diy herbal hair rinse

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  • 8/13/2019 DIY Herbal Hair Rinse


    DIY Herbal Hair Rinse

    Posted on November 9, 2011 by Dawn Michellein DIY,Hair

    This ast wee!end I be"an layin" aro#nd with herbal hair rinses$ Herbal hairrinses can be #sed in lace o% conditioner %or some and are also wonder%#l %or

    those who are sensitive to shamoos and conditioners$ The acidic nat#re o% herbal

    hair rinses "ently cleanse, condition, and stren"then the hair and scal$

    &ince "oin" no 'oo, I(ve been relearnin" the best methods %or otimal hair care$

    I(ve en)oyed this simle hair care rocess and also "oin" bac! to nat#re %or all my

    hair care needs$ *verythin" that we tr#ly need %or bea#ty and health is in nat#re$

    What you will need:

    Marshmallow root





    +osemary essential oil

    1 int "lass )ar or lar"er

    2 lar"e mi-in" bowls .one lar"er than the other/

    &low coo!er or stove to ot

    I decided to coo! the herbs in a slow coo!er vers#s stee them in boilin" water on

    the stove$ This created a concentrated herbal rinse which is what I wanted$ *ithermethod is e%%ective$ I% yo# choose to stee the herbs, allow them to marinate %or at

    least 0 min#tes to an ho#r or more$ (Update: I can now say that I prefer to steepthe herbs in a Mason jar for a few hours instead of using a slow cooker.)

    I #sed tablesoons o% marshmallow root and 1 tablesoon o% horsetail, rosemary,sa"e, and "in"er, then added as m#ch distilled water as my slow coo!er wo#ld

    allow$ I slow coo!ed the herbs %or a %ew ho#rs, cooled and strained the herbs in

    my "lass )ar, then added abo#t dros o% rosemary essential oil$

    3%ter sat#ratin" my loosely braided hairwith water in the shower$ I then

    roceeded to #se the do#ble bowl method to #se the rinse$ Place the smaller bowl

    inside the lar"e bowl and #t them on a co#nter or %loor with a towel #nderneath$4li yo#r hair #side down and slowly o#r the herbal rinse on yo#r hair and into

    the small bowl$ Yo# can now o#r the rinse bac! into the )ar and reeat

    contin#o#sly #ntil yo#r hair %ills sat#rated and clean$ This was the most soothin"

    hair cleansin" method I(ve tried to date and the %resh smell o% the herbs wasinto-icatin"$ It %elt li!e a no#rishin" sa treatment$

    This rinse is a H o% , and will remove e-cess oils %rom yo#r hair and scal

    witho#t striin" yo#r hair$ My hair %elt so%t and clean and was easily detan"led
  • 8/13/2019 DIY Herbal Hair Rinse


    #sin" my new tan"le %ree method$I %ollowed by alyin" a mi- o% hem, castor,

    and "raeseed oil to almost dry hair since I ran o#t o% my beloved camellia oil$

    Heres a brief description of the herbs I used and a few others to

    try based on your hair care needs.

    Marshmallow root5nat#ral detan"ler and conditionerHorsetail5mineral rich with silica to romote hair "rowth and hair elasticity

    Rosemary5stim#lates scal circ#lation, %i"hts dandr#%%, romotes hair "rowth

    Sae5!ees hair dar!, %i"hts "rey

    !iner5increases scal circ#lation, combats hair loss

    "omfrey root5moist#ri6es dry scal and hair

    #lder flowers5"ives l#stro#s shine to hair and hydration

    Watercress5"reat %or oily hair by removin" soa and oil resid#e, contains

    minerals, iron, and hoshor#s

    Strawberry leaf5also wonder%#l %or oily hair

    White willow bar$5clears dandr#%% and seb#m b#ild#

    %ettle5increases healthy hair "rowth and mana"eability

    &eppermint5imroves scal circ#lation

    "atnip5romotes healthy hair by reventin" slit ends while conditionin" hair.only need 1 ts when #sin"/

    'asil5romotes healthy hair "rowth

    'urdoc$ root5increases shine and "ives body to lim hair, soothes dry scal, and

    combats hair lossMar(oram5so%tens hair while stren"thenin" hair strands

    Yo# can #se one or more o% any herb to create a wonder%#l herbal rinse %or yo#r

    hair$ I(m s#re that I(ll robably try a %ew other herbs in the %#t#re$ These herbal

    hair rinses are wonder%#l whether yo# are doin" a no7oo method or not$ Yo# caneasily rinse yo#r hair a%ter shamooin" yo#r hair and leave7in or rinse o#t$ Most

    o% these herbs can be %o#nd in b#l! at Mo#ntain +ose Herbsor yo#r local health

    %ood store$

    .Note8 4lower herbs do not need to stee as lon" as herbal roots$/

    What herbal hair rinses ha)e you tried*

    My current hair regimen here.

    (General Note:Please research new herbs to ensure there is no conflict with

    pregnancy or medical conditions before using.)

    (Image by Mountain ose !erbs)