data analysis with mongodb - austin mongodb user group

Solutions Architect, 10gen Sandeep Parikh #mongodb Analyzing Your MongoDB Data

Upload: crcsmnky

Post on 15-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Data Analysis with MongoDB - Austin MongoDB User Group

Solutions Architect, 10gen

Sandeep Parikh


Analyzing Your MongoDB Data

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Page 3: Data Analysis with MongoDB - Austin MongoDB User Group


• Scalability using commodity systems

• Rich data modeling, ad-hoc queries, full indexes

• No multi-row transactions, no joins

• Heterogeneous APIs

• Dynamic schemas for iterative development

• Elastic approaches to deployment

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• Data stored as JSON documents– Each document has it’s own schema

• Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD)– Ad-hoc queries: equality, range, regex– Atomic in-place updates

• Secondary indexes– Single, compound, geospatial, unique, sparse, TTL

• Replication: redundancy, failover, availability

• Sharding: auto-partitioning, linear r/w scale

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Data Analysis

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Analysis Types

• Aggregations

• Projections

• Transformations

• Statistics

• Reporting

• “Deeper” mining– Recommendations, similarity, graph metrics

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Analysis Approaches

• Custom application code– You know your data but might not scale

• Aggregation framework– Declarative, pipeline-based approach, ad-hoc

• Native Map-Reduce in MongoDB– JS functions that run over your data

• Other systems– Hadoop, R, ETL, Reporting

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MongoDB Map-Reduce

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> var map = function() {

emit(this.language, this.pages);


> var reduce = function(key, values) {

var sum = 0;

values.forEach(function(val) {

sum += val;


return sum;


Map and Reduce Functions


_id: 375,

title: "The Great Gatsby",

ISBN: "9781857150193",

available: true,

pages: 218,

chapters: 9,

subjects: [

"Long Island",

"New York",



language: "English"


Page 11: Data Analysis with MongoDB - Austin MongoDB User Group

> db.books.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out: ”lang_pages"})


"result" : ”lang_pages",

"timeMillis" : 2042,

"counts" : {

"input" : 33142,

"emit" : 33142,

"reduce" : 5235,

"output" : 16176


"ok" : 1,


Execute Map-Reduce

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> db.books.mapReduce(map, reduce,

{out: ”lang_pages”, query: {available: true}})

Seed With Query

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> db.lang_pages.find()

{ “_id”: “English”, “value”: 5103 }

{ “_id”: “Russian”, “value”: 2309 }


Query Results

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Aggregation Framework

Page 15: Data Analysis with MongoDB - Austin MongoDB User Group

Aggregation Framework

• Processes documents as a “stream”– Input is a collection, output is a document

• Pipeline is a series of operations– Filter, transform data– Output of one stage is input to the next– $ ps ax | grep mongod | head -n 1

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{ $match: {

available: true }},

{ $project: {

language: 1,

pages: 1 }},

{ $group: {

_id: “$language”,

count: { $sum: “$pages” }}


Aggregation Framework


_id: 375,

title: "The Great Gatsby",

ISBN: "9781857150193",

available: true,

pages: 218,

chapters: 9,

subjects: [

"Long Island",

"New York",



language: "English"


//Operations: $project, $match, $limit, $skip, $unwind, $group, $sort, $geoNear

Page 17: Data Analysis with MongoDB - Austin MongoDB User Group

{ title: "The Great Gatsby", pages: 218, language: "English"}{ title: "War and Peace", pages: 1440, language: "Russian"}{ title: "Atlas Shrugged", pages: 1088, language: "English"}


{ $match: { language: "Russian"}}

{ title: "War and Peace", pages: 1440, language: "Russian"}

Page 18: Data Analysis with MongoDB - Austin MongoDB User Group

{ _id: 375, title: "Great Gatsby", ISBN: "9781857150193", available: true, pages: 218, subjects: [ "Long Island", "New York", "1920s" ], language: "English"}


{ $project: { _id: 0, title: 1, language: 1}}

{ title: "Great Gatsby", language: "English"}

Page 19: Data Analysis with MongoDB - Austin MongoDB User Group

{ _id: 375, title: "Great Gatsby", ISBN: "9781857150193", available: true, pages: 218, chapters: 9, subjects: [ "Long Island", "New York", "1920s" ], language: "English"}

Projections (continued)

{ $project: { avgChapterLength: { $divide: ["$pages", "$chapters"] }, lang: "$language"}}

{ _id: 375, avgChapterLength: 24.2222, lang: "English"}

Page 20: Data Analysis with MongoDB - Austin MongoDB User Group

{ title: "The Great Gatsby", pages: 218, language: "English"}

{ title: "War and Peace", pages: 1440, language: "Russian"}

{ title: "Atlas Shrugged", pages: 1088, language: "English"}


{ $group: { _id: "$language", avgPages: { $avg: "$pages" }}}

{ _id: "Russian", avgPages: 1440}

{ _id: "English", avgPages: 653}

Page 21: Data Analysis with MongoDB - Austin MongoDB User Group

{ title: "The Great Gatsby", pages: 218, language: "English"}

{ title: "War and Peace", pages: 1440, language: "Russian”}

{ title: "Atlas Shrugged", pages: 1088, language: "English"}

Grouping (continued)

{ $group: { _id: "$language", numTitles: { $sum: 1 }, sumPages: { $sum: "$pages" }}}

{ _id: "Russian", numTitles: 1, sumPages: 1440}

{ _id: "English", numTitles: 2, sumPages: 1306}

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{ title: "The Great Gatsby", ISBN: "9781857150193", subjects: [ "Long Island", "New York", "1920s" ]}

Unwinding Arrays

{ $unwind: "$subjects" }

{ title: "The Great Gatsby", ISBN: "9781857150193", subjects: "Long Island"}{ title: "The Great Gatsby", ISBN: "9781857150193", subjects: "New York"}{ title: "The Great Gatsby", ISBN: "9781857150193", subjects: "1920s"}

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Slides are great butLet’s do some live examples

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Yelp Dataset Challenge


• Data contains around– 11,000 business– 8,000 checkins– 43,000 users– 229,000 reviews

• Tweaked data model a bit from original form

• Script to process downloaded data–

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Some Ideas…

• When are reviews posted?

• Most popular categories by city?

• Funniest users? Most helpful?

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Pros and Cons

• For “simple” tasks, the aggregation framework is best– Map-Reduce is slower and more work

• Currently Aggregation Framework output limited to 16MB document– Map-Reduce can output to a collection

• Rejoice! SERVER-3253 brings $out to Aggregation for 2.6

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Analysis Beyond MongoDB

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MongoDB and Hadoop

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MongoDB-Hadoop Use Cases

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MongoDB-Hadoop Adapter• MongoDB as input/output storage for

Hadoop jobs

• Supports MapReduce, Pig, Streaming

• Batch, offline processing

• 1.0 released, 1.1 active development

• Leverage Hadoop ecosystem against operational data in MongoDB

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• Business intelligence tools– Jaspersoft– Alteryx

• ETL tools– Pentaho– Talend

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• Sandeep Parikh, @crcsmnky

•– Downloads, docs, drivers, use cases– @mongodb

•– Presentations, subscriptions, monitoring– @10gen