data files and databases

Data files and databases

Upload: basil-johns

Post on 01-Jan-2016




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Data files and databases. Data files and databases. Need a control to browse to a file Standard controls for drive folder and list not much use The CommonDialogs control offers drive folder file browse to select file print font select colour select But you need to add it in. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Data files and databases

Data files and databases

• Need a control to browse to a file• Standard controls for drive folder and list not

much use• The CommonDialogs control offers

– drive folder file browse to select file– print– font select– colour select

• But you need to add it in..

Adding components

Using the Common Dialog Control

Private Sub Command1_Click()CommonDialog1.ShowOpenMsgBox ("You selected " & CommonDialog1.FileName).. code to process FileNameEnd Sub

File open exercise

Program to browse and display graphics filesUse a common dialog control to select graphics filesSet the filter of the dialog to something like: Image files | *.bmp; *.jpg; *.jpeg | All files | *.*Display the selected image in a Picture control (see graphics)

VB data file ideas 2 modes –

• sequential (work through file start to end - character (external format))

• random (can move back and forth through file, binary (internal format) )

Sequential – write # and input#

Open "c:\walter\vb\filing\test1.dat" For Output As #1Write #1, 1, 2, 3.1, "Test1", "Test2"Close #1

Open "c:\walter\vb\filing\test1.dat" For Input As #1Input #1, x, y, z, a, bClose #1

Sequential – Print # and Line Input#Open "c:\walter\vb\filing\test1.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, 1, 2, "Test1"Close #1

Open "c:\walter\vb\filing\test1.dat" For Input As #1Line Input #1, xClose #1

MsgBox (x)

Exercise – sequential filing

1. Fill an array with 100 random integers2. Save them into a file ( write# )3. Read file back ( input# ) into a second array4. Check arrays have same content


• Data in file as records• Must define size of record (fixed length good)• Can then seek to nth record • And read or write it

User-defined type (record)Private Type myRecordpayroll As Integerdepartment As Integername As String * 14End Type

fixed length string

length of record = 2 + 2 + 14 = 18 bytes

Writing to random access file

Dim emp As myRecordemp.payroll = 23emp.department = = "Fred"Open "c:\walter\vb\filing\test.dat" For Random As #1 Len = 18Put #1, 1, empemp.payroll = 17emp.department = = "John"Put #1, 2, empPut #1, 3, empClose #1

result on next slide

record position 1

Random file contents

record 1 record 2 record 3

2 bytes = integer = 23

2 bytes = 1 integer = 3

string padded with spaces to length 14

Reading Random File

Dim emp As myRecordOpen "c:\walter\vb\filing\test.dat" For Random As #1 Len = 18Get #1, 2, empClose #1MsgBox (emp.payroll & " " & emp.department & " " &_

read second record

Binary = random with record size 1Dim b As ByteOpen "c:\walter\vb\filing\test.dat" For Binary As #1For bytePosition = 1 To 10 Get #1, bytePosition, b Debug.Print bNextClose #1

Exercise – data file

• Using binary mode, write the characters A to Z into a file (ASCII 65 on)

• Then read them back in reverse ie byte position 26 first

• Debug.print them out

Working with a database – the hard way

Working with a database – the hard way

Working with a database – the hard way

Private Sub Command1_Click()Data1.Recordset.DeleteData1.RefreshEnd Sub

Working with a database – the wizardAddins..Addin Manager

Working with a database – the wizard

Exercise – database access

• Use Access to produce a simple database with just one table – personnel = ID name and department number (Access97 format)

• In a VB project have two forms– one with a data control, hand-coded

(explore insert delete buttons)– one created by the Data Form Wizard