cyberattacks: the next health care epidemic

Cyber attacks: the next healthcare epidemic Protect cloud apps and transactions Take steps to boost in-house cloud security expertise and controls as cloud’s cost efficiency continues to drive business and IT decisions A disturbing diagnosis for the industry—and for patients. Electronic health records have become extremely valuable targets for identity theft and ransomware, and more often than not, they are insufficiently protected. These vulnerabilities can leave the door wide open for cybercrime. Attacks are more sophisticated and frequent 5 things you can do to protect your organization and your patients Implement data security and privacy measures Address evolving compliance demands by deploying stricter controls, enforcing policies and monitoring access Improve security operations and response Optimize security programs and educate employees to safeguard medical records, remove digital vulnerabilities and reduce risk Deploy new security for new technologies Understand that mobile apps, wearable devices and the Internet of Things create new vulnerabilities that demand new kinds of security to prevent network hacker entry and patient harm Optimize access controls for interoperability Make it easy for payers, providers and patients to access data and health exchanges securely for greater efficiency © Copyright IBM Corporation 2017. IBM, the IBM logo, and X-Force are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark information” at SE912362-USEN-01 100M healthcare records compromised in a single year¹ 25 % of breach victims changed healthcare providers² 1 in 4 consumers have had health information stolen² ¹IBM X-Force 2016 Cyber Security Intelligence Index. ²Accenture, 2017 Healthcare Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Research. ³IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, 2017. 4 “2017 Cost of Data Breach Study, Global Analysis” Sponsored by IBM, Ponemon Institute, June 2017. Odds are it’s an inside job Learn how to protect your organization from becoming another statistic. Discover IBM Security and begin addressing cyber threats head-on. Visit $3.6M average total cost of a data breach 4 71 % insider attacks³ 29 % external attacks³ 46 % from inadvertent actors that unwittingly aid attackers³ 25 % from malicious insiders that aim to do harm³ 48 % fewer security incidents ² Organizations monitored by IBM ® X-Force ® security monitoring experienced

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Cyber attacks: the next healthcare epidemic

Protect cloud appsand transactionsTake steps to boostin-house cloud security expertise and controls as cloud’s cost efficiency continues to drive business andIT decisions

A disturbing diagnosis for the industry—and for patients. Electronic healthrecords have become extremely valuable targets for identity theft andransomware, and more often than not, they are insufficiently protected. These vulnerabilities can leave the door wide open for cybercrime.

Attacks are more sophisticated and frequent

5 things you can do to protect your organization and your patients

Implement data security and privacy measures Address evolving compliance demands by deploying stricter controls, enforcing policies and monitoring access

Improve securityoperations and response Optimize security programs and educate employees to safeguardmedical records, remove digitalvulnerabilities and reduce risk

Deploy new security fornew technologiesUnderstand that mobile apps,wearable devices and the Internet of Things create new vulnerabilities thatdemand new kinds of security to preventnetwork hacker entry and patient harm

Optimize access controlsfor interoperabilityMake it easy for payers, providers and patients to access data and health exchanges securely forgreater efficiency

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2017. IBM, the IBM logo, and X-Force are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark information” at SE912362-USEN-01

100M healthcare records compromisedin a single year¹

25% of breach victims changed healthcare providers²

1 in 4 consumers have had health information stolen²

¹IBM X-Force 2016 Cyber Security Intelligence Index. ²Accenture, 2017 Healthcare Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Research. ³IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, 2017. 4“2017 Cost of Data Breach Study, Global Analysis” Sponsored by IBM, Ponemon Institute, June 2017.

Odds are it’s an inside job

Learn how to protect your organization from becoming another statistic. Discover IBM Security and begin addressing cyber threats head-on. Visit

$3.6M average total costof a data breach4

71% insider attacks³

29% external attacks³

46% from inadvertent actorsthat unwittingly aid attackers³

25% from malicious insiders thataim to do harm³

48% fewer security incidents²Organizations monitored by IBM® X-Force®

security monitoring experienced