currichlumg · as you can see in theeample,lie=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.....

ED 23 614 AUTHOR .TITLE INSTITUTION PONS-AdENCY DATE-' CONTRACT NOTE -AVAILABLCFROH PUE.;TPE- 'EDRS PRI E. I HYOI/PCO2 Plus- Postage. . DESCRLPT RS 1 Academic Achievement; Career Development; Community. ' __- -Development; Community Involvement; Curriculum; s Educational Administration; *EdUCational Policy; *EduCational Precticesp-Educational Research; -. , . Educational Tistingi Elementary Secondary Edation; '.*Equal Education; Evaluation; N8htraditional DOCUHE T RE UD 023 24.1 Oebbi'Michael, Cotitp.; Chapin, Georganne,-Comp. Urban SchdolS'Bibliography 1982; Number SI 'Bibliography /Columbia Univ., New Yorke N.Y. Inst.'fOr Urban and Minority Education.4 RrC Clearipghouse.oh Urban / Natirinal'Atst:',of .Education(ED)-,' Waslgton, DC.' jEducation,,NeW York, N.Y. [83] ' 400-E2--001 - ; 49p.; For related doCuments, 'see ED 31(.412-445 ERIC,Clearinghouse.onOr4an Education, Box 40, Teadhers: College, Col_uisbia Dniv6xsit, New York, :NY ,100274$5100Y. e . / Refernce Mateelals Bibliographies .(131)- Information Analyses 7 ERIC Information Analysis Products,..(071/ Education; *Urban Education;,*Urban Sc hools 1 . f I ABSTRACT . . . / -This bibliography-, thp fifth -intthe Urban SchdolT Bibliography sere, provides urban school personnel, ,researchers, and poTicymakers with informatfon on importantlisiues, programs, and practides iin urban edutafion. Topics covered--in the, bibliography includc , testing and!e aluation, academic-lc4I vement, career equal education, school-policy, schbol administration, velmenontaditiOnal education and co ity involvement currichlumg de4t n r n education I As with= the precedipg volumes' rn (the series, thi rolleCtion of referehces was compiled by searching "Resources in . Educatiorr," ERIC's monthly abstract journal.* for thicuments that were, either (11 developed and produced by large urban'school distrIcts: or (2,) developed outside authors, agenckes,' or institutions and of generaa relevance to urban educators. The bibliography is divided into two7major,partb: (1). a section containing main entries which "preseiltsicitations (including title, author, 'source, publication date,' information about document availability, subject'index terms,- and .an abstract) in the order 0 which they appeared in LTRIE"; and W (2) a'seCtio containing,subject, author, and inVitutional in8exes. All of the ,worka cited in the bibliography are available thropgii the ERIC sys*em. Information ton document ordering-and availability is, givel oh thd last-page.'(CMG) -- - . _ Reproductions supplied by"EDRE'are the best that can be made from th original document. . . ***W**** ******************A****** ************* ,

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ED 23 614





'EDRS PRI E. I HYOI/PCO2 Plus- Postage. .

DESCRLPT RS 1 Academic Achievement; Career Development; Community.' __- -Development; Community Involvement; Curriculum; s

Educational Administration; *EdUCational Policy;*EduCational Precticesp-Educational Research; -.

, . Educational Tistingi Elementary Secondary Edation;'.*Equal Education; Evaluation; N8htraditional


UD 023 24.1

Oebbi'Michael, Cotitp.; Chapin, Georganne,-Comp.Urban SchdolS'Bibliography 1982; Number SI'Bibliography/Columbia Univ., New Yorke N.Y. Inst.'fOr Urban andMinority Education.4 RrC Clearipghouse.oh Urban


Natirinal'Atst:',of .Education(ED)-,' Waslgton, DC.'jEducation,,NeW York, N.Y.

[83] '400-E2--001 - ;

49p.; For related doCuments, 'see ED 31(.412-445ERIC,Clearinghouse.onOr4an Education, Box 40,Teadhers: College, Col_uisbia Dniv6xsit, New York, :NY

,100274$5100Y. e . /

Refernce Mateelals Bibliographies .(131)-Information Analyses 7 ERIC Information AnalysisProducts,..(071/

Education; *Urban Education;,*Urban Sc hools1.

f IABSTRACT . . . /

-This bibliography-, thp fifth -intthe Urban SchdolTBibliography sere, provides urban school personnel, ,researchers,and poTicymakers with informatfon on importantlisiues, programs, andpractides iin urban edutafion. Topics covered--in the, bibliographyincludc

, testing and!e aluation, academic-lc4I vement, careerequal education, school-policy, schbol administration,

velmenontaditiOnal education and co ity involvementcurrichlumgde4t n r neducation I As with= the precedipg volumes' rn (the series, thirolleCtion of referehces was compiled by searching "Resources in


Educatiorr," ERIC's monthly abstract journal.* for thicuments that were,either (11 developed and produced by large urban'school distrIcts: or(2,) developed outside authors, agenckes,' or institutions and ofgeneraa relevance to urban educators. The bibliography is dividedinto two7major,partb: (1). a section containing main entries which"preseiltsicitations (including title, author, 'source, publicationdate,' information about document availability, subject'index terms,-and .an abstract) in the order 0 which they appeared in LTRIE"; and

W(2) a'seCtio containing,subject, author, and inVitutional in8exes.All of the ,worka cited in the bibliography are available thropgii theERIC sys*em. Information ton document ordering-and availability is,givel oh thd last-page.'(CMG) -- -


_ Reproductions supplied by"EDRE'are the best that can be madefrom th original document. . .

***W**** ******************A****** *************,

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Compiled by



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e Points of vim; Of opinions staled in this dOCU-went do not neceeparily represent Of ficial

ERIC] 'CLEAR HOUSE ON-URBAN EDUCATION'Institute r Urban and Minority Education

Teacher College, Columbia University'N w York, New York 10021

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t 7



Compiled by

Michael Webb,


eOrganhe hapin




Number 5I

This publication was 'prepared wilh funding- National Institute of Education. U.S. DeEducation_ zider contract no 400,82-0012.-loos expressed do' not necessarily reflect the posipolicies of/NIE or the Department of Education.

.The National

Institute ofEducation

, u:s.DEAUTKIrt&Wain

Wahiawa/a. D,C 392[16



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This thd f-fifth in a series produced by theERIC

Clearinghouse on Urban Education, provides urban school -perLonnel, re--. .- .

..,:.. _

searchers, and policimakers with information-on-.-- ..

Important issups,°'programs,- a

and practices in urban education. Ad with the prectling.volumes in the

A.1.1jS1093.1141-Prah SerAes thia collection:og referenced was,com-


piled bysearching Resources in.Education-MIEI, ERIC's monthly ahstract

journal, for,00cuments that werWeither (1) developed and produced\hy large/-.

Urban-school districts, or ..(2) developed by ,outside authors, agenciea, or


institutions and of general relevance to urban educators. irst foup

l*Bibliqgraphies contain, together, over eight-hundreerdocu

14 -that originalliipieered in RIE from 1975 to 1981. .1lost ofe

document the research of _particular urban school and school aya

.1 .

ent references

the cite4 works'

Bibliographies are vanahie from the Clearinghouse under these es:

Volume I Equal 1- ducal

Volume. II: 01 p 1i

Voivinie T

Volume IV: CareerDevelo men V'e-Schoolnity Involvements

hi g latest volume updates theee works_and Contains-140 citationa hat-------


PPPeared in RIE from January ,through December of'1982. The Bibliography43/

divided into two major parts a section-o containing main entries and= a.

comprised of-three Indexes.

Page 5: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Tie rain entry seetion pre = er- r-it ra

/ source,, publication date, t d8cument aVailability, subject

JaCluding author,

index terms, and an abstr;,;--- he -r der *in which they appeared in RIE.,

As you can see in theeample ,LIE=. .-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -...

by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number.'.1

left is the Clearinghouse citationnumber; _

-tin. the

e numbersrange from UE 0001

to.UE 40 and correspond to.the SeqUence in-which the citations are listed

raphy... It is thiO numher Nhich appears after the title ofin this Bib

each d'Icume nt.erted 1n-the subject, author, and institutional indexes.

A3-1-n Wel:notice cited in'/this Biblitgraphy are avaIlable through the


ERIC- system. ey;may be read- at any facility that houses an ERIC microfiche,



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This Seriei Will be updated annually. For. informs4-==

on on updates as

well as on other publications end seivices, please-write to the ERIC

.Clearinghousc on Urban Education, Box 40, Teachers Callen,. Columbia

-Univerelt *Nei" York, NY 10027..

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Clearinghouse citation._


Organization '.whore docUrnanoriginated.

Date Published



Mc Accession Nornherioent:;cation number sequentially assigneetq documents as they are processedit-

:Sponaothig -Agencyagency-re;sponsible for initiating, funding, .dmanaging the research projectLIE 0001. ED 20

'Smith,. John D. / % . Johnson Jane 4Career Umatilla for 'Women.Central Univ., ChicagoIL. .....


Spons AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED),Washington, DC.

Report No. ---, CU-2081-SPub Date --' May 73tontrigtNMC-73-0001Note = 129p: Piper presented- at thi National

Confereri0 on Carter Educktion (3rd, CkicagIL.; May 15-17, 1973). . -I

Available framCampus Bookstore, 123 College 7

Ave..iCitiCago IL 60690 (53.25).LanguageEnglish, FrenchERS.PrIeeMF01/PC,96 plus PPWDType=Tests/Questionntures (160)

is -- Career Guidance, 'Career Pliiutirig..°Demand Oecupations, *Employ:

omen, *EinplOpportunities,ent _ Opportunities, .Females,tabor Force,- labor Market ,.*Labor r4aupstioniti Aspiration, Occupations

Identifier Consortium ofSustes, *National' ti ,CoMpetelhq 'Testing tristitaile .

nil oppokunities for employment vrill" be itly relates to their level of skill ande pericnce .-

/ and- also 'to the labor marketideminds. uj tt tiro i/ Trnatinder cC die decade; 7111e number

-eded for a major occupational Citepealed to increase bys e-ftfthbout onand 1990, but the' groWth rate will viiiiionai grbup.professional ltd technical w areexpected to have the highest Predieted "re 9.percent); followed' by service workers (35 percent).clerical jworkers- (26 percent), sales workers _ (24Percent), craft workers awe ''' is (20 percent),managers and 'dm-Wit:atom (15 _-_t), and opera- ,dyes 01 percent). This publication contain; a briefdiscussion and employment information m>occupations for professionals:A tectutical waiters,managers and adninistrators, dolled- trades, salesworkers' Clerical violaters, and- kerVice 'w&kers. In

, order for women to take advantage of increased labormarket demands, employer attitudeitoWdrd workingwomen need to change rind women must; (1) receivebetter career planning: and counseling; (2) changetheir career aspirations:. and (3) f-olly utai2e thesow= *liege Protection and assistance- which asp

. ayailable to therm (at) 7 ;/ P

t Number.


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rban Schools Bibliography 1982Document Resumes

UE 0001 ED 205 985Aoki. Elaine 'TurnIng the Page" /The Appropriate Use of Asian

American Children's llsiteratwre in the Class-MOM. .

Washington Office of the State Superintendent ofPublic Instruction. Olympia.

Pub DateMay 81 -

Note.13p.Pub Type= Opinion_ Papers (120) Referei

Materials - BibliogrIphics (131)ERRS Price MFOI /PCOI Plus Postage.DescriptorsAnnotated :Bibliographies. 'Asian

Americans: Attitude Change. arks...ChildhoodAttitudes. *Childrens, Literature. ElementaryEth /cation. Ethnic Bias 'Ethnic Stereotypes.Language Arts.,*Multicultural Education ; Read-

- Mg Aloud-to Others. Reading Instruction; React-ing Materials. Reading Material SelectionIntended for reading and Language arts teachers of,

multiethnic-classes. this report discusses the use ofchildren's literature featuring Asian Americandeters and how these books can ha-Je a negative orpositive influence on attitudes toward and of ethnicgroups. The first pan discusses the importance of

' presenting Asian Amerifsh- children's literature alppropriately and how misuse can have a (limitingeffect on children of-Asian descent. This section

. also reviews studies that show-how exposbre to Oh-' nie 'literature can influence attitudes positively or

negatively an& presents guidelines for evaluatingAsian Arnerican children's. books: The second sec-tion is an annotated list of 12 recommended Asian

. American children's books. The third oration pre-sents ideas and strategies for teaching Asian Ameri-can folkules. playing . with Lowey sounds.comparing cross- cultural experiences-history and experiencing Asian American historythrough role playing. (H H). M.


UE 0002Downing' Bruce T Over PalmaHmOrig ,Refasees ir as Americus EIty. A Case

Study in Language Contact. ' .

PuhlpateJul El -. fNote-31p.; Paper presenied at the Annual Univer-

sity _e Wisconsin-Madison Linguistics Symposi-ium W. Madison. WI. 1911).ub Type Speeches/Meeting Papers (150) Re-/ports . Research (143)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PCO2 Pies Poetise"DescriptorsAcculturation. Adolescents. Adult

Literacy. Adults. Communication Skills. *CultureContact. *English (Second Language). Ethncphy. 'Functional Literacy. 'Group Eaperi ce.

ED 206-202

I Indochinetc. Interpreters, Morphology. (Lan-./ (tinges). Nonverbal. Communication. Proriuncie-

lion, Ream' Skills, Refugees ; Relocation.Syntax, Trnnstation

1 Identifierswaliriont People. Language Contact! This study examines some aspects of the interac-

tion of one Hmona family with.the English-speakingcommunity to determine what sort of language eon,' tact situations they encounter and whet metile theyuse to communicate in those-lituations. Observe-

- lions revealed that English language use of.the classroom woe Jointed. The subjca-a did nett-seekout ant . sornetirrics'actively avoided: situatioSs re-quiring the use ,7,f En/shah. Where the use of Englishcould not be svaidedi communal communication.strategies involviint spokespersons or interpreters(occasionally a younger Member of the family) wereemployed. Only when spok ns weft uneven-able did adults suers cornmuflicate directly.This action question the common assumption insecond linguine teaching that what is taught in theclassroom will be liellifOregd through outside 'Ian-Busse contacts. Tina lisnang prantcrimay reflect.not only a lack of appropriate language leamingskills but also a tradition of corntrianity isniation andself-sufficiency carried over from the Hmong eel

_ . perience as a geographic**, isolated minority inLeos and Chins Cornmr nal strategies of survivalcommunication might provide a way for the corn.munity IS a whole to succeed even though someindividuals might never learn- to communicate inEnglish well enough to survive alone. (Author /)K)

UE 0003 , . . ED 206 630f OsurlInd. Suwon J. Marron; John S r-.. Latent Trait Theory, Applicetions to 'Test Item

Bias Meklanduloy. Research Memorandum No.1. E .

Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools. -Calif Div. of Program Evaluation. Research. andPupil Services.; Oakland Unified School District,

. - Calif. Dept: of Research and Evaluation.Pub EfateDec SO = 'Note=35p. ,Pub Type Reports ; Rs-mach (143)EDR.S Pries . MPOI/PCO2 Plus Postage-DescriptorsAchievement Tests. High Schools.

'Latent Trait Theory, Racial Bias. °StatisticalAnalysis. !Test Bras. ._Test Items

Identificrs*Ranch -Model ,This study discusses Went .trait ihtory applies-

nons-to test item bias methodology. A real data set ,--i is used in describing the rationale and eppliektfon ofi tha Reach probabilistic' model item Calibrations

across Various- ethnic group populations- .VbiShschool graduation proficiency test coxer** reading I

. comprehension. writing mechanics, and mathemat--1lea was administered to 1.042 white and 11.441 'black eadente fa a large west coast school district.


Using UCON estiMation procedures for itent dif-iculties. item plots for each ethnic group by the

three-separate subtests were prepared. The derive.lion of acceptable tolerance limits is descdbtx1 acidapplied to the current data set, wherein b blueditem is revealed. The mathematics are given al.though their derivation is not described -exceptwhen required for completeness. (Author/BW).

UE 0004-The

Reading- AggfeEnaeDh2T0eauga6747g

Program. EsEA Title VII. Pine] EvaluationReport. 19794910.

New York Citk Boaid of Ethication, Brooklyn. N.Y.Office of Educations' Evaluation;

, Spook Agency-011ice of Bilingual Education andMinority Languages "airs (ED). Washington.D.C.

Bureau No.--S001-42;07633Pub DateVIOL .Grant-000790416SNote-42p.; Some pages may be marginally legible

due to reproduction quality of original document_For related documents, see UD 021 534-535, ED113`6113, ED 139 351. and ED 142 657.6511.

Pub Typl Reports Evaluative (142)ERRS Price MFOI /PCO2 Plea Postage.Descriptors *Bilingual Education. Chineee- Am-

ericans Curridulum- Etevelopment. ElementaryEdnestion, English (Second Language). GreekAmericans, Haitians, !Hispanic -Americans. Itel-'Ian Americans. Native Language Instruction, Par-ent Participation./ Program DescA(stions,'Program Effectiveneits, *Second Language In-stnsction, Staff Development, student Ch!recter-lades \

IgentinersElernsintary Secondary Education Acttitle VII, timited'Englith Speaking. 'New YorkCity Public -RbOole .

This ban evalustion'ef a Tine V)! educ-t-. lion, proiect. the Native' Language Reading Arp

propel'. conducted in the New YorkCity Schools m1979410. The -program was designed to serve as artexemplary reading and nativg.language aria poectin elementary schools lot a largely Hispanic studentpopulation, but into served speakers of_Greek, Creole/French, end Chinese. Contained Inthe report Is infant ation regarding' (1)program andschool sites; (2)'dloselection: (3) student eligibility'Miens; (4) chanecteristioa of the target pbpulanneu(5) program stiffing:46) Pfograns implementation;(7) instructional approach (8) niatpnals develop-,merit and dissemination; (9) staff deeelopmerm and"'.(10) parental ibrolvementA The evaluation Cocaeludes with a discussion of the benefits and drie -backs of the projett, and some recontrnendadendimprove implementation._(APP.()

UE 0003 ED 206 749

Page 8: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

I Docthnent Resumes I I ,'

I CmprrhriIvc High ScboI Bh1IguiJ F,ugrm Brown Cr1wi E 4llin Dwgh, W iii1dent thou ho achieve md thor who 1d to /I ESEA Tilir v1I:Fln.I £v*Ju.flon ,port. 979- Dtdp1Inry AJtrnt1.c for U*iii S#io1 ahirvc. Intcrviw with right Ick tudcnts [torn

so. -J'JwYork City Board ofEduhtiofl, Bropkyn. N.Y

DIILTICL .Pub teApr I !

a ghetto high school h bicgo wrc iniIyed. ThisiniIyiirevc1d lix &hrnom which içrmcd roI Oflicc of EduepuonI Eviuiflon- NQtc36p.; !apc pVbcntrd t th Annual Confcr itnoui in the beMvior of inner city blackiw-

Spon A&cncyOffice or fliuI EducKtion md ence or thc Amncan Educationll Rreareh A drn:m iucfuI tUdent demoztrated thcMinonty Lngu&c% Affairs (ED). Washington. locution (Los AneIci. CA. April, 19 I). tei charictemtic in ch of thtfollowing pairs; (1)DC Pub TypcSperchefMectin Fp (1 50) Re- prtrnné? icilitic ftuurc oflcnttion; (2) in

. Bucu No-5OOl-42-O76l5; 5001-43-08403 ports - Dicnptwr (141) pulilvity *nd'*ffceth' icton vi thoughtful rcflc-Pub Ditc(OJ EDRS Prk . MFOh/FCO Plus Pot*gç. tion: (3)/per UOÜF conlorini tyvi. indcpendcncc;UhnOO76O4865 .- . - ' LIcflptorBtick Stu4M. Oni Oiniwion. (4) noncOnfoTmnt 'vI. cànjonnin$ 10

Note-.7Ip Fo ic1ed docuWtI. sce UD 021 C1iiroorn :EnvhonmCnt. ClIMrOom Tcch hooJdcminth; () neidvc vi -POitiV percp533.534 h York Stt hipter 72& . .nqur. !Diwiplinc Policy, 'DdpIInc PiobJm, tioiior iutho,ity; p4 (6) self conuadic;ion nd

Pub Type cport Evujtivr 1142) I%tP*I1Jeiptofl, Program Eqcctivcncu. Ra- . imbivikncr v*. dfcànfldnceiud *utonomy. E*.E1)RS pike . MFOIIFC03 FIR; PoLi*. eiI Kditori, Sconduy Educition. SirCon. Ctypt from inteMewiwith itudnU ire includcd ih

Gii BjJinuiI Edu- . cept.Student.Lcpdcrhip; Student Motiv*tio. the (Author/APM) .

cation. sChine Arqericin. Cumeul'im Dcvel. Tr.m TcchingEngliih (tcofld Lingugc). High IdcbtifirriEmcrcncy School Ad Ac 1972. Vir . UE 0010 ED 206 783

, Schooh. Hipinic Amr*1cL. It.Iiin.AmeriNative L.nugr Instruction. Frcnt Fir-

ni Nofo1k) -'This paper dcribci proJrct thit wai conducted

K& Tongue Kh. . 11 . -

PgjchooJcI EvIuufon nf Kuyi Scbool ft-. tieipMiofl, Program. Descnption. ProWm in iix Norfok. yir&1ni. pJbHC econd*ry hooh w rrn 4 Pr1imIniy RrporL

- Effcctivcnc. Progrnm EvIuationScond Lan- explorc hc problcmi iioditcd with th dipropa PubDatc(OJ .glThgr 1ntion Spnih $jcaking. StaffDcvcI-

;tionqtcohmcnL OfbICk student in diiciplinaryIcI1onL'bC ihó rIitc th

Notc4Op. -. - .

Pub.Type Repon- Rccarch (143)-

.- Idntfli-BiIinguil Frovm. Elcmentsry Sec-piper project') effons

to impkmcnt ch*nge in tht ichool sytm thit thc-

EDRS Fflct - MFOI/PCOI PIuiFot,c..ondry ducfloü Ac%ThJ. VII. Limicd English rcieirhctivitics iiidirpted might bc IuccCi1uI in DciriptOriAecuIturition, Bchivior Problcm.Spcikinj ' - . rcduin8 thC UU*TIbC1 or black itudenr IhoIvcdin Ekmentiry SeeandiryEdicitiw. JntcIhjncc.rth i in CVPlUktiOfl rcport or Thic VII BiIn8unI diwiplinary ctioBB1ck$roun hilom*ition on hc Korrn Arntfcui LrinUng Problenn,

- Pio*i conducted it fivc Ncw YorI City High iIwot yitn ii preuwd. and frc1reh/ictivhiri L Achicvhicnt. Fctoniljty Mciurci. Fsy.- SchooI in 1979.80. fl repon conIin i prorim thit covered cIsiroom organization.inLtructional chologicil Tcting. Rcpdin DifTicuhticL Second

diciption nd inlOrmption on the ithoo demo- tcJniqut. ichool environment, thr dicipIimiry u- L*nuage Lirnin °griphic contest and student characteristics. macrue- mosphcrc. and diseipline programs andproctdures -. ldentilierlIllinoia (Chicago)tlonal componenig of the program -discussed arc dezcbea.' Findings md conclusion ire out-U Observations were made while ychotog1cally..: -

include; (I) tiUdeni placement. programming and lined Viliou programs designed in talponse lathe cvalsating KoreAn school children In the greater Imljnstrcaming: (2) course offerings; (3) 'a teaching initial research are diacuded along with preliminary Chicagoarea. The ab*crvations were drawn front /reading through the arts" program; *nd (4) aecial research and evaluauon dtaconcernIn4 their alTec- work with Korean. children who wFre referred forInstructional features. Aieasof the non-inttruction-

include (1) andtivenels. These programs include: (I) a- 'StudentIntervention Continuum which focused student

psychological evaluation because of learning or /behavioralleThdiional Initiil demographal component coetcd curriculum

- materjals,development: (2) auppoIlive services; (3)on

rnotit'ation *nd self concepir (2) high schools; (3) a -,problems

- Ic data was. taken -detcribing tht children's age,.'staffing and stilT- development; (4) ,parentaj Srid program or student lcadtrahip workshops and. is' length of time in the U.S., sea, langusgc'apoken arcom,nunity Lnvolvernent:and (5) affective demain. clam aeniipars; and (4) a process for developing par- home, and reason mr referral: Results Tm intellTables show the performance or Spanish. Italian, ental involvement programs. (Author!APM) gence, perceptual-motor, rojective, and acltevft-and Chinese students on the Criterion KrEerenced -' . - - :''" teats were obtained. On the intelligence testEliglish Syntas Teat and on mathematics, science. UE 0008 . ED 206 772=. - both the Mean"Full Scale and Verbal !Q scores were

- sOcial studies, native language arts, and content area Forrest W : -, - ' alightlybelow equal to tjir Autencin tiotins. Per-achievement taste. Attendance figures arc also giv- Inner-City Ifigli School Teach rrst Their Fri-cap- Ilrinancc on the perceptual-motor teat. was

- en. (APM) lions of Clsseio=oni Uf as Reald Through a sintilar to American noons. Tentative conclusionsCoateat An.lysla of Frojective StortsL . were drawn from tiw projective teat for pers9naliry

- JJP 0006 'ED 206 760King na1d'R -

Pub DateIlNote--22p.; Papçy presented at the Annual Con'

and emotiOnal astelsment. which was given o psmall number of children who revealed alimitcd.

Cotitity of Sun Diego Master Plan for Refugee ventioti of the '.thertean Eddcational Research, verbal capacity and lii'nited creative resources. OnResettlement, -'

mn Diego County, Calif.Aaaociktion (Los Aieles,CA, 1981).

Pub Type Reports - Research (143) Speeches!the achievement teat children were en thwholc /three or fouryears behind lnreadipg. and spelling, /

Pub Date[80] , - . Meeting Papers (ISO)' and £wo years behind in aritbmetid Rccornmend*-fNotcl6lp.: Some tables may be'marginally legi- KDRS Prier - MFO1JPCOI Plea Itostage. tions were made op the basis of these test results and'

ble due to reproduction quality of original docu- DescriptorsBlack 'Attitudes. lilsck Teachers,5Ricial

solutions to Korean children's language and accul-ment, ..

'/. Content Analpis/High Schools, Differ-

Sea Ur-turarion problems were offered. (AuthorIAPM)

Pub Type Reportg -,,escriptive (141) I-EDRS Prier - MFOI1PCO7 Plea Postage, /

encea, Differtnces, Teacher Attitudes. -ban Schools, Whites

-. . -UEOOII ' ED 207 178

Descriptors--Acculturatioii, Financial Support, .

Government Rol, Immigrants; lndochinesc, /ldentifiers-'lllinols,(Cbicsgo) ..........

Through a content analysis of the projective ato-

. ,Morrts Von Clear AndOhers \ -

The Urban PrInCipal, Discretionary Decision.Land Settletnent,,Local Government, 5MasterPlans, Assessment, Folicy,,rmation

des written bya randomly selected group of teach-black Chicago high this btud

Making In a Large 'Educational qrgonlzanou.Illinois Univ., Chie.;o. Coil, Eduçatioo.-NeedS -

Public Agencies: Refugeea. 5o1Igfrcies--'eta at an all school.revealed teacheri' perceptions of life at thu school.

of. Spans A$ency-'-National Inst. of EdUcation (ED),

Identifiers-. California (San Dgo County) /-,. The study demonstrated that ghetto teachers vai' Washington, D.C. 'This msstcrTplan, devised byjsan Diego County, greatly in their perceptions and 'appraisals of their Pb DateIl

1*5 as its objective the total 1tegration of all ref-.ugees into the mainstream of 4ommunitylifr.1Thr

begins witbbackg.round ma'tarial that descn'bes

shared teaching evlronntent, and that the differ-'encea are somewhat related na ipee and see-Thestories of black teachers were found to cpritain more

GrsntNIE-O-79-OOLNote-339p: -Pub Type-.-. -Reports' Rtaearch (143)plan

the to st served. In, atudent and directed negative jlidgeanents-: . -

EDRS Prier' MFUI/FCIO Plus Fostageits oIh and refugee populationshe second section. the coimt,'a current program is

groupthan thoseot'white teachers. In addition, the stories Descriptors'Adrniniatrstor Role, 'Bchavlor,

outlined md the adminiitrstiv responaibilitiea,of of female teichers were found to contain more nega' Board Administrator Rdatlonahlp, 'Declalonthe Federal afld locilgovemment are discussed., live statesnenta than-did those of the mile teache.'s. jilaking, Ethnography..informjtion .-Utillzatlon.

Relationship, Friiacia1a, Pub'The third section provides an analysis of the needs (Autbor/APM) 1nterprofe-ssionalof refUgees in the areas (ii education, accuh-ation, -- -. / . - lie Relitioni, Scbool Administration. School Athousing, medical sisE1nd'è employment, and so'

- clal services. Stctlln four presents an,overview ofUE 0009 . -. ED 206 775}Thrkoy. 'Forrest W

titudes, School Community RelationuhipjstudentSchool Relationthip, TIacher AdnuInistrto( Re--.

the county's proposed plan-for 1981-192 and coy-funding.


The Relationship fleiwe'an Psychological Cha,rac'lavisHes Achievement Black Inner'

iationship Vertical Qrganizacioh -

IdentifiersChicago Schools IL-- era sCMces, and organizationand staffing.'

Proposed actiona auch as ataff u'alning, improve-and the of

(fly High School Studenb,ublic - - /

This,,ethnographip Study of 16 Chicago school /nient of refugee accesa to services, and involvementof the private sector necesasry forjacillrsting the

Pub Date-41 -

Note-25p.; Paper presented at the Annual Cots -principals explores the pnnclpal'a effect oOlsudents

-. and teachers within the school: on ,parcnLs and lay-county', plan ate reviewed in *ction five Adminis- - vention or the American Educational Research men In- the community; on their aupenosy in the

- crath'c coordin*tion of the plan', imp?ementation a -Association (Los Angeles, CA; 1981). administratIve hierarchy; -and.on themaeWea as Ca-discussed in the alath scctiofl. The1lsst section con' 1 Pub Type Reports- Research (143) Speeches!- 'reeu.oriented professionals. A brief literature rvlewtaint a restatement of program objectives md fund / Meeting Papers (150) --rclaten studies examining the principalship of dc-nj prospects ExhibiLs attached to the report / EDRS Price - MFOI/FCOFPIua Postage. mentsof4l1e current study. Both elementary andinclude; (I) quai-terl at.stiitRal report on. Indo- Deactiptors"-Black Achievement. 'Black -Stu' aecondary rincipals were found to spend most of,chlnese refugees; (2) membership list of the Inteiju-! , .dents. Content Analysis. Disadvsntaged YOuth,

5Studenttheir time in principal-initiated contacts with staff,

riadictional Comnipittec on Refugees; (3) refugee/ High Sch*ols. Personelity Trails, Atti-5Studet Behavjor, Student

fsculty.and students. These principals affe-cted tbircash assistance data (4) membership hat of the SanDiego Refugee Coalitiom (5) Califorilia'Statets aug-

tudes. Characteria-ticar Urban Sc'liools


schools by balancing atsbilizationZand enhance-ment'trmnsfooning attitudes that opposed school -

gested outline for the county'plaii and (6Ythe final l'dentifiera-'.11linoia (Oscago) 1 policy.'and controlling the climate to fOate unlnter-- ' outline (Or the county plan/(APM) / ....... - The study -described in this paper examined cer- nipted learning. In the community, the principals =/- this personality factors and diapositiona characteris' had to diplomatically -shape parent expectationi of

UE 0007 / ED 206 769 tic of two types of inner qity black high school the schools capabthlies. Principali responses to


Page 9: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse


DoèurnentResumes - 3Ikr uperior rins1-f1n &norIfl ardcrito overt i,JrffThlne by ipciI udnti low. (SB) Pu Pip-3I Mu g1- diiøbcdicne oiacr io pratct tff rporalc. Thc / / t

/ CntricI-4OO-79-OQI8 .PriflcipIIk9SEh thon-ciruhrd thc ytrm and used I)E 0014 ED 207 292 NOtC-94p. Phfl: Diicrt*tioii. UivcRity of- iupcnprr jndi9 to their chooI Edvkiie Frwiir.Dc Joiph 0 / Wnthi. . -Thcy shaped thcirjab o uii their pcnónil prcIer- , ffome.SchobI DTF*IICI* md thr Puerto Jcn -Pub Tpc- Rcporti GenciI (140)_-nce and work %tyttt ThC rIid more OT OfltU-I cFpfloiI ChIId

f I tion/Thcsei - DoctariIDijion (041)oTw. face-to-lice earnmunic1ton in onir*t u Pub DatcIeb $1f ; EDRYjce-MFO2/PC2Q PIuS Ft*4r-bujncIMMn Who dperid mocon group meing INatc-!; Piperpre7ntcdatThr Councilfor E*- DcicriptorCommunky Attitudes, Cdmminitynd wn ttCn memornd Thh itudy lio drib

/ cpuonil Chitdrei Confçrcncc on Thc Ezcpdon- Inolvcmcnt. EducitionJ Chin&. EduciUonI- wiyIpnflcipIl obtid id Utilized profcioniI / I Bilin3uil AIIÔ (New Orlcin, LAI Fcbruiry Hitory. Educition1 Ipnovitiop. EIcmefiiiyinfonOn (MMJ) / iI 18-20. 1981. Seisión-f4). // - : j Pub TypeSpçihcIMtedn Fiperi (I 50) - tMipdo FoJiiciI kiue. SOCIII Aedon. 'SOcIIUE 0012 I - EP 27232 I GujØonC1jiiroom (O3)

j HIory. 'Soclil Serveri, UnItdStte& Hiztoiy.Stephen / jEDSlThkt MFOI/FCOIPhii Pu*tic . Ubn Edueaton VotutL&ry A!enciA Ntw F*flpdt!t Uicof Eviluathin t-j - Viipor.MjiJnnient (to Evionnent), IdrnifirMiswurI'(Knai Ciky), Ncw -Yørk-

In Title I Schooh Aho' IiiwIvd Court-f Ado1icrn, Cukurl Diffrrrncc. Emouoñ*1 (Rvchstcr). Ohth (Toledo). Wiwoniifl (Mi1- Ofdrr 1ntcgrHun Fró%r.mI Dhturbincci Mgi*rn ProbtcrnMgrint Youth.-- iw*Ukc)

fPub DiteI6 Apr I /:


Noc-5pFper FrUIcn!5d4 the Annu1 MçCElng / Idcntifierz_Canrcçticut Q4.rtbrd). 'More Afteni- ii utbjn duc'tionin the1igh 01 thr hiatoi7 of thcirc th AmcnVn EdU&tiQn*I Reirrch AiOciif

tn'c for Stud.nt nitioo npImtndon aTd jmflcpn LiUOn.(Li Antcri, CA. 1Tt3-I 7. 98 J)I Th piprrcvici cufturI expiicncei thitccatc IOre4 *:c ihe cduciHoniJe1mm lflo'efUfltZ In. Pub Faper (150) Re-/ ' hpm-sthoo di(rcpincki in Puerto Rican idoJri ftirbin cenieri bew 1840 and 1920. cipeciI1y(41)

IeCflti, OF%t ot7whom hsvt iiniritcd from the I Jtbt pziod cpiiitin ir drpriion of 193 md the- EDRS Prlcr -.MFOIF4fl Fojic / miinlan4 o the jIind. &nd conidcri flctor Iciding

I I PiIznpRrith ofWorId Wir 1. Attcntion focuc' on--. DWTiPWrI-ACIdTIftC/ Ahrvtmcrn, Achkver -to idiignoiiofiocieI m*Idjutment or emoionoIf / four Citic Rocheiter, Nrw York Tokdo. Ohio:iTient Tctti BiicISiU Comptncc (Lut). d:iturbinct. The tffct of culttil ciptnrncc. thI I Milwaukre. Wiicnin*nd Kinui City, Miiiouri. .

Cour Litiption.EJmcn&rySccond*ry E4u- parent czpccVution. and the fpmiIy cconoi / / A cue itudy inIyii ofthciefpur Eltici CvlUEes-lion. Miirry LeArprn, Minimum Compwncy -: tiluition iii cktmied. CuItril diçfcpincic iJ I th influence ofoth-wII knowind obcurcedu-Tting. Norm fsnrd Tciii, F7o*rm . piinccd by ucrw Ricin pupili prticipitin in / / citioal refoimrti by uing i diveric nc ofEv1u,tion. .Tct 1incrprction More Ahcnjativri for Siudn,," in ahrmiiiv) / *ourc whicji include nwpipe rporu. rccordi of- JdentiflcrDIoon?(Bcnjmh1 S).5an Diego Uni - ., progrtn in Hprtfort Conflrctidllt. icJudeddiicref/ voluntiry *uocfatiun aqd piitiont to local sbooIlird School D1tnct CA.I pintci in tinie pacc, deprodency, perioniIini

J bard*- The n1y*i idcnhiflc4if1rrcnt politicilu-A recent C,lifomi Suprnir Courirting/ c- buminisni. ad 1cüonIi*m betwern both cUhurji./. dilions. cibnic mixrl. burejuéfiticichool piTio$c.quWd S.n Diego Ui.iicd School Oitnct to implc- mc author ddhcludci thai zpccjal edution (ciclj menL md induiriiI *cItinj which çon(tbuted to 'mciii a cOurse nf study in its minority isolJtrd cramutl realiie that their cducational methodz arc / the shape of nEw aocial servIce programs ip differentwhoolt tht would rciult In 50 crcent of th sin- derived flop their own culturcand must pin * / communities. =Th study attempts to diaeoyer theds achieving ii or above national norms on the more thoroigh understanding of the islanda educa. ( - cause of the upsurgç un.Intc)elt In scitool reform atConiprehensiyc Test of BasiC Skilit. In reaponac 3o- tionaj ncthods and culture. (CL) / the turn of century-groups and community organi-the court order, the diitncf initiated the Achieve- ç J j zatiens that Iobbld Eoyichangc are identifWd. AlsoInent Goalt Froram. in which a cur cuhnn' ii de- uE 001 ED 207 94 reviewed ira attitudes Cf parents iTid children to-fined. apccified. and arranged in levels -to L#zolle. I wrcncr SE

- [s ward educational reform and hoW these changes *1-iccommodate a range of entry level akl1s1 The Efecflve/ Teacher. Training and Urban Schoql fected- t)eir lives (Author/AFM)teacher teichet an instructional unit for tw ceks. 1mpreeient. --J . . -then!administers-the first of two parallel forms ala Pub bateJpn 80 017 . - ED208 095mastery test. A three-day retcachingcycle,provides Ngte-22p.; Paper presented at the Workshop CoUabor*tivr. PrOgraml In Urban Schoolar Caneaddttiougl help for thote e%ericng/fficlty-.-- ties trategies fof Urban Sd-iol linpioveme Stu4lea -'. --='Thechool year iadivi4ed into 12 flsstructina1 units sponored by the5flureau for School Improve ent . Natiopal Urban Coalition. Wa*hingion p.C.injçading and nIThernatics. each a5sesse/l foriia5- In cjboperation with the EducatiOnal P ruin - Spoils Agencyaflonal Inst. of Education (ED),ter with pTovis1ns for the rcteaching ccle Initial rpch of the Horace Mann Lcamm& ntef Washingtbn. D. -- reaction to the program from teachers afld students (June 10. 1980). n Pub DateJul 80 - -has been favorable. (JEH) I - Pub Type-.- SpeeeheslMeetung Papers (1 0) -. ContrgctNIE-O-79-0042 - -/ - - - - Opinion Papers (120) - Reports - Deifiptivc Note,35p-Beat copy.available. Pages 163174UE'i)113 /- E 27 273 - (141) - -------------

- - - croppdd ahorL - -Rthman. Korea Cercrl( Mocy. flonki- . ED5 Prics MFO1PO1 PIgi Postage. Pub Type Reports - Evaluative (142)Eight Yrati of Special Edscatlon P £earch in a - DeciiptorsChange Strategies Educiion*l Im- EDES 1irlce MPOIFFCIO Plus Postage.Large Urban School DIstrict. .1 povemenf. Higher Education. Jnaeodçe Teacher DescriptorsCareer Education, College SchoolPubJ DsteAprøl / duca*ion. Preaervice Teacher Education. Pro- Cooperation. CommuiIy'Scrvices. CooperattvcNote-48p.; Fainr presented at thc nnual Meet- jrans Development. Re!ev*nce (Education). EdueationaCoOperative Programs. E4ueanonin of the/4nerican Educational escarch Aa psucccla. eTeacher Effectiveness. 1eachcr Im- Work Relationship. Labor EducatiOn. Local Gov-s4eiation (Let Angeles CA. April 13-17. l9$l).- Iprovrmentt - Teachung Kipertence, Tdtching eninient. Program Effectiveness. aprogramFublType peeches/Meeting Pape (ISO) Re. / Methods. 9.1-ban School' Evaluation, 5çhool Butiness Relationship. See-p4trts - Re$earCh (143) . Repo - Evaluative / ffectie training for teacher, in urban schoola andary Education.aUrban Schools. Work EipCft-(42) / / liould begin from and be based upon at analysis of ence Programs -; - -EIRS PriCe - MFOI-/?CO2 Plan t.gc. teachar work success. The major ap, ls thedevel- ldenullieraDaIlai Independent School DtstrlctDecnptorbIaabilitiet Elemen ry Secondary - opr,ctu of a gucceaa-baied teacher thinmg program TX Detroit iblic Schoola Ml L-o* Angeles Urnducatin. Emotiónsl Di&ttfrba ces Handicap (both preservice and inget-vice) arc (I) locate the . -fled School Ditrtet CA. Philideiphia School Dis- - -dentiflcaiion lndividulied ucatlon Pro- rducational settings where aucceisful iCacher prac tract PAtrams.jtnterventiCn. Longitudinal Studies. M*in- lice, are evident; (2) atudy the teachers inatrumen- Presented bore ars. feur case atudiei of urban cal-streanpng apgrarn Evaluati . aRercb tal In providing the deairrd outcomes; (3) analyze borati cdwnanoa1 programa (1) the Dallas In.jMethidologv. tandardired Tea - - . and aynttletize the dgta;(4) develop traihung pro- dependent Seltoni Lsintrict - Magnet Arta High!dehtif)tr!texIs (Dallas)

- I - ceases fo/ the skills and knowledge needed. and (5) School; (2) thcL Angeles Unified School District-/Thefauthors cjinsider die specia cijucation ic- conduct follorup eviluatios. Two lundaznentJ s- Ibegionai Occupational Centers Frograi/Skillcdsearch atudies cpnduccedfor the S cialEducition :aumptions of thu 'b*ckward planning modeP' are TrainingEducation Program; (3) the Detroit PublicDepaliment of/he Dallas lniepend iii School Dii- - that the criteria for judging teacher work aucceaa -L Schools t Comnsanity High Scboél; and (4) Phila- t.met/The Dall,b eviluation model ul heed s modifi- can be agreed upon and that applicationa of the dephiaa Parkway-Program. Collaboritive prograniacattOn of the 1CIPF model which hineated Tour auccess critt-na can yield positive reifllt Other are defined as involving one or more of the followkin4s ot.evaliition unformition; cont at (which de- auggeaflons forimp7oving prervice teacher educa.. -. ing non-Ichool agenciee bpsinesa. Industry labor.acyibes thesftte of thetworld befthe ntervention). don are that te*tiç'education curricula -should, cornniunlçytroups.iPut (Whic escribesdhC interveti n atrategles). build on attudefita prior knowledge and should- be local government, snd service agencies. E*ch casepkoceis - (wch describe, the imple eritition of tailored to round out teacher candidates prepare- - atur attempts Wexamne the costs associated withqgtrate-glea).,and product (which desc the Impact -- don, increased attention should be given to group - procts deteimne the impact of collaborative pro-./bf intervefition). Forty-aeven research tUdica cqp- inatructioil for the prospectIve teachefa' sense 01' . granha on atudents, In both academic and occupa-fdugted o'/g'r an 8 year interval addr d research efficacy. lnaervice teacher education prograres tional domaing peid describe th edncationsiI qukation/falling 1into ae-i categorl : contfxtl ahould be tratcd quite separately frorn-paeaervice processes and charlctea-istica necssaaiyfor succeSa. -needs, s;I1deddeacdption. model desert don. fanc- since the challenges and contebtual realities are dli'- Case studies also idsntlfy those school and business -tional qtiality, model effects. people re don, and ferCnt. Effcctive ittsrvtce training is organized practicea. which best - farilisate student tvaliaitioncoIL SJ1-msjor/topjeal areas were coy ad by re- around as many teacherE as possible within an . : from school to the labcs-market. The organizationalsearch'snd evaluatiøn efforta-finalnatrearn rogram- dividual achool and deipsnds contiderable commit- atructure and operktional technjque of each/pro-inzi72-l977/ChitdFind Project 1975-1 B0.cazly menta of time and dedication. (EG) V gram are discussed md effective curricular inodelainteryention l975.198l. individusIized-eucation - - - - md positive student and community outcomes arepom-FJplementstiois l972-l9)K, pro-' - lIE 0016 - - ED 203 082 highlighted. (AuthOr/APM): j___\-- tratnng for emqtionslly:disiurbcd 1i1drt 1978- Reare. WiI4das L -- -- -I \)91. and atatjd*rdlzed testing l976-L97 and se StudJei of Sod*)Servfcea In the Schools of V, 0018 - - ED 20811-It98O-l98J. Some study'outcomea wcrethat\iore' SeleeteS CIties. Final ReporL Pe,ia*d Stawo Dernty -'/ ii half the IEFi sampleddid jiotinclude nusl Spona AgencyNational InaL or Education (ED). s -.Produc-t Es-aIuaHo of be Inaervlce TrainIng Cons-in concert with ahort terttiobjcctives a*çt Washington D C. poneat of the Det ts.peseresatioti Court Or'

/ \

Page 10: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

\ .!


4 , Document Resumes'r



dtr- ,(Ian Effct. Ekmnty Educitian. Frcnt Fir-

tdrincd nd im1emrntcd. Rcuk of a prduct

Droit Fubli Scho% Mich. pt. ofRerih ticipIlQn, Parcnt School RcItionthip. Poi*m tvauijon wrr mixtd. vidercc upportd the

. nd EvaIution. I

Fb I

Effecivcnc1%. Rr4in Achirvernent. Rcding1mpr5vtnient, Reading Inairuction,

conduiiou that the nrirnmrnt for Jcaning haddcjrDatrApr 8! .gchoól iJTIpFOVCd ainec thr Uerii ihooh wcrr .

Ni,ic-36p.: For riad documrnt. aet liD 021 Derep1ion. - -gatcd Thrre wa prgre inducing the icdce

- O8 I 1. IPUbfle Schoola M! . -

of dirupth and violcot aIuderr bchav,ora in rnd:.

PubTyp- Reporta -vaIuativ (l4 Numri- Th goni af the Elarncntary aid Middk ShooI dk and hijh achoola and thcrc wcr impiovcmcnt

c*l/Quantitativc 1jts(I1O) . .

Readinq*nd Communicaor Skilh Componcni ofDctoitSehooI

in atudent racial ration,. Evidence çnctming .-

EDRS'rica . MJ CO2 !1U$ F*itse. ,

Studcth. Dcegratioq Ef.dect. DiwipUn Problema. EIcmcntnr Sr4oud-

thc dcacgrqauon pIanwu to im-prove at,rnt reading aehicvmcnI. The major fa

t of wai a inarnion

iendaiCe ahoWd that awdn iUndaiwr4n middlcand high whooh dceUnbctWcen I976ad 18O.Thcrr wcr hnprovemenq in c1emfflay

Education' Ethnic Oroup, 'Ifl*vIe(the program rading

calkd flctroi ObJectivealight

Ihc frary .

m.nlgçzncifl syatem thc achuol attndangurin ume yeifperiod. .

Tcathcr Education. ProrIm Effectivcne. Ri-Rc1atiofl. School beegrtg*tion: Sjudci

RdCFefICtd TiI SyalCm (DQRD. DORTi a diutbacj


cialITcachcT ReIdtionhip. TeachrrAttitUd, Wiiztc

noticpricriptiva approach on aciflc aldflobjcctvr for cachof Grdra Kihrouqh L Addi. UE 0023 .

-ED 20B I I 6

Stu4cnL I .. rionItIy the pro&ram i1Icdfor parent InvoIvemnt E1cmatpry School Staff AtUhde Towird

-1dcoiificrcirait Fb1ic Stho,h Ml in th impwvmnt ofmiddk ahodLfti4cnta rc*d rcgafl. 1979. Suney.

IThe oa of th Inictvicr Traiin Componemof in biIitiei Rcauka of a product vhluation of the Detroit Public Shooh. Mich. Dcpt. of Recirch

the -Dçtroh;(Mic}dgn)achool deercg.tian pftn -: proam rodd cviden-e ofFrojrcu award the and viI*tjon.. .-

IWaa 10improva thr cfkctivcncM ofachoI ataff in go* of improvcd reading schitvcmen. Ev*Iuat;v Pub DaicJun O .-

ertifl rducational nerds Th( program coiaiaed lindinga thowed that (I) Ivr4 Irvdi of radng Noc-39p; or rditcd documant - UP 021


of inycrvift educabn workahop fomtd on foUr aehicvcinent mprove4 &cnrrafly in rmcit*ry and I3U6. ED 193 353. *id D 198 355 : .


aea: human rclatiooa; eachcexpetaoona; rthni niiddk.achook; (2) there were coinuoua gains in PpbType---NumcriaJIQuainirailvc Data (1 10)


and rIiaI awarcnc: and erisi prrvnion and n- attainmern.a of affl raading akiIIaobjcetivci in Rporta EiIuati (142) -

It(r'cnon. TWt Inaervicc Training Componcnt wai çrdt 4 md 7; (3) tacheta wcrc adspdnjrcadini £DRS PrIcr/MFO1/P1O2 Fina Foat.e.

I eIa1uatrd uin$ hr fraulta orfour annual aurveyi of aintruction w individual siudent nccda; an (4) per- DcaciiptorsAc*dcmic AchivrmenT, Byiing,

ahoo aiffa alt Jcvra. nd of midd!r and high Cab WCf hdpcd in aaiiün in flee improvemrn of Counac1iScMc.Dri&rrption Effcct, bi-

Iahol atudcnt$ canduted in .1 977I9Th 1919 aid thrir childrcna reading abiIhea. (AuhorMK) dp1in. PoIicy.EduIiional Oppoiiunitka. EIr

1980. Findingl indkacd thai prograa waa niadctoward noat of the objcctwea of.thc componrnt


tJE 0021 .ED 208 1 14

-miaty Eduiation. Qutionnairca RacialRdatIon, 'School Dcgrraton, Tcachrr Aui-

whichincluded (I) atudrnt racitl retationa; (2) rela-Jtiona btween inatructional atifl and atuderna; (3)

Mro?r JøAnn, f

Product Ea*luaHon of the High cbóo1 Reading IdentifieraDetroit Public Schoola Ml

iciaI reIptin$ among ktaff. rntrnbcra; (4) teacher and Corninunicaflon Skilla component of thr ktotal of 339 elementary Ighool teachrta iz1)e

ircatment o black and white atudenta: (5) knpwl- Dttrolt Deaeegatiwa Court Order -trait Michigan jcaponded to queationn*ire that

edge fracil-ethnk groupa; and(6) ability to pre- 1 Detroit Public Schoola, Mich, Dept. of Reacarch .waa draigned to naeaaurF the lmpt of the city'a

vent ditrup1ie cIaMToom bchavioi and reaolve and Evaluation. court ordered deiegregatlon plan on their attitudea.

conflicta. (AithorlMR) Pub Date-Jan 81The queationnei,e focuacdon ievCfal arena includ.

fl - .Notc-lJp.;-For related documenta, ace UD 021 Ing deangregation, busing. awdetn acb;evement. aiD-

UE 0019 -1D 208 1 12

Fi,er Arnold .

07-81 1. ' I-

PubType- Reporta - Evaluative (142)- Numeri-.dent-racial relationa, atalt relationa. dlacipllne. andatifi manic. Retulta indièhtcd that moat teachera

Frndue EvaluatIogof tbc ountellng md Career- cal/Quantitative Data (110) 1

oppotcd the droegregation pun an g whole. ggatdd

Guidance component of the De'olt Court order. - 1

EDRS Price .i MFOI/FCOI PIuI Poatage.brn2riptore-.-'Comntunicaton Skills. aflc1egrega

btaing*n en Ineffective meats of promotin)cqualeducationalopportunity, and tonsldrrd deiegrega-


Detroit Fublir Schools, Mich. Dept. of Research tion Effecta Englitin Instkuction, High Schools. lion an eMneffectiveeneans of improving cducation

Evsluat,on /9!rozvan' E1Tectivcnes, RJadiflg Achicvemçnt. in Detroit achoola: Howgver, of- ataff

andPub DateMar 81

Reading Conaultanta. Reading ltnprovepfbnr,a anajonty - -

membera indicate4 that academic atanda,dn were

Nate-23p.; For related docOrrient,,per UD 031 Reading Inaiructian. School Desegregatión ruing, judged student racial rlatione us good, were

807-81 i-

ldentifieea-'Detrait Public Schools Ml - eatiafled with theiracboeit diaaiplinary policy, Were

Pub Type Reports - Evaluative (142) Numeri- The goal of the High School Rcading and Comn- aatislied with thciz ability uswork with

cal /Quadtit*ive Data (110) .munication Skills Component ohc Detroit schooV allrarts, were aupportive oftheir achOola' counsel- .

EDRS Price - MPOI/PCO) Fiha Foatigu.Coinseling

aeregregation plan WaS to improve Studtnts reading ing prOgrams, repoiled that fighting among atudenta

De,criffiturS_aComeer - Counseling,"Desegregation Fitects, Elementary

and communication skills The program wan artinte-Englith

had not increased since the desegregation plan wan

5ercen, gral part of the curriculum and employed imlilemented, and judged that teachera ofditferent

Secondary Education, Guidtnce Programs. Fsr-uFragram Effectivenø. School

instructiOn Focuscd upon specific objoctivesat each -races were learning to work well together. (Author!

cot Attitudes.- gradr level. Support acrvicea were provided in each ME) -

Denegregajion. School Guidanee,5tudent Atti- - high achool by al legat one reading specialist and .-

uden -

ldcntiiien*Detroit-Public ScBooa ) .

one educational teclthician. Results of a productvsluatiop of the program howcd praLrela toward

LIE 0024 ED 208 117Middle Schoolstaff Altitudes Toward Dseee

The goal of the Counseling and Career Guidance the attainment of projramobjectivev Findings in- - ' iton, 1979 Susan.

Component of the Detroit (Michigan) school deseg- dicated that: (I) students in grade 9 improVed their Detroit Public- Schools. Mich. Dept. of Research

- regation plan Was to improve student effectiveness mastery of nineepecific skills; (2) grade 10atudenta : - and -Evaluation. p - -

itt thepreanofperaonal, social. cadetnie,\and career demonattated increasing leveig of mastery of read- Pub DateJun 80

-development. Major program functions includØ in- Irig - objectivri (3) the decline in standardtrel -- / Note-39p.; For -related documents, ace UD 021

dividual and iroup counseling, program aeltction achievement test results for/eleventhgradera that 812-816 and ED 193 358:

and placement guidance, career guidanccand refer- was evident-bctwten 1972 and 1978 halted; and, (4,) PubType Nuninnical/Quantltative Data (110)

raland -information services. The Counseling and m January, l9S0. 81 -percent paSsed the writing Reports - valuative (142) -

- - Caaeer Guidande Component wan evaluated using akill area of the High School FroficSenc1 Examine- EURS Price - MFO1!PCO2 Pies Postage.

the responses o51atudenta. staff, and arenta to sur- lion, (Author/MK)- Descniptora-Academic Achievcmenr. Th*aing,


- vey questions. Abouf SO peient of the atudenmi -' - - COUtiSelill8Services, beaegregajion Effects, Dis-

reported receiving counseling and guidance icr- LIE 0022 ' ED 208 115 cipline Policy, Educationpl Opportunities. Jim-

- vices, 01 theae atudents. 80 percent reported that Gten. Char/er 4- br High - Schogla. Queitibnnaires, 'Racial

the aervices were helpful. Staff iurvey Product Evaluation of the Unlfotm Code of Sm- Rel1ions, School Desegregation. Student Behav-

dicattd that 90 percent of elCrtentry, middle. *id dent Conduct Componentof the Detroit De-scgr*- . for, Student Teicher Rçlationship, aTeather Atu-

--'high sehodi teachers conferred with i counselor - gatfOn Courl Ordet. mdci - -

concerning a student at leant oncC during the year. Detroit Public School*. Mich. Dept af-Rese*rch ldentifleza-Detroit Public Schools Ml '

Two third, of the teachers fit that tl(e conferences and Eva1uatioi. -f ---

FA tot*l of 288 middle school teachers in,Detroit,

Michigap thatwere eftective. Parent survey tesults showed that 64percent of elementary parents and. 85 percent of

Pub Date-JsW8lNote-31p.; ar related documettts, lee LID 021'

responded to a questionnaire wan de-

signed to measure the Impact of the city's court

middle and high school parents talktd with a schoolduring the (Author4tK)

807-810. 1 -

Pub Type keporr.ft Ev*lundve (142) ?'Juineti-'ordereddesegregation plan on their attitudes. The

focused including.counselor year.

- - - cal/Quantitative Data (110)questionnaire on s4veigl areasdesegregation, busing. atudent achievement; stat-

UE 0020 ED 208.113- -

EDRS Price - MPOI/FCO2 Flea Fottage. - - dent reqal lat1ons, stAft.studentjelations, st*ff re-

Given, Charles 4-- -- -Deacdptom-'-'Attendsnc?c, Black Students, -' lations, diciplinci, and stafr morale; Results

Product Evaluation of the Elementary and MiddleSHEa Corn-

-9)esegregition Effcctn,-'Diacipllne Policy, Elr-

' 'Programindicaltd that mon teachers opposed the deaegrega-

School Reading and Comn'unlc*t1on leentamy-Secondary Education. 511cc- lion pl*n as a whole, regarded busing as an ineffn -

- !anent of the fljtrüft Deaecgadon Come Ga tivcneaa, Racial Rciatrona, School Desegregation, - live means of - pitamoting -eqitui -rducstional

- 'Student Behavior.- White Studtpts opportunity, and -considered desgregalon ma an

Derrit PubIic Schools, Mich. Dept. øf Research ldcntifiers-Detroit Public Schools Ml- ineffective means of improving edUcation In erioit

-- and Eviluition. The Uniform Code of Studcnt Conduct Compo.. schooli. However. mou'teachens/judged that ace-

Pub Dai-Mar 81 a -- nent àî Detroit's (Michigan) school desegregation - -demic itandirds were rising. atunts behavior wan

-Motc.-1*p.L For related 4ocutnenta. see D 021 plan wan orddcd in 1975 by the courtto promote improving, and student racial -felations were tm-

807 81,1 -Pub Typh Rporti Evaluative Nutneti-

a peaceful and orderly environment in the acboo proving A reajonty of school staff members weretheir

- (142)cal/QunfltiEstiv Data (110) -

an that students could rcceive educational eapen-encea in an atmosphere which would besubstantial-

astisf'ied1with ability to work with students ofall racef. indicated that teachers of different races

EDRS Price - MFO1/fCOl Pies Postage. ly free from diaruptions and violence. Uniform - were lckrning to work eweil together. were satisfied '-

Dc*citpLOis-'Communlcation Skills, 'Desegrega- uliciea concerning 4iac and *ttndance were with their schools' guidance and counieinq pro-

-- : : ' _-_--i. -- -


Page 11: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

\;. \ -... \ !

: ., ". . . ---,:- : . .--. \ ::j DoumèntRsum

grmad indkatcd hit fihing.mon tuden Educ4tiorL Fdr1 Pirni. 'çogrrn A (rudsiIk Aiuhonyhid no ftwred incr thr.drrregthn pJi wu minitrun, Frogrm 1v!opmcnt Stitr Pwo- ffeIpg Pirn g Sccod'w1ih1,impkmcntc:. (Author/MK) gr1m\ I m .- . - .Idrnifirri-Nw Yo (New York) \ MiIwukcr Pi3blic SchJ Wij civ. of CurTiuIumUE 0025 . . ED 208 1 9 Bcinningwfth in oven4cofprobkdi,,zingin8 I iiid IntflicEion;. -. Gradr I Sdrt Atttudei Towird from Itck nfcoordInitirn(orfdcraI. tIè. nd locti 5pon of ucMion. WiTh-979 5urvtc rducidonl pTOT*mI. th paper cxamin the cur- mgton. DC 'Dctroii Public Schoob. Mich. Dcpt. of flccrch rcnt and proped c*otdintion of uch piOriIII I Pub Dtrjn 80. . nd v,JuAtion - cro dc flItiOfl id in )Jw Yk 5e*id 1kw .

! Notc-.24p; Foi rrtitd docurnen ice F1 012Ptth D*t-Au D - . - , York City. It 4eflnes and mei uc for conprc-f 557. .NoLc-6p.; For tcIitd documern, iec tJD 02L hcn*Ivcschooj plannin; u a ptiirniog proU üiter- Aviilible fcom-Frcign Inugcumcuurn 5c812416 sd ED 193 35L. j rc1ting cvcry aipcct oEIb dücitioniI iyitem. mc MiIwiukrePubIicchoel.' FO. PubTypr- NumcncI/Quaniiiative D*t (1IO) :cOnd haIrofih piper rèpor th;eiulIso1 ñrldI IOKMjjwiuket, WI 53201 ((or jnjonnion onRrpori -EviIuitive (142) study iminffig wbethr eomprebensv icboàl .EDRS Pde - MIOI/FCO2 Phi Poit*r. -S planning Ii currcnfly ptcticcd'inièho1 in4iâw &EEnglih: renchDrcriptor-Aci4çmic Aira1ion; Deicgre- York City Findiop idic thit iocre ithooh md . ib Type- Ouidt - Non-CIiioor (035) .ton r!cIL Diipline proSlms. duition1 iiiruict have iuccifuliy begun eómrchriive WRS Pdc - MFOI/PC05 Flu P' Environment. Gridt7. Qustionnnfre RaciiI chI FInnin buitbtrogrm coo'dinidon in it,

- Atritude, RaciAl RcIiion; School Deicgrgn- most dcvIoped fonn3 ii r*rc. (Author1!K) I Educ.iion. Fies. 'Fcnch. 'hnmrriion Progr1.tiqn; StudnI Alitudc. Sudent Bchiviar 5tu - . -; II Prcnt Student Re1tionship, - FroriinciaIion.dent Tchr-RCI&tionThip -


ur: 0028 - - ED 20R 555 iinguie Lrziing. Supplcmcnwy. Idcpiiljr-DiroiI PbIic- SChOOJ MI AIdO - 5!rgIF. ALdry .- , - Readin& MtcriI .A otI pf 903 4'cnth gridc tudnt in DcIroit - HIpIng ScbooI Works ComprehenIv PIIng dcntjfe_EIcmentrjdy Eduauon AtMichigan rcpondCa to qurstionnAire t1it wi de Modh Rrprt- : .-

iigncd to mriurc the irnpncl of the city derger çNew York City Boird 0r Educition. Bronx N.Yt Title V17 QucitionThis betokict i preicoled i a guide for pirenI ofgation pl!:n (to their attiudeThe quetionnairc . 5pontAency-Depnment of EducttionW*ih.. cioi French Ianguge tudent Whotoued on tcverI ire indudingeducMionhl itttQn. DXC; I ;

ice poorl

wiih to 1rmIhe hriui ilong irhiher children.- ritiontudcnt racial Tciitioifl; ptiiiüde toward- PtbMrJ.i 81 Divided into ecven scction5-thebookleI pretnt.rge. and schoI cOnditon which ffct lesrnin& Notc269p; Appcndice iniy reprodu y (I) ging hints -(2) p7onwicitton helpReult.s Indicated. that iwdent felt that student ri rdue-to zntll pnn ; -I - including prJctice ill the repciltion'ofphonemciind- ciA1relgionh*d improved md Would coitinuc to' Pub Type- Reporu flecnptive (I4I Rcport IIr nd tbythm pittemE (3) conveption ciimprovc The majority of wvrnth gradet-indicitcd eicarch (143) Tett/Queiiion*frei (6O) (irnlldilop pita eIcctIon of drwinp to- thi thç were comfortAble with iuden of differ EDPS Prica - MFOI/FCII PIUS P0511 A. accOmpany the texts) peqniuing parentS to cOnen! racc, had frirdt of different racea, and helped Dewriptora-Carc Studies, ConapCnutO!y Ed* vera' with i1iêir childrcn abOut daily bottsshold,,atudcnta of different races with school work. About tion, APeratjve Planning,, And community activates; (4) useful esprea-40 percent of the atudedis reported seeing students : cationil tooperstion, Educatiünal Planning. lions for the drctiptions of the physic*l environ'trying to instigtr trouble between blacks and - Elementary econdsry Education. Prpgrsm Dc- ment. personal feelnjs, and lndividuals *nd ,forwhites and 43 percent felt unsafe in thçir schools. vekiment, Questionnaires. Tablea (Data) asking questioni and directions and) giving cOrnHowever, inott-atudenis did nt 1erbeing bothered ldent{iiers-CategozicAl Aid. NeV ,Yerk (New tnandsr (5) a list of "passwords" or expressions toor ht. More than half of the Students saW class-. York) - -- -

room behavior that interfcrcd with teaching aed To help New YarkCity public ichoola reduce accompany those th child learns hi class; and (6)the Words tO a number of French songs and rhymeslearning Between 1977 and I 979there wax a trend fragmentation f Student v.ervics and design corn-included in the child's.. French language jcaining.toward black and White students prefcmng to it- preiiensive.inxtructional pIan. tasesrchcrsgathcrcdAlso included are recomthvndations fo'r FtcnhtCnd schools comprised predominantly of students examples of cohesive programs'that wtiflr classroom books to be used itl the home to supplement theof their own race. (AuthorlMK) instruction with special compensatory educitionalchilda school learning. The booklet can hi used- ' services funded by outside sources. Chipter one re-with two cassette Tapes that correspond to the see-.13E'0026. ED 208 122 5view the problems caused byfrsgmented instWc-

Meorc Judnns £ - - tionil l.servicre. discusses the concept ilons presented above. (1K) -

Final Evaleatlnn Report on Detroit's Title 1V-C - comprehensive planning, and describet 11 compre- LYE OOi - ED 208 634,HIllnga1 Project, 1978.1979. hcnsnve.programa solicited/from school boards aId &adjk, AnthonyDCtroit Public Schools.- Mich. Dept. of Research . educational retcarchers around the n*uon. In chp-)lalping Parents Learn i Second Language with. -and Evaluation. . . icr. Iwo the authors present the results of 40 CAe Their Chlldrn; (Israran.Spona Agency-.00ice of Bilingual Education and studieS of New York City'achools that provide cony.Milwaukee Public Schools, Wis. Div. of CurriculumMinority Languages Affs' (Kb). thshington. penastor instruètian through three or more P

and Instruation.D.C. r- grams fuiided outside the regular district budget.Pub Date-LAug 79 . - The fir dings indicate a high degree of instructional Sponi Agency-Department of Educatidn. Wash-

- Note-.106p.l Somc pages ma' be marginally lgibl& fragmentation. Chapter three profileS two districts ington, D.C. ..

Fub.Date-4un odue to repràdüc*ton qusliy. For related docu- land thrrc schools that have model comprehensiveNote-139p.; For related document see FL 012Inents, see UI) 021 617 and ED 193 354.- / instructional plans. The chapter also cast-nines fac-_

556. - --Pub Type- Reports - Evaluative (142) . / tori affecting comprehensirlc planning and the rels-EDR5 Price - MFOI/FCO5 Plus-Postage. tionshtp between pI*nnng arid ('student vailshleT_from-Forelgzt4...aziguagé CurriculumDescriptors-Mcademic Achievement, flilingual f- achievement. 'lanning sefviccs availabl&frbm the Specialist, Milwaukee Public Schoo1, P.O. Draw-

Education, Elementary ucation. Pretests Post- / New. York City Board of ucatloWi omure1ien- as 10K. Milwaukee, WI 53201 (for information Otttests, Program Descriptions, 5Program Effective- / aive Flinnini Unit are outlined in chapter four. Ap- taPes). -

pcndefl to the report In a second volupie are copies Language-English; Get-mutt - - -nest. Program Evaluation -

Identificji-'Detroi( Public Schools Ml, Elemen-' - of thc case study research instrijrnrdt, dat4 tables-, Pub Type- Guidea - Non-Classroom (055)tary Secondary Education Act Title IV. Limited and planning documents front a model dis ct and EDRS Pt-Ice - MFOI/PCO6 PluS Postage.

t8DescriptOrs-Dialogs (Language).1 ElementaryEnglish Speaking school. (Author/EW)

Education; Pies, Gennan.tlmmcraion Pro-The Elementary Seconda Education Act Title - 1 1

lV-C -Bilingual Project in2uted in the Detroit - UE 0029 / lED 2 25 grams, Farelit Student Rc1ationahipronuncia-- (Michigan)Public Schools consisted of two bilingu- NangrinL Betty 5uJjhwr. Otho Rican I tin, Second Language-Learning, Suppletnentary

al learning centers bt i target school which-served 1ie Role of Pupll PiSounel Workid in _ I Reading Matcals-.J14 ttudents in grades one through live during the jAsaeSsinent of Lazn1ng Dlaabillllca, ' Identiflers-.Elernentat-y Secondary Education Act-

l'78--l-9-7J school year. Materials and alaiatancc District of Columbia Public Schoojs, Wahingion, Title VI, Quest-ions .were also Cred a parochial schpoltaf ala / D.0 - -

elementary school Oman language atudents whoThu booklet Is presented as a guideTor parents of J

two process objectives related to instructional varia- /Note-.-.-16p. -- / b-' L wish to leant thi language along with their children.-

product objectivea related to student outcomes and. ,Pub Date-25 Feb 81 -

bles werc identified as the goals of the program. I Pub Type- Guides - Non-Classroom (955)-. Divided io seven sections. th booklet prcaertta.Evaluation procedures indicated that two of the f F.DR5 Fries - MFOI/PCOI -Plus Foutgge.. (1) language learning hlnta (2) pronUnciation belpproduct objectives and both process- objectives were i Dcscilptàrs-Educational Dtagnbsla.J aLaang consisting f practice in listening to and repeattogachieved. Relevant lata and instruments ire p I - Disabilities,- Models, PUpil Fenionnel Workers, Oerman-- phonemes; (3). coriversationl capsulespended(MK) I Role Perception, astudent Eval(iati4n, Student (ittiall aiaiog and a selection of drawing&to .c-

- - 1 Placement, Tcamwork- -- -. ' i I companythccxts)permlttlngparrnts-e5converscLYE 0037 * - ED 208 554 1 Thc pupil petionnel worker'w olef in assessing I with their children about daily houschold, school,cr, Aide Skgen Audray . r)' j learning disabled students is cxaminèd.. The func.. attd community activities; (4)useRil expressions for

Comnprehei-tslve Plnnlng for Program Coordina-; Lions of the e-viluatlon teOm arc eliJieated. as ire the dcctiption of the physical enviionntertt, person-floor A Stite of the - individual roles of the school psycologiat, c1sss I a] fmtilngs, ad Individuals, and for asking questions

New York City Bçtsrd of Education. Brpñx NY./ Toom teacher, educational asseudr,faocial worker, I and directioni and giving coinmands; (5) a list ofSports Agency-DparUncnt of EducstionWaah1 -school counsclorfattendaflce oflicir, and spegch "passwords" or ixpresliona to accompany those theington. D.C. - - and largulge pailicilogiaL Contenti f the report are child learns Its class; and (6) the Words to OmmanPub DateSep 80 -: covered..Thc,fnlerdisriplinaty tc4rd'a role m.intcr- I longs, rhymes, and ridd1s in thechjjd'a GeimanNote-48p.- -. - - - - - . . ppeting evaluAtion data lot- a placelnenr dedsios ii language trslnlng. Also included arc recomniends--Pubype-.Repotia -Detetiptive (141) -- -. cotisidered. I eight levcl modtjl for assesament I lions forGeñnan brinks to be uicd in the borne toDescriptors-Cooperative - Planning. Cooperative .'. -can be used with o cassette tapes that correspond -

- MFOIIPCO2 PluS Poainger - diagnosis, in4.placinlcnt is

char.(CL) -- aupplement the child's achoo) learning. The booklet --

Programs, ACoordinatibn, Elementary Secbpdary LYE 0030 ED 08 653 - to the sections cited ibove. (1K) - ---H -------- .11..-:i.:- - -- '- ----- --- ---, --. - _ - --' - I- - -

Page 12: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse


- at Schoola/tJE0032 ED 20g 661 Pub DateMiyBl!1unri Cow! 4? Zrker. Sob Note--28p/Paper aentrd-at the Annual Meet-BESt Handbook for Sin1tb/EngJlah BESL ing oIAe lrtutational Reading Aaaoeiat)on

(ew.Urleana, LA. M', 19al).Long Betch UnifiedchoIDittrict, Calif Pub Type--- Reportt Pcacriptivc (141)Sponu Agency--- tiOnal hai. of Ed cation (ED). SpchMecr-ing apera (150)

Waahingtnn. D.C.Pub Date--s I DeenptortAchievtcrit Teata, Cfiterin Refe-NotcMdp. / renced Tttt;, Atialysit, Elementary Educe-Pub Typc- Guidea Non-Claatroom (055) 4o ipiogram

Quidcs - Cliatroorn Teacher (052)I Evaluation. eading grunt. 'Score;

EDRSFrlte - MFOI/Fc04 Plus Postage. ider.'ciitqcu piibic Schools ILDes iptart'flilingual Education. 'Educ*tioni\ The Chicago Ptibc h0ls have ben devgloping

Objecthres, Educational Philosophy. Elementary indmplementiug a citywidcinttructionll rogramEducation;'English (Second Language), Instruc-\ / of continuout pTGr t/tnaEery learning in reading.tiontl Design. In onal tinla. Fnrenr Par \ It includes the d-htir5ion Of. K-B continuuni ofticipstion. Spanisli. 'Teaching Mtthods innctiontl obJr ive, a riterion.referenced tttt-

Identificrs--Californig (Long Bcach) ing program whicI serves is the basis for inatruc-Thi; handbook contains information to P351w

teachers acMng in iiingual!Englhh as a secondgun. promotior, .tid administrative. onitodng;*nd a mastery learning inttruCtional system: the

Iangusge (BESL) signrnents. Its purpose is o Pr0 / ry Leruuing Reading mattrials forvide focus to the BESL program and to help LEP trrr The CIuic,ge tneteiy learning model dif-(Limited English Proficient) studentS improve their \fers from other iiptty learning models in threeability to read. write, sod speak Englith. while deve- major regprds: (I) it welds mastery learning theoryloping needed concepts crud skills It was prepared w:th theoties f cognjiciji pod I.arning nd withby a ommhtee of teachers; paraprofessiorials, and 4 concepts reiatiiig to initructioti: (2) ii eniphasiseeadministrators working with students during thei group instructitfi; gn,(3) its delivery system cm-1977-B I school years and kintended fo use in the / de lopment rather thanataff-de-

Long Beach I lgBldsool Ditiriet's Spanish/Brig-.1 velopmcot. In . valuattuig the effects of this11th bilingual classet. gradeS K-B. The BESL hand-Jj innovation, the theory of mastery leatning waEusedbok lnclude2 ten lectiona devoted to the followings to infer specifit clsarlgtt md patterns of changestapics:-(l) philosophy and goals of programs using which ought to In achiçvemeflt testscores.bilingual education procedures, techniques. and1 thus enriching ih intfpretation of thai data. (Au-methods; (2) organitational decign. including m1 thor/OW) /mark* on the self-contained bilingual classroom and ;on team teaching: (3) guidelines and inforniatiatl tIE 0035 ED 209 270about materials arid district resOurces; (4) cognitive T0b1áRO6CPI And Glherilearning styles: (5) appro*ches to bilingual le5so The Ethnic RoPuaaC1at1cn of Special Eduostfondelivcry; (6) oral language skillt. Spanish and Eng- Refer alsr'la4sitlatIonc un4 Placnaenta InNewlish: (7) Sptnih Rending Skills: (8) Eflllish Reading Yorkcuy. Elaliatidn Report. -.

Skillt (Tratisler); (9) Cultural activitiet and (10) par- NewYorlcCity ftàsird f Education, Brooklyn, N.Y.ent involvement. An appendix iit olten-tised - Otflcâ of Educational Eyaluation.,

I D2i8 Not409p.acronyms (MES) /L-- Pub DateJul Bo

UE 0033 Pub Type- Rcort3 Evaluative (142) Nunieri-

Gmd4znIk. 'AnthOny. ChmF//

IcallQua0titanvb Dp11() 10)

I Helping Parents Leant a Second Language With EDRS Frios - 11lu0t/PCQ5 Plii Postage,ThClr Children: SpanIsh. : I -'I

Descripto_*lissbilities, Elementary Education,Milwaukee public Schools. Wit. Div. of Curriculum -Emotionil Diswrb.eces. Ethnic Distribution,

and Instruction. I / Mainstrcarnirig, Mild Mental Retardation,aSh- 'Minority Group Children. Neurological Impair-Spont AgencyDepartment of Education,

/ n,ept%, Program Ealuction, akacial Discrimina-I ington, D.C. - [tFub DateJun 81 / tion, Education. StUdent PlacementNote-161p.; For French nd Q,,man versiont,-see 1dentifierr.-..tducatin of All Ilandigapped Chil-I FL 012 556-551. / dren Act, NCw York city Board of EducationAvailable fromForeign Lan uage Curriculum Th cvluatiOtt of the influence of biat upon theI Specialist. Milwaukee SChools. F. 0. referral, ev*luiulon and placement (REP) process of.-

Drawer 10K. Milwaukee, WI 53201 (f inforrna- plang handicabped children in special gducaiion\tibui on tapes). /

programs wit Jiscthaed. The reprrtentstiveness ofLanguageEnglish; Spanish children refend for CotismIttets on the Hand-PUb Type Guides - NonClassroom (OS) icapped (CDII) evali tionmocia1.dernographic andEDRS price - MFOI/FCO7 Phi Postage. adminiatrative ariabTe5 related torefctTal YaLta atDescriptors--Dialogs (Lai,guage) Elementary the schoOIJevtl and repretentstiveneas of the popti-

Education. Pies. FrenchL lmmersion Programs. lationof pupils piPOed in publicly funded private -

'Parent Student Relaulorohip. Pronunciation. - frarfls for ihO handicapped were CxitrnIlied. His-Sccond Language. Learning. 5upplementary- nd blick;\Wefe found to be discriminated

Reading Materiala Iagainst ii public tuisdin; for private school place-

Identiflet ElctnentarySecondary..Edudtian Act merit. Examination Qf the policies that determine aTitle VI, Questions atiident't qualilhalinna for public funding would beThis guide for parents 4girmentary school Span- - . the most coat tfTtctie remedy to reduce rcprtaen-

ish language itudenti who,wiSh to learn the tan- - taiional discrapgi1cire n the REP process. Referralguage along with their- chijdren -containa the to COH was futund to he predominantly disciplinaryfollow1g materials; (l)1language learning hints; (2) among blacka, *hjlC for wiitem it waslearning pyob-

--- pronunciation help including rhythm patterns: (3) Inns. The existence of renivdial andgupplementpryconversation capsules çsniall dialogs and a selection piogrnms at the Ial -school .1el would reduceof drawings to acconspany the teits) permitting par- non-essential labeling and segregation of children.ents to converse. wits thOjr children nbout duly The addition of bilingual itaff uvould reduce repre-bOutchold, acfiool Ipd cotnmunfty activities; (4) sentational diipaiitiea irs public school special edu-'useful espressions 'fo the descriptiona of the pbyai- cation. Ethñic tlispayjty in guanting dt coislract aidcal etwiropment, perSonal feelings, and individuals. iccounted for the dtxcrpancies in etlnic reprelen-and for asking questions and directions and giving tation of public 'cli°ol


commands; (..) a lie1 of 'passwdyda" or expTca*iona (DWH).to accompany tbosd the child learns in claas; and (6) -

the words to. nun1ber ofFrench aon2s and rhymes /UE 0036 ED 209 280

included in the eSild'a French language training. . I Matthewt Tool .

Also included are recommendations fr French I An -1nvestlstii f the Effects n Background,hooki to be used/in the home to Supplement the / Charactcrlat1es 'rsd SpecialLanJc Seed on

child's school learning. The booklet can be used / the ReadlnlAefilcutmeflt md Engtis Fluency of'with two cassette tapes that corritpond to rIse Icc- / BIlingual tudeat,. - Report No.j 79-19, (anJ

Mnagrisseut Ipftssjnadon Suninisnr, Report No./ lions presented *bove. (1k) / ,,,Seattle Publji1 Scbeaola.'Waah. pep of Flanning.UE0034. ED 209261

Kalims, Michael Jones, ReaM 7y / Resesrch sod Rraltiation.Chicago Mastery Learning Reading: . Mastery Pub DateNOv19

Le1ng Iniedon sad Assessment in Inner Not55p.



Pub Type-.- Reports - Research (143) - Nwneti-calfQuantitaiive Data (310)

EDRS Fries - P4FOI/FCOI Plus Postage.DescriptorAge Differences. Asian Americans.- 'Bilingual Students. Elementary Education. Eng-lih (Bcond Language), 'language Fluency,

Models. 'Reading Achievement, 'Second 1.-an-.guage Programs. Socioeconomic Background.'Student Characteristics -

Identiflets_.aSeattle Public Schools WA -

- Some of the variations in reading achievementand fluency level; among bilingual studentsenrolledin the Seattle Public Schools are explained,and aneSamination of the effects of special language aer; -

vices (English as a second language and bilingualiubject matter instruction) is etnphsried. A model.i* presented which examines the relationships'among the following-.variablea: reading acHieve-assent, relative English fluency. apecial language icr-vices, family income, language background andgrade level. Results indicated that the/ bilingualpopulation is: (1) low in relative English fluency; (2)largely composed ol Asian language groups; (3) low-er - in reading achievement and higher in mathachievement than the.nattonaj norm group; and(4)composed of-high proportionl of low income fami-lies. No strong evidence was obtained supportingthe assertion that special language acrvicttlsave aconiiitent or positive effectupon rcadig achjeve-merit. A summary of the report in included. (Au'thor/OK)


UE 0037 - ED 209 283cLool Improvement F,oJec First AnaaI Assess-ment Report. --

- New york City Board of Education. Brooklyn, N.Y.0111cc of Educational Evaluation. -

Pub DateAug 80 -Note-.-129p . -

Pub Type Reports a Descriptive (141)EDRS Price - MFO1IPCO6 Plus Fristagr

- flescriptora'Citiren Farticipation.j 'EducationalImprovement, Elementary Education. FormativeEvaluation. 'Heeds Assessment; 'Program be-acriptions, 'Program Eva1uation School Pit.tricts, Se1f Evaluation (Groups) I

ldentifier'New-YOtk City Board of Education,'School Effectiveness - .

Results are presented from the first Interim assess-Oar-nt of the School Improvement Presject cOnducted4y the Documentation Unit of the Metiopolft,apEducational Development and- Rgarch Project.The primary goal of the project 1ia to asiat par-ticipating schools inthe proces.çtgclfiimprOve-merit thrgugh thc catablishmeirt of a scKTbscdplanning coznnaifiee representing/the variOus con-*tituciidies making up the sChdoL Democticschool community participation and decisionmak-lag are emphssiled. The attentiOn of the partici-pants is directed to instructipnal. curricular.- andadministrative needa of the schools thr h' thepractice of ongoing planning and cvalua n. Thefocus of the assessment was the Mctivit/es of the Bitt3lbar Of program impleislcntalion in Ntw.York Cityschools. The organixational locationI funding; ob'jectives,kaetivlties. arid stifling of the rojecf arediacuiseB. followed by a/ descriptiol of-the Docu-mentation Unit and the tritthodoIogr of the lnt4rimproject assessmenk (Author/Ok) /

UE 0038 -. / ED 209 355Harmon. David .1Past Faced Matbematlea jIj EY&UaciOO -

Report.-- -

Kat',wha County Schools, Cbarletlon,,W. VaPub Datc-30 Sep 81 j / -. -.Note-34p.; Prepared through the Department 1"

-, Researchand Evaluation. / -Pub Type Reports. General (140)EDRS Pride-- MFOIFPCO2 Phi Postage.Descrippsra'Accelerstion.'Gifted. Grade 8. .Iun-

ice High Schools. 1pogran Effectiveness. 'Pro-grins Evaluation, 'econdary - SchoolMathematics, 'Special Prpgrams. Student Atti-tudes . /------rk

Identifiers.-..'Kanawha Couthy Schools WVKanswha. County ScboOW replication of tEe

Joints Uopkins 'Fail Faéed Mithrmjlra programhas completed its firSt yea# of ionpletnentation. Thisproghm Is an alternative that speeds up the rate oflearning for enathematic4ly gifted atudenta,:to a -

- - pace that is consistent liltheir cspcbitiea. rlseprogram Served eighth jude students. 'The. mainpurposes of this study aef (1) to detçinlrie if prod-un objectives were attAined; (2) to Otherindicators of project cfkctiveneas; (3) to provide


Page 13: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

information that will be helpful in pisrirtirig theI81.82 prOt5111, and (4) to llrc.t baseline data v

ermng tttident attitude tiward msthernstics-(MdhOrIGK)

UE 0039 ED 209 366Scdr' Jiie And OthrmEduettlonsi Effect asnets eMi Student Aeldemlc

Calnt. Report No. 1.3.Seattif PubIi' Schools. Wash. Dept. of Planning.

Resetrch, and Evaluation.Pub Datc-'-Feb 81Note-'--j4pPub Reports Re-search (143)EDRS Frlc-e MFO1/PCOI Plus Fostage.flrtpr Achiesentent Gains Comptrativc

Analytis, Elementary Sceondary Education,Evuation Mcchods, prograni Eoess,

'Program Evaluation. Statistical AnalysiSjdentiflrrs.'Scliool Effectiveness. Scattle Public

Schools WM -

This report is a psnial review of the Ev*lutionOlice or the Seattle. Wathingion School District'songoing development of an evluatian method thatcn be ijtd to compare schools. diverte instruction-al programs. or similar programs iii ifereni act-tings The riced for a method that can identifyeducational prcLccs which result in studentachievement gains is also emphasised in the review.This paper focuses on the examination of tistiralmethodt that could be used to produce jndtce ofacademic gains and to develop a method for siudyReviewed is the evilualion methods teleetson proc-ens that p1oduced a usable evaluation techniquewhich subvequtritI%entified schools showing largeacadentic glint for (he I 978-79 and I 979-80 schoolyears. The report States that this method showedonly a small number of schools with unusually largeocamsil aehievtment gains and concludes that fewschools are likely to have school-wide educgtiojiTprogram chara-cler tics which lead overall achieve-ment anomalies. (AuthOrFAFM)

UE 0040 . ED 209 368W'u!kup Hugh ,i977'78 Desegregation Esaluation Sñmmary. Re-,porl No. 78.9.

Seattle Public Schools, Wash, Dept. of Planning.-Restarch, and Evaluatiorc

Pub DateNov 78Note-19p; Par related documents, ace UD 021

720 and UD 021 722.723.Pub Type Reports - General (140)EDRS Price MFDI/PCOJ Pius Postige-DeptoAdministrative Organization, Ad-

minislrator Attitudes, Derision Making, 'Deseg-regation Effects. Desegregation Methods. -

Elementary Secondary Edtication. 'Parent Atti-

Schools WAcosts and oi

grams; perspectives on oeaegregltion programs'07

surveyed parehta. teachers, attd administrators; andrecommendations based on thjt information. A ma-jor emphasis of the rtpon is on the e*tcnt to whichstudent transfer programi reduced racial imbalanceand the conteSt in which this reduction took place.Recommendations focus on racial imbatane andstudefit transfers. educational programs,in desegre-gazad settings, administrative support to des4grega-tion programs. sod decision makin$ [ordesegregation. (APM)

UEOO41: ED209370Rumejt MadeIai,ic -

Descriptive Analysis of the 1978-19 Rorlzoa- Popu-lation and Selection Process. Report Ne, 79.13.

5eattl Public Schools, Wash. Dept. of Planning,

we Sc-Equal


ldenhifiera'5ettlt Pili Schools WAThis report dcacribei the pudent ieleclion pwcess

and its rcsult for the Horizn Program, a magnetpeogrim for gifted students conducted in Seattle,


Washington public schools in 1978-I 979 In the firttsection v.noua measures used to determine atu-dents creative, academic, intellectual, and leader.thip capabilities For program admission are outiinrdTht second section presents demographic rhais-terisrics of students. comparisons of age, sex andethnic group peil'tirmanec on program dmilntests, and g diseustion of the relation of admissionmeasures to selection decisions. The report con-cludes with a recommendation that given the role ofthe Horizon Program in Seattle's desegregation ef-fort, the selection process be criticilly eagmined inorder-to sc;ure equal opportunity for all age, sex andethnic groups. (APM)

UE 0042 ED 209 372Bonky. RobertDesegregation Evil uafldn Frugreta Reporn Teach-

ci's and Administrators Surrey Responses. Re.poriNo. 79-IS.

Seattle Public Schools, Wash.Dept. of Planning.Research, and Evaluation.

Pub ,Date-Nov 79Note-30p; For related, documents, see UD 021

719-720. UD 021 722 and UD 021 746 Sometables may be marginally legiblr d-eto smsll Sitetype

Pub Type Rcports - General (140)FURS Price. MPOI/FCO2 Pius Foscage.Descnptora_aAdrninistrator Attitudes, Rosrd of

Education Policy. Elementary Secondary Educa;tion, aProgram Effectiveness. School Desegrega-tion, 'Staff Dcvelopment, Surveys, 'TeacherAttitudes, Urban Education

ldentiriees'SeatUe Public Schoøls WAThis report presents the eau1ts ofa survty of Seat-

tle, Washington teachers and administrators Ondesegregation planning sod implementation In thefirst section an assessment of district sponsored relatiOns cbdrses and other ttaff developmentactivities br participating teachers and adrninlstr.-tort is provided. The second and third sections turn-mat-ire -teachers' grid administrators' perspectiveson how successful the school diStrict has been intwenty.two-aa-pccja of school diStrict operation dUr-ing the l978-1979'ichoojjear. These tw sectionsalto summarize imFonanceulsaLtcaehers and ad-ministrators felt each of these facldrs-played in thesuccess of the 1979.80 school year. Responses-spthe survey indicated that teachers felt dittnrt per-fonnanre to be marginally acceptable, while ad-ministratofs felt more positively about district -

performance, judging it generally accept*ble (Au-thorJAFM)

UE 0043 ED 209 374Romy. MadlaIne James. JimAn Assesthent of the Impact of Special tduettloe

Programs on Non-Special Eincatitn SthoolBuilding Staff. Report No 77-13.

Se*ttlh Public Schools, Wash. Dpt. of ManagementInformation Services,

Spent AgencyNational Intt. of EducationWHEW). Washington, D.0

Ibib DateAug 77Note-29p,; Some tables may be marginally legible -

due to small size type. For a related document, ace

- General (140)

'Program Costs,- Readiness, 'Special Education,'Staff Development, Teacher Qualifications

1dentifiera--'Seattk Public Schools WAThis report assesses lhe impact of apecial educa-

tion programs on nori-apecial education schoolbuilding Staff in Seattle, Washington, during the1976-1977 school year. The report presents the re-aulta of a aurvey that was designed to investigate twoquestions. (1) to what extent does the presence of aspecial education program result in expenditures ofno-apcciii education t.aff time; gnd () what Is thestate tif readiness for bringing more apecial educa-Hofi atudets into the regular claasfoom? It is recom-mended tlt$ the calculation of coSt per pupil forspecial education include the costs of services dcliv-

p ered by other pertonnd. s1!° called for is the india.tion of an inservic training program for non-Specialeducation griff to teach handicapped students in theregular ciaasrooim (AFM)

UE0044 ED209387.F)vgehs Allan HA Second Year Evaluation of thg ESEA Title III

Urban LradarabJpYrogs.

-. 13

Document Resumes 7

Chicago Board of Education, Ill, Dept, of Researchand Evaluation

Pub DateJun 76.Note-82p.Pub Type RepOrts - Evaluative (142)RJ3R5 Price . MFOI/PC04 Plus PostageDescriptorsAchievement Gains. aCompematory

Edtfcation, EducatWnally Disadvaptsgsd. Ele-mentary Edocationi' Grade 6, 'Milioii!y GroupChildren. Parent Attitudes, 'Program Effective-ness, Program Evaluation, 'School CortmuniryRelationship. Self Esteem, Student Attitudes, Ui"ban Cultuf, 'Urban Education. 'Urban Environ-ment

Identiliers'Cbicago Public Schools IL, Elemen-tary Secondary Education Act Title Ill -

The Urban Leadership Program, funded under Ti-tle Ill of the Elementary and Secondary EducttionAct, wis carricd out among aixth gfSders at theAlbert Einstein School in Chicago. Illinois. The pri-mary purpose of the program was to develop tkillsand competence to prepare participantS for survivalnd success ins large urban environment. A second-ary purpose was to break down focusewon 1975-76.

second year of the program's operation. andinclude: (I) a description of the program. its put--poses. Organization, students, inatnsctional activi-ties and evaluation procedures; (2) an analysis ofprogram objectives; 3) deja on the extent to whichthe programi meeting expectations. (4) a summaryof the effects that the program has had on theschool, the immediate community and city; and (8)

a-sumrtation of findingk. conclusions and recom-inendations. Appended to the report are severalevaluation instruments, including a school attitude

inventory, urban experience inventory, self esteeminventory, comprehensive post-program examina-tions, and a questionnaire administered to parentsor community members whp.rvcd as resource ad-viSorS. (Author/CC) '

UE 0045 ED 209 398Marehiriis James R- And OyhertA Second Year Study of the Educational and

Demographic Factors That Affect the ReadIngand Matbematles Performance of Title I Sm-dm85, Report No. 77.1.

Seattle Public Schools, Wash. Dept. of ManagementInformation Services.

pub DateJan 77inees60p.; Tablea..rnay be marginally legible dueto snihli-aige type.

Pub Type 1{8nos - Evaluative (142) ReportsResearch (143) - -

FURS Price- MFOIIPCP3 Plus Poatago.

ty Education, Disadvantaged Youth ElementarySecondary Educatiort, inttruclionl Design.Mathematics Achievement, 'Program Effective-ness, aProgrim Evaluation, Reading Achieve-inept, School Demography, Scores.Socioeconomic Influences, aStudent Charactcns-

Idcntifihrs'Elcmentary Secondary EducationAct Title I, 'Seattle Public Schools WA -

This report contains the results of the second year(1975-76) of a-five year longitudinal study to deter-mine the effectiveness of Title I programs for disad-vantaged students in Seattle. Washington's Public

Schools, The report attempts to identity Title I stu-dent charactei-istics and determine which educa-

- tonal variables affect- academic performance.Research and evaluation focused on the followingissues. (1) itudent arid program charactri-isties; (2)achievement teat score patter-n; (3) reading andmath achievement by program; (4) transfer of learn-ing from compensatory education tdFegduircISIt5'room programs; (5) the effect of socioeconomic andpopulation charactrrittica on academic achieve-ment; and (6) inatenctional variables related to thesuccessc! Title I ttudtnts. A summary of findings.conclusiona,and recommendations provides a briefsynopsis of the major results and implicationa of the

-. study. (Authôr/AFM

UE 0046 ED 209 527Norris CorviA, Jtl,,t/es', lindaPhoenix UnIon HIgh School'blstrlet *210 Adult

Aetdemy Evaluat10 Report., 1980-SI. ResearchServices Report No. 33;08;80/8l;01O.

Phoeni* Union High School District, Asia. Re-aearch SeMccs -

Pub Dgtu81Note'32p.Pub Type Rrpons - Descriptive (141) Rportl

- - Evaluative (142) -

Page 14: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

R Document Resumes

EDRS rtki-- MFO1/PCO2 Pius Postage.Dexcripters'Adult Basic Education. Adult Stu-

dents. Bask Skills. Competency Based Education.-*Minority Groups. 'Outcomes of Education.

Pretests Posttests. 'Program Effectiveness. Pro-gram Evaluation. 'Reading Instruction. ResearchProblems. Spanish Speaking. Student Problems.Volunteers

Identiliers"Phoenix Union High School DistrictAZThe Adult Reading Academy. a federally-funded

service of the Phoenix Union High School District,serves native- and foreign-born adult students whoare deficient in the basic skills of reading writing.arithmetic, and oral communication_ In 1980 181.the program served 476 students at 17 sites. Ar.proximately 24 percent of the clients served weremembers of minority groups (principally Spanish-speaking). the elderly, adjudicated youth, pregnantternagere, or inmates of the women's prison_ Stu-dent academic success was evaluated by the WideRange Achievement Test Three - fourths of the stu-dents who were pre- and posuested made the pro-jected gain of one month in grade level per 25 hoursof instruction Many of the students also reportedpersonal success at home and on the job. Ins.ervieetraining was provided to both paid staff and volun-teer staff members. 27 of whom contributed a totalof 1417.5 hours to the program duting the year.Participant evaluations of the inservice workshopswere positive. Two areas of concern, common tomany adult basic education programs. were evidentduring the year; (1) five sites did not attract enoughclients. and (2) approximately 20 percent of the stu-

-. dents separated from the Academy without statingtheir reasons for leaving_ Staff members reported

':difficulty in making follow-up contacts- A thoroughevaluationtr program effects is. therefore, difficult-(AuthorIRC)

UE 0047 ED 209 834Mama SharonNon-Discriminatory Assessment Formal and In.

fantod Assessment of Limited English ProficientChildren.

Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools.Calif.

Pub DateFeb 81Note 19m; Paper presented at The Council for Ex-

ceptional Children Conference on The Exception-al Bilingual Child (New Orleans. LA, February18r20. 1981, Session Th-12).

Pub Typei Speeches/Meeting Papers (150) Re-ports - Evaluative (142)

EDRS Price - MEOUPEDI Plus Postage.- DescriptorsBilingual Educition, 'Culture Fair

Teats, Elementary Education, Informal Assess -ment Lsnguage Handicaps, 'Mexican Ameri-cins. on English Speaking. Spanish Speaking.Stud Evaluation-.----Test,construralon, _TestReliability. Tesf Validity

IdentifiersBilingual Special Education. 'LimitedEnglish Speaking. 'PEOPLE (rest)PEOPLE (Pruehas de Exprosion Oral y Percep-

cion de la Lengua Estonol) was developed as a testto help disgnguish between a language differenceand a langlage deficit in non English proficient(NEP) and limited English proficient (LEP) etc-mentary. Hispanic students. PEOPLE was devel-oped. pilot tested in 14 school districts in -LosAngeles County with 136 Mexican American stu-dents. and in field testing found tcIproinise validityand reliability after editing. Subtexts of PEOPLEinclude auditory association. sentence repetition.encoding. auditory sequential mernory, and storycomprehension (sample items of each are given).(CL) -

UE 0048 ED 210 280Racal AlanThe UsiniEvaluetion Data Form. .

Eddisdon Service Center Region 20. San Antonio,Tex.

Pub DateNov 80Note-38p.Pub Type Guides - Non-Classroom (055) Re-

ports - Descriptive (141)EDRS Pate MPOI/PCO2 Plus Postage.Descriptors 'Evaluation Methqds. 'Evaluative

Thinking, 'Program EvaluationIdentifiets*Evaluation Utilization, 'Using

Evaluation Data FormThe Using Evaluation Data Form (UEDF) repre-

sents a psychological lever for getting a program'sdecision maker to consider major evaluation find-inp. The form may be used at any point of the


evaluation process when sufficient data exist to sup-port a finding deserving of action or reaction by theproject staff. By local policy it is required for inclu-sion in all end-of-year evaluation moons_ Findingsare results of evaluation activities conductedthroughout the year- The process of the form's useis initiated when the evaluator lists. in draft form,findings the evaluator desires to be considered forpossible action by the project manager. Findings arerelieved descriptively rather than judgmentally. Inmost instances. the evaluator will discuss these find-ings With the project manager. Each finding is ad-dressed by the manager. indicating the action Liken.or to be taken_ Justification for no action or actioncontrary to the findings, must be explained. The"Action" colurfin represents the project manager'sreply to the evaluation findings: An example form isattached for review. The form is eff ective to theextent that the system requires the program people,be committed to a course of action in response toevaluation data. (Author)

UE 0049 ED 210 282Program Related Evaluation (Manual and Staff

Development Package).Los Angeles Unified School District, Calif. Re=

search and Evaluation Branch_Pub DateJul 80Note-86p.Pub Type Guides - Non-Classroom (055)EDRS Prier - MEDI /PCD4 Plus Pilotage.Descriptors 'Educational Assessment, *Educa-

tional ()tali y. Elementary Secondary Education.'Program Evaluation, Research Committees,'Staff Development. Staff OrientationThis is a manual designed to accompany staff de-

velopment sessions in which research and evaltItt-non personnel will discuss key areas withadministrators. evaluators in schools, an-1 area of.fice personnel. Forms and methods for assessmentand reporting of pupils progress in a local school'sinstructional program are illuitrated. The state re=quirements in regard to on -going evaluation areenumerated. The methods of establishing an eosins.tion committee and the functioning of it to reviewprog-hia implemenuttion, quality, outcomes for stu-dents aftatair. and the match between budget andexpenditures are outlined. Specific forms are repro-duced and directions,for then. use are included. Pro-gram evaluation requires a sound communicationnetwork among staff to be effective. This manualprovides detailed instructions for establishing an ef-,fective evaluation committee. (DWH)

--.UE'1)050 ED 210 328Founts Mark I Keen; Michael HApproaches to Evaluating a Systemwide Demme-

tatlon Effort,Pub Date-16 Apr 81 .

----hiote-7 4p.; Paper presented at Symposium on-8.1 wring the Impact of Desegregation" at theAnn 1 Conference of the American EducationalResearch Association (-Los Angeles, CA, April 16,

- 1981). 'pub Type= Speeches/Meeting Papers (150) Re-

ports - General (140)EDRS Price - MEDI/7031 Pins Postage.Descriptors *Desegregation Plans, Elementary

Secondary Education, *Evaluation Methods,'Evaluation Needs, 'Program Effectiveness,°Prom Evaluation, School Desegregation, Ur-ban Sc "Voluntary Desegregation

Identifiers*Philadelphia School District PA. This paper briefly reviews the current racial bal-ance in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania public schoolsand discusses the development of tar evaluation sys-tem toassess progress toward desegregation. Priori-

produtts and services of the Desegregationvaluation Unit. formed in 1979, Ere listed. A num-

ber of problems that must be addressed wi order forthe school district to participate successfully in avoluntary desegregation pi= are discussed. In-dividual objectives, relating to racial balance, com-munity involvement. stair development, andacademic achievement, are outlined and ways ofevaluating each objective are reviewed. Finally, seri-ous- barriers so voluntary desegregation are dis-cussed, particularly the tendency toward -one way"desegregation; that is,- minority students attend

inpredomantly white oois, but few white stu-dents yoluntao aA inttead schools in minority neigh-borhoods. (0 l-- ,

UE 0051 ED 210 335Testing Results for Minority Isolated Schools. Sew

Diego City Schools. Spring 1981: Report No.

395_San Diego City Schools. Calif_ Evaluation

Dept.Pub Date-7 Jul 81Note-117p_Pub Tykie Numerical /Quantitative Data 10)

Reports - Genera,- (140)'EDRS Price - MFOL7C05 Plus Postage. =

Descriptors.-'Achievement Gains. Basic Skills.Compensatory Education. 'Court Litigation. Ele-mentary Secondary Education, 'Minority GroupChildren. Racial Composition, School Segregs- .

Lion, *Scores.""Test NormsIdentfieromprehensive Tests'of Basic

'San Diego Unified School District CAThis report summarizes the results of achieve=

ment tests administered in the Spring of 1981 tostudents in court identitied minority.isolatedschools in San Diego. California. An introductionoutlines the court order and describes the tests andthe participating schools. In -28 of -the 36 subject-grade level instances analyzed. student achievementon the Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills met orexceeded interim goals, Imola which reflect the rateof possess needed to attain the court specified objec-rives, Test results also revealed an increased per-centage of students performing- at or above thenational norm for reading. mathematics, and fan.stage_ In conclusion, these test results show a highlevel of success for the instructional programs im.plemented in response to the coon decision_ (APM)

UE 0032 ED 210 336Report of the San Diego Plan for Racial Integra-

tion 1980-81, Part LSan Diego City schools, roir.Pub Date-23 Jun 81Note-306p.; Some tables may be marginally legi-

ble due to small size type.Pub Type NumencaliQuantitative Data (110)

Reporter - Descriptive flapRUES Price MFOI/PC13 Plus Postage__ _DescriptorsDesegregstion Effects, Elementary

Secondary Education,- 'Enrollment Trends.Facul tyin ter-viols; Maxie Composition. Racial-ly Balanced Schools. °Racial Relations, 'SchoolDemography, 'School Desegregation. School Sta-tistics

Identifiers'San Diego Unified School District CAThis is part one of the repon of the- San Diego

(California) Plan for Racial Integration. I980 h51.Information is presented in four areas in order tochart the progress made by the San Diego SchoolDtstrict. These include: (1) a census of students'ethnic backgrounds; (2) the number of minority,minority-isolated, and majority students in each in.(citation program; (3) a comparison of the studentsenrolled in the various programs' with the goals forthe programs; and (4) integration indexes which re-flect the exposure of minority to majority studentsand assess the ethnic balance of the distnct'a teach-ing staff. In addition, various specialized integrationprojects such as race relations and oral communica.lion programs for staff are reviewed. Findings andconclusions are provided at the report's end. (APM)

UE 0053 ED 210 340A Voluntary Plan for the Interdistriet Exchange of

Students and Related ProgramaSaint Louis Public Schools, Mo.Pub Datet Mar 81Note-39p.; For a related document. see UD 021

775.Pub Type Reports . Evaluative (142)EDRS Ptica MEDI/7E02 Pins Postage-DesedptorsAdministrator Role. Admission Ctit.

trio. Budgeting, Court Role, 'DesegregationMethods, 'Desegregation Plans, EducationalPlanning. Elementary Secondary Education, Fi-nancial Policy. Interdistrict Policies, 'StudentTr nspnnation. Transfer Policy, }Transfer Stu-d

Identifiers 'Saint Louis City School District MoThis voluntary plan for the interdistrict exchange

of students responds to a desegregation court orderissued to the St. Louis, Missouri Board of Educe- Idon. Among the criteria cited as nee/awry to the--operation of praztissive interdistfict transfers were:(1) eligibility of a student to transfer to a district andschool- where the student's race is in the minority;(2) determination of space availability by the hostdisffiet: (3) agreement by the host district to providethe same educational services to the transfer studentas are provided its own students; (4) agreement byparticipating districts to provide information onapace availability by school and by grade; (5) the

Page 15: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

right of eligible studtnit to appI For specific in noritcho duektionaog Other factorsschool in which space has been idcniifled. and (ti) consideredinthrdelopnientoftheplanwererrit'agreement by participating drstncts to actisely prm eji for studtnt. teacher and administrator involve.sot1 intrrdisirict ansfcr Criteria for ttudent selectinn. evaluation of budding capacity md siteseleczion for niagnet schools arid other special programs staff rxcharigp. parent/comniunity involve,mer4 linsportatioti polities. md adimnistrasivecoordinatiofl are also eammined. A discussion of Ii-nanes includes an iterniced budget summary forthe plan. ThC budget also describes ictivitie for theirnp)rmeneation of the plan over a three year period,and InclOdet the estimated number ofitudenis in-volytd during each phase. (lCD)

UEOOS4 ED210341coz,r, Morron APublic Information and Public Involvement. Pro-

grass RepeO. September 1950.March 198LSaint Louis Public Schools, Mo.Pub DateMar 8!Nnte-48p.Pub Type- Reporit - Des ptive (141)ELIRS Price MFOI/FCOI Flu5 Postage.DescnptorsDesegregation Methods. Desegrega-1100 Plans. Elemertsay Secondiry Edueaüon. Ei'tollment, Hotlinit (Public). 9nformationServices. Magnet Schü0ls. Outrach Programs.School Community Pelatioribip. 5chaul

Desegregation. School Sccurity Specigl Pro-grams. Student Pljccment. Transfer Policy

Identifiers_aSaint Louis City School District MOThis progress report on the Public Information

Sectipn or th Si Louis. Missouri public schoolscovers the pettod from April toSeptentber 1Q80 andincludes a log of events and descriptions of activitiesrclatd to the irnplementasion of the School desegre-gatiori plan According to this report, the PublicLriformatiou Section incorporated the following ac-iii jut. (I) eSlablishinent ota telephone hothne rot'the disseminlion or desegregation related infoumu-ion; (2) development of a mCdia campaign directed

tcard all segments of the St. Louis community aridschool personnel; (3) identification of-communityresources and organications.1a let as liaisons bc-tseen the public schools and the community; (4)coordination of contacts. s.ith mcdii persons, aT-rangement of media conferences. and provision ofspeakers as requests were made; (5) proviion oftrainirigin media communication skillt for schoolarfmjriistrators; and (6) recruitment and training ofvolunteers for the Straight Story Linç. The StraightStory Line is described as an information and rerer-ru service which handled telephone inquiries aboutichool assignments. enrollments. transfer policiesand procedures. achool Safely and security mess-sires. and. transportation services. Also included nthu report is lnfdrnuation on the daily number andcontent of the telephone inquiries Appended areIwo summary reports on the Straight Story Line.(lCD)

UE0055 ED2l0343Forsxu,d Y

-An Educational Plan for Voluntary. CooperativeDesegregation of Schools In the St. LouIs. Mts-sourt Metropolitan Arra

Saint Louis Public Schools. Mo.Pub Date-27 Mar 81Note-4lp; For a related doe-unsent, tee U)) 021 ldentifleraloledo Pub)id dhools OH

772. Some pages may be marginally legible due to The evaluation of instru1ional programs is neces-.reproduction quality of original document. airy in order to document iccomplishments, deter-

Pub Tvne---. Rersorts Descriotive (14 II mine cost effectiveness. establish managementcontrol, and provide bases tot improving the educ*-tion of atudesits. 'The responsibilities and technicalrequiresnesita of ad evaluation system involve,thefunction of tim following component argus; demo-graphic information, program evaluation, programauditing. testing; and technical assistance. Theevaluation process includea (I) a generalized needsasaaasnsent and identification of the problem ares.(2) * focimid assessment involving program devel-opment, implementation arid formative cvaluation;a0d (3) a aurnthativc evaluation and diascsssinationor results, The organization and development of anevaluation system alaoinvolves the selection andtraining of staff as well as the implementation of asystemwidc sidrdiied testing program. (IC)))

VEOOSS / 210 358Moles Outer CdIirts.' Cner'Home,Sebool Propami of Urban School DlsfrIeasPub DateIS Apr 81Hote-i-22p4 Paper presented at the Annual Meet-

ing of the Amet-sein EdutatiowRetearch Aaaocia-non (tom Aagelesj CA. April 15, 1981).

rtient. transportation.. adniinistrtivc coordination.and financing. The plan i5 described as six years inlength; implementation is to be aecomptished in twophases (lCD)

UK 0056 . ED 210 349'The Toledo Catalog. Asseasmeflt of Students and

School Administration. Volume 1. DrafLToledo Public hools, Ohio; Western Michigan

Univ., Kalamazoo. Ev*luation Ccter, -s

Pub Date-30 Jun 80Wote-387p; Some pages may b marginally'?egible

due to reproduction quality of original document.Pub Type--- Reference Materials - Directones/

Catalogs 1132) Tests/Questionnaires (160)EDRS Puce - MFOI/PCI6 Plus Postage.DesciiptorsAdrniniatrator Role, Elementary

Secondary Education, Eviluatioo Criteria,Evaluanon Methods. ModeIS, School Adminis-

tration. Student Behavior, .Student Develop-rnent, 'ffsudent Improvement. Testing

lentifier--Toledo Public Schools 01-4Presented here is volume one of a catalog devel-

oped by the Toledo. Ohio Public SchooF and theEvalstiori Center at WeStern Mithigan University

'and designed as a tool for the evaluation of studentgrowth arid learning. The introduction and prefaceproOide information conckming the developmentand use f these materials which are iaid to beauggestive rather than prescriptive in nature. Partone consists of a description of student behaviors inseven growth areas, which are divided iflto subset-lions within each area, and further divided into stu-dent Lraits The seven growth areas are intellectual.emotidhal. physical and recreational, aesthetic andculturLl. moral, vocational, and totial. Part two con-sists of a wide variety or measuring devices for theseven growth areas and for a range of age/gradecategories which can be used to assess ettident per-formaflcc Three remaining sections facilitatg thesise of this document. The outline of classes sectionprovides an overview of subtections in each growtharet- A ãoss reference index gives-an alphabeticallisting of classes, categories, and characteristicskeyed tothe page on which the narratively foundand followed by the page number of all applielbiemCssuring devices. Finally, the index of meal'urca 'aorganized to provide4he page numbers of measurinWdevices by type and subject. (Author/lCD)

-UE0057 ED210350Miernucki, Geruld ,f Arid Others -;APlin for EvaluatIon Sei-viea.Toledo Public Schools, Ohi.Sports AgencyOhio State Dept. of Education:

Columbus.Pub Date-7 May 80Note-55p.Pub Type Reports - brsciiptive (141) Reports

- Evaluative (142)EDRS Price - Mp01,PC&2 Plus Pustaga.

aebool desegregation wiSt. Louis. Missouri Pu.atralegies-for coping asuch ta declining enrollsschool closinga. The prplan iricludet (I) peirmaon to existing programs iapace when the transfer igation; (2) specialized mthat could be either full-educational programs. datructive experiences for

ograms, 5Frogoon Ad-Desegregation, Studenttr Students. Volntasy

City School Diatsict Moir voluntary, cooperativedesigned to provide the

lic School System withIs desegregmtloneffectsents, teaclice layoffS, andnary components of theye, interdistrict trarisferiat already have avail5blerute decreaad racial aegrep1cc schools or programame or part-tizne and (3)uigncd to promote eon-tudenti of different races



-. - Dcument Resuntes '9

Pub Type Reports - Resesrch'( 143) Speeches!Meeting Papers (IbO)

EDRS Price' MFOI/FCOI Plus Foatage.DetdnptorsEconorriically Disadvantaged, Lie-

ntentary Secondary Lducition. Fansily Influ-ence. Fanuily School Relationship. HomePrograms. Home Study. Farent Participation. -Parent School Relationship, Parestt Student Re-latioriship, Parent Teanhen Cooperation. School

ldentifuersParent as a Teacher, Parent AisistedLearning ProgramThis paper reports the results of an ongoing stud

of hDme school programs incorp&ating the fourtthrough 5a,eifth grade levels of large urban schooldisuicts It examines tfr nature and scope of pro-grams designed to itnpmo'-e student learning throughparent involvement in tutoring, mnan.agerisl and so-cializing activities as they relate lo educational prac-tice. Programs are classifIed according to goals foratudents such as achievement, social development.attendance, and career plans, arid according tomodes of horse school inter*ction, parent' schooland parent child activities. Also included is a reviewof selected home school programs and 1 set of gen-eral guidelines, objectives, and activities for pros- -

pective home School programs (IC)))

UEOOS9 ED210 360Murray. Charles A. And OthersThe Njtional Evaluation of LIt CIties In Schools

Prom-am. Rtport No.4. FInal Report-Arrterican Institutes for Research in the Behavioral

Sciences. WUhington, DC.Spons AgencyNational Inst of Education (ED),

Washirigton, DCReport NrtAIR-68201-2-81-FR-4Pub Date-8l -

C.ontrsct-400-77-0l03Note-214p; Some pages may he marginally legible

due to reproduction Quality of oi-iginal document.Pub Type Reports - Evaluative (142)-- Reports

- Research (143) 'EDRS Price - MF0IPCO9 Flat Postage.DescriptorsCost Effectiveness. Deljv Sys-

tems. flisadvaniagcd Youth, Elementary Sec-ondary Education, Program Effectiveness.Program Eviluation. School Community Rela-tionship. Social Services, Studrnt Development, -9Jrbn Programs

IdentifiersaCities in-Schools- This is the final report of an evaluation of the

- Cities in Schools (CIS) program which was designedto ensure the delivery of educational and social ser-

- vices to inner city students; CIS uses the school asa bail of operations. CIS contends that the currentdelivery lystenia are insufficient to meet the needsof youth due to lack of coorlilnation, pessonalism.accountability and morale, according to this report.CIS's solution to this problem was reviewed in thelight of the following assertions; (I) CIS will provide -

a superior structure and process ror service deliveryto disadvantaged youth; (2) the higher quality ofservice Icadi to aigniiicant, positive impact ohyouth; and (3) these Positive benefits can beachieved,without excessive increase to costs of thepresent delivery systems. AJso discussed are prob-

- 1cm reduction strategies versus solution buildingstrategies iii the evaluation ot CIS, and CIS tIe-

, menta as part of the solution. A commentary bi CISon the issues that affected the program evaluation is

\ appended. A diarussio&f the design of the study.hich includes sampleCof caseworker *nd student

iiterview forms, service delivery questionnaires, -project historibs, and other archival data from theesluaçion are included in the appendices. (lCD)

o ED 210379a Dream,' Publication 5-204-TCM,)iblic Schools, Mich. Div. of Curriculum

p-_iGuides - Non-Ctassrom (055) -

- Claa*room - Teacher (052)ice - MFOI/PCO2 Plus Postage, .

aBlack Hhs(onj. lilack Leadership,tights, Curriculum Guides, Elementary.try Education,.Resource.Matenals, Unit-a History_aKing (Martin LuTher-In)khlng resource degigned for use in thelhigan public achools provides biogrsph-iiogrgphical information-on Dr. M*rtlnflAir. The booklet contains excerpts fromi s bus and texts of songs pertinent to

,-- -a-I-,

Page 16: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

10 Dodtment Resumes

Dr King and the Civil Rightt movement. Sugget-ti0 for castroom and school-wide activities tocommemorate Dr. King arc alw included (APM)

UE 0061 ED 210 380Bihliogr.pht of Human Rigbts. Elementary

Schools-Detroit Publir Schools. P.ich. Dept. of School Li-

F branesPub Date-Apr 8 INote-13p; For related documents. see UD 021

876-877. -Pub T)pe- Reference Material, - Bibliographies

EDRS Price - MFO1,PCOI Plus Postage.Descnpto -Annotated Bibliographies. Biogra-

phies. Civil Liberties. Elementary Education,'Elementary School Student,. Ethnic Groups.

Human Relations, Social iitstory, United StatesHistoryThis Annotated bibliography of book, and articles

targeted toward elementary school students in-eludes both fiction and oniictiomi entries represent-ing wc-ti. historical. and political pert tives ofvariois issues involved in the study of human nghtsdevelopment in the United States The 84 entriescover books published between 1944. and- 198O(JCD)

-UE 0062 ED 210 381Bibliography of Human Rightn Middle Sthools.Detroit Public Schools, Mich Dept of School Li-

braries.Pub Date-Apr 81Note-26p.; For related documents, ace UI) 021

875-877.Pub Type- Reference Materials - Bibliographies

(131)LURE Price - MFOIIPCO2 Plus Postage.Deacptor-Advocscy, Annotated Bibliographies,

Biographies, 'c;vil Liberties, EthnidGroups, Eth-riography. Human Relations. Junior HighSchools. lunior High School Students, MiddleSchools, SodI Httoty. United States HistoryThis annptated bibliography on human rights is

targeted toward'middlc school students and empha-sizes works that document the influence of specificevents on human rights development, the poliucai,ancial, and cultural histories of various ethnicgroups in the United States, and the biograph'ks ofemnitent human tights advocates- There are 170 ci-tations included. (lCD)

UE0063 ED210382Bibliography of Human Rights: High Schools.Detroit Public Schools, Mich. Dept. of School Li-

braries-Pub Date-Apr 81 -

Note27p; For related documents, ace UD 021875-476.

Pub Type- Reference MaterialS - Bibliographies(131)

fURS Price - MFOI/?CO2 Plea Postage,Dewriptora-.-Annotated Bibhbgraphiea: 'CMI Lib-

cities, Ethnic Groups, High Schools, 'HighSchool'Stutknts. 'Human Relations, immigrants,United States History, Womens StudiesThis annotated bibliographm targeted toward high

school students includes entries that reflect a vafle-ty of SociAl, political md cultural isgues in the histo-i of human ilghla ci the United Seatea. Among themajor topics represented are the changing roles andopportunities of women, the immigration and accul-turation of various ethnic groups, and energy -andrcoUotoic problems of the twentieth century. The193 entries are arranged by clst5ificstion number.OCD)

UE004 ED210385Wdant LindaTftic I: Afiirnn-Aaserlean Studies Program, Sta'

-==--deaFWorkbdOk"Detroit Public Schools, Mich..'

Pub Daie-[79] -.

Note-75p.; Beat copy available.Pub 2ype- Guides - Classroom - Learner (051)EDRS Price - MFOIIPCO3 Plus Postage.Descriptora-African Culture. Africtn History,

African Languages, 'Black History, 'Black Stu-dies, 'Cuitwal Awarencia, Elementary Second-ary Education. 'Ethnic Studies, ForeignCounuies, Geography, 'Multicuitural Educ*tioi'

ldentifiera-'AiIica -

This is a jtudet workbook in African Ameiicanstudies used in the Detroit, Michigan public schools

i&l978-79, The workbook contains student eser-ciscs in Aftican history, culture. geography. Ian-gusgrs. architecture. folktales, food, 'and artifacts.The continent of Africa is covered in ultits onEgypt. North Africa. West Africa, Central Africa.and South Afflcy. In addition,-lhe black eaperienceof slavery in N'orth America is covered in a sectionabout Africans in the New World, (AFM)

UE 0065 ED 210 386Detroit Objective Referenced Test, (DORT); Eth-

ale Literacy Handboo&: A Guide for TeacherPiansl)ng.

Detroit Ptiblic Schools. Mich. Dept. of Social Sin-dies.

Spons Agency-Office of Education (DHEW).Washington, DC.

Pub Date-[80]Note-434p.; For related document,. see ED 191

012 and UI) 021 884-885;Pub Type- Guides - Classroom - Learner (051)-

Guides - Classroom - Teacher (052)EURS Price - MFOIiPCI8 Plus PostageiDescriptors-A'merican Indians, Bibliographies,

tacks, Chinese Americans, 'Cultural Awareness,t'Cultum] -Background, Curriculum Guides. Ele- -

mentary Education. Ethnic Bias. 'Ethnic Groups.Ethnic Studies. Hispanic Americans, Japanese

Americans, 'Multicultural Education, RacialBias, Resource Materials

ldentifiers-'Detroit Public Schools MIDii, teacher's guide on ethnic literacy was devel-

oped by the Ethnic Literacy Project for the Detrojt.Michigan public schools- It consists of lessons,materials and activitirs intended to supplementreading activities under the DORT (Detroit Objec-tive Referenced Tests) Reading System being imple-mented in those urban classrooms fromkindergarten to eighth grade which are affected bya desegregation ordeL included in the giude areinstructional materials, lessons and activities on eth-nicity, stereotypes, prejudice, jmmigrstion, theHolocaust, family life, folk tales, nutrition, and eth-nic heritage, intended ror inclusion at the teacher'sdiscretion into Social Studies, English,Music Ap-preciation, and Art. An annotated bibliography ofchildren's book, using ethnic characteis and a list ofbooki, mCc-ords, filmi and other resources related tothe subject matter of the-guide arewppended-{MJI4...

UE 0066 ED-2I0 387DORT; Ethnic Llter*cy Project, ESAA BastePYOjCCL Tegcher½ Manual.

Detroit Public Schools, Mich. Dept. of Social Stu-dies.

Spons Agency-Offzee of Education (DHEBWashington, DC.

Pub Date-'-80Note73p.; For related document.s, are ED 191

012 and UI) 021 883-885.- Pub ype- Guides Classroom - Teacher (032)EDRE Price - MFOI/FCO3 Pins Postage.DescnptorsBibliographiea, 'Cultural Awareness,

'Cultural Background, Cuniculum Guides, Ek-mentary Education, 'Ethnic Grôups. 'EthnicStudies, In,stauctionsl Materials, 'Multicultural.,Education, Program Descriptions, Program Im-'plementation, Resource Materials, TeachingGuides

Identilier,.-'Dtroit Public Schools MlThis is a teacher's manual describing the activities

of DctrOit, Michigan'a Ethnic Literacy Project andproviding resource materials and classroom tech'niques for teaching ethnic heritage. The manualatatea that thc Ethnic Literacy Project was intended'to supplement the Detroit Objective ReferencedTests (DORT) Reading System. 1sia system, themanual continues, was designed todcvelop compre-hensivc reading akills among students in all grades;Cont*ined in. the- manual ii a test, for Students todeterming thefi knowledge about the hiatoryandculture of Detroit's many ethnic groups. The mañu-al also contains lists of resource materials availablefrom both general sources gnd from fORT. These -materials include buoks, recordings and Filma.Vari-ous resource centers' addresses and sample suggest-ed activities for extending ethnic literacy to basalreadars are also included. A bibliography ofbookson ethnic subjects primarily for ejementar)r schoolchildren, and a list of DOT Comprehension Ob-jectives for gracv'ra 3 through 8 concludes the manu-aL(APM) -

UE0067 ED210388'Agid,v Alicia -And Others -. -

Jiiultleultnra] AwareneSs for jht Classroom, The


- Mezlcsni. DORT Ethnic Literacy P#ojrct.ESAA Rasic Project.

Detroit Public Schools, Mich. Dept. of Social Stucdies.

Spons Agency-Oflice of Education (DHEW),Washipgton, D.C. -

Pub Daie--S0 ' -Note-IiOp.; For related documents, see UI) 021

883-884 and III) 021 891-895. -Language-English; SpanishPub Type- Guide, - General (050)L1)RS Price - MFO1/PCO5 Plus Postage.Descriptois-Ciilturaj Awareness, Cultural BAck-

ground. Curriculum Guides. Elementary Second-ary Education, Lesson Plans. 'Mexican AmericanHistory. 'Mexicap Americans, 'Mexicans. 'Mul-ticultural Education, Resource Materials

ldentjfier,-'Drtsoit Public SchobIs Ml, 'MexicoThis guide provides the teacher of multi'ethnic

students with information afld teaching resourceson Mexican people. The content of the instructionalmaterials and lessons in ylse guide reinforce thereading skills included in the Detroit ObjectiveReferenced Tests Mexican history, holidays, food,culture, and immigration to the United States are -

reviewed. Lesson plant focusing on the Mexicanflag, geography, and holidays, and food are provid-ed Zn addition, a list of prominent Mexican-Ameri-cans is included. The guide coneludig with abibliography on Mexico and Mexican-Americans.(APM)

UEOO6B ED-210.389Prover. Leidre And OthersElementary School Cslde for Teaching about Hu-

asan Rights.Detroit Public Schools. Mich Dept. of Social Stu-

dici..Pub Date-B! -

Note-140p.; For related documents, see UI) 021887-888.

Pub Type- Guides - Classroom - Teacher (052)EDRS Price MF0I/PC0&Plua Postage. -Desciiptors-'Civil Liberties, 'Civil Rights. Cul-

tural Awareness, Cursicul urn Guides, ElementaryEducation, Ethnic Bias, Ethnic Stereotypes, Gov-ernment Role, 'l'lunisn Relations, 'Human Rela-tions Programs, Racial BiaS, Resource Matettals,

.Sex.Diaa, Teaching GuidesThis is *n elementary school guide for teaching

Sbout human rights prepared for use in the Detroit.Michigan public schools. The guide presents a num-ber of overall goals and specific educational objec-tive, in the area of human rights. Each of theseobjectives is paired with corresponding classroomactivities and resource materials: Topics of atudyinclude equality of races, the interdependence ofpeople, the nred for mutual undmcanding. the roleof the government in human rights, the Impact ofapathy to fostering inhumane conditions, the waysin which racism, sexism, and genocide develop, andthe destructive effects ofmyths and stereotypes.(APM)

UE 0069 ED 210 390Thdomr, Karen And Others . -

Middle School Guide for Teaching about HumanRights, ' . -

Detroit Public Sclsos, Mich. Dept. of Social Stu-dies.

Pub flste-4l -

Noto-'-1i76p.: For related documents, see liD 021886-888. -

Pub Type'- Guides - Classroom -1'eacher (052)EDRS Price - MPOI/FCO8 Plus Postage. -Descriptora-.'Clvil Lfbcrliea. 'Civil Rights. Cul-

tural Awareness, Curriculum Guides, Ethnic Bias,Ethnic Stereotypes, Government Role, 'HumanRelstivrnt 'Human Relations Programs, -Inter-

- in-, t.lisdes, JuniOr High Schools, Racial Bias,Resource Materials, Scx Bias, Teaching GuidesThis Is a middle school guide for teaching about

-human rights prepared for use in the Detroit, Michi-gan public school,. The gufde'presents a nunaberofoverall goals and fpecit objectives in the area ofhuman rights. Each objective is paired withcoiya-spondin classroom activities and resource dsaterl- --hIs Topics f atudy include equality of race, theinterdependence of people, the need for mutual tin-derstsnding, the role of the government in-tkuman -

rights, the impact of apathy us fostering-inhumaneconditions, the waya in which raciatn sexism, andgenocide dcvelop, and the 'destructive effects ofmyths and atcreotypes. (APM) - -UE 0070 -- ED 210-391

Page 17: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse


Document Resumes :

Naik EIjrn Adn-- - Noic56p; For rdti documen. ice UD 021 Teaching GuidHigh Subool L;uId for TchIn abt 883 nd UD 021 81-95. Idntthrr-Cub. Dcroi Pib1i Shob MI

RIghL- Pub Typc Guid C1rom - Trhcr (O2) This uidc provi& thc techcr of nuti-cthniDIrOit Public &floo1 Mich. flpt. of SoiI Stu- DRS PrIce - MFOI/FCO3 Flus Fot*t. .itudrnt with iforinition and tc}ün rrwur

di . . Decptor-AfricAn Culturr. AJricn Hiiory. on Cubtn in ordcr w cnhtne thr. mWücu1iurIPub Di8 I B'ack Culhrc. DIck D,1eci. BLk Hitory iwircne ol iotiJ hoI ppuILion.Th gthdeNo!e-242p; For Tr1t!Cd documents. er U 02 I B1IikL CLIrriuIum Elrmrntiry Srcond- wi deignd Ioruie in the Droit. MichiIn pubIi

687. - rydu*tion. Lon F1n. MuUicuILur1 Eu ichoo An hithtii1 ovrçw of Cj1rom prPub Type Guides -Clawoom - Teacher (052) cation Cotumbian times to the present outlines Cubas In-EDRS Puce MFOI/FCID PluS Posisge- IdenhiliersMricai - dun heritage, the Spanish influence, the era of dii-Descriptors-Civil Ubertics. CiviI Rights. Cul- This guide provides £hc teacher of multiethnic iW- cer)i sod conquest. Cubes bLtck culture, and the

tural Awareness, Curriculum Gwdes. Ethnic Bias. dents with i'nfornhtion and leison'plrni for teaching movement of Cubans to the United Statsa TheEthnic Stereotypes. Government Role, High about black Antejicans. The guide contains seven

rust )Jiican historyguide also focuses on uba'i contributions to the

Schools, Hjmfn Relationi. Human ReIat..ntsPrograms, Racial Bias. Resource Materials, Sea

sections the of whidi outlinesand the history of blacks in the United States.

arts aod vciences Lesson plans and classinoni ac-tivities that review the Cuban holidiyi, geography.

Bias. Teaching Guides specifically Michigan. Scctipn two riamiries the food. flag, and national anthem afe iricludcdu A bib-This is a high school guide for teaching about African oral tradition and discusses Mrican gram- liography hf materials on Cuba conclude the guide.

human rights prepared for use in the Detroit. Mihi- mar and blsck American pronunciation. Sections (APM) '

gin public schools The guide presents a number of three through seven cover African and black Atheri-ovetall goals and specific educational objectives in can art, music. dilice, religion, holidayi, food, and. HE 0077 ED 210 39Bthe area of hurtan rights.ach of these objectives is games. A bibliography on A1rica and black Asocti- Vafbveno. Felix Ma.lo And OTherspaired -with corresponding classroom activities and cans concludes the guide. (APM) Guldr to the AdministratIon BlHngual/fllcultur-resource rnateijalt Topics of study include equality al Eduration Prograths In the Dcb'olt Puhileof rare, the interdependence of people, the need for UE 0074 'ED 210 395 Schools. -

mutual understanding, the role of government in -- Vu/buena. Feli, Mario Arid Qihed Detroit Public Scho9ls, Mich. Dept. of Bilingualhuman rights, the impact of cpathy in fostering in- Multicultural Aw*,zness for the Oassronm The Eductionhumane conditions, the ways in which racism, sex- Cbaldeans. - Pub Dat,--7tisro, and genocide grselop. and the destructive Detroit Public Schools, Mich Dept of Bilingual Note F-effects of myths and stereotypes (AFM) Eduction.

Pub Dste-'--7RPub 1' Guides - Non-Classroom (055)EDES MFOI/FCO6 Plug Postage.

UE 0071 " ED.2 10 392 NoteIl Ip.; For related documents, see UD 021ce -

Descliptors_aAdmirlistrative Policy. Adininistra-Va/buena, Fells At Arid Others 885 Lsd LID 021 892-895. toe Guides.Adminisrratot Role, /idmissic'n Crit-SpanIsh Language Arts EnrIchment CuId. LanguageEnglish; Chaldean ens. Bilingual Education, Bilinguil TeacherS.Detroit Public Schools, Miii. Dept. of Bilingual Pub Type Guides' Classroort, - Teacher (052) çommunit Involvement, aEducatiomi Legisla-

Eduction. EURS Psi ce - MFOIPC03 Plus Poatage on, Multicultural Education, Parent Fartleipa-Pub Date-79 DescriptorsArabs, Curriculum Guides. Ekme- don, Resource Materiali, Teaching ModelsNote--583p. mazy Secondary Education. Islamic Culture. Lea- Jdentifirrs__.aDetroit Public Schools Ml. UmitelanguageEnglish: Spanish son Plans, aMiddie Eastern 5tudir. English Speaking,Pub Type Guides - Classroom - Teacher (052) Multicultural Education, North Ameticsns'Sq? Thia is art administrative guide for bilirigual/hicul-EDRS Prier - MFO3/PC24 Plus Postage- ci45tudies -. - turateducation programs in the Detroit. Michigan..Desctiptors__aBicuiluralivrn. aBilingual Educailon, ldentiflers-5Chaldeans, lraq. Iraqis public schoola. The first section of the guide pro.-

5ClronmTechniques:cumiculum Guided Ele- This guide provides the teacherof multiethnic atu- - rides liackground on the legal msnditc Ilir bilingualrnentary Education, Hispanic Americans, dents with information and teaching resources on , education. Section two discusses the identificationguage 'Arts, Multicultural Education, 5panish the Chaldean The guide povides Eackgropndon pnd selectiàri of limitadEbiglish-apeaking ability'-Spanith Speaking. Teachibg Guides the history and develojiment of the Chaldean,lazi- pupils for bilingual services. The third aection re-This Spanish language arts enrichmepr guide for gusge, the history and geography of Chaldea (IrInj. views issues pertinent to the selectionind mante-

grades K.waS produced for main Detroit, Michi- and Chaldeans in the United States. Also covered nance of qualified bilingual education personnel. Ingan.-publicschools. The guide is divided into three 'are Chaldean social customs., religion, food, games section four, the selection of an appropriate educa-

- pans: (I) languige dtvelopment for grades'K-l; (2) and folk beliefs. Several lesson plant and claaroom tionaldesipi is considered through tIre analysis of -

reading readiness, focusing on word recognition and activities focusing on Chalde_Jegends, history. six potential bilingual classroom models. Secdottcomprehension. for grades Xl and 2-3; and (3) cul- and- language are presented. "A bibliography of five covers parent and community parficipation,tural activities for grades li-S. The bilingual guide - materials oir Iraq cqncludes the gude..(APM) and section six offers lists of resource materials, and-presents lists of classroom activities and techniques consultant personneL Extensive appendices in-which arc correlated to the development of specific UE 0075 ED 210 396 elude; (I) a 4iscussion on the histoncpl develop-language arts skills. A tection on cultural activities Va!hena, Felix Mario And Others ment of bilingun)/hiculrural education; (2) the textprovidealvarious games, songs, poems, dances, and Multiculturil Awareness for the CIaassoom The of Michigan Fulie Act 294 (1974)3) a pupil pro-stories for use in the enhancement of students' Chinese. '- file form; (4) sample letters to parents in severalSpanish language ability (AFM) Detroit Public SchoOls, Mich. Dept of Bilingual languages; (5) job descriptions for central and re-

Educdon. -. gionalprogram personnel; and (6) a glossary of tar-UE 0072 ED 210 393 Pub Date--il minology. (APM)Valburria, FdLr Mario Arid Others Note.-83p.; For related documents, see UD 021 , - -

Multicultural Awareness foe the The 883 and LID 021 891-895. "- UE 0078 ED 210 399Arwealani, LanguageEnglish; Chinese -- Valbwna, Felix Mario And OThers

Detroit Public Sélsoola. Mich. Dept of Bilingual Pub Type (luides - classroom - Teacher (052) Guide to 'the Teaching of English es a SeeoadEduction, -. . EDRS Prim. MFO1/FCO4 Plus Polt*g*. "i -- Language In the BWngual/Blcultur*l Edication -

Pub Date--78 . DescnptorsChinesr. Ctiintse Americans, Prugmami of the Detiqit PuhU Schools. Jigvla.d.Note--84p.; For related- documents, see LID 0l near Cu1tn, Curnculum Guides, Elementary Detroit. Public Schools, Mich. Dept. of Bilingual

885 and UD 021892.895. Some parts may not Secondary Education. Lesson Plans. Multicul Eduction. -- -

reproduce clearly. tutul Education Pub Date-78LanguageEnglish; Arrrien1n ldentifiera_.aChina -- - -Notei 13WPub Type Guides -Classroorn°' Teacher (052) Thisguideprovideatheteacherotmultiethnicatu-


Pub Type.a Guides' Classroom - Teacher (032)EDRS Price - MFOI/F004 Plus Postage, dents with Information and teaching resources on EDRS Price - MFO1/PCOS Fins oatagc.DesenptorsAnnenian. Bilingual Education,Cumcsllum Guides. Elementary Secondary Edu-

Chinese. An historical overview of Chiiia nnd the'Chinese in Ameticn is in Lag-

DescriptorsBilingual Educatiod. 'ClassroomTechniojs, Curnciilum Cluider. Elenrentazy Sec.

cation, Immigranti. Lesson Plans. aMiddle East.experience presented

lish artd Chinese. Suveral Iessdn'lllana and class- ondaiy Education. Englisli (Second Language), -,

History, Multlsultural Education-

Chinese Lesson Plans, Multicultural Education, SecondcmldentifietsArmncnians -

room activities reviewing geography.haya. legends, and atones are presented. (AFM) ., Language Instruction. Teaching Guides, Units of,.

Thisguideprovidestheteaclsrofmultiqihnicatu.dents with inform*tion and teaching resources on


lIE 0075 - El) 210 397SyJdrutifie-'Limiteil English Speaking -

- the Armenian people. The guide (printed in nth Valbuena. Felix Mario And Others This is a curriculum guide to the teaching of Enp'English and rmnenian) outlines Atmenian ethnolo-

'language,Multicultural Awarsiicas for th 'The lab as a Second Language (ESL) in the Det!ott, -

gy. histofy. and religion and then dis-

cusses the historyof their inimigration to the UnitedCna

-Detroit Public Schools. Mick Dept. of BilingualMichigan public schools.Contained in the guide aresections on pronunciation, grammar, handwriting,

'Stiles. lrt addition. Armenian life in America ii con-- Eduction. and the special leArning problems of specific Ian-sidercd from social and cultural perspectivcu Sever- Pub Date-78 -- -- guage groups. Twelve teaching unitsTh*t stress ill,.1 leOon plan( and classroom activities address Notei lIp.; For related documents, see lID 021 developrient in listening, speaking, reading, and

- Aimenjan,., language, folklore, culture, cuatoma, -883 and UD.-021 891-894.Fv Typt Guides- General Guides

wilting English are providcd. In addition, samplelesson forgeography, and legedda, (ArM)-

s., - !" - --(050) -

Classrooni'- Learner (051) - Guides- Non-plans and some auggeationa teaching read'

ng are include (APM)UE 0073 - ED 210 394 ClassroOm (055) - - -,VIburno, Fells Mario- Arid Others , EDRS Price - MFOI/PCO3 tua Postage, lIE 0079 ' ED 211 616

Multicultural Awareness for the Qsesroom The DescriptorsBlack History. Classroom Tech- Second Ytar EsalaHou of the TItle Wc O4ATflinch Am*ris. niques, -Elementary Secondary Educa- Ft*

Detroit Public Schools,, Mich. Dept. of Bilingual - tion, !Hispanic Americana, 1.atlü Ameticais C]'ilcsgp Board of Education, Ill. Dept. of Reseaith- Eductian. Culture, aLatin American History, Lenwn Flang, and Evaluation. -- -

Pb Datr-78 - -- - Multiculturai Eduuatlon, Spanish Culture, 'Pub DateJul 78 --


Page 18: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

12 Document Resumes ' .

Nole57p thrcAy okho for dencnt*ry nd wondry ditñrt. Thrc dimcu wcrr cIrtr i h'ing.Pib Typc Rrt EviluLivr (142)

DRLPTtr - MFOI/FCD3 Fli Foe -

dho pionn& in odrr to intcc wcaM ofnd kiI in tcchin about Aiin md Fcthc Am-

rcpctivIy. high. mdiun d low pprrn 1rvhof Liff deveIopmen! Activity. Thr study wi de

Decñp!or -AttiLudc Ching A(ti(ude M- rricn it w dvcopd i pnof thr ptojet In ncd ptinirily o cootncL method forinlyz-urr. Compntory Eduction. Dropout Pro- tcgraiin AIn Amencnn Cum culurn in w th in zaff dve1opmcnt pwgr*rn in othrr ichool$rIm. rDrOpouL Rift, Hig! Ri Swdrin. Hh fundcd by the Ecneooy nd Sccond - ditricL with focus on argLiont1 rouUrSchoolL McMurc (Individuh) F?oMr&ii ry Uchon Acr TI!ie tV-C Adfcd to prop- rcI*id cot DiI wcre collrctrd through inerEvu;ion. Rding Achicvcrricnt. Srlf E- nd *Lh prior xperieocc in human rluoti ui viewi with choo1 diitrict perwnnd and throgh

S!udcnt Attiwdr. Trichr Reponc workshop dvrlOppicnt thr inui1 out1ine thz r- rximiniiioi of pflincnt docurneiu. Front Lhr in-1denifir-hic Public Schooh IL. flncn- quirmcn for irnpIemrning the workshop. such foroition coIlcct. dcription. aii1ye. idt117 Sccondhry EducLion ftct Thic IV chictrttic of WOFUhOF rnncI, faciliLic comproni drthc three chobt ditzici wr nidTh Uric Mijor ii iTiroc (CMATJ dropout pr - eq9ipmcind rwurcc ncded. th nitur ofpr- n ooin of number oftccFr wd pupih cduci-

grim imptcrnented far 0inih In grder by ticipnt invo1vrncni. proc nd mthoth. and . lion rxpndituic md funding ourcc; orinA-(hr Chicmo. IIIino public j ind in giddinc for da11ng with iuc piici. tionat ructurc ffdcvcopmiit ctivitics it.ihh ccond yAr tuoy cnp(ion ofthe proKrlm A dctiIcd Agcnd t provi&d nd daily ctivitic

drcribedbyccntril oftics. diitiici. nd khonl lcvth; tuhcr

devel-includcs infon,Ation on iL purpor, or&nniZtiOOinlrutionM! iho udcn poputioo. md o

rr componcn Iii icrn of ohjcctier,rntcrik ncdrd, tiThr chcdflIc, procduri. md

-piiidpion in tfT dcvcloprneffl; pndtiffopmei expcnditurci. Anilph howcd that pit-

jcctiwr Diii on findin rornpirr OMAT itudcnL rcicrrnci Activities irr digicd o provide infor- terna of actual itaff development - activity andwith a cotroi group of other high nak atudents in nation on the hJMoTy. eaperiences afld ttefeotypng resource allocation contradicted eoovthtionii ideaseach of the program objective cress; (I) dropout of Asians in America. to incrcase swarmer, ofrmle of how tafE development jj condutcd. A majorrate: uneicuied absences, and discipline ?ferrals; vant niatengla, and to drvclop skills in developing conclusion was that the wfak politiéa] position ofand (2) grade-point averages in major subjects and appropriate lesson plans for integratiteioto Virous Staff dCvetoprtcnt and the organizational dynamicsreading achievement. Alan includcd are eummarieC subjects-in given grade levels. Provisions for work- of school districts make unhikJy any substantial re-of student and teacher evalustijins of GMAT. shop evaluation. reproductions of sonic reference forum of acual staff development practices in theRecommendations for program improvement are - materials, nnd art annotated bibliography are incind- near future. (Author/MJL)given in the areas of insrrvirC program needw utili- ml. (hilL) -

zationotthercsdinglaboratorv.gradingpraciicesof UE 0094 ED 211 435GMAT, methods of measuring student attitudes, UE 0092 ED21 1 629 Smith. Calsert ifand etectiOn of control groups The report con- KumogaL Giorer Ed. Shfrfe'. Sharon, M Urban Ch1ld Achievement Levels: Myths and

- eludes that definite progreas was made in several Asian America_n Curriculum Guide: Elcmentas-y Realities..areas and cites higher reading achievement and atu- and Seenudary. Inteating Asian Amerl Car- Pub Dat2[731 -

dent self-esteem, and lower dropout rates among rlenlem Into the Qaisroom. NoteHp.GMAT students. Appendrd to this report axe aam- Saint Paul Public Schools. Minn. Pub Type lnform?tion Analyses (070)plea of-the Self-Esteem Inventory test, survey -of Spons AgencyOilier of Education (DHEW), EDRS Price - MFOI/FCOI Plus Postage.Sc}tootAttitudes teat, and My Views of the GMAT = Washington, P.C. DesenpiorsAcademic Achievement, Academicprogram test administered to students as well as a Pub Datejun fO Failure, Cultural Traits. Educatipnal Objecti2es.

-teacher perception questionnaire completed by Note-275p; Some tables may be rna.rprtnlly tei-

ble due reproduction of original docu-Elementary Secondary Education, EthnicGroups. Family Characteristics. FamilySchoolfaculty_(ML) .. to quality

merit; (of relaten documents, see UD 021 912, ED Relationship, Minortty Groups, School Gum-UE 0090 ED 211 617 179 658-660.and ED I 90992. Funded by E5EA. munity Relationship, Social Influences., StCreO-

' The Toledo Catalog Assessment of Students and Title IV. Fart C, PL. 3380. - types, Teacher Responsibility. Urban Education.chnol AdmInistratIon, Volume L Draft Pub Type (luldea ' Casaroon - Learner (051) - --. P

Toledd Public Schools, Ohio; Western Michigan Guides - Classroom -.Teacher (052) This report examines some myths and stereotypesUni Kalamazoo. Evaluation Center. -. EDRE PrIce:.MFOI/FCI1 Plus Fostigc. -, in the light of factual information about cultural and

Spons' AgencyAnderson Foundation, Maurnee. DrscnptorsAsisn Amertcans, Cltura1 Aware- learumg characteristics of minority group childrenOhi,, Needmor Fund. Toledo. Ohio Ohio State ness. Cultural Background, Cumculum Guides,- in Whan school aetting. Cited among the mostDept. of Education, Columbus. Elementary Secàndsry Education, Ethnic Stereo- prevalent myths are that the academic failure of

Pub £atnJun $0 - types. Instructional Materials Lesson Flirts, urban children results frém genetically determinedNote---1 74p. -- Multicultural Education, Resource Materials intelledtual inferiority, and that the failures of urban - -

Pub hype Guides - Non-Classroom (055)EDRS Price MFO1IPCO7 Plus Po*tàge.

This curncWum guide consists of lessonstivities intended to help elementary,

artd ac-arid

ach2ol hildren may be attribufed to pathologicalalnfluences. Also egainined are minority group --

DesctiptorsaCurriculurn Evaluation, Educationalpreschool,

secondary school students to gain a positive aware- lImily characteristics, and parent and teacher re-Adiinitration, Evgluation Cziteiiaj EvaluationMethods, Facility'Requiremknt.s, 'Finance Re-

fleas and understanding of Asian Americans. Theguide was developed by teackers In St. Paul. Mm--

aponsibilitirs arid attitudes which ar said to io"u,estee educational objectives and affjbct the .ival

forn. Nerds Msessment, FermnneljEvaIuation. poti during an inseodce training projlam con- outcomes of educatinn in the urbafi school. Role -

S4iool Cosomunuiy Relationship, 'School Policy a dueted as part of the project "Integrating Asian clarification is identified as a critical factor in the, -This volume ola'catalog developed by the Toledo, American Curriculum into the Classroom", funded achievement of success. lila further auggrbted thatOhio, Public School System under th! Model for by Title IV-C of the Elementar' and Secondary

Education lessons, basedevaluation and change are needed in the following

the biases tests;Quality Educition Project wan-deslged as a re- Act. The which are on problem arean (I) of standardizedsource for needs assessment and eyaluation ni differit aspecth of Asian History and culture, are (2) the- irrelevancy of textbooks; (3) the incottipe- -

&- aehonlprograms andprocrdures. Fartpne presents structured in a conceptual format. Each leesonplart tence of school idministrators; and (4) ther

alt overview of major school adminitrative areas, Indicates the appropriate aubject and grade levcl in inadequacy of present systems intended to evaluate- 1icluding staff personnel, curriculuni and, ingtrtic- uhich the lesson ahould be integrated, key con- the teaching process, (lCD) -

cion, business and fin5nce, pupil personnel, Iaesli- ceptia). generalizations, behavioral objectives, - -. -

ties. sool community relations and policy. Fart teaching activities and procedures, evaluauve UE 0085 - ED 211 643two affdreaset the key cvaluation coiscei7ss and procedures, md resources and materials. Supple-. Keen, Michael IL -

procedures for review or revision of each adnsinis- mentary materials provide additional- information Research and Evaluation In Urban Eduratioealriative area, and includes a list of references provid- on specific aspects of the Asian American heritage Policy. ASridged %' additional evaluation critrn* and measures. Fait md may be uSed to enrich many of the lessons in the Columbia Univ.. New York. N.Y. for Urban

ERICsree is an alphabetical index to iSsues coveted inlse (lCD)

guidç-An annotated bibliography and a list of audiovisual materials are appended, (MIL)

- and Minority Education.; ClenringhouseonUrban Educatian, New 'ork, N.Y.-catalog.

- - Spona Agency--Natiothi Inst. of Education'UE 0081 ED 211 6271 UE 0083 - ED 211 629 (DHEW), Washington, D.C.1kumogaL Gloria, Ed. &himIau, Shame. Ed Mooev kbnald R F(jd& Arthur A- Pub Dsle-80Teaëbcr Training Manual for,Integratiiig

IMaking Sense-vf Staff Development An Ansiyaia NoteSp.t Fur a longer versibn of document, are -

American Curylculumlnto the Clasmoom- of Stiff Development Programs and Their Costs ED 190 735.5aint Paul Public Schools, Mino. a

JIn Three Urban School D1g$1ots. Available fromTeachers College, Columbia Un!- - -

Spons Agency-.-Office of -Education (DHEW)J Designs for Change, Chicago, IlL - versity, Box 40. New York, NY 10027 ($L00,Washington, DXC- - Spona - AgencyFord Fotmdatibn. New York. 10-24 copies, 10.80 ea,, 25-49 copies. 50.60 Ca,,--

Fub DateJun 80 -_ - N.Y.; National loot, of Education (ED), Washing- -=50 copica, $0.50 es, Make checks payable toNpteI59p.; Some pbotorapha - may not re-

dueton, D.C, - ' -

F,ih Date--Apr 81 1

Teachers College).Journal CitIRCD Bulletin: vl 5 n34 Sum-produce to reproduction quality of original p1,7-12

document: lot a telited document, See UD 021 ContractNIE'F-8I'-0027 j Fall 1980913. Funded by ESEA. Title IV, Part C. P.L. 93- GrantNlE-O-79-0070 Pub Type Information Analyses - ERIC Informs-380. - Note'-'-168p., Some tables may be marginally legi- tion Analysis. Products (071) - Journal Articles

Pub Type Guides - General (050) ble due to small a1e type I (080) r --=EDR Pric- MFOIIFCO7 Plea Poatag..

'CulturalPub Type Reports - ReSearch (143) EDRS Price - MFOI/PCOI Plus Postage.

DewnptorsAdrninistrator Role, 'Case Studies,Descnptos-s'Asian Americans, Aware-ness, Cultural Background, !Curriculum Devel-

EDR&Palcr - MFOI/FCO7 Plus Postage.DescriptorsElementary Secondary Education. 'Educatjonal Policy, aEdlionsl Research,

opment. Demontzaiion Programs. ,Elementmry- - 'Expenditures, lriservice Teacher EducLion,'Organizational

a5enimtary SejioQI Students, Elementaiy 5cc- -

Evaluation Criteria, Evalua-- Secondary Edueation Ethnic Groups. Folk Ciii-tine. 'Inservict Teacher Education, Instiuctionsl,

Clisnate, Program Coats, SchoolDistricts. aStaff Development. Urban Schools

- ondary Education.lion Needs, 'Policr Formation, 'knading

Materials, Leaaon Plans, 'Trainlig Methods, - To increase understanding of teacherataff devel- Achievemer$, School Role, Staff Utilization,- 'Workahops _ v--- . opmrnj in. the United States, a research atudy of Teacher RoTh, Test Results

School District PAldentiliezy,''Pacil!c Améiicanz ataff development programs and their associatedthree largh

ldtntifiert'FhiladelphiaThis factors forThia manual ptovidea a model for conducting a-

CostS was undertaken In urban school paper explores which may account--- - -

-- -J fl

-- = .-.:-'1&=:c'."'--

Page 19: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

the antI stion of irterch into educatiOnal poliCY

through a ease ttudv The case ud)nç.t conductedjtiintjijr by the SchOol Ditnct a Fcdkral Reservesank of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania to delconinewhat varibIcs contribute to reSding achicvemtntStudents from grsa one through four in nwcnty-five sdtools were selected to p ticipate in thestudy. Data was based on interviews with schooladrninistrat and teather. and pupil records. kndincluded informatifin about toe principal, the read-ing teacher, the lastrum teacher and the schoolfor each individual atudent The process of planningand translating the results of the study into educa-tionil policy initiativeS is discussed. The followingfactors were associatr4 with this process: (I) iden-iificstion of clients; (2) vitality of the topic; (3) par-tisipint involvement; (4) technical quality; (5)reporting formats; (6) findings keyed to the decisionprocess (7) preparation of policy makels (8) 05cr-coming resis4nce; (9) the role of the ombudsman;antI (10) the role of the entrepreneur. (lCD)

UEOOSG ED 211 651Clio. rid L &rL William ItBudgeting for Desepegtioe In Lajk Cities. Fin1

ReportWashington Univ.. St Louis. Mo Center for the

Sludy of Law in Edtiation.Spons AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED).- V.'ashin*ton. D.C.Pub DateJan 81GrsntHIE-G-79-0105Note-286p.Pub Type. Reports - Evaluative (142) Report,

- Reselfch (143)EDRS Price - MFO1/FCI3 Plus Postage.DescriptorsBoard o Education Role. De,egre-

gation Flint. Educational Finance. ElrinentarySecondary E-ducition. Facility rfanning. 5F1-trance Reform. Financial Policy GovernmenrRole, Government School Relationship. MagnetSchools, Policy Formation. School Closing.Sçhol Community Relationship, 5chool Funds.

Urban SchoolsThis paper presents the results of an exporatory

study of the - process of and allocatingresources loL desegregation in large cities. Esini-med were the effects of budgetary Constraints onschool desegregation *od desegregation impact oneducational finance. Pour urban school districtswere selecçed for site reports. Section one of thisStudy revsews the literature pertinent to the conee-tualization of the research quditions. Section twofeviews and discussej methodologiCal aspects of thestudy. Section three deteribes the findings iii theschool district.s selected for study. A concludingsection presept summary observations about rela-zIonihip biiwcen budgets and desegregation. Pre-sented in/the site reports arm (I) art historicalovervies/and assessment of current-financiaL status;(2) isegeareliled to *chool closing and facilitiesFlans. (issuesi related to the funding of- magnetachoolg(atsff divelopment, multicultural cumcula.and pThef program' related lo desegregaeion; and(4) tundimig needs in the areas of and security, and school-community rela-tions. This paper suggests that the broader political.economic, and legal r*rnificatiOns of desegregationneed to bt considered in fiffance reform and policy -

i'ormnationr Also enaphasired is the impQrtancC ofcommunication imong tehool boird,, State endFederal legislturei, and individual school officialsin the development of financial policaus related toschool desegregation. (Author/MI.,)

tTEOOS7 ED211654Qtirnn, Lois it And Othersflelitloitshlp bctwerSchool Descerigation and

Cdverameut Housing A MllwaekeeCase Study.

Spons Agency--National Inst. of Education (ED),-Washington, D.0

D..i. fl..fiflt -

documentsize type.


'ogt/rs, Transfer Students.

,ns (MflwauMcCoinsty)

This pilot study esarnined the interrelationshipsbetween school desegregation programs arad hotu-ing patients in Milwaukee County. Wiscortsin. First.a field study explored the attitudes ofminority faini-lick parlicipathig in the city-suburban school deseg-regS[ioo program whiph involved city'suburbanpupil trsnsfers. Secondly, the pupil movtrnerit tin-.dci the city aKd metropolit*n desegregation plans.was assessed for its impact tin segregated residetia1housing patterns in the cothmunity. The third aspectof the study anslysad the two Largest Federal rentalhousing programs operating in the county for theirimpact on racial integration of schools-and housing.The study indit.stea a need for more coordinatedefforts by school and housing officials if succesSful.long-range integration ii to occur. (Author/ML)

UE 0088 ED 211 655Mmyan. Dorid Ertglaiit Ro6er £Assessing the Ps-ogress of Large City School

Drsevegafiom A CaSe Srvry Appru*cb. FinalReport. . -

Oklahoma Univ., Norman. Bureau of GovernmentRe-search.

Spons AgencyNaiionsl lnt. of Education (ED).Washington. D.C.

Pub Date-Nov 81 -

GrantNIE-G-8O-0142Note.247p.Pub Type Reports - valuative (142) Nurtte-ri-

cillQuarititative Data (110) Reports - Re-search (143)

EDR5 Price - MFOJ/FCIO Plus Forlage.Descriptors--5Caw Studie,. Change Strategies.

Court Role, besegregation Effects. Deaegregs-tion Plan,, Elementary Secondary Education,Enrollment Trends. Evaluation Crittris. Goat-

ernment Role, Magnet Schools. Racisl Bal,n..e,Racial Relations,, Raoning. School Districts,'Sticcess, Ldoan Schools

ldcntiflcfsWhiteiPlight ,. -

The methods and process of desegregation be-tween 1968 and 1976 were analyzed for 52 largeschool districts in this case survey report. The Clamsection presents the aesearch design in Which thecase survey method and the *clection of 52 districtsare, considered. The second section includes a de-tailed look at the varioui desegregation techniquestmp!oyed and a prelinainazy assessment f their ci-fectivcness. A mnultivsriate analysis is presented insection three. An analysis or white flight is present-ed in section Four, artd section five discusses findingsand implications of the study. The report drew the -following conclusions about desegregation success;(1) Federal coercion-- reduced racial isolation; (2)larger districts achieved less racial baIace thansmaller districts; (3) southern districts hid greatersuccess thah those outside the south; (4) county-wide districts improved racial balance more thannon-countywide districts; (5) support from -schoolofficials helped achieve desegregation; and (6) hir-ing new superintendents tended to ianptove pros-pects for desegregation auccesa. lncltded in this-report arc live *ppendices (1) the form tor the casesurvey instrument; (2) a glossary of de4egregationterms; (3) additional comments about survey relia-bility; (4) csd profiles and (8) selected school dis- -'trict çharacterstici. (Autho/ML)

UE0OS9 - -- -ED211558A Multicultural BlbllograpliySali Diego County Dept. of Education. Calif.Pub DateOct 76 -

Note.-77p.' Piab'9rpe__ Reference Maieçials - Bibliographies

EDRS Prier - MFOJ/FCO4 Plus Poatuge.

Ducument Resumes 13

UEOOFO ED2II7CIFrlrrmn.PcuI £ Rabc. Batty CUrban Vcath,nai Education and Managing the

Transition from School t- Worki A Review of aSeries of Cant Studies ot Vocational Ed,catluuFrogs-ants 1w Four Otle, Pin.] Report. -

Spons AgencyDepartment of Education, Wesh-ington, DC.; National IntL of Education (ED).Washington, D.C.; Nelluna (A.L.) and Associates, -

Washington. D.C.; Small Business Administr-tion. Washington, D.C.

Pub Date-481] -Note-54p.Pub Type Reports - Reseitch (143)EDRS Price - MFOI/FC03 Plus Postage.DescriptorsAdvisory Comzriittee. Case- Studies.

'Compliance (Legal), Educational Legislation.Educational Planning. Educational Policy. Edu-cational Research, 'Education Work Relation-ship. Federal Aid. Federal Programs. FederalRegulation, High Schools, 'Job Skills. Post-secondary Education, Program Evaluation,School Role, Sea Fairies,. Student Attitudes.Surveys, tlrban Education. 'Vocational Educa-tion

ldentifieriCalifomis (San Frartiaco). Compre-hensive Employment and Training Act, Georgia(Atlanta), Illinoi, (Chicago). New York (Roches-ter), 'Vocational Education Amendments 1976Data from four case studies of Urban vocational

education and a National Opinion Research Ccntersurvey of high school aopho6lores and aetsiors wareused to research the role of vocational progrartis inmanaging the transition from school to work. Thecase study citiCs were Atlanta, Chicago. Rochester.and San Francisco. It was found th,t vocationaleducation must provide students with skills and

- contacts in auccesafully manage the transition. In-formal contacts were particularly important fornegatively stereotyped groups, specifically youngadults- Ways of managing the transition were yatiedamong postsepondsiy. secondary. and Comprehen-jive Employrneii. ad Training Act program' In ur-ban areas. Congressional efforts to regulate prugramdirection as mandated in The Vocational EducgtionAmendments have had little effect. Federal funds -were being used largely sri maant*ln -es-isting pro-grams and cuipisaent. Procedural compliance withfederal planning proviSions wa occurring. Program -

evaluation relied on traditional approaches withschool officials in control. Local response to seafairpess provisions was quite limited. Local advisory-councils have -involved the private sector. It wasrecommended that through modification of fedcialvocational tducation policy Congress (1) emphaSizecontacts with the marketplace. (2) eliminate ays-tertis of Institutional stkatification. (3) encouragecroperati--n between programs and institutions. dnd.(4) introduce greater taiiety.(YLB)

UEOO91 -- ED211824Scaron, JOhn LUsing SelfAwareness Tackuiqaus (COPS) Ia CaL-

Junetlon with Career Infommation Systrw(MetrOGulde) to FSdlltatr the Career Flangingr.' -

NCw York City Board of Education, Brort, N.Y.Center for Career and Occupational ServiceS.

Pub Date.Dec 81NoteZOp.; Paper prented at the Annual Cort-

vention f thr American Vocational Association(75th, Atlanta. GA, December 8, 1981).

Pub Type- Guides -Clas,room - Teacher (052).Reportt- Descriptive (141) Speeches/Meeting

-, Pipers (iSO)

EDRS Ps-Ice - MFO1/PCOI Plus Poatags.Descriptotw-"Amencsn Indians, Annotitcd Bibli' B

ogrsphies. Asian Americans, Biographies. Blacks.'Chinese Americans. 'Cultural Iansgca, Elcnien-'tary Secondii7 Education. Eskimos, 'EthnicQroups. 'Ethnic Studies, -Fiction. Japanese Am-

W,ts. M,,l,i.-i,In,.,.FRAn,

-Intended to presein,posilIvc cultural Images o di- 'Jcc- verse ethnIc groups. Entries include books on h,Isto' 4Ne

ry. biography, folklq#c, fictl*n, poetry, aitaf and' j.Intecrafts. an contemporary I/fe of' black Amerit.ans, / Ap

- Mesitian Americans. Natrtle Assericanu. çl-4neie/Americans. Eskimo Americans, Japanese Agnencans. Puerto Rican Amcricans, and othe? thnlc

disadswho httrabt)

Groups. The educational level of each work '-1ted is IncreaIndicated. (lCD) ttidea.

Systems, Careerem, New YorkTheme Ctntercd

WaS designed for

lstionhl7ipw1th others. itt goal was to

nta lull aa(cnes1 of' interests, apti-a, and Values In relationship go the.

- _/' -

Page 20: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

14 Docment Rsums .

Wc71 ! 'k- Trny-fotr Blk IiH!li4 1U liE flo4 ED 212 704 Ufl 022 O4-1OQ

deit in two Conumrr nd Crrr EducuonIJ! L thC A. Phibp Rndo1ph Comphrnic MiddIr n4 High Sool Gide for AIbk Fom-L Ahgd Lifd 5hooI Dz

tflItUCIWMI FIJMI1t1fl UniI 450 NorthHigh School pnic.piicd- Mc1 of tith pper 1 d-

Tching ibout Huin R1g AFpd1ZPublic SdioI. Mich DpL. f Cumcu1ui Aveu, oom G-9& -L AiickL CA

voId to dtior oF th pro&rlm thcorcucil DevtIopmnt &Mc. (iI4. rr z pru 6 crcrn 1lc ti)-bei md lcn uicd i th progrim' Th Fro P-db

Pb Type- Ouidi CIroot ThT (O5)of Thcmr Co1rd IniriionI ETCh) Grp ii4rfiA Iadri role i diu5; 11w lym kAi- Not37p Fo rilazed dmit. 13Th 02 1

MFOI PI Fot*. PC Nt Avi1frble from EDRL

rn1. .jd ,iiiiiry roun.l ruJe 0r cmrniiiiiition pipid; and purpir of hi'ii

S6-88Type- GWdti - Cliwoom - Techcr (052)



ihnt i idrc*cd A diuiOo fo1owi of u 0Y ____ - MFO,FC26Awaren. CThIJ Ubcrii. Ploraliim. Ekmn Scoidti

thr C-urr OccuptiQr11 Pekrencc Sytrrn rctr Cr Cuhur1 Tr*inin Ethkil 1iiwuction Ethnie Gtup, jnwuctionl !ttzli. Liii-

'Mene progrffl cniting o ncaur 0r Httrrrt (COPs). bj1rn (CAPS). d viIu (COFS) Ethnicity. Ioiruiina1 Mteri,h. !nirpèrvini1 tF F.ntin, Lirnini Crnc (Ourooni).

Mu1iicuIWl Educatioo. Witc

- Poi Join ir dt1Cd IhAl follow the Thrme. '' Enrkhmciu. Muhicu]toni Education. OCupüOfIJ Aprion. Rcii1 Idotifici--9ci And Unifled Sdoc Diinct

citiing 1nfomtion To Sekr A CL' Thesetopic! ir QeT: yI ifltCTl. !bLI1iiC, pjLC

BI. SOialiLtiofliypci. Vi1ur C1ri1kiion

CA, i An

nd ue of COPS nreuht to get career m[or ThiA appcndi 10 the guides [or teaching about (chrmi) tJIIIrICd SbO?1 DtIiCt. [ociemango [mom MetmoOude The 1ace or theac ch- human rights at the elementary. middle, and higit lltC mdttrllw c}iaf¼enstcs of American io-Diqes ip ih career(V B echool leveli features irstructional Ictivities ciery. hr thrlirrttttjon, baikgrourid informatiog Ia

prdcdsbcwiAicrlcan lndi.nablackAAian, andmater ala which represent a variety otcuitur-I per-' 4liipanic Arcicins. atid white Ajnciinarzs (non-

tIE 0092 ED 212 90 eciivrs Among the topics addressed i-c the r.jrof values and eshies in decision miudier Hispanic) of vinoul ethnic groups. Man eximined -

isurban seoi racial and ethflic stersotyvn4-s6cial skills

1 Aslap, blc and l4i-pa cu1tor ot the context of language roblma

,i- j.aomibjliuict. xi roles ethnn-ti-nm. Alw-iflcflded are drscripdon4 of historical cncowrtttmd by sdents learning standard English.

Spoon Ageriry-.-.Horace ManO Lseroting Center(ED). Washznk'nro, D.C.

and tcchnicn! rcseurch which focuson human rtzhts The ecgtd ttttion describes tritctia for developingmulticultartiliniing centers, the instructigotal oh-

Pub Datc-26 iasuea A universal declaration of human rights, adeIaration of the tights of the child, and a human

jecuves indtqhctpti lot shcaq lcarniuig'ccntera. aMNote-l4p-; Faber presenofri at the Sualcgiea for- Urn Lehool Itt povemfnt Workshop Series 4

rights calendar are presented as an ifltroductjon iriatructiorul tclivllies appropriate to each objec-tive, Folkiort. ctlrbratioius, customs, costume. arts.

(V.'ashington. DC. june 26, 1980). For relteddocuments, see ED 179 647 and UD 021 683.

the gtMe. Anannotatediihlic4raphy of nlmtripsand other audiovisual materials for each level is ap-

cnvuntlttntilnceds arc among the insu-urnon-'al topics rrirtto0md This guida alsçi includes Et-

Fob Type Opinion Papers (120)--- Speecltbs/pended (lCD) bibit suotriry theet for each learning center. an --

Meeting Paper (150)EDRS Pt-few - ll40l/FC0i Plus Fostagg,

UE 0095 ED 212 125activity torrId siso,i, format [Or addi6n*l leUOra /plans, a áinUry *nd a hiblioaphy (lCD)

DeseriptorsAdmirdstrator Responsibiliuy.Changr Str*tegies, ClaSs Site. Cumculormn e-

Yeigoic Charter ZArenamerit of Current Snowlrdge about [be Effrc-


LIE 0091 ED 212 743velopment, Elementary Secondary Education.9n[OrrnAElOfl Utilization, Parent Role. Prograrn

of School I}esairegAtlon Sh-atcgles.Volume Vth The tiOotrb 5d 5ZIll0ot


Vi/aA xi Rkliotd-F /Copulmr Sytbit lot Urban $thoul AAmJnlstra-

- Effectiveness. °FrogOam fmprovernrnr. StudentResponsibility, Teacher Responsibility, °Urbin

Stritegies: Tan Rel' Dedsions. -

-Vanderbilt Univ.. Nashville. Teno. Center for Edo--

tot-ar A Cillo (or Pcdsluti M,klng. ERIC/CUEUrban Dhrnity Series, Number 7L

Schools cation and HumAn Drvelopmtnt Policy. Columbia Usit., New York. NY. Inst for UrbanThi5 paper examines strategies roe ui-dan schooL Spons AgencyNational Inst of Education (ED).

'hiiigto. D.C; 0111cc of Civil Rights (D).d Misoflly iducatinn.; ERIC C1eartrzghous on

'Urban Edotsion. New York.- N.Y.improvement wjthitt the realm of preschool, le-

ntentary. and secondary level programs, and Washington. DC. Spons Almocy-Nariooal Inst. ofEucaion (ED).

temwide programs. Examples ofprograms in tackridr level ares which are operating in diffetens -

Pub DateMr 81ContectNIER'.790034

Wedthba s.c./ Pub Date-Nov II

pans of tIle country are gwen. The following dc- Note-1 lip.; Not available in paper copy d,c/reproduction quality of original document For

Conl--oon-oo7l- memo arc ident.g7rd as common to all succinsful -

programs: (1) well-organized and caiefullr executed-

other volumes of this A,sessmtnt ProjectSec UD /Jone-..3lp . -

Availablt [roe-ERIC çlrartorghouse on Urbanplan: (2) dedicated ta1T (3) divreseand interestingcurriculunr; (4) small size; and (5) clear and fanulliar

021 862 snd 1.ID 022 073-080W IFãIb-TYFe- Information Analyses (070) - Reports

Educatiort, Dos 40. Teachers College. ColumbiaUniverrily, Now York, NY 10037 (8500).

goals. Parent, teacher, and stude1p4 responsibilitiesare discussed. ad the need to in,Ove information

Desenpuve (141) I

EDRS Prior - MFOI Plus Postage. FqNot Avail-Pub Typo- 04dm - Nan-Classroom (055) - hi-

Ionflalioa Arulytes - ERIC'lnlormsrion Analysis

utilization strategies within the ichool 'kystem is

Stretsed. (lCD)bla from EDRE i

DeaMptorsRusin$. Complfsrocr (Legal), CourtFroduttt (07!) Reports - Descriptive (14))

EDRS FrPo MFOliPtOl Pies Postane,Role, Desgregaion Metho&. Desegrega(ionPlarts, Eicnno'ntsry Secondary Educ*tio. Feder-

Deaciiptsri--'Adrnmnistrster Role. Computer As-

tIE 0093 ED 212 693 rioted lsilracllon, Computer Progms. Coni-

Coi- ,loAies - - - -


a] Courts, Legal Responsibility, VohmtaayDesegregation I

totsr Databases. DatatlodsionThe New Haveg School Intervention

Spons AgencrHorace Mann Learninj Center IdentiliersBoslofl-Puhlic Sdroola M& ,DenvPublic SchoolS Ct}

Proc-coiN, Making. Educationsl Ad-nuinistrttlort, EkmenlySSAenndaiy Edttcation.

'InformatIon(ED). Washingion. D.C. - Inforrnallon Needs. ystegrs.

Pub DateS iu Do This volume examines ten communitiea,rith hit'. 'ManaIemrtnitItems., Urban Schools

Nose--20p.; Paper presented at the Strategies for toteS of lengthy desegregation litigation n ordet tO 'This 00004raplNntroduces educational sdmiinis-Urban School Improvement Workshop Series gain insight into the perceived legal adequacy aitd,, trstors at s'vuloly of levels to the basic cOncepts(Washington. DC, June 5, 1980).

practical effectiveness of,valiota desegregationfrom the Federal

and pracodurtilit the successful implementatIon of

Fob Type-- Reports - Evaluative (142) OpinionPapers

. strAtegies point of view of/thecourts- Aconceptiosi model of thejudjclal review at'

educational corrputer systems. Iii the first section,the deiThcd.

- Papers (120) Speeches/Meeting (150)

D}0S Pa-few - MFUI/FCO1 Plus Postage. desegregation plans is given in diagram form piththe-unitjand(urctiano of eornputerarnand the tdsllrthrrulive. research, and jpssructi*nal


DescriptorsAdministrator Role. Child Develop.. accompAnying text. Rtvicwl of each tommunity arc ipplicstloni f oducational computing sic exam-

macnt. Cumculurn Development0 Educational En- included under taIO major categories. (1) those con- mm!. hit cOflttpts and proecanea of mlnagenmentvironmeig, Educational Improvement. cerned with pupil or staff desegrcgatioms; and (2) informliort ifatorna ire discussed in the secondElementary Emication. lnsert-vice Teacher F4ts- those which focus on non-reassignment or ancillary section. whith includes a comparative Analysis of

cation, fnterperional Competence. u'Luw measures toschievt desegregation and renrediatlon data file vid data base systems. Also examined AreAchievelricifl, 1vItpLal Health Progrsxns, Pirent o[[oat discrimination, Under each category, a nutrt-

her identified, defined,the ddfinilids, dosign. development, mmmd opction

School ReIatinship. Resource stair of specific strategies arc aotd- phases olayittoti implementation. The final tection

ldentiliersNtw Ha- Public Schools anlysed according t thcir legal adequacy and ef- examinea (to nature amid roit of data control, dataThis paper rcviews a New Haven, Connecticut fectiveness in the selected commwrities. A sum- data administration; the [capon-'

school intervention project as I model for replica- mary of an in-depth analysis Of two commntinitieS sibilites t((bodart base adminiStrator arc looked at -

- lion in oiberjchoola- Thi iinctiOna of a school advi- (Boston. Massachusetts. and Denver. Colorado). in the 11811 of ousting lawS which deal with both -

sory committee, parent partielpanorn. a meulay which is sard to provide wsderrandioig of the logic privacy od arrru, to in(onnalion. lr°ia suggestedhcalch team, and a social *kills currmculwn are dc- used b the courts and to iliustrst4 the Interaction - that thc cffettivtotus of an inlotmation system can-

- scribed as the Flincipal components of the project. - among ducitionaI benefits, demographic factors, not be dtterotlntd in iiation from the fUnctions]- The need [Or FItaCIWICC as well aS inseryice training'for

and equity considerations, Ia provided in the sppetl- - activitiel lilt It was designed to sdrve, and a proc-staff development Ia discusaed with emphasis on dix. (AutIsorIML) era-oriented sytlem with a high degree of flesiblit

will, in tho lnrt run, be more etat-efficient andthe role of a piionaiy resource person who, aS aicial science edtacstbr, would act ass chats -UE 0096 ED 212 - fective ibm a tLstIc, product-oriented system. -

in the schoOlL It Is auggested that there MitchelL Mo.xIne A, Comb And Others (lCD)- Clementa of training; (I)s r+esrch project in which

teachers instruction inCultural SImIlaritIes and Differeateta. Oar Human

TIes. Monograph f UE 0098 ED 212 747and administrators receivertsearch methodoiosy sndits application and,utIli- Los Angeles Unified School District, CubE Manuvw /Ivtrijk Atsd Olhrxr

tiom in school problem solving; (2). staff acmu,.ars Pub DaieM*r 77' US; A Ciltursi Mosimle Fragrant. Co5pE Alis.on child dcvcloptncnt, applied tnemaJ health pa-ac- Notc-'.-ZdZp.; Not avaIlable in paper copy due to -- md Ulifereil ASod*J Studies Unit for LanaI 2 -

tiers, and curriculum developynenti nd (3) a tsff Institution's restrictions; for a related document, (Cradea 2, 1.3. 1-2.3).

prscticum for ptincipals- (lCD) net ED 147 908 for other documents in this Se- San Diop City S,choolsi Calif

..'.20 .--

Page 21: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Pub fla.7gAt aj1bl fr -5art I3jgo JlShoo1 District.

£100 5tlit. CA 3103(S800)

Pub Type Gd ranhrr (052)EPRS Punt Ftj1PCl fIiPunagc-DcipWrtCubua iru, Curncu1tmGuidr. Et t1iCtt Jk Cil ,L. drrt. Laon Fkna Mu jruujtufll Euu Prinury Education. 5i1 5tdJ

in gradntone throug thite. In uitllfj,fliled Moundthree prjnr-iI oca 1dobjecuve it forchildren to dractibc hw 'idiiIhtdtge it zrantmilled through the rccognItjculrciaI daya Lea-ton plant pr -tcntrd tletd ithrljrctiuc facto onNew Teirt. cclebrleio[tt, I tOrcc dtyt. ap..pci.clion daya (e4 .j01rI)9ThanktgiYifig

Jltd TtII1OU1 IiolldiYL dillies nafloro andethnc/orIigioua grtttt. r'ie geslobjrciwe ii for

hHdrcn to dcaeri Ow CJiiiLagc it tuna-miurd through the na-Olrfl1UOfl,I herocaand faflinba- lea-den. ltle jctetl!iit in this sectionprovide bin raphiesi ittforlltoIkiOl important bit-

and u tuwipouufY flil is thr UnitedStates a0d auosunt.tbr iofld1 iobjcnti1t 0for children to deafibe 4loslIllral hcnttge istransmitted thtotighlftPda- idlolk LairS Lcttoriplans here cenra- arjrs A iiiuiiiuion of naturçmytha. lcgcnd.any heron,; tcitibh moral values.arid rues of ieendur-3, iittltppIn Appendedt the guide air aIdjiItui.i .tIlIbfld infoninctuouifar teatben. and l'a-tj of Irria-la and pro-ducert of aiudio Ut, rnatariik (IC)

UE 0099 ED 2y2 809C.O,1OOsO. F.uerBack & SarwaJ lumles fur Adulk

Refflrrc..Salt Lake City School Votl tff. Community

Education Services.SpoUt Agrney-.Dtp nier,tilEdueStiOfl. Wach-

ington. D.C.; Utah 5t.atc (f)0l1F.ducation, SaltLake City.

Pub DatcJun'8lNotr.-272p.LanguigeEnglith; L..a; ritllfflhIe

Pub Type-- Guides t-t Learner (051)Guidrt Claserooril

EDRS P11cc - MF0JPC11 flu Pudagc.Deccoiprora--AdUlt ucuo him AneuicI.ns.

Behavioral Obcejvcs, Collies! teanomico.ConlUnitr Iu1J LivIng Skills.Family Haaith. }otnii'L Hin, lnitileCtiOitaI

MatreaIs,. aLaQIla-nes lug Activities.Moncy Manageniezet, e1ugeea, Safc

Pub Typ ulet Clasuroorri)inii. trbotri (055)

EDRS Piles - M Ol/PC1) LintDescriptor Au5Ulraflt EdUCaIJOIS, dli literacy.

Annot.1rul bIL1ioe!aphira, ea-sm Tech-niques, otrrV Dcscnptiona. Ca ObjectivesCurrinulu0i ))eUtsa.'elopmcnt, EIOMclhuI ltitefva-i' ltJt a- (Secorid lAnpiagr), Otiutimar..lllircrC. J!l5tt..a.ricc TdsOr Litiun,

guagt 'rests .u1aeracy, NoO En;li) leaking.RStiuls., pecch uiJilatht, SpeechSkill,, TeagJt.j Se1cctson, ruunq Method,,Writing Skills

Identi0erfLiiusJtUtd Englith Sp*i1UihThi h,ndbon

- English LII, (ESL)uiohens andadminiseostora icsda-tcvelapipg a cOUrttIe pie- andsemj4t 1dJut.., sesnag. dctcuOLeniulltttha forhiring E51- tea-qpmwns, and tanning taitbia- In theOral section an qtlfljn ii provided ftsitiitOtg bankliteracy (1esdifl *d writing) ,kilIa Thu nurse iidesigned t& atlti4CtiIine far a- cl%an Ices- p1101 semi-

literate dcstaçrtiorto their itstei0biiotOLibegirifling ESI, cit. A lest of ucibvlatyitcrr in prnvid1. The outline cortti'eand rroresno iUtdicatarc for these typisfectivi-Dc vIal. prO4httjate. prerCtdiflg. yinduritifica-tion. nurbe.jt,.,d oral tapgtoge wnhiIhn forms.Arua.nnotttrd bjIIraography of hrr'IizOlfl mitenalsis provatie& yb1 and sectiov Id.druoui leachesconcerns reprdjont ttinj a-nd -lnClu8niu,nntat-

- ed h ogra-11t3. hi variut tS tUta Citerit forhiring ESL tC4hra -nt cUggested titian 3.PrafestluilPi OOdiPetencie5 a0d peijoul qualitiesare A trce..4t2p ntfl\rtlt POlecat 55

recammepded. j1d cOtfl questiosis rouuoril inter-. view asesut,rst,d 2.. Dcaigned Load uniting ESL

teachetT,ab 4r - presents tctehutt duiqura forthree arair literxc-y skill, eanvenstit Ililli. and

gratniT'Iu ileliJi, (ibliograpties frittot l000t 3and 4.) k'L_B) -

UE 0101 EP213 077Briuceise Rude4 Voughpn, kuvulMinoritits, tPu fa-.or x4 Reform-Vol. 1; An Jpaoet Sttdy 0r six son

Interculinra-] Dtheeloprnent lLticMch Asuciadan.Sail AptOnlO.. jC*,Spans /.gney.-bN5tjoil ls ii Education(DHVu), %'t,ltirerington. D.C..

371-Siband DorigincJ


Prepared to brlp teachftw Aim the bade and bit I

,untial level conuuuuir peaditfidsil Vietnamese Deacrian4 Liotian refuge tlti inirul(otal guide con-

-ly Dl

ujIa oT Ovc unit., OF iPttrlhttlldlltenhll. Topica lion,

of the individual Unift. rt (((Mt the monetary Eapt

system work, (epth, Th-cka-, pollmoney order,, Gritbanking);' (2) the Fad1ily smuilour (personal md hvp.en iauedr.v Ifrauuittit. autd landlord Sch

ty4uottie rnedicij,e.. Amer%tnultlStors altO115(5. prescriptioqa, rep 1ii%iOtCtiOi): (4) uboppirig

for food grid good n hj0n gjond sdaptod basicfood g!oups, smart food OpuI) (5) totals con-sumerian (types at etorcI 111111 the bet! buyProvided.egch leatOn øti iilAbtr'a sheet con-taining auggested artjVtti ittiuinal diatculals.and goal) of thb lea-tots; a tuuAoIIbeet (written inVietnatucic and La0) çoilipltlitih a,vocabulaiylist and basic infornsitiop III topic covered;and a Student injtrurtioot ik)l (trittep in Englob) glvin . tht atdtnt puik In developingmanipulative skills. (14147

UEOIOO ED 312 810- Hnsp. Nancy 4ndOFAjo1English as a 5rcoo I.tttglqp CuM&a and

Jnsere'Icc Ts-aL&a I

Salt Lake City School.Vlmt&Ut ComtnsmltyEducation Serviet,- /Spona Agency-.-Off,Pb pf liii (liii atd Adult

- - Education (ED) 'Wtnttitljlh DC.; Utah StateOSiiceofEdueatloit, Rut jlj(1iy. Adult Educa-tion an4JosmmuauiiY 5Cba'ktkItIOn

Pub Date.Ttm$lNote- 39p.


related doClimctsti, jot EA 014gurea and ttblø lit Appindicci Aducc poorly tiut 101111 print of

nnterculttiral Psvllopinett Re-esoo, 5835 C.cjlagbii; lute 330.

- 728.- Evaluative 1I(

O1 Plot PewçflutAsaua-

taiaJ, iax .e)wcrt -.'1dentiliet*--C&ljfnra-.rruia, Colcira

Lion). .Fiscai p Cta'ntraJity. PlO'Mexic0, &Itroesl .,,,pjatrwt WoTo atudy the (hlitct of cobol

ntinouitiot a-nd poor, reseateducaticitgl fevueflnes a0d I

diatrict wealth s1od- locose. etl'ication i CaIii'n'ata. (Jor4oNew Mpe, hztd 2 Text,- "fl,ej

vsrius loltanirba f educttjotneutrality ma #Sj1 a uinivtriattth.ziatc gta-I tt1e and tijtte-ctsearch yjeldad Jalr&e nwnbcfno large ehg 10 educationalties and Jia- pO5r ftcr the ,ixficreases lit a-peiJlflext dispafltiflInequtIftict,- ,ng baoth Inertia-educational fpOn1c among dliethnic cuiI)poeitinnaa. This v01inhighlight, t,,l,gli ea of data on

quality gad of a-1nty to

Document Resumes 15

educational resources. aocieueconomie arid demo--Icaphic influence, autd the role of federal aid Ap-pendices provide scatlergrama- a discrosion of andguide to research wcthpdology. and lists of vans-


UEO1O2 ED213084t'Oitd Pun! AIgarttlra-. Ike Poor and School Flnannt RrVurm.VoL 8= A History of School Fletnee laformLItigation and the lalereab f Urban, Poor andMinority fldren,

Intercultul Development Research Atnoctaliosi.San Antonio. Tea. "

Spouts AgencyNational Inst. o1 Eduanscian(DHEW). Washington. D.C.

Pub DateJul 79 -Contract-400-76-Ol 36Note-52p.; Far related documents, see EA 004370-378.

Avpjlahlc homhitercultural Development Re-search Association, 5833 Cailaghan. Suite 350.Sait Antonio, TX 78228.

Pub Type Lcta-llliegiclative/Regulstotl MiLen-alt (090y- Opinion Papers (120)

EDES Price - MFOI Plan Postage. PC Not Availa-ble f4u EDRS.

Thescriptot's°CoUfl Litigation. DisadvantagedYouth. Econornically Disadvantaged. EdOr,a'tiorial Clsange, Elementaru Secondary EdueauorutEqual Education, Finanec Reform. Minoflty '%Group Children. State Courts. Urban Youth

ldeatiliers-Equity (Education). Fnscal Ncutsa.l-ity. Rodriguez v San Antonio Independent SchoolDlii, Serrano v PriettA, part of a nine-volume, aix-state study of the

irsipeet ol' school finance reform on minoriti andthe poor,, this reporT. descn'bes the history of courtlitigation concerning finance reform. The report'sfirst part trace, tcbaol finance reform front roughly7900 through 1971 and summarizes pnraIIeI reformefforts b racial and ethnic minorities and the hand-icapped ta- lacuire adequate and nondiscriminatoryschooling. The zecisnd part foctoes on the decislbnsabout fiscal neutrality in the catec of SeH'ano V.Pricit and Rodriguez v. San Antonio IndependentSchool District-and goecon to ditcuta other schoolfinance cates that do not involve fiscal neutrality. Inthe final aectiad the author examinet the issues thatremain open in school finance reform and minoritygroup litigation, including the question of whether.focal neutrality. au,ate conitiiutuonal pravoiana. orfederal rules may_advance the educational interestsof what, and minonty pupils. (Author!RW) -

UE 0103 ED 213 085Eriuc'heu(A Ro6uvyMinorities, th'e Poor and School Pluasea R,formVoL Summary *nd Conclusions-

Intercultural Devdopment Research Association.San Antonio. Tea-


h. 'liltulbical-

npons Agencynational ins'- us anucauun(DHEW). Waahingten, DC-

5c oIl) Educe- Pub DateJul 79 -

i pitibution, Contr*ct-400'-76'0l36lviuotRfoim. No1e-6ip; For related documents. see EA 014pflIdrrn, Re- 370-377. 'fable I may reproduce poorly due to

ban Dhferecci, small print of oaiglnaf document.nI fiid Tables Available fromIntercultural Development Re--

search Association. 5835 C.Ilaghsn, Suite 350.

Aiy (Educa- Sin Antonio, TX 7822L14'iMi'n, New Pub Type.1. Reports - Eviaivative (143)

ltiil EDRS Price - MFOI Plan Po4agt. PC Not Asnfla-ninnourerorni on bit from EDRS.callihuned data S Det.clip1orsDisadvanLued Youth. tcanomical'IdOl It fTort. Iy Disadvaqage . Elementarjr Secndaz)r Educa-

EquaBzaeion Aid. Ethnic Pisuibulion,Ly mud hIban lo- non,ordi1ichigan. Etnditure Per Student. Fcderal Aid. Ftnsnce

'Minority Re-Sumuipsil toed - Reform, Income, Group Children,squipild fiscal search Methodoingy. Pins] -Urban Differences.5Jj 'Spending,v.1111 lid mid. - District School Funds, State /

-AidrTsx EffortThe ix- - ,

edOfIpcludl identiflera'Eu1ty (Education). Flni Neutral-ity. School Dotnct Wealth

s udy mall 4ç- -in this concluding colume of a nine-volume sandy -

ttulth.related of the Impact of school finance reform on the poornd doortises in add noinouitics, the author auinmarisea the project'ata iii dlflhrent methods, variables, flndinp. and conclunona aboutb(thuflport also refotm in the ala states of Cilifontia, Colorado,seMi ihinI dii-- Florida, Michigan. New Mexico, and Tea,,- He Outscdliidimsadtlea duacsinsea the to acneral atiaroachea to flnsflct te- -

Ihinch dia' Iornu-tocial equity (equalizing eaptoditurea) anditlottinend fikeil neutrality çequaliring fiscal opportumitian).pA) mud the The variables studied include educational rca-cornea.4ttI cost to district wealth. ta, effort, income, ethnicity, mdliolsUon of / urban location. These were analyzed at the district

21 I..

Page 22: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

16 Doeument Resumes

level and the school level (in Florida only) using

clatioris, percentiles. and m ures of centraltendenc) Artong th dtng arc that finance re-form tlightl decrcas)d spending disparities andwetith domination, t1ightly increased rucal neu-trality, and made little cheOge in revenues (or poorand minority students- In Florida thr study foundgreater spet(ding disp tics god ethnic concentra-tions at the school kvtl than at the dittrut Icuel-The author en ludes that finance refarrnstcausedonly slight ements in social equity or rslneutrality and that reforms kined at wealth neutral-ity will not necessarily berrelit poor arid rriinoritystudents cause such students are not always con-ccrttrared in low-wealth duseLs. (AuthorIRW)

UE0104 ED213537ZirkeL Party A.Bilingual Education and Schpol Drsegregatloec A

Case of Uncoordinated Remedies..- Pub Date'-May 76

Notc._.'23p.; Façfr presented at the Annual Interna-tional Bilingual /Bicultursl Education Conference(5th. San Antonio. TX. May 1976).

Pub Type Information Anslyse (0-O) RFportsDescriptive (141) Spceches/Mçcting Papers

(150) -EDRS Price - MFOI/PCOI Fins PostageDesctiptorsBilingual Education. Blacks. Com-

parative Anilytis. 7Educational Legislation, Lie-nienlary Education. Fedril Legislanon. HispanicAmericana. Local Legislation. Amen-cans. Minority Groups, Non English Speaking.Program Descriptions. Fucno Ricaria. Schoolese;regaton. School Districts. Spanish Speak-

*z. State Boards of EducationIdentitierseHartfcrrd Public Schoglt CT

Although both desegregauon and bilingual educa-tiun ideally aim at the goi 01 eqosi and equitableeducational n oumitseS (tsr mInority ynungaterthe initial impetus of bilingual education differs dis-tinctly From desegregation in that the bilingual approach requires Separate special treatmeoL Thedegree of divergence between desegregation andbilingual education mint be considered end deter-mined in light of the limited resources and compet-ing priorities of each cite In Hanford. Connecticut.concentratinos of Puerto Rican and black studentsconstitute a vjrçga.l unanimity in certain schools anda clear majoriTh tlg ci'- Puerin Rican pupilssuffer more severe dis)aritrcs than black studentswith respect to verbal-academic achievement. edu-cational enrollment, and aelf-concepL Poverty ofPuerto Ricirtayctults in nvercrowded housing andill health. In l970-73.rthe Hartford School Systrminstituted a pilot bilingual program which hasevolved into a complete bilingual cicmcntarySchool, including bilingual classes from preschool to.-sixth grade. , bilingual special education resourcecenter, and a staff development program which cx-

- tends to other schools itt the city. The HartfordSystem begun to deyclop a policy statement. assessparent involvement, and develop a testing- and-evaluation design. Because both desegregation an&bilingual education ate crucial to minority students.whets and how to iinpletnerrt each remedy must becarefully considered. (CM)

UE 0103 ED 213 628Watugm. Pqi,ieio A, .:What is an EthniC Group' A Multi-Ethnic 5uple..-

rntary Learning Picket, Grade Leeslar Fir-mentaiy/Seçoiidia Grades E.9

Baltintore City PuLL.' Schools. Md.Sports AgcncyMaryLind $tate Dept of Educa-

tion. Baltimore.; 0111cc of Elementary and Sec..oridaty Education (ED). Washington. D.C.Ethnic Heritage Studlcs Pogram. I .- -

Pub DatejO ',

Note-12p; For a rrlated.docmmtetut. see SQ 013

Quidc- Classroom- Tcher (053).Guides - Classroom - LcamerlO5i)

.rIEDRS Price - MFOI/PCO3 Plug Fg,tuge -:

The activities In this publication ill hgl elemen-tary and ccondary itudti.a leSen about ethnie-grouoa.The first pitt of thC publication contains

asked to definc and list the chiractertatici of adethnic group. They write a letter ton fttcnd explain-nj an ethnic group. One activity askS students to

gather in[orffiation about Their famil backgroundarid coppete their fsrttiJ tree. Students read aboutand compare how Christmas is celebrated in differ-ent countries around the world. In another activity.stÜdcnts read ethnic riddles and guess the name oftKe ethnic group to whom the riddle applies- Stu-dents play ethnic garnet and learn ethdic folkdances. In other activitict, students unscrambleworth to spell the name or the ethnic group andstudy Life ethnic groups of Baltimore (Author'RM)

UEOIO6 - ED213.7-76. W,tci W7I!iam .1 Clwdinv'tL Run!! 4.

Desegr-cgatlon The Dallas Experience.Dallas Independent School Dittrict, TX- 011ice of

BtaThtics and Ad Hoc Research.Report No.OS81-30'Pub Date--Dec 81Note-53p, For, r1ated document, see ED 166

315.Pub Type Reports -Evaluative- (142)EBBS Prier - MFOI/PC03 Pits Fottage.D5acmiptors--'Academic Achievement. Black Stu-

dents, Busing, Court Role. 'Desegregation Ef-fects. Desegregation Litigation. 'DesegregationPlans, Elementary Secondary Education. 'EthnicDistribution, Hispanic- Americans..' White Stu-dents

ldentifiert'Dallas Independent School DistrictTXThis report on thtiffects of courc-ordrsg deseg-

reption in the Dallas (Tease) IndependenT SchoolDistrict is divided into three major sections. Thefirst updates national desegregation literature. TheSecond section outlines briefly thk history of deseg-regatioti itt Dallas scnools over th,. past ten years.and discusses the court's intervention in she 1976plan in relation to school ertrollrpentçatteros, stu-dent assignment and ethnic distribution. The effectsof etegregation on student achievement are exam-

in the tl i section. Median percentile rank-ga and 'gains for white, black and. Hispanic

students are reported by grade, subject and sub-district. (lCD)

UEOIO7 ED 213 814Levine- SeisiI U. Stark JopreInstructional and Or-ganixatlonal Aarangrmrnti

and Processes for Imroving Academic Achieve-- meat at loner City Eltrtentary Schools.. A Study

of the Chlcao Mastery Learning Reading Pin-'gram and Other School-Wide Approachrl forImproving Reading at Selected Schools in Chica-go, Los Angeles. and New York. Extended Sn-urary and Conclusions.

Sports AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED).Washington. D.0 - -

Pub DateAug 81GrantNlE-G-8l-0070 - -

Notc-71p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meet-

neighborhoods. Schoolwide pproaches are definedas elimination of Title I pullout arrangerflen9 thatfragment th,. education of low achievers. Finally.chapter five summarizes and discusses those schoolairangensents and processes identified with sot-.proved achievement its inner-city elementary0schools. (ML) -

UE 0108 ED 214 328MçBror4 Marcia And OthertIdentifying Law lhcome Minority. Gifted and

Talrnted YoungstPrs.-District of C011inibia Public Schools. Washington,

DC-Spons AgencyDepartment of Education. Wash-

ington. D.C.Pub Date-26 Aug 81Note-19p.; Paper presenied ga the Annual Meet-

"v ing of 'the American Psychological Association(LoS Angeles. CA, August 36, 1981).

Pub Type Reports- Research (143) - Speeches!Meeting Papers (150)

EDRS Price - MFOlt'PCOI Pins Postage.Deacr-iptors'Academic Fcrsistence.5 Creative

Thinking. 'Eadnbrmcally - Disadvantaged. Ele-mentary Secondiry Education. Eligibility. 'Gift-ed. Mioorty Grqpa. Socioeconomic Status.Special Programs. 'Talent, Talent Identification

ldrttifiersDixuict of Columbia Public SchoolsThe study evaluated the idcntjficatron process for

programs for the giftefi and talEnted in the Districtof Columbia public schools. The authors (McBrath,Blacjr.shear, and Smart) Used the Baidwin ldentifica'non Matrix (which includes an Informal creativethinking test, rcding and mathematics teals, grades.

-, and nominstiops) as a data management system -The 205 students identified were compared with arandom sampling of 205 Students flOt aclected forthe program. Rctults of the first discriminant anal-ysis indicated that the highest contributor to ideri-tification was total nominations (peer, parent, andtcacher) The next three contributing variableS indescending order were peer nominations, math- C

emates, and parent nominations. When aocioeco- Inomie Status was added as a variable, there was no /change in the top discrimination coefficient suggest- Iing that socioeconomic status did not play a very /important parc inthe selection process thogls it did!influence the structure- of the disctiithnatron ftme./riots.! Wbett students w,ho stayed in the program -were compared with Students who did total -

nominatiorid was still tljg...predictor variable con-tiibuting most to the function, followed, howter,by reading, creative thinking. n inathernaücs.When aneroecosromic status was considered,, thevariable contributing most to identification ofatu-dents who stayed in the program Irons those. w10didn't was creative thinking, followed by parentnominations, Socioeconomic atatus. and reading.1DB) - -

ing of thr American Educational caearoh As-sociation (flew York. NY, 1982).


-- liE 0109 ED 214 99Pub Type Reports - Descriptive (141) - Reports /Kin& /ron A. And Others --

- Evaluative (142) / Improving Evaluation Vat In $.'onsl School Set-- EDRS Prior - MFOIIPCOI Plus Posinge- / 5gs. Optimizing Evaluation Vu; Final Report.

-Descnptori'Achievement Gains, Corrarnunity In-/

NewOrlcana Public Schools, LA. Dept. of Researchvolvement, 'Compensatoti' Education. Cur-

/- an Evajuation. - -

riculum Development, Elementary Education,/

Spoos AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED),'Instructional Improvement. Intermediate / Washington, D.0 -Grades. 'Mastery Learning. Parent Participatioh. Pith Date--Jun 81 -

'Reading Achievement, Staff Development, 'Ui- GrantNIE-0-!O-0082ban Schools --

ldentifiera---'Chicago Mastery Learning ReadingNote-98p.; Based partially on x paper presented at

thr Annual Meeting of the American Educational-Program. Chicago Public SchOols IL, Los Angeles Reteareb Association (65th. Los Angeles. CA,Unified School District CA, New York City 1981). -

Scald of Education Pub Type SpeechesiMeeting Pipers (ISO) Re-- This report examines the Chicago Mastery Leans- - Research (143) -

tog Reading Program (CMLRP) and other school- [DRS micr - MFO1/FCtl4 Fins Postage.- Wide approaches at selected schools in Los Angeles Descriporn-.Elementity Secondazy Education.

'Evahiation.(CaIifomi*)rew York City.!ind Chidago nois) Evaluators. Literature Reviews, -

to identity factors in augmented achicveme1*ins. 'Research Utilization. 'School DrtuictwThis e*tendcd aummarr and conclusion necks to IdentifieraEvalu,tion Problems, 'Evaluation IJTI-provide infortnation which cm improve the generalrffeetiven<ss of inner-city aid toter-

Bastion -

A projeqi for utOdying ways to optimize utilization- /elementary- inediate schools- Chapter one presents CMLRP ofevaluation products in public schools is tepottd.

- components and-potential advantages for bg citydiscusses ins-

The results indicate that the negative picture of use-in literature from thestudents. Chaptc!' two CMLRP

New York Community District 19prevalent recent sterna unreal-Istic expectation Ihat..local declaion'rrsakw willplenientation jn

by giving the program's history and chronology, dis- -- behave in aclassicallyratinnal manner, Such a viewtiict'le.vel instructional 'a,rd organisationil pro'- ignores the political atttitsgs of real world evaluationcrises, and data on reading achievement. CMLRP

-implementation at Individual schools in New Yorkand Chicago are compared in. chapter three. Crap-tr four describesiive schools using scboolwide ap-

proaches in Los Angeles and -Chjcago to improveinatruction - for students in cofBbntrsted poverty


T 2

use where the non-use I results may constitute aviable and "rational" alternative- Empirical Fe-aea.rch has silk_jested that results are ined and In, avariety of wya.Factors have riot been demon-suated to affect isa- include the methodologicalquality of the evaluations and the timeliness of its

Page 23: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

report Factors that do seem to alTect use include thereport source. content. anc re 15cr; pOliticri con-aid ions; ad the personal factor," le- the prrsence of at lcsst poe person who cases about theevaluation and its results. A collaborative pproarhto evaluetiOO capitalires ott the factors tht basebeen shown to affect jec, although the prcticabilityof suc.n approach at the local level may make itunfeasibte. (Author/OK)

grams are alsø discucvedl Fiscal problemt, policyimplicationS. a',d varimis school fu,ance reformmeasures are outiined. (JCD)

UEO1I2 ED2044Chin. R And OvhertCase Studies of Three Urban Univeraity-Sthool

olhboiafives Mandated for the Improvemeutof Eduratioal Practice. Vuluwe 1. FInal Report.Revised.

UE 0110 ED 215 005 ..TDR Associates. flsc Newton, MassMorgue. iud k And Others SpOrtS AgencyNational Itat. of Education (ED),Desegregat1n Pabflc Schoobe A H*lzdbVok for Washington, D.C.

Iocal OMt11s. -Pub DateOct MlOklahoma Univ., Norman. Bureau of Government Coritract-404.79-0064

Research Notr-232p.; For related documents, see UD 022Spons AgencyNational 101L of Education (ED). 202-201

Washinglon. DC Pub Type-- Reports Research (143)Pub DaieF4 B2 EDRE Price MFO1/FCIO Flue PostageGrantNIE-G-80-0142 Des iptors--Collcge School Cnoperutiott. Corn-NoteI RSp; Not av,.ilable in paper copy due to munity Involvement, Coopccative Programs.

instituiton's restaictioni Educational Cooperation. Educational FacilitiesAvailable from--Bureau of GovensInent keeearch, lnproternent,Educationa1 lusprovetnenl., Ek-

Univertity 0f 0klahoni. Ncirrnan. OK 73019 mentary Secondary Education. 9mprttvement(5700, 30 percent discount for JO or more). Programs, 9nforsnazion Utilir.arion, I srrtictional -

Pub Type keporte - Descriptive (4I) - Reports lmprovemnt,Organiracional Cothrnunication,- Research (143) Organizationll Theories, Systems Anslytis

-EDRS Price - MFO1 Flue Fo5tage. PC Nt Avails- ldentifiersBoaton Public Schools -MAtile from EDRS- This is Volutoc Iota two-volume report ate study

- DescriptorsBoard of Education Role. liusing. on the exchange and use of knowledge for schoolCommunity Attitudes. Community Involvement, ipsprovemcni in three paired edUcational systems in

Community Role, Court Litigation. aDeeegre t'BOtton, Mastachuscita. The pairings, which in-.gation Effects. Desegregation Methods, Ekmen- valved the-collabora.tios--o(_s college!uslive.sitytary Secondary Iducation. Magnet Schools, with one or more of the Boston public schools, werePublic Policy, School Dpeegregation. State among 26 such collaborative arreflgementa inendat-Legislation, Urban to Suburban MigratiotaVolun- ed by court order in 1Q75 as part of Boston's deseg-tary Desegregation, Whiles regation progreim The pairs investigated were: 1)This handbook was,prepired to provide guidance Harris L'iversity-Boston Public Schools District A;

and suggestions primarily for school officials who (2) Massachusetts College-District B; and (3) Dun-are- developing a. plan for School desegregation or fey University-District C. The study l)vesligatedwho are tryig to revise an editing plan. indications the.process of intcrorfliLati0n5l collaboration on.fwhatbas and has not worked in other districts are school improvement projects within each of th5asedon esperts' recoinmendalions, on case studies paired syatems. Case studies of the vyttems inveati-frOffi other communities, And op the findings of a gated are contained in the second volume of thisresearch project that examined school desegrcga. report This volume explains the atudy purposes.tion in 52 American cities. Chapter one descnbes defines key terms, and discusses the study ap'aome'ublicatione that can serve as practical guides proach..A conceptual model of the school dtsegregation. Chapter two examines the tiorial process derived from the sale studies ishistorical and le;al context haUl desegregation described, followed by anspplication of the modelby reviewing early court Casts and deseqregal.ion in cross case analysis. The report concludes that inpolicy ttandrds that emerged from them changes varying degrees, knowledgC was pechanged andthat have taken pIce i0 schools bver the years, andtht issues of white flight and miropolitari plane in

used in the pAirings primarily through face-to-1acerather than written communication. Such knowk

connection with desegregation. Chapter three deals edge exchange FuSe was found to be governed by thewith strategies and techniques, and reviews findings interaction of the syitcni' structural arrangements.

-- hon experienc and research of practices which history and envisothae'at, and the hierarchy of.

yield the best results. Chapter four discusses iues needs- And resources. Dtail of cro-codingand problenss involved in.busing Chapter five ci- schemes, a bibliography, and a directory of similar

-aiders the public leadership role in school drsegre - collaboratives are incloded as appendic-es. (Author!tion A Concluding chapter aultirnirzes e MI!..)nan0000s. Appeilolces induce annie gaining prmci-pl for desegregation planners, a directory ofdsegregation assiStance, centers, and informationon bow. to lttcate cossi decitiona. (Author/MJL)

UEO1II ; ED215033LesAs.,Angd John Braderusn. Albeit Ed')tiklng the Public Schools Work; Urban Eases-

tlpn In thg 'MOa. FOCUS 9.Educational Testing Service. Psincetori, N.J.Pub Datrg2iNotr_28p'. .

Available (bornEducational ..Tesfing Service.Princeton. NJ 08541 (no eharle).

Pub Type Opinion Papers (120) Reports - -. -

General (l4p) - :-EDRS Price - MPOI/PCO2 Plus Fosggt,-

Teachffcpt.ivcness. 'Teacher -Improvement."JJrbanchoo1s

IdntiliemColemn Report, Education PolIcy Re-acarch Canter NY, Project'Head StartThe problems of urban public schools and curtent

refrn efforts are examined In this issueFOCLIS."* publication of the Educational Fesling

Service,. Declining support from pareOts and teach-ers, budget culi, dçclinIng cnrollment and deficien-des in arodent pes'forsnance In mathematics andacicnce akilla are among thc problems discussed.The ehssactiristica of effectively integrated schools

- axe cairn ndd in light olchhngcs in urban demogra-phy. The impact of Project Head Suit competency-based education, and teacher improvement pro-

UEO1I3 EDII5 045Colliug R. - And OthersCase Studies of Three Urban Unlvaraltj-Sthoel

Collaborsflves Mandated for the Impryrmeuof EducatIonal Practice; Volume 11, FInal R-port. .-)--'

TDR Associates, Jbc., Newton, Mass.Sons AgencyNational Inst. of Educgtion (Et),

.Wathington, D.C.Pub Datepct 81Contract-400-79-0064 --

Nste-277p.; For related documents, ace UD 0222O1-203

Pub Type Reports - Research (143)EDES Price - MFOI/FCI2 Plus Postage,DescriptorsCase Studies. Collhge School Coop-

eration. Community- Involvement. 'CooperativePrograms. ducational Coqperation. EducationalFacilities 7rnpovcmenL, 'Educational Improve-ment, Elementary Sccondary Education. 'Im-provement Programs. ajofoboltion Utilization.Instructional Improvement. 'OrganizationalCommunicition. CrganiztlonaJ Theories, Pro-gram Effectivenesa.Systems Analysis

Identifiets'Boton Public Schoo1 MAThis ii Volume II of a two-volume Futel report of

a study on the chanje and use of knowledge forschool Improvement in three paired educationalayatems in Boston, Massachuetls. The pairings,which involved the collaboration of acoilege/uc-veisity with one or. more of the Boetop publicachoàls in carrying out school iniprovemnent pro-grams, were among 26 such collaborative arrange-tnents mandated by court order in 1975 as part ofBoston's dcgregation program. The firs!. volume of


Docwnènt Resumes 17'

the report provides background information. de- -aciibes the conceptual model and methodology usedin the, and summariCes. conclusidris andrecoijirnendations. This voluriie contains reports on /the case atudiet of the three patiCd svstenss Thepairs.investigated were: (l}Haoie University-Dis--trict A; (2) Maisachusetts College-District B; and(I) Dunley Univdrsity-pisrnct C.- Each case study

- descsibes th, paired institutions and their wlpngs,eIains the study methodology. describes projectsstudies in each paired system, provides a cross pro-ject analysis of the ollsborative processes involved.analyzes the nature of roleslfunctione that evolved-.from the collaboration, and examines factors thatcontributed to program success. The case *tudiesconclude with s discussion or the types of know!- -edge exchange that occurred within the patringsponsored projects. (AuthorJMJL.)

UEOI14 ED215051- h7ntin&- Margaret Zaflmu. Jmrt

Grading lasses In a Des egstingSj'afrm.Pub Dale-22 Mar 82Note-130p.; Piper presented at the Annu.l Meet-ing of the American Educ5tioisal Research Association (New York, NY,,March 22. 1982); somedata in the Appendices may be marginally legible

- dur to reproduction quality of original docurpent.- Pub Type Reports - Research (143) Speeches!

Meeting Papers (150) -

ROBS Price - MFO1/PCO6 Flue Postage.

Repetition. aGes (Scholastic), G,gsding, L;trr-ature Reviews Performance Fact&-s, Frtdictor

- - Variables, Secondary Education. 'Susptnsion,Whites -

ldentifiezs'Clet'eland Public Schools OH° Grades awarded to iecondary school students w_the Gveland (Ohio) public chooh were analysedto determine f*Jaiionships between Lrades nd se-lected school tiirnate-variables irs g desegregatedurban schOol diaticL Failures or F grades and -tchoolwide non-prbmotion ratrs,were both- rqlatedto rates of claSs *t(endance and school suspensions.Over three fourths of school failure rates was ci-plain2d by the attendance rate, suggesting that iris-proving school attendance may reduce failures Theproportion of white students iii a school appeared tobe a factor related to the f"lure rate; as the propor-tion of whites increases' numerically the-minority).The fajlue rats vr,d. This fliding supports theargument for desegregdtion Schools with hi;h fail-tue rates significantly differed from those with Iowfailure rates on such variables as attendance rates,non-promotion rates for the total population, forblacks and for whites, reading test scores, the dis-crepancy between minority readlBgcores -andwhite reading scores, - auspension fai averagegrades by sbbject, and percentage of each gradeAwArded. -Reslts indicate * need to introducechanges. sucW*s improvement of class attenjance.maintenance of racial balance, md estsblishThent ofperformance standards in these schools. (MJL)

VE0115- ED215063C.sssnid Karen Iaivks Burl'JosephThe Effect of Churl-Ordered Desegregation on

- Minority StBents' Aehleveinenti Thr's NoPlace LIke lIo.. -

Pub DateMar 82 -

)Jote--30p.; Paper piesented at the Annual 14cc-- tinq of the American Eduatiohsl Research As-

sociation (Ncw York, NY. Marih, 1982); for arelated 4ocufnent, icr ED 204 433.

Pub Type-4_Reports -Research (143) Sperchcsl

EDRS Filer - MFOI/PCO2 Pla Postage-

Identifiers-.'Auatin Independent School DistrictTX . .Previous research shows that school deaegrcgs-

lion has had both positive and negative effect, onstudents, and that desegregation effects hace bredvariously determined by the type of desegregation,the desegregation methods uSed, and the region inWhich desegregation was implemented. A study ofthe effects of court-ordered desegregationminority studrnt.i in the Austln,Tew lndeendenf\School District compared student achievement


Page 24: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

18 Document Resuraes

gatnt S I function Of ethniC group (white. black, orHispanic) and r -signizent StatuS (reassigned oriçnrrassigncd) of rirhan school children in gradesL'WO through eight Results indicated that in five outof set en grade levels. r assigned minority studentsrilade smaller gains in both reading and mathematicsthan their nonr s-signed peers- In contrast. rest-ignrd white trtidnti gained more than their non-reassigned peers Itt fivt out of S-cern levels inniathrmatics and in four out otseveri levels it read-ing. Thy findings luggest that the proportion ofminotit ttudtnts iO a class and th issues of whiteflight and culture shock mLty,nflucnce differcntilathevemcnt gains among students It is further ruggtcd that massive busing of either white or rninori-ty students may not be the most efficient Way toenhance mittority Student achievement. (Author!MJL)

UEOII6 ED215068'DaPis CJiuckP-AC. ?lanners Workbook E.SE.A Title I,

Rasised.Phoenix Union High School bistrict. Ariz.Spans Agency-.-..Office of Elementary and Sreond

aty Education lED). rimhington. D.c.Pub DateStp 81Note-9Pub Type Guides - Non-Classroom (055)EDRS Pure MF0I /PCO4 Plus Postage.Descrip1ors-lemcntary Secondary Education,


aFarent Participation. ParentSchool Rrltiorithip. Frogram Development.

Prograrn lmplementstidnldentiriers--Eleniernary Secondary Education Act

Title I, Fa'cnt Advisory Councils. Phoems kin.ion HighSehool Disrict AZ, Public Law 95 561This workbook provides information Ad guide-

1ine for planning and operating Parent AdvisoryCouncils (F.ACs) provided for wider the Elemen-tary and Secondary Education Act Title I. The flrtFart of the workbook, which was prepared forFA.C. planners in rthe Fhotnia. Arizona. UnionHigfrSdtool District, is a month-by-month guide toPA.C. operationt over A year. And consists ofauggestiona Jon meeting agdnda and pl*nnin$chccklitts for council meetings- The second partcontains information on Pegcral. State. and districtrequircmenht and policies fdk parent involvement inthe Titic I program. The information provided in-cludes proceduyea gnd suggestions for P.AC. organ-ization. membership. leaderthip organizationalcommunications. plafining meetings, training. cx-penditurea, md evaluation. (Author/MJLY

UEOI17 ED2i5 172COmFMI-ThrOnc LucillE -

Equity from p Large City Dlrectr'g PrsppcflveResearch mod Development Series No. 214P.

Ohio State Univ., columbus. National Center forResearch iii Vocational Education.

Spona AgencyOflice of Vocational aiyl AdultEducation (ED). WashiOgton, DC.

Pub Datc-8)Centract-300-78-0032?ote-31p.; For related documents see C 031

915-932.Available fromThe National Cnter for Research

ity Vocational Educatipn, National Center Fubh-cations, Bog F. 1960 Kenny Rd. Columbus, OH43210 (RD2I4P, 5235; set of 17 papers, RD214.830.00; Equity in Vocltional Education. RD 213.


those with limited English proficiency. 8articrs fac-ing urban youthS enrolling in vocationil educatiobinclude elowknit ethnit pockets attempting toad-herc to their dwO culturt, dropping out before cape-sore to vocitional education, &nd labor marketcbsnges (automation, \immlgrant workers. laretirelnent. large \iitduatriai parka, and In-rcased nuinbeis of working women). Strategies to


-- .-. -\.:--

eliminate harritrs intlude caring teachers, adnninis-tration nd shool board willingness to fund altma-nyc methods and situations for problem students.remedial programs, nd early instruction itt employ-ment and coping skilis Seven detai1d solutions areteaching asic SkillS with meaning for thq world ofwork, teaching employment skills. teaching jobseeking ykills, placing students in part-time civil ser-vice jobs. appointing state equitycoordinators, re-structuring jobs, and cultivating collaboration lwcigt and community *gencies with vocationaleducators. Areas for further research and policy

-. consideration 4re federal gnvelnment role, voca-tiongl education evaluation criteria for job place-ment, and deli cry systems corretionding tonecd5of subcultures- (YL)

UEO11 ED216017Rodwrn, Eugrne Arid Olhen -

A C*e Study of New York City's Citywide Read-ing Testing Program. NatiOnal -Consortium onTesting, Stall CfruIgz No-P.

National Consortium on Testing, Cambridge. Mass.Spons AgencyCarnegie Corp. of New York. N.Y.Pub DateJun 81Notr-27pAvailable fromNationril Consortium on Testing

Project. Huron Inttirute, 1.33 Mi Auburn StCambridge, MA 02138 (52.00) -

Pub Type Reports - Rksearbh (143)EDRS Price - MFO1Pint Postage. PC Not Avalla-

his. frnm-E:DRsDescriptors-5Educational Assessment. Elet-nen---

tary Education. Evaluation, .3unior High Schools.Progrsnn Evaluation. 'ReS-dig Achievement.Readinig Trtts, Testing Problems, 9csting Pits-

grams -

identifiertNew York City Hoaed of Educption.aNew York Citywidg Reading Ttt' -

This sumn-azy of the lljatory and current wtirkingsof the New York Cit e .reading tt programemphasizes theeducations consequences of it. Thetesting program has become controvergial since its -

inception as a olitical compromise for School dis-

overly intlthe readinigues. Treading o-gram waserl fundwere evaldeterminihas since

ralizatian. ltseettis -to have becomential because children are prepared fortest and co*cbed in teat-taking tech-preparation places undue emphasis onother areas of the curriculum. The pro..icially desetibed in 1977 as seedngsev-

aucn as teaurreading 1kiflsbec*use the ping thCtest aswith its fund

-lion for ttachi

I asSessment



class assignments. The program-picted as seiving other functionsvaluation and diagnosis of pupilijor problems have been createdsin's functions are in cpnflirt, Us-cans to evaluate teachers conflict,of ploviding diagnostic infot-ma-ni pupii reading skillg The authorsmg the Citywide Test on the func-1raya of the city achool"ayatens.crions that the Citywide Teat nowraging new directions for educa-in city schools. (DWH)

ED 216076And Ozhr,r4easnrts-to Eyaluatg the Ipahtin In aLarga Urban School Dla,

ol fliatiict,Pa. 0111cc of Research

12 '-.

York, NY, March; 1982).-rents - Evaluthir (1421

ldentifleta--Ettiergency. School51biladelphia School Diauncz -The School District of Phils

vania, wa, ordered by Ihe'omtrbegin a voluntary desegregation1979, To aupport the desegregachool diatnicl applied for and rethe Emergency School Aid Act


programs around eight basic models piring, en-richment, middle schOol alternatives, music and artprograms, multilingual (multicultural programs, stl.1.dent concerns. child development centers, end cur-riculum magnets. The desegregation FtP showedsuccess on several levels. Despite dec1iniflg enroll-tuFtit and the closing of some schools, the number 'of deSegregated students and schools continued toincrease Studettla. teachert, and parents had bsi-dye impressions f the desegregation girugrams withwhich they wçre assOciated. Student interpersonalarid intergroup relations improved significantly, anover half of the students who had been in desegrega-tion programs fortl years maintained or improved

- their natioflal percentile ranks in reading anmath-ernetics- A mnre students continue to participate involuntary desegregation programs, the school dis-trict should increase Ciforte to develop more atqne-tive programs and to create integratedenvironments within the desegregated schools- (Au-thorIMJL)

IJEOI2O '-ED216.307Hammont Miriam B. And OthrrtAthtudcs toward Readlng,-Suburbais Adolescanta

versus Innei.Uty Adolescents and PolygraphVeriflertion.

Pub bateDec El iNote--7p; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting

of the National Reading Confrirenct (3 1st, Dallas,TX. Deember 2-5, 1981).

Pub Type Reports - Research (143) - Speeches!Meeting Papers (150)

- EDRE Prier- MFO1/PCOI Plus Fa,tagt

Ondividmtal.O. aSocioecononsic Status, Suburban'Youth, 5Test Validity. Urban YouthWhile affective seles designed t measure sIn-

dentS' attitudes toward reading have become ap.rm-portent part or teachers' - assessments of afudentperformance, little research haS- been conducted nodeter-mine whether these scales provide accgratt iii-formation, nor have resharchens adequately coin-pared reading attitudes according to studentachievement and socioeconomic levth. To provide

- evidence regarding these areas, two studita were -undertaken revolving more than 300 atuents, halffrom pointier city school and half from a suburbanachookIn the first stiriy, the reading attitudes of thestudents were measured by the Late Reading Atti-tude Scales and the results were compared accord-' to gnide, ichool,schievement level (low oraver*ge), and sCx. In the secondatudy, students whohad indicated a positive attitude toward'reading inthe first investigation were given a po1yrapb nest todetermine if they had expressed theit true attitudes.The results of the flu-st study revelttd th*t average -

achieving students and those in the inner city schoolhad more positive attitudes toward reading thantheir peers. No effects were found for either grade -orsex. Results of the second study revealed that ballof the students in tht joisibllievtng group were nottruthrul in issessing their attitudes, while only onestudent in the average achieving group was not-withno student underestirniating1iisor her reading attitdecFt)

UEO121 ED 216 560Labtyr, WilliamCompHng Vplue Systems In the Iun'hr.QtySchools.

Pub Date-82Notr.e93p. --Available fromNot available separately; ace FL012 94.

Pub TvncRenons - Research (1431-

emént, Court Lid-ci, Desegregation

Disadvanta&ed, Ethnography, Apeer Groups,Fn Rican Culture. Social Differences, Soci-

ry Education, 1n' olingui*tic*. Urban Schools. 5Valucatuds, Parent Par. This di*cussion t*kes the view that povii-Iy andveneas, Program school failure are not thekests of natural dls,abili-

chool Desegrega- ties, buf isther they arc the rcttiln ala conflict in our

tnt Attitudes, Ur. society between two opposed cuituresi a$ that theIrtgitlan conflict will, not be resolved in any factirablc way

Aid 1972, unkss,(bedominant culture recognizes the values ofthe dominated culture, and ch*nges its way ofdeal-

dtlphis, Fennayl. lag with ii. Ethnographic dta of peer rpupg in

onweslth Court to Harlcm are dcictibed to4ocument the esiatence of

plan in February. the conflict btwern the value aymtctria ol' the mew-

IdoL procera the beta and value systems of the schools. Analysis of

:elved grantsfrom the data gives inbight to the view thgt it Is the con-ESAAy to develop fIlet ofv*lues'*nd aqci&1 syaten&that is the primary

Page 25: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse


- f !umt Resuzies : 19

tjw orfrdrnr ftzlurt. nol th rnIIigrn;c biJiiy UE 0124 / ED 217 bEflRs Pt - MPOI/FC13 F1u FotB!ck Corn-

or 1mi!y biekgrojnd of ih chiIdrn rn chool A cñptor-Bilin&ua1 dcption,tud F ih odolinguitir hricitriti or PiirIo

Ricin of Lti Hirlctn cIoe1y pri1kIi thu of dirtj iJh AthIrV! Eiemrnhii

Nrwijk; Nwrk School DLILTiCI°°" G1*ICtflti:L

°° Frogrm. bdinqurny. Equal Edpr roup in South CntraI Hrlcn. Siudy of tin- Rr1rch R!port. DRET Rpou NoL -

EqUAI Oppoiiwiiiiri (Jobs). ELhni Di-

uitIc chhng UI flOLhCfl pcec ommunitirhow compcling vIIUC yNtCO InOZ whiLr ilio or Educition. NJ Office of -

irchCflIThflIUOfl Cdfl1 PTo&rIm. Hiinic

flouini Nccd Public FohY. Ra

The poitzon is LLken that many vue .oildEvIuitiön md Tciting

FuhD1tj 82ciii Dicriminoo. 5chol Deercg.1ion.

wiih mrulir culiure rr zore uitd t th krn- Not-449p; Prcprcd by th Offlr oF Ricrh.. UncffipIoymnt. Uibin Dcrnogriphy. LJrbaII

- in pro1s lhAfl th cureni i.indrd ichoo yicmwiIuc Thr individuiIiti nd corripthivo rh

Tfig. Pro*n Moniioin sod curny Public Shoolt FL.niqur md rpecIiao oF th hoo1 ym con- EVIUAftOn.

Ty1- Rpon- Rireh (143). Juvenile Jüiticc Syiiem

-rrLSl With dolt group coOprtiQn nd

motivalion Lfl rf cnourflrd in tioup (AMH) EDRS - MFOIIPCU6 Plui Fot$. rpor preent he lindinp of ciirch .nd. developmrnt of rieiii itoh

ED217 078Athivemrnt. Adminh-

''° Role. ElcmrñLiiy dUc1tion. EIrmenity fromUE'0122hibrL Jane

Shoo1. 'lttituionJ sOrgU i1r citya thc cnc of buck iolitiofl Mid

EJHhilM7 A*Ciflflbt P,omhr in Pdc itiosI aiiiiiir, ShOi1 Vcinogriphy. Stidentr PCiFI the Civil diThgbMicei ip

Pub Dt-Mar 82chactfiiMic, Sucr. Tcir?iry Role

1dnhitNewhrk &hoo 5ycm Ni MLy ot 1980. thc rtport cxmin (1w

. Notc-1Op.; Fperprcnid ii t1w Annuii Mect-in of t Amenn EduiionI Rirh A- A IUdy cathcd'àut o inveiLigtr th( orpni- cMi$ o(bl&ck 1ithitivn *iid thc rok ofpoblk Mid

correctia;iheiitu*tion. Idcnti-kiciMion (66th. NeW York. NY, Mrc1 19-23, °° dcenninnt iftidni pchkvcthcnt in 52

Nrwrk. Nw- itrry. ub1k c1cmeznry ichooh. :

Iicd Li i major influrncr in (1w dvcIopmni of ii-I9;)_

Fib Typ Sperchr!MetinjPp (1 50) R- oniitcd of izifor-maton collected from qur-caiaiicn.tjon i tie ur*n rcnewai prown wicpu}d brgc numbr or bliii.* OU( of thrir tz.di-

ports - DwUpiivc ( I 4 1)£DRS Prc - MFDI/PCOI PIii( Poa.

ti000Mrc% (101 pdn(ipI iecIwr, Mid itudent).nd whool rrord. *nd oçiudn rçdin nd nipib

tioni ncighoriooii md into iMilMr4.EndteVCIydriorad ireu. O(1wr nnfteti7Ai of

CoIlction. Ev*lution Math-Neçth Frograrn

IhCVCThCOt JC-WCL Vaiiiblr found to 1wv di-Ofl tUdenI nc1icvcmii in1udcd; (1)

jncludr 1iih uneinpinymeni vid i 1ck of

od EvAIuIion vlUDtor. irirhr eXLMiOO(; (2) d!3oom iwtructionand .dvanenient. Adcquir

EvaluationldentiliertAmcrican Institute fdr Rcxearch, time; (3) frequency and amount or homework; (4)

Lh md edüiuonloortuniti among the ci/s black and minority

-EvaIuabiIity Assessment

Stuie5 were conducted by the American Instituteality in grouping; (5) student attendance; (6)-

teacher absenteeism; (7) c!aercommitment. ()population It ii concluded that solving Miamisproblems rb4rrs a coordinated effort or public Snd

for Reieych (AIR) under contract (be n&ar-mum of Education (ED). An evaltiability purse-

student morale; and 9) uudcjst espiratlon. VIfl

s bles found:to have an indirect impact on achieVe-pivite sectors to eliminate the underlying cause, ofracial isolation. Such efforts, it is maintjned. should

ment determines the extent to which a program rnent were taff Competence; job codification;, e directed toward dropout prevention; maximumready for evaluation. the changes needed to iTlairt amount of communication md admirtisirative 1iiP

teacher support or students; and frequency ofschool desegregation; efficient vocstioal and bum-

th program Jtaore manageable and a, andtoward what questions a more extensive evaluation


- administ;ative evaluation ofteachers. The socioteo-gual instruction; improved housing conditions; a!-fiuinstive action in employment; and provision or

might usefully be directed. The evaluators mustle*rn about a specific program before performing a

nomic makeup of the student population was alsofound to affect student achievement and to affect

greater access to the juvenile justice pyatem andrelated services. (Author/MJL)

responsible evahiatioru. -However at the sane trm>orgsnisstionai ntmbutes of aehooIs.1CiQ --


th program stan should be educated about eva1u-bility assessment andmethodology. If thif is ne- UE 0J25 ED 217 112

UE 0127 - ED 217 521Handbook for Mternatives to Corporal Punish-

glected, potential bentfitx from participating in the

study are lost Input from project managers is neceg-MeBrr Mwidyth M


Evaluation of the ESAA PrOWUft 198081ruL Spedal Student Concras..

Saint Louis Public Schools, MO Office o!pccials5ty to insure that programs are *curately por- Oklahoma City Public Schools, OK. Dept. of !laIi- Student Concerns. ;

stayed. An evaluability asseisment is an evolving ning, Resegrch, and Evaluation. Pub DateWeb 2J

concept which requires informed md responsible. Pub Date--Aug 81


flexibility. The extent tg,whih consensus eists on Note-69p. P Tpe Guides - Clgasroom - Teacher (052)program objectives. major program *ctirities. orap- Journal CitJoumal ofResearch and Evalugtio 1 Guides Non-Classroom (053)

- propriate measures of performance must be\deter- the Oklanorns City Public Schoola; VII nI Aug EDES Price - MFOI/PC0 Plan Postage.mined. Evaluators interview individualg -with

different perspectives on the program. The analysis1981

PubType-.-- teportu- Evaluative (I42) Coile-ttcdDescriptorgBkltavior Changr, Classroom Tech-

niquru, Carporil Punishment. aDiseipline, Djt-

of these intervitwt provides itnpo ni information. Worits - Serials (022) I --- cipline Policy. Elementary Secondary Education,

On site data collection includes formal information. EDRS PrIce - MFOI/FCO3 Plus Postage, -- Methods Pun unent. Student Behavior, Stu--- as well as informal data gained through anecdotes DesceiptbrsAdministrator Attitudes, Attend- - dent Teacher Relationship .

-- and imptessiont.-(DWH) ancC. fliseipline, Elementary Secondary Educa-' Ider.tiflcuiAltematives to Corporal Punishmenttiot Fedetal Programs. High School Students. This cunpilstion ofdisciplinauy strategie.was put

liE 0123 ED 217 096&fieIdGamF

Measurement Techniques, Minority Droup Coil-

dreri, Parent Participation. Frogram EffectiVe-together to help Saint Louis (Mistourm) Public

Budgets and Bli City-Educarlun. ' .nessSrlf Concept, Student Behavior. TeacherSchools teachersmd adrinislrators explore ways todeal with inappropriate, una.ceptable. be disruptive

Pub Dste-20 Mar 82 AttittideS. Teacher Workahopa student behavior without using corporal punish-Note-60p.Paper prepared for,the Annual Meet- IdentifisrsEmergency School Aid Act -1972, ment. Thedistsjct had earlier officially dppcontinucdmi of the Aserscan Educational Research Ag- - Okl*hqmp City Public Schools the use of corporal punishment, The manual's firstaociation (New York, NY, March 20; 1982). - This report cvaluatcl a project designed tore4pce "-chiec sectiuna discuss the issue of corporal punish-

Pub Type Speeches/Meetins !apers (ISB) - Re- the numbir of student suspensions and disciplinssy merit. niethoda o(clYceuvr classroom management,porta. General (140)

EDRS P,jee - MFOl/F03 Plus Postage.referril itt the Oklahoma City PublicSchools. IThe'report dercnbes thct four ogram componenta 1)

md the classroom environment's effect on atudentbehavior. Each of the nugt nine ectiona desciibeu

DescriptorsElementary Secondary Education,Trends, 'Federal Ai&8inancial

the Eleunentsr Early Intervention Program to peo- and, discusses a disciplinary atrategy and suggests


vidç prevent8tive services for atudent.s with absen- how to implement It. The strategies covered include,Problems. 'Financial Support, Mino'uyaMunicipalitieS.

tee and school behavior problema 2) the School asstrtis'e discipline, detention, use of reinforcementPolitical Influencea, Public Poli.

aRarch NecdsSchool Districts. State Aid,Awareness and Adjustmànl Program ror middle

studcntawith difficulties in 5and punishment, behavior contracts, use of support

cy,Utban Demography, aU chooh

school adjustmentlarge school envijonment; 3) the Elementary Deve-

servicea ptymonnl, parent Involvenient, the social

discipline model, group process techniques, and -

IdentifietsReaganAdminiatrauon Iopmental GujdkncclHuman Relutions Program to working with individual students. Section IS pre--The prospect ofsimultaneous cuts in Federal and promote posItive student int&groqp and intctcul- aents s smallbooklet of pointers on classroom dmci-

State aid to public school education in sonic States tijral telattonshipa; and 4) the Scilool Aw*reness. pline. SUggested readings are providedinsection 14.

poses a serious threat to large cities whith sufferfinancial stress and fair the added responsibility of

and Intetvefltion- Program tq reducthr averre-presentation of nilnonty attMent involved in sus-

as will as at the end of aeyersl of the topical sec.

tiona. The briefly de-educating large numbers of poor blaik and Hispanic

frompetitions and other'ditciplinsry actions at th high

manual's concluding pagesscribe the district's 0111cc of Special Student

children Financial needs that might result elite school level. Evaluation regults indicate general ins' Concerns and tell district peraisnncl how tmtrquestIn Federal aid cannot bemet by state and city gos- provetnents in clasgroom adjustment, self cohiept. Ita assistance. (RW)erutnenta which, surveys sisow, face daal presSures and aclsool awareness among fargcted studenis, and4of their own. Furthermore. cenijal city public decreased absentee and suspension rates. Dita on UE 012k, ED 217 584---ae-hfooIs are es'srricndng a weakening poliucal pogltion because the inajotit' of children who presently

the eatent of parentslinvolvement, attendanie attiacheta -and

Oak RrL6IL Camp And OlhertCounseling lmnpahad Bbs''

depend on public education arc from disadvantagedteacher workshops, and mdnslniatzs-tors' thc included,

the Qàoakn.Uy HealthdeaL


- minority groups and are not the children of people.who control thc economy politics of the city,

perspectives on project areReconimendatlona concerning penjeer-objectivea,data

Baltimore City Public Schools'Md.Spoñs Agertcy-Buresu Elementaryjnd collct1oo. and project scope are niade (Mi!.) - of andSecond. -

These sweeping changes dcmand that research Inlarge distnctzaddresa fiacal

\ - -i - at-y Edlicatson (DHEW/OE), Washington, D.C.

city school not only andmanagement issues, bust also the nature of urban

liE 0126 ED 217 116Confronting Racial Iaolatloui hi MlatnL I

PUb Date-79-

societies, the fUture of public instItutions, and the Commission on Civil Rights, Wiahington, D.C.,Notr-52p.,Pub Type- Guides - !on'Clmroom (053) - Re' -

Impact ofbudget cuts on students and the ttaff.wlto Pub Date-Jun 82 - ports- bcripth'e (14!) -

makethe achools function. (Mi!.) -

-- =- Note-.-362p. -' -.

Pub Type--. Reports Desciiptve'(14l)EDRS Price MFO1/PCO3 Plus Poata,a,Descriptors-Case Studiesn 'Counseling Tech'- -

- .. - I j:25--.-- .

Page 26: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

20 Doeument Resume

niquet. Cnurnelor Role. Elementary SecondaryEducation5 Fami!y Relationthip. PyologicalNted. hpecial Health Frohlernt

ldencrs-Chronif e.a1th Impaired Siqklc CellAn-mu PrgramThe ro1 of unaeiwiwrking with chtonicI1y

health impaired ttudcnta ftexamintd. and iIIuttrationt of the Chronic Health ltppaircdlSickle CellAnemi Proi in Baltimote (MD) ire pretcntcd.The importance a1 setting jrah with the itudent itundcrlined;a% it the necetaity for coupaclort to haveproper flcaibilityand time to devote to clienta the%tudenta ipctial emotional. pocill. educitional.medical.and vocational needa pie contidered. sa arethe needt and reaCtiOnt of parents and Iamiliet olchronically healtIainpaired atuderift The counte-lort relptonthip tolher SgCneie3 attd pro(caaionahit expl ëd Caaettudiet of atudcnty with aathma.epilepty. and tackle cr11 anemia conclude the (CL)\

UE 0129 ED 217 589Minigrant for the Aetdemleally Gifted-

Phase lIIL.S F_A. Title VP-C. Final EvpJatbooReport. 1980-1981. -

Ditirictof Columbia Public Schoojt. VIuhinton.

Pub Dpte-Dc 81Note-.68pPub Type. Repoiys Desciiptive (141) -Reporla

Evtluative (147,)FURS Price - MFOIIFCO3 P111% Footage.Detcriptort-'Academically lifted. Demonilra- -

tiori Progratrit, Elementary E-ducation. JuniorHigh Schoola. Minority Groups, Program Devel- -opinent; apror5rn Evaluation. Staff Develop.merit. Talent Identification. Technical Aetiettnce

ldentifirra-Gifted Disadvantajtd, MinigraotProgram for the Academically Gifted DCThe Minigrant Program for the Academicaliy

Gifted providcd programs for morc than 500 ele-mentary and junior high school ifliritirity students inthe Ditrictof Columbia, with emphasis on Title I

through ;hnical athree characterisrica;process, a curriculum

areas and

Monitoring, and Implementation Malon Making and included data on tiand dlacrepanciea between intendedculcornes. Evaluation was eonduti

anee to insure ideritilthrough 6 and 7 threemirate program an

offet technical assigte inst!uction is projareas of rnathrriaticiollçprand analyze

objtives, and activigram of the ,rvplualiothe technical sasistantying low income, rriidents; course evaivalatudent results ori re(SB)

UEOI3OPechniari. EllenThe Effedta o(Prrime

School 5yaism -

Pub Dpte-.-Mar 82Note-12o.; Paper p

ing OP the Aineliciocialion (66th. N1982).

Pub T)lpe- SpegchOpinion Papers (E

EDRS Files ' MFOIDcwnptots-.-Baaic 5

fecliyrncsa, ElemSMinimumn Coenpe

*clectonIc regularal think-hlopmentciezicy Inbility re-ttgd Itu-Planning.ror Dcci-reernentaobservedeng fourp] aip at-gradriK

tp enture that *pproptl-o awdenta in the contentlanguage arts;atid (4) torelated to project goala,ppcndisrs contain a di*-'ci schema; a summary ofivitiet,a report on identi-.$ilted, md talented stu-ellionI and re%uJta; an4 -

alid maihematita' lea.

ED 218 353-

I Testing qna L*rge City

ed a? the Annual Meet..lucational Research A,-sth, NY, March 19-23,

tTJFaPera (150)II FIr, Portage.Cciatrali%ation, Coat Ef-

aTcairng Programaldentillcra--Louiaiana (New Orleaza). State Regu- -.

lation -

Ditctnaed arethe proccdurca-impleenented in theOrleans Parish Schools in reap.snae to the Louisianaatate-mandated promotional teating program (Act


750. 1979). and conceni rt5arding itt valtir R-cnt flndingt raite fundamental queatioiit about

whether an eaclutively kills-focused ctirneulum inthe early yeart pcovidea th needed grounding incontett learning and conceptual analytit for kiltttobe productively applied aa children grow older Ab.aorptiort with the prornotionpi arpects of the BicSkilIt Tet may overly focut attention on promo-tional tetting canting the cornprehenuive curriculumto give way top curriculum of 30 irstable objectives.Because etate funds grinted for remediation are tobe used only for atudenta who fail the promotionaltests, surrirne; ,rograrns mull be establithed. thuscausin a dupIi'catio of al7e.dy exjatent temedialprograms, as well as pla8uaing and logittical timeconstraints. No dollar ligore bee been propnted' [orthe cost of thit mandated effort in ataff pnd tearli4rItine or for ihe problems oftct ad.riinujtrtioii Thediscussion concludes by urging mating proponentsto contider whether the cpat involved with suchtesting override the benefits Snd to keep alrrt to thericed th make progr*rrnnatk adjultments aa theybecome necessary. (Author/FN)

UEOI31 1 ;Eb2J8410Sho.v Rime. E And.OihrrsWV flhflOri flI$flOCflUOi flhIifl5USJ DflWIC 01h15 jurougu

I4ilerditciptiziazy Career Orientation. F_S.E.A.Title VII Final Evalciflon Report. 1980-1981.

NPw York City Board of Education, Brooklyn. N.'?.Office of Educational Etlluptin

Spons Agency-.--.OtTice of Bilingual Education and,Minority Languaget Affairs (ED). Wanhirigtoti

Pub Dtte-8 1 /Grant-0008005983 /,IlJote._.87p.; Prjt piality of Addenda (3 pages) tOo

poor to Teprod1 /Pub Type- Repolu - Evaluative (142)£11115 Price MFLIIiPCO-4 Flea Fostag*.Descriptors-'Achievenient - Gains, Attendance.

Bilingual Education Programs. Careet Aware-new. Career Educatinn. Community Involve-merit, Curriculum Development. 'English(Second Language). High Schoolt, aNStiVC Parent Participation, Programbescnptiona, 'Program Effcctiveneat, Program

This report describes, provides demographic datafor, and evaluates a bilingual program lot 5pnitlrapeaking atudenta 'at- Walton High School, theBronx, New York. The program, serving 204 Hit-panic atudents in 1980-81, emphasijes Englithpreparation in order on enzer thc jo market. Theinstructional1 component cii intefdisciplinPry irascope and trantitiona! in natur-: therr.are eight lev-els of Engliahlinguage instruction, two levels ofremedial Spanish and three levels of regular Span-ith; native culture is taught in the social iflidics andlanguage curricula; bilingual instruètion (Includingcourses in career education and explarttion) orEngtih instruction is 1avilable in aogpa conteniareas: and student placement depends upon the lev-el of English language proficiency. Noninstructionalcomponents are concerned with cumculum andiriateriala development, aupport servces, atail' de-velopment, parent *nd community invOlvement,and atudenta' affective domain; Evaluation of theprogram ahowa students making progresa in both

- English and Spanish while their Ittendance rateswere tignificamly higher than the whole achoolpopulation. Recommendations for more cffectivpimplementation of the program in tire future con-clude this report (MJL) -

UE0132 ED218412Web MiclaaPl a. Come. Mirtifl7, Brian, Cerise,

q!iaJ OpportunIty in.Educatlon. Urban SchoolsBIbliography Series Number 1-oluanbia Univ.. Ntw York, N.Y. Inst.JoT Urbanand Minority Education.; ERIC Clearinghouse onUrb*n Education, New York, N.Y.ona Agency-National Ituar. of Education (ED).Washington, DCila

arc tJD 022 44Pub Typr.,-\kefi

(171) -lnforntion Ana1yia F

EDRS FilciM]hIs from EDRi

illable in paper copy due toons. For related documents

e M*ieiials - Bibliogrnphless AnSlyses - ERIC Inforitia-

(071)'lea oataga, PC Nt Avail.-


Dcscriptort..-Annotated Bibliographiet.BiljngutlEducation, aElementary Secondary Education.Equal Education, Multicultural Education,

- tSchool Detçregatiors. Urban Education. aiJr.Schools

This bibliography coDs its of nearly 500 refer-ences to works on equal educadonal opportunitycited between 1975 and 1981 in "Peaourcrt in Education" The documents cited, most of which weredeveloped by urban school dirtricta in cities with a - -

populauo,p of 100,600 or more1 deal primarily withurban education, school desegregation. bilingualand br multicultural education. Works sic lipted inorder of ERIC document (ED) number. Each refer-ence contains bibliographical information, indexterms (ERIC descriptors and 3dentera), and au ..

abstract. Also provided in the bibliography are a -

aubject index, an author index. apd informatiori forordering ERlCdocumenta. (OC)

UE0133 ED21813Wb& Michael 1. Coma MaraafJL Brian, GonspiSchool Policy. Adminlph.atj, and Carrkulqm.

Urban Bibliography SerIes Number 2-Columbia Univ., New York. N.Y. Inst. for Urban

and Minority Education.: ERIC Clearinghouse on

;gencyNatinnal,lnst of Education (ED),naton. DC.

t...400..77D071 -

74p.; Not available in paper copy due tc'ijhuiTreatiictiona. For rcl*teddocurnentsD 022 445-448,e- Reference Materials - Bibliographies

Information Analyses - ERIC ln[oima-nalysia Products (072)

- MPOI Plus Postage PC Not Ayaila-iw EDR.S.lurs-Annotated Bibliographies.

, Educstional Administration. Elemen-rcondary Education, Schiool Policy, Urban(ion, aurban Schoola


tibliography consists, oI(nearly 500 refer-ences to worka on urban school policy. adminiatra-tion, and curriculum. The works cited, moat ofwhich WCre developed by achool di*uicta in largecities, were compiled from a computer search of"Resouices in Education" from 1975 t.l981. Cita-dons are orgdniaed by ERIC document (ED) num-bet. - Each refercncr contains bibliagr*phica.linformation, index terma (ERIC desc,jtora andidentifiers), and an abetract. Also inelpded in thebibliography are aubject and author indexes, as wellas infminauon for ordering ERIC documents. (GC)

UEJI34 -. ED218414Webb, Michael E. Coctp MarufJl .Bman. Com,

Tat1ng,.Evaluat1ue. and Academic Achleseweat..Urban Schools Bibliography Series Nuib 3

Côlumbi Unit'., New York, N.Y. hut, for Urbanand Minority Education.; ERIC Clearinghouse onUrban Education, New York, N.Y

Spans Agency-National Inst. of Education (ED).Washillton. .DC-

Pub Datt--82Contract-400-77.0071Note-138p.; Not available in paper copy due tor

in$titution'a restrictions. Fr related dotumentsee UD 02L445-448;

Pub Type..-. Relerenc Matetipla - Bibliographies(131) - Infotmation Arialyara - ERIC Inforrna-(ion Mialais Products (071)

EDRS Price - MFOI Flea Postage- PC Not AvailS-hIs flow EDRS.

- a - .1.i_ A ..i,i_.._.,,__. a .._,_A

to wnrka on testing, evaachievement, particularly iicited wee developed prithidistricts and include researcreports. These referencesaources in Education" betware listed here in ordtr of

Testing, 5UrbasrEdU-

1 Dearly 300 reference'ultion. $nd -academic-rban .,choola. Works

rily by large citti aduoolI Studies and evalatiofliratapearedln"Re-

forrnatlun, index teens (ERIC descriptors and iden-tTfleiz), and an Absu'act. -Also provided In thebibliography are aubctand author indexes, as wellas information for ordering ERIC docuinenta. (OC)

UE0135 - ED2184I5--Webb, MIihaeI B. Campi ManiJJl R"la Camp.;Career Dsve1ogeat., Mteinafly. Schools and

Page 27: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Cammuelty Involvement In Education Urb.nScbooh Bibliography Series Number 4.

Columbia Un:v, New York. NY lnsL for Urbanand Minority Education; ERIC Cleannghouse onUrban Education, New York. NY

Spon AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED).Wa.shington, DC

Pub Dpte'82Contract400-77-007 INoteM9 Not vai1able in paper copy due to in-

stitution's restIctions For reLated documents areUD 022 445-447.

Fob Type. Reference M.terists - Bibliographies(131) Information Analyses ERIC Informa-tion Analysis Froduet.s (071)

FORE Price - MFOI PIuS Fottfge. PC Not Avalla.his from EDRS.

DescriptorsAnnotated Bibliographies. CareerDevelopment. Career Education. Cornmunitylnvolvenmr,t. Elementary Secondary Education, Education. School CommunityRelationship. Urban Education, Urban Schools,

Vocational EducationThis bibliography contains over 100 references to

works-on career development, altematise schoolS,and community involvement in elementary and sec-ondary education. Works cited were developedprimarily by urban school districts in cities with apopulation of 100.000 or more, and include researchstudies, evaluation reports, and instructional materi-als These references first appeared in "Resources inEducation" between 1975 and 1981, and are listedhere in order of ERIC deurnent (ED) numberEach reference contains bibliographical informa-tion, index terms (ERIC descriptors and identifiers),and an abstract. Also provided in the bibliographyare subject and author indeses. as well as informa-tion for ordering ERIC documents (CC)

UF 0136 ED 218 862EfrovcJoR, --

Insersice TriloIng for Tacbers of Visually Hand-

Los Angeles Unified School District, CalifSponi AgencyCalifornia Sr,z:e Dept. 0f Educs

- tion, Sacramento-Pub DateJO Jun 80GiantI 9-64733-80-3293-7100Note-228p.Pub Type' Reports - Research (143) TestsI

Questionnaires (160)EDRSFrlce - MFOIIFCIO Flits Postage.Deicnptora'Elementary Secondary Education,

lnservice Teacher Education. 'Itinerant Teach'ci's. Mainstreaming. aRemurce Teachers. SelfEvaluation (IndividualS). 'Services, 'Visual bet-paitments -The study exAmined the effects of an insjvice

program for nine resource and eight itinerant tlach-en oh akills of regular classroom teachers in meet-

classroom teachers by resource and itingggnt teach-ers, An introductory chapter covers h1kground ofthe study. statement of the problem. need for theatudy. statement of purpose, review of the literature,hypotheses, arid delimitations. The research design.covered in a second chapter. included a survey ofclassroom teachera, a aurvey of resource and itinn'ant teachers, and an objective teat of knowledgeadministered to resource and itinerant teachers. The

rIca, results of sup-n teacher skills andresource and isinar-

room teauner,, and evaluation ovttie-Thservlos ciasaby participants.- Chapter 4 offers findings, conclu-sions, and tecbmmendatjotis which include: the in-service program was effective in increasing the selfconfidence of classroom teachers relative to main-raining realiatic eapcc*stions for their visually hand-icapped atudenta; the program"did not have impacton classroom teacher evaluations of aupportive per-viceS; and the type of school in which itJnentteachers worked had no effect on self evaluations ofitingraril teachers- Appended are sample surveyforma. evaluation forms, reaponaea, commenta, andtabius adth at,atistical datSB)

UE d137 ED 218 928Wthtwi,det Ln, 4d OthersLaa Year-End Report, 1979-1980. Los Angl

Unified School District. Publicatfed No. 379.Loa Angelea Unified School Distilct, Calif. Re-

search and Evnivation Branch.

Pub DateOct 80Note-373p-; Prepared by the Bilingual Evalu,stion

Unit. Research and Evaluation Branch.Pub Type Reports - Evaluative (142)FORE Price - MFOI/PCI3 Plus Poetage.Deucriptors-'-Adminireratiwe Organization. Annual

Reports, Bilingual Education. 'Bilingual Education Programs. Bilingualism. Compliance (Legil),Educational Policy, Elementary Secondary Edu-cation, 'English (Second Language). 'LimitedEnglith Speaking, Needs Assessment, Non Eng-lish Speaking. Program-Evaluation, PsychologicalServices. School Comniu&ty Relationship, Spe-vial Education, Staff Development, Student Wel-fare

ldentifiers-'--Calii'ornia. Lau v NicholsThis second annual year-end report summarizes

the efforts or adminittnators. teachers, and studentsin the Las Angeles Unified School District on behalfof children whose primary language is not English.It documents the district'S response to the January1974 Supreme Court decision in Lau v. Nichols.The response is embodied lit programs for nationalorigin minority students inEnglish as well as in thenative language. Following an the district and the project history. the report isorganised according to the major dtvisions 01 thesch'ool district's Lao plan: (I) identification of na-tional origin minority children and assessment oftheir needs, (2) elementary programs, (3) secondaryprograms; (4) special education programs, (5) staff-ing activities; (6) staff development programs, (7)community involvement program; (5) administra-tive organization for implementing the Lao Plan andsupportive monitoring procedures; (9) counsellingand psychological services; (10) other support ser-vices, including health, student adjustment services,pupil services, attendance, and educational options;and (11) evaluation activities- The appendices in-clude tables of numerical derails referenced in thenarrative uSction, a reader's glossary of specialterms and acronyms, and forms and instructionsused-in gsthering-data.-fAutlior/AMH)----- =

UEOI3S ED218929Br'nn AnO Teresa And UshersCoerleulum Guide, English an a Second Language,

Flndargarten through Grade TwrIrr.Newark Board of Education, NJ. Dept. of Cur-

Document Resumes 21

Pub Type Opinion Papers (120) - Reports -General (140) - SpeecheslMeeting Papers (150)

FORE Price - MFOI/FCUI Plus Postage.Descriptors_aBehavior Problems, 'Black Youth.

'Cultural Differences, Discipline. ElementarySecondary Education. Females. 'Games. InnerCity. Males. Prisoners, Social Influences. 'Stu-dent Teacher Relationship. 'Subcultures, TeacherAttitudes, Whites

ldentjfiers'Foater (Herbert)In this paper. William Wilbartks discusses Herbert

Foster's "Ribbin', Jjvjn', md Plyin' the Dozens." abook on the relationship between inner city youthand their teachers, The book's title derives fromthree types of gaines often played in the classroomribbing, a verbal game of taunting other students orthe teacher; jiving. which involves manipulativetechniques to protect oneself from troublE"and'playing the dozens, in which contestants snistiht oneanother until one gives up or resorts to violenceAccording to Wilbanks, Foster's thesis is that ininner-city schools there is a culture gap 'betweenlargely black, lower ctasg youth and their largelywhite, middle-clam teachers- Students, behaving ac-cording to the rules of their Streetcorner subculture,constantly play gaines to test teachers who misinter-pret the games as forms of disruptive behavior.Hence, Foster maintains, educational failure is--largely due to teachers' inability to understand thestudents' subculture. Wilbanks criticizes Foster asbeing rather too criucs.1 of the teacher, and as havingneglected the students' role in understanding thetrarhtrs' perspectives. Moreover, Wilhanks notesthat several of Foster's statements are insufficientlyexplained. Neverthrless, Wilbanks finds Foster'spoints valuable in understanding not only inner-citystudents but alto criminals and prisoners who playsimilar games. (AuthorIMiL)

UEOI4O ED219469Zafii'us, James ning MargaretA Study of Dhinvpant Reading AchlevrmCat of

Cleveland Public Schools. Ohio.Pub DateJun 82 -Notell7p.; For related document see ED 218

390. -PubTEpe_Reposia. Resear - cIt (143) - Nurnen-

I- Classroom - Teacher (052)Flea Postage. PC Not'Av.Ila-

a detailed

seven parts. Fails two and threephilosophy and goals of ESL in Newaext part of the guide is devoted ttr.methods and techniquesi (2) devloptand objectives for listening and spealwriting. and culture; (3) and appendicvide a large number of class activitietThi emphasis is on making the techntivitiex usabI by teachers- Eah actidesctibed soth regard to procedurc *materials; numerous examples or claSs exercises are -'provided. Evaluation forms for use by teachers anda bibliography complete the volume. (AMH)

liE 0139 -- ED 219 468Wilhorzks Wdlthm IBridging the Cultenc Cap iii Inner-fly Schoobe A

Summary and Critique of the Approacb of Her'best Foster in "Mjb'bIn ham' pud Plays' thefoams," '-- -

Pub DateI Jim 82Note lAp.; In: Woods, Sandra, Ed.; Samuda, Ro-


Transfer Students, Urban to Bubuthan Migration.'Whitt Students -

ldentifiers'Cheveland Public Schools OH ,This report presents supplementary findings of a

study on disparities in reading test acorea betweenwhite and minority studenta in cleveland, Ohio,

- public schools. Phase four results indicate th,L (1)proportons of declining reading scares were great-est in those grades where reassignment due-to-shedesegregation plan and building structures wasgreatest; (2) lowest pretest scorers performed betteron the posttext than students in general, suggestingthe effectiveness of compensa!ory education pro-grams for low achievers; (3) among the lowest pret-

more sthan ra

he preptst compared to the national normIter than expected when compared with-md Public Schóol (loon; (5) the middleudenti'peiformtd poorly on the pretestcled from overahl'student performance;il regression analysts yielded a statistical-itt gain for whites but not for minthities,idents who bud. attended THINK, aeading program; ('7) ThINK atudentsI loweaf on jist pretest dtd better on thean-s com STh'grottpof nan-ThINKut the ceverse occurred fni'Jhe highestggesting that low performing hite pus':fitled most from THINK (8) higher-students out.migrated at a greater rate'-.achievers; and (9) Family income was a

rtcan.t predictor of student out-migration

Page 28: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Academic AchievementAttitudes toward Reading: Suburban Adolescentsversus Inner-City Adolescents and PolygraphVerification.

I1E 0120Characteristics of High Achieving ElementarySchools in Newark. Newark School District Re-search Report. ORET Report No. 5.

UE 0124Desegregation: The Dallas Expelience.

UE 0106Final Evaluation Report on Detroit's Title le-CBilingual Project. 1978-1979.

UE 0026Testing. Evaluation, and Academic Asnievement.Urban Schools Bibliography Series Number 3.

UE 0)34Using Multiple Measures to Evaluate the Impactof Desegregation in a Large Urban School Dis-trict.

UE 0119Academic FWIm-e

`Grading Issues in a Desegregating System.UE 0114

Urban Child Achievement Levels: Myths andRealities.

UE 0084

Atddemic PeralStenCeratifying Low Income, Minority, Gifted and

Talented Youngsters.UE 0104

Academically GiftedMinigrant Program for the Academically Gifted-Phase III. E.S.E_A. Title IV -C. Final Evaluation

'Report, 1980-1951.UE 0129

AccelerationFast Paced Mathematic Projeet. Final Evalua-tion Report.

UE 0035

Accountability'Makin-the PublieheiOti-Wthk: Urban Educe-

-t-Tiri in the '110s. FOCUS 9.

Subject Index

The. Effect of Court-Ordered Desegregation onMinority Students* Achievement: There's NoPlace Like Home.

UE 0115Instructional anti OrganitationaLArranstrinntsand Processes for Improving Academic as Ir City Elementary SchooLs A Studyof the Chicago Mastery Learning Reading Prii.gram and Other School-Wide Approaches for Im-proving Reading at Selected Schools in Chicago.Los Angeles. and New York. Extended Summaryand Conclusions.

UE 0107A Second Year Study of the Educational andDemographic Factors That Affect the Readingand Mathematics Performance of Title I Students.Report No. 77-1.

UE 0045A Study of Discrepant Reading Achievement ofMinority and White Students in a DesegregatingSchool Distil= Phase IV.

UE 0140Testing Results for Minority Isolated Schools.San Diego City Schools. Spring 1981. Repc=t295.

LIE 0051Walton High School - Bilingual Basic Skillsthrough Interdisciplinary Career Orientation.ES.EA. Title VII Final EvaluadosReport, 1980k1981.

a. UE 0131

Adjustment (to Environment)Home-School. Discrepancies and the Puertocan Exceptional Child.

UE 0014Administrative policy

Guide to the Administration.of Bilingual/Bieul-tural Education Programs in the Detroit PublicSchool

UE 0077Administrator Attitudes

Desegregation Evaluation Progress Report:Teachereancl-Administratora Survey Responses.

UE 0111Acculturation

Psychological Evaluation of Korean School Chil-dren: A Preliminary Report.

UE 0010AChievem Gana

Educatic-md Effectiveness and Student AcademicGair-- ion No. 51-3.

UE 0039

Report No. 79-15. a

UE 00421977-75 Desegregation Evaluation Summary. Re-port No. 75-9.

- UE 0040AdminiStrator Role

Computer Systems for Urban School Administra-tors: A Guide for Decision Making. ERIC/CUEUrban Diversity Series, Number 75.

LIE 0097The Toledo Catalog. Assessment of Students andSchool Administration, Volume I. Draft

UE 0056The Urban Principal. Discretionary Decision.-Making in a Large Educational Organization_

UE 0011

Admission CriteriaGuide to the Administration of Bilingual:Bicul-tural Education Programs in the Detroit PublicSchools.

UE 0077

Adult Basic EducationPhoenix Union High School District *210 AdultAcademy Evaluation Report, 198041. ResearchServices Report No 33.08:80/81:010.

UE 0046

Adult Literacy --English as a Second Language Curriculum andInservice Training.

UE 0100Africa

Multic_ultunt Awareness for the Classroom: TheBlack American

UE 0073Title African- American Studies ogram. Stu-dent Workbook.

African historyMulticultural Awareness for theBlack Americans_

UE 0064

roomi The

UE 0073

Age DifferencesDescriptive Analysis of the oI975 -79 HorizonPopulation and Selection Process. Report No. 79-13_.

UE 0041

Alternatives to Corporal PunishmentHand-1300k. for Altunatises to Corporal Punish-meet. Special Studint Concerns,

UE 0127

American IndiansA Multicultural Bibliography.

UE 0089Arabs

Multicultural Awareness for the Classroom: TheChaldeana.

UE 0074

ArmenianMulticultural AwayArmenians.


or the Classroom: The

UE 0072 .

Page 29: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

24 Armenians Subject Index J

Multicultural Awareness for the Classroom: Thec Armenians.

UE 0072

Asian AmericansAsian American curriculum Guide; Elem entaryand Secondary. Integrating Asian American Cur-riculuip into the Classroom_

UE 0082teacher Training Manual for Integrating AsianAmerican Curriculum into the Classroom.

UE 0081-Turning the Page"/The Appropriate Use ofAsian American Children's Literature in theClassroom. a

UE 0001

AttendanceEvaluation of the ESAA Program. 198fa81.t UE 0125Grading Issues in Desegregating System.

UE 0114Product Evaluation of the Uniform Code of Stu-dent Conduct Component of the Detroit Desegre-gation Court Order_

UE (102

Attitude ChangeSecond Year Evaluation of he Title We OMATProgram.

UE 0079

Attitude Measuresedtitodes toward Reading Suburban Adolescentsversus Inner-City Adolescents and PolygraphVerification.

UE 0120

Austin Independent School DistrictThe Effect of Court-Ordered Desegregation onMinority Students* Achievement; There's NoPlace Like Home.

UE 0115_ .Behavior

The Urban Principal. Discretionary Decision-Making in a Large Educational Organization.

UE 0011

Behavior Prohlew-SBridging the Culture Cap in Inner-City Schools;A Summary and Critique of the Approach of Her-bert %Foster "Ribbin'. J ivin* and Playin* the Doz-ens_

UE 0139

BiculturalisenSpanish Language Arts Enrichment Guide.

UE 0071

Bilingual EncationBESL l9ndbook for Spanish/English BESLClasses.

UE 0032Bilingual Education and School Desegregation: ACare of Uncoordinated Remedies.

UE 0104Comprehensive High School 'Bilingual Program.ESEA Title VII. Final Evaluatiota Report. 1979-1110.

UE 0005Equal Opportunity in. Education. Urban School?Bibliography Series Number 1.

UE 0132Final Evaluation Report on Detroit's Title IV-CBilingual Project. 1973-'1979.

UE-Guide to the Administration bf Bilingual/Bicul-tural Education Programs in the Detroit PublicSchools_

UE 0077The Native Language Reading Approach Train-ing Program. ESEA Title VII. rtnal'EvaluationReport. 1979-1930. -

UE 0004Spanish Language Arts EllliChmEnt Gad e.' 1 E 0071

Bilingual Education PromLau Year-End Report, 1979-1950. Lot AngelesUnified School District. Publication No. 37

UE 0137Walton High School Bilingual Basic Skillsthrough Interdisciplinary Career Orientation.ES.E.A. Title VII Final Evaluation Report. 1910-1911.

LIE 0131

ProgramsComprehensive High School Bilingual Program.ESEA Title VII_ Final Evaluation Report. 1979.BO_

UE 0005

Bilinoal StudentsAn Investigation of the Effects of BackgroundCharacteristics and Special Language Service onthe Reading Achievement and English FluencBilingual Students. Report No. 79-19. Wsid n*gement Information Summary. Report o. 79-20.

UE 0036

Black AchievementThe Relationship Between Psychological Chisrac-teristics end the Achievement of Black inner-CityHigh School Students. -

UE 0009

;Black JlureMulticultural Awareness for the Classrooms The-Black Americans.

UE 0073

Black HistoryI Have a Dream.-- Publication S-204-TCH.

UE 0060Multicultural Awareness far the Classroom; The

. Black Americans.UE 0073

Title Is African-American Studies Program_ Stu-dent Workbook_

UE 0064

Black 'Leadership"I Have a Dream..." Publication 5-204-TCH.

UE 0060

Black StudentsDisciplinary Alternatives for an Urban SchoolDistrict.

UE 0007The Relationship Between -Psychological Chara&teristics and the Achieversent of Black Inzies-=CityHigh School Students.

UE 0009

lack Studiesisle I. African-Amencan Studies Program. Stu-

dent Workbook.UE 0064


Teacherslnner-Ciiy High School Teacherls Their Percep-tions of Classroom Life as Revealed Through aContent Analysis of Projective Stories.

UE 0003 -

AlaAt Youth-Bridging the Culture Gap in Inner-City Schools;A Summary and Critique of the Approach of Her-ben Foster in 'Rilibilf.Jivire and Playin the Doz.

UE 0139

Bloch'Contostitt Racial Isolation in Miami

UE 0126

Boston Public Schools MACase Studies of Three Urban University-SchoolCollaborative' Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. Volume I. Final Replan. Re-vised_

UE 0112Case Studies of Three Urban University-SchoolCollaboratiVes Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. Volume H. Final Report.

UE 0113

BusingAssessment of Current Knowledge about the Ef-fectiveness_ of School Desegregation Strategies.Volume V11: The Courts and Desegregation

-Strategies: Ten Key Dtebions.UE 0095

Desegregating Public Schools: A Handbook forLocal Officials.

UE 0110California (San Diego County)-.County of San Diego Master Plan for RefugeeResettlement:

UE 0006

Career AwarenessElementary, Middle, and Hi h School Guides forTeaching Iftunart Rights Appendix.

UE 0094Using Self-Awareness \Techniques (COPS) inConjunct on with a Ca er Information System(MenbOttidel to Facilitate the Career PlanningP:-oce.sss

UE 0091

-er Counseling

Guidance Component of the ctroit Desegrega-Product Evaluation of the Co r'Counseling and Caree

Desegrega-Lion Court Order.

UE oolse

Career EducationCuret Developme.Th Alternativ Schools andCommunity Involvement in Ed non_ UrbanSchools Bibliography Series Numb( 4.

UE 0135Walton High School Bilingual B is Skills[}trough Interdisciplinary Career 0 entation,E.S.E.A. Tide VII Final Evaluation Re rt. 1910-1931-

Career_PkinnAngUsing Self Awareness TechniMic-C (Or --irtConjunction with a Career Information S tem(MetroGinde) to Facilitate the Career Plan ingProcess.

UE 009

Case StnWeS ..

Assessing the Progress of Large City 'SchoolDesegregation: A Case Survey Approach. FinalReport, \

.. . LIE 008

Research and Evaluation in Urban EducationalPolicy, Abridged Version_

UE 0085

ChaidennsMulticultural Awareness for the Classroom; TheChalderms.

UE 0074

Change StrategiesEffective Teacher Training and !mien SchoolrfrOVefFICUL

UE 0015Urban Schools. (Urban School Improvement Pa-per

UE 0092Chicago Mastery Learning Seeding Pro-gram

Instructional and Organizational Arrangementsand Processes for Improving Acadernic.Achievement at Inner City Elementary Schools_ A Studyof the Chicago Mastery Learning Reading Pro-Elm and Other School-Wide Approaches for Im-proving Reading at Selected Schools in Chicago.Los Angeles. and New York: Extended Summaryand Conclusions.

LIE 0107

Chicago Public Schools ILChicago Mastery Learning Reading: MasteryLaruing Instruction and Assessment -in InnerCity Schools:

UE 0034A Second Year Evaluation of the ESEA Tale IIIUrban Leadership Program.

UE 0044Second Year Evaluadon of the Tide Pie OMATProgram.

LIE 007_9

Childhood AttitudesTurning the Page-/The Appropriate Use of.Asian American Children' Literature in theClassroom.

=- UE 0001Childrens Literatare

Turning the Page/The Appropriate Use ofAsian American ptildren's Literature in theClassroom

MaeMulticultural Awareness toChinese.

UE 0001

Classroom; The

UE 0075

Chinese AmericansComprehensive High School BunESEA Title VII. Final EvaluationSO.

sal Program.epott. 1979-

UE 0005

Page 30: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Subject IndexMulticultural Awareness for the Classroom: TheChinese,

UE 0075Chinese Culture

Multicultural Awareness for the Broom: TheChinese.

UE 0075.Chronic Health Impaired Sickle CellAnemia Pro Brom

Counseling the Chronically Health Impaired Sm.dent_

UE 0178

Cities in SchoolsThe National Evaluation of the Cities in SchoolsProgram. Report No 4_ Final Report

UE 0039Citizen Participation

School Improvement Project: First Annual As.wsessmeist Report_

UE 0037Civil Libbrties

Bibliography of Human Rights: ElementarySchools,

UE 0061Bibliography of Human Rights: High Schools.

UE 0063Bibliography of Human Rights: Middle Schools.

UE 0062Elementary, Middle, and High School Guides forTeaching about Human Rights Appendix_

UE 0094Elementary School Guide for Teaching about Hu-man Rights,

UE 0068High School Guide. for Teaching bout HumanRights.

UE 0070Middle School Guide for Teaching about tiumanRights.

UE 0069Civil Rights

Eleinentary_School Guide for Teaching about Hu-, man Righter_

UE 0068High School Guide for Teaching about HumanRights, -

UE 0070Have a Dresuri.,- Publication 5-204-TCH.

UE 0060Middle School Guide for Teaching about HumanRights.

UE 0069Classroom Techniques

Disciplinary Alternatives for an Urban SchoolDistrict. .

LIE 0007Guide to the Teaching of Englishlas a SecondLanguage in the Bilingual/Bicultural EducationPrograms of the Detroit Public Schools. Revised.

UE 0078Spanish Language Arts Enrichment Guide.

UE 0071

arvelind Public Schools OHGrading issues in a Desegregating System.

UE 0114- A Study of Discrepant Reading Achievement ofMinority and White Students in a DesegregatingSchool Districe Phase IV.

UE 0140College:School Cooperation

Case Studies of Three Urban University- SchoolCollabOratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. Volume I. Final ReporElle-vised

, UE0112Case Stitkel of Three Urban ,University - SchoolColiaboratives Mandated for te I ovement ofEd6cational Practice. Volume II. Report-

LIE 0113

Communication. SLIM -`Product Evaluation of the Elementary and Mid-.die School Reading and Conitnunication Skills

` Component of the Detroit Desegregation Court 'Order.

UE 0020'Product Evaluation,of the High School Readingand Onnimunicallan Skills Component of thf De-troit Desegregation Court Order.

UE 0021

Community CbaracleristicsConfronting Racial Isolation in Miam

LIE 0126

CoMmunity InvolvementCareer pevelopment, Altemative Schools andCommunity Involvement in Education- UrbanSchools Bibliogrgphy Series Number 4_

UE 0135Car Studies of Social Services in the Schools orSelected Cities. Final Repot. Revised.

UE 0016Community Role

Desegregating Public Schools: A Handbook for -Local °Maids.

UE 0110Comparative Analysis

Educationel Effectiveness and Student AcademicGains. Report No. 81-a.

UE 0039

Compensatory Education__Instructional- and Organizational Arrangements

and Processes for Improving Academic Achicye:mem at Inner City Elementary Schools. A St-e-of the Chicago Mastery- Learning Reading Pregram and Other School-Wide Approaches for Im-proving Reading at Selected Schools in Chicago.Los Angeles, and New York Extended Strimmaryand Conchaionk

0107A Second Year Evaluation of the ESEA Title IIIUrban Leadetihip Program.

UE 0.044A Second Year Study of the Educational andDemographic Factors That Affect the Readingand Mathematics Performance of Title I Students_-Report No. 77-1.

UE 0045

competency Based neat_ _onMaking the Public Schools Work: Urban u_non in th-e'SK`FOQ.75-ti,-

uECompetitive Selection

Descriptive Analysis of the 1978-79 HorizonPopulation and Selection Process. Report No. 79-13=

UE 0041Compliance (Legal)

Assessment of Current Knowledge about the Ef-fectiveneas of School Desegregation Strategies.Volume VII. Tlicourts---andDesegretellneStrategies: Ten Key Declaims.

UE 0095A New Perspective on the Use of Evaluation Datain Title I Schools Also Involved in a Court-Or-dered Integration Program.

UE 0012Urban Vocational Education and Managing theTransition from School to Work A Review of aSeries of Case Studies of Vocational EducajionPrograms in Four Cities. Final Report`

UE 0090Computers

Compact. Systems for Urban School Administra-tors: A Guide for Decision Making., ERIC/CUEUrban Diversity Series, Number 78.

UE 0097_Consumer Education

Basic diurvival Consumer Economies for AdultRefugees_

UEConsumer SIMS

Basic & Surrival Consumer Economies for AdultRefugees.

Cooperative EducationCollaborative nogrants inStudies.

Wive Planninging Schools Work: CompIs Report -

Ile 0099

rban Schools: Case c

UE 0017

hensive Planning

. US 002!

Cultu- J Background 25

Educational Practice. Volume 1, Final Report_ Re-vised.. -

UE 0117Case Studies of Three Urban University-SchoolCotlaboratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. Volume-11. Final Report.

UE 0113Collaborative Programs in Urban Schools: CamStudies.

HE 0017Coordination

Comprehensive Planning -for Program Coordina-tion: A State of the Art-

0 UE 0027

Counseling ServicesProduct Evaluation -of the Counseling and CareerGuidance Component of the Detroit Deregrega-

= don Court Order.

Counseling TeChrsiqueSCounseling the Chronically H

- dent:

US 0019

Impaired Stu-.

- LIE 0128

Counselor RoleCounseling the Chronically Health Impaired Stu-dent

UE 012$Course DescriptionsI English as a Second Language Curriculum and

Inservice Training.

Court LitigationDesegregating Public SchooLocal malts.

UE 0100

A Handbook for

UE 0110Minorities, the Poor and School Finance Reform.

.Vol. 8: A History of School Finance Reform Liti-gation and the Interests of Urban. Poor andMinority Children_

UE 0102A'New Perspectiveli jhe sebr EvaltiatiTmiTfautM Title I Schools Also nvolved in a Court-Or-dered Integration Flo

UE 0012Testing Results for Minority Isolated Schools.San Diego City Schools. Spring 1981. Report No299.

Court RoleDesegregation: The Dallas Expetien


Cubans. ----

hawsMulticultural Awareness forCubans.

UE 0051

UE 0106

oom: The

UE 0076

Classroom: The

UE 0076Cultural AwareneSa

Asian American Curriculum Guide- Elementaryand Sechndary. Integrant:1.g Asian American Cur-riculum into the Classroom.

UE 0082Detroit Objective Referenced Tests (DORT):Ethnic Literacy Handbook. A_Guide for TeacherPlanning.

U5 0065DORT: Ethnic Literacy Project. ESAA BasicProject. Teacher's Manual.

UE 0066Teacher Training Manual for integrating AsianAmerican Curriculum into the Clastroom

UE 00111Title African-American Studies Program. Stu-d orkbook.


Cultural l-BackgroundAsian American Curriculum Guide: Elementary .

and Secondary. Integradng Asian Allude= -riculunt into the Claasrooro.

UE 0062Detroit Objective Referenced Tests (DORT):Ethnic Literacy Handbook A Guide for TeacherPlanning.

rati.rr _ UE 0065Case Studies'of Three Udsan University-School DORT: Ethnic Literacy Project, ESAA BasicCollaborative§ Mandated for the Improvement of Project. Teacher's Manual.

Page 31: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

26 Cultural BackgroundUE 0066

Cultures DifferessieSBridging the Culture Gap in Inner-City Schools:A Summary and Critique of the Approach of Her-Bert Foster in -Ribbin% Jivin` and Playin' the for-ens.

UE 0139Home-School_ Discrepancies and the Puerto Ri-can _Exceptional

Cultural imagesA Multicultural Bibliography.

Cultural intefrelatfonshlpsCultural SimilaPties and Differences. Our HumanTies. Monograph #5.

UK 0014

UE 0089

UE 0096

Cultural PluralismCultural Sintlarities and Differences. Our HumanTies_ Monograph at 5_

UE 0096Equity from a Large City Director's Perspective.Research and Development Series No. 21aP.

Culture ConflictCompeting Value Systems in the Inner -CitySchools.


DESegreaRtiOn! A Case Survey Approach. FinalReport. .

UE 0088Desegregating Public'Schools ; A Handbook forLocal Officials.

U0110Desegregation: The Dallas Experience.

UE 0108An Educational Plan for Voluntary. Cooperative.Desegregation of Schools in the St. Louis. Mis-souri Metropolitan Area.

UE 0055Elementary -School St-..aff Attitudes TowardDesegregation; 1979 Survey.

LIE 0023Grade 7 Student Attitudes Toward Desegrega.don, 1979 Survey.

Grading Issues m'a Desegregating SysteUmE.0023

UE °Middle School Staff Attitudes Toward Deseg 1-

'anon, 1979 Survey.UE 0024

Product Evaluation of the Counseling and CareerGuidance Component of the Detroit Desegrega---- _

no Court Order_UP 0019

roduet Evaluation of Ihe Elementary and Mid-dle School Reading and Communication Skills0Cordmer. nent of the Detroit Desegregation Court

UE 0020Product Fvaluation of the High School Readingand Communication Skills Component of the De-troit Desegregation Court Order.

LIE 0021Product Evaluation of the Inservice TrainingComodnent of the Detroit Desegregation CourtOrder.

UE 0018 -Product Evaluation of the Uniform Code of Stu-dent Conduct Component of the Detroit Desegre-ga6on'Court Orders

UE-0022Using Multiple Measures to Evaluate the impactof Desegregation in a Largo Urhen School DLs-tact.

UE 0121 //Culture Contact

Hmong Refugees in an American City; A CaseStudy in Language Contact.

Culture Fair Tuts'Non Discriminatory Assessment: Form, and In-formal Assessment of Limited English ProficientChildren

UE 0047

LIE 0002'

CurriculumSchool Policy. Administration. and Curriculum_Urban-Bibliography-Set-let-24 ber -

UE 0133.

Curriculum DevelopmentTeacher Training Manual for integrating AsiartAmerican Curriculum into the Classroom.

UE 0081

CuMeulum EvaluationThe Toledo Catalog: Assessment of Students andSchool Administration. Volume 2. Draft.

UE 0080Daily Living Skills

Basic & Survival Consumer EcofionucS for AdultRefugees.

UE 0099Dallas Independent School District TX

Desegregation: The Dallas Experience_I5E 0106

Data AnalysisChicago Mai tery Learning Reading: MasteryLearning Insinsion and Assessment in InnerCity Schools.-

UE 0034Date Collection

Evaluebility AtaeaaMi a; The Promise in Prac-tice.

UE 0122Decision Making

Computer Systems for Urban School Administra-tors: A Guide for Decision Makin. ERIC/CUEUrban Diversity Series, Number 78.

UE 0097The Urban PriocipaL Discretionary Decision-Making in a Large Educational Organisation


Delivery SysteM5The NatioriatEvaluation of the es in SchoolsProgram. Report No. 4. Final Report

UE 0059Demonsiration ProtipseMe

Minigrant Pro ram for the Academically Gifted-Phase 111. E S Title IV-C. Final EvaluationReport. 195 1.

UE 0129Desegregation Effects

Assessing the Progress of Large City School

LIE 01191977-78 Desegregation Evaluation Summary. Re-port No. 76-9.

UE 0940Desegregation Methods

Assessment of Current Knowledge about the Ef-fectiveness of `School Desegregation Strategies.Volume Vii: The Courts and DesegroutStrategies. Ten ey Decisions.

UE 0095Desegregating Public Schools: A' Handbook forLocal Officials.

, 2: UE 0E10The ,Effect of Court- Ordered Desegregation onMinority. Students' Achievement., There* NoPlace Like Home.

UE 0115*public Information and PubliInvolvernens. Pro-ttress Report, &is:ember-1980-March 1981.

UE 0054A Voluntary Plan for-the friterdianict Exchangeof Stttdcnts and Related Programs.

UE 0053 .-Desegregation Platt

Approaches to Evaluating a Systemwide Desegre-gation Effort'

UE 0050Assuming the Progress of Large City School

%Desegregation: A Case Survey Approach. FinalReport .

UE 0058Assessment of Current Knowledge about the K..nfectiveness of School Desegregation Strategies.Volume VII: The Courts and DesegregationStrategies, Ten Key Decisions .

UE 0093Budgeting for Desegregation in Large Cities-al Report-

UE 0016Desegregation: The Della& Rip-0i en. = '

LIE 010.6"-An Educational Plan for Volunrn y, CooperativeDesegregation of Schools in the Sr. Louis, Mb,-souri Metropolitan Arne.

UE 0055

Subject IndexA Voluntary Plan for the Intirdistrict Exchangeof Students and Related Programs.

UE 0053

Detroit Public Schools MIDetroit- Objective Referenced Tests (DORT);Ethnic Literacy Handbook. A Guide for TeacherPlannfng.

UE 0065DORT: Ethnic Literacy Project. ESAA BasicProject. Teacher's Manual.

UE 0066Final Evaluation Report on Detroit's Title 1V-CBilingual Project. 1978-1979.'

UE 0026GuidC to the Administration of BilMgual/Bicul-tural Education Prograrro in the Detroit PublicSchools.

UE 0077Multicultural Awareness for the Classroom: TheMexicans. DORT Ethnic Literacy Project. ESAABasic Project.

UE 0067Product Evaluation of the Counseling and CareerGuidance Component of the Detroit Dcsegrege-

Court Order= -LW 0019.

Product Evaluation of the Elementary and Mid-die School Reading and Communication SkillsComponent of the Detroit Desegegation CoonOrder.

UE 0020Product Evaluation of the High School Readingand Communication Skills Compon-ent of the De-troit Desegregation CourrOrder.

UE 0021Product Evaluation of the Inservice Training

mole-tent of the Detroit Desegregation CourtOrder.

LIE 0018Product Evaluation of the Uniform Code of Stu-dent Conduct Component of the Detroit Descgre-`gation Court Orde-


DiSabiLitieSEight Years of Stscri, -.!...cation Research in aLarge Urban School District.

UE 0013Tice Ethnic Representation &Special EducationReferrals. Classifitations and Placements in NewYork City. Evaluation Report.

UE 0035

Disadvantaged ,

Using Self-Awareness Techniques (COPS) inConjunction with a Career information System(MetroGuide) to Facilitate-the Career PlanningProcess.

UE 0091

Disadvantaged Youth .The National Evaluation of the Cities in SchoolsProgram. Report No. 4. Final Repon.

UE 0059The Relationship Between Psychological Charac-teristics and the Achievement of Black Inner-CityHigh School Students.

UE 0009Dlsd line

Evaluation orthe ESAA Program. 1980-81.UE 0125

HandSook for Alternatives to Corm_ oral Pnnah-ment. Special Student Concerns.

DE 0127Discipline Policy

Disciplinary Alternatives for an Urban SchoolDiana.

UE 0007Handbook for Alternatives to Comma Punish-men. Special Student Concerns.

UE 0127uct Evaluation of the Uniform Code of -

debt Conduct Component of the Detroit Desegre-Conn Order.

Discipline y`To


Dropout ProSecond Year Evaluation of thProgram.

UE oon

Urban School

UE 0007 -


Page 32: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Subject index Ethnicity 27

UE 0079

Dropout RateSecond Year Evaluation of the Title !Pc GMATProgram.

UE 0079Economically Disadvantaged

Competing Value Systern_e in the inner -CitySchoon

UE 0121 //Identifying Low Income. Minotity, Gifted andTalented Youngsters_

UE 0108Minorities, the Pooeand School Finance Reform-Vol, L An Impact Study of Six States_

UE 0101the Poor and School Finance Reform.

Vol 8: A History Of School Finance Reform Liti-gation and the Interests or Urban, Poor andMinority Children.

UE 0102Minorities, the Poor and School Finance Reform.Vol. 9: Summary and Conclusions.

UE 0103

Education Work Relatioreship '-Collaborative Programs in Urban Schools: Case .,-

Studies_UE 0917

Urban Vocational Education and Managing theTransition from School to Work: A Review of aSeries of Case Studies of Vocational EducationPrograms in Four Cities. Final. Report.

UE 0090Educational Administration

Computer Systems-for Urban School Administra.tore A Guide for Decision Making_ ERIC/CUEUrban Diversity Series, Number 78.

UE 0097School Policy. Administration, and Curriculum.Urban Bibliography Series Number 2.

FE 0133Educational Assessment_

A Case Study of New York City's Citywide Read-ing Testing Prograni. National Consortium onTesting. Staff Circular No_ 9.

UE 0118Program Related Evaluation (Manual. and StaffDevelopment Package).

UE 0049Educational Change

Case Studies of Social Services in the Schools ofSelected Cities. Final Report. Revised_

UE 0016A Plan for Evaluation Services.

LIE 0057

Educational CoopekationHelping Schools Work: Comprehensive PlanningModels Report.

UE 0028Educational Diagnosis

- The Role of Pupil Personnel Workers in the As.smsment of Learning

UE 0029Educational Environment

Grade 7 Student Attitudes Toward Desegregamnon. 1979 Survey.

UE 0025Educational History-Case Studies of Social Services in the Schools ofSelected Cities. Final Report. Revised.

'UE 0016Educational Zinprovemant

Case Studies of-Three Udall University-SchoolCollaboratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. Volume 1, Final Report. Re-.

. UE 0113CAse Studies of Three Urban Ursisiersity-SchoolCollaboratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. Volume II, Final Report

UE 0113.The New Haven School Intervention Project

UE 0093School Improvement Project First Annual As-oeurnent RepoZt-

UE 0031EclueationW Legislation

Bilingual Education and School Deseret&

Case of Uncoordinated Remedies.UE 0104

Guide to the Administration of Bilingual/Bicul-tural Ethication Programs in the Detroit PublicSchools.

UE 0077Educational Objectives

BESL Handbook - for Spanish/English BESLClasses.

LIE 0032

Educational Opportunities..Elementary SchOol -Staff Attitudes TowardDesegregation, 1979 Survey_

UE 0023Middle School Staff Attitudes Toward Desegre.ption, 1979 Survey.

UE 0024Educational Planning

Helping Schools Work Comprehensive PlanningModels Rep_ on

US 0028Educational Polley

Research and Evaluation in Urban EducationalPolicy. Abridged Version.

UE 0085Educational Quality

Program Related Evaluation (Manual and StaffDevelopment Package).

UE 0049Educational Research

Research and Evaluation in UrbPolicy. Abridged Version.


UE 0085.Elementmy School Students

Bibliography of Human Rights: ElementarySchools. -

UE 0061Research and Evaluation in Urban EducationalPolicy. Abridged Version_

UE-0035EleineufM'y SCbonh%Characteristics of High Achieving Elementary.

Schooltin Newark_ Newark School District Re-search Report. ORET Report No. 5.

UE 0124

Enrollment TrendsAssessing the Progress of Large City -SchoolDesegregaticm:,A Case Survey Approech. FinalReport.

UE 0088Report of the San Diego Plan Racial integra-tion 1980 k81, Part I.

-UE 0033Equal Education

Confronting Racial 401 ticin in Miami_UE 0126

Equal Opportunity in Education- Urban SchoolsBibliography Series Number I.

US 0132Eqity from a Large City DirectResearch and Development Series No- 214P.

UE 0117Equal Opportunities (Jobs)

Confronting Racial Isolation in Mimi,UE 0126

Equity -(Eduation)Minorities, the Poor and School Finance Reform.Vot I: An Impact Study of Six States.

UE 0101Minorities, the Pilor and School Finance Reform.Vol. 9: Summary and Conclusions_

UE 0103Ethical Instruction

Elementary, Middle, and High School Guides forTeaching about Human Rights Appendix.

UE 0094Ethnic Distribution

Desegregation: The Dallas Experience.

Elementary Secondary EducationEqual Opportunity in Education. Urban Schools

hogdsphy Series Number 1.UE 0132

Elementary Secondary Education Act TitleI

A Second Year Study of the Educational andDemographic "actors That Affect the Readingand Mathematics Performance of Title 1 Students.Report No. 77-1.

UE 0045Elementary Secondary *Anent-ion Act TitleIv

Final Evaluation Repon on Detroit's Title 1V-CBilkigual Project, 1978 -1979.

rC UE 0026-English (Second Language)'

BESL Handbook for Spanish/English BClasses-

UE 00CuMcultum Guide, English as a Second Language;Kindergarten through Grade Twelve. .

UE 0133English as a Seeond Language Curriculum andInservice Training

UE 0100Guide to the Teaching of English as a SecondLanguage in the Bilingual/Bicultural EducationPrograms of the Detroit Public Schools. Revised.

UE 0078Bosons Refugees M an American City: A 'CaseStudy in Langliage Contact_

UE 0002Lau Year-End Report, 1979 -1980. Los Angeles

Publication No. 379.UE 0137

Bilingual Basic SkalaCareer Orientation.

'Nation Report, 1910,

lJnilled School District.

Walton High Schoolthrough Interdisciplina

E.S.E.A. Title VII Final1931.-

UE 0131


UE 0106The Ethnic Representation of Special EducationReferrals, Classifications and Placements in NewYork City. Evaluation Report.

UE 0035Minorities, the Poor and School Finance Refomi.Vol. 1: An Impact Study of Six States.

UE 0101--Minorities, the Poor and SchSchool Finance Reficem-Vol_ 9: Summary and Conclusions.

UE 0103Ethnic Groups

Cultural Similarities and Differences. Our HumanTim Monograph *5.

UE 0096Descriptive Analysis of the T973.79 HorizonPopulation and Selection Process. Report No. 79-13.

E Ob41Detroit Objective Referenced Tests (DORT):Ethnic Literacy Handbook. &Guide for TeacherPlanning.

DORT: Ethnic Literacy Project. ESAAUEBC25c-

Project. Teacher's ManuaL

A MeicWtural Bibliography.UE 0066

UE 0089Ethnic Stereotypes

' Turitipg the Page/The Appropriate Use ofAsian American Children's Literature in the -

---CloutooUE 0001-

Ethnic StudiesDetroit Objective Referenced Tests (DORT):Ethnic Literacy Handbook. A Guide for,TeacherPlanning. .

UE 0065DORT: Ethnic Literacy Project ESAA Basic-Project Teacher's Maraud.

UE 0066A Multicultural Bibliography.

UE 0089Title I: African-American Studies Program. Stu-dent Workbook.

Lig 0064What is an Ethnic Group? A Multi-Ethnicplementary Learning Packet, Grade Level= Ele-rnentary/Secondary. Grades 5-9.

UE 0105-Etknidti

US: A Cullum! Mosaic ogram. Groups: Alikeand Different. A Social Studies Unit for Level 2(Grades 2, 1-2. J-2-3).

Page 33: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Eva Inability AsSeSsMent

Eva inability AssessmentEva !Liability Assessment: The Promite in Prac-tice.

UE 0122

-EvaluationImproving Evaluation Use in Local School Set-tings. Optimizing Evaluation Use Final Report.

UE 0109

Evaluation Criteria'The Toledo Catalog, Assessment of Students andSchool Administration. Volume 1. Draft.

UE 0086The Toledo Candor Assessment of Students andSchool Administration. Volume 2. Draft_

UE 0080

Evaluation MethodsApproaches to Evaluating a Systemwide Desegre.'anon Effort

DE 0050Educational Effectiveness and Student AcademicGains_ Repot-'No. S1-3.

UE 0039The Toledo Catalog. Assessment of Students andSchool Administration. Volume 1. Draft.

UE 00,56The Using Evaluation Data Form,

UE 0048.

Evaluation NeedsApproachei to Evaluating a Systemwide Desegre-gation Effort

LJE 0050

Evaluation UtilizationImproving Evaluation Use in Local School Set-tings, Optimizing Evalwtion the: Final Report

DE 0109.The Using Evaluation Data Form.

Evaluative ThinkingThe Using Evaluation Data Form.

UE 0048

_UE 0048,

Expenditure Per StudentAn Assessment of the Impact of Special Educa-tion Programs on'Non- Special Education SchoolBuilding Staff. Report No 77-13_

1.15 0043

ExpendituresMaking Sense of Staff Development: An Analysisof Staff Development Program and Their Costsin Three Urban School Districts. -

UE 0063

Facility RequirementsThe Toledo Catalog: Assessment of Students andSchool Adminntr8tion, Volume 2. Draft_

L.s DE 0080

Family HealthBasic as Survival Consumer Economics for AdultRefugees.

LIE 01399

Family InfluenceHome-School Programs of Urban School Ms-Oct'.

Family RelationshipCounseling the Chronically Health Impaired Stu-dent

UE 0088

Vandly School RelitionshiHome-School Programs oftheta.

Urban Child AchievementRealities.

Federal Aid ,'Budeeu and Big till- Ertl

UE 0123

School Dis-

US 0053Myths and

LIE 00114

UE 0123

Federal CowlsAssessment of Current Knowledge about the Ef-hectirenem of School Desegregation Strategies.volume VII: The Courts and DesegregationStrategies: Ten Key Decision,. -

LIE 0093


tion: A State of the Art-DE 0027

P.A.C. Planner's Workbook. E.S.E.A- Title L Re-vised_

UE 0116

Finance ReformBudgeting for Desegregation in Large Cities= Fi-itai Report

UE 0086' *Minorities. the Poor and School Fiance Reform_

Vol, 1: An Impact Study of Six Stews.UE 0101

Minorities. the Poor and School Finance Reform_Vol. 8; A History of School Finance Reform Liti-gation and the Interests or. Urban. Poor andMinority Children.

UE 0102Minorities, 41e Foot- and School Finance Reform_VoL 9: Summary and Conclusions.- -

UE 0103The Toledo Catalog: Assessment of Students andSchool Administration, Volume 1 Draft.

UE 0080

Financial PolicyMaking the Public Schools Work: Urban Educa-tion in the '80s. FOCUS 9.

Financial ProblemsBudgets and Big City Education.

Financial SportBudgets and Big City Education.

UE 0111

UE 0123

UE 0123

FiSCal NetstraHlYMinorities, the Poor and ,School Finance Reform.Vol. 1: An Impact Study of Six Stains.-

UE 0101Minorities, the Poor and School Finance Reform_Vol. 8: A History of Schoof Finance Reform Lid-anon and the Interests of Urban, Poor and

Minority Children_

Minorities, the Poor and School Finance ReformsVol. 9, Summary and Conclusions.

Floada (Miami)Confronting Racial Isolation in ?diem

UE 0103

UE 0126

Folk Culture -' US,.A Cultural Mosaic Program. Groups: Alikeand Different. A Social Studies Unit for Level 2(Grader"Z*2. 1-2-3).

tr4if -

Formative EvaluationA Plan for Evaluation Services.

UE 0093

UE 0037

Foster (Herbert) *

Bridging_ the Culture Gap in inner-CIty Schools:A Summary and Critique of the Approach of Her- -ben Foster in "Ribbin ,livire and Mayne the Doz-

.UE 0139

FrenchHelpiiirfatents Learn a SectTheir Children: French.

Helping Parents Learn e SectTheir Children: Spanish.

id Language with _--

UE 0030Id Language with

LIE 0033

Functional LiteraCyHmong Refugees in an American City: A CaseStudy in Language Contact.

UE 0002

Games -Bridging the Culture Gap in Inner-Tity Schools:A Summary. and Critique of the Approach of Her-bert Foster in "Ribbin`..livite and Playin' the Dox-ens-

LIE 0139

GermanHelpin- Learn a Second Language withThen Children: German.

LIB 0031

GiftedDescriptive Analypsis of the 1978.79 HorizonPo ilation and Selection Process. Report No. 79-for Program Coordina-

Subject Index

UE 0041Fast Paced Mathematics Project Final Evalua-tion Report

Identifying Low InccTalented Youngsters_

Minority. Gifted and

UE 0108

Gifted DisadvantagedMinister-it Program for the Academically Gifted-phase 111, E.S.E.A_ Title 1V-C. Final Evelio:nobRepon, 1980-1981.

LIE 0129

Government School RelationshipBudgeting for Desegregation in age Cities. Fi-nal Report.

DE 0086

Grade RetltlonGrilling Issun'itt a Desegregating

LIE 0114

Grades (Scholastic)Grading Issues in a Mae re sting System.

11E0 14

Group DrnamicSthing Self Awareness Techniques (COPS) inConjunction with a Career Information System(MetroGuide) to_ Facilitate the Career PlanningProcess.

LIE 0091

Group ExperienceHmong Refugees in an American City: A CaseStudy in Language Contact

UE 0002

Guidance ProgramsProduct Evaluation of the Counseling and CareerGuidance Component of the Detroit Desegrege-tion Court Order.

UE 0019

Hartford Public Schools ClBilingual Education and School Desegregation: ACase of Uncoordinated Remedies.

UE 0104

High Risk StudentsSecond Year Evaluation of he Title IVc GMATProgram.

LIE 0079

High School StudentsBibliography of Human Rights: High Schools.

UE 0063

Hispanic Ai:PedanticComprehensive High School Bilingual Program.ESEA Title VII. Final Evaluation Report. 1979-30.

LIE 0005Multicultural Awareness for the Classroom: TheCubans.

UE 0076The Native Language Reading Approach Train-ing Program. ESEA Title VII. Final EvaluationRepori, 1979-1930.

UE 0004 sSpanish Language Arts Enrichment Guide.. ' UE 0071

irroong PeopleHmonif Refugees in- an American air A CaseStudy in Language Contact-

HolidaysUE 0002

US: A Cultural Mosaic Program.and Different. A Social Sthdies U(Grades 2. 1.2, 1-2-3).


ups: Alikefor Level 2

UE 0093

1 Programs of -Urban School Dis-

UE 0032

Hotlines (Public)Public Information and Public Involvement. Pro-grms Room September 1930-March 1931.

LIB 0034

noising- Relationships between School'Deregregation and

Government Housing Programs: A MilwaukeeCase Study.

UE 0037

Page 34: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Subject Index

Human RelationsBibliography of Human Rights: Elementary

. Schools_LIE 0061

Bibliography of Human Rights; High Schools.UE 0063

Bibliography of Heiman Middle Schools.LIE 0062

Elementary School Guide for Teaching about Hu-man

UE 0068(High School Guide for Teaching about Human114-its-

UE0070Middle School Guide for Teaching ahem HumanRighst,

UE 0069

Malan Relations PrOliFrantsElementary School Guide for Teaching about Wu-man Rights

LIE 0068High School Guide for Teaching about HignanRighta,

LIE 0070MiddleSchool Guide for Teaching about HumanRights.

Illiteracy -kr English as a Second

Inservice Training.

UE 0069

language Curriculum and

UE 0100

Immersion ProgramsHelping Parents Learn a Second Language withTh4r Children: French.

LIE 0030Helping Parents Learn a Second Language withnick Children: German.

LIE 0031Helping Parents Learn a Second Language withTheir Children; Swab.

LIE 0033

ImmigrantsMulticultural Awareness for the Classroom TheArmenians-

UE 0072

Improvement Prot:TAm-3Case Studies of Three Urban University-School

laboratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. ,Volumed. Final Report- Re-Vac& .

LYE 0112Case Studies of Three Urban University - SchoolCollaboratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. Volume 11. Final Report.

LIE 0113

IndochineseCounty of San Diego Master Plan for RefugeeResettlement_

LIE 0006

InfOrMation SerniCeaPublic Information and Public Involvement Pro-gress Report. September 1980-March 1981.

UE 0054-.

Information ystentaComputer Systems for Urban School Administra-tors: A Guide for Decision Making- ERIC/CUEUrban Diversity Series. Number 78.

UE 0097-InforrnatiOni Utilization

Case Studies of Three Urban University-SchoolCollaboratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. Volume I, Final Retion- Re-vised. - . 15E 0112 .Case Studies of Three Urban University - SchoolCollaboratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice- Ifolume,11. FIZ181ReP011-

LIE OMUrban Schools. (Urban School Improvement Ira-

- per II. UE 0092

iesserriCe Teacher EducationInserriee Training for Teachers of Visually Hand-flapped Students.- - -

UE 0136Making Sense of Sftil. Development' An Analysisof Staff Development Projrartn and Thei.r CastsIn Threelti5an School

LIE 0083The New Haven School Intervention Project.

UE 0093Product Evaluation of the Inservice TrainingComponent of the Detroit Dergregation GUMOrder.

UE 0018Teacher Training Manila! for Integrating AsianAmerican Curriculum into the Cluaroom.

LIE 0081

Institutional CharacterLaticsCharacteristics of J-ligh Achieving ElementarySchools in Newark Newark School District Re-search Report. ORET Report No. 5.

LIE 0124

ItUtructional ImprovementInstructional and Organisation! Arrangementsand Processes for Improving Academic Achieve-ment at Inner City Elementary Schools- A Studyof the Chicago Mastery Learning Reading Prr_gram and Other School-Wide Approaches for Im-proving Reading at Selected Schools in Chicago.Los Angeles. and New York. Extended SF:notaryand Conclusions_

3E 0107Integration Readiness

Relationships between School Desegregation andGovernment Housing Programs: A MilwaukeeCase Study.

UE 0087

Intelligence TestsPsychological Evaluation of Koran School Chil-dren: -A Preliminary Repots.

UE 0010

listercLishict PoliciesA Voluntary Plan for the d Exchangeof Students and Related Programs,

LIE 0053

Intergroup RelationsUsing Multiple Measures to Evaluate the Impactof Desegregation in a Large Urban School Dia-met

UE 0119

,Interprbfessional RelationshipThe Urban Principal, Discretionary Decision.Making in a Large Educational Organization.

LIE 0011

DagMulticultural Awareness for theChaldeana.

room: The

.11E 0Q74

Italian 'AmericansCornpreherisivr High School Bilingual Frogs-inn.ESEA Title VII. Final Evaluation Report. 1979-


Itinerant TeachersInservice Training for Taehers of Vis'capped Students.

lob SkillsUrban Vocational Education and Managing theTransition from School to Work A Review of aSeries of Caere Studies of Vocational EdueationProtrams in Four Cities. Final Report.

4. LIE 0090

Junior High School StudentsBibliography of Human Rights: Middle Schools.


UE 0005


UE- 0136

Kanawha County Schools WVFast Paced Mathematics Eroject.: Final Evalua-Mon Report.-

LIE 0038

King (Martin Luther Jr)l Dream..." Fublica n 2 AXEL

UE 0060

/Coma AmertiansPsychological Evaluation of Korean School Chil-dren: A Preliminary Report.

Land SettlementCounty of. San Diegli 71aater PIResettlement-

UE 0010

for Refugee

LIE 0006

MainstrearningSpaiiish Language Arta Enrichment

.25 0071

Language nnencyAn Investigation of the Effects of BackgroundCharacteristics and Special Language Service on.the Reading Achievement and English Fluency ofBilingual Students, Report No. 79-19, [and] Man-agement information Summary. Report No. 79-20_

LIE -0036

__Ianituage PatternsCultural Similarities and DiTies. Monograph #5.

Language TestaEnglish as a Second LanInservice Training.

Cho Human

US 0096

_urticulurn and

UE 0100

LaotiansBasic & Survival Consume! Economics for AdultRefugees.

UE 009. 9

Latent Trait TheoryLatent Trait Thinry Applications to Test ItemBias )Methodology. Research Memorandum No.1.

UE 0003

Latin Arnericws CultureMulticultural Awareness for the Classroom TheCubans.

5 UE 0076

Latin American HistoryMulticultural Awareness for the Classroom TheCubans..

LIE 0076

LeadersUS- A cultural Moraic.Program Groups: Alikeand Different. A Social Studies Unit for Level 2(Grades 2. 1-2, 1-2-3).

. UE 0093

Learning Centers (amsroom)Cultural-Similarities and Differences Our HumanTier- Monograph #5.

-UE 0096

Learning DisabilitiesThe Role of Pupil Personnel Workers in the As-sessment of Learning Disabilities_

UE 0029

Limited English Speaking -

Final Evaluation Report on Detroit's Title IV-Cpilinguai Project. 1973-1979.

UE 01326Guide to the Administration of Bilingual/Bicul-tural Education Programs in the Detroit PublicSchools_

'LIE 0077Guide to the Teaching of English as a SecondLanguage its the Bilingual/Bicultural EducationProgram a of the Detroit Public Schools. Revised.

41E 0078Lou Year-End Report. 1979-1930. Los AngelicaUnified School District Publication No. 379.

UE 0137Non-Diseriminatory Assessment- Formal and In-formal Assessment of Limited English Proficient

- Children.

Local GovernmentCounty of San Diego Master P*resettlement/

riot Angeles Unified School District CACultural Similarities and Differences. Our HumanTies. Monograph #5.

1.1E 0096

Low AchievementThe New Haven School Intervention Project-

+. UE 0093PsycholOgical Evaluation of Koican School chil-

. &etc A _Preliminary/ ReportUk0010

MainstreamingAn Assessment of the Impact of Special Educe-,don Programs on Non- Special Education SchoolBuilding Steil Report No. 77-13.

Page 35: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

MainstreamingUE 0043

Management SystemsComputer Systems for Urban Sehoot Administra-tors- A Guide for Decision Making- ERIC /CUEUrban Disersay Series. Number 78.

UE 0097

Master PlansCount) of ban Diego lvfuist r Plan for Refugee

rttesettlement.UE 0006

Mastery LearningChicago !Mastery Learning Reading. MasteryLearning Instruction and Assessment in InnerCity Schools.

UE 0034Instructional and Organizational/Anangementsand Processes- for Improving irraciernic Achieve-ment at Inner City Elemeraary Schools. A Studyof the Chicago Mastery-Learning -Reading Pro-gram and Other School -Wide Approaches for Im-proving Reading at Seletted Schools in Chicago.Los Angeles. and NewYork_ Extepded Summaryand Conclusions.

UE 0_107A New Perspective pit the Use of Evaluation Deta-in Title I Schools Also Involved in a Court-Or-dered Integration. Program.

LIE 0012

Mental Health ProgramsThe New Haven School Intervention Project.

UE 0093_

MethodiHandbook for AlternatiVis to Corporal Punish-meat_ Special Stdden Concerns.

, UP 0127__Meal American History

Multicultural Awareness_ the Classroom: TheMexicans. DORT Ethnic Iperacy Project,AA

LIE 0067

Mexican AmericansBilingual Education and School Desegregation; ACase of Uncoordinated Remedies.

Basic Project.

Multicultural Awareness for thgMexicans. DORT Ethnic LiteBasic Project.

-E 0104in: TheESAA

LIE 0067Non-Discriminatory AMeSS 111: Formal and In.formal Assessment of balite English ProficientChildren.

UE 0047

MexicansMulticultural Awareness for the Classroom: TheMexicans. DORT Ethnic Literacy Project. ESAABasic Project

. UE 0067_

Meilen aMulticultural Awareness for the Classroom: TheMexicans. DORT Ethnic Literacy Project. ESAA

w Basic Project._ UE 0067

Middle Eastern History_ Multicultural Awareness for the Classroom: The

Armenian&UE 0072

Middle Eastern StudiosMulticultural Awareness for the Classroom: TheChaldesms.

UE 0074Minigrant Program for the AcademicallyGifted DC

Minigrant ProPhase III. E.S.'Report. 1980-19

the Academically Gifted-IV-C Final Evaluation

Minimum Cotspetenc7 TestiniThe Effects of Promotional Testing on aCity School System.

"Minority Grapy Mister*The Effect -of Count-Ordered non onMinority Students' Achievement Th_er's NoPlace Like Herat. ' UE 0115The Etknic.Reprmentatioe of Special Education

UE 0129

UE 0130

Refernals. Classifications and Placements in NewYork City. Evaluation Report.

UE 0035Minorities. the Poor and School Finance Reform.VoL 1: An Impact Study stir Six States_

UE 0101Minorities. the Poor and School Faience Reform,Vol, 8:-A History of School Finance Reform Lin,Ration and the Interests , of Urban. Poor andMinority Children.

UE 0102Minorities, the Poor and School Finance Reform.Vol. 9: Summary and Crir iclusions.

LIE 0103A Second Year Evaluation of the ESEA Title IllUrban Leadership Program.

UE 0044Testing Results for Vinority Isolated Schools-San Diego City Sehoofs_ Spring 1981 Report No295.

UE 0051Minority Groups'

Minigram Program for the-Academically Gifted-Phase III. E_S.E.A. Title IV -C. anal EvaluationReport, 1960-198I.

UE 0129Phoenix Union High School District W2I0 AdultAcademy. Evaluation Report, 1980-81. ResearchServices Report No. 33:08:80181:010.

LIE 0046A Study of Discrepant Reading Achievement ofMinority and White Students in a DesegregatingSchool District Phase Iv-

LIE 0140Urban Child Achievement Levels; 'Myths andRealities.

UE -0084

ModelsChicago Mastery Learning Reading: MasteryLearning Instruction and Assessment in InnerCity Schools_

LIE 0034An Investigation of the Effects of BackgroundCharacteristics and Special Language Service onthe Reading Achievement and English Fluehey ofBilingual Students. Report No_ 79-19, [and)'gement 1r/formation Summary. Report No. 7920.

LIE 0036A Plan for Evaluation Service

LIE 0057The Toledo Catalog. Assessment of Students andSchool Administration. Volume 1; Draft,

LIE 0056

Money ManagementBasis & Survive? Consumer Economics for AdultRefugees.

UE 0099More Alteratives for Students

Home - School Discrepancies and the Puerto Ri.can Exceptional Mild.

UE 0014

Multicultural EducationAsian Americus Curdculum Guide: Elementaryand Secondary. Integrating Asian-American Cm-riculum into the Classroom

I UE 0082Cultural Similarities and DiiIcrences. Crur HumanTim.-Monograph #5.

UE 0096Detroit Objective Referenced Tests (DORT):Ethnic Literacy Handbook. A Guide Mr Tauberplanning.

UE 0065DORT: Ethnic Literacy Project_ ESAAProject Teacher's Manua

LIE 0066= Elementary. Middle. and High School Guides for

Teaching about Human Rights Appendix.UE 0094

Equal Opportunity ocation- Urban SchoolsBibliography Series Number k

LIE 0132oral Awareness for the Classroom: The

LIE 0072Multicultural Awareness for the Ciasaroom: TheBlack Amedeans.

UE 00-73ansamosn: TheMulticultinal Awarene


-Subject IndexUE 0074

Classroom: The

LIE 0075Multicultural Awareness for the Classroom: TheCubans_

Multicultural Awareness for lb

Multicultural Awareness for the CiassrMexicans. DORT Ethnic Literacy ProjeeBasic Project_.

LTE 0067A Multicultural Bibliography.

1.1E 0089Title I: African- American Studies Ptograns. SW-dent Workbook-

LIE 0064'Turning the Page' /The Appropriate Use ofAsian American Chifdren`a Literature in the

LIE 0001What is an Ethnic Gtoup? A Multi- Ethnic Sup-plementary Learning Packet. Grade Levels: Ele-mentary/Secondary, Grades

MunicipalitiesBudgets ant-* Big City Education.

LIE 010?

LIE 0123

Native Language InstructionWalton High School Bilingual Basic Skillsthrough Interdisciplinary Career Orientation_E.S=E_A. Title VII Final Evaluation Report. 198°-1981_

UE 0131

Needs AssessmentSchool Improvement Project: First Annual As-sessment Report

LIE 0037

Neighborhood Integration. Relationships between School Desegregation Ind

Government Housing Programs; A MilwaukeeCase Study.

UE 0087

New Haven Public Schools CTThe New Haven School Intervention Project.

ijE 0093New York (New York)

Canprehensive Planning for Program Coordink-tion: A State of the Art.

UE 0027

New York City Board of EducationThe Ethnic Representation of Special EducationReferrals, Classifications and Placements in NewYork City. Evaluation Report-

LIE 0035School improvement Project: First Annual As-sessment Report-

UE 0037New York City Public ECITOCIU

The Naive language Reading Approach Train-ing Program. ESEA Title V1L Final EvaluationReport 1979-1980.

= UE

New York Citywide Reading TeatA Case Study of New York City's Citywide Read-ing Testing Program. National Consortium onTesting. Staff Circular Na 9.

UE*0111'Newark School System -NJ

Characteristics of Highs Achieving ElemenuaYSchools in Newark. Newark School District Re-search Report. ORET Report No. 5. .

UE 0124

Nontraditional Education/.

Career Developnaent Alternative Schoola andCommunity Involvement in Education_ UrbanSchools Bibliography Series Number 4./ .


LIE 0135 -

Organizational ClimateCharacteristics of High Achieving ElementarySchools in Newark. Newark School District Re-search Report_ ORET Report Net 5.

Making Sense of Staff Development:of Staff Development Programs and Their Costs


in Three Urban School Thalia&

Organizational CoamunicadonUE 0083

Page 36: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Subject IndexCase-Studies of Three Urban University - SchoolCollaboratives M.andated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. Volume 1. Final Report, Re-vised.

UE 0112Case Studies of Three Urban University=SchoolCollahoratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice- Volume II. Final Report_

LIE 0113

Outcomes of EducationPhoenix Union High School District *210 AdultAcademy Evaluadou Report. 1980-81. ResearchSetvices Report No. 33;0810/811010.

LIE 0046

Outreach ProgramsPublic Information and Public involvement. Pro-gress Report. September 1980-March 1981.

UE 0054Pacific American%

Teacher Training MarnialAmerican Curriculum into

r Integratirni Asiane Classroom.

LIE 0081,Parent Advisory Councils

P-A-C. Planner `s Workbook. E_S.E_A- Title 1. Re-vised.

UE 0116Parent as a Teacher

Home-School Programs of Urban School Dis-tricts

UE 0058Parent Associations

PAC_ Planner's Workbook. E.S. A. Tide L Re-vised_

LIE 0116

Parent Attitudes197748-Desegregation Evaluation Summary. Re-

gion No. 78-9.UE 0040

Parent ParticipationDisciplinary Alternativm for an Urban SchoolDistrict

UE 0007.Doc rains of Urban School Dis-

LIE 0058P .A.C. Planner's Workbook. E.S.EA. Title I. Re-

UE 0116\ Product Evaluation of the Elemenmry and Mid-

die School Reading and Communication Skills2.,Component of the Detroit Desegregation CourtOrder.

1t LIE 0020


Parent School RelationshipThe New Haven School Intervention. Project.

LIE 0093PAX. Planner's Workbook. ES.E.A. Tide I. Re-.

UE 0116Parent Student Relationship

Helping Patents Learn a Seeprid Language withTheir Children: French.

LIE 0030Helping Parents Learn a Second Language withThen-Children; Getman.

14E 0031Helping Parents Learn a Language with

. Their Children: Spanish.UE 0033

School Pis-H ome- School ProgramsTAM

r Groupsnip-ming Valueools.

LIE 0055

inner -city

LIE 01214 f

PEOPLE (Teat)Non Discriminatory Assessment: Formal and In-formal Assessment of Limited English Proficient

dryUE 0047

Personality TraitsThe Relationship Between Psychological Charse-Ms-blies and the Achievement of Black Inner-CityH i A School Students-

UE 0009

Personnel EvaluationThe Toledo Catalog: Assessment of Students andSchool Administration. Volume 2. Draft. -

UE.0080Philadelphia School DBCrict PA

Approaches to Evaluating a Systemwide Desegre=gition Effort.

UE 0050Research and.Evaluation in Urban EducationalPolicy. Abridged Version.

LIE 0085Using Multiple Measures to Evaluate the Impactof Desegregation in a Large Urban School Db.-MCL

a UE (i119Phoenix Thelon High Sebool District AZ

Phoenix Union High School District *210 AdultAcademy Evaluation Report.11980 W81. ResearchServices Report No 33f08;80/81,010.

UE 0046Policy Formation /

Budgeting for Desegregation in Large Cities. Fi-nal Report

LIE 0086County of San'Diego Master Plan for RefugeeResitdementf

LIE 0006Research/and Evaluation in Urban EducationalPolicy. Abridged Version.

LIE 0085

Principalsc Urban Principal_ Discretionary Decision=

rig in a Large Educational Organ-1=6.0mLIE 0011,

Program AdministrationComprehensive Planning for Program Coordina-non: A-State-of the Art

LIE-0027An Educational Plan for Voluntary. CooperativeDesegregation of Schools in the St. Louis. Mis-souri Metropolitan Arcs

LIE 0055Program Costs'

An Assessment of the Impact of Spe Educa-tido Programs on Non-Special EducatioS SchBuilding S Report No. 77-13.


LIE 0043Making Sense of Staff Development. An Analysisof Staff Development Programs and Their Costsin Three Uitan School Districts.

. , UE 0083Ian for Evaluation Services-

-UE 0057gi='DeSeriptionS

Bilingual Education and School Desegregation: ACue of Uncoordinated Remedies.

LIE 0104School IrnProvernearnProjece First Annual As-sessment Report

UE 0037Program Development

Comprehensive Planning for Program Coordbu-tion: A State of the Art- *.

/ UE 0027HelpingSchools Work: Comprehensive PlanningModels Report.

LIE 0028P.A.C. Planner's Workbook. E.S.E.A. Title I. Re-

LIE 0116

Proginn. EffectivenessApproaches to Evaluating a Systemwide Doggie-gallon Effort_

UDesegregation Evaluation Proven RepotTeachersTeachers and Administrators Survey ResponsesReport No. 79-18.

UE 0042Educational Effectiveness and Student AcademicOsiris.. Report No. 81-3.

UE 0039The'Effecta of Promotional Testing on aCity School System.

- LIE 0130Evaluation of the ESAA Program, 1980-81.

1./E. 0125Fast Paced Mathemaden Moises Final Evalua-tion Report.

Prop.= Evaluifion

Finrfl Evaluation Report on Detroit's tv.c"Bilingual Project. 19754979

LIE 0026The National Evaluation of the Cities in SchoolsProgram Report No_ 4. FIZIA Report

LIE 0059The Native Language Reading Approach" Train-ing Program. ESEA Title VII. Final EvaluationReport. 1979-1980. -


UE 0004Phoenix Union High School District *210 AdultA_ cademy Evaluation Report. 1980-81. Research

Ices Report No. 33:08:50a1:010.

Product EValustion of the Counseling and Career- 00.6

apuidance Component of the Detroit Desegrega-tion Court Order.

LIE 0019Product Evaluation of the Elementary and Mid-elle_School Reading and Communicatian SkillsComponent of the Detroit Desegregation CourtOrder.

3./E .3020Product Evaluation or the High School Readingand Communication Skills Component of the De-troit Desegregation Court Order.

UE 0021


Product Evaluation of the Inset-vice TrainingthComponent of the Detroit Desegregation Coon

LIE 0018_Product Evaluation or the Uniform Code of Stu-dent Conduct Component of the Detroit Desegre-gation Court Order.

A Second Year Evaluation of the -ESEA TitleUE 0022

Urban Leadership Program.UE 0044

--A-of-Year-Study- of-the-Edrestional-endDemographic Factors That Affect the Readingand Mathematics Performance of Title I Students.Report No. 77-1.

LIE004 Pa!Urban Schools. [Urban School improvementper 1].

LIE 0092Using Multiple Measures to Evaluate the Impactof Desegregation in a Large Urban School Pis-tnct.

LIE 0119: Walton High School Bilingual Basic =Skillsthrough, Interdisciplinary Career Orientation.E.S.E.A- Title VII Final Evaluation Report 1980k1951.

UE 01311977-78 Desegregation Evaluation Summary. Re-pori No. 78-9.

UE 004QProgram Evaluation

Approaches to Evaluating a Systemwdde Desegre-gation Effort.

UE 0050A Case Study of New York City's Citywide Read-ing Testing Progfam. National Consortium onTesting. Staff Circular No. 9.

LIE 0118Chicago Mastery Learning Reading MasteryLennon' Instruction and Assessment in -InnerCity Schools

UE 0034Collaborative -Programs in titan Schools: CaseStudies.

LIE 0017Educational Effectiveness' and Student AcademicGains_ Report No. 81-3.

Eight Years of Special Education ResearcUEh0039

Large Urban School DistrictUE 0013

Evaluibility Assess. merit: The Promise in PraLice.

LIE 0122Fast Paced Mathematics Project Final Evalua-tion Report

Minigrant Program for the ;icademicallyUtGifTed38----Phase III. E.S.E.A. Tide IV -C. Final EvaluationReport 195fS198 I.

LIE 0129A Plan fog Evaluation Services

UE 0057Program Related Evaluation (Manual and Staff

Page 37: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

32 Program EvaluationDevelopment Fa Age).

UE 0049School Improvement Project: First A_Mnun As-sestment Report.

UE 0037A Second Trot Study of the Educational andDemographic Factors That Affect the Readingand Mathematics Performance of Title I Studena.Report No. 77.L

UE 0045.,The UoineEvoluati n Data Fprm.


Program Implementationv.A.c. Planner's Workbook_ E.S.E.wised.

Title I- Re-

LIE 0116

Fragrant ImprovementUrban Schools. [Urban School 1mproviment Pa-per 11.

Psychological TestingPsychological Evaluation of

'Men; A Preliminary Report.

UE 0092

n School Chil.

US 0010

Puerto Rican CultureCompeting Value Systems in the innsr-CitySchools.

LIE 0121 II

Puerto RicansBilingual Education and School Desegregation, ACase of Uncoordinated Remedies.

UE 0104Home-School Discrepancies and liDa Puerto Ri-can Exceptional Child-

UE 0014

.yunishrnent--.Handbook for Altematives to Corporal Punish-

ment. Special Student Concerns.UE 0127

Pupil Persor.nel WorkersThe Role -of Pupil Personnel Workers in the As-sessment of Learning Disabilities_

UE 0029

and Desegrega-Racial Attitudes

Grade 7 Student AttitudesTLion, 1979 Survey_

UE 0025

Racial BalanceAssessing the Progress of Large City SchoolEN-segregation! A_ Case Surviy Approach_FinalReport_

UE 0088Relationships between School Desegregation andGovernment Housing Programs: A MilwaukeeOM Study.

UE. 0087

Racal COMpOatiOn-The Effect of Court-Ordered Desegregation onMinority Students* Achievement! There's NoPlace -Lake -Home.

UE 0115Report of the

anDiego Plan for Racial Integra-

, Sloe 198Cs8L Part 1.-UE 0052

Racial DifferencesInner-City .High School Teachers! Their Percep-tions-of CI room Life as Revealed ThroughContent Analysis of Projective Stogies-

UE 0008A Study of Discrepant Reeding Achievement ofMinority and White Student' in a Desegregating ,School DistricePhase

UE .0140

Racial DiscriminationConfronting Racial Isolation in Miami.

UE 0126The Ethnic Representation of Special Educating:1Referrals, Clasaifications and PLacemeuts in NewYork City. Evaluation Report_

UE 0035

Racial Relations-Elementary School Staff Atittde TDesegregation. 1979 Survey.

1.1E 0023Grade 7 Student Altitudes Toward De:Kyrie.tion, 1979 Survey.

UE 0025Middle School Stan Attitudes Toward Desegre-gation. 1979 Survey.

UE 0024Report of the San Diego Plan for Racial Integra-tion 1980 -81. Fart L


Reach ModelUE 0052

Latent Trait Theory Applications to Test ItemBias Methodology. Research Memorandum No1.

LIE 0003

Reading Achievement.Cane Study of New York City's Citywide Read-ing Testing Program_ National Consortium onTesting, Staff Circular No 9,

UE 0118Instructional and Organizational Arrangementsand Processes for Improving Academic Achieve-ment at Inner City Elementary Schools. A Studyof the Chicago Mastery Learning Reading Prepgrunt and Other School-Wide Approaches for 1m-proving Reading at Selected Schools in Chicago.Los Angeles. and New York- Extended Summaryand Conclusions.

UE 0107An investigation of the Effects of Backgroundataractenstics and Special Language Service on -the Reading Achievement and English Fluency ofBilingual Students. Report No 79-19. [and] Man-agement Information Summary. Report No 79--20_

. LIE 0036Product Evaluation of the Elementary and Mid-elle-School Reading and Communication SkillsComponent of the Detroit Desegregation CourtOrder.'

UE 0020Product Evolitation of the High School Readingand Communication Skills ComPonent of the De---lrOit Desegregation Court Order.

UE 0021Research and Evaluation ici Urban Educational

Atrnaged Version. _

UE 0085Second Year Evaination'or the Title 1Vc OMATProgrem.

UE 0079A Study_ of Discrepnt Reading Achievement ofMinaitv and White Studeras in a DesegregatingSchool Districts Phase IV.

UE 0140

Reading AttitudesAttitudes toward Reeding: Suburban Adolescentsversus Inner-City Adolescents and PolygraphVerification.

UE 0120Reading Instruction

Phoenix Union High School Distaict *210 AdultAcademy Evsduanon Report, 19I0 H11. ResearchServices Report Nos 33:08110/111310.

UE 0046Product Evtduation of the High School Readingand Communication Skills Componeor of the De-Volt Desegregation Court Order.

UE 0021

Reading Material Selection-Turning the Page-fThe Appropriate Use ofAsian American aldren's Literature io theassuage.

UE 0118

Refugees- County of Sim Dirgo istastIr Nan f R


Reading ProgramsOlitago Mastery 1.2.1Thigi ReadinLearning Instruction and Assessment In !miterCity Schools.

0034- -

Rending Research 'Attitudes toward Reading: Suburban Adolescentsvetaua Inner -sty Adolescents and PolygraphVerinCitiOCI-

LIE 0120-=Reading Tests

A Cue Study of New York City'a Citywide Reed-ing Testing (grant. National Consortium OttTribes, Staff Circular No. 9.

UE 0001

Subject IndexUE 0006

Hmong Refugees in an American City: A CaseStudy in Language Contact.

ReSearch Committees,Program Related EvaluationDevelopment Paekase),

UE 0002

ual and Staff

UE 0049

Research MethodologyEight Year of Special Education Research' in aLute Urban School District_

Research Needs- Budgets and Big City Education.

UE 0013

UE 0123

Research UtilizationImproving Evaluation Use in Local School Set-tings. Optimizing Evaluation Use: Final Report_

UE 0109-

Resource Staffc The New Haven School intervention Protect.

LIE 0093

Resource Tea hersImervice Training for Teachers of Visually Heed-icapped Students.

UE 0136

Saint Louis City School District MoAn Educational Plan (or Voluntary. CooperativeDc--71;regation of Schools in the St- Louis, Mis-souri Metropolitan Area.

UE 0055Public Information and Public Involvement Pro-ven Report, September 1980-March 1981. -

UE 0054A Voluntary Plan for the Interdistrict Exchangeof Students and-Related PrOtran15-

UE 0053

San Diego Unified School District CAA New Perspective on the Use of Evaluation Datain Title 1 Schee!" Also Involved in a Court-Or-dered Integration Program.

UE 0012Report of the San Diego Plan for Racial Integra-tion 1980-81, Pan I.

UE 0052Testing Results for Minority Ise! led Schools.San Diego City Schools- Spring 19 1. Report No,295. _

US 0051School Administration

The Urban Principal. Discretionary -Decision-Making in a Large Educational Organization-

UE 0011

School Business RelationshipCollaborative Programs in Urban Schools: CueStudies.- .

UE 0017

School Community Reletionship- Career Development. Alternative Schools and

=nullity Involvement in Education. UrbanSchools Bibliography Series Number 4.

UE 0135The Miliaria! Evaluation of the Odes in SchoolsProgram. Report No_ raw Roam

Mc Information and Public Involvesoent-CMPrcv59Report. SepteMber 1981March 1981.

A Second Year Evaluation of the ESEAUTiEt1715411Urban Leadership Program_

UE 0044

School DemogrephyReport of the San Diego Plan for Rani Integra-tion 1980-81, Part I.

UE 0052..

School DesegregationBilingual Education and School Desegregation: ACase of Uncoordinated Reinadies.

LIE 0104Desegregating Public. Schools: A Handbook forLocal OM vi

TIE 0110- Desegregation Evaluation Progress Report

Teachers and Administrators Survey Responses..Report No. 79-18.

UE 0042

Page 38: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Subject IndexAn Educational Plan for Voluntary, Cooperative

-Desegregation of Schools in the St Louis, hilis-sou6 Metropolitan Area.

UE 0055The Effect of Court - Ordered Desegregation 2nMinority Students* Achievement: There's NoPlace Like Home.

UE 0115Elsrneetary School Staff Attitudes TowardDesegregation, 1979 Survey,

UE 0023Equal Opportunity in Education. Urban SchoolsBibliography Series Moister 1.

UE 0132Grade 7 Student Attitudes Toward Desegrega-tion. 1979 Survey.

UE 0025Public Information and Public Involvement. Pro-gress Report. Septerriber 1980-Mirch 1481.

1JE 0054Report of the San Diego Plan for Racial Integra-tion 1980 -81. Part L

UE 0052Using Multiple Measures to Evaluate the Impactof Desegregation in a Large Urban School Dis-trict.

UE 01191977 -78 Desegregation Evaluation Summary, Re-port No. 73-9.

UE 0040

School District SpendingMinorities, the Poor and School Finance Reform.Vol. 1: An Impact Study off-Six States.

UE 0101Minorities, the Poor and School Finance Reform.VoL 9- and Conclusions.

UE 0103School Districts

Improving Evaluation Use in Local School Set-tings. Optimizing Evaluation Use: Final Report

UE 0109Relationships between SchoM Desegregation andGovernment Housing Programs: A MilwaukeeCase Study_

UE 0047

School EffectivenessEducational Effectiveness and Student AcademicGairri, Report No. 81-3_

UE 0039= -School Improvement Project First. Annual As,

sessment Report.UE 0037

School FundsBudgeting for Desegregation in L7Prge Citiei. Pi-7nal Report.

UE 0086School Organization

The Effects of Promotional Testing on a LargeCity School System.

13E 0130-

School PolleySchool Policy, Administration. and Curriculum_Urban Bibliography Series Number 2.

UE 0133The Toledo Catalog: Assessment of Students andSchool Administration, Volume 2. Draft.

UE 0080Scoims

Chicago Mastery Learning Reading: MasteryLearning Instnaction and Assessment in InnerCity Schools.

UE 0034Tearing RCILIIL1 for Minority Isolated SchoolsSan Diego City Schools. Spring 198.'. Report No.295. \

Seattle PublieSehOells WAAn Assessment the Impact of Special Educa-tion Programs on -Special Education School

No. fl -13.UE 0043

o_f the 1975.79 liCrriZell1,21- Report No. 79-

UE 0051

Building Star. Re

DescriptivePopulation and Se

.13.UE 0041

Desegregation Evaluation Progress ReportTeachers; and Administratota Survey Responses.Report No. 79-1L

UE 0042--

Educational Effectiveness and Student AcademicGains. Report No, 81 -3.

UE 0039An Investigation of the Effects of BackgroundCharacteristics and Special Language Service onthe Reading Achievement and English Fluency ofBilingual Students. Report No, 79-19. [and] Man-agement Information Summary_, Report No. 79-20-

UE 0036A Second Year Study of the Educational andDemographic Factors That Affect the Readingand Mathematics Performance ofTide 1 Students,Report No. 77-1.

_ UE 00451977-78 Desegregation Evaluation Summary- Re-port

UE 0040

Second Language InSbruitionComprehensive High School Bilingual Program.ESEA Title VII. Final Evaluation Report 1779-

UE 0005Curriculum Guide. English as a Second Language.Kindergarten through Grade Twelve.

UE 0138Guide to the Teaching of English as Second

. Language in the Bilingual/Bicultural EducationPrograms of the Detroit Public Schools. Revised.

= UE 0078The Native Language Reading Approach Train-ing- Program. ESEA Title VIE. Final EvaluationReport. 1979-1980.

' UE 0004

Second Language LearningHelping Parents Learn a Second Language withTheir Children: French.

UE 0030Helping Parents Learn a Second Language withTheir Children: German.-

UE 0031Helping Parents Learn a Second Language withTheir Children: Spanish.

ti UE 0033Psychological Evaluation of Korean School Chit-

C 111111f Report 3

UE 0010Sitond Language

Ka Investigation of the ffects of BackpoundCharacteristics and Special Language Service onthe Reading Achievement and English Fluency ofBilingual Students. Report No. 79-19. [and) Man-agement Information Sionmary, Report No 79-20.

UE 0036Secondary School Mather:Initial

Fast Paced Mathematics Project Final Evalua-tion Report.

UE 0038

Self AwareneaSUsing Self - Awareness Techniques (COPS) inConjunction with a Career Information System(MetroGuide) to Facilitate the Career PlanningProcess.

UE 0091

Self ConceptEvaluation of the ESAA Program. 1980.81.

LIE 0125Using Self-Awareness Techniques (COPS) inConjunction with a Career Information System(MctroGuide) to Facilitate the Career PlanningProcess.

UE 0091

Self EsteemSecond Year Evaivatioci of the Title 1Ye GMATProgram.

UE 0079Self Evaluation (Groups)

School Itriprovenient Project Fast Annual As-sessment Report

UE 0037S_emis:ea

I nservice Training for Teachers of Visually Hand-kipped Students.

UE 0136Sex Differences

- Descriptive Anal yda of the 1975-79 Hotiz.onPopulation and Weed= Process. Report No- 79-

Statistical Analysis13.

UE 0041Inner City High_ School Teachem; Their Percep-tions of Classroom Life as Revealed Through aContent Analysis of Projective Stories.

Social AdjustmentHome-School Discrepancies acidcan Excepti9nal Child.

UE 000$

\Sod FliStoryCase Studies of Social Services in the Schools ofSelected Cities. Raid Report Revised.

UE 0016

Social ResponsibilityElementary, Middle. and High School Guides forTeaching about Human Righ3 Appendix.

UE 0094

3Case Studies of Social Services-y.1n the Schools ofSelected Cities. Final Repon."RevOed.

UE 0016

Social Services

Social StudiesUS: A Cultural Mosaic Program. Groups: Alikeand Different- A Social Studies Unit for Level 2(Grades 2, 1-2, 1-2-3).

LIE 0098

SociOetonOnsic StatusAttitudes toward Reading: Suburban Adolescentsversus Inner-City Adolescents and PolygraphVerification.

UE 0120

SpanishBESL Handbook for Spanish/English BE5L

UE 0032Spanish Language Arts Enrichment Guide.

IIE 0077-Spanish Speaking

ion- Discriminatory Assessment Formal and In.ft:1MR! Assessment of Limited English ProficitChildren.

UE 0047Walton High School Bilingual Buie Skillsthrough Interdisciplinary Career Orientation.ES.E.A. Title VII.Final Evaluation Report, 1980-1981.

UE 0131.

Special EducationAn Assessment of the Impact of Special Educe-don Programs on Non-Special Education- SchoolBuilding Staff, Report No. 77-13.

UE 0043.The Ethnic Representation of Special EducationReferrals. Classifications and Placements in NewYork City. Evaluation Report_

UE 0035

pecisrlieilth ProblemsCounseling the Chronically Health Impaired Stu. -dent

__21JE-0128___pedal Programs

at Paced Mathematics Project_ final Evalua-epon_

-, UE 0038.Staff Development

An Assessment of the Impact of Special Educa-tion Programs on Non Special Education SchoolBuilding Staff Report No. 77-13.

Desegregation Evaluation ProgressTeachers and Administrators Suryey Responses.Report No:-79-15.

LIE 0042Making Sense Or S Development An Analysisof Staff Development Programs and Their Coatsin Three Urban School Districts.

UE 0053Program Related Evaluation (Manual and StaffDevelopment Package)

State LegislationThe Effects oil Promotional TestinCity School System.

Statistical Apedyela

LIE 0049

on a Large

UE 0130

Page 39: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Statistical AnalysisLatent Trait Theory Applications to Test ItemBias Methodology_ Research Memorandum No-t.

UE 0903

Stereotypes'Urban Child Achievement Levels: Myths andRealities.

DE 0084 -

Student AttitudesGrade 7 Student Attitude's Toward Desegregs-'Lion. 1979 Survey_

UE 0025The Relationship Between Psychological Charac.mristics and the Achievement of Black Inner -CityHigh School Students.

UE 0009

Student BehaviertEvaluation of the ESAN Program. 1-980-81.

UE 0f25Product Evaluation of Uniform Code of Stu-dent Conduct Component of the Detroit Desegre.gation Court Order.

t UE 0022The Relationship Between Psychological Charac-teristics and the Achievemept of Black Inner-CityHigh School Students.

UE 0009

Student CharacteristicsCharacteristics of High Achieving ElementarySchools in Newark. Newark School District Re-search Report. ORET Report No. 5.

UE 0124Descriptive Analysis of the 1978-79 HorizonPopulation and Selection Process. Report No. 79-13_

DE 0041An_Investigation of the Effects. of BackgroundCharacteristics and Special Language Serviee oilthe Reading Achievement and English Fluency ofBilingual Students. Report No. 79-19, [and] Man-agement Infmmation Summary. Report No. 79-20.

UE 0036.A Second Your Study of the Educational andDemographic Factors That Affect the Readingand Mathematics Performance ofTitle I Students.Report No. 77 -1.

at, UE 0045Student Development

The National Evaluation of the Cities in SchoolsPrograrn..Report No. Final Report.

UE 0059The Toledo Catalog. Asses- sment of Students andSchool Administrition, Volume 1. Draft.

UE 0056

Student Errs/nation"Ilse-Role of Pupil Personnel Workers us the As.-vsessroent of Lear ing Dnubilivea

UE 0029Testing. Evaluation. and Academic AchievernenkDrbali Schools ribliagraphy Series Number 3.

- US 0134

Student improvementThe Toledo Catalog. Assessment of Students andSchool Administration. Volume 1. Draft_

UE 0056-Student Plat:anent

- The Effect of Court - Ordered Desegregation onMinority Students' Achievement; There's NoPlace Like Home.._

LIE 0113The Ethnic Representation of Special EducationReferrals, rlassificationt and Placements in NewYork City. Evaluation Report.

UE 0035The Role of Pupil Personnel Workers in thi Assessment of Legrning Disabilities. -

UE 0029

Student PromotionThe Effects of promotional Testing on a Large-City School

, ..,-

. UE 0130

Student Teacher Relationship .Bridging the Culture Gap in inner-City Schools:A Summary and Critique of the Approach of Her;best Foster in "Ribble, Jivin' and Playin` the Vox-am"

Student TransportationA Voluntary Plan for the Interdisltict Exchangeof Students and Related Programs.

LIE 0053

SubculturesBridging the Culture Gap in innACity Schools,A Summary and Critique of the Approach of Her-bert Foster in "Ribbin and Play_ ire the Doz-ens.'

UE 0139

SuccessAssessing the Progress of Large City SchoolDesegregatibo: A Case Survey Approach. Fula!Report-

UE 0088Characteristics of High Achieving ElementarySchools in Newark. Newark School District Re-search Report. ORET Rep_ on No. 5.

UE 0124Effective Teacher Training and Urban School Im-provement_

Sunmitive EvaluntionA Plan for Evaluation Services.

UE 0015

UE 0057

SuspensionGrading Issues in a Desegregating System.

UE 0114

TalentIdentifying Low Income. Minority, Gifted andTalented Youngsters.

UE 0108

Talent IdentificationIdentifying Low Income Minority. Gifted andTalented Yonngsters.

UE 0108

Teacher Attitudes 41Desegregation Evaluation Progress Report;Teachers and Administrators Survey Responses.Report No. 79-18.

U_ E 0042Elementary School Staff Attitudes TowardDmegregation. 1979 Survey:

UE 0023Inner-City High School Teachers: Their Ferret:,dons of Classroom Life as Revealed Through aContent Analysis of Projective Stories.

UE 0008Middle School Staff Attitudes Toward Desegre-gation, 1979 Survey.

UE 00241977-78 Desegregation Evaluation Summary. Re-port No. 78 -9. .

UE 0040

Teacher EffectivenessEffective Teacher Training and Urban School Ins-provement

UE 0015

Teacher ImprovementEffective Teacher Training and Urban School Im-provement

UE 0015Making the Public Schoen Work: urban Educa-tion in the %Oa FOCUS 9.

Teacher ResponsibilityUrban Child Achievement LevRealities_

Teaching GuidesMulticultural AwarenessCubans.

UE 0111

yths and

UP 0084

the'Clessroorn: The

US 0076Teaching Mithods I

BESL Handbook for Spanish /English BESL

US 0032. ,

English nd Language Curriculum andtram-vice Training. ,!


... i .

HE 0100

Teaching ModelsGuide to the Adm Mauritian of Bilingual/Bicul-tural Education Programs in the Detroit PublicSchools. ,

UE 0077

Subject IndexDiscipline.; Alternatives for an Urban SchoolDistrict.

UE 0007

Test BiasLatent Trait Theory Applications to Test ItemWas Methodology, Research Memorandum No,-1,

UE 0003

Test ConstructionNon-Discriminatory Assessment: Formal and in-formal Assessment of Limited English ProficientChildren.

LIE 0047

Test NormsTesting Results for 'Minority Isolated Schools.San Diego City Schools. Spring 1981. Report No_

,`295.UE 0051

Test ValidityAttitudes toward Reading: Suburban Adolescentsversus Inner -City Adohicens and _PolygraphVerification.

UE 0120

TestingTesting, Evaluation, and Academic Achievement.Urban Schools Bibliography Series Number 3.

UE 0134

Testing sProtramsA Case Study of New York City's Citywide Read-ing Testing Program. National Consortium onTesting_ . Staff Circular No_ 9.

UE 0118The Effects of Promotional Testing on a LargeCity School System.

UE 0130

Texas (Dallas)Eight Years of Special Education Research in aLarge Urban School District.

UE 0013

Theme Centered interactional MethodUsing Self-Awareness Techniques (COPS) inConjunction with a Career Information System(MetroGuide) to Facilitate the Career PlanningProcess.

US 0091Toledo Public-Schools

The Toledo Catalog. Assessment of Students andSchool Administration. Volume I. Oran_

UE 0056

Training Methods.Teacher Training Manual for integrating ArianAmerican Curriculum into the Classroom.

UE 130111

Transfer StudentsA Voluntary Plan for the interdistrict Exchangeof Students and Related Programs.

UE 0053

Transitional ProgramsWaltonHigh School Bilingusl Basic Skillsthrough Interdisciplinary Career Orientation.E:S.E.A. Title VII run' Evaluation Report. 19110-1981.

UE 0131

Urban DemographyRelationships between School Desegregation andGovernment Housing Programs: A MilwaukeeCase Study..

US 0087

Urban EelactstIonCase Studies of Social Service* in the Schools ofSelected Cities. Final Report Revised.

UE 0016Equity from a Large City Dirsctor's Perspective.Research and Development Series No 214P.

UE 0117A Second Year Evaluation of the ESEA Title HIUrban Leaders/ up Program.

UE 0044Testing, Evaluation. and Academic AchievementUttan Schools Eibliogiaphy Series Number 3.

UE 0134Urban Vocational Education and Managing the .Transition from School to Work: A Review of aSeries of Case Studies of Vocational EducationPrograms in Four -Odes. Final Repom.

UE 0090UE 0139

Page 40: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Subject rfideiUrban Environment

A Second Year Evaluation of the ESEA Title 111Urban Leadership Program.

UE 0044Urban Problems

Confronting Racial Isolation in Miami.OE 0126

Urban 'ProgramsThe National Evaluation of the Cities in SchoolsProgram. Report No. 4. Final Report,

LIE 0059

Urban Ka_ aBudgeting rot Desegregation in Large Cities. Pi.nal Report.

UE 0086Budgets and Big City Educatioh.

'UE 0123Career Development. Alternative Schools andCommunity Involvement in Education._ UrbanSchools Bibliography Series Number 4

OT3SCollaborative Programs in Urban Schoohf CaseStudies.

DE 0017Competing Value Systems in the Inner-CitySchools.

UE0121 IIEffective Teacher Training and Urban School Im-provement.

UE 0015Equal Opportunity in Education_ Urban SchoolsBibliography Series Number L

UE 0132Inner City High School Teachers; Their Percep-tions of Classroom Life as Revealed Through a

____Coment.Analysis or Projective Stories.UE 0008

Instructional and Organizational Arrangementsand Processes for Improving Academic Achieve-ment at Inner City Elementary Schools. A Studyof the Chicago Mastery Learning Reading Pro-grant and Other School-Wide Approaches for 1m-

roving Bending at Selected Schools in Chicago.Angeles, and New York. Extended Summary

and Conclusions.LIE 0107

Making the Public Schools Work: Urban Educa-tion in thr'80s_ FOCUS 9_

UE0111School Policy, Administration. and Curriculum.Urban Bibliography Series Number 2.

UE 0133Testing_. Evaluation. and Academic Achievement.Urban Schools Bibliography Series Number 3.

UE 0134Urban Schools. [Urban School Imp_ rovement Pa-per Ij.

UE 0092Urban Youth

Equity from a Large City Director's Perspective_Research and Development Series No. 214P.

UE 0117Urban Child Achievement Levels: Myths andRealities

Using Evaluation Data FormThe Using Evaluation Data Form.

LIE 0084

UE 0048Values

Competing Value Syetems in the inner-CitySchools.

Vietnamese PeopleBasic & Survival ConsRefugees.

Virginia (Norfolk)disciplinary Alternatives for an Urban SchoolDistrict.

UE 0121 //

onomics for Adult

UE 0099

UE 0007Visual intpairMenes

Imervice Training for Teach= of Visually Hand-icapPed Students.

UE 0136Vocational Education

Career Development. Alternative Schools andCommunity `Involvement in Education. UrbanSchools Bibliography Series Number 4.


OE 0135Equity from a Large City Director's Perspective.Research and Development Series No. 214p.

LIE 0117Urban Vocational. Eplucation and Managing theTransition from School to Work: A Review of aSeries of Case Studies of Vocational EducationPrograms in Four Cities. Final Report.

LIE 0090Vocational Educutlon Amendments 1976

Urban VocigiOnak ducation and Managing theTransition from_Scaool to Work: A Review of a

=Series -01 Coe Studies of TV-0-catiorral-Education=Programs in -Four Cities. Final Report.

UE 0090Voluntnry Desegregation

Approaches to Evaluating a Systemwide Resew-gation Effort-

UE 0050Assmsment of Current Knowledge about the Ef-fectiveness of School Desegregation Strategies.Volume -VIIr= The- Coum---and DesegregationStrategies: Ten Key Decisions.

UE 0095An Educational Plan for Voluntary. CooperativeDesegregation of Schools in the St. Loess. Mis-souri Metropolitan Area-

LIE 0055Using Multiple Measures to Evaluate the Impactof Detegregation in a:Large Urban School Dis-trict.

UE 0119


White StudentsA Study of Discrepant Reading Achievement ofMinority and White Students in a DesegregatingSchool District; Phase IV.

UE 0140Whites a

Inner-City High School Teachers: Their Percep-tions of Classroom Life as Revealed Through aContent Analysis of Projective Stories.

UE 0008Wisconsin Milwaukee County)

Relationships between School segregation andGovernment Housing Programs: A MilwaukeeCase Study_ -

-UE 0087Workshops air,

Teacher -Training Manual for Integrating AsianAmerican Curriculum into the Classroom.

UE 0081

Page 41: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

:Aguirre. AliciaMulticultural AxvarenMexicans. DQRT ErnBasic Project.'

for the classroom: TheLiteracy Project! ESAA

UE 0067Allen. Dwight .W.

Disciplinary Alternatives for an Urbin SchoolDisci t

UE 0007Aoki, Maine-,

-Turning the ,Pne"/The Appropriate Use ofAsian American children's Literature in t.hClassroom_

UE 0001Arum!, Jana

Characteristics of High Achieving ElementarySchools in Newark. Newark School District Re-march Repots. ORET Report No. 5.

UE0124Bartley. Robert

Desegregation Evaluation Progress Report,Teachers and Administrators Survey Response&Report No. 79.18..

UE 0042,Benderson, Ansel.

Making the Public Schools Work: Urban Educa-tion in the FOCUS

UE0111Berg. William

Budgeting for Desegregation in Large Cities. Fi-rial Repon.

UE 00i6_BernoS. Atia Terra* -

Curriculum Guide. English ass Second Language.SipdergsnerT through Grade Twelve.

- UE 0138Biarnaelti, Gerald 3. .

A Plan for Evaluation Services._

UE 0057rischetto,_Robert___Minorities. the -Poor and School Finance Refonm.Vol. 1:-An Impact Study of

UE 0101Minorities. the Poor and School Finance Reform.Vol, 9: Summary and QonclusionL

LTE 0103

Brown, Carlton E.Disciplinary Alternatives for an UrbansSchool

:DistrictUE 0007

Author, Index

*Brown. NancyEnglish as a Second Language Curriculum r idInservice Training.

UE 0:.00Burleson, Joseph A.

The Effect of Court-Ordered Desegregation onMinority Studeno; Achievement. There's NoPlace Like Home.

UE 0115Camphell-Th_rone. LuCiBe--

Equity froort Large City Director's Perspective,Research and Development Series No. 214P.

UE 0117.Cariston. Peter G.

Basic & Sul:viva! rodsumer Eeonornics for AdUILRefugees.

'UE 0099Carsnsd, Karen Banks

The Effect of Court-Qrdered Desegregation on.Minority Students Achievement: There's NbPlace Like Home.

UE0115Casper, Pala

The Using Evaluation Data Form.-UE

ChadbOurn, Russell A.Desegregation: TheMlnias Experience.


Case Studies otThree Urban University-SchoolLsboratives Mandatol for the Improvement of

chicationalPractice. Volume 1. Final Report. Re-vised.

UE 0112Bins, Carter

tiorne-Sc agrattts of Urban School DiasMeta

CoUE 0058

C St Univerairy-SchooCollaboratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducaticioal Practice Volume raw Report_

UE 01)3Colton, David IL

Budgeting for Dese:nil Report.

-1- : . UE 00COnter.xiaMea- .. . ._

The New Haven hbol Intervention Project-New HavenUE0093


Cotter. Marian E.\Public Information and Public Involvement_ Pro=

great Report. September 1980-March 1981.UE 005X ,

Dale. Brian. CoMp.Counseling the Chronically Health Impaired Stu-dent.

- Davis, ChuckP.A.C. Plannewised.

Decker, Bob D.HEIL HandbookClasses.°

UE 0128

irk -k. Thiel, Re.

UE 0116

for Spanish/English DEW

UE 0032Dimond. Paul R.

Minorities. the Poor and School Finance Reform_Vol. a: A History of School Finance Reform Liti-gation and the Interests of Urban. Poor andMinority Children.

UE 0102Downing, Bruce T.

_Iimong Refugees M an American City: A CaneStudy in Language Contact.

UE 0002Dwyer, Sharon

liming Refugees in an American City_: A Case _

Study in Language ContactUE 0002

moron, Joy R.lawrvicv Training tor Teachers of Visually Hand.'capped Student&

UE 0136England. Robert E.

Assessing the Progress of Large City Schools.Deseiregatiorn A Case Survey Approach. Final

ra Report.LrE coose

Product Evaluation of the Counseling andGuidance Component of the Detroit Desegrega-don Court Order.

UE aoipFleming, Margaret

Grading Issues in * Desegregating Sramm.LIE

A Study of Discrepant Reading Achievement ofMinority and White Students in reDesegregatingSchool Mittiien Phase IV.

UE 0140

Page 42: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

38 Foote. ard T.

Foote. Edward T.An Educational Plan for Voluntary. CooperativeDesegregation of Schools in the St. Lours. Mis-

' souri Metropolitan Arca.UE 0055

Frazier, LouiseElementary School Guide for Teaching about Hu-man Rights.

UE 0068

Frerichs. Allen H.A Second Year Evaluation of the ESEA Titk 111Urban Leadership Program,

UE 0044

Gradisnik. AnthonyHelping Parents Learn a Second LanguageTheir Children: French.

UE 0030Helping Parents Learn 4 Second Language withTheir Children: German.

UE 0031

Gradisnik. Anthony, Comp.Helping Parents- Learn a Second Language withTheir Children; Spanish.

UE 0033

Green, Charles A.Product Evaluation of the Elementary and Mid-idle School Reading and Communication SkillsComponent of the Detroit Desegregation CoinCrreler,

UE 0020Product Evaluation of the Uniform Code of Stu-dent Conduct Component of the Detroit Desegre-gation CM= Order.

UE 0022

Hammon& Miriam B.Aititudes toward Reading- Suburban Adolescentsversus Inner-City Adolescents and PolygraphVerification. J

LIE 0120

Haney, Carol M.BESL Handbook for Spanish /English BESLClasses.

UE 0032

.,---Harmon, David J. .

Fast Paced Mathematics Project. Final Evalua-tion Report:

UE 0038

Hyde, Arthur A..Making Sense of Staff Development; An Analysisof Staff Development Programs and Their Costsrin Three Urban School Districts.

UE 0083

'Mac, StephenA New Perspective on the Use of Evaluation Datain Title I Schools Also Involved in a Court-OrAdered Integration Program.

UE 0012

James, JimAn Assessment of the Impact of Special Educa-tion Programs on Non- Special Education School

s. Building Star: Report No 77-13.UE 0043

Jones, Beau MyChicago Mastery Learning Reading; MasteryLearning Inst-uction and Assessment in InnerCity Sehools.

UE 0034

Katims, MichaelChicago Mastery Learning Reading; MasteryLearning Instruction and Assessment in InnerCity Schools.

UE 0034

Kean, Michael H.Approaches to Evaluating *ISgallon Effort


UE 0050Rematch and Evaluation in Urban EducationalPolicy. Abridged Version.

UE 0085

King. Donald R.County of San Diego Master Plan far Refugee

-Reset t.. UE 0006

King, Jean A.Improving Evaluation Use in Local School Set-

tings. Optimizing Evaluation Use; Final Report.LIE 0109

Koh. Soon D.Psychological Evaluation of Korean School Chil-dren, A preliminary Report.

UE 0010

Koh, Tong-HePsychological Evaluation of Korean School Chil-dren: A preliminary Report.

UE 0010

Kumagai, Gloria,Asian American Curriculum Guide, Elementary .and Secondary, ;ntegrating Asian AMEriCSA Cur'riculum into the Classroom.

LIE 0082Teacher Training Manual:for Integrating AsianAmerican Curriculum into the Classroom.

UE 0081

. Lribov, WilliatCompeting Value Systems in the Inner-CitySchools.


Levine,Daniel U.Instructional and Organizational Arrangementsand Processes for Improving Academic Achieve-ment at Inner City Elementary Schools_ A Studyof the Chicago Mastery Learning Reading Pro-gram and Other School-Wide Approaches for tin-proving Reading at Selected Schools in Chicago.Los Angeles. and New York. Extended Summaryand Conclusions.

UE 0121 11 .

UE 0107

Lewis. Angelo JohnMaking the Public Schools Work; Urban Educa-tion in the 10s. FOCUS 9=

UE 0111

Leeotte, Lavaence W.Effective Teacher Training and Uprovement.

n School Ins.

UE 0015

Macy, Daniel J.Eight Years of Special Education Research in aLarge Urban School District.

LIE 0013

Madbere. SergeCharacteristics of High Achieving ElementarySchools in Newark. Newark School District Re-search Report. ORET Report No. 5.

UE 0124

Marchisio, James R.A Second Year Study of the Educational andDemographic Factors That Affect the Reedingand Mathematics Performance of Title 1 Students.Report No. 77.1.

UE 0045

Mayes, SharonNon Discriminatory Assessment : 'Formal and In-formal Assessment of Limited English ProficientChildren.

UE 00417-

Mthines, JibeUS. A Cultural Mosaic Program, Groups: Alikeand Different. A Social Studies Unit for Level 2(Grades 2, 1 -2. 1-2-3)_

. UE 0098

Martols, John S.Latent .Trait Theory Applications to Test Item ,Bias Methodology. Research Memorandum No.1.

UE 0003

ftdaruM, Brim], Comp.Career Development. Alternative Schools andCommunity Involvement in Education. Urban_Schools Bibliography Seiies-Number.4.

`US 0135ual Opportunity in Educadon. Urban Schools

Bibliography Series Number 1.UE 0132

Schl Policy, Administration. and Curriculum.Urban Bibliography Series Number 2,

UE 0133Testing. Evaluation, and Academic Achievement.,Urban Schools Bibliography Series Number 3.

US 0134

Matthews, laza

Author IndexAn Investigation-of the Effects of BackgroundCharacteristics and Special Language Service onthe Reading Achievement and English Fluency ofBilingual Studenu. Report No 79-19. [and] Man-agement Information Summary. Report No. 79-20.

LIE 0036

Meath. MarciaIdentifying Low Income. Minority. Gifted andTalented Youngsters.

US 0108

McBee, Maridyth M.Evaluation of the ESAA Program. 1980-81.

UE 0125

Mitchell, Maxine R., Comp.Cultural SiMilafilieS and Differences. Our HumanTies. Monograph *5.

Moles, OliverHome-School Ptograms of LItrims

UE 0096

hool Dis-

UE 0058

Moore, Donald R.Making Sense or Staff Development; An Analysisof Staff Development Programs and Their Costsin Three Urban School Districts,

UE 0083

Moore, JoAnne E--Final Evaluation Report on Detroit's Title IV-CBilingual Project, 1978-1979.

U-Product Evaluation a the High ScpoolRS Cea.T6i2ngand Communication Skills Component orthe De-troit Desegregation Court Order,

UE 0021

Morgan. Livid R.Assessing the Progress of Large City schoolDesegregation: A rase Surrey Approach. FinalReport.

UE 00138Desegregating Public Schools A Handbook for


Morris, Van CleveThe Urban Principal. Discretionary Decision-Making in a Large Educational Organitation,

UE 0011

Murray, Charles A.The National Evaluation of the Cities in SchoolsProgram. Report No. 4. Final Report.

LIE 0059

Nash, EvelynHigh School Guide for Teaching about HumanRigh4.

UE 0070

- Norris, CarolPhoenix Union High School District *210 AdultAcademy Evaluation Report. 1980-IL Research.Services Report No. 33;08:80181:010.

UE 0046

Nyankenh BettyThe Role of Pupil Personnel Weirkers in-the As=semment of Learning Disabilities.

UE 0029

01-field. GaryBudgets and Big City Education.

UE 0123

Osterlind, Steven J.Latent Trait Theory Applications to Test ItemBias Methodology. Research Memorandum No.1. !,

UE 0003

Parkay, For W.Innet,Ciry HighSchoolTraehers: Their-Pet-ceptions of Classroom Life as Revealed ThfoughpContent Analysis of Projective Stada.

UE 0008The Relationship Between!? ological Charac-teristics and the Achieyernent of Black Inner-CityHigh School Students.

Pechman, Ellin-_-The Effects of Promotional Testing on a Large

City School System.

LIE 0009

UE 0130

Page 43: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Author Index

Peterson. Paul E. -Urban Vocational Education and Managing theTransition from School to Work: A Review of aSeries of Case Studies of Vocational EducationPrograms in Four Cities, Final Report,

UE 0090

Frew-lit-Mar, Joseph O.Hgre.School Discrepancies and the Puerto Ri-can PACCP[101441

UE 0014

Prier, AldoComprehensive Planning for Program Cotirdintl-ti#111; A State of the Art.

LIE 0027Helping Schools Work: Comprehensive PlanningModels Report.

UE 0028

Quinn, Lois M.Relationships between School Desegregation andGovernment Housing Programs A MilwaukeeCase Study.

LIE 0087

Ribt, Barry G.Urban Vocational Education and Managing thrTransition from School to Work; A Review of aSeries of Case Studies of Vocational EducationPrograms in Four Cities. Final Report.

LIE 0090

Rodarin, Fa ReneA Case Study of New York City's Citywide Read-ing Testing Program. National_ consortium onTesting. Staff Circular No. 9_

UE0118Raiveti, Mark 3.

Approaches to Evaliiaring a Systemwide Desegre-gation Effort._

UE 0050Using Multiple Measures to Evaluate the Impactof Desegregation in a Large Urban School Dis-trim

- UE0119Ramsey. Models-bac

An Assessment of the Impact of Special Educa-tion Programs on Non-Special Education SchoolBuilding Staff. Report No. 77-13.

UE 0043Desmiptive Analysis of the 1978-79 BonbonPopulation and Selection Process. Report No. 79-13.

UE 004-1

Reese, William J.Case Studies of Social Services in the Schools ofSelected Cities Final Report_ Revised.

UE 0016Reisman. Karen Cornell

Eight Years of Special Education RLarge Urban School District.

Roecks. Alan L.The Using Evaltiation Data Form.

eh in a

LIE 01313

tLIE 0048

Schubert. Jane G.Evaluability Alsessmenu The Flomise in Prac-tice.

LIE 0122Shiralwa, Sharon, Ed.

Asian American Curriculum Guide: Elementary- and Secondary. Integrating Asian American Cur-

riculum into the ClassroomUE 0082

Teacher Training Manual for Integrating AsianAmerican Cumculum into the Classroom.

UE 0081

Smith. Calvert D.Urban Child AchievemenRealines,

Soder, JaneEducational EffectivanGains. Report No. 81-3:

Myths and

UE 0084

rid Student Academic

UE 0039Stark, Joyce

Instructional and .Organizational Arrangementsand Processes for improving Academic Achieve-ment at Inner City Elementary Schools. A Studyof the Chicago Mastery Laamir.3 Reading Pro-gram and Other School-Wide Approaches for Im-proving Reading at Selected Schools in Chicago.Los Angeles. and New York. Extended Summaryand Conclusions_

UE 0107Staton, John L.

Using Self-Awareness Ter 'clues (COPS) inConjunction with a Career nforrnation SystemDvIetroGuidel to Facilitate t Career Planning,Process.

UE 0091Stavros, Denny

Product Evaluation of the inservice TrainingComponent of the Detroit DesegregatieM CourtOrder.

UE 0018Sullivan. OM* Richard

The Role of Pupil Personnel Workers in the As-scum= of Learning

LIE 0029

Toby, RobertThe Ethnic Representation of Special EducationReferrals. Classifications and Placements in NewYork City. Evaluation Report.

LIE 0035

Todorov, KarenMiddle School Guide for Teaching about HumanRights. -

LIE 0069

Valbuena. Felix M.Spanish Language Arts Enrichment Guide.

UE 0071

Valbuena. Felix MarioDuide to the Administration of Bilingual/Bicul.tural Education Programs in the Detroit PublicSthoola

UE 0077Guide to the Teaching of English as a SecondLanguage in the Bilingual/BiculturarEiducationPrograms of the Detroit Public SchooLs. Revised.

UE 0078Multicultural Awaren_ ess for the Classroom: TheArmenians.

_ UE 0072-cultural Awareness fgr none The

ck Americans.

Multicultural AwarenChaldean.

UE 0073or the Classroom: The

LIE 0074Multicultural AwScness for the Classroom TheChinese

UE 0075Multi-colon-II Awareness for the Classroom: TheCubans.-

LIE 0076VaughMS. David

Minorities, the Poor and School Finance Reform.Vol. 1: An Impact Study of Six Staten

LIE 0101

Shore, Wag. Ed.Walton High School Bitingurd Basic Skillsthrough, line-dr CareirOrienUtron.E.SE.A. Title VII Final evaluation Report. 1920-1921.

UE 0131

Sieger, AsComprehensive Planning for Program Coordina.lion: A State of the An.

UE 0027Helping Schools Work: Comprehensive PlanningModels Report.

Verson, Chariest B.Assessment of Current Knowledge about the Ef-fectiveness of School Desegregation Strategies.Vol Counsand _33esegregationStrategies: T_ Decisions.

UE 0095, Richard P. -

mputer Systems for Urban School,Administra.tors: A Guide for Decision Making. ERIC/CUEUrban Diversity Series. Number 73.

UE 0097Walkup, Hugh

1977-78 Desegregation Evaluaport No. 78-9.

Zirkel, Perry A. 39UE 0040

nprovement Pa-

LIE 0092

Watson, Bernard CUrban Schools. [Urban Schper l]_

Watson, Patricia A.What is an Ethnic Group? A Multi-Ethnic Sup.plementary Learning Packet. Grade Levels: Ek-memory /Secondary. Grades K-9.

LIE 0105-

Webb, Mame! B., Comp., Career Development. Alternative Schoch and

Community Involvement in Education. UrbanSchools Bibliography Series Number 4.

UE 0135Equal Opportunity in Educatioit Urban SchoolsBibliography Series Number 1.

UE 0132School Policy. Administration. and Curriculum.Urban Bibliography Series Number 2.

LIE 0133Testing. Evaluation. and Academic Achievement.Urban Schools Bibliography Series Number 3.

LIE 0134

Webster, Williar 3.Desegregation: The Dallas Experienc

LIE 0106

Welabender, LeoLau Year-End Report. 1979-1980. Las AngelesUnified School District. Publication No 379_

LIE 0137Wheeler,-LfttilL -

Phoenix Union High School District *210 AdultAcademy Evaluation Report. 1980-81. ResearchServices Rep_ on No 33:08:80/81:010.

UE 0046Wilbanks, William

Bridging the Culture Gap in Inner-City Schools:A Summary and Critique of the Approach of Her-hart Foster in -Ribbin .livin" and PLayin' the Dor-

Wilson, LindaTitle I: African -,dent Workbook.

dean Studi

UE 0139

ogram. Stu-

LIE 0064

Zafirau, JamesGrading Issues in a Desegregating System.

UE 0114A Study of Discrepant Reading Achievement ofMinority and White Students in Desegregating.School District. Phase IV-

LIE 0140Zirkel, Perry- A.

Bilingual Education and School Desegregation: ACase of Uncoordinated Remedies.

UE 0104

Page 44: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Institution Index

American Institutes for Research In theBehavioral Sciences, Washington. D.C.

The National Evaluation of the Cities in SchoolsProgram. Report No_ 4. Final Report.

UE 0059Anderson FouridaHon, Maumee, Ohio.

The Toledo Catalog: Assessment of Students andSchool Adrnirustration. Volume 2_ Draft.

UE 0050-Baltimore City Public Schools, Md.

Counseling the Chronically Health Impaired Stu-dent.

UE 0128What is an Ethnic Group? A Multi- Ethnic Sup-plementary Learning Packet. Grade Levels: Ele-mentary/Secondary. Grades K-9.

UE 0105Bureau of Elementary and Secondary Edo-

- cation (DREW/OE). Washington, D.C.Counseling the Chronically Health impaired Stu-dent-

UE 0128California State Dept. of Education, Salememento.

Inservice Training for Teachers of Vaually Hand-Students-

UE 0136Carnegie Corp. of New York, N.Y.

A Case Study of New York City's Citywide Read-ing Testing Progdam. National Consortium_ onTesting. Staff Circular No. 9.

UE 0118.Chicago Board of Education, m..Doet. ofResearch and Evaluation.

A Second Year Evaluation of the ESEA Title 111- Urban Leadership Program.

UE 0044Second Year Evaluation of the Title Ivc GMAT

Schools Bibliography Series Number 4.UE 0135

Computer Systems for Urban School A Guide for Decision Making. ERIC/CUEUrban Diversity Series, Number 78.

UE 0097Equal Opportunity in Education. Urban SchoolsBUiography Series Number 1_

UE 0132Research and Evaluation in Urban EducationalPolici. Abridged Version.

UESchool Policy. Administrsti6n. and Curriculum-Urban Bibliography Series Number 2,

UE 0133Testing. Evaluation. end Academic Achievement.Urban Schools Bibliography Series Number 3.

UE 0134Commission on Civil Rights, Washington,D.C.

Confronting Racial Isolation io Miami.1.15 0126

Dallwradependent School District, TXOffice of Statistics and Ad Hoc Research.

Desegregation: The Daly Experience.UE 0106

Department of Education, WashingtontD

'e & Survival Consumer Economies for AdultRefugees.

Comprehensive PlanningHon: A State of the Art-

. UE 0027Helping Parents Learn a Second Language withTheir Children: French.

US 0030Helping Parents Leans a Second Language withTheir sCifidren: German.

UE 0031Helping Parents Learn a Second Language withTheir Children: Spenish.

UE 0099Guardia-a-

US 0079Cleveland. Public Schools, Ohio.

A Study of Discrepant Reading ABliewernent ofMinority and White Students ht a DesegregatingSchool tz Phase-IV.

,UE 0140-Inenhia Univ New York, N.Y. Inst. for

Urban and Blinoriti Education.Career Development, Alternative Schools andCommunity Involvement in Education:` Urban

,JJE:4713Helping Schools Work:

.Planninglye Plinrit

Models Report-UE 0021

Identifying{ Law Income. Minority. Gifted andTalented Younptera

LIE 0108Urbbn Vocational Education and Managing theTransition from School to Work: A Review,/ of aSena of Cm Studies of Vocational EducationProps= in Four Cities. Final Report.

. UE 00907

Designs for Change. Chicago, Ill.Making Sense of Staff Development: An Analysisof Staff Development Programs and Their Costsin -flute Urban School Distficts.

UE 0083Detroit Public Schools, Mich.

Tide h AfricLn-American Studies Program Stu-dent Workbook...

UE 0064Detroit Public Schools, Mich. Dept. ofBilinguid Eduction.

Guide to the'Admipistration of Bilingual/Bictd-tural-Education Programs in the Detroit Public -Schools..

UE 0077Guide to the Teaching of English as a SecondLanguage in the BilingualfSiculturat EducationPrograms of the Detroit Public Schools. Revised.

UE 0078 -

Multicultural Awareness for-the Clanroom: TheAdmenians.

UE 0072Multicultural Aware for the Classroom: TheBlack Americans.

Multicultural Awa_rensChaldeans,

UE 0073:Motu The

UE 0074_-_Multicultural Awareness c CliUsroarn: TheChinese. I

UE 0075Multicultural Awareness for Me Clasiroorm TheCubans.

UE 0076;Spanish Language Arts Enrichment Guide.

LIE 0071

Detroit Public Schools, Mich. Dept. ofCurriculum Development Services.

Elementary. Middle. and Hie School Guides forTeaching about Human Rights Appendix.

UE0094Detroit Public Schools, Mich. Dept. ofRese and Evsluation."

Elern tart' School Staff Attitudes TowardDese lotion. 1979 Survey.

US 0023Final valuation Repon on Detroit's Title 1V-C-B Project, 1978-1979.

UE 0026Grade 7 Stodent Attitudes Toward Desevega-tion. 1979

Page 45: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

42 j etrOit Public Schools, MiUC60 25

Middle School Staff Attitudes TowarceDelegre-&anon. 1979 Survey_

LIE 0024- Product Evaluation of the Counseling and Career

Guidance Component of the Detroit Desegrega-tion Court Order.

UE 0019Product Evaluation of the Elementary and Mid-dle School Reading and Communication SkillsComponent of the Detroit Desegregation CourtOrder.

UE 0020Product Evaluation of the High School Readingand Communication Skills Component of the De.twit Desegregation Court Order.

DE 0021Product Evaluation of the inservice- TrainingComponent of the Detroit Desegregation CourtOrder.

DE 0018Product Evaluation of the Uniform Code of Stu-dent Conduct Component of the Detroit Desegre-gation Court Order.

DE 0022

Detroit Public Schools, Mich. Dept. ofSchool Libraries.

Bibliography of Human Rietts: Elementary- Schools.

UE 0061Bibliography of Human Rights: High Schools.

US 0063Bibliography of Human Rights; Middle Schools.

.UE 04+12

Detroit Public Schools, Mich. Dept. of go-dal Studies=

Detroit Objective Referenced Tests (DORT):Ethnic Literacy Handbook. A Guide for TeacherPlanning,

LIE 0065DORT: Ethnic Literacy Project. ESAA Basic1,Noject, Teacher's Manual.

UE 0066Elementary School Guide for Teaching about Hu--man Rights_ _

!LIE 0068

High. School Guide, for Teaching about HumanRights_ !

UE 0070Middle School Guide for Teaching 'Bout HumanRights_

UE 0069Multicultural Awareness for the Classroom: TheMexicans. DORT Ethnic Literacy Project. ESAA-Basic Project_

DE 00457

Detroit Public SChboLs, Mich. Div. Of Cur-riculum and Educational Research.

"1 Have a Drearia." Publication 5 .204-TCH.DE.0060

District of Columbia Public Schools,Washington D.C.

identifying Low income. Minority. Gifted andTalented Youngster&

US- 0108The Role of Pupil Personnel Workers in the As- _

seasment of Learning Disabilities.. -VS 0029

District of Columbia Public Schools,Washington, DC. Div. of Quality Assur-ance.

Minivan: Program for the Acaderrlically GiftedPhase Ill, E.S.E-A. Title IV-C. -Final EvaluationReport. 1980 L191111. I

. IVE-0129

Educational Teeting Saralee, Princeton;

&boob Work! Urban Edoct_ion in thi-' 30a t3CT1 9.

LIE 9111

E4oCation Service Center RegiOn 20, SanAnima*, Tex.

The Wing Evaluation Dam, Fc

ERIC Clearinghouse on, UrbanNew York, N.Y.

Career Development, Alternative

Dept. of Research andCommunity Involvement in Education. UrbanSchools Bibliography Scrim Number 4.

UE 0135Computer Systems for Urban School Administra-tors_ A Guide for Decision Making_ ER1C/CUEUrban Dr -malty Series. Number 78.

LIE 0097Equal Opportunity in Education Urban SchoolsBibliography` Series Number l_

UE 0133Research and Evaluation in Urban EducationalPolicy- Abridged Version.

UE 0085School Policy, Administration. and Curriculum.Urban Bibliography Series Number 2.

UE 0133Testing, Evaluation. and Academic Achievement-Urban Schools-Bibliography Series Number 3.

LIE 0134

Ford Foundation, New York. N.Y.Malting Sense of Staff Development; An Analysisor Staff Development Programs and Their Costs

-in Three Urban School Districts.UE 0083

Horace Mann Learning CenterWashington. D.C.

The New Haven School Intervention Projec

Urban Schools_ rUrban School improvernper IL

LIE 0092

Illinois Univ., Mcago. Coll. of Education.The Urban Principal._ Discretionary Decision.Making in a Large Educational Organization:

UE 0011

Intercultural Development RizenA-ch As-socistion. San Antonio, Tex.

the PoprAnd School Finance Reform.Vol. 1: impact Study of Six States.

UE 0101Minorities, the Poor and School Finance Reform.Vol. A History of School Finance Reform Liti-gated and the interests of Urban. Poor endMinoliiy Children.

UE 0102Minorities. the Poor and School Finance Reform.Vol. 9: Summary and Conclusions.

LIE 0103

Rsulawha County Schools, Charleston, W.Va.

Fast Paced Mathemities Project. Final Evalua-tion Report_

UE 0038

Long Beach Unified School District, COILBESL Handbook for Spatiish/Englzish BESLClasses.

UE 0032-Les Angeles County Superintendent ofSchools, Cont ,

Non-Discriminatory Assessmeot: Formal and In-formal of Limited English ProficientChildren. ' --' US 0047

Los Angeles County Superintendent ofSchools. Calif. Div. of Program Evalua-

don. Research. and Pupil Services.Latent Trait Theory Applications to Test ItemBias Methodology. Research Memorandum No.1-

UE 0003

Los Angeles Unified School Distsict..Callf.Cultural Similarities and Diff erences Our HumanTies. Monograph *5.

LIE 0096Inservice Training for Teachers of Visually Hand-irtapped S '

LIE 0136

Los Angeles Unified School District, Calif.'Research and Evaluation Branch.

Lau Year-End Report. 1979 -1930. Lee Angeles-Unified School District. Publication No. 379.

UE 0137UE 0048 Program Related Evaluation (Manual arid star

don. DevelOpment Package).

d Maryland State Dept.US 0049

tion. Bat-

Institution Index

amore.What is an Ethnic Group? A Multi-Ethnic Siip-plernemary Leming Packet: Grade Levels- Ele-mentary/Secondary. Oracles R-9.

US 9105

Milwaukee Public Schools; Wis. Div. ofCurriculum and Instruction.

Helping Parents Learn a Second language withTheir Children: French.

UE 0030Helping Parents Learn a Second Lenin/Lae withTheir Children: Demth.

US 0031Helping Parents Learn a Second Langusge withTheir Children: Spanish_

UE 0933

National Consortium on Testing. Ce-m-bAdge, Mass.

A Case Study of New York City's City-wide Read-ins Testing Program_ 'National Consortium onTesting. Staff Circular No. 9.

UE 0118

National Init. of Education (PHEW),Washington, D.C.

An Assessment of the Impact of spe=ial Educa-tion Programs on Non - Special Education SchoolBuilding Suff. Report No. 77-13.

UE 0049Minorities, the Poor and School Finance Reform -Vol. An Impact Study of Sid swigs.

UE 0101Minorities. the Poor and School Finance Reform.Vol.- 81 A History_ of School.finance_Reforrn_Liri.&soon and the interests of Urban. Poor andMinority Children.

UE 0102Minorities. the Poor and School Fioance Reform.Vol_ 9: Summary and Conclusions_

UE 0103Research_ and Evaluation in Urban EducationalPolicy. Abridged Version.

LIE 098 5

National Inst. of Education (ED). Wash-loston, D.C.

Assessing the Progress of Large City SchoolDitleifegalion: A Case Survey Approach. FinalReport_

LIE 0088Assessment of Current Knowledge about the Effectiveness of School Descartes':ion Strategics.Volume VII: The Coons and DesegregationStrategies: Ten Key Decisions.

UE 0095BESL Handbook for Spanish/English BEsLClasses_

UE 0032Budgeting for Desegregation in Large Cities. Fi-nal Report.. .

UE 0086 iCareir Development. Alternative Schools andCommunity Involvement in Education. UrbanSchools Bibliography Series Number 4.

LIE 0135Case Studies of Social Services in the Schools ofSelected Ciurs. Final Report_ Revised.

UE 0016Case Studies -of Three Urban University-SchoolCollaborative' Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice- Volume I. Final Report- Re-vised.

UE 0112Case Studies of Trutt Urban Univemity-SchoolCollaborstives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice- Volume IL Final Report.

UE 0113Collaborative Programs in Urban Schoch: CaseStudies-

UE 0017Computer Symms' for Urban School Administra-

_ torti_ Guide for Decision Makin``- ERIC/CUEUrban bi-weratty

UE 0097Desegregating Public Schooh: A Handbook forLees/ am


Improving Evaluation Use in Local School Set-ting. Optimizing Evaluation Use: Final Report-

'US 0110anon. Urban Schools


Page 46: currichlumg · As you can see in theeample,LIE=..-allowing page,'each,citetion is headed.. -... by two numbers.. Od the ight is the ED or ERIC document number. '.1 left is the Clearinghouse

Institution IndextIE 13109

Instructional and Organizational Arrangementsand Processes for Improving Academic Achieve-ment at Inner City Elementary Schools_ A Studyof the Chicato Mastery Learning Reading 17 -.-,-_gram and Other School-Nvide Appros rh,rproving Reading at Selected Sch k.,41 'racoon.Los Angeles. and Nea 7 ,ttendre4 iiriaryand Conclusion,.

UE 0107Making 5,-.nnst cif SWT12eveltilomanti. An Analysisof Staff Dr e- -"tent Frost-long and Their Costain Three Urn, ,_.epool Districts.

UE 0083The National L.Auation of the Cities in SchoolsProrram. Report No. 4. Final Report

UE 0039Relationships between School Desegregation andGovernment Housing Programs: A MilwaukeeCase Study.

UE 0087School Policy_ and Curriculum.Urban Bibliography Seim _ umber 2.

1.15 0133TIng. Evaluation. and A _ lc Achievement.Li r in Schools Bibliography Series Number 3-

UE 0134The Urban Principal. Discretionary Decision-Making in a Large Educational Organization.

UE 0011Urbali Vocational Education and Managing theTransition from School to Work: A Review of aSeries of Case Studies of Vocational .EduartionPrograms in Four Cities, Final Report_

-UE 0090National Urban Coalition, Washington,

-D.aNCollaborative Programs in Urban Schools: CaseStudies.

LIE 0017

Needn't* Fund, Toledo. Ohlo.The Toledo Catalog-. Atressment or Students andSchool Administration.-Volume 2. Draft_

UE 0080Nahum (A.1.-) and Associates, Washington,D.C.

Urban Vocational Education and Managing theTransition from School to Work: A Review of aSenn of Case Studies of Vocational EducationPrograms in Four Cities. Final Report.

UE 0090Newark Board-of Education. NJ. Dept. ofCurriculum Serviette-

Curriculum Guide, English es a Second Language,Kindergarten thr 110 Grade Twelve_

. 11E 0138

Newark Board f Education, NJ. Office ofh. Evaluation and Testing

racterrstics of High Achieving Elementaryhauls in Newark. Newark School District Re-

DRET Report No. S.UE 0124

New Orleans Public Schools, LA. Dept. ofResearch and EvaluatiOn.

Tainriaving Evaluation Use I School Set-tiny. Optimizing Evaluation Use: Final-Report

UE 0199New Yeck City Board of Edieltion.Bronx. N.Y.

Comprehensive Monica for Program COOrdiLla-_ flow A State of the Art_

UE 0027-Helping Schools Work: Comprehensive Planning"Models Repots.

UE 0028New 'Perk, City Btlard of Edacatlen, -11wBietaX-;--W.-IMC.Miter-forCarterg-do Occa ---p*tlonal

Using SW-Asa:envie Techniques (COPS) inConjunction with a Career Information System(detroDuide) to Facilitate the Career Planning

UE 0091New York City Board of Education. ..Brooklyn, N.Y. Office of EducationalEvidnadon.

San Diego City Schei Comprehensive High-School Bilingual Program=

ESEA Title VIL Final Evaluation Repots. 1979-80,

LIE 0005Tne Ethnic Representation of Special EducationReferrals. Clwairicatiorp and Placements Ln NewYork City. Evaluation Reporg

UE 0033The Native Language Reading Approach Train-ing Program. ESEA Title VII. Final EvaluationRep_ ort, 1979-1980.

UE 0004School Improvement Project; First Annual AJ.-sessrnent Report.

UE 0037.Walton High School Bilingual !Vic SUMthrough Interdisciplinary Career adentation.

Title VII Final Evaluation Report. 1930-1981.

UE 0131Oakland Unified School District, Calif.Dept. of Research and Evaluation.

Liteilt Trait Theory Applications to Test =ItemBin Methodology. Research Memoranaurn No-L.

"UE 0003of Bilingual Education and Miami-

,ty Languages Affairs (ED), Washington,D.0

Comprehensive High School Bilingual ProgrerrtESEA Title VII. Final Evaluation Report. 1979.130,

IjE 0005Final Evaluation Report on Detroit's Tate IV-C

- Bilingual Project. 19711-1979.UE 0026

The Native Language Reading Approach Train-ing Program. ESEA Title Vlf. Final Evaluation.Report, 1979 - 1980.

UE 0064Iton High School Bilingual Basic Skills

hrough Interdisciplinary Career Orientation.E.S:E.A. Title VII Final Evaluation R mon. 1980-1981.

UE 0131Office of Civil ghts (ED),Yistikingion,D.C.

Assessment of Current Knowledge about the Ef-fectiveness of School Desegregation Strategies.

. Volume Vllr The Crams and DesegregationStrategies; Ten Key Decisions.

UE 0095Office of Education (DREW). Washing-

D.0Asian American Curriculum Glide Elementaryand Secondary. Integrating Asian American Cur-ticulum into the Ciasaroogn.

UE 0082Detroit Objective Referenced Tests (DORI):Ethnic Literacy Handbook. A Guide for TeacherPlanning. -

LrE 0063DORT: Ethnic Literacy Project - ESAA BasicPioject_ Teacher's Manual.

LIE 0066Multicultural Awareness for the Classroorn,TheMexicans. DORT Ethnic Literacy Project- ESAABasic. Project_

UE 0067Teacher Training Manual for Integrating AsianAmerican Curriculum into the Classroom.

- UE 0081of Elementary and Secondary Edu-

cation (ED). Washington. D.C.Planner's Workblok. Title L Re.

vised_UE 0116

ee_OfEletnentaMand Secondary Edo..=Hen (ED). Washington, D.C. EthnicHeritage Studies

What is an Ethnic Gtoup7 A Multi-Ethnic SIM-plementary Learning Packer, Grade Levels: Ele-mentary /Sew oncktry. Grades K-9. .

UE 0105-Cate of Vocational and Adult Education(ED), WasWngton,-English as a -r-ond Language Curriculum andinservice Training.

UE 0100Equity from a Laic City Dir'ector's Perspective .y

and Development Series No= 214P_ L..

UE 0117Ohio State Dept. of Education, Columbus.

A Plan for Evaluation Services.UE 0057

The Toledo Catalog Assmsment of Students andSchool Administration. Volume 2. Draft.

LIE 0030Ohio State Univ.. Columbus. NationalCenter for Research M Vocational Edam.lion.

Equity from a Lime City Director's Perspective.Research and Development Series No 214P.

UE 0117Oklahoma City Public Schools, OK. Dept.oPPlannIng, Research, and EvWciation.

Evaluation of the ESAA Program. 1980-31.UE 0125

' Oklahoma VEY-. Norman. Barest: of Gov-_erott'eat Research.

Assessing the Progress of Large City SchoolDesegregation: A Case Survey Approach. FuselReport. -

UE 13083Delegregataig Public Schools: A Handbook for'Local Officials.

LE 0110.Philadelphia School District. Pa.- Office ofReseardi and Evaluation.

Using Multiple Measures to Evaluate the Impactof Desegregation in a Large Urban School Dis-trict_

LIE 0119Phoenix Union High School District, Ariz_

P.A.C. Plume's Workbook. E.S.E.A. Title 1_via&

LIE 0116Phoenix Union High School District. Arias.Research Services.

Phoenix Unioli High School District *210 Adult -Academy Evaluation Report. 1930 -81. ResearchServices Report No 13:03:30/81:010.

UE 0046Saint Louis Public Scheele, Mo.

iin EdUcational Plan (or Voluntaq. CooperativeDesegregation of Schools in the St. Lauii. Mia-somi Metropolitan Area_

UE 0055Public Information and Public InvolvemeaLgrms Report. September 1930-March 1981.

UE 0054A Voluntary Plan for the Interdistrict Exchangeof Students and Related Pragrame

UE 0053Saint -Coals Public Schools, MO. Mice ofS dal Student Concerns.

Handbook for Alternatives to Corporalmem. Special Student Concerns.

lit 0127-7-Saint Paul PubBe Se:heeds; Minn.

Asian American Curriculum Guide Elementaryand Secondary. Integrating Asian American Cur-*cad= into the Classroom.

LEE 00112Temher-Training Mews! for Integrating AsianAmerican Curriculum into the Classroom.


Salt Lake City School DLalsict, UT. COI*7,monkey Education Services.

Basic A Survival Consumer Ecenoirdes for AdultRefugees.

LE 0099English --es Language Cumcolwrr andInserviee Training

UE 0100San Diego City Schools,

Report of the San Diego Plan for Racial Integra- .don 1980-11, Part L

ME 0052U&.- A Cultural Mosaic Program. Groups Alike

and Different. A Social Studies Unit for Leief 2(Oradea 2. -2 . 1.2 -3).

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San Diego City Schools

San Diego City Schools. Calif. Era laafionServices Dept.

Testing Results for Minority Isolated Schools.San Diego City Schools, Spring 1981. Rer..rt ti,e,293.

LI 1_ 00:.

San Diego County. Calif.County of San Diego Muter Plan for RefugeeResettlement.

LIE 0006-.-

San Diego County Dept. of Education,Calif.

A Multicultural Bibliography.UE 0089

Seattle.Public Schools, Wash. Dept. ofManagement Information Services.

An Assessment of the Impact of Special Educa-tion Programs on Non-Special Education SchoolBuilding Staff- Report No 77-13.

LIE 0043 'A Second Year Study of the Educational andDemographic Factors That Affect the Readingand Mathematics Performance of Title I Study-1u_Report No. 77.1.

UE 0045

Seattle Public Schools. Wash. Dept. ofPlanning. Research. and Evaluntion. -

Des-cripuve Analysis of the 1978-79 HorizonPopulation and Selection Process. Report No_ 79-13. -

3 UE 0041Desegregation Evaluation Progress Report;Teachers and Administrators Survey Responses.Report No- 79..18.

LIE 0042Educational Effectiveness and Student AcademicGains. Report No_ 81-3_

UE 0039Ar. Investigation of the Effects of BackgroundCharacteristics and Special Language Service on-- the Reading Achievement andEnglithilacueskulBilingual Students. Report No 79-19. [and] Man-agement Information Summary. Report No 79-20. at UE 00361977-78 Desegregation Evaluation Summary. Re--pan No. 78-9.

UE 0040

Small Business Administration. Washing-s ton, D.C.

Urban Vocational Education and Managing theTransition from School to Work: A Review of aSeries of Case Studies of Vocational EducationPrograms in Four Cities. Final Report.

UE 0090

TDR Associates. Inc., Newton, Mass.Case Studies of Three Urban University-SchoolCollaboratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice. Volume 1, Final Report. Re-vised_

- LIE 0112Cue. Studies of Three Urban University-SchoolCollaboratives Mandated for the Improvement ofEducational Practice- Volume II. Final Report_

UE 0113

Toledo Public Schools, Ohio.A Plan for Evaluation Servicgs.

DE 0057The Toledo Catalog, Assesurtent of Students andSchool Administration, Volume 1. Dual_

UE 0056The Toledo Catalog Assessment of Students andSchool AdminiatratioM Volume 2. Draft-

UE 0050

,Dtah State Office of Education. Silt LakeCity.

Buie at Survival CO'LlIlyBET ECOGOInia for AdultRefuse es

UE 0099

Utah State °Mee of Education. Salt LakeCity. Adult Edacation and Community&mice Seek*.

Engiish aa_a Second Language Oorieuluto andIOSOMOR

UE 0100

Evaluation Services Dept.

Vanderbilt Nashvale, Tenn. Centerfor Education and Human DevelopmentPolicy_

Assessment of Current Knowledge about the Ef-fectiveness of School Desegregation StrategicsVolume VII: The Courts and DesegregationStrategies- Ten Key DecUions-

DE 0095

Washington Oilier of the State Soxrin-tendent of Public Instruction. Olympia.

ruining the Page/The Appropriate Use ofAsian American Children's Literature in theClusroorn.

UE 0001

Washington Vat., St Louis. Mo. Centerfor the Study of Law in Education.

Budgeting for Desegregation in Large Cities. Fi-nal Report.

UE 0086

Western Michigan kadamagoo.Evaluation Center.

The Toledo Catalog. Assessment of Studeoru andSchool Administration, Volume I. Draft_

UE 0056The Toledo Catalog: Assessment ofStudents andSchool Administration. Volume 2. Draft.


Institution Index

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