discursive & persuasive-argumentative writing

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  • 8/16/2019 Discursive & Persuasive-Argumentative Writing



    Discursive &Discursive &



  • 8/16/2019 Discursive & Persuasive-Argumentative Writing




    Introduction: Writing to and!e ideas " discursive & #ersuasive/argumenIntroduction: Writing to and!e ideas " discursive & #ersuasive/argumenative $riting %s!ides ' ()ative $riting %s!ides ' ()

    *.*. Su+,ects to avoid %s!ides - ' )Su+,ects to avoid %s!ides - ' )

    .. esearcing m0 essa0 %advice) %s!ides ' 12)esearcing m0 essa0 %advice) %s!ides ' 12)

    3.3. 4acts and o#inions: 5o$ to use tem in 0our essa0 %s!ides 1( ' *2)4acts and o#inions: 5o$ to use tem in 0our essa0 %s!ides 1( ' *2)

    2.2. Structuring 0our essa0Structuring 0our essa0 %s!ide *()%s!ide *()

    A) P!anning t$o"sided6 discursive #iecesA) P!anning t$o"sided6 discursive #ieces %s!ides *- ' -)%s!ides *- ' -)

    7) Structuring #ersuasive/argumentative $riting %s!ides ' 3*)7) Structuring #ersuasive/argumentative $riting %s!ides ' 3*)

    (.(. Structuring 0our #aragra#sStructuring 0our #aragra#s %s!ide 3 " 33)%s!ide 3 " 33)

    A) To#ic SentencesA) To#ic Sentences %s!ides 32 ' 3-)%s!ides 32 ' 3-)

    7) 8sing te P.E.E cain7) 8sing te P.E.E cain %s!ides 3 ' 3)%s!ides 3 ' 3)

    -.-. Direction mar9ers %s!ides 2 ' 23)Direction mar9ers %s!ides 2 ' 23)

    i) ;noc9ing do$n anoter argument %s!ides 22 ' 2()i) ;noc9ing do$n anoter argument %s!ides 22 ' 2()

    ii)ii) Words tat suggest someting is un#rovenWords tat suggest someting is un#roven %s!ides 2- ' 2)%s!ides 2- ' 2)

    .. Persuasive tecni

  • 8/16/2019 Discursive & Persuasive-Argumentative Writing



    Writing toWriting toand!e ideasand!e ideas

  • 8/16/2019 Discursive & Persuasive-Argumentative Writing



    Writing to and!eWriting to and!e

    ideasideas So far in this class we have looked at theSo far in this class we have looked at the

    skills for Personal Reective Writing becauseskills for Personal Reective Writing becausemost pupils will do best at that sort of task.most pupils will do best at that sort of task.

    However, everybodys mind does not workHowever, everybodys mind does not workin the same way, and Personal Reectivein the same way, and Personal ReectiveWriting really might not be the best thing forWriting really might not be the best thing foryou. !n that case, you might prefer to writeyou. !n that case, you might prefer to write

    in a way that lets you handle ideas.in a way that lets you handle ideas.

     "his type of writing splits into two main "his type of writing splits into two main


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    !n!n discursivediscursive writing you e#plore anwriting you e#plore anissue or $uestion. %oth sides of the issueissue or $uestion. %oth sides of the issueare e#plored, and you will usually giveare e#plored, and you will usually give

    your conclusion at the end, while allowingyour conclusion at the end, while allowingthe reader to decide for himself.the reader to decide for himself.

    !n this PowerPoint, whenever we look at!n this PowerPoint, whenever we look atthe idea of discursive writing, we will dothe idea of discursive writing, we will dothis in thethis in the context context  of a student who hasof a student who hasbeen asked to discuss the issue ofbeen asked to discuss the issue of

    whether pupils should be paid to stay onwhether pupils should be paid to stay onat school after the a e of si#teen.

  • 8/16/2019 Discursive & Persuasive-Argumentative Writing



    Persuasive &Persuasive &

    ArgumentativeArgumentative !n!n #ersuasive

    #ersuasive oror argumentativear

    gumentative writingwriting

    you start with a clear belief or strongly heldyou start with a clear belief or strongly held

    point of view.point of view.

    !n this kind of te#t, you will try to use!n this kind of te#t, you will try to use

    evidence and language to make the readerevidence and language to make the reader

    agree with you.agree with you.

    !n this PowerPoint, whenever we look at the!n this PowerPoint, whenever we look at theidea of persuasive writing, we will do this inidea of persuasive writing, we will do this in

    the conte#t of a student who is arguing thatthe conte#t of a student who is arguing that

    low&cost ights cause many problems.low&cost ights cause many problems.

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    Su+,ects ToSu+,ects To


  • 8/16/2019 Discursive & Persuasive-Argumentative Writing


    Su+,ects to avoidSu+,ects to avoid

    Some topics come up again and again. 'ourSome topics come up again and again. 'ourteacher has probably read all the argumentsteacher has probably read all the argumentsaboutabout eutanasia6 a+ortioneutanasia6 a+ortion andand anima!anima!testingtesting before, and will $uickly notice if youbefore, and will $uickly notice if youmiss out anything he or he e#pects to (nd, or ifmiss out anything he or he e#pects to (nd, or if

    there is any important aspect of the argumentthere is any important aspect of the argumentwhich you dont e#plore carefully enough.which you dont e#plore carefully enough.

    )nless you are truly an e#pert, steer clear of)nless you are truly an e#pert, steer clear of

    writing about these sub*ects. +nd, if you reallywriting about these sub*ects. +nd, if you reallywant to tackle one of these issues, make surewant to tackle one of these issues, make sureyou do it in a two&sided way.you do it in a two&sided way.

    therwise youll sound e#treme.therwise youll sound e#treme.

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    esearcing >0esearcing >0


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    Whether your piece of writing is one&sided or two&sided,Whether your piece of writing is one&sided or two&sided,and no matter how much you think you already knowand no matter how much you think you already knowabout the sub*ect, you need to do some research.about the sub*ect, you need to do some research.

    -verything you eventually write will be based on this,-verything you eventually write will be based on this,and its time well spent.and its time well spent.

    owadays the most likely place to look for informationowadays the most likely place to look for informationwill be on the !nternet.will be on the !nternet.

     'ou could visit the websites of charities and pressure 'ou could visit the websites of charities and pressuregroups who have an interest in your topic. !f, forgroups who have an interest in your topic. !f, fore#ample, you are writing about environment issues youe#ample, you are writing about environment issues you

    could visit the sites of WW/, 0reenpeace or /riends ofcould visit the sites of WW/, 0reenpeace or /riends ofthe -arth.the -arth.

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    1any newspapers have e#cellent1any newspapers have e#cellent


     "hese can be very useful if your topic has "hese can be very useful if your topic has

    been in the headlines recently, and oftenbeen in the headlines recently, and often

    give real&life e#amples you can use.give real&life e#amples you can use.

    ne very good one isne very good one is www.guardian.co.ukwww.guardian.co.uk which makes no charge and is easy towhich makes no charge and is easy to


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    Enc0c!o#ediaEnc0c!o#edia +nother interesting site is the online+nother interesting site is the online

    encyclopediaencyclopedia www.wikipedia.orgwww.wikipedia.org which iswhich is

    written by people who use it.written by people who use it.

     "his means the contributors are genuinely "his means the contributors are genuinelyinterested in their sub*ects.interested in their sub*ects.

    However, some of what they write can beHowever, some of what they write can be

    $uite biased 2as with most published$uite biased 2as with most publishedwriting3.writing3.

     'ou shouldnt use wikipedia as your only 'ou shouldnt use wikipedia as your only

    source, but its good for ideas and e#amples.source, but its good for ideas and e#amples.

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    Searc EnginesSearc Engines

    !f you dont know which sites you want to!f you dont know which sites you want touse youll need to begin by using a searchuse youll need to begin by using a searchengine such as 0oogle.engine such as 0oogle.

     "ry to use only one or two keywords for "ry to use only one or two keywords foryour search.your search.

     "he computer doesnt know what you are "he computer doesnt know what you arethinking, or why you are looking thesethinking, or why you are looking thesewords up, so be as precise as you canwords up, so be as precise as you can

    about what you want.about what you want.

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    Searc Engines Continued?Searc Engines Continued? !f youre using a phrase, put double $uotation marks!f youre using a phrase, put double $uotation marks

    round it. 4ooking for 5climate change6 will (nd webround it. 4ooking for 5climate change6 will (nd webpages using that complete phrase.pages using that complete phrase.

     "his might be *ust what you want to know7 "his might be *ust what you want to know7

    ‘‘Campaigners against climate change point out that allCampaigners against climate change point out that allof the ten hottest years ever recorded have happenedof the ten hottest years ever recorded have happenedin the last fourteen years.’ in the last fourteen years.’ 

    !f you type the same two words without $uotation!f you type the same two words without $uotationmarks you will get all the pages that have the wordmarks you will get all the pages that have the word8climate and the word 8change anywhere on the same8climate and the word 8change anywhere on the samepage. "his isnt so helpful7page. "his isnt so helpful7

    ‘‘Because the climate was so warm on holiday she hadBecause the climate was so warm on holiday she hadto change her clothes three times a day.’ to change her clothes three times a day.’ 

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    @i+raries@i+raries  'ou might also look in libraries. +sk the sta9 for advice 'ou might also look in libraries. +sk the sta9 for advice

    about the most suitable sources of information.about the most suitable sources of information.

    ne thing you will (nd there is an encyclopedia. "hesene thing you will (nd there is an encyclopedia. "hese

    can be very good on established factual information, butcan be very good on established factual information, butas huge books like this take many years to write and putas huge books like this take many years to write and puttogether, they are not great sources for material ontogether, they are not great sources for material oncurrent controversial topics.current controversial topics.

    /or that, you may be better going back to the !nternet./or that, you may be better going back to the !nternet.

    :epending on your topic, you might also speak to:epending on your topic, you might also speak topeople about their own e#periences. !f you are writingpeople about their own e#periences. !f you are writingabout the rights and wrongs of national service forabout the rights and wrongs of national service for

    e#ample, you might want to talk to your grandfathere#ample, you might want to talk to your grandfatherabout his time in the army.about his time in the army.

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    4acts and4acts and


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    /acts can be proved./acts can be proved.

     "hey are true and nobody can "hey are true and nobody canargue against them.argue against them.

    Chocolate is made of cocoaChocolate is made of cocoa

    solids, milk and sugar.solids, milk and sugar.

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    pinions are more personal.pinions are more personal.

     "hey are what people think, and di9erent "hey are what people think, and di9erentpeople can have di9erent opinions aboutpeople can have di9erent opinions about

    the same thing.the same thing.

    Chocolate is delicious.Chocolate is delicious.

    Chocolate is too sweet.Chocolate is too sweet.

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    No$ tr0 tis?No$ tr0 tis? 4ook at the list of sentences below. Which are facts and which are4ook at the list of sentences below. Which are facts and which are


    < "he most common car colour nowadays is silver.< "he most common car colour nowadays is silver. = >eltic is a football team.= >eltic is a football team. ? Smoking has an e9ect on the human body.? Smoking has an e9ect on the human body. @ !ts wrong to take part in bo#ing matches.@ !ts wrong to take part in bo#ing matches.

    A Bohn /. Cennedy was the best president +merica ever had.A Bohn /. Cennedy was the best president +merica ever had. D Human cloning is always wrong.D Human cloning is always wrong. E +rt galleries are boring.E +rt galleries are boring. F Silver cars look sleek and clean.F Silver cars look sleek and clean. G Scientists are very close to being able to carry out human cloning.G Scientists are very close to being able to carry out human cloning.

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    8sing acts to8sing acts to

    su##ort o#inionssu##ort o#inions

    8sing acts to su##ort8sing acts to su##ort

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    8sing acts to su##ort8sing acts to su##orto#inionso#inions

    nce you have collected your facts, you should try to (nd a waynce you have collected your facts, you should try to (nd a way

    to make each one of them support an opinion.to make each one of them support an opinion.

    !n!n #ersuasive#ersuasive writing, organise the facts to support what youwriting, organise the facts to support what youbelieve.believe.

    !n!n discursivediscursive writing, organise them to support the two di9erentwriting, organise them to support the two di9erentsides of the argument.sides of the argument.

    Heres an e#ample based on our pupil who is writingHeres an e#ample based on our pupil who is writingpersuasively about cheap ights.persuasively about cheap ights.

    4act/e=am#!e rom researc4act/e=am#!e rom researc ‘‘The burning of aeroplane fuel is a maor cause of climateThe burning of aeroplane fuel is a maor cause of climate

    change.’ change.’ 

    5o$ does tis su##ort m0 o#inionB5o$ does tis su##ort m0 o#inionB

    ‘‘This proves that encouraging people to take more !ights isThis proves that encouraging people to take more !ights isdamaging the environment.’ damaging the environment.’ 

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    Wat sou!d I doBWat sou!d I doB + good writer will be able to+ good writer will be able to s#ins#in facts to supportfacts to support

    their opinion.their opinion.

     "wo newspapers could have two very di9erent opening "wo newspapers could have two very di9erent opening

    sentences at the start of their front&page stories.sentences at the start of their front&page stories.

    ‘‘ " development scheme which will turn part of the city " development scheme which will turn part of the citycentre into a building site, causing months of tra#ccentre into a building site, causing months of tra#c

    chaos, was revealed today.’ chaos, was revealed today.’ 

    ‘‘ " development scheme which will transform a rundown " development scheme which will transform a rundown part of the city centre and create hundreds of obs was part of the city centre and create hundreds of obs wasrevealed today.’ revealed today.’ 

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    >H+S +H-+:I>H+S +H-+:I

    -W B%S >1- "-W B%S >1- "


    %oth newspapers are reporting the same%oth newspapers are reporting the same

    story, but they have spun the facts to suitstory, but they have spun the facts to suit

    their opinion.their opinion.

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    Anoter E=am#!e OAnoter E=am#!e O

    S#inS#in !magine a man placing a lonelyJhearts advert.!magine a man placing a lonelyJhearts advert.

    Hes universityJeducated and has a well&paidHes universityJeducated and has a well&paid

     *ob. *ob. He en*oys golf and is an e#pert on wine.He en*oys golf and is an e#pert on wine. He likes eating out and hes fortyJ(ve years old.He likes eating out and hes fortyJ(ve years old.

    !n his advert he might write this7!n his advert he might write this7

    $ature gentleman, well educated, seeks$ature gentleman, well educated, seekscompanion for meals out and %ne wine.companion for meals out and %ne wine.

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    No$ tr0 tis?No$ tr0 tis?

    !magine a woman went on a date with him!magine a woman went on a date with himand didnt like him.and didnt like him.

    How might she describe him afterwards;How might she describe him afterwards; How might she describe their date;How might she describe their date;

    %eing able to bend facts towards the%eing able to bend facts towards thedirection you want to go is especiallydirection you want to go is especiallyuseful in persuasive writing when you areuseful in persuasive writing when you aretrying to make your readers agree withtrying to make your readers agree with


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    Structuring 0ourStructuring 0our


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    A) P!anning t$o"A) P!anning t$o"

    sided6 discursivesided6 discursive#ieces#ieces

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    A Sim#!e StructureA Sim#!e Structure !n these essays you should show that you!n these essays you should show that you

    understand the arguments on both sides.understand the arguments on both sides.

    +t the end you can give your opinion, and your+t the end you can give your opinion, and your

    readers can decide on theirs.readers can decide on theirs.

     "here are two ways you can structure these essays. "here are two ways you can structure these essays.

    Well look very $uickly (rst at the simple structure.Well look very $uickly (rst at the simple structure.

    However, it would be better if you used the comple#However, it would be better if you used the comple#structure, and well go in to that in more detail.structure, and well go in to that in more detail.

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    Te sim#!e structureTe sim#!e structure$or9s !i9e tis:$or9s !i9e tis:

    Ste# 1Ste

    # 1 A one #aragra# introduction to teA one #aragra# introduction to te

  • 8/16/2019 Discursive & Persuasive-Argumentative Writing



    Ste# 1Ste# 1  A one"#aragra# introduction to teA one"#aragra# introduction to teto#ic:to#ic:

    ‘‘The government wants to encourage moreThe government wants to encourage moresixteen year&olds to stay on at school. Tosixteen year&olds to stay on at school. To

    encourage this, pupils who return for %fth andencourage this, pupils who return for %fth andsixth year can now be paid to do so.’ sixth year can now be paid to do so.’ 

    Ste# *Ste# *  A !in9 sentenceA !in9 sentence6 e=#!aining $ic6 e=#!aining $ic

    side o te argument 0ou $i!! +egin $it.side o te argument 0ou $i!! +egin $it. ‘‘ "s a pupil, and therefore someone who might "s a pupil, and therefore someone who mightbene%t from this plan, '’d like to begin by lookingbene%t from this plan, '’d like to begin by lookingat the reasons why some people believe it to be aat the reasons why some people believe it to be agood idea.’ good idea.’ 

    Ste# Ste#   No$ ta9e a!! o te #oints on oneNo$ ta9e a!! o te #oints on oneside o te argument. Eac #oint sou!d +eside o te argument. Eac #oint sou!d +ein a se#arate #aragra#6 and tese #ointsin a se#arate #aragra#6 and tese #ointssou!d +e +ac9ed u# $it acts6sou!d +e +ac9ed u# $it acts6o+servations or #ersona! e=#eriences.o+servations or #ersona! e=#eriences. 

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    5o$ sou!d I organise5o$ sou!d I organise

    m0 #oints in m0m0 #oints in m0#aragra#B#aragra#B )se)se to#ic sentencesto#ic sentences and theand the PEEPEEstructurestructure. 2'ou will (nd out more about these. 2'ou will (nd out more about these


    Start with the strongest, most convincingStart with the strongest, most convincing

    arguments and work your way down to thearguments and work your way down to the

    weaker ones.weaker ones.

     'ou should aim to have at least three or four 'ou should aim to have at least three or four

    paragraphs on the (rst side of the argument.paragraphs on the (rst side of the argument.

    Ste# 3Ste

    # 3 Write a !in9 sentence so$ing tat 0ou are a+outWrite a !in9 sentence so$ing tat 0ou are a+out

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    Ste# 3Ste# 3  Write a !in9 sentence so$ing tat 0ou are a+outWrite a !in9 sentence so$ing tat 0ou are a+outto s$itc tote oter side o te argument.to s$itc tote oter side o te argument.

    ‘‘' want to turn now to the other side of the argument, and to voice' want to turn now to the other side of the argument, and to voicethe thoughts of those who do not think pupils should be paid tothe thoughts of those who do not think pupils should be paid tostay on at school.’ stay on at school.’ 

    Ste# 2Ste# 2  No$ do te same on tis side o te argument asNo$ do te same on tis side o te argument as0ou did at Ste# a+ove6 $or9ing rom te stronger #oints0ou did at Ste# a+ove6 $or9ing rom te stronger #ointsdo$n to $ea9er ones.do$n to $ea9er ones.

    Ste# (Ste# (  4ina!!06 in 0our conc!usion6 +rie0 sum u# $at4ina!!06 in 0our conc!usion6 +rie0 sum u# $at

    0ou ave $ritten.0ou ave $ritten.  ow say which side you agree with and why.ow say which side you agree with and why. Show which arguments convinced you, or refer to an e#perience inShow which arguments convinced you, or refer to an e#perience in

    your life or the life of someone you know which has convinced youyour life or the life of someone you know which has convinced youthat a particular side is right.that a particular side is right.

     'ou may wish to leave the reader with something to think about7 'ou may wish to leave the reader with something to think about7

    ‘‘'t is clear that both sides have strong arguments. (aving't is clear that both sides have strong arguments. (avingexamined them ' feel that on the whole it bene%ts pupils to stay onexamined them ' feel that on the whole it bene%ts pupils to stay onat school for as long as possible. "nything that encouragesat school for as long as possible. "nything that encouragessomeone to get more education and better )uali%cations is a goodsomeone to get more education and better )uali%cations is a goodthing, so ' think the cost of the scheme is money well spent.’ thing, so ' think the cost of the scheme is money well spent.’ 

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    A Com#!e= StructureA Com#!e= Structure

     "he more comple# structure "he more comple# structure

    for two&sided pieces makesfor two&sided pieces makesyou look more skilled atyou look more skilled at

    handling your material.handling your material.

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    Te com#!e= structureTe com#!e= structure$or9s !i9e tis:$or9s !i9e tis:

    C ! St tC ! St t

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    Com#!e= StructureCom#!e= Structure  "he introduction and conclusion are the same "he introduction and conclusion are the same

    as they are in a simply structured essay.as they are in a simply structured essay.

    5o$ever6 in te main +od0 o te essa065o$ever6 in te main +od0 o te essa060ou +egin $it te strongest argument0ou +egin $it te strongest argumentrom one side o te argument.rom one side o te argument.

    Ten6 in te ne=t #aragra#6 0ou $or9Ten6 in te ne=t #aragra#6 0ou $or9troug a #oint on te o##osite side tattroug a #oint on te o##osite side tat

    contradicts $at 0ou ave ,ust $rittencontradicts $at 0ou ave ,ust $rittena+out.a+out.

    -ach of these paragraphs will use-ach of these paragraphs will use to#icto#ic

    sentencessentences and theand the PEE structurePEE structure, which will, which will


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    4O EFA>P@E?4O EFA>P@E?

    ‘‘*erhaps the strongest argument for paying young*erhaps the strongest argument for paying young people to stay on at school is that it stops them people to stay on at school is that it stops themleaving to get a ob. 'n lower&income families, thereleaving to get a ob. 'n lower&income families, theremay be a lot of pressure on teenagers, even verymay be a lot of pressure on teenagers, even verybright ones, to leave school and go out to work asbright ones, to leave school and go out to work as

    soon as possible to bring some money into thesoon as possible to bring some money into thehouse.’ house.’ 

    ‘‘(owever, this assumes that poorer parents ust(owever, this assumes that poorer parents ust

    view their teenagers as a source of income. This isview their teenagers as a source of income. This isan insult to these families. "ll good parents wantan insult to these families. "ll good parents wanttheir children to do well and get )uali%cations. Theytheir children to do well and get )uali%cations. Theyknow that school is already giving their childrenknow that school is already giving their children

    something very valuable + a good education.’ something very valuable + a good education.’ 

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    7) Structuring7) Structuring#ersuasive#ersuasive


    5o$ sou!d I organise5o$ sou!d I organise

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    5o$ sou!d I organise5o$ sou!d I organise

    m0 #oints in m0m0 #oints in m0

    #aragra#B#aragra#B rganising persuasive writing is veryrganising persuasive writing is very

    similar, but simpler.similar, but simpler.

    !n persuasive writing you dont have to!n persuasive writing you dont have to

    switch from one part of the argument toswitch from one part of the argument to

    the other, because you are always tryingthe other, because you are always tryingto defend your point of viewto defend your point of view

    Ste# 1St

    e# 1 + one paragraph+ one paragraph

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    Ste# 1Ste# 1  + one&paragraph+ one&paragraph

    introduction to the topic. 1ake clearintroduction to the topic. 1ake clear

    straight away what you believe about thestraight away what you believe about the

    sub*ect. )se your wit and passion to grabsub*ect. )se your wit and passion to grabthe readers attention from the start.the readers attention from the start.

    ‘‘-ur skies are %lling with brightly-ur skies are %lling with brightly

    coloured planes. e seem to havecoloured planes. e seem to have

    become so used to them that we neverbecome so used to them that we never

    )uestion their place in our lives. (owever)uestion their place in our lives. (owever' %rmly believe Britain would be a better' %rmly believe Britain would be a better

     place if we put an end to budget airlines place if we put an end to budget airlines

    and their cheap !ights.’ and their cheap !ights.’ 

    Ste# *Ste

    # *  )sing the points youve planned, set out your argument.)sing the points youve planned, set out your argument.

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    ## g p y p y gg p y p y g -ach point should be in a separate paragraph, and these points should-ach point should be in a separate paragraph, and these points should

    be backed up with facts, observations or personal e#periences.be backed up with facts, observations or personal e#periences. )se)se to#ic sentencesto#ic sentences and theand the PEE structurePEE structure. 2'ou will (nd out more. 2'ou will (nd out more

    about these soon.3 Start with the strongest, most convincingabout these soon.3 Start with the strongest, most convincingarguments and work your way down to the weaker ones.arguments and work your way down to the weaker ones.

    ‘‘ "part from a few clueless "mericans, everyone accepts that the world’s "part from a few clueless "mericans, everyone accepts that the world’sclimate is changing. hat’s more, everyone agrees the rate of change isclimate is changing. hat’s more, everyone agrees the rate of change isitself speeding up. 't’s surely no coincidence that the frighteningitself speeding up. 't’s surely no coincidence that the frightening

     phenomenon of global warming has become so much worse in the decade phenomenon of global warming has become so much worse in the decadesince cheap !ights took to the sky. "viation fuel is a maor source of highlysince cheap !ights took to the sky. "viation fuel is a maor source of highly

     polluting carbons. Take these planes out of the sky and we give the earth a polluting carbons. Take these planes out of the sky and we give the earth achance to cool down again.’ chance to cool down again.’ 

    +lthough you are always defending your own position in this kind of+lthough you are always defending your own position in this kind ofwriting, your argument will be stronger if you can show that youwriting, your argument will be stronger if you can show that youunderstand the other sides position and can argue against it.understand the other sides position and can argue against it.

    ‘‘/ou might be wondering how people will cope if we suddenly take these/ou might be wondering how people will cope if we suddenly take thesebudget airlines out of the sky. 0urely people need access to transport1 -fbudget airlines out of the sky. 0urely people need access to transport1 -fcourse they do. 2irst of all, my law would simply be that no airline cancourse they do. 2irst of all, my law would simply be that no airline cancharge less than 3455 for a single ourney. This would make peoplecharge less than 3455 for a single ourney. This would make peoplecarefully consider whether they actually need to make a trip. 'f they feelcarefully consider whether they actually need to make a trip. 'f they feelthey have to travel, a !ight is still possible. (owever they may decide tothey have to travel, a !ight is still possible. (owever they may decide toeither stay at home, or to travel by another means. " huge amount ofeither stay at home, or to travel by another means. " huge amount of

     pollution would be prevented. "s the number of !ights from Britain pollution would be prevented. "s the number of !ights from Britaingradually declined, people would spend more holidays here, boosting ourgradually declined, people would spend more holidays here, boosting our

    ’’  Ste# St

    e#   'ou may (nd that some of your points are not strong 'ou may (nd that some of your points are not strong

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    ## y y p gy y p genough to be dealt with in their own separate paragraph.enough to be dealt with in their own separate paragraph.

    !f you still feel they are valuable and want to use them, then!f you still feel they are valuable and want to use them, thenyou can deal with them *ust before you start your conclusion.you can deal with them *ust before you start your conclusion.

    +ll the remaining points can be rolled into one short+ll the remaining points can be rolled into one short


    There are some other good reasons why ' believe that budgetThere are some other good reasons why ' believe that budgetairlines are a menace...airlines are a menace...

    Ste# 3Ste# 3  /inally, in your conclusion, briey sum up what you/inally, in your conclusion, briey sum up what youhave written.have written. -nd with a strong, clear statement that shows again why you-nd with a strong, clear statement that shows again why you

    believe you are right.believe you are right.  'ou may also want to challenge the reader to think or respond. 'ou may also want to challenge the reader to think or respond.

    ‘‘*utting an end to cheap !ights would make the world a better*utting an end to cheap !ights would make the world a better place. e’d breathe in less pollution, appreciate our own place. e’d breathe in less pollution, appreciate our owncountry more, spend our money more thoughtfully, and we’dcountry more, spend our money more thoughtfully, and we’dbe doing our bit for the planet. 6o you really need to climbbe doing our bit for the planet. 6o you really need to climbinto a tin box to go on your next holiday1’ into a tin box to go on your next holiday1’ 

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    Structuring 0ourStructuring 0our

    #aragra#s#aragra#s +s well as structuring and ordering your+s well as structuring and ordering your

    whole essay, you need to have a clearwhole essay, you need to have a clear

    structure in each paragraph.structure in each paragraph.

     "he best way to do this is to use7 "he best way to do this is to use7

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    A) To#icA) To#ic


    To#ic sentencesTo#ic sentences

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    To#ic sentencesTo#ic sentences

    + topic sentence is called this for two+ topic sentence is called this for tworeasons.reasons.

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    4or E=am#!e?4or E=am#!e? 4ook at the following paragraph from our anti&4ook at the following paragraph from our anti&

    cheap&ights writer.cheap&ights writer.  "he topic sentence has been underlined. "he topic sentence has been underlined.  "he words that tie that sentence in to the topic of "he words that tie that sentence in to the topic of

    the whole essay are in bold.the whole essay are in bold.

    -f course another vital reason for-f course another vital reason for putting an putting anend to cheap fightsend to chea p fights is that they take all theis that the y take all theenoyable anticipation out of travel.en oyable anticipation out of travel. 'f it costs a'f it costs afew hundred pounds to go somewhere, thenfew hundred pounds to go somewhere, then

     people will research their destination, plan their people will research their destination, plan their ourney, and maybe even save up for the ticket. ourney, and maybe even save up for the ticket.'f you can go somewhere for 34.77 it doesn’t'f you can go somewhere for 34.77 it doesn’tmatter if you’ve never heard of the place8 you’llmatter if you’ve never heard of the place8 you’llgo on the spur of the moment without having thego on the spur of the moment without having the

    enoyment of looking forward to your time there.enoyment of looking forward to your time there.

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    7) 8sing P.E.E7) 8sing P.E.E

    8 i P E E8sing P E E

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    8sing P.E.E8sing P.E.E Within each paragraph of your essay, apart from the introduction and conclusion,Within each paragraph of your essay, apart from the introduction and conclusion,

    you should try to use theyou should try to use the PEEPEE structure. !t goes like this7structure. !t goes like this7

    P GP G 1ake a1ake a PointPoint that is relevant to the topic of your essay. "his pointthat is relevant to the topic of your essay. "his pointis the topic sentence at the start of the paragraph.is the topic sentence at the start of the paragraph.

    ‘ ‘ One reason young people should be encouraged to stay on at school isOne reason young people should be encouraged to stay on at school isthat there are very ew jobs you can now get without goodthat there are very ew jobs you can now get without goodqualications.’qualications.’

    E GE G 0ive0ive EvidenceEvidence to back up the point you are making. "his should beto back up the point you are making. "his should beeither a fact you found out during your research, something you haveeither a fact you found out during your research, something you havenoticed, or something you have e#perienced yourself.noticed, or something you have e#perienced yourself.

    ‘ ‘  As part o my research or this essay e!amined twenty job adverts As part o my research or this essay e!amined twenty job advertsta"en at random rom our local evening paper. #ighteen o them as"edta"en at random rom our local evening paper. #ighteen o them as"edor a particular qualication. $i!teen as"ed or applicants to have aor a particular qualication. $i!teen as"ed or applicants to have acertain amount o e!perience.’certain amount o e!perience.’

    E GE G E=#!ainE=#!ain this. !f you are writing to persuade, show how it adds tothis. !f you are writing to persuade, show how it adds toyour argument. !f you are doing a piece of discursive writing, show howyour argument. !f you are doing a piece of discursive writing, show howthe point and evidence contribute to this side of the topic.the point and evidence contribute to this side of the topic.

    ‘ ‘ %his seems to show that staying on at school is something all%his seems to show that staying on at school is something allteenagers should be encouraged to do and will benet rom. &ayingteenagers should be encouraged to do and will benet rom. &aying

     pupils to do so would be one way o getting them to ta"e part in urther pupils to do so would be one way o getting them to ta"e part in urtherstudy.’study.’

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    Direction mar9ers continuedDirection mar9ers continued ‘ ‘ )espite this()es pite this( many would say that nobody shouldmany would say that nobody should

    be paid to take up an education which is alreadybe paid to take up an education which is alreadycostly for taxpayers and free for pupils and parents.’ costly for taxpayers and free for pupils and parents.’ 

    Some words and phrases can be used in summingSome words and phrases can be used in summing

    up7up7 n conclusionn conclusion, cheap ights are a menace., cheap ights are a menace. %o summarise%o summarise, each side has strong arguments., each side has strong arguments.

    Some words and phrases show that the writer isSome words and phrases show that the writer issure he is right7sure he is right7

    !t is!t is absolutely absolutel y  clear that pollution is increasingclear that pollution is increasing !t is!t is indubitably indubitabl y  time for us to start worrying abouttime for us to start worrying about

    the impact of cheap ights.the impact of cheap ights.

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    No$ tr0 tis?No$ tr0 tis?

    4ook at these four headings74ook at these four headings7

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    nonete!essnonete!ess raterrater

    $itout a dou+t$itout a dou+t undenia+!0undenia+!0 tustus oter$iseoter$ise neverte!essneverte!ess Hna!!0Hna!!0 !i9e$ise!i9e$ise in conc!usionin conc!usion Hrst%!0)Hrst%!0) according!0according!0 +ut+ut a!soa!so e

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    i) ;noc9ingi) ;noc9ing

    do$n anoterdo$n anoterargumentargument

    ;noc9ing do$n anoter;noc9ing do$n anoter

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    ;noc9ing do$n anoter;noc9ing do$n anoter

    argumentargument !f you want to refer to another argument so!f you want to refer to another argument so

    you can knock it down, two useful words areyou can knock it down, two useful words areclaim and allege.claim and allege.

     "hey hint that you do not believe something "hey hint that you do not believe something

    the other side says.the other side says. ‘‘The well&known racing driverThe well&known racing driver claimsclaims to haveto have

    a clean licence and never to have beena clean licence and never to have beencaught speeding.caught speeding.

    (is enemies(is enemies allegeallege that he spent years in athat he spent years in aforeign prison for drug smuggling. (eforeign prison for drug smuggling. (ehoweverhowever claimsclaims that he was framed after hethat he was framed after herefused to pay a bribe to customs o#cers atrefused to pay a bribe to customs o#cers at

    the border.’ the border.’ 

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    ii) Words tatii) Words tat

    suggest sometingsuggest sometingis un#rovenis un#roven


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    un#rovenun#roven Some words are usefulSome words are useful if you cant prove something for sure.if you cant prove something for sure.   "hese words are also usual for suggestions and rumours. "hese words are also usual for suggestions and rumours.

     "hese words include "hese words include re#orted6 rumoured6 +e!ieved6re#orted6 rumoured6 +e!ieved6cou!d6 !i9e!06 $ou!dcou!d6 !i9e!06 $ou!d andand ma0 #oint toma0 #oint to.. /or e#ample, heres a piece of gossip that may have very/or e#ample, heres a piece of gossip that may have very

    few provable facts behind it7few provable facts behind it7

    ‘‘'t is't is believed believed  that troubled T9 presenter arren aythat troubled T9 presenter arren ay couldcouldagain be struggling with the marriage problems originallyagain be struggling with the marriage problems originallyreported reported  last year. 't islast year. 't is rumoured rumoured  that his rows with histhat his rows with hisformer glamour model wife 0yriaformer glamour model wife 0yria could havecould have risen to asrisen to asmany as four a day. 't ismany as four a day. 't is li"ely li"el y  that the onder eddingthat the onder edding6ating "gency, who pay him 34 million a year to be the face6ating "gency, who pay him 34 million a year to be the faceof their ‘(appy (earts $ake (appy (omes’ campaignof their ‘(appy (earts $ake (appy (omes’ campaign wouldwouldbebe very unhappy to have a spokesman whose marriage wasvery unhappy to have a spokesman whose marriage wason the skids. The T9 star’s close friends areon the skids. The T9 star’s close friends are reported re ported  to beto bevery concerned. ay’s non&appearance on last night’svery concerned. ay’s non&appearance on last night’sedition of (ow $ean 's /our 0pouse1edition of (ow $ean 's /our 0pouse1 may point tomay point to continuing problems in his stormy relationship with thecontinuing problems in his stormy relationship with the

    curvaceous 0yria.’ curvaceous 0yria.’ 

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    Persuasive tecni

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    Persuasive $ritingPersuasive $riting Persuasive writing tends to use certain techni$ues.Persuasive writing tends to use certain techni$ues.

    Some of the most common are7Some of the most common are7

    re#etitionre#etition of words or phrasesof words or phrases

    dramatic&soundingdramatic&sounding sort sentencessort sentences

    including the reader by usingincluding the reader by using $e and re!ated $ords$e and re!ated $ords

    askingasking retorica!

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    No$ tr0 tis?No$ tr0 tis?

     "o see these persuasive techni$ues in "o see these persuasive techni$ues in

    use, read the following te#t.use, read the following te#t.

    !t is for a speech to a class.!t is for a speech to a class.

    How many e#amples can you (nd of eachHow many e#amples can you (nd of eachtechni$ue being used;techni$ue being used;

    ‘‘(ow would you like to stand out from the crowd1 (ow would you like(ow would you like to stand out from the crowd1 (ow would you liketo be remembered1 (ow would you like to become more famous1to be remembered1 (ow would you like to become more famous1

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    to be remembered1 (ow would you like to become more famous1to be remembered1 (ow would you like to become more famous1

     "ll this can be achieved if you oin me. ' want us, all of us, to sit "ll this can be achieved if you oin me. ' want us, all of us, to sitdown in *rinces 0treet and bring :dinburgh to a halt.down in *rinces 0treet and bring :dinburgh to a halt.

    Think of it. 'magine it. *icture it. e could be walking past the shopsThink of it. 'magine it. *icture it. e could be walking past the shopsas normal, blending in with the rest of the crowd. Then suddenly,as normal, blending in with the rest of the crowd. Then suddenly,when the lights are at red, we’ll pour on to the pedestrian crossingwhen the lights are at red, we’ll pour on to the pedestrian crossingand sit down.and sit down.

    Think of the power. e’ll be in control of the tra#c. e’ll be inThink of the power. e’ll be in control of the tra#c. e’ll be incontrol of the centre of :dinburgh. e’ll have the eyes of the mediacontrol of the centre of :dinburgh. e’ll have the eyes of the mediaup on us as they try to %nd out why we’ve done this.up on us as they try to %nd out why we’ve done this.

    /ou might think, ‘on’t the police ust drag us away1’ ;o + because/ou might think, ‘on’t the police ust drag us away1’ ;o + becausethey won’t dare lay hands on a group of teenagers, especially if wethey won’t dare lay hands on a group of teenagers, especially if we put he youngest, prettiest girls on the outside of the group. /ou put he youngest, prettiest girls on the outside of the group. /ou

    might say, ‘on’t we get arrested1’ '’m asking you to sit in the road,might say, ‘on’t we get arrested1’ '’m asking you to sit in the road,not to break shop windows or threaten drivers.not to break shop windows or threaten drivers.


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    Writing 0our essa0/Writing 0our essa0/$at a##ens ne=t$at a##ens ne=t

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    No$ tr0 tis?No$ tr0 tis? !f youve chosen :iscursive or Persuasive!f youve chosen :iscursive or Persuasive

    Writing its now time to write your piece.Writing its now time to write your piece.

    !n class, but under e#am conditions, sit!n class, but under e#am conditions, sitdown and write your piece.down and write your piece.


     "his should take you around an hour to "his should take you around an hour to


    No$ tr0 tis?No$ tr0 tis?

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    No$ tr0 tis?No$ tr0 tis? When youve (nished, read your work over before you hand it in toWhen youve (nished, read your work over before you hand it in to

    your teacher.your teacher.  "hink about the four areas you will be assessed on and ask yourself "hink about the four areas you will be assessed on and ask yourself

    the following $uestions7the following $uestions7

    ContentContent Have ! stuck to my task;Have ! stuck to my task; Have ! developed my ideas;Have ! developed my ideas;

    StructureStructure !s my work organised, straightforward, and clear to follow;!s my work organised, straightforward, and clear to follow;

    E=#ressionE=#ression Have ! followed the guidelines in this chapter about the genre ofHave ! followed the guidelines in this chapter about the genre of

    writing !m attempting;writing !m attempting; Have ! used good vocabulary and di9erent sorts of sentences;Have ! used good vocabulary and di9erent sorts of sentences; !s my point of view clear;!s my point of view clear;

    Tecnica! accurac0Tecnica! accurac0 +re my spelling, grammar and punctuation the best ! can possibly+re my spelling, grammar and punctuation the best ! can possibly


    W t tBW t tB

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    Wat a##ens ne=tBWat a##ens ne=tB

     'our teacher will mark your work and let 'our teacher will mark your work and let

    you know if its good enough.you know if its good enough.

    !f it is, you will have passed and that is!f it is, you will have passed and that isthe end of this +%.the end of this +%.

    !f it still needs some improvement, your!f it still needs some improvement, yourteacher should advise you what needs toteacher should advise you what needs to

    be changed.be changed.