cuento "the bad wizard"

English B1 Teacher: Fernando Avila Rodriguez

Upload: claraeverdeen

Post on 27-Jul-2015




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1. English B1 Teacher: Fernando Avila Rodriguez 2. The bad wizard By:Clara Guadalupe Hernndez Garca 3. There was once an evil sorcerer ... 4. One night stole thousand languages i n a city, and after a spell apply to only talk bad things everywhere , they are returned to their owners without these they realized 5. Thus, in a very short time in that city only bad things about everyone spoke, "that if this was done, that if that other thing, if this was a heavy and the other a goofy" etc. 6. And that just carried that everyone was angry with everyone for greater joy warlock. 7. Seeing the situation, the Great Wizard decided to intervene with their own weapons, making a spell over the ears of all. The ears came alive, and whenever any of the languages began their reviews, they were closed tightly, preventing people hear 8. So began the terrible battle of tongues and ears, criticizing a nonstop, and the other by becoming deaf ... 9. Who won the battle? Well, with the passage of time, tongues began to feel useless enchanted: why speak if no one listened to them, and as they were languages, preferring that would listen, began to change what they said?. And when they found that saying good and beautiful things of all and for all, returning to listen, were overjoyed and forgot her spell forever. 10. And even today the evil wizard tongues is bewitching the world, but thanks to the wizard and everyone knows that all you have to do to end the criticism and carping, is to close your ears and ignore them. 11. THE END