crown grid tutorial qin li [email protected] beihang university

CROWN Grid Tutorial Qin Li [email protected] Beihang University

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CROWN Grid TutorialQin Li

[email protected]

Beihang University

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE


• CROWN Overview

• CROWN User Environments

• CROWN System Administration

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE


• CROWN Overview– Architecture– Modules Introduction

• CROWN User Environments

• CROWN System Administration

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

What’s CROWN

• CROWN China Research and Development environment Over

Wide-area Network– Jointly Funded by

• National Natural Science Foundation of China– NSFC e-Science Program

• Ministry of Science and Technology of China– 863 Hi-Tech Program, OMII-China Project– 973 National Basic Research Program, VCE Project

• CROWN is– A Grid Middleware Suite– A Prototype of China E-Science Portal– A Research Platform of Grid Technology

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

CROWN Partners

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

23/4/19 6

CROWN Release History

Jan Feb Mar Apr May

First Preview version v0.92 v1.0RC1v1.0RC2

May 18, 2005 CROWN v1.0May 23, 2005 CROWN v1.0 English Version


Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Dec 23, 2005CROWN v2.0 Release



Internal update v1.5

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun2006

Internal update v2.5

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

CROWN v2.5.1 CROWN Pre 3.0

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

PC Cluster Front End

Cluster Nodes

Device Host


Node Server

Install / Config

Node Server

Install / Config

Node Server

Install / Config


Register to …

RLDSResource Management


RLDSRegister to …

PortalsRich Client Framework


S S S Workflow Engine


Query Info

CROWN Designer





AppApplication Layer App App App App


Resource Layer

Sec Sec Sec




Rich Internet Application

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

CROWN Node Server

• Node Server: An Extension to GT 4.0.0 WSRF Container– Remote Management (Remote/Hot Deploy)– Dynamics Resource Information Monitoring

WSRF-compliant Service Container(Globu Toolkit 4.0 core)


Container Management

Service Management

Container Statistics


Storage Network Devices

Physical Infrastructure

Resource Monitoring Service

Client tools and API






EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE


• RLDS: Resource Locating & Description Service– A distributed Grid information Service Architecture– Soft-state maintenance, topology management of

RLDS– Collecting of Information of Resources (Hosts) &

Web / Grid Services– Advanced GIQL Query to find available services or


EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

Resource Organization & Management

Node Domain RLDS

Domain RLDS

Region Switch

Domain RLDS

Node NodeServices


Device Driver Service

Other Regions

Gateway to Other Grid1

Gateway to Other Grid2

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

CROWN Designer

• Designer: an Eclipse Plug-in for Grid Service Development– Support the WSRF/WS-I Service Development,

Deployment and Debugging– Automatic Generation of Code Skeleton & WSDL for

Java Web Services

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

CROWN Portal

• Portal: A JSP-based Web Interface– User Registration / Certification Management– Application Integration & User Job Submission– Rich Internet Architecture (RIA) based User


EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

• Scheduler: A Hierarchal Job Submission and Execution Service– Specification adopt:


– Hierarchal Job Scheduling– Job Execution:

• POSIX / Web Service / PBS Job supported

CROWN Scheduler




LS …





GS = Global SchedulerLS = Local Scheduler

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

CROWN Monitor

• Monitor: An event based grid monitoring system– PUSH / PULL info collecting– Event Collectors / Consumers– Eclipse RCP based UI– Quasi real-time monitoring

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE


• Data: A data mgmt. ,transmission and access system– Fast & Reliable data transmission– Transparent data access interface– Unified data perspective– Replication management– Data Locating

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE



Local Data Service Sec Local Data Service Sec Local Data Service Sec

Regist/Report Regist/Report


HPSS, UniTree, DMF, ... Unix, NT, ...DB2, Oracle, Sybase, SQLServer, ...

Logical Data Resource Inspector

Rich Client Platform Portal



Physical Data Layer

Logical Data Layer

User Presentation






Region Federation

CROWN Data Architecture

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

CROWN Home• CROWN Home: provided GUI for Node Server

– Eclipse RCP based GUI– Desktop users

• Java Code Security in CROWN Node Server• CPU/Memory/Disk quota• Visualized Security Configuration & Certificate Mgmt.

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

Security Architecture for CROWN

Region CA

Identity Mapping&CredentialConverting


Region 1

Domain CA

Node 1

Node 2

Domain AuthenticationService

Domain 1.1

Domain AuthorizationService

Node n

Region KDC

Domain KDCNode 1

Node 2 Domain Authentication


Domain 2.1

Domain AuthorizationService

Node n

Region 2

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

Security ServicesNode Security ChainS














Authentication Handler

Security Chain Framework

Authorization Handler

SecConv & ATN Handler

Security Architecture for CROWN

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE


Hong Kong


Beihang UniversityCNIC, CASPeking UniversityTsinghua UniversityLASG, CAS

Chongqing University

National University of Defense Technology

HKUST: Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

CROWN Testbed -China(2006)





EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

CROWN Applications• AREM: Advanced Regional Eta-coordinate Numerical

Prediction Model. (This is a Numeric Simulation of Weather Forecasting for a certain region)

• MDP: Massive Multimedia Data Processing Platform• Blast: A well-known Gene Sequence Comparison Program

• DSSR: Digital Sky Survey Retrieval, an of Virtual Observatory

• UDMGrid: University Digital Museum Powered by CROWN, a application of OGSA-DAI. Heterogamous Databases Integration

• ……

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

CROWN 3.0 - Virtual Computing Environment-2007

• 5-Tier Architecture– Service Coordination Layer– Service Management Layer– Open Service Layer*– Virtual Resource Layer*– Physical Resource Layer

Virtual Resource Layer

Open Service Layer

Service Coordination Layer

Service Management Layer

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE


• CROWN Overview• CROWN User Environments

– How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment– How to develop and deploy a CROWN service

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environmentUser Case Scenario

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment

• Preparation work for the best practice• Install a Single CROWN Node Server• Install Information Services• Install Schedule Service• Verify the Installation of CROWN

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment- Preparation work for the best practice

• Set the environment variable for JDK• Install the MySQL database server• Get the software packages


EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment- Install a Single CROWN Node Server

• Configure & Admin the Node Sever• Remote & Hot Deployment/Undeployment• Remote Container Configuration• Remote Monitoring

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment - Install a Single CROWN Node Server

• Configure & Admin the Node Sever– Download & Extract Node Server– Setup %GLOBUS_LOCATION% environment variable– Edit the configuration files

• config\container-config.xml• config\staticsysinfo.xml

– Start NodeServer•

– Stop NodeServer•

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment - Remote & Hot Deployment

• Get a gar(grid archive) file– crown_hello_service.gar

• First method (local)– copy the gar file to %GLOBUS_LOCATION%\auto-deploy

• Second method (under linux) (remote) – scp the gar file hostname:/pathto_ns/auto-deploy

• Third method (remote)– cd %GLOBUS_LOCATION%– bin\crown-remote-deploy -o Attachment –a crown_hello_service.gar -

s http://remotehost:8080/wsrf/services/RemoteDeployService

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment Screen Output

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin deploy preprocess

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer]

CheckPreProcessor:the gar is ok

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer]

PreProcessor:the WSDD file is valid!

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] deploy preprocess complete

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to decompress gar package...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to copy jar files...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to copy WSDD file...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to copy WSDL files...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to copy bin files...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to handle client-config.wsdd...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to generate undeploy.xml...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to handle post-deploy.xml...

[CROWN NodeServer] begin to update Axis Server...

[CROWN NodeServer] update Axis Server successfully

[Auto Deployer] GAR file crown_hello_service.gar redeployed successfuly

[ServerConfigUpdater] Server Config updated ...

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment Remote Undeployment

• First method (local)– del %GLOBUS_LOCATION%\auto-deploy\

crown_hello_service.gar• Second method (remote)

– cd %GLOBUS_LOCATION%– bin\crown-remote-undeploy.bat –n

crown_hello_service –s http://remotehost:8080/wsrf/services/RemoteDeployService

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment Screen Output

[Auto Deployer] Undeploying crown_hello_service.gar

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] undeploy crown_hello_service.gar...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to delete folder etc\HelloWorld...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to delete file bin\cn\org\crown\HelloWorld.class...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to delete file share\schema\HelloWorld.wsdl...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to delete folder lib\HelloWorld...

[CROWN NodeServer Deployer] begin to delete undeploy.xml...

[CROWN NodeServer] begin to update Axis Server...

[CROWN NodeServer] update Axis Server successfully

[Auto Deployer] GAR file crown_hello_service.gar undeploy successfuly

[ServerConfigUpdater] Server Config updated ...

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment Get Deployed Service List

> bin\crown-get-deployed-gars.bat

Deployed Gars are:







EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment Node Server Remote Configuration

• Enable/Disable Service– bin\crown-disable-service.bat

• Thread Pool Configuration– bin\crown-get-thread-pool-info.bat– bin\crown-set-pool-size.bat– bin\crown-set-high-water-mark.bat

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment Remote Monitoring

• NodeServer will report CPU/Mem/Disk usage to RLDS• CROWN Monitor will collection those information

from RLDS

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment- Install Information Services

• Install Information Services– Install RegionRegistry Service– Install RegionSwitch Service– Install GIMS Service– Install RLDS Service

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment- Install Information Services

• Install RegionRegistry Service– Unzip the file– Copy the gar file to the %GLOBUS_LOCATION%\

auto-deploy directory• Install RegionSwitch Service

– Unzip the file– Copy the gar file to the %GLOBUS_LOCATION%\

auto-deploy directory– Edit the configuration file etc\


EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment- Install Information Services

• Install GIMS Service– Unzip the file– Copy the gar file to %GLOBUS_LOCATION%\auto-

deploy directory– The Node Server will auto-deploy the service– Stop the Node Server– Configure the GIMS Service

• Import the DB table using etc\crown_gims_service\mysql\gims.sql

• Edit file etc\crown_gims_service\GIMSService.conf

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment- Install Information Services

• Install RLDS Service– Unzip the file– Copy the gar to the %GLOBUS_LOCATION%/auto-

deploy directory– The Node Server will auto-deploy the service– Stop the Node Server– Configure the RLDS Service

• Import the DB table using etc\crown_rlds_service\mysql\rlds.sql

• Edit etc\crown_rlds_service\RLDSService.conf

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment Install Schedule Service

• Install Schedule Service– Unzip the file– Copy the gar file to %GLOBUS_LOCATION%\auto-

deploy directory– The Node Server will auto-deploy the service– Stop the Node Server– Configure the Schedule Service

• Import the DB table using etc/crown_schedule_service/CROWN_Scheduler.sql

• Edit the configure file etc/crown_schedule_service/schedule-config.xml

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment

• Verify the Installation of CROWN– Fetch the region list of the test environment

• bin\crown-regionregistry-get-allregions.bat

– Query the topology of the RLDS• bin\crown-rlds-get-topology.bat

– Get the information model of certain region• bin\crown-gims-show-ims.bat

– Submit job using schedule client• bin\crown-schedule-client.bat

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE


• CROWN Overview

• CROWN User Environments– How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment– How to develop and deploy a CROWN service

• CROWN System Administration

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN serviceUser Case Scenario

node Dnode B

node E

node A




node A

node B node C

node Cs Deploy



EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service

• Install CROWN Designer• Use CROWN Designer to develop a Service• Query service information from RLDS• Deploy the service to the environment• Undeploy the service from the environment

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service Install CROWN Designer

• Install CROWN Designer– Install the Eclipse SDK 3.1 for win32– Unzip the– Copy the directory to the

plugins directory in where Eclipse installed– Launch the Eclipse Software

• Select a proper workspace directory

– Verify the installation

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service Install CROWN Designer

• How to verify the installation– From the menu Help -> About Eclipse SDK -> Plug-in


EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service Use CROWN Designer to develop a Service

• Use CROWN Designer to develop a Service– Create a CROWN Project from menu File -> New ->


EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service Use CROWN Designer to develop a Service

• The Project directory structure

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service Use CROWN Designer to develop a Service

• Create the Java implementation class for the service– Right click context menu New -> Class

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service Use CROWN Designer to develop a Service

• Create the WSDL/WSDD files for the service– Right click context menu CROWNDesigner -> New


EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service Use CROWN Designer to develop a Service

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service Use CROWN Designer to develop a Service

• Packaging the Service– Right click context menu CROWNDesigner->Make Gar– A Gar file will be generated

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service Query service information from RLDS

• Query service information from RLDS– Open a CROWN Explorer View

• Configure the Region Registry IP Address and Port

– Get the topology of the environment– Query the services information of the Node Server

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to develop and deploy a CROWN service Deploy/Undeploy the service to the environment

• Deploy and Undeploy the Service– Deploy – Drag and Drop to the Node Server– Undeploy – Right Click on the Service

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE


• CROWN Overview

• CROWN User Environments– How to setup a basic CROWN grid environment– How to develop and deploy a CROWN service

• CROWN System Administration– How to secure a CROWN service

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service - Service Security

• Service Security Type– X.509 Signature & Encryption– Authorize by user’s identity– Authorize by user’s IP address– …

• GUI Interface for Security Client– CROWN Launcher

• Sample Service used in this scenario– GetDeployedGars operation of CROWN remote

deploy service

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service Directory of configuration

• x.509– X.509 Signature & Encryption

•– Authorize by user’s identity

• authz.ip– Authorize by user’s IP address

• Client– Client side configuration file

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service Configuration file

• service-cert.pem– X.509 certificate of service

• service-key.pem– RSA private key of service

• security-config.xml– Security configuration of service

•– Authentication parameter

•– Trusted ca certificate keystore

• xacml.xml– XACML Access control policy

• attribute.xml– XAML attribute file

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN serviceImport the Client cert and key

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN serviceImport the Client cert and key

• Add user’s credential– Choice credential type– Specify the location of certificate Path– Specify the path of private key

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service X509

• Service side– Copy files in x.509 dir to

%GLOBUS_LOCATION%/etc/crown_remote_deploy• Client side

– Copy files in client to $HOME/.globus/– or add client user & key to Launcher

• Run– Without X.509 signature, the access will be denied– Using X.509 Signature, the access will be allowed

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service X509

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service X509

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service X509

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service Authorize by user’s Identity

• Service side– Copy files in x.509 dir to

%GLOBUS_LOCATION%/etc/crown_remote_deploy• Client side

– Copy files in client to $HOME/.globus/– or add client user & key to Launcher

• Run– According to XACML security policy, the access of user

deploy_user will be denied– After the modification, the access of deploy_user is allowed

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service Authorize by user’s Identity

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service Authorize by user’s Identity

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service Authorize by user’s IP address

• Service side– Copy files in x.509 dir to


• Client side– Copy files in client to $HOME/.globus/– or add client user & key to Launcher

• Run– According to XACML security policy, the access of certain IP

address will be denied– After the modification, the access of certain IP address is allowed

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service Authorize by user’s IP address

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

How to secure a CROWN service Authorize by user’s IP address

EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE


• CROWN is a middleware suite and a testbed for China e-Science users

• This tutorial shows– CROWN provides the function of resource

organization and management– CROWN provides GUI IDE for developer– CROWN provides easy to use security

configuration & security interoperation• CROWN Portal English Version


EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE

Any Questions?