demo slide design

金牛頓藝術科技 Newtons A 歡迎下載轉寄,敬請註明出處。

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Newton's A offers a 3-part Keynote presentation workshop. Each part is a one-day hands-on training featuring effective presenters from professional fields, such as technology and medicine. 金牛頓藝術科技提供三階段的Keynote高效簡報法的課程,由矯正界專業講師張慧男博士主講。每階段皆會介紹一位出色的專業演講者之演講秘訣,透過演講與實做的課程,以及助教從旁協助,務必讓大家可以輕鬆成為出色的演講者。


Page 1: Demo Slide Design


Newton’s A歡迎下載轉寄,敬請註明出處。

Page 2: Demo Slide Design

Organization Slide Design Delivery

The Secrets of Steve Jobs

Page 3: Demo Slide Design

Design is very important January 25, 2008 Slide No. 7

Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation.

-Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO

Page 4: Demo Slide Design

Design is very important January 25, 2008 Slide No. 7

Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation.

-Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO

Page 5: Demo Slide Design

Design is very important Slide No. 7

Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation.

-Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO

Page 6: Demo Slide Design

Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation.

-Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO

Page 7: Demo Slide Design

Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation.

-Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO

Page 8: Demo Slide Design

Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation.

-Steve Jobs

Page 9: Demo Slide Design

Design is the fundamental SOUL

of a man-made creation

-Steve Jobs

Page 10: Demo Slide Design

Design is the fundamental SOUL

of a man-made creation

-Steve Jobs

Page 11: Demo Slide Design

Design is the fundamental SOUL

-Steve Jobs

Page 12: Demo Slide Design

Design is the fundamental SOUL

-Steve Jobs

Page 13: Demo Slide Design

Design is the fundamental SOUL

-Steve Jobs

Page 14: Demo Slide Design

Design is the fundamental SOUL

-Steve Jobs

Page 15: Demo Slide Design

Design is very important January 25, 2008 Slide No. 7

Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation.

-Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO

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Page 17: Demo Slide Design


Newton’s A歡迎下載轉寄,敬請註明出處。