curatorial rationale sem2.docx

Curatorial Rationale I was given task from the art teacher for my art making throughout the year. All of the task consist of varies type of art making and certain themes. Or each and every task, I did it all wholeheartedly although I must admit I have sacrificed my rest. As humans, we sometimes want to have a moment to escape from reality and live in a dreamland. That is what inspires most of my artwork in this exhibition. The fact There are eight artworks that I am going to exhibit in this exhibition. Each and every artwork has different meanings. Most of it are just describing the subject matter chosen for the task. I used various types of media and techniques on my artwork. The types of artworks I made for the exhibition are paintings, sculpture, architecture modelling, drawing and digital art. The title that I give for this exhibition is “My Sacrifices” because all artwork delivers a similar message hidden in it which is my sacrifices of y time making every artwork. For the nature task, I have to choose a subject matter for zoology, entomology and botanical respectively. For zoology, I have chosen the Fennec Fox as a subject matter and did a painting of it using comic art movement. For entomology, I have chosen the Hercules Beetle as the subject matter and create a pop art drawing using

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Post on 30-Sep-2015




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Curatorial RationaleI was given task from the art teacher for my art making throughout the year. All of the task consist of varies type of art making and certain themes. Or each and every task, I did it all wholeheartedly although I must admit I have sacrificed my rest. As humans, we sometimes want to have a moment to escape from reality and live in a dreamland. That is what inspires most of my artwork in this exhibition. The fact There are eight artworks that I am going to exhibit in this exhibition. Each and every artwork has different meanings. Most of it are just describing the subject matter chosen for the task. I used various types of media and techniques on my artwork. The types of artworks I made for the exhibition are paintings, sculpture, architecture modelling, drawing and digital art. The title that I give for this exhibition is My Sacrifices because all artwork delivers a similar message hidden in it which is my sacrifices of y time making every artwork.For the nature task, I have to choose a subject matter for zoology, entomology and botanical respectively. For zoology, I have chosen the Fennec Fox as a subject matter and did a painting of it using comic art movement. For entomology, I have chosen the Hercules Beetle as the subject matter and create a pop art drawing using mixed media. Lastly for botanical, I have chosen the Bird of Paradise as the subject matter and did a sculpture made of recycled items.I am given an architecture model task for this exhibition. It is the first time I make an architecture model. For the model, most of the materials I use are boards. I use technique of slot in the boards together to build it. I am making a library for the architecture model.The last type of artworks I make is creative art. One of it are bookmarks I made through digital art. The bookmarks are theme from the IB learner profile. The other artwork is painting and I add up another type of material which are laces. In conclusion, the exhibition this time will be a fun exhibition as it wraps up everything that I have make and learn throughout my first year in International Baccalaureate diploma course. May all the sacrifices that I have made appears to be a miracle in life.Words count: 397 words

Artists Statement I started to get involve in art since I was young. As a child, drawing has become my favourite thing to do and I spent my most of time drawing. My drawings are mostly based on Japanese manga style as I am amazed with the style. I did not indulge myself in other types of art making beside drawing and sketching. When taking Visual Art SL as one of the subject in International Baccalaureate course, I started to learn more about other types of art making. Before this I did not experience acrylic painting and collage because I did not take art course during my school years. Now, I felt proud of myself to be able to make other types of artworks. My first year of taking Visual Art SL in International Baccalaureate was never an easy road. I have been taking up so much time doing the art making process. All my nights have been taken away due the amount of work I have but all these will not let my spirit down.

Artwork 1Aim for the One Acrylic on Canvas598 mm x 417 mm30/10/2014

This artwork was inspired by the night sky. It was amazing to be able to witness such incredible view. Whenever I look at the sky, I always imagine what is beyond which is the galaxy. This artwork is an inspiration of the Milky Way with a twist of Abstract Expressionism. The focus on the centre of the painting means our dreams that we want to chase. So we have to aim for the one!

Artwork 2Set Us FreeAcrylic on canvas598 mm x 417 mm30/10/2014

Wings are meant to fly. When it comes to flying, we always relate it to become free. This is what it inspires me to do this artwork. With combinations of basic colours, I am applying Abstract Expressionism art movement. The background is the evening sky that is always rough and hard. So with wings we could be more relaxed and set our minds free to chase our dreams.

Artwork 3The Diary Of Fennec The FoxFennec Fox / Vulpes zerdaMixed Media On Canvas A226/2/2015This artwork is themed for zoology. I chose the fennec fox as my subject matter. I use the comic art movement to portray the daily life of the fennec fox. I am applying the negative space element in this artwork. That explains the colour and shape of the fox in the artwork.

Artwork 4Blue LightningBird Of Paradise / Strelitzia reginaeRecycled Items and Food480 mm X 70 mm X 500 mm 23/2/2015Bird of Paradise is always being mistaken to be a type of bird due to its name. I adore this plant as it has the shape of a bird. I am using recycled items as my main material to convey a hidden message to save nature and reduce the wastage of plastic bottles.

Artwork 8DreamyAcrylic and Laces on Canvas598 mm x 417 mm 18/3/2015This is the final artwork for this exhibition. I am picturing a dreaming girl. Other people would not know what a person could be dreaming. A dream could be very subjective. Therefore the laces represent the good and bad side of dreams. It sparkles showing happiness or in a mess showing struggles.

Artwork 5

Hercules Beetle PopArtHercules Beetle / Dynastes HerculesWatercolour and Markers on Watercolour Paper610 mm x 916 mm19/3/2015

This artwork is themed entomology. I have chosen Hercules Beetle as my subject matter. To come out an idea for the artwork is not easy. Therefore I come out with pop art movement to stylize the drawing of the beetle.

Artwork 6The Book Architecture ModelMixed Media256 mm x 458 mm 30/3/2015The architecture model is inspires from the shape of my diary. Therefore, it has a shape of a semi opened book. I use the technique of slotting in the materials together to creating a better grip and stronger bond between materials. The model I made is a library.

Artwork 7IB Learner Profile Bookmark Principle & CaringDigital Art100 mm x 40 mm27/2/2015

This artwork is a form of creative art using digital art movement. I am visualizing the IB learner profile if it could be shown through the personality or gesture of a character. Furthermore, the colour I chosen for each artwork is representing the characteristic of the learner profile.