d piano qbf am ji n? ) ws^/mmv

CENTREP0R1 . Hira m Ackerly is spending n few day s with his father Edward Ackerly. M r. and Mrs. Lyle Andrews were re- cent guests at their country home. Pe ter V. Mapes of J ersey City was in town lor Sunday. M iss Nellie Suydam returned home Monday afte r a pleasan t week spent with Brooklyn f riends. : John D. DeVeau , jr., of North port was a week-end guest of his grand - pa rents. . Miss Eva Bunce has been force d to take a vacation on account of an at- tack of the measles. Harry Cornell of Flushing was a. Sunday guest of his fiancee Miss Julia Dickerson. Miss May Ka nt and aunt have been spending several days at the Kant cot- ta ge. M rs. Joh n Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mu nd Day, Mrs. Cha ndler and Miss Alma Chandler were Sunday visitors at the Dillon home. C. O. Sheldon of Huntington had cha rge of the morning service in the Methodist church Sunday. Rev. F. W. Smith is expected home from East Palestine , Ohio , this week. Cap t. Henry Scudder went to Bath Beach this week and broug ht up Geor ge Martin ' s new motor launch. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and family will stop at the Lockwood house again this season. Tuesday evening the Choral society will give a concert in the Methodist ch urch. Besides the chorus numbe rs the re will be vocal and instrumental solos by M rs. Hart , Prof. Grimshaw and Cornelius Hi gg ins. Miss Nell ie Ha rt , of North port , will also recite . Tickets are now on sale at 15 and 25 cents. COMMACK. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Burr have moved to Kings Park. Mr. Ra ndall is spending the week in New York city. Miss Clover Bar rett of Westeria cot- tage is the possessor of a fine pony and wagon. Frank J acobson ,pain ter , has returned home afte r two months ' employment in Brookl yn. Mr. Gerkin has brought a bride to his ho me on the tu rnp ike. Miss J. Mabel Hallock of Smi thtown Branch spen t the week-end with rela- tives here. Mrs. J ulius Burr and daug ht er -Agatha have returned to their home -a t Kings Park after a pleasant visit at •Ca rll S. Burr ' s. The Commack H ook and Ladder Co. gave a dance at the fire house last Wednesday evening which proved a success. ¦ A number from this place attended "the reception given in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Cl aude C. Collect' the . East Northport Union church last Tuesday evenin e. MELV1UE Mr. and Mrs. R. Walker of Broo klyn have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ireland a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Buffe tt and Mr. and Mrs. Alvah H. Buflett have returned from a trip to. Lang horn , Pa. The Ladies ' Aid society will meet next Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edward Bay lis. A studen t from the Union Theo- logical Seminary will preach in the Presbyterian church next Sunday, also in the Half Hollows chapel Sunday af ternoon at 3 o' clock. HALF HOLLOWS. Hec tor A. Roblchon of Brooklyn spen t the week-end at his farm. Mrs. K. Rowe and sons of Brooklyn enjoyed las t Saturday and Sunday nt their summer residence. Messrs. Tushinsky have prac ticall y finished Charles Wa tkins ' a ttractive new home. A. Cur tis Bond is erecting a roomy bungalow on the Briarwood farm . Charles Bittner , recen tly from Port- land, Maine , is the builder. SOUTH DIX HILLS. Mies Ida Smi th won the prize quilt at the Central Isllp church fair. Pia tt Brush has erected a new bun ga- low on his pro per ty. Daniel Nostrand having sold the proper ty upon which his residence stands la making preparations to move it shor tly. Mrs. Susan F. Place entertained a number of friends at a duck supper in honor of hor grandson Master Julius R, Smith. Preaching every Sunday af t ernoon by the Rev. C. C. Coile nt 3 o'clock. Mrs, Arminda Sa tterly ol Commack is visi ting her daug h ter Mrs. Henry C. Conklin. Mrs , D. Swan nnd dau ghter Mrs. J. A. Duryca have been visiting friends in Brooklyn. Miss Mildred Valen tine of Hunting- ton wns the week-end guest of her sis ter Mrs. T. II. Rogers of this place. ELWOOD. Mr. Wllford Adams Is his mime , and li e write * , about it, "Some time ago I was confined to my bed wi th chronic rheuinn tliim. I uncd two bottles of Foley 's Kidney Remedy wi th good effect , and the third bottle put me 011 my fee t nnd I resumed work as con- duc tor on the Lexington , Ky„ Streol Railway. It gave mu more relief than any medicine 1 hud ever used , and I t will do nil you claim in cases ol rheuma tism. " Foley 's Kidney Remed y cures rheuma tism by ullmlnu tlng the uric nclil fro m the blood , For mile by Walter V, 'fu tile , druggist. * O110 Gonducloi' who was cured. NORTHPORT. Richard Kent is lea rning the p lum- bers ' t rade with the Wild Brother s. Willia m J. Soptr of Brid geport , Co nn., was i n town this week. Lawye r N. S. Ackerly is again able to be about after a most severe illness. Charles T. Hcsse r and family have gone to New York to reside. The street sprinkler was started last Friday. A son was born this week to Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Nichols. Stephen B. Nichols is very ill with pneumonia and is under the care of a trained n urse. Mr. an d Mrs. Tames Cockcroft who hav e been abroad since J anuary arrived home Monday. The work of excavating for the new First National bank and postolfice building was started this week. Miss Edi th Mann of Richmond Hill was the guest of Miss Lillian Kctcham Sunday last. Ja mes Mott of Albany spent Sunday last with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry S. Mott. Step hen B. Nichols , who has been ill for several days , is very low with pneu- monia at this writing. There was bo rn Sunday to Mr. and M rs. Charles C. Brodie of Bay Ridge , Brooklyn , a son. Mrs. Brodie was for- merl y Miss Nellie Bar ry of this village , John M. Youn gs has sold his Ford runabout to Robert O. Bogart and Mr. Youngs will purchase a larger machine ; Dr. George H. Donah ue has pur- chased a new Rambler automobile , throu gh the agency of George W. Brush. Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Dodge , for several seaso ns guests at the Bayview cottage , h ave taken up their abode at Mrs. Phoebe Arthu r s for this season. Mrs. Eugene Wood left Monday to join her husband who has been spend- i ng several weeks in the South writing a new book. Mr. and Mrs. Au gustus Chesebrour »h , of Brooklyn , reo pened their country home here on Wednesday for the season. A social will be held this Friday evening by the Epworth Lea gue of St. Paul' s M. E. church in the parlors of t he church. This Friday eveni ng an entertain- ment is to be given in Eagle's hall under the auspices ol Sound Shore Aerie , Fraternal Order of Ea gles. Everett Ireland has been laid up for several days suffering with a very sore hand , resulting from a sli ght cut on one finger from which bloo d poisoning developed. Considerable work is being done by J. B. Morre il about bis coun try home on the west side of the harbor. Mr. Morreil is addin g greatly to the beauty of his very -at tractive residence. Three candida tes were initiated as membe rs of Jonas S. Hi gbie council , jr. O. U. A. M. Tuesday evening. The new degree team conferred the degree. There were visiting members present from Hun tington and Brooklyn. The channel- at the head ot the harbor leadin g to the boat house of Peter Biershenk , had been widened several feet making a great improve- men t. , Kc tcham . Brothers with their steam d iggers did the work. Elmer E, Skidmore for several years employed in the Publishi ng House has succeeded Harvey W. Bis hop as as- sistant postmaster. Mr. Bishop held the office lor twelve years severing his connec tion on the 15th, Las t Sunday evening the Rev. Charles S. Ta tor ,' pas tor of the Presby- terian church , preached to the members of J onas S. Hi gbie council , jr., O, U. A. M., abou t 38 members being present , desp ite the storm. The many friends of Mrs. Claude A Wolfe , nee Miss Lola Lowndes , will be pleased to learn that there Is a ilight Improvemen t in her condition. Mrs. Wolfe has been very low since the bir th of a son two weeks ago. The firs t improvement came Tuesday. The trustees of the East Northport school arc endeavoring to secure addi tional grounds adjoining the school house owned by C. T. Smith by con- demna tion proceedings. The first hearing was held before Jus tice J aycox at Palchoguc last Saturday. Elmer Tu ttlc has been suffering from a very sore hand , the result of throwing llin hands backward and striking against a book on the rack In Lewis & Lewis ' bu tcher shop, where he is emp loyed, The hook pene trated the hand and the doc tor inserted a silver tube In the wound. The funeral of J ohn Carlson wns held Sunday af ternoo n from the home of his s t epfa t her , Frederick Elirle n t Middleville, The Rev. F. L. Strick- land conduc ted the service. Young Carlson died the previous Thursday from pneumonia , following nn a ttack of the measles. He was 21 years ol ace. For several years he had made his home with Scudder Arthur where he wns looked , upon as one of the family, He came to this country with his mo ther when a babe soon after the dea th of his father. Local talent , under th e direction of Geor ge Uabcoclt , gave a concer t Wed- ne sday evening in the Union O pera house lor the hem-lit of the Public libra ry and the proceeds will be used to purchase new books. The program opened with a piano solo by Mrs. Frank OiiiickenbiiKh. Others who took part were Mrs. U , N. R obbin g, Mrs, C. I i. Partridge , Miss Kilna Mullock , Miss firnco Aliltichlngi-r , ii oprnnos; Mrs , Fred Ii, K nibrn ok , Miss Gen rude Buf- fe t! , Mls.v ICIIIeda Ketcl inin , Mien Car- rie Mac Gierk e , contraltos; Frank 11. Jackjoii and C, II. Partr id ge, tenors: Edward lllnlln , Ar thur !• ', Godfrey and Geor ge llntico ck , hamios; Mlns Mary Eill tti Itobblns. Mian Elizabeth C. Oak- ley and Prof, Grimshaw, accompanis ts. GREEMAm Miss Edytlic La cker of Huntington has been yisiting her sister Mrs. Charles E. Gates. Mr. a nd Mrs. H. C. Bryant took possessio n of their cottage for tlie season this week. I t is reported that J. Herbert Mack and wife will not occupy their summer home this yea r.. Thomas O'Keefe , who spends most of his time with his sons in Oyster Bay, returned to his old home here for a few days last week . J ohn E. Cain and fa mil y will finish their theatrical enga gement this week and are expected at their home here the fi rst of next. Owi ng to unforseen circumstances it was fou nd necessary to omit the dance which Columbia Hook and Ladder company had appointed for Wednesday, April 20. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Tilden are still on the sick list. Among their friends who have come to cheer them this week were Mrs. Richard Shaphoff of Brooklyn and J ohn Smith of North- port. The regular monthl y meeting of the local bra nch of the Woman 's Home and Forei gn Missionary society was held at the ho me of M rs. J. B. Smith Thu rsday afternoon. The weekl y "cotta ge" prayer meeting was also held the re Tuesday evening. L. D. HTTRD Florist and Nur seryman Le t me estimate on your Tre es, Shrubs and Vines as I can convince you that I can sell as close as they can be sold; also head quarters (or Bedding Stock and Vegetabl e Plants. . * Xynyi" \y%, r The peop le like oar Br ead, Pies. Cakes , Mufllu s and other Bakery Pro duote because they know them to be mndo of wholesome material with the surroundings clean and inviting. We buy only th e best flour and other materials , employin g skilled help to make them Into toothsome viands. —THE SAMMIS BAKERY— Branch office of Consolidated lee Company of Huntington. Telephone connection with the ten fnntory. Telephone 88 L. Special Sale of Agate- ware i and 0 .quart Pudding Pans , i and 5 quart Sauoe Pans , Milk Pans and Largo Frying Pans , tinwa re—0 quart Preservi ng Settles , Tea Kettles , 10 quart Palis , 8 and 4 quart Buckets , 10 quart Dish Pans two kinds , regular 1 and 3 quart Milk Patls , Deep Pie Plates. In taot uvoat everything lor the kitchen and table can tie had at Philli ps ' 0 and 10 Gent Store and thousands of other articles too numer- ous to mention. Wo also carry a fine lino of Fresh Candies, MoKlnloy Music always on hand . Company Always in the House This is tho case if you own a Phonograph. The Victor or Edison Ma- chines cannot bo hcal.cn. Terms to suit purchaser. Suffolk Electrical Co. N. Y. Ave. near Ma in St. 'I' lilnpllim n (III '"''l lMU'^k We close at 7 o ' clock e^ery Wednesday evening:. Our Motto , "A Square Deal to All." J. lie ^iWlu& W .LJ. id Wit ) , Broa dway, 39 h oroenW».i Greenlawn. L. I- !|wa»^wiaMB aaBiiB^nwBaw w»^HaHi^Bvq iiaHMa nuwa BWM aiiB Bus iness Women v* —> s. °*l £ d Telephone Service /' j d£S|^\ dtt*^ Qbf a m Ji n? ) WS^/mMV <^ m /uLA EVERY good dressma&er, milliner , hair-dresser, nu rse, is a telepho ne subscriber , othe rwise she i is inconveniencing many of her best patrons. This is the telephone age. \ Those who cater to the business of ladies should bear this in mind , i. e., that ladies are shopping and arranging their business affairs by telephone Just , as men are. A business establishment of any distinction with- out a telephone loses valuable trade. Remember , too, th at every Bell Telephone Is a Long Distance station. # Have you q Telephone T NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. Every Bell Telephone is the Centre ot the System. r ^MWirmnH TnnmwtMmmwwmnmwrmmwMmtnBrMnmnmnw ^MBmwvwTMn^rwr ^Mnwmmrwir ^^HwSme? Im proved Rotary Hand ' Corn Planter—84 Inches lone, bol ted hard- wood frame and handles. A positive feed. Four discs-tone for sood or broom corn , one to dro p 1 gra in at a time , one to dro p 2 grains at a time , and one to drop 8 grains at a time. Stool receptacle on side to hold grain. each$1.25 Post Hole Dhr gor—15 -lnoh Blade and Shank , one piece tempered stool. Pour-foot sp lit handle , stron gly bolted. each $1.25 SPRING and SUIKR MILLINERY LatcM Styles in— Ladies ' Slats Millinery Sundries —In lar go variety— Let me take your measure for a new Skirt. Full line (if Sampler, from which to c! loose, Mrs. M. J. Brown ' s NEW STREET DON'T BUY a Ready-Made Suit unless it fits yon. We are the folks that make our Ready-Made Suits fit perfectly, as we don 't know how to do anything else bnt fit, make and clean and press clothes. N. Y. Tailori ng Co. Tel. 85-W N. Y. Ave. Opp. P. O. Stop! Buy! —at the— Grocery of A. A. PETTY —dealer la— Groceries Burpee ' s Seeds Poultry Supplie s Paints Oils Varnishes Glass , Etc. MAIN STREET Tel. 48-P F. £. Shadholt , Newspapers Ma gazines Books Sta ti onery of AH Grades Confectioner y Cigars and To b a c c o V. O. Block Huntin gton CENTRAL MARK ET * J. Klaaier , Prop. Finest Cuts of Meats at City Prices We WiM Try to Please the Most Fastidious and AsK Thai You Give us a Trial Order i —Agent for Celebrated— i M etzger ' s Bolognas ' Houses Lots and Plot s For Sale on easy at monthly Huntington payments Manor —For further information apply— The House d Home Co. 146 East 34th St., NewYorkUty. Milliner y —AMD— Fanc y Goods More New Goods —our stock is complete— Latest Sailor and Ready-to-Wear Hats in medium and lar ge sizes, also GLOVES NECKWEAR HOSIERY CORSETS ]Hir S' .T.]ffaso& f Main Street , Huntin gton. mi *»:.,_ v~.. m-i_ » at mv<a i tiu kuui|i If you intend buildin g let me glvo you an estimate on plumbing, heatin g carpenterin g or a modem -water sup- ply. Write and lot me toll you about the great Fuller & Johnson Farm Pump En gine—saves time , labor and cussln 1 . Ii. Ii. GIkOVE $ HUNTINGTON, L. I. You don 't rinw lo be one In order to mix your own pain t. Its mi ghty- eimy to buy 4 tfiillomi oi l.. A M. nilnt and 3 of pure i.lnseod Oil , anil pu t both In u lnr|;e pull and mix well together, You will then make •/ gallons of the heal pain t at u cost o( about $1.30 per gallon and then liavc n good pulu tcr pnlnt your liouie. Sold by W. II, Stoyle , Hun tington! II. Ilue ttncr , HIclcHvt l le; Henr y Meier , Cen tral Pa rk; C, ( . ' , Doitd , I'iiriiilii|( - dale , „...,__ - KflTliere in tic " couijIi inedMiin 1.0 populnr (is Ktilc y 'ii Honey nml Tnr , l l never mlln to c.nr.a cou ghs , coliln , croup unit lironc lilllii. Bold by Wul lcr V, Tul tle , (Iruu ciuii * Are You A * l'aliH Maker? Use It to r enew nml mnlce ent irely neiv old worn ou t clmira ini[ old fur- ni ture. You can varnish a clinlr in thirty minutes , urn! make I t a* good na new. Direc tions on eucli can. Sold by W. II. Sto yle , Hiiii tiii|;ton; If, Iluett- ner , IIlckHvllle ; Henry Meier , Cen tral l' urk ; C. C. Howl , Kariiiln giliilc, 1 , & M. Vornlsli Slnln. Wi lli lieiiiliiclie . lilllmiimi mii , ciims ti p.v tlou nml the III11 ll r.iiiiiiln , 'Alien l'olcy ' 11 Oriiio l.iiKiillvi i will r elieve nnd cure you. It tones 1111 nil the digestive ui' giinii , carries oil the wiinte mutter mid iiiimnlii tuii lliu liowcln to tliclr nc- tlvlty. It n upkmliil ii]>ilii|< 1nc1\lr.ini ) bold by Wal ter V. Tunic , drug gist, * Why Do You Suffer nAftD £25,00—Twen ly-five dollars to- ward ii hereby ollcrcd lor the con- victi on of tlits thiol who recently alolo n imrucc plunk from nci'oss the guller in front of my residence, 910.00—Also ten dollars rcwnr i) (or the conviction of nncli of tin : lliiovcn who nro in the huhit of cu ltinci nml stealin g wood from my woodlnnd premises on Onkwood Avenue. Dat ed Mnrc h 29, 1910. THOMAS YOUNG. FARM FO ](l ItEWT '[' he Ohcr glnck f)niry Fnrm , owinn lo tlio failure of the drivcnwcll , having hcert ftlmmlo ned , live fnrm Und of the Borland properly nt Woodbur y is for rent from April 1. The bind in well pre pared (or inickin fl purposeu , liitvidR hail from 40 lo 60 cows on it for llin pnM (our years nnd in eonsniiui'iitly Well fertilized , Can be milled iu part or llin whole lo pur lieu by applying to M. V. 11. BORLAND, Woodbury, L. I, PHILLIPS ' 5c®10c STORE Main Street Huntin gton , L. I Ea Ublliiliul 1S75 Jose ph IRWIN Tfios. E. R.ea.1 Est ate ( 14 years of squtitn deaHnp; with at Is our record In the Real Estate bus ! noss In Huntin gton. Auctioneer Wo Invito your attention to our record In this lino and assure you all our sales aro oonduotod strictly for tho sollor , not for a few favored ones, liot us show you. Insurance I u thin dupai'tinuot wu filvu yuu tliu full boiioilt of our knowled ge of the business nnd claim for our customers bettor policies and full protection In flvont of a loss, You take r.o olinncos with ns m all our forms nro concur- rent and nil our policies cover tlio property nllho. KKAIi KSTATK LOANB-I f you havo nny n puro cash which you want to work for you lot us kn ow as we have plants in operation earning tbn coin, All our loans aniiiindo strictly u pon vnlues. I.ut us show you how It works. 505 Now York Ave. l)oit 't for get, the number. TTorsic or Stimulani: ? There is an immense difference between a tonic and a st imulant. Up one day, way back the next; that' s a stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect health ; that' s a tonic. Ayer' s Sarsaparilla is a tonic, a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. Do not stimulate unless your doctor says so. He knows. Ask him. Doashesays. j. c. Ayer Co.,Lowell , Max. Constipation is the one great cause of sick-headache , biliousness, indigestion , bad breath , debility, nervousness. Has your doctor ever recommended Ayer ' s Pills to you ? K i verhead Sav ing ' s Bank Total Resources at Market Value Jan. r , 1910 , $5,972 , 786.86 Due 8,572 Depositors Jan. 1, 1 910 $5 , 327,792.66 Surplus with Bonds at Market V alue $ 644, 994.19 Over $100,000 Interest Credited Depositors Jan. I Get Your SHare in FUTURE Dividends by opening a. Sav- ings Account NOW. V KIVKIIHHAD HAYING S BANK RlVfiRilfiA!) , N. Y. POR SALE CHEAP 'f,iU((ii blank liors n siiiiml nnd j rnritlfi , niimiiiitiiiul In nil lmiiiesii , siiltnbln lor tninklii in Inr K ii liny hor so , «i>od i-iiikIiii ' , inii'i iintly umillii , mid i nr|(i ' tlii>i'iMii(librii<l (WIIUi 'ii ; liny iiiniu In foul lit 'I'lllWAH.J ONUH' , llnU llollriw lllilii, Illllltlll ltlOII It. II' , I) , <l. JUST A PICK-UP OF OUR LINE OF MATTINGS f0gm fcilH|i| Cblno sB Btnttlng—150 wnrp, rod nnd Ja imnoso Mattln ft—1B0 warp, gropn , croen nilxtur n. blue and Bold oomblnntlons , makin g K . „. a vory prettyeffoot. per yard 25c per yard 34c per roll of 40 yards $6.09 per roll of 40 yards 910.49 Hereon Olotb for Windows nnd Doors—Galvanized , flustproof. Hi gh grade , bri ght flnisb , 1 3 mesh standard gau ge Also comes painted black. In the followin g .sizes from 21 to 42 in hei ght. Poultry Nottlne—balvanizod after . ¦weavin g. 2 Inch mesh , 10 gauge , finest quality. For poultry yards , v ines , trolises , etc, 150 foot In roll. In all tlio different hei ghts, A postal will brin g the prices to your door . PALACE MARKET In the Heart of the Shopping Center Main Street HUHTINGTON (Opp. Central church) FRANK W. SNOOK. Prop. Important Sale for Friday and Saturday. Special selling that ranks among the most remarkable offers of the sea- son , where quality is the best this will give our patron s an opportunity to save and get the best the market affords. Mail or telephone orders receive our prompt and most careful attention. Telephone 326 Gale Farm Implements Austin Road Machines Oliver Plows Troy Dump Bodies Webber Farm Wagons; also Forks, Hoes, Shovels, etc. Stock of these reliable goods on hand constantl y. EDWA RD SMITH Qrconlnwn I,on g Islnnd For Sale or Rent f or di'iiHon of 101(1 at iEast Neck Twidv ii.rooiii Ii oiihii , fiiriilsli uil , Im- prov eiiiuiits , noinont llnoroi l , cojliir iindor iimlii liousoj also lm.rn or Riimgn. .Kliiutrl o Ught a nrul Tol npliono will lin put In If iloHlrnd , Hntliln ir prlvlli i gn 011 bountiful Mu uly bunoh , Prion $<l , BII0 ' Unnti fnOO. Also ri l lulldliiu Jjots about 05x15. with bittl iln g prlvlli'go s InooruoratMl In tlm (I11111I11 , Prions |R()0 up, niOilARD ISirAKKHHAlVl' H untington , h. 1 . Tnl,57-M Old Grist Mill ieallli Bread Por null) by all (Ir sl-oliiss gr oiior s. J lminimiM iiiHiiil by phyiilnliuiH for ll iibiitiiii , Dyiipn pHlii iinif nil iiiuillur iilliiinvitii. Our Oiilmii , I'Iiih, Itoil s nnd Ilciiin- imiiln Hniiul urn 1111 imnnl niimiiiiiiii s oil. Alliiiioiilul ririliirii pro mptly iiIIiiiiiIikI to, 'J'lionn 11 0 IlmiM iigioii, PABST BAM Fair ground y l0tt g ia luu -\ Dependable Quality is not found in hastily conslmct- ed Pianos under unknown or un- tried names to make a good Piano requires time. The best materials and workmanshi p, time, energy and skill devoted to the exclusive object of mak- ing Pianos have resulted in the Ste rling Piano being recognized the world over as standard for its musical ex- cellence. Nothing has been ne- glected in its manufacture to make it equal the best , no mat- ter what the price. Fift y years ' manufacturing and selling ex- perience speaks well of the hi gh reputation of this Piano and our guarantee affords every protec - tion. We take all makes of p ianos and organs in part payment , al- l owing the hi ghest possible market value thereon. Ottr liliera l charge account system meets any sugges- tion you may make as to terms. Send fo r our new 1910 Catalogue. "• Sterling Piano LargestExclasroePianoHouse in GreaterNeioYork. 518-520 Fulton St. Cor. Hanover Place , BROOKLYN O. S. SAMMIS . AGKN TMfOn FIRE INSURANCE. Ueproientln j tko lollonlnit CamculMt German Aoiorloan. Continental , Hanover, ¦ S&vtfori l , of Hu rtro ra , . ~ P»»ealr , of Siitfor i . firemen ' s Plro Ins. of Nowar te, Northern Aj Bura nco Co., (31on Covo Mutual , "Kafir "* cur. Main St. nnd NTlfT Ave.. Huntington Homestead S quab Farm Woodlmrvt X. I. —Produoom of tlio— "SquabWith (he Seal" We have on hnnd a quantity of pure, dry pi geon mnmire suitable for use by farmers and florists. lWs and PLOTS —on— Moailowlawiii Avenue Low Price. Easy Terms. R ichard Sliakes haft jPol. 1 17-111, proposal ' NIMVI' pltj llI , AT iMHII OUAl O Notion tii OnnlruvlnrH . , M i "i l,, w ' J'Kw oniilii fnr llin I'l'iwtlnn 11 nil emu. Yur.l li nk, HitmilU dnimlv , will 1,1, riwlvm hy lliuM miiiilllMinn Aiiiiii liniiMinr llm llnnril nl Hli rioiyliioril li/Hllffnlk Oniln ly mi or hufnro 111 n'ftWk 1111.111, Mfilliluy, Mny I, lino. """"" " Uiii liui nfihii iilniiNniiil niu'i'llliwlltiii i nro nn fl lii with thoiiiiiiiili wi lit Hi/ , I' miiiiillli 'it , sir, j nimiiiiin linlin r . Yiiiiliiinlr , MMIiin niiiMuionlni Arnlilliir .l, I' liiiilini nio , wlin ru limy mny Imi lib. Inlm nUiy l linimiiiiiwlnrn, 'I' '" 1 1'jiiiii nllU'i) riwrvi ' ii tlm rljt lil Inr Weo t uny lllili ' il ll rvnrliril il, N. V„ Aur ll III , Will. <li:iiri (o M nli»iliii. Arii ) il!<»i | , IHII WMIII IMUI.Y, llii liylnii, I' .IIWAIIDH, IIUH.AMIl , l l ulil, 'Ollllllllll 'O, ALWAYS READY To (jlvo you your moaoy ' s worth. Wo monu by this for ovory dollar that you pay us -wo rIvo ono dollar ' s worth of work or mntorlnl. If you think of bnildln ff lot us astlmnto; yon -will ra- oolvo ovory oourtoay and cost yon nothin g. Wo Invito yon to inspect work wo Iiavo alread y completed; It speaks tor ltsolf. Wo also havo somo very One propo- sitions In tlio lino of houses and lots , vacant lotn on which wo will build to suit you on easy tonus. Wanser & Lewis SDPPOLK HOTBI, nnti livery Stable. ill liliiilaor Moder n KqnltmiriK ror llumUuil rurally «». Btoi>li«ii o. 1' oild. ro», Now York Avonun oppoBlto Post Ollloo, ^ ^ JOHNSON & PATTIIft ¦ ¦" , —(loftl o r/i In— CATT L E aro In tlio market lo pay tho liosl lwls nii or oxoh iiiiKii for UrirHou and Oattln. For Information iidilroH S JOHNSON ft i'ATTIKY , Poat on uin , Unntli mt on It. F, D. Carria ge Building Business —In nil ll mnolmn. FIRST-C LASS RUUUBR TIRE WORK AND CHANNGHNfl Ooin iiiitfiiit Hnviiosl iniir tin rrmiif/ir j i, irnll Homo Ollii pln ir hy pownr, Ollppur Jlnlv nii sharpened ivlillo you wait, . J .T. Cahtrell. Unilnrlil ll Ui ' illillna W«,ll Street llnlow D'lrwt NaU Dnftl Knafi; Kiintl m^ou , It, 1, MONEY 'tf bTMN 'VU« (olkivrtii it luuwml w <t\\ houAiw\<t iiiorlL «it(;n nt, II per aunti fU.HOO , * 4.00() »II , (XI0, \F, ll. HHl,I >,ollC; '/» iliiiitliillfon, it, I, {i *' Our 5 and 10 Cent Store consists of practicall y an endless variety cf art icles, none of which are priced higher than 10 cents. It will also bo a most instructive exhibit to the housewife for here she can Ins pect hundreds of useful nn d ornamental creations intended to make the homo moro beautiful and moro com fortable. Man y of those aro articl es that you novor have read about for tho reason that their small prices do not admit of a groat expenditure to explain their desirabili ty. One thine; you can bo sure of— whenever you visit our 5 nnd 1 0 cent store you will find it full of unusual bargain s whloh will bo added to from wook to wook. F. ROMANO 5 and lO Cent Store Main Street , Huntin gton

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Page 1: d Piano Qbf am Ji n? ) WS^/mMV

CENTREP0R1.Hira m Ackerly is spending n few

day s with his father Edward Ackerly.M r. and Mrs. Lyle Andrews were re-

cent guests at their country home.Peter V. Mapes of Jersey City was in

town lor Sunday.M iss Nellie Suydam returned home

Monday afte r a pleasan t week spentwith Brooklyn friends.

: John D. DeVeau , jr., of North portwas a week-end guest of his grand -parents.. Miss Eva Bunce has been forced totake a vacation on account of an at-tack of the measles.

Harry Cornell of Flushing was a.Sunday guest of his fiancee Miss JuliaDickerson.

Miss May Ka nt and aunt have beenspending several days at the Kant cot-tage.

M rs. Joh n Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-mund Day, Mrs. Cha ndler and MissAlma Chandler were Sunday visitors atthe Dillon home.

C. O. Sheldon of Huntington hadcha rge of the morning service in theMethodist church Sunday. Rev. F. W.Smith is expected home from EastPalestine , Ohio , this week.

Cap t. Henry Scudder went to BathBeach this week and broug ht upGeor ge Martin 's new motor launch.Mr. and Mrs. Martin and family willstop at the Lockwood house again thisseason.

Tuesday evening the Choral societywill give a concert in the Methodistchurch. Besides the chorus numbe rsthe re will be vocal and instrumentalsolos by M rs. Hart , Prof. Grimshawand Cornelius Hi ggins. Miss Nell ieHart , of North port , will also recite .Tickets are now on sale at 15 and 25cents.

COMMACK.Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Burr have

moved to Kings Park.Mr. Randall is spending the week in

New York city.Miss Clover Bar rett of Westeria cot-

tage is the possessor of a fine pony andwagon.

Frank Jacobson ,pain ter , has returnedhome afte r two months ' employment inBrookl yn.

Mr. Gerkin has brought a bride tohis home on the tu rnp ike.

Miss J. Mabel Hallock of SmithtownBranch spent the week-end with rela-tives here.

Mrs. J ulius Burr and daug hter-Agatha have returned to their home-at Kings Park after a pleasant visit at•Ca rll S. Burr 's.

The Commack Hook and Ladder Co.gave a dance at the fire house lastWednesday evening which proved asuccess. • ¦

A number from this place attended"the reception given in honor of Rev.and Mrs. Claude C. Collect ' the .EastNorthport Union church last Tuesdayevenine.

MELV1UEMr. and Mrs. R. Walker of Broo klyn

have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Ireland a few days the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Buffe tt andMr. and Mrs. Alvah H. Buflett havereturned from a trip to. Lang horn , Pa.

The Ladies ' Aid society will meetnext Thursday afternoon at the homeof Mrs. Edward Bay lis.

A studen t from the Union Theo-logical Seminary will preach inthe Presbyterian church next Sunday,also in the Half Hollows chapel Sundayaf ternoon at 3 o'clock.

HALF HOLLOWS.Hec tor A. Roblchon of Brooklyn

spen t the week-end at his farm.Mrs. K. Rowe and sons of Brooklyn

enjoyed las t Saturday and Sunday nttheir summer residence.

Messrs. Tushinsky have prac ticall yfinished Charles Wa tkins ' attractivenew home.

A. Cur tis Bond is erecting a roomybungalow on the Briarwood farm .Charles Bittner , recen tly from Port-land, Maine , is the builder.

SOUTH DIX HILLS.Mies Ida Smi th won the prize quilt

at the Central Isllp church fair.Pia tt Brush has erected a new bun ga-

low on his pro per ty.Daniel Nostrand having sold the

proper ty upon which his residencestands la making preparations to moveit shor tly.

Mrs. Susan F. Place entertained anumber of friends at a duck supper inhonor of hor grandson Master Julius R,Smith.

Preaching every Sunday af ternoonby the Rev. C. C. Coile nt 3 o'clock.

Mrs, Arminda Satterly ol Commackis visi ting her daug hter Mrs. Henry C.Conklin.

Mrs , D. Swan nnd dau ghter Mrs. J.A. Duryca have been visiting friends inBrooklyn.

Miss Mildred Valen tine of Hunting-ton wns the week-end guest of hersister Mrs. T. II. Rogers of thisplace.


Mr. Wllford Adams Is his mime , andlie write *, about it, —"Some time ago Iwas confined to my bed wi th chronicrheuinn tliim. I uncd two bottles ofFoley 's Kidney Remedy wi th goodeffect , and the third bottle put me 011my feet nnd I resumed work as con-duc tor on the Lexington , Ky„ StreolRailway. It gave mu more relief thanany medicine 1 hud ever used , and Itwill do nil you claim in cases olrheuma tism. " Foley 's Kidney Remed ycures rheuma tism by ullmlnu tlng theuric nclil fro m the blood , For mile byWalter V, 'fu tile , druggist. *

O110 Gonducloi' who was cured.

NORTHPORT.Richard Kent is lea rning the plum-

bers ' t rade with the Wild Brother s.Willia m J . Soptr of Brid geport ,

Co nn., was in town this week.Lawye r N. S. Ackerly is again able to

be about after a most severe illness.Charles T. Hcsse r and family have

gone to New York to reside.The street sprinkler was started last

Friday.A son was born this week to Mr.

and Mrs. Phineas Nichols.Stephen B. Nichols is very ill with

pneumonia and is under the care of atrained nurse.

Mr. and Mrs. Tames Cockcroft whohav e been abroad since J anuary arrivedhome Monday.

The work of excavating for the newFirst National bank and postolficebuilding was started this week.

Miss Edi th Mann of Richmond Hillwas the guest of Miss Lillian KctchamSunday last.

Ja mes Mott of Albany spent Sundaylast with his parents Mr. and Mrs.Hen ry S. Mott.

Step hen B. Nichols, who has been illfor several days , is very low with pneu-monia at this writing.

There was born Sunday to Mr. andM rs. Charles C. Brodie of Bay Ridge ,Brooklyn , a son. Mrs. Brodie was for-merl y Miss Nellie Bar ry of this village ,

John M. Youn gs has sold his Fordrunabout to Robert O. Bogart and Mr.Youngs will purchase a largermachine ;

Dr. George H. Donah ue has pur-chased a new Rambler automobile ,throu gh the agency of George W.Brush.

Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Dodge, for severalseasons guests at the Bayview cottage ,have taken up their abode at Mrs.Phoebe Arthu r s for this season.

M rs. Eugene Wood left Monday tojoin her husband who has been spend-ing several weeks in the South writinga new book.

Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Chesebrour »h ,of Brooklyn , reo pened their countryhome here on Wednesday for theseason.

A social will be held this Fridayevening by the Epworth League of St.Paul' s M. E. church in the parlors ofthe church.

This Friday eveni ng an entertain-ment is to be given in Eagle's hallunder the auspices ol Sound ShoreAerie , Fraternal Order of Eagles.

Everett Ireland has been laid up forseveral days suffering with a very sorehand , resulting from a slight cut on onefinger from which blood poisoningdeveloped.

Considerable work is being done byJ. B. Morre il about bis coun try homeon the west side of the harbor. Mr.Morreil is addin g greatly to the beautyof his very -at tractive residence.

Three candida tes were initiated asmembe rs of Jonas S. Higbie council ,jr. O. U. A. M. Tuesday evening. Thenew degree team conferred the degree.There were visiting members presentfrom Hun tington and Brooklyn.

The channel- at the head ot theharbor leadin g to the boat house ofPeter Biershenk , had been widenedseveral feet making a great improve-ment. , Kc tcham . Brothers with theirsteam d iggers did the work.• Elmer E, Skidmore for several yearsemployed in the Publishi ng House hassucceeded Harvey W. Bishop as as-sistant postmaster. Mr. Bishop heldthe office lor twelve years severing hisconnec tion on the 15th,

Las t Sunday evening the Rev.Charles S. Tator ,' pas tor of the Presby-terian church , preached to the membersof J onas S. Hi gbie council , jr., O, U. A.M., abou t 38 members being present ,despite the storm.

The many friends of Mrs. Claude AWolfe , nee Miss Lola Lowndes , will bepleased to learn that there Is a ilightImprovemen t in her condition. Mrs.Wolfe has been very low since thebir th of a son two weeks ago. Thefirs t improvement came Tuesday.

The trustees of the East Northportschool arc endeavoring to secureaddi tional grounds adjoining the schoolhouse owned by C. T. Smith by con-demna tion proceedings. The firsthearing was held before J us tice J aycoxat Palchoguc last Saturday.

Elmer Tu ttlc has been suffering froma very sore hand , the result of throwingllin hands backward and striking againsta book on the rack In Lewis & Lewis 'bu tcher shop, where he is emp loyed,The hook pene trated the hand and thedoctor inserted a silver tube In thewound.

The funeral of J ohn Carlson wnsheld Sunday af ternoo n from the homeof his s t epfa ther, Frederick Elirle ntMiddleville, The Rev. F. L. Strick-land conduc ted the service. YoungCarlson died the previous Thursdayfrom pneumonia , following nn attackof the measles. He was 21 years olace. For several years he had madehis home with Scudder Arthur wherehe wns looked , upon as one of thefamily, He came to this country withhis mother when a babe soon after thedea th of his father.

Local talent , under th e direction ofGeor ge Uabcoclt , gave a concer t Wed-ne sday evening in the Union O perahouse lor the hem-lit of the Publiclibra ry and the proceeds will be used topurchase new books. The programopened with a piano solo by Mrs.Frank OiiiickenbiiKh. Ot hers who tookpart were Mrs. U , N. R obbin g, Mrs,C. I i. Partridge , Miss Kilna Mullock ,Miss firnco Alil t ichl n gi-r , iioprnnos; Mrs ,Fred Ii, K nibrn ok , Miss Gen rude Buf-fe t!, Ml s.v IC IIIeda Ketcl inin , Mien Car-rie Mac Gierk e, contraltos; Frank 11.J ack j oii and C, II . Partr idge, tenors:Edward lllnlln , Ar thur !•', Godfrey andGeor ge llntico ck , hamios; M lns MaryEill tti Itobblns. Mian Elizabeth C. Oak-ley and Prof, Grimshaw, accompanis ts.

GREEMAmMiss Edytlic La cker of Huntington

has been yisiting her sister Mrs. CharlesE. Gates.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bryant tookpossession of their cottage for tlieseason this week.

I t is reported that J. Herbert Mackand wife will not occupy their summerhome this yea r..

Thomas O'Keefe , who spends mostof his time with his sons in Oyster Bay,returned to his old home here for afew days last week .

J ohn E. Cain and fa mil y will finishtheir theatrical enga gement this weekand are expected at their home herethe fi rst of next.

Owi ng to unforseen circumstancesit was fou nd necessary to omit thedance which Columbia Hook andLadder company had appointed forWednesday, April 20.

Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Tilden are stillon the sick list. Among their friendswho have come to cheer them thisweek were Mrs. Richard Shaphoff ofBrooklyn and J ohn Smith of North-port.

The regular monthl y meeting of thelocal bra nch of the Woman 's Homeand Forei gn Missionary society washeld at the home of M rs. J . B. SmithThu rsday afternoon. The weekl y"cotta ge" prayer meeting was also heldthe re Tuesday evening.

L. D. HT TRDFlorist and Nur seryman

Let me estimate on your Tre es,Shrubs and Vines as I can convinceyou that I can sell as close as they canbe sold; also head quarters (or BeddingStock and Vegetabl e Plants.

.* Xy ny i " \y%,rThe people like oar Bread, Pies.

Cakes , Mufllu s and other BakeryPro duote because they know them tobe mndo of wholesome material withthe surroundings clean and inviting.We buy only th e best flour and othermaterials , employing skilled help tomake them Into toothsome viands.


Branch office of Consolidated leeCompany of Huntington. Telephoneconnection with the ten fnntory.

Telephone 88 L.

Special Sale of Agate-ware

i and 0 .quart Pudding Pans , i and5 quart Sauoe Pans , Milk Pans andLargo Frying Pans , tinwa re—0 quartPreservi ng Settles , Tea Kettles , 10quart Palis , 8 and 4 quart Buckets ,10 quart Dish Pans two kinds , regular1 and 3 quart Milk Patls , Deep PiePlates. In taot uvoat everything lorthe kitchen and table can tie had atPhilli ps ' 0 and 10 Gent Store andthousands of other articles too numer-ous to mention. Wo also carry a finelino of Fresh Candies, MoKlnloyMusic always on hand .

Com pan yAlways inthe House

This is tho case if you own aPhonograph.

The Victor or Edison Ma-chines cannot bo


Terms to suit purchaser.

Suffolk Electrical Co.N. Y. Ave. near Main St.

'I'lilnpll im n (III

'"'' l lMU'^k

We close at 7 o'clock e^ery Wednesday evening:.Our Motto , "A Square Deal to All."

J. lie ^iWlu& W .LJ. id Wit),Broadway, 39h oroenW».i Greenlawn. L. I-

!|wa»^wiaMBaaBiiB^nwBaw w»^HaHi^BvqiiaHManuwa BWM aiiB

Business Women v*—>s.°*l£d Telephone Service /' jd£S| \

dtt* Qbf am Ji n? )WS/mMV < m/uLA

EVERY good dressma&er, milliner, hair-dresser,nurse, is a telephone subscriber, otherwise she

i is inconveniencing many of her best patrons.This is the telephone age. \Those who cater to the business of ladies should

bear this in mind , i. e., that ladies are shopping andarranging their business affairs by telephone Just ,as men are.

A business establishment of any distinction with-out a telephone loses valuable trade.

Remember, too, that every Bell Telephone Is aLong Distance station.


Have you q Telephone T

NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO.Every Bell Telephone is the Centre ot the System.

r^MWirmnH TnnmwtMmmwwmnmwrmmwMmtnBrMnmnmnw ^MBmwvwTMn^rwr^Mnwmmrwir

^^HwSme?Im proved Rotary Hand ' Corn

Planter—84 Inches lone, bol ted hard-wood frame and handles. A positivefeed. Four discs-tone for sood orbroom corn , one to dro p 1 gra in at atime, one to dro p 2 grains at a time ,and one to drop 8 grains at a time.Stool receptacle on side to hold grain.


Post Hole Dhr gor—15-lnoh Bladeand Shank , one piece tempered stool.Pour-foot split handle , stron glybolted.

each $1.25


LatcM Styles in—

Ladies ' SlatsMilliner y Sundries

—In lar go variety—

Let me take your measurefor a new Skirt.

Full line (if Sampler, fromwhich to c! loose,

Mrs. M. J. Brown'sNEW STREET

DON'T BUY a Ready-Made Suitunless it fits yon. We are the folksthat make our Ready-Made Suits fitperfectly, as we don 't know how todo anything else bnt fit, make andclean and press clothes.

N. Y. Tailori ng Co.Tel. 85-W N. Y. Ave. Opp. P. O.

Stop! Buy!—at the—

Grocery ofA. A. PETTY

—dealer la—

GroceriesBurpee 's SeedsPoultry Supplie sPaintsOilsVarnishesGlass , Etc.


F. £. Shadholt ,Newspapers

Ma gazinesBooks

Stationery of AH Grades

Confectioner y

Cigars andTo b a c c o

V. O. Block Huntin gton

CENTRAL MARK ET *J. Klaaier , Prop.

Finest Cuts of Meatsat City Prices

We WiM Try toPlease the Most

Fastidious and AsKThai You Give

us a Trial Order i—Agent for Celebrated— i

Metzger's Bolognas 'Houses

Lots andPlots

For Saleon easy atmonthly Huntington

payments Manor—For further information apply—

The House d Home Co.146 East 34th St.,


Milliner y—AMD—

Fanc y GoodsMore New Goods

—our stock is complete—Latest Sailor and Ready-to-Wear

Hats in medium and lar ge sizes, alsoGLOVESNECKWEARHOSIERYCORSETS

]HirS'.T.]ffaso& fMain Street , Huntin gton.

mi *»:.,_ v~.. m-i_» at mv<a i tiu kuui|iIf you intend buildin g let me glvo

you an estimate on plumbing, heatin gcarpenterin g or a modem -water sup-ply. Write and lot me toll you aboutthe great Fuller & Johnson FarmPump En gine—saves time , labor andcussln1.


You don 't rinw lo be one In order tomix your own pain t. Its mi ghty- eimyto buy 4 tfiillomi oi l.. A M. nilnt and3 of pure i.lnseod Oil , anil pu t both Inu lnr|;e pull and mix well together, Youwill then make •/ gallons of the healpain t at u cost o( about $1.30 per gallonand then liavc n good pulu tcr pnlntyour liouie.

Sold by W. II , Stoyle, Hun tington!II. Ilue ttncr , HIclcHvt l le; Henr y Meier ,Cen tral Pa rk; C, (.', Doitd , I ' iiriiilii|( -dale , „...,__ -KflTliere in tic " couijIi inedMiin 1.0populnr (is Ktilc y 'ii Honey nml Tnr , l lnever mlln to c.nr .a coughs , coliln , croupunit lironc lilllii. Bold by Wul lcr V,Tul tle, (Iruu ciuii *

Are You A*l'aliH Maker?

Use It to renew nml mnlce ent irelyneiv old worn ou t clmira ini[ old fur-ni ture. You can varnish a clinlr inthirty minutes , urn! make I t a * good nanew. Direc tions on eucli can. Sold byW. II. Stoyle , Hiiii tiii| ;ton; I f , Iluett-ner , IIlckHvllle ; Henry Meier , Cen trall'urk ; C. C. Howl , Kariiiln gili ilc,

1, & M. Vornlsli Slnln.

Wi lli lieiiiliiclie . lilllmiimi mii , ciims ti p.vtlou nml the III11 ll r . i i i i i i ln , 'Alien l'olcy '11Oriiio l.iiKiillvi i wil l r elieve nnd cureyou. It tones 1111 nil the digestiveui' giinii , carries oil the wiinte muttermid iiiimnlii tuii lliu liowcln to tliclr nc-tlv lty. It l» n upkmliil ii]>ilii| < 1nc1\lr.ini )bold by Wal ter V. Tunic , drug gist, *

Why Do You Suffer

nAftD£25,00—Twen ly-five dollars to-

ward ii hereby ollcrcd lor the con-victi on of tlits thiol who recently alolon imrucc plunk from nci'oss the gullerin front of my residence,

910.00—Also ten dollars rcwnr i)(or the conviction of nncli of tin: lliiovc nwho nro in the huhit of cu ltinci nmlstealin g wood from my woodlnndpremises on Onkwood Avenue.

Dat ed Mnrc h 29, 1910.THOMAS YOUNG.

FARM FO](l ItEWT'[' he Ohcr glnck f)niry Fnrm , owinn

lo tlio failure of the drivcnwcll , havinghcert ftlmmlo ned , live fnrm Und of theBorland properly nt Woodbur y is forrent from April 1. The bind in wellpre pared (or inickin fl purposeu , liitvidRhail from 40 lo 60 cows on it for llinpnM (our years nnd in eonsni iui' iitly Wellfertilized , Can be milled iu part orllin whole lo pur lieu by applying to

M. V. 11. BORLAND,Woodbury, L. I,

PHILLIPS'5c®10c STOREMain Street Huntin gton , L. I

EaUblliiliul 1S75

Joseph IRWIN Tfios. E.R.ea.1 Estate

(14 years of squtitn deaHnp; with atIs our record In the Real Estate bus!noss In Huntin gton.

AuctioneerWo Invito your attention to our

record In this lino and assure you allour sales aro oonduotod strictly fortho sollor , not for a few favored ones,liot us show you.

InsuranceIu thin dupai'tinuot wu filvu yuu tliu

full boiioilt of our knowled ge of thebusiness nnd claim for our customersbettor policies and full protection Inflvont of a loss, You take r.o olinncoswith ns m all our forms nro concur-rent and nil our policies cover tlioproperty nllho.

KKAIi KSTATK LOANB-I f youhavo nny n puro cash which you wantto work for you lot us kn ow as wehave plants in operation earning tbncoin, All our loans aniiiindo strictlyupon vnlues. I.ut us show you howIt works.

505 Now York Ave.l)oit 't for get, the number.

TTorsic or Stimulani:?There is an immense difference between a tonic and astimulant. Up one day, way back the next; that's astimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfecthealth; that's a tonic. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic,a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilla entirely free fromalcohol. Do not stimulate unless your doctor says so.He knows. Ask him. Doashesays. j .c.Ayer Co.,Lowell,Max.

Constipation is the one great cause of sick-headache , biliousness, indigestion , badbreath , debility, nervousness. Has your doctor ever recommended Ayer 's Pills to you ?

Kiverhead Saving's BankTotal Resources at Market Value Jan. r , 1910, $5,972,786.86Due 8,572 Depositors Jan. 1, 1910 $5,327,792.66Surplus with Bonds at Market V alue $ 644,994.19

Over $100,000 Interest Credited Depositors Jan. IGet Your SHare in FUTUREDividends by opening a. Sav-ings Account NOW. V» V


POR SALE CHEAP' f,iU((ii blank liors n siiiiml nnd j rnritlfi ,

niimiiiitiiiul In nil lmiiiesii , siiltnblnlor tninklii in Inr K ii liny hor so, «i>odi-iiikIiii ' , inii'i iintly umillii , mid inr|(i 'tlii>i'iMii(librii<l (WIIUi ' ii ; liny iiiniu Infoul lit ' I ' l l lWAH.J ONUH' ,

llnU llollriw lllilii,I l l l l l t l l l l t lO I I It. II' , I) , <l .


f 0g m fcilH|i|Cblno sB Btnttlng—150 wnrp, rod nnd Ja imnoso Mattln ft—1B0 warp, gropn ,

croen nilxtur n. blue and Bold oomblnntlons , makin gK . „. a vory prettyeffoot.

per yard 25c per yard 34cper roll of 40 yards $6.09 per roll of 40 yards 910.49

Hereon Olotb for Windows nndDoors—Galvanized , flustproof. Hi ghgrade , bri ght flnisb , 13 mesh standardgau ge Also comes painted black.In the followin g .sizes from 21 to 42 inheight.

Poultry Nottlne—balvanizod after.¦weavin g. 2 Inch mesh , 10 gauge ,finest quality. For poultry yards ,vines, trolises , etc, • 150 foot In roll.In all tlio different heights, A postalwill brin g the prices to your door .

PALACE MARKETIn the Heart of the Shopping Center

Main Street HUHTINGTON(Opp. Central church)


Important Sale for Fridayand Saturday. Special sellingthat ranks among the mostremarkable offers of the sea-son, where quality is the bestthis will give our patrons anopportunity to save and getthe best the market affords.

Mail or telephone ordersreceive our prompt and mostcareful attention.

Telephone 326

Gale Farm ImplementsAustin Road MachinesOliver PlowsTroy Dump Bodies

Webber Farm Wagons; alsoForks, Hoes, Shovels, etc.

Stock of these reliable goodson hand constantly.

EDWARD SMITHQrconlnwn I,on g Islnnd

For Sale or Rentfor di ' iiHon of 101(1

at iEast NeckTwidv ii.rooiii Ii oiihii , fiiriilsli uil , Im-

prov eiiiuiits , noinont llnoroi l , cojliiriindor iimlii liousoj also lm.rn orRiimgn.

.Kliiutrl o Ught a nrul Tol npliono willlin put In If iloHlrnd ,

Hntliln ir prlvlli i gn 011 bountifulMu uly bunoh ,

Prion $<l ,BII0 ' Unnti fnOO.Also ri l lulldliiu Jjots about 05x15.

with bittl iln g prlvlli'go s InooruoratMlIn tlm (I11111I11 , Prions |R()0 up,

niOilAR D I SirAKKHHAlVl'H untington , h. 1. Tnl,57 -M

Old Grist

Mill ieallli BreadPor null) by all (Ir sl-oliiss groiior s.

J lminimiM iiiHiiil by phyiilnliuiH forll iibiitiiii , Dyiipn pHlii iinif nil iiiuilluriilliiinvitii.

Our Oiilmii , I ' Iiih, Itoil s nnd Ilc iiin-imiiln Hniiul urn 1111 imnnl niimiiiiiiii s oil.Alli i i ioii lul ririliirii pro mptly iiI Iiii iiIikIto, 'J'lionn 110 IlmiM iigioii,

PABST BAMFair ground yl0tt g ia luu -\


is not found in hastily conslmct-ed Pianos under unknown or un-tried names — to make a goodPiano requires time. The bestmaterials a n d workmanshi p,time, energy and skill devotedto the exclusive object of mak-ing Pianos have resulted in the


being recognized the world overas standard for its musical ex-cellence. Nothing has been ne-glected in its manufacture tomake it equal the best, no mat-ter what the price. Fift y years 'manufacturing and selling ex-perience speaks well of the highreputation of this Piano and ourguarantee affords every protec -tion.

We take all makes of pianosand organs in part payment , al-lowing the highest possible marketvalue thereon. Ottr liliera l chargeaccount system meets any sugges-tion you may make as to terms.Send fo r our new 1910 Catalogue.

"•SterlingPiano <°

LargestExclasroePianoHousein GreaterNeioYork.

518-520 Fulton St.Cor. Hanover Place , BROOKLYN


FIRE INSURANCE.Ueproientln j tko lollonlnit CamculM t

German Aoiorloan.Continental ,

Hanover,¦S&vtfori l, of Hurtro ra ,

. ~ P»»ealr , of Siitfor i. firemen 's Plro Ins. of Nowar te,

Northern AjBura nco Co.,(31on Covo Mutual ,

"Kafir "*cur. Main St. nnd NTlfT Ave.. Huntington

Homestead Squab FarmWoodlmrvt X. I.—Produoom of tlio—

"SquabWith (he Seal"We have on hnnd a quantity

of pure, dry pigeon mnmiresuitable for use by farmers andflorists.



Moailowlawiii AvenueLow Price. Easy Terms.

Richard SliakeshaftjPol. 117-111,

proposal'NIMVI' plt j llI , AT iMHII OUAl ONotion tii OnnlruvlnrH

. ,Mi"il,, w' J 'Kw oniilii fnr llin I ' l'iwtlnn 11 nil emu.Yur.l link, HitmilU dnimlv , will 1,1, r iwlvm hylliu M miiiilllMinn Aii iiii liniiMinr llm llnnril nlHli rioiyliioril li/Hllffnlk Oniln ly mi or hufnro 111n'ftWk 1111.111, Mf illiluy, Mny I, lino. """"" "

Uiii liui nfihii i i lniiNniii l niu ' i ' llliwlltiii i nro nnfl lii with thoiiiiiiiili w i lit Hi/ , I ' miiiiillli ' it , sir,jnimiiiiin linlin r . Yiii iliiinlr , MMIiin niiiMuionlniArnlilliir .l, I 'liiiilini nio , wlin ru limy mny Imi lib.Inlm nUiy l linimiiiiiwlnrn,'I' '" 1 1'j iiiii nllU 'i ) riwrvi ' ii tl m rljt lil Inr Weo t unylllili ' il ll rvnrliril il, N. V„ Aur ll III , Will.<li:iiri (o M nli»iliii. Arii ) il!<»i | ,IH II WMIII I MU I. Y,

llii liylnii,I'.IIWAIIDH, IIUH.AMIl,

llllllllll ullill,(¦'Olll l l l l l l l ' O ,

ALWAYS READYTo (jlvo you your moaoy 's worth.

Wo monu by this for ovory dollar thatyou pay us -wo rIvo ono dollar 's worthof work or mntorlnl. If you think ofbnildln ff lot us astlmnto; yon -will ra-oolvo ovory oourtoay and cost yonnothin g. Wo Invito yon to inspectwork wo Iiavo alread y completed; Itspeaks tor ltsolf.

Wo also havo somo very One propo-sitions In tlio lino of houses and lots ,vacant lotn on which wo will build tosuit you on easy tonus.

Wanser & Lewis


nnti livery Stable.ill liliiil a or Moder n Kq nltm iriK

ror llumUuil rurally «».Btoi>li«ii o. 1'oild. I»ro»,

Now York Avonun oppoBltoPost Ollloo,


JOHNSON & PATTIIft•¦¦" , —(loftl or/i In—

CATT LEaro In tlio market lo pay tho liosllwls nii or oxoh iiiiKii for UrirHou andOattln. For Information iidilroH S

JOHNSON ft i'ATTIKY ,Poat onuin , Unntli mt on It. F , D.

Carriage Building Business—In nil llmnolmn. —


Ooin iiiitfiiit Hnviiosl iniir tin rrmiif/ir j i,irnll Homo Ollii pln ir hy pownr,Ollppur Jlnlv nii sharpened ivlillo you

wait, .

J .T. Cahtrell.Unilnrlil ll Ui 'illillna W«,ll Street

llnlow D'lrwt NaUDnftlKnafi;Kiintl m^ou , It, 1,MONEY 'tf bTMN

'VU« (olkivrtii it luuwmlw <t\\ houAiw\<tiiiorlL «it(;n nt, II per aunti fU.HOO , *4.00()»II , (XI0, \F, l l . HHl,I >,ollC; '/»

iliiiitliillfon, it, I, {i *'

Our 5 and 10 Cent Storeconsists of practicall y an endlessvariety cf art icles, none of which arepriced higher than 10 cents. It willalso bo a most instructive exhibit tothe housewife for here she can Ins pecthundreds of useful nnd ornamentalcreations intended to make the homomoro beautiful and moro comfortable.

Man y of those aro articl es that younovor have read about for tho reasonthat their small prices do not admit ofa groat expenditure to explain theirdesirabili ty. One thine; you can bosure of— whenever you visit our 5 nnd10 cent store you will find it full ofunusual bargain s whloh will bo addedto from wook to wook.

F. ROMANO5 and lO Cent Store

Main Street , Huntin gton