discrete perimeter plasmon excitations of electron gases in a quasi-one-dimensional wire: ring...

Volume 149, number 4 PHYSICS LETTERS A 24 September 1990 Discrete perimeter plasmon excitations of electron gases in a quasi-one-dimensional wire: ring geometry Fengyi Huang School ofElectrical Engineering, University ofBath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK Received 26 March 1990; revised manuscript received 21 June 1990; accepted for publication 11 July 1990 Communicated by R.C. Davidson A self-consistent-field theory is applied to electron gases confined to a quasi-one-dimensional wire with a ring geometry. An analytical expression of the dynamic dielectric function is obtained. Collective excitations of the electron gases are studied. Dif- ferent from the usual two-dimensional or quasi-one-dimensional plasmon modes, novel perimeter plasmon modes of the discrete dispersion relation due to angular subband transitions are found. The development of molecular-beam epitaxy as a called the angular inter-subband discrete perimeter technique for the growth of high-quality semicon- plasmon. ductor crystals has caused a new dimension in the The structure of the electron gases with a ring ge- experimental study of the properties of narrow-chan- ometry is based on the recent experiment for study- nel microstructures. Quantum well wire (QWW) and ing Aharonov—Bohm oscillations of a heterostruc- quantum dot structures have been realized and stud- ture ring [7]. Using a novel split-gate technique, ied extensively. Recent research interest in these sys- high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) tems include the investigation of magnetotransport derices have been fabricated on GaAs—A1GaAs het- properties [1] and plasmon excitations [2—6].Us- erostructures with a ring structure. A layer of metal ing a self-consistent-field theory, the plasmon exci- on the top of the AlAs acts as a Schottky gate, de- tations in a single QWW and inter-subband modes pleting the 2DEG beneath it when a negative bias is of quasi-one-dimensional QWWs with a superlattice applied. The 2DEG can be constrained to a narrow structure have been studied [2—4]. Plasmon exci- channel with variable width controlled by changing tations in a special kind of QWW with electrons con- the bias voltage. If the typical length of the ring is fined to a cylindrical surface have also been studied comparable to the phase coherence length of the [5]. Different from the quantum approach, a hy- electrons, the motion of electrons in this structure is drodynamic model has been proposed to explain the quantized, which allows us to consider the subband magneto-edge plasmon modes of electron gases con- transition of electrons in this structure. fined to a restricted two-dimensional plane, such as A schematic explanation of the quasi-one-dimen- a disk structure [6]. In this paper we study the plas- sional cylindrical QWW with a ring geometry is mon modes of electron gases confined to a quasi-one- shown in fig. 1. Electrons are confined in a ring with dimensional QWW with a ring geometry. It is found inside radius a 1 and outside radius a2. Electrons are that when the angular inter-subband transitions are only allowed to move in the plane perpendicular to taken into consideration, the collective modes be- the ring axis, i.e., the z direction, in our discussion, come discrete in the plasmon dispersion with an- as a result a sequence of electronic subbands is gular quantum numbers, which is different from any formed. kind of two-dimensional or quasi-one-dimensional The effective-mass Hamiltonian describing an plasmon mode. Since this novel plasmon mode is electron confined to a ring structure in the presence confined to the perimeter of the ring structure, it is of an effective potential V~ff(r) can be written as Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) 219

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Page 1: Discrete perimeter plasmon excitations of electron gases in a quasi-one-dimensional wire: ring geometry

Volume149, number4 PHYSICSLETTERSA 24 September1990

Discreteperimeterplasmonexcitationsof electrongasesin a quasi-one-dimensionalwire: ring geometry

FengyiHuangSchool ofElectricalEngineering,UniversityofBath, BathBA2 7AY, UK

Received26March1990; revisedmanuscriptreceived21 June1990; acceptedfor publication11 July 1990Communicatedby R.C. Davidson

A self-consistent-fieldtheory is appliedto electrongasesconfinedto a quasi-one-dimensionalwire with a ring geometry.Ananalyticalexpressionof thedynamicdielectricfunction is obtained.Collectiveexcitationsof theelectrongasesarestudied.Dif-ferentfrom theusualtwo-dimensionalorquasi-one-dimensionalplasmonmodes,novelperimeterplasmonmodesofthediscretedispersionrelationduetoangularsubbandtransitionsarefound.

Thedevelopmentof molecular-beamepitaxyasa called the angularinter-subbanddiscreteperimetertechniquefor the growth of high-quality semicon- plasmon.ductorcrystalshas causeda new dimensionin the The structureof the electrongaseswith a ring ge-experimentalstudyofthepropertiesof narrow-chan- ometry is basedon therecentexperimentfor study-nel microstructures.Quantumwell wire (QWW) and ing Aharonov—Bohmoscillationsof a heterostruc-quantumdotstructureshavebeenrealizedandstud- ture ring [7]. Using a novel split-gate technique,ied extensively.Recentresearchinterestin thesesys- high-mobility two-dimensionalelectrongas (2DEG)temsinclude the investigationof magnetotransport dericeshavebeenfabricatedon GaAs—A1GaAshet-properties[1] andplasmonexcitations [2—6].Us- erostructureswith a ring structure.A layerof metaling a self-consistent-fieldtheory, the plasmonexci- on the top of the AlAs actsas a Schottkygate, de-tationsin a singleQWW andinter-subbandmodes pletingthe 2DEGbeneathit whena negativebiasisof quasi-one-dimensionalQWWswith a superlattice applied.The 2DEGcanbeconstrainedto a narrowstructurehavebeenstudied [2—4]. Plasmonexci- channelwith variablewidth controlledby changingtationsin a specialkind of QWW with electronscon- the bias voltage.If the typical length of the ring isfinedto a cylindrical surfacehavealsobeenstudied comparableto the phasecoherencelength of the[5]. Different from the quantum approach,a hy- electrons,the motion of electronsin this structureisdrodynamicmodel hasbeenproposedto explainthe quantized,which allows us to considerthe subbandmagneto-edgeplasmonmodesof electrongasescon- transitionof electronsin this structure.finedto a restrictedtwo-dimensionalplane,suchas A schematicexplanationof the quasi-one-dimen-a disk structure[6]. In thispaperwestudytheplas- sional cylindrical QWW with a ring geometry ismonmodesofelectrongasesconfinedto aquasi-one- shownin fig. 1. Electronsare confinedin a ringwithdimensionalQWW with a ringgeometry.It is found insideradiusa1 andoutsideradiusa2. Electronsarethatwhen the angularinter-subbandtransitionsare only allowedto movein the planeperpendiculartotaken into consideration,the collective modesbe- the ring axis,i.e., the z direction, in our discussion,comediscretein the plasmondispersionwith an- as a result a sequenceof electronicsubbandsisgularquantumnumbers,which is differentfrom any formed.kind of two-dimensionalor quasi-one-dimensional The effective-massHamiltonian describing anplasmonmode.Sincethis novel plasmonmode is electronconfinedto a ring structurein the presenceconfinedto theperimeterof thering structure,it is of an effectivepotential V~ff(r)canbe written as

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Page 2: Discrete perimeter plasmon excitations of electron gases in a quasi-one-dimensional wire: ring geometry

Volume149, number4 PHYSICSLETTERSA 24 September1990


2OH=__öflô(z). (5)Cs

After a Fourier transformationof 0 and a Hankeltransformaboutr, eq. (5) becomes

(02/8z2—p2)Ø(p, atm, z)Fig. 1. Schematicexplanationofthequasi-one-dimensionalelec-trongasin acylindrical QWWwith aring geometry.Themotion = — ~n(p) ~(z) , (6)ofelectronsis confinedto theplaneperpendicularto thering axis.


h2 ~l ô ô 1 ô2

H=— + ~ + Ve~(r)). (1) Sn(p)= J~rn(Pr)8n(r, i~m)rdr. (7)Thesolutiontoeq. (6),with theboundarycondition

Weassumethat the completeset of quantumnum- that the potential is zero at infinity, isbers representingthe quantizedmotion of electronsin thissystemis v= (m, n), wherem is the angular ØH(p /~m,z)quantumnumberwith m=0, ±1, ±2,..., anddif-

=(—e/t5)~n(p)(—l/2p)exp(—pIzI). (8)

ferent subbandswithin the sameangularquantumlevel aredenotedby n with n=0, 1, 2, 3 Thecor- At z=0 we getrespondingeigenenergyandeigenfunctionare given eby mn and~mn(r),with theangularpartof thewave- ØH(p, ~m)= — ~n(p) . (9)function of the form exp(imØ). 2pe.

Let usestablishthedynamicresponsetheoryof an The inverseHankeltransformgiveselectrongasin a QWW in theabsenceof an externalmagneticfield. An externalperturbationof the form OH(r ~m)= JpdpJ~m(pr)OH(p,sm). (10)

~ r, 0; t) = Ø~( r, L~m;U)) exp( iwt— thm0) (2) In all theexpressionsthetimedependenceof thepo-

tentialsis of the form exp(iwt).will inducea perturbedelectrondensity,which in Theexchange—correlationpotentialØ’”~canbe ob-turn inducesperturbedHartreeandexchange—cor- tamedby following thetreatmentof Kohn andShamrelationpotentials.The total perturbation [9]. In the following treatmentthe exchange—cor-

relationpart is omitted.= Øex

t + ~ +Ø~ (3) After substitutingön obtainedfrom eq. (4) intoeq. (10), the perturbedHartreepotentialcanbe re-

isalsoof theform of (2). FollowingtheEhrenreich— lated to the total potentialdefinedby eq. (3). TheCohenself-consistent-fieldprescription[8], the lin- propertiesof theelectrongascanbedescribedby theear-responseapproximationleads to the induced responseof the electrongas to theexternalpertur-electrondensity bations.In thefollowing discussion,wetaketheelec-

tron profile in theradialdirectionasa 5 function,i.e.,~5~ (,,—C,,—ha) ~n(r,Ø;t)=8n(Ø,t)d(r—a) , (11)

X <vIH1 Iv’> <ii’ Iô(x’ —xflv> , (4) with a the ring radius.This correspondsto a very

narrow ring width suchthat ~—~a2= a. In this casewhere f0 is the Fermi—Dirac distribution function, we need only consider the angular subbandandH1 = — eØ. transitions.

The perturbedHartreepotentialcanbe obtained The matrix elementsfor the Hartreepotentialbe-from the Poissonequation, tweenthe initial stateand the final stateis


Page 3: Discrete perimeter plasmon excitations of electron gases in a quasi-one-dimensional wire: ring geometry

Volume 149, number4 PHYSICSLETTERSA 24 September1990

<OIOH(a,Am;w) I Am>

V(Am)TI(Am,w)<0IO(a,Am;w)IAm>.5 xlØ

3(12) ~2.8

i04Theparametersare definedas follows,


V(Eim)=f-JJ~m(pa)dP~ (13)

mo / 1 1.4~H(Am,w)=2 ~


+ 1 (14)Cm Cm+tsm +hwj

Thesummationis over all the occupiedstates,and 0 ~m

0 is thehighestangularlevel occupied,which is re-latedto thenumberdensityof theelectrongas in thering, n, by Fig. 2. Plasmonexcitationsof electrongasesin a QWW with a

ring geometry.The dispersionof themodeshasdiscretevalues= ~ (rtan — I) . (15) for differentangulartransitionquantumnumbers~m, thesolid

linesaresimplyguidesto theeyes.The numbersrepresentingtwo

Thedynamicdielectnc functionis definedas differentstructuresdenotethehighestquantumlevelsoccupied.<oext>

= <0> (16) ture hasbeenneglected,which shouldbeconsideredfor a realsystem.The effectof afinite ring width re-

From the expressionsabovefollows sults in additionalquantizedmotion for a givenan-

gular quantum numberm, as mentionedbefore,�~m(w)lV(Am)17~ (w). (17) .

which yields the eigenstatesdenotedby two quan-Mostof theimportantpropertiesof electrongases, turn numbers,mand n. Since bothmandn repre-

which respondto an externalelectric field, will be sentquantizedmotionsthe discretecharacterof thereflectedby the dynamicaldielectric function. The plasmamodeswould notbechangedasthequantumconditionfor the collectiveexcitation (plasmon)of numbern is considered.It is worth noting that, inthe systemis that self-sustainingoscillationsin the order to realizethe quantizedmotion alongthe an-electrondensityoccur.As is well knownthe disper- gular direction, the typical length of the ring is re-sionrelationofthecollectivemodesisgivenby Cs,,,(q, quired to be comparableto the phasecoherencew) = 0. From eq. (17) weget length of the electrons,so that electronswill move

/ ~ / ,~ / ~~ many timesalongthe ring beforethey are scatteredl=V~Am,iJ~m~U)j. ~ . ,

by impuntiesand lose their phasecoherence.TheNumericalcalculationswherecarriedoutandthe discreteplasmonmodeswill bebroadenedasa result

resultsareshownin fig. 2. Theelectronnumberden- of the scattering.Thewell width fluctuation,whichsity is takenasn = 108 cm’. Theplasmonfrequen- is expectedto be importantas the ring radius be-ciesas a function of theangulartransitionquantum comes very small, is anothermechanisminducingnumberare calculatedfor two conditionswith dif- plasmamodebroadening.All theseeffectsresult inferent highest level occupied, m0= 5 x10~,and a changein the plasmonmodesso that the originalm0= 1 0~.Thedispersionhasdiscretevaluesfor dif- discretemodefor a givenquantumnumberwill beferentangularquantumnumbersAm, andthe solid extendedto a finite width, but the modesfor differ-lines are simply guidesto the eyes. entquantumnumbersremaindiscrete.The electron

In ourdiscussionthefinite width ofthe ring struc- gassystemconsideredherehasfewer electronscorn-


Page 4: Discrete perimeter plasmon excitations of electron gases in a quasi-one-dimensional wire: ring geometry

Volume 149,number4 PHYSICSLETTERSA 24 September1990

paredto theusual two-dimensionalor quasi-one-di- ring. Thisdiscreteplasmonmodeshouldbe observ-mensionalelectrongasesof a superlatticestructure, able in experiment.Theproof thatcollectivemodesshouldexist in thissystem is the recentexperimentin quantumdots[10], fractionalquantizationhasbeenobservedin Referencesa structurewith the numberof electronsevenlessthanhundred.Thereare manymethodsto observe [I ] G. Timp, A.M. Chang,P. Mankiewich,R. Behringer,J.E.Cunningham,T.Y. ChangandR.E.Howard,Phys.Rev.Lett.the low energy acousticplasmonexcitationsof elec- 59 (1987)732.tron gases,suchaselectronenergylossandinfrared [21P.F.Williams andA.N. Bloch,Phys.Rev.B 10(1974)1097.

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