disi meeting september 26, 2013 agenda packet

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  • 7/28/2019 DISI Meeting September 26, 2013 Agenda Packet







    388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612

    DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax 510.452.4530

    Downtown Oakland Association/Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association

    District Identity and Streetscape Improvement (D.I.S.I.) Committee Meeting

    September 26, 2013 11:00 a.m. - CBD Conference Room - 388 19 th Street


    1. Introductions

    2. Public comment and announcements

    3. Approval of the minutes of August 22, 2013 Meeting Action Item

    4. Discussion of FDBK proposal Action Item

    5. Authorization to use Public Space Development line item funds for Latham

    Square Grand Opening and Signage Action Item

    6. Staff Updates:

    Holiday Shopping Campaign/Plaid Friday

    Property Owner survey results

    DTO Arts proposal update

    7. Gallen.Neilly & Associates Public Relations Update

    8. Great Wall of Oakland Presentation Issabella Shields (11:30 11:45 a.m.)

    9. Historic Art Installation Presentation-Block Gallery (11:45-12:00 p.m.)

    10. Discussion of Great Wall of Oakland and Block Gallery sponsorship Action Item

    11. Other

    12. Adjournment

  • 7/28/2019 DISI Meeting September 26, 2013 Agenda Packet


    388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612

    DOA Ph 510 238 1122 LMUDA Ph 510 452 4529 F 510 452 4530

    Downtown Oakland Association/Lake Merritt-Uptown District AssociationDistrict Identity and Streetscape Improvement (D.I.S.I.) Committee Meeting

    Minutes of August 22, 2013 11:00 a.m. - CBD Conference Room - 388 19th Street

    Present: Sara May, Andrea Kirkpatrick, Chris Curtis, Lucinda Alipio, Drew McGowan, LaurieCooperman-Rosen, C.J. Hirschfield, Jesse Nelson

    Excused Absence: Karissa Obeso,

    Staff: Steve Snider/District Manager, Andrew Jones/District Services Coordinator, ToriDecker/Office and Operations Manager

    PR Consultants: Nancy Amaral/Gallen.Neilly

    Guests: Maeven McGovern

    Discussions held and decisions made by the DISI Committee

    Subject Discussion Action?Introductions The meeting was called to order at 11:03 a.m. and

    introductions were made.

    Public comment and

    announcementsCJ shared with the committee the success of the

    Oaklandish Fairyland for Grown Ups event held on

    the evening August 16th. The event was sold out

    within hours and was wildly successful.

    Approval of the

    minutes ofJuly 25th, 2013

    The minutes of July 25, 2013 meeting were presented

    for review.

    Laurie moved and CJ

    seconded the motion toapprove the minutes ofthe July 25, 2013 meetingas presented. Jessieabstained. The motionwas approved.

    Staff Updates:- Holiday ShoppingCampaign- Purpose Statements- Graphic Identity

    Program- Latham SquareProgramming

    Steve provided the committee with updates on theboard approval of the graphic identity program and

    committee purpose statements.

    Steve also mentioned that staff is working in

    cooperation with the East Bay Express, Oakland

    Grown and Oaklandish to develop and promote a

    retail shopping campaign. These efforts also include

    the promotion of the annual Plaid Friday event.

    It was explained that the Latham Square soft

    opening on August 16th was very well attended and

  • 7/28/2019 DISI Meeting September 26, 2013 Agenda Packet


    the pilot project is off to a good start. The CBD and

    the city will be partnering with popuphood to

    program the square and coordinate vending and


    Maeven offered Youth Radios news ticker to

    promote the Holiday Shopping Campaign as well as

    their participation in the programming of Latham


    Gallen.Neilly &Associates PublicRelations Update

    Nancy briefly reviewed the Galen Neilly & Associates

    report and highlighted the Latham Square soft

    opening press release and the fielding of several

    media requires. She reported that Gallen has

    created an online calendar through Yahoo to track

    annual events and programs for PR purposes. There

    was some discussion of a press release regarding the

    senior citizen task force.

    Pro Arts Proposal Steve introduced Margo and Katherine from Pro Arts.They briefly explained their organization and their

    connections with DTO Arts, Art Murmur, and First

    Fridays. They noted that their proposal is focused on

    activating the business and merchant community

    around the arts through filling empty store fronts and

    building relationships with the business community.

    Jesse requested clarification about what our

    sponsorship money would be spent on. They noted

    that some would be spent on administrative costs, on

    distribution of print materials this fall, and events. Sara

    asked about their long term funding plan. Margo

    responded that she hopes their partnership with theCBDs will be ongoing.

    Consideration ofFunding

    The committee discussed concerns that the

    sponsorship dollars may go to more administrative

    costs than to furthering the pro arts mission. The

    committee requested a list of deliverables. Sara

    noted that our goal is more public art in the districts,

    not the general organization of Oakland artists. Jesse

    noted that helping to curate data about the

    economics of the Downtown Oakland, and Uptown

    Arts industry would be a beneficial project that Pro

    Arts might be able to help with.

    The committee decided to approve the sponsorshipcontingent upon Pro Arts revising their proposal to

    include a breakdown of how the sponsorship dollars

    will be spent.

    Chris moved and Andreaseconded the motion toapprove the sponsorship

    of $3,000 per district,contingent upon Pro Artsupdating their proposal.

    Other Laurie requested that the committee considermoving the regular meeting time of the DISI

    committee to the second to last Thursday of every

    month. She noted that this will relieve her of a regular

    conflict as well as help to avoid holidays.

    Next Meeting/Adjournment

    The next meeting will be held on September 26, 2013.

    This meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

    Minutes taken by: Fiona Simms, Administrative Assistant

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    TO: Steve SniderCC: Andrew Jones,Colin Withers

    FROM: Dan Swerdlin

    DATE: August 13, 2013

    RE: Fdbk & DTOA

    Steve,The City of Oakland embraces the spirit of cooperation, the importance of

    the individual, and the strength of collective voice. Indeed, the Downtown Oakland

    Association (DTOA) strives to actualize these values in furtherance of a better day-

    to-day experience for Oak-town locals and visitors alike.

    Fdbk (feedback) shares in this spirit of mindful community. We envision a

    digital feedback layer on the offline world where its easy to facilitate and

    appreciate constructive ideas at the point of experience. We believe that the

    individual voice matters tremendously, and that people hold a bona fide interest inpositively shaping their world. From our perspective, the wisdom of the crowd is

    crucial; Fdbk taps into that insight by leveraging mobile technology.

    As you requested, this memorandum considers how DTOA and Fdbk can

    collaborate around our shared set of values. First, however, this memorandum

    proffers a brief example of Fdbk in motion; the example reflects a broad use case

    (i.e. a tasting event) that can be extrapolated to any business, entity, or organization.

    Our team (naturally) encourages your feedback on how Fdbk and DTOA make

    sense together. Likewise, we invite any ideas, questions, and introductions.

    We look forward to continuing the conversation in the near future!

    ~ Dan

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    How It Works: An Example

    We advise that you try Fdbk on a mobile phone or tablet to best understand

    how it works. You can see how the NYC Vendy Awards used it at fdbk.com/ven3.

    (Fdbk runs through the mobile web, so no downloads necessary.)

    Youll notice that Fdbk delivered many things to the Vendys in real-time:

    mobile voting for their Peoples Choice awards meticulously-organized feedback on customized questions attendee email addresses automatic rewards (optional: they chose a raffle entry for VIP tickets) positive, one-click social content (responses to the question I love the

    Vendys because are pushed to Facebook/Twitter)

    all of this info delivered to a private dashboard for real-time analysis.The Vendys cued people to vote and give feedback by posting signage with

    their link around the venue (e.g. vendor booths, ticket check-in, picnic tables).

    Throughout the day, volunteers reminded people to cast their vote.

    The Vendys drew approximately 1,500 people. Fdbk was a huge success:

    Nearly 700 people voted for their favorite vendor via mobile phone. More than 150 people shared an email address to win VIP tix for next yr. Almost 100 people identified themselves as willing future volunteers. Hundreds left constructive private suggestions and positive testimonials. Thousands of social media friends received positive info about the Vendys. One company is handling mobile engagement for all future Vendy Awards.Thanks to our efforts at the Vendys, Fdbk now powers mobile engagement for

    all SummerStage events in New York Citys Central Park! Check outfdbk.com/nyss.

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    Fdbk for DTOA

    As we discussed, there are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of ways that Fdbk

    can be used around the City of Oakland. Here are a few of the ideas we discussed:

    Establish a digital suggestion box at prominent locations around the City.o Set-up signage all around the Downtown District. Find out whats

    working, how it could be better, and whether things have improved.

    o Ask focused, touch-friendly questions on specific areas and issues.o Respond to peoples concerns and ideas in writing and in action.o Get feedback on major public buildings and offices, as well as

    operations in those places. (e.g. City Hall, Oakland Public Library)

    o Parks and recreational areas are a natural place to ask for feedback.o Create a city-wide survey. Invite the best submissions to attend a

    Good Ideas Gala, where people present their ideas to thought leaders.

    o Reward people for suggestions. Pick at random or reward the best. Crowdsource feedback on public transportation

    o Fdbk on vehicles, stations/stops, routes, riders, drivers, general ops.o People love to play w/ smartphones while waiting for a bus/train.

    Make it a productive activity for both Oakland and its residents.

    o The public can serve as the eyes/ears of a highly diffuse operation.o Mass transit touches a large cross-section of locals. Great sample!o

    Transit is a natural arena for feedback. Its also easy to incentivize. Instantly poll public sentiment at meetings and community gatherings.

    o No more guesswork. Quickly, accurately take temperature of room.o No more raising hands or standing-up to state opinion. Enable the shy,

    minimize aggression, eliminate reprisal, and let everyone have a say.

    o Find out which issues matter most. Crowdsource the next agenda.o Get feedback on the meetings make them smoother, faster.

    Create interaction around public art fixtures (e.g. JRs TED faces).o Find out what people thinkhow they were affected by these efforts.o Get feedback on what should stay/go and what can be added.

    Improve communications within municipal government.o Surveys from city depts. to local entities can enter the 21stCentury.o Make it easy for city officials to request/receive info on-the-spot.o City employees should be able to give feedback on dept/colleagues.o Garner and gauge support for government-based initiatives.

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    - 4 -

    Deliver value to local businesses and organizations.o Restaurants, cafes, bars, merchants, and mobile food providers deserve

    a simple way to digitally engage the customer in meaningful fashion.

    o Venues (e.g. Henry J. Kaiser, Fox Theater) and places (e.g. Oakland Zoo)need a better way to capture and address guest experience.

    o Organizations should have an easy way to get feedback from theirmember base and stay in touch with prospective members.

    o Events can easily get feedback from attendees and to stay in touch withthem. So can vendors who should capitalize on the influx of people.

    o Media outlets should have a simple, mobile-friendly interface forgauging sentiment re: their publications (e.g. Oakland Tribune, EBEX).

    Fdbk would love to help the DTOA actualize these unprecedented opportunities

    for civic engagement! Heres what we recommend, as an initial effort:

    We will create up to 10 unique URLs for DTOA to run Fdbk.o Example: questions for 19th Street might appear at fdbk.com/19st.

    Questions for City Center might appear at fdbk.com/okcc.

    o You can use these URLs for any campaign you please and post themanywhere. This includes the aforementioned ideas.

    o Moreover, surveys and rewards can be switched on/off at will. Ifyou want to run a new campaign for City Center, no problem!

    Colin and I will personally work with your team to figure out which datayou want to gather, where to source it, and how best to get it. Our marketing experts will craft sets of questions that capture the

    maximum amount of relevant information with the minimum user effort.

    Our designers will create attractive, effective signage/collateral for DTOA. Our team will help manage your My.Fdbk console and the data therein. You can pilot Fdbk on these URLs for the duration of the year 2013. The total cost to DTOA would be $1,000. Considering that we charge

    $250/mo for each URL at this level of service its a huge discount!


    Once we chart our initial course, we intend to actively iterate on great first

    steps and carve the path for persistent synergy. At the same time, we look forward

    to meeting terrific people/entities that will embrace the impact of our

    groundbreaking collaboration and run alongside us. Heres to a better tomorrow!

  • 7/28/2019 DISI Meeting September 26, 2013 Agenda Packet


    Gallen.Neilly August 13 / September 13 Activity Report

    To: The Lake Merritt/Uptown & Downtown Oakland District AssociationsFr: Tim Gallen, Andrew Neilly, Nancy Amaral

    Here is our summary report of June/July activity undertaken by Gallen.Neilly on behalf of the Lake Merritt/Uptown &Downtown Oakland Districts.

    Projects COMPLETED

    Press Releases:

    Latham Square Opening distributed to the media on 8/12/13o SF Streets Blog: Oaklands Latham Square: Plaza to the People ran on 9/5/13o BisNow (SF): Downtown Oakland Hits Another Milestone ran on 8/21/13o

    Bay Nature: Oakland experiments with giving walkers, bicyclists free rein ran on 8/20/13o Oakland Local: Latham Square marks Oaklands latest foray into pop-up public space ran on 8/19/13o KGO Radio: Latham Square (Radio Interview) ran on 8/14/13o Alameda Patch: Latham Square Opening posted on 8/13/13o The Registry: Latham Square in Oakland Opening ran on 8/12/13o SFGate: Oakland's Latham Square becomes pedestrian plaza ran on 8/12/13o Bay Area News Group: Oakland hopes Latham Square Plaza brings Uptown vibe to city center ran on


    Media Inquiries/Pitches:

    Recd a request from Matthew Artz of the Oakland Tribune re: Latham Square revamp- facilitated phone interview w/

    Andrew Jones. Clip resulted. Coordinated with BisNow reporter & the districts re: Latham Square & other beautification projects. Clip resulted.

    Coordinated with SF Streets Blog reporter & the districts re: Latham Square and provided quote from Andrew Jones.Clip resulted.

    Created an online calendar for DISI committee use for planning re: editorial opps, advertising, events support, etc.

    Reviewed editorial calendars for upcoming opportunities

    International Downtown Association (IDA) Supplement for Oakland month of June 2013o International Downtown Association (IDA): June Downtown of the Month: The Downtown Oakland

    Association and Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association ran in June 2013o October/November press release issue on award.


    Broker focus meeting took place Thursday, 9/19/13. We planned for the next new businesses within the districtsPR, etc. currently worked with Bill Nork of Cornish & Carey for recent lease details. Follow up notes/attachmentsincluded):

    o Meeting agenda, which includes active links to media clips and other resourceso Gallen.Neilly's 'New Business' press release draft formo A letter from the districts re: the vacant property/leasing database section on the district websiteso Link to more details on the Latham Square

    project: http://www2.oaklandnet.com/Government/o/PWA/o/EC/s/BicycleandPedestrianProgram/LSPP/index.htm

    Worked with Andrew Jones re: Latham Square opening plan

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    Met with District staff 8/2/13 (PR Task Force meeting) to plan priorities for the next few months.

    Reached out to Patrick Smith re: Umami Burger for further info to include in next new businesses release.Developed a template to use with future new businesses, as well.

    Submission of IDA Awards for the CBDs on 6/16.

    Compiled a report on businesses/restaurants opened in the districts from 2011 to 2012. Monitored & posted on activity feed for Uptown & Downtown Oakland on a weekly basis - Social Media (Twitter,

    Facebook, LinkedIn Oakland Groups page)

    CBD Monthly Eblast: Gathered content ideas each month for EBlasts that are distributed to the CBDs lists.(Ongoing)

    Gallen.Neilly attends all DISI and Board mtgs.

    Recent Clips

    Bay Area News Group: Oakland: Spreading the art around ran on 9/10/13

    SF Eater: Hopscotch's Kyle Itani and Jenny Schwarz ran on 9/6/13

    KQED Bay Area Bites: Oakland Social: Five Comfort Food Date Nights in Oakland ran on 9/6/13

    East Bay Express: A Destination Deli ran on 9/4/13

    Diablo Magazine: Weekly Dish: Rodney Worth Hits Primetime ran on 9/4/13

    7x7 Magazine: Oakland's Tribune Tavern Reenergizes Downtown with Artisan Food and Drinks ran on 8/27/13

    Bay Area News Group: Joyce Gordon a key thread in Oakland's art scene ran on 8/26/13

    Bay Area News Group: Tribune Tavern opens in downtown Oakland ran on 8/14/13

    SFGate: Oakland greets, Oakland Eats ran on 8/13/13

    SFGate: Oakland Social: Classic Cars West, the beginning of a benevolent empire Oakland Local ran on 8/9/14

    SFGate: Oakland's Art + Soul packs positive vibe ran on 8/4/13

    Projects UNDERWAY

    Press Releases:

    Plan in the works to announce IDA Award to the media, public, etc mileage!

    New Businesses within the Districts drafted in coordination with the broker focus group.

    Senior Task Force Media Push to be drafted

    Girls, Inc. PR to be drafted (?)

    Blasting photos of beautification projects to the media (BigBellies, hanging baskets, etc.)

    Media Inquiries/Pitches:

    Coordinate meet w/Susan Piperato (NREI)

    Good News Oakland/KGO follow-ups to be made to Sean Kennedy re: further initiatives to bring new businesses toOakland- possible to include/interview.


    Revamping Oaklands Wikipedia (edited and provided feedback/updates to the Community Benefit Districts sectionon Wikipedia)

    District Tweet-of-the-Week, ongoing

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    Guidelines for Event Sponsorship

    The Downtown Oakland and Lake Merritt/Uptown CBDs welcome requests forsponsorship from organizations/individuals that meet the criteria set forth by the JointBoard of Directors and the District Identity Streetscape Improvement (DISI) Committee.In order to be eligible for sponsorship you are required to present your project at a DISICommittee meeting. Details are provided below.

    Insurance requirements:The recipient of any sponsorship money must be transparent about all otherunderwriters, partners, collaborators, and be fully willing to provide documentation ofhow sponsorship dollars were spent.The recipient must name the following parties as Additional Insured using Form CG201011/85 or its equivalent on each of its insurance policies:

    Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association of Oakland and DowntownOakland Association, its members, directors, officers, agents, affiliatesand related entities and their successors and assigns, and the City ofOakland, its Council members, directors, officers, agents and employeesas their interests may appear.

    The Certificate Holder should be listed as Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association ofOakland and Downtown Oakland Association and a copy of the insurance certificatemust be on file with the CBD office in order for funding to be allocated.A post-event report outlining, in detail, the use of sponsorship monies, event attendancestatistics, the use of district logos in marketing, overall success/failure of the event, andother additional details specific to your project may be required within thirty days of theconclusion of the event. *For ongoing or monthly events, monthly or quarterly updatesmay be required.All final sponsorship awards will be granted by the DISI committee members on a caseby case, year by year basis.

    388 19th StreetOakland, California 94612

    DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax [email protected] www.downtownoakland.orginfo@lakemerritt-uptown.orgwww.lakemerritt-uptown.org

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    Please provide your contact information and a brief introduction of yourself and/or yourorganization.

    Primary contact:Issabella ShieldsName of organization:The Great Wall of OaklandName of Event: A Holiday Extravaganza (official title of event TBD)Address:2201 Broadway Oakland, CA 94612Phone: 510-414-6507Email: [email protected]:greatwallofoakland.orgAmount Requested:$10,000SS and/or Tax ID #:GWO - EIN is 37-1714539

    Please return brief answers to the following questions with your proposal.Please clearly describe, in detail, the mission/purpose of the event. Please also providea brief history, if applicable.

    The Great Wall of Oakland will create a touchstone holiday screening event that not only promotes localshopping, but offers the community an opportunity have their family holiday video wish projected onto the Great

    Wall, thus creating a true Oakland - created holiday experience.

    Screening Dates: Plaid Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 and First Friday, Dec. 6, 2013

    The screenings will include:

    - 10 - 20, 1-minute video showcases of local businesses created by Youth Radio students. In each segment, the

    store, its products and the owner will be featured through dynamic visuals and a very short, hopefully funny,

    interview about holiday moments, giving a personal identity to each business.

    ** These videos may be leveraged by local TV stations as holiday PSAs, as they are created by students and

    promote local businesses.

    - 10 - 20, video holiday wishes from the general public. The Great Wall will announce and publicize a Call for

    388 19th StreetOakland, California 94612

    DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax [email protected] www.downtownoakland.orginfo@lakemerritt-uptown.orgwww.lakemerritt-uptown.org

  • 7/28/2019 DISI Meeting September 26, 2013 Agenda Packet


    Holiday Wishes from any Oakland residents. These can be photographs with signs or very short videos. The Great

    Wall will reach out to local sports stars and politicians and ask them to create short holiday video wishes as


    - 10-20, photographs of Downtown YMCA kids holding up Happy Holiday signs in different languages. Featured

    last year, this project was a huge success.

    - An animated Oakland Tree (either the Oakland tree logo or the Broadway corridor map) that creates cohesion for

    the screening.

    - 5-10 short art videos about the holidays, end of year, etc.

    In addition to the screening, the event may also include:

    - A visit from an Oakland Santa

    - An aerial dance performance by the Great Walls artist in residence, Bandaloop

    - Food and holiday vendors set up in the three parking lots near the Great Wall

    - Late night screening of a favorite holiday movie (Its a Wonderful Life etc)

    A version of this event happened last year during the December 2012 Oakland Art Murmur and was generously

    supported by LMUDA. It was a successful event, but planning was begun very late, and the GWO curators found

    many ways to make this years event more inclusive, prominent and successful.

    Please describe how your project will directly benefit the merchants and propertyowners in the district.

    The purpose of the event/s is twofold - to simultaneously promote holiday shopping in Downtown / Uptown

    Oakland and to provide Oakland audiences with an incredibly creative and uniquely Oakland holiday visual


    The merchants and property owners in the district will directly benefit from this event/s through short interview

    pieces about the individual stores created by Youth Radio students. The GWO and board will work with Youth

    Radio to ensure that these dynamic marketing spots are creative, effective and fun.

    Through the creation of these videos, the creative process will build community in the district by engaging

    multiple organizations including Youth Radio, Oakland School for the Arts, the Downtown Oakland YMCA,

    SparkArt, Pixar, the Great Wall of Oakland and LMUDA.

    388 19th StreetOakland, California 94612

    DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax [email protected] www.downtownoakland.orginfo@lakemerritt-uptown.orgwww.lakemerritt-uptown.org

  • 7/28/2019 DISI Meeting September 26, 2013 Agenda Packet


    It is always beneficial for the district when new Oakland communities come down to the area. By involving the

    local community in the screening, people will come to see their work on the Wall and therefore become

    acquainted with what the Lake Merritt and Uptown Districts businesses have to offer.

    Finally, it is the goal to create a recurring holiday tradition for Oakland that not only grabs the attention of the

    press, but offers Oakland residents an event to look forward to each year.

    Please outline how your project will improve the image of the Downtown OaklandAssociation and/or the Lake Merritt-Uptown District in a demonstrable way.

    The Holiday Extravaganza will improve the image of the Downtown Oakland and Lake Merritt - Uptown districts by

    featuring artful marketing videos about the specific businesses located in the area and highlighting the business

    owners. In addition, these short films will be created by students in the Uptown District, thus further highlighting

    the talent and creativity that exists in the area.

    These videos will have a life beyond the Great Wall screening - they can be used by the District for other publicity

    campaigns and by the businesses themselves to futher their brand.

    As mentioned previously, this event, with the creative input of the public, local sports stars and

    politicians, several local arts groups, the YMCA children and the businesses, has the potential to draw the

    attention of the press who will be excited by something really creative and community-supported happening in


    Please describe what marketing strategies you will employ to advertise your projectand how your project plans to advance the CBD brand.

    The Great Wall of Oakland promotes events through social media channels, online event websites and through

    Gallen.Neillys generous pro bono public relations / press campaigns. The Great Wall also has access to Oakland

    Art Murmurs website, Facebook and Twitter feeds to reach the extensive art community.

    Since this event will involve multiple businesses and organizations, the Great Wall will encourage each group to

    further spread the word about the Call for Entries and event through their individual online and social media

    channels. For example, if Bandaloop performs, they will bring audiences from all over the Bay who would

    otherwise not cross the bridge.

    Television marketing may be possible through PSAs and an existing relationship the Great Wall has with KTVU

    and Rosy Chus Bay Area People. The short videos that will be crated by Youth Radio would be a perfect fit for

    388 19th StreetOakland, California 94612

    DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax [email protected] www.downtownoakland.orginfo@lakemerritt-uptown.orgwww.lakemerritt-uptown.org

  • 7/28/2019 DISI Meeting September 26, 2013 Agenda Packet


    KTVU to promote through PSAs and their required community publicity.

    This collective and creative project will further the CBD brand by showcasing not only how unique the local

    businesses in the district are, but how the various educational, non-profit, commercial and artistic entities

    collaborate to promote Oakland.

    Please provide a description of your target audience.

    The target audience for this Holiday Extravaganza is the entire Oakland community. The Great Wall audience is

    the Oakland Art Murmur audience, which as we know, is extremely diverse and comprises all social and

    socioeconomic groups in Oakland.

    Through the public Call for Video Holiday Wishes, the Great Wall will be targeting families and young people who

    are media saavy enough to create a short video and submit it online. This audience is also an audience whowould do holiday shopping in the district and come down from the hills to see what urban Oakland has to offer.

    One of the major goals of this event is to be as inclusive as possible and the Great Wall will reach the

    non-Oakland Art Mumur community by facilitating projects such as the Downtown YMCA photo series and others.

    In summary, this is an event for everyone.

    388 19th StreetOakland, California 94612

    DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax [email protected] www.downtownoakland.orginfo@lakemerritt-uptown.orgwww.lakemerritt-uptown.org

  • 7/28/2019 DISI Meeting September 26, 2013 Agenda Packet


    Please attach an outline of how you intend to use your sponsorship dollars if approved,as well as a detailed budget projection.Your presentation should expand upon the answers you have provided here.Please come prepared with any materials you wish to distribute.If you are using any technology in your presentation, please coordinate w ith our office inadvance for set-up.Thank you for contacting us about your event.

    Please call the District Manager Steve Snider,or Office Manager Tori Decker with any questions.

    Office 510-238-1122Fax [email protected]@lakemerritt-uptown.org

    388 19th StreetOakland, California 94612

    DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax [email protected] www.downtownoakland.orginfo@lakemerritt-uptown.orgwww.lakemerritt-uptown.org

  • 7/28/2019 DISI Meeting September 26, 2013 Agenda Packet


    Happy Holidays, Oakland!

    Holiday Show Proposal on the Great Wall of Oakland

    Screening Dates: Plaid Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 and First Friday, Dec. 6, 2013


    The Great Wall of Oakland will create a touchstone holiday screening event that not only promotes local

    shopping, but offers the community an opportunity have their family holiday video wish projected onto the Great

    Wall, thus creating a true Oakland - created holiday experience.


    Equipment Description Amount

    15K Lumen Projector Rental for two shows $3,000

    Personnel Description Amount

    Animator Create stunning animation of Oakland Tree with

    business logos to be repeated throughout screening


    Editor Edit Youth Radio interviews of local businesses and

    combine animations for a cohesive show


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    Projectionist Operate projector during both screenings $1,600

    Project Manager Create Call for videos / photos from public; outreach to

    businesses; curate public submissions; keep artists on

    schedule; keep team within budget.


    Youth Radio Videoraphers Create short films through student program $0

    Art Director Oversee the project and ensure artistic standards are

    met (SparkArt creative team)



    Video / Equipment / Props Fund for any additional equipment or props that need

    to be bought for video production


    Total Requested $10,000

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    Date of application submission: Wed, Sept 18Date of presentation: Thurs, Sept 26th, 11:45amMaterials needed: this document, full budget, photos, printed packets, snacks



    Please provide your contact information and a brief introduction of yourselfand/or your organization.

    Primary contact: Lacey Haslam (BLOCK Gallery), Kari Marboe (Artist)

    Name of organization: BLOCK Gallery

    Name of Event: Latham Memorial Fountain Unveiled - art installationand openingAddress: BLOCK Gallery: 2222 Lincoln Avenue B, Alameda, CA94501

    Kari Marboe: 1175 59th Street, Apt. 3, Oakland, CA 94608

    Phone: Lacey Haslam: (707) 304-0155Kari Marboe: (914) 420-8143

    Email: [email protected]@gmail.com

    Website: http://www.block-gallery.com/www.karimarboe.com

    Amount Requested: $2, 770 (total budget is $3,370)

    SS and/or Tax ID #: BLOCK Gallery, LLC, 45-4685967

    Please return brief answers to the following questions with your proposal.

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    Please clearly describe, in detail, the mission/purpose of the event. Pleasealso provide a brief history, if applicable.Latham Memorial Fountain Unveiled will be a free, public, site-specific artinstallation in the windows of the Rotunda Building facing Latham Square. Artist

    Kari Marboe will combine information on the history of the Latham Squarefountain, collected from the Oakland History Room of the Oakland Public Library,with her own writing style to create a work that describes and celebrates thememorial for current citizens.

    This piece will be positioned alongside the City of Oaklands Latham Square PilotPlaza (August 2013 - February 2014) before a permanent design for the squareis installed. During this six month trial Latham Memorial Fountain Unveiledwill beplaced on the Rotunda Building and an opening featuring local merchants and allmaintenance (including an initial window cleaning and solutions for graffiti) will becoordinated by BLOCK Gallery. Lacey Haslam and Kari Marboe would like to

    discuss the possibility of making this a permanent piece or continuing to programsite-specific, Oakland based installations during their post-event reporting toDISI.

    BLOCK Gallery, an LLC owned by curator Lacey Haslam, is a site-specificexhibition program based in Oakland working to forge collaborations between artand our everyday spaces. By connecting curators and artists to alternativevenues, our exhibitions aim to engage with the context of our locations, expandthe paradigms of exhibition making and activate the art experience. Kari Marboes works have lived in spaces such as an exterior wall of theBerkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, CA, on the Waffle Shop billboard, Pittsburgh,PA, in the online journal Trace SF and within the air of Southern Exposure, SanFrancisco, CA. She received her BFA from California College of the Arts (2008)and MFA from the University of California, Berkeley (2012). Marboe joinedBLOCK Gallerys roster of artists in 2013.

    Please describe how your project will directly benefit the merchants andproperty owners in the district.

    This art installation will be the first in Latham Square, an area in the heart ofDowntown Oakland that is being rejuvenated by the City of Oaklands LathamSquare Pilot Plaza program. The pilot is providing the square with benches andplanting to be enjoyed by the public. What this installation provides is

    1. Increased traffic to the area: Art enthusiasts and the general public will cometo see the piece after learning about it from BLOCK Gallerys website and local/

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    national publications in which the piece will be written about. Property ownersand tenants will benefit from this increased traffic and community event, whichwill further the safety and interest in this important Oakland area.

    2. Information on local merchants: The installation will provide information on a

    panel next to the piece, on BLOCK Gallerys website, on social media, and withinthe digital and printed catalog that will include an essay on the piece by localwriter Sarah Hotchkiss, about the Downtown Oakland CBD and local merchants.Viewers will be encouraged to visit stores in the area and local merchants will beencouraged to share more information directly at the opening of the piece ontables provided alongside beverages and snacks.

    Please outline how your project will improve the image of the DowntownOakland Association and/or the Lake Merritt-Uptown District in ademonstrable way.

    Public art is an important element in Placemaking and building communitycharacter, specifically in areas being revitalized such as Latham Square. Onlythrough the understanding and reinforcement of its character can a communityflourish civically and economically. It is with this in mind that the installation willbe created by a local Oakland artist, Kari Marboe, and speak about the history ofLatham Square, which will activate interest and civic engagement in theneighborhood. The piece will encourage visitors to frequent local stores andproperties by making information about such spots available both at the site andonline through BLOCK Gallerys website, social media, and press. In addition,

    the windows in which the installation will be placed are currently a different colorfrom the rest of the windows and, because they cannot be accessed from theinterior, the original white coating has started to peel. The installation will coverthis unsightly spot in the square, furthering beautification and enjoyment fromonlookers. All upkeep, graffiti removal, and general monitoring will be correctedby BLOCK Gallery and artist Kari Marboe and monitored during the six monthduration of the project.

    Please describe what marketing strategies you will employ to advertiseyour project and how your project plans to advance the CBD brand.

    Online:Throughout the six month project information on the piece, the opening,Downtown Oakland CBD and local businesses will be featured on BLOCKGallerys website, social media page posts, and local arts listings throughout theBay Area.

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    Press:The arts writer for the East Bay Express has already been approached, we havea meeting on Sept. 28th with Oakland Art Enthusiast and confirmed an interviewwith Bad at Sports National Podcast on the Arts. A press release will bedistributed and more articles on this project will come out as well.

    Printed materials:Postcards will be distributed to local businesses and the catalog will be availableat the opening and online in PDF form.

    We would like permission to use information on the Downtown Oakland CBD(including description, website url and logo) to include in all of our advertisingstrategies.Please provide a description of your target audience.Our target audience is comprised of local residents, the Bay Area art community

    and the national art community (featuring Latham Square as a destination forpublic art). We also would like to tap into docents leading downtown walkingtours.Please attach an outline of how you intend to use your sponsorship dollarsif approved, as well as a detailed budget projection.

    Please see attached!

    Your presentation should expand upon the answers you have providedhere.Please come prepared with any materials you wish to distribute.If you are using any technology in your presentation, please coordinatewith our office in advance for set-upThank you for contacting us about your event.Please call the District Manager Steve Snider,or Office Manager Tori Decker with any questions.Office 510-238-1122Fax [email protected]@lakemerritt-uptown.org

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