crosq cement standard -committee draft v5

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  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5




    CRS 54:20xx

    aricom Regiona Organi!a"ion #or S"an$ar$! an$ %&ai"'( CROS%2ND Floor Nicholas House29 & 30 Broad StreetBridgetown, St MichaelBarbadosTelehone! 2"#$#22$%#%%Fa! 2"#$#22$#%%'()ail! cros*+carico)cros*+org

    -ebsite! htt!..www+cros*+org

  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5




  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5



    The Seci7ication o))ittee resonsible 7or the 7or)ulation o7 this 51M Standard is as 7ollows!

    Memer! Re1re!en"ing

    Dr :iebert ;rierson C3air1er!on 1ead=)i ?-@ :td

    Mr -a=ne Ben>a)in Trinidad e)ent :td

    Mr Harrira) Aaira) (ternoc :td

    Mr Mario Manuel Ministr= o7 :egal 577airs, onsu)er 577airsDi6ision

    Mr ictor SooCnarine Harricrete :td

    Mr (ric :ewis :auriston :ewis and 5ssociates

    Mr ester Siewlal Trinidad and Tobago Bureau o7 Standard,:aborator= Ser6ices Di6ision

    Mr Darr=l Tho)son Tec3nica Secre"ar' Trinidad and Tobago Bureau o7 Standards,StandardiEation Di6ision


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5



    T3i! 1age a! in"en"iona' e#" an6....................................................................................7

    Foreor$...................................................................................................................................... 7

    Sco1e 8

    Norma"i9e re#erence!................................................................................................................. 8

    Term! an$ $e#ini"ion!................................................................................................................. *


    Cemen" com1o!i"ion................................................................................................................;0

    C3emica re C3emica re

  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5



    This standard alies to the 7ollowing classes o7 ce)ent classi7ied as 1S classesG

    rdinar= ortland ce)ent,

    1aid hardening ortland ce)ent,

    Blended h=draulic ce)ent,

    o)osite ce)ent,

    oEEolan ce)ent, and

    Blast7urnace slag ce)ent+

    This standard also alies to the 7ollowing classes o7 ce)ent classi7ied as (M ce)ent classesG

    (M , ortland ce)ent,

    (M , ortland$co)osite ce)ent,

    (M , Blast7urnace ce)ent,

    (M oEEolanic ce)ent, and

    (M o)osite ce)ent+

    This standard seci7ies the re*uire)ents 7or the co)osition, )anu7acture, sa)ling and testing the

    abo6e classes o7 ce)ent as well as re*uire)ents 7or the acCaging, labelling and )ass tolerance 7orce)ent bags+

    NT( This standard seci7ies a two$tiered s=ste) o7 re*uire)entsG 1S grades based on the 5STM 80and 9 standards and the (M grades based on the BS (N 89%$8 standard+ 1S and (M ce)ents ha6eco))on re*uire)ents 7or co)osition, acCaging, labelling and )ass tolerance with indi6idual re*uire)ents 7or)echanical and che)ical roerties+

    Norma"i9e re#erence!

    The 7ollowing nor)ati6e docu)ents contain ro6isions which, through re7erence in this tet, constitutero6isions o7 this standard+

    5STM 809. 809M, Standard Test Method for Compressi&e Stren'th of (ydraulic Cement Mortars)*sin' +%in. or 5-mm Cube Specimens/

    5STM 88"B, Standard Test Method for Chemical Analysis of (ydraulic Cement

    5STM 80, Standard Specification for Portland Cement

    5STM 88, Standard Test Method for Autocla&e "0pansion of Portland Cement

    5STM 8'3, Standard Practice for Samplin' and the Amount of Testin' of (ydraulic Cement

    5STM 8', Standard Test Method for Air Content of (ydraulic Cement Mortar

    5STM 898, Standard Test Method for Time of Settin' of (ydraulic Cement by icat #eedle


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


    5STM 20", Standard Test Method for 2ineness of (ydraulic Cement by Air Permeability Apparatus

    5STM 803', Standard Test Method for "0pansion of (ydraulic Cement Mortar !ars Stored in 3ater

    BS (N 89#$8, Methods of testin' cement Part 1: 4etermination of stren'th

    BS (N 89#$2, Methods of testin' cement Part +: Chemical analysis of cement

    BS (N 89#$3,Methods of testin' cement Part : 4etermination of settin' time and soundness

    BS (N 89#$,Methods of testin' cement Part 5: 4etermination of fineness

    BS (N 89#$%, Methods of testin' cement Part : Method of ta6in' and preparin' samples of cement

    BS (N 89#$28, Methods of testin' cement Part +1: 4etermination of the chloride, carbon dio0ideand al6ali content of cement

    BS (N 89%$8, Cement Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common


    BS (N 89%$2, Methods of testin' cement Part 1: 4etermination of stren'th

    S 298,Samplin' procedures for inspection by attributes %% Part 1: Samplin' schemes inde0ed byacceptance 7uality limit )A89/ for lot%by%lot inspection

    Term! an$ $e#ini"ion!

    For the uroses o7 this standard, the 7ollowing de7initions shall al=+

    ?.;3'$ra&ic cemen"7inel= ground inorganic )aterial which, when )ied with water, 7or)s a aste which sets and hardensb= )eans o7 h=dration reactions and rocesses and which a7ter hardening, retains its strength andstabilit=

    ?.2cemen"h=draulic binder that when aroriatel= batched and )ied with aggregate and water, is caable o7roducing concrete or )ortar which retains its worCabilit= 7or a su77icient ti)e and a7ter de7inederiods attain seci7ied strength le6els


    main con!"i"&en"seciall= selected inorganic )aterial in a roortion eceeding I b= )ass related to the su) o7 allconstituents

    ?.4minor con!"i"&en"seciall= selected inorganic )aterial used in a roortion not eceeding I b= )ass related to thesu) o7 all )ain constituents

    ?.51or"an$ cemen" cin6erclinCer which is )ade b= sintering a seci7ic )iture o7 raw )aterials containing ele)ents usuall=eressed as oides a, Si2, 5l23, Fe23and s)all *uantities o7 other )aterials


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


    ?.7!am1ing 1anseci7ic lan which states the sa)le siEe to be used, the ercentage and the allowable robabilit= o7accetance

    ?.89en$orsulier o7 the ce)ent whether he is the )anu7acturer or the i)orter

    ?.*1o@@oanic ma"eria!)aterials o7 6olcanic origin or sedi)entar= rocCs with suitable che)ical )ineralogical co)osition

    ?.#' a!3)aterial obtained b= electrostatic or )echanical reciitation o7 dust$liCe articles 7ro) the 7lue gases7ro) 7urnaces 7ired with ul6eriEed coal

    ?.;0gran&a"e$ a!"#&rnace !agslag 7or)ed b= the raid cooling o7 a slag )elt o7 suitable co)osition obtained b= the s)elting o7 ironore in a blast7urnace

    ?.;;In"erna"iona !"an$ar$standard de6eloed b= a bod= which is oen to international articiation and which is recognised asbeing suitable b= the rele6ant national authorit= bod=+

    ?.;2na"iona a&"3ori"'State agenc= or institution with the legal )andate assess the *ualit= o7 goods i)orted into a )e)ber



    Main Con!"i"&en"!

    ortland ce)ent shall be )anu7actured b= grinding ortland ce)ent clinCer to which )a= be addedone or )ore o7 the 7ollowing according to the ce)ent t=e!

    a@ ;ranulated blast7urnace slag,

    b@ oEEolanic )aterial,

    c@ :i)estone, and

    d@ Fl= ash+

    Por"an$ cemen" cin6er

    ortland ce)ent clinCer shall consist o7 at least two$thirds b= )ass o7 calciu) silicates+ The re)ainingone third shall consist o7 alu)inu) and iron containing clinCer hases and other co)ounds+ Thecontent o7 )agnesiu) oide shall not eceed +0I b= )ass+


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5



    The calciu) carbonate content o7 the li)estone calculated 7ro) the calciu) oide shall be at least%0I b= )ass+

    Caci&m !&13a"e

    alciu) sulhate shall be g=su) ?aS"J2H2@, he)ih=drate ?aS"J8.2H2@, or anh=drite?aS"@ or an= )iture o7 the)+

    NT( alciu) sulhate is added to the other )ain constituents o7 ce)ent during its )anu7acture to controlsetting ti)e+

    Minor Con!"i"&en"!

    Minor constituents shall be one or )ore o7 the 7ollowing, and co)osition shall be in accordance withTable 8+

    $ granulated blast7urnace slagG

    $ natural oEEolanaG

    $ ul6eriEed$7uel ash ?7l= ash@G and

    $ 7iller+


    5dditi6es are constituents not co6ered in "+2 and "+3 that are added to i)ro6e the )anu7acture orthe roerties o7 the ce)ent+ The total *uantit= o7 the additi6es shall not eceed 8+0I b= )ass o7 the


    Cemen" com1o!i"ion

    The roortions o7 the )ain constituents and the )inor constituents o7 1S and (M classes shallcon7or) to the li)its seci7ied in Table 8+

    Tae ; > Cemen" "'1e! an$ com1o!i"ion

    Main con!"i"&en"! ) Minor con!"i"&en"! )

    Cemen" "'1e


    -a!" #&rnace!ag

    Po@@oana Lime!"one F'a!3


    ?(M @

    9 $ 800 $ $ $ $ 0 $


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


    Main con!"i"&en"! ) Minor con!"i"&en"! )

    Cemen" "'1e


    -a!" #&rnace!ag

    Po@@oana Lime!"one F'a!3


    ?(M @

    9 $ 800 $ $ $ 0 $


    ?(M @

    # 4 9" # 4 3 o7 an= one constituent 0 $



    ?(M @

    # 4 9" # 4 3 o7 )ore than one constituent 0 $


    ?(M @

    " 4 '9 $ 88 $ $ 0 $

    Blast7urnaceSlag e)ent

    ?(M @

    20 $ #" 3# $ '0 $ $ 0 $

    Note 8 Blended H=draulic e)ent shall consist o7 an= one o7 the )ain constituents ?other than clinCer@

    Note 2 o)osite e)ent shall consist o7 )ore one o7 the )ain constituents ?other than clinCer@

    Note 3 BlanC 6alues K$K are unseci7ied and are le7t to the sulierLs discretion+ These ce)ents shall howe6er still con7or)to the rele6ant h=sical re*uire)ents set out in lause #+


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


    C3emica re

  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


    Tae ? > C3emica re

  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


    P3'!ica re P3'!ica 1ro1er"ie! #or CRS cemen"!

    S1eci#ica"ion Te!"me"3o$

    Cemen" "'1e





    Blast7urnaceSlag e)ent


    Air con"en" o#mor"ar(

    ol I Ma

    5STM 8'

    82 82 82 82 82 82

    A&"oca9eex1an!ion( )inI

    5STM 88

    0+' 0+' 0+' 0+' 0+' 0+'


    5STM 88

    0+2 0+2 0+2 0+2 0+2 0+2

    Finene!!(seci7ic sur7ace)2.Cg airer)eabilit=test , )in

    5STM 20"

    2'0 $ $ $ $


    !"reng"3 Ma,Min 8$da=




    Com1re!!i9e!"reng"3 Ma,Min 3$da=

    5STM 809M

    82+0 2"+0 83+0 83+0 83+0 83+0

    Com1re!!i9e!"reng"3 Ma,Min %$da=

    5STM 809M

    89+0 20+0 20+0 20+0 20+0

    Com1re!!i9e!"reng"3 Ma,Min 2'$da=

    5STM 809M

    2'+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0

    Time o#

    !e""ing, ?initialset@ not lessthan ?)inutes@



    " " " " " "

    Ti)e o7 setting,?7inal set@ not)ore than?)inutes@

    5STM 898

    3% 3% "20 "20 "20 "20

    Tae 5 > P3'!ica 1ro1er"ie! #or CEM cemen"!


    o)ressi6e strength Ma nitialsetting ti)e


    (arl= strength Standard strength


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


    )in M)

    2 da=s % da=s 2' da=s

    32+ N $ O 8#+0 O 32+ 2+ O % 80

    32+ 1 O 80+0 $

    "2+ N O 80+0 $ "2+ #2+ O #0

    "2+ 1 O 20+0 $

    2+ N O 20+ 0 $ 2+ $ O "

    2+ 1 O 30+0 $

    Note 8 Table is taCen 7ro) Table 2 4 Mechanical and h=sical re*uire)ents gi6en as characteristic

    6alues 7ro) BS (N 89%$8+

    Note 2 Table onl= alies to ce)ents co)l=ing to BS (N 89%$8+

    Te!" an$ manac"&rer=! cer"i#ica"e!

    The )anu7acturer shall ensure that the ce)ent at the ti)e o7 its deli6er= con7or)s to the re*uire)entso7 this standard and, i7 re*uested, shall 7orward a certi7icate to this e77ect to the urchaser or nationalauthorit=+

    Te!" me"3o$!

    The alicable roerties enu)erated in this standard shall be deter)ined in accordance with the7ollowing test )ethods+

    Tae 7 > Te!" me"3o$! #or CRS an$ CEM cemen"!

    Te!" Te!" me"3o$! #or CRScemen"!

    Te!" me"3o$! #or CEMcemen"!

    5ir content o7 )ortar 5STM 8' $


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5



    Pac6aging ma"eria

  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5



    De"ermina"ion o# con!"i"&en" 1ro1or"ion

    -hen the ratio o7 ercentages o7 alu)iniu) oide to 7erric oide is 0+#" or )ore, the ercentages o7tricalciu) silicate, dicalciu) silicate, tricalciu) silicate and tetracalciu) alu)ino7errite shall becalculated 7ro) the che)ical anal=sis as 7ollows

    -ith li)estone Tricalciu) silicate

    ?3S@ R ?"+0%8 P Ia@$%+#00 P ISi2 #+%8' P I 5l23 8+"30 P I Fe23 2+'2 P IS3

    -ithout li)estone Tricalciu) silicate

    ?3S@ R ?"+0%8 P Ia@$%+#00 P ISi2 #+%8' P I 5l23 8+"30 P I Fe23 2+'2 P IS3+8'' P I 2U

    Dicalciu) silicate

    2SR 2+'#% P I Si24 0+%"" P I 3S

    Tricalciu) alu)inate

    35 4 2+#0 P I5l234 8+#92 P IFe23

    Tetracalciu) alu)ino7errite

    "5F R 3+0"3 P IFe23


  • 8/12/2019 Crosq Cement Standard -Committee Draft v5



    C3emica ana'!i! o# 3'$ra&ic cemen"!

    he)ical anal=sis o7 h=draulic ce)ents is done according to 5STM 88" 4 03+ 1e7erence is also)ade to 5STM 88" 4 03 art 3+3 er7or)ance re*uire)ents 7or raid Test Methods+
