customer service action plan all a part of a system-wide customer service action plan designed to...

Customer Service and Operations Committee Information Item III-A June 14, 2012 Customer Service Action Plan Page 3 of 40

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Page 1: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Customer Service and Operations Committee

Information Item III-A

June 14, 2012

Customer Service Action Plan

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Page 2: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Board Action/Information Summary

Action Information MEAD Number:Resolution:

Yes No


Customer Service Action Plan


To provide the Customer Service and Operations committee an overview of Metro's action plan to improve customer service.

DESCRIPTION: Dozens of actions are underway throughout Metro to improve customer service ranging from changing communications practices to replacing and rehabilitating escalators, training station managers and improving bus schedules. The programs and initiatives are all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service.

Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach is to view Metro through the eyes of our customers. Accordingly, staff looked at each of the steps that our customers take along their journey and identified key customer touch points within each step.

As a first step, research was conducted with customers and employees to define good customer service and to identify priorities of the customers during their journeys with Metro. Focus groups were convened with frequent and infrequent rail and bus customers and with bus operators, Metro Access riders, rail station managers and call center representatives. Intercept interviews were also conducted with tourists. The research results identified customer priorities and preferences and where Metro performed well and needed to better concentrate efforts to better serve customers.

With the research in hand and a better understanding of customer priorities, a Customer Action Plan was developed. The plan includes actions that were already underway, as well as new actions identified through the research. Just as a customer’s journey crosses many departments of Metro, the plan contains action items from various Metro disciplines, including Public Relations, Rail, Bus, Metro Access, Finance and Metro Transit Police.

To measure and communicate our progress, two important tools have been developed: a customer satisfaction index and a mystery rider program.

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Page 3: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

The presentation will provide an overview of the plan’s approach, framework, actions and measurement program. As the program evolves and as some work is completed, it is expected that new actions will be added over time.


There is no impact to funding. All projects undertaken are already contained in the Board-approved budget.

Project Manager: Barbara Richardson/Lynn Bowersox

Project Department/Office:

Customer Service, Communications and Marketing


There is no recommendation for this informational committee item.


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Page 4: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Customer Service Action Plan

Customer Service and Operations Committee

June 14, 2012

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Page 5: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach


Provide an overview

of the action plan to

i timprove customer


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Page 6: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Customer Journey

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Page 7: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Focusing on Customer Service

• Learn customer expectations– Frequent, infrequent bus and

rail riders

MetroAccess riders– MetroAccess riders

– Visitors

• Listen to frontline employees• Listen to frontline employees

• Identify gaps, build action plansp

• Measure progress– Mystery Ridery y

– Satisfaction Index

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Page 8: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Metro Customers Like…

Rail• Clean and easy to use• Map and PIDS praised• Gets me out of traffic

• “More on-time than not”

Bus• Can multitask/work en route• Micro-community among riders• Close to my home/don’t have to driveClose to my home/don t have to drive• Eco-friendly• Online trip planning praised• New, clean busesNew, clean buses• Next Bus/real time information

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Page 9: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Metro Customers Like…


• Convenience

D d i• Door-to-door assistance

• Independence

• New, clean vehicles

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Page 10: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Frontline Service Delivery – Rail

Customers on station managers:• Safety, security role• Serve only tourists• Inconsistent experiencesInconsistent experiences• Availability

From station managers:• Overwhelmed during problems• Peers recognize some deliver poor

serviceservice• Need information

Condition of rail cars:• Stains

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Page 11: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan –Frontline RailFrontline Rail

Improve service delivered by station managers Develop training program for supervisors,

managers Distribute instructions about rush hour presence• Train 105 supervisors by June• Train 558 station managers by December 2012

Provide information to station managersg Assess computer skills Provide needed computer training Launch station manager web site Launch station manager web siteImprove rail car cleanliness• Install resilient flooring in 7K series

In e e off pe k t ff le ning• Increase off-peak staff cleaning• Complete testing of resilient flooring for 5K/6K

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Page 12: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Frontline Service Delivery – Bus

Customers about bus operators:• Main job: drive the bus• Safety and security role• May or may not assist passengersMay or may not assist passengers • Do not expect much interaction• Inconsistent appearance

I i t t t i d li• Inconsistent customer service delivery

Bus operators:• People chat with operators, lots of p p ,

noise, distracting• Fare machines inoperable, slow service• Bus schedules not accurateBus schedules not accurate• Interested in customer service training

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Page 13: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan –Frontline BusFrontline Bus

Improve service delivery by bus operators• Develop customer service training program by July

• Train 500 bus operators by December

Enhance onboard securityEnhance onboard security• Install closed circuit television on all buses by July

• Install bus shields on 100 buses by end of summer

• Detail 30 more officers in 2013

Address schedule challenges• Begin Better Bus improvements by April 2013• Begin Better Bus improvements by April 2013

• Reflect feedback in service planning and scheduling

• Resolve in-service incidents

• Collaborate with local transportation departments to repair and improve streets and bus stops

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Page 14: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Frontline Service Delivery –MetroAccessMetroAccess

Customers on MetroAccess:• Praise for drivers• Improved reservation process• Frustration with dispatchFrustration with dispatch• Inconsistent experiences/service levels• Confusion on fares

l f db kEmployee feedback:• Some customers do not understand or follow

policies- become frustrated• Gap between expectations and service

delivery• Punctuality and ride-sharing issuesPunctuality and ride sharing issues

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Page 15: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan –MetroAccessMetroAccess

Improve service delivery by dispatch and operatorsp y y p p Monitor and coach communication among dispatch,

operators and customers

Conduct sensitivity training

Recertify job skills

D l l d hi Develop leadership programs

Focus on brand image standards

Purchase new vehicles Purchase new vehicles

Develop customer satisfaction survey

• Create fare calculatorCreate fare calculator

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Page 16: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

In-System Communications

• Announcements not clear – stations, t i btrains, or buses

• Multi-tasking Passenger Information Displays (PIDs)p y ( )

• Bus route confusion: “Where is that bus going?”

f b l (• Perception gap of bus timeliness (+5 min, cannot be early)

• Perception of MetroAccess tardinessp

• Unavailable estimated time of arrival

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Page 17: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

In-System Communications

• Customers want constantcommunication throughout Journey

– Prior to arrival – “is my train/bus on time, how should I get there”time, how should I get there

– At every juncture – transfers, delays

– Departing the system – “where do I p g yexit”

• Call Center

– Positive customer interactions once on the phone

– Employees need informationEmployees need information

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Page 18: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan – CommunicationsBefore EnteringBefore Entering

All Modes Launch Metro Alerts – February

Publish monthly GM column in “Express” – June

• Update mobile web – December

Rail Establish Incident Communications Protocol – February

• Install static signs – July

R l h d itt i ith t d d t k• Replace handwritten signs with standard stock

Phase 1; 8 signs

Phase 2; 6 signs by late summer– Phase 2; 6 signs by late summer

• Install digital flat screen signs at 75 stations by late Fall

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Page 19: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan – CommunicationsBefore EnteringBefore Entering

Bus Locate communicators in control center;

introduce Bus Alerts – Nov./Feb.• Integrate MetroAlerts with Nextbus – December• Install 1500 new static bus stop signs a year –

begins 2013; complete by 2015 • Install real-time information bus stop signs –Install real time information bus stop signs

begins 2013; complete by 2018

MetroAccessI t ll M t A t i t j• Install MetroAccess stop signs at major locations – begins 2013

• Develop online vehicle location system – 2014• Increase functionality of web and interactive

voice recorder system – 2014

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Page 20: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan – CommunicationsIn SystemIn System

Improve clarity and quality of in-system announcements• Rail

Review, revise station and operator messages f R h+ b J 18for Rush+ by June 18

• Review station announcements for optimal length and frequency

• Upgrade station Public Address systems

– Upgrade all underground stations – 37 of 51 complete

– Begin upgrade at above ground stations within next year

• Bus

Review, revise operator messages

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Page 21: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan – CommunicationsIn SystemIn System

I i f llImprove responsiveness of customer call center Conduct an independent performance assessment

E t bli h f t Establish performance measurement program

Reorganize management

• Launch e comment process review by end of June• Launch e-comment process review by end of June

• Conduct industry benchmarking by end of July

• Establish customer feedback program this fallEstablish customer feedback program this fall

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Page 22: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan – Employee CommunicationsCommunications

Improve Employee/Contractor Communications

Improve Metro Weekly – May/ongoing

Initiate General Manager’s Forums – Spring

Establish Senior Staff E-network – 2011

Create employee email list serv – February

Launch customer recognition program –November 2011

Update electronic bulletin board – June Update electronic bulletin board – June

Launch safety communications campaign –January 2012

• Upgrade MetroWeb – Spring 2013

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Page 23: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Security Issues

• Generally, customers feel safey,

• Security concerns:– Bus, rail and MetroAccess

– Disruptive youth behavior before and after school, weekends

Riding at night and weekends– Riding at night and weekends

• Presence of uniformed officials importantp– Police

– Bus operators

– Visible station managers

– MetroAccess road supervisors

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Page 24: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan – Security

Coordinate Daily Metropolitan Police; District of Columbia youthMetropolitan Police; District of Columbia youth

services and public schools; Montgomery and Prince George’s county police, and other governmental entities

Deployment – bus and rail Adjust transit police deployment to manage

pending incidents Utilize high-intensity target enforcement Position station managers outside of kiosks• Detail 60 more officers in 2013

Community involvement Attend back-to-school nights, school assemblies,

and community meetings; Participate on task forces: Truancy, Anti-

Bullying, Anti-Gang, and School Anti-Violence • Complete focus groups with students by July

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Fares & Collection System

• Cards become inoperable

• Fare machines difficult to useFare machines difficult to use

• Refund process unclear & slow

• Fares confusing• Fares confusing

• Difficulty adding fares on bus

• Rail expensive

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Page 26: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan – Fares and CollectionCollection

Improve operability of SmarTrip® equipment Replace obsolete card readers in high ridership Replace obsolete card readers in high ridership

stations Fall 2011 Resolve software issues on bus fare boxes• Replace all card readers by end of next yearReplace all card readers by end of next year

Enhance Website Capability Allow report of lost/stolen cards; transfer balances

between cards – January 2012 yImprove use of fare vending Load SmartBenefits at fare gates – December 2011• Introduce threshold autoload – purchases of passes p p

or stored value by September • Install SmarTrip® dispensers at all stations by end of

SeptemberImprove refund process Reduce backlog of fare adjustment requests Increase call center staffing

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Page 27: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Station Environment

• Escalators and elevators

• Need better lightingg g

• HVAC system – station and rail cars

• Platforms crowded concerns during events and rush hours• Platforms crowded, concerns during events and rush hours

• Wayfinding issues

N d i f ti l i t ti i t f i t t– Need information leaving stations: points of interest

– More maps

– Accessible to all

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Page 28: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan –Station EnvironmentStation Environment

Improve escalator/elevator performance Ch ti fi ti Change operating configuration• Develop remote monitoring of elevators- all complete by FY14• Employ additional resources for preventive maintenance compliancep y p p• Rehab 105 escalators; replace 94 escalators• Rehab 32 elevators

Increase station lightingIncrease station lighting Extend Judiciary Sq pilot to 3 stations by end of FY13• Enhance lighting at 14 stations by end of FY13Improve accessibility Enhance elevator features for visually-impairedImprove wayfindingImprove wayfinding Upgrade bus sign information • Initiate rail wayfinding inventory – 2013

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Page 29: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Action Plan –Station EnvironmentStation Environment

Improve station HVAC:Improve station HVAC:

Maintain 6°F temperature differential

Increase preventive maintenance Increase preventive maintenance cycles

• Implement remote temperature monitoring at 47 stations by mid-July

Improve vehicle HVAC

Perform more intense seasonal vehicle HVAC campaigns

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Page 30: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Measurement—Mystery Rider

• Program developmentProgram development

• Quarterly summary reports– Train/station environment/station managers (125 per quarter)Train/station environment/station managers (125 per quarter)

– Metro Transit Police

– Bus stops/bus, including operators (120 per quarter)g

– ADA compliance for fixed route system, including bus stops

– Fare media performance

• Weekly/Daily “hot” alerts

• Online database for specific research/analysis

• Senior Management Reports

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Page 31: Customer Service Action Plan all a part of a system-wide Customer Service Action Plan designed to improve day-to-day service. Development of the plan began last fall. The central approach

Measurement—Satisfaction Survey

• Begins Summer 2012• Begins Summer 2012

• Interview 400 bus, 400 rail customers each quartereach quarter

• Ask about customer service, security, wayfinding signage climatewayfinding, signage, climate, cleanliness, fare media, and call center

• Customer service index will be created• Customer service index will be created for multiple groups and tracked

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