do one thing r. nodiff

Integrated Technology Project 4th Grade Science Lab Lesson: Do One Thing

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Lesson on ecology - do one thing movement to save energy


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Integrated Technology Project

4th Grade Science Lab Lesson:

“Do One Thing”

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Phase I: Relative Advantage

DOT - a pledge to Do One Thing to help earth Using a constructivist, inquiry based, hands on approach… I would like my 4th grade students to pick a DOT, which stands for “Do One Thing.” This means that they will choose anything that they can do to help the planet. When more than one person does one thing, it becomes many things, and the earth can become a safer and healthier place. DOT examples include but are not limited to recycling, planting seeds, using reusable items, turning off lights when we don’t need them.Using the internet and videos, students will be able to access materials and resources on how to help the environment. They will also be able to share their DOT online and read other students’ DOTs. Using these technology based methods, students will be able to connect their learning and ideas with thousands of students nation-wide without difficulty or expense.

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Phase II: Objectives and Assessment


To provide students with experience on preserving the environment on a 4th grade level.During this series of lessons over a one to two week long unit, students will:• Read and comprehend materials about environmental issues.• Use online resources and watch videos to obtain specific information.• Write down and describe their DOT(s) and explain in great detail and with

supporting evidence how and why it will benefit the environment.• Upload their DOT(s) on where they will share

it with thousands of other students. • Navigate the website and choose a few favorite DOTs and discuss them.

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I will need to ensure that my students are using the internet efficiently and are comprehending materialsI can assess these outcomes by ultimately seeing if they produced a DOT and uploaded it onto the website.Along the way, I can assess them with graphic organizers to summarize what they have researched and videos they have watched

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Phase III: Integration Strategies

Constructivist Learning Students will learn both independently and through group work.Lesson Development: This lesson includes a series of discussions, activities, and projects using the internet and video clips for further knowledge and action. They will start off by learning about Doing One Thing and what it means to be active on saving the planet by helping the environment. They will read from their textbooks, and will also benefit from chapter books, picture books, and other texts on the environment. They will also watch videos. Students will work independently at coming up with their DOT and will write it and draw a corresponding picture onto a round construction paper in the shape of a circle, or dot. They will all be hung up in the hallway for the school to see. They will then learn about the importance of planting and will plant Marigold seeds.These lessons will reinforce the importance of using technology to become more interested, motivated and more productive, through enhanced instructional methods. Using technology in lessons also facilitates their 21st century skills that can be used in and out of the classroom. Creativity, critical thinking (problem solving and decision making), and communication skills are just some benefits!

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Some Internet and Video clips to get started…

Students will visit several sites, where they can learn about environmental issues, DOT ideas, ways of being proactive, activities, and videos for gaining further insight, ideas and motivation. Some of these sources are: - “alliance for climate education” - they can research here about the environment and gain ideas for DOTs. - they can watch videos here on DOT ideas, some of which are that of celebrities. - more research tools and ideas for projects and taking action. - just for students!

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Activity 1: Make a Dot Students will choose a DOT that they come up with and write it down and make a drawing onto a cut out circle/dot to be hung up in the hallway.

They will then post their DOT online:

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DOTs Hung up

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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Activity 2: Watch videos and make their own video

Students will watch videos of other people’s DOTs

They will make their own video in the classroom in groups. They will learn how to upload their videos onto the internet.

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An example of a video DOT… 6Be-tQ&feature=relmfu

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Activity 3: Planting marigold seeds

We will discuss the importance of growing produce and the benefits of having marigolds, to help keep animals away from eating our plants. Students will plant marigolds independently by placing soil into a cup, adding a drop of water, and sprinkling some seeds on top. They will learn about growing plants under a light with a piece of plastic on top, when there is not enough direct sunlight to grow them outside.We will discuss germination, evaporation, and transpiration.The seeds will take 2-3 weeks to germinate, and in the month of May students can plant them into the ground. When they come back in the Fall for 5th grade, they can transplant them into the ground and harvest them!

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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Phase 4: Instructional Environment Where? When? What do I need?

In our classroom over a 2 week periodComputer with internet access/connectionPrinter Graphic models/organizersPencils, markers/crayons, paperVideo camera Marigold seeds, soil, paper cups

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Phase IV: Evaluate integration strategies

I will need to personally evaluate myself. Did I try everything? Is it too hard for my students?

I will evaluate the integration strategies based on student performance. I will determine if the majority of students are able to work independently at using the internet and working through the activities, and how successful student outcomes are.

Students must also demonstrate adequate knowledge, learning and interest, and also be able to

explain their findings to others.