dale atkins

Mistakes in avalanche Mistakes in avalanche rescue, the US rescue, the US experience. experience. Lessons Learned: Lessons Learned: Dale Atkins Dale Atkins Colorado Avalanche Colorado Avalanche Information Center / Information Center / Alpine Rescue Team Alpine Rescue Team German translation from Chris

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Dale Atkins. Lessons Learned:. Mistakes in avalanche rescue, the US experience. Colorado Avalanche Information Center / Alpine Rescue Team. German translation from Chris Utzinger. Objectives. Identify common mistakes made in avalanche rescues by rescue teams. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Dale Atkins

Mistakes in avalanche rescue, Mistakes in avalanche rescue, the US experience.the US experience.

Lessons Learned:Lessons Learned:

Dale AtkinsDale Atkins

Colorado AvalancheColorado AvalancheInformation Center / Information Center / Alpine Rescue TeamAlpine Rescue Team German translation

from Chris Utzinger.

Page 2: Dale Atkins


• Identify common mistakes made in Identify common mistakes made in

avalanche rescues by rescue teams.avalanche rescues by rescue teams.

(Reviewed avalanche rescues from (Reviewed avalanche rescues from

1950 to 2003.)1950 to 2003.)

Mistakes in Avalanche RescueMistakes in Avalanche Rescue

Page 3: Dale Atkins

Mistake CategoriesMistake Categories

Poor organizationPoor organization

Mistakes in Avalanche RescueMistakes in Avalanche Rescue

Mishandling the witnessMishandling the witness

Inadequate hasty (quick) searchInadequate hasty (quick) search

Mismanaged searchMismanaged search


Page 4: Dale Atkins

Poor OrganizationPoor Organization

• No rescue plan (or unpracticed plan)No rescue plan (or unpracticed plan)• Flawed leadershipFlawed leadership• Lack of proper equipmentLack of proper equipment• Failure to utilize available personnelFailure to utilize available personnel

Mistakes in Avalanche RescueMistakes in Avalanche Rescue

Page 5: Dale Atkins

Mishandling the WitnessMishandling the Witness

Mistakes in Avalanche RescueMistakes in Avalanche Rescue

• Inaccurate information regarding:Inaccurate information regarding:

• Failure to hold and question the witnessFailure to hold and question the witness• Failure to return witness to original vantage pointFailure to return witness to original vantage point• Failure to keep track of witness at accident siteFailure to keep track of witness at accident site

Last seen area (LSA)Last seen area (LSA) Number of victimsNumber of victims Location of the accident siteLocation of the accident site

Page 6: Dale Atkins

Inadequate Hasty SearchInadequate Hasty Search

• No hasty searchNo hasty search• Inadequate searching — missing visual cluesInadequate searching — missing visual clues• Silence — not listening for victim Silence — not listening for victim • Not finding the accident siteNot finding the accident site

Mistakes in Avalanche RescueMistakes in Avalanche Rescue

Page 7: Dale Atkins

Mismanaged SearchMismanaged Search

• Poor control over access to accident sitePoor control over access to accident site• LZ / Staging area on debrisLZ / Staging area on debris• Not probing the entire debris fieldNot probing the entire debris field• Not probing the toe of the debrisNot probing the toe of the debris• Not probing/digging where dogs alertNot probing/digging where dogs alert• Contamination of avalanche debris by rescuersContamination of avalanche debris by rescuers

Mistakes in Avalanche RescueMistakes in Avalanche Rescue

Page 8: Dale Atkins


• Improperly trained• Improperly equipped• Poor physical condition

Mistakes in Avalanche RescueMistakes in Avalanche Rescue

Page 9: Dale Atkins


• Develop and practice a written rescue plan.• The plan describes:

Mistakes in Avalanche RescueMistakes in Avalanche Rescue

procedures personnel leadership communications equipment resources

Page 10: Dale Atkins

Make the Plan WorkMake the Plan Work

Brainstorming, simulations, and Brainstorming, simulations, and practice are necessary to create practice are necessary to create the most effective rescue plan.the most effective rescue plan.

Mistakes in Avalanche RescueMistakes in Avalanche Rescue