dodge the bullet! escape the pain!

TWO GIFTS FOR YOU! First, I have two valuable gifts for you that can significantly enrich your life and spare you some unnecessary pain in the future. One gift is a simple fun game developed at the University of Exeter in the UK. You can play it on your phone to retrain your brain in just a few minutes per day to prefer healthy food over junk food (and alcohol)—it’s really cool, and very effective! My second gift for you is a copy of one my 8 books, possibly my best one yet, 40 WAYS To KILL STRESS BEFORE IT KILLS YOU (in 60 seconds or less)! Plus I’m going to share with you my story, in a few minutes, of what happened to me. But first, I have an important question for you, ok? Do you consider yourself to be an adventurous person?

Upload: ray-gebauer

Post on 08-Apr-2017




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First, I have two valuable gifts for you that can significantly enrich your life and spare you

some unnecessary pain in the future.

One gift is a simple fun game developed at the University of Exeter in the UK. You can play it

on your phone to retrain your brain in just a few minutes per day to prefer healthy food over

junk food (and alcohol)—it’s really cool, and very effective!

My second gift for you is a copy of one my 8 books, possibly my best one yet,

40 WAYS To KILL STRESS BEFORE IT KILLS YOU (in 60 seconds or less)!

Plus I’m going to share with you my story, in a few minutes, of what happened to me.

But first, I have an important question for you, ok?

Do you consider yourself to be an adventurous person?

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Have you been to Africa yet? Would you want to have an adventure there?

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Here is a photo of me on November 2016 on my adventure in Kauai, hiking the famous Kalalau

Trail up the side of the mountain and back down to the beach (4 hour hike).

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Here is a photo I took last year on my favorite adventure hike in Bellevue Washington.

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Here I am in my adventure in Alaska at the foot of the Davidson Glacier!

Most people like adventure because, well, it helps you feel more alive!

If you too like adventure, then you are about to discover some precious “hidden treasure” in

your treasure hunt, which within 24 hours can give you more energy, less stress and pain,

reduced blood pressure, lower blood sugar, less inflammation, improved sleeping, fat loss,

feeling stronger and more alive, better mental acuity, memory and feeling more optimistic

and happy!

Plus in the long run it may just save your life and help you live longer because it is solving one

of your most disturbing and perhaps not so obvious painful challenges in life!

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When you get to the end and hear the good news part of this story, I bet you’ll be smiling like

this happy girl because you will have realistic hope for a better future almost immediately:

Let’s start with this question, ok?

Would you be ok with getting on an airplane headed to Hawaii if you KNEW it was going to

crash and 90% aboard would be killed upon impact?

How long would you have to think about it?

Here’s even a better analogy for you.

This illustrates a dangerous precarious situation you are already in but perhaps not fully aware

of it.

Like most children, let’s presume that you grew up in a decent and fairly safe neighborhood.

You were happy…things were good.

But as you grew up, you began to realize that your childhood neighborhood had gone downhill.

It was no longer a safe place.

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You were shocked to discover from the police reports that the majority of the people living in

this now bad dangerous neighborhood were being mugged, raped, kidnapped or shot.

In fact, 90% were dying prematurely due to the violence, sometimes decades before their time.

Once you accepted this harsh reality, would you stay anyway and hope that you were part of

the lucky 10% who were not killed, or would you “get out of Dodge” before you were a victim

as well?

I am using this bad dangerous neighborhood story as a very relevant analogy to a similar,

though not quite as obvious reality you are already now in, probably not realizing it.

Doctors and researchers have concluded that 90% of Americans DIE BEFORE THEIR TIME from a

degenerative disease that was preventable.

3000 years ago, wise King Solomon warned us,

“Don’t be a fool! Why die before your time?” Eccles. 7:17

He also wrote this:

“He who does not endeavor to heal himself is a brother to him who kills himself.”

Proverbs 18:9 (Septuagint version)

Why is this happening, that this horrific epidemic of death, this “American Holocaust,” is wiping

out 90% of us?

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It’s because you and everyone else ALREADY are living in a “neighborhood” (culture) that’s

gone bad because we have unconsciously embraced an unhealthy, but politically correct,

lifestyle that is killing us softly, and bringing way too much pain into our lives.

It’s like we are on a suicide mission, and don’t realize it!

It’s like being on an airline that is destined to crash, that will kill 90% of those onboard.

Disease is now so common in our society that it’s considered “normal” and inevitable to be

overweight, get diabetes, heart disease, cancer and stroke. That’s just the way it is.

Tragically, degenerative diseases are KILLING 90% of everyone you know prematurely, and

often associated with a lot of pain.

Do YOU know anyone who has already died from a disease?


My own father died tragically in 1951 from a disease, 3 months before I was born.

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My beloved wife, Carol, discovered she had breast cancer—tragically, she died in 2011. I’m

still upset about this indescribable painful experience. Here is a cherished photo of her in

2007 sitting across from me after dinner at the Salish Lodge at the Snoqualmie Falls in


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My precious sister, Tamara also got breast cancer—I was with her the day she died on Nov.

19th, 2014. That’s her tombstone. Living a beautiful life, she died in pain. I feel sad and upset

just thinking about this, because it didn’t need to happen.

Plus I have a lot of friends close to my age who have died from heart disease and cancer (plus

my first wife Sandy died from a blood clot).

To help this reality sink in even more, here are three victims of this hidden “American Holocaust.” It’s a DEADLY CRISIS that is sweeping America, killing seniors at a relentless pace.

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As you know, if you keep doing what most people do, you’ll end up getting what most people

get: disease, disability and early death.


Just because 50% of the population are already diabetic or pre-diabetic…

Just because virtually every American already has some stage of heart disease, and every 60

seconds an American dies from heart disease…

Just because everyone you know, and every American including YOU, already has cancer cells,

and every 60 seconds someone in America suffers a painful death from cancer…

YOU DON’T HAVE to be a casualty…you don’t have to be part of that tragic 90% who die before

their time.

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But what typically happens, is that when you take your health CASUALLY, you have a 90%

chance of being a fatal CASUALTY from one of 200+ diseases.

Is that what you want? Does that have to be how it ends for you, dying before your time?

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Are you ok with just going along with the crowd, on a virtual unconscious suicide mission, and

dying before your time along with the 90%?

Of course not.

There is one more aspect of this bad news I feel compelled to warn you about.

Sadly, many people assume that the answer to bad health is in medications, not realizing that

most of the time they merely suppress the symptoms while it stresses or poisons some other

part of the body, ultimately making everything worse in the long run.

People who have become educated about this issue consider most medications to be a Trojan

horse, that superficially LOOKS and sounds good, from a medical perspective. But this drug

from your doctor is often a Trojan Horse, a “gift from the gods” that KILLS you!

In fact, did you know that over 1000 people DIE every day from a bad reaction to medications

that are taken as prescribed?

That’s almost as many people who die per day from adverse drug reactions as die per day from

either cancer or heart disease (about 1600 per day each)!

Those are the true statistics of this “American Holocaust.”

So, take a deep breath, because now it’s time for the good news of how you and your family

members can escape this Holocaust of death.

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So if there was a simple way to ESCAPE the “BAD neighborhood” and to stay healthy (or regain

your health) and NOT die before your time, would you want to take advantage of it?

What if you could look like and feel like this when you are 75?

Progressive Doctors and researchers have concluded that by simply making a few basic

adjustments, most people can dodge the deadly bullet of the 3 D’s of Disease, Disability and

early Demise.

In fact, as more people are realizing they don’t have to be like sheep, settling for this tragedy,

the majority of people are ALREADY making at least some effort to protect, maintain or recover

their precious health, trying to escape the pain, before it’s too late.

But sadly, even with good intentions,, most people just don’t have enough correct information

or motivation to escape the bad “neighborhood” of disease, disability and early demise.

This is where I can help you.

As a holistic health doctor (non-licensed) and an author of 8 books on health (including, How to

Cure and Prevent Any Disease), I can be your guide to help you escape being one of the tragic


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First, I’m going to send you a gift of one of my best books that will really help you,

40 WAYS TO KILL STRESS BEFORE IT KILLS YOU (in 60 seconds or less)

My other gift is how to acquire at no cost to you a new phone app that consists of a fun game

to retrain your brain to prefer healthy food that can heal you over junk food will hurt you and

will contribute to you getting a disease and dying before your time!

Also, at no cost to you, I am going to be a trusted advisor to you in helping you protect, regain

and maintain your most precious asset: your health and your potential healthy happy years to


The general long term solution to escaping this not so obvious “deadly neighborhood trap” is to

make some basic adjustments toward living a healthy lifestyle which you can easily do with my

guidance, at no cost to you whatsoever.

One of the fastest ways to get into a SAFE healthy “neighborhood,” is to move to a different

state: from a state of an unhealthy lifestyle, that include processed and fake foods that HURT

you and lead to disease and early death, to the state in which most of us were born: a state of

good health, sustainable only by a healthy lifestyle.

At the same time, you want to do what most people are trying to do, which is to intelligently

move into consuming smart superfoods that WILL help you feel better, often within 7 days and

probably help you live longer and healthier.

There is one particular common food, that has been proven to be off the chart in helping your

body heal itself and even reverse deadly diseases.

Scientists have determined that this food is the highest nutrient dense food on the planet. Of

course it does not itself prevent or cure disease, but it gives your body over 700 unique

bioactive nutrients so your body can do what it is supposed to be doing, which it so be repair,

regenerate and heal itself.

Often within the first day, you will feel the healing and feel better.

But more important, is that in the long run, it can help your body repair damaged DNA, activate

dormant stem cells, regenerate organ tissue, balance hormones, eliminate excess fat, restore

normal energy and strength, and basically help your body reverse whatever challenge it

currently has or that may just be around the corner (e.g. cancer and heart disease takes 5-30

years to develop before it is detectable).

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In my personal experience, and in my professional opinion, which is supported by thousands of

doctors around the world, by 25,000 scientific papers and studies, and by millions of

consumers, the single most important thing you can do, immediately, that will make the most

difference, is to start using this food that I call, The Ultimate EDIBLE Health/Life Insurance, or

Healing White Gold. Some doctors call it the Fountain of Youth, or “Miracle Food.”

This food is unique in that every human being ever born, including YOU started life with this

special food!

It was your very first food (not breast milk). You can afford it because it only costs $1, $2 or

$3/day. It is commonly known as Colostrum, which comes BEFORE the milk, and is far superior

to milk.


If that’s what you are thinking, you are pretty close to the truth!

One of the Pharmaceutical companies is selling EXTRACTS of colostrum as a “Medical Food” for

which they charge $1000 per bottle for a month supply!

But you can get pure and complete Colostrum direct from the manufacture (the only source in

the world for Colostrum that is CERTIFIED to be true and complete) for between $1 to $3 a day!

MILLIONS of people in every country have ALREADY experienced extraordinary benefits from

Colostrum—so why not you?

You are ALREADY concerned about your health and longevity, right?

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You are ALREADY doing something for your health, as most people are, right? It’s just probably

not enough.

Do you remember how it feels when you hold a warm cup of coffee or tea?

THAT is essentially how YOU, and your organs and cells will feel once you get this Healing White

Gold into your body for a few days!

In addition to the immeasurable value of your health and longevity, every $100 you spend on

this life saving life enriching food could eventually save you tens of THOUSANDS of dollars in

medical costs.

I don’t know too much about drugs and medical procedures because I’m not a medical doctor.

But I DO know this—I know that you and your family members deserve to live a long healthy

happy life.

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I also know that I have one of the keys for you in getting that, if you are willing to join me and

millions of others in escaping the pain and enjoying the Adventure of guarding and restoring

your precious health in discovering for yourself that Colostrum which can be one of the most

critical elements of living a healthy lifestyle which can help you avoid or even reverse any

health condition.

“Your health, my health, is our most important asset. It’s something that we have to protect. And protecting it can be expensive. They say that “an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure” and that is more important now than perhaps any other time ... because our economy isn’t that good. If you can do something to prevent an illness or if you can find a relatively inexpensive way to treat a problem, it’s well worth the effort.” Charles C. Adams, M.D.

"90% of health problems can be dealt with at home, bypassing the cost of a visit to the doctor." University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health

So what do YOU want to do, now that you more fully understand the severity of the problem

and what you can do to protect yourself and your immeasurably valuable health?

Sadly, some people just keep on going toward the cliff, not wanting to believe that it is really

that bad, or that they are somehow magically immune from disease and premature death.

But most people, as they become more educated about this, will actually DO something to get

off that dangerous fast track to disease and an early grave.

To take advantage of my life saving and enriching offer to try the ULTIMATE EDIBLE “HEALTH

AND LIFE INSURANCE” Healing White Gold Colostrum, click here now, because this is the click

that could save and extend your life (90 day money back guarantee—because it works for

everyone; so there is no risk).

P.S. Here’s a short review and summary of what you can expect from these products:

What most people notice first is that many of the

"minor" problems that are actually the early signs of a disease (like the tip of an iceberg) that are percolating below the surface, start to go away, often within the first

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day or week. Do YOU, or anyone you care about, suffer from any of these pre-disease symptoms that can be early signs of a disease that will someday hit you like a head on collision with a huge truck?

Low Energy, getting tired easily

Stress, Anxiety, Irritation

Headaches, Backaches

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Sugar

Pain in joints or muscles

Digestive problems, gas

Mental Fog or Poor memory

Depression, feeling hopeless

Excess Stubborn FAT

Feeling weak, slow

Feeling old

This is what you can expect when you start eating this Healing White Gold "Miracle Food" Colostrum, often the first day and usually within the first week or so:

Energy, more Stamina

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Less Stress, Anxiety, Irritation

Less or no more Headaches, Backaches

Lower Blood Pressure

Lower Blood Sugar

Pain goes away in joints or muscles

Digestion improves dramatically

Better Mental Acuity, Focus, better Memory

More Optimistic, Happier, Hopeful, more Resilient

Stubborn FAT starts to suddenly Disappear

Feeling Strong again, more Endurance

Feeling Younger and more normal again

If you would like to hear WHAT HAPPENED to me, and to 12 other people, when we started

eating this Healing White Gold, click here: www.J.MP/12STORIES

Or if you are already convinced by what you’ve read, that you want and need this unique super

power food, then just click here to get your own “Ultimate EDIBLE Health and Life Insurance”

Healing White Gold (Colostrum6) for your better future, just for the health of it! You will be

forever grateful! You’ll see! I promise you!

Or call or text me, Ray Gebauer, at (714) 488-9074 or [email protected]