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2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDE By Charley McMaster, Tim Anderson, and Jerome Wendt The Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances EMPOWERING THE IT INDUSTRY WITH ACTIONABLE ANALYSIS · WWW.DCIG.COM

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2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDE By Charley McMaster, Tim Anderson, and Jerome Wendt

The Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances

E M P O W E R I N G T H E I T I N D U S T RY W I T H A C T I O N A B L E A N A LY S I S · W W W. D C I G . C O M

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Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

© 2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved.

2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


Table of Contents

20 Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 190

21 Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 290

22 Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 390

23 Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 490

24 Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 690

25 Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 890

26 Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 990

27 Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 995

28 Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 1090

29 Cobalt Iron Vault – Enterprise

30 Cobalt Iron Vault – Large

31 Cobalt Iron Vault – Medium

32 Cobalt Iron Vault – Small

33 Dell DL1000 Backup and Recovery Appliance

34 Dell DL4300 Backup and Recovery Appliance

35 EVault PnP100t 7G

36 EVault PnP300 7G

37 EVault PnP600 7G

38 EVault PnP1200 7G

39 EVault PnP2400 7G

40 EVault PnP3800 7G

41 EVault PnP5000 7G

42 EVault PnP5000MB 7G

43 EVault PnP10000MB 7G

44 Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 1500

1 Introduction

3 Executive Summary

5 How to Use this DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide

6 Disclosures

6 DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

7 The Eight-Step Process Used to Rank the Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances

8 DCIG Comments and Thoughts

8 Backup Appliance Types

9 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Use Cases

9 Complying with Regulatory Requirements

10 Network Bandwidth and Optimization

11 Performance and Pricing

11 DCIG Observations & Recommendations

11 Best-in-Class and Recommended Rankings

12 Excellent Ranking

13 Good Ranking

14 Basic Ranking

15 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Scores and Rankings

19 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Products

45 Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 2700

46 Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 4500

47 Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 9500

48 Quorum onQ-140

49 Quorum onQ-260

50 Quorum onQ-280

51 Quorum onQ-288

52 STORServer BA 601-CV

53 STORServer BA 601-TSM

54 STORServer BA 701-TSM

55 STORServer BA 802-TSM

56 STORServer EBA 801-CV

57 STORServer EBA 1202-CV

58 STORServer EBA 1202-TSM

59 STORServer EBA 2502-CV

60 STORServer EBA 2502-TSM

61 STORServer EBA 3502-TSM

62 Symantec NetBackup 5230

63 Unitrends Recovery 201

64 Unitrends Recovery 603

65 Unitrends Recovery 713S

66 Unitrends Recovery 714S

67 Unitrends Recovery 814S

68 Unitrends Recovery 823S

69 Unitrends Recovery 824S

70 Unitrends Recovery 933S

71 Unitrends Recovery 936S

72 Unitrends Recovery 943S

73 WD Arkeia DA1300

74 WD Arkeia DA2300

75 WD Arkeia RA4300

76 WD Arkeia RA5300

77 WD Arkeia RA6300

78 Product Rankings Dashboard


A-1 Appendix A—Definitions, Explanations and Terminology

B-1 Appendix B—Vendor Contact Information

C-1 Appendix C—Author Contact Information

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Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

© 2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved.

2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


Introduction As the data protection and data management market matures and changes, new corners of development call for new Buyer’s Guides. Then, sometimes those new guides point out interesting developments that birth other, newer Buyer’s Guides. This inaugural edition finds its origin in the latter.

The DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide is an offshoot of the Integrated Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide. Connectivity to cloud storage providers was one of the features included in the Integrated Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide though it was not a focus of that report. Given the prevalent nature of cloud services in today’s indus-try and the increased desire and need for organizations to both store their application data with cloud providers and even recover applications with them, a Buyer’s Guide with a focus on the cloud was required.

Hybrid cloud backup appliances serve as an on premise backup appliance and maintain constant connection to a private or public cloud provider. The main differentiator for a hybrid cloud appliance is its continual connectivity to the cloud such that it is a connection that cannot be turned on and off.

Like other types of backup appliances, the hybrid cloud device is a combination of hard-ware and software packaged together in a single purpose-built appliance. As the market grows, the devices become more all-inclusive. Each year, greater capabilities are added. For example, virtualization and deduplication along with management capabilities are all sold under a single SKU.

Hybrid cloud backup appliances provide a combination of onsite and offsite storage capa-bilities so companies can have their data onsite as well as offsite with a cloud provider. The offsite storage is used for data recovery purposes and even for disaster recoveries. These options make hybrid cloud backup appliances an attractive alternative for many organiza-tions as opposed to setting up a dedicated secondary site to store their data or perform disaster recoveries.

While the hybrid cloud backup appliance market is competitive with nearly 60 appliances covered in this Buyer’s Guide, only ten companies have products represented in the DCIG

2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide. Further, organizations need to apply some different criteria when evaluating hybrid cloud backup appliances as new factors come into play than with integrated backup appliances.

For instance, organizations are advised to spend time validating:

• The on premise component of these appliance and to ensure that the appliance has sufficient resources to meet their near term storage and recovery requirements

• Their interoperability with the various cloud providers and what additional functionality they support beyond just copying data to the cloud, if any

• Available bandwidth and the cost of this bandwidth to a specific cloud provider

By way of example, several hybrid cloud backup providers provide very robust integration with cloud providers. In these examples, organizations may do more than simply backup data to the cloud. They may even recover and/or fail over and run their operations in the cloud, potentially for prolonged periods of time.

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© 2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved.

2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


Introduction (continued)

However to take full advantage of these types of supported cloud services, gaining access to needed bandwidth to access them may be difficult or cost prohibitive. Initially moving large quantities of data to the cloud may require the use of removable media (disk or tape) to seed the data in cloud as replicating over a WAN link may take too long.

Even once an initial copy of data is made, if daily production data change rates are high, moving these changes offsite may still take some time that may then in turn impact other production activities. While some of these appliances offer features such as bandwidth throttling, data acceleration, and incremental data stores, these features need to be imple-mented thoughtfully and with careful consideration for the infrastructure as a whole,

Despite these challenges, DCIG sees a bright future for hybrid cloud backup appliances. Small and midsize enterprises (SMEs) as well as remote and branch offices stand to be the biggest, initial beneficiaries of these appliances as they mitigate or even negate the need for them to lease or purchase a second site. Instead they may rely upon a cloud provider or providers to offer a viable, robust disaster recovery plan for their organization.

That said, as cloud providers continue to expand their offerings, provide more enterprise caliber capabilities, and mature their processes, expect large enterprises to more aggres-sively incorporate hybrid cloud backup solutions into their data center plans.

Charley, Tim, and Jerome

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© 2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved.

2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


Executive Summary

Hybrid cloud backup appliances have emerged as a leading solution to incorporate cloud services into an organization’s backup and disaster recovery plans. The DCIG 2015-16

Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide gives organizations insights into this important market segment.

Hybrid cloud backup appliances offer many benefits to organizations. Using these solutions, companies can more easily backup and recover applications on premise. Then, once the application data is initially protected, it may be replicated off-site.

Once the data is in the cloud, a number of hybrid cloud backup appliances give organizations new options for recovery. For example, a number of these solutions may host virtual machines (VMs) either on the appliance or in the cloud with the cloud provider to do application recoveries.

While financial, governmental and healthcare organizations may be understandably reluc-tant to store or recover their private, sensitive information on the cloud, regulatory agencies and hybrid cloud providers are working in concert to address these concerns. For example, many industry regulations address these issues and all models in this Buyer’s Guide abide with current regulations.

These improvements in industry regulations coupled with the maturation of cloud technol-ogy itself is prompting more organizations to move confidently ahead with their adoption of hybrid cloud backup appliances. The support of one or more cloud providers by hybrid cloud backup appliances makes them a one-stop shop that potentially offers both onsite and offsite backup and recovery.

Hybrid cloud backup appliances have now matured to the point where they are suitable for almost any size small or midsized enterprise (SME) as they offer sufficiently robust hardware and software to meet their needs. Further, the hybrid cloud model introduces, for the practi-cal purposes of SMEs, the concept of an infinite cloud-based storage pool for data storage and application recovery purposes. If anything, the greatest challenge these size organiza-tions now face is sorting through the dozens of models available on the market to identify the right size model with the right options for their environment.

This is where the distinctions between appliances become critical. While their differences may be technical and maybe even seemingly minor on the surface, they can have a signifi-cant impact upon the success an organization experiences when using a hybrid cloud backup appliance in its environment.

This is why DCIG evaluated more than 100 features on each product. New and exciting product features such as cloud capabilities and integration, support for deduplication, and the options it offers to leverage different hypervisors and cloud providers for recovery. DCIG also evaluated each product’s hardware and software capabilities to verify providers were continu-ing to pay attention to these all-important but sometimes overlooked capabilities.

It is in this context that DCIG presents its DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance

Buyer’s Guide. As prior DCIG Buyer’s Guides have done, it puts at the fingertips of orga-nizations a resource that provides them with a comprehensive list of hybrid cloud backup appliances that can assist them in this important buying decision while removing much of the mystery around how these appliances are configured and which ones are suitable for which purposes.

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2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


Executive Summary (continued)

Executive Summary (continued)This DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide accomplishes the following objectives:

• Provides an objective, third-party evaluation of models that evaluates features from an end user’s viewpoint

• Includes recommendations on how to best use this Buyer’s Guide

• Ranks the features on each model based upon the criteria that matter most to end users so they can quickly know which models are the most appropri-ate for them to use and under what conditions

• Provides data sheets for 58 hybrid cloud backup appliances from 10 different storage providers so end users can do quick comparisons of the features that are supported and not supported on each model

• Provides insight into which features will result in improved performance

• Provide insights into what features each model offers

• Gives any organization the ability to request competitive bids from different storage providers that are apples-to-apples comparisons

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2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


How to Use this DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s GuideIn determining how best to use the information contained in this Buyer’s Guide, it should be noted that it is intended to help users in their purchase process. It is NOT intended to tell users exactly which product(s) to purchase. Rather, it is to help guide them in coming up with a list of competi-tive products that have comparable features that meet their specific needs.

It is also important to note that the highest ranking does not automatically mean that it is the right product for every organization. If anything, due to the scope of products evaluated and analyzed, some models may have features that are too robust for the needs of an individual department or organization.

Features as displayed on each product data sheet repre-sent the opinion of DCIG. DCIG encourages and strongly recommends every organization verify the functionality of the features that are of particular interest to them before making a buying decision. To help in that decision, this Buyer’s Guide gives organizations a sense of how included products compare with each other, as well as giving additional insight into what other product offerings are available on the market and the specific features they offer.

DCIG recommends that companies use this Buyer’s Guide in the following seven ways:

1. Eliminate the painstaking research associated with

coming up with a short list of products that meet

their needs. This Buyer’s Guide ranks and contains data sheets for 58 different products from 10 different providers. Each product is ranked as Best-in-Class,

Recommended, Excellent, Good and Basic. In each product, over 100 different features were evaluated, weighted and then ranked. All an organization has to do is look at the rankings and features of each solution in order to come up with a short list for consideration.

2. Do apples-to-apples comparisons of products from

different vendors. In today’s crowded backup appliance market, it behooves organization to get competitive bids from multiple vendors. After all, when they compete, you

win! But that tactic only works well when organizations know that they are receiving competitive bids on products that are roughly comparable. Using this Buyer’s

Guide, organizations can do a better job of accomplish-ing that objective.

3. Separate the apples from the oranges. Just as important as doing apples-to-apples comparisons is identifying when an orange is thrown into the mix. Sometimes it is very difficult for an organization to know if it is truly getting a good deal when bids come in from vendors that include different products. Now organiza-tions can refer to the rankings of each product on this guide so they know when they are getting it a good deal, a great deal or just a “so-so” one.

4. Gain perspective on how products from less well

known vendors compare against established and

better known brands. Anyone involved with backup at all has probably at least heard of Dell or Symantec. This creates a certain built-in level of comfort when buying products from these vendors and a corresponding built-in resistance to buying products from vendors that are perceived as unknown quantities.

This Buyer’s Guide helps to remove some of that apprehension about buying from a less well known vendor or even a less well known model from an established vendor. Using this Buyer’s Guide, organiza-tions can see how these products from lesser known vendors as well as lesser known products from estab-lished vendors stack up.

5. Normalize complex terminology. Every segment across industries has a proclivity to adopt acronyms and jargon that is specific to it but the technology industry seems to go out of its way to use unfamiliar terms as well as refer to the same technology in different ways. This Buyer’s Guide sifts through the acronyms and jargons and terms and normalizes them. This minimizes or even eliminates the need for users to try to understand all of the different technology terms.

6. Take advantage of standardized data sheets. The product data sheets available from the different vendors are rarely laid out in the same way or contain the same information. Some vendors even have data sheet formats that vary from product to product within their own portfolio. This Buyer’s Guide tackles this problem by creating a standard, easy to read data sheet for every product. In this way, product data sheets for individual

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2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


products can be printed out, laid down side by side and then the features on them quickly compared.

7. Help justify buying recommendations to business

teams. Nothing is easier for those on the business side to understand than a ranking when doing comparisons. At the top of every product data sheet, a product ranking is included so the business side of the house can quickly see how the different product models compare.

DisclosuresOver the last few years the general trend in the US has been for both large and boutique analyst firms to receive some or all of their revenue from vendors.

DCIG is no different in that respect as it also receives payment for the different services it performs for vendors. The services that DCIG provides include blogging, customer validations, white papers and special reports.

In the interest of being transparent, a number of the vendors included in this DCIG Buyer’s Guide are or have been DCIG clients. This is not to imply that they were given preferential treatment in the Buyer’s Guide. It simply means DCIG has more knowledge of their products and that DCIG would consider them for inclusion in this Buyer’s Guide.

In that vein, there are a number of important facts to keep in mind when considering the information contained in this Buyer’s Guide and its merit.

• No vendor paid DCIG any fee to develop this Buyer’s Guide.

• DCIG did not guarantee any vendor that its product would be included in this Buyer’s Guide.

• DCIG did not imply or guarantee that a specific product would receive a desired or preferred ranking in this Buyer’s Guide, before or after completion.

• All research was based upon one or more of the following: publicly available information, information provided by the vendor and/or the expertise of those evaluating the information.

• Because of the number of features analyzed, how these features were weighted and then how these products were ranked, there was no way for DCIG to precisely

determine at the outset how individual products would end up ranking.

DCIG wants to emphasize that no vendor was privy to how DCIG did the ranking of the products. In every case, the vendor only found out the rankings of its product after the analysis was complete.

DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria As DCIG prepared this release of its DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid

Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide, numerous vari-ables were taken into account to determine which solutions to include and exclude. The criteria for inclusion in DCIG Buyer’s Guides, much like the hybrid cloud backup appli-ance market itself, constantly evolves as an appliance that may seem to rightfully belong in this Buyer’s Guide might have just barely fallen outside of the parameters for inclusion.

For the purposes of this Buyer’s Guide, the following criteria were used when determining whether or not to include specific hybrid cloud backup appliances:

• Must be available as a physical appliance

• May ship as a virtual appliance

• Stores backup data on the appliance via on premise DAS, NAS or SAN-attached storage

• Enables connectivity with at least one cloud-based storage provider for remote backups and long-term retention of local backups in a secure/encrypted fashion

• Offers multiple layers of storage efficiency deduplication/compression) and high availability (multiple nodes)

• Provides the ability to connect the cloud-based backup images on more than one geographically dispersed appliance

• Includes backup and recovery software that enables seamless integration into an existing infrastructure—includes support for both physical and virtual client based backup and recovery

• Includes support for standard application level backups (Exchange, Oracle, MSSQL, Sharepoint, etc...)

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2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


• Sufficient information provided to reach meaningful conclusions

• It must be generally available by 05/31/2015

Some providers elected not to respond to DCIG’s inquiries or requests. While those products are still covered in this Buyer’s Guide, the information may be incomplete or not represent all of the product’s capabilities. In such cases, a notation is included at the bottom of that product’s data sheet indicating that all information is drawn from publicly available sources and/or the analyst’s knowledge of that product.

The Eight-Step Process Used to Rank the Hybrid Cloud Backup AppliancesTo rank each appliance included in this Buyer’s Guide, DCIG went through an eight-step process to come to the most objective conclusion possible.

1. A list of products that met the DCIG definition for

“hybrid cloud backup appliance” was created. This list was used to determine which vendors to contact for inclusion of their products in this Buyer’s Guide.

2. A list of features to be evaluated was established.

The terms on this list were then “normalized” so a common name for each feature included in the Buyer’s Guide could be established. In cases where a feature could not be objectively defined or understood, it was excluded from consideration.

3. Each feature had a weighting associated with it. The weightings were used to reflect if a feature was supported and potentially how useful and/or important the feature was to end users. Weightings are assigned based on experience from previous Buyer’s Guides, monitoring user preferences and the analysts’ knowl-edge of the market.

4. The features were broken into five (5) general

categories. The features included in this Buyer’s Guide were broken down into five general categories: Virtualization, Management Software, Hardware, and Support. These categories reflect the general features DCIG believes organizations evaluate when seeking out hybrid cloud backup appliances.

5. A survey for each solution was sent to each vendor

to complete. DCIG contacted representatives of the vendors included in this Buyer’s Guide to enlist their support in completing it. In those instances where vendors did not complete the survey, DCIG completed the survey on their behalf, sent it to them and gave them the opportunity to respond with any corrections or edits to the DCIG-completed survey. In every case, every provider had the opportunity to review and respond to any DCIG-completed survey.

6. Features were evaluated based on the information

gathered from the surveys. Features were marked as “supported,” “unsupported” or “undetermined.” In some cases, additional points may have been awarded for how the feature was supported or implemented.

7. Product data sheets were created and sent out to

the vendors for review before publication. Due to the large number of product features that DCIG evaluated, all information could not be included on the data sheets. Only the features deemed by the analyst to be most important or most relevant are included in the published version. The full list of product features may be accessed in the DCIG Interactive Buyer’s Guide available through DCIG’s website: www.dcig.com. However, all information on each data sheet (minus their rankings) included in this published version of the Buyer’s Guide was sent to the vendors prior to publication to give them the opportunity to review the data sheets and provide feedback. In every case, each provider had a chance to review the content included on its respective data sheet before publication though not all took advantage of this opportunity to provide commentary.

8. The features of each hybrid cloud backup appliance

was broken into five (5) different categories. One of the goals of this Buyer’s Guide is to make clear, objective distinctions between different hybrid cloud backup appliances. To accomplish this goal, the mean (or

average) score for each category was determined as well as the standard deviation. The mean and standard deviation were calculated from the scores of all hybrid cloud backup appliances. DCIG then developed a ranking for each appliance using these calculations as a guide:

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2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


• The hybrid cloud backup appliance scores that were 0.5 or greater standard deviations below the mean were given the rank of Basic.

• The hybrid cloud backup appliance scores that were 0.5 standard deviations above or below the mean were assigned the rank of Good.

• The hybrid cloud backup appliance scores that were 0.5 – 1.5 standard deviations above the mean were ranked as Excellent.

• The hybrid cloud backup appliance scores that were greater than 1.5 standard deviations above the mean were ranked as Recommended.

• The hybrid cloud backup appliance that had the overall top score as well as the top score in each category was given the designation Best-in-Class. If there was no “top”

score in a category (i.e.—multiple products had the

same top score) no Best-in-Class award was given.

For these reasons, the number of hybrid cloud backup appliances that achieved a certain ranking varied between categories. Please note this Buyer’s Guide only publishes each product’s ranking. To access and view the scores associated with the products covered in this Guide, you may access the DCIG Analyst Portal available at http://portal.dcig.com.

DCIG Comments and ThoughtsBackup Appliance Types

The DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s

Guide is a new entry in DCIG’s Buyer’s Guide line-up. Two years ago, DCIG looked at backup appliances as a single market. However as product capabilities have continued to evolve, backup appliances have segmented into two:

• Integrated backup appliances whose primary intent is to provide data protection and recovery behind corpo-rate fire walls. While these backup appliances may and often do connect to public storage clouds, their primary use case is to be deployed without connectivity to a public cloud storage provider as a prerequisite for functionality.

• Hybrid cloud backup appliances focus on backup and recovery that is done in conjunction with public storage cloud providers. These appliances have a higher level of integration with public cloud storage providers to

minimally facilitate the automated movement and retrieval of data from a public cloud storage provider’s site. However the cloud provider’s capabilities may include full restorations and the running of the organiza-tion’s applications at the cloud provider’s data center.

Hybrid cloud backup appliances provide unique capabilities for any organization that does not have an offsite loca-tion to store and recover their backup data. It provides the advantages of an integrated backup appliance as it keeps a copy of data onsite on the appliance itself. This expedites recovery in cases where data loss is localized to an applica-tion server or organization’s site where the outage does not result in the backup appliance becoming unavailable or inaccessible.

The hybrid cloud backup appliance’s expanded use case is to give organizations new flexibility to take advantage of the growing number of available public cloud storage providers and the various capabilities they now offer.

Some cloud storage providers primarily function as a storage repository for data that organizations can use to first store their data and then recover it back to their primary, produc-tion site when needed. However bringing data back from the cloud provider’s site introduces latency due to network speeds with a full data recovery from a cloud provider over a WAN link potentially taking hours or days depending upon the amount of data that one needs to recover.

This is why more cloud storage providers are making supplemental compute, network and storage resources available so organizations can more quickly and easily recover their applications at the provider’s site.

Hybrid cloud backup appliances facilitate these cloud-based application recoveries. In some cases, a hybrid cloud backup appliance is placed at the cloud provider’s site and paired with the hybrid cloud backup appliance at the organization’s site. The resources of these hybrid cloud backup appliances are then leveraged to do an applica-tion restore, typically by starting a VM instance on the appliance, bringing up the application on the VM and then moving the VM with the application back to the organiza-tion’s site at the appropriate time.

Another common recovery technique is for organizations to store their data with the cloud storage provider. Then should an offsite recovery need arise, the provider may

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2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


offer separate, dedicated compute, networking and storage resources that the organization may use to recover their applications using their data that is already at the provider’s site. This approach facilitates faster recoveries and gives organizations the opportunity to first recover their applica-tions at the provider’s site and then later swing them back to their production site when they are ready.

Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Use Cases

Viewing hybrid cloud backup appliances strictly in the context of “backup and recovery” is a mindset that orga-nizations must strive to overcome. While these appliances certainly fulfill this traditional role, new use cases are constantly emerging for these appliances. Hybrid cloud backup appliances have now matured to the point where organizations may view them more in the framework of a best practice for ensuring their organization’s continuity of business operations.

Minimally hybrid cloud backup appliances solve a chal-lenge that confronts many SMEs. It provides a solution that provides onsite backups as well as gives them the flexibility to store backup copies of their data in the cloud for data recovery purposes. Instead of needing to purchase and install backup appliances at two or more locations for data recovery, organizations may use a hybrid cloud backup appliance in conjunction with a public cloud storage provider as a means to:

• Move and store data offsite

• Keep a retention copy or copies of the backup data with the provider long term

• Set the stage for organizations to recover their applications at the provider’s site

Once these standard data protection requirements are met, organizations may now look to leverage some of the other features that a number of hybrid cloud backup appliances offer to address their broader business continuity needs.

For example, some hybrid cloud backup appliances give organizations the flexibility to create one or more VMs on the appliance that can host the protected applications and/or their data. Using these features, these organizations can, with comparative levels of ease and simplicity and without disrupting their production environment, test and verify that they can restore protected applications and data.

Some appliances even offer the flexibility to run these applications on a VM in a standby state. In this configura-tion, if the production application goes offline, the applica-tion running on the standby VM on the hybrid cloud backup appliance can keep the application operational until the production server or VM comes back online.

Restoring applications on a standby VM also gives orga-nizations new flexibility to test application and operating system fixes, patches and upgrades before they apply them on the production server. An organization may bring up an application on a VM on the hybrid cloud backup appliance in a configuration that mimics their production environment.

Fixes, patches or upgrades may then be applied to either the OS and/or application to verify that they work. This technique also gives administrators some practice on how to apply the patch and grants them visibility and under-standing into what occurs on the system when the fix or patch is applied such as seeing what alerts are generated (if any) and how much time it takes to complete.

Organizations using public cloud storage providers that offer cloud recovery options may even be able to go so far as to simulate a disaster recovery (DR) at the provider’s site. Granted, no organization should expect any of the appliances evaluated in this Buyer’s Guide to provide an out-of-the-box, turnkey DR solution. However using these appliances and the partnerships they have built with various public cloud storage providers, organizations may realisti-cally look toward creating a viable DR solution much more easily than they have in the past.

Complying with Regulatory Requirements

The regulatory environment around data storage and security has become increasingly stringent and more complex as a result of laws such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the ever evolving regulations associated with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. Organizations affected by these and other laws must minimally evaluate the public cloud storage providers that they are looking to use in conjunction with the hybrid cloud backup appliance under consideration from two perspectives.

1. The country or countries where cloud storage providers may have data centers.

2. The proximity of the cloud provider’s data center or centers to their own site.

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The fact that hybrid cloud backup appliances generally keep a full copy of data onsite that is needed to recover protected applications is one of their more desirable aspects. This copy of data speeds the recovery process should an outage occur. It also provides opportunity for companies to imple-ment some level of control in terms of how they manage the data that they move to the cloud to include:

1. Identifying the sensitivity of their data

2. Determining if they are going to send that data to the cloud

3. Choosing the most appropriate public cloud storage provider or providers to store this data

The key point is that just because hybrid cloud backup appliances enable organizations to store data in the cloud does not mean that these appliances can make all of the policy decisions for you. Even though many public cloud storage providers meet certification levels and the core government requirements associated with the transmission and retention of data (such as data encryption) to their site, it still does not equate to organizations having the luxury of simply selecting the most economical provider as other factors still come into play.

For example, some laws and regulations restrict organiza-tions for storing certain types of data in other countries. This may preclude organizations from selecting some public cloud storage providers that may have a local data center but which may, in the background, replicate that data to their data centers in other countries for data redundancy and availability purposes. If this replication of data in the background at the provider’s site cannot be controlled by either you or the cloud provider, it may negate your ability to use this cloud provider.

Similarly, organizations may have a requirement to complete the replication from their site to the provider’s site or vice versa within a specified time frame (say four

hours.) If the cloud provider’s data center is too far away and/or it takes too long to replicate or restore the data from that cloud provider’s site to your site, this requirement may again preclude the use of this cloud provider.

It is for these reasons coupled with the evolving nature of most regulations that DCIG encourages organizations to thoroughly research their data storage and retention requirements before choosing appliance and/or cloud

provider. However, the good news is that a growing number of hybrid cloud backup appliances support multiple cloud providers on the backend.

Storing data in multiple public storage clouds does create its own levels of complexity. However if one limits the total number of cloud providers to three or less, a hybrid cloud backup appliance that supports multiple cloud providers may be used with minimal complexity involved. In this situation, an organization can set policies to direct which data goes to which cloud provider. This gives organizations the opportu-nity to satisfy specific regulatory requirements for the data or applications that are subject to those laws while then storing other non-regulated data with cloud providers that may be more affordable.

Network Bandwidth and Optimization

As this Buyer’s Guide reveals, hybrid cloud backup appli-ances differ greatly in their capabilities. Some are opti-mized for small and midsize businesses (SMBs), others are intended for use in midsized data centers and still others are geared for large enterprises. Yet regardless of the size of the shop into which they are deployed, each hybrid cloud backup appliance will need to send data to the cloud. This necessitates that organizations carefully examine what features each appliance offers to move and retrieve data from the cloud and how well it does this data movement.

A good number of the appliances evaluated offer WAN acceleration and bandwidth throttling features which increase throughput. Still, organizations may require dedi-cated network lines to the cloud provider’s site to ensure their data is moved to or from it in a timely manner.

This is where the distance between the company and the cloud facility comes into play. The cloud provider’s facility should be far enough away so it is:

• On a separate power-grid. This minimizes or elimi-nates the impact in the event a power outage occurs in your area.

• Geographically separated. Natural disasters occur but the area they impact is typically limited to at most a few hundred miles. Ideally an organizations wants to select a provider that is sufficiently far way that it is not impacted by the same natural disasters that may impact your organization but is not so far away that transmission latency becomes a problem.

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The most likely times that network bandwidth will become an issue are when an organization is initially putting their backup data into the cloud and when and if they need to recover all of the data all at once to their production site. The rest of the time it is likely that the majority of the data being transmitted will be changed bits of data being sent from the organization’s site to the cloud provider’s site.

To handle this situation, organizations should verify that the public cloud storage provider that they plan to use with their hybrid cloud backup appliance has a seeding program. Ideally they will offer two options:

1. First, the hybrid cloud backup appliance completes a full local backup of the organization’s data and then stores it to removable media (CDs, disk, tape, thumb drives, whatever) as opposed to transmitting it over a network link. This media is then sent to the cloud provider’s site and restored. Once restored, only changed block of data are sent by the hybrid cloud backup appliance over the WAN link to the cloud provider’s site.

2. Second, this same method is used in reverse when needing to do a large restore of data at the organization’s site. In this situation, the cloud provider copies the most recent copy of the organization’s data to removable media and sends it to the organization for it to restore.

By having this option available, it minimizes the amount of data that organizations need to send over a WAN link either during an initial backup or during a recovery. Most orga-nizations see no more than 5 percent of the total amount of data under management change on a daily basis and many see data change rates of far less than this percent-age. Using this seeding option coupled with other data and WAN optimization techniques available on hybrid cloud should help organizations minimize the size of the WAN link that they need to maintain and pay for over time.

Performance and Pricing

Two factors that strongly influence any organization’s buying decision are a product’s performance and cost. However the DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s

Guide contains no performance data and it only lists high-level pricing information, if the price is included at all. There are two reasons why performance and pricing information are not included in this Buyer’s Guide.

First, performance results vary according to the environ-ment, the amount of data being backed up or restored, and implementation decisions, among other factors. Introducing any performance metrics would only result in the analysis and evaluations of the appliances included in this Buyer’s Guide becoming more subjective, not less.

Second, this Buyer’s Guide is intended to provide a point-in-time snapshot of the hybrid cloud backup appliance marketplace. If DCIG had tried to test and establish perfor-mance benchmarks for each appliance, the next generation or iteration of appliances could well be available before the performance testing was completed, making the data in this Buyer’s Guide obsolete before it ever saw the light of day.

As for pricing, if it is listed at all, each data sheet only provides a starting list price for the appliance if the vendor provided one or DCIG could identify a list price that was publicly available. Many factors influence a product’s final price including:

• How the appliance is configured (CPU, memory, & capacity)

• Services included

• Extended warranties

Due to these variables, DCIG provides list prices for reference purposes only and does not consider them in its weighting or evaluation of any appliance covered in this Buyer’s Guide.

DCIG recognizes that price and performance are relevant and often key considerations when buying a hybrid cloud backup appliance. However, it is also currently not feasible for a third party like DCIG to objectively measure these two features on a large scale across this number of appliances in a short time. Therefore, DCIG continues to be of the position that the evaluation of these two factors and this part of the buying process is still best left to end users.

DCIG Observations & Recommendations

Best-in-Class and Recommended Rankings


The Unitrends Recovery 943S appliance earned the high-est ranking out of the 58 hybrid cloud backup appliances from the ten companies evaluated in this Buyer’s Guide. The Recovery 943S scored particularly well in both the

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Virtualization and Management categories with it achieving a “Best-in-Class” ranking in the Management category.

The Unitrends Recovery 943S reflects a culmination of series of acquisition by Insight Investments with it first acquiring Unitrends and then PHD Virtual. While the Unitrends name remains on the product, the PHD Virtual technology introduced heightened levels of virtual server data protection capabilities as well as integration with vari-ous public cloud storage providers into the appliance.

This combination of the PHD Virtual backup protection tech-nology and Unitrends’ pre-existing software and appliances helped to propel its Recovery 943S and Recovery 936S appli-ances to their #1 and #3 positions in this Guide, respectively.

However Unitrends is far from being alone at the high end of the hybrid cloud backup appliance space. Cobalt Iron,

another emerging appliance provider, also earned DCIG’s coveted “Recommended” ranking in this Guide with its Cobalt Iron Vault – Enterprise coming in at #2.

Some of the notable similarities between the appliances in the top three spots include:

• Appliances scale to offer high levels of cache, processing power and storage capacity

• May cluster multiple appliances together to create a highly available configuration

• Offer connectivity to multiple cloud providers

• Offer solid state drives (SSDs) as a storage option

• Provide robust encryption options for data at-rest and in-flight

• Starting list price points of $75,000 or more

• Support for dozens of operating systems

• Support multiple storage networking protocols


The three products from Cobalt Iron and Unitrends reflect the high end of the hybrid cloud backup appliance space. Equipped for large enterprise environments, these appli-ances provide the resources for enterprises to literally protect hundreds of servers and/or hundreds of terabytes of data that may be found in their environment.

These appliances ship with many of the bells and whistles that are currently available on hybrid cloud backup appliances.

They enable enterprises to concurrently perform dozens of backups and then store the backups on premise for 30 or more days to provide fast recoveries from a local disk cache. They also support connectivity to multiple cloud storage providers so enterprises have the flexibility to choose the most appropriate cloud storage providers to store their backup data meet their specific business needs or regulatory requirements.

Making the right decision for your enterprise between these appliances may come down to the specific needs that the business has and how well the particular strengths of these products align with them. By having PHD Virtual’s technology a part of the Unitrends Recovery 943S and Recovery 936S appliances, Unitrend’s appliances may be arguably better positioned to protect and recover highly virtualized environ-ments. Conversely, the Cobalt Iron Vault – Enterprise, in its largest configuration, can scale to support over 7 petabytes of raw capacity. This may be an appropriate solution for those enterprises with large amounts of data to backup or that have requirements to keep large amounts of data on premise for extended periods of time (beyond the 30 day

on premise retention period normally associated with hybrid

cloud backup appliances.)

Excellent Ranking


The 19 hybrid cloud backup appliance models with a ranking of Excellent all came from four providers: Cobalt Iron, STORServer, Symantec and Unitrends. Once you drop below the Excellent ranking, there are almost no models available from any of these four providers, save two models from Unitrends and one from STORServer that have rankings of “Good”.

The “Excellent” ranking, maybe better than any other in this Buyer’s Guide, illustrates the divide that exists between both the models and providers in the hybrid cloud backup appliance space. These four providers and the hybrid cloud backup appliances they ship target large and midsize enterprises as they provide the more robust features and functions that these size enterprises are most apt to want a hybrid cloud backup appliance to deliver. Each of these appliances:

• Does V2P, V2V, P2V and P2P restores

• Includes needed software licenses to operate the appliance as part of its purchase price

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• Integrates with vCenter to provide appliance and backup alerting

• Protects multiple hypervisors

• Protects up to 20 or more operating systems

• Stores data with multiple cloud storage providers

• Supports either Ethernet or FC protocols (though not all support both concurrently)

• Uses leading enterprise backup software that is available separately as software-only


Midsize and large enterprises are accustomed to getting specific functionality out of the backup software that they use in their environment. By selecting almost any of these appli-ances, they get the features and functions that they want as every one of these appliances uses backup software that is generally recognized as enterprise class. Making a selection between these various hybrid cloud backup appliances and the vendors who represent will often come down to intan-gibles unique to each organization’s environment.

Environments that are already standardized upon exist-ing enterprise backup software solutions such as CommVault Simpana, IBM’s Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) or Symantec NetBackup may simply want to “productize” and accelerate their deployment and management of this backup software. In these cases, they may want to limit their selection to either Cobalt Iron or STORServer which both offer TSM, STORServer which offers a set of CommVault Simpana models or the Symantec 5230 model which uses NetBackup.

Those that are looking to move up to enterprise backup software for the first time or are looking to make a change in their backup strategy may rightfully consider any of these appliances. Of these, Unitrends provides more appliance models with smaller amounts of disk cache as less capacity is generally needed for enterprises looking to first store data locally before moving it to and storing it with a public cloud storage provider longer term.

Good Ranking


Once you drop below the “Excellent” ranking, an almost entirely new set of hybrid cloud backup appliance providers

appear with model features and options that are more directly aimed at small and midsized businesses as well as remote and branch offices. The “Good” ranking reflects this as there are only a relatively small number of models (only 8) with this ranking in this particular Guide.

The relatively small number of models with a “Good” ranking is partly attributable to the needs that large and midsize enter-prises possess versus the needs of small and midsized busi-nesses (SMBs) or remote and branch offices (ROBOs). Large and midsize enterprises generally need more features and options though these additional options also tend to make the appliance more complex to manage. Further, extra hardware and software options and features come with a higher price tag that may preclude SMBs and ROBOs from adopting them.

Conversely, SMBs and ROBOs want appliances that meet their more limited needs, are fast and simple to setup and deploy and then remain easy to manage over time. Further, their environments generally have far fewer applications, data and operating systems to account for and protect.

These disparate enterprise requirements result in hybrid cloud backup appliance models that are either aimed for the higher end of the enterprise stack or ones that are better suited for smaller environments. This approach leaves fewer models in the middle for those organizations that fall some-where in between large and small.

In examining the eight (8) models from Barracuda Networks, EVault, STORServer and Unitrends that earned a “Good”

ranking, they generally share the following traits:

• Encrypting data at-rest and in-flight remains robust on all of these appliances

• VM Instant Recoveries are offered by all of these appliances.

• They all support the Ethernet protocol with limited to no support for FC

• Storage capacity is limited to hard disk drives with few to no options to use SSDs

• They all support P2P, P2V and V2V recoveries


The most notable aspect about the features of the appli-ances with a “Good” ranking is the disparity in the features between them. As such, any organization looking at any

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of the hybrid cloud backup appliances ranked as “Good” in this Buyer’s Guide should have a firm grasp of their specific backup environment and what type of challenges that they are looking to address using the appliance.

As noted in the Observation section above, these appliances aim squarely at the middle ground between large enterprises and SMBs. As such, each of these appliances possess some features that are more enterprise class and some that fit more squarely in the SMB and ROBO classification.

For instance, if organizations need a hybrid cloud backup appliance that offers more enterprise backup software features but require less local disk storage, either of the two two Unitrends Recovery models would be good choices in those situations. Conversely, if an organizations needs more storage capacity but is less concerned about the appliance’s software capabilities, than Barracuda Networks and Evault would probably be better fits for their environment.

One intangible that organizations may want to use when making a choice between products is to internally decide how much more they anticipate their backup environ-ment growing. The hybrid cloud backup appliances from STORServer and Unitrends with a “Good” ranking essentially represent the entry level models for their respective families of products. In that vein, if an organization anticipates grow-ing much more, these two product lines offer a much clearer roadmap for future growth.

Conversely the Barracuda Networks and EVault products ranked as “Good” essentially represent the top ends of their product lines. While they are potentially more cost effective than the models from STORServer and Unitrends, they may not possess some of the advanced management features that an organization may need. As such, organizations must ascertain if they need to grow further or if they are at the end of their growth. If the former, the STORServer or Unitrends models may be a better option while, if the latter, the Barracuda Networks or EVault products may be a better fit.

Basic Ranking


Nearly half of the hybrid cloud backup appliances (28 in total) evaluated in the DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup

Appliance Buyer’s Guide were ranked as “Basic”. The large

number of products with the ranking of “Basic” largely reflects the profile of businesses that currently deploy hybrid cloud backup appliances. These are organizations that:

• Only have one location

• Are smaller in size (a few servers or a limited amount of data to protect)

• Need a turnkey solution that is both simple and easy to deploy and manage long term

• Need to protect environments that are predominantly Windows and/or VMware centric

• Need an economical and easy means to store their data offsite

• Provide them with some options for implementing a DR plan at some future point in time

Having these requirements in mind, many SMBs and ROBOs will find an appliance that meets their needs among the appliances ranked as “Basic”. The features that these appliances offer include:

• Connectivity to one or more public cloud storage providers

• Data deduplication to optimize available local storage capacity on the appliance

• Encryption for data at-rest and in-transit

• Sufficient storage capacity to keep a copy of their data on the appliance for up to 30 days

• Support most common operating systems (Windows/Linux) and hypervisors (VMware ESX and Microsoft HyperV) to include support for VMware’s APIs for Data Protection (VADP)

• 24x7x365 support


SMBs and ROBOs that protect less than 10TBs of data or fewer that 20 servers and who want or need to get their data offsite will likely find an appliance that meets their needs among the 20+ appliances in this Buyer’s Guide that have a “Basic” ranking. These size organizations should not be concerned by the “Basic” ranking as these appliances are specifically tuned for these size environments. They provide the basic set of hardware and software features that these organizations typically need with a price point to match their more limited budgets.

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Continued on next page

BEST-IN-CLASS Unitrends Recovery 943S

R E C O M M E N D E D Cobalt Iron Vault – Enterprise

Unitrends Recovery 936S

E X C E L L E N T Cobalt Iron Vault – Large

Unitrends Recovery 933S

Unitrends Recovery 824S

Cobalt Iron Vault – Medium

Unitrends Recovery 823S

STORServer EBA 2502-CV

STORServer EBA 1202-CV

STORServer EBA 3502-TSM

STORServer BA 801-CV

Unitrends Recovery 814S

Unitrends Recovery 714S

STORServer EBA 2502-TSM

STORServer BA 601-CV

STORServer EBA 1202-TSM

STORServer BA 802-TSM

Unitrends Recovery 713S

Cobalt Iron Vault – Small

STORServer BA 701-TSM

Symantec NetBackup 5230


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G O O D Unitrends Recovery 603

Unitrends Recovery 201

STORServer BA 601-TSM

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 1090

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 995

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 990

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 890

EVault PnP10000MB 7G

B A S I C EVault PnP5000MB 7G

EVault PnP5000 7G

EVault PnP3800 7G

Quorum onQ-288

Quorum onQ-280

Quorum onQ-260

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 690

EVault PnP2400 7G

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 9500

Quorum onQ-140

EVault PnP1200 7G

Dell DL4300 Backup and Recovery Appliance

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 490

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 4500


Continued on next page

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B A S I C EVault PnP600 7G

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 290

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 2700

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 190

EVault PnP300 7G

WD Arkeia RA6300

WD Arkeia RA5300

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 390

Evault PnP100t 7G

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 1500

WD Arkeia DA2300

WD Arkeia RA4300

Dell DL1000 Backup and Recovery Appliance

WD Arkeia DA1300


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DCIG Rankings


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©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 190 Approximate Starting List Price: Under $2,000

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 2

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 5

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 1 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 1

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 500 GB

Raw Storage MAX 500 GB

Cache MAX 4 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 1

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 3 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 24

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 10

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 7

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2 / 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 8

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Barracuda Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

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DCIG Rankings


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©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 290 Approximate Starting List Price: Under $2,000

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 2

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 5

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 1 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 1

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 1 TB

Raw Storage MAX 1 TB

Cache MAX 4 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 1

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 3 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 24

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 10

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 7

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2 / 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 8

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Barracuda Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 24: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 390 Approximate Starting List Price: $2,000 – $5,000

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 2

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 5

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 1 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 1

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 2 TB

Raw Storage MAX 2 TB

Cache MAX 8 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 1

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 3 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 24

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 10

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 7

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2 / 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 8

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Barracuda Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 25: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 490 Approximate Starting List Price: $2,000 – $5,000

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 2

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 5

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 1 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 1

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 4 TB

Raw Storage MAX 4 TB

Cache MAX 8 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 1

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 3 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 24

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 10

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 7

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2 / 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 8

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Barracuda Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 26: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 690 Approximate Starting List Price: $5,000 – $10,000

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 4

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 5

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 2

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 8 TB

Raw Storage MAX 8 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 1

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 3 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 24

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 12

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 7

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2 / 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 8

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Barracuda Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 27: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 890 Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 8

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 5

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 10Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 16 TB

Raw Storage MAX 16 TB

Cache MAX 64 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 3 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 24

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 15

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 7

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2 / 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 8

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Barracuda Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 28: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 990 Approximate Starting List Price: $25,000 – $50,000

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 16

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 5

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 10Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 36 TB

Raw Storage MAX 36 TB

Cache MAX 64 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 3 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 24

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 25

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 7

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2 / 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 8

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Barracuda Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 29: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 995 Approximate Starting List Price: $75,000 – $100,000

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 32

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 5

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 10Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 72 TB

Raw Storage MAX 72 TB

Cache MAX 128 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 2

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 3 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 24

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 60

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 7

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2 / 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 8

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Barracuda Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 30: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 32

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 5

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 10Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 112 TB

Raw Storage MAX 112 TB

Cache MAX 128 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 2

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 3 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 24

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 60

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 7

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2 / 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 8

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Barracuda Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 1090 Approximate Starting List Price: Over $100,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 31: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 48

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 8 / 4

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 8 / 8 / 8

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 16

Storage Network Protocols 5

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 16

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 4

Raw Storage MIN 72 TB

Raw Storage MAX 7,870 TB

Cache MAX 512 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 960 GB / 5

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 6

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 4 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 28

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX >2500

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX 2 / 3

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 2

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365,

4 Hour Response

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 9

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL #

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 10

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software 3

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

Cobalt Iron Vault – Enterprise Approximate Starting List Price: $75,000 – $100,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 32: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 36

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 8 / 4

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 8 / 8 / 8

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 5

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 16

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 4

Raw Storage MIN 36 TB

Raw Storage MAX 3,840 TB

Cache MAX 512 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 480 TB / 5

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 6

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 4 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 28

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX >2500

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX 2 / 3

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 2

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365,

4 Hour Response

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 9

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL #

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 10

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software 3

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

Cobalt Iron Vault – Large Approximate Starting List Price: $25,000 – $50,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 33: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 20

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 8 / 4

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 8 / 8 / 8

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 5

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 16

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 4

Raw Storage MIN 18 TB

Raw Storage MAX 480 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 18 GB / 5

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 6

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 4 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 28

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX >2500

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX 2 / 3

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 2

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365,

4 Hour Response

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 9

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL #

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 10

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software 3

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

Cobalt Iron Vault – Medium Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 34: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 12

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / 4 / 2

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 5

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 16

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 4

Raw Storage MIN 5 TB

Raw Storage MAX 20 TB

Cache MAX 8 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 800 GB / 5

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL #

Redundant Components TOTAL #

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 6

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 4 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 28

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX >2500

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX 2 /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 2

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365,

4 Hour Response

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 9

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL #

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 10

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software 3

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

Cobalt Iron Vault – Small Approximate Starting List Price: $2,000 – $5,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 35: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX 8

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 4

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 2

Storage Network Protocols 1

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 6 TB

Raw Storage MAX 8 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL #

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # /

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 9

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 60

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance 3

Snapshot Location TOTAL #

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL #

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL #

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 3

Backup Software AppAssure

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 6

Warranty 5 Years

Dell DL1000 Backup and Recovery Appliance Approximate Starting List Price: $2,000 – $5,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 36: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX 20

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 4

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / 4 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 6

Storage Network Protocols 1

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 96.6 TB

Raw Storage MAX 168 TB

Cache MAX 256 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 2

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 2

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 3 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 8

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 60

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL #

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL #

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 1

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL #

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 2

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 3

Backup Software AppAssure

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 6

Warranty 5 Years

Dell DL4300 Backup and Recovery Appliance Approximate Starting List Price: $25,000 – $50,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 37: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 3

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 1

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 2

Storage Network Protocols 1

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # /

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 1 TB

Raw Storage MAX 2 TB

Cache MAX 4 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix 1

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 1

Redundant Components TOTAL #

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 10

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 280

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 6

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 9

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software EVault Data Protection Software

Clients Supported MAX

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

EVault PnP100t 7G Approximate Starting List Price: N/A

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 38: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 1

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / 1 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 3 TB

Raw Storage MAX 7 TB

Cache MAX 8 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 10

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 280

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 6

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit / AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 9

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software EVault Data Protection Software

Clients Supported MAX

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

EVault PnP300 7G Approximate Starting List Price: N/A

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 39: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 1

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 1 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # /

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 6 TB

Raw Storage MAX 10 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix 1

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 10

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 280

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 6

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 9

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software EVault Data Protection Software

Clients Supported MAX

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

EVault PnP600 7G Approximate Starting List Price: N/A

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 40: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 1

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 1 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # /

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 12 TB

Raw Storage MAX 24 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix 1

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 10

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 280

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 6

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 9

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software EVault Data Protection Software

Clients Supported MAX

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

EVault PnP1200 7G Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 41: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 1

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 1 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # /

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 24 TB

Raw Storage MAX 24 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix 1

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 10

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 280

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 6

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 9

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software EVault Data Protection Software

Clients Supported MAX

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

EVault PnP2400 7G Approximate Starting List Price: $50,000 – $75,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 42: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 1

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 1 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # /

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 38 TB

Raw Storage MAX 38 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix 1

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 10

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 280

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 6

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 9

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software EVault Data Protection Software

Clients Supported MAX

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

EVault PnP3800 7G Approximate Starting List Price: Over $100,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 43: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 1

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 1 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # /

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 50 TB

Raw Storage MAX 50 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix 1

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 10

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 280

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 6

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 9

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software EVault Data Protection Software

Clients Supported MAX

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

EVault PnP5000 7G Approximate Starting List Price: Over $100,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 44: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 1

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 1 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # /

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 50 TB

Raw Storage MAX 50 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix 1

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 10

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 280

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 6

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 9

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software EVault Data Protection Software

Clients Supported MAX

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

EVault PnP5000MB 7G Approximate Starting List Price: Over $100,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 45: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 1

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 1 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # /

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 100 TB

Raw Storage MAX 100 TB

Cache MAX 256 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix 1

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 10

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 280

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 6

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 2

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 9

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software EVault Data Protection Software

Clients Supported MAX

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

EVault PnP10000MB 7G Approximate Starting List Price: Over $100,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 46: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 2

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 2

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 2 TB

Raw Storage MAX 8 TB

Cache MAX 16 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 3

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 180 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL #

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 1

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 1 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 13

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 2

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 20

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 9

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 1

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Infrascale OS

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 1500 Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 47: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 2

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 6

Storage Network Protocols 1

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 9 TB

Raw Storage MAX 36 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 3

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 240 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL #

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 1

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 1 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 13

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 2

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 20

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 9

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 1

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Infrascale OS

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 2700 Approximate Starting List Price: $25,000 – $50,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 48: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 2

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 6 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 6

Storage Network Protocols 1

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 20 TB

Raw Storage MAX 80 TB

Cache MAX 64 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 3

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 480 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 2

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL #

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 1

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 1 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 13

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 2

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 20

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 9

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 1

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Infrascale OS

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 4500 Approximate Starting List Price: $50,000 – $75,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 49: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX

CPU Processor Cores MAX

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 2

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 6 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 6

Storage Network Protocols 1

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 88 TB

Raw Storage MAX 176 TB

Cache MAX 96 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 3

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 480 GB / 2

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 3

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL #

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 1

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 1 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 13

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 2

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 20

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 2

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 9

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 1

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 3

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Infrascale OS

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 3 Years

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 9500 Approximate Starting List Price: Over $100,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 50: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 6

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 6

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 3

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / Unlimited

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 8 TB

Raw Storage MAX 22 TB

Cache MAX 96 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 2

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 120 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 2 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 1 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 9

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 8

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 3

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX 1 / 2

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 4

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 3

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Quorum

Clients Supported MAX 40

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 3

Warranty 3 Years

Quorum onQ-140 Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 51: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 6

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 6

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 3

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / Unlimited

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 22 TB

Raw Storage MAX 32 TB

Cache MAX 192 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 2

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 120 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 2 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 1 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 9

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 8

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 3

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX 1 / 2

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 4

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 3

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Quorum

Clients Supported MAX 40

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 3

Warranty 3 Years

Quorum onQ-260 Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 52: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 16

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 6

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 3

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / Unlimited

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 26 TB

Raw Storage MAX 40 TB

Cache MAX 384 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 2

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix 3

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 120 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 2 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 1 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 9

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 8

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 3

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX 1 / 2

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 4

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 3

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Quorum

Clients Supported MAX 40

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 3

Warranty 3 Years

Quorum onQ-280 Approximate Starting List Price: $25,000 – $50,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 53: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 20

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 6

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16 Gbps

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 3

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / Unlimited

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 26 TB

Raw Storage MAX 40 TB

Cache MAX 1,200 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 2

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 120 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

3 /


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 2 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 1 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 9

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 8

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 3

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX 1 / 2

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 4

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 3

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 1

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers

Included / Annual / 1

Backup Software Quorum

Clients Supported MAX 40

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 3

Warranty 3 Years

Quorum onQ-288 Approximate Starting List Price: $25,000 – $50,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 54: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 4

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 9

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 1 / 1 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 5

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 4

Raw Storage MIN 6 TB

Raw Storage MAX 576 TB

Cache MAX 24 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 7

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 1

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 3

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 3

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 100

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 4

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 7

Backup Software CommVault Simpana

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

STORServer BA 601-CV Approximate Starting List Price: $5,000 – $10,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 55: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 4

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 4

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 6

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 4

Storage Network Protocols 5

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 4

Raw Storage MIN 6 TB

Raw Storage MAX 576 TB

Cache MAX 24 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 7

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 1

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 3

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 3

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 20

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 4

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 500

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 4

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 6

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software 3

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

STORServer BA 601-TSM Approximate Starting List Price: $5,000 – $10,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 56: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 4

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 4

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 6

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 3 / 3 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 5

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 4

Raw Storage MIN 12 TB

Raw Storage MAX 576 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 7

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 3

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 3

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 20

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 4

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 1,000

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 4

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit / AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 6

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software 3

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

STORServer BA 701-TSM Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 57: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 4

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 6

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 6

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 3 / 3 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 12

Storage Network Protocols 5

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 4

Raw Storage MIN 3.4 TB

Raw Storage MAX 576 TB

Cache MAX 64 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 7

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 512 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 3

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 3

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 20

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 4

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 1,000

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 4

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit / AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 6

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software 3

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

STORServer BA 802-TSM Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 58: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 12

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 9

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 3 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 10

Storage Network Protocols 7

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 5

Raw Storage MIN 3.2 TB

Raw Storage MAX 576 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 7

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 512 GB / 2

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 3

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 3

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 3

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 250

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit / AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 4

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 7

Backup Software CommVault Simpana

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

STORServer EBA 801-CV Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 59: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 12

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 9

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 16

Storage Network Protocols 7

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 5

Raw Storage MIN 4.2 TB

Raw Storage MAX 576 TB

Cache MAX 64 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 7

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 800 GB / 2

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 3

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 3

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 3

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 500

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit / AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 4

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 7

Backup Software CommVault Simpana

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

STORServer EBA 1202-CV Approximate Starting List Price: $25,000 – $50,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 60: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 4

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 12

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 6

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 16

Storage Network Protocols 7

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 4

Raw Storage MIN 5.6 TB

Raw Storage MAX 576 TB

Cache MAX 128 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 8

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 1,200 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 3

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 3

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 20

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 4

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 2,000

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 4

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit / AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 6

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software 3

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

STORServer EBA 1202-TSM Approximate Starting List Price: $25,000 – $50,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 61: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 20

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 9

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 4 / 2

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 8 / 8 / 4

Ethernet/FC Speeds

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 16

Storage Network Protocols 7

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 20

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 5

Raw Storage MIN 7 TB

Raw Storage MAX 1,800 TB

Cache MAX 256 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 7

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 9.6 TB / 2

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 3

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 3

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 3

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 6

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 1,500

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 4

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 7

Backup Software CommVault Simpana

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

STORServer EBA 2502-CV Approximate Starting List Price: $50,000 – $75,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 62: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 4

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 16

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 6

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 8 / 8 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 16

Storage Network Protocols 7

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 5

Raw Storage MIN 8.8 TB

Raw Storage MAX 1,440 TB

Cache MAX 256 TBs

RAID Levels TOTAL # 7

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 1.6 TBs / 3

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 3

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 3

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 20

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 4

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 2,500

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 4

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit / AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 6

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software 3

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

STORServer EBA 2502-TSM Approximate Starting List Price: $50,000 – $75,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 63: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 3

CPU Processor Cores MAX 20

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 6

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 4 / 4

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 12 / 12 / 8

Ethernet/FC Speeds

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 16

Storage Network Protocols 7

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 5

Raw Storage MIN 10.5 TB

Raw Storage MAX 3,024 TB

Cache MAX 512 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 7

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 9.6 TB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 4

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 3

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 1


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 3

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 20

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 4

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 5,000

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 4

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 2

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 2

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 6

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software 3

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 3 Years

STORServer EBA 3502-TSM Approximate Starting List Price: Over $100,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 64: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 5

CPU Processor Cores MAX 12

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 5

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 4 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 10 / 10 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 16

Storage Network Protocols 4

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 10 TB

Raw Storage MAX 202 TB

Cache MAX 11.52 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 3

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # / 2

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 1

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 6


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 1

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 3 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 18

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 3

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 144

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 5

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 3

Backup Software Symantec NetBackup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 6

Warranty 3 Years

Symantec NetBackup 5230 Approximate Starting List Price: $25,000 – $50,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 65: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 2

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 1 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 1

Storage Network Protocols 3

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 100

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 1 TB

Raw Storage MAX 1 TB

Cache MAX 8 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 5

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # / 2

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 1

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 3


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 2

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX / 100

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 2

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 4

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 4

Backup Software Unitrends

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 1 Year

Unitrends Recovery 201 Approximate Starting List Price: $1,000 – $2,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 66: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 4

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 1 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 1

Storage Network Protocols 3

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 100

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 3 TB

Raw Storage MAX 3 TB

Cache MAX 8 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 5

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 1

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 3


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 4

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX / 100

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 4

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 4

Backup Software Unitrends

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 1 Year

Unitrends Recovery 603 Approximate Starting List Price: $5,000 – $10,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 67: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 8

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 4

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 100

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 6 TB

Raw Storage MAX 6 TB

Cache MAX 16 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 5

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 128 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 3


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 8

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX / 100

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 4

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 4

Backup Software Unitrends

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 1 Year

Unitrends Recovery 713S Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $15,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 68: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 4

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 4

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 100

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 8 TB

Raw Storage MAX 8 TB

Cache MAX 16 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 5

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 128 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 3


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 8

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX / 100

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 4

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 4

Backup Software Unitrends

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 1 Year

Unitrends Recovery 714S Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 69: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 4

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 4

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 100

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 12 TB

Raw Storage MAX 12 TB

Cache MAX 16 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 5

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 256 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 3


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 16

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX / 100

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 4

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 4

Backup Software Unitrends

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 1 Year

Unitrends Recovery 814S Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 70: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 4

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 4

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 100

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 19 TB

Raw Storage MAX 19 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 5

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 256 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 3


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 32

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX / 100

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 4

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 4

Backup Software Unitrends

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 1 Year

Unitrends Recovery 823S Approximate Starting List Price: $30,000 – $50,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 71: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 12

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 4

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 100

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 25 TB

Raw Storage MAX 25 TB

Cache MAX 64 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 5

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 256 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 3


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 32

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX / 100

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 4

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 4

Backup Software Unitrends

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 1 Year

Unitrends Recovery 824S Approximate Starting List Price: $50,000 – $75,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 72: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 4

Backup Software Unitrends

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 1 Year


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 3


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 32

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX / 100

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 16

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 4

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 100

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 37 TB

Raw Storage MAX 37 TB

Cache MAX 64 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 5

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 480 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 4

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified

Unitrends Recovery 933S Approximate Starting List Price: $75,000 – $100,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 73: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 4

Backup Software Unitrends

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 1 Year


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 16

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 4

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 100

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 73 TB

Raw Storage MAX 73 TB

Cache MAX 256 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 5

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 480 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 3


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 32

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX / 100

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 4

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified

Unitrends Recovery 936S Approximate Starting List Price: Over $100,000

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 74: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 4

Backup Software Unitrends

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 7

Warranty 1 Year


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 5

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL # 7

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 6

SUPPORTSupport Availability 24x7x365

Support Methods TOTAL # 4

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 2 / 2

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 4

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 5

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

4 / 3


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 4 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 2

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 5 / 3

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 27

Attack Types Protected TOTAL # 7

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 32

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX / 100

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 3

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 5

Replication to Other Appliance Periodic

Snapshot Location TOTAL # 1

Unitrends Recovery 943S Approximate Starting List Price: Over $100,000

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL # 4

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 3

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 2

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 3

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 6

CPU Processor Cores MAX 16

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 8

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 8 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 2 / 2 / 2

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 / 16Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 8

Storage Network Protocols 4

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 100

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 2

Raw Storage MIN 97 TB

Raw Storage MAX 97 TB

Cache MAX 256 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 5

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 480 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 3

Redundant Components TOTAL # 3

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 75: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX 2

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 4

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 2

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 4 TB

Raw Storage MAX 8 TB

Cache MAX 4 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # /

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 2

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 5

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 4

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

1 / 2


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 28

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 3

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 1

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL #

SUPPORTSupport Availability Business Hours

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest/ In transit/AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software Arkeia Network Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 3

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

WD Arkeia DA1300 Approximate Starting List Price: $2,000 – $5,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 76: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 5

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX 4

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 4

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 2

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 8 TB

Raw Storage MAX 16 TB

Cache MAX 24 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 128 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 2

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 4

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

1 / 2


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 28

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 50

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 1

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL #

SUPPORTSupport Availability Business Hours

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software Arkeia Network Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest/ In transit/AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 3

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

WD Arkeia DA2300 Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 77: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 1

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX 4

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 4

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 2 / /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX / /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 2

Storage Network Protocols 2

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 1

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 24 TB

Raw Storage MAX 24 TB

Cache MAX 32 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 1

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 5

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 4

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

1 / 2


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 28

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 3

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 1

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL #

SUPPORTSupport Availability Business Hours

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest/ In transit/AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 3

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software Arkeia Network Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

WD Arkeia RA4300 Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 78: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software Arkeia Network Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit /AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified

SUPPORTSupport Availability Business Hours

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 3

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 4

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

1 / 2


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 28

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 200

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 1

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL #

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 5

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX 6

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 4

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 1 / 1 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 7

Storage Network Protocols 3

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 36 TB

Raw Storage MAX 36 TB

Cache MAX 64 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 360 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 2

WD Arkeia RA5300 Approximate Starting List Price: $10,000 – $25,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 79: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

DCIG Rankings


Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

©2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. The information, product recommendations and opinions made by DCIG, LLC are based upon public information and from sources that DCIG, LLC believes to be accurate and reliable.

Supported Unsupported Undetermined

SOFTWARE CONTINUEDThreshold Breach Alerts

NDMP Support

Restore Types P2P, V2V

Databases TOTAL # 5

HARDWARECaching Options TOTAL # 2

Storage Networking Protocols MAX 2

CPU Processor Cores MAX 6

IPMI Support

Alerting Options TOTAL # 4

1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX 4 / 2 /

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX 1 / 1 /

Ethernet/FC Speeds 1 / 8 / 10 Gbs

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX 7

Storage Network Protocols 3

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix

Network Types Used for Backup VM 2

Scale Out/Node # / 1

Controller Configurations TOTAL # 1

Raw Storage MIN 48 TB

Raw Storage MAX 48 TB

Cache MAX 96 GB

RAID Levels TOTAL # 1

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix

SSD Capacity / Uses MAX / TOTAL # 480 GB / 1

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive /

Removable Disk Storage

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL # 2

Redundant Components TOTAL # 2

SOFTWAREDeduplication / Included /

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL # 1 / 1

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL # 2

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL # 4

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

1 / 2


Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY 5 /

NAS / SAN Protocols TOTAL # 2 / 2

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL # 1

Multi-tenancy Isolation

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS 2 / 2

Performance Monitoring

Bare Metal Recovery

Optimization by Compression

Operating Systems TOTAL # 28

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX 200

Limit Number of Backup Streams

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX /

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting

Backup VM Trending

Backup Scheduling

Server Prioritization

File Selection and Exclusion

Concurrent Backups/Restores

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL # 1

Replication from Copy in 2nd Location

Backup Types TOTAL # 3

Replication to Other Appliance

Snapshot Location TOTAL #

SUPPORTSupport Availability Business Hours

Support Methods TOTAL # 3

Backup Software Releases Included New Releases and Updates

MANAGEMENTCloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL # 1

Data Protection for Appliance

Access Multiple Cloud Locations

Replication Scheduling

Network Types TOTAL # 3

WAN Acceleration/QoS /

Local Connection Types TOTAL # 2

Encryption Type / Max At Rest / In transit / AES 256

Deduplication & Compression

FIPS Certified


Hypervisors / Virtual OS(es) TOTAL # 3

VM Version of Appliance

Recover and Host App on VM

VM Instant Recovery

Backup VMs to Virtual Appliance

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL # 4

APPLIANCE INFORMATIONPublic Cloud Service / Providers Not Included / 1

Backup Software Arkeia Network Backup

Clients Supported MAX Unlimited

Appliance Configurations TOTAL # 5

Warranty 1 Year

WD Arkeia RA6300 Approximate Starting List Price: $25,000 – $50,000

All information on this data sheet is based entirely on publicly available information and DCIG’s own knowledge of the product. This information reflects DCIG’s opinion about this product as no information was provided by the vendor.

Overall Rank Virtualization Management Software Hardware


Page 80: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

© 2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved.

2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


continued on next page

























Product Rankings Dashboard

Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 1090

Cobalt Iron Vault – Enterprise

Cobalt Iron Vault – Large

Cobalt Iron Vault – Medium

Cobalt Iron Vault – Small

Dell DL1000 Backup and Recovery Appliance

EVault PnP100t 7GBarracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 995Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 990Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 890Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 490Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 690Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 390Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 290Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 190Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Dell DL4300 Backup and Recovery Appliance

Page 81: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

© 2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved.

2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


continued on next page

























Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 2700

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 4500

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 9500

Quorum onQ-140

Quorum onQ-260

Quorum onQ-280

Quorum onQ-288EVault PnP10000MB 7GBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


EVault PnP5000MB 7GBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


EVault PnP5000 7GBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


EVault PnP3800 7GBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


EVault PnP2400 7GBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


EVault PnP1200 7GBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


EVault PnP600 7GBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Product Rankings Dashboard (continued)

Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 1500EVault PnP300 7GBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Page 82: DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide FINAL UNITRENDS

Licensed to Unitrends Inc. with unlimited and unrestricted distribution rights.

© 2015 DCIG, LLC. All rights reserved.

2015-16 HYBRID CLOUD BACKUP APPLIANCE BUYER’S GUIDEThe Insider’s Guide to Evaluating Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliances


continued on next page

























Unitrends Recovery 713S

STORServer EBA 3502-TSM

Symantec NetBackup 5230

Unitrends Recovery 201

Unitrends Recovery 603

Unitrends Recovery 714S

Unitrends Recovery 814SSTORServer EBA 2502-CVBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


STORServer EBA 1202-TSMBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


STORServer EBA 1202-CVBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


STORServer EBA 801-CVBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


STORServer BA 802-TSMBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


STORServer BA 701-TSMBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


STORServer BA 601-TSMBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Product Rankings Dashboard (continued)

STORServer EBA 2502-TSMSTORServer BA 601-CVBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


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continued on next page

























WD Arkeia RA5300

WD Arkeia RA6300

WD Arkeia RA4300Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


WD Arkeia DA2300Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


WD Arkeia DA1300Best-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Unitrends Recovery 943SBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Unitrends Recovery 936SBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Unitrends Recovery 933SBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Unitrends Recovery 824SBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


Product Rankings Dashboard (continued)

Unitrends Recovery 823SBest-In-ClassRecommendedExcellentGood


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APPENDICESAppendix A: Definitions, Explanations and Terminology

Appendix B: Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Provider Contact Information

Appendix C: Author Contact Information

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Appendix A—Definitions, Explanations and Terminology

Appliance Information

Public Cloud Service / ProvidersLists the number of public cloud storage connectivity options that are available to the hybrid cloud backup appliance. Some connect to independent third-party cloud storage providers such as Amazon, Microsoft Azure and Rackspace as well as proprietary cloud storage offer.

Backup Software The name of the backup software or backup software product used by the hybrid cloud backup appliance is listed here. The backup software is included with all the hardware needed to operate as a hybrid cloud backup appliance and then sold as a bundled solution available as a single SKU.

Clients Supported MAX

This indicates the maximum number of backup clients supported by the appliance.

Appliance Configuration TOTAL #

Backup appliances are available in a variety of configura-tions: a physical appliance, a virtual appliance, and a backup target. They may also be shipped in pairs for private/public cloud-paired configurations. For a detailed list of exactly which configurations are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

WarrantyThis indicates the standard warranty that is offered with the hybrid cloud backup appliance.



VMware developed the vStorage Application processing interface for Data Protection (VADP) to help it better manage and expedite the protection of virtual machines. Some of VADP’s features include full and incremental Changed Block Tracking (CBT), and logical volume management (LVM). Indicates the total number of application programming interfaces (APIs). For a detailed list of exactly which methods are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Definitions, Explanations and TerminologyThis section contains brief definitions and/or explanations of the terms used when developing the data sheets found in the DCIG 2015-16 Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide.

Hypervisors/Virtual OS(es) TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of hypervisors and/or virtual operating systems included. If a hybrid cloud backup appliance can run in a virtual environment, it may support multiple hypervisors such as Microsoft HyperV, VMware ESX/ESXi and Citrix XenServer. For a detailed list of exactly of which hypervisors are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

VM Version of ApplianceIndicates if the appliance is available in virtual form.

Recover and Host App on VMIn addition to creating a VM, the hybrid cloud backup appliance may recover and host an application on a VM. This is useful in initiating a recovery on the appliance on a VM and then moving the VM to a host.

VM Instant RecoveryIndicates if the appliance has the ability to instantly recover a virtual machine after failure.

Backup VMs to Virtual ApplianceIndicates if the hybrid cloud backup appliance can backup virtual machines to a virtual appliance.

vCenter Alert Monitoring TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of backup jobs of which vCenter can monitor the performance on the backup appliance. For a detailed list of exactly which backup job types can be monitored, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Application Consistent Backups TOTAL #

Lists the total number of applications the hybrid cloud backup appliance may support for application-consistent recoveries. For a detailed list of exactly which application consistent backups are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.


Cloud Datacenter Locations TOTAL #This indicates the number of geographic datacenter locations, including the US West, East, Midwest, or South.

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Appendix A—Definitions, Explanations and Terminology (continued)

Others may exist depending on the vendor. For a detailed list of exactly which cloud datacenter locations are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Backup DBase Index Integrity TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of ways the hybrid cloud backup appliance can maintain the integrity of the database index. For a detailed list of exactly Dbase index integrity options are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Data Protection for ApplianceIndicates if the model is able to back itself up in the event the appliance itself fails and needs to be recovered.

Access Multiple Cloud LocationsIndicates if the hybrid cloud backup appliances can access several cloud backup locations. In this scenario, it has the ability to save data to multiple cloud based locations or save data to one location that is then available from other data centers.

Replication SchedulingCan schedule when replication occurs.

Network Types TOTAL #

If data is sent across a network from one location to another, this indicates the total number of networking types supported: LAN, WAN, and/ or SAN. For a detailed list of exactly which network types are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

WAN Acceleration /QoSThis indicates if the appliance supports wide-area network acceleration and, if so, if Quality of Service (QoS) is available.

Local Connection TypesIndicates the number of local connections (SAN, NAS, DAS) the model can use for extended local capacity. For a detailed list of exactly which connection types are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Encryption Type / MaxLists how the data is encrypted when in transmission to and from the cloud provider, and when stored on-premise or off-site in the cloud. There are two types: in-transit and at-rest. Also indicates the maximum AES encryption level.

Deduplication & CompressionIf encryption is supported in the cloud, this indicates if deduplica-tion and compression is also supported in that scenario.

FIPS CertifiedIndicates if the hybrid cloud backup appliance is Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) certified.


Support AvailabilityIndicates the hours of support availability.

Support Methods TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of methods in which IT organiza-tions can access support from the provider. For a detailed list of exactly which methods are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Backup Software Releases IncludedIndicates whether hybrid cloud backup software releases are included with the model at no extra cost and what types of releases.


Deduplication / IncludedIndicates if the appliance supports deduplication and if it is included as a standard feature at no extra charge.

Dedupe Options / Methods TOTAL #

Indicates the number of deduplication options available and used. For a detailed list of deduplication options, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Dedupe Implementation Types TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of deduplication implementation types (source, target, media server, or a combination of these) that are supported by the model. For a detailed list of exactly which deduplication implementation types are supported by the appliance, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Dedupe Algorithms TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of algorithms used by the appliance for deduplication. For a detailed list of exactly which algorithms are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

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Appendix A—Definitions, Explanations and Terminology (continued)

SW Licenses Included / Optional TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of software licenses included at no extra charge. Also indicates the total number of optional software licenses such as encryption and replication available. For a detailed list of exactly which methods are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Auto-TieringIndicates whether automatic tiering is supported. Tiering/caching ensures the most critical data always reside on high performance media, while less active data blocks are moved to the hard disk drive tiers.

Native Metering TOTAL # / 3RD PARTY

Indicates the total number of related capabilities in appli-ances that include native metering. Using metering, companies can not only view real-time statistics and track historical trending but charge-back storage usage to users, business units or projects. If this is not natively included with the device, the appliance may work in tandem with a third party metering software. For a detailed list of exactly which metering capabilities are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

NAS/SAN Protocols TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of network attached storage (NAS) and storage area network (SAN) interfaces supported by the hybrid cloud backup appliance. For a detailed list of exactly which SAN and NAS protocols are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Mgmt. Consoles TOTAL #

Lists the total number of management consoles the model supports. Users monitor the hybrid cloud backup appliance through a management console, which captures alerts and error messages from the appliance. For a detailed list of exactly what types of management consoles are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Multi-tenancy IsolationIndicates whether multiple users (tenants) can use the appliance while keeping each tenant’s data isolated and invisible from others for security purposes.

Mgmt. Interface(s) TOTAL # / METHODS

Lists the total number of ways to manage the backup appliance, to include CLI (command line interface), Client Application, and Web interface. Typical backup appliances may be managed in three ways: SMTP Notification, SNMP

Logging and Notification, and Syslog. For a detailed list of exactly which means to manage the appliance are available, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Performance Monitoring Indicates if the backup appliance includes application software that reports on how the hybrid cloud backup appliance is performing.

Bare Metal RecoveryIndicates if the hybrid cloud backup appliance can restore a server from the ground up without pre-established require-ments for hardware configuration or installed software.

Optimization by CompressionIndicates if the hybrid cloud backup appliance supports optimization of data by compression.

Operating Systems TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of operating systems that the hybrid cloud appliance may protect. For a detailed list of exactly which operating systems are protected, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Attack Types Protected TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of ways that a backup appliance can protect itself from hackers. For a detailed list of exactly which attack types it protects against, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

# Concurrent Backup Streams MAX

Indicates the maximum number of data streams that can be backed up by the appliance simultaneously.

Limit Number of Backup StreamsRestricts the number of backup streams an appliance can accept at one time to improve performance of the jobs already running.

HA Clustering / Nodes MAX

Indicates if a level of high availability clustering is supported, and if so, the maximum number of nodes in the cluster.

Internal Storage Capacity Alerting Sends out notifications that the hybrid cloud backup appliance is reaching capacity.

Backup VM TrendingIf supported, measures which client or virtual machine is backing up more or less data over time.

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Appendix A—Definitions, Explanations and Terminology (continued)

Backup SchedulingIf supported, the model runs backup jobs at times defined by a system administrator.

Server PrioritizationIndicates whether the model is able to prioritize server backups based on the length of time since A server’s last backup.

File Selection and ExclusionIndicates whether the model is able to include or exclude files to be backed up.

Concurrent Backups/Restores Indicates whether the model is able to perform backups while concurrently doing restores.

Physical Recovery Types TOTAL #

Lists the total number of options the hybrid cloud backup appliance provides for doing a recovery of a physical machine. Options include going to similar hardware, dissimilar hardware and virtual machines. For a detailed list of exactly which recovery types are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Replication from Copy in 2nd LocationIndicates if the appliance can restore data from a copy of data that has been replicated to a second location.

Backup Types TOTAL #

Lists the total number of backup options (full, incremental, differential, etc.) that are supported. For a detailed list of exactly which methods are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Replication to Other ApplianceIndicates if the hybrid cloud backup appliance supports replication of data to another appliance or appliances.

Snapshot Location TOTAL #

Many storage systems now support the VMware vSphere APIs for Array Integration (VAAI) that permit snapshots to occur on the storage system to offload the processing associated backup from the ESX server to the storage array. Indicates the total number of storage arrays for which snapshots may be identified and protected by the backup appliance. For a detailed list of exactly which storage array snapshots are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Threshold Breach AlertsIndicates whether the model automatically alerts users when storage performance thresholds are exceeded.

NDMP SupportNDMP (Network Data Management Protocol) is an open standard protocol for enterprise-wide backup of heteroge-neous network-attached storage.

Restore Types Lists what types of restores are possible. Options are V2V (Virtual to Virtual), V2P (Virtual to Physical), P2V (Physical to Virtual), and P2P (Physical to Physical).

Databases TOTAL #

Lists the total number of databases supported by the appliances to include IBM DB2, MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server, among others. For a detailed list of exactly which databases are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.


Caching Options TOTAL #

This provides information the cache used on the appliance including DRAM and Flash. For a detailed list of exactly which caching options are available, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Storage Network Protocols MAX

Indicates the maximum number of storage networking interfaces supported by the backup appliance.

CPU Processor Cores MAX

Indicates the maximum number of CPU (central processing unit) processor cores available in the appliance.

IPMI SupportIndicates if the model supports IPMI (Intelligence Platform Management Interface) for remote management at the BIOS-level.

Alerting Options TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of methods by which the backup appliance provides alerts regarding its condition. For a detailed list of exactly which alerting options are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

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1/10/40Gb Ethernet Interfaces MAX

If supported, indicates the maximum number of 1Gb, 10Gb and 40Gb Ethernet storage networking ports available on the appliance.

4/8/16Gb FC Interfaces MAX

If supported, indicates the maximum number of 4Gb, 8Gb and 16Gb Fibre Channel storage networking ports available on the appliance.

Ethernet/FC SpeedsIndicates the Ethernet and FC speeds supported if the appliance connects to LAN (local area network), WAN (wide-area network), or SAN (storage area network) networks.

Storage Networking Interfaces MAX

Indicates the maximum number of storage networking interfaces available on the backup appliance.

Concurrent FC/Ethernet Mix Indicates if the backup appliance supports the use of both Fibre Channel and Ethernet protocols.

Network Types Used for Backup VMHybrid cloud backup appliances may use Fibre Channel or Ethernet or both when doing backups and recoveries.

Scale Out/Node #Indicates that another appliance may be added to an existing appliance allowing them to operate as one logical appliance.

Controller Configurations TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of configurations available for the appliance controller. For a detailed list of exactly which controller configurations are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Raw Storage MIN

Lists the minimum amount of raw storage capacity the model natively supports.

Raw Storage MAX

Lists the maximum amount of raw storage capacity the model natively supports.

Cache MAX

Lists the maximum amount of cache capacity the model natively supports.


Indicates the total number of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) options the hybrid cloud backup appliance supports. For a detailed list of exactly which RAID levels are supported, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Concurrent HDD/SSD Mix Indicates if the appliance supports a mix of hard disk drives and solid state drives.

SSD Capacity/Uses MAX/TOTAL #

Indicates the amount of SSD storage on the appliance. It also shows the total number of Solid State Drive uses ranging from cache and permanent storage to running recovery VMs. For a detailed list of SSD uses, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Tape Library Retrieval / Internal Drive Indicates if the appliance supports native storage and retrieval from a tape library. Also indicates if the backup appliance supports an internal tape drive.

Removable Disk StorageIndicates if the hybrid cloud backup appliance supports any type of removable disk media such as RDX and USB thumb drives.

Hot Swappable Components TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of components that can be swapped out without shutting down the appliance. For a detailed list of exactly which components are hot swappable, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Redundant Components TOTAL #

Indicates the total number of features that are redundant. Components evaluated include disk drives, fans and power supplies. For a detailed list of exactly which components are redundant, please access the DCIG Analysis Portal at http://portal.dcig.com.

Appendix A—Definitions, Explanations and Terminology (continued)

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Appendix B—Vendor Contact Information

Barracuda Networks Inc.u Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 1090u Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 995u Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 990u Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 890u Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 690u Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 490u Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 390u Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 290u Barracuda Networks Barracuda Backup 190

3175 Winchester BlvdCampbell, CA 95008Phone: +1.888.268.4772Website: www.barracuda.com

Cobalt Ironu Cobalt Iron Vault – Enterpriseu Cobalt Iron Vault – Largeu Cobalt Iron Vault – Mediumu Cobalt Iron Vault – Small

1421 Research Park Drive, Suite 2CLawrence, KS 66049Phone:+1.888.584.4766Website: www.cobaltiron.com

Dell Inc.u Dell DL4300 Backup and Recovery Appliance u Dell DL1000 Backup and Recovery Appliance

1 Dell WayRound Rock, TX 78682Phone: +1.800.247.2097Website: www.dell.com

EVault, A Seagate Companyu Evault PnP10000MB 7Gu Evault PnP5000MB 7Gu Evault PnP5000 7Gu Evault PnP3800 7G u Evault PnP2400 7G u Evault PnP1200 7G u Evault PnP600 7Gu Evault PnP300 7Gu Evault PnP100t 7G

201 3rd Street, Suite 400San Francisco, CA 94103 Phone: +1.415.432.2200Website: www.evault.com

Infrascale SLCu Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 9500u Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 4500u Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 2700u Infrascale Data Protection Appliance ES 1500

308 East 4500 South, Suite 100Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4057Phone: +1.888.264.5116Website: www.infrascale.com

Quorumu Quorum Labs onQ-288u Quorum Labs onQ-280u Quorum Labs onQ-260u Quorum Labs onQ-140

2890 Zanker Road, Suite 102San Jose, CA 95134 Phone: +1.877.99.QuorumWebsite: www.quorum.net

STORServeru STORServer EBA 3502-TSMu STORServer EBA 2502-TSMu STORServer EBA 2502-CVu STORServer EBA 1202-TSM u STORServer EBA 1202-CV u STORServer BA 802-TSM u STORServer EBA 801-CV u STORServer BA 701-TSM u STORServer BA 601-TSM u STORServer BA 601-CV

485-B Elkton DriveColorado Springs, CO 80907Phone: +1.800.550.5121Website: www.symantec.com

Symantecu Symantec NetBackup 5230

350 Ellis StreetMountain View, CA 94043Phone: +1.650.527.8000Website: www.symantec.com

Hybrid Cloud Backup Appliance Provider Contact Information

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Appendix B—Vendor Contact Information (continued)

Unitrendsu Unitrends Recovery 943Su Unitrends Recovery 936Su Unitrends Recovery 933Su Unitrends Recovery 824Su Unitrends Recovery 823Su Unitrends Recovery 814Su Unitrends Recovery 714Su Unitrends Recovery 713Su Unitrends Recovery 603u Unitrends Recovery 201

7 Technology Circle, Suite 100Columbia, SC 29203Phone: +1.866.359.5411Website: www.unitrends.com

Western Digital/Arkeiau WD Arkeia RA6300u WD Arkeia RA5300u WD Arkeia RA4300u WD Arkeia DA2300u WD Arkeia DA1300

3355 Michelson Drive, Suite 100Irvine, CA 92612Phone: +1.949.672.7000Website: www.wdc.com

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Appendix C—Author Contact Information

DCIG, LLC7511 Madison StreetOmaha, NE 68127+1.844.324.4552


Charley McMasterDCIG Senior [email protected]

Tim Anderson DCIG Managing [email protected]

Jerome WendtDCIG President, Lead [email protected]



Author Contact Information