crop circle mystery - circle mystery crop circles are strange geometric...

Crop Circle Mystery Crop circles are strange geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in the middle of the night in farmers' fields. They have provoked puzzlement, delight and intrigue among the press and public. For the past couple decades, crop circles have mostly been found in the United Kingdom, but have spread to other countries around the world. The mystery has inspired books, blogs, fan clubs, researchers (called cereologists) and even made it into Hollywood films. The biggest question is - who, or what is making them? Scientists believe that crop circles have been reported for centuries. The first evidence is a woodcut from 1678 that appears to show a field of oat stalks laid out in a circle. The event was called the "Mowing Devil" in which a farmer's field was said to have been visited by a devilish entity that trampled the crops in a circle. The event was captured on a wood engraving, but modern cerealogical sceptics dismiss its relevance. The English folklore began when an English farmer told a worker with whom he was feuding that he "would rather pay the Devil himself" to cut his oat field than pay the fee demanded. The source of the harvesting is unknown, but it is indeed Satan himself, who, complete with signature horns and a tail can be seen in the woodcut holding a scythe. Others claim the first crop circles appeared in 1966 in a small town of Tully, Australia. A farmer reported seeing a flying saucer rise up from a swampy area and fly away. When the farmer went to investigate the area, he saw a roughly circular area of debris and apparently flattened reeds and grass, which he assumed had been made by the alien spacecraft. Police investigated the occcurrence and said it was likely caused by a natural phenomena such as a dust devil or waterspout. What do you think is causing the mysterious crop circles?

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Page 1: crop circle mystery - Circle Mystery Crop circles are strange geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in the middle of the night in farmers' fields. They

Crop Circle MysteryCrop circles are strange geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in the middle of the night in farmers' fields. They have provoked puzzlement, delight and intrigue among the press and public. For the past couple decades, crop circles have mostly been found in the United Kingdom, but have spread to other countries around the world. The mystery has inspired books, blogs, fan clubs, researchers (called cereologists) and even made it into Hollywood

films. The biggest question is - who, or what is making them?Scientists believe that crop circles have been reported for centuries. The first evidence is a woodcut from 1678 that appears to show a field of oat stalks laid out in a circle. The event was called the "Mowing Devil" in which a farmer's field was said to have been visited by a devilish entity that trampled the crops in a circle. The event was captured on a wood engraving, but modern cerealogical sceptics dismiss its relevance. The English folklore began when an English farmer told a worker with whom he was feuding that he "would rather pay the Devil himself" to cut his oat field than pay the fee demanded. The source of the harvesting is unknown, but it is indeed Satan himself, who, complete with signature horns and a tail can be seen in the woodcut holding a scythe. Others claim the first crop circles appeared in 1966 in a small town of Tully, Australia. A farmer reported seeing a flying saucer rise up from a swampy area and fly away. When the farmer went to investigate the area, he saw a roughly circular area of debris and apparently flattened reeds and grass, which he assumed had been made by the alien spacecraft. Police investigated the occcurrence and said it was likely caused by a natural phenomena such as a dust devil or waterspout.

What do you think is causing the mysterious crop circles?

Page 2: crop circle mystery - Circle Mystery Crop circles are strange geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in the middle of the night in farmers' fields. They

There is an ongoing debate among the crop circle investigators and skeptics if the phenomenon is man-made or not. Many designs have been clearly and admittedly made by people. But some researchers insist that many formations are not - in fact, cannot be made by humans. Beginning in the late 1970s, crop circles in simple formations began appearing regularly in the fields of Wiltshire, Oxforshire, Somerset and Gloucestershire in southern England. They were made at night, and over the years they became more complex, growing into larger patterns of geometric forms that spans hundreds of feet across. Some people who studied crop circles were convinced that their intricacy and the fact that the plants seemed to be bent but not broken precluded a human creator. This meant that they were being produced either by some unknown natural phenomenon or by extraterrestrials.

Man-Made or Extraterrestrial?

Researchers believe there is evidence that compels them to conclude that crop circles are almost certainly not man-made. They are created by some supernatural, extraterrestrial or paranormal force. There are peculiarities to "genuine" crop circles. Researchers state the crop circles cannot be create or hoaxed by humans. The evidence cited is:1. Number, complexity and placement of crop circles.2. A highly intricate, mathematical design. 3. Changes to plants. Some studies tested plants from inside and outside the circles in the same field and claim to find differences.4. Electromagnetic, radioactive and physical effects claimed to be detected in the soil or plants in the crop circles.5. Eyewitnesses and balls of light. There have been claims of seeing lights, strange clouds, and UFOs in conjunction with crop circles.

Crop Circle Evidence

What do you believe is making the crop circles?Do you believe it is man-made or extraterrestrial?

Page 3: crop circle mystery - Circle Mystery Crop circles are strange geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in the middle of the night in farmers' fields. They

Crop Circle TheoriesThe most controversial theory of the formation of crop circles is the work of visitors from other planets. Possibly a way of communication or calling card from aliens. People who agree with this theory state that the crop circles are either the imprint left by landing spacecraft or messages brought from afar for us earthlings. Some eyewitnesses claim to have seen UFO-like lights and strange noises coming from the crop circle location. Wind TheoryThe most scientific theory states the crop circles are created by small currents of swirling winds called vortices (similar to dust devils). The spinning columns force a burst or air down to the ground, which flattens the crops. Vortices are common in hilly areas such as parts of southern England. Dr. Terence Meaden, a scientist of the "Tornado and Storm Research Organization" (TORRO) in Wiltshire, England stated the vortices that create crop circles are charged with energy. When dust particles get caught up in the spinning, charged air, they can appear to glow, which may explain the UFO-like glowing lights many witnesses have seen near crop circles.

How can a few seconds worth of spinning air from vortices create

such intricate and perfectly defined crop


Aircraft TheorySome researchers have theorized that small airplanes or helicopters stir up downdrafts that push the crops down into patterns. Re-creation attempts so far have not been able to produce the types of downdrafts necessary to make the perfectly round edges seen in most crop circles.Earth Energy TheorySome researchers believe that the Earth creates its own energy, which forms the circles. One possible form of Earth energy is electromagnetic radiation. There have been scientists that have measured strong magnetic fields inside the crop circles, and some visitors have reported feeling a tingling sensation in their body while in or near the circles.

Page 4: crop circle mystery - Circle Mystery Crop circles are strange geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in the middle of the night in farmers' fields. They

Earth Energy TheoryDr. William Levengood, an American biophysicist discovered in the early 1990s that crops in circles were damaged much in the same way as plants heated in a microwave oven. He proposed the idea that the crops were being rapidly heated from the inside by some kind of microwave energy.Other researchers say that the energy comes from under the ground or in the soil. Either the energy is natural, such as a fungus that attacks the crops and causes their stems to bend over, or it is a byproduct of something man-made, such as bombs that exploded during World War II.Human Creation TheoryTthe easiest explanation (Occam's razor) for crop circles is that they are man-made hoaxes created either for fun or to stump the scientists. Two of the most famous hoaxers are the British team of Doug Bower and Dave Chorley. In 1991, the two came out and announced that they had made hundreds of crop circles since 1978. They had used a plank of wood, rope and a baseball cap fitted with a loop of

wire to help them walk in a straight line. To prove they were responsible, they filmed themselves for the BBC making a circle with the rope-plank contraption in a Wiltshire field. A senior research fellow from the "Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal" (CSICOP) stated that crop circles have all the hallmarks of hoaxes. They are concentrated primarily in southern England;

they've become more elaborate over the years (indicating that hoaxers are getting better at their craft); and their creators never allow themselves to be seen. But even with crop circle makers claiming responsibility for hundreds of designs, hoaxes can't account for all the thousands of crop circles created. The crop circle cereologist, Colin Andrews admits that about 80% of crop circles are probably man-made, but says that the other 20% are probably the work of some "higher force".

Page 5: crop circle mystery - Circle Mystery Crop circles are strange geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in the middle of the night in farmers' fields. They

Energy EffectsPeople close to the crop circle sites have reported strange physical and emotional reactions. Some have reported feeling dizzy, disorientated, peaceful or nervous. Others have said they heard a buzzing noise or felt a tingling sensation. After visiting the Julia Set formation near Stonehenge in 1996, a group of women reported changes in their normal menstrual cycles. Most startling was a small group of post-menopausal women who suddenly began menstruating again after visiting the site.

Which theory do you find as the best explanation for the creation of the crop circles?

Is there any other theory you can come up with?

Crop Circle FeaturesWith some exceptions, virtually all crop circles share a set of common characteristics.Circles:As the name implies, crop circles almost always involve circles - rarely triangles, rectangles, or squares. Some designs contain straight or curved lines. Perhaps not coincidentally, a circle is the easiest patterns for hoaxers to create.Nocturnal Creation:All crop circles are formed overnight and are discovered by farmers or people passing by the next morning. There is no logical explanation or reason for extraterrestrials or earth energies to only create patterns at night. It is obviously a great advantage for hoaxers to create the designs under the cover of darkness. Full moon nights are especially popular.Camera Shyness:The making of crop circles have never been recorded being made (except for those created by hoaxers).

Page 6: crop circle mystery - Circle Mystery Crop circles are strange geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in the middle of the night in farmers' fields. They

There are many theories about what creates crop circles, including aliens, mysterious vortices, and wind patterns, but they all lack one important element: good evidence. The only known cause of crop circles is humans. Perhaps one day a mysterious, unknown source will be discovered for crop circles, but until then, they are best thought of as collective public art.

Crop Circle FeaturesAccess to Roads:Crop circles usually appear in fields that provide reasonably easy public access, close to roads and highways. They rarely appear in remote, inaccessible areas. Being near public areas, the patterns are usually noticed within a day or two of their creation by passing motorists.

1. Why do you think the majority of crop circles appear in England?2. Why are the crop circles only created at night?3. Are the crop circles messages from extraterrestrials?4. How have the hoaxers not gotten caught while making the crop circles?5. Do you think hoaxers can make such intrinsic geometric patterns by just using rope and wood planks?6. Why would the crop circles have higher levels of electromagnetic,

Engaging Questions

Curious Dragonfly LLCwww.curiousdragonfly.comTrina Terrell303.903.5319

Page 7: crop circle mystery - Circle Mystery Crop circles are strange geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in the middle of the night in farmers' fields. They