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RECENT ACQUISITIONS Department of Printed Books Acquisitions 1980-19) Hispanic Section By H. G. Whitehead ANGLICUS, Alejandro. Tractado muy utile delas obras de misericordia fidelissimamente traduzido de latin en romance de las obras del famoso doctor Alexadro Anglico por el venerable Pero gonzalez dela torre. Toledo: Jud de villaquiran ijuan de ayala.^ i53O- fol- With a fine title-page surrounded by a Renais- sance style woodcut border. The verso of fol. 8 of the preliminaries has an exceptionally fine cut of the Crucifixion. Iconografia dos Deuses Africanos no Candomble da Bahia. Aquarelas Carybe. Textos. Jorge Amado, Pierre Verger, Waldeloir Regol. Sao Paulo, 1980. With reproductions of 128 watercolours by the Brazilian artist Carybe [Hector Julio Paride Bernabo], painted between 1940 and 1980. Cup.4o8.rr.7. CERVANTES. El Quijote. Leido por Camilo Jose Ceia. Aguafuertes de Eberhard Schlotter. 4 vols. Alicante: Rembrandt, 1980,81. fol. An exceptionally fine modern edition of Cervantes' masterpiece by a leading Spanish writer. Camilo Jose Cela y Trulock, whose mother was English, was born in 1916. He was a leader of the *tremendismo' movement in Spain, and his novel, La Faniilia de Pascual Duarte {1942) is considered by many to be the masterpiece of'tremendista' fiction. This edition contains 160 etchings and numerous vignettes by E. Schlotter who was born in Hildesheim in 1921, and who worked in Spain from 1956 to i960. DAU AL SET. Edicio facsimil. Figueres, Art-j, 1981. A facsimile edition, in four volumes, of a leading Catalan surrealist periodical, published during 1948-56. The group known as 'Dau al Set' consisted of leading Catalan artists like Cuixart, Tapies, Joan Pon^, and others, and their magazine was the leading voice in the Catalan avant-garde of the post-war years. This facsimile edition has additional signed engravings by Cuixart, Pon^, Tapies, and Tharrats. No. 36 of an edition of 200 copies.

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Department of Printed Books

Acquisitions 1980-19)Hispanic Section

By H. G. Whitehead

ANGLICUS, Alejandro. Tractado muy utiledelas obras de misericordia fidelissimamentetraduzido de latin en romance de las obras delfamoso doctor Alexadro Anglico por elvenerable Pero gonzalez dela torre. Toledo:Jud de villaquiran ijuan de ayala.^ i53O- fol-

With a fine title-page surrounded by a Renais-sance style woodcut border. The verso of fol.8 of the preliminaries has an exceptionally finecut of the Crucifixion.

Iconografia dos Deuses Africanosno Candomble da Bahia. Aquarelas Carybe.Textos. Jorge Amado, Pierre Verger,Waldeloir Regol. Sao Paulo, 1980.

With reproductions of 128 watercolours by theBrazilian artist Carybe [Hector Julio ParideBernabo], painted between 1940 and 1980.


CERVANTES. El Quijote. Leido por Camilo JoseCeia. Aguafuertes de Eberhard Schlotter.4 vols. Alicante: Rembrandt, 1980,81. fol.

An exceptionally fine modern edition of

Cervantes' masterpiece by a leading Spanishwriter. Camilo Jose Cela y Trulock, whosemother was English, was born in 1916. He wasa leader of the *tremendismo' movement inSpain, and his novel, La Faniilia de PascualDuarte {1942) is considered by many to be themasterpiece of'tremendista' fiction.

This edition contains 160 etchings andnumerous vignettes by E. Schlotter who wasborn in Hildesheim in 1921, and who worked inSpain from 1956 to i960.

DAU AL SET. Edicio facsimil. Figueres, Art-j,1981.

A facsimile edition, in four volumes, of a leadingCatalan surrealist periodical, published during1948-56. The group known as 'Dau al Set'consisted of leading Catalan artists like Cuixart,Tapies, Joan Pon^, and others, and theirmagazine was the leading voice in the Catalanavant-garde of the post-war years.

This facsimile edition has additional signedengravings by Cuixart, Pon^, Tapies, andTharrats. No. 36 of an edition of 200 copies.

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Fig. I. Anglicus, Tractado (1530). C . i 3 i . k . i i

Fig. 2. Carybe, Iconografia (1980): the Goddess of the River Oxun. Cup4o8.rr.7

Fig. J. Cervantes, El Qutjote (1980-1). L.50/98

Fig. 4. Dau al Set (1981): engraving by Tapies.

DIEGO, Gerardo. Soria. Con 15 aguafuertes deCirilo Martinez Novillo. Alicante, GaleriaRembrandt Ediciones, 1981.

The poet Gerardo Diego was born in Santanderin 1896. He is well known as an anthologist andas editor of two poetry magazines. Carmen andLola.

Soria, a book of sonnets on Spanish themes,was first published, in a limited edition, inValladolid in 1923. In this edition the poems arereproduced from the author*s manuscript.

Martinez Novillo, born in Madrid in 1921,a follower of Benjamin Palencia, was awardeda prize for painting at the Bienal Hispano-Americana in Havanna in 1957.

No. 177 of an edition of 220 copies. Withplates numbered and signed by the artist.


EL INVESTIGADOR. NOS. 1-75. 19 enero-i6 oct.1833. Montevideo: Imprenta de la Inde-pendencia, 1833. 28 cm.

Edited by Jose Rivera Indarte, with thecollaboration of Santiago Vazquez; publishedtwice weekly.

A contemporary record of the early historyof Uruguay (and now exceedingly rare). ElInvestigador was published during the Presi-dency of General Fructuoso Rivera, elected in

Fig. 5. Diego, ^ona (1981). C.io8.k.7

1830 as the first President of the newly formedRepublic of Uruguay.


JANER, Jaume. Ars metaphisicalis naturalisordinis arboris nature . . . ad intelligendufacillime . . . oes vticj libros scietificos:artesqp artiiiciosas; illuinati doctoris magistriRaymudi Lull, etc. Valencia: per... LeonarduHutz [for] Bartholotneu getil mercatorem,1506. 40.

The first, extremely rare, edition of a com-mentary on the works of Ramon Llull by theCatalan Cistercian Jaume Janer. As far as isknown, this is the first book in which LIuU isspoken of as 'martyr'. (Cf. E. A. Peers; RamonLull, London, 1929, p. 373.)

Hutz's Valencia press was short-lived, andproduced only three recorded books, printedin 1505 and early in 1506. (Norton, p. 450.)Six copies of this book are known in Spain;and to date only one is known outsideSpain, that in the Bibliotheque Nationalein Paris.

In a seventeenth-century gold-tooled browncalf binding with the arms possibly of theMarquis of Caracena.


LAWRENCE [Giustiniani], Saint. Nom he peqnaa obriga^am de louuor que teem os presentes7 futuros aos defunctos scriptores . . . Emnumero dos qes foy ho glorioso Justinianoauctor da obra presente . . . E nom menosdigna de louuor he a senhora iffante donaCatherina irmaa del Rey dom Afoso hoquTto , . . q esquecida dos cuidados dasoutras femeas se affirma auer tirado hoveeo a esta obra. em ho insigne moesteyrode seta Cruz: per Germd galharde: Coimhra,

was one of the first works printed in Coimbra, inthe press which Germao Galharde had set up inthe Convent of Santa Cruz.

The long title is enclosed in a Renaissancestyle architectural border. On the verso of thetitle-leaf is a fine engraving of the Crucifixion.In this copy the woodcut of St Augustine on thelast leaf is a modern facsimile.

Tbe Infanta Donna Catharina, wbo trans-lated the work, was tbe daugbter of KingDuarte, and was born in 1436. She might bavebecome tbe wife of Edward IV of England, butsbe bad retired to the Convent of Santa Clara inLisbon, where sbe died in 1463.

Tbe work is usually known as the Regra dosMonges, from the beading to tbe Prologue.

This rare Portuguese translation of a workoriginally compiled by St Lawrence Giustiniani,

LAX, Gaspar. Tractatus paruorum logicaliumagistri gasparis lax Aragonesis. In pre-clarissima urbe Cesaraugusta sumptibus 1 operaGeorgii Coci theutonici, 1521. fol.

Tbe rare first edition, distinguisbed by a full-page woodcut of the Last Judgment on theverso of tbe title-leaf, and a smaller cut with tbearms of tbe arcbbisbop of Saragossa on tbefollowing leaf.

Gaspar Lax (1487-1560) was a learnedexponent of Aristotelian philosophy in bothSpain and Italy. He taugbt at tbe Sorbonnefrom 1507 to about 1520, and Luis Vives wasone of bis pupils in 1512. He returned toSaragossa where be taught for almost fortyyears and tbis Tractatus was written for biscourse on logic. In Saragossa, one of bis pupilswas St Francis Borja. His works are all rare andtbe British Library, until now, bad none frombis later Spanisb period.

The printer Gcorg Coci, a German wbohabitually so described bimself in bis colophons,worked in Saragossa during tbe years 1499-1546, and is considered to be one of Spain'sgreatest printers.


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6. St Lawrence Giustiniani, Nom he peqna a obrigaqam de louuor (1531). C.iO4.a.28

Fig. 7. Marco, Poemas a Alicia (1981). C.i3i .k. i3


En mi cielo al crepusculo.

Gregorio Prieto. Valdepenas (Ciudad Real).

Aguafuerte estampado en el taller de Dimitri en Madrid.


Fig. 8. Neruda, Veinte poemas de amor (igSo). C.180.0.9






Fig. g. Vergara, Graecorum characterum . . . explicatio (1526). C.i35.a.2o

MARCO, Eduardo. Poemas a Alicia. Ilustradocon II aguafuertes grabados por Luis deHorna. Madrid, M Montal, 1981.

Poems based on Alice^s Adventures in Wonder-land and Through the Loo king-Glass. Luis deHorna is Professor of Engraving at the Escuelade Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid, andhas held many exhibitions of his work, both inSpain and elsewhere.

No. 31 of an edition of 200 copies.

NERUDA, Pablo. Veinte poemas de amor y unacancion desesperada. Madrid, Montal, 1980.

This work was first published in 1924 and madethe author's name known throughout LatinAmerica. Since then, of course, Pablo Neruda(1904-73) has become world-famous; he wasawarded the Nobel prize for hterature in 1971.

The present edition is one of 200 copies, andis embellished by twenty-one engravings bySpanish and Latin American artists. It isprinted on special Guarro paper and the bind-ing of plain reversed calf is by Jesus Cortes.


SANVITORES, Diego Luis de. Noticia de losprogressos de nuestra Santa Fe en las IslasMarianas [Madrid, ^1672]. 4°.

An extremely rare account of the first Jesuitmission to the Marianas, covering the periodfrom 16 June 1668 to 15 May 1669. Fr. DiegoLuis de Sanvitores landed on the island ofGuam, with five companions (Luis Medina,Pedro Casanova, Luis de Morales, TomasCardenoso, and Lorenzo Bustillo)—possiblythe first westerners to visit the archipelago. ByMay 1669 they had visited, and preached in, noless than eleven islands, which are listed on thelast page of the work. Sanvitores was martyredin Guam in 1672.

VERGARA, Francisco. Graecorum characterumapicum et abbreviationum explicatio. Com-plutum: Miguel de Eguia, 1526. 4°.

A very rare Greek type-specimen book consist-ing of eight leaves in Greek, Roman, and Gothictypes. Prepared by Francisco Vergara (c.1485-1545), Professor of Greek at the Universityof Alcala, for the use of his students, andas a guide to reading Greek type, particularlythe cursive 'Aldine' type—as used in theComplutensian Polyglott Bible, printed onthis press by Eguia's father-in-law Guillen deBrocar. ^
