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Page 1: DETOX PROGRAM 14 Day - Amazon S3 · your diet can result in profound benefits to your health. Over the next 14 days, you’ll be adhering to a diet abundant in clean, real, wholesome


Page 2: DETOX PROGRAM 14 Day - Amazon S3 · your diet can result in profound benefits to your health. Over the next 14 days, you’ll be adhering to a diet abundant in clean, real, wholesome


Congratulationson choosing to kick-startyour ALOHA lifestyle!

Congratulations on choosing to participate in ALOHA’s Detox Program! It’s a huge—HUGE—step to take ownership of your health and vitality. Making sense of the conflicting information regarding which products and foods are best for optimal health can be both overwhelming and confusing. But know this: nutrition is an incredibly powerful tool and when incorporated correctly, making shifts inyour diet can result in profound benefitsto your health.

Over the next 14 days, you’ll be adhering to a diet abundant in clean, real, wholesome foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean, pasture-raised animal protein, seeds, smoothies and juices. And, as much as this will be an “integration” diet, you will need to “eliminate” some dietary health offenders. Of course, you’ll also be incorporating ALOHA into your daily routine!

ALOHA products are designed to fit into every type of lifestyle, but work best when used in conjunction with a nutritious diet, moderate exercise routine, and tools to manage stress. This program includes ALOHA Protein, ALOHA Daily Good Greens, ALOHA Foundation capsules, and ALOHA Clean Tea.

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What isinflammation?

“It might come as a surprise to you, butmost of us are walking around in a state ofsystemic inflammation.”

In order to feel incredible and look fabulous, we’ve got to reduce that — which is why this program was designed with this goal in mind: lower inflammation!

The inflammatory process is integral to our survival; the ability to fight off a viral or bacterial infection is dependent on this response. However, inflammation can wreak havoc on our bodies and has been cited as playing a central role in many chronic diseases like heart disease, Diabetes, even many cancers. It also happens to be a dieter’s worst nightmare because systemic inflammation leads to water retention and swelling as a reaction to the inflammatory chemicals being perpetually released. Stress, exposure to toxins, and most importantly, a poor diet create inflammation. Luckily, our bodies recover relatively quickly and when we create the right internal environment

through proper diet, exercise and stress management, our bodies have a magnificent ability to heal — allowing you to look and feel your absolute best.

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What causesinflammation?

Diets rich in processed foods, refined carbohydrates and stimulants contribute to systemic inflammation, as does a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and unresolved emotional trauma, among other things. Interestingly, food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances are some of the most common— and often overlooked—causes of systemic inflammation. We’re not talking anaphylaxis; but the ones that provoke subtler and delayed reactions.

Because this type of an allergic reaction is so delayed—sometimes up to 36 or 48 hours—it’s next to impossible to associate the reaction with a certain food; even harder to isolate the exact culprit.

The symptoms of these types of allergies range from fluid retention, weight gain, fatigue and sinus congestion to mood swings, eczema, headaches and joint pain—symptoms that as a society, we’ve come to accept as part of the aging process and modern living. Since we want to reduce overall inflammation through this program, we’re asking you to remove foods that many people might have low-grade sensitivities, allergies or intolerances to.

In a greater effort to reduce your overall inflammatory load, we’ve included ALOHA Foundation as part of the program. Turmeric gets its bright orange color from curcumin, one of nature’s most potent anti-inflammatory agents. Used in India for thousands of years, this rhizome (related to ginger) has been studied for its effect on various diseases, ranging from Ulcerative Colitis and psoriasis to Alzheimer’s disease and pancreatic cancer. In addition, black pepper helps with the absorption of turmeric. Also anti-inflammatory is the Ayurvedic herb guduchi, which has been shown to help with your body’s stress response. It’s really a kick-ass combination and we’re psyched for you to use it! Take one ALOHA Foundation capsule daily.

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What you’ll be eatingYES-LIST

ALOHA Vanilla Protein, Wild Fish & Shellfish, Grass-Fed Beef & Bison, Pasture-Raised Lamb, Organic Turkey, Black Beans, Chickpeas, Lentils, White Beans

ALOHA Daily Good, Whole Vegetables, Leafy Greens, Onions, Garlic, Leeks, Shallots, Beets, Carrots, Winter Squash

Apples, Blueberries, Pears, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums, Raspberries, Blackberries, Papaya

Avocado, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil

Quinoa, Short-Grain Brown Rice

Raw Honey, Coconut Sugar, ALOHA Coconut Water Sweetener

Filtered Water, Herbal Teas, Coconut Water,Fresh-Pressed Vegetable Juice, Almond, Hemp, Rice, Canned Coconut Milk

All Except for Cashews, Peanuts and Pistachios








Nuts and Seeds

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What you’ll be eatingNO-LIST

Gluten (Wheat, Barley, Rye,) Oats,White Rice

Tomatoes, Eggplant, Bell Peppers, Parsnips, Potatoes (White, Blue, Yellow), Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Corn

Banana, Mango, Pineapple, Orange, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Dried Fruit

Maple Syrup, Cane Sugar, Sugar, Agave Nectar, Artificial Sweeteners (Equal, Splenda, Sweet’N Low, Truvia,) Stevia

Eggs, Chicken, Soy (including Milk, Tofu, Soybeans, etc,) Factory Farmed Fish, Beef or Poultry

Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios

Coffee, Caffeinated Tea, Sodas, Diet & Regular, Fruit Juice

Butter, Canola Oil, Vegetable Shortening








Processed FoodsBeverages


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TIPS!Coconut Oil is made of medium chain triglycerides, which are used - and burned

by our bodies quickly and efficiently.

A lot of us have food sensitivities we’re not even aware of, which is why we’veleft out the common offenders like dairy, gluten, eggs, chicken and soy. We want to give

your body a break from inflammation.

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To make things easier, you’ll be drinking a smoothie each morning, made with ALOHA’s kickass protein powder! We sourced the best possible ingredients to create a protein powder that tastes delicious, dissolves well and has the nutrients to sustain your energy for hours. Made from pea protein, hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds, it’s low-allergen because we’ve left out the soy and dairy. Hemp seeds contain a perfect ratio of all your Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids so your skin will glow and your joints will move comfortably. We’ve included a bunch of smoothie recipes for you to choose from, but feel free to use your own if you have a favorite.

“Whenever possible, make lunch your biggest meal.”

The less food your body has to digestlater in the day (at dinner, for example),the better.

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CarbohydratesMeal Breakdown

Greens and non-starchy vegetables should make up at least half of your plate at both lunch and dinner. That might sound like a lot at first, but with all the delicious recipes we’ve included, we bet you’llwant even more.

We all know we’re supposed to be eating our fruits and veggies but many of us still struggle with getting enough in each day. In fact, many of us aren’t coming even close to the recommended amount. And since fruits and vegetables (especially the green ones) are the superstars of nutrition, we’ve made things easier for you.

“ALOHA Daily Good is the easiest (and arguably most delicious) way to up yourveggie intake.”

You’re going to use a packet every day in this program. How you use it and when is up to you. But, we like to throw it into our smoothies or even just mix it with water for a mid-morning boost.

Since we need more fuel during the day than at night, lunch should include a½ cup of either a starchy vegetable or an “allowed” gluten-free grain (brown rice, quinoa, etc.). Be mindful of sticking to the ½ cup serving size—it might be an adjustment at first!

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Brussels Sprouts



Collard Green


Swiss Chard


Summer Squash

Bok Choy


Mesclun Greens

Lettuce: Romaine, Bibb, Red Leaf

Water Cress


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Winter Squash (acorn, butternut, delicata, kabocha)



Green Peas


“Please note that if you plan on continuing an intense exercise regimen during the 14 Day Detox Program, you should consume one full cup of starchy vegetables or gluten-free grain at lunch and an additional 1/2 cup at dinner.”

Examples of intense exercise include

45-min + spin class

Kettle bell swing session/class

High intensity interval training

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ProteinMeal Breakdown

Lean protein should fill up about ¼ of your plate—aim for 3-5 ounces at each meal. It’s very important that you consume protein whenever eating, including snacks. Why? Well, among many other qualities, protein anchors blood sugar; it keeps it from spiking or dropping dramatically.

Why is this important? Stable blood sugar is an absolutely integral component of health.

Let Us Explain

Many of us have heard of insulin, usually as it relates to Diabetes; we all know at least one person who needs to give themselves shots of insulin prior to eating. But insulin isn’t just important to diabetics—it’s vital to all of us. Understanding its role in blood sugar regulation is essential to weight management and overall health.

When we eat something that contains carbohydrates—and remember, carbohydrates aren’t villains if they’re the “good” ones found in fruits and vegetables—our blood sugar rises. When our blood sugar rises, our pancreas

secretes insulin. Insulin signals the body’s cells to absorb the glucose/sugar in the blood that’s making it rise. As the cells begin to absorb the glucose, blood sugar lowers back to its normal state. But here’s the thing about insulin: it tells our bodies to store fat and is incredibly inflammatory when secreted continuously (as in the case of a sugar/carbohydrate-dense diet and/or constant grazing)!

What does this have to do with protein? Protein helps control how much our blood sugar spikes when ingesting carbohydrates. In addition, protein also helps to keep blood sugar from dropping too low—if you’re someone who gets sweaty, jittery, or dizzy if you haven’t eaten in a while, you might have low blood sugar.

Bottom line is this...“Make sure to eat protein at every meal and include some in your daily snacks as well.”

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FatsMeal Breakdown

If there’s one thing we want you to embrace and carry with you after these three weeks have passed, it’s this: don’t be scared of eating fat! It’s a shame that most of us associate dietary fat with becoming fat—it’s likely due to semantics since it’s the same word—including adequate amounts of healthy fats into your diet is essential to feeling and looking your best.

When did dietary fat become the villain? Well, in the 1990s, there was a lot of research that seemed to suggest a diet low in fat was the most heart-protective. This wave of fat-fear gave way to products like Snackwells—loaded

with sugar/carbohydrates but fat-free; millions of people believed that eating fat-free was the highway to health and skinny jeans. But guess what? They were wrong. So wrong, in fact, that this time period corresponded to a dramatic increase in the diagnoses of both insulin sensitivity and diabetes. In the last few years, research has increasingly demonstrated that dietary fat—even saturated fat—and cholesterol do not correlate with heart disease; rather, diets that are rich in processed starches and sugars increase risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases.

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FatsMeal Breakdown

“Dietary Fats are absolutely necessary to overall health for many reasons.”

Vitamins A, D, E and K are all fat-soluble, meaning they need to dissolve first in fat before our bodies can use them. Dietary fats keep our hair shiny, our skin glowing and nails strong. In terms of hunger, fats keep up full: they satiate. Have you ever eaten a significant amount of boneless skinless chicken breast only to realize that you’re starving not long after? That’s because there’s barely any fat to anchor your hunger.

Sources Of Healthy Fats

Coconut Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Flax Oil

Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans

Fatty Fish Like Salmon and Mackerel

Grass-Fred Beef, Bison and Lamb

This should be obvious but we feel so strongly about it that we want to call attention to it just in case.

“On this program - and life in general - you must make every effort to avoidtrans-fats.”Trans-fats have been manufactured in factories by manipulating the shape of the molecule. It’s now mandatory that a Nutrition Facts label includes the amount of trans-fat, but many food companies have sneaky ways of manipulating the count. A good rule of thumb is this: “partially hydrogenated oil” or anything “hydrogenated” is a telltale sign that something contains trans-fats.

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FatsMeal Breakdown

“Dietary Fats are absolutely necessary to overall health for many reasons.”

Vitamins A, D, E and K are all fat-soluble, meaning they need to dissolve first in fat before our bodies can use them. Dietary fats keep our hair shiny, our skin glowing and nails strong. In terms of hunger, fats keep up full: they satiate. Have you ever eaten a significant amount of boneless skinless chicken breast only to realize that you’re starving not long after? That’s because there’s barely any fat to anchor your hunger.

Sources Of Healthy Fats

Coconut Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Flax Oil

Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans

Fatty Fish Like Salmon and Mackerel

Grass-Fred Beef, Bison and Lamb

This should be obvious but we feel so strongly about it that we want to call attention to it just in case.

“On this program - and life in general - you must make every effort to avoidtrans-fats.”Trans-fats have been manufactured in factories by manipulating the shape of the molecule. It’s now mandatory that a Nutrition Facts label includes the amount of trans-fat, but many food companies have sneaky ways of manipulating the count. A good rule of thumb is this: “partially hydrogenated oil” or anything “hydrogenated” is a telltale sign that something contains trans-fats.

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WaterMeal Breakdown

The importance of drinking adequate amounts of pure, filtered water cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, most of us don’t come close to drinking the recommended eight glasses each day, which is why a lot of us are walking around partially dehydrated. While tap water is certainly fine in a pinch, filtered is best—and alkaline water, if you can find it, is even better than that. If you don’t already own a water filter (such as Brita), now would be a good time to invest in one. If you’re set on bottled water, brands like Fiji, Essential, Smart Water and Icelandic are best; the bottles are free of the harmful chemicalBPA and they’re alkaline. Whichever you choose, you must drink a minimum of two liters a day. If you’re not used to consuming this much water, it will be difficult at first, but after a few days, your body will have adjusted and you’ll actually crave it. The best way to determine if you’re drinking enough water is through the color of your urine. Ideally, it should be clear; the more yellow it is, the greater degree of dehydration. In terms of weight loss, did you know that most of us mistake thirst for

hunger? It’s always smart to drink a glass of water when you’re feeling hungry—whether before a meal or in between. If the hunger subsides after you’ve finished, you might have just been thirsty. If you’re still hungry, go ahead and eat something but don’t be surprised when you fill up more quickly than anticipated: a glass of water takes up a lot of room in the stomach!

Tips to increase water intake

Sip herbal teas throughout the day

Carry a water bottle with you to work, the

gym, etc

Add some fruit or veggies to your water!

Fresh ideas include:

Sliced Cucumbers, fresh berries, orange

slices - or a combination.

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CaffeineMeal Breakdown

In our fast-paced, multi-tasking world, it’s pretty common that caffeine has become an indispensable tool for a lot of people. For the next 14 days, however, it’s really important that you give it up. If you’re someone who can’t remember the last time they went a day without caffeine, you might experience headaches from withdrawal, but trust that they’re temporary; they won’t last more than a day or two and you might not evenget one at all.

So what, exactly, is the problem with caffeine? It’s a stimulant. Stimulants provide the body with a false sense of energy and stamina. When we feel tired, that’s our body’s way of communicating to us that its energy reserves are low, and that it hasn’t rested enough. So when we drink caffeine—or ingest any type of stimulant—it’s demanding that our body come up with energy it doesn’t have.

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CaffeineMeal Breakdown

Where does the energy come from?

Our adrenal glands! Each of us were born with two of them (each sits atop a kidney) and they produce hormones that are essential to life. You might associate adrenal glands with stress response and with good reason: many of the adrenal hormones, like cortisol and epinephrine are secreted during times of stress. Our bodies were designed to “fight and flight,” but in our modern world, this response can be provoked from everyday stress—both emotional, physiologic, and dietary, as is the case with caffeine.

Sources of Caffeine

Coffee, Including Decaffeinated

Black, Green, White Teas


Sodas, Even Caffeine-Free

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How ToEat?

So we’ve talked about what you should focus on eating during these three weeks, but what about how you’re eating? This isn’t given much attention but it’s just as important. You could be doing everything right in terms of which foods you’re choosing to fuel your body, but if you’re stuck in patterns of mindless eating, it will be very difficult to make—and sustain any lasting changes. If you’ve ever found yourself ravenous with hunger shortly after you’ve consumed a large, nutritious meal, you’re likely someone who regularly engages in mindless eating.

“What do we mean by mindless eating?Just what it sounds like:eating mindlessly.”

Examples include eating while working at your desk, watching television, standing in front of the open refrigerator. There are various factors contributing to our mind registering that we’re eaten enough, that we’re full. Research has shown that our minds need at least 20 minutes to register that we’re full—that’s a long time, especially considering that most of us finish our food within five to 10 minutes. In addition, our minds need to process that it’s been “meal time”. If we’re eating at the same time that we’re responding to emails or focused on a television show, our mind isn’t able to process that it’s been fed, even if plenty of food has been consumed—and so you’ll likely not feel satisfied and be hungry within a short amount of time.

Make an effort these three weeks to really pay attention to what you’re eating and when you’re eating. Chew your food well. Be aware of the different sensations in your mouth provided by various foods. Set a dinner table, light some candles. If you do this regularly, you’ll notice that the familiar hunger pangs won’t be as consistent—and it’s very likely that you’ll feel fullwith less food.

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As you know by now, these 14 days are a kick-start to a healthier lifestyle. Some of you might be looking to lose weight quickly, so it’s important to note that weight loss is not the focus of this program. However, it is very likely that you will lose weight if you follow this program thoroughly. Why? Well, by eliminating commonly allergenic foods, incorporating a stress reduction plan, getting adequate sleep, and getting at least 150 minutes of exercise each week, you’ll reduce inflammation—and weight loss almost always follows suit. It is very likely that you’ll find yourself using the bathroom more than you’re used to, but that’s normal. And actually, it’s a great sign! A lot of people are quick to shrug off losing “water weight”, but they shouldn’t. This indicates that you’re lowering your inflammatory load and that, as we know, leads to lasting weight loss.

If weight loss is your focus, there are additional strategies that will increase the likelihood even more.

These Include

Drinking at least 2-3 liters of pure filtered

water each day

Making sure to get at least 7-8 hours of

sleep each night, ideally more

Reduce the amount of starchy vegetables

you’re eating - or leave them out all


Aim for 10,000 steps each day (correlates

to about five miles)

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Engaging in regular exercise is an important cornerstone of any healthy lifestyle. At the minimum, you should aim for about 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. A lot of people are intimidated by exercise: they convince themselves that they need to belong to a gym or they don’t know how or they don’t have time. It’s understandable to feel that way, but we are here to be your support, motivation and cheering squad. Exercise doesn’t need to be intimidating and can fit into even the busiestof schedules.

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise—it actually can burn a higher percentage of fat than running; it’s completely free andeveryone knows how to do it! If you’re someone who can’t carve out a 30-45 minute chunk of time, that’s okay: split it up. Taking just 10 minutes to walk around your neighborhood in the morning, againin the afternoon, and again after dinner adds up to 30 minutes! And for a lot of people, it’s more manageable to break it up into smaller chunks of time.

Investing in a pedometer is one of the best ways to self-motivate. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy; many smartphones now offer tracking functions if you’d prefer not to purchase another item. The gold standard for health—and even weight loss—is 10,000 steps each day. That amounts to about five miles each day, but don’t get scared: you’re likely to walk more than you think you will on most days. However, having that goal in mind and being able to track progress really makes a difference. If you’ve been living a sedentary lifestyle, be kind to yourself and set a more manageable goal. Instead of 10,000 steps as a goal, maybe your start goal should be 5,000 steps—you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll be able to increase how much you’re walking each day!

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In Ayurveda, there is a concept called ama. In essence, ama, is the energetic expression of our bodies’ toxic load. Individual variations account for the differences in how ama is physically expressed: some might experience back pain, while others have gastrointestinal distress. If you were to have a consultation with an Ayurvedic physician, he or she would ask to see your tongue within minutes of meeting with you.

In Ayurveda—and other ancient healing systems—the tongue is a roadmap of our health, with different areas corresponding to different organ systems; different patterns in certain areas then correspond to different diagnoses. Waking up in the morning with an excessively coated tongue usually indicates sluggish digestion and/or toxins in the colon; this coating is ama.

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“Tounge scraping is an excellent way to remove toxins before brushing your teeth and forcing all those toxins and bacteria back into your system.”

If you don’t have a tongue scraper, they can be found in many health food stores. Or, you can use a teaspoon. Simply drag the scraper or spoon in one long stroke from back to front, and then rinse the scraper. Repeat as many times as needed—you’ll usually need to do this anywhere between three to five times. While you might find this to be an odd ritual at first, we’re willing to bet you’ll get into it and be grateful for its addition.

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It seems that “meditation” is the latest buzzword with everyone from Hollywood celebrities to leaders of Fortune 500 companies touting its powerful benefits. And with good reason: regular practice of meditation has been proven to decrease anxiety, improve emotional stability, increase creativity, develop intuition, gain clarity, among many others. So if meditation really is this magic bullet, why doesn’t everyone practice it? Great question! At ALOHA, we think everyone should; it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself and is an integral component of a holistic lifestyle.

It’s easy to be intimidated by the idea of meditation because it’s not yet well understood by the masses, although it’s getting there. It’s important to remember that it isn’t easy and those who have practiced for years still struggle with it; that’s why it’s called practice. So the first thing you must do is release yourself from the expectation of perfection.

There are dozens of great, helpful apps that are incredibly effective. If you approach meditation with a goal of sitting for 30-40 minutes each day, you’re going to get frustrated— very quickly. Meditation is referred to as a “practice” for this exact reason: it’s hard. It takes continued dedication and commitment and it’s not something that is ever really mastered. The best thing you can do it to start small—even two minutes! Don’t shrug off the potential for benefits reaped from a mere two minutes—we can even point to research that backs it up!

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Meditation comes in various forms, including the traditional sitting meditation, as we discussed above. Carving out time each day to journal, really express yourself, can be considered a different form of meditation since it’s an alternate way to quiet your mind. A wonderful and rewarding addition to your daily routine is to begin a “gratitude practice.” By “gratitude practice,” we mean setting time aside to really reflect on the things for which we’re grateful. Beginning and keeping a “gratitude journal” is a simple, effective way integrating this practice into your life.

“Treat yourself to a nice new journal that you’ll use exclusively for this purpose.”

Set aside time—even if it’s only five minutes—to reflect each day. It might be difficult at first because, unfortunately, this isn’t something we’re accustomed to doing. Being grateful for things like your health and having food on your table is incredibly important and should not be overlooked. However, research shows that a gratitude practice is most effective when our focus shifts towards the smaller things. Being grateful for a day’s blue sky or that you had lunch with a best friend are great examples. Aim for three to four points of gratitude each day.

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1-2½ cup carrot, chopped

½ cup onion, chopped

½ of a zucchini, diced or shredded

1 cup broccoli, chopped (loosely packed)

½ cup red cabbage, chopped

1 tbsp coconut oil

¾ cup canned coconut milk

2 tbsp chickpeas

1 tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp mild yellow curry powder

Salt and pepper to taste

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1-22 lamb chops, grass-fed (about 4 oz each with bone)

1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 clove garlic (chopped)

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper

1 tsp sunflower oil

PREPARATIONHeat coconut oil in wide saucepan or wok over high heat, about 30 seconds.

Add all chopped vegetables and toss continuously for four minutes. Vegetables should look “bright”. Add full-fat coconut milk and spices. Stir to coat. Cook for another 10 minutes, until desired crispness has been reached.

PREPARATIONSeason lamb chops with sea salt and fresh ground pepper, then coat with mustard.

In a sauté pan, add oil, garlic and rosemary and cook over medium heat until fragrant, about 1-2 minutes. With tongs, carefully remove rosemary and garlic from pan.

Increase heat to medium-high. Add lamb chops to pan, cooking about 3-4 minutes per side for medium-rare.

Coconut Milk Vegetable Curry Roasted Lamb Chops with Rosemary

Coconut Milk Vegetable CurryPreparation Ingredients Serves 1-2

Heat coconut oil in wide saucepan or wok over high heat, about 30 seconds.Add all chopped vegetables and toss continuously for four minutes. Vegetables should look “bright”. Add full-fat coconut milk and spices. Stir to coat. Cook for another 10 minutes, until desired crispness has been reached.

½ cup carrot, chopped½ cup onion, chopped½ of a zucchini, diced or shredded1 cup broccoli, chopped (loosely packed)½ cup red cabbage, chopped 1 tbsp coconut oil¾ cup canned coconut milk 2 tbsp chickpeas1 tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped 1 tsp turmeric powder1 tsp mild yellow curry powder Salt and pepper to taste

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1-2½ cup carrot, chopped

½ cup onion, chopped

½ of a zucchini, diced or shredded

1 cup broccoli, chopped (loosely packed)

½ cup red cabbage, chopped

1 tbsp coconut oil

¾ cup canned coconut milk

2 tbsp chickpeas

1 tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp mild yellow curry powder

Salt and pepper to taste

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1-22 lamb chops, grass-fed (about 4 oz each with bone)

1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 clove garlic (chopped)

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper

1 tsp sunflower oil

PREPARATIONHeat coconut oil in wide saucepan or wok over high heat, about 30 seconds.

Add all chopped vegetables and toss continuously for four minutes. Vegetables should look “bright”. Add full-fat coconut milk and spices. Stir to coat. Cook for another 10 minutes, until desired crispness has been reached.

PREPARATIONSeason lamb chops with sea salt and fresh ground pepper, then coat with mustard.

In a sauté pan, add oil, garlic and rosemary and cook over medium heat until fragrant, about 1-2 minutes. With tongs, carefully remove rosemary and garlic from pan.

Increase heat to medium-high. Add lamb chops to pan, cooking about 3-4 minutes per side for medium-rare.

Coconut Milk Vegetable Curry Roasted Lamb Chops with Rosemary

Roasted Lamb Chopswith RosemaryPreparation Ingredients Serves 1-2

Season lamb chops with sea salt and fresh ground pepper, then coat with mustard.In a sauté pan, add oil, garlic and rosemary and cook over medium heat until fragrant, about 1-2 minutes. With tongs, carefully remove rosemary and garlic from pan.Increase heat to medium-high. Add lamb chops to pan, cooking about 3-4 minutes per side for medium-rare.

1 lamb chops, grass-fed (about 4 oz each with bone)1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped 1 tsp Dijon mustard1 clove garlic (chopped)Sea salt and fresh ground pepper 1 tsp sunflower oil

Page 28: DETOX PROGRAM 14 Day - Amazon S3 · your diet can result in profound benefits to your health. Over the next 14 days, you’ll be adhering to a diet abundant in clean, real, wholesome


INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1-21 whole wild-caught black sea bass, gutted, gilled, scaled, fins removed

3 sprigs fresh rosemary

3 sprigs fresh thyme

1 lemon

1 tsp small capers

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper

2 tbsp olive oil

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 420F. Lightly brush a baking dish with olive oil.

With a sharp knife, make three shallow diagonal slices on each side of the fish.

Season the cavity and exterior with sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Lightly coat with olive oil.

Place the sprigs of rosemary and thyme, along with capers, inside the fish cavity.

Place fish on in prepared baking dish.

Bake for 25-30 minutes. Serve with slices of fresh lemon.

Baked Herb-stuffed Whole Fish with Lemon & Capers INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1

½ carrot, diced or shredded

½ cup leek, diced

½ of a zucchini, diced or shredded

½ cup broccoli, chopped (loosely packed)

½ cup cauliflower, chopped (loosely packed)

½ cup Chinese cabbage, sliced

½ cup chickpeas, drained

½ clove garlic

Salt, pepper, to taste

1 tsp coconut oil

PREPARATIONHeat coconut oil in sauté pan or wok for 30 seconds. Add all of the vegetables and stir to coat with oil. Toss continuously for four minutes. Vegetables should look “bright”. Cook for an additional 5-7 minutes, or until desired crispness is reached.

Wok-Fried VeggiesBaked Herb-stuffed WholeFish with Lemon & CapersPreparation Ingredients Serves 1-2

Preheat oven to 420F. Lightly brush a baking dish with olive oil.With a sharp knife, make three shallow diagonal slices on each side of the fish.Season the cavity and exterior with sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Lightly coat with olive oil.Place the sprigs of rosemary and thyme, along with capers, inside the fish cavity.Place fish on in prepared baking dish.Bake for 25-30 minutes. Serve with slices of fresh lemon.

1 whole wild-caught black sea bass, gutted, gilled, scaled, fins removed3 sprigs fresh rosemary3 sprigs fresh thyme1 lemon1 tsp small capersSea salt and fresh ground pepper2 tbsp olive oil

Page 29: DETOX PROGRAM 14 Day - Amazon S3 · your diet can result in profound benefits to your health. Over the next 14 days, you’ll be adhering to a diet abundant in clean, real, wholesome


INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1-21 whole wild-caught black sea bass, gutted, gilled, scaled, fins removed

3 sprigs fresh rosemary

3 sprigs fresh thyme

1 lemon

1 tsp small capers

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper

2 tbsp olive oil

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 420F. Lightly brush a baking dish with olive oil.

With a sharp knife, make three shallow diagonal slices on each side of the fish.

Season the cavity and exterior with sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Lightly coat with olive oil.

Place the sprigs of rosemary and thyme, along with capers, inside the fish cavity.

Place fish on in prepared baking dish.

Bake for 25-30 minutes. Serve with slices of fresh lemon.

Baked Herb-stuffed Whole Fish with Lemon & Capers INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1

½ carrot, diced or shredded

½ cup leek, diced

½ of a zucchini, diced or shredded

½ cup broccoli, chopped (loosely packed)

½ cup cauliflower, chopped (loosely packed)

½ cup Chinese cabbage, sliced

½ cup chickpeas, drained

½ clove garlic

Salt, pepper, to taste

1 tsp coconut oil

PREPARATIONHeat coconut oil in sauté pan or wok for 30 seconds. Add all of the vegetables and stir to coat with oil. Toss continuously for four minutes. Vegetables should look “bright”. Cook for an additional 5-7 minutes, or until desired crispness is reached.

Wok-Fried VeggiesWok-Fried VeggiesPreparation Ingredients Serves 1

Heat coconut oil in wide saucepan or wok over high heat, about 30 seconds.Add all chopped vegetables and toss continuously for four minutes. Vegetables should look “bright”. Add full-fat coconut milk and spices. Stir to coat. Cook for another 10 minutes, until desired crispness has been reached.

½ carrot, diced or shredded½ cup leek, diced½ of a zucchini, diced or shredded½ cup broccoli, chopped (loosely packed)½ cup cauliflower, chopped (loosely packed)½ cup Chinese cabbage, sliced½ cup chickpeas, drained½ clove garlicSalt, pepper, to taste 1 tsp coconut oil

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 25 large carrots, peeled and chopped

Fresh ginger, 1-inch piece

1 cup filtered water

1 cup cold canned coconut milk

½ cup dill, chopped

1 tbsp turmeric powder

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

PREPARATIONIn a medium saucepan, lightly salt two cups water and bring to a boil. Once boiling, add chopped carrots. Allow to cook until soft, about 10 -12 minutes. If the carrots are still hard, cook an additional 3-4 minutes.

Drain but reserve the cooking liquid.

Place carrots and reserved cooking liquid into a high-powered blender or food processor.

Add the coconut milk. Blend until incorporated. Add the fresh dill and lightly season with sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Blend again.

Carrot Ginger SoupINGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 cup butternut squash, chopped

2 cups baby spinach

½ cup leeks, chopped

2 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds

1 tbsp olive oil

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

PREPARATIONIn a medium-sized sauté pan, add all ingredients except for spinach. Cook over medium heat until the squash has softened, about 12 minutes. Add spinach and cook for additional 3 minutes.

Butternut Squash with SpinachCarrot Ginger SoupPreparation Ingredients Serves 2

In a medium saucepan, lightly salt two cups water and bring to a boil. Once boiling, add chopped carrots. Allow to cook until soft, about 10 -12 minutes. If the carrots are still hard, cook an additional 3-4 minutes.Drain but reserve the cooking liquid.Place carrots and reserved cooking liquid into a high-powered blender or food processor.

Add the coconut milk. Blend until incorporated. Add the fresh dill and lightly season with sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Blend again.

5 large carrots, peeled and chopped Fresh ginger, 1-inch piece1 cup filtered water1 cup cold canned coconut milk½ cup dill, chopped1 tbsp turmeric powderSea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

Page 31: DETOX PROGRAM 14 Day - Amazon S3 · your diet can result in profound benefits to your health. Over the next 14 days, you’ll be adhering to a diet abundant in clean, real, wholesome


INGREDIENTS — SERVES 25 large carrots, peeled and chopped

Fresh ginger, 1-inch piece

1 cup filtered water

1 cup cold canned coconut milk

½ cup dill, chopped

1 tbsp turmeric powder

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

PREPARATIONIn a medium saucepan, lightly salt two cups water and bring to a boil. Once boiling, add chopped carrots. Allow to cook until soft, about 10 -12 minutes. If the carrots are still hard, cook an additional 3-4 minutes.

Drain but reserve the cooking liquid.

Place carrots and reserved cooking liquid into a high-powered blender or food processor.

Add the coconut milk. Blend until incorporated. Add the fresh dill and lightly season with sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Blend again.

Carrot Ginger SoupINGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 cup butternut squash, chopped

2 cups baby spinach

½ cup leeks, chopped

2 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds

1 tbsp olive oil

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

PREPARATIONIn a medium-sized sauté pan, add all ingredients except for spinach. Cook over medium heat until the squash has softened, about 12 minutes. Add spinach and cook for additional 3 minutes.

Butternut Squash with SpinachButternut Squash with SpinachPreparation Ingredients Serves 1

In a medium-sized sauté pan, add all ingredients except for spinach. Cook over medium heat until the squash has softened, about 12 minutes. Add spinach and cook for additional 3 minutes.

1 cup butternut squash, chopped2 cups baby spinach1/2 cup leeks, chopped2 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds1 tbsp olive oilSea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 22 cups butternut squash, diced

1 tbsp curry powder

1 cup canned coconut milk

1 tbsp pumpkinseed oil or pumpkinseeds (topping)

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

PREPARATIONPlace the two cups of water, butternut squash and curry powder in a medium-size saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat for 12 minutes or until the squash is fork-tender. Remove from heat but do not drain.

Add the coconut milk to your blender, then add the cooked squash along with any remaining liquid. Blend until smooth, adding additional water for desired consistency. Season to taste with sea salt and pepper. Top with pumpkin seeds or drizzle of pumpkin seed oil. Serve hot or cold.

Butternut Squash Pumpkinseed Soup

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 28oz ground bison or grass-fed beef

2 crowns of white or baby bella mushrooms, chopped

¼ cup shredded carrots

¼ cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped

¼ cup red onion chopped or diced

1 tsp dried marjoram

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

1 tbsp olive oil

PREPARATIONPreheat over to 400°F. Dice and chop the vegetables very finely.

Place chopped vegetables, parsley and ground meat in a medium-sized bowl. Mix well with clean hands, making sure the vegetables and parsley are evenly distributed throughout the meat. Season to taste with sea salt and fresh ground pepper and mix again. Shape mixture into 1-1.5” balls.

Heat the tablespoon of olive in a medium-sized sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add meatballs to pan, turning them frequently to brown on all sides, about 3 minutes.

Remove meatballs from pan and place on parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Place in preheated oven and bake uncovered for 18-20 minutes.

Veggie Beef Meatballs

Butternut SquashPumpkinseed SoupPreparation Ingredients Serves 1-2

Place the two cups of water, butternut squash and curry powder in a medium- size saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat for 12 minutes or until the squash is fork-tender. Remove from heat but do not drain.

Add the coconut milk to your blender, then add the cooked squash along with any remaining liquid. Blend until smooth, adding additional water for desired consistency. Season to taste with sea salt and pepper. Top with pumpkin seeds or drizzle of pumpkin seed oil. Serve hotor cold.

2 cups butternut squash, diced1 tbsp curry powder1 cup canned coconut milk1 tbsp pumpkinseed oil or pumpkinseedsSea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 22 cups butternut squash, diced

1 tbsp curry powder

1 cup canned coconut milk

1 tbsp pumpkinseed oil or pumpkinseeds (topping)

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

PREPARATIONPlace the two cups of water, butternut squash and curry powder in a medium-size saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat for 12 minutes or until the squash is fork-tender. Remove from heat but do not drain.

Add the coconut milk to your blender, then add the cooked squash along with any remaining liquid. Blend until smooth, adding additional water for desired consistency. Season to taste with sea salt and pepper. Top with pumpkin seeds or drizzle of pumpkin seed oil. Serve hot or cold.

Butternut Squash Pumpkinseed Soup

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 28oz ground bison or grass-fed beef

2 crowns of white or baby bella mushrooms, chopped

¼ cup shredded carrots

¼ cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped

¼ cup red onion chopped or diced

1 tsp dried marjoram

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

1 tbsp olive oil

PREPARATIONPreheat over to 400°F. Dice and chop the vegetables very finely.

Place chopped vegetables, parsley and ground meat in a medium-sized bowl. Mix well with clean hands, making sure the vegetables and parsley are evenly distributed throughout the meat. Season to taste with sea salt and fresh ground pepper and mix again. Shape mixture into 1-1.5” balls.

Heat the tablespoon of olive in a medium-sized sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add meatballs to pan, turning them frequently to brown on all sides, about 3 minutes.

Remove meatballs from pan and place on parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Place in preheated oven and bake uncovered for 18-20 minutes.

Veggie Beef MeatballsVeggie Beef MeatballsPreparation

Ingredients Serves 2

Preheat over to 400°F. Dice and chop the vegetables very finely.

Place chopped vegetables, parsley and ground meat in a medium-sized bowl. Mix well with clean hands, making sure the vegetables and parsley are evenly distributed throughout the meat. Season to taste with sea salt and fresh groundpepper and mix again. Shape mixture into 1-1.5” balls.

Heat the tablespoon of olive in a medium-sized sauté pan over medium- high heat. Add meatballs to pan, turning them frequently to brown on all sides, about 3 minutes.

8oz ground bison or grass-fed beef2 crowns of white or baby bella mushrooms, chopped1/4 cup shredded carrots1/4 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped1/4 cup red onion chopped or diced1 tsp dried marjoramSea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste1 tbsp olive oil

Remove meatballs from pan and place on parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Place in preheated oven and bake uncovered for 18-20 minutes.

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 cup curly kale, chopped (stems removed)

½ large cucumber, peeled and chopped

¼ cup shredded beets

¼ cup shredded zucchini


Juice of 1 lemon

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp olive oil

PREPARATIONIn a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil with a form until well combined. Set aside.

Place vegetables in a bowl and toss with prepared dressing. Serve immediately after dressing.

Kale Cucumber Beet Salad

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 2-3Crust1 cup chickpea flour

½ cup water

1 tbsp olive oil

Dash of salt

Topping½ cup curly kale, chopped

1 clove minced garlic

3 tbsp olive oil

4 basil leaves

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 400°F. In a small bowl, combine the kale, minced garlic and olive oil. Set aside. In a medium-sized bowl, combine chickpea flour, ½ cup water, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a dash of sea salt. Mix until well combined. On a lightly greased baking sheet or pizza pan, spread the crust mixture out and form into a round or oval shape. It should be ¼“ to ½“ thick. Pierce dough with dork (to allow steam to evaporate when baking.)

Place crust in oven and bake until it is brown and crispy, about 15 minutes. Remove crust from oven and allow to cool slightly. Add the toppings and place back into the oven for additional 6 minutes.

Serve with fresh basil, if desired.

Chickpea Flour Pizza with Kale, Basil & Hemp Seeds

Kale Cucumber Beet SaladPreparation Ingredients Serves 1

In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil with a form until well combined. Set aside.

Place vegetables in a bowl and toss with prepared dressing. Serve immediately after dressing.

1 cup curly kale, chopped (stems removed)1/2 large cucumber, peeled and chopped1/4 cup shredded beets1/4 cup shredded zucchiniDressing:Juice of 1 lemon1 tbsp apple cider vinegar2 tbsp olive oil

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 cup curly kale, chopped (stems removed)

½ large cucumber, peeled and chopped

¼ cup shredded beets

¼ cup shredded zucchini


Juice of 1 lemon

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp olive oil

PREPARATIONIn a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil with a form until well combined. Set aside.

Place vegetables in a bowl and toss with prepared dressing. Serve immediately after dressing.

Kale Cucumber Beet Salad

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 2-3Crust1 cup chickpea flour

½ cup water

1 tbsp olive oil

Dash of salt

Topping½ cup curly kale, chopped

1 clove minced garlic

3 tbsp olive oil

4 basil leaves

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 400°F. In a small bowl, combine the kale, minced garlic and olive oil. Set aside. In a medium-sized bowl, combine chickpea flour, ½ cup water, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a dash of sea salt. Mix until well combined. On a lightly greased baking sheet or pizza pan, spread the crust mixture out and form into a round or oval shape. It should be ¼“ to ½“ thick. Pierce dough with dork (to allow steam to evaporate when baking.)

Place crust in oven and bake until it is brown and crispy, about 15 minutes. Remove crust from oven and allow to cool slightly. Add the toppings and place back into the oven for additional 6 minutes.

Serve with fresh basil, if desired.

Chickpea Flour Pizza with Kale, Basil & Hemp Seeds

Chickpea Flour Pizza withKale, Basil & Hemp SeedsPreparation

Ingredients Serves 2-3

Preheat oven to 400°F. In a small bowl, combine the kale, minced garlic and olive oil. Set aside. In a medium-sized bowl, combine chickpea flour, ½ cup water, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a dash of sea salt. Mix until well combined. On a lightly greased baking sheet or pizza pan, spread the crust mixture out and form into a round or oval shape. It should be ¼“ to½“ thick. Pierce dough with dork (to allow steam to evaporate when baking.)

Place crust in oven and bake until it is brown and crispy, about 15 minutes.

Crust1 cup chickpea flour1/2 cup water1 tbsp olive oilDash of saltTopping1/2 cup curly kale, chopped1 clove minced garlic3 tbsp olive oil4 basil leaves

Remove crust from oven and allow to cool slightly. Add the toppings and place back into the oven for additional 6 minutes.Serve with fresh basil, if desired.

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 cup mixed berries

1 tbsp toasted coconuts

1 tbsp goji berries

1 cup chia seeds

1 cup water

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp honey

PREPARATIONMix everything together in a bowl.Cover with plastic wrap. Let sit in refrigerator overnight.

Remove from the refrigerator in the morning and enough. Consistency will be very gelatinous, this is normal!

Berry-licious Chia Seeds Pudding

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1-2¼ cup raspberries (fresh or frozen)

½ cup blackberries (fresh or frozen)

¼ cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

Juice of 1 orange

2 cups water

1 tbsp chia seeds

2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein Powder

PREPARATIONPlace all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

Berry Beautiful SmoothieBerry-licious ChiaSeeds PuddingPreparation Ingredients Serves 1

Mix everything together in a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap. Let sit in refrigerator overnight.

Remove from the refrigerator in the morning and enough. Consistency will be very gelatinous, this is normal!

1 cup mixed berries1 tbsp toasted coconuts1 tbsp goji berries1 cup chia seeds1 cup water1 tsp vanilla extract1 tbsp honey

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 cup mixed berries

1 tbsp toasted coconuts

1 tbsp goji berries

1 cup chia seeds

1 cup water

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp honey

PREPARATIONMix everything together in a bowl.Cover with plastic wrap. Let sit in refrigerator overnight.

Remove from the refrigerator in the morning and enough. Consistency will be very gelatinous, this is normal!

Berry-licious Chia Seeds Pudding

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1-2¼ cup raspberries (fresh or frozen)

½ cup blackberries (fresh or frozen)

¼ cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

Juice of 1 orange

2 cups water

1 tbsp chia seeds

2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein Powder

PREPARATIONPlace all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

Berry Beautiful Smoothie

Berry Beautiful SmoothiePreparation Ingredients Serves 1-2

Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

1/4 cup raspberries (fresh or frozen)1/2 cup blackberries (fresh or frozen)1/4 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)Juice of 1 orange2 cups water1 tbsp chia seeds2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein Powder

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1-21 cup cooked butternut squash

½ cup coconut milk

2 tsp olive oil

2 tsp Thai curry

¼ tsp salt, or to taste

Optionalbasil, extra spices, and olive oil for garnish

PREPARATIONHeat oven to 375° with the rack placed in the middle. Cut the butternut squash in half or in sections for faster cooking time. Place cut squash, skin side down, on a baking sheet and either coat with a little oil or cover in foil. Roast for about an hour or until the squash is tender throughout. Scoop the cooked squash into a blender, food processor, or bowl—the ingredients are soft enough to mix with a fork. Add the coconut milk, olive oil, and spices and stir/puree.

Spicy Butternut Squash Soup

Recipe provided by Erin McCulloch

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 21 acorn squash

1 sprig rosemary

1 tbsp coconut oil, divided

2 tsp coconut sugar, divided

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 400F and cover a baking sheet with tinfoil or parchment paper. Cut the acorn squash in half and scoop out the seeds and strings. Poke holes in the flesh side of the squash with a fork, then put a half tablespoon of coconut oil in each half, and one teaspoon of coconut sugar in each half. Crush the rosemary needles and drop them in the acorn squash. Bake approximately 45 minutes, until tender

Roasted Acorn SquashSpicy Butternut Squash SoupPreparation Ingredients Serves 1-2

Heat oven to 375° with the rack placed in the middle. Cut the butternut squash in half or in sections for faster cooking time. Place cut squash, skin side down, on a baking sheet and either coat with a little oil or cover in foil. Roast for about an hour or until the squash is tender throughout.

Scoop the cooked squash into a blender, food processor, or bowl—the ingredients are soft enough to mix with a fork. Add the coconut milk, olive oil, and spices and stir/puree.

Recipe provided by Erin McCulloch

1 cup cooked butternut squash1/2 cup coconut milk2 tsp olive oil

2 tsp Thai curry1/4 tsp salt, or to taste

Optionalbasil, extra spices, and olive oil for garnish

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 1-21 cup cooked butternut squash

½ cup coconut milk

2 tsp olive oil

2 tsp Thai curry

¼ tsp salt, or to taste

Optionalbasil, extra spices, and olive oil for garnish

PREPARATIONHeat oven to 375° with the rack placed in the middle. Cut the butternut squash in half or in sections for faster cooking time. Place cut squash, skin side down, on a baking sheet and either coat with a little oil or cover in foil. Roast for about an hour or until the squash is tender throughout. Scoop the cooked squash into a blender, food processor, or bowl—the ingredients are soft enough to mix with a fork. Add the coconut milk, olive oil, and spices and stir/puree.

Spicy Butternut Squash Soup

Recipe provided by Erin McCulloch

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 21 acorn squash

1 sprig rosemary

1 tbsp coconut oil, divided

2 tsp coconut sugar, divided

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 400F and cover a baking sheet with tinfoil or parchment paper. Cut the acorn squash in half and scoop out the seeds and strings. Poke holes in the flesh side of the squash with a fork, then put a half tablespoon of coconut oil in each half, and one teaspoon of coconut sugar in each half. Crush the rosemary needles and drop them in the acorn squash. Bake approximately 45 minutes, until tender

Roasted Acorn SquashRoasted Acorn SquashPreparation Ingredients Serves 2

Preheat oven to 400F and cover a baking sheet with tinfoil or parchment paper. Cut the acorn squash in half and scoop out the seeds and strings. Poke holes in the flesh side of the squash with a fork, then puta half tablespoon of coconut oil in each half, and one teaspoon of coconut sugar in each half. Crush the rosemary needles and drop them in the acorn squash. Bake approximately 45 minutes, until tender

1 acom squash1 sprig rosemary1 tbsp coconut oil, divided2 tsp coconut sugar, divided

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 3-41 pound Brussels Sprouts

1 tsp unrefined coconut oil

Sea salt

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 425. Trim Brussels sprouts and slice in half lengthwise if large. Place in medium-sized bowl and massage with coconut oil. Season to taste with sea salt. Evenly spread Brussels sprout onto baking sheet. Roast for 25-30 minutes, or until starting to brown and soften.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Recipe provided by Jillian Tuchman

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 6-81 head cauliflower, chopped

1.5 quarts organic vegetable stock

2 cloves garlic

1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped

Salt and pepper, to taste

PREPARATIONPlace chopped cauliflower and stock in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Add the garlic and rosemary and cook and additional 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and use an immersion blender to puree. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Alternatively, if you don’t have an immersion blender, this can be pureed in a blender.

Pureed Rosemary Cauliflower Soup

Recipe provided by Frances Murchison

Roasted Brussels SproutsPreparation Ingredients Serves 3-4

Preheat oven to 425. Trim Brussels sprouts and slice in half lengthwise if large. Place in medium-sized bowl and massage with coconut oil. Season to taste with sea salt. Evenly spread Brussels sprout onto baking sheet. Roast for 25-30 minutes, or until starting to brown and soften.

Recipe provided by Jillian Tuchman

1 pound Brussels Sprouts1 tsp unrefined coconut oilSea salt

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 3-41 pound Brussels Sprouts

1 tsp unrefined coconut oil

Sea salt

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 425. Trim Brussels sprouts and slice in half lengthwise if large. Place in medium-sized bowl and massage with coconut oil. Season to taste with sea salt. Evenly spread Brussels sprout onto baking sheet. Roast for 25-30 minutes, or until starting to brown and soften.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Recipe provided by Jillian Tuchman

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 6-81 head cauliflower, chopped

1.5 quarts organic vegetable stock

2 cloves garlic

1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped

Salt and pepper, to taste

PREPARATIONPlace chopped cauliflower and stock in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Add the garlic and rosemary and cook and additional 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and use an immersion blender to puree. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Alternatively, if you don’t have an immersion blender, this can be pureed in a blender.

Pureed Rosemary Cauliflower Soup

Recipe provided by Frances Murchison

Pureed RosemaryCauliflower SoupPreparation Ingredients Serves 6-8

Place chopped cauliflower and stock in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boilthen reduce to a simmer. Add the garlic and rosemary and cook and additional 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and use animmersion blender to puree. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Alternatively, if you don’t have an immersion blender, this can be pureed in a blender.

1 head cauliflower, chopped1.5 quarts organic vegetable stock2 cloves garlic1 tbsp fresh rosemary, choppedSalt and pepper, to taste

Recipe provided by Frances Murchison

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 2-31 head cauliflower, cut into florets

1 medium red onion, sliced

1 tbsp coconut oil

4-6 cloves garlic, minced

1½ tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground coriander

¼ tsp salt

¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro for garnish

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 450°.

Melt coconut oil in roasting pan (2 - 3 min). Toss all ingredients together on roasting pan, lined with parchment, and coat evenly with coconut oil.

Roast about 25 minutes, until cauliflower is browned and crisp-tender.

Curry Roasted Cauliflower with Onion & Garlic

Recipe provided by Frances Murchison

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 apple (Granny smith and Honeycrisp work well)

1 tbsp coconut sugar

1 tbsp almond butter

½ tsp ground cinnamon

PREPARATIONDice the apple. Add all of the ingredients to a bowl and microwave on high for 1 minute, stir and microwave in 30 second intervals until the apple is soft, but not mushy. You can also add a little coconut oil and sauté these ingredients until the apple is soft.

Easy “Baked” Apple

Recipe provided by Olivia Martin

Curry Roasted Cauliflower withOnion & GarlicPreparation Ingredients Serves 2-3

Preheat oven to 450°.

Melt coconut oil in roasting pan (2 - 3 min). Toss all ingredients together on roasting pan, lined with parchment, and coat evenly with coconut oil.

Roast about 25 minutes, until cauliflower is browned and crisp-tender.

1 head cauliflower, cut into florets1 medium red onion, sliced1 tbsp coconut oil4-6 cloves garlic, minced1 1/2 tsp ground turmeric1 tsp ground cumin1 tsp ground coriander1/4 tsp salt1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro for garnish

Recipe provided by Frances Murchison

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 2-31 head cauliflower, cut into florets

1 medium red onion, sliced

1 tbsp coconut oil

4-6 cloves garlic, minced

1½ tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground coriander

¼ tsp salt

¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro for garnish

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 450°.

Melt coconut oil in roasting pan (2 - 3 min). Toss all ingredients together on roasting pan, lined with parchment, and coat evenly with coconut oil.

Roast about 25 minutes, until cauliflower is browned and crisp-tender.

Curry Roasted Cauliflower with Onion & Garlic

Recipe provided by Frances Murchison

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 apple (Granny smith and Honeycrisp work well)

1 tbsp coconut sugar

1 tbsp almond butter

½ tsp ground cinnamon

PREPARATIONDice the apple. Add all of the ingredients to a bowl and microwave on high for 1 minute, stir and microwave in 30 second intervals until the apple is soft, but not mushy. You can also add a little coconut oil and sauté these ingredients until the apple is soft.

Easy “Baked” Apple

Recipe provided by Olivia Martin

Easy “Baked” ApplePreparation Ingredients Serves 1

Dice the apple. Add all of the ingredients to a bowl and microwave on high for 1 minute, stir and microwave in 30 second intervals until the apple is soft, but not mushy. You can also add a little coconut oil and sauté these ingredients until the apple is soft.

Recipe provided by Olivia Martin

1 apple (Granny smith and Honeycrispwork well)1 tbsp coconut sugar1 tbsp almond butter1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 3-4Makes enough for 1 pound of fish/meat2 tbsp finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

2 tbsp finely chopped fresh basil

1.5 tsp finely chopped fresh tarragon*

1 clove garlic, smashed

¼ tsp raw honey

¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

¼ tsp sea salt

PREPARATIONPlace fresh herbs and garlic in a food processor or high-speed blender. Pulse until herbs are well incorporated. Turn off motor. Add the honey, lime zest, olive oil and sea salt. Can be stored in airtight sealed container for up to a week.

*you can substitute tarragon with fresh mint, thyme or rosemary, if desired.

When ready to use, place one-pound of fish, shellfish or poultry into a plastic bag along with marinade. Seal bag and shake to disperse marinade. Place in refrigerator and marinate for at least 30 minutes and up to four hours.

LCG’s Three-Herb Marinade

Recipe provided by Larry Glassberg

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 2½ cup olive oil

1 cup fresh basil

½ cup pine nuts (if texture is too thin add more pine nuts)

½ pack ALOHA Daily Good Greens

salt and pepper to taste

1 clove garlic, optional

PREPARATIONRoast the pine nuts in a pan for about 3 minutes. Mix all ingredients together in a food processor and chop until the texture is nice and creamy. Fill a glass jar with the mixture.

There you go! Your healthy, tasty, 4-min pesto is ready! You will be the rock star of every pasta dinner!

Extra Tip

This sauce goes great with pasta and omelettes, or as a spread or dressing. It’s especially tasty with sweet potato gnocchi or sweet potato chickpea gnocchi.

Vegan Basil PestoLCG’s Three-Herb MarinadePreparation Ingredients Serves 3-4

Place fresh herbs and garlic in a food processor or high-speed blender. Pulse until herbs are well incorporated. Turn off motor. Add the honey, lime zest, olive oil and sea salt. Can be stored in airtight sealed container for up to a week.*you can substitute tarragon with fresh mint, thyme or rosemary, if desired.

When ready to use, place one-pound of fish, shellfish or poultry into a plastic bag along with marinade. Seal bag and shake to disperse marinade. Place in refrigerator and marinate for at least 30 minutes and up to four hours.

Recipe provided by Larry Glassberg

Make enough for 1 pound of fish/meat

2 tbsp finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley2 tbsp finely chopped fresh basil1.5 tsp finely chopped fresh tarragon*1 clove garlic, smashed1/4 tsp raw honey1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil1/4 tsp sea salt

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 3-4Makes enough for 1 pound of fish/meat2 tbsp finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

2 tbsp finely chopped fresh basil

1.5 tsp finely chopped fresh tarragon*

1 clove garlic, smashed

¼ tsp raw honey

¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

¼ tsp sea salt

PREPARATIONPlace fresh herbs and garlic in a food processor or high-speed blender. Pulse until herbs are well incorporated. Turn off motor. Add the honey, lime zest, olive oil and sea salt. Can be stored in airtight sealed container for up to a week.

*you can substitute tarragon with fresh mint, thyme or rosemary, if desired.

When ready to use, place one-pound of fish, shellfish or poultry into a plastic bag along with marinade. Seal bag and shake to disperse marinade. Place in refrigerator and marinate for at least 30 minutes and up to four hours.

LCG’s Three-Herb Marinade

Recipe provided by Larry Glassberg

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 2½ cup olive oil

1 cup fresh basil

½ cup pine nuts (if texture is too thin add more pine nuts)

½ pack ALOHA Daily Good Greens

salt and pepper to taste

1 clove garlic, optional

PREPARATIONRoast the pine nuts in a pan for about 3 minutes. Mix all ingredients together in a food processor and chop until the texture is nice and creamy. Fill a glass jar with the mixture.

There you go! Your healthy, tasty, 4-min pesto is ready! You will be the rock star of every pasta dinner!

Extra Tip

This sauce goes great with pasta and omelettes, or as a spread or dressing. It’s especially tasty with sweet potato gnocchi or sweet potato chickpea gnocchi.

Vegan Basil PestoVegan Basil PestoPreparation Ingredients Serves 2

Roast the pine nuts in a pan for about 3 minutes. Mix all ingredients together in a food processor and chop until thetexture is nice and creamy. Fill a glass jar with the mixture. There you go! Your healthy, tasty, 4-min pesto is ready! You will be the rock star of every pasta dinner!

Extra TipThis sauce goes great with pasta and omelettes, or as a spread or dressing. It’s especially tasty with sweet potato gnocchi or sweet potato chickpea gnocchi.

1/4 cup olive oil1 cup fresh basil1/2 cup pine nuts (if texture is too thin add more pine nuts)1/2 pack ALOHA Daily Good Greenssalt and pepper to taste1 clove garlic, optional

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 21 cup unsweetened almond milk

½ cup frozen peaches

2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein

2 tsp coconut butter

1-2 tsp coconut sugar

Pinch chai spice

PREPARATIONPlace all the ingredients in a blender for

2-3 minutes and blend until creamy. Sip

slowly and enjoy the moment.

Coconut Peach Chai SmoothieINGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 cup light coconut milk

½ cup frozen blueberries

1 tbsp maple pure syrup

¼ tsp pure vanilla extract

¼ tsp ground cinnamon

1/8 tsp ground nutmeg

½ tbsp chia seeds

1 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut

½ handful of spinach (optional)

2 scoops of ALOHA Vanilla Protein

PREPARATIONPlace all the ingredients in a blender for

2-3 minutes and blend until creamy. Sip

slowly and enjoy the moment.

Blueberry Coconut Smoothie

Blueberry Coconut SmoothiePreparation Ingredients Serves 2

Place all the ingredients in a blender for 2-3 minutes and blend until creamy. Sip slowly and enjoy the moment.

1 cup light coconut milk1/2 cup frozen blueberries1 tbsp maple pure syrup1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract1/4 tsp ground cinnamon1/8 tsp ground nutmeg1/2 tbsp chia seeds1 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut1/2 handful of spincah (optional)2 scoops of ALOHA Vanilla Protein

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 21 cup unsweetened almond milk

½ cup frozen peaches

2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein

2 tsp coconut butter

1-2 tsp coconut sugar

Pinch chai spice

PREPARATIONPlace all the ingredients in a blender for 2-3 minutes and blend until creamy. Sip slowly and enjoy the moment.

Coconut Peach Chai SmoothieINGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 cup light coconut milk

½ cup frozen blueberries

1 tbsp maple pure syrup

¼ tsp pure vanilla extract

¼ tsp ground cinnamon

1/8 tsp ground nutmeg

½ tbsp chia seeds

1 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut

½ handful of spinach (optional)

2 scoops of ALOHA Vanilla Protein

PREPARATIONPlace all the ingredients in a blender for 2-3 minutes and blend until creamy. Sip slowly and enjoy the moment.

Blueberry Coconut SmoothieCoconut Peach Chai SmoothiePreparation Ingredients Serves 2

Place all the ingredients in a blender for 2-3 minutes and blend until creamy. Sip slowly and enjoy the moment.

1 cup unsweetened almond milk1/2 cup frozen peaches2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein2 tsp coconut butter1-2 tsp coconut sugarPinch chai spice

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 2½ pear, chopped

½ medium avocado

¾ cup unsweetened almond milk

¼ tsp ground ginger

1 tbsp coconut flakes

2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein

PREPARATIONPuree all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Transfer to a glass and serve immediately.

Spiced Pear Smoothie

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 small handful spinach

½ medium stalk celery

Chopped ½ medium cucumber

2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein

¼ tsp spirulina

¼ medium avocado

1 tsp flax meal

PREPARATIONAdd all ingredients to blender, blend until smooth.

Super Greens Fresh Start Smoothie

Smart Greens Fresh Start SmoothiePreparation Ingredients Serves 1

Add all ingredients to blender, blenduntil smooth.

1 small handful spinach1/2 medium stalk celeryChopped 1/2 medium cucumber2 scoops ALOHA VanillaProtein1/4 tsp spirulina1/4 medium avocado1 tsp flax meal

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 2½ pear, chopped

½ medium avocado

¾ cup unsweetened almond milk

¼ tsp ground ginger

1 tbsp coconut flakes

2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein

PREPARATIONPuree all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Transfer to a glass and serve immediately.

Spiced Pear Smoothie

INGREDIENTS — SERVES 11 small handful spinach

½ medium stalk celery

Chopped ½ medium cucumber

2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein

¼ tsp spirulina

¼ medium avocado

1 tsp flax meal

PREPARATIONAdd all ingredients to blender, blend until smooth.

Super Greens Fresh Start Smoothie

Spiced Pear SmoothiePreparation Ingredients Serves 2

Puree all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Transfer to a glass and serve immediately.

1/2 pear, chopped1/2 medium avocado3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk1/4 tsp ground ginger1 tbsp coconut flakes2 scoops ALOHA Vanilla Protein

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 2-41/3 cup raw tahini

2/3 cup water

2 stalks green garlic, chopped

1 tsp sea salt, plus more for seasoning romaine

1 large head of romaine, cut lengthwise

2 tbsp coconut oil

1 large shallot, sliced thinly

2 tsp salted capers

2 tbsp hemp seeds

Flaked sea salt

PREPARATIONRinse romaine leaves while keeping them attached to their core. Gently pat dry. In a high-speed blender or food processor, combine tahini, water, green garlic, lemon juice, and 1 tsp sea salt. Blend on high until emulsified. Set aside.

Coat leafy sides of romaine halves with one tablespoon of the coconut oil and season. lightly with salt. Grill on high heat, for four minutes per side then remove from grill.

Heat remaining oil over meat-high heat, then add shallots and capers until crispy. Transfer to a paper towel.

Divide dressing between two plates and place one half on each plate. Top each with crispy shallots and caper; finish with hemp seeds.

Grilled Romaine with Green Garlic Dressing

INGREDIENTS — SERVES ?1 cup dried chickpeas, rinsed

½ cup parsley, chopped

½ cup cilantro, chopped

½ red onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, minced

½ tsp cumin

2 tbsp olive oil

½ tsp salt

½ pack ALOHA Daily Good Greens

PREPARATIONIn a large bowl cover the chickpeas with water and soak for one hour.

Preheat the oven to 375°F.

Once the chickpeas are soaked, place all of the ingredients in a food processor. Pulse until the mixture comes out smooth enough to spoon out.

Form patties with your hands, and place them on a baking sheet sprayed with oil. You should have about eight to ten patties.

Bake for 15 minutes and flip for another ten to 12 minutes.

Remove and let cool for five minutes. Serve over a green salad or as a side dish.

Crispy Green Goddess Falafel

Crispy Green Goddess FalafelPreparation Ingredients Serves 1-2

In a large bowl cover the chickpeas with water and soak for one hour.Preheat the oven to 375°F.Once the chickpeas are soaked, place all of the ingredients in a food processor. Pulse until the mixture comes out smooth enough to spoon out.Form patties with your hands, and place them on a baking sheet sprayed with oil. You should have about eight to ten patties.Bake for 15 minutes and flip for another ten to 12 minutes.Remove and let cool for five minutes. Serve over a green salad or as a side dish.

1 cup dried chickpeas, rinsed1/2 cup parsley, chopped1/2 cup cilantro, chopped1/2 red onion, chopped3 cloves garlic, minced1/2 tsp cumin2 tbsp olive oil1/2 tsp salt1/2 pack ALOHA Daily Good Greens

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 2-41/3 cup raw tahini

2/3 cup water

2 stalks green garlic, chopped

1 tsp sea salt, plus more for seasoning romaine

1 large head of romaine, cut lengthwise

2 tbsp coconut oil

1 large shallot, sliced thinly

2 tsp salted capers

2 tbsp hemp seeds

Flaked sea salt

PREPARATIONRinse romaine leaves while keeping them attached to their core. Gently pat dry. In a high-speed blender or food processor, combine tahini, water, green garlic, lemon juice, and 1 tsp sea salt. Blend on high until emulsified. Set aside.

Coat leafy sides of romaine halves with one tablespoon of the coconut oil and season. lightly with salt. Grill on high heat, for four minutes per side then remove from grill.

Heat remaining oil over meat-high heat, then add shallots and capers until crispy. Transfer to a paper towel.

Divide dressing between two plates and place one half on each plate. Top each with crispy shallots and caper; finish with hemp seeds.

Grilled Romaine with Green Garlic Dressing

INGREDIENTS — SERVES ?1 cup dried chickpeas, rinsed

½ cup parsley, chopped

½ cup cilantro, chopped

½ red onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, minced

½ tsp cumin

2 tbsp olive oil

½ tsp salt

½ pack ALOHA Daily Good Greens

PREPARATIONIn a large bowl cover the chickpeas with water and soak for one hour.

Preheat the oven to 375°F.

Once the chickpeas are soaked, place all of the ingredients in a food processor. Pulse until the mixture comes out smooth enough to spoon out.

Form patties with your hands, and place them on a baking sheet sprayed with oil. You should have about eight to ten patties.

Bake for 15 minutes and flip for another ten to 12 minutes.

Remove and let cool for five minutes. Serve over a green salad or as a side dish.

Crispy Green Goddess Falafel Grilled Romaine with GreenGarlic DressingPreparation

Ingredients Serves 2-4

Rinse romaine leaves while keeping them attached to their core. Gently pat dry. In a high-speed blender or food processor,combine tahini, water, green garlic, lemon juice, and 1 tsp sea salt. Blend on high until emulsified. Set aside.Coat leafy sides of romaine halves with one tablespoon of the coconut oil and season. lightly with salt. Grill on high heat, for four minutes per side then remove from grill.Heat remaining oil over meat-high heat, then add shallots and capers until crispy. Transfer to a paper towel.

1/3 cup raw tahini2/3 cup water2 stalks green garlic, chopped1 tsp sea salt, plus more for seasoning romaine1 large head of romaine, cut lengthwise 2 tbsp coconut oil1 large shallot, sliced thinly

Divide dressing between two plates and place one half on each plate. Top each with crispy shallots and caper; finish with hemp seeds.

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 4Squash “Pasta”1 spaghetti squash, halved and de-seeded

4 cloves of garlic, diced

1 tbsp olive oil

Avocado Pesto1 cup organic leafy greens (we like to use basil, spinach, and parsley)

½ cup pine nuts

2 avocados

2 garlic cloves

½ cup organic extra virgin olive oil

2 organic lemons, juiced

Himalayan sea salt, to taste

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 350°. Slice the squash in half lengthwise and remove seeds. Coat the inside of squash with the olive oil and garlic. Place squash in a baking dish and bake for about an hour. When ready, squash should be tender and in the inside should “flake away” in noddle-like strings.

While the squash is baking, prepare the pesto by processing all the ingredients together in a food processor until smooth.

When ready, remove squash from the oven and cool slightly. With a fork, “rake” the squash; this will create a spaghetti-like texture. Add the pesto to the squash and toss well.

Superfood Spaghetti Squash & Avocado Pesto

INGREDIENTS — SERVES ?1 lb brussels sprouts

1 cup roughly chopped raw pecans


6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp honey

Sea salt to taste

¾ packet of ALOHA Daily Good Greens

PREPARATIONTrim the brussels sprouts. Slice them into thin ribbons. Put the slices into a large mixing bowl. Add the pecans to the bowl and toss lightly to mix.

In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the olive oil, cider vinegar, honey, sea salt, and Daily Good Greens. Pour the dressing over the brussels sprouts mixture and toss until all the ingredients are well coated. Serve immediately or let sit for 20 minutes to allow flavors to meld.

Brussels Sprouts SaladBrussels Sprouts SaladPreparation Ingredients Serves 1-2

Trim the brussels sprouts. Slice them into thin ribbons. Put the slices into a large mixing bowl. Add the pecans to the bowl and toss lightly to mix.

In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the olive oil, cider vinegar, honey, sea salt, and Daily Good Greens. Pour the dressing over the brussels sprouts mixture and toss until all the ingredients are well coated. Serve immediately or let sit for 20 minutes to allow flavors to meld.

1 lb brussels sprouts1 cup roughly chopped raw pecans

Dressing6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil2 tbsp apple cider vinegar1 tbsp honeySea salt to taste3/4 packet of ALOHA Daily Good Greens

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 4Squash “Pasta”1 spaghetti squash, halved and de-seeded

4 cloves of garlic, diced

1 tbsp olive oil

Avocado Pesto1 cup organic leafy greens (we like to use basil, spinach, and parsley)

½ cup pine nuts

2 avocados

2 garlic cloves

½ cup organic extra virgin olive oil

2 organic lemons, juiced

Himalayan sea salt, to taste

PREPARATIONPreheat oven to 350°. Slice the squash in half lengthwise and remove seeds. Coat the inside of squash with the olive oil and garlic. Place squash in a baking dish and bake for about an hour. When ready, squash should be tender and in the inside should “flake away” in noddle-like strings.

While the squash is baking, prepare the pesto by processing all the ingredients together in a food processor until smooth.

When ready, remove squash from the oven and cool slightly. With a fork, “rake” the squash; this will create a spaghetti-like texture. Add the pesto to the squash and toss well.

Superfood Spaghetti Squash & Avocado Pesto

INGREDIENTS — SERVES ?1 lb brussels sprouts

1 cup roughly chopped raw pecans


6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp honey

Sea salt to taste

¾ packet of ALOHA Daily Good Greens

PREPARATIONTrim the brussels sprouts. Slice them into thin ribbons. Put the slices into a large mixing bowl. Add the pecans to the bowl and toss lightly to mix.

In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the olive oil, cider vinegar, honey, sea salt, and Daily Good Greens. Pour the dressing over the brussels sprouts mixture and toss until all the ingredients are well coated. Serve immediately or let sit for 20 minutes to allow flavors to meld.

Brussels Sprouts Salad

Superfood Spaghetti Squash& Avocado PestoPreparation

Ingredients Serves 4Preheat oven to 350°. Slice the squash in half lengthwise and remove seeds. Coat the inside of squash with the olive oil and garlic. Place squash in a baking dish and bake for about an hour. When ready,squash should be tender and in the inside should “flake away” in noddle-like strings.While the squash is baking, prepare the pesto by processing all the ingredients together in a food processor until smooth.When ready, remove squash from the oven and cool slightly. With a fork, “rake” the squash; this will create a spaghetti-like

Squash Pasta1 spaghetti squash, halved and de-seeded4 cloves of garlic, diced1 tbsp olive oil

Avocado Pesto1 cup organic leafy greens (we like to use basil, spinach, and parsley)1/2 cup pine nuts

texture. Add the pesto to the squash and toss well.

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INGREDIENTS — SERVES 212 oz. wild salmon filet, fresh or canned

½ c leek, sliced (white and green part only)

½ c zucchini, sliced

¼ c scallions, chopped

1 garlic clove, crushed

½ tsp sea salt

1 tbsp fresh dill, chopped (or 1 tsp dried)

1 tsp lemon zest

1 tbsp coconut oil

PREPARATIONCombine leeks, zucchini, scallion, garlic, and salt in a food processor and process until combined. Add salmon, dill, and lemon zest. Pulse to combine, but do not over process.

Shape into four equally-sized patties

Heat coconut oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the salmon cakes and cook 3-4 minutes per side. Remove from pan and place on paper towel to absorb any excess oil. Serve hot or cold.

Detox Salmon CakesDetox Salmon CakesPreparation Ingredients Serves 2

Combine leeks, zucchini, scallion, garlic, and salt in a food processor and process until combined. Add salmon, dill, and lemon zest. Pulse to combine, but do not over process.

Shape into four equally-sized patties.

Heat coconut oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the salmon cakes and cook 3-4 minutes per side. Remove from pan and place on paper towel to absorb any excess oil. Serve hot or cold.

12 oz wild salmon filet, fresh or canned1/2 cup leek, sliced (white and green part only)1/2 cup zucchini, sliced1/4 cup scallions, chopped1 garlic clove, crushed1/2 tsp sea salt1 tbsp fresh dill, chopped (or 1 tsp dried)1 tsp lemon zest1 tbsp coconut oil

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W W W. A L O H A . C O M