custom stl allocators

Custom STL Allocators Pete Isensee Xbox Advanced Technology Group [email protected]

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Custom STL Allocators. Pete Isensee Xbox Advanced Technology Group [email protected]. Topics. Allocators: What are They Good For? Writing Your First Allocator The Devil in the Details Allocator Pitfalls State Syntax Testing Case Study. Containers and Allocators. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Custom STL Allocators

Pete IsenseeXbox Advanced Technology [email protected]

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• Allocators: What are They Good For?

• Writing Your First Allocator• The Devil in the Details• Allocator Pitfalls

– State– Syntax– Testing

• Case Study

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Containers and Allocators

• STL containers allocate memory– e.g. vector (contiguous), list (nodes)– string is a container, for this talk

• Allocators provide a standard interface for container memory use

• If you don’t provide an allocator, one is provided for you

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• Default Allocatorlist<int> b;

// same as:

list< int, allocator<int> > b;

• Custom Allocator#include “MyAlloc.h”

list< int, MyAlloc<int> > c;

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The Good

• Original idea: abstract the notion of near and far memory pointers

• Expanded idea: allow customization of container allocation

• Good for– Size: Optimizing memory usage

(pools, fixed-size allocators)– Speed: Reducing allocation time

(single-threaded, one-time free)

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Example Allocators

• No heap locking (single thread)• Avoiding fragmentation• Aligned allocations

(_aligned_malloc)• Fixed-size allocations• Custom free list• Debugging• Custom heap• Specific memory type

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The Bad

• No realloc()• Requires advanced C++ compilers• C++ Standard hand-waving• Generally library-specific

– If you change STL libraries you may need to rewrite allocators

• Generally not cross-platform– If you change compilers you may

need to rewrite allocators

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The Ugly

• Not quite real objects– Allocators with state may not work

as expected

• Gnarly syntax– map<int,char> m;– map<int,char,less<int>,

MyAlloc<pair<int,char> > > m;

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Pause to Reflect

• “Premature optimization is the root of all evil” – Donald Knuth

• Allocators are a last resort and low-level optimization

• Especially for games, allocators can be the perfect optimization

• Written correctly, they can be introduced w/o many code changes

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Writing Your First Allocator• Create MyAlloc.h• #include <memory>• Copy or derive from the default

allocator• Rename “allocator” to “MyAlloc”• Resolve any helper functions• Replace some code with your own

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Writing Your First Allocator• Demo• Visual C++ Pro 7.0 (13.00.9466)• Dinkumware STL (V3.10:0009)• 933MHz PIII w/ 512MB• Windows XP Pro 2002• Launch Visual Studio

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Two key functions

• Allocate• Deallocate• That’s all!

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template< typename T >

class allocator


typedef size_t size_type;

typedef T* pointer;

typedef const T* const_pointer;

typedef T value_type;


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Allocate Function

• pointer allocate( size_type n, allocator<void>::const_pointer p = 0)– n is the number of items T, NOT

bytes– returns pointer to enough memory to

hold n * sizeof(T) bytes– returns raw bytes; NO construction– may throw an exception

(std::bad_alloc)– default calls ::operator new– p is optional hint; avoid

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Deallocate function

• void deallocate( pointer p,

size_type n )– p must come from allocate()– p must be raw bytes; already

destroyed– n must match the n passed to

allocate()– default calls ::operator delete(void*)– Most implementations allow and

ignore NULL p; you should too

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A Custom Allocator

• Demo• That’s it!• Not quite: the devil is in the

details– Construction– Destruction– Example STL container code– Rebind

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• Allocate() doesn’t call constructors• Why? Performance• Allocators provide construct

function void construct(pointer p, const T& t)

{ new( (void*)p ) T(t); }

• Placement new– Doesn’t allocate memory– Calls copy constructor

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• Deallocate() doesn’t call destructors

• Allocators provide a destroy function

void destroy( pointer p )

{ ((T*)p)->~T(); }

• Direct destructor invocation– Doesn’t deallocate memory– Calls destructor

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Example: Vector

template< typename T, typename A >

class vector {

A a; // allocator

pointer pFirst; // first object

pointer pEnd; // 1 beyond end

pointer pLast; // 1 beyond last


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Example: Reserve

vector::reserve( size_type n ){ pointer p = a.allocate( n, 0 ); // loop on a.construct() to copy // loop on a.destroy() to tear down a.deallocate( pFirst, capacity() ); pFirst = p; pLast = p + size(); pEnd = p + n;}

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Performance is paramount• Reserve

– Single allocation– Doesn’t default construct anything– Deals properly with real objects

• No memcpy• Copy constructs new objects• Destroys old objects

– Single deallocation

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• Allocators don’t always allocate Tlist<Obj> ObjList; // allocates nodes

• How? Rebindtemplate<typename U> struct rebind

{ typedef allocator<U> other; }

• To allocate an N given type TAlloc<T> a;

T* t = a.allocate(1); // allocs sizeof(T)

Alloc<T>::rebind<N>::other na;

N* n = na.allocate(1); // allocs sizeof(N)

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Allocator Pitfalls

• To Derive or Not to Derive• State

– Copy ctor and template copy ctor– Allocator comparison

• Syntax issues• Testing• Case Study

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To Derive or Not To Derive• Deriving from std::allocator

– Dinkumware derives (see <xdebug>)– Must provide rebind, allocate,

deallocate– Less code; easier to see differences

• Writing from scratch– Allocator not designed as base class– Josuttis and Austern write from scratch– Better understanding

• Personal preference

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Allocators with State

• State = allocator member data• Default allocator has no data• C++ Std says (paraphrasing

20.1.5):– Vendors encouraged to support

allocators with state– Containers may assume that

allocators don’t have state

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State Recommendations

• Be aware of compatibility issues across STL vendors

• list::splice() or C::swap()will indicate if your vendor supports stateful allocators– Dinkumware: yes– STLport: no

• Test carefully

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State Implications

• Container size increase• Must provide allocator:

– Constructor(s)• Default may be private if parameters required

– Copy constructor– Template copy constructor– Global comparison operators (==, !=)

• No assignment operators required• Avoid static data; generates one per


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Heap Allocator Example

template< typename T >

class Halloc {

Halloc(); // could be private

explicit Halloc( HANDLE hHeap );

Halloc( const Halloc& ); // copy

template< typename U > // templatized

Halloc( const Halloc<U>& ); // copy


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Template Copy Constructor• Can’t see private data

template< typename U >

Halloc( const Halloc<U>& a ) :

m_hHeap( a.m_hHeap ) {} // error

• Solutions– Provide public data accessor

function– Or allow access to other types U

template <typename U>

friend class Halloc;

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Allocator comparison

• Exampletemplate< typename T, typename U >

bool operator==( const Alloc<T>& a,

const Alloc<U>& b )

{ return a.state == b.state; }

• Provide both == and !=• Should be global fucns, not

members• May require accessor functions

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Syntax: Typedefs

• Prefer typedefs• Offensive

list< int, Alloc< int > > b;

• Better// .h

typedef Alloc< int > IAlloc;

typedef list< int, IAlloc > IntList;

// .cpp

IntList v;

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Syntax: Construction

• Containers accept allocators via ctorsIntList b( IAlloc( x,y,z ) );

• If none specified, you get the defaultIntList b; // calls IAlloc()

• Map/multimap requires pairsAlloc< pair< K,T > > a;

map< K, T, less<K>,

Alloc< pair< K,T > > >

m( less<K>(), a );

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Syntax: Other Containers

• Container adaptors accept containers via constructors, not allocatorsAlloc<T> a;

deque< T, Alloc<T> > d(a);

stack< T, deque<T,Alloc<T> > > s(d);

• String exampleAlloc<T> a;

basic_string< T, char_traits<T>, Alloc<T> > s(a);

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• Test the normal case• Test with all containers (don’t forget

string, hash containers, stack, etc.)• Test with different objects T,

particularly those w/ non-trivial dtors

• Test edge cases like list::splice• Verify that your version is better!• Allocator test framework:

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Case Study

• In-place allocator– Hand off existing memory block– Dole out allocations from the block– Never free

• Example usagetypedef InPlaceAlloc< int > IPA;

void* p = malloc( 1024 );

list< int, IPA > x( IPA( p, 1024 ) );

x.push_back( 1 );

free( p );

• View code

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In-Place Allocator

• Problems– Fails w/ multiple concurrent copies– No copy constructor– Didn’t support comparison– Didn’t handle containers of void*

• Correct implementation– Reference counted– Copy constructor implemented– Comparison operators– Void specialization

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In-Place Summary

• Speed– Scenario: add x elements, remove half– About 50x faster than default allocator!

• Advantages– Fast; no overhead; no fragmentation– Whatever memory you want

• Disadvantages– Proper implementation isn’t easy– Limited use

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• Allocators: a last resort optimization

• Base your allocator on <memory>• Beware porting issues (both

compilers and STL vendor libraries)

• Beware allocators with state• Test thoroughly• Verify speed/size improvements

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Recommendations part II

• Use typedefs to simplify life• Don’t forget to write

– Rebind– Copy constructor– Templatized copy constructor– Comparison operators– Void specialization

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• C++ Standard section 20.1.5, 20.4.1

• Your STL implementation: <memory>

• GDC Proceedings: References section

• Game Gems III• [email protected]•