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Adamo, KB, Ferraro, ZM, Goldfield, G, Keely, E, Stacey, D, Hadjiyannakis, S,

Jean-Philippe, S, Walker, M, Barrowman, NJ 2013, ‘The Maternal

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and Meta-Analysis’, Iran J Public Health, Vol 43, hlm 545–555, diakses

pada 25 Mei 2019 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26060756

Al-Hakmani, FM, Al-Fadhil, FA, Al-Balushi, LH, Al-Harthy, NA, Al-Bahri, ZA,

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Al-Kubaisy, W, Al-Rubaey, M, Al-Naggar, RA, Karim, B, Mohd Noor, NA 2014,

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based cross sectional study in Iraq BMC pregnancy and childbirth’, Vol

14, hlm 235 diakses pada tanggal 30 Maret 2019



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