do you have what it really takes to make $1,000,000 or ... · do you have what it really takes to...


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Page 1: Do you have what it really takes to make $1,000,000 or ... · Do you have what it really takes to make $1,000 ... right into making all the money you want if you are serious. I do




“Ifyouwantoneyearofprosperity,growseeds.Ifyouwanttenyearsofprosperity,growtrees.Ifyouwantalifetimeofprosperity,growyourself‐worth.”— Chineseproverb

“Ifyouwanttoearnamillionbuckaroosayear,eliminatemediocrityfromyourthinkingandyourlife.”‐‐‐JohnAssarafBeforeIgetintohowtoearnamillionbucksayearhaveyoueverthought about what is money really and, what are the laws ofearning money? This happens to be one of my favorite topicsbecausemoneyiseasytoearnifyoudoafewthingsright,anditwillforevereludeyouifyoudoafewthingswrong.Inotherwords,Ibelievethereisaformulaanyonewillingtolearnandapplycanmakeamillionormoreinpersonalincomeyearly.Let’s startwithanunderstandingaboutmoneyand I’llwalk yourightintomakingallthemoneyyouwantifyouareserious.Idowanttocautionyouinadvance.Themajorityofpeoplelovethe ideaofmakingamillionbucksayearbuthate the realityof

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actually doing whatever it takes. In other words, they areinterested,notcommitted.Whataboutyou?Backintheolddays,before“money”existed,peopleusedaformofexchangecalledbartering.Theybasicallytradedoneserviceorproduct for another of value to them. It was simple, easy andcommoninsmallcommunitiesandvillages.Later as commerce started to emerge, chocolate, cattle, sheepandother livestockbecamethecommonformofexchange.Thatworked well within small communities and cultures however,when towns and cities grew, it became inconvenient to drivecattleandotheranimalsacrossgreatdistances.That’swhen thesmelting of metal began and with it, the production of coinsbegan.Coins were portable and, thanks to the gold rush, they weredurable.Someoftheearliestcoinsboreanimageofacow’shead.Infact,thewordcapitalcomesfromtheLatinwordkaput,whichmeans“head.” As wealth increased, coins became inefficient and tooheavyforhorsesandbuggies,sopaperwasadded.Soon there were also letters of credit, which appeared on thescene to represent large amounts of money. As more peoplestartedtraveling,creditcardscameintoplay,withtheadvantageofbeinglighterthancashandmoresecure.Mostrecentlywe’veseenincredibledevelopmentswithelectronicandInternetbankingwherewecanmovevastamountsofmoneyaround the world at the push of a button. So, what exactly ismoney?Moneyisanideacreatedtoestablishavaluesystemso

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that some fairness existed amongst those bartering, trading,investingorgiving.Moneyisnothingmorethananideaandideasarenothingmorethan electromagnetic energy. In the case of money, otherproponentsotherthanthinkingaboutitcontributetoitsflowandcirculation in and out of your hands and bank. Once youunderstandthewholepicture, itbecomesmucheasiertoattractandearnasmuchofitasyouarepreparedtoachieve.Ifyouunderstandthelawsofattractionormorepreciselythelawof resonance, then youunderstand the laws for resonatingwithmoney.Butbeware.You must also understand that this is NOT enough to make a$1,000,000bucksayearjustshowupinyouraccount.AsmuchasMoneyisanidea,itisusedasameansofexchangeinour society and if you do not understand the laws ofcompensation and exchange, you’ll never win the money gameandyouwillnevermakeamillionbucksayeareither.If you think that you can just sit your ass on the sofa and pray,visualize, affirm, mediate, tap and then pray some more formoneytojustshowup…Youbettergetoffthedrugsnow.YouaresufferingfromanoverdoseofadrugcalledHOPIUM.Nowforsometruth!The more money you want to make, the more specializedknowledge, skill and application of the right strategies andtacticsINTHERIGHTORDERmustbeapplied,Includingtherightthoughtsandfeelings.Pleaserereadthatlastsentence.

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OPTIONSFORMAKINGMONEYThere are SIX options to consider when it comes to making orfindingmoney.1.Win it. In any given year, about 25peopleoutof 250millionwillwin a big lottery. I don’t recommend banking your financialcareeronhittingthewinningnumber.Statisticsshowthateighty‐five percent of people who win the lottery quickly lose all themoneywithinafewshortyears.Youcanhopeforthis,buyyourticket,beintherightvibration,butjustdon’tbankonit..2. Steal it.Of course, this price is quite expensive because youendupgoingtojailifyou’recaught,andthere’saverybigchancethat youwill get caught over time. So stealingmoney is not anoption.3.Findit.Id’bewillingtobetthattheoddsonthisonearejustashighaswinningthelotteryorless.Hopingforthisisokbutagain,don’tholdyourbreath.4.Inheritit.Idon’tknowaboutyourfamily,butinmyfamily,thisoption isn’tworth holdingmy breath for either. Thismeans theonly option left forme, and I would imagine for you, too, is toearn it. And thatmeans it’s really important to understand thelawsofearningmoney.5‐Investit‐Thisisanexcellentoptionthatrequiresyourownorsomeoneelse’s specializedknowledge inone (ormore)ofmanyoptions. Real estate, Stocks, diamonds, business, currencies,

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commoditiesetc,Theresoaremanywaysinthissectionandlastbutnotleast…..6. Earn It ‐ Some of you have already fallen off your chairbecauseyoumayactuallyhave togo toworkandprovide realtangiblevalueinthemarketplacetomakeamillionbucks.You see, it’s themarketplace that pays you based on the valueyou bring to it and your ability to get people to exchange theirmoneyforyourproduct,service,ideasorinvestments.Iknowthatmanyofyouarealreadyworkinghardandprovidingvaluebut…youprobablyaren’tworkingontherightthingsintherightorderand in the rightquantities tomakeamillionbucksayear.If you are currently not earning this amount it’s simply becauseyouarenot yetofferingamillionbucksworthof yourproducts,services, knowledgeorexpertise toeitherenoughpeopleor therightpeople.(Worthrereading)Money therefore is part of a value system whereby those whofigure out how to provide more of their products, services,knowledgeorexpertiseendupmakingmillions.Hereareafewthingstoconsider:Ifmakingamillionayearwaseasy, everyone would be earning it so pay close attention asthereareafewmovingparts.PartOne:VALUINGYOURSELFFIRST

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The first question to ask yourself is this; Do I really feel that Ideserve to earn a lot ofmoney? I canhonestly tell you that thepeople I knowwhomakea lotofmoney ($1,000,000ormoreayear) absolutely, unequivocally, without a doubt feel that theydeserveit.Theydobecausetheyhaveearnedtherightandabilitytodoso.If you don’t believe you deserve to earn $1,000,000 a year youmust raise what I call your “deserving level” and lower yourexcuses level. By “excuses level,” I mean all your reasons andexcusesaboutwhyyoucan’tearnthisamountofmoneyorwhyyouhaven’tearnedthisamountofmoneysofar.It’s timetostoptellingyourself thatyouaren’tsmartenoughorgoodenoughorthatyoudon’tknowenoughandstartputtingamilliondollarayearvalueonyourself.Ifyoudon’tvalueyourselfthismuch, themoney,peopleandopportunitieswillnever,everbe attracted to you in these quantities. You will repel thedifference between a million bucks a year and your currentinternal “secret” value every time. In addition, others will onlyvalueyouandtreatyoutothedegreeyouvalueandsecretlyseeyourself.Parttwo:YOURFINANCIALPERSONAEveryoneofushasapersona,a term that comes fromaGreekwordmeaning“mask.”Wewearmasksaboutallsortsofdifferentthings:Weallhaveourmoneyfaceorourgamefaceonwhetherornotweareawareofit.Toattractmoremoney,youmustalteryour financial persona immediately. Start thinking, acting, andbehavinglikethepeoplewhoarealreadyearningtheincomeyouwanttoearn.Inthiscaseamillionbucksayear.

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ThinkofDonaldTrump.Idon’tknowofanyonewhointerestsmeasmuchashedoesfromthisoneperspectiveonly:Hisbrilliancefor coming back from financial devastation. Trump was $900million in debt and he kept his game face on as if nothing waswrong. Although he was probably getting irate phone calls andvisitsfromhiscreditors,Trumpkepthispersonainlinewiththatofabillionaire.While thingswerecrumblingaroundhis financialworld,hismaskstayedon.For thosewhodidn’t know theexact truth, thatmask createdacertainairofarroganceandacertaintythatmadepeoplewanttodobusinesswithhim.Oneofthebestwaystoalteryourfinancialpersonaistobelieveacertainthingthat’salierightnow.Youcanimpressanewpersonaupon your sub‐conscious mind using the right visualizationtechniques;affirmations,selfhypnosisandmediationtechniquesandthatnewpersonawilltakeholdandtakeflight.Thenandonlythenwillthephysicaloutsideworldmatchthenewinside“millionDollar”ayearimage.Here’salittleformulaforattractingandearningmoremoney:Increase your deserving level through your new self‐worthvibration.Alter your financial persona immediately. Startwalking, talking,and behaving like a person who is already earning the level ofincomeyouwanttoearn.This may feel awkward at first. About twenty‐five years ago, IheardaspeakerbythenameofTommyHopkinssay,“Fakeittill

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you make it.” I didn’t really understand what he meant until Istartedstudyingthebrain.Hopkinsmeantthatyoursubconsciousdoesn’t know the difference, so if you fake it long enough, youbecomeit.You’ll probably find some resistance from your own internaldialogue.Thatsmallvoiceinsideyourheadwillargue,“Butyou’renotamultimillionaire.You’renotmakingthisamountofmoney.Why do you keep telling yourself that? Why do you walk thisway?”Idon’tsuggestthatyougooutandspendthatwayjustyet,butIdorecommendthatyoutrysomethingthatactorsJimCarreyandBarbraStreisanddid,andthatIhavedoneaswell.Five years from now, I want my equity in one of my newcompanies to be worth $100 million so I carry a check in mypocketwrittenouttomyselfforthatamount.EverytimeIputmyhandinmypocket,I’msendinganelectricalmessagetomybrainthatmatchesthatvisionandgoal.In themarketplace, once you have the right vibration, the rightpersona,and thebelief thatyoudeserve toearnmoremoney—andyouunderstandthatyou’renotgoingtoget itby inheriting,finding,stealing,orwinningit—thequestionis,Whatarethelawsofearningit?Sincethewholeuniverseoperatesbylaws,whatarethelawsofcompensation?LAWSOFEARNINGMONEYAt the beginning of this chapter you learned that money is anidea. Now let’s take that concept one step further and add thisstatement:

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Youwill get paid in direct proportion to the service and valueyoubringtothemarketplaceforwhichyouchargefor.If you can determine how to bring more excellent service andmore value tomore people, theywill gladly exchangewith youthatlittlegreenpaperwithinkonitcalledmoney.Theformulaissimple‐theexecution,muchmoredifficult.To earn a million or more a year in income, you must askyourselfThreequestions.1.Isthereaneedinthemarketplaceformyproduct,serviceorinvestment?I’ll give you two products to think about as an example: HulaHoops and Pet Rocks. In case you’re too young to remember, ahula‐hoop was something you put around your waist, then youmovedyourhipsa littleanditswirledaroundandaround.Apetrockwas literally a rock in abox that someonepackagednicely,marketed brilliantly, and sold by themillions.Was there a needforhula‐hoopsandpetrocks?Ofcoursenot,butgreatmarketingandsellingcreatedamarketandmillionsforit.If there’s a need for your product or service or investmentdollars,evenbetter!Intheinvestmentarena,therearetonsofoptionstoconsiderthatyou must have or acquire the specialized knowledge to movesafely intothiszone.Therighttiming isalsoagreatallytohave.Most people are amateurs in this arena and do not do theirhomework to protect themselves from substantial losses andmistakes.Meincluded!

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2.Howgoodisyourproduct,serviceorinvestmentopportunityandhowuniqueisit?Comparedtootherinvestmentopportunitiesorasimilarproductorservicethatyouofferforsale,howgoodisyoursfromaqualityperspective,howuniqueisit?Themorerareyouoryourproductor service is, themore you can earn from it. Just think generaldoctor verses brain surgeon. Start thinking specialization andbeing the best at something instead of general and average.There’stomanyofthosealready.How lowor atwhat value is the commodity or real estate dealyouarelookingtoinvestin?This iswhereyoumustbeorhaveyourownexpert tohelpyoumakedecisions to increase your chances of not getting screwedoninvestments.Skillandspecializedknowledgearegreattohaveinyourcornerwhenplayingtheinvestmentgame.3.Howgood is your ability tomarket and sell yourproductorservice?Yourabilitytomarketandsellyourproductorservicetogeneraterevenueata local,regional,national,or international level isthemost vital part of the equation if you are earning money frommarketingandselling.Toearnmoremoney,youhavetobecomeamarketingandsellingmasterorhaveoneonyourteam.Ifyouhaveanaverageproductor serviceandaveragemarketingand selling skills, youwill earnan average or just below average income because ninety‐fivepercentofyourcompetitorsarealsoaverage.

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Thatgroupwillsharefifteentotwentypercentofalltherevenuesforthatproductorservicecategory.Theremainingfivepercentofthe competition—the oneswho understand the laws of earningmoney—willrakeinalltherest.Pleasenote that youdonotpersonallyhave tobe theexpert insalesormarketingforyourproductorservicebutyoudohavetobuildateamaroundyouthathasthoseskillsets.OneofthethingsIteachisthis:Always hire/barter/trade or partner with people who PLAY atthings you have to work at including any part of the formulabelow.Sowiththissaid…Whatismyformulatoearnamilliondollarsayearormore?Here’swhatyouneed:Knowledge+Skill=YourConfidenceandCertaintyLevelTheRightStrategies+Tactics=YourBlueprintandGamePlanYourGoal+YourBeliefs=YourVibrationYourHabits=YourActionsandRESULTSYourResolveandCommitment=AchievingitHere are a few “ACCELERATORS”. Passion. Purpose. Enthusiasm.Contacts.Flexibility.Drive.Tenacity.

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AndhereisthePLANStep 1: Have Absolute Written Clarity on YourVision/Goal/IncomeStep2:DeveloptheBeliefsandHabitsNeededToAchieveItStep3:Determine theKnowledge, Skills, Strategies andTacticsNeeded ToAccomplish YourGoal‐And TheProduct, Service orInvestmentVehicleStep4:SurroundYourselfWithATeamToHelpYouApplyYourPlanStep5:TakeActionDailytowardsYourGoalStep6:TweakYourThoughtsAndActionsAsOftenAsPossibleTill YouDevelop a System and Process That RepeatedlyWorksForYouStep7:HaveFunNoMatterWhat.TheJourneyandLessonsArefarMoreValuableThanTheMoneyI hopeyouenjoyed thisasmuchas I love to share it.Checkoutsome of my New York Times bestselling books and products atwww.johnassaraf.comand signup formyblog.Also joinmy,JohnAssaraf