daily lesson plan year 5_sc

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  • 8/12/2019 Daily Lesson Plan Year 5_Sc


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    Daily Lesson Plan Year 5


    Class /Subject /Time

    Activity Impact

    Year 5 BScience

    Theme : Investigating Force and EnergyLA : 1 EnergyLO : 1.2 Understanding that energy can beTransformed from one form to another.LOC : 1.2.1 State the various forms of

    energy.TLS : 1 Use of teaching C-D Rom.

    Discussion.Activity :1 Pupils gather and name about the resources of energy.2 In groups, the pupils discuss about the main

    source of energy is the sun.3 Pupils observe various events and identify

    the form of energy that involved with ourdaily activity.

    4 Pupils write out the various resources ofenergy and various forms of events .

    Assessment :Answer the questions from the teaching CD Rom.


    MSCollect picture relating to thesources of energy

    CCTSGroupingComparing and contrasting

    NVHaving an interest andcuriosity towards theenvironment.


    Class /Subject /Time

    Activity Impact

    Year 5 BScience

    Theme : Investigating Force and EnergyLA : 1 EnergyLO : 1.2 Understanding that energy can be

    Transformed from one form to another.LOC : 1.2.2 State that the energy can be transformed.Give examples of appliances that Make use of energy

    transformationTLS : 1 The use of teaching C-D Rom

    and the use of technology .2 Experiment.

    Activity :1 Pupils carry out the experiment

    to observe the transformation of energy.2 In groups, the pupils discuss about that energy can be

    transformed into various forms of energy.3 Pupils gather information and Identify appliances that

    make use of energy transformation and state the formof energy involved.

    Assessment :

    1 Answer the questions from the teaching CD Rom.2 State out the variables

    SPS :ObservingPredicting / VisualizingDefining Operationally

    MS :Use and handle the appliances thatmake use of energy.

    CCTS :GroupingComparing and contrasting

    NV :Appreciating the contribution ofscienceAnd technology.

    Reflection :

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    THEME: INVESTIGATING FORCE & ENERGYLA : EnergyLO : 1.3 Understanding renewable and non-

    renewable energy.LOC : 1.3.1 State what renewable energy is.

    1.3.2 State what non-renewable energy is.TLS : - discussion

    - CD-ROM

    ACTIVITY :1.Pupils view video about hydroelectric dam. Teacher ask some

    questions according to the video.2. Teacher explain the meaning of renewable and non-renewable

    energy.3. Pupils are given the picture of renewable and non-

    renewable energy.4. In group, pupils identify the pictures and classify them into

    renewable or non-renewable energy.5. After finish, teacher ask pupils what will happen if renewable

    energy cannot be replenished.6. Pupils make a conclusion guiding by teacher.

    ASSESMENT :Pupils answer all question in worksheet given.

    SPS :Grouping,classifying.

    MS : -

    CCTS :generating ideas.

    NV :1. Being cooperative.2. Being thankful to




    Year 5BScience

    Theme : Investigating force andenergy.

    LA : EnergyLO : Understanding renewable and non-renewable energy.LOC : 1.3.3 List renewable energy resources

    1.3.4 List non-renewable energy resources

    TLS : Discussion

    Activity :1. Teacher starts the lesson by asking pupils to refer to page 40

    the textbook.2. Teacher elicits and list on the board pupil idea on the various

    types of energy resources they can think.3. The teacher use a suitable graphic organizer to classify the

    resources into renewable and non- renewable energy.4. By grouping pupils list down renewable and non-renewable

    energy.5. Discussion session.Assessment :

    Pupils do exercises in activity book.

    SPS;* Communicating

    CCTS;* Grouping and


    NV ;* Being cooperative


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    Year 5BScience

    Theme : Investigating force and energyLA : Energy

    LO : Understanding renewable and non-renewable energy.LOC : 1.3.5 Explain why we used energy wisely.

    Activity :1. Teacher give the passage about The Resources on Earth to the

    pupils.2. Pupils read the passage and get the important point about the

    energy3. Pupils complete the tables and discuss

    with the class with the teacher s guidance.4. Brainstorming activity to list the reason and the way to use

    Energy wisely.

    Assessment :Pupil answer the worksheet paper


    Defining operationallyClassifyingCommunicating

    CCTSSynthesizing- pupil make a list

    of 10 ways to save energy in theform.

    NVBeing thankful to god pupil are thankful to god for

    creating a variety of energyresources.





    THEME: INVESTIGATING FORCE & ENERGYLA : Renewable and Non-Renewable EnergyLO : Understanding renewable and non-renewable energy.LOC : 1.3.6 Explain why renewable energy is better

    than non-renewable energy.1.3.7 Give examples on how to save energy.

    TLS : - Discussion

    ACTIVITY :1. Pupils list down renewable and non-renewable energy then discuss

    which one of the energy cannot be replenished.

    2.Teacher ask some question to the pupils what will happen if nonrenewable energy resource used continuously such as :The electrical appliances is switch on all day long. If their car enginerunning non stop.

    3. Pupils predict the result if same thing applied to therenewable energy resources and give their reason.

    4. Pupils discuss in group the advantages of renewable andnon-renewable energy, then explain why renewableenergy is better than non-renewable energy.

    5. Pupils discuss what they can do to save energy.6. Pupils make a conclusion.


    Pupils answer worksheet given.

    SPS :- Communicating- Predicting- Making inference- Making conclusion.

    MS : -

    CCTS :- comparing and


    NV :- Thinking rationally- Dare to try.


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    THEME : Investigating Force and Energy.

    LA : 2. ElectricityLO : 2.1. Knowing the sources Electricity.LOC : 2.1.1 State the sources of electricity.TLS : 1. Discussion.

    2. Experiment.


    1. Teacher starts lesson by asking pupils to name someappliances that require electricity to work and asks whatdifferent sources of electricity are there.

    2. Teacher explains that they are going to light up bulb byselecting different sources of electricity. Start by dry cell

    3. Teacher asks pupils to work the other components such as adynamo and a solar cell (with reasons) before testing.

    ( What do you think will happen when the dry cell isreplaced by another source of electric ? ).

    4. Teacher relates the uses of source of electricity in everydaylife. Encourage pupils to discuss in their groups and name otherexample of appliances that use other sources of electricity. Forexample a calculator uses a solar cell, a car uses anaccumulator and a bicycle need a dynamo to light up.

    5. Teacher reminds pupils to use electricity wisely in daily life.

    SPS :

    Communicating Relating Observing

    MS : Store science apparatus.

    CCTS :

    Making Inference. Comparing and

    contrasting. Making conclusion.

    NV :

    Being thankful toGod.

    Being systematic. Appreciating the

    balance of nature.




    Theme ; Investigating Force and energyLA ; EnergyLO ; 1.3 Understanding renewable and non-renewable


    LOC ; 1.3.8 Practice saving energyTLS ; 1. Uses of technology CD-ROM

    2. Discussion

    Activity ;

    1. Pupils discus in group to make a list of ways in which they can saveenergy at home.

    2. Teachers reminds pupils to be honest in administering the survey.

    3. Pupils administer the survey sheets to find out whether their familymembers practice any of the ten ways of saving energy listed.

    4,. At the end of the survey pupils calculate the total score to represent theextent to which their family members practice the tips in the list.

    Assessment;Answer question in the worksheet.

    SPS;* Communicating

    CCTS;* Generating ideas

    NV ;* Being thankful to

    God* Being honest and

    accurate inrecording andvalidating data.

    * Attributing


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    Activity Impact

    Year 5BScience

    Theme : Investing Force and EnergyLA: 2. ElectricityLO : 2.2 Understanding a series circuit and a parallel circuit

    LOC :2.2.1 Identify the symbols of various components in a simple electric circuit2.2.2 Draw circuit diagrams

    TLS :Pupils are introduced the symbols of the components in an electric circuit.Pupils build as many different electric circuits as they can.

    Activity :

    1. Pupils are introduced the symbols of the components.2. Teacher shows a few symbols and asked the pupils to name the symbols given.3. Teacher puts a card on the blackboard containing the symbols that have been

    taught and asked the pupils to write the name of the symbols.4. Teacher builds a few electric circuits based on the diagrams.5. Teacher lets the pupils to build as many different electric circuits as they can.6. Pupils draw circuit diagrams based on the circuits that they have built.

    Note : series and parallel circuits will not be taught in this lesson

    Assesment :Answer questions in the worksheet and MyCd.



    MSDraw Circuitcorrectly and


    CCTSGrouping and


    NVBeing kind-hearted

    and caring


    Ninety percent of the pupils can answer the

    questions correctly

    Class /Subject /Time

    Activity Impact

    Year 5B


    THEME : Investigating Force and Energy.LA : 2. Electricity.LO : 2.2. Understanding a series circuit and a parallel circuit.LOC :1. Identify the difference in the arrangement of bulbs in series and parallel circuits.

    TLS : CD-ROM displayDiagrams display

    ACTIVITIES :1.Pupils revise the diagram of series and parallel circuits displayed on the screen.2. Pupils gather in groups and each group asked to build both type of circuit.3. Asked pupils to identify the difference in the arrangement of bulbs in series and parallel circuits. List them.

    ASSEEMENT :Answer questions in the worksheet and My CD.

    SPS : Observing.Predicting.

    CCTS : PredictingMaking


    NV : Appreciatingthe

    contributionof science.

    Reflection :

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    Class /Subject /Time

    Activity Impact

    Year 5B


    THEME : Investigating Force and Energy.

    LA : 2. Electricity.LO : 2.2. Understanding a series circuit and a parallel circuit.LOC : 2.2.4. Build a series circuit.TLS : CD-ROM display


    ACTIVITIES :1. Pupils revise the diagram of a series circuit displayed on the screen.2. Pupils gather in groups and each group is asked to get a set of

    apparatus needed to build a series circuit.3. Pupils build a series circuit using

    1 bulb

    2 bulbs.3 bulbs.

    4. Pupils observe and compare the brightness of the bulb/bulbs in thecircuits.

    5. Making conclusion

    ASSEEMENT :Answer questions in the worksheet and My CD.

    SPS : Observing.


    MS : Use and handlescience apparatus.

    Store scienceapparatus.

    CCTS : PredictingMakinggeneralizations.

    NV : Responsible aboutsafety.

    Appreciating thecontribution ofscience.

    Reflection :

    PEKA :SPS 1, SPS 6, SPS 7SMS 1, SMS 5

    Class /Subject /Time

    Activity Impact

    Year 5B


    THEME : Investigating Force and Energy.

    LA : 2. Electricity.LO : 2.2. Understanding a series circuit and a parallel circuit.LOC : 2.2.5. Build a parallel circuit.TLS : CD-ROM display



    1. Pupils revise the diagram of a parallel circuit displayed on thescreen.

    2. Pupils gather in groups and each group Is asked to get a set ofapparatus needed to build a series circuit.

    3. Pupils build a parallel circuit using 2 bulbs & 3 bulbs.4. Pupils observe and compare the brightness of the bulbs in the


    ASSEEMENT :Answer questions in the worksheet and My CD.

    SPS : Observing, Predicting &Experimenting.

    MS : Use and handleScience apparatus.

    Store science apparatus.

    CCTS : PredictingMaking generalizations.

    NV : Responsible about safety.

    Appreciating thecontribution of science.

    PEKA : SPS 1, SPS 6, SPS 7SMS 1, SMS 5

    Reflection :

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    Class /Subject /Time

    Activity Impact

    Year 5B


    THEME : Investigating Force and Energy.LA : 2. Electricity.

    LO : 2.2. Understanding a series circuit and a parallelcircuit.

    LOC : 2.2.6. Compare the brightness of the bulbs in a seriesand a parallel circuit .

    TLS : Experiment.

    ACTIVITIES :1. Pupils draw a series circuit diagram2. Pupils draw a parallel circuit diagram3. Pupils gather in groups and each group is asked to get a set of

    apparatus needed to build both circuits.4. Pupils build a series circuit.5. Pupils build a parallel circuit.

    6. Pupils observe and compare the brightness of the bulb/bulbsin the circuits.

    ASSEEMENT :Answer questions in the worksheet and My CD.

    SPS : Observing.Predicting.


    MS : Use and handlescience apparatus.

    Store science apparatus.

    CCTS : Predicting, Relating.

    NV : Responsible about safety.

    Appreciating the

    contribution of science.

    PEKA :SPS 1, SPS 6, SPS 7SMS 1, SMS 5

    Reflection :

    Class /Subject /Time

    Activity Impact

    Year 5B


    THEME : Investigating Force and Energy.LA : 2. Electricity.LO : 2.2. Understanding a series & a parallel circuit.LOC : 2.2.7. Compare the effect on the bulbs when various

    switches in a series circuit and a parallel circuitare off.

    TLS : CD-ROM displayExperiment.

    ACTIVITIES :1. Pupils revise the diagram of a series circuit prepared by the

    teacher earlier.2. Pupils gather in groups and each group is asked to get a set of

    apparatus needed to build the circuit.3. Pupils build circuit using 3 switch and 3 bulbs.4. Pupils carry out activities and compare what happen to the

    bulbs when various switches are off. (Practical book page 21)5. repeat step 1 to 4 for parallel circuit.

    ASSEEMENT :Answer questions in the worksheet and My CD.

    SPS : Observing, Predicting &Experimenting.

    MS : Use and handlescience apparatus

    Store science apparatus.

    CCTS : PredictingMaking generalizations.

    NV : Responsible about safety.

    Appreciating thecontribution of science.

    PEKA : SPS 1, SPS 6, SPS 7SMS 1, SMS 5

    Reflection :

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    THEME : Investigating Force and EnergyLA : 2. ElectricityLO : 2.3 Understanding the safety precautions to be

    taken when handling electrical appliancesLOC : 2.3.2 Explain the safety precautions to be taken

    when using electrical appliancesTLS : Discussion, Drawing

    ACTIVITY :1. Teacher asks pupils to explain the safety precautions to be

    taken when using electrical appliances.2. Pupils discuss and explain the safety precautions.3. Teacher asks pupils to make a poster about the

    safety precautions.4. Pupils prepare their poster.

    SPS : Communicating

    CCTS :

    Attributing ,Relating

    NOBLE VALUES: Appreciate thecontribution of scienceand technology.

    Being responsible aboutthe safetyREFLECTION :

    Class / Subject / Time

    Activity Impact

    5 BScience

    Theme : Investigating force and lightLA : 3. Light

    LO : 3.1 Understanding that light travels in a straight line.LOC : 3.1.3 Describe how shadow is formedTLS : Discussion


    1. Pupils observe the shadow when light is blocked by anopaque or a translucent objects.

    2. Pupils discuss the formation of shadow and make aconclusion.

    AssessmentAnswer question in the worksheet.


    Making conclusionCCTS


    NVAppreciating the

    contributing of scienceand technology.


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    Class / Subject / Time

    Activity Impact

    5 B



    LA : 3. LightLO : 3.1 Understanding that light travel in a straight line.LOC : 3.1.5 Design a fair test to find out what factors

    cause the shape of a shadow to change bydeciding what to keep the same, what tochange and what to observe.

    TLS : Experiment

    Activities :

    1. Pupils carry out activities to investigate the shape of ashadow to change.

    2. In groups, pupils observe discuss and conclude

    - the shape of the shadow changes according to the position of light source.3. The shape of the shadow changes according to the

    position of an object

    Assessment : Making conclusion based on the experiment.

    SPS : * Observing* Communicating* Controlling Variables* Measuring and using number

    MS : * use and handle science and

    substances* Store science apparatus

    CCTS :* Making hypothesis* Relating

    NV : * Being honest and accurate in

    recording validating data* Being cooperation

    PEKA: SPS 1, SPS 6SMS 1, SMS 5

    Reflection :

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    Year 5B Science Theme : Investigating Force AndEnergyL.A : Light L.O : Understanding that light travels in a straight line.L.O.C : (i) state that light travels in a straight line.

    (ii) give examples to verify that light travels instraight line.

    T.L.S : 1. Discussion 2. Experiment

    Activity 1. Teacher guide pupils to conduct a discussion session about :-

    (a) entering a dark room from a bright room.

    (b) looking trough a small pipe, cylinder, or straw. (c) using a torch at night (d) observing light passing trough a small hole or opening on roof.(e) observing light from a light house.

    2. Pupils use straight and bend rolled paper to look at an object. 3. Pupils make inference 4. Teacher explains the events and phenomena that shows light

    travel in a straight line. 5. Pupils make conclusion with the guidance of teacher.

    Assessment Answer question in the worksheet.

    SPS : ,- Observing - Making Inference - Experimenting

    MS :

    CCTS :- Making conclusion

    NV : - Being thankful to god

    Reflection :




    THEME: Investigating Force and Energy

    LA: LightLO: Understanding that light travels in a straight lineLOC:3.1.4 Design a fair test to find out what cause the size of a

    shadow to change by deciding what to keep the same ,what to change , and what to observe

    ACTIVITY1. Pupils carry out activities to investigate the size of a shadow

    can be changed by changing the light source / object / screen.2. In pairs , pupils observe the distance between the light source

    and the object.3. Pupils observe the distance between the object and the screen.

    ASSESMENT:Making conclusion based on the experiment.

    SPS: - observing

    - relatingMS:- use and handle science apparatus- store science apparatus

    CCTS:- making hypotheses- measuring and using numbers- controlling variable

    NV:- being honest and accurate in

    recording and validating data

    - being cooperative

    PEKA: SPS 1 SPS 6SMS 1 SMS 5


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    Activity Impact

    Year 5BScience

    Theme : Investigating Force and EnergyL.A : 3. LightL.O : 3.2 Understanding that light can be reflected

    LOC: 1. State that light can be reflected.2. Draw ray diagrams to show reflection of light.

    TLS: Discussion

    Activities :1. Pupils carry out activities to investigate reflection of light

    using a mirror and and aluminium foil.2. Teachers explain to pupils how we can see our images in the

    mirror and reflection of light can be shown in the form of aray diagram.

    3. Pupils draw ray diagrams to show the reflectionof the above activities in their Science Journal.

    4. Discussion and conclusion.

    Assesment:Draw the ray diagram

    SPS :observingcommunicating

    MS :Draw specimens correctly

    and carefullyCCTS :-relating- visualizing

    NV :Being systematic infollowing the giveninstructions.


    Year 5BScience

    Theme : Investigating Force and EnergyL.A : ElectricityL.O : understanding that light can reflectedLOC : 1. example of uses of reflection of light in everyday.

    TLS : Simulation, Discussion.

    Activities :1. Teacher guides pupil to discuss the uses of

    reflection of light in everyday life.2. Pupils gather information about the uses of

    reflection of light in everyday life . eg;a) sides mirror of a car

    b) mirror at the sharp bend of a road.c) mirror in the barbershopd) periscope

    3. Pupil do exercises in worksheet and My Cd.

    Assesment:Answer questions in the worksheet and My Cd.

    SPS :-Observing

    MS :-Use and handle scienceapparatus and substances

    CCTS :-making generalization

    NV :-Appreciating thecontribution of science andtechnology

    Reflection :

    Year 5BScience

    Theme : Investigating Force and EnergyL.A : 3. LightL.O : 3.2 Understanding that light can be reflectedLOC:

    1. State that light can be reflected.2. Give example of uses of reflection of light in everyday life.

    TLS : i)Discussionii)Project

    Activities :1. Pupils apply the principle of light reflection to design periscope.2. Pupils carry out the activity by refer to text book page 67 to design their

    own periscope.3. Teacher explaination and discussion.4. Conclusion.

    Assesment :-Design My Periscope and answer question orally.

    SPS :-Observing-inventing

    MS :-Use and handle scienceapparatus and substances

    CCTS :-making generalization

    NV :-Appreciating thecontribution of science andtechnology-being systematic

    Reflection :

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    YEAR 5 B


    THEME : Investigating Force and EnergyLA : 4. HeatLO : 4.1 Understanding that temperature is

    an indicator of degree of hotnessLOC : 4.1.1 State that when a substance

    gains heat it will become warmer.4.1.2 State that when a substance

    loses heat it will become cooler.

    TLS : Experiment & Discussion.


    1. Pupil heat 250ml of water for 3 minutes and feelthe water every few seconds while heating to feelthe change of temperature.

    2. Pupils let the warm water cool down and feel thewater every few seconds.

    3. Base on the above activities, pupils discuss andconclude that :

    a) heat gain causes the water to become warmer b)heat loss causes the water to become cooler.

    ASSESMENT: Record and conclude the observation

    SPS : * Communicating* Attributing

    * Relating* Observing

    MS :Use and handle science apparatus andsubstances

    CCTS : * making hypotheses* making conclusions

    NV :

    * Being cooperative* Being confident and independent

    PEKA: SPS 1, SPS 7SMS 1, SMS 5




    YEAR 5 B


    THEME : Investigating Force and EnergyLA : 4. HeatLO : 4.1 Understanding that temperature is

    an indicator of degree of hotnessLOC : 4.1.3 measure temperature using the

    correct technique.TLS : 1.Experiment

    2. Discussion.ACTIVITY : 1.Teacher introduces thermometer as an instrument to

    measure temperature and the metric unit for temperature.2.Teacher demonstrates the correct technique of using a

    thermometer.3. Pupils record their observations in their observations in

    their Science Journal.

    ASSESMENT: Record and conclude the observation

    SPS : * Communicating* Attributing* Measuring and using number

    MS :Use and handle science apparatus andsubstances

    CCTS : * making hypotheses* making conclusions

    NV : * Being cooperative* Being confident and independent


    75% of pupils can record observationcorrectly.

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    YEAR 5 B


    THEME : Investigating Force and Energy

    LA : 4. HeatLO : 4.1 Understanding that temperature is

    an indicator of degree of hotness:4.1.4 state the metric unit for

    temperature.TLS : 1.Experiment

    2. Discussion.ACTIVITY : 1. Pupils gather information on the metric unit for

    measuring temperature.2. Pupils carry out activity to measure temperature.3.Pupils heat up water and record the temperature every

    few minutes.

    4.Pupils turn off the Bunsen burner.5.Pupils record the temperature every few minutes while

    the water cools off.

    ASSESMENT: Record and conclude the observation

    SPS : * Communicating

    * Measuring and using number* Observing

    MS :Use and handle science apparatus andsubstances.

    CCTS : * making hypotheses* making conclusions

    NV : * Being cooperative

    * Being confident andindependent




    YEAR 5 B


    THEME : Investigating Force and Energy LA : 4. HeatLO : 4.1 Understanding that temperature is

    an indicator of degree of hotnessLOC : 4.1.5 State that temperature of an object or

    material increases as it gains heat.

    TLS : .Experiment & Discussion.ACTIVITY : 1.Apparatus are set up.2.Pupils put the ice cubes into the beaker until three-quarter

    full and measure the temperature.3.Pupils pour 50ml of hot water into the beaker and start

    the stop watch.4.Pupils measure the temperature every minute for 5

    minutes.5.Pupils record their observation in the table.6.Base on the above activities, pupils discuss and conclude

    that temperature of an object or material increases as itgains heat.

    ASSESMENT: Record and conclude the observation

    SPS : * Communicating* Measuring and using number* Observing

    MS :Use and handle science apparatus andsubstances.

    CCTS : * making hypotheses* making conclusions

    NV : * Being cooperative* Being confident and independent

    PEKA : SPS 3, SPS 4SMS 1, SMS 5

    REFLECTION : 75% of pupils can record observationcorrectly.

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    YEAR 5 B


    THEME : Investigating Force and EnergyLA : 4. HeatLO : 4.1 Understanding that temperature is

    an indicator of degree of hotnessLOC : 4.1.6 state that temperature of an object or

    material decreases as it loses heat.

    TLS : 1.Experiment2. Discussion.

    ACTIVITY : 1.Apparatus are set up.2.Pupils pour hot water into the beaker until it is half full.3.Pupils measure the temperature.4.Pupils add five ice cubes into the water and start the

    stopwatch.5.Pupils measure the temperature every minutes for 5

    minutes.6. Pupils record their observation in the table.7. Base on the above activities, pupils discuss and

    conclude that temperature of an object ormaterial decreases as it loses heat.


    ASSESMENT: Record and conclude the observation

    SPS : * Communicating* Measuring and using number

    * Observing

    MS :Use and handle science apparatus andsubstances.

    CCTS : * making hypotheses* making conclusions

    NV : * Being cooperative* Being confident and Independent


    REFLECTION : 75% of pupils can record observationcorrectly.



    YEAR 5 B


    THEME : Investigating Force and EnergyLA : 4. HeatLO : 4.1 Understanding that temperature is

    an indicator of degree of hotnessLOC : 4.1.7 Conclude that the temperatures is an

    indicator to measure hotness.

    TLS : 1. Discussion.

    ACTIVITY : 1.Pupils discuss and conclude that the temperature increase

    when heat is gained and decreases when heat is lost.2.Pupils discuss and conclude that the temperature is an

    indicator to measure hotness.3.Pupils doing the worksheet exercises..

    ASSESMENT: Answer questions in the worksheet and My Cd

    SPS : * Communicating* Attributing* Relating* Observing

    MS :Use and handle science apparatus andsubstances.

    CCTS : * Grouping and Classifying* Attributing

    NV : * Being flexible and analytical thinking

    REFLECTION : 75% of pupils can answers questionscorrectly using both exercises.

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    YEAR 5 B


    THEME : Investigating Force and EnergyLA : 4. HeatLO : 4.2 Understanding the effects of heat matter.

    LOC : 4.2.1 state that matter expands when heated.4.2.2 state that matter contracts when cooled.

    TLS : 1. Discussion.

    ACTIVITY : 1.Pupils carry out activities to observe the

    effects of heat on matter.,2.Pupils heating an iron ball and inserting it into an iron

    ring .3.Pupils cooling the heated iron ball and inserting it into

    the iron ring.4.Pupils heating coloured water in a beaker with a glass

    tube and observing the water level in the glass tube.5.Pupils heating a dented ping pong ball in hot water.6.Pupils cooling coloured water in a beaker with a glass

    tube and observing the water level in the glass tube.7.Pupils discuss their observations of the activities and

    conclude that matter expands when heated and contractswhen cooled.

    .ASSESMENT: Record and conclude the observation

    SPS : * Communicating* Observing

    MS :Use and handle science apparatus andsubstances.

    CCTS : * making hypotheses* making conclusionsNV : * Being cooperative* Being confident and Independent


    SPS 1SPS 4SMS 1SMS 5

    REFLECTION : 75% of pupils can record observationcorrectly.

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    YEAR 5 B


    THEME : Investigating Force and EnergyLA : 4. HeatLO : 4.2 Understanding the effects of heat matter.

    LOC : 4.2.3 give examples of the application of the principle of expansion and contraction in

    everyday life

    TLS : 1. Discussion.2. Use of techonology -CD-Rom

    ACTIVITY : 1. Pupils view video or computer simulation

    on the expansion and contraction of matterin every life. e.g.a) an electric cable is installed loosely to

    prevent it from snapping when it

    contracts in cold weather. b)there are gaps at railway tracks to allow

    for expansion in hot weather.c) a tight bottle cap can be loosened by

    immering it in hot water,d) concrete slabs on pavements have gaps

    to allow for expansion.2. Pupils doing their worksheet exercises.

    .ASSESMENT: Answer questions in the worksheet and My Cd

    SPS : * Communicating* Attributing

    * Relating* Visualising

    MS :Use and handle science apparatus andsubstances.

    CCTS : * Grouping and Classifying* Making Conclusions

    NV : * Being flexible and analytical


    REFLECTION : 75% of pupils can answers questionscorrectly using both exercises.