daily current affairs 27 june 2019 - wifistudy.com · during goa’s liberation movement, ranade...

Who among the following is the Chairman of the 15th Finance commission? निनिखित म से कौि 15 व नवआयोग के अ ह ? A. Ajay Narayan Jha B. N.K. Singh C. Arvind Subramanian D. Rajiv Mehrishi Daily Current Affairs 27 June 2019

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  • Who among the following is the Chairman of the 15th Finance commission?

    निम्ननिखित में से कौि 15 वें नवत्त आयोग के अध्यक्ष हैं?

    A. Ajay Narayan Jha

    B. N.K. Singh

    C. Arvind Subramanian

    D. Rajiv MehrishiDaily Current Affairs

    27 June 2019

  • International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: 26 Juneअंतर्राष्ट्र ीय मरदक पदरर्ा सेवि और् तस्कर्ी निर्ोध नदवस: 26 जूि

    - UN

  • ● The International Day Against Drug

    Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is

    observed annually on 26 June,

    since 1989.

    ● This day is observed by the United

    Nations against drug abuse and the

    illegal drug trade.

    ● 2019 Theme: Health for Justice.

    Justice for Health

    ● संयुक्त र्रष्ट्र अंतर्र्रष्ट्र ीय शरंनत सैनिक नदवस

    29 मई 2019 को मिरयर गयर।

    ● इसकर उदे्दश्य वदीधरर्ी और् असैन्य कनमायों

    द्वरर्र अमूल्य योगदरि को श्रद्रंजनि अनपात

    कर्िर और् 3,800 से अनधक शरंनत सैनिकों

    को सम्मरनित कर्िर है नजन्ोिें शरंनत र्क्षर

    सेवरओं कर प्रनतपरदि कर्ते हुए अपिी जरि

    गंवरई है।

    ● इस वर्ा कर नवर्य "प्रोटेखटंग नसनवनियन्स,

    प्रोटेखटंग पीस" है।

  • Vaishno Devi shrine to have own disaster response force by Sept 2020

    वैष्णो देवी श्ररइि के परस 2020 तक अपिर आपदर प्रनतनियर बि होगर- Business Standard

  • ● The Mata Vaishno Devi shrine, a

    religious pilgrimage will get a dedicated

    in-house disaster response force by

    September next year.

    ● Training of the board staff who will be the

    first respondents in case of any

    eventuality has already begun at the

    headquarters of 7th battalion of National

    Disaster Response Force (NDRF) in


    ● मरतर वैष्णो देवी श्श्श्ररइि को अगिे सरि

    नसतंबर् तक एक समनपात इि-हरउस आपदर

    प्रनतनियर बि नमिेगर।

    ● बोर्ा के कमाचररर्यों कर प्रनशक्षण, जो नकसी

    भी घटिर के मरमिे में पहिे उत्तर्दरतर होगें,

    पंजरब में र्रष्ट्र ीय आपदर प्रनतनियर बि

    (NDRF) की 7 वी ं बटरनियि के मुख्यरिय

    में शुरू हो चुके हैं।

  • Kerala tops health rankings in NITI Aayog report

    NITI Aayog स्वरस्थ्य र्ैं नकंग में केर्ि सबसे ऊपर्- Business Standard

  • ● For the second year in a row, Kerala

    has retained its top rank in the

    national health index.

    ● The report analyses the overall

    performance and incremental

    improvement in all the states.

    ● According to the Health Index 2019

    released by NITI Aayog, Kerala is the

    top performer with a score of 74.01

    out of 100, followed by Andhra

    Pradesh with 65.13 and Maharashtra

    with 63.99.

    ● Uttar Pradesh was the worst-

    performing state with a score of 28.61,

    followed by Bihar and Odisha.

    ● िगरतरर् दूसरे् वर्ा, केर्ि िे र्रष्ट्र ीय स्वरस्थ्य

    सूचकरंक में अपिी सवोच्च र्ैंक बर्कर्रर्

    र्िी है।

    ● रर्पोटा सभी र्रज्ों में समग्र प्रदशाि और्

    वृखद्शीि सुधरर् कर नवशे्लर्ण कर्ती है।

    ● NITI Aayog द्वरर्र जरर्ी हेल्थ इंरे्क्स 2019

    के अिुसरर्, केर्ि 100. में से 74.01 के

    स्कोर् के सरर् शीर्ा पर् है, नजसके बरद आंध्र

    प्रदेश 65.13 और् महरर्रष्ट्र 63.99 के सरर्


    ● 28.61 के स्कोर् के सरर् उत्तर् प्रदेश सबसे

    िर्रब प्रदशाि कर्िे वरिर र्रज् र्र, नजसके

    बरद नबहरर् और् ओनर्शर कर स्र्रि है।

  • IAF team to participate in 'Garuda' in France

    IAF टीम फ्रंस में 'गरुड़' में भरग िेगी- Money Control

  • ● An Indian Air Force (IAF) contingent,

    including Sukhoi fighter jets, will participate

    in a joint air exercise 'Garuda' with the

    French Air Force.

    ● The Garuda contingent will depart on June

    25 and the exercise will take place between

    July 1 and July 14 in France.

    ● This is the sixth edition of the exercise which

    is intended for both the air forces to exercise

    together and learn best practices each one

    has to offer.

    ● Earlier, India and France had recently held

    naval drills in the Arabian Sea under the

    Varuna series war games in which Indian

    naval fighters along with the Rafale-M of the

    French Air Force took part.

    ● एक भरर्तीय वरयु सेिर (IAF) की टुकड़ी,

    नजसमें सुिोई िड़रकू जेट भी शरनमि हैं,

    फ्रंसीसी वरयु सेिर के सरर् संयुक्त वरयु अभ्यरस

    'गरुड़' में भरग िेंगी।

    ● गरुड़ दि 25 जूि को र्वरिर होगर और् अभ्यरस

    1 जुिरई से 14 जुिरई के बीच फ्रंस में होगर।

    ● यह अभ्यरस कर छठर संस्कर्ण है जो दोिों वरयु

    सेिरओं के निए एक सरर् अभ्यरस कर्िे और्

    प्रते्यक को सवोत्तम अभ्यरस नसिरिे के निए है।

    ● इससे पहिे, भरर्त और् फ्रंस िे हरि ही में

    वरुण शंृ्रििर वॉर् गेम के तहत अर्ब सरगर् में

    िौसैनिक अभ्यरस आयोनजत नकयर र्र नजसमें

    भरर्तीय िौसेिर के िड़रकू नवमरिों िे फ्रंसीसी

    वरयु सेिर के र्रफेि-एम के सरर् भरग नियर र्र।

  • K Natarajan appointed as new Director General of Indian Coast Guard

    के िटर्रजि को भरर्तीय तटर्क्षक के िए महरनिदेशक के रूप में नियुक्त नकयर


    - DD News

  • ● Krishnaswamy Natarajan was

    appointed as the next Director

    General of the Indian Coast Guard

    replacing Rajendra Singh.

    ● K. Natarajan, the second Coast Guard

    officer to lead the force, would take

    over on June 30.

    ● He joined the force on January 18,

    1984, and holds a Masters Degree in

    Defence and Strategic Studies from

    Madras University.

    ● K. Natarajan has held various

    important Command and Staff


    ● कृष्णस्वरमी िटर्रजि को र्रजेंद्र नसंह की जगह

    भरर्तीय तटर्क्षक के अगिे महरनिदेशक के

    रूप में नियुक्त नकयर गयर ।

    ● बि कर िेतृत्व कर्िे वरिे दूसरे् तटर्क्षक

    अनधकरर्ी के िटर्रजि 30 जूि को पदभरर्


    ● उन्ोिें मद्ररस नवश्वनवद्यरिय से र्क्षर और्

    सरमरर्क अध्ययि में स्नरतकोत्तर् उपरनध प्ररप्त

    की है और् वह 18 जिवर्ी 1984 को बि में

    शरनमि हुए रे्।

    ● के िटर्रजि िे नवनभन्न महत्वपूणा कमरि और्

    कमाचरर्ी नियुखक्तयरं संभरिी हैं।

  • Ann Sarnoff becomes the first woman to run Warner Bros

    एि सर्िॉफ़ वॉिार् ब्रॉस की कमरि संभििे वरिी पहिी मनहिर बिी ं- Business Standard

  • ● Warner Media has chosen its head of

    Warner Bros and named Ann Sarnoff

    as its CEO.

    ● Ann is the first woman to run the

    studio in its 96-year history.

    ● She currently serves as president of

    BBC Studios Americas.

    ● Founded in 1923, Warner Bros is one

    of Hollywood's "Big Five," which also

    includes Paramount, Universal,

    Columbia and Disney.

    ● वरिार्मीनर्यर िे वॉिार् ब्रॉस के प्रमुि के रूप

    में एि सर्िॉफ को अपिर पहिर सीईओ

    बिरयर है।

    ● एि 96 सरि के इनतहरस में सू्टनर्यो चिरिे

    वरिी पहिी मनहिर हैं।

    ● वह वतामरि में बीबीसी सू्टनर्यो अमेरर्कर के

    अध्यक्ष के रूप में करया कर्ती है।

    ● 1923 में स्र्रनपत, वरिार् ब्रदसा हॉिीवुर् के

    "नबग फरइव" में से एक है, नजसमें पैर्रमरउंट,

    यूनिवसाि, कोिंनबयर और् नर्ज्नी भी शरनमि


  • Freedom fighter Mohan Ranade dies at 90स्वतंत्रतर सेिरिी मोहि र्रिररे् कर 90 वर्ा की आयु में निधि

    - DD News

  • ● Freedom fighter Mohan Ranade, who

    participated in Goa’s liberation

    movement, passed away.

    ● During Goa’s liberation movement,

    Ranade was active in attacking police

    stations at Betim, Banastarim and other


    ● He was arrested by Portuguese police in

    1955 and was imprisoned at the Fort of

    Caxias near Lisbon in Portugal. He was

    kept in solitary confinement for six years.

    ● Ranade was awarded Padmashri in

    2001 and Sangli Bhushan in 2006.

    ● He received the Goa Puraskar in 1986

    for social work.

    ● गोवर के मुखक्त आंदोिि में भरग िेिे वरिे

    स्वतंत्रतर सेिरिी मोहि र्रिररे् कर निधि।

    ● गोवर मुखक्त आंदोिि के दौर्रि र्रिररे्, बेनटम,

    बरिस्टररर्म और् अन्य चौनकयों पर् पुनिस

    से्टशिों पर् हमिर कर्िे में सनिय रे्।

    ● उन्ें 1955 में पुतागरिी पुनिस िे नगर््रर्

    नकयर र्र और् पुतागरि में निस्बि के परस

    कैखक्सयस के नकिे में कैद नकयर गयर र्र। उन्ें

    छह सरि तक एकरंत करर्रवरस में र्िर गयर।

    ● र्रिररे् को 2001 में पद्मश्री और् 2006 में

    सरंगिी भूर्ण से सम्मरनित नकयर गयर र्र।

    ● सरमरनजक करयों के निए उन्ें 1986 में गोवर

    पुर्स्करर् नमिर।

  • Anupam Kher Unveils His Auto-Biographyअिुपम िेर् िे अपिी ऑटो-बरयोग्ररफी कर िुिरसर नकयर

    - Business Standard

  • ● Bollywood actor Anupam Kher is

    coming out with his autobiography,

    Lessons Life Taught Me Unknowingly

    that is set to hit stands on 5 August.

    ● Kher, one of the most prolific actors in

    the Indian film industry, has over 530

    films in several languages, both in

    India and the West, 100 plays and

    numerous TV shows to his credit.

    ● He is a winner of two National awards,

    eight Filmfare awards and a BAFTA


    ● He is also a recipient of the Padma

    Shree and Padma Bhushan awards.

    ● बॉिीवुर् अनभिेतर अिुपम िेर् अपिी

    आत्मकर्र, ‘िेसि िरइफ़ टीज़्र् मी

    अििोइंगिी’ िेकर् आ र्हे हैं, जो 5 अगस्त

    को रर्िीज़ होिे के निए तैयरर् है।

    ● भरर्तीय नफल्म उद्योग में सबसे अनधक

    प्रनसद् अनभिेतरओं में से एक, िेर् िे भरर्त

    और् पनिम दोिों में 100 से अनधक िरटकों

    और् कई टीवी शो में करया नकयर है।

    ● वह दो र्रष्ट्र ीय पुर्स्करर्, आठ नफल्मफेयर्

    पुर्स्करर् और् बरफ्टर िरमरंकि के नवजेतर हैं।

    ● वह पद्म श्री और् पद्म भूर्ण पुर्स्करर्ों के

    प्ररप्तकतरा भी हैं।

  • Meenakshi Lekhi pens debut novelमीिरक्षी िेिी िे पहिर उपन्यरस नििर

    - Business Standard

  • ● BJP MP Meenakshi Lekhi has written

    her debut novel, which talks of

    undercurrents of Delhi's political


    ● ‘The New Delhi Conspiracy’, co-

    authored with Krishna Kumar and

    published by HarperCollins India, is

    slated for release on July 8.

    ● Lekhi is a Lok Sabha member from

    Delhi and is a Supreme Court lawyer.

    ● बीजेपी सरंसद मीिरक्षी िेिी िे अपिर पहिर

    उपन्यरस नििर है, नजसमें नदल्ली के

    र्रजिीनतक परर्दृश्य के बररे् में बतरयर गयर


    ● ‘दर नू्य देल्ही करंस्पीरे्सी’, सह-िेिक कृष्ण

    कुमरर् के सरर् नििी गयी है और् हरपार्

    कॉनिन्स इंनर्यर द्वरर्र प्रकरनशत है जो की 8

    जुिरई को रर्िीज़ की जरएगी।

    ● िेिी नदल्ली से िोकसभर सदस्य हैं और्

    सुप्रीम कोटा की वकीि हैं।

  • United States

  • Key Facts About United States

    • Capital: Washington, D.C.• National language: English• Currency: United States dollar• President: Donald Trump• Vice President: Mike Pence• House Speaker: Nancy Pelosi• Chief Justice: John Roberts• National bird: Bald eagle• National animal: North American bison• National ftree: Oak tree• Boundaries: Mexico and Canada

  • Facts about United States

    • United States or the United States of America (USA), is a country comprising 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.

    • At 9.8 million square kilometers (3.8 million square miles) the USA is the world’s third-largest country by total area (and fourth-largest by land area).

    • It is the third most populous country in the world.• The State of Alaska is in the northwest corner of North America, bordered by Canada to

    the east and across the Bering Strait from Russia• The United States emerged from World War II as a global superpower, the first country

    to develop nuclear weapons, the only country to use them in warfare, and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

    • The United States is the world's oldest surviving federation. It is a federal republic and a representative democracy.

    • In 1783, the United States became the first country to gain independence from a European power.

    • The first constitution of the United States was adopted in 1788.

  • Facts about United States

    • The United States is a highly developed country, with the world's largest economy by nominal GDP and second-largest economy by PPP, accounting for approximately a quarter of global GDP.

    • The United States is the world's largest importer and the second largest exporter of goods, by value.

    • The current U.S. flag was designed by a high school student – Robert G. Heft.• There are 13 stripes on the American National flag, representing the original thirteen

    colonies? And there were thirteen stars arranged in a circle. However, today, there are 50 stars for 50 states.

    • The United States has the world’s largest coal reserves. However, note that China is the world’s biggest consumer and producer of coal.

    • George Washington was the first president of the United States.• In 2008, Barack Obama became the first black president of the United States. In 2012, he

    was re-elected as the country’s president.• Mt. McKinley is the highest point in North America.

  • Facts about United States

    • Mount Rushmore Monument in the United States shows the heads of the four former presidents of the United States (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.)

    • The United States and Russia both claim to have landed on the moon for the first time in history in 1969.

    • The U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia for just US$7.2 million in 1867.• According to Title 3 of the US Code, the U.S. president earns a salary of $400,000 a year.• American Civil War happened between 1861 and 1865 when the United States and 11

    southern states (South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina) left the union and formed the Confederate States of America.

    • The president lives in the White House in the capital city of Washington, D.C.

  • Facts about United States

    • The part of the government that makes the country’s laws, controls the money and decides if the USA should go to war is called the Congress.

    • There are two houses of Congress – the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has 100 members, two from each of the 50 states, and each serves a six-year term.

    • The House of Representatives is made up of 435 representatives, who must be elected every two years.

    • The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers combine to form the longest river system in the US and the fourth longest in the world.

    • Situated along the Canada-US border, Niagara Falls is one of the most famous waterfalls in the world.

    • The oldest national park is Yellowstone, Wyoming which was founded in 1872

  • DLB 49

  • What is the theme of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking


    अंतर्राष्ट्र ीय मरदक पदरर्ा सेवि और् तस्कर्ी निर्ोध नदवस 2019 कर नवर्य क्यर है?

    A. No to Drugs. Yes to Health

    B. Health for Justice. Justice for Health

    C. Towards a Healthy World

    D. Fight For Health

  • Which of the following state is the worst performing state in Health Index

    2019 released by NITI Aayog?

    NITI Aayog द्वरर्र जरर्ी स्वरस्थ्य सूचकरंक 2019 में निम्ननिखित में से कौि सर र्रज्

    सबसे िर्रब प्रदशाि कर्िे वरिर र्रज् है?

    A. Jammu and Kashmir

    B. Nagaland

    C. Gujarat

    D. Uttar Pradesh

  • ‘Garuda’ is a joint air exercise between India and ________.

    ‘गरुड़’, भरर्त और् ________ के बीच एक संयुक्त हवरई अभ्यरस है।

    A. USA

    B. China

    C. Russia

    D. France

  • Recently, Meenakshi Lekhi pens her debut novel named as _______.

    हरि ही में, मीिरक्षी िेिी िे अपिर पहिर उपन्यरस _______ नििर ।

    A. In Heart of Delhi

    B. My Delhi

    C. The New Delhi Conspiracy

    D. Down the Raisina Hills

  • K Natarajan has been appointed as the new Director General of ________.

    के िटर्रजि को ________ के िए महरनिदेशक के रूप में नियुक्त नकयर गयर है।

    A. National Security Guard

    B. Indian Coast Guard

    C. Western Air Command

    D. Border Security Force

  • Who won the FIH Women's Series 2019?

    FIH मनहिर शंृ्रििर 2019 नकसिे जीती?

    A. India

    B. Japan

    C. Netherland

    D. Belgium

  • Which country proposed to host 2023 IOC session?

    नकस देश िे 2023 IOC सत्र की मेजबरिी कर्िे कर प्रस्तरव नदयर?

    A. Egypt

    B. South Africa

    C. India

    D. Morocco

  • Lessons Life Taught Me, Unknowingly is the Autobiography of

    which Veteran Actor?

    िेसन्स िरइफ िे मुझे नसिरयर, अिजरिे में नकस वेटर्ि एटर् की आत्मकर्र


    A. Sanjay Dutt

    B. Anupam Kher

    C. Amitabh Bachchan

    D. Anil Kapoor

  • How much penalty amount has been proposed for not providing way to

    emergency vehicles under the Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill

    approved by cabinet?

    कैनबिेट द्वरर्र अिुमोनदत मोटर् वरहि (संशोधि) नवधेयक के तहत आपरतकरिीि

    वरहिों को र्रस्तर प्रदरि िही ं कर्िे के निए नकतिी जुमरािर र्रनश प्रस्तरनवत की गई है?

    A. 5000

    B. 8500

    C. 10000

    D. 15000

  • As per NITI Aayog's health index 2019, which state topped in the list?

    NITI Aayog के स्वरस्थ्य सूचकरंक 2019 के अिुसरर्, कौि सर र्रज् सूची में सबसे

    ऊपर् है?

    A. Kerala

    B. Andhra Pradesh

    C. Maharashtra

    D. Haryana