rize d p o l

___ Expor

___________ ~ ' s

SUITS Coal an


______ GBEA


' ' '

) u r n e ) 7c ' 'F o r all those T hursday n l j^ t ' s fighters, there a rc five ;a t c a ts i c .cooling It. Burlc}’ is being

chased .in A-I. Buhl in A-2.’■ Glenns F e rrj ' in A-3. and ':t Cbkley and Carcy in the two A- > t '; 4 loum am cm s.^ . Those five w l|l lake on the * T h u rsd ay n igh t s u r v iv o ; s . n Friday and all they have to do t> Is w in lo f|,nally conclude the ,:t a re a portion of the lonK w in ter

sport.' . . • #« . ' F o r some, T hursday n igh t :fl offers a " ^ n d c h a n c e / ' T he \

■ ond lhe Wood Rlvpr J e ro m e “ ie ‘ gam e will clinch a l le as t a 11 chance to shoot for a s la te

tournam ent berth. i IC 'T h a t will comc M arch 4 a l Id • Mountainn ilom e when th e A-2 In and A-3 nlnners-up will ploy 4 the lhird-plac9 team s from the in Boise a rea for the e lghlh ^ t

In the slolc playolfs.'T he A-2s

I suspended— Jocoby so ld H ughes .w as ill • suspended for rem a rk s he -, y , _ h ia d e lollow ing th e K cnl

m- Feb; 15 and Kent Slatc-Mla'ml u t- g am eF cb .l9 . nn Hughes on . both occasions <j- bera ted the ollicia ls and also -

condemned them In post gam e ,^ Inlervlew s w llh lh e new s

cd media. Jacoby sold,

oiMiCted■he M arshal S ir Brian B um cll. of chairm an of th e All E ngland

wn . O u b a t Wimbledon ond bciiy? .'OS prom ised a bigger perccn lage

n’s in 1976, Mrs, King sa id: "I. am v e o ' satisfied wilh lhe outcom e

lief of the meeting.

Ik<-.sell Ics*1) ow ner-reprcsentatj^c Angeloirs Drossos. reccivedl 539.000 loe d tc rm inalch lscon lrac l,on _N issolkc was h ired F eb . II,

1974 lo rcplacc Bucky Ruck-"<e, w alltcr as head coach of lhcin> Ulah Slars,

' w an ls b lood? I) petition the ' W orld Uoxlng ghl— ^AssDctatlomind-Wortd B oxing-

' Council to m ake Ihis m a tch a red "fin ish" flghl.Jay "T hey reaiiy knew how lo m d box In the old days." sa id the ;an • tow ering &;5 Wcpncr. “ T he Iwll ick w-ould ring lo s ta r t th e light, im- and It wouldn’t end un lll one iwn m an w as out on the canvas. If (Id, Ali's willing to flghl th is way. ind -I’ll be only too happy lo

lo - oblige."


len your isiiTess ; . . . heplen yoiir*^ Ida! pleasures!

FAHTASTIC®Suit o f 100% u rized p o ly e s te r KINGSRIDGE®

g re o t feeling , g re a t ac tio n ! IWS from th e Spring fa sh io n [JASTIC.- This is o su it th a t han k s to its cool, co lorfu l, w eaving of )0 U 7 o te x tu riz e d

ond th e sk illed h a n d of ® . •^ f l C 'h o i d u p w h e n t h e f ie o l

— i t 's a s u it c r e a t e d fo r l e a s u r e . A t e c h n o l o g i c a l lo v e s a n d . m o v e s a n d n e v e t e l s f r e e o n d f le x ib le o il th e v e r -sag s, n e v e r b a g s , n e v e i 3 0 u n c e s b o c k w i th v ig o r a n c

m ia tle r h o w h ig h t h e h e o i / — a ll t h o n k s to a s k il lfu ik e" W w e n fo b r ic o f lOOVo > lyeste r.

>rt Free^AlteralionsREGUlARS’

SHORTS. LONGS_________

od T r a i s e r ................... ..... J140.0IS . . ......................... . . . $ 9 5 . ( 1




in aw lIlp la y a t7 p .m .w tth lh e ^ -3 9 1playing the n i^ tc a p ,ln IJial jsession. • • <

T his ts the (ii^U lm e In many ty e a rs th a t Twin Fa lls and \Mlnico have played the fiistt <loser out contest. And Coach \Ron W alson Isn 't particularly i

. liking il." I l s lough to p lay Minico «

anylim e but a fte r beating them ith ree tim es a lready , you start iw o n d e rin g ab p u t p erccn - ] toR cs." Coach W otson says. — |

’ ^ M o n d ay that’ he."for one, was tired of losing d o se •gomes a n d suggesled using the head _ a s m u c h 'a s " t h e " f c c t ^ iR h r p rove of som e oiaislance In the fu lurc. ■ ' ■' r

T he ability of senior lo^-nrd -


^ N o r th w e s te .

' in e e t opeiiiT W iri.. FAI.I..S - Id ah o .

Athlelic Club of the Deal » (lACD) will hosl the 22nd ^ annual R cglonat Northwesi R Athlelic Association of lhc

D eaf baskelball toumnmcnl

” Ronald Jones, presideni ot ® lA C D a n d 'c h a i r m a n of

NWAAD com m ittcc. announ- ' ced th a t the headqiiartcrs'of^ f<IWAAD would l» lhc Blue U k c s Inn. D elegates and of- ficials of the NWAAD wiii have

® a business m eeting a l thq piuc ■ U k c s Inn F rid ay mnming.

' v T he NWAAD haskelijaii tou rnam en t will be held at Roljcrt S luart Junior High

^ id a x j l lp r n o o i i . The s e ^ n d session and final session o f

lg ba sk e tb a ll g a m es will bol g - played all d ay -S alu rday ....-------a ' Tho nine lcam.s of the

N W<\AD t c r r r i l o r v w ill lo com pete. T lie nine leam s arc. h e Golden Spike A thlctlc Club of cli th e D eaf J.G SA C D ). U lah ht. Alhlcllc Cluli- ol lhc Deaf inc (UACD) Iwlh from L lah ;

If O akland lE BC D i and San jy . ■ Francisco . Iwth Calirornla; lo Portland an<rSaicm . Oregon;

S eattle and G reater Seattle.


■ r

■ - —

Lo n . .

4 —e 3 7 ^......J .

3 0 ! ' '* ' i ‘~ f Tfo r ' ~l / * j vc o l• /e r : I* /th e - / /v e r J H ’• I Iin d j H - j i ; Jeo t I f l T / A L ’ ^I f u l . -

. % 'fmyl ■ -

' w

M«*BUHL v R U P E ^

. • V./'” ,• ‘ ' •

i c t i o p f la T im C rlst'jio go h a rd fo r anu • 'It period of U m e .s till rem ains .

questionable. T he youngster Is ;y hav ing tro u b le ^ I th a d u w ilcd Knee in ju ry lx it la s t week cam eIt on to p la y -w e ll pa rticu larlyh w ith tim ely outside shoolingiy ag a in s t Burley.

. . U nder th e A-l s ite ^ o ^ n a t,» w hichever le a m w ins 'Hiur-.<n sd a y n igh t will host Burleyrt F r id a y . T h a t brings up anothern- p a r t of th e fo rm at. If i f s Twin

— P a lls and th e Bruins shouldIs w in

If l l 's M l r i l c o S i d lh e 'S ^ a n s : ' es w in F rid ay night. Mlnico will Id _ h a w .. l o go lo Burley Saturday h r becaiiM ' th e Bobcats' would •He n o l yc l have had the home

. c o u r t a d 'v a n R i 'g c a g o ln s t rd - Mlnico.

s t d e a f c a g e ; i i s F r i d a yiho . bo thW ash .,andIA C D . cal The final session of charn-•“d pionship will s la r t a l-4 p.m .esl T h e reg ional cham pionshiplhc te a m w i l l . r e p r e s e n t th e *cnl NWAAD nnd com pete In the

ot Y ale U niversily g>mnasium inof New Haven. Conn. • •

•un- C hairm an Jo n e s will em cee•'of, bancjuct a n d ' p re se n t th eiue aw a rd s lo the championshipof- team s, sportsm ansh ip- and

avc m ost v a luab le p layer. TheHue ban(iucl will be held a t the

Bluo U k c s Inn Salurday night.ja il

a t .Ilgh -________________: -------

K B A R B SI O , B y P H IL P A S T O R E T

. When Ihcy begin to have sales-----------on th e close-out ba rga in price i.-th e Just about had ll, .

, W hat w ould ' they do w llh lb of . tbo ie a c re s ol parking lots IfJ la h they d id n 't have u o to ira u to s loDeaf fill 'em ? ta h ;San Looking up to one 's fa lhe r

'n ia ; isn 't e asy ; the kids today a regon; m uch U llc r than those of a itt le . generation o r two ago.

, 5 ; . '

H It's Irom ROPERS lf$ r ig h t,

J ^ tf

H u i l e r

J r . F r a e t l y l i

^ H T o d y H o i l

l l J B ^

L im lte

ip -


wllh \ts If \JStO

Iher - Sa re




F d c t o r y A u t


v i MH O R N I T

V, Regular $99.98

' S S L G L A S fRegulor $150 .

s ^ i o ( i r


im Fill

O T St j n q R ________________

le d s iz e s ^


H IB B B '

i n


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V .. _ / '" " . s

j t h o r i z e d

r S K lm

w id * M uff $R * g u lo /$ 1 5 0 ...r........

f f r o e t t y l d $

> C o m p e t i t i o n $Regular$ 1 7 5 ......................

S K I B O O T SN ord ica

K a s tin g er , ^M unorl ^

tnnsfarook - F ^

2 0 % OFF

'_______ Main o t 3rd




H I - F L O A T A T I O N

" T R U - T R A C "

-/ 1200-15• n o o a s1000-15

E S T O r I ^


Thursday. Fobroiry 27.1979 Tirae

" . w ■ ’T iraofrN cw s.T w lnFails.i^ho 17^ .

i l l5 0 * ^ 1

T 5 " * I

IM M ” ■

3rd St. Eost





, ■ N o Cl

0 ] y mCHICAGO (UPI) ' Ho

R ousseau, president of O raaniilnB Commilicc of 1976 Olympics, said W ^Ksday UiflJ despite rcporls

•— Ih e co n tra ry , lhc. e n t

tim e i

K o b in so i

g e t d o w r; TTJCSON. Arlz. (U PI) F r a n k Robinson, bascbi '< lrsl black m anager, will l ic la l ly launch h is c arec r a : f ield boss of the O cvcl .Ind ians , w orrying only ol 5Tiedla Inlcrferencc wllh

--------------- !g r e ^ ra H o ri 1)1 tils i;<iuar^ r ln g .i fA o n lhan 30‘ sportscas a n d spo rtsw rite rs attendc specia l p ress day Wedrws

, . T h e Indians will open d T hu rsday wllh 19 pitchers tlv e ca lc h e rs ln c am p .

••We dcclded to hold,a p d a y In o rder to rcI mosl oi tv and radio Inlervlews oi th e w ay ." said flohinson, ••FVom now on I expcci Interference Iwtween the w l in e s ; '

Robinson Rii^TtFpUnr ) e x p re s s e d .c o n c e rn ..a t

’ em phasis bcln^ pul on r a th e r than his Icam.

P a r t of the rookie manan tr a in in g p ro g ra m will

R u s s i a n s e x p e c t t o b e t o i i < ; l i

N E W Y ORK lU P l )________the abscnco of sevw orld c lass a th l^ c s . IroT O vaneysan . coach of tho S< Union Natlo^lal track tcai

“ optim istic ^ f h is tm n c h a n c c s In nex t Moi n ig h f s fourth USSRUS/

. door trac k m eet In RIehn V a, ■

••People hear we don't (V a le ry ) Bortov so .thej

. d i s a p p o i n t e d , " : TerO vaneysan . a form er < rccord-holdcr in the I

• Jum p, a t an AAU press fcrcncc W ednesday lo t h e R u s s ia n s , “ We bring ing a young team , v e ry good one, I promls will com petc very v.ell,"

T h e m issing pe rfo r Includc Olympic gold r sp r in te r B onov , 800 t

______ s ilv e r m edalist Yvcjjn^ijzhanov ond w w ld record J u m p e r V ic to r San<

--------------- A m ong th e -w o m e n ,-T d‘t>angelova, considered

__________ onc of the top middle disrunners , did not accon

■ th c tc a m o n th e tr lp . ^

^ , B a l t i m o r e w o n ’ t e a s t p l a y r u l e

l U M l A M l . F la . lU P: i R a ltlm ore general m j• F ra n k Cashen h as re• i i t o rn o y J e r r y Kaps Z w g g cs t io n tha t the (• d lo w several of the ir he • t o lakc p a rt in the c lub 's v tn ln fn g d rills underway • “ I c a n 't do that,';. ( ^ d , “ because next yc

__________ ^ nvc a whole squad In uw ithout s ig n e d . contra u n ' t afford to bend lhat C K apstein. ,whd rcp rcs

- - ■ Q rlo le p layers, Includin w ho ha v en 't ag reed to m e t w ith Cashen for thi a lia l l hou rs W rincM a m o st of th e convci c e n te re d a round pllchci G rim sley andW ayncG i

••I'd say we m ade p ro g re ss ." sa id Cashci th e s iluallon really changed. He reprcsc m a n y of ou r pitchers, h a lm o st be In the posl m an ipu la ting the slafi ho ldouts a re prolonged,

K apstein Is negotlai behalf o f five Oriole p a ll of w hom could

—: — ’T r-p to m R ic n tb ^ n -m a n a g , / W eaver’s processed pl ' a d d itio n to G rlm sle

G arland , tb c o the r th D o y J e A l e x a n d e r R eynolds and Mike Ton

W eaver s till ha? o p la y e rs from la s l yeai o n lia n d for th e early w for the p itchcrs and cj •n w res t o f the squad 1: rep o r t F r id a y and thi s ti ll sl* Inflclders ai O eldcrs w ho a re p l^ ld o u U .. V, *

I • i e ' tim cs-N ow s.fw rnFalla

u t b a c k 8

i p i c a g e i

loger siles,lhe R o u ssea u s a id h e wn:

f the ••flabbergasted" w hen h e reacWed- a repo rt in a M onlreal F rcnchi s lo l a n g u a g e n c w s p a p e in tir e (M ontreal G aic llc ) which snl(im e r lh e In te rn a tio n a l 01ympi<itrrjil w n s t^r^v>slni” an3 contingency p la as id ni>i(

111 . r e a d y t o

n t o w o r k

I) - running. Including for liimscli^ball's Robinson will lie a playerill of- m a n ag e r lh ls ,ye;ir. the firsa s the since Honk Hauer in l% i/eland th e K ansas City Alhlclics,aboul Thc'condilloning of llie lr h t^ic d ians will reflect Iht- ititlueiic

m anager Hob!>y. Winkles, wli a sters w as Robinson's last maniigi'ded a I jcforehejolnedlholm lians.ijsday, •■Winkles had e .\'e ry _ ^ idrills running all lhe tim e. fr<n

rs nnd ' position lo positimi ami fnii one field lo another.”

pa-ss said, "No one will l)e walkino f th e h c ro ,lth ln k th is lsan e x ce llo iout of p n ig ram fo rgeltlng in tn slia ixm. 39, I will d o il. too. B dlnol ^ H i•cl no lim e,” i■ while In addition lo Ihe w ire sc:

• vict>s. n:ilionai mag:izit>«r

abo u l pho tographers. - then* wetI him hundreds of c ity officials an

tickcl liuycrs'from the c ily ( ag c r 's T ucson lo m eet, (jueslion arII be .d rin k cocktails with Robinson

The Indians' four coaches Tom McCraw. who is aisi) player; Dave C arcla . Je T orborg nnd pitching coac H arvey M add lx -w erc al: present,

■ iN O W F/

b r i n g y o u

■ X ' ON 10 0 % CSA ta B I G Blim ond.

- F A '. J l

broad N avy Blu<ss con- P fo -sh ry n k , w t> g rw l

. NOW 0 ^O r . o l l o

a rm e rsm edal , .

)-m clcr — \ lily Ar- ). ■ 1 •

----------------I ^ I ^ ' f i l S in c y e v , \Fam ara C - '1 to be /listancc_______________ompany -


P l l - nanagcr



uniform r a d s , . I “

Ing eight-----------te rm s.

'e rsa tio nlers

le slight



]ff it Ihc


figure }ger E arl ■ " plans. In

a rc

workouts . - catchers . •I Is dud to • • I U R L E Y * R '

1^ i ^ y o a r ^

potential B

Ila. Idaho Trtrsday. Februory 2/. 1975

s e e n i i i

; n d ac e r ta in a th le lic cvcnls ai

w ns sca ttered sites In the tlnllcc read S ta te s and E um pe In lh» nch- m anner of a "floating c ra j p e r gam e,"sa id " I heard tha l report when I ip ic r e t u r n e d f ro m th e in ;lnL> te rn n H o n n l - c o m i n l tU e ’! noio ineciltljJ lii l-iuauimv, ll v'u:

very su rprising _l>ecause j G azelle repo rte r w as Ihcrc, c an assu re you nothing of tha so rt w as ever mentioned a l lh( m eeting I w as flahlxa-gaslcd.' h esa id .

R o u s s e a u , a M o n trc a resident, com m ented a t new

. ,.1, confcrcncc hosted by ..Mont .ycf^ goincry W ard & Co.. vvblcl f irst announci'd il h as l>ecn g ran le

' exclusive riglils lor the sa le c IU7C O lympics lickets In th

. ]„. t 'n itfd S la le s ,P h lllp 0 , K rum m , U.

, Olympic C om m llfe presiden sa id WarcLs ,w iir hanOic lli

. , ' r - A m crican allolm cnl of alw i . _ 170.000 tickels a l ils 2.X

^ , y ' donjcstic relail outlets, .R o u ssea u s a id th e re i

(r,„„ . ’"abso lu tely no doubt alwul Ihc Sum m er G am es going c

Ikirm a s scheduled In Ju ly . 197 bccausc all luiildings and oth< fac ililies w i l l . Iw com plcli

aJiH, in l i m c a n d I jo l i s i n ^ a rran g e m e n ts wllUxj ample.-

T he ‘ 'convcrtlliie indoo

h e sa id , a lre a 'd y has i ’ •"’“ footings In placc and will I

asscm l)cd on lls sile from pr ' fab rlca tt'd sections,

lie s - "TJUs will easily Iw flnishi Ij;,! by M ay 15. T here is Jusi t

Je ff ciucstlon aboul'lt. Sod,-which ■oach Rro'*'“ elsew here, will I

-ilso p liinlcd a l lhe tim e," Uoussc.i sa id .




V R A Hl E A N Si lu o -O ra n g o S titch ing . w a s h a b le 26 to 36 w a is ts .

ONLY ^ 1 0 ® ®f l o r C u y » o n d C o l l .


• R U l - t H T . 'W J H l .T W I N f A l l S

r « « W 9 g » < » * | t I

S ' * • .


in- ' i t e e ’s

use a v •icrc , I J ’of th a t 1 a l Ihc





on | | H & .'. W G. ^ w B r ■'id o the r . \ t m M 0 <nplcledl i s i n g

_______ i l o w n h ilas its Twill be

om prc- ■ ■

finishednn ^ H ' H |

’r.1, will be ^ 1 .

‘ V

IB. B l l


& L C H E C K E R JV U f n n E R S

tw i l l H«-I.l AWM.vt. t " V F>» Th. r.4;». All' \ - H .. C» l-

,Y F«c« VktiCWckM Fil't'i Al. I

I ) I S ’ l ’ ’ 'O f m riLTlH ■

I 1

I CHECK PO INT I TU NE-UP TEAHI ltltlMl.-i».■ t<chO««IIP*,i-ii T..'t>.I ’ /■ ■' VtCMBTMl Pop t. im ,m - r.m>. !•«>.. h .«k. a m

I 3 9 ? KII ' ' ' j j ? '


j j l H Z- >

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' 3



I ba ll through U . th e Detrolt-MI

/ . n igw . 7 7 « Pll m i l ___________ lU P l telephoto

^A R T I-R U S T ___________________ J

BU All. A W.f.r Pop t..b<,COM. U Ot.I^ fA S T nUSH

' I J A Cl Ml**. U 01.

Q S l Il E T I M P O W i l l .

. H Th.6.ri...'w>.,l. Th.0i ;,;m I P,«(U>.> 0.M Th. Cw,

S j S l ||«,II e*<»4 AiNsCho-t.

C*'til,ea'.. m= ^ i l S.«. P..I F . L.l.

I »W.ICJ».C.-. H»-lr,St«U J l l

# “ 2 9 - ^ 9 sg M m M tic n « « c t D«.

. T U N E - U P K I T iA k,>ikIm^>,}.i04pi.(>. {'af l K

F.^l.iC «.9..C^L^.<.rr \|«

■ 7 i c r u i 0 ( P i


l j ^ r ^ * ^ * " ^ i i u a T O ( i i u T 5;;

^ W B i a i l T l . l f ’T B n S *

> ‘ " " ■ “ 8 5 8I a b s o r b e r s 2

t l u OffH P t e v . ’ : r f ‘ar?h ..

U U Y »«..U A T J.. 1E S . 4 J P U I


- j s s r - !

1 1 4 0 ADEL I'lil—

1 K arrem A M uW abbar pushed lhc I th e hoop du ring first-half actton of M ilw aukee NBA gam e W ednesday P istons sm ashed th e B ucks lM-84. ttto)__________________________________

J ^ M B U I E T O IC I E A K R

■ i i iwI J l l l K & a . ^ 0 6

R A l l T 'C I, / J H iL P tu v ie u t

1 .19■ n R l f f f T T n 0 0 » $h«i.. r .ir .c ..

FIlX IB ll

s sF ' r S i . 7 ? r S S S

I R U S H • L u c ' c ^

m t . .1 m i. . f a a AIIC.A/.JT'.i

S T A R T E R to n ,,C h,,..., -A ^^15” !;

1 3 ^ * S 5 a

I j H I

Q U A I I T T B U IL T l l f f iw A H R r u M P s ■ I n m

f s v , . r i " I lil lW C - S C h II., w q m j l H H Cl

j , ll

3 0 , 0 0 0 M I U c . . . .- , HEAVY I ■ R A K E SH O ES K :,.,, CAR RAI

i i f c 4 g ? M


I Neweoin I # 2 5 0 , 0 0I N E W Y O R K tU P l l-W h o 's

N o. I ln w orld tennis?W e'll find oul April 26 w hen

J o h n Ncwcombe and Jim m yy Connors f a ro cach other acrossI I th e n e t a t C a esars palace'. L as■ V egas, w ith CSO,DOO riding out I th e ou tcom c o f ~ th e best- I — ihrecK tf-flve , chA»cnge

1 ........- C onnors, Ihe 22-year-old,, " le fthander from Bcllcvinc. 111.,I , w a s voled N o. I la s t y ear by the■ , w o r l d ' s w r i t e r s , b u t

ir t m a jo r lltle when he .defeatedI Connors In four « l s on NewL Y e a r 's D ay in th e Australian| u final, disputes the claim .B j CBS television and C a esanI P a lace , th e firm which gaveB you Connors-Laver on F eb . 2,F • c a m c up w ith the money forthe

la tc s l challenge m atch w hlcl H could net the p layers a n ad

______ditlonal 51 million a fte r al

f :; Newcombci’s law yers a rc ciro u te from A aslra lla lo discus:

F how fhe additional monc; !#'■ , should be splil. bu t Ihc winne f g e ts th c q u ar tc r million, k N cw com be, In A ustral!: I p rep a rin g for th is weekend' W D ovls Cup tic againsl N o

- Zealand, a p pea red via close s c ircu it Icicvision a l a CB if , stud io w here the m alch wu y announced. He sm iled whe I • Connors kidded him aboi '________ be ing la te a n d alw ut hi

M a T H l S

■ M iH ja w r t i u n w K i 4

i» Ih. ' •” a,ick« s>«», R.4.K.4 ^

£ , . 9 9 « ^ L J

f V B H v F v t f l K r *

£»r,V i ^ r iZ \

ITOR HOSE I l r . 7i.,Fi..iki* ^ k m I I C .

f e j l W j & j

'" ^ 5 4 1 “ ; ; ; m a - p A i

4 9 «■ H c r a

B B B H f l i B A A B u,

°J D v ^ ^ H d ' V I *-■ h K H B p t ^ ^ B t 4 L B S e B b ^ ^ ^ B f 4 f

I D U I W J l j i -

SC R E W D R IV E Ri s e t

. Mch«<tjc> OMli'r,• J Pi.c. Stt«.*W

K ' , v £ ; , 'S 1 ’k. ■ o t o r c t c u

I 0 9 9 s x S K a i .lf.1J.II HT

V a I I p " 2 % , ■ O T M C T C i l « m i i o » 0 VE ri

N pw STORE M on .-S o t. 9:01 Sun. 10:00 AJV

Gonnorsrs to meiet tnbe for » 0 0 prize■ho's m ustache, then explained wt

he docs no l think J im m y Is U vhen w orid 's p rem ier p layer despl nm y his v lc torics 'ln the A ustralia i ro s s /W im b le d o n and U.S. chai L as p lonsh lp slas ty ea r.

3 ou t •‘I 've been a t the top 10 yea best- now,” sa id Ncwcombe. “ I' cngc won e ight m a jo r titles . Jli

r-o ld to m e about him f t to ye i. 111.. t im e ." .y th e R em inded about Coniiob u t rccord In 1974. Newcom

Ighth countered by say ing h e wasBated against J im m y , " a n d I b<New him In the first m a jo r final

■allah ’75."A sked to com m ent on C

e sa rs n o r s ' o u tb u r s t s of tcgave pe ram cn t on court.,Newcon

cb. 2. sa id . " I 'cn jo y ploying Jim ror the 1 would no t presum e to Icll 1A’hlch how to conduct h is public 1n ad- p rivate life ."^r a ll Both m en a g reed tha t ili" "vice would he lhe key tOjirc cn .m atch -N c w co m b c ’s big fiscuss ball and Connors' supnoncy re lu m of scrvlce.k'inner ••! rem em ber .th e Foi

H il ls q u a r t e r s In '7t r a l la Ncwcombe v^vnl on to winKcnd's li t lc -w h e n John served

New very, very well. 1 seemc<closcd have chalk In m y eyes all1 CBS lem oon a s he kept hittingh w as line. I 'll h ave to get m y rei

when_ v-xjrjcing,"

j r 17 WOOS 0 ^ NAY f i l l Im jal' It ni8 ineCi.n5ititdAdi Chcchrowl

—O M i A v . a u a a n 1

) R irL T E R ^ l O i

s WClK.J.k.- —

k 2 9 l g g i E : : . . 1

^ £ • ,, DELUXE 4 A M P " R A H E R T CH A RI

t e . “T i . j ‘ ‘ ‘ • J ' ^ i i . i 2 9 K l ^ i . 1 53*. IW*. I . m m

m mUt>tM ,

t s r r : " '

f £■ *7 Pl., C*< W. J

k Ii m

' ‘’ s i r H i

S - * " 1*™ H C , 1 ,» * F = V » ■ " *

f t,. 1 9 9 I I a a

U i ^ ^ l t O l B P A T C i K

: r 7 9 9 | ! K l " r 3

ORE HOURS: l i9 :00-7:00 PJA. m sA.M.-5:00 PJA. S S j

C a r e y

in A - 4GOODING - C arey out-

scored C am as Count)t-2&-2 In . th e closing (our m inutes of the Ihlrd q u a rte r but s till needed two fiM throv.'S by Peterson w ith 11 seconds left to win the fourth d ls trip t A-4 sem i-finals. GO-59 W ednesday night.

E a r n e r ; R ic h f lo ld '- J u s t stayed a h e a d of D ie trich

: t h r ^ th e second ha lf to post

B l^ D c ^ ls to th e s lw in c s , .Richfield now m eets Cam as

Counly a t S p.m . T hu rsday a t th e G ooding H igh Schoot gym nasium w ith thc loser bowing ou t and tb e w inner facing th e task of beating

. Carey F r id a y and Saturday n l ^ t l o w in th e tille.

Corey, holding a huge height advantage, appeared lo have broken th e back of the Cam as Counly te am \n the la te th ird

- quarter. T he P an the rs then elecled to go w ith a four-com er delayoffense from th c o u tse lo f

D O -IT -.

I' ' ;

j ■ "

t - - ' ’

' l , 1 - .

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. . . . . . . . . . I

I - IE Ii' ‘ 1

I Ij I ]

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• 1 ■ ' ’ - | l

^ I

■ '

■ • ' I


n ip s M u

m e e t ; 1T hey couldn 't keep th e ball I

■ aw ay from the aggressive and t - qu icker M ushers and a lthough C arey never fell behind. It w as ..F u nder pressure . In the closing i m inute. ‘ , «

P ivo tal for Cam as County 's . u p se l hopes was the e a r ly cold < s h o o tin g la p se by se n io r (

t dynafno Ben Slroud and ' then S troud 's folding oul w llh 3:56 { IffL In tb f- ^ g : g l l e L ^ r i n p - s ix s tra ig h t M ushcrpolnls. 1

1 I t w as a one to thrce-polhl I I ba ll gam e throiTghout th e first ( I h a lf w l)h C am as Q ounly 1 : m ak ing th e first move In thc 1 r • th ird q u a rte r . A free th row by, ( ? L a n y Lec and Novis' follow 1 f (leld goal o l a second m issed

foul toss, sen l the M ushers t a h e a d .3 5 ^ . Slroud th m hll s fo u r p o ln ls to c re s t the s M ushers a t 39-33.1 Im m ediately a fte r J e n 7 M e 1 h ll th ree buckets and bro ther r D ave one a s Carey rec laim ed if ^ M d ^ 4 1 ^ . ^ ^ la ter

o r o u R S i


s t a r t PI V N ow l

( O r ‘’

. j a n c

^ / y o u ' l !7 ^ ~ ; / ! o w n ' h i

I -------- h o p p la r.-

I / — I I GIB V L $ 5.00^

■ ^ -------------^ $ 1 0 . 0 0 \

C aso .

W * h a v i

\ \ V

i V i H - ' ’

W e A l w

Have th e I Sft ■, Buys on W

■ ■ Heo

V‘OI)R1 0 Y ea i

Q uick

» ^•V

u s h e r s t

R ic h f ie lfour-m inutcs re s t due to four I fouls a n d C arey continued.

J e r r y Ivie h it four m ore 1 points a n d p a rto n , 'P e te rso n I and B a m e rang In-w lth two I each .'

“n i a t c a rricd C arey from a i dcflcit o f 3»-33 Into a 53-41 i a dvan tage . I

S tro u d and Lee q u ic k ly ' | sliced th a t 1055-61 w ilh 3:56 left 1 - a n d StroU dJcaylnalPLBopd' <Im ln e d la td y , J« rry ” lvle lilt------th ree fre e throw s to ra ise j C arey’s advan tage to 58-Sl. But i N ovls, L a rry Ivle and L ee then i h it b u c k e ts lo pull llie M ushers 1 ib w ith in 56-57 w llh 23 second.^ lefl.

P e te rs o n Iced 11 w ith h is two | f ree th row s w h ld i le t l L arry Iv le 's c losing M usher basket of i I llllc consequence.-

T h e firs t gam e w as played a t . sn a il 's pacc by com parison to

the la tte r . Richfield proved p a tien t and a w inner when lhe T ig e rs h ll thc cIose-Tn shols nnd p rp tlv wcU dom lnatcd .thc ^

E t F . . .

[ m \

Plann ing V - V fo r T hat - irlnkler System rhis Spring.V « h a v e T a k « * H o m «

n s f a l l a t i o n I n f o r m o t i o n

i n d a l l t h o e q u l p m o n t .

j ' l j n o e d t o m o k o y o o r

h ¥ f l t t h ! f f r o n d - y o o i r r p — r -

r . .

3 h ilbu lb5 is c ^. m % o «

0 w o r t ] ^ ------- 1 0 % O f f

: . . . : . - T 7 r - 3 5 % O f f

a v e t h e l a r g e s t /

o f B u l b * I n ' /

c V o l l e y . . . /

» In a n d / f

' IIways I9 Best , IW o te r - I» a te rs I

RBEST"o r W a r ra n ty

r G a l l o n ^ - ^

; k R e c o v e r y

t o s t a y 1

j d o i i s t st backboards.

Still D ietrich, w llh flying. <e L arry A nderson m ak ing som e Ih b ig p lays and som e b a d b ^ , |0 ' lo o .k e p tth e p re s su re o n . ' I

R ich flcid s ta r te d pu lling i a a w a y w hen the sccond ha lf i II o p c t ^ and du ring th c th ird i

p e riod ran up seven and eight- i y ' po in t leads bu t eac h tim e saw ft D lc trlch c u t back lo w ithin1 th ree .

" K" .iis a !!!3!n FbiA ; : « fiMl <030^ c i ' M. ..

Is TSSr_._ a i l # - ; * * *

™ . m 5 o 5O ' M M ia , DMUiO

.. iiis £ i i i rto Jon.1 >« ' « «»J ;

t o K ST nV w ii tSu£*“ iii“ o

Jls cMtttn ' 1? S 2 ih e ^

W» H


a rll


> Y A R D L I T E A

- j r iUNT ^m /

> f f / ^ ii n o r ;

^ O P I

u n b e a t i

s D fevil^M aestas and Mike Robinson

i. opened the fourth period with ‘ Rlchtreld polnls and a seven-

po in t deficit and held a t about ' th a t m ark over the nex t th ree

5 m inutes. Then Ron Sorenson f rce led .o ff five stra ig h t polnls 1 (o r th e Devils to pull D lctrich - tow ithiatw oot4& 44./ _______________________________




I I ' A U C T I O N i n t i L Y IE M / i ; CA RY OSB

C L U K i C A I HARPER 543



' H iti Comer p i p . . . . . 3 ? p ir d .T * P . i . r 4 5

’ Hiril Copjei p i p « . . . d I p r i i .

• m i r n s ................ 1 0 '

' D t m s ...................................... 2511 l h « F i t t l n g i Y o u 'l l N » d • H o v e l- ............... ...... ...........

u s W a t t S l 1 2 0 V o l u

f c

% /j

' ' ' C ^ i i

I v<


■ri ■ ,

. hi;

s . . . =B u t R I c M J ^ 's F lave l hit a J

( rc c th row Uie iiext tim e doum . to c o u rt a n d M a e ^ a s followed - w ith a sh o r t ju m p e r lo Increase. ^ th e . lead t o six points. From ^ th e n cn D ietrich cou ldn 't get b a c k Intocontenllon.WHElTYOLrLOSrSOMETKINC V PAYS TO AOVERTISE!

TY AUCTION I C H 2 0F THE A U C T IO N JE R - f^ S IG N M E N T S F O R R IO R T pM A kC H 10 .

MASTERS S43-S227 SBORNE934-S350 43-6673 e r 543-5854


e L ife tim e e lem en t J • E fficient finned tl

by convection• f^qll »q.f» hlgh te —" o f t h e h e o te r —• D u ro b le , ru s t fre• Q u ick , e o iy Initi

^ e Econom ical to p«

H 2 ' . . . . . 500 w ot

J 3 ' . . . ' . . 750 WOl

4 ' ........... IOOO w ot

4 ' ............ 1500 w ot

^ 5 ' ........... 1250 w ot


U R D A Y U N T I L 4 t 3

Thursday. February 27,1975 Timt

. B l a z ^ e d f j

INGLEWOOD. q a I ir « U P I > — pc— L loyd N eal i c a r e e r Ai

. h lghZ 7po ln tsW edncsday n lgh t' gfa s th e Po rtland T ra il B lazers co e nded a five-year losing s tr e a k .h e re by han d in g the I-os caA ngeles L ak e rs a 117-116 le

■ double overtim e de’lcat In anNBA gam e. v W

N ea l, lllling In (o r the In jured c i-BUI Wallon. h it eight « f h is jup o ln ls In th c second e x tra Ui

tm J ^ R k Mo{


imiMFUlSMIORyWmi oH Mu* lahM tM . No. onto folti Avenu* th«n turn en rronllor Road. ; . J


DOORS O PE N 1 0 :0 0 A .M .T 1 0 :0 0 A JA . TO 5:0C

A0MlSSlDII-4B‘ il ii2 ‘ SUIsSalChildron Undor 12 FrM whon


" “ ‘""'T^MKlJSborr_ . P h o n o 7 3 3 -7 r ________ T w in Fall

i O p e n W e e k■ 8 :3 0 - ., 5:2

S a tu rd o ]8 : 3 0 - 4 : :

A lio S to ra i In I o n d N a m p i

ILL BASEBOARD HIle n t g u o ro n to eid t u b e e le m e n t c irc u la tes haI ,II t e m p e r a tu r e cu t-ou t run» tl — l a f e r

f ro fl-h a m m e re d c o r n e l finli n ita llo tlo no p u rc h o te , ec o n o m ic o l to u t

w o tt * 1 1 ” ........... 1500 w,

w o tt M2“ &’ . . . . 2 0 0 0 Wl

w a « M 4 “ 8 ' . . . . 2 0 0 0 w,

w o n V 8 ' . . . ^ 2 5 0 0 w .

w a t t M 7 “ 1 0 ' . . . . 2 5 0 0 wc

................ 3 0 0 0 w o h W *

(VInlen SP 23351 U5fW.HI

SDPEII $10 im toE T : l l a

SUGHTFimiilN o t.a C h eap O n e b y A ny M

^ 9 S

l t 3 d

Timoa-Nowi. Twin Fills, Idaho 10-

H i l i e L a k e r s v .~ pe riod .- 'n ieiB lazers b e a t bo tf—

. A ^ e s for th e (Iritt l i im In 13L g&mes on th e .L a k m ' h b m e .^ court. ■ '

Sidney w ic k s also en joyed a ' c a re e r-h ig h by grabb ing 2 f t

rebounds. H e scored 21 po lnU jjf ' Los Angieles Roolcle Brian W inters sco red 26 poinU, a lso a c j im .h l < i . and Wt o 32-lool lu m p d io t a t lh e b im c r t o cmi U » n ts lo v e r ttm « period. ■ ;;

Magic Vollay G am C lub V'


..............................SI------------------^ ^

Special Exhibits M .ColiKlii»s oamsplii!'PktUtnfbr 1 ll IB u . Sn<q : ]

M . TO 9:00 P.M . SATURDAY ' 1 5 .0 0 P.M . SUNDAY

ibSalBSla......... TDTM.» 'whon ecconponiod by p«r«nti . ■.}

I E O S O R A N , D E P O T C R I l l j

lorly Rd. • J3-7304Follt _______ :

w kD ayi 5:30 ^


I I n B o l i e f t . 'i m p a . i m i -


™ l l l ^s h e a t e d o t r . I

n » t h e l e n g t h 8 8 o c B I

f i n i i h - ^ 1 1

0 u t e ^ ^ 1 1

o w = H » r 1 1 1o w . ^ » 2 1 « i l lO w a „ »24“ i l lJ w a tt *26^.w a ttW ’ f i f - ;

^ ■ 1 '

i«.ai % B |mf-UK I I I ^ly M eoni

" • f t i " ' ® * I

•*A ir5' I“- S - s t J ' i

S m


M '■

, E x f e i i t i ' . c l o u l -

N io k la iis

P re s id e n iFXJHT U liI )K R U \I.K , Kl

( U P l l ^ P r c s ld c i i l Fiinl vm U k a p ^ u s c and sym|Kilhy a rvcord ty*llcry Witliu-sdu

• . shooltuK a 2a<)ver-|)iir I w hile two of his pa iln i' dow ned and anothi-r. J:t NIckJnus. b roke the cuur

• record hy Iw'o sln ik i's m a pi am prollm lnury (o lh c I v e rra ry Clas-slc

• nami'iil,Ford, plavlnfj Wllh Nicklal

Bob Hope. Ja ck ie GlcaMtn ;I: •huslncssm an Klluii Kali avoidM skulllnn any s[)t toto rs and his (■amc liiiprov n llc r lessons fm m ^-'ickla and cour^A‘ pro Gcnc SliHil. T P rc s ld c n ls lw la S ti im th c lii nine lio lcs. Imt tiiiiinii-tl. I

------------- s«w>d«fiHM<>44T4iK'UHh*HH'pars,

Nlcklaus, meanw hile, c. ded a 32-3I-63. n iw under i and.lwo strokes bc llcr than i

. Top


VOLCO^ ■ C L E A U K E . . .



^ ^ m ~ m o 9 l u

20 TImes-Ncws-Twin Foils, Id

• BACKSWING o{■ ~ Viewed by Ja ck N id* " a p ro-am a t Q * .ln '

. Ja ck ie G leason and .......... rixiT som e.dJPltclei

sh o o ts 6 3 tc

i t F b r d b v 3 -Klil H '< n irs c n iw d h i'a n d (m iralhvrwun n‘>lfcrsslH>l here last y e a r , .y nf ."Hi' eould lv a H‘xk1 H'lHcr."(lay. sa id Nlcklaus " H e 's very

iwt s tro n n . 'm l h is p r in c ip a lniTs prt)l)letn is lus urip. Ho couldJack k - a sirfld six o r sc'vcn handicaj)UIV i lh e playi“d more,pn>’ T h e . I’residcn l." N iek laus

In- sa(d, ■•eiijdved" Ihe round ofour- H"H ••H e'lhorounhly enjoyed

lh a l. He doesn't j-cl tixi iiuichads, tln u - 10 en jo y h liu s e U ."a n d ' N lck laus s;ild.

;ilin, . - T h e o H ic lal a ltc n d a n c lijjure w as •ll.r.'O, ii record forDV.'d . • one day tin Ihc PGA tour. The,liu^ f a n s ' c h e e re t! w h e n th eTill' , P ivM dcnt's siw ls were tn ie(n>l 'a m i f-roancd whon Ihey wonlthe awry.

n . 'p - viniriiwl UpH prr.nri><lwhen h is shols w cnl w d l. and

eiif. th e crow d w as duly a p• par p rce la tlve . bul 11 c learly was n ihc P resident they w ere or

I Quality

I Sculptured SI SHAGE G r«15 .90

, s a .h o t ^ ;hagEG. SB.SO

t h G u a r d e d I

:iTCHEN;arpet ___i t O r i f A i -------------------------- -------------

$ C 7 5 ■ vDicd................ 0 ' CLEARANC

U T W I N F A U t ~I s l a 1 3 9 0 H tg h to n d A v* . E.

Idaho, Th u t a c j a y . f c b f i ; ^ ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ^

ot P residen i G erald F o r t Is ^JicklaiwwhUe the Iwo p lay ed In Inverra fy d a ss ic W ednesday,

and Bob Hope rounded oul Uw *lepholo)

;o defeat . >7 strokeslor hiind lo sih,-,

'•Ixxjk. th c re > th e IT cz ." r ." -one shouled when Ford cam e ,-ry inlo view,;)al . ."K e ep your head down. Mr, uld Presitlen l," a no ther la i i^ id ;aj) ' vised. .

F o rd acknowlct>>;cd th i lu s ^ row d by w avinn am i sm i|inc

of somelline-s w aved his vlulyed • 'In 11 sort of victory salute, lich







KITCHEN ■ CARPn ■i i o . t n . 7 0

. > . . lR u b b a r B a c k H


-------- R E O r lM S ;---------------

' W U I T \ ' HE. 3 0 3 N . O v a r l o n d

I _ S p ( 0u

M a ry la n d

f i r s t leag iK•C O L L E G E . PA R K .- M d. ( U P I ) - S c c o n d -ra n k c d M aryland dominated the Inside Rame \Vc“dncsday night lo « J «

M ISlh ranked Gcm,son 7(H» and K '.-win lls firsl Allnnllc Coasl '

- C onference rcR ular_ seaso n .

p ~ ‘ 7h ihc AT ( T ^ liUAl - ^ w eek, a n d passlbly a shoi a l the

-nalionalcham pionship,'E It- ,w as onc ol M aryland's--------- loughcsfv ic to riK ,Ihclr 2 is t ina 24 gam es and avenged the

■ TiRcrs' win a t home 8;i-R2 last m onth. ,

M a ry la n d c o ac h L e f ty D rlesd l sa id the victory gave M ary land a sure tickcl lo lhe

- — NCAA'plnyoffs nnd-p cha nce to - w in Ihe nalional champlonsliip,

"E verybody played well and ■ we j u i l Kit-ti

CIcirison. wlilch had won 10 o f j l nam es since Jnn , in, is

overall and B-4 In the ACC. tyInK ^hom with N orth . C aro lina S ta te for 's e c o n d placc. N orth Camllna is 7-4 and

I could m ake it a three way tic,

M a ry lan d 's ACC r e g u la r season rccord ended al 10-2,

Clemson coach Tates IxKkc refused lo lel ri'porlers o lhe r than those from North o r South C aro lina InJo Ihc locker room

W ashington and R a llim ore p ress alleging the school Is b e in g in v e s t i g a t e d l o r

'• b a s k e l b a l l r c c r u l l l n R ■ violations.

F reshm an guard Hrad D avis led -Maryland wllh 20 poinls

’ while Owen Hrown ad ded 18 and T oni RoV 16, hut th e ,vlc- lory cam e a fto r Ihree Clemson s t a r t e r s , W ayne " T r e e ' ’ Rollins, St;\n Rome and J o Jo

■Relhea, foilldktoul la le In the - V - g a m e :- — ' ------------ -----------

- r E■ I ^ ■ m i ^

th e I ,■ ■

I ^I

I P o w e


I> I

I c o r

I • TWIN FAL■ 733-6373■ *BU H L-TriI • J E R O M E■ 342-4389

d \M■ ‘

1 collects lie titled. T he &-9 Roy ond Drown, a t G8.rd lite ra l ly ployed ove r the irie h e ad s lak lng-cn ic io l reboundsie from CIcm spn's 7-1 Rollins andid > 9 W ayjie Crofl every Mmosl ■ 'C le m so n th rea tened l o . gom . ahead . “ —ic Rov forccd Rollinii out oU he

1C h o l d i n g t h e C l e m s o n sophom ore lo four poinls and

l's 10 rclx)und.s.In B row m ind Roy com bined for fie 12 rebounds Iwfore Roy fouled ist ou t-w ith 2;5(» lefl in-lhc gam e

w llh M ary land a head by live ly poinls,

WHAT ARE YOU WAmNO FOR? II he you've boon moaning to Mil your to — b u a tn « « now—wiin- •,p Oasalllod Ad DUI 73)4)83t.

rth .. V - f l CJ^DiEJ>i-‘<NNEi.l - f l — ^ ------------

Ilrt r ^ i ® • .0 3 iOiCimoIJMn/iic L . ^ SKI HocjnsHc'OCS

lo r r ■ '5M HQC(««Sr ^ , 6 CO Ni-*l

L l 7M Mj c Djv’J I »

ith " j SCO Movio-ThfMaiiMSpar

___ .J lOMTlfos V

>re - f l - IOW iions^e is - f l tlOO

o r ' i ^ f ln r, J“ n 1?00 Tonwlow



«)n IJo



B . F . G . ^

w e r G r i p N y l o n1 3 : 6 ^ 8 --------^

’ l y - 3 0 “ F o r d r iv e

e e l s o n a l l t r a c t o r s . I » * ^

1 0 0 ^ 0M & V“ eUT -

^ T F ^ M u l t l - R I n g

5 0 0 - 1 6 4 P l y $ 1- o r R e p l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e 3 n a l l t r a c t o r f r o n t w h e e l s

H e a v y D u t y E x p

6 5 0 - f 6 e . P l y O t h e r s i z e s ■■ ^ . c o m p a r a t i v e l y p r i c e d , J |


FALLS • 211 Addison Ave, - _ 373 m•Truck L a n e -543-4320 ' I M E■ 229 E, M ain-J89 - OF

Squires, ex] sign Wise t<

• NORFOLK (U P I) - Willie W ise, a fo rm er all-ABA for-' i w ard w ilh th e U lah S lars , has been signed by Ihc V irginia i S qu ires and isexpcc tcd lo b e in uniform for lo d a y 's gam e with th c S t.L o u isS p irits .

T h e Squires, w ho raised .lhc iro of th e ir falik by continually peddling aw ay si^ch j>n)vcn la len ls os Swen N atcr. Julius

" E rv ing . G eorge G erv ln and " C J i a r t le -S c o t l . a n n o u n cc d ^

W ednesdoy l.lyit W ise hod been „ purchased fbr Whol wos te r­

m ed a • • s u te la n U a ls im l l - - A -fl-a r ^ f l T ^ u n T five-year

, v ^ iJ r a n . W ise b a lk e d at ' H play ing for lhe S to rs Ihis y e a r •7 a flc r he cncouniered n t c a c l

hassle s a l lhc beginning of lh(^^ se aso n a n d ask tfd to b e trad e d , >>, ” * V an Cunnlgharti. c h a irm a n /

of lh e S q u ire s ’ 'b o a rd of d irec tors, acknow ledged the sad Squire h isto ry wheh he '

II m adetheonnounccm en l, u' "W henever (he ^ i r c s h d d \• " a p re s s conference In ihe pasi,


‘-'■1. - -CABL£CK.AriNEV) Cf

ThcElKlricComw^Misteroficrs'NCW^ooo *E5o5omcS»ect An

OuCty TilOtiC DtJlOQuC Ml

;p , • 0,IIMojHt'JouiMl M(Ihc Japjnesc film' I'lii;

V_____________________________ M<


— ' ■ ^ —

i W D u a l W h e e l s ’ E R 3 8 C

, W — s t r e n g t h , p io w e r , t u e l s a a t io n , f a s t e r l i e l d s p e e d s .

/ . !■

ig Nylon 7 * Frc1 1 L 1 5 T ir e

T u t j e s1 ^ # 8 1 5 - 6 w h

+ FET & E x c h . ' . f o r t h e low


[press _6 5 0 - 1 6 . f

0 0 7 U o t h e r s i z t ' c o m p a r a t

+ FET & E x ch .______________'


______________ »

X p o r t e r o f sti to r e b u i ld

e it was tb announce lh e selling • of a p layer.” h e sa id . "Well ®

s today. a re pleased to an- s a nounce the signing of Willie ^ n Wise."h "This m arks th e end of Ihc '

exodus oF su p e rs ta rs from *■ c V irginia and h o |» fu liy a y rev e rse Irc n d ,” sa id Doc n C oiilrl. S q u ire s p rom olion s direclor. . ‘d Wise overaged 19,7 point.s a .

gam e during his slondoul * n years wllh U tah, an<^ w as | ''' nam ed to lhe oll-ABA te am his * " " - last Ihrcc seasons. He owtis Ihe ir caree r playoff scoring rccord '

o f20 ,9poln lsogam c. ' • . ] "■ ■ When E orl F o rem an sold the •

Squires last y e a r lo a group of ' y irg in ia .B e ac h .b u sin e ssm e n , .

• >1 the new ow ners vowed to i V reverse th e ' selling tren d In « order lo begin secu ring s ta r W! , ployers. V/\sc is th e ir first « proven star, v . s Wise o v e r a l l 19.7 poinls a Id game during h is five years •

"wUh U loh,-making th e all-star

I R S D A Y , F E B R U i_________ ^ -------------------


ABC Nc«sAnavG/ilWn N9CNe*5Nc»J >TiuinwConjCQuffuiti HoM,»cio>)Sfluj>ejMjcDj/15 ThcWjllon)

MovifThcNokcdSpuf CEThMk-r

ModSfMd News

lions.flcNcotv;-4«w»<i<)Spci:iii . BiQViiior



: u . * 2 4 8+ FET& Freight

F r o n t F l o t a t i o n P a c k a g e

T e s ^ $ A ^ A

w h e e l s

lo w p r i c e o f + f e t

P T R U C k

T r a c t i o n P l u s ■ -

3-, 6 P l y s i z e sa ra t i v e ly .p r i c e d , a I i iA P

+ F E T & E /c

7 ~ ^^ — •a n d in B U R L E >

P A U L -K E T C I- V /E N D E L L tH > H A Z E L T O N -C


■ . . 1 . __________

s t a ^ , ' ■ "

t e a m

{ Icam his last Ihree yea]:a. He1 ow ns th e .c a re e r play-off

scoring rccord wilh o 20.9'. averoge. .

Al lhe leam announcecnt,; W ise s a id h e w a s .- 'h a p p y lo ijc ^ y h e re and hoppy lo be playing } for cooch Al D ianchi.who I ’; hov calo lo fresp cetfo r."] CunnlhghamsaidthcSquIre;:

completed (xirchase of W ise's ] .con tract Jon. 30. but lhal he did ( ' n o l s ig n u n ti l " c c r l a in 5 modification^' were mode In 5 h lsfouryearpact,2 The losl-plocc Squires, who j own the league's worst record

Iroil the fourth-place Memphis u' Sounds by four gam es In lhe f E ostem Division.I. , "W ilh the addition of Wise, _ 0 ‘ w e beireve w e 'h a v 'e 'a n cx- tl c e l le n t ch an c e lo c a lc h r M emphis and cam a play-off ;l spo t," Coiilrl said,

DF^NG"PEACron7lNb“ Kk“ ■-** ddViritl wiin J Mttly cn(,CK,(J C.V S • Look loi-il in IMlJyS ClJSi.lifcU . r AOS

UARY 27• •________ •

■ - CAQL£CKA«'ltL6 N U fi; ORCHANVELn^

; :: i; j_AOCNnrt ( VCOSNwjNewjBiincy lil'lf

luj-ej' KjicnSlltcltol Siri^U 'UO KjkoOAiilnThtfjmii,M-A.S-HNewi




B—S a '

i g e , ■ ' ^ 8 0*

590■ E /c h .

= IL E V -fW P E R T - T C H U M -G O O D IN G ■ ..H A IL E Y ■IN . CA REY

— T - - r 4

Slight ir fSbm cl<

wM iNGTON lU Pli - w atM ^oU utfon control reg t

no Impact on consulconfltaslonal s tudy sa y s -------

The analysis by Josfcph P. E Conffcsg environmental spcci a S Q & u ry forcuvrd lo i

V DiTPflfWt for the Senate Agric \^ P h 5 3 H lp a g e document, iss

mBlfi£?revlcwed currcnt i tnJ^CTSles oVcr the Jmpacl pollution controls on far development.

B in l^ 's sum m ary sa id th e ' w a tc r j^ lu tlo n controls Kas 1

th e '. jw se n l, ,a l le as t - I viroonifiilal P rotection Agcn< o n ^ S S rg c s c a le livestock pr

.sniC C ^Ig^r ope ra to rs spe ' ” on ■polhitton'' control; Ih t*

producers and consum ers is i s a lO tn ic k sa id ex p erts est) producers can conlrol pollut Irom Wfir Iccdlots w llh Inves l o # * ^ h e a d .

P^oca'tilg dair>' farm s. I

IJB to st fo rjdp i

W.^sniNGTON i l T h , Adixilnlslralioii farm offlcl: seriously considering siippc (if " 8 • plan to encoura ja^ODCSC slorace of fo rcsiJtVt^ In- ine L’.S..

. asricullure departm ent i ficial say’s.

Richard Bell. d cp i assislaln sccre lar)' aKTtrulturc. said no III dcclslon has been m ndc on a

• hi)ecific proposal, Bul ho k h is department is "included

^ support ihe i)asic concep t"_______finding a-w ayJo a s s u re Jap

and other countries tha l m j they can bu\' and sti I Amerjfan g rains wilhoul fi 1 Ihc stcJcks m ig h t»» hlocko(

when shipm ents a rc needed. !• - U .S ., Ofncials. .socking.

encourage o lhcr countries sha re the burden of carr>' world, food rese rves, carl hotKJjftKcstcd J a p a n ml consider purchasing A merii p r o d u ^ for fu ture a sc i sto rla ilhcm a s rc s e n 'c s in I country. Jap an ese oCficIi spokf?nwn here voiced c c e m nlmut w hclhcr they co draw (ift such rese rves i f U S. la jfr Imposed an exf e m lja r^ or other conti

' during! a period of c shortages,

gcll did not specify w________t>-g!nrdC U «!gfPSSuranco

■ 'adminislralion might p n ^ r c d lo endorse on i


O autc^ rS lndA lr& C o. WASKINGTON (G IN )

F a r m e r s m o y d c s c somewiul h igher, bu l i porary, Incentives to prtx In This tim e of n n c crta jc j the form o f a govehif commllUnent to buy a iln araMUt ot g rain a n d ollscc

_________Ihfe-?ia^rket p rices drota g r g j w o n p rice levels N afiSffl G ra in and 1 A ssodaJ)onuld . ’

I f Ihe Com modity C Cotponrtton holds rese: they should be iso lated the market a t a high en prtce so they could bc u s eliminate only "ex trem e peaks and troughs,” group*! first vice p res

- M clx|»r^J*«dents.- a C D t t s ^ ^ president, the 'S ena te A ^ c u l tu r e miltee.-

B e e f s i i p | i

r e c o r d < h i

■ ;aM H lN C T O N ' lU P: Thcre- u-lll be rccorrf siijifdies o t beef for the c i t f ^ ^ l v e rivinth fn I

__________ A -g rl^ lu rc ' Dcpai

---------S L f e i & a y : —T r i v i a l " food m a j

• d i r t ' ' ’ sa id reU H pric coftsiimcrs a rc con iin i djdliW slowly w hile p r ctftDflften r e m a in ' a l prodw ing losses o i $ r tomiahy farm ers.

■ m -r e p o > t -« W -p r i hettTjrilOO-iaoo pound grodii s te ers ln 'roid-F« were 37 p e r cim l below


' J '

mpact ov^i ean water- -Current federal ' pollution conlr gula llons vtill have cen ts for each u m e r food prices, a w hile oosIb fo

e stim ated a t i . Binlek, a L ib rao ' of p o u n d so fliv c i fclalist. w as Issued in • -s in c e tb e i

a detJiiled 'rc p o rl sm a ll fractlor H cullure Commillec, Im pact on .con ssucd by Ihe Com- Blniekconcliid

and pending con- The repo rt ai :l of a ir a'nd w ater a l least tem po a rm ing _and . ru ra l- som e foods If

tended In th e I le econom ic effcct of . th e equivalent s been softened - fo r A sludy r - b e ta u s e th e En- D epartm en t e< o icy lsopply lng lhem rep o rta lo n g w producers. th e co m p a ra tix n d less p c r anim al control on sn- frH m pact—on - b o lh - \ -o p e ra to rs lo h; s reduced, the report \ I n lh c lo n g r s tim ole th a t b ig beef 'fn o re for porl Llllon in w a te r runoff resu lting slac c stm c n tsa s lo w a sS I sludy sa id . I

p ro b ab ly wou Ifie repo rt added, p c r t ^ .

Mrtore food anese?

- point. He ofiW . how cvcrflhiil • la ls ; ' pfT f^tis carllt^ 'had.discus.scdport inlcnialiy . in Rcncnil.'Jlcnns.rage Ihe idea of ••special cf)ii-food sideralion" fur forcljin-owiic-d

an commodities covered by long-of- le rm export conlracls.

Scn. Ilolicrt Dole, H-Kan.,puly curren tly is p repa ring li in-

ot troduce a bill which wouldfinal p ro lec l forclgnow ned cropsI any sto red- hero against lulureKaid • expo rt conlrols.. - ----- ---------

cd lo "T he Idea Is Ihal such1" of conimodllles wfluld l>e the irapan property and they would havemay thc .righ l lo ship them anytim e store ■* Ihey-Awanlcd to .” a Dolefear spokesm an said,

aded The aid said final detall.s old . Ihe legislalion h a d nol ycl l)ceiig. lo decided.i>n. But the Kaasa?es 10 Senator’s basic objective is Urying "lr>- lo give them iJa p an iir iie r som c assurance so Ihey will Ik n lR hL encouraged lo m ake long le rnr ican com m iim cnls fo r A m ericar

and g ra in ." ' -n lh is William T aggart. Dole’sclals. assis tan t, said no plans havi

con- iKcn madel fo r scheduling could’ coasideralion of Ihe proposaif Ihe yet. Bul ll’s possible. T ag g a rxport • noted, that Ihc foreign reserv iilro ls plan could Iw laken up a s aicrup am endm ent to the omnihii:

farm lilll cu rren lly undeiwhal coasiderallon in the Scnali

:o lh e A grlculluro Com m ittee. Pol'' lie is ranking GOF m em lw r iif Uv

I lhat ogrlculturepancl.

loan level--s hedged - --o, M iddcnts con tinued th:I) - stocks carried by the privaii c r v e sec to r ft-ork low ard achlcvir

lem- the goals of s tab le p riccs ar-txlucc assured supplies, but san w In th e re is'a lim it lo the d eg reenn>2hl supply a ssurance the p rivaIm ited sector can provide, H csa id Jccds If w ealthy nations shou ld jssuntx) to som e o f lh e costs of financiii s ^ i i e r ^ r v M . He sa ia uw r* m i

F eed be a wide bond betwci - acquisition a n d release prict

Credit a c lea r lim ll on 'th e quanlltlserves, . o f stocks and a n agreem ent1 from c a r ry o v ^ stocks'^hftt w oienough tr ig g e ra c re a g e a n d p h x lu d lused lo adjustmcnts-e pricc Improved surveillance

the m a rk e t dev elo p m e n ts aesidcnl exports Is a lso rtecded in ortCaroill - lo anticipate’ m ariiel d lsn,t told Uons- “ i” '. 'c o r n . M lddcnlssald. •

M iddelttssald there seems be ag reem en t th a t - 4 ^ prices and loan ra te s a re

. I low, but th a l the com m it 1 ) 1 V should be carcfu l nol^ to I . them loohigh:

--------- r c r o w e r s m e c

P i l l - . KINO HILL - Tbo am cf rela il b e e t g ro w e rs d in n e r be. sixth m eeting w as Monday evei

Mareh. a t the Bl»ck Sands rcso r lartm ent GrondView.-tfaViSM --------A nuinmif uf ine |»ue i 8

a rkc llng H am m clt and K lngJilll an■iccfl fo r Wayne D ra p e r of K ing HInuing to president of the o rg an luprices to and C randall of Hamiit levels I s a director." 0 head -------

T tw Rhode Is lond JIrices of House,, boasting th e seid choice la r g e s l - u n s u p p b r ^ m.Pebruary dome in th e w orW ,-w aiw a >-eor v f lo o d lig h tc d - A rm i• . W l . Nov. 11,1831-.

prices • ralesHilrol costs can bc held to abou t S->' ich hundredw eight of milk produced .1 for b lg ’ hog produclion u n its a re a t aboul 25 cen ts for c a c h h u n d red , vepork .w (EPA ) regulation a ffec ts only a tlon of the producers, th e ove ra ll consum er prices will bc n e g lig ib le ," jliidedTrt added, hou'cvcr, thal th e re cou ld bc n porary hlkes-ln c o n s u n le rp r ie c s fo r 5 If E PA j ^ u llon con lro ls a re cx- h e fiittirp tn n ty rn ln rs w ith Icss than en t bl i.uwUW IDilllliilwr unll.-

re leased e a r lie r by A gricu ltu re It econom ists, reprinted In th e Senate lg w ith olhcr research In th e field , sa id ratively high pcr-unit cost o f pollution sm all farm s could lead m ony such

o h a l t hog production, l g run. consum ers may p a y lit tle o r no pork a fle r bigger farm s-Inke u p Ihc slock in production, ihc A gricu llu rc 1. Bul ll w arned Ihe p r icc of porfc i'ould Increase during Ihc adjuslm oni

. ' " Newsr^ 'T ip s



r NOnCEOFTBUSTEE'^lE”On Wodocjdiy ino I8ih ol

- Juno,-]9755lil Iho .hour ol 10 00 ' o'clocK a.m: or mkI ddv al Ihc Twin

Falls Counly Courthovso. County oi Twin Falls; Slalo o( Idaho. TITlC 6

. TRUST COMPANY, an lOjho Co»-

, soil al public auciion, lo mo highest I-ll DiddOf. lor cash, in lawful monoy o< icd<lSiaios.aiipayai)ioaMhe

• limo ol sale, in o tollowmo ' ‘='- dosctiWKl roal proporly. s.lualodjn 1)11- Iho Counly ot Twin Falls. Slale Of

Idaho, ana doscriNKl as lollows. lo­

ng- Lol i in Block : ol OoWtll-Greon Stibdivision, Twin Falls Counly, Idaho, according lo iho plai Ihorool

in., locordodinVolutno Sol Plals. pagein- M.rocordsolsaidCounly

Salt) salo will 1)0 mado wiinoul covonani or warranly tooarflmg

nps mlo. posseaaion or onctjmbrancos ,,r,. 10 satlsly Iho oDi<oal>on aecurcd li/

and pursuani lo iho t>owo» ol J-sio —. . .- conl«t/ ifio dood ol liuai,

i T o r ' c . " 0? ” aT »' ‘•“I'" FEATHenSTON. tiusMnfl arw) wilo ave nranlor, lo TWIN FALLS TITLE I i_,,. TRUST COMPAN*. as irustce (oi

itio l)ono!il and secuiily ol FlRSl )0k‘ FEDERAL SAVINGS.-S LOAI

ASSOOATION OF TWIN FALl.5 , • rocwdod Jur>o 11.1945 m Book »

S (if al paoo <90 as inslrumdnl No 5520M. Morlgage roewd# Ol Twn FallsCounly, Idaho , r r . Tl» delauil lor whitrfftia sato i

S lu tobomadoislailuTOlopay(II Jt7.00 ol Iho Scpiemwr. 197

{>aymflnl.and 11 IW 12) Ociobor. Novombor an

islean amou«iotU9 00each.

and in# baiancu as ol lOi >in*c d*lo on llto oUigalion tocurcd b

eaid dood ol Irusl.i8 S3,090 69. piu lave Inioroal and lofceloauTo eosls iltnU DATeDFotuuary«3,19K

TITLE a TRUST COMPANY, osal . SuccosawJruUfte-

J";! ■;r \C PUBLISH: February 27. March'S. 1 s a n &20.197S. V ,


th a t UIE Ieving- . -

3 BUIiv a te lid all su m en d n g ________________

tween . - • .rices,illtie s •- sni onw ould ' " l l l U i '


ortle r’ i r » W - a .* n » H .i8 lullsrup.:i» r ts . *

A«rie m slo

l a rg e l ' .JLU . . i . ~ire loo m lllec

^ | l | l | |

____ . HAY STOiACE i Fl

2 MAHr i - coupc

-NOWnlfiilloii . , . „ .™ m cu S A V E

s a

NOTICe' ^ ’ h^ B V '0N6N thal purauani lo SMIion 60-1735, KUDO

• - Code, lhat Local Jmwevomonl Distnct No. M .BooA humtMted One Hundred Thirty Orte thfough Orw Hurtdred Fllty TIuee dS1 '

■ ~ . throooh 153) lr«lu»tve. snail bo

iced. - TftEASuneR. cti» oi Twn f«ii*.

s r o r o T O s s ” ””’ ■id rM . 0AT60 Ifttt 21st day ot Folxuapf.

•ly ” '■crall OiyorTwinFalU.ldaho


M h o

e ex- MICHAEL HOWABl?_LE^ a n Oeiondani.


I, sa m DEFENDANT, lution You aiQ heroby noiilied ihal a

liiirh Complainl has boon lilod agalnsl such Qy ,j, D,g|tiet Court ol tho fillh Judicial DisKici Qt Iho Slalo ol

,o r n o rt'l* a"rldIp Ihe you'a%*Mrebv. diioeted lo lilo a u ltu rc wriUen answer or wtnien motion io

^...1, dolenso to iho said Complaint po** wiihtn twenty IMI days Itom lha

im e n t dale ol iho last publieahon gt this Anolhor SumitKifts; 'and you aro lofinor noliticd lhat unless you so npocatahd pload lo said Complainl

*-"*wilhin the tlmo heroin spociliod, tho —— I plainliK will take judamonl agalnsl

yoaai prayed in jaldCon'Olaint. r o You are turihor nolilifd that the

' min"childron ol mo

S pon, payment ol allorneys lees, olhor support pro*>sioni. and an. oquliaUo dislribuUon and sol- tiomoni ol Iho-proptfly owned-tty Ihooommunlty.

Wiineaa my hand and me soai ol said Oisliicl Court mii 25 day ol February. 1975


f PUBLfltHiVobrujry 27. March 6. 13r E '“ S?0-19»_____^______________Jay ol NOTICEOFTHUSTEE'SSALE

10 oo On Wednesday. Iho 28lh day ol« Twin May. 1975, Bl Ihe hour ol 10;00 a m.inty 01 ol said day at mo Twm Falls CounlyTie « Courthouse, Coun(y-o( Twm FjllJ.0 cor; Siate^ pj Jdaho. TITLE S TRUST

ighest as*Uualoo. wiM s'etTaTpuSfie lIuc-'noy ol i>on, lo Iho highesi bidder, lor clah.a tlh e in lawful money ot mo UmtWowing Stales, airpayabie al iho limo ofilodjn salo. mo lollowing dcieiibcd reala le of properly, siimiod m mo Cowniy ol*rs. to- Twin Falls, Slalo Ol Idaho, and

. diacribodasioitows. io-«<rOreon Lot 13 in Block 76 ol TWIN FALLSounly, TOWNSITE. Twm Falls County,horool Idaho, accotdinfl lo Iho Fmal and.. page Amended Plai ihoreol on l>lo In mo

onico ol Iho County Recorder olvimoul Twin Falls County. Idaho, m Book 1lardmg ol Plats, page 7rancos -Said salo will bo made wilhoulred I)/ covenant or wairanly reyardmgalj-jio Iltlo. possoswjn o?^’>cwmbrances

iiuat. to saiisly Iho obiioaiiop sccurcd br>THER- and pursuani lo mo rfw.#r ol salo

ANN conlorrod m .Iho deed ol irust,d wilQ, oiecuiod by KOWARO WAYNEITLE S TENNANT, a W.dowor, 'oranlor 10ice rof TITLE- 5- TRUST- COMPANY; a:


ook 206 FALLS roeordod February 3 1972. irnl No Book 208onpag2*86asinslrumon)i Twin No. 679G98 Mortgags records o

. TwinFallsCounly.IcUhosato •» The default lor which thu sate i

to bo made IS failure lopay:cr. 1974 n) Ja.OO ol tho August. 1974

paytnont; and»r and (21 S ep lem bof, O cloborjry and November, and Oocomber, 1974 anm itro . January, 1975. paymcnls in lh

amouni ol {69 OOoach,of ihis and tho balanco owing as ol tin

uted by dale on Ihe obligation socurod b 69. plus said dood ol Iruji is 13.139 77, piu IS inieresl and foreclosure cosls.

DATED: January??. 1975 ■MY, TITLE fi TRUST COf^PANY.

TruslooBy-s-R.l. SMITH

- Vice-Presidontch-e, 13 PUBLISH: Fobfuary 27. March 6, t





. .u c e n s i


\ | | _ w m

m - 4 — r i w r - i ^' e ; ■ 8 ^ “ - ; , .

E ! . . S Z i r ^ - N E Y i .


I ' .


NOTICE TO BDOCnS' Th« Division ot Purchasing lor Ihe s u te ol M«ho will t«M<ve sealed

>•1 bWs •! Room 137 Len B. Jordan <0 Building. SSO West Sute Street, n ' Bol»,!ld»«Maithl0.l975al >d Iho «ft» sp«;<li«d Mio*.-lo#-ihir

lollowtng:31 ' • Roqulailloo NumbOf VariooPai. oe -2:30 p .m : S h re d ’ e l e c t r ic ,

I*. Allbid*«nlltepubl*lyoponod»nd ' fe*d«llheabovet.meandpiaeo.

Fotms swing Ihe conditions must [V- bo secured bolofe bidding. These

are available Irdm'Iho Division ol''S^ rchaslng . S

OanR.Pilkjnglon. ‘/ '♦dminlslraior '

_ Division ol PurchasingHE ^ __________ _

PUBOcAUCfiOfi ‘'c On MaiclVQ- 1B7S al 1:00 PM at...........156 Fognn A v toe Soom Twm Falla. ■** Idaho Ihe loiio*icg goods witi i>o

- soldatpuwicaoctbn:_ Kltchon chairs, ly la l desk, wood

chair^ tOIQif^ ohaitsrHOOver vac- 55 uum, l.lo cabmet. leather qliico

chair, lobby loungo. occasional Chair, bundle ol signs, cradewa, desks, tables, wooden chairs.

' * dmmg chairs, bods. OfHl labloa. libor botrols. 'canons, gas cans, clothes hamper. Spaiks oil hoaior. suiicase, vamty. btcycio. nonmo

'"JJ tx«rd. ond miscellaneous itums.Theso opods are preaonily hoifl

« • by W«ft>0fg Moving 4 Storage. 1« Fourih'Avonuo Soulh. Twm Falls

•V" Idaho tor:Batloy-Roborts Realty c-o Edw-vc

N. Bailoy, 1522 Evergreen Onvo *'* Twin Falls, Idaho 63301 **1 Mrs. Horienso M. Ouncan.-66 the Sl'ooi.

Mt. Ernest Smilh. 25 SlewiiAvonuo Froodom, Calilornia 9 019

',''® • and win bo so'd fot iho jtoragimor charges duo Ihofoon

*“P- STORAGE • ■ees, by-s-ROB’TWAROERQI an. PUBLISH: February 27 19?5, an SOI- March 6,1975

r t y

?! .INVITATION TO BIDMRS*' school Catalog

Sealed bids will be lecoivcd unii 10:00 a.m on Thursday. Match 13 1975. in ,ho Olli<;e of ino Busmcs Manager, Room ll, of me At

e I t mmiairatidn Bmli^p. 3 li Fall ®' Avenuo. Twin Faliridaho, and ihc - — publicaily opened Ior luipishino i ■E , iho Coiioflo ol Soulhem Idaho m ■V O' lollcwmg school caiatogs' a m. T„m S.20; 6 » 9 ' (>ound nn mo 9 'unly sido? ! A •0uanitly:8.000copic5

crodit) Ior moro lor lossU pjocs. 3 ? - paoosandtfipagos nrtW Papor Stock; Coni»ni O poun '« o' jvhite smoom wove oilsol Suuir rea -sample papot slock w.lh iho bi<

ly of Covor: .010 coaled ono sidu Sulw and sample covot stock wilh the bid

Ink: Conionl: Black. Cover ■'"■IS cnlor process on outside cover IroiuniY. color typo C pnnls: prmlmg 0_oh<) insido cover,n me Prools- Two copies of proofs aior of toquirod Alterations made 10 ir» k 1. proofs by the school wiU ro<iuiie !■

' paging by Iho pnnict. Allot llihoul cotrocled ptools are loiurned to ittdmg printer, a bluolme is roiiui'cd pti<mces lopnnlmg.:d by Alieralion: Clianges: Charges I■ Mlo atieraiions mado to iho pioois 1irusi, itiQ school musl bo included wiAYNE Ihe bid These chatgos shoutdj:or 10 spocilied on a "pcr lino-' and "pr; a s - - dci^alion-basis Chargos-Mscd 1curiiy -hourly-' rates aro nol occeptauioGS 6 Prico OuortFOBCollcoatwin Delivery; Nmo weeks ol m-pt;)72. m production time allowed allot. Ijmonl submission Ol tho copyds ol Ooaliiy. Must bo ol al lo

compatablo Quality to P<0>i<late >s catalog.

tf addilional mfotm^lion is noot1974, to submit a b<d. conlacl Dr. C

Koilh al 206-733-9554 0.1 21S orobo r. Karl L. Black, oil. »7 Bidsmay74 and mailed 10 P.O. Box 1236, Twin fan Iho ldaho«330t.

The College reserves me righ>< this rejoci any or all bid*, lo waive . -d by . lormalitios. and 10 acCooLlf>e', plus deemed in mn 6nn-«flTCfcsl ol

Y. Business ManagerCollogo of Southern Idaho

PUBLICATION: FeUruary 27S M«II 6,13 6-1975 . .



f ' r JU l iT s C M M o lT tO I K Ji4fr#wrtT .»oid

TreoMPetiltMei. '

1.1.:tnw t ------------------------------—


________ 3 4 5 ^ 2 4 2J U I C O U P O I ^ T O : M A C C O M H

P .O . Box 3 3 « , EogU, I d a

N A M L -------------------

ADDRESS-------------- ---

C ltY ----------------------1

^ PH O N t - 1

- MVITATIONFOnBiM ' Jn . Sealed bids will b« receivrJ by d the Twin Falls School Oistcicl Mil.- 'n Twin Falls. Idaho, at Ihe olficaol ihe

ii - .« J^rch6.1975.alwhi9htimetheywilt i— .'be opet>ed puWtdy *nd read at me *1. •dminislration Buifdinihat 201 Main lc . Avenue West.-Twio Tails. Idaho.e . Said bdS'Wiii M received lor tho '

sale ol a 1956- GMC, EO-passenger

Inlormalion mav. t>« obtained at ' st the olfice ol the Superinlendenl ol se School! al Ihe Adminijitation ol Ruildino, 201 Mam Atenue West.

Twin Falla. Idaho. ^durlnj..<»llice , hours.

Tho School Oisirici No 4tt reserves the right to rpleci any a i ^BlIbtdMnoiowaivOinlormalilios —


11— ----------------------PUBLISH: Fobruary 27. 1975

(rf "


Eaiaies of EDWARD HARRY BEAN and ELSIE y. BEAN, husband

,"*■ andwile.boihdecMsed.'a , , N O T l g f t M T M O ■

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lh.1t . 'J‘2 ~ •I'® uodetsignod has been ap-

pomled personal ropresonialiye ol '"*• Iho above named ostato* All

r persons havinn claims against tho . said docoasods au5_XCfluitod to presenl thOit Claims wilhm monlhs altor mo dale Ql the iirst'

.TV publication ol Ihls or sairt claims will t>b lorovor Itarrod Claims musl bcprosontod 10 mo Court

Wifi DATEO Ihia 2*lh day ol Folnu-vy. 1975

'•OO • HowardC.Bcan ____23650a>lield* ' --------

PUDLiSii; Fobiuaty 27, Match 0. nnd and March 13.1975


— Board ot Counly Commiastoncrs, •. Twin Falls County. Slalo of Idaho.

be made to iho Twin Falls Counly ' Zoning Ordinance. foUowinQ a

recommendalion made by the Twin *?• fa lt i Counly Planning and Zoning

■*ll» • Commission:I"**' The lollowmg dosctibod property V shall l>o classilied as Industrial,' •*"’ being . changcd from us lormcr

classification asCommotoal-Locai o9 AllihalpatloflheW'jOllhoNE'i

ol Sociton 8. Township 10 Soulh. Range 16' East ol the Boiso

o'us Meridian, m ore particularly-------described

:»-8 a pomi 25 feel Notlh and 366 (ool Wesl ol tho Southeast corner of Iho

)und sv^i 1 ol Ihe NE' • ol said Section t: uni'i thence Norm parallel to Iho Wcsl l>'d Imo Of said iract 83 S.feol. m o r e ^

ibmii ' toss_ 10 Iho Soulh line of iho ngnl- ol-way of me Oreoon Short Lino

'• *■ Railroad; thence fWesierly along I'om said nghl-ol-way 147.2 fOOl. more otI O'l loss, to a point on said right-of-way

147 leel West and 90 8 feet, more or »a 'c leas, Notlh ol the pomt of t>ooin- > Iho nmg; thence Soulh patailcl to iho O'O- West line of said tract 90 8 feel. •

Iho moreorless,loapo<ni25leotNpiin olho of Iho Soulh line of said iraci andptio' loot Wosl ol the point ol

bogmntng; thence East parallel la >9 <0' me Soum ime of u id iraci 147 icoi

' wUh ‘“ nO'^Ce ' s FU&THE^ given ihJl id.tK) • a Public Heating wtll be held iHtlote ■pc' tho qoatd o l-C oun iy Com-

saon------mlBsronets-ariho hour o no -Mwo o'clock AM. on tho Ulh day ol

Match, 1975. in Iho Tw.n Falla •ptanl Counly Court HouSO. Twm F.allS. it.lhu Idaho, on the ground lloor. m tho

ollice ol the County Commissioners least in and lor me County of Twin Falls,

ovious staleol Idaho, (jponsaidteauesi.Any and.all frorsoni-imofeaicc

ooded may appoat al said hearing anc Don tneelmg lo register Ihoir approval

or Mt disapproval and comment#, on ani and all ol Iho mailers above stated

I falls, and Ihey may Mo Ihoir wfitlen ot) lections 10 said • amendmenl witf

iflM 10.. 'said Commissioners at the placi *0 any ; JHo lime hereinjbove appomloi

01 the [)aicd this 19th day of February1975

MerlE Leonard. Chairman Board ol County Commissioners Twin Falls Coonly. Idaho

Match H A,lANCASTER.C10ikPUBLISH: Feb. 27 S Match 6,1975




IMFORMAIION: “ ■2H A llU IL D I N O S > a . 6 3 6 1 6 ____________

__________ - c t ' . - ’ ■


--------------------- ---------------------

■J L E G A L N O T IC E .

;• „’S?!g?5SS?=cSS?m. '' TsJm F^ls*S)uiSly,'’iu ia ol 'S iS o; ' •I .'l tnai.sPoWic.HearinQ will b« hold • s I upon a proposal by the Twio Fall*1 County Planninc and ZoningI Commission to reiorto an aroa .B - adjacenl to Soulh Blue laKoar Boulevim from the Twin Falls City

Limits 10 Orchard Drive. Tho'aroa IsIt ' presently loned Resldenllal-il Agricullural and il is ptoposed ton ' redone the area £60 leel back Iromt, Bluo Laves -Boulevard South to •:o QenetalCommercial.

It IS therefore Staled thal a POblicIt Heating wiii be eondueled upoii a ,d proposal to roiono tho lollowing

___ described aroa Itom Residential-Agriculturai 10 Oonoral CommcMtal: .

That aroa six hundred an<r&iity lool East and West ol the road nght-

-------- ot^way of-BlOe LaKor touievardSouth being portions ol Sections 21 and22TownshiplORango17EastB , M. bejween the Cily Vimils ol Twiri

i t ' 'Cos'onaiod a s j/w^^ifnro^IE knownasOrctiardOrivo.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a PuWiC Heating w<ll be held oefof*-^

^Y lhB.Ti»m Falla County planning and nd Zoning Commission al me houf ol

a:»o'clock p.m. on the lOlh day ol Aptil. 1975, in the Twin Fait* County

. Judicial Building. Twm Falls, Idaho, . upon savi requosi ip- • Any and all petsorrs interesled ol may appear at u id heatmg and All moeiing to rogitier their Approval, . Iho disapproval and comments on any lo and all ol tho mailers above aiaind,'

?.it and Ihey may lile thoir wrillen ol>- irst - Icciton* 10 said proposal with u 'd airt bommtasion.. or at Add.son mis Avonue Wesl. Twm Falls. Idaho, on

or iMfore dato ol said heatmg My. This notice istobepuWishod live

limot m compliance with Paragraph ' K ^ 0lOtdinance21 .

Dated Ihis IJlh day ol February,

mid C J4. Lanlmo, ChairmanPlanmnp and Ichino Commission

___ Twin Falls Counly. Idaho3 ATTEST:. ino . H.'A Lancaster.ClorkCIS • PUOLISH: Fob .27 March 6, 13. 20.Jho: •

unly ' '} • AOVERTISEMENTrwin Q. virtue ol i>ens and nonce oinmg ic „ majo ^y the Tai Collector ol

Idaho in Iho mailer of non-paymenl 01 lanes: Lions ate dated I3lh day 0]

ri*l- Novumber. 1074. and the tOlh day ol''her J,niuaty. 1975. and Mcdir\ me oll*eocal ot me Rccorda olTwm Falls County.<E'< Slate of Idaho, on me ISlh day o l.luih. November, 1974. aryl onihoi3th dayoise of January, 1975.,- i f d no(>ccarly turiumng tho Collector to take said

f te i «^Th^s'amo^'accoIdi'ng''io lawI me NOVI. THEREFORE. In accordance)n 8; Wllh said notice ol hen I have leviedVest upon all iho naht, titte and mterosle o i^ ol Roger 0 . Dolton. In and to iheighl- fotlowmg. described personalLine ptopotly, silMied in Twin Fall*long County. Stale of Idaho, 10 wU: onele or 1974Chevioiel 4-Wheol Drive Pickup-way ID« CKY1442 105,955 NOTICE IS10 or HEREBY GIVEN. Ihal on 20lh day olegm- March, 1975, ai 10 00 a m o clock ti, Iho Iho back sleps ol iho Twin Fallaletl . Counly Courmouso in Tw>n FallsjS'ih Counly. Slalc.ol Idaho. 1 will sell alland IKo tigni. title and mierost Of Roger

,1 0 ! D - flollo'’ •" ‘I '0.1 dfllcnbod personal properly, at " nnl public auciion, to Iho highest and

best bidder, lo sahsly me anwun)

' ’7 ’ Tcfms'‘o“ « le “ ';il d^M Sh o^n'Sti2'®'“ belore removal ol property

__PiDpeily lo.bc (cmOTCO. ot L'uyct j^ eipense, wilhm 48 houts Itom date

ay ol of salo '’Falla C|,cn undet my hand. ihis'iS dayF.allS- olFobtuarv,l9?S

oners DOSMfk"R EFalls. Deputy Coiiociot makint

Bst. seTtuiereaictJ__________ _ ________________—g and PUBLISH: February 20. 27 & Matdjroval, 6,1975 ___ ________________

: . K '

I with . ____placo 'M M mm


C O M I N G U P . .

C o n ta c t »hV Tlm «f'-N «i fo r c e rn p U t* o d v * r tls l i q U . h a n d b i l l * , ni 7 0 ,0 0 0 r* o d « r? • in ln » h l» F o r n » 4 o U n d q r f c

' ' rmmmAdvortlsem


m i l____ ________ •• ra t o JAY>

A udlettoont Wer■


M i• M IT O N I U

M Ji PE0 G1

----------- ------------- ^ -S e te M c ^ o ^ l

M i iiO H N i

: M A--------- ---------------- — M u r r w !

AdvertA vctleneertiCoylordn

____ __________ _ ^ M J-KAYC


M JO R v a t .

- ........... _.Ad»*rtUi

' Mm r <

------- ---- -----------------------------K

“ M jIH

' Auc«or*oor*i¥

------------- M'rri^ .

Thursdiy.Fobfu*ry27,1975 . Tl

- - . . / '>. Timos-Nows. Twin Falla. Idaho 21.

L E Q A L N O T IC e !

. ' N onceof8A L£ -* Notice Is heresy gwen Ihil L oy ', ■ • . Amn Trenl. Route 2. Jeropo. Idaho.

Li .will sell lo the hiphesl bidder on*? lMSSx40Ematet)ousetfallet..l.q,..* I Bo 401 11 Bid* Win be received ° until March 10,197S The advertiser IJ ' iosetveslhoriohllore|ectanyof«ll „ bide->; PUBLISH February 28, 27, 28..





. NOTICE IS HEREflY OIVEN thal Richard Allen fia* tiled heroin,* Potttion tw tno Fonnit-ProWlo ol

'' ' ' ' Wills and Appoifltmoru bt htmseli M ° Personal Roproseniative ol bolh

„,J ostaiesho' Hearing has been sel upon said

Petmon on mo I9ih day ol Mareh, led •< > A.m. at th<■nd Coutitooni of the abovenanwc val, . Court, in mo Counly Courthouse, if any Twin Falls, Counly ol Twin Fall*, irtd. Staleol Idaho, when and whore ah] <»► inieresled person may appear anc U 'd contest said Wills and may 0b|0Cl tc ■»on appomimeni ol tuch PeraoM* Roprnionlativo^

Dated Ihia iJih day ol February

rapn ‘®’ i„ r,chaRD ALLEN rt|-y;' Polilionor

sion ■ PUDlTsH: February 20, 2; S Matt .6,1975

'■ NOTiCE^*«n” K « N : TwiFalls County Commiaaioncrs wi

_____ accept bins fw orie ID desk si:iniernoily piogrammod eleclronu accoiinling dompulcr untiMho ho>.

:e ol of 11:00 o cloct A.U , March 3r ol 1975, at meir olliee m tho Twin Fall ment Couil Houso, Twin F.ills, Idaho ay ol Specihcaiions may t.e obiained j ay ol ino office of iho Twin Fall* Coun ■llice Tfoasuter m mo Twm Falls Couni jnly. Court Houso, Twm Falls, Idaho,>y o l. . All b.ds shall be presertled < Iday - oihorwise-deiivoted,-under seaK ot'Cc covcr, to me Cfort or me Board 1

Tw ! oulalde mi^eo7'gonoiaMy*’'i^ance titying the eipendilurO' lo wh« sviod - said bid petlains.orosl All tjidsshaiiconialn one (fl ol ll> Ihe following forms ol bidders socunsonai m an amount o' nol loss man 5‘.Fall* tho amouni bidono alCalh"

ickup bl A Cashier'* check mai:E 15 payable loTwm Falls Counlylay ol Cl A bidders t>ond oieculod bi

F 111 ‘"'''aWMoTw n^atl?C«niV Falls Bids will be opened March

oil all 1975, ai I1:C0 oclock A.M., in 1loger ollice of iho Coifliiy Commission!>bo«o at Iho Twin Falls Counly Coy. al . House. Twm Falls. Idaho.1 and The Twm Falls County ai*oun) miss>ot:ors reaeo'C the nghl:osis leiect any or all bids, or accept on ot«p tiid deemed 10 be in me bcslpotty teresl ol Twin Falls Counly.jyei i ____ifiaaii___ ___


* e -S-MERLE.LEONARDChaitman

TiakingH.’a, LANCASTER . • .

- M a ^ s r - ^ " — --------------_____ PUBLISH: February 20 27.1975.

t'-N aw s Form S o U l D *por«ni# i • r t ls ln g c o v tro g # o l y o u r lo n . n t w i p o p o r c o v t r o 0 « ( e v i

in M o g lc Vo1t«y) t o t * lU tiIg r lo r lO d o y ib o f o r o i a U .

m t M A i k r I tH »««K O O ttr*U IH V — ^ '--------rtlsements februerr J» itK areW ontD enreK ertan ■

I B I U A K T 1 61JAYND. TWIN FA U j_______________

It Wert, I lle rt t Metsertmlth

■ ■ I U J U I Y 2 B -----------DAHO tWlNI BHIOIU AS50C »rtfM<Mn«iF*bfve>y2t ' '

M J k B C H 1MkUNNinANOCISON>rtl«em*nt>F*brvarr:7


tged * r * h tfe w y O ilH iih ---------

M A B C H 9>HNiSUTM MOYU rerlltemonli Mo rth I t lyie M«*len I Gary Otbomo

M A R C H 4T M o n m m m o N --------------------^^dverlI*o«n«f>l: Mefth ilord rhltllp*. Sill b te t< Orvll Seen

. M i l A C K S , ___________________HAYDEN tOWUN

verlliemeRli Mwch 3tiW ert. Ellert I MMiersmllh


rt> Weri. Ellen t Metianmllh

M A B C H 7 ___■v a I ANNA HANSCfl ' •••rtU en-otiM ereh __________t l Wen. Blert I MMtersmhh

M J U I C H Sm r o w u * . w i w ^

arts Xeyo WoH I Den Petterten

- M A IBO I > _ - ~

ih S iw I i lh M e f th * .ir*>Wect,EllertiMe*iertmHh ■*

~ M J U I C H 1 »i U t .F m n o N '

kdvertl*o<n*Mi March 7 o r s tW o n .B lo f t l^ e r s m lth

M A K M i T


, 22 Timos-News. Twin Falls. IdahoI L E G A L N O T IC E .

NOTCEOF^ALE. iNollct f« htreby gTren t u t Lotin I

K. Hotkint’. 911 AM. E., Twin iF«l|i. Idaho will sell to itio hlon«»i bidder ono IMS8 Kond* 00 I. 0.

. * f« "J? ^ '2 m il^ « 5 ^ * . 1?A' Tho' •Mvettliof Kiervo* mo r>oni to

7 t . i s . i t . i 7 t r . i i 7 s _________ _ ^IN THE^STftlCT C O tJ^O f THE «FIFTH JUDtCJAL WSTRICT-OF THE ,STATE OF IDAHO. IN AND FOfl ,


Pt*miiir. f

KAREN F. FISCHER. cOoland»n1 .| . • J

THE s S f ' T W o . c « . ' ,

Jixliciii-t>»i'«:l ol Iho Si»io ol iMho. to ind lof !ro*f'Vo’' ' ^ ! / ^ r o r ^ « l n l n o aDecfco ol O.»ofcc, ««YO»ing ib- •joluloly. ino bond* ol italilmony now «»«img Mlwoen you and thepi»iniill.

----- -Th«iMidc«ui»otMlionist>tiod <upon aiieflod iftaeoocilab.* dil- (fotencos: and you a>o hereby |directed lo Me • written answer or i

. wntien m o tto n ^ delenie lo Ihe I sitdcomplaintWffihjIwoMydayaot - <lhe tervKe of ihia Alias Summons |upon you;, and you afe lurtiior inotilied (hal unless youdo so within I

*lhe time herein specified. Ihe i• plstntill will take |udfltT»ent against i

you s» prayed In said comtMint. . i. WITNESS My hand and seal ol

Mid Oistttel court, this 10th day ol i

* H*2LANCASTER7cierk ^

PUBlfeH;^?eWul?y 27 and Marche, 1875___________________




CMINo.V74-iai NOTJCCOFMAnSHAL'SSALE Under and by virluo ol an Oiflor o

Sslo and Judflmont and Decrao bi Foreclosure-rendered oul ol ihc

.. -Uniled Slates Oisl/iei Couri lor ifto . Dislncl ol Idaho, Iho Judgment ar d Occrefl'o> ForecloJu/e bemp hieaonino27lhdayolJanuary 19rS and Ihl* OrrJo* ol ^ l e Wting issued onineKh day~ol>Db(uary. igrS.'in tno------

jbove-enlilled aclion. wne'rem tho . r“Uniied Suies ol America. Ihe tabove-nafTMXl pUtnlllt. obtained a rJudgvneni and Decree againsl Rova I U Soidillo in llte aum o'$ie.8S3.1S.

. -Wllh coils and inierest as tpecilied tmsaiddecree . (

I am commanded lo sell all me ) ' ' lands and premises ailualod m Twin'

Falls Counly. Slsle ol Idaho, snd i» parlicularly described as lollows. I

“ u it 10, Block 1, REGAL SUB- , ,<Division. Twm Fails Counly. Idaho. ' aecordinp to Iho Olhcial plai ihoreoirecorded in Book 9 ol Plals. paql- 3. trecordsolTwinFallsCouniy.Idaho . >

NOTlCElSHEFIEQrGIVENIhalon < the ttthday ot March, 1975. a l l 00'D.m. olsatdday. onlhclronislcDS 'ol Iho Twin Falls Counly Courly ‘

■--------obedience to Mid^drder of Sale and— 'J u d g m en t and- D ecree d l , Foreclosure soil the nofololore- ' described real proporly lo .mo highosi and besl txdders lor ca*.h m lawlul mortey ol tne United Si^ios ol America

-s-REXWALTERS United Slales Mat%hal

PUBLISH; Februsry 11 ,» , 2? &March e,l97S.


MAGISTRATE DIVISION In the Mallet Ol the EsUleol EDWARD D. BROWN.Deceased:


lhe undersigned has beon ap­pointed Porsonal Represenlalive ol in« abovo-rumed eaiaie All poi­sons having claimj against thc said deceased aro required lo present lAeir claims witnm lour i4) months

' aher lhe dale ol the lirsl puUicaiion Ol this noiice ot said claims will t>e lorever barr^ . Cwims mml eiincr

BROWN, Porsor<al flepro'jcniaiivo ol Ih? estate, at ino oiiico ol Pjtry, Robertson, Daly & Larson. Idaho Ficsl National b n k Buildmg. Twin Falls Jdaho. or Mod witn tno Court

DATED, mis eth day ol FeUruify.------1978---------------------------------------------

DONNA LEE BROWN .- Personal Representalivb Address P.O. BonTwinFalls,idar>o6330i

'njBUSH: February O. 20 and 27.•ys



MAGISTRATE DIVISION In m« Matiec ot Iho Esiaio ol


NOTCE IS HEREBY GiVEli That Esther A. CUjiton has beon ap­pointed Personal Roprosenuiivo orthe abo^ named esiaie All. per-__sons ha»ing claims aoamjlifiFsaid deceased are required to presenl Itwlf claims within lour n»nih» aller the dale ol the i>rsi pubwcaiion oi mis nolKe or sa>d claims will tx> lorover barreO Oaimj musl either tM presenled to Hayborn, flayboin and Ronayne. PO Bo. Ml. Twin Falls. IdahoMXt, alloineys lor mo

• Personal floprescniative ol lhe Bm trw fncdiiinnras'cocn---------

DATED IhiS um day ol February, 1973


. . By DONALO a. RONAYNE Atiornsy Idr Poisoiul

AepresontaiivnPUBLISH: Fobruary 20. 2/ & March 6.197S. • .

n6 ^ TO CREDITOR No.ew



OF CHARCES' H ;'S H A R P- Deceased.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ihai lha undersigned has boen ap- notmed personal represonlsiive ol the Mtale ol the. above named d*c*denl. A lt-persons having dalm a 90*msi the deceased or h<s M W ewe t ^

ftotJce or said claims wiii be forever barred. Claims musl either be prMonled to Ihe^

■ fieJSlBoy Fsrniin , attorney lor tho- ofTMAtf represenuuve al 113 2nd

IVMI West, in Twtn Falls, kJah<j.\, this being the place dewgrated lor

me trw uciion ol me business of the aslale. or n»ay be filed with the Court

Oaled IMS $<rk da>sol February.


°ls!ala Of Charics H. Sharp.

T \ ~ h rttf!^ eM 3 ,2 0 A fM e 7 5 . -

- a .3 Thuf»day.F9bfuory27.1975



notice is hereby GIVEN lhal , Anna Josephine Pasioor has filed f f horoln a Pcmion lor Formal Probaie « J ol Will and Appo.nimenl ol a Por- sonal Reprosenialivo, a copy ol which has been llled with Iho above- r ''' oniiiiod Court. ^

Hearing has boon sel upon said Polihon on Iho » m dav-ol March 19X at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at the - * courtroom ol tho alwvo-namuu

. Court in Twin Falls. Counly ol Twin Fails.Siatooltdaho.

DATED Ihit . 12m day ol February, 1975.

•S« ANNA JOSSPHINE-PASTOOR . ____________ '___ SE,

. Rouiel____ ____ . ■ '

PUBLISH; Fohruary 20, 27 4 Miirch mi: 6.191i. ■ ^ B j


' TwlnW lsFowLfNa. 19/5,, Pursuanl lo aulhoUUConUmcd m j

Seclion M-30S7, el sco , lOfho - Code. Ihe non- C

f io T ^ o 'r D ‘’Bo"um“"Th“ pI’ ^will be sold in aceordjncc wiin mi; »m

Kirch. 197S al 10 00 A M al d.Kk u~ tle p i ol Twin Falls Couniy Courl-

, uesaiption ol p'op«''i; , r.] no,

-S-VERNONE DOSHIER Deputy Tai Collccloioi mo Slalo olidaho vrt

' PUBL^H 'Fi)l«u.iiy M, J7 S M.uch

P rocM dingi of The Board ol County ^Com m issioners, Twin co F alls County, Idaho

Twin Fatls. Idaho JJanuary 15,1975. cot0;00octock?A-M- p

niouiARj*Nu»nTSES.WH— t ho Boaid 0l~ caunt y -c oiii'-------^, missioners mol al Ihis ume puf- “

suanl to recess wllh oil Com-missioneiaandinoClotkpiescnlRESH3NATJON4APPOINfMENT -------

Wllh regrets, lhe Board acccpiod nu the rosignalion ol Mrs MargaicU an<Qiosu liom Iho Mayic Vaiivy unHospilal Board ’ Al.

Mrs. Malt SmiW was ollicially .appomt*A.J». me Mapic V() loy jmHospiiai Board and will complolu Falheunonpirodlormol Mis Maigflitil w;.Oleso It:APPOINTMENT L

Commissioner Chancuy rnovod lo aopoml CommisstonerAnti Covor lo

Cily-Counly Planning Councd ‘Motion was socondi-d I'y Com- • m< missioner Leonard and ii lui

. .w JE fflfp H A S E O l/T , __________.I 'lRoimbursBmenl on Invenlory un

Phaseout lor the period ol Oclober 1,1974, Ihrough Decombot 3t, 1974, ^as poi Auditor s Ceflilicalo 14552. mme amouni ol »at,»49&3. was approved according lo mo pci- coniagos 'lom the Slalo TAX CANCELLATION • 1974 REAL

Al the lequost of Ron.iid Tayioi. Assessor, cancellation was np- proved on Real Piopciiy Ta« iiecet.ii,i«wTAXAI»mON-1974REAL ,

At ihinoquesl ol Ronaid-Tjiaoi.

« p ' . T - T r r , :t8M 57, was appioved rr

HMlin* Buiin«»i •*> K»''»«lod *until me hour ol 5.00 o'clock P M , wtten a recess was taken uniil thehour oMO.OO o'clock AM , wher*a ^recess was taken until me hour ol q

ClerkMERLE.CEONARD . "Cnairnwn ]

Twin Falls, Idahu -January 16,1971. •;10 00 o W AM. I

REOUL*nj»MU»fiVS.E55»N tThe Board ot Counly ^Conv h

to recess with.all Comm.wionors P“■ and the Clerk presenl t

IMVITATIONFOflBlDS. _ FNonce is noreby given mai.buJs h

will bo acceplod lo rupiai rocords ol jlhe Twin Falls t>ouj ]y ^Ayosjtor ^

“ ol 1*l« odlock AM FctSTuaryia 1975, by Tho Twin Falls Counlf

-thoir ollice >n m«-Twin Falls Counly Courl HousoAPPOINTMENT ^ [

Richard Sholweii was appomii-d s

floulinc business was irjnMcied onlll Iho hour ol 5 CC o'clock P.M , whon a recess was taken unhl iho

. hour^oMO 00 o'clock A M.Januaiy I

’’ ^Attest H.A LANCASTER- >Oork . •

- MERLE LEONARDCnairrr\*n '

Twin Falls. Idaho |

The Board ol Couniy Com-

m“t»IonoisaS’lhl- cTciK pfi-icnl AUTHORIZATION

Donald Youti. Counly Agenl. was g ia ...^ aulhoi>:aiion lo jiiund iho Want Piolocljon Seminal inTJoisu. Januaiy 19. Ihrough Januaty 24. • 1975.INOtOENT BUftlAL-C03T9----------------

Motion was madu by Com- missioooi Chancc|y and sucondcd,

) t>y Commijsionur Cover to incicaso County Indigent Ounal CoSIS as lollows. Allolvd costs lor Morluary,ttlO.OO, Aliolodcoili-lor cuipylunf-----«1500.Routine business j u s tranuacied

’ unlll mu hour ol 500 o'doci^ P M ,. ' whun a recess was taken until me'

hOui ol to 00 o'clock A M , Januaty20.1975


: ^MERLE LEONARD: Ctuirman4 • Twin'Fltls^idano - *-

Januaiy 20.1975:., •

„ missioners and me Cieiv picstni t BiosJ 11 00 o clock A'*« - Thu t-eing - h the. time adveil'scd lor lecuivmg f - bMls lor one desk si^e. micinally , programmed eioclron>c accounting »■ . . ^ ( itcr.^JMJoU ag^y — amouni *01 tIO.MSM .'Conv

. • missionor Cover mado a rr>oiion mat i bid be laken under advisemcni uniii 11.00 o-clock A M , January 23.1975

, Second lo tno rrxshon •a s made by •J Commissioner Chanccy and Iho

.motioneaiiicduiun.mouMy ; - Rouline business was iiansacied •V , until lt>e hour ol 5 00 o-cioek P M ,. whon a recoss was taken uniii ir>v » hour ol t0,00 o clock A M . Jjnuaiy

22.1975AlleslHA LANCASTER

Cletk <. MERLE LEONARD Cnaltman.

Twin Falls. Idaho Januafy22.l975.-'

' lO-.OOo'clockAM

. l e g a l n o t i c e '

REOULARJANUARYSESaKSN t The Board ol Couniy Com-

missioners tnot at thla limo pur- gm•uant to recess -with Com- mismissioners Chancey. Cover and tho taJClortVj- presenl. Commissioner '

A I T H C ^ ^ walRonald Taylor. Assessor, was . mi|

amhorlied to atler>d the Mid-Winier pAssessor's Convenrion. January,22. - unt23 & 24 In Boise, Idaho. f whi

un's?yf,rh^“r o 7 ? o o * t ^ i w i r ! ^when a recess was Uken until me hour ol 10:00 o'clock A.M., January


MERLE. LEONARD ' / - CkalrmanTwinFalls.ldaho RJanuary 2i, 1975. sEStOOOo'clockA.M. T


, The ~PoJ'g_.oj. 3 ‘i

misiiono'sand lhe Clerk prosoni. opcBJDAWABD6O - I 1;00o'ClockA.M. salt

This being me Hme sol lor tolli awarding a bid for ono <l) desk s iu .iniornatly programmed electronic, smagnetic rccord accounting goccomputer, said ISids having boon areceived at ll:Oir o'clock A.M.. a.Januar/-20. 1975. and taken u n d o r __ jjadvlsofnont until ihis hme. — 5:

Commissioner Chanccy mado a - amolion lo accept the bid - ol yBurroughs Corporation, In lhe \amounLOl $10,825 99. Socond to lhe pmotion was made by Commissioner /,Covor and the molion carried qunaninv)usly. ' mo- Routine business was iranucied Co

until me hour ol S:00A'Cl(^ P.M., Am

s ;24,1975. f

- AllesiH.A LANCASTER- — Cletk----------------------------------- T--,k

MERL E. LEONARD • Chairman - 31.



Motion -was nude by Com- missioner ‘Chanccy mal the lollowing ,mumt)ers be rcappomied

•10 Iho Wood Advisory Board lor ihroi) terms- Joo Slasiny. Ji. and " t Dttek Caniioll. Socond lo iho i motion was made by Commissioner " ■ Cover and iho molion passed unanimously. “ »ilRETIREMENT BOARD \

Motion was mado by Com- g„. missionei Cover that 0-tl Chancey. Commissioner. IVdliam HMhcld. f c Prosoculing Allorney. H.A Lan- AU

■Cj^ci.ClPik. AudiloiandReCOidcr ta Commissioner Cover, ailomjic. • lo bo aopomled io son»e as Oircciora 19! ol tno employee's Relirement FA

.,Program Second to lhe monon was <mado by Commissioner Leonard meand i n O mohon cainod - geunanimously • ' Ru AMENDMENTTOCONTRACT

. The conlracl enluicd mto onJanuary 14, 1975. bclwcon Twin .Falls Counly and Chailes and ,Wanda Allon lor a period ol twelve |h,1121 monlhs. is hereby «m«ndod unliom Iho ralu ol Jl .0M OO per Qjanm__10 mo rate ol S2.2i« U P f montn. lo auMgin January 13, 1975. loi a pcnod Reollwcl»ol12)monlhs To

AlL^thcr provisions ol me at>ove i mentioned conliacl will rcn%am m un lull loife and ellccl unM oihei^iSfrogoiiali-dor jmcivdecf'' ' 3

- " , when a recess was taken until lhe hourol 10 00 o clock a m , January 21.1975Atlosl: H.A, LANCASTER

MERLE.LEONARD ChaiintanTwinFalls.ldaho .rr

' J*nMry21.1975 - ^ si10:00 o'clock a.m. ' rrREGULAR JANUARY SESSION D

Tho Board o r r^ u n ly Com-,missioners mcl at iRis lime pui- Cauant to recess wUh all Com- Cmisaionersorvjiheperkpieseni »AUTHORIZATION °

Commisssionci LuonaiJ was , auihorijed 10 atlend a Legislative . MeelinoinBOiM.January22.1975 U GENERAL SCHOOL AP- ^ PORTIONMENT .

Apporlionmeiitol Geneijl School money lor Iho Counly lor the school f yuar 1974-1975 was approved as lollows- 1411, »13,46902; *412. « J49.273 33: 4411., tta.995 00; I4t4 , 129,388 55. 1415. J12.4M 54. »417, F t13.15905;l418.$10,81966MOTOR USERS REVENUE I

____AflOQUionmCflL „Revenue lor tno Fourth Oua,Hei ol 't974 was appioved as loilows' Twm 'Falls Highway. J122.B93 766. Buhl >'Highway. J47.a06 4B. F.I01 Highway. •J25.359 43: Muilauyh Highway. »$15.19612 1

TwinFalls.ldaho <


Tho“ B 4iid~or-C oum y—Com------<missioners met al mis iimo pi^- 1 suant 10 recess with ail Colh- missionersand the Cletk presenl. BEERUCENSeAPPROVeo

aeer 'ltcenso was approved and ' issued 10 Clyde R. Ihomsen dba

Liquor license was approved and issued to Beryl and Biiiio Percy dba CountyTap

Bouliiw business was transacled unlll the hour ol S 00 odock P.M , when a recess was laken yniii me h0t,r of 10:00 o'clock A M , Januaiy ' 27,1975.

........... .. AltOStH. A.LANCASIER_____

MERLE. LEONARD Chairman ,Twin Falls. ld_aho

■^*To'i?JclSc^kAI#'REGULARJANUARYSESSION The Board 01 L^ounly Com-

. misstonors mer al ihis

___misiiancis*naitHLC!0'kp'eseni _Roulino business was iransacifd

unlll me hour of 5 00 o'clock P M , when a lecess was laiicn until mu noui ol 10 00 O ClOck A M . Jani iry 28,1975.

. Allesi H A LANCASTER------ ^ C to f K " '------------------------ ' --------


, . “ K ,rF '; ,January28,1975,

REGuI aSu a n UARYSESSION The Board- ol Couniy Com^

:: r T o '* r e 7 e ‘ss* ':! ;r.r-C ^ ^m -missioners and me Clcrk prosoni MEETING ATTENDED

All Comm.isionors allended a District Meelmg a t 2 00. o'clock P.M.inJoromu.Ulaho. \ FAIRQOARD APfOINTMEMTs;;

Commissioner Cover njado a ■ molion 10 appomi Raymond

Johnson 10 the Twin Falls County I Fair Board to litMic vacancy Iell by I tho resignation ol Harold Hove

Commissioner Chancey made a I second lo me monon which earned

? IJUCStllLl-MENrAPPnOVED 'j:--------p jriM rtno^oenotm -'iT tnairK r—I Code AnnoUlvd. soltlemoni lor the I Iirst inslailmonl ol 1974 U>es as ol

me tecond Monday ol January,1 • ^75 .''by the'Couniy Treasurer and 1 Audllor. was approved.

Rouline business was Iransacied I . unlll Ihe hour ol 5 00 o'clock P M..

when a recess was laken until the 1 hour ol 10:00 o'clock A.M., January

' ” ■'* AlleslH A. LANCASTER Clork


TwinFalls.ldaho Januaryi3;i075, l0 00oclockA.M.


^ i .


The -sfloard ol Courtly Com- ' aoo missioners. mol at this limo pur- una suani lo recess wllh all Ctim- V

.T M O M O E u S ^ in tAl Ihe request of Rum K Jones, mil

Real Propeny Tai^lS743. t1B2 48, bo twas apprdVed. because ol a hou

• mitplacMHardshipeiempiion, FobRouline business was transacled mol

unlll m t hour ol 5.00 o’clock P.M.. . Covwhon a receat was iaken unlll the UOhourol 10:00 o'clock a:M ..January Ll30.197S.-.---------------- I — ....................

Attest H. A. LANCASTM wasClork . A . a ty

MERLE.LEONARD N . File/ Chairman t47t

f TwinFalls.ldaho , Hor/ - JtnuatyX.IR7S, a ty

R E oU jam sM sE ss™ S3SESSION Tl

The Board cl Counly Cbm- appmissioners met at ihis lime pur- rJo,suanl 10 recess wllh all Com- pgt;missioners and ihoClerk prosoni. sp«

opening bids loT Wood Chemicals. . Edv sild bids wcro road with. Ihofollowing reauiis. hoi

millSieve Regan Company; 2.4-0. No mo

Socurily. ag- 600-lgai $7,95pergal • - ceoOO-5gal.765pergal. ^ o

_ j i0 0 - 3 0 g a l drum»-7.34porgal. q.'' 8250- 55gal. diums- 7-24 per gat. Qn- AmchomAmlirole-T r n

.300-1flal.l1M1v.porgal.l350-5gal. Il.eiv^pcrgal. qmRhodoslnc.NoBid \ Amorican Cyanamid. No Bid Commissioner Chancey made a V

molion mat the bid ol Sieve Regan ^LCompany the accepted lor 2.4-D and pfiAmilrolo - T. fommissioner Cover . ,mado a second lo lhe molion and il gn carried u n a n i m o u s l y . m :

floulme busmejs was transacted (,juntil the hour of 500'<j'cloek P.W., 3 ,

~ w h e n 'a 'rec o s5’*jnavorn jn iii'm o’ ■■ h,: hourol 10.00o'clock A.M..January31. 1975 TaAtlest-H. A. LANCASTER s<

°MEflLE. LEONARD ja|Chairman , p /

Twm Fa’is.ldahoJanuary3t.1975 . aelOOOoWkAM, aJ

REGULARJANUARYSESSION. - „The Board ol Counly Com- yv

missioners mei at this lime pur- (qsuanl lo recess wiih all Com- umissionersandlhoCtorkprosoni. vv AUTHORIZATION

William John was aulhorized to y„attend a . one week's iraining ^ jussion al Pocalello. - starling -Feb ru ary 1975 ni AUTHOfliZATION '

Lvn Aloitiek was aulhorHod to go• 10 twaiciio. idJhOT'FODmarv 3. " iJJ

Commissioner Chancey made amotion mat all Fair Board mem- ^

. bcrs be ruaoDOlnled as loilowx- {rGary Biick.Casilelord: Cecil Childs, ” Buhl; Jay Cobb, Filer; Bon Moiiern,Twin Falls: Miko Gray, Twin Falls:Robert L ’-Bud" Breedma. Mur- , ,f ‘laugh. ,

Commissioner Covcr seconded ...Iho motion and it earned zunanimously . t

_ Thc Counly Treasurer was 1authorized 10 remvesi $l23.7t8 00 Of 5Rovonuo Sharing Funds in Short . 1Term Treasury &ils f.

Routine business was transacled Sunlil me hour pl 5 00 o clock PM . "whon a recess was lakon uniil me .hour ol to OOo'clock A M., February ^ 3 .197S

— Allost;H-A.L^CASTEfl ‘ ' . j

^ E IIr lE. LEONARD • ••- ' ^. Chairman . ^

Twin Falls. Idaho . c Febtuary 3.1975 lOOOo'ClOCkAM.

REGULARJANUARYSESSION pThOfBoird ol Counly : Corrv f

.missioners met at this lime pur- csiia'M lu tocoss Wllh all Com- ^

S e M N A ^ of"DEPO^TMlES iWe, the ,undau;goed County :

Commiisioners in and lor the \Couniy ol Twin Falls. Slate ulldahoo i being Iirst duly sworn on oath,depose and say: .

, Thai wo have o«aminc<3 mo al- ' lidavittfol capital and surplusoi mo

lollowing banvs as required bySection 57-127, Idaho Codc. as 'amendedby|ho40mLog.slaiute ;

Oank_oLldaho. Twin Falls. Idaho FirsfSocuiily Bank ol Idano. Twin

' Falls. Idahoi Faimers Nalional Bank, Duhl. '

Idaho _ ' ,I Idaho Fftv National Banii, Tw.n '

Fails.ldaho-'t - ;Idaho Firsl Naltonal.3ank\ Qiue '

Lakes Branch. Twm Falls. Idaho, 1 ^ 0 National Bank. D >ni. f

H Idaho Flrsl National Bank, Filci,

I' , ' ’Tw'ln Falls Djnk S TfUSl, Com. \

TwinFalls, Idat'o gaiid Imd lhe sami-10 bo qualified lor ,the deposit ol putHic lunds I

The TtoasuVer ol Twm Falli i :Y Counly is hereby auihonicd 10

doposil public lunds in me fn------alorvuid barUiS,.dS.apptOMOd and... |

h. '*Sa'led this*l'd day ol Fu6ii.afy. ' 1975


Metl E Leonard \ tSEAL)

id Wm L Chancey <a Ann Cover <

Altesl'H A. LANCASTER * (

,e SUBSCRIBED - and SWORU 10 , ,y boloro mb ihis ltd day ol Fcbiudty, .

1975 (SEAL)___ .HclenPWiciIicia_______________

NoUryPuWicmand 1lor lhe Suienl Idaho.

K a s ' ' ;Rouline business\»a> iranjacled

until lhe hour ol 5 00 o'clock PM , , when a recess was taken unhl the

m- hourol 10 00o'clock A M , Fobruarylil- 4,1975m. AltBSt H A LANCASTER

rCintk •fd ----- ^WEftCE'ttONAHDA , Chairnyn

Twin Falls. Idaho Fcbiuat.y4.1975

--------_Oi£GUIJiiRJ^UAflr.S£Sa0N___The Boaid ot CourMy Coin-

missioneia mol at ihis time tiur- suani to recess all.Com- milsionorsand ihu Clerk pivscni UOUOR CATERING PERMIT

Liquor Catering Pcm.i »as ap­proved and issued lo Ihu Snamrock ,

"V" (LiQuor-LicenMi I7^J 10 d liX n iS Liquor al lhe T*m Fans

'm- B3i Falls Avcnuo West gn February 8 ,I9f5 . IAUTHORIZATION • ‘

» All Cory»hi«ioncts Will allund a *•' meaimg'^ol Commissioners and

- - Cleikt in Boise, Idaho, FotKuary 5.through 7.1975

» Roulino business was Iransaciod >y unlll Iho hour ol 5 OO o'clock P,M,. nty whonlhoBoarOadjOurnudsmsdle. fy Alle.1-H.A. LANCASTER *e Clerk

• MERLE.LEONARD •ed Chairman .

irjo - . - FrtK^iy’ioJ i gVs' "the 10.00 o’ciock'AMlOl REGULARFEDRUARYSESSiON ■ry. andMEETlNGOFind BOARDOFEOUAL12ATION

The Board ol Counly Com- led missioners met al Ihis lime in M,. . .REGULAR-FEBRUARY SESSION Iho artd as lhe BOARD OF iary EQUALIZATION wilh all Conv “

This being the time sel lot receiving bidrio RepUi Records ol Counly Assessor.. ConW uionet Chancey made a motion lhal iho Judicial BuiUing be declared mo ollicc olCconivComnussioners lor

J bid opening Commissioner Cover



' seconded iho molion and 11 carriedunanliT»usly. 35

The lollowing bid was received.Bonneville Blue Prini buppiy. inc.. ■in tho amouni of $30,000 OO. Cnm- ^miisioner Chancev movod,that Md wbo Uken under edvisemeni until the Ihourof11:OOo'clociiA,M..Tuesday. _ P r iFobruary 11. 1975, 8« 6nd lo Ihe — Primolion was made by Commissioner T»

E s s i j i s ^ ^ s s r ” " ' ■'iLiquor Apportlonrrwnt lor lhe LII

'Ouanereodina Docembcrji. 1974, C< was approved as fotlows: Twin Falls . Pu a ty . l%9e.7B; Buhl Oly. $1,126.89; ' 28 Filet Oty, $460.11; Kimberly Oly. Pa <478.23; Hansen Oly. $1S7.2&; 1 Holllslor Clly, $22.17; Mutiaugh . B.: a tv . $78.84; Caslleford Olv, $100.91. M AIWNTMENT8 AND &ALAR1E6 El' 8ET

_ Tho followlno_p«r»ons_wero___ &appointed fieldmon in me Bureau ol - M< Noxious Weed Conlrot. elleclive Ja February 10. 1975, wilh salaries as spocillod: - - - S t

— pa ac a M te a n f . J ■ .nrr, — yEdward Holtr^^^^ per S)m onlh p lus mileage; Pnco OHolloway. $538,00 por month plus Qmileage; Oien Turner.; $SJ8.00 per O month plus mileage.SETTUMENT

Commissioner Covet made nmotlonlolssueachockol$1,7S0 00 f ‘otxanoulolCourisolilemefllloMt. ^Omer Mclnlyrc. Commissioner ^Chancey seconded lhe motion and CII carried unanimously. < > °BUDGETHEARINO S

Keerlnos wero held on ihoproposed budget for me year 1975 H

' Said heatings wore continued ^CURRENT «PE N S € CLAIMS AP- «PftOVED 2- Current c«penso claims woro "approved on laies. social secunly, ^insurance: and retiremenl withheld " Irom JanuaihMMloa paid J a q u iV y ^ ^

.. 31. 1975._V«ff!ifitt'WfTr'o73cfod._..5!drawn as 'follows: Fodoral <

-Wilhholding Tan, $7,102.00; Stale ^Tax Trusl Fund, $1,840,58. Social |Socurily Trust Fund, $3,243 48; gIdaho Firsl Naltonal Bank, $314 45; »Idaho Hospilal SorviceJ7l1.05 °


Paiks and Recrealion claims wcro "approved on laies and social |aecuriiy withheld Irom January >■ salaries [Mid January 31. 1975 .Warrants wore otdored drawn as ‘loilowv Federal Tax Wilhheld. B*64.04; Stale Tan Ttlisi Tai 5 Wimhoid, $16.65; Social SecunlyFund, $52.36; Idaho Hospnai Sor- ^

SOLi^W^ECLAJMSAPPROVED \ Solid Waste claims wore ap- '

pioved on laios, social secunly and *msuranco wiihhe[d from Januaiy >

vJ^airams wore ordered 01 ^follows: Federal Tai Wiinheld, S10I40, Slale Tai Trust Fund, | $26.38: Social Socurily Fund, $93.02;Idaho Hospital Service. $7195 'WEED tRADlCATlON CUIMS APPROVED

Weed Eradication claims were ■ approved on laios, social secunly. -Insurance and tetiromenl wilhheld ' ‘ from January salaries paid January ' 31. 1975. Warranis were ordered ' drawn as lollows- Federal Withheld Tax, $379 73: SlalO Tai Tnist Fund, • *98.71: Social Socunly Fund. *149,48. Idaho First National Bank.

• *26.05; Idaho Hospital Sontice.^ |

M ^ A T tO N --------The. tesignaimn ol Oaronce

Avanl. Depuly Assessor, was ac­cepted wim regtei. Said rosignalion was clleclrvc as ol

• a S H M S v E o -Dalms wero approved and

warranis were ordeied a t loitows' CURRENTEXPENSE ^

Assessor - Ralph Andre, Car Enpenso. .50.00; Chevron Oil , ComparK.Car E w nso , »0.11; Clos Book &i«fo Supplies, 171 00. Commercial Printers, Slickers Pilnled, 153.30; Continenial Oil Company. Car Eipense 30.32; Finch Btown Company. Mainie^nco, 11.25: Haak-s Bod Shop. Car Repair. 31500.

lnln-| Assn. Assessing Oil Duos; 2500; IIOI ol Magic Valley. Main­tenance. 65 00; ltc« ot Magkj Valley. Equipment Repair. 32.50; Ernosl R. Marlin, Car Eiponse, 50.00; Millrcd J. Schmeckpepor Cat Expense. 60.00; RorwldTaylOt. Meals. Hotel, R eglst., 48.31; Times-Ncws. Publishing, 18.92; J. Eugene While. Car£iponse.60 00

Audllor — Counly Audilor, Pelly Cash, 32<,00; CIdso Book Slore, Supplies, 54:47; Finch Brown C o ^ n y . Mainlor}ance.268 38

Spencer's Inc,, supplies, 23 40. T s^Fans Prinling. Paper, 18 00_______

^ ' F ^ e . * ’rainienance. 26 00. Baunced Rock Soil Disi.. 1975 Funding. 530.00; Wm L. Chanccy. Mlloago-January. 25.20; Conimonial Baking Company, ptisonets lood. M.S4; C & R nmimg Company, primed -suppror^SJAO; -Jack's Cusiom Cutting, ptisonors lood, 49.20. , -

Fairvlew PouMry, prisoners lood, 178.20: Farmers Collce, prisoners

- lood. - 11675, Maige Hoops. Director. Volunloers in Correction, CMnty^iniribution 15000.

Idaho Assn, Commissioners & a o rta , A»»n, Dues, 2,474 91. Ida Gem Dairymen, Priionore; Food. 93.77; J C Penney Company.

. Towels. 13.25: Men E Leonard. Mileage. SS.5S; W. Harold MoU. SiarMS. 8.25; Gela Miller. Treas.. T.F. County Historical Sociely • County Contribullon. - 4,000.00; Motorola Inc., Mainienance, 31,00.

Ramsey Produce Inc., prisoners lood, 289.27; Rogerson Roiiauranl. Moals. .39 S3; Safeway Sloiet. „ p o w e r s lood. 17.18: Snake River

530.00; SpctKors Inc., equipmcm, 13.35; SUy Freth Foods Company.

. ptisonors food, 147.93.Willard Swattley. Mileage, 95.55.

TImes-Nows. PuUnhino, 889.00; Wotl Cassia Counly Soil, Con- . servalion District l975 Funding. 300.00; TwinFaU^ilConsorvaiion, 1975Funding,!3^,Coronet

- Rays. M O O ^n m s Vernon, MO. Aulopsy.200 00.County Agent -

ChevtoTel Oil Company, Co. Car Eipense. 41.36; Oos Book Sioto.

Magic Valley, Sioncii, 3.00; J 4 J Oflice Supply. Supplies. 48.16.

Ilex ol Magic Valloy. Main­tenance. 60 00; txn C. Morrick, Rocoipled Ex{»ns3r-t3 51.* Spcn-

, cors Inc.. Supplies. 3660: Donald. Youll, Receipted Expanse. 15 85 District Courl Parti

Bancroll Whiinoy Company. Law ‘ Library, J 86 95; Bancroll Wfhiinev

Company, Law Library. 337.75:' Bosier Kav' Shop, Keys, 14.50; Kenooih R. Briggs MD. Mental. 70.00. CaJlMhan" 4 Company Law Library. llfSO: Oos Book Sloro. Supplies. 33.24.

O os Book Slore, Supplies, 941.73; Oown Priming Inc,. Pnniirio, 36.50; John P Cox. Mileage, 136.20; Sadie DeGlC*:'NoUry Fee. 10 00; Driw Way Maiket, Suppliei, 10.58; 1 B M

Linda'Johnson. Reporting Scnrlco.20 00.

Linda Johnson., Reporting Ser­vice, 35.00, Mallhew Bendor & Company Inc...Law bbrary„3U0:

1 Mallhew Bendor ft Company. Liw 4 Ubrary. 32.50; W Harold MeU.F Sumps, 17.iO; Monroe Tlt«

— ^aiculaior Co.. Equipment. MO.OO; Nalional College SUU, Judiciary

, N .nI Council ol Juv 01 Judges. Metn-I bership Dues, 20.00; Pranlicee Inc., Law Ubrvy. 2&S.06a PtolossKlU Man's Handy.< Memc^lMum Calendar. Supplies,r 24,50/^ A

• ' L E G A L N O T IC E p

^ jirom e R, Ftoes MO. Menlaf. .M.00; Ol

Jerome R Raes. MD. MenUI,70.00; F. C. Sheneberger. Mental.30000-

Sundald Printing Company, Rock Pfinlad Supplies, IBOO: Twin Falfs* Max* ‘Priming, nintod Supplies. 27.50; mhoi Twin Falls Printing, minted Sup- ' Mrrc

2 E % n s r r a ( « i ; :

t e i ' s . ' s s ' E i f f i ; : s sPart*' 2SS

Pam O'Dell, Wiiness Maglstralo.B.25; David Ray Wiggins. Wiinoss puKMagistrate, 14.25. soElection -Sha,

A V M Election System Division,Balance on Conlaci <4001,28.870 53; .

•Mou-hUlnBen:734-7517;j9.22.-------------HssseJanitor SolK

Charles or Wanda Allon. Janiiorial a

S ' l . - . s f ■ k s

Gem Suio Paper 4 Supply, ''',1: Supplies, 83.81; General Building Supply, Suppllea. 56.84; Gom Slalo ^ r* Paper & S u ^ y . Supplies, 151.50;Idaho Powor Compahy, Semico Courl Houso. SS0.19; Idaho Power . X Company. Sentice Hospilal Buildino, 164.37; imotmouniam Gas. p<^ Sonlc'e-634 Addison. 49.67.

imorrnounUin Gas, Senlce Coutl House. 1.184.62; Inlcrmounlain Gas, ^ou Servico HosplUI building, 1,051.04; ,K-mari. Draperies, 22.02. Krengols Hardware. Supplies, 62.34; Britee Heailng-ft Atr Condiiloner, Sonne*,'127.25; Oils Elevtlo(.^anpany. Maimonanca.MrS<r

.^PootEfoelric. Inc., Material Ubor.59.82: Price Hardware. Hinoes, 8.27;

"Tho: snorwin- Wiiiiam*;&mpany.------Paini, 77.50; Shoiwell's Inc.. RepairSupplies. 348.66; SUndard PlumbingSupply. Air Valves. 29.95; Twin Falls ^ ° Waior 4 Sanitation, Sonrice HospitalBuilding,33.05. '‘IP

Twin FalU Walor & Sanilalion, . ^ Sorvice Court Houso. 60 70; Volco inc., Supplies. 34.89; Volco. Inc. Supplies, 66.99;Prosoculing Allorney ’ 'i.„r

Buhl Herald. ptiniM supplies,172.45; Clos Book SiOtO, Supplies, ,W.97; J 4 J Ollice Supply, Equip- ®?P menl. 467,00Sherill , IC

Paul Corder Shonll. potly cash, 'tUi100 00; Paul Corder, Shonll. poity Barcash, 200.W; Amorican Busmoss «>'SuBi>i,._on«« Suppn™. ! K X a iAmoco Oil Company, Car enpvnsc. : dig59 96. Amoco Oil Company, car - lorr


Boslor Key Shop. Keys, BB4; oxjBuckondorl'Tito Setvlce Inc.. Tiros, md108.60; Buhl Flying Service', Plane lenRental. 26.00: Chevron Oil Com- n.,pany. Car Expense. 80 66. Clos MeBwk Slore, Inc.. Supplies. 96 88. f i t- Ronald Cogsetll, Emergency Kits, Arr

• 4.00. Conllnonial Oil Company. Car. «* expense, 106 60; Paul Cctder. holol * moal5,lolephonc.67,8i.

Michaol Dahmor. Radio tecoivot..105 00^6 L i>oWecse, Telephone Dti, lO.M: Wl1inm» Fphnng, telephone, ^

11.05; Oom Siaie Oil Company. Car «eiponse. 387.04. Ace Hansen Bl<

^Chevrolet, Inc.. car expenie. 36.06; Oe■ Havener's Camera ft Sound. Film wi

Piocossing, 12.65. • , • f,'!Dick Haynos, Telephone, 5 75; 16-

Laura Haynos. Car exMnso-Meais, •28 63: Holiday Inn, Colfeo Break. di{22.00. .Ja ck , ilopwood.....Hil------ AnTelephone. 57.98; Husky Oi1_j .i Al Companv, Car Expense, -7f60>Idaho O M t Law Enlorcemenl. 331Tololypo Ffemal. 225 00; Harold V. lwJonson, Telephone, meals, 23.33; «John Chris Molors, Inc. repair,-' 25, 18 55

T M Kendrick, Survival Kil, reiTelephone, 11.52. Kisllet. miMeals, Telephone, 20 59; The H teKoppei Company. Jackol, 44 88 W

Eddis Lammcrs. Meals. Filolophone, 33.11; Magol Tiro w Company, tires, 74 10: Mag<c ValleyDrug, la il,expense. .9997; Magic 14Valley Flying Semico, hehcoplot rerontal, 676 50: Magic Valley p,Momonal Hospital. |aii eipcnsc, h553,-30; Tom Ms|ors, moals, 33telephone. 10.70. _ &

W Harold Mou, slamps, 19,10:Celia Monies, mesis, 5 35, James R<Munn, Meals, lelephono, 8.78; Ono to Hour Martinuing. laundry. 50.00; .. &Jotty M Packcr, meals, telephone, sipostage, 60,45; Pasco Marketing p,inc.. car expense, 34.15; Phillips CPolroloum. car oiponse, 99 M; Don TlPiopcrs, car exMnse. 64 67; Elmira A Pool moals, 8.41; €utlis Pryor. Vi Telephone. 12.16:'Red'ft Ttadmg 4

Shirley 4 Wyall. shiils and pams, D 104.00, S«hazal's Ollice Appliance, w supplies, 7,10; Max G Smilh, ll Miloago. car. 118,80; Sundatd Prinling Company, Printed Sup- u plios. 162.30; (iilben Sweesy. « telephone 14 H; Texaco. Inc., Car n .txponse,115 41. 0

United Oil ol Idaho, inc.. car v oiponse. 7S 56; B.I1 Workman Ford a Inc.. car expense, 177 49. >Treaavior----------------------------------------

AJberl R. OUC, D.sinbulor, • Renewal Chock Prelection, 74.50 Zoning

Ern’c K'a 66Sen>ice, car expense.13.10: Ernie K'a 66 Semico,- car expense.- 69.52; miornallotUl Building Oflielals, Membership

'duos, 115.00; Kimberly Advertiser, priming, 16J0; Penny Wise Drug. r Film Processing. 19.92. 1

Suns Camera Service, film. 14.a; r Times-Nows, publishing, 36 96; , Keith C. • Andersen, P.E, ‘ Vetilicaiion, 1A3.C0. ,

- General Fund -American Family Life, group In- '

____gufance 237-50:—Berg-tn»uianca ,Inc.. insurance bond, 2,065 OO; Borg > Insurance Inc.. Notary bond, ».00: . Berg Insurance Inc. Liability In- I suranco, 52.00. Bero insurance Inc.. Shonll liability. 1.144.00; Borg In- ‘ surance Inc.. public entp Blankel ' bond, 283.00.

C oniinenuuxife & Accidont, Group Insurance. 741 28; Vwian A Daiss. postage. 20.00. Idaho Firsi I

------ NaltonaV-Bank, Retircmem E-fl:------11,030.31; Idaho Hoswul Service, I Group (nsurance. 1,6l2.70; Ilex of

S f f i i a . S K , ;Robertson Obenchain Insurance. 1

:____Bonfl._{CoverJ^.Op._T>«n Falls 1Assn. o f Insuranco Agenls — In­surance 2.B33 00; Twin Falls Assn 1 Insurance. Insurance. 38.00..

Twin Falls Aatn ol insurance, insurance. 2,180.00. Twin Falls s n Insurance. Insurance, 2.21950; Twin

t . Falls Assn. ol Insurance Agenls — insurance, 20,664.00; Unlled Slate*Posl Ollice, Motored posugej 1 000 00

' .'T he Wyall Company, Aciuarial Consullingr2,600.00. Omcr »jcm^to ■ ftBytonNelson,allornoy,1.750.00.

; *F>ublicOolonsoRayborn. f^ b o rn . Rooayne. - .

> Delenso. 2.812.7^Miscellaneous ^

Timos^Jows. Pubtishino, lOO.JO. Salaries, Aascstors;, CUrlce Avanl. 49.43; Rulh Q .W ,

> 268 05; Raii^ J. Andrce, 150.64;» E r ^ M a^n, .130.51; Millon] J. . Schmeckpepor. 380.77; J. Eugane .

Edna Houk, ^’aaaesW j^ tg .g ;

Beva Johnson. Auditor.’ ^ ? ; - I T etou Inman. Audllor. 113 78; CarU 1; Rumlatt. Commissioner. 79.83;- .« Wlllla0.8mim,Jarrforri85.07, ^

Norman Fillmore, Sharilf, 213.78;« Mai 0 Smith. Sherill, 334J1; Max O »; Srnllh, Sherill. ««-19; Lela An-V derson. TrMSuter, 14.83; Rum S,

Oarws. Treasuiw. 41,52; MarieI Kardino.' Traaaurer, 14.S3; Elma 'V Jeff. Traaaurer.* 11.86; A SallyI, •Jonei.'TTMaurir. m oerO eaonN .- :» Morrlaon, Traaaurer. 303.02. t. Ad VaJonini ^

, I ^ G A L N O TIC E

Xirpon MarWOly ot Twin Falls. Counly Share. ' -CiK

FVhs arid Recreallon Fada. d o e Book Slore., Supplies. 3M ; DepaJdaho Power C o m ^ ^ Samtca (u rti Rock Creek Park. 20,68: Robert -Maxwell. • Recelpied Eipertse, ' w dMileage. S.45; Snake Rhrer Glass. CounMrror, 4.00; Twin Falls Traclor 4 Mre<

Supplle's, 83.44; Walkers WeWinffS - Cc Repair. Repair Mower. 4.00; Bill . aeco Workman Ford. Inc., Equipment Up

P u K c h o ^ - ' -SoulhCenlralDlstHeaMh,Counly (

Share. 7.838,83. iRevetioe Sharing 1 I

— TwinFaUaJoinlPUnnlrwCouncil.------- ...assessment. January, 1.87&.00 - Solid Waste

A R Bally, Payment ol Conlracl,60S.OO; E W Bnuer, Rumblng at Attei

X>na illl..7L0n;,.Biihl ,Harilrt, W - . - J < .

Store.'''-oHr(»-)iippllaa^^ 2120;' *' WblFIteslonTsiorea, Snowllcas. 50.84; whOiD ancliA .H clder,aas(lri^Bolse) ■ houi10.14. . 12,1

kUh& Power Company , Electric AlteSemico. 6.60; MounUin Boll, Main - 1 Cl Undlill Phono, 9.00; C A Pa/rolt,Ubor on Kimborly Dump>7«H)0rT4 W Excavallng. Conlracl lot Januaty,8,474.62; Workman Fotd Inc.. Car ' . Piepair. 82.68.Poor Fund

Lval Aravo, Renl. 37.50. Mrs. Ray — 'R l Barsness. Rem,' 3750; B ..flanv - Tlhouse. Renl. 37,9(fe-Cty0e Belicu. mis

Ooar U kes Agency. Rcnl. Heailh BUI4 Wellato. 125.00; Joe Clemenls Oil hCompany, Indigent Expense. 56.25. proi

' Craqgs tihevron. Indigent Expente. UU72,63, , R

__ Don. Piepets.-lndiaenl. expense, unt67.74; Oon Plepers, Indigent ex- whi-pense, 16.21; Douglas Hotel, rent,. hot 12.00; Driveway Matkel. provisions. . . 13,39.50; Fields M Semico. Indigom AmExpense. 18.60. • / C

l3om Suie Oil Company,'indigont expense. 17.45: Com Suie Welders

.Bike S h ^ , (cnl. 37.50; Harral’s x Nursing Home. Nursing Care. 850- ■

- .56; Idaho Boan ft bievaior. inoigom ' ' - p' eipense, 34.60: Harbor Houso. 1

Monlhly Budgel. 750.00. -mii, Id DHW-Fooa Programs.' Food. sui-Stamps.-333.40; Idaho flrsl National mliBank, lood slamps. 26 00. Idaho JOPowor Company, indigonl oipenso. (35.00; Idaho Power Company. In- Joidigeni eiponse. 222.31; In- Iwi

• icrmounialnGas.indigemcipenso. Co20.00 : Inierrrountain Gas, indigent api

Iniermoumain Gas. Indiaom mi

X se, X.OO; Iniermounlain Oas, rn< m oiPonse. 30.00: in- ,b l lermounuin Oas, indiQonl expense , 79.21; Lucille Jonos. Rent. 37.50; thi McCoy Coal 4 Translcr, Indigent

Eipense, 121.13; Magic Valley 1 Ambulance Inc., Contract, 550.00. nx Magie Vaitey Manor.-Dtugs, 20.50. th,

Magic Valley Memorial Hosp., «n IndigenI Care D>S All 519 45, qI 2.0a 65: Medical Center Pharntacy. - mt Dtugs, 110.15; Medical Cenler PhaJmacy. Drugs. 331.56; Medical aI Center Pharmacy. Dritas. 2.55: BUnche N. Peay. tom, 37.50: Mrs. at George Pennel. ront. 37.50; Penny r , Wise Drug. Drugs, 38.45. Prolessional Pharmacy, drugs,

• 165.01 ZReynoWs Funeral Chapel. In- ^

digeni burial, 629 20: ^Ivailon „ Army, Bus Fare, 38.10: Salvation

j^A uh^.m cals, 9d.00, s iy View' «. Hazeldel Manors. Nursing Can).

336.20; Twin Falls Cemetery Assn.. Indigent Burial, 100.00; Twm Falls cemetery Assn.. Indigem Butui,25 00.

Twin Falls Housing. Aulhoiily. a • rent. 32.90; Twin Falls Wett Aparl- ments. fem, 35.00; Marion Wall, tenl, 37.00; Frank Wells, rem, 25.00; Weslern Mold. rem. 25.00; " Willswood. Inc., ren|--37-.3B; Twin *FallsChapel.liWigenlBurial.250.00. L WoedEradtcallon j;

AbbolU Auto S u p ^ Inc.. repairs. • J 14.18; Aco Hansen Chcvtoiat, Inc.. repairs. 17.90; Idaho Powar Com­pany iBuhl) Elcctticiiv, 2.65; Idaho ■ ftw cr Company ( if) Eloclricily,33.01; IntcrmounUln Gas Company. O as^mlce.115 09. - “

Kitkham Aulo Paris, Aulo * Repairs. M.64; Magic Valiev In- h tornalionaJ Repairs. 112 62; ’

.. Sm aul'a Otlice. Supplies, ollice supplies. 2.SO: Twin Falls Auto Pam . repairs. 8.60; Twin Falts Counly Weed Bureau. Pelly Cas lor TF & Bum: MOO; Umlcd Aulomoilve.-lnc.. Supphes, 10 65.Water 4 Saniianon Depi., Water.480

Depuly^AsMSSOt. was KCepted r with tegtel. olfoctive February 10, 1 1975. - . '

Rouline business was IrarjwlM 1 until me hour of 500 o'clock P.M.. , whon me Boafd ol Couniy Com. 1 missioners recessed until lhe hour ol 10:00 o'clock A.M..'Febtuary 11. < 1975 and lhe Board Ol Equtliralion I

Ah e s ^ ’ a^uw caster I


Twin Falls. kUho

REGUUR FEBRUARY SESSK)N Tho Board ol Counly Com­

missioners met at this ume pur­suant 10 recast with all Corrv mlstionotaandlheOerkprotem.BU> AWARDED - i l : t t o'doek A.U,

Thit being the lime designated for rendering a decision on bid received February 10.1975 to RepUI

___ Recordsgl (he twin Falls Couniy____----- AnMsor; ComHuIoSi^^ -------

movwl lhal Ihf bid ol Bonnoviiie . - Blue Prim &5»ty. Inc. in the

arnoum of *30.000.00 ba i?cepied.

motion and It earned unanimously.JOINT MOKTHLY REPORT

Joint Report ol Operaltons In Funds ol the Audllor and Treasurer for tha month of January U. to

' B «R « 5 A S ^ ^A P ffS S JS ) ^I Beet iwanse Issued 10 id a h a _ ,

Corporation dba Blu* Lakes Inn. to jneThaTalU.lnc,.Harok3Sotomon.

i SS jO fl LICENSE TRANSFER _• Dlqio* Uc«n*o itw ad lo Waho -;

1 Corporalion dba Blue l^ « » I;)".• was transferrad lo Ihe Tho Falls.

t Beer license was approved andIssued lo Bob L, Hopkins dba Rock

< Creek Saloon, tor tne sale.ol drali

■I License was approved and Issued > ’ for the U lo ol Wine by the drink to

Bob L HoptUna dba Rock Oack

- -iSoO eTH£A R»« ' Heatings were held on tho ■

propoaad budo*l tor Jh« year 197S.

RasignsliOT of. Commissioner : L«>nard as Harbor House- ^ r d '• - member was accepted and Com- « : missioner Covor was appointed to

; . loUowing readutton and moved. ' loradMllonodhasame. .

: bT tT RESOLVED; That cerlain r real Property ailuaied in Ihe County

'- o f Twin Fans. SUio ol Idaho.I- -,describedasfoi>owa.t>wit:

Thai portksn ot land abovo-.ihe tlowllne ol MuiUugh lake wfuth .

: lies In-lot 3. Section Eigmeen (18), i Township Eleven (111 Soum, Range a - Twenty (20}. East ol. ihe Boise .

f Meridian, and also' Thel podlon ot Und above th* ’ (lowfine-ol Murtaugh Lake wtiteh lies In lol 4, Section Elghtaen (11), Township Eleven (11) Soum. Range Tweijiy (201, E aal'o l ttic Boiu

l e g a l n o t i c ^ S

*^c2fSily owned by <ha Su ie j t _ '

s s , . r ® . r : ; , T T S ^ot Water Raaowrcet,

end the Conwuaoloneera tfT:tOeCounty ot Twin FalUi SUte of Idaho . agree Ihe above described P ropeM '' .will be malnuined by the Coumv of Twin Falls, torevet lor POWIC* . Recreatton. and pray IMt patent imil 1 . be Issued 10 Twin Falls Counly,

C o m m la a to n e r Chencey^^ seconded lhe molion: j . ; -

Upon floU eall tha Mte «as,ila . lollows,

i MERLE.LEONARD , ..............^Chairman_______ ___ .

B oartof^unty '

,T*in Falls, Idaho , - V Attesi: ------------------------------------

_ U Q.rlr

unlil the hour ol 5:00 o'clock wheti a recess was uken until the hour ol 10:00 o'clock A M,. Febwaryr' 12,1975. ,3,,,Allesi: H, A, LANCASTER

I Clerk ......MERLE.LEONARD : f i r m a n ,

' . TwinFalls.ldaho .>-imji. .

—'REGULAR FEBRUARY SESSJOK:-; •- Tho Board ol Counly C<Wh '• missioners met at this time pur-

. suanl 10 recosa wlh all 'Con*

SuDOETHEARING . T .Hearings were held on -we-

proposed budget focihe year 1976)

, Routine business w u i r o f i ^ W ' —until Ihe hour ot.S:e0 o'clock AMjui—

when s recess was Ukon until lh* hout ol 10:00 o'clock A.M.. FetH J i ^ .

. 13,1975.Attest:H.A.LANCASTER '/ Oetk

MERLE. LEONARD 'Chairman ' ; : J

Twin Falls, Idaho •« February 13.1975

10:00 o'clock A,M,■ ■ REGULAR FEBRUARY SESSlOH','*

The Board ol Couniy ’Ceo>« -mlssloncrs mol al Ihls l im e ^ r- ; suam to recess wilh all C o ^ ' misslonetsand the Oerk presenl., JOtNT OPERATWN AOREEMEWI1 •

Commissioner Covor nw ed lhal Joim Operalion Agtchcmeni' bO-'' Iween Ihe BLM. Salmon Rtver Canal Company and Twin Falls Counly be' a p tM ^ and >ai*y IflaifMCliy

missioner Chancey scfondod IM, motion and li carrleduftartmousl/. ,.

iBUDOET ADOPTED - t*iAl mis limc tho Board con^dered:

tne mailer ol the adoption ,of,Iho budget lor me i975litcal year.

Commissioner Chancev madoia monon 10 adopt Ihe Final fiudget for the litcal year of 1975, as propbMiT, and delivered to mo Couniy Budget Ollice. Second lo the molkm.was -

- made by Commissioner Cover and lhe mwiM carried unanlnwusly-."''-'' AUTHORIZATION

Commissioner Leonard will be attending a Legislalivo meeling in Boise, Idaho on February 14,197fej,

Routine buslneu was trsntaclW unlll iheJiour ol 5«0 o'clock P.M., when a recess was Uken unlil the houroMO:WoclockA,M,^e^uary14.1975.

JUlesl; H. A. LANCASTER---------r-=—Oerk

MERLE.LEONARD Chairman ' .

TwlnFallS.kUho vFeb«uary14,1975

* ' 10:00o'ClockA,M.REGULAR FEBRUARY SESSION The Board ol Counly..Cm-

mlssloncrs met al this l lm e ^ ja suant lo r e c e i i wllh t a g miaaionet t Chancey, Cover arn jflf Cletk presen l. Commltsidfl*r, Leonard absent, ^ .rr vAimtORtZATlON

Ronald Taylor. Assessor.'was aulhorued to 00 to Boise, Wantfi bn FebrusrylS, 1075,

Routine busm en waa lransaci*d . unlll lhe hour ol i.OO o'ctocK P.M. when a recess wat Uken untilJtM hour of 10.00 o'clock A,M„ February18.1975.Atlosl: H. A. 1>NCASTER .


Chairman ^

Twin Falls. Waho 'February 18,1975 10 OOO'CIOCKA M

REGULAR FEBRUARY SESSJON*--------- me' a o irc cf Cmmt T - a C r

mittioners mei al ihis t l m a ® suanl tfr recess with aU

Coumy CommiMWners pr*3W > cancetuiibn on one-half lhe Taies and the pinally and Inlernt on Receipt laoe. in ihe amount of $99.13, becauseotowner;*Inabtiily..

^ ( X lUTION ANO ORDER ____ Comtnlttioper Chancey

and moved tor sd ^ lo n ol iho

*^E R E A $; Section 31-1502 tdahO Codo providet lor Ira n M er^ moneys, set apart ip a a e p ^ fund lor specUl purposes, and kom any cause Ihe money shall ^ 0 become inoperative tor me p u r ^ tor which aaid lund was eraaled. 11 shaU be taiwful tor We Board ot County CommlttWtera In such

r ease 10 transfer money in said lund 1 lotuchlundaalheBoardmaydeem I be ii.and '

vmEREAS; on occasion,,------ bond»accwrt*uU»elnlheCourtTre*(-1I ®‘}|0W,'®"'rHEnEF0RE. " b e * t, RESOLVED: Thai lha <^uT »

Audilor Is ordersd har«ivqn,,ta irsnsfer sny such meneys tq tn ihe

, Court Trusi Fund to th t eanant E ipente Fund oT T«lrr-fa11<

, County.and Is lurther o rd * re < ^ l any subseQueni proof ot fUlro submiliod'tn utva* m u ' lo 'ihe-

3___ Twin Falls County Audllor wUI bejT - p a ld trem,the.,Counly .Currpjt t^ -

‘“ commiMlonet Cov*r s e c o ^ lhe motion '

, . . . - Upon.Roll Call.lftQ vote waa iis'■ Co^lsstonerLeonard'• CofrortfWreVChaneay. aye

CommlssionerCover a FrfSuary.

Is ’*” mERL E. LEONARD "“ T " -

B^s'rd*"ol C ounly M mitsloncrs <“ TwinFalls.ldaho . 1

aAnEST:---------H, A. LA7*CASTER ' • "Clerk

,0 . INVITATION FOR Bt06 , ' ,, Holice was given (hat Twtn Falls*- Counly Commfssionarawiirwhror btds tor one (1) desk aue imkrniUy

S sl11:00ock)CkA.M,.MafCfi10,1Pi 10 In the office et the Cewtff Cjm-

. mittioner at th* TWn Fatlfgdunty

15. *SadS*5Si5anid ElUa F l l A ^w tra a u th o rU a d lo a lle n d a jS ^

in Seminar at St. Anihony, fcJahe, 00

R i ^ Taytor, Aaaasaw. % l tt authort»0 to o o lo 8oue.ldaho,<6 ■r, Feb . JO. 1978, to j y j g

,e unlll ihiThour ol 5 « ? 6 o S i ^ f c a when a receaa was UMn u n lltM

hour of 10:00 o dock A.M,. FeMOj^

5 ' w iJu H , A.LANCASTER : ' i

10 MERLE.LEONARD —U _ , Chairman , ,

'H^roscoIP fiif

in iu - • 'I .ipO R E C A S T FO R PRIDA, c S & lA L 'T E N D e N a E S :

to d ty ;-e ip e cu lly w ith p ir tn e n •n d 'to :w io the ir p o o p u lf io t youta/. V ou h i» e c b ih n «nd m it to plMM all you m eet.

AR1E3 (M ar. 31 to A pr. I m utM k enteipiotei bring fieai n o w r ^ o w c lo ie Ue«. y o u r devi

■ TAXJRUS (A pr. 20 to May — fn y o u r-e n n to n m e n t- ih a t-w jl

new p i b tb a t makea you )nori G EMINI (M ay 21 to Jur

^ .c n n ic n t lb th a t Y,flU„J e E iu « u e i .c iv e lu m i um

M PPN . CHILDREN (June impfOfMC hom e situation s< h ip p ie t. E xtend in n ta lio n i recently.

LEO .(July 22 to Aug. 2 i: f riend i, rela tion t today fbi<« j te n tio n t, BOO<1 C o n e tp o -V IR G O ^^ug. 22 to Sept. 2

a preetK al and w »e w a y . i■ w u a r tT l doubtfu l. E tyoy d o t

U fiR X (Sept. 23 to O ct. 2 do wha< youv like and ui coniHt^rably, Acctp'i m viu tio i

' S(J0R P10 (O ct. 23 to N m atters o f unpodance a y< p r o d tt t iP e -d a y -p .m . Y ou- C

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 stalem ate w!>h some s.iuation and deaf y o u r m tn d ,,T h e ; p fob lem i m p.m .

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to du ties m th e ' outside woild

I m o tion of ali k inds (or f ineu • A 0 i lA lH W T h n ? J » «o F

td e ^ '^ h e d c them w ith .e*pi da ta ypu n e ed . Keep busy, ha

PISCES (F eb . 20- to Mar thioUiih''.wbicb y o u can hand eZ/jcieaUy, w hich has been hs

. l i Sh im -o t-h e i too often , so p( r e a l ly '‘w orthwhile things a e ffdnp ,'T each lo w oik early life ' t i r i ’be had here instead w hK h-i»ould no t be of. yout ati l&lifi'atibn as desued by herfcv!^'-

• T O e;;Stari u n p d . they dc of yoii^ T ie » Uigely up to ^

iBLo K - ’' "

F — I


tH p R J R i tS


^ i i T X r ’i m ■

O v f m n WAY

g / WH<T'3 TH M>CTTEa I' ' a f EVM A PUMVMV CAKj s e t eA 1>46 A«»J WAMTS ID o e

dOMO »UT THE ooa , o o c » m tw a n ta m /£

p a b t o f r r / - ^

L s a _ Z _____

> p e

C a r i ^ I ' R i g h t e r

>A Y 'FEB RV A RY 2 8 , 1975 • .

:: C ontider n la tk ih a w itb o th e n tra. T h ink o f w tya (o b a ^ ' them o h in coord inating efTorta w ith | m agnetism to d a y and ih o u ld use I

19) 'T alks w itb partners about la ter underttand litg and rap p o rt y 6volion. - !ly 20) M ake th e artistic changes • '/ jU -ild ig h fy o u -an d -o th e ra .-B u y ------ :>re a ttractive..une 21) ^ n recreations with____u th e do ld ru rn san d makeHIE 11 iJiBjem. , . • . . - s 22 to Ju ly 21) S tudy w aya of so th a t y o u and k in can be

I to rd a tlv e i you haven’t leen

t l ) G ad ab o u t seeing custom en . l i e w lease 0h life , lurcease from londence brings new f ^ n d s .22) H andle m onetary m a tte rs in "

, BOW. D iscuia w ith a financial, ose ties to n ig h t ,22) .Y ou can easfly g e t o the rs to

unptove y o u r po iitjpn in life b n i D re o well.Nov. 21) D ohing Into personal ~ y o u r 'b e s t w ay to m ake th is a ,. c aa -£ 'n io y _ m ite . if you ignore

!2 to Dec. 21 ) Y ou reach a in . so get o u t to see good friends len you know how to handle

0 Jan . 20) G et an early s ta r t at lid bu t . use cau tion in driving,H results.Feb. 19) Y ou have excellent new ;penenced person . G am er all the happy, o u t of trouble, a r. 20) G e t th a t plan operating id le all y o u r responsibilities m ott hard to do in th e p o t .5RN TO DA Y . . . o thers w ili find a t t i acti te th e y w fll-w tn M o -^ w il— p om t ou t to th is young ite r tha t a>e gained on ly th rough own

ly to tha t a happy and productive id of one'fuU o f self-incrlm lnation u t youngster's doing! Give as fine ly th is offspring. Excellent artist

do no t com peL” W hat y o u make YOU!


7 1 f e u r TMEN COULO E l Z

I ^


1 — n i l ~



\ ( I -• y i •

i .OAS O U K t A U EY '

" i D O O N ^ f c T

j r1 I W Y ' i r s j l S T A* smefoxjRse...

A N P Y C A P P , ______ ^— t^ r ? .a iS 7 J g s s L ‘CJ->.—

r i > C Y S « t r S H W t S D V r f iy M A N T A L A 5 IN T O ^ f l ■

ALLEY OOP_________ •



Q O lli , NO \ / NOT - ro O T B A L L " * , \ ANY

. NO ►JOCKgy—• , J N .NO T E N N IS ... / ^


I ^ W O . W T T C

____ \i\C \C B U

a C K O ^ A Y

W OA RD OF tP __________ __


HIM SOME-’^ ^ ^

[g / T f l g / j g g g a g T y y . p a

m A i e & m m m T M m XT H £ O m m £ S ( W S 6 !


y COULO HELP OVJT ^ A S a O U N D HE R E . i r ^ y ^

NOT EVEN r r '5 TOO Y A N V ^ L F . E A R tV f o r

^ ^ A S E B A L L y J

J T O M b '^ I W I E A U i E A P j 1

g U ‘ ^ - ° d . ~

¥ / \ t } P O N O T M O V B ^ ^ ^ H 9 C H IQ U lT A ..O «

f Thirtu cenfcsl Y l haVfin’i VTheg line etadi ridden a bi ^ ' • - ^ c t e n q e i l - t e r i ^ r g

sV - - - ■ M .





Y WMAT'$ S O tN G 1 T>JO I O N H E K E , 5 0 M E

A ^ ^ A N t W A Y ? |4A p •

s l^ H A A .F-PRU M K !

---------------\ r ---------- 1 T H

1 ^ 1 WE HAV6 JU ^T COME PROM THE HOU&Q OP TH6 p i t t e ie r o

6 i ^ l a ' \ WLUVSINN.. W E - FO U N I7 HIM D B A D .

1 ' 1 / « ^ T ^ J V VERT .


^ I

M ' . '> *•

rs! y ( ^ n e d a n o t e £

----------------------- ---------------- ---------------- 1

________ . —-

" w u a r r m . j l i T l " " ”i4 J t^ H S B e a m i ALON£, MU. note 1}£ '%

.7 - FO «TU N ATtiy,-l — -I S M U fU A L L Y J

■ > p J S S « E D < '^ T A K B i r y


f - •—f --------------------------------------------- 1JOUGMT tU e V P A e s e o


T 5 0 J C U U > T A J < 5 ^ ;^


^ V

Iflia t’s

^ •A m o n g th o sc - rd lo w i-w h o -< u tiv c s , alm ost th r w o u l o f fo u r liq u o r before i h e even ing m eal, inqu ired the su rv cy iak e rs . Sco tc

*• second . B o u rb o n , th ird . R ye . fo — fo^ftf^6w Jinner-< lrinks. sc o ic f t- \

w a s s c c o f d .^ '^ .^ ,^

“ 0 . “ W H E R E A B O U T S in t

A. N ow th e re y o u h av e m< sta le? O nc Jo s e p h W illiam T ay lc

'rcpo rtccfly lia s sp o iled 716 spec in the A m erican B ird ing A ssoci

• m any , no i yet,

P IN S P O I Str. d id y o u ever w o rk a s t

alley? L ikew ise. T he p i lf w ere d ru n k s f tfv e d sh irtle ss . A rm s a cach ball ro lle d , the se tte r hiked and kickcd w ith legs h ig h . M y I a n d blue, l l ' s a bygone jo b . t) p in spo tter w a s |>ut to g e th e r

• _ A m erican M achm tf a n d F o u n d for dim es is n o longer d o n e by w ho now d o so m e lh in g else fo r

7 ' T H E H A R ER eitiem ^...ihpU )U iU <>br d

as m uch g ru b a s i n e ^ d o o r p lievcd in In d ia tha l (h e H in d u > o f the G a n g e s R iver w ill tu rn “ A U TO ” in w o rd s lik e a u to g r t ’• s e lf ' from th e C re ek " a u to s : m en as w ell a s w om en in a r f a n s , . . O N E O U T o f ev ery t e ilh cr a k ing o r a q u e en in size,

W H A T . Y O U th in k Balb ‘to see the P a c ific O cean? M o s t

' Polo w as. th e y say. , '•

DO Y O L ' H A V E o n e '( c a lcu lato rs? I f so . lu r n il o n . / a dded up . e a c h n u m b e r m en li E xactly 7 A r a b n a tio n s fo ugh

, - m en in eac h c o m p a n y . T h ey e n d , only 45 m en w ere le fl . W catcu la lo r u p s id e d o w n to fit O il."

Addmnng.1 lo L M. a«yd. P.O. »< CoprftgMt97

Penn’s S tate

ACROSS SupiemeBtin* 1 s u i t bird 38Fiber'knoi» - ' % Z 1 - M Senior. lab.»7 Siitatiowar. 39 Yugwiav cily

„o«ntain----- So {Se'oi.t

etlthiiHl “ Sp*™ "

■ l . O u i r . n l . . «IS m e t . , I t . ■ . y " “ 2 . HScomin17 Ooll mound i ' ? ” " * ,iHTvoiQllilw SJ Conductorw m t C ' M 3 0 'p ' l2 lB ‘ leVv«^h 55P#n*irit«s « ? f ;n ; 9 ,« . ,o n S 8 T .m .o ly « r24 $coitiin aider oOWN

25 H«itin resort ' 1 Ortvel27 Battbiil teems 2 Hindu queen 29 Ta< group (ab.) (var.) —

----------- auu»niiacflnlU -lM uaialina------32 Feminine memmal*

nicknsme < Snottionean 33Kir\g(Fr.| Indian

— a**l«h»mme<ten 5 Hindu weifltiU

V |2 |3 I* |6 " ‘

ITI---------1 ' ® ' “

III 5 ^

I , , , ----- W w ~

s r — : -------------------


tBTTIC* ««ta> ABOUT Aft HOfALOM WOPX.I, f OF XM KTOfl C L M M tlHA atY .' A 5 A FWRM6R 5 tf CffHBOV 1 8U R5T INTOSOH& w h en ev er F R E P K W < ;j^eg .,igN .w Y P oo^

" I A


ThufKJay.Fabroairv27.1975' Time

__________________ ^ ______ __ :

L. M. Boyd:rh o -c la ss-th cm sc lv e s a s exec- f o u r say th ey l ik e a d r in k o f le a l . " W h a l s o n o f liq u o r? " k o tc h c a m e in first. M a rtin i, e . fo u rth . A n d beer^ f ifth . A s tc fl-w a s-f irs i-a g a ir ir -B u l b e e r -

I in th is c o u n lry is th e g rea te s l •

e m e. C o u ld il be N ew Y o rk r.aylof o f H o n eo y e Fa lls . N .Y .,^ species o f ,b ird s . N o b o d y e lse

ssoc ia tion has p icked o u t th a t

IPO T T E R a s a pin sp o tte r in a bow ling

vere ho i, retnem ber? Boys and m s an d sh o u ld e rs g listened. A s lik e d h im self u p on ih e 's id era il M y left aok lc w as a lw ays b lack lb . th o u g h . T h e ft^st a u lo m atic ih e r ju s t 2S years ago by the o u n ^ ry C o m p an y . W h a t w 'c.did e by a w ho le gen eratio n o f k id s ' e f o r d o lla rs. '

A R D FA C TS>br d o g needs a lm o st h tilf ag a in o r p u p . . . i r S W ID E L Y be- i d u w ho d ies o n th e so u lh ban k (u rn in to a d o n k ey . . . T H E

to g rap lf a n d a u to m o b ile m eans Litos" . . i r S A L SO tru e th a t n ancien t C h in a used to c a rry c ry Ihrce m a ttresses now so ld is s iz e , p lease no te .

B a lb o a w as th e first E u ro p ea n • lo s t h is to ria n s th in k n o l. M arco

ne 'o f th o se d e c iro n lc po ck el o n . A nd record"side by side , no l le n lio n e d in th e fo llow ing slo ry . o u g h t in a w a r .J h e rc _ w c re 107 hey b a tlle d fo r 73 d ay s. In th e f l. W h o w on th e w ar? T u rn th a t .o f in d ,p u i._ S h o u ld rea d : "S h e ll

>.0. »«> 17076, 0>l Wonh, TX 74)0}. Mt975l;M.e«7<i

“ n ~ A n * w * f t 0 'Previ0 Ui P l a n s "

iBeino* In U Im M K 'W TTnD illB lclG

fA >-U r a 6 M * M 4 U J c C n 'c i i r r f r y a t ^* ' ' "JSWr Mularaurial rA lM T uitiE li T ra I- A |m&|

. 6 Sea eaglet )4 Bibiieai ' 7BofOugt»ln mountain

Pennsylvania u Ha»ii parrol 8 Collection ol 37 Communion

quoiet p lain'** 9 Utiliie 38 Lustery**' lOMonarcht '■ 40Siinernt

, I t Pertaimng 10 42M uieo>poeu ' Lake Erie 43 Barsam evenl

12 Lecture (ab.) leen igTrep (Latm)

22 Overliowt 47 Solar disk a. ■_24.EaQHs-r'etlt 49 Fruil drink* 26 Seed covering » Tnree limet ' ean 2 tO ateout (comb form)

element -62C«ribbeen. to ii0tiU-3Q.Oe(imet, inttance

“ I ~ |7 18 19 MO n i n i ”

“ 16

, 55 I

MV P t R F O f l w J I c r i ^ ^ r r H ”X l, A KEtfiKsoR . i

w f i w

1 ' / j g ^

■i ^

TlmovN««»,T«rlnF«lH.,kl«llo a ■

J... - 'C L A S S I F I E C114 MSy 10 Imd IW;'aotiiiioii llTimes Nc>rt Pcopio n<-.ictici^

' ' Markuipinci' .Qo 5ii"*tCQiiI.Vlv,-Ynn II pcof'ti''-;oni;



......... f "




___ ' , . n-Vi^iio|ip^s^f>, ,

_ r e n t a l s ■........

o P Lost I Found

D'«« J-'O : pi'pn> lor>i I.M . Cl-rtiJ'- S''l-C''"a 13 AO,;.', olil

■\'.ni,. cniM> ii.\ii>in. poii.iii.rc "■■•inrc ______LOST S>I*C' Qicr lt'"alo poodio

• Vicmil, Ali-Cilson > Rcwj'd •9«8 ■ _ .Pj'1 Gpimjo Alin ii:<Jcolij'.vounj ?J3-1M3 LOSI HfBtf male Klin Svllti io monlhs olfl. near OoChj-nn .iiO SnouD Rc*afa' Call 7M-3«5 oi7M.S736 ___________ X

• FOUND ST BEnNAnoMAL£':.t/.i .0 ' Alt'CdSOn'i Fcl i«j.i(y 2< , C.ili

■ WdOios Scnool. CSi ? DO A M. 10 t 00 PM J5k lor Casey

03- . . 'UminiceM nlS'


____________ MlNING-SiMlHAR_____ .. f.b»uory28 7 00IO

IOOOFM Hotidor Inn. Twin'Follt

SEMINAR TOPICS •Ponnmg d'edgif'B ilu'Cing, ho»v 10 »iaV» o <'o m hov- 'o,po'erii 0 claim whe'e lo tool tor Gold how 10 i»ll 01 buy gold

Thli ll 0 MOihing {loil <n

Sold proiptclmg or'd mmmgjr iho boginn«r and p'oloi

lionol o1ik«.

Adm,uionS2 50.


M Special NoticesEXEFiarE'Tho' M s r * iy R f '' Wa'ion Bell ViiiiJlo'i SpcfO Bikoj Aci.onCyckiandMj-.wi;- Rollerj. at Ban-cr F;fn,l,ie 73}MJI

------ ho ' ca'r 't ~swee»g"9 3i'»Ihe QrcJiosl SMCCpui Ha;c< N#ly» 733.S6JS or 934.104i

RANDY R. BA n n o u n c e s

v a l l e y VETERBolh lo fg c orid sm o

B u s i n e s s - : H o m e • 8


. T o D e l i v e r t l

— -------------^ ------------^ I n - A l

o f M a c

11 o u t t h e b

M o i l D i r e c t

„ P . O . B o x 5o r Coll D

T o T i m e s - N e w

C i r c u l a t i o n D <

----------: . f . i r l T O i hoft* fn o o ftT Jn > # fN * w » P

% N o ^ * i » ................• l o m . . . . ...........................My Phon# No. 11.,............

- M y A < id r« M U .. .. . . . . . jA TTEN D .........................A m ln th * .........................

r T . " '

; i Tiine5-Ni!«5.T»i..F.illjr'ia.ili°

1 07

D I N D E X, youf .N,.ni or n....:d .n Thu ‘ . ,nCl VV.inr A(J Li'.K'i) COn— ^

m.v)» A(. m e r c h a n d ise - 911

« ■O.-.l-i:-,.,.-.! JX

r i B H f ' .......... s inH-H. .•.•I.u A.'C ............. ' 901

. n r , . i ' i ' ; - n i . '_ 1 U _ ......... ori.:LAWN FARM A GARDEN MJ

M ,,.,..ii„. . . | . , r . . '• 51?r i. .s ------- ' • - ISO

........V, H.I, u-A ■•. r. .-I 5u,•'• I.. •

f " ; " ' W ;

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M 'I;! ■ ap!: 1... ■ obi' '< El


--------- AUTOMOTIvr • ••

M Speclil Kolic S

A NO N Y M O U S --------G A L U 7 3 4 - 5 5 0 2 -----------------

06 . . .^..PersonalsiCCljMlS' VINECAM' nt" "L’ l”

•VDO-*DlAl.“ /v.PRVYEn h'3 ?J40".'

fT,;o.'.ri' .' liol)''. ^ 'in

j s .I'lyAii.-DtiM.i-.


PfjiErTTS^waMOut p/-iiiNcnu 714.216/ 733.95?S

01 M s ol in ttris l Mali t Ftm ilt■ "i.V.i’Ui'1)' -■..i;ni't'*.r«“ Hi,|.:rX..M^

i'!'.ti'.'.d $1/0 ...(.i>it.,,l:-i'if,, ........(MI'I l.l.'f’'

Heod S'oil r»i>d\ ho'Tio .in 'or in iho Buhl o'po Ho ,lo‘"'o ' cduta'ion Muvl c n n f ».Q'k mg „i>h child'on on-J po 'c '’! ' ' Solotf io''g<‘ li S365 S392 Apply oi Heod Siarv 139 6-ti A.,- t Twin Fallt Cio»i'‘g doi</ \ fcbluOfyJBlS

• Sion notPMio un irolooiodo' poro yl\i10f lot

No hoy mngun >equiniiO * 'p«io educocion loimol 5 tieiW <juo guiic 'lo uobo|Of

ton mnoi y •r'V podicv Alconcs do cueldo S36S S392 Poio cpi«0 ' (oniocie a 'Heod Sio'i d« Sl (d ~ o 'd t 139 6l1. A.C I Twin FoH»Idoho Ulli't'Q, <«cho po'o

--------a im r o r r s W r n - T T - r n j -----------

04 Specijlllolices


> o p e n i n g o f

RINARY CLINICloM on'unol s e rv ic c s .- 8 2 9 - 5 5 5 4 ,8 2 9 - 5 5 7 4

i i i - 0 7 - lo b s ol-iBlefisl M ile l.F em ile -

\ND BOYS ^ N T E D - ^

t h e T I M E S - N E W S

k l l - A r e a s ------------------

i g i c V a l l e y

b l a n k b e l o w o n d _ _

t t o T i m e s - N e w s

5 4 8 , T w . i n F a l l sD i r « l 733-0931


l e n t .

il(H ll< .1oT ib lain o n =I P e p w Rout*.

..................................... y « o r i o f O0 «

r . .................. V^- • • • School o n d...................................................g r o d i

^ Thursday. Fotiruary 27-I9JS________ _

07 Job; Of iDterest Male & Fenile 10^

n ?r Of LPN tor nalion^iflo para- . modical Inlufunco ServiCC openmo

.n Twin Falla mon Hour* and ii>- 'YP' cotnft .iinlimilod Inlcrviows nnd -

■■t1?,'Biuul4l.0!ijnnrr*lnfaHl •— —^

ARC senior lilc saver lo« 1975 siimmof at NnlSooPan. Wayo 5;;; ocponds on training and O.- .pt’tifancu. 7a3-t79? ______ appSun ^ralloy ^ p a n y tws im- — mednte position# . op«n in . Iho " housovoopino departmenl Any inlorosted applicnnt should apply P in person at iho Sun Valley Per- aonnol OHiCO. Sun Valtoy, IOA'’0_1. ” ni..i,,r(ir.r,‘;,p;..Aiirio':n:i---i'y ii»o «i

- S iDepcnd.iMe couple to woii> o n .. • j j j I50l.il0<j rancn Soiithiai,rol Caro, po,

summer crew Rfle^nccs. C.ircy rer;B73-3M1 ______ ___________ ___ p«(w.inied” Liccrisoo praclical n»(- ap(son. Call S ^ W ^collccl___________ °®lW anlca~ Rosponsitilo. camcr (Tiindud coupio 10 injnsno 100 umlapanment complon inBiiilcy Miisl jj jI t) Ou c o n .lo rla l. lc w«tf - l>00kkcepinq icChjiiiluO. and l?|.trioy worhinn «ill> ai'd meeling anolhct people Snnd rciumu io'6o»' i"K-<7. C lo TiH'05 News, Twin F.HU 671

■ Fic

- J O B O P E N IN G S

. Vf M A ID S

■ Coff o r soo Earl R oyhorn

C A C T U S P E T E 'S

H O R S E - S H U C L U B 7 3 3 - 5 1 6 ? .

HOMEWORKERS You <0'' moke on intom« ol $25.00

____n .r- lOQ in vOur loorc tirno __ilulfmg onvolopoi. Send lel* oddrcMod iiompod envelope 10 I A Enlorp'iioi P O. Bo»66 Clorkiion UiohB430S .


SALARY *J0Q;500 nio O EENINOOaIt «B 21 1575.... • f S ClOSINOlJAtf *T

MARCH? 1975Two .OCor^yM in Joiomu ,ond Twin Folll o.ailoble Ability 10 wO'k wilh low income and minofily(i). ' more doloilj. £onotl South • Conlfol Community •Aclion V

•Agff.t<y 01 260 2nd Sl E..Ph 733 9351 i



SUELDO $400 500 por met PECHA 01 APllCAR

Feb 21 1975 Fpcho Ca'ondo M ono? 1975

Ooi pOMCiO''#! dciponnblo\0' Twin Fotl\ E Jo-ome Hobilido poio iiflboio' con groupo du tuoldo bOjO E monor>o\ U b ^ c Soulh |

” Ce"lroI~Com'Tiunliy— Anion------- -Agency 360 2nd ii £ Ph.7339351 ‘

08 ' Eniiloimnl «Eincle$

p e 'rso n n e i ' p la c e W n t c en • lEfl 537 Mam Aven.ic EaM 5562 ProlOlMO-ul cttncal sjH:'. Technical eieculi*o *ej*ch aii int)uilie!.»rt:ICOmc

- 0 9 ----------------------------H a w -

o'PENifj'o I<)> , m ; "io.i-iU |o:<ldiv£;iiu:c.>.ill<.-.--dv..l.,-itjtr.v,Musl f') l.V'ii'a' <-tn T*i'i Fans Mip.-li. and tij.c (jocKj U'-i-'i;

. -c'co.d . C0 -M..CI ldai.0 UI-/1'.: _El«'v;i!r)' C>i Slrci.'l !■'.•'- Kl.,n., . . . . i

Gcnrrjl tjrmhj'id Wi.SI ('« p<;fiC'<i'-0 Top A.II"-. PhO'ii'M'l-

.DRIVER w a n te d 10 O', U,c..i diivino. lull limc Call 733 9.i;6 _ . WANTED Phiiocop, m,i-ni’ir servcf mdn;i(;i.| ’ijl.i') plu'.

Enponence pfC'> ’H:a - machines, tiul v,ouiO con-.-'J',-' oi'icc. T.achii'f I'.'chfiicu" for conliduniiat in:i-'».ew c.m t -u rij.i •fl - 9 »m ano 4 - 5 pm V4i!eyCopyProd..cli 7J4b2l9

- TC)o't.'/.N><;bV'Oi<TLi.' ” '.■•le_ -----------------

Nr;<'ded f i p t ’K 'l . l J ll'-'- nVcchanlc Call si:f..i-'. ■•m u .''' 7M.2857

AmlNtio’iS AfliliCijl ln-.,i.."'.iMt(.i n.'OdcO to tan.' O.C' Al j 'c a 'o' r. u..l.i:.l-: C')"'p.i''i .’•'••I

_ AI.<-.|DL'|.".'- -J-Jl-ci.’isrrd Ihfoyjh Ihi; vl.ili; al id.1'1 1 ' Sv"0 fi'Sitmt. to K.l-C 'i fiiM •,

Cou] I'lifi.ilor J>'d 'J i'" 43?--

E.nci.i">'ci-'J c V "i.--C-1-.cM.O'.i.'r S.”; J'.'iiy Kiilley. ~ Mjn;vl »,»ol6'-.,. fhitley. IcJ.iho 678- ??2l . .

•,IVMEDi/.TE oui-ii'ii:; to' b,v>din,« S.l-i-,'ur cpe'.enci-d O u~^am sh w e:]'" rn;. ilvH 'handod piderii-di Call coUccl U?.334.’ Ji5t, e .1 52, 0' wrilu Uo> 4ltj. McSary At.i B«M Ei;-..ii Op po*1-,.ni1y Emplo,er

10 ' - Female Help

cosM Er6 ;o?;i‘. 'i aih

r.’(.'..i!.,.il'/. L 'lk l- 'd C.1I1 723/7/'

. b o o k k e e p e r " p a .a M c o

Mai" A.C £GENERAi OfMCE CLERK no CO'IIIM", coMitili.'i Malii'.lr f-'"'-

S‘ tll'. P o n o 'in c l ' pluf.i-mir.l C.:iil.i. M^MJn A.i;

Es e c r e t a r y ' c i c c u I iv i;prol':','..i(.ridl Muit ha.c ni(tn';--1 Skill lt..:l PuiMKin l Pl»t-;(n,;i.i Center 53/Main_Av.; E_ bookkeeper p'Oli-.MonjI *ot, liCf; M,;5t txi eipC'CntC<t and Sharp Pei%onn«l Placumenl Conti f 723 556?

10- , F e u le H e lP WSECRETAflY WANTEO. must hflvo SAftdeqjato ftkiiis m aiiorthand, «lyping, and uso Ol dictaphono No MI

^oiperionco ^ecussaiy Call 733- -

\ ' P«Needed full tnlo ii*o-ir> taOysmor. p i 734.J876 J

OuTot jcn'ooFnirt 10 w o rk ttA iW• B< ea; hostess Ciii 733-J451 lof

appoinimeni^iiBDi/' t'.ii'ys^ter >ri oiir tiomo lor one 17 mo'.lh dd Relercncoi pin1«/itq 6 30 a Ml !o 4 00 p m ?3J'9C;i •

11 . S a lB sm e^ ^ y esw o cn e f ,-ei;trt)-A-^CAflE6^w^h-MufuA:------

Of OMAHA C0’'I.K1 Mr $<i.i'ii--r.• 73J-4760 cfittoci Op- |


rcfiuiios a good personalily. a person who is (.lean .ind neat m appearance.. .infl ollfits lots ol oopoitiinilics'tor Iho luluro Witti well csiatilished .iflnrcssive Chuvy dealoi Cont,Id Jerry Kirtloy,Hantcl MotOf... R'KlOy. Id.lho- Q78- ?2?1IMMED'iATE JOEropC-muji 'in Tn7 aiCJ lo 's ji';sp (;'icn ;. lull or part l-mc No t«pi;ia'icl- nCf.<;S'..iry 678-J<»1 No co'lcr.t c.iU',. or wrilt;

_ Rouli;3 .0o. 30l,B..rk'y

T H E G R E A T .

L I F E !Thi\ II how you and yOur lomlly wlfl tool aft<rr ilorilnij—

- - - -o io l [ * t - « o * f f * 'u » --- •W H A T M A K E S T

IT O R E A T ?Your pay doy l.r» t o( oH.You for' o«p#ci o»orog«corii.ngv o h $3^0 $300por week • more n y»u oro obove overage. Vou will ha.o o guoronieed income du'ing your mionnvo irom. mg progrom N e.l you wilt ho<e ih«- prciiiQO ol w o'kmg lor a 45 yoor old (ompari,V

... ihol ho i on o u in o n d m g lepuiQl'On for lorvtce Bono* lilv lor you ' i d your lomily ore lo p .i '- »vfh o * 'lr » p

' hQipiialiraiiC} mturonce for

contact bolh etioblisHiod ' * octount» and provpoctivo accouni! ihoi'^ai/e comociod ut Uonagement opporiuni. iioi ovoiloble lor quoMiod mcJividuolv.

ll you oto ir'iereiied ir> ono of the boiler to le i oppor- lun.iioi in lhe Hole wilh unlimited income 0"d QcJ-

conlacl JIM KERSEY fndoy. Fob.uor, 28 1975 9 A.M. 1o3^‘A 678 3501

12 - - Baky Slllers-C lillil Care

O/'nYSiTTrrjO fHW i t t i-nnrpnoriL-. . ' J f 6 3 6 7 . _ ^ : ^ . . . ____________

rili'V .il nn -r,; 'cii'ii r r i '7 h i

HClM.tU li'/.‘iY;3'ir:\G CJ.I. ..■'J'

Al|,-r-.. ,irw.., A .IO u,'

pl.iT .iri-.i A' ■' 1 .1.1’ . r ■ • .111. 4 year-., cn.iu c.i'- n J ,r m \ I .Jack ;-.t4U Jl • N.PSE«Y I,(j;ri5c0 Cll Id r.11" .1 ''vV'-d

------- 5CtwtiC!~1lO»'^r-in-,'i'n~r“t-iiil----nvw j7UiiEtVD/.'s :iC£fj‘:EO D/.» C.'.fiE

— 73WW>..................... ...

“ s.™ :,. .; i ; c ......... ...... si-d -UP I..-, h-:. 2M t,6 ;,■••,

■ V,1.'.</I-I /3jCflliGOOD SmLPmEPO D-'-v c - .‘.e

II CENTER I .■• - . 'J HgI I . ' . ••

n: 4 31) [1 " r. ,1 ;7L.i>^fl - ____


KI n d e r g a r t er' p ro g r q m m e d “ TeoiJing 'ETionMon pho^io piS—

,, ■ grom Afl Mu'iC Fjold Iripi IJ. 3 4 yeori oldi phonici p 'og 'om

on mulic. Iiotd t>ipi H ourt 7 0 m- - .6 pm. All day to ro lor working moiheri Kmgorgorlen•

- now 'en ro lling lor loll term .Vin,cily High School 733 7080 733 9010

>:>' ^ t'l '.ill i r ,.I 111, ho""’- d.1, 1. a J'--' .s.'C' 900tn5 00 733 2697”cr __________

11 ■ ■’ S ih ilim s W illed



-- - I ,.|l,-r.r;nt.7^i-0r'..' - ' -

[I’KlLirt..WOUlD IIk/mOuIEkEEPiNG lor

.I"'' :;.'r 111 r--.|.- |)H;l. r lew, Rl l.- . -.'.-. /33 00-lH w ill LXD rYl’lNG I’. 3:6

'• V ORK w r .N tE l )- f . . i i I - i 'l

132- f;i. ’cral'uili' i"c1 .'m-''.’ C.i'i ‘.16 7^-*_______ tlxii;L:L.ilvUil__________________

SE.’.iNG VJ.'.f;T£[) ................. .


(i:v'iCi.-'l,i.l;!.'.j.i’ 'J";.- i- '. rtio'w:I'f*, 3:tW41

dcd ntMODtUliC l'u-.r>334.- wor*. C..1""<-1S .I l'l [;j'..;l.n,;41tj. ..M.rti.iti -, f : , - , - " , i i c.ill'733'-Op llfiJ ^ ,


r;," K ' Farm Work WaDled

MANURE bl’REiOiNGCuslom Farm.i't! F.icr 326-4703 OrJ?6-49$4

Mcsict'm-I and Lewii Call 324 no ” ‘5 • r

Manure '•.pi'Jdmu l .ililji’iduo C.ilomFjr.ii.iKj Pni>ii,; a ? 8363

<«'' 15 .Business O pportiiitj^ci'I YOIJ ea rn 'J IN ) /.I . VI,' St\)llino

on.clQpu^. Fd-. Il.-I.ii:, N E W. P O Do.Bl'j Do.i..- id>r,.,H3/01 ot, _ _ . . . . . . .

aiuJ YOU EARN SIU>/■•-■.•I. ilu tlir« .Iien1 onY(>lI»lK■ dl MU'. Wh W.

PO Bill 615 fl'.'S'’ l;,H3?01

• V. ' ■

IS B i i l i i s l lw m tn l l l 2iSACRIFICE. M unit motel.' o i- 3 eeltoni income. Ace Really. 733- c MI7. ■ . tl

ri, Thmlng business lor »mOiliou» 1,• person or eoupio. Write Bo« K-7, c-

pT>mos-Ncws •________ I

Fost food builn«tt for soU , - • to qvolriltd porty, Lotoled

In pdrne spot, hign troffl^ in Twin Foils. C c ^ ircKk record,

' reosonobly. priced. Owner/ operator would receive Q ^d relurn on Investment. Pleoie send Inquiries lo Restouront -■ ' Buslneit, P.O. So> 92S5. Ogden. Utah 84409. . '

P O O R H E A T n rll loicing the tale of thit

. ihriving retlouront. Here it o

yeori}. Totol p rice It $15,000. All eouipment ond lixturet ore included Ot this low pcice. Encelleni termt.Coll HAMLEU REAITY for de. tail* ■’ 33 4079


SHOE STOREBeen In Butlnett 34 yeors. toine locolion. Ready to rellre. Ideol locaiion. Write

- ..Box 284. .fiu'rley. Idaho.. :633»fl, . ______ ____ ..

IB Mgni) U Lun

Use Ihl! equity m your home lo txjirow up to $10,000 prewyment penalty For moro mtormjl.on call Lititrly lOJi 734-4700_____________ __________SECURED nole discounted 536- M85___________


K S . S S T E S o w K , I I '

< r . . r : i s r c ' , ' - K ._ olTimet-Ncws _

' i s . IlSltllCliDII

j j r r 'R Olsen Piafo Sludn Bi..i;in'iin(j • Advanced CcrMicO 236M.i0i50'i Phonc733-4lW .

iW&TE ^ i lM INSTfliJCTlONS’t; PiolyiJional tnjiruClor m Twin Falls Itr ,nlorm.n,on Call M3-4843. •

20 ’ Ibctioiu

aUctTon on Tn^ursday Free pichup 03-4819,-

e 22 Htmes For Sale__________________ Q___:-------4'bed'oom ?.tiain tiasemont

_____nearly ncv. s^o.C. rc'riccrator.d.sposal d'snVashcV. leSccd WCV

• yard 131 500 Jcomi; 324-4855 .__, t Dedroom r >me m Twm FallsJ cno'cu lonin properly lor only

$8 000 NaOine Koepnick. 733-7297 Eunice Coopc'. 733-4960 LANO OFFICE OF IDAHO. 733-0715

Live upstairs in c.eaji'l-ji new 2 1 ijeoioom homu and rtc6‘«e income •

I lrom tja-.,eriont iontai;-or. tn |0y a spacious, 2100 SQiarc tuet 4 bedfoom, J t>ath family homo Wllh large tencofl yard, carporl. 2

_____aiprace_titj.iainqs. t ^ a -iiit'ii car-pelmg lolally uIccuiC V/C ehaiiencc anyone to tiwj a t)oiior

E tijy ai It.iS price 1235 SpruCC- no ffl»llf>r*STR’i in’gi' y GEAUTIFUl. 3Udroorn all d tc tnc no-nt u".•1,n,5hed-.a'.ft'Pnlonvtr,.al..a ir-loi J17 900 Can Virginia EiitdlifRoCKy l.'u-.">J|''Rl;*'’' __

' 713-69?0an,

BY OWNER $t2,000 On P io s7a^ Sireel small 2 ticd'oom fiouso. I 1

■ . In basemoni) mce yard, l^ it trees

rear 01101733-6781

Sharp. 3 Wflroom, double garaoc" ___7'.. per cenl loan AcO Realty. 733-

5217__________________ 'R For sale income properly. Ifl'flc 2

od sloiy homo'wiih live rental*. 1(T----- jmail-epartmeni. 4 ».n8l«-iooiia_,j sharo Bain, shower, kilchen ,,Ti lacilit-es All rented. $325 por in trwnlh income.cloto-i-». 733-4027

0' For sale by owner” 3 IjcOroom er'- bncjr—♦ ‘"tonOiliOning. sprinklor m. syctem, '• basem enl, near 10 college. $23.500^A

possible 733-7568^


BHAND NEW 2 story horn* In excellent locotion. Hot ro-

i '- dloni eleclric heot. lirtmteee.Andenon win«Jow». 3 cor e ° '09« oulomotic door opener, luxurious carpeling and motchino woll popers.- thake thinglet ond GE opplf ' oncet. Thit it o quolily built home near th e <oHeae, $54,500 lor appo.niment to

__ _____ le ecoll Bay lewIn, 733:?49fl.

»«,d / Edno 543 5727 I L

y W L S 7330B93 H-iii

no BY H A RM ON PARK' 3 bedroom, loige lot.

___ S 2 2 .0 0 0

iDled We would like 10 thow you . - Ihlt 2 bedroom home on 1

^ r e . le tl ol room for garden 3 0r Ailh) w aler thore; berry

• glenli and fruit

!24- lym-it.

See our od in Twin-J^^lt UO . Open Houie Mogojine ot I your locol retoll slore.

llino \ 7M -StMW . 'uouaVoM 733-0057

' Aldo Strong ............... 733-OWJ; • • lorryUlley..................733-965J®W ■■ A lM oraon..................733.31651 Molen Sm lih ............. 734-4904


I ............ -t

22 ■ . H p ^ » . a l « . .223liodroomnQmoioliemoved,t'alh' TRAeatpeiv; .Ihrougnout Will iccept tiiratHds ihrouqti Fctiriiary 23.. Wb tirepreserve ncni lo rrtiis*:any and ati ureil» « W.4iJ70nr176.Wfl Wee

^ulil '-i l Gold' MotJellKsn. *11' “ ' i eleclrtc tiMevci, 4 t-odroom. Sale

.or»mallflrlionn 73'!''14< ' . ■ Ct____ _______ V SI'2 BEDROOM. MCE LOOKING of

. Aliiminium siding, atiachud . 3' garage, appliance included pr

walking distancB lo Cown town ,5sioros and"oireoTTTMuCBB'lrDm j;

. • Realtors Listing $22.iCO,lo $20,300 - ■ [^ t i y owner. Iivina closol*^-Jl*-Wonh .

V/ashmf)lon 734-24063 bedroom home, cirpoiod. kl firoptace. air condilioned, douiilo ol garago. full t>asemenl, patio, andgood norlheasi locaiion, near - | schools. $31,500 Assume $20,0CO 7pofsoni loan Call 734-6050. J,

m i k e g r a y r e a l t y

WE HAVE TWO NICE, we'l locoted homes In Jerome. both hove 4 bedroomi, 2 ' bolhs, ond fireplocet. $?7 O'OO ond $38,500. ( -SHARP FAMILY HOME,

^oppro>lma1ely 1700 iquore feel. Includes 4 bedroomt. 3 bo lh t, built-in oppllances. beautllul lava rock fireplace. Coihedrol ceiling Only 6 menthi old Owner hat been

. , ..irorsferred, $39 5 0 0 _ .........................COUNTRY LIVING oi in boU- Lovely new 3 bedroom heme - on 2‘ I pcres. TO minuiei Irom lown. Brick ond fromo. oH

'eleclric wilh llreplace. I'-i bolhs, ond formal dining room. Properly it fenced and crosi fenced, $42,500,

DOWNTOWN OFFICE 117 Shoshone St. No. ^

I BelhV/ickham........ 733.5476' -Phil Ruebel . . 733.2100

Vicki liuebel . . . ' , , . 733.2100R.10 Gro^................. 7330101Horold Frojier........ 733-2211Dick Irw in............... 733-6804Sherry Briggt........ _423 5149

_____________ Z a4 :SB Q Q _____________, BRANCrfOFFlCE^ in lhe Holidoy Inn

Jock Co. ........ 733:2080JackC uppeit...........734.4315CorlelloCox 733-2080 -

7 3 4 -5 0 0 2 •

Pick vp free 'O pen Houte Brochure ol your gcocert,4 bedroom. 2 bolh, lynwood.

* -------Brick, well la n d tto p e ^ ^ co rill goVoge Reduced 10 $3(nt50. '■

3 bodroom. 2 bolh, lireplace large thop. $37,000.

---------- Ann Wilmor«7:Trr: <23-5725---Honk Woodoll ..,.733-5B 3t

[CLASSI3 Bookkeeping and acCQunimg.

P fw e for eppointment. E4-5639.

!r anI ^ nqJ e^ J c* ” . ! 1— t 'T«t*mwe/r«inn answenng service,

plwne IS novelnt ,Sonr733-23M.

w - -A m tA H Ci ^ E P A I ^ ------ —Relrigoraton. waahers, dryor*,

e*SIr*once*°^?l* SHUMw’aY *I; APPUANCESft£PAlR7JM1fi7____

^ 87SFilef Avenuewesi

- B A ^ l ^ ~ l ~ J T _ - - - .nr BACKHOe*ftddurt>ptruck*«rviCe., r Olfl M d Bock Hoving Free. ‘g .etlmntei 733-3341.

WSTOM EV AC U ATm 'O oi«. — • BKhhoe. dump truck. Top idU i^i

I dirt. L*rry Crawford, Phone 734-

_________________ :.

CABPENW________________RItE rS Home lmpfo»*(nenl* T M ol wttUflO VK) promlM*. I7 ua, C o n ^ o rtmoOelino. *d- tftuont. eoncr^B iiwrt. e « m «

oiM O lM d «n<l flrunclng n eyailable. Free estimates anO" S m T M4-5374. Oul ol lown call, collect.

" ■ c a r p T n T ^ - T - I - ■ - " - I T -_ Cuitom *c»rpenrry ol all Wr^Jl,’’ rem o d e lin o . ttiee tro ck ln g ,‘- 4 - - -periettrio.-eddillon*. eemenljirort—■ V :r*ee«iift«Je». Contact Bill or Oick

I* T 3W n3. •

® C i f p ^ y ___ ___ _ _ -'- .CUSTOM CARPENTER work,_ penelinfr, ier!<o<Joling,-newcon-

•tructioo. 24 year* e ^ r lo o to . 'Ff*eE»tlm»te*.734-7W.

^ i i r ' o e j w ..............................ORVWall worn for toom additions,

QOWTRACfdfe ~ 1 I . ,lu BILEVS Coftittuciioii'»nd Home1 . liT«rove<T>enlt. cualom building.

,n • r , aMitiOAt. compteie remodeling, r„ . hom* f*p*lrfc atorage

•(ttranca wty» «nd oeOo*. Fi** yJ' _ g tti ff l« W ig m < cfi|ctftiC L_


!■» RPSCONSTRUCTlOH___ \ ___ _H o m ii. im all com m er'eiil. ramodelinc. addiliont, cablnei*,

. firepiKM. brick maaonry. 734«« .

^ e t rock hanging, iapmg, ,.7 brocade. «nd ecowW. Ptaater. M . u td (lucco applicaiion. SUte

l|c«na«d *nd Iruued. CaU 106 324-J” ■ j S S b m o t .906

\ ____

,22 ,■ Homes For Sale 22^TRANSFERRED- muSI Wll large, v*” aliracjlvfl 3 . bedroom. 2 balh, fireplace, storagb, irpeted, quiei llreel, large «hop, oarage, $36,900 .•<Weekands733^«tl8 «

~ lO M O lTRbW 'S 'D REA M■ Con be yours lodoy. EXCIU-

SIVE • 8BAN0 NEW. First Time offered. North Eatt ,''>coiion,

. 3 lovely bedrooms wilh private,both ofl motter bed- room, Cory lirepface ond tpocloui living room, large Ileporoie dining orea. Self- - ^ cleoning oven • Dithwoiher ■Ditpoiol, Beouliful tporkling 1kilchen. separate uiilit/ room •oM kilchen. Homn lully ocarpeted , full botem enl. plumbed for 3 bolht. Double igarage. ^Juit $38,500, $3,850

Pleoie don'l wail.


■ R E A L T Y ' . :733.S5B0Any.lmo I

Eveningi- .lorry J o n e t ............. 734-4090

, les Durham..............324-2001 •' or 733-5580

i P i k H g f o T g



EStATESALE". Thu home hot 3 bedroomt

with 2 on rnoln floor and one• down, lorge recieolion room,

fireploce, ond a 2 car garoge. . Priced $25,600.-Coll lor ap­pointment to thow,

Horlny Moihen . , . . 733-8473 R.J.Sctiwendimon. .733-7100Jock Bishop............. 733-7761


. live in i^e 3 bedioom home . with full boiement. Collect

S200 per month rent from lhe• o'her 2 homes, Oood location

near shopping cenieri. In.. tpect thit choice properly a t

[ •toon os pottible. A irs hemei lor only $26,900. .

y A M L E T T .

n R e a l t y

■ . O F F I C E 7 3 3 U 0 7 96LA1NE ANDERSON . , iRetidentiol andCommercial.............733-1647DAVE HAMIETT, BROKER Consultonl ond ’»

_ A ppraiser.............733-4079

m ~ i-’ CONCFIETE WORK____ ________>g. WaJker’s Cemeni Masonry. Curb.

Oulter, and aidewalk worn. Con. crelewofiiol all kinds 7 3 3 4 4 5 ^

ice, ____ivei G E. i/umpa. Loweal pricea,

free Mtlmate, C«H Larry'a Healing *ndAirC0ftdJU0orng.73M«5. ■

[VK JANITORIAL S C W la ; Window y * deanino, e « p « ahampool.-^j.' commorcial — reaMenlial. Doug— OravM.734-Sia6. tended,------ -- -

« S M E ^ i ^ i P O L K : € '. J / ‘ ! r L r . ^^......../lio iitw atcm niajem ce..

For hort'ea. contlruclioo. buam«ss bulkjifto*. Serrinq Twin Falli for

. . . over20yeafi.»-3574.

The finest m polonno and ,— paperhanging. 3 3 ' year* ex- •IO'- perience. Patch plaatering. dry • Il'l wall ropair. Rue A. Orlnated. Pt^one ^ 73l6e38after4p.m.

PAreRlNGAND PAInVnG ,n l. Do yoor miefior wort no*. It'a lime

I~ to actiodule your outside pamimg■ l i for lummer. Call now for free lowimie oitimatei. Waa Winner 7J4-4419.

Sng" pa in tin g , and OCCORATrNG;•na Inierior, anerlor, Spoeialaing incall rool coating, acouat>caJ apray and

wall te ilw e. Free eatirtNatea, fully— Iniurod. Low, tow prlcoi. 734-JC37. _____ 734-3565 '«di, ,____________ : j _ ....................."O' RAIN GUTTERS ___

one pMc* up to 100' In length.— AvalUM m wwm and

■tilt* colon. Phone lor 'teeork, ,*mmale,73>5715 arid oak tor fWk

______ _____________. isEWINQ MACHINES . _ - _ L ____

------BERNINA - The nx>el advarfcodeTZ, Kwtng mechin* on th*

today.- Located in S«« - Ciely Fabric*.

Shrut)*______ I________ ______'Or»l. PARR-S trim m ing SMVIC^*

iT R K se » i « I i r ' . ' r _Will «jul down, irlm yO uM rw. cul

idlng. upytK>rwoodrofl***.'C3«J0. ^allng, ___ _ ______________r«d*, KONCEK TREE StflVKE, - Now Fl** c)olng:M*ch*ryciJ w lW <>0»^


7 7 ir WINTER WEATHER MEANS YOUR M ? / CAR NEEOSCAHEl Check the auto , t u t . aeryleealnloiJay'aCUasiliedAdi.

• zi s s s : E 4 " o « J ! ! 6 . K f „ i ; , “ a

2nd E u t tftd Blu* Lokei 733-1027


- !

22^ 7 Homes’For S a le ',

L U X U R IO U S L IV IN G' will be youn In th it beautiful

iplil-eniry. 4.bedroom home,, tituaied an 2'-’i acres. Spociol feoturet ol Ihil home includ>« o Franklin stove, o f-'oplo'co corpelinj Ibraughout. fui newer home with Sponi.‘ touchoi. ..............

‘ ' 5 7 , a O U '.<X0l,

*r7lt, lU t IKOI - ■**•1■C.ixlob-i-.- M<-S*«>.,-t.ii - ..^ ,'. 1 JUSinn —a."*iv m io j i

^ L O B E : :rr.jiifREALTY '■T 3 9 'm »

Alio Ori.e, roomy 3 bedroom 2 bolh with lamily room^orMkitchen buil'-in. Or^ly $31,5oiT Betly Milton. 734-4602. GloliCi---

-Reoliy. 733-2623----------- * o 2 S •, Alta Vmo Drive for the

family. 5 bedroomi 2 bo4w «2 fireplocot electric hTtBi*-- o th cobmeit. Well worth $44,000 Ifoy Sn.dor 733- 2546. Globe Reoity 733-2623 ' “

Twin FflMi Branch . 73i-2623.. Bruce Mechem,

Broker................. 733.54Sr^;;Artlrelond............... 733-2340Koy Snider............... 733-2546 ,,Joe Young............. ; 734-33933e11y Millon........... ,734-4602Phylilt Oi-Hie'd . , . 734-2433 ' Burley Branch . . . . 678 1 151.

_ Fronk Bowon____________ ' '■ 'Monagor............. 6T8.»527

Joe Toylor . . . 5234125-J ChoilaiHitow......... 532 4167 --

. Nicely arranged 2 bedroom . home - Carpeted ooi heaV.,: garoge exellen t iO' youngs family or r e ti re d couple, •. Prosideni t i r e e t locoiionnr $16 000


^ 6 7 f r j .—o , 734 5161



If ■ -in.

: You H ave .A Special.::"

^ Type Of ■ “ Business;:;

Then;0. • . - VISI ■ 'for

"• ^emodelln '-'

i& — ^ ---------------------- —

nd ■

icSIR*I 'tely V

■ v P a i n t i n g /

a ^ . __________ • _ - iw

r*CL ----

50S g i v e L J S

5“" A Cali


.... ,i.


. 22 - ’ ' . HaMsFvStleQY OWNER a home il

.JM.400, Soulh ol lovwv

9S40 ,, , ' ~■Oy owno>. 3 .bedroom Cold MKUHion brick nomo Carpel. Duill-ln sio<o. carpofl. on President Siroel. S7S.S00 Call 7y>3i:8- ____________ ^BY OWNER, *lmosi ncw, parl nome tn Norinosjt Twm F»ll». 5 tjcdtooms. 3 baths, utility.!>i6plaffo. lamily room, IMJOO AMumClowiniprcai loan 734.?0S;.

. 3 EJMfOom .home, oaraflo *”0 Shop 1 aero pear Mornmgitdb aica.7»-}9e6

, BARNES REALTYVfivr ftfobfl*W h f


f « l •733-8227

1043 B)u« lok« t North

■ ■ ■ sunshine; patio parties,-------SFIOWERS

Warm lummcr nighl*; mony - I happy hour*. Bul for right

now wllh ihet* cold winler nighl». o'-lotge rooring lire &

■ dimly III Ilghlt, 7 bdrmt,, 3 bathroomi, a dioing toom, oHo a • . bat*r/oW S Irull . room lo ' you. AHoched logorogo i» |u»i thoTighi plq^#----

-------rntnfnmlfliinhio gLioil lOOm------Of: lor ollice *poc«, 'Thi» CANT b« iutt S37.S00' you toy . . . You bat It it l So coll uiiodoyM

' Polll N otilger.........733'3374R.cV Knight............. 733-6399 .Oick Akkermonn. .-, 734-3663M(.llofyFlth.r......... 733-6377O* .,..7 3 3 .0 6 6 9

' - Boy Sobolo............... 733.6340.lou Thorton............. 733-2291JohnCrondell......... 734-4859 'leonnie Boichot . . . 733-3SOOffido Stlvert........... 733.0977Audrey Howard. ...733-S75S Oordon O Teavet.,.734-St7S Annl S w o p e .T ^ . . 733-9570


------------------ T l M l l t ------- ■ —_ <11 M m aIrA a aV

.R.G. Mettertmilh

'COUNTRY.IIVING: Altroclive brick home on oboul !*• o<rn, 2300 tquore leel on iriain lloor ond I3S0 tquore leet In flnithed botement,4 bedroomi. 3% botht, lomlly room, recreoiion room, 7

ped kitchen, eleciric heot, ond olr condilionlng. double goroge, 16' * 35' horte born,

-----Norlheotl-tecotion-on-'HigK—, lown Drive, 5 minuiet from 'lhopping,J7e.9S0,

lo rg e ' fomily home, Iriilevol,4 bedroomt. 3 botht, lomitp- room, living room hot colhed-

- roi ceillngt. (Ireploce, tpo­ciout motier^bedroom. tep- orole diningroom, lorced oir heo t ond f l r condllloning, covered polio, extra potking tpoce lor comper or bool, lorge londtcoped lol with room for gorden. bock yord completely lanced, Lorge o ttum oble 8 % loon, very good Norlheotl localion in Canyon Crett Subdivitlon, 3309 Filer Ave,. S44.9S0. j

_ [ p C T - J n a r _ k 8 r t n g _

a s s o c i a t e s

O H ke . . 7J4.4I75

I E dK Buttt............... 734-2443_i Mike^Simt............... 733.2349

''2 5 ^ -s . W oITbwiHoisiFoir Mie Tn Shoeiw o J bedroorr house. Fenced aroa for cfiiidron gardori apot, e*'*00. Corner lot. Carpeting, paneling, oil heat

' Owr*erwilll.narK:o324-4571,

. 5 ~ HousFiS;


Over leOO tquore <t»< ol li' containing 3 bedroOmi,.3'/‘ oir condillonlng ond plenty i

G E M S T ," , . . j :

u ________________ —

O i Mbull find all sizes,

o ~ -I 23 . . M i l T o n H a s e 2

COZY 2. bedroom honw, rock hrepiKe. loncod Mck yard, nico

r jero^,i?w «C TKimberly. 2,57'acros, laroo W*

level. 5 per cent loan, Ace Really. ~j733-5217, f lNlCE38EOnOOM, al edge oi toWTT. ftfoil basement, fargo living room, woarioo and siorggo shed, oxira lot ,'C'tor houte or garden Terms to |hQualHled tmyer. Huellon, 829-5928 - t:aller5:00. ;Beaulilul 4 bedroom. 2 and Vi baiti b home soulhwest ol-Jetome. 2324 'p sq&aro few o( epadous livlnij on 3 n acres ol land with a panoramic view C ol Magic Valloy, priced fiohl al k 160.000 Alto moe 3 bodroom homo ‘ 6

~ ' in Bhss, nearas a pin, U2.000CAR GtlTLEH REALTY, 120 Eaal Mam, Jeromo. 321-6I60’;

3Y OWNER IH GOODIN''. Ctislom I- >uilt.-l09s-lh#r> 6 -months-otd.-3----- \

Dedrooms. laioo lamiiy room wiih fitcpiace, imng room, and loimai dimng toom. i tulhioonis. latgo douhle oatagc Soo lo apprccialo.Ov/ner irjnsicttod. $49,500. 934-5456, _ . • ________ .

- -COMPLETELY-.REMODELEO-i-- .W-dtoom homo, Electric hoal, new aiipiiances. "ow earpeling,

. Iiieplace H«ol|on, 829-5926.

In lop locolion Jerome, lorge lol. nearly new 3 bedroom

• home. Thermo window*, eloc­lric heal, all carbeted, lull botemenl. Would FHA, priced only $35,000,

- EDGAR C . DRYDEN------------------A G E N C Y ■------------

402 South lincoln ■" ^ PH, 324-5232 . "


HOUISTER; $13.500 wlll buy Ihit older 7 bedroom home ond I0'«S5' iroller houte,ALBION: 3 bedroom h o m ^ , wllh 1500 tquore leet ol liv­ing tpoce, Corpeied, lomlly

'room living room ond Irull - room, $22,000.

- RUPERT; ocret, 3 ' bed- .room home, new carpellng.I2'x34 living room, llie rool,

• gorden Irull Ireet ond horte corrol. Very thorp home.

t s i v i s : ; : k t i

J O H N L U T Z r e a l t o r s 6 8 im E l l . 7 3 3 ^ )5 2 4

Membe^^tf^fple titling

a F n s t b R i M_____ .y-f.i nntihwMt ol Shothofte,

heavy »o<l | 0^ imp(0ve'n>en1», Immediale poaettion. Paul M oseley. 324.4247 ClOn Schroeder. 7 3 4 « r . Sian Wallers, 734-3107_er LAND OFFICE OF IDAHO, 733-0716CHOiCE;66 acrej.-Snake River

Jtroniags, Hagerrrun Valley, Robert * Jooes Really.733-040*

80 actct tOulhwcM ol Buhl, lull walcr, rcil niCC 4’l>0()ioom home. 2

by appoinimont only

512 actei Malta area, priced lo sell


■ ov'brloc*ina Bcilinoslliy Crdok in—Hagerman Valley, Beautilui view—

J, lols ol lteo#\.W)0,000.00 FELDT- MAN REALTOR W. J Polets, 733- l988orm «11,

200 acfo row~:rop Utm Mamiines and sptlnkicr syslcm. Beaulilul 3

I bedroom splil level homo. $40,000 oown lo right buyet, TWifTFALLS

I REALTY & INSURANCE INC, 733-I . .. 3«62o<Ko>tnRobmson.734-3S93.

I 120 ACRES NorttiwesTol Choshonc I immodiaie possession, fierry soil,

good improvemenis. modern Paul Mosley, 324J247. Sian

Waiieti 734-3107 Glonn Schtoedcr 734-6832 lANQ OFFCE OF IDAHO

n3-07l«_________________50 ACRES near D.eirich. -Terms, pnooe 87»-«37i days and 678-6891 ovenmos. HOLCOMB REAL

i ■ ESTATE, 325 Wesl Main, Butley,l^ h o _______________________

: 240 ACf\E larm localeo norm ol ' • Jetome, imrr,ediaie potsessidn,

$225,000, 160 ACHES easl ol Jerome wllh milk barn, milker, a ld

IUS Oulk lank, (priflkler irngaled,__ ‘ $160,000 We also navo a 40 K teom • larnv lar renl with 30 actes on. itngaied, no buildings, STOCK* ol.. MEN'S REALTY. GOO South Lincoln; lat, Jctome. 324U845 , 3244**0, 324-


Sj 1( ' 22 Bones For Salt

n ic e s t h o m e s i n t h eiRT O F KIMBERLY " *living tpoce. tlluoled on on overtiied lol 3‘A bolht. large double-goroge. centrol y ol ttorog* tpoce. J49,000.

F A T E R E A L T Y'3 3 - 5 3 3 6 . ■ • y

ims , k in d s a n d s t y l e

2S ' F n s ( R a ti i ts c40 acres soulh ol Quhi. full waler stw es. good WlaWe ground, lay#^ .

543-646*. See Dolbetl Aiexariabr^ ' Frank Hiavily, or Ralph Assendtup.

For sale or leato l » acre d l i ^..f t^ W B n d e ll^ 2 4 l5 ._________ap acres, (uii T«vin Falls canal walor. Urge lieMa ol good 'cullivaiing land. Fait 2 bedroom home, $92,500 West End Roally.

-iXBroodwayS.5434*09, .,

43 acre daity, doutle nine' hernng bone batn, 86* Itoo sialls, eylago

■ pil. scales. 3 wolls.' 3,000 gallon milk Uuck, latgo shop, nevt 5 bodtoom homo, and lois ol o«iras. . Musl-putctuse cows. also. 324-

• 6557.

TRADE. 4 bcdioom homo (c-' 2'^ ocios oulsido ol Twin Falljl es partial paymenl on 1M lo 160 acrc lartn In Twin Falls. Butil, ot Joromo •

- aroa.-Wiilo-Box K.i c;o.TiiTioa- _ _ News.

60 actos - 80 shares ol waler, 60 so o s aro itngalod. 6 miles Iroin lown. Very nice' Iwo-bodtoom homo wllh l)ig kiichcn $65,000 Twin Falls Really 4 las., Inc . 733-

’ 3662 or~Jcriy’ nobtimj: 423-4438( l o c a i l . ____________ • '1» acro'si nearly nov< 5 bedroom home, lusl snutnoasi ol Diiss. Ail sprinkler iftigaied with wtieol and hand lines, Hagotman Really. 837- 4*63or837-4863.75 bare acres, encetieni crop land Groal poieniisi, iVj.miies Irom cly limil* 20 ocro parcel may bo putchasod $2,000 por

Dorolhy Kolar. 733 .8*6'* ll2’'icros Wllh 125 stuics ol Non

Itisidowalor. SrTulidairy batn; 200 loaling shcdt. Gold Mcda'iion 3- bedroom homo. $125,000. Twin Falls Roally & Ins., Ir^.. 733-3662 orKellh Robinson, 734-3893________680 acres, Goodinfl area Ap- proxirrhioly 200 acres under cultivation Wlin wheoi line sptmkieis. Good possiblllly lor

‘ lurihor development Joo Young, 734-3393, John Batlon. 733-5035 Globo Really, 733-?6?3 355 acre tanch closc lo Jcrotr'c. good 4 bcdioom hbme and ■■"- provcmoms, corral lot up lo 9U) head, 330 itngaied, 200 acrcs row crop, $275,000 Good lOO ncres,

_ ncw land, riew well and pump ■ watm wealhcr area, rauc all crops,

give us a call. 120 acros near jeromo, $90,000 80 acros souih- w ett ot'JefOiT>e, $77,000, i i acres,2 bedroom home. $24,000 Olhet good latms, large and small CARL BUTIER REALTY, 1» Easl Mam, Mtome, 3244166

•0 ACRE DAIRY, 4 or>-a tide Herrirtg bori* bom, 500 ool- low bulk lonk, 100 Iree

“ tiollt, Siloge pil, Ur»d*rground M fuel tioroge. Large lieldt,- B7 thare t ol water, Oood

7 bedroom home, S135.000~ wiih“ tetrfi— oSandbte-.“ Wlll v[ e.chonge lor larger lorm.' 316 ACRES norihwett ol Buhl.

235 ocret Irrogoted. A grovlty p re itu re irrlgallon ty tiem con be inttolled lo Irrigate

[ enlire lotm. 4 bedroom home,■ doiry barn. loaling thed,

mochine thed.- (enced,.$241,000,wiihgoodiermt.

\ 2428 ocret c l choice dejfcjo'p-

motely 1100 ewet plreOdy'in .■ Pivott hond linet • Reier'rtlr,*?^

I ond new woler prolcct moke

Good home plut lennoni houiet, Bern. Corrolt. thedt. Owner will contider ex-

,,— - _ tnonge_:_Oi_i«III3evelo|}*d—

364 ocret wllh 220 culiivoled ^ and 291 thoret ol woier

plut 100 ocret bl odjoining- BLM lond (lied on — Greol ■j poTentiol and good locolion,,“ Two bore 40 ocre porcelt ; r (lull woler). Welt locoled and

priced 10 tell - wilh term t _ available, Coniiderolion. lor IC coth — owner onilout,

THIS WONT lAST lONGI 100 ,n ocret new ground, odioceni _ f., 10 Ireewoy ot Ham mett,10 tulioble lor any cropt. New

well, pump end hondlinet.


G EM STATE REALTY- 733-5336in, r*' ’ ol ----------------


^ . . » 0 ocret row crep Idnd^AM- M'* terli^ler Irrlgeied. 3 line* lo

the 40. Snoke River water loeoi toil ond climate lor pololoet. been, and b«oru. Only $750 per acre, with low down poymeni,480 acres Irrigated Irom 7 ■

_ .wellti New 6 bedroom brick home, Pretenily rolting.pc^ ,

H i to toe i. beoni, groin, ond ^ corn. Total price $490,000. ■ 2 9 ^ down.H 1,041 o c re t 'd e e d e d . 930

toil lor been, b ^ i . ond

S^n“''p riee $660,000. 2 9 \down,704 ocret. deeded. Aboul SOO ocret ore pretenily Irrigaied end oH'could be with u te ol

01 tp rln^ lert. 704 inches otol Snoke River water. Soil

very tondy. locoled odfocenf . lo Snoke River.- .Price


.1 USS EVENINGS <37-4543.

miicy I e s in t o d a y s C la





; _ . a , f r t i t M w J-A r-;------------------------------

^ 25 ocrei ol.lond, oil In cropt, lO no improvemenli. lull woter 3. righl. localed near Jerome.,n . priceddt$1600perocre,

ED G A R C. DRYDEN ? A G EN C Y5f 402 Soulh Lincoln

• PH, 324-5232

0. ■ ---------------------------------- ---

2 0 6 A C R E Sc. ol the bett lorm lend in

Jerome county, in o high tioie^ ol pr'oou^livlly, wllh lull

woler rightt. $25,000 worth ol bucko coirolt. including102 Iree siolli. Good.modem____home ond plenly ol ou*.

• bulldlngt. Full price only BS $290,000.

Jo ro m o Eldon Hondy. 324-4339

, Dick Gregory. 324-4353j* home, 324-5986>e — ^ ' '

26 Boslitss Prii(!rl)

INTERIOR OECORATlbNTHOPaniJ )0 business localcd downtown n ' V "B u ticyeT s-T nr-:---------------- ,

,1 wawhouso With itackaoc. locutcaI ' on Truck Lane in Twm Frtlli-Ap.J! —plftnucalcly B.OOO squanv'lccl 09 ,, (iroijnd lloor. 2 largo gtam siiotand' • ciiner miscellaneous items in-

Mudcd. Puce $60,000 Cali Royal'd. Hcyet, Rocky Mounlam Really.d, ■,733-1*06 Evcnmos,73>6lB7« ' I'OR SALE: Church,’9000 ■

I'p. ,siquata-loot ol space. 2ii <ih

8 unit aparimeni houte. lut- n ithed, In prim* locolion.

n*: ~ “ COo'd~?n'cornTrTocforT~PIui extra good home on tome

3». property/.

_ B A R N E S = ^ ■' R E A L T Y

,na . 10438lueleketBlvd,Nerih,a i O llic e ...................... 7338227

Connie Wylie...........734 5946elt —-----------------------------------n d OWNER ANXIOUS, I yeor oldmt bor wllh tpeed bar. hot ex-lor cellent relurn lor invettmeni.

price reduced $l,OM, now 100 $33,000., eni _ IaMILY BUSINESS. Counlry >tt, ttore ond irvtk ttop on 8.34 lew hundrelht ac-et, good bull­e t. n e tt. fSO.OOO. SIO.OOO dov -n

GROCERY STORE and got tto- tlon viilh bulk go t delivery. In

r v f i 'T . • ^

WESTERN REALTY___ _ ' 733-2365

21 Acrnie t Lob20 acres. 5 bedroom home with 2 btlh, Hagerman Valley Cali lo< an tppoinl>T\ent, Haoerman Really,

B M B3M463orB37-4663, _______I i B Lot lor U ie; i n ' IroAUge in nice

•ufrdivision olt EliMbein, oast ol.JUi:____ ElStUfKt $3800. 734-3580 or 733-■tlo ' ■ ________________■ater Good 2 bedroom home on V» acre.

for IndustrUI zono, by owner. $1*.500, oru. 73«577. -

1 or 2 K ro t lor'sale, now in allaila, ^ W l y termed, with water ngnts,

2 ACRES CldSE IN w.lh 7 bed'room- po- . home, remodeled kitchen wiih ond bullion range.' garaoe and out000. txiiidmgs. All (or $22,500. Nadine

K oepm ck, 733-7297. Eunice Cooper.733-*9eO LANDOFFK^EOF

whh 10 .

ond ^aouthoUeromo324-se22.

joitt' Skyline ' kfos subdivision, very go^2.96Ktelol.734-505*. . ‘

500 Lolt lor sale Phono 7 3 3 ^ o r' • 73M258.

*! 10 Acres in Snake River Canyon.1, Kldal lor building sites, mote ■■ -ground tfroiiaUe it desitod. Gienn Kenf Schioocli . 73*<832 LAND OFFICE •rice OFIDAHO.-73M718.

Lot, 274 A d^S . $1500 ot tiMe lor, SEE pickuBot equal value, 73^3295- ' I

f'!^J a c r e a g e FOn-SALE, 300 Easl A venurnr-Jerom e-,,, 536.J956.

>- Wendell, 376-7790. Bolje.


: i a s s i f i e d A d s . 0't • ,

Ei'r ' ■'

a _____________________ _ _ 1

tO lF f E lW W O W O .U P I jE R E ! '

21 ' t n t a t e t l i l r

16 6 acres wilh beaulilul view ol Twm Falls. 3-i>odtoom homo wilh 40-yeat steel sidmg; 2-car gatago. oulside shod nild corral; paved road on two kidos Cali loday to see. $67,000. Twin Falls Really & ' Ins.. Inc.. 733-3862-0*- KoilhRobmton. 734-38d3_____________3 .ndutlrial lols, 4in Ave W:>C>- cclleni location. Joe Young. 734- 3393 Giotyi Really. 733-?6?3.Hajclton. 14 acret. 3 bcdioom home, ne^viy remodeled, good Out buildings. Joe Young. 734-3393 Ciotw Really 733-2623.

2 ncrc!, cIOse'rTwm^iiiOClcrn 2 tjedroom hc>mo. Remodeled kii- chcn with built-m tango, garauc. aKd oul-builliogs Only $22.KO

------- NJdlne'KOOpniCK 733-7797. CumcoCooper. 733-1960 LANOOFFlCEOF IDAHO, 73M716

5 l>taroom modern counliy homo, tjnek kilchen t'uiil-in appiia'icc4 2 baths, tia»ofi«jni g a ra tje .a c rp . allloi$?« 700 Gene Hopkins. 543- 6633 LAND OFFICE OF IDAHO.7335715_______________________1 ACRE Wllh -3 bedroom bnck home, bath and W. clbctric heal.

— lirepiace, 1460 souarc Icet. 825-K i r __________- ___ •For talc: 20 actc t good, i.ilai'ie land, 20 shares ol waier Call allot

n 5 00pm oronwoekcnds.536-J06I

^6 r s a l e 2 5-acre homo sues, a hallway belween Jerome and Twin 3. Falls. Approiimateiy $3,500 down,,n assumo $5,350 at $800 pcr year 1 ■,d ' 2V; (Ctc Sllc at $5,000. I acren. Commorcial, south ol Jerome 324-al M19.

V Southern stylo colonial hoino. 3*00— square (eel Heal pump, atr con- jO ' diHonmo, intercom, much more 5 lh acres. Btlowappraisai 32*-5623

• EvCfythmB goes due 10 ill health 5choice areas Ncw consituciion ol 30 x 50 shoo tiulldmg 14 x 16 pump ar>d laundry room. 10 x 57 molniu

i---------h'oni5?all se tu p with undergroundt utilities Seplic tank, natural; gas.

well, electricity, phone.- Cable Boaulllul apot lor new twme, TOO'

--------- Soulh-«(-Moio<-Vu.Comir-*ltO-t.acre commercial, one iMdroom house. 3-10 wide nvsbile homes, 4 mobile homo hook-ups .&&3 S Locust, Also new 1974 Kit 18’.

7 camper irailer. tandrum site. 1967 i Thunderbird, now motor, older

farmall Itaclor with cab Good army , truck hoisl or*d boom Lincoln ' Welder pottat>ie compressor, tots

oltools. 734-2050,

' SPRING 15 ALMOST HEREThir-thorp ocreoge It the one

' you've be en looking lor.* Home hot bean, redecorated.

Nice po lio , carport, out ' bulld lng t. Only S 3 ^ 0 0 > -

or Nodine Koepnlck. 733- , 75W r lANO OFFICE OF

IDAHO, 733-0716.

90 . ’ - MolllallaiiiIBTOSocutily mobTie horno lor sale

I j l t 3 bedioom, tully carpeted. B4 5544 . -Hk.utnan Trailer Courl

~ j Space no. 46. Jetome__________an 1970cusiom buill Lampliler. 24 x 3* ly, 2 bedroom.' washer, dryer;- an

Skiitingrpprch. 733-3'«o 1975 14 wide two bcdrooiQ, $80 0’ 'down. .A ll olecinc. HACIEND/

■3J- HOMES. 733-7568. .

■ One 12 X B0 ,TA»1ARACK MOBll » ' HOME,-'Already sel up m/;hoi(

’ location, 733-7446,

IT 1974 TAMARACK 14 ^ ' ^ “e a IS, Space 121,. Laiy J'-JUnch, Twu

Falls, .om 12 ■ 60 1972 all eiectnc Vanugi Illh nwbile home. ski(ted. water eoote out artd water solienet. Located nea me Filer.- in mobile home park. 326 ice 4670,

Nice 3 bedroom mobiia home, 12 eo. Immediate possession. $4,fl0(

5800, --------

19 7 4 G O V E R N O R) o r ' - ' * Tolal Eleciric ’

tt Completely FuM thed___ <1 3 Bedroomt .yon. I {n front.'1 Jn reor~«[^*0 rt Cenler Kilcheri

/ * 7 4 9 5 B R O C K M A N 'S

^ M OBILE H O M ES. ■ NOXMO Thdien Motort

: h e c k N O W ! j |

.30 ' Hollle H onis 32

3 Bcdioom l* '^ido, tcpossossod Bn Immediate occupancy. All sol ,tjp. sd<

- .jkimKL-_$ltt-flowtUiJlAClEMaA-i .UwHOMES 71V7VJI • IhciSTToARfiiR^ON 14 . 6* ,8" ’cir- -■ ^panflo livmfl loom. Iront kitchen. 2 'J3liedroom. lolal olecinc. st>ao ^carpel and draped Sol up, skir- Quled! Wllh awninu. Fenced and ; mosncd. Airconditiono'y Shell.j_i.C- lot■10 <«>f«VI 714-4436.______________ Wll

12 . 60 MABLETTE MOBILE home ■■ - qI2 bedroom, lutmshvd 'o t un- n(lutnished, carpeted tkuicd, non i ,slcps, awrino.slotaQOthcdt 733- u1308________________________1972 ShuiU 14 X 64 motvle home 2 «bedroom, l’, bathj, an con- U| ftilioning, rfielal Shed. sknlinQ Back and Ironl melal s'cpsrdrapes and^hag carpeimg Real- cluan $6,000 Ed s Ma-Boi-Aiio. No 42

, Phone 3?4-??*0 lor acpon’lnioiit For sate 2* x 60 r^W e y m e ni

Kimberly, Cetdoo in eicvii'.ni condilion with patio and carport covers and caipcled Ihroughoul Pnonc 423-*583. ,197* Parliament trailer, patliaily

. lurnijhcd $500 Oown and assume

2 bedroom, oil electtic. wilh awnmgs and dock, seiiip In paik, new earpeling. stotm windows, manyeiltat 733-2720 197? BUOOY "l2 " i'tT 'ii7 r" con^

$4^"A°cf5Q03 ^ 6 9 4 ‘$350 down. IJko over pjymu-ii|5 7}14i64, 2 tiCOroom, immo(li,i1'.-

” posscjjion 734--J764

sen, Space86,la ty J .___________1972 2 bcdioom FieciwOod, 14 >.55,.Wllh eipando, mobiio homo sel-up m Twin Falls $900 down oi will lease .wiih option to buy, 2 bedioorp 1967, like now, mobile' homtf In Kimberly Fiirmined

, $4,000 Wllh lorms 3 bedroom, 1'.7 - baths, molilc home, mado mto home on lot in Bellevue $21,500 Wllh lermi. Call Rulh at W/tsicrn

' Really, 733-2365 or 825 5755, ___' 1972 Manorwood I* > » 2

bedrooms, used less than 7 ycais- 5*3-6322 _______________

2 1972 Ficciwood. 2 licdiootn.,12 i Cp - I- carpeted, ^wnirigs. raised paiio. '

skntmg. adult section Poilo^U>t .‘ newly wedi 01 iclnod cqubIo"?!*- D 0621,ovcnino5.--------------------- -- t;

Sklrtmg lor mot,ilu nomoi. $i M por tunnmo loot Fmancino

’ possitrfc HACIENDA HOMES 733- ? 7568.

i ' i* X 65 Conco'd Iwo hcdroom targe kitchen livmij room com-

— Innalion Paiki-d ai Shciny s D-«, Honoy lor equity lake over paymenis 734-6I5J •? 5 - ______________________ _

,7 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL01 Serioi No. 1493

NEW FLEETW OOD V CU STO Mn" 1 4 x 6 4' • -;- 7 bedroom'« , All electric

-„-From living Room _ Sepoioie KitchenX) ' Fully Corpeied

-.. Furniihed ONLY

1 ---------- * 8 : 2 7 5 ------ ^ol '

B k T A '

. r ' l H I I H)67

31 F n l s M t l k h n . H oistsOln • ___________________________

Real thaip one bedroom home.- . basement. No cmidrer*. nq pels. $140mon1h.733<35g:Urge 3 bodroom home, with lun

• basemeni. Good location, elose 10'■ town.-phonc 733-3700 ____

In coui'*" * •■•f vn house!

3. ~ l Bodioom house. lumisho<J. $t50.iF • Jetome. 32^5640!__________-

TwobedroOTcarpeied fw ^ $ i2 5 _ Must have reierence. 3244Sn MM Furnished cottages tot tent.* * * Inquin at 141 Blue Lakes Blvd.3 7 - ________S4- New 2 bedroom house. douUe cat wrt. garagewilhuntaiishedupstaiis AM

carpeted rooms Availabte 1 March ^ Call 324-2647. Jeiome.

“ — LOW COST H O U SIN G -------$800 Poymentt low o t $75.00 monlh

. B I G W O O D

B i if ■ r e a l t y ■lOice •734-6551 733-4983

32 Firtfslml >|)ls. t ll» |l««eiCASCADE MANOR APARTMENTS;

----- 3 Bedrooms - Carpel and Drapes-0* - - Range - Relrigeralor - D.1N olof washor - ifundry Facilities - ’oar furnithM -Unlutm shed-.W ater

and Sanitation (oimshod. Dial 734-___ 5547. - - ^IL* 1 bedroom Iwnijhed opanment,

2 0 Filin A ^nuo U sl.

) [ { _PARTIALLY FURNISHfrO one bedroom, no children or pels. Iwndry tacililies. all utilities paid, cleaning deposit required ,Seeg>ter5.482AddisonW,__________Futnltned V bedroojn carpeted -Iparlmenl lot single petson. $110 Includes utilities. No pets, 73*-

» c 3110 ~__________________Parity lurmshcd, 1 bcOtoom

C aparlmonl. Pnvale ontrancc.paneled, c.upolDt), ;iitnoii now,

i Adulisonl., Retcic^o

32 -Furnlsheil Apis. & Duplexes UBaacmenl apaitmi'nl, Imn'incdi ' . h S adulm only, .no pels, Ulii.liCk . $?«

;,iuttiiined jiSO^Oenoan fr a ciiieg— 3 2 $ Iiiniiite638 Fourih Avenue Easl —

13 lkhnilslitil«|ils.(Dii)li<es SOuict Ha:clion apaiimcnt, $60 pet mHmonth, unlumiihcd, 1 licdtoom, __lot eidciiy singlo 01 mAItl( d couple newilhsnullchild 629 5312 pai

' buss" ’ manor apar’tment?NOW tak.T'/l .ippliC,ilioti!i lot lovi'ly m1 .md 2 tH,-dHK>m aiuilmctil. W.ill-i ,- aI sanilalion. tipat. cli?clncily' lin- ' gi rishMl fully r.,ii|)Tli.-<) iniiil ,naiipl'.ii'cci Liic.iji.-d 111 ',r.,-i„c "-fl Dll-.,-.,. Idahu rilQtii- Ml niinii ill r 35J-*;7tlor.u'i]il»oucaiic|ii7it,tv . . ■ n

FOR EMPLOYED ADULTS. J well mjinnimpd Pnv.ilc cniianci- H.IscvciylMitig 22;7mNuHn I N0RTHVIEW'”MA'N0ir' APART' ! M E N T S.'N ow u ndo r nuw

------ ttwnaoomonl Clcjn. i.ioUeiii, lully------- -caipcled 3. 2. 01 1 iH^ioom

. conluttipoijry a lIIlnt•Ill3^ P d 1, colocineity, waint luinishod ci Faniilius wfictjine’6 o' 12 months 'cIcaso Now taking aoplicaiions p Sony, no pels Phone 733 2138 lor

2 bedioom dupioi avaiiaWi- 1 'March. With cj'poi. drapes an McondilionniQ. (jaiagL-, rangu ar d wlolngoiator. wilh washer and diycr irhook.up 'N o pels $185 monlh plus piutilities, $75 deposit.^ilh 6 monlh %IC.I50 Call 73* 4411_____________ •SMALL STUDIO APARTMENT. jPailiaiiy fuini'.,hod. wiih slovo, ;roliiocia'for, catpols Uhiilics paid. •onccpr oleciriclly Close to 1

person,$7 5 00rTwih.Call733-9233 ibcloro5 30pm. , (COUNTRY VILu T paPARTMENTS. 'deluxe 3, tiediooin, 2 lull |liathiooms. Ii«mg, lamily. (Jmmg. , counlry kilchcn. covoicd-pal>o~ - 1 •dout'ie C.II caipoil and siorage aica Kilchen appliances, fitconditioned, all eleclnc and Gold .Meflaliiori Dtpotil ruguiicd $225 «pol tiionlh 733-456G >Two t-cdroom unturmsned apart- , menl S215 pet month No pets. Lauiel Paik Apin 734-4195

One I>cdiOO'ii apatlnionl Adults over 24 833 Shoshone Street

'. North 734-4718 ]Onl- and two tjcdiooni aM'imenis, V/endeli. leasonjiiift iem. 7W-7200

1 tuctioloi apJilnienl. no cHildiC-n 3 01 pels Oeaning deposit See1 nlicf 5.482 Additon WeM ,______

One bcdioom gatden apaitmeni Flier, all ulllllies paid.-all ap­pliances. dtapet, carpels lut-

' msned $125 montti lor qualihud tenants - Umit 2 p ^ lC - 1

■. lease. 326-5292.734-7200

i m \ t Hones3 bedroom moliilo homo, moslly lurmsfted. 1W balhs. walking distance to grade school and lood slor*<3?fl-40*88ller5.00.

i McetBisloessOllice spare lor ront 560 square Iccl Vacant Match 1 Catl 734-6374 t>cloio3 p m.andallor6pm.

W /^ R E M O lH riO frR E N r 'm square fael Not heated. Truck high loading doors Qood location Ptione 7330615.Warehouse space lor ren'i ot leaseuy monin ui yu*i,'«iiiy jniuuiilUl " space, 200- lo 50,000, Cai: 73*-550*

1,000 squaic leet heated s io r ^ , to cents'squaro loot plus ulihttus 733-3838.- ,,

. COMMERCIAL SH0P’” F0R"7cni . 4,000 squai*-led. wiih air, 220

• -Wcdliic 7an<rrpHjsc.-Mjii SlULU ■* ‘-•vsileliJe;—4oeai*d—«<i—Kiinurly— ■

Road FormlormAI.nnr-ill733.5117

■» n m !o KhI

“ . Would' ront your whole larm. mIStS Filer. Twin Falls aroa Please callalier8o.m.5*>5l*5’___________ _

O'- €iore buiWing lor Swap Shop 733-» 9929 326-4713 eves______________- WoCidTikoTjo *0 acres ol ground " Su.tat40 .l0r conlracl K ans Call “ aljer5 30 73*-47ll

r " w T n t 'e o ' t o ' ^ n t ^ m ’ - 1»I a c r e s Have eq u ip m o ''* .

relerer>ces and Imanccs C-o H-lO

f 3S ' ; F » i s For Root

160acicaW.WonOeH.area. Ccnier- pivot and corncrs.t $130 per acre.^ -Cash renl. Phono 734-7052.

lease, 200^etes allaila. Bellevue,- kJaho. MM ongaied. abundant f. Waier. house with 4 bedrooms. 3f, uajh3^?6-3259beloro9.3a.m. -

10 . a is t t l lw a s F o i iS i le

CLOSEOUT ALL MERCHANDiSEai- lh*- Swap Shop by Sal. mghi, Th'ia is ill

^ —.Qucounlj Irom 10 per cenl lo 50 pof,Conl oll;_A license to,steal.Vi •

ollondinoiluscls GasX"ranges '. pnco Rollaways $15 Chcsis

» $20 up I know, nobody reads o«'ftds. 39,143ilcmslcllloscil. liica

, lol; Whal we donl sell we'll sio«e -leXeS for wtien we can Imd anolhor 7^ buildmg Wo liko Twm Falls and

our many Incnds Wedon t wanl Ici ciflse — even lemporaniy. Round table and Jin chairs $300. Rounrl.

_OiK table $150, •Ani.ques,- 1^' collectibles. Rockers^rfWdcJjpirs -

Everylhing discounted. Tlirawoekis your lasi chance to lake us to the

ini Cleaners Milk cans $5 Love seats SIS), p te ie l cabinet roo olt, II wo

— alwayso'ood. Como seo us s o o n -while sele*;on is best Vour Inend, the SWAP SHOP, 328 k*am

tit. . Jlvo„N.,TwmFallsp9929

See KANDI-MAKE SHOPPE, unique. ^ nandmado'gilis, Thursday, Friday, y i-7 . Salurday 10-7,733-7105.,______

F0 R ..S A L r'2“ ‘uscd 7.i«3l pooJ . Uble8,likr> new. Call 6T8-3833,’ _

, . E ioctroliT ."R E PO SSE SiiE Dce. reasonaHe Conlacl me ElccltoA^aow. OlIic6,'(227 Lynwood Mall or phiinui . ’?V5fll8

Tnurflday.Febfuiiry27.19W TIniea

_ • • • -

Iniea-Novrt. Twin Falls.,Idaho .2 ? ^

Mu . , j i s g l m n s F x S i l t

. HOSPITAL M d . comploio bieclric, • t ' $ W o t j ^ $70 por n ^ th , ,733- ‘

DO-tlWOURSELFI SMmpoo yo.T « ahn carpct.-prolessiotui taiults, j*. ,Reni a Clarks Shar^pooer wllh JJ. conipanion vacuum. Banner Fur* « niliiio 733 1*21 . '• Ji

NEW CORRUGATED FlBERGlASS « . panr'.ig V/cstern G.i'dcn SuW>ly. •


WE REBUILD iscksir?; AOBCTT'S AUTO SUPPlY 305., Shoshone Sl Sojiih_ ^

"fiSST dry cleans new lile inlo any'. '■ ''~-l — sh.'U, kilchcn 01 indoor-"

' oiitOooV U's easy Rent Our HOST* machine Wilsf i-Baios. fO?-Matn-----

0 RUNSW1CK, DELMO end THEA" Pool latiies. Air hockey, Fooictiaili; accessories. Sales and sennce, .

pm . and weekends. - ■ . . 1

Close-oul on snow . removing h chomicat. Odorless, hatmltst. and '

'can bo stored tor noil yeat. Half pnco. Free delivery. 829-5550 •

------RoU-away-t»od-bullat-^-RCAS-radioand record player. 326-5*93 J

MUFFLERS inttailed while you..'* wait. Complelo mulller Service' including custom duals lor a r and pickups ABBOTT S AUTO SUPPLY, " - 305 Shoshone St. Soulh ^

Boys Sspeed bike. 20 gallon 1 aquarium wilhoul altachments..73*-6q91 aliet 6.00.__________Two 10 a 16 8 ply tires and wheels,

^ clohlholn iiiii;nt>w,$l25,43>-501, ;I Like now Duplei “ Tel-Car,"

Complete. $1850 unit. 734-5296, '. aliet4pm.

' NEW NECCHi, automatic, tigtag,.'button jioles, monograms, env

~ ' broidorios. eic..leli on layaway. 9- payments o( $12.17 ot $88cash. 733 .

I «S«______________ '5 Snag carpet, kitchen carpet, iwm

bed, woddmg bands, eleclnc adding machine, room divider..-,,cyclo-tescher, 734-5369._________ ,Save over $200 on a water soltener. ' lust lake over remaining payments.' .

, 733-3461.____________________1 SINGER TOUCH N SEW. Jigiags-

bulton tioles. etc. Small monthly paymenis, or $47 cash. 733-2386

r Rool Collars - Pump.Houtes ~ 22 G#u0OStool73)-7422.

n - —■ - --------0 Moving sale truck minors, deluxe

stereo, record caunel, snd tables. 15" spill nm GM wheels, bikes, ’67

’ VW sedan. *73 VW Thipg. No. 53 ^ Pioneer TtailotCoutl.734-7119. ,^ 7 m _______ . , «■ar '/J to U horsepower eleclnc

molors, doublo shall, 1725 rpm,___ CT-5203e.00to4.00.____________. . t 2 porUblo sewing machines. 2 Up« "'®* recorders. 1 eleclnc guiUr, 1 1- r yoar cnb and 1 small canister

vacuum cleaner. 734-6052. d 2 horsepower motor, pump, and

pressure unk. ,Good condition,— 33#5203 8:00to4;40.._ . .

KS CANDIES, SHELVINO,'gum. etc.— 1973 GMC 2 100 truck Cornel Oji ,5 0uBo.sandOak,73^8078 _____ -

f^EDLF.POlNT TAWSTRr. Yarn— canvas, crewel kits and sK^s-

Ploaso call lor appomimeni. 733-.,lh 180* William Brnlcy. 153 Ninth*

Avcnuc.Easl. ________— STOW-A-WAY BEO lor tcnl $6 00 a le wufk ,OANfJER FURNITURE 733-

I_ FOR SALE: Due to haaiinteasons tic have various tools used tor a brake,s shop, also 1 Brake Mobile Model B-

6c (turns drums, discs and shoes),L t Bonding Brake oven attd. sup-nt plies. '(I'mierested call 678-7168 or>0 •678-7?6l,’ These may be »een at.

ly— f|*|‘«. POLICE SIRW. electronic 12 v«i

— P.A., -ail. ^ p radio. $149.00 >Ht Pnone D o u g .^ ^ ^ . g*^627.

MILLIONS ol lugs hav« beei cleaned with Blue luttre carpe shampoo. Greenwalts.

— ' YOU saved and slaved lor wall towall carpet. Keep it new with Blue Lusire, Renl electrio shampooer.Krengels._________

11 Water softener lor tale like new, 73^ m afie r6p tn ,

iai B ^ lC A S2 2' ix2' i SLR~C*rTter» 1. with 2 lenses, 3 Mm backs othe* ,10' occoJiones Call 73J-;59i atiw

_ _ brand new Durst 600 enUrgefTsi. , mm and 75 mm Ins 4 5 . iiil m bojReBt 32fr4l14,Makeolier, • 1■Z STERO,J.«ARANTZ 2270, Impetial |

speakers. Thotens l u r ^ e . Babi“• cnb, carseal. playpen. 734<2*0. ;; ; r iiccmclans or plurtii'crs utilit]In', bones that will lit any p<kup, tOf, 3 loading type. In very good Cor>

. oilion 829-5176 ' ;— STAINLESS STEEL 'tanks. 30 • («1e oallon capacity. 5'i3'x2' deeiJ

make oxcollcni leedmg trooghj -w ater lanks, luel laoU.Il50.'Cal

■} •* 733«60 evenmcj Alsn 5 .3 xl5,'*1^ deep. Ideal tor small calvcs leedmi? iw - iDCS Fasl tcpair on record piayetj:»'» proicclors. tape recorders. Brin|0*1' mem now belore Ihe rusll'C» CAMERACENTER . .

Ihor 120 bo il Dolep* octojdion (Iand tole or will Vode lor goafrtRCOlitci tiicol guitar,‘■536-1175 loPfisiund doul* 2, Wendtl^

I'- <1 ’ .Iho ■ • would like 10 buy older uM IBIS backhoo or h o e ^ nyco ndlim h

' ,-cpp,^oftW F milk s t a n c ^ «■<. Afsq' 9 or j loot E»etsmatrtll n — pia iw -a j7 W 0 .^ '~

2 to 5 acres, near or o«i FOI. Av'onuewim4to5bedroortihom

Call Pal ot Hal Solomon at 734^56:

iiquo. WANTED TO BUY niohtcrawler Iday. t940 n th Ave. E. 734-3864. • '

CASH FOB SCRftPMETAi.'pool Coppci.eroas. Aluminum.

•Radiator. Ballerws.eic.) . AloolBMCwds

’‘ D Scffliaapound, H.KOPPELCO. 'l522nywnueSOuth ^

J - / • • -• '

• .. 28 Timcs-Ncws, Tyvin Falls. Ida t -V , ~ ~

- j ) .K i f lM t lB i ]

Would IIKO 10 buy 'i i Ififouon 'S9 • Chovy ot GMC pickop, »ni- eon.

- : dilion 73<- 7J3 . '■— -------^ " ^ i i ic d 10 riir mnw cMwicrTfl'

Heyl‘iitn AvotiiicWcM 733-^»«

; 43 ' AillipiK

NOT WHOLESALEfIS l'i*’ , dfffSUirorS Pcio jnd Ruin Jonn-

I 9IOa'9, 3« Soulfl WJ3tlin(Jton. (Aitporl Roadl 733:345_________ •

RED'barn m'milBJ No.m“ ^ V/ashinoion. Duhoi. (lifn.t.jfo,

■ p.,m)li.ra MynntHoM. _____

— _ f r i a o i i A f r s S - 2 i » .

. OEnUWE' , P,icfitr and sc ol.’«e5 Qu. iod

■ ^tlern. Wown fll.iss. nuke Ollor( , N3-W1 . _____ ->

. \ u - . MosltalInstrninenls......... . ! CiOSONEa^VljosiauiUl.likoiitrt.

' f>ci'"C''t rn"rt(lion 733-4556 /illr'. 6 •,

" ' . Us'ed f/ormandy clannel. clony Ciill3?fr44ie.

’ Viola lofiwTo Qood'cotidiiio'rsjipCi ' CAil3?4-U03jlUfiS30

* NEW YAMAHA .PIAHOS UbcD 1 Pianos Ytm*ha guiims KLH . 'ilOIOO iMOid pijycis WAflNER I Ml»SlC13lSt>05nonoNofm

l i d l D . n t S t a

I Maonovoi ?1 ' co«oi TV, c.ilnnci I moOolwilhdootj.UiO Slocowim

>*d>o and lape dock, mco cal>mci : ^»iihsio.aoo.$iM 733-WH.

---------- i_}ii_Coii.»-Maina»-aaoL-iy-*iin_( ne« pcciiitc liiho; ti-ccndiiioncd I Jtifl (jiia/anlecd, »?« Cjin s 733-

• { :!!:________________ ________. POIICE SCAN^En Tcnctcc• mcmoiyscan, aulPCri ctwimcls S n>0b<lc kd, no ciysial» irquiri’O» «M 00 733-03M• ?l"' coToTTvT0.1'V cat;iiifl, oood : condilion SQO 7313MO

‘ four • l.ikf

; 46 . . furnilurs U arp^l* rxTs'finolVrtmVufly »MoMt-dt .jflllotns, JW9S BAnnoi Futiiilitie •,

• t TmnFtlla 733-»<?1.I DtC350t.«Jout)loSi«.p(JConIinilfi! U4.00 Cam s733-711lI OUiCO dOiWlikC new eonoiiioti, all• g1Cul.«4a.Cain’a 733711l j-PuH #i;ed mnfttspfino .maiticsv ; ft<>*.t39 95 Cain’a733;7l11.• 3 fWccc WJd davcno, chait itid

' - ! . ollotnati, nylon co*Of. o<»flI clMn$n9K.&iin'»73371t1 I PUitoim lOCkct, ted vmyl. flood

- - condihon,J19 95 C#in s733-7111.

i Hou&otold good}'lot salo. n>‘* XludinQ washct, dtyo. lelouiun.' slofoo, teclmof. olc Phomi M3-. 56M

D^K“ t t‘Sri'oTlv"iry1Cll Dtill' ,.iI Fo td i iMlr-ioi Oi,i-ia 3?4-* .

j * Fo» laio. stiiQco coiicri jn j cn.mI sehnooodcot>dilioi< 734-4!)34.

i' j 3DiCC0livina»00tT>U'l 734 Ufi9

; I A WANT AO RE'ACH£$ OUT 10- p«p le wne want your motorcycle,

1 To place vour atf dial 733-091V, , ...........

; F6rF0rnltUf«-Appli*ne** .; • ThlAoaofVali.*, BANNEft FURNflUHEj »7?r>dAve-Weat733-14;i

, ,U l HfplllDCtS

• 40~" RANGE Tiolpoml. tfCOn- diliOt'Cd-atxl

' • CAINa,73J-7l1l

I OC^ COI^ Will ioii vet,J (oasonjlilo 734 3110 1 Gas hol waii't htaict. Tuss iMn I ot»f ycat oia. I)cs1 teasotiaWc . d ie t 734.3110

■ ' (loiit'lc oven ciccl'cc t ii^ -^ A h .U - , $160 734-6B66

Rcnpa^osscon Singc’i golden . Toltct and Sew. lully aulotnalic.• aoca jt)50lulely ovofyltiing , Ctigioll P'ICO$300 J77 nocnictoji I apaytmialadtOOO; . . . ?33 ?346

i n,v'.yc' lO ’ TncT^FTrRrda^tT

; $'l9a OOCam 733-7111 ^■ _Roi«igi-'ii1or. tAo doo'. GE. . fccoiidil.oticd atid, guaianteed,

t^O OC-i'- 'j/SJ-nil ^ IVjiPrt .iniJ o'net P.VI. Ftiu.Jjire.

.. V/HOOpq.t aiii. a;33 /li l

WHY BUV UStD’ No* Whillpiol . Igmily Ilied leltigcfblOr. 1 yeoi

. • *.ot-ont, J|<»9 New Whi.lpoo ; 30 to ''ge ovQ'labIc In oil colot*

. . 1 yoo- v;Otloni,. $179. U»»d JS• RCA color tv $J49. Ultd 40

Wovting1\0u>« ' 0'>9«, $S9. Coro nodo wOthsr ond diyvt o<0(od(

: color $199.'U»ejl 20 uptlgh^ : Iteoiet. SISO. Mony oihet llvm

. lo chooi9 Ifom DUTCH 'I StHOWKASf-733 4090.

wiiilo.'iO Moaitc.h tH'Hii' limet

: U ^ d " kEM.'OHE IV,.Mk--' jti Dtye' SCI. n-celk'til cotvlho' OuatatitooO. 4 speed vi'm *Jli

. jjvof No« otil, $739 9S lil llOf ‘ linjncioa BANNER FURNITURI ‘ pnonc 733-1IJ1

1073 s e a r s ” c (5 L 0 s r ^ ' iT culiic lool. inm .wan. iiojiici

. ; lrLi;zcr.jvoeaflo $??ii 43( i?7<I GOOD GAS dty.t, J yoa-old Ca

- • n W ?90Of see tial 810 Jnd A.onuWosl.

■ J T BBlfdme Matefia 'T o 'js iooi polca lor MIC 73:


----------------- - j— H glP PU El BUIS------! 3' » 6’8" aluminum Hour• doo;* *»ilh «#gulor glait. In.

clud«» hordwat*. Eoiy to tn t<oH. A raoi bargain lot

‘ $ 19.9& A, C. Hoution lurAbai C6.,733-J2I4.

O D DS A ND ENDSARMSTftONO tailing Ilia. 12 «

. | i3 .% 2 ty p # l ......... 20% OFFO thart ol ditccunt p rica t. . .

: • ' a .c . HOUSTON LUMBER

J I 733W 14

dano Ttiursday. February 27.1975 .

U ) ' B i l i l l i i t M i l s

a CEDAfi^HAKES dliaS" from mill.” ,J08)»4-SS19or264.S38J.

i P ' ■ ., 4>fl'C-O EXTERIOR

— • - PLYWOOD|K 3 '8 ' S3.69 1/2" $4.79

•S-e- J5.49 3/4" $6.69 -■•s, 5% LESS BY BUNK ; 3/4" PIUOOED* TOUCH

SANDED........................■JB.95,1/4 ' SANOEO SHOP . , 54.95

I 1/2 ' INSULATION BOARD ........................................ $2.49

3/4‘'eiRCHSHOP ,-,, $17,95 AOUGH RESAWN U i r i

...................... .... ............ t4'PERFT.- 12'7*4» ............... $1.30eo.

TION .................. 9 ’.V 'PEIlFr


is • • • • • . ......................LARGE SELECTION OF In




— I Block'Olf Kimborly Rd.° -fiiHlND UNITED OILrt^ —

— J O _________________ Garage Sales

feo MOVING s a le ' W a sn e r’dtyTT coucti, boa. miacclianooiia 1?13

;l Noiin Elm Citclo. ainl Sfltii'day, 11-6

!l ________

^ _S1____________ Good Things to Eal-J' Good"loe1ilTcTpoiaioo5. otgan-c,’■ 100 pounds dotivcred Call Jl-

lufnoon, c*<!mn(j 4?3-!>99C. 538- 7 2010

■ • SPUDS FOR SAl.1 >3'3-5063ilaySOt ovcnngs

EMME'nS m e a t s l.x.1.-r,r.„ younu tiualily iani.ti Mi;l lor

poiitid lialvca cy, wtioiu twCy icf tlocker 6U pound OoasIS slr-ika

— CIC al cornpjr.ililc lc» ptiCei 733 B9flOor 733 4660

APPLES. Rome Winosap;. ted • dolicious, golden dolicious. v.Mile ' 1 inoy lasl Ott Otcftard 1 'tuio ntnlh

J 'o l Buhl on Clear Lakes Ro-iiJ , Phono S43-S093 or 3J6-5D30 Salutdayalictnoonj

' ’RAWLEIGH spaces' ANO FLAVORINGS now avail.ililc m Turn Fnlla Call 733-2G98

I FRE'SH’TOTATOESnlieady wckril I lot Mlu. $3 00 pet 100 fm,,nos C,III

326-4777 day or ovcnitiii I LOCKER^'eEF. P’otk ”jnd TitTm.

gtam led ona'ai'lucd. m5i)octed ot latm l-uicheted C/mCk ptotot.snt(i acrvico 733-6930 d.iys 733-4'jGO evonmg*

Jacks custom cuTTiNcir oluot’stnVen lot l>ecl. laml). potK Cut-

J' your r.pccilicalions. 324.5651

ORV LOT GRAIN FEb*OEEF iOcenI . BMimd Call 324 2109

‘54 f a r n S

> 700 sacks ol corlilied«u»scl sold polaJooa 623-38S3 ^

CERtTfiED blue lau R.vigct allalla seed, W 9C per cuni putc. gcim 96

. pet com. Also Blue Taoc Kenland Clovot. 99.82 pure, octin 99 pet een l.R J EJcckcr. 537.0610

' 12.000 sacks clcan teadmo cctMictl “ seedpolalocs Allotpati BJ3-3i3J 5S . __________ ^

ATTENTfON_ ^ _ p a F A T O ------------

; . GROWERS' ■ High ollHuda c«rt)llad (uucl

tcod. Idaof lite .'C all tollacl (208) 355-5035. Reibutig.

; Idaho. Or (208) 662-544S5 Coll a.tfningt oiler 7 p.m.

n Sao Idoho S*ad Co., £o»t Idoho St, Itt Poul, (or claoning

; - and treating tpring groin,1 ’ (Opan-Worenouie)

. Soma’ tp rlng groin teed (or tola, 438-3796. .

« 55 H i). 6rai» t F i(i

E KuulTurk wiiTKaul f’tiy- ,(3'f PhOneB29-51'2

Fot sate~4wT>.’ lcs sitavT~ 3C»>' igiishay 537-6625

______ A ^oTiituieiy-liO lon-eilaHe-naf—Evonmg* alter 5 .4i7-25?2

'O' u r rO N S ’ hTsranO Ihitd;» l n»,. easy^s Best tnd oyi.t ■t.. MO 32 4 5167!S ____________. . . . . _____10 Cuslom sicjtn (]caiti ai yO'jrro- (Ilace. Al HasVeM 4J3-586? ido , evomngs

HAV. liouohl a"d sola l>, lHc- iruck load Call 487-2445 AporoiimaTel, i I0"% .>• vjt i.a.n, $e5[iitioti C aii3;j?n4

culling Ate wclOet. 725 Jtiipi. |,»,i_. j t , j ncw >75 324-e457

ApptoiifTUlcly 20 ion tuy lot wli-432-S237______________ ____

mC" CuslomfMyhaulmo'686-75^5

Fot ijle Slta',% Mi-jv,195 lwlei,55cvnf. Pnor>..-1i6 W79

WANT'To BUY old. poot cooa,i,a-i _ ha^ot5l^<,lo'tri>tcn.nn M3-65W

STRAW ot'ha,". i;, IwU 0 .'briCiTi7 Call 734-686? Jllet^pt.1.

' Hay haulers'll yOu niK-d l<*.vlcO. 1r t s C.«

56 ■ , FifiwH

_____ ' ^ ^ ■ - •T v in^idlnardw'QQd ~p;;r~"uil~ooO OavpWatO. 703-4206

in- CM'a.7AAA Tid-wix>d' spill or ur.- In. SP''1 f'l'''.’ a-'O h.iro^utxl Wi- Of dcli.i-i .inU ^tjck 733-76% Oi /33.Z / .. • ■

O'y pir>e»(.K3d 'ot s.ii.- 4’3 4148 Call alift 7 00

UsocJ lumtAr. good lot tucwood ! X HeasonabJe pnco. 829 5M0

FoTtaic.'ciryTit^Ijacf «o-k)U 5 ix-'. - , , p.chup.load Dciivi-ii-d437M»9

DRY PINE. ilovroTTiwjrjcu? tuiL,l yout own o« Ooiivetcd a»d fiiacn-ii 423W26B.

s n . P i is t s ip p iiis

- Woolly monkoy. iBtnalo, nol ad- vcfliscd beloro. wiih large caflt).

'$300. Mual tw aolJ lo lovmg lamily.

AKC Gorman Snorlhaira. BntlanyT? ’ •JamoyodJ, Englith Pomlort, Nonnroflian Bkhoundt Alto Spit/. Gorman Shephordt, Terriers. Lab/ador and. Poinlcf GfOtS, Ma£ 'S kennels. 530-2317 or S3S-6239 • ____________ ■TROPICAL FISH, very mco" ' aal0Cli0n.««QjiCltnp0fi9.552 ThirdAvenue Eatl.

/^C REGISTERED chocoialo and- Waeklflbs l7lioiditialchampiont.

3 Canadian Nalional, 2 Ametican 0- ual National Champions. Bvsl-UJ^. in Iho slalo. 4 pupa loti $150 up>

- ■726-3S49, Sun Vailay a r o a - ------

pro? e^ ¥ al grooming* sTul ■snmco. >acalioninu’ I'll- t>oatd your dQ[j Chen Miiltf. Kennels, 03-5104, .

T ft 0 P I C aT f '|~s”.H A NO AQUARIUMS Scvetal diMorrni vatiottos. - Sao to appreciate.. 2B._ Molly La’no. 734-4015 HURRY! Only 2 Icma^ea Iell AKC 'ogisiotod Golden Roitievcts, O'*coksold $60 733^600.-________Sl. Betnard ler sale Call 423-5088allot 6:00._________________AKC icriitlotcd Btillany Spaniel pups, $35.536-2066 Btillany Spanlol 10 give lt> good

_ homo, Spayed fotrulc, 5 yoari old, .good'hunloc Call 423-4948 allot

es 5 00 or 432-53?5 10 monlh lomaie cow doii $16'

I Telephone 733-2256I ---------------- J

BLACK MALE RraSTEREDCockor Spaniel. 4 mo<in5)oid. 46

j»_ p.ons in p<;dil>gi!. Scc Dy ap- -P0inlmctiLJ3<-2JiLi_____________

V/.inl lo Imy (Pitn.iliito Ool-iiirnjn pop lunulu. *S,(>?WJo.3i'>ontn5 ol.igo 733-?87i

Unfcgiaietod, puiol)tcd7 Sami Bmnflfd pups '6 weeka old, wc.lncd. $35 543-6053 days

„ Rugisio rod Goldtft Lal) pupi. mahsJ < and loinate, $75.00. 733-3946

h -5B -Amwal-Bretdiat=' ARTIFICAL b r ee d in g" - ' / ^

Oteal proven tiro. t«lion'a flighesl * iVfX) ptoduclion sires Atso .ill

b>v^solL«ol available B'<hl 543- J 61t)\jeromo 324-2652, Snoshone.' 68fi-7»imm1cy.e78-92S3 1 _________N

O’ CatileBig rugged"rJoiSiered Hei«»otd

0 built. Latty LtWiey Jetomu. ffi4- " 2005 ___

RegisletrdanguiAKills. rc.n old arid yejtlings Good liteedmij no hot Iccd Also good tciiiM(;teil repl.icciTicnt heilers. c.ilvi-- ''ei)- If-rtilx't Bted to Moti Repo:>-i Gi.inl 673 DiCkHo*rJtd.5J3-4915

1 Fo>^sal«, Rog-sloted angut buU'.J tired liy PatfuratTu ol Sunny Lane

11 AlHaaketl. 423-5860 evenings

19 largo Holslc>t* hoilcts.'clos'cTipPh0«»0 10 youtig red and loan

,, cowa ana 4 yeatlmg bulls Also 5

rcasoi'.llilu 326-4371

•gd iiogilTcTiltiJeTiey Hcilcis. he.-ivyaptmgets. bred lo Vicloiy Ture

I Ouposil'5 soti. due Matcn B. 543- ' M?8_M a^in_D ugji^___

— 3M 10 fCO pootid'black ,inj while la lacoHcilefv.$C0lo$S0 fl:5-5/6lS POLLED SHORTHORN BULLS ^ Lo«v*4 0 cjn.lolOf>t.on«7aW2S6 .

FRESH or Spt'ngor cowt or heilets quarantecfl. Buy or traqe lot apringcrt or Doci Hap ( f Clyde H.i rtn» Buhl. 543-58250. M3-5969 Good aciccl'on a.aty neiictt atid cows lor salo or itado Will buy on order. Call lor appomimcnt 734- 2053

f o r ' " sale Teijiili.-'t'd At'iiuf.---------BuirnjlorOTtccnonri-vantTttr^tt-

monrns and 2-yW»-C<0s wilh slreicti .n siJC Have i.HiOfl iniheroi:ka OtocksAngi sRanch. HaJdlc*!. Idaho. Pnonc8?9-5018

' ■ - > '•Rogisierod polled Hereloto t-uiis

■ Unpampored. Rangij teady H4< _ CallleCo HaroldHuyser 886-7752

, GOOD BABY and pastiite cjivua ol talo. All klndt. Phono 374.4162 or

I 324-4028 Jerome________ _______BARK, SAWDUST and SMvinoa lo r'

I livotlock boddmg Call Latty Shatv S43-622Bevcninoa_____ __

— COMPLETE HOLSTEIN da.ty herd igj lor aale 829-^9 Call aliet 8 pm

t ^Qu4*Bjllslot.sjli:^934-5047,ji|<'(.^5 t> m ______ ________

n FOR j ALE' 100-150 Holsleui Heilers weighmg troir IOGO-1300 pounds on hanfl al all Ilttl,;j Also 3

___ ouilil_s_tO_!!nancv_V.;in_E-C£irji_Hugnes,jctonie324-?415 •

42 rog.siefod Wack atiyui c_u*-, 11 gtade angus cows. Cia-y up 0- iilh call by IKJC Wa,.Ranrn 324-2947 _

'oi^ Regislered HercTorO DuMs Oi'c ut 86? a buckoad. Edw. C Eakm & Sour..

.Jotomo 324-5468

ck Ono day old calv» lor safe Ooi Canyon Livestock Dou Eterlon Road 536-2403

(lEGlSTERE'i) 3 y .'j t pull.Hl

.►i,- tJjnii«i.Dotii,r.o PcOnitee AIM. 5 t'XJd Wr-d CnafOl.m Hi:t<-loii)

■■ ■ "^.,-ilets C.illC,.'ef 623-3M3 ct S?3- 3'AH,ita-i5pti,

ffl . . ■ . ■ Hu s k

’ wriypirs'ol ho tits iiougni, sold Itaded Good p.Kk mjlua Ren

1“ '' Haley 73M055 ,TiT' fTvE SPEClArbuvS - on h ^ te

sr^d slock Itailcts Twu used 1974 model 2-horse Itjileta. b'akcs.

j I tnals, saddle cbitiparlmenla, unde' ;jll laclO'y watranly. ChOiCe — $1095

^cash Two 16 molal ton itailets. ‘ al>(]hrOody daftugo, s-’<u Ona 10

. open Slock, liodydonl mthiBpam- HMD another gctod buy WAROS ____ _ c ouN iav ^<;inn£-.Biufl,.Liht;5

Twm Falls Phono 734-2089

■>'' . Fut sale Palomitio tnate, soutid. Wl- »,cll Iramed, 9 years 324-«297 altvt ■33- 3 30

61 S; j - wEANES’F G sT o R S A lT n jS e o


;x^ PUnE'BREO ' 's ^ N G “ “s AL E , February 26 1 00 p m '. Filer Fa.tgio-indS. Sponsored liy Iho

uii.1 Soi.IlMjm IdJtio Cw.iic UreeflttT <'d AsslXialion 733-3971. 676-7976.


- '4



ad^S'*-~ ' F t 2 1 y

i i . ' ^ I iTl-

iz- A l l ^ •S —rs. / /IIS-

-rd I ^ £

1 , ( f ( \ - f^ \ i Jl2 \ f f r -

r o ^ -------------TOT a . .

S c ' '. —

__ " H e 's r e t i r e d . THbf m e o n s I088

^ S Piulirii t M bH s^ GAS CHICKEN BROODERS, can t«

‘ convoiied 10 olceiiic bulb ^ t . $10 00 oacii Aulomabc walorots.ISOOp.irti n.vitin •rnirlnr W,ilgfcts »

>10 $1.00 each and Iwo si:es hanumg lecdcrs. $1 25 and $2 SO uaCh

---- Phone 544-2416 __ _:kor Buy.'-^ll.jcnl.'5 whal you ,im- can do w.lh a low-cost ap- AU 7330331____________________

i i n ~ ~65 FarniT^cirSupplles”iths - - - -- - — —

On Farm Fetbliiet Sloragt Di'.----- wISpcetal Liner. ?4 Ton C.ip.ami UiimanConsi Co 733-7t?0oia . ______ --------,

Spedal 3.303 Buahei Gta.n Bm - ■___ $1, ^ Yoo Pick Up 733-7422

SO Horsepower Barkeloy Cen- _ _ ' Inluffil irngal'on pump 700 gallons

.. per minulo al 220 pound hoad Qke '

----------- and Pump, Joromo*324-4601A B S ----------------------- --------------------lest STAtNLESSSTEElwaletlanks 300

.ill gallons, $J50 Sl.unlcss 51.,cl l-icl543- lanl-5. ufidetgtouno Call 733-6CWme. C-vCtnnus^_______________ _




RAIN CAT-SALESiu»., Burley 678-3943


— C O M P A N Y364 Second Ave. W.

* Twin Foil.733-5535

• 6S Farm Implemenls543, ____- - -................................ ....

For sale, ieason,ii)T<- 1970 CCO----- • ‘ Chovrolcl Sin wheel n.icinr Cood

'h 'le condition, 427 enti.m- po*er '' sieerinfl. Sand 2. a.r c.i'idi iiriinu •u s ' 733-9526___________® OWATONNA- Sw3ini-f5—rartST'

service Moij.n'iii ,0, . Machincty. 733-7547

:iyde ....... - -------------Powdo' River squeeie chufo neor n ,„ . Oliver troc'orv BS-

’734- 77 ond 66 4 row Joh'i Dectc ■poloto plonier. 12 Oonnh Culllvoiot. now. M Alice

riiiuf. Cnotmeti c '0v«ler syiih angle

oT“ salc“ l96a"766“ lnl,-ii,,tt.or‘.ii iraclor 310 lurlio eng,no ca!>. '

,g $78CC 326-4769-IoTo“ JOHN 'oEERE "0 .,-.. I lOrO

,,yii5 Masse) Fctgusnti a.e-.'-i 40?0.;,i-, ; “"h4, • iraciot Caii934-5.08 '.77« I , ,-------------------- ---------— ^ ------ Co».*al».o<-»art<' 1974 V;mr.c! i.;oUS0I Gooscneck trailer. 16 hoiit siock62 or rack 733-5761 ______________ Gtam dtiii, 20 nolc, io a sc“3J lor -■ ' good condihon, $350 837-4915 .5hatk tjo iiushcl PTO latrnha'id eti-,.lago

(cedct 18 Sleel 'tarrc itock 'tck lor Ituc*. Call 543-5915 'rn.ii,-i<;', ot

tr> evyninQS__ __ViT'ed *5 AC A-'irnt'w o;t-tnj.jT .iiiu

ncw tulilHjr Also pirw.r- 3 — cotr,jciio's~3-po:ni 'Miiptnt—nit-

• with S''.lp couplets to' AC 837- Heiii 6346 •1300 - - -.130 3 MA*-,SEY fEl'CuDOfJ i ‘j u o i,)i.jn.-.,:- _tnm.JiTO:rtJ>_i{ji:j;U_pl^—k-m—

11 SPlciAL'i}Jnl-''2cargJ^ai;<':!C0l0r|11 0- 7M w; 11 tol-- ol eiit.i -oc'rtiiio /i.],i-, note l(iitiu% L'v:.'a-.-i ? c.its J2«M

Call 734-7373 O'Ki-;-. Bii-un,-tl _ Biiiidi.-ts

S<Ji>r.. FETwllv' jy; Iril,;r.l7t,0.>al dn-S.-l' w.lti cal, Ifitto poml hilch GoodConoilion 432-M6J___ _

Co i »973 Jotit, Oeeie «?30 witn .." larlon ii'Urgcab 4?3-5847or 42J-5942 _

■•n969 Ma-.sey Flt^./so-'i Vtoo'wilh / . C..1) ana nev, ti'ei, 4?3 W47 o' 423-

coilj i 'C Fni •.jl„ I Of >,wf>nd tH-i-l.-i ;,c.iloi-t.

5 uoodco.tdiiio.i ■ “

l'-'s?3! V.... •tffct...!.!, r,.ir~~ veilot. t;-/. [ii.'iM', t,.i.', *

_____ __ Ink- el,-..rill ... .................. J-,, 4700 S.-')fOO/j'lr-HUStS «

"o"'9r733 7J0C _

n m ■■al'e*. Jingle lio->t-ri J „i -) Gteaion

" ; S ......Inletnaliuiial H ^ iri ,, H kil

s ,K ■ ■,Liht;5

------- rgerara-'iKa'-ioIo-, *,di, t,omends, sync tlio m,Olio*er ihill 15 5

^u“ .a, «M t.l,U 'f 2^4W5 ______7 allot 1 good ease v a c it jcidi wiih Eagle

3-poml niicn Mas Futd hydtauhc 1 ^ ^ manure loader, pieti^ uood unit

S -jlj, needaalilllewoti. Make cicellonl t'nall Itacio' Pt.cJ .s tcasonai.-lo

jliMO H3-3944 _______________ _ ,Fo<-saio 1030 Ni-w Holland Slack w.igon 544-2460^Late” model M aiier^.-'guw iril'M

' Itacior. cab, and aujij, low htuta. 'edtMT e.itaclean 733 64M >-7926, 1964 Maasoy • Feiguton 35 dioTtn"

Itaclot. and duals 678-12 45


ans h e g r o a u o le d Iro m w o rk ."

biTs' i ' Farm Impleraeni^ V968'40:0 John Dcc'Q It.icfoV wgti ,, -new ca',. i-ictlleni condii,nn One , , IS' Sinnet spud i-ed.wood mup '-

S36-2951 ."O Uncolr* porfawirwoldor. $990 Ncw :h condilion. 734-Wl

IB" '--lutn, tingle bollo,m plow.. Massey Ferguson two bollotn 2-

w.iy plow. Kip beatrs 324-5148— ^ f ; ,n 'i IRACIOR 4000' i7kT-

“ n c ^ a nouti Call7M.J7?r ■ — -_ ; POTATO STORAGE. sn^-pHiitm i't. situduros (lapeted walls or shcdi 'P- Gel your order .n eatly lot a prt-

engmcered all steel buildmg C.iil— • now lor an appomlmenl ana

tecoive you' FREE liuiane iighier ULLMAN CONSTRUCTION 733-

—T- 7170 LAPP/C NOVAK T" «23

g - --------- R A R M E R S HTuit received new corlood ol Uaiioy Fetguton 165 dietel

300 ' Ilondord iroclort. .


One Inlernalional 674 dietel.lest than tCKHiours

Two Inlernollonoi 560. 1 diesel, 1 got

) • One Motte* Ferguion 33 thovel loaiser

One New‘Hollond 1049 hoy^' »iocket. telf-ptopolled .

One t^ow Hollond 1037 hoy- ttocVor. pull lype-

One 190G«hlleedboj>: One 423Q John Deero dietel.' 400 hou'i lil'® now.^ One'974NewHo1lond 12

iwolhor wilh conditioner- ond cob like new.

T w i i f Fails T r a c t o r &

__ Im plem ent C o .iifltt 2030 Kimberly Rd.

^ o u 'M o .« y Ferguion. ' New Holland

form equipmeni dealer

. i Boats t Marine Itei----------- SA ILBO A TS^Jnd-hardwarr^I'lii canoes Lilejackels, anchors, ano

line 733-6227 Sal Haiis, 382 So-iir Locual, Twin F.ill'.Fot I ji 't 1? iwl jliiniinuin te.iini-i Ctall -l>ojl w,lh 10 hotstpo-si- ChtyilL'tcttu.r.;, C.tii S20.‘:6/.itl.'i

’ 6 p m • _

J '’• jT “irenlutc' siiili-oai"w~r>"it.iiU,-' I Well cquippea $3 300 00 Call 54:

J " C h ry s le r B ools. C h ry slo rM o to rs , S lo rc ro h B oots,

’ ‘■0 C ou lk in s T ro ilo rs■ 'JEROME IMPIEMENT C O

' 901 S, L incoln. Jo ro m o

t m ™r /O HUHIERl


■|„u i r 2 man kayak. id e J 'iw 'd -it ICA hunting $100 or beai ollet 32

637- JOE-S SPORTING GOODS FiVnTr and Hunter hcadQuarton LiU Sloro Wllh big aavmgt 761 Wc

,..n_____ MamJytLn_F»lltJ??:B?6V

I I SpmllDjBiJci

iw° Rl^gcTM 77“ 276” w/3 • 9 SC0p< ,M1 • RCBS dif-5, brass, bullels. casi

hko new. $J185 H 4 R 22 revolvi— ^ with holster, oici-iieni condibo'

>$42 4 23-5889For sale 1 model 39 Smith Wesson -p.siol. douWe ucl,i automalic. 9 10 9 mm. Alto oth

------ models ol Smiiii A Wesson P'SloiWllh Pnonc678-2934.423-

86 . Fam Impltin.!

IrrigI N u i I

- * C e n t e r PI

155 *• - ___ iir A l u m l r

tuiic For th e se a n d all o l


Ti» HIW AY ;VI3. -

- PH. 4

7D SpOftiBB Goods *-BRUNSWICK, DoirtwatxJThoapooI Ubiat. air hockejt. looiebaH, ac-- costories. Salesm n* Services

_ _JanuuCU«1c73M6Claltor4:00ana - - weflj<6nds,

BiG7 Montler iilla, .56 Zouavo anfl •ecwtorlet,$150 a il733-12;2

71 . ■ SBIni DnipnuHk 1 pair 160 ccwoodonoiympicaskis,1 Wllh Miller bindings, *ory good 1 con&iion Call 326-4416

r ' Slow-VehiclesI AMF. 1970 m^eir$365. RUB^Tl972, f $795. 2 place snow ttiachme irliiioi. f «;t^.Call733-66ieallor500

i 'c : c 3 W fflla iisJX Jai.'J !0 ;m ii?^ iT zz i covet, in encelieni' condMitiri. $1450.734-1807 • . •FOX irack, good runnmg'WBino with olocitic siart. $189 00, Phono Doug. 7im395,324-4627.1973 Arctic Cai El Tigre 400 snow mobile, cicoiiorti condiHoi), low-^ mileage. 734-7129 ' J

1973 Ski Doo 340 . . j»9 '1974 Rupp440NilfO . . . . $609

^ 1974 Sno-Jfll 440. Demo . $IOM " DONSTIRESCVCIES

_ • 3M4ihA<oWesl

!nls . __________For salo 1972 anS 197-1 Chappatol

I" snow mobilca wiih itaiiot Or will iraae lor economy cat. 432-5584

1974 GPX 33a Y.vnaha stiowmobile

1908 Alpmc Doulile Tr.icT snow — mat‘ mo. good wotk horse, good ■- conflilion Eiccllenl machine lor

cat»n ot lamily. C.1II allcr 6 00 p tn 733-5391

- r " 7 3 Travelm _______ — _____ __________) 1971 TRAVEIE2E 75, liiMy SOHI.- cofitamed Seo Space JO, Blue111 Lakos Trailer Coutl

•r EQUALIZER,Mehta, msiallca. no 13. waiimg, irjitet brakes, and wmiit]

welding, lclophone733-8261, •

_ H ___________ C w ptrs

I ' w fbijilTsiiotl wtieel U se alido-.n I campor lor sale 1165 733-5156

CAMP£RFc.il7ow?r,Ue n e i '£0 2362Tov7^i~botado camiic'. sio.o, ,ol.iser.iio'.,ona„ic CaU W3; - S9l5motniiiosarc««;. s

, WE PAY CAs'h'- Blue Book pTTJ- lor clcan 8 wide. 10 wid« und 12 wide moll'll- ticimes, travel Uaileta

* campo's. and moior homea Brock-.m ans Mol..le Hou-es Pnone 734-

y 3'G?


. 1 now jhcll (oi Toyoto and Dof^un 1 ncw 42ilidoin)oi Coutief. Moido. Toyoto Dollun. ond ijw l v. hoot- ^ boie pickup! Wllli bod. , lobto. ,ntebo.,or^dcloihot cloiei paneled ond '

-, 1 42 vide m lot thon I, wheolbotu poneled ond

miulflied• • Only 3 36 ihellt Wllh 1

corgo door mtuloled ond ponoled.

• I 42 tilde in lor 8 ■ tiondatd bod. >

Items I slide in 42 wilh bed;__ ________ table. ic?bo« anddoihot

*nd Whero You Get Moto For Icvt

■ WADRON* 1' . C A M P E R SA L E St|.7 Eon Five Poinlt

734-2861 or 733-2B74

M3 V fciiD Sertice-Parls I Acces.__ to’ S^LL wide 7jdial BR-M'’wrth

chromo titna FilsOoi'lS. 733 90S4

ts , MSM Auto't'OlKi.' CotiipTtti- autoni.l!tc I'anMiiission and all ofh.:r fidwal rcp.iit Used

.0 . and tcbuiil molots ana tran- ,0 sm.55io,is 24.nour s--nr,cc CHI_ 734-e«l7 Spcci.ll discount wilh Iti.i.

go Ciclts t Sipplies

e F^; u Sa7 \V 0 '» v irv ,y Cyclon,- SlK)ilci 429 4.-,;i,, J he.idyrs. n'.-w I'te:, imciI:,-"I ___ condilion 825-5K6

19?2 SuiiiVi GT 550Tvmd|n.>in"er 11 - Fahting E.cellonl conflmo-i

-$1100-3:5-4067...................■hino ------------------------- ----- ----ilUu 100 7973 Suiuki. moloicyde Less ilVcil IhtSTrrOM miles $»0 423-4467

— ^ igTT'HONOA 'TscT' l l i o b ' 'ni.resTInnjr wmflshieia. lanrmg, s i^y U t. toll

ha' Also - 1973 HondJ 90, COO----- ----- m,lea. Photte 734-2230 ~~ope, ________ \ ----------------------------ase. MUST SELL 1573 Hoajkj Co.i'ii-iiliver 125,0.Ci-llerilrorxMion C-iM ,i(lr'6lion, pm 556-6247.

— - Lioyda and Reaiisiic qu.ia stereo >h S system Conlains 4 speakers and ci,o« headphones and all albums and 0'*’0 ' lapos. $550 or bcsl ollet. Also 1974

Katlay Sporltiat slock pails to/*.. salb:829-525B or 829-5730.

in.tils iS ' - F im Im p liiiils


jdtionprnentP i v o t ☆ S o l id S ^

i l n u m M a i n L in e s

o f y o u r i r r / g o f / o n N eed s S e e " '


' 2 4 — RUPERT ,


'. ■

s BO. GrcleslSBpplies S31974 -Yamana.^RD 350. oicoiicni ilcondilion. $850 866-7746 beloto 9 tipm. __________ a

" '*1970 Kawasaki 100, i^OOmilcj Very 5g w ^ Mndillont'Call oMci .5 p m.. ^

' 1974 440 CHEETAH. $1,000. 734-4199_______________ ^_______ ___ .

i.i 1970 200 CC B'ldgesiono. sitcel or .I'ail D,ke,iooksandtunslika'new [733-4911 t

I ___________________________ 1' 1974 Aiciic Cal Chccla. musl sell. r

• Moymg-733-6291 Cailaller600 (” 1973 17S -Yamatia Enduio. nood ;

condilion. Call 32647n« ___ ,-1975 Yamana 440 Snow ;in lhe snow 5 iimi,s - wiol \ sacnlico. $400-eqiiily Call 733 9137allor6 OOPm , <

------------C a O K lN C rF O R 'A — "Y A M A H A 4 0 0

' M 0 N 6 - S H 0 C K - M O T O R C Y C L E ?

' Wo Hava Tho Bait Selection, -N. In The Mogic Volloy-4 We IIf o i le r You The Betl Deol9 • - Going.5 ' Buy oultight, irode or well'> work out the purchoiing or-



YAM AHA- Solet, Service JAcco-.ioriot

~ 733 5070 ~

,r ~ Harley OavidtonMoiOfcyCiaT , JEROME IMPt^ENTCO

■ • • W t , Ltncoln. Jerome

i f r Bl ■ IraileTi -

li ijtitih wheeler machmtty iiaiter, 10 c * » 20' can tie cut down to 8'. $1800,


■0 K __________ ^ Heavj DiulpmenI9t>8 iniornaiionaT 2 lon Loadstar'

. iGOOwiihBi 16 meUI llait«d, good condilion $3300 or will Sell

I* scpata^- 734-7H73 evemtiQa (Vi. _

FOR'si\LT 1”Coilm‘(M|,i,cV-l.l! ^ lon co,l_xham elucitic ho,'.l_JF

uiod Pt,ce $2M Call all.-r 5pm 733-5W6

1; . - ,


HHC Hough loodor $8,500 JD 500A Bockhoo ...$16,500JD 24toodor..............$5,500IHC 3850 Loocfer.... $12,500

^ Trailers........ $1 SOOto $2500

E L L I O n SI I I OverlondAve,

Burley, Idoho Phone 67B-5SB5

B O B H O U S T O N, Solet Repretenloliva


83 Trucks

i973“ GMC Cu3lW ~rro'i"'lOw mileage, air. eicelleni conUiiion. ciiil734-2132n1lcr5-30pm 1970 Fo'td truck. ton.-JEOvl,' conditioning. p<j> sti'cni'g 734. 705aaliei5 00

isrT roH b nV.NCERpickuii Slili Utijer waii.|iil, 390 V- 8. dual luCi l.vihs rad'Oi ii" '- -' t cond,1,uti,ng. aulotn.ii'C ir.m

cces. .

4 " ’ IOM 'fo'HD p,ckup~'.Vl«n. tuns good Si.-u .11 Fiedciicnoii s I'l

, sul.iboil, 425 2nd Ave -5‘ Ot pHui,'-734-8330ig74~CHeVH'oiE'r“ >riati pici-uip 3504-speiia 20 goose n.jck li,ulet. 18.0001 324-2229

—_ aller6pm.733-74fi4 ilies 1970 Dodge D-l«i7)7cvJp Er^rllcnf

condihon $1400 436-916?

'17 19WGMC 2 ton iruck, 2 speed aiTu“ Dig rubber, eicelleni mcchanical condition, low miles, V removableslockrack 324-4724.___________ _

11 - For salu 1972 Ford Courier, m good J'l condihon. low mileage. 324-4625

________________Vess 1974 Cheviolel Vj ion, tow

wtieeibase. lull btrw 4 » f,-----------atiiomauc , dual-UnU.-twadwa—,17,, spoko mags, undet wjttanly. Likeroli 543-4061.’___________WO 1974 CouLCr pickup iT.tCO miles:

lako over lease Call 734-5388 aller 5-00

'C 1973 CHEVROLET CHEYENNE. Short whool base Eicelleni

— condibon S43-«?4

and 1969 00DGE~VAN7’ »ia ted Si>. and hoalot and ait condiiionmg, 1974 oulomalic iransmission lois ol now lor*.- tn robu.ll patit, ptetly gu)d (ub- .

’ DCrr^lBob0.733-79te -•1968 Fotd prckup. 390,-^lomalic, •

Iggts . >750. Cjll733-?04rallct5.C0.r-.ur in wtiri’let twin SC'OW.


For Mit! or l/idJ^oT^iriSM Fotdy Ranger. Michelmb.res 543-5372__

■ 1965 v^-ion. 4-speed. V^. c^-:eiicni X condlliorv. while colot. low

milo.'H>i'-.$«0-734-160' ______ .FOR SALE 1968 . 6 CYhi'Oo'. Rar'- cheto pickup. clean, economicalIranspotlation 5*3-5293________1 1965 Chcry 2 Ion buck': 1966-. Chcvy 2 ton Ituck. I 8'-> lOut slat. campot. Trucks can i>o seen at Iniersiaio 60 Motile Cotiiaci am Board oioJ L. H.vtal Ptwne 625- 5024,

—1974 CMC 3000 MlltS.--350 •_____ -



MOREM o ro .co r fo r your tn o n . ■

' ' e y , 1 9 6 9 Fo rd V on .$ 7 9 9 .9 3 . B locko r A p A

^ l^plloiico a n d Fum iluro.

- ' .' l j ' l ' a '

! 131974 Dodgo Powor Wagon,..-new tiros and wheels, >n a.collenl shapo. 16 milot per gallon HiOO,5*3-4796_______________ - .■•'I .1971 CHEVROIET '/> I0,n pitkup.

TSO, aulimalic.. PO^er steerni^. reasofiaWo. Call 543-5915 mertiidgsOfcvenings ________'1967 Fotd v.-ion, saddle i.mK'., level load hitch, and camper onali. low miloago . 733-4252_______1962 Ford Pickup Good, . good irrigation pickup. $350.00 Call 629-5414 allcr 6 00 .

’ 1904 lord W lott. 292. V-8, l^ipood,$650. A llerapm 734-3147.------

■| Ono 1962-Ford Dump Truck, F ^ .1963 Fotd F-600 dumplnick. 1974 7 lon utility |r»n«024-5967.

r 'lijjpdrt-Spoititiirs1973 DATSUN 240Z." Sil'vfl(;.,,wjm crhomo mag wtiecis and.spoiiora Eicelleni condihon 4.3petjd witn air oondilionmg No nicks 0',Wjp3 on <1 A Super Car. sec at UOwtd Avonue Wusi o< Call 73M093, O' 733-2292

MUST S^LL W V W li^ r 'a o ^ condihon uicellent lot studeni Callalte'6o m 536-6247

196<> Volkswagof) bug. gt?)d con­dition, 829-5770 ot 734-4963 1969 Tiiumpn GT6 Plu5,T l51A C ^ good gas mileage. 4-spced tran­smission,lowmiieiigo 734-3294

Volkswagen .I97l‘ 's'uper .B.-otie' _ E^coh.lnl rnndition $ i y S<3-

. rFor salo: >906 VW earner Vati .‘ lacioiyrljirige'ator. bod. and wood

panel Call alter 6 00,934-6914 Ask tor Brent Vj

— 1973 Mazda rotary wagon, gcix)

L o i ^ ^ c ^ y T T m ^ i ^ h . ^

o’ AUOI. 1972. too' Ls! aulumahc.. Michohns. Groen. oicelfoal onu owner.25m p.g.$3*00.72»y9.

ei) 19M fiiuriiph convrttliWa.^ceds . . now lop. $450 as la. 423-S43irir 423- ir 5260.^ 1909 TOYOTA CORONA Oelu.e, 4 I' door. 44,000 acuui miles 3e^

i'f ^15 l e tp - 4 m «l'D ri<e;

19&} Chevro'ici Oia;er. 6 • cyiindci,' automalic. low mileago. 734-6322

— 1955 Jeep slahon wagon«smm 6 cylinder Fordjingmo. $7 0 or l«js1 otiof ?33-9326cvetimga.

1971 Chovy Subutlian 4 1 4. loaded- with oilras. new vale jObT 726-3816

^ ^ ^ 1 _ _________ ______^' 1972 Jec-p pickup Wllh canopy,

sharp $3450 See Jl 1310 AdOison I AvenuoEast 733-94Moi 7Mt3»fi

4' ’ i' 4 "19'74' ctievy '// Ion.-15.000 mitua. powe' altering,” Power

lO brakoi air. AM-FM. with shell, 734- 10 _______________

BG-, Afllos'fotSal19/3 DUSTER, very low mileage economical, vtnyl lop. 318 CallDuhl, 543-4460,______________1957 JAGUAR car. 4-Ooot. .........

_flufilioncd at 2.00 pm. Marob 7 Jeromo Fairgiounds

1969 Dodgo Super Dcc c«n.-ikni condition, $900 536-2512 1966 Mercury Comei Waoofj on»

^ owner, 289 V-6, ajlon^1«4t^wcr^

•cks . mechantcjlly $400 ot licst olli.t 733-37901567 F,f',r.„7a; Mue atid’biaCK vmyl' Inp. m.n; w httis anO good hies. 400 wi1M_4-iP0L-0 734 8067 allei

an 6 00_________ ____ ____f9&i” ^t7,<7i Siaiionwagot'. docs ncedwO'Kliultuns 734-6052

1965 ciAVrOlTA ' STubEBA'KEnI'l $” ° ® 00

I,111 MUST SELLl973”ForOGalji"r 500 ,irij 2-door haiaiop. power 1 t.ikes

Soo at mo A^lib Bolor inn alli) 'tn 2-30pm ,I,.- tl73'“ cONTiNENTAiriiARK IV

26 000 miles lop confldion $7?C0733-6792___ _________________

tiF, t968 4dnwChev'otPlCapiK:o.W- V-8. giKKl g,.s mileage-, vo'y clean low ni,l(..ii;i.. oood radial tires O'

:j!L __etnfimim m a-$ za )X a im z ^ 6 a - ■'MMEOIATE CASH FOR yo-ir clcai

cm jsed ear. Pa.d lot or not Houso 0 Haraiops 601 2nd Avenue Soull

— 734-5700. l u . __________ L__ical 1973 PLYMOUTH OUSTfiAaM ble buckel svata. auiom abc'^iii

consolo. oiccllc-r'l sfiSpc. 3 0 *— mileage 9i4 5?53 .

- iiT i'-O O O uE-O A hinivw ,-Jo . / miluayu. condilioi

X Pnone 734-35B9______________f ' For salo: 1972 Pmlo Runabout, 4

-------s^eJ^Iransm T as^o,engtno. tuns cniremeiy

__ cellenl gas mileage wilh ^01cs: ,ubt>or.Ca1l432-S2« J

"" 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY 1*f^ ^ gold tn color, laclory air. eiceilon

IE. condilion Accopbng sealed bi(] ■ nl Ihrough Ma'Ch 3. 1»S Seo J

Consolidaicd FtoighliJays. 21- Froighlway .Slreel, Twin. Fall!

;i>. Idaho. Consolidated Ftoi&Hiw jy’g, \ fosoivos me right 10 i«ipci aiiVcow *iitj.ds. , . : >ub- , I ------1--------- -

■ , 1972 Moifury MatQuiJ staliOl' » - • waflOflf Air cwidibon*ng, po*-

- sloenno-Ptlcnd al low book. Ca__ , Miko Sima. 734-4675 daylimc, 73:gw. 2249evonlnQi

_ ! • ' 1972 9-passenget Cfiovv catry-aiord Air condiuonmg, radio, and heaio

. New lircs plus tel ot snow iitej— - ■ Lowmileagc.7?6-53W.Keichum

196S Poiiriic LctnJM w.lh M 350’ 8 with approurruilely 50.000 OtfU'tv

lari- • riiill.s 4-spced wilh tiuckel.ltral; ical 438-5566rn ; . , siatiMho new"yrar oil wiirt 4 lo.

f ■ costCuissiitodAdlosailMjiJJticxi lor ready cash 733 ?931

a n 196a BuiCk titan Sport 3M: pOwl 62S- alo«^ruio. power brakes,-«if poti


IVI • 1969 CHRYSL~En Newport Cuslon

™ j i T S a J S s i s s--- --------rreacncfcsqnTlnsulfiifon.- 4?6-?n’ '5 Ave S.,orptionc734-«330t)*fe« no Band5.30 Altet5 3Qcall733-60M.

1970 TORONAOO GT, UhTia'wT] vinyl top. laclory lapo deck, MiChohnlitos Phone423-4118’

iiS 'c^veli-T llin^liray .396 -V ongme. 4J5 hornnwwct Call 73

----- 5206 allet 6i ^ r ^ n x ' t o Z28 Brown, whil

Stt'OO 734J716_P ' ' ■ 1967 RAMBLER WAGON V-{

AulorTutit.Call733-5}538lo5 ,h

1 B _ . ■ U b Fv SiI ) | k' W * Ponlttc Grand Am. AM • fM ?. raOio. lutomcitc tf»nsmiUK>n, low tfnilQ>o«.K»eM7iliet6:II0. .. ifC^MlC 197S Buicli SkvtUMk 2-Ooor iWcht>*ck.Cctioe^ v.j. .c

■pc«»«r bfakes.'AM-FM *if«co »<i '(Wnditionino, iintcfl QIM* foit Jdelocger, MjuauNa di»ci sojt <tMCk. euaiom leiiiwr iiim. mi itlM(ino whMl, *po<l mittof}. ' th«M lamps on iHiltor S)MO 314- 'H iT .________;______________ fU73 Oodgo 04ti Custom 318. V4. 'raa io . radials. air powoi. _aulomaliC »600 93M??S. f ftD73 Pinio 2^Joor! low rnilejco. 1600 R cc-ii900 or MSI otier confaoiM. \ R934-<775_______ • _______ IVIKS El CamiRO-wiiti campcr shellT LBair. cicoUcnl condil.on. }l,]00 Call 1 9

.7334132allor6p.m. [D

■ »»66-D<ilU 88 Olds willi powo< M

d iiio r^^nd^ irtS iV iiie^ 'caM r* ' n«ae«lt«ni condition inside and out. |B Sec at 1616 San LaRue or call 733- Q

i 9 ? 4 ~ ‘viiT 3M ~a‘»roma'iic' Y(kpoivcf' steerin(], powor Hakes UD Goodyear iires Crager mans Call M

alter 8:00 . M

C A S H I; For Your Car ■ ffl

WILLS USED CAR§ B 7 3 3 - 7 3 6 5 ®

i y w i r n e w

^ p r o f i t —

p a r t n e r .' D a t s u n ’s 2 6 0 0 cc

U 'l H u s t le r P ic k u p !


" a O r e a t g a s • e c o n o m y

■ G re a t d e p e n d a b lllly

■ L ow m a in te n a n c e■ L ow o v e rh e a d

D a t c u n -j a v e s

, -M a c C h r is D o H v a.■7thSl. Eoil On Main St. Eoit

73*.6611 •

C L E i

O N L^ O F S P

SAVE NOW — WE ................ INVENTOR'

-----------3 1 P I E i

^ O V E N Wp u rc h o ie o l

W - c a r (w hile tu p p

« 8 9 ” ^

[ T O--------- — h — ---------W ITKPl

* ;i9 7 4 FORD T O R I N O . . . . . . .

1 9 7 3 MERCURY M A R Q U IS ..

. 1 9 7 3 VW BEETIE.......................“ T T I '9 7 3 P O R S C H E .- ...............i .

-1 9 7 .3 A u d i f o x . . . . . . . . . .

■ Y 973T O lnN O L 5jy3V .9.............

- 1 9 7 9 V W C ^ P M 0 B I I E . . . .

1 9 7 3 MERCURY ^ ^ e T . . . : — 19 7 Q F0 R& 4O Rm 0 i i i , . . ,


; i ? 7 3 M O h S O L p . O . . . . - . ,

‘b l W EVENINOS . — n u 8:00 PJA.

■ ■'•SATOROAYS H n H9.6:00 P.M. { ■ t w J H


86^ Alias For Sail | s t

NICE 1967 Caaiiiac Coupe OoVilio'.,tuiiyioaded »8Q w bosioil.r. W - l ! "

____________ • ■ ' " j ;19ta COUGAR. 3’02 V-B. Alsc

.fiAtfnamical. uses rv> Oil. GoodBuyl ■ ' sto«- oprcT-aoai:— -------------- -------------^

ATTENTIOH COLLECTOHS; " 'Classic 1957 Hi>dton Hornol. power ES£sieertiH) ar>d power drakes, .par- 5 l*

•tull, tosiored l>ody. in lop shape. 190m<i>l sell dOo lo in]ury. uking IxdS. S. tPnwie 73<-20i5 lor .ntormairon. or painlojoo. OalK

^ ^ F E f t R O A R Y ^ R V I C E k S O ffe r G o o d Thro'u^

^ -e n g i n e t Ui

@ — ^ P A R T f r S P - EB n Includai spork ptug*' Po‘'i* *«l, < S g L -«nd lual filler. Sixes and Fourt. til

h B R e g iila r 4 1 .9 0 E nglno T iinei

Y O U R S P E C IA L P R IC E . .

Y O b R N A M E ____________


, I t l A— — NEWOR-

SEE(You'll b e glad

S l ;

MAN[v o Tk s w a ^

.Y 4 D A’ E C l A L S L E F l'E'RE M O V IN G $ 1 6 0 ,0 0 0 ( iY BY THE END O F FEBRU/

— W B I_ ■ ^

o f ony n e w ^

S 6^dow n poymenl (p 48 poymenti ol $59.99 pi choro* S679.S3. IOIbL oI p<

APR. 13.88% ( o S ^

i p ” lC T o 7 c O C « ■ ■ ■


S W - ' A l i D ' $. . . . $ 3 9 6 6 197 2 FORD PICKl

. . . . $ 3 4 7 5 •1972M C ^O '-^.D S

. . . , $ 1 9 9 5 1 9 7 2 V W 4 1 1 W ^ ‘• . . . $ 4 8 9 5 197 2 IM PAIA 4 1

. . . . $ 3 4 5 0 :T ^71 KARMANN

1 9 7 T N O V A .. . .

. . . . $ 4 3 1 6 1971 PONTIACG

1971 AUDIIOOLS ■ i . . Sa i ^ 6 ; - - T 97 ^ PBIft>40WH

IIR E .$ 2 8 9 9 196 9 MEfcURYH

............ 196 8 OLDS. DELTA N Y MORE TO CHOOSE FROf

■" ■■■

K ~ ' K itstFvSilt ISG1971 Botck LeSabre. ' pow«r FOI steerlno. power Uakos. laclory air conditionlna. •icatleni condition. Phc Also 196S Buick LeSabre, p 0 * « •■= ateeting. air condillonlna gootS tao8IBon.7AWmi. ~1974 CAMARO LT. pow«r brakes.

19n DODGE TRADESMAN VAN..V,S. sundard lrans>nlulor>, custom paint and inianor. 17 males per oallon 324-U33.

CE SPECI ALS!i u ^ h 2 / 2 8 / 7 5 S H

li! condenser!^ KV v o lv e ~ ^ M

n e ^ f f r f a r ls SpD clal^^ H M

lANFO RD ^^^^^^^ m

CAR?_ [i U j S E O ™

u so

id y o u d id )


> P L Y M O U T H


^ T O V O T A

N E W C A R S236Shothen'e St, W ti'


USED C A R S754 4rh Ave. W ot’

_________ 733 736S___________

iUG t ^

v Y ST i l '0 O F EXCESS [UARY

IEE1LER v ' .

-<*r , ^SSwtiinl (plus »o«* ile.) '•9 per month, (inonc*)< poYmenii 82879.53. opproved credit)

: i m A R E ” i

i U E R Y )

A*------------- ^ | — ---------------» V A L U I I

m iC K U P ......................^ 2 1 5 4

Id s t e r ................... ^ N

W A G O N ..............$ 1 8 9 54 D 0 0 R H T !•. . . $ 1 9 9 9

NN GH IA .............., $ 1 6 9 0

...........• / . . . ............$ 1 7 6 6CG RA N P R 1 X .. .S 2 3 9 0 iQlS........................ -, $ 2 9 9 9

Y t t A R Q U I S . . . . . $ 7 7 7 ELTA88 ..................... $ 438IOM —

13 .. 733-2954t i . i J . ' ' '___

. ' c •. ■. - V

K <: • ■ H i i i s t i i r S i u l B

FOR SALE: -O Cnevy Impala. * 1971door, stsndiid iransnlission. gooPhone54M6BSalier6:00. i —— - - •_______________ • 197;1970 GTO. 4-spood. mao wneels. star

- -floo»weer*lW M ;«-W M M 9r*e«^ -o<J«forOouQ. ■ ' SIX

INTRO19751<r (> < :Y U ^ )E R E S < il\ ☆ S Y \a iH ( tM K S I I TH

. * « r ’i W i i w m x T H ,

i ■


36 P A

Down peymeni S400. APR 1

n f t B B t n• WHere-C<

7 J 2 M oin A v o . S.^

r i f i n


SUMMM a k e Y o u r S u m m e r \ Im po ld S ta t io n VVogc E q u ip p e d A s F o llo w s :☆ 3 SEATS

■ * 4 0 0 V ^ EN G IN E* AU TO M A TIC TRANSW


-SA V E -t ^Y O U R


P R I C E ________

1 9 7 3 M A Z D A RX;3 door Itdon. tinted gloii, radio, hea motlc ironimlltlon. vinyl lop. buck rodiol tir ii wllh iport wheeli ond a r<

NOWONLY ........1 9 7 3 M A Z D A RX;

4 door^tdon, rodio. heoter. 4,tpeed tion. ilnitd gloii. buckel seati. whin

- rodiol Hrii ond only 8.700 ociuol mlli one, Juil like new.

SPECIAL A T .......... * 2 !1 9 7 4 C H E V R O L E T '/i-

■ Pickup. V-8 engine, heeler. AM rodio IroAimliilon, factory olr. power power brokes. cuitom deluxe Inier Jiory (usi tonk. deluxe two lone p< bumper. 10.000 ociuol miles, leoii Stock No. P4.276.


Cheyenne pickup. -V-8 eoglr^e. lint heoter. todio AM. oulomatic tror

- • —Tttie>y'~6lf.~ M w * r ' i lffrlrtgr ' powei while wolll, big mirror*, step bump« two tone: 13.000 octual milet. leoi Stock No. P4-888.


Pickup, custom deluxe. V-8 engln gloti. healer. AM rodio. oulomalic slon. loclory olr. pov?tc steerlnj brokei. big mirrors, step bumper. d< lone polnl, 11,000 octuol miles, our vice'unit. Stock No.. 4-830.


‘ ii~ondoTd'trontmlstlon, 4 sp«e<( tron power Ileering. ^ w e r brokei, bucV luil 4 wheel drive', 6,500 milet. cust lor. chrome bumpers, leo ie relur ohome. Stock No. 4-703.

/ A c e H a n s e n S P E C

A c e Haiu J 6 5 4 B lu e L a k e s B lvd

. . ' " ' I ■

- - . .• ' r

ililB For Sail | bG.1971 FKcturd "Porm-jla 400. voty ' 19 goodco^ii'on 326-UCC In1972 Mercury Mo<i1ooo, 6 cylinder. Sv standard tiansmlssion. 'e>col1oni _

I1j00734.jj29.'^ | - ^


Q R E M; / \ > ; -

m i \ s M i s s u i \



’AYMENTS OF S 7 ? .>PR n .5% , ilnence chorge $437.12. (olol

n i R i e u E i ie 'C o m p efff fo n fj M odo ■ . . N of M

Twin F a lls -'


AND IMER VACAT•r V a c a tio n A H a p p y O n i a g o n s . 5 To C h o o s e Frv s:





^ r m —

RX2 1 9 7 4 CH. heater, au td -- '' Pickup, cuslombuckel leo it. ' AM rodio. oui a reol cutie. tteering ond po_ _ _ _ iiiory goi tank.' J ' J Q K i . mlrrori. corgooI . I . ' I ^ W as $ 4 3 9 5

R X 2 . . N O W O N L Y .leed irommii-

r S : : T ! s ! i _rodlo..ouiomotli

O C O C power brokes.go* tonk. spot

7 2 'TON -T H ISW E E Kodlo. 4 speed q NLYver Iteering. .................inierior. ouxi- ,le point, step 1 9 7 4 1leoie relurn. p g „ ,r Wogon

drive, heoler. i

iG S s p*/a TON A CE W kN SE ftinted g lou. SPECiAL - r . "

jmper. deluxe 1 9 7leot* return. . El Comino. V-{

A AM rodio. 01' Iteering. pov«e

S O N E s,« BIG SAVINinglne. tinted ^ ■lotic tronimii-•ring, .power----------- 1 9 7>r. d e lux^w o El Comlno. V-i, our ow iT l» i._^ . a m rodio, slon

Ing, while side


BLAZER--------------------l a z a j

tronimiiiion. Club .Cob, V-6 <buckel seots. mofk tronsmitcuitom inter. ,klewoll lirei,

return, needs and step bumfM


an sen CheIvd, hforth

. , ; . . r r

Hirt^or Sail ■ K1973 Cnovelie deloxe, aulomatic transmission, power steering, power, tirskes. OKO- Only 16.000 miles. 734.3338. ^

- i^ S u ie k Wildcat, good condition. '734.7098. ,


i l i n I ^I . H - c------------------- H J,

■ /L .f L.■ ■ ( h t ^ h w o y j — -it


M 7 ■ol controcl S3791,13

i r i M C r ^ -M et H i

•__________ 7 3 3 ^ 8 7 2 1 ^ M

n c '*


TIONn e In O n e O f T h e s e -

F ro m A n d A ll A r e



1 7 ”:H EV R0LET '/i TO N»m deluxe. V-8 engine, heoter, V outomotic tronsmiisiori. power power brakes, 1 S.OOO milet, oux- nk, n eel belted rodiol lires. big0 oreo lomp. Slock No. V339A

V . *3999;H E V R 0 L E T J4 TO Notic tronsmlislon. power sleerlng,>s, folding sM t bock, ouxlllory poilight. 454 engine. Stock No. kS $3995

.........................537991 D O D G E '/ i T O N>n Pickup, v-e engine. 4 wheel r, AM rodio, outomoiic tronsmis-

tieering, power brakes, shod sliding reor wiruiow, lock out like'new. Stock No. S.444A, ■

^:^v ...:M295 ^

v-8-engine, tinted gloss, heoler. oulomotic tronsmisiion. power

v«er broket, white sidewall liret.-441, ’ •

hgs.... *349,9174 CHEVROLET . ^V-8 engine, tinted gloti, heater, tondbrd tronimlsslon. power stee^ dewolt lir»s, j

......... *3399U j o n s £ j £ l Q t L ; _ . -6 engine, heoler, AM radio, aufo- miision. power steering, white tt, Iwo lone linish. big mirrort nper.

ings . . . *3395

e v r o l e t_________ 7 3 3 - 3 0 3 3 ■

i " 7 y ^

r A lte .F g S a h l i

T H I N K T H E(d o h o ’s O ld o s I S L o rg esf Uncofi

197 3 COA4 D oor Sedot

Siren /ed in color, economicol 6 Ci motlc tronimittion, ond white woi leoie ond priced way. woy below wl

.TH E ISE N . . $ - P R I C E ....................................

: 1 9 6 7 FORD ' '- Cuttom 4 door tedon. dork ] 9

gold in color, conlrotting ^oprlinierior, V.8 engine, oulo- ,m er

• ■-moilc ironsmlssloft. powertteering ond white woll . . .t,*d o tlret. •

* 5 9 5" j l .

1972 FORD PINTO'Pottel blue in color, deluxe , jInterior, bucket teolt. eco- :nomlcol engine ond 4 speed ,' lrQr.tmliilon.

* 1 6 9 5

IQAQ rH P V R Q L P T■- Impolo 4-door.tedon .-m e------------

dium brown In color, con. frosting roof. V-8 engine, - outomatic tronim ittion, power s teering , power brokes. olr conditioning ond ' ' *

__whil«.woll lirei. _____________ _ *

* 9 9 5 i


3 door sedon, m^ium-brown-------- —.In eotor. regufor gos engine._______Slondord srii^i. local one |]owner ond low milei, j

* 1 6 9 5 ^ '

1961 LINCOLN. CONIINENTAL 4 door. be. J

__ longed to o local butlnett;_______mon ond on excellent'car In jexcelleni shape. ,

J 5 9 5 ;

. .1 9 7 0 T O R IN OBROUGHAM 4 door hard lop. medium blue In color, 1conirotling- roof. V-6 en­gine, outom atic transm it- . sion, power sleeilno, power brokes. o lr condllloning ond locally owned.

* 1 7 9 5

197 0 M ONTEGO4 door, pastel blue, smoil

• V-6 er\gine, slondordijhilf ond 0 locol one owner.

* 1 2 9 5

1974 EL CAMINOClonic, beautiful copper in

• — gsii f . 'WMie Vinyl rw t. v ^ -----------engine, automatic transmit- sion, power steering, power ' brokes. oir conditioning, lull ir^tirum entolion. swivel bucket seots. rodiol lires

. ond less Ihon 10.000 octuol mllei.

— * 4 9 -9 5 ---------.1 -

V -

1 9 6 8 FORDFoirlorte. smoll V-8 engine, 3 outomotic'trontmiislpn ond gi w hitewall Ilres. . ei

^ 3 9 5 1

1967 BONNEVILLE4 door hordiop, V-8 engine, ou lom allc -rronim lssion. power steerlng 'ond o ler- , rilic value.

* 5 9 5

1967 MERCURYM onterey 4 door t r io n , . beoutlful poitel blue in co ‘

- — lorrV -a-eog lnerou tom o tie ---------tronimlsslon. power steer­ing, w ^ sold this one pew ond on excellent second cor,

* 4 5 0

1971 DODGECholtenger. while with con- frosting roo l^r^d-site V J engine. ak/tomaiIc~irom-

, mission, pow er tieering, oir ' c o n d ilio n in g . re v e rse

chrome w heelt wllh over.' sized w hile woll llrei, buck­

e l seots ond very, very

' ”" * 1 9 9 5

T H E I S E N ^T h e f o s le s f P foce In The 1

7 0 1 'M o ln A v e n u e E o t t ' T'

February 27.1975_.Tlmft8-f

• s. '

■ ' b • • .

Tift8-Noiii«.T*lrfF«lIa. W a h o - 2 7 ^ - i j

» ' H i t B i x a i i

l E I S E N Snco /n -W ereu ry O oo lo r V

OMET . 1-.led onll 6 Cylinder engine, outo- e wall tlret. Jutt in Irom.

° n o 8 s I1 9 7 3 C H E V R O L E T _

Caprice C io iilc .. beoulilul e m e r o M jr e e n in, color., fpnifniT nyinHt,' min r t rrfnp.- ~ ~ ped ond olocol one owner.

* 3 6 9 5 — . ;

1 9 7 1 C O M E T ■ ^ ,4 door tedon. dork green metolit in color, very econ­omical and we taid ihit one

* 1 6 9 5

PO N TIA C- < Cron' Prix 3 door hordiop.

copeer with controlling '" ■ro^,"VreKg7ne7ou*omoiIC “

tronimittion. power steer­ing. power brakes, oir con- dilioning and white woll'

...... * 1 2 9 5

____ 1 9 7 0 C H E V R O I P T ~ Ztmpola, silver metallic In color, lully equipped and lookt ond runs beoulilully.

* 1 0 9 5

1971 PLYM OUTHSoieliite 4 door. V-8 engine, outomotic tronsmisiion,

----- power— tieering , powerbrokes. o ir conditioning, white wall tlre t, luxury - wheel covers and o ,super

^ ' " ■ * 2 1 9 5 -

■ ■1 9 7 2 D O D G E - -

Pototo. V-6 engine, oulo-.. molic Ironsmitiion, power . Ileering. power broket, oir condllloning, excellen i white wall llret and o beou­lilul pastel blue with con- , trolling rool.

• * 2 5 9 5

1 9 7 2 M O N T E G O • 'Vllloger Siotlon Wogon. regular gos V-8 engine, ou- . tomotic ironimlltlon, poyer tteering. power b roket, air conditioning, medium .. green metollic with con- 7* trailing yocht deck ponel- • . Ing ond Iuggoge rack with


* 2 9 9 5

T 9 7 2 M E R C U R YMorquis 3 door hardtop, postel yeHow In color, con- trotting rool. completely looded, white wall tires and - luxury wheel covers.

* 2 9 - 9 5 __________

• 1 9 7 1 T O Y O T A3 door fostbock. medium gold In co lor.-econom ical

. engine, oulomotic tronimit- slon. very low .mileoge ond belonged to a 1 ^ 1 buslnets-

3 T 8 9 5

1 9 6 9 FO R DColaxle 4 door hordtop. polor white In color. V-d en. glne,power steering; power-

■ brakes, oir conditioning, a locol one owner ond- tow miles. .

* 1 1 - 9 5

__ ;_________1_____________________

1 9 7 2 C H E V R O L E T'N ovo- 4 door, blue wilh

- white- lop, 6 cylinder en­gine. outomotic ironimls- lion, body tide mouldingt ond white woll tires.

* 1 9 9 5 :

1 9 7 2 M O N T E G OMX 4 door sedon, V-B en. glne. oulomolic ironsmls>; lion, pow er, iteerln a olr>. conditioning, green Inlwter. while woll tires and we sold Ihis or>e new.

n 9 9 5 7 °

M O T O R SThe W orld To Buy A Co?

Twir^ Foil* . ■ 7 3 3 :7 7 0 0 ’

: . . . i

L ^ : 28 Timo»-Now9, 'Twin Falls, fdflh

' 7/ \ . " " "

- ~ : SAVE 20% ON All5 — SPRIMBJACKHSf

S A l E F I o F i, , . O rlg . 3 .3 3 io $8. Cot

-Jo ck o ts . E asy-coro ny , , ' m o ro oyo co tch in g cc

' H urry l


f FA' 1

J P O L Y E S flU ~ K N IT ^ 1 « ,

M a n y s o l id ^os^____ • lo cnoos® from .

" lO O '/T ^ I y e s to r .

. . SHEERD— CO H flIt

< 4 ^ I l i iw S i^ M o c h in * w o sh

____ __ L-. jg b r lc . V o ile s . 5I e ^ . le n o s o n d n

: EHCORE— ■ ^ = = = ^ « 7 <fsrSnTy ~

How 9 9 'O rlg . I .W . 1 0 0 % c o t t o n m a c h i n e w o ih o b le . 4 5 " w id e .

iI - L -


om o In oftd c h o o so f ro m o il .Girl's nylon , p o lv e s lo r b lo n d s . l |n o d nylc c o lo rs a n d p o tto rn s . 3 to 6 x o n d j

Pl— ^ A V H S 9 H ) K - e R n i)


^ BalliTcO rlg . 2 .7 9 Now

O rlg . 1 .69 Now

| H | | M O rig


S T E R [ io n c o lo rs j f i q O'

w id o [-^

DttlBHl in _ r = Dmm • [ f e —i S ' v i ;■ r a .l h . P o t tn -o rn s s Pol. S w isso s. flock- \ .: m o re . I

^OUlLTLOOK- - - - - - - - BOUBIHHfl— -

.How 2 ” yd.O rlg. 4 .9 9 . 6 0 '' w id e

^ of 100V* p o ly o s to r in e g ro o n , b r o w n , ro d »•, ond n a v y , .

aho -IhurBdny, Fobroar’i \ r ^ > 7 5


' ' '

Irl's S p rin g ' '>ylons a n did 7 ,10 14. ' ^

/ ■ "

SOnlylinlorS*• S h o rt sleov*

- : ..................... ~ • O r l g . $ 1 1 .

' . l i o { ) y * ® i ®# L o n a s ^ n «

- y ISW yW oniM

I WDaeiis'Sportsv• S h irts . >wo<

• C loo ronco

fflOnljEirls'Si• C o rd ig o n stOTOE^- - - - - - *Cobl,^ml-

nHL». ■ «|I[. Girls’PaCAI F • N O iro n pio

^ . • S i io s 4 to 6 )Towel .O r i g . $5...4o w 2 “ . "_ , • • P o lcn w o rlt (Towel • Q u i l t e d .

.^27 • R o ducod .

'T i L «W)W»«i'sI Clot!] * C o tto n bloniirig. 9 9 ' • A nd ny lo n t

' - . g • C lo o ro n co

WOBWS P an ics• s . M , L.• 4 c o lo r s to <

. • C lo o ro n co

\ 24 Oily M ns WiW • P l a i d s a n d !J ' • S l ig h t to p e rW • R e d u ce d



How l “ - y i i : 'X i0 0 % t e x l u r l i e d p o ly o s t e r I o s s t . po lT erns. 6 0 " w ido._________

SPECIALDRESS- P R i I S # H i f l l l D S - ^

5 o i,c !!S !* s if= l)! ''b io n d s .^ o n n -p re s s a n d w o sh o b lo . : .

- i


:____PRIHTFD KHIT9 _t n t n i L i f n n i i u

Now 2 “ y il ,O r lg . J . 7 9 yd . P onni p r e s s , 6 0 ' w |d e ,5 0 % p o ly e s to r a n d 5 0 % co tlo n . • •

L— --------- J L

. L

V - _ ' ■

Clearlior Sweatees . _ ' A q q 1s le e v o s , H o o d e d — — | m 3 -M 1 - . . ................... . . N o w U - * - -

ss«s Blouses ' ■ . 'p o ly o s to r . .p q a I

;lenv4 S, p r in t tun icj n c e .................... ' . . . . . N ow | |

IMH Slicks' JQQ;fo r /co H o nity l in g .............................. N ow T '

i(icrts*ur "■. >w ooi<)rs.;. b lo u s e s

...........N o w 2 0 % ll 7 0 % of)Ineis Uttlfxifis ~

$ »i . $ 1 9 ,S B i o S l i . ( I l o i L

iSSsSlacliSuilin s o m b le 4 A 0 Q h ito , b lu e l l f S O c o d . ................ N ow - I I I

onieiis JacketsW „ , l . , . ; . jq g g

onco ........... N o w | Q '

r is’ Sweaters ]ion s ty l e s ' / | q q

^ ; ^ . , : : : : . v , : . . . . N o w Z ^

s ’ P a l s .n p lo id s . . A t r *t o 6 x / E

iS .............................. N o w 4 Itr 0 ,

o o e i's Robes ‘/o rk p r in ls Ji ■ I p a ,rod ..................................N ow U •

Mneii's Sleepwear *b lo n d s I ^ Q I

Mon t r ic o ts / ® r .* jn c o .........................N o w f c ‘4

anllhose ^ '

-s to c h o o s o f ro m C I Q ^ - 'jn c o ................... N o w U W I

MS *estef« Shirts !a n d s i n p e s ^ Q Q i to p e r 1 9 9 :ed . ............................... N ow I

^ A G1 1 0 0 % cI - o n d 4 5 ”

• L ^ _



i J — 1 ” y l!• < j Sp ring c o lo rs a n d p

________ 1 . 1 in 100% to x tu r iio d DC

; , ■ I

r - BETTER C O n O N

______ J U m i l E H D l

s s ' Y i i :^ I P r o - c i J m o ic rfy d . I

*—]• o s so r lo d p r in ls S solid:

I1 I_________________ . _ __


D f l O B t E - K H I T ^ ------------i

N O W 2 “ y d . b iO r l g . 3 .9 9 y d . 7 ^ to< y d s . o n ly 1 0 0 % b n p o ly e s te r . 6 0 " w id o . I S


v ic iranee

)- ■ B e lo w h ip le n 'g lh ~• B rpw n-ton c o lo r ■ otv

~ H ed odad V V v. ^ ? ^ b '

I Keo's Qailled Ski JacketsI • A s s o r te d co lo r5

■ S ing lo & d o u b lo q a i l to d• O rig . 9 . 9 8 ........... , .................. I

i ^ M w ’s Polyestef.slacks• N e w ,lo w p rico• F ancy S so lid s• O rlg . 9 .9 8 to $ 1 1 ...................

?B Onl)! Men’s'Oress Slilrts• s h o r t a n d lo n g s lo o v o s '

1 • A sso r lo d c o lo rs• C lo o ro n c o . .................

f • ^ m o re a l lo a th o r ■ •B r o w n s , b la c k s , w h ilo s ...

• O rig . 4 .9 9 to 6 .9 8 ____ . . . . N

I l4 0 i l ) m P i l ) t s l i r K j i l l s l i l r l s' • C a su a l s ty lo s

• M o d . o n d lo r g o• O rlg , S 1 4 ................................... 1

I 30 Only Boys' laekets»' • A s s o r te d s ty lo s •

• M o st s izo s• 8 .8 8 to 1 5 .9 8 ' l % £ l • N o w . g

M o - w r f t i l y - f l f ly s m a c k s - ^ ----------• C o rd u ro y• F Ic rod L egs

, • R e d u c e d ‘ .................................t

I B o y s 'H iT O l lops' • c o l to n /p o ly o s te r

• s ix e s 1 2 -1 4 -1 6 ...........................

I 30 Onl) Kiltliffl Towels' • E x t r o lo rg o

• A ss t, c o lo rs ^ • - O r ig . 6 6 ‘ , . . . . ...........N

I Blrdmnod sp riid s*' . • P o ly o s to r w ith c o tlo n

• M och in o w a s h a b le• O rlg . $ 3 4 to $ 3 8 4 A a a

I N°»-........16 tNovelty Tier CDTtalns• 1 0 0 % p o ly e s to r flock• G o ld & p in k co lo r

J . O rig . 2 .9 9 lo 4 .7 9 j | g «

SPORTY BANBANA NTS. . . . . . . . 1 ” yd.% c o tto n o s s o r lo d c o lo rs 4 5 " .

£ It a c y

n o w !m m O r lg . 3

M a n y | o f

ESTER H i FANCIES p rr ■ ^ ^d p o tte r n sd p o ly e s te r ________.

. . . ^J

. ; - - O rlg .

r i K i L * .

■ d r ie n g lh s — — -- o l id , . . p ^

1— r z i

H I TFABRIC _ _ _ _ _

.NOW 5 0 * yd. -O rlo . 99* v d . H o u n d s, to o in p a l t e r n * In b ro w n a n d b u rg u n d y .15 y d s .' o n ly , 5 4 " w id e .


I ■ . ■

P e n rf s A ¥ E 2 8 % i l


' C O M SA L E - y j o 1

'J o w r l l V — r — g r e o t’ s 'ty ld s 'fr ' lo o lt . C h o o s e

h q o s ty lo s , sh ir t joc f O O ' ,n y lo n j n d nyloi

. N oiA i'f * “ U ned . A ll/eo sy -, f a b r ic , Tn y o u r

c h o ico of c o lor: « |A A T h e n o w o s t

• | W lo o k s fo r . . N o w f sp r in g ,.

1 9 9. . N ow I

- .99'

\ ] r

^ 9 9 ~ ~ m. N o w * t

501. ■n i S O ’’

' t o 2 9 « « I



'R IN T m —

« 2 * , d . ' COHTATA

V i r ' ; D O UB LE KNIT!

r ' - 1 1 % N O W P y d .

i ' l o b r k . ■*:” j ;I jg S o lid s o n ly , w h iI a n d 'g r o y . 100

' t e x tu r iz e d polyc te r . 6 0 " w id o .

-F A S C IN A T IO N — I ------------=

A R N a JE R S E Y . M

H o w S O 'y d . 1I9 . 1 .J2 « ) . 15 y d s . ; -I/. 4 5 " w id e .

R e m n a n t s — - - —

V 2 “ P r i c e

V . ■ --------------------

J’ ••

- V '

I H B H I t t -------------------------------

ICKETSIFORHEH t o r ' -IS f ro m sp o r ty to d ro s s ie r lo s e f ro m bo sIc p o p lin

jo c k e ts , . ‘nylon p ile ’

o u r •

SA've'23% 01 I SOLID KNITS

SALE‘IBR e g . T ht

^ ------ I - s r b c k . T hose sicth o

fo b r ic_ in c

; 9:30 a I b e Lot

l i t s t \

" W w ,w h ite ' • ? ' ' *r / J >0 0 % / , ,

>olyos- ' S ’ f c s /

'• C r i •


• •100% polyt*l«r« 22a j ^ . . p , T . p o o l J ^ ^ J .


7 \ j i

WPrW y ^ j »JM

.t; ,

- . . ' r . - u i L

- -


T h e to lo l p e r f o r m a n c ee s la c k s o r e ta i lo r e d f ro m ------1 0 0 % - t e x tu r i ie d p o ly e s te r ib r lc o v a i io b le . f o r tf ie in c o r^ fo r t a n d s h a p e , a n d sh ir t H u g g e r w aist- 40 w a is t .


____ 4 r


/ / o y a '



3 f o t ^1 0 0 O n ly . 1 Ib . r

S l i e 7 2 ^ 'b y 9 0 " . , ;

I i ' j

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