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“We either live theBook of Revelation

individually andachieve the Golden

Fleece of the ancient,or we will have to liveit collectively with the

great worldApocalypse and enter

the Hell worlds.”

Samael Aun Weor

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“In the Non-manifested Absolute, the Three Primary Forces con-stitute an indivisible and Self-Conscious Unity in an integral form.

“During the Cosmic Manifestation the Three Primary Forcesseparate and unite themselves and, in the points where they meet,phenomena, worlds and universes are formed.

“These Three Forces in the Ray of Creation look like three wills,three consciousnesses, three units. Each of these Three Forces con-tains in itself all the possibilities of those Three. However, in theirmeeting point, each of them expresses only one fundamental principle:the positive, the negative, or the neutral.

“It is very interesting to see those Three Forces in action: theyseparate themselves, move away and then meet again to form newdifferent Trinities that give birth to new worlds, to new cosmic crea-tions.

“In the Absolute those Three Forces are the only Logos, thevariety within the total unit, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spiritforming an Omniconscious and All-Merciful whole.

“The Ray of Creation begins in the Absolute and ends in theNetherworld.”

“Christmas message 1965-66” by Samael Aun Weor

It is urgent and essential to clearly and precisely know the placewhere we are in the living Ray of Creation.

First of all, respected gentlemen, distinguished ladies, I insistentlybeg you to follow my speech with infinite patience.

I want you to know that there are seven Cosmoses:



A.: Well, the mind is cunning. Those are games of the mind.Incontestably, it would apparently be so if the Law did not exist, that is,the wicked in the Ninth Circle would disintegrate very fast and then beout. This would be as if someone who had committed a horrible crimewere to be imprisoned and immediately afterwards would get out (itwould be something like this), but the Law is Law.

So it happens that such extremely evil persons of the Ninth Circle,who once entered in the Ninth Circle, will have to live there until they havepaid the whole of their Karma, because all this is directed by the Judgesof the Law. None of this is working according to chance. They take theresponsibility of applying the corresponding punishment to each person.Therefore it is not necessary to rack one’s brains so much.

The teachings contained in this booklethave been entirely extracted from the

spoken and written works by Dr. SamaelAun Weor, a contemporary anthropolo-gist and philosopher who has gathered

and unveiled the most valuable treasuresof Universal Wisdom.

NB: In spite of the fact that the content of this booklet has beenextracted almost entirely from the work “Yes there is Hell, yes there isDevil, yes there is Karma”, by Samael Aun Weor, we have had tosummarize its content with the purpose of adjusting it to the space of thispublication. For this reason we suggest that all those who wish to studythoroughly this topic should consult that book.

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Undoubtedly, the first one is formed of uncounted SPIRITUALSUNS, Transcendental and Divine…

There has been much discussion about the ABSOLUTE SACREDSUN, and it is obvious that any Solar System is governed by one of theseSpiritual Suns. This means that our Ensemble of Worlds has its own“Absolute Sacred Sun”, as the other Solar Systems from the unchange-able infinite also do.

The second order of Worlds is truly formed of millions of SUNS andPLANETS that travel within the space.

The third Ensemble of Worlds is formed of our GALAXY, of thislarge “MILKY WAY” that has its central cosmic capital the “Sirius Sun”

The fourth Order is represented by “ORS, our SOLAR SYSTEM”.The fifth Order corresponds to the PLANET EARTH.The sixth Order is the MAN MICROCOSMOS.The seventh Order is located in the INFERNAL WORLDS.Let us detail a little bit this explanation…I want you to fully under-

stand what really the first order of the worlds is: extraordinary SpiritualSuns shining with infinite beauty in space. Radiant spheres that theastronomers would never be able to perceive with the help of theirtelescopes.

Now think about what the billions and trillions of worlds and starsthat populate the endless space are. Remember now the galaxies; eachof them, separately taken, is surely a Macrocosmos, and our galaxy“The Milky Way” is not an exception.

What can we say about the Defterocosmos? Incontestably, anySolar System, regardless of the galaxy to which it belongs and whethersuch a galaxy is made of mater or of antimatter, is surely a Defterocosmos.

The lands from space are as numerous as the sands of theimmense sea. Undoubtedly, any of these, any planet, regardless whichis its Cosmic Gravity Center, is by itself a Mesocosmos.

Many things were said about the Man Microcosmos. We empha-size the transcendental idea that each of us is an authentic andlegitimate Microcosmos. However, we are not the only inhabitants of theinfinite. It is clear that there are many inhabited worlds. Any inhabitant of


Devil, Yes there is Karma, but in a second edition of this book, I willelaborate on this aspect that is quite important.

Q.: Master, the wicked people are in the Ninth Dantean Circle, butwhat is it like there, where the Ego turns into cosmic dust? Must the “I”of everyone as well descend from sphere to sphere, like the Ego of other“lost souls”?

A.: Well, according to Law of the Worlds’ Gravitation, we know thateverything descends towards the center of gravitation of the Earth.Therefore, if anyone enters, for example, the First Dantean Circle, he willdescend little by little, from sphere to sphere, until he reaches the NinthCircle, and it is there where he turns into cosmic dust, where he passesthrough the “Second Death” of which the “Apocalypse” of Saint Johntalks about.

Incontestably, in the Eight Circle already begin the more severeprocesses of the Ego’s destruction. In this there is a miracle thatamazes: we were told that the “devil has tail”; well, this we must knowhow to understand....

The Abominable Kundabuffer Organ is for sure the fire that de-scends from the coccyx down to the atomic infernos of man, but whenwe analyze this type of fohat, we discover something amazing, which isthe fact that the Divine Mother, in the underground world, polarizesHerself in a negative way (that is something horrible!) and manifestsHerself in the famous tail of the demons in the Eight Circle. See TheDivine Comedy; there you will find documentation.

This serpent that forms the tail of the demons swallows the lostentity, gives herself a banquet, devours it to destroy its Ego, to transformit into cosmic dust, and it completely destroys it in the Ninth Circle: therethe mentioned processes of the total destruction take place. Moreover,why should they be totally destroyed? So that the Essence, or, let us say,the child, may exit from there. She takes this shape in order to save itscreatures.

Q.: If the evil go straight into the Ninth Circle, does this imply ashorter stay, or a shorter period in the Infernos, than with those “lostsouls” who start their immersed involution by the First Circle?

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the Cosmos, or of the cosmoses, is an authentic Microcosmos.Finally, we must know that inside each planet is the Immersed

Mineral Kingdom with its own Atomic Infernos. The later are alwayslocated in the interior of each planetary mass and in Nature’s Infra-dimensions, beneath the Three-Dimensional Zone of Euclid.

Therefore, it is to be understood that the First Order of Worlds iscompletely different from the Second one, and each Cosmos is abso-lutely different, completely distinct…

The First Order of Worlds is infinitely Divine, ineffable. There is notany mechanic principle in it; it is ruled by the Only Law.

The Second Order of Worlds is undoubtedly controlled by thoseThree Primary Forces that regulate and rule any Cosmic Creation.

Six Laws undoubtedly control the Third Order of the Worlds, ourGalaxy, any galaxy of the Sacred Space.

The Fourth Order of the Worlds, our Solar System, or any SolarSystem of the Infinite Space, is always controlled by 12 laws.

The Fifth Order, our Earth or any Planet similar with ours thatrotates around any Sun is absolutely controlled by 24 Laws.

The Sixth Cosmic Order, any Human Organism is after all control-led by 48 laws and we can see this fully proved by the human germinalcell which, as we already know, is made up of “48” chromosomes.

Finally, the Seventh Order of the Worlds is under the control of 96Laws in total.

I want you to clearly know that the number of laws in the AbyssalRegions terribly multiply themselves.

It is obvious that The First Dantean Circle is always ruled by 96Laws, but in the Second Circle this quantity is doubled, giving 192 Laws.In the Third Circle it triples; in the Forth Circle it quadruples in suchmanner that the quantity of 96 may be multiplied as follows; 96 x 2, x 3,x 4, x 5, x 6, x 7, x 8, x 9. Thus, in the Ninth Circle, multiplying 96 by 9 wewill have 864 Laws…

If you profoundly reflect upon the First Cosmos, you will see thatthere is the most complete freedom, the absolute happiness becausethe Only Law rules everything.

In the second Cosmos, the complete happiness still exists be-cause this Cosmos is totally controlled by the Three Primary Forces of


already said, is reduced to cosmic dust.Once the Essence is emancipated, it adopts a most beautiful child-

like figure, filled with radiant beauty. The Devas of Nature examine theliberated Essence in this solemn instant.

After they have checked to satiation that it no longer possesses anysubjective, infrahuman element, they give it the ticket of freedom. By thisI mean that they grant the soul the joy of liberation.

Happy instants are those when the soul of the dead personpenetrates through certain luminous “atomic doors” which immediatelyallow it to exit into the light of the sun.

Once set free on the epidermis of our world, the Creature reinitiatesa new evolution. Then it becomes a Gnome, or Pigmy, of the MineralKingdom; it will continue later on its Evolution, ascending on thevegetable and animal scales, until it re-conquers, in a faraway day, thestate of intellectual humanoid that it had once lost.

Q.:The persons who still live in the Three-dimensional Region butwho are already in the Infernal World go in the First Circle and thendescend into the next ones, or do they go directly into the Fifth, the NinthCircle, or any other Circle?

A.: Well, one enters directly into the region for which one has moreaffinity. I know a certain lady, whose name I shall not mention, who hasa good heart but she has already completed those 108 existences, andnow she is located in the First Region, the sub-lunar one, the First Infra-dimension, or First Dantean Circle.

She likes the things of the world, of course, and indeed identifieswith that Circle, because there the life is similar to the life here, on thisphysical world.

I know another case, very different, of an excessively angry personwho has a tendency to quarrel all the time, who has made money hisreligion and who never aspires to any spiritual principles. Now, thisperson is located in the Fifth, or Sub-Martian, Region, in the FifthDantean Circle.

Thus, other persons also are so wicked that they penetrate directlyinto the Ninth Circle (these are the evil ones). I was not able to explainvery well this detail in my book titled Yes there is Inferno, Yes there is

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the entire Creation.However, in the Third Cosmos a mechanic element is already

introduced, because these Three Divine Primary Laws, by dividingthemselves in themselves, become six. It is no doubt that here is alreadya certain cosmic automatism. Already it is not only the three uniqueForces that work, because by dividing themselves in themselves, theyhave given birth to the mechanical ensemble of any Galaxy.

You see what a Solar System is. In it the 6 Laws clearly have alreadydivided themselves again to become 12, increasing the mechanicity, theautomatism, and the complication….

Let us confine ourselves now to any Planet from the infinite and ina very special way to our terrestrial world. Obviously, it is moreheterogeneous and complicated because of the fact that those 12 Lawsof the System have become 24…

Let us see now in a sincere way the Man Microcosmos; let usexamine the germinal cell, and we will find the “48” chromosomes, aliving representation of the 48 Laws that rule our entire body.

Obviously, these 48 Laws, by dividing themselves in themselvesand by themselves, give birth to the 96 Laws of the First Dantean Circle.

Therefore, I want you to understand the place that we take in the“Ray of Creation”.

Somebody said that the word inferno [“hell”] comes from the wordinfernus, which in Latin means “Inferior Region”. Thus, he emphasizedthe idea that the place that we take in the Three-Dimensional Region ofEuclid is inferno, because such a place, according to him, is the “inferiorplace of the Cosmos”…

Unfortunately, he who made this unusual statement was really notaware of the “Ray of Creation”. If he had had more information, if he hadstudied the Seven Cosmoses, he would have realized that the “InferiorPlace” is not this Physical World in which we live but the SeventhCosmos, which is precisely situated in the interior of this planet Earth,in nature’s Infra-Dimensions, beneath the Three-Dimensional Zone ofEuclid.



“Long before the emergence from within Chaos of the lunarchain… in one of those worlds…

“At that time, I was merely a poor Intellectual Animal condemnedto the sorrow of living. I openly confess that my Nature Mother workedin vain creating bodies; I always destroyed them with my vices andpassions. Obviously, I had hurled myself down the descending,involutionary path.

“It is said that Buddha’s necklace has one hundred and eightbeads and this indicates to us the number of lives that are assigned toany Soul...

“I must make some emphasis in saying that the last of these 108existences was for me something definitive... It was then that I enteredInvolution in the Submersed Mineral Kingdom.

“Life in the mineral entrails of this planet obviously seamed to meexcessively boring… I became frightfully debilitated, falling brokeninto pieces and dying painfully; I was disintegrating with hideousslowness...

“I no longer had even the strength to think – and it was better thisway. At last the ‘Second Death’ came, about which Saint John spoke inthe Apocalypse; I exhaled my last breath…

“What Happiness My God! How great is the mercy of God..! TheEssence liberated from the EGO is completely innocent and pure.Within the bowels of that world, the ‘I’ had turned into cosmic dust.

“How long did I live in the Infernal Worlds? I do not know:possibly eight to ten thousand years...”

“The Mystery of the Golden Blossom” by Samael Aun Weor

Question:Venerable Master, I would like to know how the Essencecomes out into the light of the Sun, once the Ego has been reduced tocosmic dust in this Ninth Circle of the center of our planet.

Answer: After having exhaled its last breath in that region where thethrone of Dis is found, the Essence, the Psychic Material, what we haveof a soul, remains free without ego, because the latter, as we have

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“In general, my dear brothers, all things during this age areprofound darkness: fallen Angels, profaned sanctuaries, defeated Initi-ates, sufferance, bitterness… Could it be said that this is evolution?No! If even the greatest ones have fallen, what could be said aboutthose who have never become Hierophants, or anybody of the sort?What could be said about all these crowds, about this variegatedensemble of persons that go and come on these streets of God? Theyfulfil their destinies, finish their manifestation cycle and go in theWorld of the ‘Klippoth’ for their own good and for the good ofeverybody else!

“However, what would be our fate if the lost ones were notdefinitively to be submerged in the Worlds of the ‘Klippoth’? Imagine,if there did not exist a superior principle, if a Force from nature did notdisintegrate the ‘Myself’, the ‘I’, if it were allowed to grow, how farwould this go? Luckily, the ‘Wheel’ is continuously rotating. Whensomebody has not Self-Realized himself, he descends in the depths ofthe Earth for his own good, because ultimately what the Divinity wantsis our good.”

“The different worlds of space”, a lecture by Samael Aun Weor

Dear friends, we are here to discuss in detail the different causesthat lead the “intellectual humanoids” on the descending, involutionarypath, to the Infernal Regions.

Unquestionably, millions of involutionary, descending creaturescross during these instants the “Acheron” in order to move downwardsinto the Avernus.

Waves of humanoids, after having completed the cycle of exist-ences in the Physical Three-Dimensional World of Euclid, stop havinghuman bodies in order to be definitively immersed in the MineralKingdom.

Of course, the world’s evil, no matter how monstrous it may be, hasa dam, an ultimate limit.

What would the fate of the Universe be if there were not anundefeatable obstacle for evil?


people; however, in reality, you had entered the Ninth Infernal Circle inthe very moment the offence was committed. Who remained inhabitingyour body? Was it not a demon?

Woe betide any traitor! Woe to those who commit such crimes!They are tried immediately by the Courts of Objective Justice andsentenced to death. The Cosmic Executioners fulfil the sentence andthose wretched ones are instantly disincarnated, passing into the NinthDantesque Circle, even though their bodies do not die, since it is knownthat any demon can be left in place of the traitor, in his body, so that thekarmic processes are not altered of those relatives who in one way oranother are connected to such wicked personalities.

Even though it may seem incredible, at present many a living deadis walking the streets of any city, while their true owners live in the hellworlds.

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Certainly, the latter would infinitely develop until it would rulesovereign in all Spheres.

It is the right moment to emphasize very clearly the terrible realityof the 108 existences that are allocated to any living Essence, to anyDivine Soul-Principle.

Those 108 beads of Buddha’s necklace and those 108 turns thatthe Hindu Brahman makes around the Holy Cow come to remind us ofthis. Undoubtedly, with the last one of these turns, the Brahman ends hisdaily ritual; he then dips the tip of the mentioned allegorical animal’s tailinto the glass of water from which he is going to drink.

Having understood all this, we can continue: it is obvious that theDivine Mother Kundalini, the “Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers”,tries to achieve our intimate Self-Realization during those 108 exist-ences that are assigned to each of us. Visibly, during such a cycle ofsuccessive lives, we have uncountable occasions for Self-Realization;it is proper that we take advantage of them. Unfortunately, we always fallinto the same mistake, and the result usually is, eventually, failure.

It is clear and obvious that not all the human beings wish to tread thepath that must lead us to the Final Liberation.

The different Messengers come from above, the Prophets, theAvatars, and the Great Apostles, have always wanted to precisely showus the rocky path that leads to the authentic and legitimate Happiness.

Unfortunately, people do not want to know anything about DivineWisdom. They have imprisoned the Masters, killed the Avatars, andbathed in the blood of the innocent; they hate to death anything that maycarry some flavour of the Divine.

Undoubtedly, all the people, like Pilate, wash their hands; theybelieve themselves to be saints and presume they are on the Path ofPerfection.

We cannot deny the obvious and definite fact that there are millionsof sincerely mistaken people, who very honestly believe themselves tobe virtuous and think only the best of themselves.

In Tartarus live all sorts of anchorites, mistaken mystics, sublimefakirs, priests of many a form of worship, penitents of all kind who wouldaccept anything but the terrible truth that they are lost and walk on thepath of evil.


In this talk, I wish to cite also the Holy Grail, the Divine Cup, orMiraculous Chalice, from which the Great Kabir Jesus drank during theLast Supper.

It is clear that such a jewel is the living symbol of the Uterus, or divineYoni, of the Eternal Feminine.

Since we have entered the topic of the Ninth Sphere, we could notforget to mention in this talk the Chalice and the Spear of the GreatArchaic Mysteries

In the Ninth Sphere, the involutionary creatures are definitelydisintegrated. What happened to Nimrod and his Tower of Babel? Whatwill happen to the modern fanatics of such a tower? In vain, they willattempt to assault the Sky with their rockets; the cosmic journeys are notpermitted to intellectual animals; to attempt it, is a sacrilege. Such tripsare exclusively for the authentic, legitimate and true man.

After the Great Catastrophe that is getting closer, the intellectualrascals of the Tower of Babel will descend into the Infernal Worlds to bereduced to cosmic dust in the Ninth Sphere.

Moreover, what happened to Ephialtes? He managed to move theincarnated gods in ancient Atlantis; however, he was reduced to dust inthe Ninth Dantesque Circle.

What happened to Briareus, the one with one hundred arms, livingallegorical representation of the “Lords of the Tenebrous Countenance”that in other times inhabited the submerged Atlantis? He was dissolvedin the Ninth Infernal Circle, or Circle of Neptune, becoming the dust of theEarth.

In this Submerged Neptunian Zone the TRAITORS are reduced todust. Poor Brutus, Cassius, and the inner Judas of each living being!

Moreover, whatever became of you, Alberico di Manfredi, lord ofFaenza? Of what use were your good intentions and having entered theOrder of the “Joyous Brothers”? The Divine ones and the humans knowvery well the horrible crime that you committed. Was it not you whomurdered your relatives in the middle of the feast?

The legend of the centuries says that while pretending to bereconciled with them, you murdered them at the famous banquet,precisely at the end, in the very instant when the dessert was beingserved. This notwithstanding, you continued to live, or so it seemed to

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With good reason, the Great Kabir Jesus said, “among one thou-sand who seek me, one finds me. Among one thousand who find me,one follows me. Among one thousand who follow me, only one is mine.”

The Bhagavad-Gita says textually the followings: “Among thou-sands of people maybe one tries to reach perfection; among those whotry maybe one will obtain perfection, and among the perfect ones maybeone knows me perfectly.”

Jesus, the Great Kabir, emphasizes the difficulty of entering theKingdom: “But, poor you, scholars and Pharisees, hypocrites! Becauseyou close the Kingdom of Heaven before other people, since you neitherenter nor let others enter who are going in. Poor you scholars andPharisees, hypocrites! Because you steal from the widows’ houses and,as an excuse, you do long prayers. For this, you will receive greaterpunishment.”

The Great Kabir, Jesus, referring to so many false prophets whoare about in the world, founding different sects that will never lead to FinalLiberation, says: “Poor you, scholars and Pharisees, hypocrites! Whydo you go through seas and countries to find a follower, and as soon asyou find one, you make him twice as much as you a son of Inferno”.

Distinguished friends, noble brothers, respectable ladies, what isserious is the fact that the lost ones, the sincerely mistaken ones,always think they are doing very well.

How can we make these people understand that they are on awrong path? How can we make them understand that the path that leadsto the Abyss is paved with good intentions? How can we demonstrateto people whose consciousness is asleep that the sect they are part of,or the dark school they have affiliated to, will lead them to the Abyss andto the “Second Death”?

It is undeniable that no one thinks badly of his own sect. They all areconvinced by the words of the blind, who are guides of the blind…

Surely and in the name of the truth, we must sincerely say that onlyby awakening our consciousness will we be able to see the narrow, tightand difficult Path that leads us to the Light.

How could those who are sleeping see the Path? Could the minddiscover the Truth?

It is written with golden words on the Great Book of Universal Life


It is worth to inform you that the Abominable Kundabuffer organ, theresult of the bad use of the Creative Energy stolen by Cacus, developsnot only in the black alchemists, or tenebrous tantric ones, but also in thedefinitely lost ones, even if the latter had never had any magicalknowledge.

Moving on to the antithetical sphere of Uranus, in the abyssal depthsof the planet Earth, by the law of contrasts and the law of analogy of theopposites and of simple correspondence, the horrifying Cacus shouldalso be destroyed…

NINTH DANTESQUE CIRCLEThe submerged sphere of Neptune

Dear friends gathered here tonight, we intend to study the NinthDantesque Circle with the purpose of going deeper into this matter.

We have arrived at the very center of the Earth, which is of a frightfulinertia, since it is the very nucleus of our planet.

On reaching this part, Dante in his Divine Comedy cites in anunusual way the spear of Achilles. We have been told that, although atthe beginning such a spear wounded and caused harm and bitterness,it afterwards became a true blessing

This comes to clearly remind us of the “spear of Longibus”, withwhich said Roman centurion wounded the flank of the Lord.

This same spear, held by Parsifal, the wonderful hero of theWagnerian drama, came to heal the side of Amfortas.

In our past texts, we have spoken in a concrete manner about thisweapon of Eros.

We then said that such spear is of a phallic type, and if wiselyhandled, it can be used for the disintegration of the pluralized “I”.

The fact that Dante should mention the SPEAR OF ACHILLESprecisely in the Ninth Sphere is quite remarkable, and this is somethingthat should make us meditate…

We must remember that the “Holy Spear” is the very emblem of thePhallus, where the beginning of all life resides, the TranscendentalSexual Electricity with which we can disintegrate and reduce to cosmicdust the pluralized “I”.

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that the mind cannot recognize what it has never known.Somehow, do you believe that the mind has ever known what the

Real, the Truth, is?Undoubtedly, understanding goes from known to unknown; it moves

in a vicious circle, and as it happens, the Truth is the unknown frominstant to instant.

Please, my dear brothers, noble friends and distinguished ladies,reflect a little bit.

The mind can accept or reject whatever it wants; it can believe ordoubt, etc, etc, etc, but it will never be able to know the Real.

Observe carefully what is happening in different corners of theworld. It is obvious that everywhere sacred books are in circulation thatserve as the basis for many religious creeds.

However, who understands the concepts of content in such books?Who has full Consciousness of what is written in each verse? Thecrowds limit themselves only to believing or denying, and that is all.

As a proof of what I have asserted, you can take the many sects thathave been formed with the beautiful verses of the Four ChristianGospels.

Were devotees fully conscious of the Christic Gospel preached bythe Great Kabir Jesus, it is obvious that there would not exist so manysects; in reality, there would be only one Religion of Christ, of a cosmic,universal type.

Nevertheless, the believers do not manage to agree with eachother, because the have their consciousness asleep. They do not knowanything, and nothing is clear for them; they have never personally talkedto an Angel, and they have never entered the Celestial Regions con-sciously and in a positive way. They walk because others walk; they eatbecause others eat; they say what others say, and thus they go from thecradle to the grave with their eyes tight.

Unfortunately, time passes with frightening speed, the cycle ofhuman existences ends, and eventually the devotees, convinced thatthey are on the Right Path, descend into Pluto’s horrible abode, where“only the lamentation and the gritting of teeth can be heard…”

The descent of the human crowds in the interior of the planetaryorganism is realized by going down the Animal and Vegetal scales, and


transform themselves into adepts of the tenebrous countenance. Theyinevitably get to be devoured by the horrible serpent of the fatalities.

I want everyone to realize that there are two types of alchemy, twotypes of Death of the Ego, and two types of banquet that the serpentgives herself.

You can choose your path! Choose it! The knowledge is given toyou; you are faced with the dilemma of “to be or not to be” of philosophy.

Poor you, the candidates for the Second Death! Your tortures willbe frightful. Only in this manner, can you die in the tenebrous Avernus.

In which other manner can the Essence emancipate? In whichother manner could it free itself to re-initiate a new evolutionary cycle,which undoubtedly has to start from the hard rock?


This Eighth Submerged Region is the antithesis, the opposite, thenegative aspect of Uranus.

This planet, as ruler of the New Era of Aquarius, brings a completerevolution to our afflicted world.

It is then not surprising that in the submersed region of Uranus,beneath the crust of our Earth, the sexual aspects of the definitely lostones are defined, and the tempting serpent of Eden swallows the fallenones to begin the destructive process on a great scale until it concludeswith the Second Death.

In our previous book, titled The Three Mountains, we said that in thesubmerged Mineral Kingdom of the planet Uranus, the initiate has todisintegrate the “bad thief”, Cacus, or Gestas, as it appears in theChristian gospel

Agathos, or Dimas, the “good thief”, is that inner power that, fromthe depth of our Being, steals the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12, for our ownIntimate Inner Self-Realization.

Cacus, the bad thief, the horrible Gestas, is that tenebrous, sinisterpower that steals the Creative Energy for evil.

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eventually entering the Mineral stage, in the very center of the planetEarth.

I want you to know, I want you to understand, that it is in the centerof this planet that millions of humanoids pass through the “SecondDeath” told in Saint John’s Apocalypse [or Book of Revelation].

It is obvious that the destruction of the “Oneself”, the annihilation ofthe Ego, the dissolution of the “I” in the Immersed Regions of the Avernusis absolutely essential for the destruction of the evil within each of us.

Obviously, only through the Death of the Ego, does the liberation ofthe Essence become possible, and then such Essence reappears,comes up to the planetary surface, under the light of the sun, to restartagain a new evolutionary process in the Painful Wheel of Samsara.

Such re-ascension always takes place crossing the Mineral, Veg-etal, and Animal stages until re-conquering the humanoid stage that wasonce lost.

Of course, together with the coming back to this stage, we are againassigned 108 existences of which if we do not take proper advantage,they will lead us down the descendent path, back to Avernus. Anyway,dear friends, it is good to know that any Essence, any Soul is alwaysfated with 3,000 of such Cosmic Manifestation Cycles.

Whoever definitively fails, who does not know how to take advan-tage of the uncountable occasions that these 3,000 periods reserve forus, grant to us, will be excluded for good from Mastery.

In this case, that Eternal Spark which we all carry within, thesublime MONAD, picks up its Essence, i.e. its Soul Principles, absorbsit within itself and then dives into the Universal Spirit of Life for ever.

Thus, the Monads without Mastery, those who did not obtain it, ordid not want it, shall be definitively excluded from any hierarchic scale.I clarify: not all the Eternal Sparks, not all the Sublime Monads wantMastery.

Obviously, when a Monad, a Divine Spark, truly wants to reach theSublime state of “Master-Monad”, it works upon its Essence, upon itsSoul, awakening in such Soul infinite yearnings of Transcendent Spiritu-ality.


belly, “The Seven Gates of the Inferno”, as the Mohammedans say.If in the Superior Dimensions of Nature and of the Cosmos, we are

devoured by the Bronze Serpent that healed the Israelites in the desert,obviously in the Eighth Dantesque Circle the condemned are devouredby the horrible tempting serpent of Eden; then they become poisonous,frightfully malignant vipers.

I want you to integrally comprehend that the serpent must alwaysdevour us, whether in the luminous aspect, or in the tenebrous EighthInfernal Circle.

The fatal dinner of the horrible tempting serpent of Eden, is pathetic,devouring the lost ones, with the purpose of destroying them, disinte-grating them, reducing them to cosmic dust, to liberate the Essence, torestore the original pristine purity of the same. Only in this manner canthe soul emancipate itself from the painful Tartarus.

It is interesting to know that the serpent always destroys the Ego,whether it be through the luminous way, on the basis of conscious workand voluntary sufferings, or through the tenebrous way, in the eighthcircle of fatalities.

It is wonderful to know that the Ego always has to be dissolved, nomatter what, with our will, or against our will, and that the serpentinevitably has to swallow us, as victors, or as failures…

This tempting serpent of Eden, this horrible Python, is the negativeaspect of the Divine Mother. Once her labour is completed in theAvernus, she returns to her positive polarization in the LuminousRegion.

You see then, my friends, in what manner the Divine Mother lovesher child…

Those who are lost, the black tantric persons, developing theserpent of fatality, inevitably condemn themselves to the Second Death.

The Dugpas with the red cap cannot ever run away from the DivineMother Kundalini; she devours them inevitably, no matter what.

In the Eighth Infernal Circle live unfortunately the FALSE ALCHE-MISTS, THE BLACK TANTRIC PERSONS, the FALSIFIERS OF MET-ALS, those who crystallized negatively, to be more clear, those whoinstead of crystallizing the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12 in the superiorExistential Bodies of the Being, made it crystallize negatively to really

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“Hercolubus will pass by an angle of the System and a shock willtake place, not a physical shock but an electromagnetic shock, andthen it will help to promote the revolution of the Earth’s axis, it willcontribute to this. Everything will be reduced to ash, and the water, ofcourse, changing bed, will swallow the Continents.

“Thus, extraordinary events are expected in the world, in theUniverse, in the Cosmos. Now, what is most severe is the fact that the‘humanoids’ are not capable of disintegrating those crystallizations ofthe ‘Abominable Kundabuffer Organ’, and, because of their not beingcapable, nature must come in their assistance.

“Generally, entering the infernal worlds does not have any otherpurpose than to disintegrate there the ‘elements’ that are trapping theEssence, to disintegrate them with the help of the centrifugal forces.”

“The Iron Age”, a lecture by Samael Aun Weor

FIRST DANTESQUE CIRCLEThe submerged sphere of the Moon

My friends let us study the First Dantesque Circle of the InfernalWorlds.

It is obvious that First Submerged Region corresponds to theLIMBO, the “Orcus” of the classics, which is cited by Virgil, the poet fromMantua.

We have been very clearly told that such mineral zone is vividlyrepresented by all the WORLD’S CAVERNS which, united in astral,actually complement the First Submerged Region.

Dante, the old Florentine, says that in such region “he met all theINNOCENTS WHO HAD DIED WITHOUT RECEIVING THE WATERSOF BAPTISM”. (All this must be understood in a symbolic manner).

If we carefully study the Ramayana, the sacred book of the Hindu,with mystical amazement we can realise the ultimate and irrevocablefact that the Sacrament of Baptism is prior to the Christian Age.

In the Ramayana we can verify the unusual case of Rama who, of


breathing under the sun. Why then does he dwell in the SeventhDantesque Circle?

It is necessary to answer such enigmas, to clarify, to investigatewith precision, to inquire and investigate.

If we think about the multiplicity of the “I”, it is not strange that anyof these psychic aggregates, related with the crime of violence againstnature, is living in its corresponding submerged region, even when thepersonality still lives on the surface of the Earth.

Obviously, if that doctor does not dissolve the Pluralized “I”, he willhave to descend with the involutionary wave in the entrails of the world,to stand out very especially in the Seventh Dantesque Circle (there ismuch virtue in the wicked, and there is much evil in the virtuous).

Once the cycle of 108 existences that is assigned to every soul onthe face of the Earth concludes, it is unquestionable that one has todescend with the involutionary wave, even if one may have beautifulvirtues.

It is worth remembering Brunetto Latini right now, that noblegentleman who taught the Florentine Dante with so much love the paththat leads to the immortality of man. That noble creature had beensubmerged in the abyss for the crime of violation against nature.

EIGHTH DANTESQUE CIRCLEThe Submerged Sphere of Uranus

There are two serpents:1st The one of the White Tantrism is the “Bronze Serpent” that

healed the Israelites in the desert, victoriously ascending through theSpinal Medullary Channel.

2nd The “Tempting Serpent” from Eden, the horrible Python, whichslithers through the mud of the Earth and which Apollo, furious, woundedwith his arrows.

The first one, the Bronze Serpent, the Ascending Fire, has thepower of awakening the Chakras of the Spinal Column; it opens, we maysay, the Seven Churches of the “Apocalypse” of Saint John andtransforms us into very Divine Gods.

The second one opens the seven Chakras that are in the lower

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course, was baptized by his Guru.Unquestionably, in ancient times nobody received the water of

baptism without previously having being thoroughly instructed regardingthe Mysteries of Sex. The sacrament of baptism is therefore a pact ofSexual Magic.

It is extraordinary that when entering any School of Mysteries theBaptismal Sacrament used to be received first of all.

It is essential and urgent to transmute the “Pure Waters of Life” intothe “Vine of the Light” of the Alchemist. Only in this way, is it possible toreach the Intimate Self-Realization of the Being.

In the “Orcus” of the classics, in Limbo, we meet many illustriouspeople who died without receiving “the Waters of the Baptism”.

These are sincerely mistaken people, full of grandiose intentionsbut mistaken, people who believed Liberation to be possible without theneed of Sexual Magic.

Thus, in the First Sub-Lunar Region, beneath the epidermis of thisplanet on which we live, dwell coldly and sepulchral the deceased.

One feels true sadness, supreme sorrow, contemplating so manymillions of disembodied persons wandering with their consciousnessasleep in the Region of the Dead.

See them over there as cold shadows with their consciousnessprofoundly asleep, like ghosts of the night!

The shadows of the dead come and go everywhere in the FirstDantesque Circle; they busy themselves with the same activities of theirlife past, dream with the memories of yesterday, they totally live in thepast…

SECOND DANTESQUE CIRCLEThe submerged sphere of Mercury

My friends let us study now, carefully, the Second DantesqueCircle. I want to refer in an emphatic way to the negative aspect (or bettersaid, the submerged aspect) of the planet Mercury.

We will not talk about the Heaven of Mercury. I repeat: it is essentialto investigate a little bit what is strictly related to the antithesis of thatbright Heaven…


dimensional World of Euclid.Said color finds its opposite in a similar one in the ultraviolet range

on the mentioned Three-dimensional Region.It is interesting to know that everyone who joins the Seventh

Dantesque Circle, carries in his radiant aura the abominable bloodycolor, which certainly makes him related to that submerged zone of ourplanet Earth.

The Seventh Dantesque Circle is, therefore, the dwelling of thosewho are VIOLENT AGAINST NATURE, of those who are VIOLENTAGAINST ART, the FRAUDSTERS, THE VIOLENT AGAINST GOD,THE VIOLENT AGAINST THEMSELVES, against their own property, oragainst the property of others.

While moving around with the astral body, consciously and posi-tively, in that submerged region, I was able to witness the reigningviolence in such a frightening zone of bitterness.

I still remember two very notable demons, whom I approacheddiplomatically, with the purpose of not hurting anyone’s susceptibilities,or provoking unnecessary psychological reactions. They pronouncedthemselves against the Cosmic Christ, they denied him emphatically,feeling perversely satisfied with their miserable Satanic condition.

Violence reigned everywhere in the bloody submerged atmos-phere. Unnecessary destructions, frightening blows against things,against persons, against everything, were seen here, there, and every-where.

I felt as if the Saturnine influence, with its definitely centrifugalforces, were intent on disintegrating everything, reducing to cosmic dustthe persons, furniture, doors, etc. in that region.

I was very astonished to find there a very respectable creature,whose eyes still penetrate the softness of daylight.

This was a very famous doctor, a true Samaritan, who in life hasonly wanted to treat the sick with genuine love and without exploitinganybody.

What I am saying may cause astonishment. Many could object,telling me, “How is it possible that he, being such a good person, mayend up in the region of evil?” Even the question of life and death could beadduced. The good man in question obviously still lives; he is still

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When we enter the Earth’s interior with the Astral Body, we canperfectly verify by ourselves and in direct manner what is the INFERNOOF MERCURY.

When entering this submersed region we feel deep down in ourSouls the continuous agitation of these NEGATIVE PASSIONAL FORCESthat flow and continuously rush in this underground zone.

We must add that there we feel the wind, the powerful hurricane ofMercury, of course a fatal air element. That underground zone is theplace where the FORNICATORS live, those who enjoy themselves bydispersing from their bodies the Sacred Sperm.

These unhappy creatures of the Nether World, immersed in vices,desperately come and go here, there, and everywhere. One is aston-ished to see these lost ones cohabiting in Nature’s Atomic Infernos.

These “Egos” continuously curse and hate to death everything thathas the flavour of Chastity.

There we meet the empress Semiramis, a terrible fornicator whoestablished in her country laws that encouraged the animal passions.

In Pluto’s dwelling we find Queen Dido too, who committed suicidebecause of her passion after she had sworn fidelity to Sichaeus’ ashes.There is Paris, who sequestered the beautiful Helen from the ancientTroy, and also Achilles, the impetuous warrior destroyer of citadels…

Tartarus of the unhappy ones, Abysses of cruelties, fear, repug-nance!

With profound sorrow, we can find in the Second Dantesque Circlethe FALLEN BODHISATTVAS, those who assassinated the God Mer-cury, unhappy Souls who had “sold their birthright for a plate of lentils”.

What pain we feel deep down our Conscience when discoveringinto these Mercurial Abysses the Fallen Angels cited by the ancientreligious theogonies!

Those who “have exchanged the Scepter of Power for Omphale’sspindle” come and go through the black air of the submerged region, aregion where human understanding does not work, a world of brutalinstincts where lasciviousness is mixed with the impetuosity of violence.

Here are The Mysteries of Minos, or Minna, frightening depthswhere the Black Tantrists dwell who developed the “AbominableKundabuffer Organ”, the cause of so many evils.


sincere but also terribly mistaken: what they should have done they didnot do, and what they should not have done they did.

Some of these gentlemen had been extraordinarily fanatic in theworld while they had lived and had taught religion to their children withcanes and beatings, as if it could be learned by the whip. Such evilsubjects had been scourge in their homes, embittering the life of theiroffspring.

Jupiter, generous as always, munificent and altruist, must have itscontrast beneath the epidermis of the Earth, in the Sixth SubmergedInfra-dimension.

What would be the antithesis of generosity? Selfishness, usury,embezzlement, that is obvious.

Therefore, it is not strange to find in this infrahuman region thosewho monopolize all the goods of the Earth, such as Sanagabril and hisfollowers. In this manner, every religious antithesis, every Jupiteriancontrast, has to be inevitably found in the Sixth Infernal Circle beneaththe epidermis of the Earth.

SEVENTH DANTESQUE CIRCLEThe submerged sphere of Saturn

Friends, we must talk in a profound manner about the submergedsphere of Saturn.

If we carefully read Dante’s Divine Comedy, we will find said regionconverted into an ocean of blood and fire.

Allow us the liberty of saying that this point of view is completelyallegorical or symbolic; yes, it does signify the concrete and definite factthat in the Saturnine Region there definitely prevails a certain reddish,bloody color which highly characterizes violent animal passion.

When we speak of colors, we should know that above the solarspectrum in the superior dimensions of nature and of the cosmos,shines the entire ultraviolet range and that below the solar spectrum,there fatally shines the infrared range. The latter is characteristic of theInfra-dimensions of nature beneath the geological crust of our world.

In this manner, therefore, that passionate bloody red color of thesubmerged Saturnine Region could not be exhibited in our Three-

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In the Submerged Sphere of Mercury live millions of human crea-tures with the “Abominable Kundabuffer Organ” totally developed.

By this I do not mean that the physical tail of the apes is developedat present in the anatomy of the “Three-Brained or Three-CenteredBipeds”.

There is indeed a bony remainder of the abominable tail, veryincipient in the human anatomy. Nevertheless, the psychic aspect of this“organ” can be found in the metaphysical presence of millions of rationalhumanoids.

We evince this in a clear form when, dressed in our Astral Bodies,we enter the Mercurial submerged domains beneath the planet Earth’sepidermis.

THIRD DANTESQUE CIRCLEThe submerged sphere of Venus

We will speak about the Venusian Infernos which, as you know, arelocated in Nature’s Infra-dimensions, beneath the epidermis of theEarth.

Incontestably, this is a much denser region than the previous two,much grosser, because each atom of matter contains in its interior 288Atoms of the Absolute.

Obviously, these are heavier atoms, and consequently, themateriality is much greater.

In addition, the fact itself of being ruled by 288 Laws makes of thisunderground zone something extremely complicated and frighteninglydifficult and painful.

Let us carefully observe the taverns, the cabarets, the brothels,etc., etc., in our Three-dimensional World of Euclid.

Incontestably, the vital shadow of all this, the sinister aspect of theBIGGEST ORGIES AND WILD PARTIES, can be found in the sub-merged sphere of Venus.

Those who have always lived from one orgy to the next, from onetavern to another tavern, immersed in the mud of the great feasts,banquets and drunkenness, know very well what they feel after a nightof partying. Many, willing to drown in wine the disastrous state in which


One feels filled with pain while contemplating, as Dante did, somany mitered skeptics and atheists, stuck in the sepulcher of their ownpassions, hatreds and limitations.

When we think of the great legislators, sovereigns and lords thatrule the social conglomerates, we obviously discover tyrants and littletyrants that originate complications and pain here, there and every-where. The result of such evil proceedings corresponds exactly with theSixth Dantesque circle.

It is therefore not surprising that in this tenebrous region of Pluto’sdwelling, the esoteric researcher finds all those hierarchs who abusedtheir power; it is then clear that such people suffer the unspeakable.

Jupiter, as a paternal friend, always generous, has its evil antithesisin those terrible heads of household who, having lots of goods, denyfood, shelter and clothing, to their children. Undoubtedly, it is in thedisastrous Sixth Abyssal Region where those sinning shadows find theirdwelling after death.

The consciousness of the investigator is moved contemplating theheads of household submerged in the tenebrous Jupiterian Region;what is more curious, however, is that they had always thought them-selves to be virtuous, fair, and kind, while they were on this world underthe light of the Sun., and some of them had even been profoundlyreligious.

There are also in this sinister dwelling heads of household whoaspired to the intimate self-realization of the Being. In spite of all theircruelties, their peers clearly believed them to be good; their conduct wasapparently upright from the doors of their house outwards, even thoughwithin their homes there was crying and sadness.

They were extraordinarily pious people with feigned humilities andcomedian poses, unbearable vegetarians of the type who make of fooda religion of the kitchen.

I would call them hypocrites, Pharisees, whitened sepulchers,using the tone of the Great Kabir Jesus; however, this would never besaid by their followers, or by those who might have seen them in beautifulhalls of a pseudo-esoteric or pseudo-occultist type.

It is also not strange to find in the Sixth Submerged Infra-dimen-sional Region, heads of households, who had been very honest and

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they are left after a spree, continue on the path of vice until they reachthe total catastrophe of their organism.

Elaborating on this question, going a bit deeper into this matter, I canaffirm in an emphatic way that, after pleasure, pain comes. Now you canexplain yourselves, by yourselves, what will the life, or the existence, ofthe lost souls in the Submerged Region of Venus, will be like

With good reason, Dante met in the Submerged Abysses of theThird Infernal Circle continuous rain, frightening cold, mud, black wa-ters, putrefaction, etc.

Nonetheless, the deceased in this region listen with horror to thefrightening barks of the CERBERUS, the Dog of Inferno, a symbolic Dogwhich, with its three cruel mouths, represents the violent animal sexualpassions, which are luciferian, without any control.

Here are the pleasures of the ancient Rome of the Caesars,pleasures that have become fatal results. Here is Petronius who died inthe middle of a loud party, loved by all women and crowned with rosesand laurels; here is the goddess [of] Lesbos and her lesbians; here is thepoet Sappho who was singing about all the degenerated peoples of herperiod; here is Nero’s lyre turn to pieces and the vainglorious gentlemenof the great feasts…

Grotesque residence of the voracious heliogabalians! Notoriousgluttons, true peacocks gloriously shining in the racket of the ancientparties!

What has been of their goblets of fine Baccara? What is left of theswords of the knights, their love oaths, the kisses of their ladies, theirsweet words, the applause of the guests, the flattery, the praise, theregal clothes, the ladies’ perfumes, the beautiful dances, the softcarpets, the bright mirrors, the royal poems, the damned purple, and thebeautiful silks?

Now only left is the stink of the Buried World, where Ciaccoprophesized to Dante the falling of the victorious party in beautifulFlorence and the triumph of the humiliated ones, who were to be againdefeated and then dominated in a much more tyrannical way by theformer.

The abominable zone of bitterness where this poet, disciple ofVirgil, asked in an unusual way about Farinata and Tegghiaio, who hadbeen so worthy, and about Jacob Rusticucci, Arrigo, Mosca, and others


To roll over so much mud, running from oneself, feeling terror ofself, the “I” facing the “I”, parts of the “I” facing parts of the “I”, is of coursethe terror the terrors, the unqualifiable, the fear that has no words to beexpressed. Thus, the consciousness of the deceased in the Fifth Infra-dimension of planet Earth comes to know its own evils, its own terrors,its unusual violence, its harmful anger…

SIXTH DANTESQUE CIRCLEThe submerged sphere of Jupiter

Distinguished friends, let us study now very clearly the SixthDantesque Circle, or Circle of Jupiter, submerged beneath the planetEarth’s epidermis.

Incontestably, this Infra-dimension is even denser than the previ-ous five, because of its atomic constitution. It is good to know that eachatom of the Sixth Dantesque circle carries in its entrails 576 atoms of theSacred Absolute Sun

Undoubtedly, such types of extremely heavy atoms are the causacausorum of a tremendous materiality.

People who live immersed in this infernal region are obviouslycontrolled by 576 laws, which make of their existences something verycomplicated and difficult.

Time becomes frighteningly slow in this region; each minute feelslike centuries and therefore, life becomes tedious and intolerable.

If we carefully analyze the Jupiterian vibration in its planetarytranscendental aspect, we discover the mysterious force that gives theScepter to Kings and the Miter to Hierarchs of diverse confessionalreligions.

The planet Jupiter in the infinite space is extraordinarily mystic,regal and sublime.

Its antithesis in the submerged Infra-dimensions beneath thegeological crust of our world is actually the dwelling of the MATERIAL-ISTIC ATHEISTS, ENEMIES OF THE ETERNAL.

In these regions also live the BLASPHEMOUS, those that hateeverything that could have Divine flavor, and the HERETICS, those whocultivate the dogma of separatism.

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who had devoted themselves to doing good and who now live in evendeeper regions of the Infernal Worlds.

Many sincere mistaken people, horribly involving in these AbysmalRegions, people who cheered up with their lyres the magnificent halls ofthe great lords, beautiful virtuous maidens who sang poems, unhappywine drinkers from the city’s suburbs, etc., are now dwelling in theInfernos of the Third Dantesque Circle.

FOURTH DANTESQUE CIRCLEThe submerged sphere of the Sun

Distinguished friends, let us study consciously the Fourth Dan-tesque Circle, located in nature’s Infra-dimensions beneath the Three-dimensional Region of Euclid.

Unquestionably, in the Solar Infernos of the shining star that giveslife to this Solar System of Ors, we do not see the grotesque Dantesquespectacles of the Terrestrial Infernos.

It is obvious that in the Solar Submerged Mineral Kingdom exists themost perfect mineral purity.

Undoubtedly, in the radiant star which itself is the very heart of thisgreat system in which we live, move, and have our being, happily live theSolar Spirits only.

Given that they are sacred and eternal persons, it is not possible tothink of definitive and decisive failures as those from our terrestrial world.

The concrete fact is obvious that there are no dark inhabitants in thenatural Infra-dimensions of the Solar World. A very different case indeedare our planet Earth‘s Infra-dimensions.

It is pathetically clear and obvious to any esoteric researcher thefact of the involutionary states of the Fourth Dantesque Circle beneaththe geological crust of our planet Earth.

Given that the Sun is the source of all life and the wonderful agentwho sustains all existence, in harmony with the Law of the COMMON-ETERNAL-COSMIC-TROGO-AUTO-EGOCRATIC, obviously, the fa-tal and negative antithesis of all this can really be met in the Solarantithetic aspect of the Fourth Terrestrial Submerged Zone.

In this Dark Region, in these Atomic Infernos of nature, we meet two


in our book titled “The Three Mountains”, the esoteric investigatordiscovers terrible Sabbaths, frightening drones, dark harpies, witches,hags, or whatever you wish to call them.

However, in the Fifth Dantesque Circle, beneath the Earth’s epider-mis, in this section of, let us say, Martian type, it is certainly not thefollowers of Selene, with their repugnant drones that had scared theTrojans so much in the Strophades Islands of the Aegean Sea, whostand out.

Here, Dante Alighieri, the Florentine old man, disciple of Virgil, thepoet from Mantua, looking on to the whirling waters and the disgustingmud, sees only many arrogant persons, who, here on the Earth’ssurface, had solemnly shone in the rich palaces and in the magnificentresidences…

What is more painful in this Abominable Region is that one mustmeet here the lost ones with their millenary diabolic creations.

Incontestably, the Consciousness embottled in all those PsychicAggregates that constitute the Ego, the Myself, the “I”, must itselfconfront all its components.

I saw in those Submersed Regions a lot of mud, stagnant waters,and supreme pain.

To this day I remember with horror a certain hopeless creature who,immersed in that mud of bitterness, desperate, was trying to hide fromthe sinister sight of some horrible monsters that, in the very depth of itsown psyche, were the “I’s” personifying forms of violence, parts ofhimself.

To run away from ourselves? The “I” running away from the “I”?What fear, what aversion! The consciousness face to face with itself,confronted with a Machiavellian torture impossible to be described inwords.

Those “I’s”, part of the living creature who wanted to run away fromthem, did not have eyes under the forehead like the other mortals; theyhad them fatally on the right and left sides just like the birds…

These were Psychic Aggregates of violence. Carrying symbolicrifles, they wanted to attack the creature that was hiding, yet the latterand its strikers were all Psychic Aggregates, compound parts of onesame Ego, of the Pluralized “I”, on the whole.

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specific types of involutionary people: I am referring in an emphatic wayto the SPENDTHRIFT and to the MISER, two types of subjects that cannever be conciliated with each other and who over and over again attackeach other in a relentless way.

Analyzing this matter we must affirm in a solemn manner thatwaste is as absurd as avarice.

Within the mere process of the Common-Cosmic-Trogo-Auto-Egocratic, we must always remain loyal to the balance scales. It is clearthat the violation of the Law of Equilibrium leads to painful karmicconsequences.

In the field of practical life, we can verify consciously the disastrousconsequences that arise from the violation of the Law of the Scales.

The spendthrift, the squanderer who wastes his money, althoughin fact he feels himself to be very generous, is without doubt violating theLaw.

The miser, he who does not let the money circulate, he whoselfishly keeps it in an undue manner, beyond normality, is obviouslyharming the community, taking away the bread of many people, impov-erishing his fellow-men. This is why they are in violation of the Law ofBalance, the Law of the Scales.

The squanderer, although apparently doing good by letting themoney intensely circulate, logically is producing an imbalance not onlyin himself but also in the general movement of values. This, on the longterm, causes terrible economical harm to the nations.

The prodigal and the miserly become beggars, and this is proven.It is essential, it is urgent, to cooperate with the Law of the Common-

Eternal-Cosmic-Trogo-Auto-Egocratic, not to disturb the economicequilibrium, not to harm oneself and not to harm other people.

Because many people are unaware of the Law of the Common-Eternal-Cosmic-Trogo-Auto-Egocratic, we must clarify the following:this Great Law manifests itself as reciprocal nourishment of all organ-isms.

There is mutual nourishment among plants, among minerals,among the organisms of any species, etc., etc., etc.

The human and economic processes, the fluctuations of currency,the financial credit and debit, the exchange of goods and currency, the


private economy of each person, everything that each person receivesand spends, etc., etc., etc., belong to the Great Law of the Common-Eternal-Cosmic-Trogo-Auto-Egocratic.

It is clear, we repeat, it is obvious that in our Solar System, theradiant star that shines its light upon us is in fact the administrator of thissupreme Cosmic Law. The functioning of this Law would not be possibleif all balance were to be violated.

Now we can explain to ourselves in a clear manner the fundamentalreason why the wasteful and the avaricious do alter the balance ofpayment and produce disastrous consequences in the Cosmic andhuman equilibrium.

Those who violate the Law in a certain way must receive whateverthey deserve. Therefore, it is not unusual to find, in the Solar antithesis,in the Fourth Dantesque Circle, the wasteful and the avaricious.

FIFTH DANTESQUE CIRCLEThe submerged sphere of Mars

Friends, let us discuss now a little bit the Fifth, or “of Mars”, Infra-dimension of Nature, located beneath the geological crust of ourterrestrial world.

First of all, we must make it clear that we are not here to mentionthe Submerged Mineral Kingdom of the planet Mars itself.

We are exclusively referring to the Infra-dimensional section lo-cated beneath the Earth’s epidermis and which is related to the vibrationof Martian type.

I am talking neither about the Heaven of Mars, nor about said planet.What I am saying exclusively refers to the Fifth Infra-dimension of ourplanet Earth and that is all.

I like to clarify all this with the purpose of avoiding wrong interpreta-tions, because, as we know, the mind can fall in many a subtledeception…

In the Fifth Dantesque Circle, incontestably, it is the IRONIC, THEANGRY PEOPLE, those who are HAUGHTY, ARROGANT AND CON-CEITED, who stand out.

In the Infernos of the planet Mars itself, as we have already studied