daniel heard

And Now, just for your clarification… he Leader-Member Exchange Theor By: Daniel Heard

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Post on 12-Dec-2014




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And Now, just for your clarification…

The Leader-Member Exchange TheoryBy: Daniel Heard

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Excited? I wasn’t.

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Until I found that new techniques, which stem directly from the Leader-Member Exchange theory, are being implicated in some pretty well known companies..

So What is it?

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To put it as simply as possible, The Leader-Member Exchange theory is a series of evaluations and tests that form compatible matches between leader and subordinate.

(Kind of like the matchmaker tests we all took on valentines day in high school)

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What’s the point?Well, through various forms of leadership studies, companies are finding a positive correlation between production/efficiency and the quality of employee-employer relationships....

What does that mean?

Money Money Money

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So you think it sounds to good to be true?

This could unintentionally lead to segregation and even discrimination in the work place in order to improve efficiency.

You’re Not Alone.Critics believe that the tests used to evaluate the compatibilityin the workplace focuses primarily on generalities such as age groups, sex, and race instead of comparing more specific traits such as optimism, enthusiasm, or personality types…

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And Finally…what do I think stands out?

I know I’d rather work hard for My “Coach” than my boss.

The Leader-Member Exchange theory was one of the key components that led to the creation of the Mentor-System. This is a new age leadership style that builds a teammate like cohesiveness between subordinates and creates a sense of responsibility to the group’s mentor, or coach if you prefer.

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