david thompson sunday 16 th november confident and unashamed part 2: the mind of christ philippians...


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Page 1: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2
Page 2: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

David ThompsonSunday 16th November

Confident and UnashamedPart 2: The Mind of Christ

Philippians 2

Page 3: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2


The mind of Christ…

Why is humility such a big deal?

What does practical humility look like?

Page 4: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

The mind of Christ…

Inherent Greatness

Verse 6“he was in the form of God…”

Page 5: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

The mind of Christ…

Inherent Greatness

Preferred Servanthoo


Verse 6-7“…though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,

but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.”

Page 6: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

The mind of Christ…

Inherent Greatness

Preferred Servanthoo


Wilful Submission

Verse 8“And being found in human form, he

humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even

death on a cross.”

Page 7: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

The mind of Christ…

Inherent Greatness

Preferred Servanthoo


Wilful Submission

Divine Vindication

Verse 9-11“Therefore God has highly

exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above

every name, so that at the name of Jesus every

knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ

is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Page 8: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

The mind of Christ…

Inherent Greatness

Preferred Servanthoo


Wilful Submission

Divine Vindication

Page 9: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

Six keys of practical humility:1 Practice submission

Verse 12“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always

obeyed, so now…”

Page 10: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

Six keys of practical humility:1 Practice submission

Think internal not external2

Verse 12“…not only as in my presence but much more

in my absence, work out your salvation…”

Page 11: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

Six keys of practical humility:1 Practice submission

Think internal not external

Be positive



Verse 14“Do all things without grumbling or disputing.”

Page 12: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

Six keys of practical humility:1 Practice submission

Think internal not external

Be positive

Be blameless




Verse 15“…that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst

of a crooked and twisted generation…”

Page 13: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

Six keys of practical humility:1 Practice submission

Think internal not external

Be positive

Be blameless

Submit to Scripture





Verse 16“…holding fast to the word of life…”

Page 14: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

Six keys of practical humility:1 Practice submission

Think internal not external

Be positive

Be blameless

Submit to Scripture

Be a Timothy or an Epaphroditus






Timothy: “concerned for their welfare” (verse 20)Epaphroditus: “longing for them all” (verse 26)

Page 15: David Thompson Sunday 16 th November Confident and Unashamed Part 2: The Mind of Christ Philippians 2

Six keys of practical humility:1 Practice submission

Think internal not external

Be positive

Be blameless

Submit to Scripture

Be a Timothy or an Epaphroditus






MasterMaster key: Be like Jesus!